
Defines functions num_cell_in_cluster_scExp choose_cluster_scExp consensus_clustering_scExp num_cell_after_cor_filt_scExp num_cell_before_cor_filt_scExp run_tsne_scExp warning_filter_correlated_cell_scExp filter_correlated_cell_scExp correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp

Documented in choose_cluster_scExp consensus_clustering_scExp correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp filter_correlated_cell_scExp num_cell_after_cor_filt_scExp num_cell_before_cor_filt_scExp num_cell_in_cluster_scExp run_tsne_scExp warning_filter_correlated_cell_scExp

## Authors : PacĂ´me Prompsy, Celine Vallot
## Title : Wrappers & functions to filter and cluster
## single cell data based on correlation between cells Description : Wrappers &
## functions to filter and cluser single cell data based on correlation between
## cells

#' Correlation and hierarchical clustering
#' Calculates cell to cell correlation matrix based on the PCA feature space and
#' runs hierarchical clustering taking 1 - correlation scores as distance.
#' This functions takes as input a SingleCellExperiment object that must have
#' PCA calculated and outputs a SingleCellExperiment object with correlation
#' matrix and hierarchical clustering.
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object, containing 'PCA' in reducedDims.
#' @param correlation A correlation method to use. See \link[stats]{hclust}.
#'   ('pearson')
#' @param hc_linkage A linkage method for hierarchical clustering. See
#'   \link[stats]{cor}. ('ward.D')
#' @return Return a SingleCellExperiment object with correlation matrix &
#'   hiearchical clustering.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom stats cor hclust as.dist
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' scExp_cf = correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp(scExp)
correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp <- function(
    scExp,correlation = "pearson", hc_linkage = "ward.D"){
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"), is.character(correlation),
    if (is.null(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")))
            "ChromSCape::correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp -
                Run PCA on the object before correlation")
    pca = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")
    pca_t <- Matrix::t(pca)
    cor_mat = stats::cor(pca_t, method = correlation)
    hc_cor = stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(1 - cor_mat), method = hc_linkage)
    hc_cor$labels = rep("", length(hc_cor$labels))
    scExp@metadata$hc_cor = hc_cor
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "Cor") = as.matrix(cor_mat)

#' Filter lowly correlated cells
#' Remove cells that have a correlation score lower than what would be expected
#' by chance with other cells.
#' This functions takes as input a SingleCellExperiment object that must have
#' correlation matrix calculated and outputs a SingleCellExperiment object
#' without lowly correlated cells. TSNE is recalculated.
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object containing 'Cor', a correlation
#'   matrix, in reducedDims.
#' @param random_iter Number of random matrices to create to calculate random
#'   correlation scores. (50)
#' @param corr_threshold Quantile of random correlation score above which a cell
#'   is considered to be 'correlated' with another cell. (99)
#' @param percent_correlation Percentage of the cells that any cell must be
#'   'correlated' to in order to not be filtered. (1)
#' @param run_tsne Re-run tsne ? (FALSE)
#' @param verbose (TRUE)
#' @return Returns a SingleCellExperiment object without lowly correlated cells.
#'   The calculated correlation score limit threshold is saved in metadata.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom stats cor hclust as.dist
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' dim(scExp)
#' scExp_cf = filter_correlated_cell_scExp(scExp,
#' corr_threshold = 99, percent_correlation = 1)
#' dim(scExp_cf)
filter_correlated_cell_scExp <- function(scExp, random_iter = 50,
    corr_threshold = 99, percent_correlation = 1, run_tsne =FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE){
        scExp, random_iter,corr_threshold, percent_correlation, run_tsne,

