# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Markus Reder and Roger Bivand
lm.morantest.exact <- function(model, listw, zero.policy = NULL,
alternative = "greater", spChk=NULL, resfun=weighted.residuals,
zero.tol=1.0e-7, Omega=NULL, save.M=NULL, save.U=NULL, useTP=FALSE,
truncErr=1e-6, zeroTreat=0.1)
if (!inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(listw)), "is not a listw object"))
if (!inherits(model, "lm"))
stop(paste(deparse(substitute(model)), "not an lm object"))
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
N <- length(listw$neighbours)
u <- resfun(model)
if (N != length(u))
stop("objects of different length")
if (is.null(spChk)) spChk <- get.spChkOption()
if (spChk && !chkIDs(u, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
if (!(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "two.sided")))
stop("alternative must be one of: \"greater\", \"less\", or \"two.sided\"")
u <- as.vector(u)
listw.U <- listw2U(listw)
S0 <- sum(unlist(listw.U$weights))
lu <- lag.listw(listw.U, u, zero.policy = zero.policy)
Nnn <- N
if (zero.policy) Nnn <- length(which(card(listw$neighbours) > 0))
I <- (Nnn/S0) * (crossprod(u, lu) / crossprod(u))
I_save <- I
if (!isTRUE(all.equal((Nnn/S0), 1))) I <- I * (S0/Nnn)
p <- model$rank
p1 <- 1:p
nacoefs <- which(
XtXinv <- chol2inv(model$qr$qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
X <- model.matrix(terms(model), model.frame(model))
# fixed after looking at TOWN dummy in Boston data
if (length(nacoefs) > 0L) X <- X[,-nacoefs]
if (!is.null(wts <- weights(model))) {
X <- sqrt(diag(wts)) %*% X
M <- diag(N) - X %*% tcrossprod(XtXinv, X)
U <- listw2mat(listw.U)
if (is.null(Omega)) {
MVM <- M %*% U %*% M
MVM <- 0.5 * (t(MVM) + MVM)
evalue <- eigen(MVM, only.values=TRUE)$values
idxpos <- which(abs(evalue) < zero.tol)
if (length(idxpos) != p)
warning("number of zero eigenvalues greater than number of variables")
idxpos <- idxpos[1] - 1
if (idxpos < 1) {
warning("first eigenvalue index zero")
gamma <- c()
} else gamma <- evalue[1:idxpos]
gamma <- c(gamma, evalue[(idxpos+1+p):N])
res <- exactMoran(I, gamma, alternative=alternative, type="Global",
useTP=useTP, truncErr=truncErr, zeroTreat=zeroTreat)
} else {
if (dim(Omega)[1] != N) stop("Omega of different size than data")
res <- exactMoranAlt(I, M, U, Omega, N, alternative=alternative,
type="Alternative", useTP=useTP, truncErr=truncErr,
} <- paste("\nmodel:", paste(strwrap(gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ",
paste(deparse(model$call), sep="", collapse=""))), collapse="\n"),
"\nweights: ", deparse(substitute(listw)), "\n", sep="")
res$estimate <- c(I_save)
res$ <-
res$df <- (N-p)
if (!is.null(save.M)) res$M <- M
if (!is.null(save.U)) res$U <- U
# function contributed by Michael Tiefelsdorf 2008
# implements his 2000 book eq. 6.7, p.69
truncPoint <- function(SpecI, truncErr=1e-6, zeroTreat=0.1){
m <- length(SpecI)
absSpecI <- abs(SpecI)
absSpecI[absSpecI < zeroTreat] <- zeroTreat
TU <- (truncErr*pi*m/2)^(-2/m) * prod(absSpecI^(-1/m))
# Break product up to reduce rounding errors and over- or under-flows
exactMoran <- function(I, gamma, alternative="greater", type="Global", np2=NULL, useTP=FALSE, truncErr=1e-6, zeroTreat=0.1) {
if (!(alternative %in% c("greater", "less", "two.sided")))
stop("alternative must be one of: \"greater\", \"less\", or \"two.sided\"")
if (type == "Global") {
SpecI <- gamma - c(I)
integrand <- function(x) {
sin(0.5 * colSums(atan(SpecI %*% t(x)))) /
(x * apply((1 + SpecI^2 %*% t(x^2))^(1/4), 2, prod))}
