Defines functions deds.pval deds.stat deds.stat.linkC type2test aggregateFun deds.next.sample deds.calcFDR deds.calcAdjP euclidean comp.stat comp.unadjp comp.adjp comp.fdr deds.genExtra deds.checkX deds.checkothers deds.checkclasslabel deds.checkB deds.chooseTest topgenes comp.t comp.FC comp.SAM sam.oneclass.func sam.twoclass.func sam.multiclass.func sam.s0 sam.fdr comp.F comp.modt comp.B comp.ebayes comp.modF test.checkX pairs.DEDS qqnorm.DEDS hist.DEDS

Documented in aggregateFun comp.adjp comp.B comp.ebayes comp.F comp.FC comp.fdr comp.modF comp.modt comp.SAM comp.stat comp.t comp.unadjp deds.calcAdjP deds.calcFDR deds.checkB deds.checkclasslabel deds.checkothers deds.checkX deds.chooseTest deds.genExtra deds.next.sample deds.pval deds.stat deds.stat.linkC euclidean hist.DEDS pairs.DEDS qqnorm.DEDS sam.fdr sam.multiclass.func sam.oneclass.func sam.s0 sam.twoclass.func test.checkX topgenes type2test

## using p values from different meausres
## X -- matrix of p values from different measures

deds.pval <- function(X, E=rep(0,ncol(X)), adj=c("fdr", "adjp"),
                          B=200, nsig=nrow(X)) {
  ## draws unifom distribution along the columns of X
  genUniform <- function(X) { 
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    X2 <- apply(X, 2, function(z){
                runif(length(z), min=range(z)[1], max=range(z)[2])})

  s <- svd(scale(X,scale=FALSE), nu=0)
  X.prime <- X %*% s$v
  bD <- euclidean(X, E)
  geneOrder <- order(bD)
  cat("Simulating null distribution ", B, " times, please wait...") 
  for (i in 1:B) {
    cat(i, "\t")
    if ((i%%5) == 0) cat("\n")
    Z.prime <- genUniform(X.prime)
    Z.prime <- Z.prime %*% t(s$v)
    bD <- cbind(bD, euclidean(Z.prime, E))

  adj <- match.arg(adj)
  p <- switch(adj,
         fdr=deds.calcFDR(bD=bD[,-1], D=bD[,1], R=geneOrder-1, nsig),
         adjp=deds.calcAdjP(bD=bD[,-1], D=bD[,1], R=geneOrder-1, nsig))
  stats <- cbind(geneOrder=geneOrder, X[geneOrder,])
  res <- list(E=E, geneOrder=geneOrder, stats=stats, p=p, options=c("p","abs", "euclidean", adj))
  class(res) <- "DEDS"

deds.stat <- function(X, L, B=1000, testfun=list(t=comp.t(L), fc=comp.FC(L), sam=comp.SAM(L)),
                                tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher"),
                                distance=c("weuclid", "euclid"), adj=c("fdr", "adjp"),
                                nsig=nrow(X)) {
  ### sanity check
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  distance <- match.arg(distance)
  adj <- match.arg(adj)
  newX <- deds.checkX(X, L, names(testfun), nsig, B)
  deds.checkothers(tail, distance, adj)
  options <- type2test(tail, distance, adj, L)

  ### initialization
  X <- newX$X
  L <- newX$L
  nsig <- newX$nsig
  nT <- newX$nT
  B <- newX$B
  bD <- c()
  applyTest <- aggregateFun(testfun)
  ### print messages
  #cat("permutation of the dataset will be carried out... \n")

  ############### original data
  t.o <- applyTest(X)
  colnames(t.o) <- names(testfun)
  tO <- t.o
  if (tail=="abs") tO <- abs(t.o)
  E <- apply(tO,2, func.max)
  cat("E of the original data is: ", E, "\n")
  if (adj.dist) {
    wval <- apply(tO, 2, mad, na.rm=TRUE)
    wval <- 1/(wval^2)
  else wval <- rep(1, nT)

  ################  start permutation 
  BT <- list(tO)
  for (i in 1:B) {
    bX <- func.next.sample(X)
    tB <- applyTest(bX)
    if (tail=="abs") tB <- abs(tB)
    BT <- c(BT, list(tB))
    if (i%%5==0) cat("\n")

