
Defines functions scan.stream scan.error setLists checkPheno.vars setPhenoList scan.coxph setup.coxph scan.linear scan.logistic scan.lin_log setup.linear setup.logistic setup.lin_log pheno.addFormula checkBaseModel create.formula pheno.removeMiss getNextObs.stream getNumGenoVec getSNPinfo.vec getPhenoGeno.stream getPhenoGeno.ids getPheno.file getAllVars.pheno setUp.snp.list.stream getSubIds.genoFile getIds.file getFilePtr.genoFile getFilePtr ginfo.GLU getValue.cvec subs.genoFile.GLU snps.genoFile.GLU transform.genoFile transform.genoFile.GLU transform.genoFile.PLINK pipe.genoFile.GLU transCall.genoFile.GLU getSubsToInclude getSNPsToInclude snp.delete.files check.PLINK check.GLU

# History: Aug 09 2013 Initial coding
#          Oct 04 2013 Allow for 2 pheno.list id variables
#          Oct 16 2013 Add functions to check for PLINK and GLU
#          May 13 2014 Fix bug in getPheno.file

# Function to check for GLU
check.GLU <- function(snp.list) {

  #GLU import path: /spin1/users/w

  glu <- snp.list$GLU
  if (!nchar(glu)) return(snp.list)
  if (snp.list$glu.checked) return(snp.list)

  str <- paste(glu, " --path 2>&1", sep="")
  ret <- try(callOS(str, intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  x   <- grep("GLU import path", ret, fixed=TRUE)
  if (!length(x)) {
    snp.list$GLU  <- ""
    cat("NOTE: The GLU software was not found\n")
  snp.list$glu.checked <- 1


} # END: check.GLU

# Function to check for PLINK
check.PLINK <- function(snp.list) {

  plink <- snp.list$PLINK
  if (!nchar(plink)) return(snp.list)
  if (snp.list$plink.checked) return(snp.list)
  out <- paste(snp.list$temp.dir, "check.PLINK", snp.list$id.str, sep="")
  str <- paste(plink, " --noweb --silent --help --out ", out, sep="")
  ret <- try(callOS(str, intern=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  log <- paste(out, ".log", sep="")
  if (!file.exists(log)) {
    snp.list$PLINK <- ""
    cat("NOTE: The PLINK software was not found\n")
  } else {
  snp.list$plink.checked <- 1


} # END: check.PLINK

snp.delete.files <- function(snp.list) {

  if (snp.list$delete) {
    f <- snp.list[["temp.snp.file", exact=TRUE]]
    if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
    snp.list$temp.snp.file <- NULL
    f <- snp.list[["temp.sub.file", exact=TRUE]]
    if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
    snp.list$temp.sub.file <- NULL
    f <- snp.list[["temp.geno.file", exact=TRUE]]
    if ((!is.null(f)) && (file.exists(f))) file.remove(f)
    snp.list$temp.geno.file <- NULL


} # END: snp.delete.files

# Function to get the (subset) of SNP ids to include 
getSNPsToInclude <- function(snp.list) {

  start <- snp.list$start.vec
  stop  <- snp.list$stop.vec
  slist <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
  ret   <- NULL

  if (!is.null(slist)) {
    ret <- getIds.file(slist)
    if (stop <= 0) stop <- length(ret)

    # Is slist a file
    if ((is.list(slist)) && (!is.null(slist[["file", exact=TRUE]]))) {
      ret <- ret[start:stop]


} # END: getSNPsToInclude

# Function to get the (subset) of subject ids to include 
getSubsToInclude <- function(snp.list) {

  subs  <- NULL
  slist <- snp.list[["include.subs", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(slist)) subs <- getIds.file(slist, id.sep=snp.list$id.sep)


} # END: getSubsToInclude

# Function to generate the transform call to GLU
transCall.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file="-") {

  GLU    <- snp.list$GLU
  snps   <- getSNPsToInclude(snp.list) 

  tdir   <- snp.list$temp.dir
  id.str <- snp.list$id.str
  format <- snp.list$format
  GLU.op <- snp.list[["GLU.options.str", exact=TRUE]]

  if (!is.null(snps)) {
    snp.flag <- 1
    ff.snp   <- paste(tdir, "tSNP", id.str, ".txt", sep="")
    write(snps, file=ff.snp, ncolumns=1)
    snp.list$temp.snp.file <- ff.snp
    snp.list$start.vec     <- 1
    snp.list$stop.vec      <- -1
  } else {
    snp.flag <- 0

  subs <- getSubsToInclude(snp.list) 
  if (!is.null(subs)) {
    sub.flag <- 1
    ff.sub   <- paste(tdir, "tSUB", id.str, ".txt", sep="")
    write(subs, file=ff.sub, ncolumns=1)
    snp.list$temp.sub.file <- ff.sub
    snp.list$include.subs  <- subs
  } else {
    sub.flag <- 0

  str <- paste(GLU, " transform -o ", out.file, " -F ldat -f ", format, sep="")
  if (!is.null(GLU.op)) str <- paste(str, " ", GLU.op, sep="")
  if (snp.flag) str <- paste(str, " --includeloci=", ff.snp, sep="")
  if (sub.flag) str <- paste(str, " --includesamples=", ff.sub, sep="")
  str <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
  snp.list$delimiter    <- "\t"
  snp.list$include.snps <- NULL
  snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
  snp.list$format       <- "ldat"
  snp.list$in.miss      <- "  "

  list(snp.list=snp.list, call.str=str)

} # END: transCall.genoFile.GLU

# Function to create a pipe 
pipe.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list) {

  temp     <- transCall.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
  snp.list <- temp$snp.list
  str      <- temp$call.str

  snp.list$fid  <- pipe(str, open="r")

} # END: pipe.genoFile

# Function to transform a genotype file to tped using plink
transform.genoFile.PLINK <- function(snp.list) {

  DEBUG    <- snp.list$DEBUG

  snps     <- getSNPsToInclude(snp.list) 
  tdir     <- snp.list$temp.dir
  id.str   <- snp.list$id.str
  format   <- snp.list$format
  ff.snp   <- NULL
  ff.sub   <- NULL
  plink.op <- snp.list[["PLINK.options.str", exact=TRUE]] 

  if (!is.null(snps)) {
    snp.flag <- 1
    ff.snp   <- paste(tdir, "transform_SNP", id.str, sep="")
    write(snps, file=ff.snp, ncolumns=1)
    snp.list$temp.snp.file <- ff.snp
    snp.list$start.vec     <- 1
    snp.list$stop.vec      <- length(snps)
  } else {
    snp.flag <- 0

  subs <- getSubsToInclude(snp.list) 
  if (!is.null(subs)) {
    sub.flag <- 1
    ff.sub   <- paste(tdir, "transform_SUB", id.str, sep="")
    write(subs, file=ff.sub, ncolumns=1)
    snp.list$temp.sub.file <- ff.sub
    #snp.list$include.subs  <- subs
  } else {
    sub.flag <- 0

  # Define an output string
  out <- paste(tdir, "temp_PLINK", id.str, sep="")

  bed.flag <- snp.list$format %in% "bed"

  # See if bim/fam/map files were specified
  bim.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.bim.file", exact=TRUE]]
  fam.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.fam.file", exact=TRUE]]
  map.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.map.file", exact=TRUE]]
  bim.flag <- !is.null(bim.file)
  fam.flag <- !is.null(fam.file)
  map.flag <- !is.null(map.file)

  all.flag <- 0
  if (bed.flag && bim.flag && fam.flag) all.flag <- 1
  if ((!bed.flag) && (map.flag)) all.flag <- 1

