
xyt.rw.params.dt.int <- function(id, xy, dt, dt.int.round.to=0.1, tau.diff.max=0.02, step.len.central.tendency=c("median","mean")[1]) {

    ## Called by lxy.subset, and xyt.lxy
    ## Given a factor id, xy data frame, and dt vector, this will compute a data frame for dt.int (a frequency table of the point-to-point time difference)
    ## and a rw.params. 
    ## No cleaning or sorting is done, presumes all objects passed have already been cleaned
    ## The function specified by step.len.central.tendency will be used to find the step length (part of the random walk model)
    ## dt.int.round.to is the proportion of the median sampling frequency that time intervals will be rounded to when computing
    ##                 the frequency table of sampling intervals (no change is made to the time stamps)
    ## tau.diff.max is the maximum deviation from tau (expressed as a proportion of tau) that a point-to-point time difference must 
    ##                 fall within for the point-to-point distance to be included in the calculation of the median step length
    ## Returns a list with two named elements, dt.int and rw.params

    rw.params <- NULL
    dt.int <- NULL

    for (idVal in levels(id)) {
        ## Filter xy and dt
        thisid.idx <- which(id == idVal)
        xys.thisid <- xy[thisid.idx,]
        dt.thisid.int <- as.numeric(dt[thisid.idx])
        n <- length(thisid.idx)
        ## Calculate the time difference between points
        dt.thisid.diff <- diff(dt.thisid.int)
        ## Calculate the median time interval
        tau <- median(dt.thisid.diff)

        ## Compute a frequency table of the time intervals for this individual
        ## First we round the time intervals to the nearest n
        if (dt.int.round.to > 0) {
            round.to <- max(1, dt.int.round.to * tau)
            dt.thisid.diff.4tab <- round.to * round(dt.thisid.diff / round.to)
        } else {
            round.to <- 1
            dt.thisid.diff.4tab <- dt.thisid.diff
        ## Next compute the frequency table
        dt.thisid.diff.tbl.df <- as.data.frame(table(dt.thisid.diff.4tab))
        ## Convert the frequency table to a data frame
        dt.thisid.diff.freq <- data.frame(id=idVal, interval=as.numeric(levels(dt.thisid.diff.tbl.df[,1]))[dt.thisid.diff.tbl.df[,1]], count=dt.thisid.diff.tbl.df$Freq, rounded.to.nearest=round.to)        
        ## Append to the master data frame 
        dt.int <- rbind(dt.int, dt.thisid.diff.freq)
        ## In preparation for finding the median step length, identify those pairs of consecutive points whose time interval 
        ## falls within the acceptable the acceptable range of tau
        if (tau.diff.max == 0) {
            thisid.idx.good <- 1:(n-1)
        } else {
            thisid.idx.good <- which(dt.thisid.diff >= tau * (1 - tau.diff.max) & dt.thisid.diff <= tau * (1 + tau.diff.max))
            if (length(thisid.idx.good)==0) {
                msg <- paste("tlocoh is having a problem computing the 'maximum observed point-to-point speed'. When it filters out pairs of points whose sampling interval differs from the median by more than tau.diff.max (", as.character(tau.diff.max), "), there are no pairs left! Try increasing tau.diff.max, or set tau.diff.max to zero to disabling filtering completely.", sep="")
                stop(cw(msg, final.cr=FALSE, exdent=2))

        ## Calculate the distances for pairs of consecutive point sampled within the maximum time.gap
        thisid.dist.steps <- sqrt((xys.thisid[2:n,1] - xys.thisid[1:(n-1),1])^2 + (xys.thisid[2:n,2] - xys.thisid[1:(n-1),2])^2)[thisid.idx.good]
        ## Compute the mean or median step length
        thisid.dist.bar <- get(step.len.central.tendency)(thisid.dist.steps)

        ## Compute the maximum point-to-point velocity
        thisid.vel.max <- max( thisid.dist.steps / dt.thisid.diff[thisid.idx.good] )
        rw.params <- rbind(rw.params, data.frame(id=idVal, time.step.median=tau, d.bar=thisid.dist.bar, vmax=thisid.vel.max))
    return(list(dt.int=dt.int, rw.params=rw.params))

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tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.