  ################## find E
  E <- apply(t(sapply(BT, function(z) apply(z, 2, func.max, na.rm=TRUE))), 2, func.max, na.rm=TRUE)
  cat("\nafter permutation, E is set at: (", E, ")\n")
  cat("distance to this extreme point will be measured ...\n")
  ################## compute distance to E
  geneOrder <- order(euclidean(tO, E, wval))
  for (i in 1:(B+1)) 
    bD <- cbind(bD, euclidean(BT[[i]], E, wval))
  p <- func.compute.p(bD=bD[,-1], D=bD[,1], geneOrder-1, K=nsig)

  stats <- cbind(geneOrder=geneOrder, t.o[geneOrder,])
  res <- list(geneOrder=geneOrder, E=E, stats=stats, p=p, options=c("t", options))
  class(res) <- "DEDS"

deds.stat.linkC <- function(X, L, B=1000, tests=c("t", "fc", "sam"),
                                tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher"),
                                distance=c("weuclid", "euclid"), adj=c("fdr", "adjp"),
                                nsig=nrow(X), quick=TRUE) {
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  distance <- match.arg(distance)
  adj <- match.arg(adj)
  newX <- deds.checkX(X, L, tests, nsig, B)
  deds.checkothers(tail, distance, adj)
  options <- c(tests, tail, distance, adj)
  if(quick) q<-1
  else q<-0
  if(is.null(extras)) extras <- deds.genExtra(newX$L, tests)
  res <- .C("get_deds_FDR",as.double(newX$X),as.integer(newX$nr),as.integer(newX$nc),as.integer(newX$L),as.character(options),as.single(extras), as.integer(q), as.integer(newX$nL), as.integer(newX$nT), as.integer(newX$B), as.integer(newX$nsig), E=double(newX$nT), R=integer(newX$nr), p=double(newX$nr),t=double(newX$nr*newX$nT), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")
  t.o <- matrix(res$t, byrow=FALSE, nc=newX$nT)
  colnames(t.o) <- tests

  geneOrder <- res$R+1
  p <- res$p
  stats <- cbind(geneOrder=geneOrder, t.o[geneOrder,])
  res <- list(E=res$E, geneOrder=geneOrder, stats=stats, p=p, options=c("t", options))
  class(res) <- "DEDS"

type2test <- function(tail=c("abs", "higher", "lower"),
                      distance=c("weuclid", "euclid"),
                      adj=c("fdr", "adjp"), L) {
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  distance <- match.arg(distance)
  adj <- match.arg(adj)
  if(tail=="abs") func.max<-max
  if(tail=="higher") func.max<-max
  if(tail=="lower") func.max<-min

  if(distance=="weuclid") adj.dist<-TRUE
  if(distance=="euclid") adj.dist<-FALSE

  if(adj=="fdr") func.compute.p <- deds.calcFDR
  if(adj=="adjp") func.compute.p <- deds.calcAdjP

  L <- deds.checkclasslabel(L)
  return(list(func.max=func.max, adj.dist=adj.dist, func.compute.p=func.compute.p, func.next.sample=func.next.sample))

aggregateFun <- function(...){
  funlist <- list(...)  #let the user supply a list
  if(length(funlist) == 1 && is.list(funlist[[1]]))  funlist <- funlist[[1]]
  if (length(funlist) == 0) stop("no tests available in input...")
  if (length(funlist) == 1) cat("warning: only one test selected, deds is better suited summarizing multiple tests, calculation will continue anyway...")
  function(X) {
    fval <- c()
    for (fun in funlist)   fval <- cbind(fval,fun(X))

### returns a column-permuted data matrix according to the class label
deds.next.sample <- function(L)  {
  nL <- length(unique(L))
  if (nL == 1) {
    function(X) {
      bL <- sample(c(-1,1), ncol(X), replace=TRUE)
      bX <- sweep(X, 2, bL, "*")
  else {
    function(X) {
      bL <- sample(L)
      bX <- X[, order(bL)]
# calculates FDR for class 'DEDS'
deds.calcFDR <- function(bD, D, R, K=length(D)) {
  nc <- ncol(bD)
  nr <- nrow(bD)
  p <- .C("calc_FDR", as.single(bD), as.single(D), as.integer(R), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(K), p=single(nr), PACKAGE="DEDS")$p