  # Get the base file name and remove extension
  snpf  <- snp.list$file
  snpf  <- substr(snpf, 1, nchar(snpf)-4)
  str <- paste(snp.list$PLINK, " --noweb --transpose --recode", sep="")
  if (!is.null(plink.op)) str <- paste(str, " ", plink.op, sep="")
  if (bed.flag) {
    if (!all.flag) {
      str <- paste(str, " --bfile ", snpf, sep="")
    } else {
      str <- paste(str, " --bed ", snp.list$file, sep="")
      str <- paste(str, " --bim ", bim.file, sep="")
      str <- paste(str, " --fam ", fam.file, sep="")
  } else {
    if (!all.flag) {
      str <- paste(str, " --file ", snpf, sep="")
    } else {
      str <- paste(str, " --ped ", snp.list$file, sep="")
      str <- paste(str, " --map ", map.file, sep="")
  if (snp.flag) str <- paste(str, " --extract ", ff.snp, sep="")
  if (sub.flag) str <- paste(str, " --keep ", ff.sub, sep="")
  str <- paste(str, " --out ", out, sep="")
  if (DEBUG) print(str)

  tped.f  <- paste(out, ".tped", sep="")
  tfam.f  <- paste(out, ".tfam", sep="")
  log.f   <- paste(out, ".log", sep="")
  nosex.f <- paste(out, ".nosex", sep="")
  nof.f   <- paste(out, ".nof", sep="")
  hh.f    <- paste(out, ".hh", sep="")
  if (!file.exists(tped.f)) stop("ERROR calling PLINK")
  if (!file.exists(tfam.f)) stop("ERROR calling PLINK")

  if (file.exists(log.f)) file.remove(log.f)
  if (file.exists(nosex.f)) file.remove(nosex.f)
  if (file.exists(nof.f)) file.remove(nof.f)
  if (file.exists(hh.f)) file.remove(hh.f)
  if ((snp.flag) && (file.exists(ff.snp))) file.remove(ff.snp)
  if ((sub.flag) && (file.exists(ff.sub))) file.remove(ff.sub)

  snp.list$temp.snp.file  <- NULL
  snp.list$temp.sub.file  <- tfam.f
  snp.list$temp.geno.file <- tped.f
  snp.list$file           <- tped.f
  snp.list$file.type      <- 11
  snp.list$format         <- "tped"
  snp.list$subject.list   <- list(file=tfam.f, id.var=1:2, delimiter=" ", header=0)
  snp.list$include.subs   <- NULL
  snp.list$in.miss        <- "0"
  snp.list$include.snps   <- NULL
  snp.list$order.subs     <- NULL


} # END: transform.genoFile.PLINK

# Function to transform a genotype file to ldat
transform.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list) {

  # Define an output file
  out <- paste(snp.list$temp.dir, "temp.genoFile", snp.list$id.str, ".ldat", sep="")
  snp.list$temp.geno.file <- out

  temp     <- transCall.genoFile.GLU(snp.list, out.file=out)
  snp.list <- temp$snp.list
  str      <- temp$call.str
  if (snp.list$DEBUG) print(str)
  snp.list$file       <- out
  snp.list$file.type  <- 2
  snp.list$order.subs <- NULL


} # END: transform.genoFile.GLU

# Function to transform genotype file to ldat or tped
transform.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {

  if (snp.list$use.GLU) {
    pipe <- snp.list[["pipe", exact=TRUE]]
    if (is.null(pipe)) {
      temp <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
      if (!is.null(temp)) {
        pipe <- 0
      } else {
        pipe <- 1
      snp.list$pipe <- pipe
    if (!pipe) {
      # Transform
      snp.list <- transform.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
      snp.list$use.GLU <- 0
  } else if (snp.list$use.PLINK) {
    snp.list <- transform.genoFile.PLINK(snp.list)
    snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0


} # END: transform.genoFile

# Function to save a list of snps in the scan to a file using GLU
snps.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file) {

  GLU    <- snp.list$GLU
  format <- snp.list$format
  out    <- paste(out.file, ":c=1", sep="")
  str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, " --outputloci=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")

  x <- try(scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(x, conv=0)) {
    str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, " --outputloci=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
    x <- scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
  x <- x[-1]
  write(x, file=out.file, ncolumns=1)


} # END: snps.genoFile.GLU

# Function to save a list of subjects in the scan to a file
subs.genoFile.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.file) {

  GLU    <- snp.list$GLU
  format <- snp.list$format
  out    <- paste(out.file, ":c=1", sep="")
  str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, " --outputsamples=", out,  " ", snp.list$file, sep="")

  x <- try(scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(x, conv=0)) {
    str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, " --outputsamples=", out, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
    x <- scan(out.file, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
  x <- x[-1]
  write(x, file=out.file, ncolumns=1)


} # END: subs.genoFile.GLU

# Function to get value from a character vector
getValue.cvec <- function(vec, str, sep=":", pos=2) {

  v   <- grep(str, vec, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)
  if (length(v) != 1) return(NULL)
  v   <- getVecFromStr(v, delimiter=sep)
  if (length(v) < pos) return(NULL)
  ret <- v[pos]

} # END: getValue.cvec

# Function to write out loci and samples using glu
ginfo.GLU <- function(snp.list, out.snps=NULL, out.subs=NULL) {

  # "Filename    : gain.lbat"
  # "Format      : ldat"
  # "sample count: 5591"
  # "locus  count: 131285"
  #  ""

  snpFlag <- !is.null(out.snps)
  subFlag <- !is.null(out.subs)
  e1      <- 0
  e2      <- 0

  GLU    <- snp.list$GLU
  format <- snp.list$format
  str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo --lazy -f ", format, sep="")
  if (subFlag) {
    out2 <- paste(out.subs, ":c=1", sep="")
    str  <- paste(str, " --outputsamples=", out2, sep="")
  if (snpFlag) {
    out1 <- paste(out.snps, ":c=1", sep="")
    str  <- paste(str, " --outputloci=", out1, sep="")
  str    <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
  ret    <- callOS(str, intern=TRUE)

  # Get the number of snps and subjects
  nsnp <- getValue.cvec(ret, "locus", sep=":", pos=2)
  nsub <- getValue.cvec(ret, "sample", sep=":", pos=2)
  if (!length(nsnp)) e1 <- 1
  if (!length(nsub)) e2 <- 1

  if (snpFlag) {
    x1 <- try(scan(out.snps, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
    e1 <- checkTryError(x1, conv=0)
  if (subFlag) { 
    x2 <- try(scan(out.subs, what="character", quiet=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
    e2 <- checkTryError(x2, conv=0)
  if (e1 || e2) {
    str    <- paste(GLU, " ginfo -f ", format, sep="")
    if (subFlag) {
      out2 <- paste(out.subs, ":c=1", sep="")
      str  <- paste(str, " --outputsamples=", out2, sep="")
    if (snpFlag) {
      out1 <- paste(out.snps, ":c=1", sep="")
      str  <- paste(str, " --outputloci=", out1, sep="")
    str    <- paste(str, " ", snp.list$file, sep="")
    ret    <- callOS(str, intern=TRUE)

    if (snpFlag) x1 <- scan(out.snps, what="character", quiet=TRUE)
    if (subFlag) x2 <- scan(out.subs, what="character", quiet=TRUE)

    # Get the number of subjects and snps
    nsnp <- getValue.cvec(ret, "locus", sep=":", pos=2)
    nsub <- getValue.cvec(ret, "sample", sep=":", pos=2)

  if (snpFlag) {
    x1 <- x1[-1]
    write(x1, file=out.snps, ncolumns=1)
  if (subFlag) {
    x2 <- x2[-1]
    write(x2, file=out.subs, ncolumns=1)

  if (!length(nsnp)) nsnp <- -1
  if (!length(nsub)) nsub <- -1

  list(n.snps=as.numeric(nsnp), n.subs=as.numeric(nsub))