    pca_t = Matrix::t(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA"))
    correlation_values <- vector(length = random_iter)
    corChIP <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "Cor")
    limitC <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(random_iter)) {
        random_mat <- matrix(sample(pca_t), nrow = dim(pca_t)[1])
        threshold <-
            quantile(stats::cor(random_mat), probs = seq(0, 1, 0.01))
        limitC <- threshold[corr_threshold + 1]
        correlation_values[i] = limitC}
    limitC_mean = mean(correlation_values, na.rm = TRUE)
    selection_cor_filtered <- (apply(corChIP, 1, function(x)
            length(which(x > limitC_mean)))) >
        (percent_correlation * 0.01) * dim(corChIP)[1]
    scExp <- scExp[, selection_cor_filtered]
    tab = as.data.frame(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(
        scExp,"Cor"))[, selection_cor_filtered]
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "Cor") = tab
        scExp <- run_tsne_scExp(scExp, verbose)
    config = umap::umap.defaults
    config$metric = "cosine"
    umap = umap::umap(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA"),
        config = config, method = "naive")
    umap = as.data.frame(umap$layout)
    colnames(umap) = c("Component_1", "Component_2")
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "UMAP") = umap
    hc_cor_cor_filtered <- stats::hclust(
        stats::as.dist(1 - SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(
            scExp,"Cor")),method = "ward.D")
    hc_cor_cor_filtered$labels = rep("", length(hc_cor_cor_filtered$labels))
    scExp@metadata$hc_cor = hc_cor_cor_filtered
    scExp@metadata$limitC = limitC_mean #specific to filtered scExp

#' warning_filter_correlated_cell_scExp
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object containing 'Cor', a correlation
#'   matrix, in reducedDims.
#' @param random_iter Number of random matrices to create to calculate random
#'   correlation scores. (50)
#' @param corr_threshold Quantile of random correlation score above which a cell
#'   is considered to be 'correlated' with another cell. (99)
#' @param percent_correlation Percentage of the cells that any cell must be
#'   'correlated' to in order to not be filtered. (1)
#' @param run_tsne Re-run tsne ? (FALSE)
#' @param verbose (TRUE)
#' @return Warnings or Errors if the input are not correct
warning_filter_correlated_cell_scExp <- function(
    scExp, random_iter,corr_threshold, percent_correlation, run_tsne,
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"), is.numeric(random_iter),
            is.numeric(corr_threshold), is.numeric(percent_correlation))
    if (is.null(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "Cor")))
        stop("ChromSCape::correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp - 
                No correlation, run correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp")
    if (is.null(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")))
        stop("ChromSCape::correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp - No PCA, 
                run reduced_dim before filtering.")

#' Run tsne on single cell experiment
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @param verbose Print ?
#' @return A colored kable with the number of cells per sample for display
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim
run_tsne_scExp <- function(scExp, verbose = FALSE){
    perp = choose_perplexity(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp,"PCA"))

    tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA"),
                        dims = 2, max_iter = 1000, pca = FALSE, theta = 0,
                        verbose = verbose, perplexity = perp)
    tsne = as.data.frame(tsne$Y)
    colnames(tsne) = c("Component_1", "Component_2")
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "TSNE") = tsne

#' Table of number of cells before correlation filtering
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @return A colored kable with the number of cells per sample for display
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows tibble left_join mutate
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable kable_styling group_rows
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' \dontrun{num_cell_before_cor_filt_scExp(scExp)}
num_cell_before_cor_filt_scExp <- function(scExp)
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"))
    table <-
    colnames(table) = c("Sample", "#Cells")
    rownames(table) = NULL
    # Retrieve sample colors from user specified colors & add to table
    colors = unique(
                scExp))[, c("sample_id","sample_id_color")])
    colors = as.vector(as.character(dplyr::left_join(
        table, colors, by = c("Sample" = "sample_id")
    colors = c(col2hex(colors), "")
    table[, 1] = as.character(table[, 1])
    table = dplyr::bind_rows(table, dplyr::tibble("Sample" = "",
                                            "#Cells" = sum(table[,-1])))
    table %>% dplyr::mutate(
    "Sample" = cell_spec("Sample", color = "white", bold = TRUE,
                        background = colors)) %>%
        kableExtra::kable(escape = FALSE, align = "c") %>%
            c("striped", "condensed"), full_width = TRUE) %>% 
        kableExtra::group_rows("Total cell count", dim(table)[1], dim(table)[1])