# calculates adjusted p for class 'DEDS'
deds.calcAdjP <- function(bD, D, R, K=length(D)) {
  nc <- ncol(bD)
  nr <- nrow(bD)
  p <- .C("calc_adjP", as.single(bD), as.single(D), as.integer(R), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(K), p=single(nr), PACKAGE="DEDS")$p

euclidean <- function(X, center, wval) {
  X <- if (is.vector(X))  matrix(X, ncol = length(X))
       else as.matrix(X)
  if (missing(wval)) wval <- rep(1, ncol(X))
  if (missing(center)) center <- colMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE)
  XC <- scale(X,center, scale=FALSE)
  res <- sweep(XC^2, 2, wval, "*")%*%rep(1,ncol(XC))

comp.stat <- function(X, L, test=c("t","fc","sam","f","modt","modf","B"), extra=NULL){
  test <- match.arg(test)
  newX <- test.checkX(X, L, test)
  options <- test
  if(is.null(extra)) extra <- deds.genExtra(newX$L, test)
  res <- .C('get_stat',as.double(newX$X),as.integer(newX$nr),as.integer(newX$nc),
            as.integer(newX$L),t=single(newX$nr), as.character(options),
            as.single(extra), as.integer(newX$nL), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")$t

comp.unadjp <- function(X, L, B=1000, test=c("t","fc","sam","f"),tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher"), extra=NULL){
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  newX <- deds.checkX(X, L, test, nsig=nrow(X), B)
  deds.checkothers(tail, distance="euclid", adj="fdr")
  options <- c(test, tail, "euclid", "fdr")
  if(is.null(extra)) extra <- deds.genExtra(newX$L, test)
  res <- .C('get_unadjp',as.double(newX$X),as.integer(newX$nr),as.integer(newX$nc),
           as.integer(newX$L),t=single(newX$nr), p=single(newX$nr),
            as.character(options), as.double(extra), as.integer(newX$nL), as.integer(newX$B), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")
  ret <- as.matrix(cbind(res$t,res$p))
  colnames(ret) <- c(test, "unadj.p")

comp.adjp <- function(X, L, B=1000, test=c("t","fc","sam","f","modt","modf"),tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher"), extra=NULL){
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  newX <- deds.checkX(X, L, test, nsig=nrow(X), B)
  deds.checkothers(tail, distance="euclid", adj="fdr")
  options <- c(test, tail, "euclid", "fdr")
  if(is.null(extra)) extra <- deds.genExtra(newX$L, test)
  res <- .C('get_adjp',as.double(newX$X),as.integer(newX$nr),as.integer(newX$nc),
           as.integer(newX$L),t=single(newX$nr), p=single(newX$nr), adjp=single(newX$nr),
            r=integer(newX$nr), as.character(options), as.double(extra),
            as.integer(newX$nL), as.integer(newX$B), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")
  ret <- as.matrix(cbind(res$r+1,res$t,res$p,res$adjp))
  colnames(ret) <- c("order",test, "unadj.p", "adj.p")

comp.fdr <- function(X, L, B=1000, test=c("t","fc","sam","f","modt","modf"),tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher"), extra=NULL){
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  newX <- deds.checkX(X, L, test, nsig=nrow(X), B)
  deds.checkothers(tail, distance="euclid", adj="fdr")
  options <- c(test, tail, "euclid", "fdr")
  if(is.null(extra)) extra <- deds.genExtra(newX$L, test)
  res <- .C('get_fdr',as.double(newX$X),as.integer(newX$nr),as.integer(newX$nc),
           as.integer(newX$L),t=single(newX$nr), p=single(newX$nr), q=single(newX$nr),
            r=integer(newX$nr), as.character(options), as.double(extra), as.integer(newX$nL),
            as.integer(newX$B), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")
  ret <- as.matrix(cbind(res$r+1,res$t,res$p,res$q))
  colnames(ret) <- c("order", test, "unadj.p", "qvalues")