} # END: ginfo.GLU

# Function to open file and postion file pointer
getFilePtr <- function(file.list, row=1) {

  if (row < 1) stop("ERROR in getFilePtr: row < 1")

  fid <- getFID(file.list$file, file.list)
  if (row > 1) {
    temp <- scan(fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n", skip=row-2, quiet=TRUE)  


} # END: getFilePtr

# Function to open a genotype file and position file pointer
getFilePtr.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {

  snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
  row      <- snp.list$start.vec
  format   <- tolower(snp.list$format)
  if (row == 1) {
    if ((format %in% "ldat") && (!snp.list$use.GLU)) row <- 2
    snp.list$start.vec <- row

  if (snp.list$use.GLU) {
    snp.list <- pipe.genoFile.GLU(snp.list)
    # Read first row of subject ids
    ids <- scan(snp.list$fid, nlines=1, sep="\t", what="character", quiet=TRUE)
    snp.list$order.subs <- ids[-1]
    if (row > 1) scan(snp.list$fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n", skip=row-2, quiet=TRUE) 
  } else {
    snp.list$fid <- getFilePtr(snp.list, row=row)


} # END: getFilePtr.genoFile

# Function to get a column of ids from a file
getIds.file <- function(file.list, rm.space=1, lower=0, upper=0, id.sep=":") {

  len  <- length(file.list)
  flag <- FALSE
  if (len == 1) {
    flag <- try(file.exists(file.list), silent=TRUE)
    if (checkTryError(flag, conv=0)) flag <- FALSE

  if ((!flag) && (is.vector(file.list)) && (!("list" %in% class(file.list)))) {
    ids <- file.list
  } else {
    file.list <- check.file.list(file.list)
    f         <- file.list$file
    sep       <- file.list$delimiter

    # Get the number of columns
    row1 <- scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
    nc   <- length(row1)
    if ((flag) && (nc == 1)) {
      file.list$id.var <- -1
      file.list$header <- 0
    if (is.null(file.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]])) file.list$id.var <- 1
    id.var <- file.list$id.var
    if ((length(id.var) == 1) && (id.var %in% -1)) {
      ids <- scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE)
    } else {  
      # Allow for 2 id variables
      x   <- matrix(scan(f, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE), byrow=TRUE, ncol=nc)
      if (is.numeric(id.var)) {
        ids <- x[, id.var]
      } else {
        temp <- row1 %in% id.var
        if (sum(temp) != 1) stop("ERROR in getIds.file: with id.var")
        col <- (1:nc)[temp] 
        ids <- x[, col]
      m <- ncol(ids)
      if (is.null(m)) m <- 0
      if (m == 2) ids <- paste(makeVector(ids[, 1]), id.sep, makeVector(ids[, 2]), sep="") 

      ids <- makeVector(ids) 
      if (file.list$header) ids <- ids[-1]
  if (rm.space) ids <- removeWhiteSpace(ids)
  if (lower) ids <- tolower(ids)
  if (upper) ids <- toupper(ids)


} # END: getIds.file

# Function to get the (ordered) subject ids for a genotype file
getSubIds.genoFile <- function(snp.list) {

  ids      <- NULL
  snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)
  format   <- tolower(snp.list$format)
  slist    <- snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]
  sep      <- snp.list$delimiter
  if (format %in% "ldat") { 
    ids <- scan(snp.list$file, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE, sep=sep, what="character")
    ids <- ids[-1]

  if (!is.null(slist)) ids <- getIds.file(slist, id.sep=snp.list$id.sep)
  if (is.null(ids)) {
    out.file <- paste(snp.list$dir, "getSub", snp.list$id.str, ".txt", sep="")
    if (nchar(snp.list$GLU)) {
      ids <- subs.genoFile.GLU(snp.list, out.file)
      if (snp.list$delete) file.remove(out.file)
  if (is.null(ids)) scan.error("ERROR: subject ids = NULL. Set snp.list$subject.list", "getSubIds.genoFile")


} # END: getSubIds.genoFile

# Function to set up snp.list for streamed input
setUp.snp.list.stream <- function(snp.list, pheno.ids=NULL, temp.list=NULL) {

  DEBUG <- snp.list$DEBUG

  # pheno.ids   Ordered vector of final subject ids to be included
  snp.list$stream <- 1

  if (!is.null(temp.list)) {
    temp.list         <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
    snp.list$temp.dir <- temp.list$dir
    snp.list$id.str   <- temp.list$id
    snp.list$delete   <- temp.list$delete

  snp.list <- check.snp.list(snp.list)

  # Transform the data if needed
  if (snp.list$transform) {
    snp.list$include.subs <- pheno.ids
    if (DEBUG) cat("transform.genoFile\n")
    snp.list <- transform.genoFile(snp.list)
    snp.list$include.subs <- NULL 

  if (is.null(snp.list[["order.subs", exact=TRUE]])) {
    if (DEBUG) cat("getSubIds.genoFile\n")
    snp.list$order.subs <- getSubIds.genoFile(snp.list)
  if (DEBUG) cat("getFilePtr.genoFile\n")
  snp.list <- getFilePtr.genoFile(snp.list)
  subs     <- snp.list[["order.subs", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!length(subs)) stop("ERROR in setUp.snp.list.stream: subs = NULL")
  snp.list$n.subjects <- length(subs)

  pheno.ids.miss <- NULL
  if (!is.null(pheno.ids)) {
    n0   <- length(pheno.ids)
    ids  <- match(pheno.ids, subs)
    temp <- !is.na(ids)
    ids  <- ids[temp]
    n1   <- length(ids)
    if (!n1) {
      stop("ERROR in setUp.snp.list.stream: no intersecting ids")
    if (n1 < n0) {
      pheno.ids.miss <- pheno.ids[!temp]
      cat("The above phenotype ids were not matched in the genotype data.\n") 
    snp.list$order.vec    <- ids
    snp.list$include.subs <- NULL
    snp.list$order.subs   <- NULL
  # Get number of snps to process
  if (snp.list$stop.vec < 1) {
    snp.list$n.snps <- Inf
  } else {
    snp.list$n.snps <- snp.list$stop.vec - snp.list$start.vec + 1

  list(snp.list=snp.list, pheno.ids.miss=pheno.ids.miss)

} # END: setUp.snp.list.stream

# Function to get all pheno variables to use
getAllVars.pheno <- function(pheno.list) {

  nn0  <- names(pheno.list)
  nn1  <- grep(".var", nn0, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)
  nn1  <- unique(nn1)

  vars <- getAllVars(pheno.list, names=nn1)
  var.list <- list()
  for (name in nn1) {
    var.list[[name]] <- getAllVars(pheno.list, names=name)

  # Get the variable names on pheno
  x    <- pheno.list[["data", exact=TRUE]]
  flag <- pheno.list$is.the.data
  if ((flag) && (!is.null(x))) {
    vv <- colnames(x)
  } else {
    vv <- scan(pheno.list$file, what="character", nlines=1, sep="", quiet=TRUE) 
    if (pheno.list$header == 0) vv <- 1:length(vv) 
  temp <- vars %in% vv
  vars <- vars[temp]
  if (!length(vars)) vars <- NULL

  list(vars=vars, names=nn1, var.list=var.list)