#' Number of cells before & after correlation filtering
#' @param scExp SingleCellExperiment object before correlation filtering.
#' @param scExp_cf SingleCellExperiment object atfer correlation filtering.
#' @return A colored kable with the number of cells per sample before and after
#' filtering for display
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable kable_styling group_rows cell_spec
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows tibble left_join mutate
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' scExp_cf = correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp(scExp)
#' scExp_cf = filter_correlated_cell_scExp(scExp_cf,
#' corr_threshold = 99, percent_correlation = 1)
#' \dontrun{num_cell_after_cor_filt_scExp(scExp,scExp_cf)}
num_cell_after_cor_filt_scExp <- function(scExp, scExp_cf)
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"),
            is(scExp_cf, "SingleCellExperiment"))
    table <-
    table_filtered <-
    colnames(table) = c("Sample", "#Cells Before Filtering")
    rownames(table) = NULL
    colnames(table_filtered) = c("Sample", "#Cells After Filtering")
    rownames(table_filtered) = NULL
    colors = unique(as.data.frame(
        SummarizedExperiment::colData(scExp))[, c("sample_id",
    colors = as.vector(as.character(dplyr::left_join(
        table, colors, by = c("Sample" = "sample_id"))[,
    colors = c(col2hex(colors), "")
    table_both = dplyr::left_join(table, table_filtered, by = c("Sample"))
    table_both[, 1] = as.character(table_both[, 1])
    table_both = dplyr::bind_rows(table_both,tibble("Sample" = "",
        "#Cells Before Filtering" = sum(table_both[,2]),
            "#Cells After Filtering" = sum(table_both[, 3])))
    table_both %>% dplyr::mutate("Sample" = kableExtra::cell_spec(
        color = "white",
        bold = TRUE,
        background = colors
    )) %>% kableExtra::kable(escape = FALSE, align = "c") %>%
            c("striped", "condensed"), full_width = TRUE) %>%
        kableExtra::group_rows("Total cell count", dim(table_both)[1],

#' Wrapper to apply ConsensusClusterPlus to scExp object
#' Runs consensus hierarchical clustering on PCA feature space of scExp object.
#' Plot consensus scores for each number of clusters. See
#' \link[ConsensusClusterPlus]{ConsensusClusterPlus} - Wilkerson, M.D., Hayes,
#' D.N. (2010). ConsensusClusterPlus: a class discovery tool with confidence
#' assessments and item tracking. Bioinformatics, 2010 Jun 15;26(12):1572-3.
#' This functions takes as input a SingleCellExperiment object that must have
#' 'PCA' in reducedDims and outputs a SingleCellExperiment object containing
#' consclust list calculated cluster consensus and item consensus scores in
#' metadata.
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object containing 'PCA' in reducedDims.
#' @param prefix character value for output directory. Directory is created only
#'   if plot_consclust is not NULL. This title can be an abosulte or relative
#'   path.
#' @param maxK integer value. maximum cluster number to evaluate. (10)
#' @param reps integer value. number of subsamples. (100)
#' @param pItem numerical value. proportion of items to sample. (0.8)
#' @param pFeature numerical value. proportion of features to sample. (1)
#' @param distance character value. 'pearson': (1 - Pearson correlation),
#'   'spearman' (1 - Spearman correlation), 'euclidean', 'binary', 'maximum',
#'   'canberra', 'minkowski' or custom distance function. ('pearson')
#' @param clusterAlg character value. cluster algorithm. 'hc' heirarchical
#'   (hclust), 'pam' for paritioning around medoids, 'km' for k-means upon data
#'   matrix, 'kmdist' ('hc') for k-means upon distance matrices (former km
#'   option), or a function that returns a clustering. ('hc')
#' @param innerLinkage hierarchical linkage method for subsampling. ('ward.D')
#' @param finalLinkage hierarchical linkage method for consensus matrix.
#'   ('ward.D')
#' @param plot_consclust character value. NULL - print to screen, 'pdf', 'png',
#'   'pngBMP' for bitmap png, helpful for large datasets. ('pdf')
#' @param plot_icl same as above for item consensus plot. ('png')
#' @return Returns a SingleCellExperiment object containing consclust list,
#'   calculated cluster consensus and item consensus scores in metadata.
#' @export
#' @references ConsensusClusterPlus package by Wilkerson, M.D., Hayes, D.N.
#'   (2010). ConsensusClusterPlus: a class discovery tool with confidence
#'   assessments and item tracking. Bioinformatics, 2010 Jun 15;26(12):1572-3.
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom ConsensusClusterPlus ConsensusClusterPlus calcICL
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' scExp_cf = correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp(scExp)
#' scExp_cf = consensus_clustering_scExp(scExp)
consensus_clustering_scExp <- function(scExp, prefix = NULL, maxK = 10,
    reps = 100, pItem = 0.8, pFeature = 1, distance = "pearson",
    clusterAlg = "hc", innerLinkage = "ward.D", finalLinkage = "ward.D",
    plot_consclust = "pdf", plot_icl = "png")
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"))
    if (is.null(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")))
        stop(paste0("ChromSCape::consensus_clustering_scExp - No PCA,",
            "run reduced_dim before filtering."))
    if (is.null(prefix))
        plot_consclust = NULL
        plot_icl = NULL
        prefix = ""
    pca_t = Matrix::t(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA"))
    consclust <- ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus(
        pca_t, maxK = maxK,  reps = reps, pItem = pItem,  
        pFeature = pFeature,  title = prefix, clusterAlg = clusterAlg,
        distance = distance, innerLinkage = innerLinkage,
        finalLinkage = finalLinkage, plot = plot_consclust)
    icl <- ConsensusClusterPlus::calcICL(
        consclust, plot = plot_icl, title = prefix)
    for (i in 2:maxK) {
        consclust[[i]]$consensusMatrix = NULL
        consclust[[i]]$consensusTree = NULL
        consclust[[i]]$ml = NULL
        consclust[[i]]$clrs = NULL
    scExp@metadata$consclust = consclust
    scExp@metadata$icl = icl