deds.genExtra <- function(classlabel, tests) {
  ntests <- if(!missing(tests)) length(tests)
            else 0
  if(ntests==0) stop("please provide tests names in c('t','f','sam','fc','modt','modf','B')");
  nL <- length(unique(classlabel))
  extra <- c()
  for (i in 1:ntests) {
    test <- tests[i]
        mssg <- paste("your setting of test is",test,
                      "\nthe test needs to be a single character from c('t','f','sam','fc','modt','modf','B')")
        extra <- c(extra, nL)
    else if(test=="sam")
        extra <- c(extra, 0.5)
    else if(test=="B")
        extra <- c(extra, 0.01)
deds.checkX<-function(X, classlabel, tests, nsig=nrow(X), B){
  if((!is.matrix(X)) || !(is.numeric(X)))
     stop("X needs to be a matrix\n")
    stop("the number of column of X needs to be the same as the length of classlabel\n")
  X <- X[, order(classlabel)]
  L <- deds.checkclasslabel(classlabel,tests)
  B <- deds.checkB(L, B)
  if((length(nsig)>1) || !(is.integer(as.integer(nsig))) ||(!is.vector(nsig)))
     stop(paste("nsig needs to be just a integer\n","your nsig=",nsig,"\n"))
     stop(paste("the number of output genes (nsig) needs to be positive, \n", "your nsig=",nsig))
  if(nsig>nrow(X)) {
    cat("the number of output genes (nsig) can not succeed the number of rows of X,\n", "your nsig =",nsig, "\n")
    cat("reset nsig to be the number of rows of X, now nsig =", nrow(X), "\n")
    nsig <- nrow(X)
  return(list(X=X, nr=nrow(X), nc=ncol(X), L=L, nL=length(unique(L)), nT=length(tests), nsig=nsig, B=B))

deds.checkothers<-function(tail="abs", distance="weuclid", adj="fdr")
     ||(!any(tail==c("abs", "higher", "lower"))))
    stop(paste("the tail needs to be from c('abs', 'higher','lower')\n","your tail=",tail,"\n"))
     ||(!any(distance==c("weuclid", "euclid"))))
    stop(paste("the distance argument needs to be from c('weuclid', 'euclid')\n","your distance=",distance,"\n"))
     ||(!any(adj==c("fdr", "adjp"))))
    stop(paste("the adj argument needs to be from c('fdr', 'adjp')\n","your adj=",adj,"\n"))
deds.checkclasslabel <- function(classlabel, tests) {
  ntests <- if(!missing(tests)) length(tests)
            else 0
  newL <- as.integer(classlabel) 
  l <- length(unique(newL))
  if((!is.integer(newL)) ||(!is.vector(newL)))
     stop("classlabel needs to be just a vector of integers")
  l <- length(unique(newL))
  if(l == 1) newL <- rep(0, length(newL))
  else  newL <- rep(0:(l-1), table(newL))

  if (ntests>=1) {
    for (i in 1:ntests) {
      test <- tests[i]
        mssg <- paste("your setting of test is",test,
                      "\nthe test needs to be a character string from c('t','f','sam','fc','modt','modf','B','ebayes')")
        if(K>2) {
           mssg <- paste("t test can not handel more than two groups\n",
                   "Your setting of classlabel is:\n",paste(newL, collapse=" "),"\n")
          mssg <- paste("in F test, we need at least two groups\n",
                   "Your setting of classlabel is:\n",paste(newL, collapse=" "),"\n")
        for(i in c(0:K))
          if(sum(newL==i)<2) {
            mssg <- paste("in F test, as the number of the groups is",K+1, "However, we found the number of objects in set with index",i, "has less than two objects\n", "the settings are:\n",paste(newL, collapse=" "),"\n")

#this functions finds the maximum number of permutation
#if the the initial B=0, or initial B greater than the maximum number of
#permutation maxB, it will return all possible of number of permutation.
deds.checkB<-function(classlabel, B, verbose=TRUE)
  if((length(B)>1) || !(is.integer(as.integer(B))) ||(!is.vector(B)))
     stop(paste("B needs to be just a integer\n","your B=",B,"\n"))
     stop(paste("the number of Permutations (B) needs to be positive\n, your B = ",B))
  k <- max(classlabel)+1
  nk <- table(classlabel)
  if (k > 1) {
    maxB <- 1
    rest <- n
    for (i in c(1:k)) {
      maxB <- maxB * choose(rest, nk[i])
      rest <- rest - nk[i]
  else maxB=2^n
  if((B>maxB) ||(B==0) && verbose ){
    cat("We'll do complete permutations, B = ", maxB, "\n")
  else {
    cat("We'll do random permutations, B = ", B, "\n")