} # END: getAllVars.pheno

# Function to load and set up the phenotype data
getPheno.file <- function(pheno.list) {

  # For scans, remove.miss should be set to 1 and keep.vars defined

  pheno.list  <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
  vars_names  <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
  rmv         <- NULL
  keep.vars   <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  remove.miss <- pheno.list$remove.miss 
  x    <- pheno.list[["data", exact=TRUE]]
  flag <- pheno.list$is.the.data

  if ((flag) && (!is.null(x))) {
    pheno.list$subsetData  <- NULL
    pheno.list$data        <- NULL
    pheno.list$is.the.data <- 0
    return(list(pheno.list=pheno.list, data=x))
  pheno.list$keep.vars   <- NULL
  pheno.list$remove.miss <- 0
  x <- loadData.table(pheno.list)
  pheno.list$keep.vars   <- keep.vars
  pheno.list$remove.miss <- remove.miss
  x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  # Check for numeric variable names
  vnames <- vars_names[["names", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(vnames)) {
    temp   <- !(vnames %in% c("snp.var", "orig.id.var"))
    vnames <- vnames[temp]
    nv     <- length(vnames)
    if (nv) {
      cnames <- colnames(x)
      for (v in vnames) {
        vars  <- pheno.list[[v, exact=TRUE]]
        if ("formula" %in% class(vars)) next
        varsn <- as.numeric(vars)
        temp  <- is.na(varsn)
        varsn <- varsn[!temp]
        varsc <- vars[temp]
        if (length(varsn)) pheno.list[[v]] <- c(cnames[varsn], varsc)  
      pheno.list$data        <- x
      pheno.list$is.the.data <- 1
      vars_names             <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
      pheno.list$data        <- NULL
      pheno.list$is.the.data <- 0

  # If keep.vars is defined, make sure it contains all necessary variables
  keep.vars <- pheno.list$keep.vars
  if (!is.null(keep.vars)) {
    keep.vars <- unique(c(keep.vars, vars_names$vars))
    pheno.list$keep.vars <- keep.vars
    temp <- keep.vars %in% colnames(x)
    keep <- keep.vars[temp]
    if (length(keep)) x <- x[, keep, drop=FALSE]

  # Remove missing values after keep.vars is applied
  if (remove.miss) x <- removeMiss(x, miss=pheno.list$in.miss)

  # Data has been subsetted
  pheno.list$subsetData  <- NULL
  pheno.list$data        <- NULL
  pheno.list$is.the.data <- 0

  # Check if any formulas are to be applied
  if (pheno.list$remove.miss) {
    formulas <- getFormulas(pheno.list)
    formFlag <- length(formulas) 
    if (formFlag) {
      miss <- c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)

      # Update the data for any formulas
      x <- applyFormulas(x, formulas, remove=miss)

      # Remove missing values
      vars <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
      x    <- removeMiss.vars(x, vars=vars, miss=miss)

  # Check for constant vars
  #temp <- checkForConstantVar(x, msg=1, removeVars=1)
  #x    <- temp$data
  #rmv  <- temp[["remove", exact=TRUE]]

  # Remove vars from variable lists if possible
  #if (!is.null(rmv)) {
  #  nn <- vars_names$names
  #  for (v in nn) {
  #    obj <- pheno.list[[v, exact=TRUE]]
  #    if (is.vector(obj)) {
  #      temp <- obj %in% rmv
  #      if (any(temp)) {
  #        new <- obj[!temp]
  #        if (!length(new)) new <- NULL
  #        pheno.list[[v]] <- new
  #      }
  #    } 
  #  }

  # Define the categorical variables
  facvars <- pheno.list[["factor.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  vars    <- colnames(x)
  type    <- pheno.list$file.type
  if (is.null(facvars)) {
    for (v in vars) {
      vec <- makeVector(x[, v])
      if (type != 1) {
        if (all(is.na(as.numeric(vec)))) facvars <- c(facvars, v)
      } else {
        if ((is.factor(vec)) || (is.character(vec))) facvars <- c(facvars, v)
  } else {
    facvars <- unique(c(facvars, pheno.list$id.var))

  temp    <- !(vars %in% c(facvars, pheno.list$id.var))
  numvars <- vars[temp]

  if (length(numvars)) {
    for (v in numvars) x[, v] <- as.numeric(x[, v]) 

  # Allow for 2 id variables and change id.var
  id.var  <- pheno.list$id.var
  nid.var <- length(id.var)
  if (nid.var == 2) {
    sep <- pheno.list$id.sep
    ids <- paste(makeVector(x[, id.var[1]]), sep, makeVector(x[, id.var[2]]), sep="")
    pheno.list$id.var      <- id.var[1]
    x[, pheno.list$id.var] <- ids  

  pheno.list$response.name <- pheno.list$response.var

  pheno.list$subject.ids <- makeVector(x[, pheno.list$id.var])  

  list(pheno.list=pheno.list, data=x)

} # END: getPheno.file 

# Function to get the intersecting ids
getPhenoGeno.ids <- function(data, pheno.list, geno.ids) {

  nr   <- nrow(data)
  pids <- makeVector(data[, pheno.list$id.var])
  temp <- !(pids %in% geno.ids)
  m    <- sum(temp)


  # No ids match at first
  if (m == nr) {
    cat("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data.\n") 
    cat("Trying to match by concatenating pheno ids.\n")
    pids <- paste(pids, pids, sep=":")
    temp <- !(pids %in% geno.ids)
    m    <- sum(temp)
    if (m == nr) stop("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data")
    data[, pheno.list$id.var] <- pids

  if (any(temp)) {
    miss <- data[temp, pheno.list$id.var]
    print("The above phenotype ids were not matched in the genotype data.") 
    data <- data[!temp, , drop=FALSE]

    if (!nrow(data)) stop("No intersecting ids in phenotype and genotype data")


} # END: getPhenoGeno.ids

# Function to get the phenotype and genotype data for streamed input
getPhenoGeno.stream <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list=NULL) {

  DEBUG <- snp.list$DEBUG
  x     <- NULL
  pids  <- pheno.list[["subject.ids", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(pids)) {
    pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
    temp       <- getPheno.file(pheno.list)
    x          <- temp$data
    pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
    pids       <- x[, pheno.list$id.var]
  pheno.list$data        <- NULL
  pheno.list$is.the.data <- 0

  if (DEBUG) cat("setUp.snp.list.stream\n")
  temp       <- setUp.snp.list.stream(snp.list, pheno.ids=pids, temp.list=temp.list)
  snp.list   <- temp$snp.list
  miss       <- temp[["pheno.ids.miss", exact=TRUE]]

  if (!is.null(miss)) {
    temp <- !(pids %in% miss) 
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      x  <- x[temp, , drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      stop("ERROR in getPhenoGeno.stream: missing ids")

  list(snp.list=snp.list, pheno.list=pheno.list, pheno.data=x)

} # END: getPhenoGeno.stream

# Function to get all snp info from the entire vector
getSNPinfo.vec <- function(x, format) {

  # format  impute, tped, ldat
  impute     <- NULL
  snp        <- NULL
  loc        <- NULL
  a1         <- ""
  a2         <- ""
  chr        <- NULL

  if (format == "impute") {
    impute <- x[1]
    snp    <- x[2]
    loc    <- x[3]
    a1     <- x[4]
    a2     <- x[5]
    NCOL   <- 5
  } else if (format == "ldat") {
    snp    <- x[1]
    NCOL   <- 1
  } else if (format == "tped") {
    chr    <- x[1]
    snp    <- x[2]
    loc    <- x[4]
    NCOL   <- 4

  vec <- x[-(1:NCOL)]
  aa  <- paste(a1, a2, sep="")

  list(vec=vec, impute=impute, snp=snp, chr=chr, loc=loc, a1=a1, a2=a2, majMin=aa)