#' Choose a number of clusters
#' This functions takes as input a SingleCellExperiment object with consclust
#' and a number of cluster to select. It outputs a SingleCellExperiment object
#' with each cell assigned to a correlation cluster in colData. Also calculates
#' a hierarchical clustering of the consensus associations calculated by
#' ConsensusClusterPlus.
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object containing consclust in metadata.
#' @param hc_linkage A linkage method for hierarchical clustering. See
#'   \link[stats]{cor}. ('ward.D')
#' @param nclust Number of cluster to pick (3)
#' @param consensus Use consensus clustering results instead of simple
#'   hierarchical clustering ? (TRUE)
#' @return Returns a SingleCellExperiment object with each cell assigned to a
#'   correlation cluster in colData.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim colData
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom stats hclust as.dist
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' scExp_cf = correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp(scExp)
#' scExp_cf = choose_cluster_scExp(scExp_cf,nclust=3,consensus=FALSE)
#' table(scExp_cf$cell_cluster)
#' scExp_cf = consensus_clustering_scExp(scExp)
#' scExp_cf_consensus = choose_cluster_scExp(scExp_cf,nclust=3,consensus=TRUE)
#' table(scExp_cf_consensus$cell_cluster)
choose_cluster_scExp <- function(scExp, nclust = 3, consensus = TRUE, 
                                hc_linkage = "ward.D")
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"), is.numeric(nclust),
            is.logical(consensus), is.character(hc_linkage))
    if (is.null(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")))
        stop(paste0("ChromSCape::choose_cluster_scExp - No PCA, run",
                    " reduced_dim before filtering."))
    if (consensus & !"consclust" %in% names(scExp@metadata))
        stop(paste0("ChromSCape::choose_cluster_scExp - No consclust, run ",
                    "consensus_clustering_scExp before choosing cluster."))
    if (consensus & !"icl" %in% names(scExp@metadata))
        stop(paste0("ChromSCape::choose_cluster_scExp - No icl, run",
                    " consensus_clustering_scExp before choosing cluster."))
    pca_t = as.data.frame(
        Matrix::t(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(scExp, "PCA")))
    pca_t_ordered = pca_t[, scExp@metadata$hc_cor$order]
    if (consensus) {
        sel <- as.character(scExp$cell_id)
        cell_clusters <- 
    } else {
        cell_clusters = stats::cutree(scExp@metadata$hc_cor, k = nclust)
        names(cell_clusters) = SummarizedExperiment::colData(scExp)$cell_id
    SummarizedExperiment::colData(scExp)[, "cell_cluster"] =
        paste("C", cell_clusters, sep = "")
    cell_clusters_list <-
        lapply(unique(cell_clusters), function(z)
            names(which(cell_clusters ==z)))
    scExp = colors_scExp(scExp = scExp, annotCol = "cell_cluster",
                        color_by = "cell_cluster", color_df = NULL)