deds.chooseTest <- function(L=NULL, tests=c("t","sam","fc"))  {
  if (is.null(L)) stop("need input of class label of data...")
  L <- deds.checkclasslabel(L, tests)
  nT <- length(tests)
  testfuncs <- c()
  for (i in 1:nT) {
    test <- tests[i]
    testfuncs <- c(testfuncs, list(func))
  names(testfuncs) <- tests

topgenes <- function(obj,number=10,genelist=NULL, sort.by=c("deds", colnames(obj$stats[,-1])),
                     tail=c("abs", "lower", "higher")) {
#	Summary table of top genes
  if(data.class(obj)!="DEDS") stop("the argument obj must be of class DEDS ...")
  stats <- obj$stats[,-1]
  is.p <- obj$options[1]=="p"
  sort.by <- match.arg(sort.by, c("deds", colnames(stats)))
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  if(sort.by=="deds") ord <- 1:number
  else if (!is.p) { #order by stats
    ord <- switch(tail,
                  abs=order(abs(stats[, sort.by]), decreasing=TRUE)[1:number],
                  lower=order(stats[, sort.by], decreasing=FALSE)[1:number],
                  higher=order(stats[, sort.by], decreasing=TRUE)[1:number])
  else {# order by p
    ord <- order(stats[, sort.by], decreasing=FALSE)[1:number]

    statM <- cbind(geneOrder=obj$geneOrder[ord], DEDS=obj$p[ord], stats[ord,])
    statM <- cbind(geneOrder=obj$geneOrder[ord], stats[ord, sort.by, drop=FALSE], DEDS=obj$p[ord], stats[ord, setdiff(colnames(stats), sort.by), drop=FALSE])
    tab <- data.frame(statM)
  else if(is.null(dim(genelist)))
    tab <- data.frame(Name=I((genelist[obj$geneOrder])[ord]),statM)
    tab <- data.frame((genelist[obj$geneOrder])[ord,],statM)

  rownames(tab) <- as.character(1:number)

############# t test ###############

comp.t <- function(L=NULL, mu=0, var.equal=FALSE) {
  function(X) {
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X, byrow=TRUE)
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "sam")
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    nr <- newX$nr
    nc <- newX$nc
    if(nL==1) {
      df <- nc - 1
      stderr <- sqrt(apply(X,1,var,na.rm=TRUE)/nc)
      d <- rowMeans(X,na.rm=TRUE) - mu
      tstat <- d/stderr
      # pval <- 2 * pt(-abs(tstat), df)
    else {
      G1 <- X[,L==0]
      G2 <- X[,L==1]
      d <- rowMeans(G1,na.rm=TRUE)-rowMeans(G2,na.rm=TRUE)
      v1 <- apply(G1,1,var,na.rm=TRUE)
      v2 <- apply(G2,1,var,na.rm=TRUE)
      n1 <- ncol(G1)
      n2 <- ncol(G2)
      if (var.equal) {
        df <- n1 + n2 - 2
        v <- ((n1 - 1) * v1 + (n2 - 1) * v2)/df
        stderr <- sqrt(v * (1/n1 + 1/n2))
      else {
        stderr1 <- sqrt(v1/n1)
        stderr2 <- sqrt(v2/n2)
        stderr <- sqrt(stderr1^2 + stderr2^2)
        #df <- stderr^4/(stderr1^4/(n1 - 1) + stderr2^4/(n2 - 1))
      tstat <- d/stderr
      # pval <- 2 * pt(-abs(tstat), df)