} # END: getSNPinfo.vec

# Function to get the numeric genotype vector
getNumGenoVec <- function(snp.info, snp.list) {

  ret     <- snp.info
  format  <- snp.list$format
  vec     <- snp.info$vec
  len     <- length(vec) 
  gmodel  <- snp.list$genetic.model
  in.miss <- snp.list$in.miss
  nsub    <- snp.list$n.subjects
  ProbG0  <- NULL
  ProbG1  <- NULL
  ProbG2  <- NULL

  if (format == "impute") {
    if ((nsub) && (len != 3*nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
    y <- impute.get_genoVec(as.numeric(vec), ret$a1, ret$a2, genetic.model=gmodel,
              cutoff=snp.list$impute.cutoff, method=snp.list$impute.method)
    a       <- y$majMin
    vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
    ProbG1  <- as.numeric(y$ProbG1)
    ProbG0  <- as.numeric(y$ProbG0)
    ProbG2  <- as.numeric(y$ProbG2)
  } else if (format == "ldat") {
    if ((nsub) && (len != nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
    y       <- recode.geno(vec, in.miss=in.miss, heter.codes=snp.list$heter.codes)
    vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
    a       <- y$alleles
  } else if (format == "tped") {
    if ((nsub) && (len != 2*nsub)) stop("ERROR in getNumGenoVec: wrong vector length")
    id1     <- seq(1, len, 2)
    id2     <- id1 + 1
    v1      <- vec[id1]
    v2      <- vec[id2]
    temp    <- (v1 %in% in.miss) | (v2 %in% in.miss)
    vec2    <- paste(vec[id1], vec[id2], sep="")
    if (any(temp)) vec2[temp] <- "  "
    y       <- recode.geno(vec2, in.miss="  ", heter.codes=snp.list$heter.codes)
    vec.num <- as.numeric(y$vec)
    a       <- y$alleles
  if (snp.list$MAF) {
    maf <- 0.5*mean(vec.num, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1
    ret$MAF <- maf
  ids <- snp.list[["order.vec", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(ids)) {
    vec.num <- vec.num[ids]  
    if (!is.null(ProbG1)) ret$ProbG1 <- ProbG1[ids]
    if (!is.null(ProbG0)) ret$ProbG0 <- ProbG0[ids]
    if (!is.null(ProbG2)) ret$ProbG2 <- ProbG2[ids]
  ret$vec.num <- vec.num
  ret$majMin  <- a


} # END: getNumGenoVec

# Function to return the next observation
getNextObs.stream <- function(snp.list) {

  inc.snps <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
  inc.flag <- !is.null(inc.snps)
  format   <- snp.list$format
  if (!inc.flag) {
    vec <- scan(snp.list$fid, what="character", sep=snp.list$delimiter, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
    if (!length(vec)) return(NULL)
    info <- getSNPinfo.vec(vec, format)
  } else {
    fid <- snp.list$fid
    sep <- snp.list$delimiter
    while (1) {
      vec <- scan(fid, what="character", sep=sep, quiet=TRUE, nlines=1)
      if (!length(vec)) return(NULL)
      info <- getSNPinfo.vec(vec, format)
      if (info$snp %in% inc.snps) break  

  # Get the numeric vector
  ret <- getNumGenoVec(info, snp.list)

} # END: getNextObs.stream

# Function to remove missing values from data objects
pheno.removeMiss <- function(pheno.list, subset) {

  ret   <- pheno.list
  names <- pheno.list$data.names
  for (nn in names) {
    obj      <- pheno.list[[nn]]
    if (!is.vector(obj)) {
      ret[[nn]] <- obj[subset, , drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      ret[[nn]] <- obj[subset]


} # END: pheno.removeMiss

# Function to create formulas
create.formula <- function(y.var, snp.var, mvars=NULL, ivars=NULL, 
   time.var=NULL, strata.var=NULL) {

  if (is.null(time.var)) {
    str0 <- paste(y.var, " ~ ", sep="")
  } else {
    str0 <- paste("Surv(", time.var, ", ", y.var, ") ~ ", sep="")
  if (!is.null(mvars))  {
    mstr <- paste(mvars, collapse=" + ", sep="")
    str2 <- paste(" + ", mstr, sep="")
  } else {
    mstr <- "1"
    str2 <- ""
  str.base     <- paste(str0, mstr, sep="")
  if (!is.null(strata.var)) str.base <- paste(str.base, " + strata(", strata.var, ")", sep="")  

  base.formula <- as.formula(str.base)

  str <- paste(str0, snp.var, str2, sep="")
  if (!is.null(ivars)) {
    temp <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="")
    temp <- paste(temp, collapse=" + ", sep="")  
    str  <- paste(str, " + ", temp, sep="")
  if (!is.null(strata.var)) str<- paste(str, " + strata(", strata.var, ")", sep="") 
  formula <- as.formula(str)

  list(formula=formula, base.formula=base.formula)

} # END: create.formula

# Function to check and print the base model
checkBaseModel <- function(fit, op) {

  if (checkTryError(fit)) {
    stop("ERROR: base model failed")
  fit <- summary(fit)
  if (op$print) print(fit)
  out <- op[["base.outfile", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(out)) {


} # END: checkBaseModel

# Function to get formulas
pheno.addFormula <- function(pheno.list) {

  y.var      <- pheno.list$response.var
  mvars      <- pheno.list[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  ivars      <- pheno.list[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  snp.var    <- pheno.list$snp.var
  time.var   <- pheno.list[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
  strata.var <- pheno.list[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]

  temp <- create.formula(y.var, snp.var, mvars=mvars, ivars=ivars, time.var=time.var,
  f    <- pheno.list[["base.formula", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(f)) pheno.list$base.formula <- temp$base.formula
  f    <- pheno.list[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(f)) pheno.list$formula <- temp$formula


} # END: pheno.addFormula

# Function for logistic scan
setup.lin_log <- function(data, oplist, which) {

  plist     <- oplist$pheno.list
  sv        <- plist[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]]
  tv        <- plist[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
  plist$strata.var <- NULL
  plist$time.var   <- NULL
  plist     <- pheno.addFormula(plist) 
  plist$strata.var <- sv
  plist$time.var   <- tv
  ivars     <- plist[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  snp.var   <- plist$snp.var 
  omni.flag <- 0
  inter.flag <- 0

  retvars <- snp.var
  if (!is.null(ivars)) {
    inames  <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="") 
    retvars <- c(retvars, inames)
    plist$omnibus.vars     <- retvars
    plist$interaction.vars <- inames
    plist$interaction.flag <- 1
    omni.flag  <- 1
    inter.flag <- 1
  plist$return.vars      <- retvars
  plist$omnibus.flag     <- omni.flag
  plist$interaction.flag <- inter.flag

  n   <- length(retvars)
  v2  <- c("Beta", "SE")
  if (omni.flag + inter.flag == 0) v2 <- c(v2, "Pvalue")
  n2  <- length(v2)
  vec <- rep(NA, n2*n + omni.flag + inter.flag)
  cc  <- NULL
  if (omni.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Omnibus.Pvalue")
  if (inter.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Inter.Pvalue")
  return.vlist <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(retvars)) {
    v    <- retvars[i]
    temp <- paste(v, ".", v2, sep="")
    cc   <- c(cc, temp)
    return.vlist[[i]] <- temp
  plist$return.vlist <- return.vlist
  plist$return.nvars <- length(retvars)
  if (length(v2) == 2) {
    plist$v2.vec <- c(1, 2)
  } else {
    plist$v2.vec <- c(1, 2, 4)
  names(vec) <- cc
  plist$return.vec <- vec  
  plist$scan.setup.func <- NULL

  # Base model
  form <- plist$base.formula
  if (which == 1) {
    fit <- lm(form, data=data)
  } else {
    fit <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial())
  checkBaseModel(fit, oplist)


} # END: setup.lin_log

# Function for logistic scan
setup.logistic <- function(data, oplist) {

  ret <- try(setup.lin_log(data, oplist, 2), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
    scan.error("ERROR in setup.lin_log", "setup.lin_log")

} # END: setup.logistic

# Function for linear scan
setup.linear <- function(data, oplist) {

  ret <- try(setup.lin_log(data, oplist, 1), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
    scan.error("ERROR in setup.lin_log", "setup.lin_log")