} else if (type == "Alternative") {
if (useTP) SpecI <- gamma
integrand <- function(x) {sin(0.5 * colSums(atan((gamma) %*% t(x)))) /
(x * apply((1+(gamma)^2 %*% t(x^2))^(1/4), 2, prod))}
} else if (type == "Local") {
if (is.null(np2)) stop("Local requires np2")
min <- gamma[1]
max <- gamma[2]
if (useTP) SpecI <- c(min, rep(0,np2), max) - I
integrand <- function(x) {
sin(0.5*(atan((min-I)*x)+(np2)*atan((-I)*x) +
atan((max-I)*x)))/(x*((1+(min-I)^2*x^2) *
(1+I^2*x^2)^(np2) * (1+(max-I)^2*x^2))^(1/4))}
if (useTP) upper <- truncPoint(SpecI, truncErr=truncErr,
else upper <- Inf
II <- integrate(integrand, lower=0, upper=upper)$value
# FIXME II > pi/2
if (II > pi/2 && type == "Local") {
tau <- gamma
df <- np2 + 2
if (length(tau) == 2L) tau <- c(tau[1], rep(0, df-2), tau[2])
E.I <- sum(tau)/df
tau <- tau - E.I
V.I <- (2*sum(tau^2)) / (df*(df+2))
sd.ex <- (I - E.I) / sqrt(V.I)
warning("Normal approximation SD substituted", call.=FALSE)
oType <- "N"
} else {
sd.ex <- qnorm(0.5-II/pi)
oType <- "E"
if (alternative == "two.sided") p.v <- 2 * pnorm(abs(sd.ex),
else if (alternative == "greater")
p.v <- pnorm(sd.ex, lower.tail=FALSE)
else p.v <- pnorm(sd.ex)
if (!is.finite(p.v) || p.v < 0 || p.v > 1)
warning("Out-of-range p-value: reconsider test arguments")
statistic <- sd.ex
attr(statistic, "names") <- "Exact standard deviate"
p.value <- p.v
estimate <- c(I)
attr(estimate, "names") <- "Observed Moran I"
method <- paste(type, "Moran I statistic with exact p-value")
res <- list(statistic = statistic, p.value = p.value,
estimate = estimate, method = method,
alternative = alternative, gamma=gamma, oType=oType)
class(res) <- "moranex"
exactMoranAlt <- function(I, M, U, Omega, n, alternative="greater",
type="Alternative", useTP=FALSE, truncErr=1e-6, zeroTreat=0.1) {
Omega <- chol(Omega)
A <- Omega %*% M %*% (U - diag(I, n)) %*% M %*% t(Omega)
gamma <- sort(eigen(A)$values)
obj <- exactMoran(I, gamma, alternative=alternative,
type=type, useTP=useTP, truncErr=truncErr, zeroTreat=zeroTreat)
print.moranex <- function(x, ...) {
class(x) <- c("htest", "moranex")
print(x, ...)
H1_moments <- function(M, U, Omega, n) {
B <- Omega %*% M %*% t(Omega)
eigen <- eigen(B)
lambda <- eigen$values
P <- eigen$vectors
A <- Omega %*% M %*% U %*% M %*% t(Omega)
H <- t(P) %*% A %*% P
hh <- diag(H)
integrand <- function(x) apply((1+2*lambda %*% t(x))^(-0.5),2,prod) *
colSums(hh/(1+2*lambda %*% t(x)))
mu <- integrate(integrand,lower=0, upper=Inf)$value
integrand2 <- function(x) {
for (i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:n){
res=res+(H[i,i]*H[j,j]+2*H[i,j]^2) /
apply((1+2*lambda %*% t(x))^(-0.5),2,prod)*res
mu2 <- integrate(integrand2,lower=0, upper=Inf)$value
moranExpect_H1 <- function(listw, rho, select=FALSE){
if (!(select[1]))
n <- length(select)
V <- listw2mat(listw)[select,select]
M <- diag(n)-matrix(rep(1/n,n*n),nrow=n)
WOm <- invIrW(listw, rho=rho)[select,select]
B <- WOm %*% M %*% t(WOm)
eigen <- eigen(B)
lambda <- eigen$values
P <- eigen$vectors
A <- WOm %*% M %*% (0.5*(V + t(V))) %*% M %*% t(WOm)
H <- t(P) %*% A %*% P
hh <- diag(H)
integrand <- function(x) apply((1+2*lambda %*% t(x))^(-0.5), 2, prod) *
colSums(hh/(1+2*lambda %*% t(x)))
mu <- integrate(integrand, lower=0, upper=Inf)$value
moranExpect_rho_H1 <- function(listw, I0, select=FALSE){
if (!(select[1]))
V <- listw2mat(listw)[select,select]
f <- function(x) abs(I0-moranExpect_H1(listw, x, select=select))
rop <- optimise(f, c(1/min,1/max))$minimum
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