####### Fold Change ##################

comp.FC <- function(L=NULL, is.log=TRUE, FUN=mean) {
  function(X) {
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X, byrow=TRUE)
    if(is.null(L)) L <- rep(0, ncol(X))
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "fc")
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    nr <- newX$nr
    nc <- newX$nc

    if(nL==1) { # one-class
      fc <- apply(X, 1, FUN, na.rm=TRUE)
    else if(nL==2) { # two-class
      G1 <- X[, L==0]
      G2 <- X[, L==1]       
      m1 <- apply(G1,1,FUN,na.rm=TRUE)
      m2 <- apply(G2,1,FUN,na.rm=TRUE)
      if (is.log) fc <- m1-m2
      else fc <- m1/m2
    else {  # multi-class
      m <- t(apply(X, 1, function(z) {tapply(z, L, FUN)}))
      if (is.log) 
         fc <-  apply(m, 1, function(z) {max(z) - min(z)})
         fc <-  apply(m, 1, function(z) {max(z) /  min(z)})

#########  SAM #########################

comp.SAM <- function(L=NULL,
                prob=0.5, B=200,
                stat.only=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, deltas,
                s.step=0.01, alpha.step=0.01, plot.it=FALSE) {
  function(X) {
    if(is.null(L)) L <- rep(0, ncol(X))
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "sam")
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    sam.func <- if(nL==1) sam.oneclass.func
                else if(nL==2) sam.twoclass.func
                else sam.multiclass.func
    t <- sam.func(X,L,prob,B,stat.only,verbose,s.step=s.step,alpha.step=alpha.step,plot.it=plot.it)
    if(stat.only) return(t)
    else {
      n <- ncol(t)
      fdr.table <- sam.fdr(t[,2], t[,3:n], deltas)
      return(list(geneOrder=t[,1], sam=t[,2], fdr.table=fdr.table))

sam.oneclass.func <- function(X, L, prob=0.5, B=200, stat.only=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                              s.step=0.01, alpha.step=0.01, plot.it=FALSE) {
   n <- ncol(X)
   r <- rowMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE)
   s <- sqrt(rowSums(sweep(X, 1, r)^2, na.rm=TRUE) / (n*(n-1)))
   if(!is.null(prob))  s0 <- quantile(s,prob)
   else s0 <- sam.s0(r,s,s.step=s.step, alpha.step=alpha.step, plot.it=plot.it)
   if(verbose) cat("s0: ", s0, "\n")
   d <- r/(s+s0)
   if (stat.only) return(d)
   else {
     B <- deds.checkB(L, B)
     order.d <- order(d)
     sort.d <- sort(d)
     dB <- matrix(nr=nrow(X),nc=B)
     # start permutation
     cat("start permutation...\n")
     for (i in 1:B) {
       cat(i, "\t")
       if(i%%20 == 0) cat("\n")
       signs <- sample(c(1, -1), n, replace=TRUE)
       Xb <- sweep(X, 2, signs, "*")
       rb <- rowMeans(Xb,na.rm=TRUE)
       sb <- sqrt(sum(sweep(Xb, 1, rb)^2, na.rm=TRUE) / (n*(n-1)))
       db <- rb/(sb+s0)
       dB[,i] <- sort(db)
     return(cbind(index=order.d, t=sort.d, dB))

sam.twoclass.func <- function(X, L, prob=0.5, B=200, stat.only=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                              s.step=0.01, alpha.step=0.01, plot.it=FALSE) {
  G1 <- X[, L==0]
  G2 <- X[, L==1]
  n1 <- ncol(G1)
  n2 <- ncol(G2)
  r <- rowMeans(G1,na.rm=TRUE) - rowMeans(G2,na.rm=TRUE)
  ss <- function(x) { sum((as.numeric(x)-mean(as.numeric(x),na.rm=TRUE))^2, na.rm=TRUE)}
  s<- sqrt((apply(G1,1,ss)+apply(G2,1,ss))*(1/n1+1/n2)/(n1+n2-2))
  if(!is.null(prob))   s0 <- quantile(s,prob)
  else s0 <- sam.s0(r,s,s.step=s.step, alpha.step=alpha.step, plot.it=plot.it)