} # END: setup.linear

# Scan function for linear/logistic reg
scan.lin_log <- function(data, oplist, which) {

  plist <- oplist$pheno.list
  form  <- plist[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
  vars  <- plist$return.vars

  if (which == 1) {
    fit <- lm(form, data=data)
  } else {
    fit <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial())

  coef   <- summary(fit)$coefficients
  nn     <- rownames(coef)
  ret    <- plist$return.vec
  v2.vec <- plist$v2.vec
  vlist <- plist$return.vlist
  for (i in 1:plist$return.nvars) {
    v <- vars[i]
    if (v %in% nn) ret[vlist[[i]]] <- coef[v, v2.vec]

  if (plist$omnibus.flag) ret["Omnibus.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$omnibus.vars)$pvalue
  if (plist$interaction.flag) ret["Inter.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$interaction.vars)$pvalue


} # END: scan.lin_log

# Function for logistic scan
scan.logistic <- function(data, oplist) {

  ret <- scan.lin_log(data, oplist, 2)

} # END: scan.logistic

# Function for linear scan
scan.linear <- function(data, oplist) {

  ret <- scan.lin_log(data, oplist, 1)

} # END: scan.linear

# Setup function for coxph
setup.coxph <- function(data, oplist) {

  plist      <- oplist$pheno.list
  plist      <- pheno.addFormula(plist) 

  ivars      <- plist[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  snp.var    <- plist$snp.var 
  omni.flag  <- 0
  inter.flag <- 0

  retvars <- snp.var
  if (!is.null(ivars)) {
    inames  <- paste(snp.var, ":", ivars, sep="") 
    retvars <- c(retvars, inames)
    plist$omnibus.vars     <- retvars
    plist$interaction.vars <- inames
    plist$interaction.flag <- 1
    omni.flag  <- 1
    inter.flag <- 1
  plist$return.vars      <- retvars
  plist$omnibus.flag     <- omni.flag
  plist$interaction.flag <- inter.flag

  n   <- length(retvars)
  v2  <- c("Beta", "SE", "Pvalue")
  n2  <- length(v2)
  vec <- rep(NA, n2*n + omni.flag + inter.flag)
  cc  <- NULL

  if (omni.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Omnibus.Pvalue")
  if (inter.flag) cc <- c(cc, "Inter.Pvalue")
  for (v in retvars) cc <- c(cc, paste(v, ".", v2, sep=""))
  names(vec) <- cc
  plist$return.vec <- vec  
  plist$scan.setup.func <- NULL

  # Base model
  form <- plist$base.formula
  fit  <- try(coxph(form, data=data), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(fit, conv=0)) {
    scan.error("ERROR fitting base model", "setup.coxph")
  checkBaseModel(fit, oplist)


} # END: setup.coxph

# Scan function for coxph
scan.coxph <- function(data, oplist, which) {

  plist <- oplist$pheno.list
  form  <- plist[["formula", exact=TRUE]]
  vars  <- plist$return.vars
  fit   <- try(coxph(form, data=data), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(fit, conv=0)) return(plist$return.vec)
  coef  <- summary(fit)$coefficients
  nn    <- rownames(coef)
  ret   <- plist$return.vec
  v2    <- c(".Beta", ".SE", ".Pvalue")
  for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
    v <- vars[i]
    if (v %in% nn) ret[paste(v, v2, sep="")] <- coef[v, c(1, 2, 5)]

  if (plist$omnibus.flag) ret["Omnibus.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$omnibus.vars)$pvalue
  if (plist$interaction.flag) ret["Inter.Pvalue"] <- getWaldTest(fit, plist$interaction.vars)$pvalue


} # END: scan.coxph

# Function to update pheno.list
setPhenoList <- function(pheno.list, op) {

  if (is.null(pheno.list)) return(NULL)

  if (is.null(pheno.list[["response.var", exact=TRUE]])) {
    scan.error("pheno.list$response.var must be specified", "setPhenoList")

  id.var <- pheno.list[["id.var", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(id.var)) scan.error("pheno.list$id.var must be specified", "setPhenoList")
  nid.var <- length(id.var)
  #if (nid.var != length(unique(id.var))) scan.error("ERROR with pheno.list$id.var", "setPhenoList")
  if (nid.var > 2) scan.error("ERROR with pheno.list$id.var", "setPhenoList")

  f   <- op$scan.func
  all <- c("scan.linear", "scan.logistic", "scan.coxph")
  if (f %in% all) {
    pheno.list$remove.miss <- 1
    temp <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)$var.list
    vars <- c(temp$id.var, temp$response.var, temp[["main.vars", exact=TRUE]],
              temp[["int.vars", exact=TRUE]])
    if (f %in% c("scan.coxph")) {
      v    <- temp[["time.var", exact=TRUE]]
      if (is.null(v)) stop("ERROR: No time variable specified in pheno.list")
      vars <- c(vars, v, temp[["strata.var", exact=TRUE]])
    temp <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    pheno.list$keep.vars <- unique(c(vars, temp))

  # Watch out if keep.vars contins formulas
  temp <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]


} # END: setPhenoList

# Function to check vars in pheno.list
checkPheno.vars <- function(pheno.list) {

  if (is.null(pheno.list)) return(NULL)
  cnames <- pheno.list[["colnames", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(cnames)) return(NULL)
  temp   <- getAllVars.pheno(pheno.list)
  vars   <- unlist(temp$var.list)
  ignore <- c(pheno.list$snp.var, pheno.list$orig.id.var, 
              pheno.list[["return.vars", exact=TRUE]],
              pheno.list[["interaction.vars", exact=TRUE]],
              pheno.list[["omnibus.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  temp   <- !(vars %in% ignore)
  vars   <- unique(vars[temp])
  temp   <- !(vars %in% cnames)
  if (any(temp)) {
    scan.error("The above variables were not found in the input data", "checkPheno.vars")


} # END: checkPheno.vars

# Function to update pheno.list
setLists <- function(pheno.list, snp.list, op) {

  pheno.list   <- setPhenoList(pheno.list, op)

  f            <- op$scan.func
  imp          <- snp.list$format %in% "impute"
  scan.func.op <- op[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]

  snp.list <- check.PLINK(snp.list)
  snp.list <- check.GLU(snp.list)

  # Check for transforming genotype data
  use.GLU   <- snp.list$use.GLU
  use.PLINK <- snp.list$use.PLINK
  len.glu   <- nchar(snp.list$GLU)
  plink.len <- nchar(snp.list$PLINK)
  if (use.GLU || use.PLINK) {
    if ((!len.glu) && (!plink.len)) scan.error("ERROR: both GLU and PLINK were not found", "setLists")
    if (use.GLU && (!len.glu)) {
      snp.list$use.GLU   <- 0
      snp.list$use.PLINK <- 1
      snp.list$id.sep    <- " "
    if (use.PLINK && (!plink.len)) {
      snp.list$use.GLU   <- 1
      snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0
      snp.list$id.sep    <- ":"

  # Watch out for a PLINK format but no subject file.
  if ((snp.list$plink.format) & (is.null(snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]))) {
    # Stop with an error
    scan.error("ERROR: set snp.list$subject.list", "setLists")

  # If plink format, check for 2 id variables
  if (snp.list$plink.format) {
    if (length(pheno.list$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: pheno.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")
    if (length(snp.list$subject.list$id.var) != 2) stop("ERROR: subject.list$id.var must be length 2 for PLINK genotype files")

  # Determine if data needs to be transformed
  if (is.null(snp.list[["transform", exact=TRUE]])) {
    if (snp.list$format %in% c("ldat", "impute", "tped")) {
      snp.list$transform <- 0
    } else {
      snp.list$transform <- 1

  pheno.list$id.sep <- snp.list$id.sep

  list(pheno.list=pheno.list, snp.list=snp.list, scan.func.op=scan.func.op)