#' Number of cells in each cluster
#' @param scExp A SingleCellExperiment object containing chromatin groups.
#' @return A formatted kable of cell assignation to each cluster.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment colData
#' @importFrom Matrix t rowSums
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable kable_styling group_rows cell_spec
#' @examples
#' data("scExp")
#' scExp_cf = correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExp(scExp)
#' scExp_cf = choose_cluster_scExp(scExp_cf,nclust=3,consensus=FALSE)
#' \dontrun{num_cell_in_cluster_scExp(scExp_cf)}
num_cell_in_cluster_scExp <- function(scExp){
    stopifnot(is(scExp, "SingleCellExperiment"))
    table_raw <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(as.data.frame(
        SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp))[, c("cell_cluster", "sample_id")
    ord =  as.character(unique(SingleCellExperiment::colData(
        scExp)[, "sample_id"]))
    table_raw = table_raw[, match(ord, colnames(table_raw)), drop = FALSE]
    chi <- suppressWarnings(
        stats::chisq.test(x = as.matrix(table_raw), correct = FALSE))
    chi_pvalues = c()
    for (i in seq_len((dim(as.matrix(table_raw))[1]))){
        contingency_tab = rbind(table_raw[i,], colSums(table_raw))
        chi <- suppressWarnings(stats::chisq.test(
            x = contingency_tab, correct = FALSE))
        chi_pvalues[i] = chi$p.value
    tab <- table_raw
    if (length(unique(SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp)$sample_id)) == 1)
        chi_pvalues = rep(1, dim(as.matrix(table_raw))[1])
    chi_pvalues = round(chi_pvalues, 5)
    chi_pvalues[which(chi_pvalues == 0)] <- "<0.00001"
    chi_pvalues = c(chi_pvalues, "")
    colors_chromatin_group = col2hex(
        unique(SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp)[, "cell_cluster_color"]))
    colors_sample_id = col2hex(
        unique(SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp)[, "sample_id_color"]))
    tab <- rbind(tab, colSums(table_raw))
    tab <- cbind(tab, `#Cells` = c(Matrix::rowSums(table_raw),
    tab <- cbind(tab, `p-value` = chi_pvalues)
    tab <- as.data.frame(
        cbind(Cluster = c(rownames(tab)[seq_along(rownames(tab))-1], ""), tab))
    tab$Cluster = as.character(tab$Cluster)
    rownames(tab) <- NULL
    tab = rbind(rep("", nrow(tab)), tab[(seq_len(nrow(tab))),])
    samples = kableExtra::cell_spec(
        colnames(tab)[2:(length(colors_sample_id) + 1)], color = "white",
        bold = TRUE, background = colors_sample_id)
    tab[1, 2:(length(colors_sample_id) + 1)] = samples
    colnames(tab)[2:(length(colors_sample_id) + 1)] = rep(
        "", length(colors_sample_id))
        length(colors_chromatin_group) + 1), "Cluster"] = kableExtra::cell_spec(
            tab[2:(length(colors_chromatin_group) +1), "Cluster"],
            color = "white", bold = TRUE, background = colors_chromatin_group)
    tab %>% kableExtra::kable(escape = FALSE, align = "c") %>%
                                full_width = FALSE) %>%
        kableExtra::group_rows("Total", dim(tab)[1],dim(tab)[1])}

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ChromSCape documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:57 p.m.