  if(verbose) cat("s0: ", s0, "\n")
  d <- r/(s+s0)
  if (stat.only) return(d)
  else {
    order.d <- order(d)
    sort.d <- sort(d)
    B <- deds.checkB(L, B)
    dB <- matrix(nr=nrow(X),nc=B)
    # start permutation
    cat("start permutation...\n")
    for (i in 1:B) {
      cat(i, "\t")
      if(i%%20 == 0) cat("\n")
      id <- sample(c(1:(n1+n2)), n1+n2)
      G1 <- X[,id[1:n1]]
      G2 <- X[,id[(n1+1):(n1+n2)]]
      rb <- rowMeans(G2,na.rm=TRUE) - rowMeans(G1,na.rm=TRUE)
      sb<- sqrt((apply(G1,1,ss)+apply(G2,1,ss))*(1/n1+1/n2)/(n1+n2-2))
      db <- rb/(sb+s0)
      dB[,i] <- sort(db)
    return(cbind(index=order.d, t=sort.d, dB))

sam.multiclass.func <- function(X, L, prob=0.5, B=200, stat.only=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                                s.step=0.01, alpha.step=0.01, plot.it=FALSE) {
  n <- ncol(X)
  nks <- table(L)
  X.bar <- rowMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE)
  X.bar.L <- t(apply(X, 1, function(z) {tapply(z, L, mean)}))
  r <- sweep(X.bar.L, 1, X.bar)
  r <- rowSums(sweep(r^2, 2, nks, "*"), na.rm=TRUE)
  r <- sqrt((sum(nks) / prod(nks)) * r)
  s <- X - apply(X.bar.L,1, function(z) {rep(z, nks)})
  s <- sqrt((1/sum(nks-1)) * sum(1/nks) * sum(s^2, na.rm=TRUE))

  if(!is.null(prob))	s0 <- quantile(s,prob)
  else s0 <- sam.s0(r,s,s.step=s.step, alpha.step=alpha.step, plot.it=plot.it)
  if(verbose) cat("s0: ", s0, "\n")
  d <- r/(s+s0)
  if (stat.only) return(d)
  else {
    order.d <- order(d)
    sort.d <- sort(d)
    B <- deds.checkB(L, B)
    dB <- matrix(nr=nrow(X),nc=B)
     # start permutation
    cat("start permutation...\n")
    for (i in 1:B) {
           if(i %% 20 ==0) cat("\n")
           L.b <- sample(L)
           X.b <- X[, order(L.b)]
           X.bar.b <- rowMeans(X.b, na.rm=TRUE)
           X.bar.L.b <- t(apply(X.b, 1, function(z) {tapply(z, L, mean)}))
           r.b <- sweep(X.bar.L.b, 1, X.bar.b)
           r.b <- rowSums(sweep(r.b^2, 2, nks, "*"), na.rm=TRUE)
           r.b <- sqrt((sum(nks) / prod(nks)) * r.b)
           s.b <- X.b - apply(X.bar.L.b,1, function(z) {rep(z, nks)})
           s.b <- sqrt((1/sum(nks-1)) * sum(1/nks) * sum(s.b^2,na.rm=TRUE))
           d.b <- r.b/(s.b+s0)
	   dB[,i] <- sort(d.b)

	return(cbind(index=order.d, t=sort.d, dB))
sam.s0 <- function(r, s, s.step=0.01, alpha.step=0.01, plot.it=FALSE)  {
  if (1/s.step >= length(s)) s.step <- 2*(1/length(s)) 
  q <- quantile(s,seq(0,1,by=s.step))
  while (any(duplicated(q)))  {
    s.step <- s.step*2
    q <- quantile(s,seq(0,1,by=s.step))
  q.indices <- cut(s,q,labels=FALSE,right=FALSE)
  q.indices[which(is.na(q.indices))] <- 1/s.step
  #q.ranges <- cut(s,q,labels=NULL,right=FALSE)

  sam.d.alpha <- function(r,s,alpha) {
    s.alpha <- quantile(s,alpha)
    r/(s + s.alpha)

  cv.alpha <- function(alpha) {
    d.alpha <- sam.d.alpha(r,s,alpha)

    v.j <- tapply(d.alpha,q.indices,mad)

  alpha.seq <- seq(0,1,by=alpha.step)
  cva <- sapply(alpha.seq,cv.alpha)
  if(plot.it) plot(cva,ty="l")
  alpha0 <- alpha.seq[which(cva == min(cva))]
  i <- 2

  while (s0==0) {
    alpha0 <- alpha.seq[which(cva == cva[order(cva)[i]])]
    i <- i+1
    s0 <- quantile(s,alpha0)