} # END: setLists

# Function to throw an error
scan.error <- function(err.vec, func.name) {

  n <- length(err.vec)
  if (n) {
    for (i in 1:n) {
      str <- paste(err.vec, "\n", sep="")
  str <- paste("ERROR: in function ", func.name, sep="")

} # END: scan.error

# Function to perform a scan
scan.stream <- function(snp.list, pheno.list, op=NULL) {

  # Local function to close open files
  out.error <- function(str) {

    if (!is.null(out.fid)) close(out.fid)
    if (!is.null(snp.list[["fid", exact=TRUE]])) close(snp.list$fid)

  } # END: out.error

  # Local function to return the out vector when an error occurs
  out.getVec <- function(vec) {
    str <- paste(snp, "\t", majMin, sep="")
    if (geno.MAF) str <- paste(str, "\t", geno.stats$MAF, sep="")
    if (geno.missRate) str <- paste(str, "\t", geno.stats$missRate, sep="")
    if (geno.counts) {
      temp <- paste(geno.stats$counts, collapse="\t", sep="") 
      str  <- paste(str, "\t", temp, sep="") 
    ret <- c(vec, str)

  } # END: out.getVec

  # Local function for setting up output vector
  out.setup <- function(out.vec, ret, FLAG=0) {

    out.len <- 0
    nn      <- NULL
    if (is.null(ret)) ret <- NA

    if (!checkTryError(ret, conv=0)) {
      if ((!is.vector(ret)) && (!is.list(ret))) {
        str <- paste("ERROR: The returned object from ", scan.function,
                     " must be a vector or a list.", sep="")

      nn  <- names(ret)  
      ret <- unlist(ret)
      if (!is.vector(ret)) {
        str <- paste("ERROR: The returned object from ", scan.function,
                     " must be able to be coerced to a vector with the unlist function.", sep="")
      len <- length(ret)
      if (len) {
        # To prevent problem with a list containing objects with names
        if (length(nn) == len) names(ret) <- nn
        nn  <- names(ret)
        if (is.null(nn)) nn <- paste("V", 1:len, sep="")

        # Set out.vec
        if (out.flag1) {
          # Match the names
          temp <- nn %in% out.names
          if (any(temp)) out.vec[nn[temp]] <- ret[temp]
        } else {
          # Set up out.vec
          out.vec <- c(snp, majMin)
          nn0     <- c(snp.name, "MajMinAllele")
          if (geno.MAF) {
            out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$MAF)
            nn0     <- c(nn0, "MAF")
          if (geno.missRate) {
            out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$missRate)
            nn0     <- c(nn0, "MissRate")
          if (geno.counts) {
            out.vec <- c(out.vec, geno.stats$counts)
            if (y.binary) {
              nn0     <- c(nn0, "Case.Counts.012", "Control.Counts.012")
            } else {
              nn0     <- c(nn0, "Counts.012")
          if (FLAG) {
            names(out.vec) <- nn0
          out.vec        <- c(out.vec, ret)
          names(out.vec) <- c(nn0, nn)
          out.len        <- len
      } else {
        if (!out.flag1) out.vec0 <- out.getVec(out.vec0)
    } else {
      if (!out.flag1) out.vec0 <- out.getVec(out.vec0)

    list(out.vec=out.vec, out.vec0=out.vec0, out.len=out.len, out.names=nn) 

  } # END: out.setup

  # Local function for writing output vector
  out.write <- function(out.vec, FLAG=0) {

    if (out.flag1) {
      temp <- paste(out.vec, collapse="\t", sep="")
      write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
    } else if (out.len) {
      # First write out the column names
      temp <- paste(names(out.vec), collapse="\t", sep="")
      write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)

      # Check for previous snps that were not written
      if (!is.null(out.vec0)) {
        if (!FLAG) {
          temp     <- paste(rep("", out.len), collapse="\t", sep="")
          temp     <- rep(temp, length(out.vec0))
          temp     <- paste(out.vec0, "\t", temp, sep="")
        } else {
          temp <- out.vec0
        write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
      if (!FLAG) {
        temp <- paste(out.vec, collapse="\t", sep="")
        write(temp, file=out.fid, ncolumns=1)
        out.flag1 <- 1


  } # END: out.write

  # Local function for computing geno stats 
  out.stats <- function() {

    counts <- NULL
    MAF    <- NULL
    miss   <- NULL
    if (impute.flag) {
      v0 <- data0[[ProbG0.name]]
      v1 <- data0[[ProbG1.name]]
      v2 <- data0[[ProbG2.name]]
    } else {
      v0 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 0)
      v1 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 1)
      v2 <- as.numeric(snp.vec %in% 2)

    if (geno.counts) {
      if (y.binary) {
        n10 <- sum(v0[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
        n11 <- sum(v1[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
        n12 <- sum(v2[y.vec.1], na.rm=TRUE)
        n00 <- sum(v0[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
        n01 <- sum(v1[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
        n02 <- sum(v2[y.vec.0], na.rm=TRUE)
        counts <- c(paste(n10, n11, n12, sep="|"), paste(n00, n01, n02, sep="|"))
      } else {
        n0 <- sum(v0, na.rm=TRUE)
        n1 <- sum(v1, na.rm=TRUE)
        n2 <- sum(v2, na.rm=TRUE)
        counts <- paste(n0, n1, n2, sep="|")

    if (geno.missRate || geno.MAF) {
      N    <- length(snp.vec)
      temp <- !is.na(snp.vec)
      M    <- sum(temp)
      if (geno.MAF) MAF <- (sum(v1[temp]) + 2*sum(v2[temp]))/(2*M)
      if (geno.missRate) miss <- (N - M)/N

    list(counts=counts, MAF=MAF, missRate=miss)

  } # END: out.stats
  # Local function to set output vector
  out.setVec <- function(out.vec) {

    if (stats.flag) {
      out.vec[1:out.index0] <- c(snp, majMin, geno.stats$MAF, geno.stats$missRate, geno.stats$counts)
    } else {
      out.vec[1:out.index0] <- c(snp, majMin)

  } # END: out.setVec

  op <- default.list(op, 
        c("scan.func", "out.file", "snp.name", "print", "geno.counts", 
          "ProbG0.name", "ProbG1.name", "ProbG2.name",
          "geno.MAF", "geno.missRate", "max.allele.len", "DEBUG"), 
        list("ERROR", "ERROR", "SNP", 0, 1, 
             "SNP.ProbG0", "SNP.ProbG1", "SNP.ProbG2", 
             1, 1, 9999, 0), 
        error=c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

  if (DEBUG) cat("check.snp.list\n")
  snp.list   <- check.snp.list(snp.list)

  if (is.null(pheno.list)) pheno.list <- list()
  if (!is.list(pheno.list)) stop("ERROR: pheno.list must be a list")
  pheno.list$checkVars <- 0
  snp.list$DEBUG       <- DEBUG
  pheno.list$DEBUG     <- DEBUG
  pheno.list$snpfile   <- snp.list$file

  if (DEBUG) cat("check.pheno.list\n")
  pheno.list <- check.pheno.list(pheno.list)
  temp.list  <- op[["temp.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp.list)) {
    if (DEBUG) cat("check.temp.list\n")
    temp.list         <- check.temp.list(temp.list)
    snp.list$temp.dir <- temp.list$dir
    snp.list$id.str   <- temp.list$id
    snp.list$delete   <- temp.list$delete
  snp.name                 <- op$snp.name
  out.fid                  <- NULL
  pheno.list$snp.var       <- snp.name
  scan.function            <- op$scan.func
  scan.func.op             <- op[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
  snp.list$order.subs      <- NULL
  pheno.list$subjects.ids  <- NULL
  pheno.list$response.name <- pheno.list$response.var
  print                    <- op$print
  geno.counts              <- op$geno.counts
  geno.MAF                 <- op$geno.MAF
  geno.missRate            <- op$geno.missRate
  ProbG0.name              <- op$ProbG0.name
  ProbG1.name              <- op$ProbG1.name
  ProbG2.name              <- op$ProbG2.name
  impute.flag              <- snp.list$format %in% "impute"
  op$impute.flag           <- impute.flag
  stats.flag               <- geno.counts || geno.MAF || geno.missRate
  max.allele.len           <- op$max.allele.len
  if ((snp.list$format %in% "impute") && (is.null(snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]))) {
    stop("ERROR: snp.list$subject.list must be specified")

  if (DEBUG) cat("setLists\n")
  temp       <- setLists(pheno.list, snp.list, op)
  pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
  snp.list   <- temp$snp.list

  # Load the phenotype data 
  if (DEBUG) cat("getPheno.file\n")

  temp       <- getPheno.file(pheno.list)
  pheno.list <- temp$pheno.list
  data0      <- temp$data

  temp <- colnames(data0)
  if (snp.name %in% temp) {
    out.error("ERROR: set op$snp.name to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
  if (impute.flag) { 
    if (ProbG0.name %in% temp) {
      out.error("ERROR: set op$ProbG0.name to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
    if (ProbG1.name %in% temp) {
      out.error("ERROR: set op$ProbG1.name to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
    if (ProbG2.name %in% temp) {
      out.error("ERROR: set op$ProbG2.name to a variable name not in pheno.list$file")
  if (!is.data.frame(data0)) out.error("ERROR: Data must be a data frame")   
  if (!nrow(data0)) out.error("No rows in data")
  if (nrow(data0) != length(unique(data0[, pheno.list$id.var]))) {
    warning("pheno.list$id.var does not have all unique ids")
  # Get the order of the subjects in the genotype data
  if (DEBUG) cat("getSubIds.genoFile\n")
  snp.list$order.subs <- getSubIds.genoFile(snp.list)

  # Check for intersecting subjects
  if (DEBUG) cat("getPhenoGeno.ids\n")
  data0 <- getPhenoGeno.ids(data0, pheno.list, snp.list$order.subs) 
  pheno.list$subject.ids <- data0[, pheno.list$id.var]
  pheno.list$colnames    <- colnames(data0)

  # Apply the setup function
  op[["pheno.list"]] <- pheno.list
  temp <- op[["scan.setup.func", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    if (DEBUG) cat("scan.setup.func\n")
    temp <- try(do.call(temp, list(data0, op)), silent=TRUE)
    if (checkTryError(temp, conv=0)) {
      out.error("ERROR: calling scan.setup.func")
    if (is.null(temp)) temp <- list()
    if (!is.list(temp)) out.error("ERROR: Returned object scan.setup.func is not a list or NULL")

    tlist <- temp[["pheno.list", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(tlist)) pheno.list <- tlist
    tlist <- temp[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(tlist)) scan.func.op <- tlist
    tlist <- temp[["data", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(tlist)) data0 <- tlist
  if (!length(data0[[1]])) out.error("No rows in data after calling scan.setup.func")
  if (is.data.frame(data0)) {
    pheno.list$colnames    <- colnames(data0)
    pheno.list$subject.ids <- data0[, pheno.list$id.var]

  # Check variables in phenotype data
  if (DEBUG) cat("checkPheno.vars\n")

  # Set up the genotype data
  pheno.list$data        <- data0
  pheno.list$is.the.data <- 1
  if (DEBUG) cat("getPhenoGeno.stream\n")
  temp <- try(getPhenoGeno.stream(snp.list, pheno.list, temp.list=temp.list), silent=TRUE)
  if (checkTryError(temp, conv=0)) {
    out.error("ERROR: calling getPhenoGeno.stream")
  snp.list               <- temp$snp.list
  pheno.list             <- temp$pheno.list
  pheno.list$data        <- NULL
  pheno.list$is.the.data <- 0
  pheno.list$colnames    <- NULL    
  if (!is.null(temp[["pheno.data", exact=TRUE]])) data0 <- temp$pheno.data

  n.snps                 <- snp.list$n.snps
  data0[[snp.name]]      <- NA
  pheno.list$subject.ids <- NULL
  if (impute.flag) {
    data0[[ProbG0.name]] <- NA
    data0[[ProbG1.name]] <- NA
    data0[[ProbG2.name]] <- NA
  # Input list to scan function
  op[["pheno.list"]]   <- pheno.list
  op[["scan.func.op"]] <- scan.func.op

  y.name <- pheno.list[["response.name", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(y.name)) out.error("ERROR: response.name is NULL")

  rm(pheno.list, scan.func.op)

  # For genotype counts
  y.binary <- 0
  if (geno.counts) {
    y.vec <- data0[[y.name]]
    temp  <- is.finite(y.vec)
    if (all(!temp)) out.error("Response has no finite values")
    if (all(y.vec[temp] %in% 0:1)) y.binary <- 1
    if (y.binary) {
      y.vec.0 <- y.vec %in% 0
      y.vec.1 <- y.vec %in% 1
    y.vec <- NULL

  # For output file
  out.flag1  <- 0
  out.vec    <- NA
  out.vec0   <- NULL
  out.len    <- 0
  out.names  <- NULL
  out.index0 <- 2 + geno.MAF + geno.missRate + geno.counts*(1 + y.binary)
  index      <- 1
  snp        <- NULL
  majMin     <- NULL
  remove.indels <- snp.list[["remove.indels", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(remove.indels)) remove.indels <- 0 
  MAF <- snp.list[["MAF", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(MAF)) snp.list$MAF <- 0
  MAF <- snp.list$MAF

  out.fid    <- file(op$out.file, "w")
  while (1) {
    out.vec[] <- NA

    # Return list will have names vec.num, a1, a2, etc
    retlist <- getNextObs.stream(snp.list)
    if (is.null(retlist)) break
    snp     <- retlist$snp
    majMin  <- substr(retlist$majMin, 1, max.allele.len)
    if ((remove.indels) && (nchar(majMin) > 3)) {
      index <- index + 1
    if ((MAF) && (retlist$MAF < MAF)) {
      index <- index + 1
    snp.vec <- retlist$vec.num

    data0[[snp.name]] <- snp.vec
    if (impute.flag) {
      data0[[ProbG0.name]] <- retlist$ProbG0
      data0[[ProbG1.name]] <- retlist$ProbG1
      data0[[ProbG2.name]] <- retlist$ProbG2

    # Get statistics
    if (stats.flag) geno.stats <- out.stats()
    if (out.flag1) out.vec <- out.setVec(out.vec)

    # Call scan function
    ret     <- try(do.call(scan.function, list(data0, op)), silent=TRUE)
    if (DEBUG) print(ret)
    temp    <- out.setup(out.vec, ret)
    out.vec <- temp$out.vec
    if (!out.flag1) {
      out.vec0  <- temp$out.vec0
      out.len   <- temp$out.len
      out.names <- temp$out.names

    # Write output
    out.flag1 <- out.write(out.vec)

    if (index >= n.snps) break
    index <- index + 1
  } # END: while

  # Check for no output
  if ((!is.null(snp)) && (!out.flag1)) {
    temp      <- out.setup(out.vec, 1, FLAG=1)
    out.vec   <- temp$out.vec
    out.len   <- 1
    out.write(out.vec, FLAG=1)

  if (!is.null(out.fid)) close(out.fid)
  if (!is.null(snp.list$fid)) close(snp.list$fid)
  if (snp.list$delete) snp.list <- snp.delete.files(snp.list) 


} # END: scan.stream

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