sam.fdr <- function(order.t, ordertB, deltas) {
  n <- length(order.t)
  ndelta <- length(deltas)
  tB <- rowMeans(ordertB)
  diff <- order.t - tB
  tmp  <- quantile(as.vector(ordertB),c(0.25,0.75), na.rm=TRUE)
  pi <- sum(order.t<tmp[2] & order.t>tmp[1], na.rm=TRUE) / (n/2)
  pi <- min(pi,1)
  table <- c()
  for (i in 1:ndelta) {
    delta <- deltas[i]
    if (sum((diff>delta)&(order.t>0))!=0) {
      pos <- min(which((diff>delta)&(order.t>0))):n
      n.pos <- length(pos)
    else n.pos <- 0
    if (sum((diff<(-delta))&(order.t<0))!=0) {
      neg <-1: max(which((diff<(-delta))&(order.t<0)))
      n.neg <- length(neg)
    else n.neg <- 0
    n.total <- n.pos + n.neg

    max <- ifelse(n.pos==0, Inf, order.t[n-n.pos+1])
    min <- ifelse(n.neg==0, -Inf, order.t[n.neg])
    median.fp <- median(apply(ordertB,2, function(z){
			sum(z>=max|z<=min)}), na.rm=TRUE)
    per90.fp <- quantile(apply(ordertB,2, function(z){
			sum(z>=max|z<=min)}),0.9, na.rm=TRUE)
    median.fp <- ifelse(pi*median.fp/n.total>1, 1, pi*median.fp/n.total)
    per90.fp <-  ifelse(pi*per90.fp/n.total>1, 1, pi*per90.fp/n.total)
    table <- rbind(table, c(delta, n.total, n.pos, n.neg, median.fp, per90.fp))
  colnames(table) <- c("delta", "no.significance", "no.positive", "no.negative", "FDR(50%)", "FDR(90%)")

###########  F test  ######################
comp.F <- function(L=NULL){
  function(X) {
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X, byrow=TRUE)
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "f")
    L <- newX$L
    X <- newX$X
     m1 <- apply(X, 1, function(z){
       (summary(lm(z ~ as.factor(L), na.action=na.omit))$f["value"])})

comp.modt <- function(L=NULL) {
  function(X) {
    if(is.null(L)) L <- rep(0,ncol(X))
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "modt")
    nc <- newX$nc
    nr <- newX$nr
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    res <- .C("get_t_mod_stat",as.double(X), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(L), t=single(nr), as.integer(nL), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")$t


comp.B <- function(L=NULL, proportion=0.01) {
  function(X) {
    if(is.null(L)) L <- rep(0,ncol(X))
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "B")
    nc <- newX$nc
    nr <- newX$nr
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    res <- .C("get_B",as.double(X), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(L),as.integer(nL), B=single(nr), as.single(proportion), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")$B


comp.ebayes <- function(L=NULL, proportion=0.01) {
  function(X) {
    if(is.null(L)) L <- rep(0,ncol(X))
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "ebayes")
    nc <- newX$nc
    nr <- newX$nr
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    res <- .C("get_ebayes",as.double(X), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(L),as.integer(nL), t=single(nr), b=single(nr), as.single(proportion), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")
    return(as.matrix(cbind(t=res$t, B=res$b)))

comp.modF <- function(L=NULL){
  function(X) {
    newX <- test.checkX(X, L, "modf")
    nc <- newX$nc
    nr <- newX$nr
    L <- newX$L
    nL <- newX$nL
    res <- .C("get_f_mod_stat",as.double(X), as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(L), t=single(nr), as.integer(nL), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="DEDS")$t

test.checkX<-function(X, classlabel, test){
  if((!is.matrix(X)) || !(is.numeric(X)))
     stop("X needs to be a matrix\n")
    stop("the number of column of X needs to be the same as the length of classlabel\n")
  X <- X[, order(classlabel)]
  L <- deds.checkclasslabel(classlabel,test)
  return(list(X=X, nr=nrow(X), nc=ncol(X), L=L, nL=length(unique(L))))

#### Plotting functions

### modified from John Fox

pairs.DEDS <- function(x, subset=c(1:nrow(x$stats)), labels=colnames(x$stats[,-1]), logit=FALSE,
                       diagonal=c("qqnorm", "boxplot", "density", "histogram", "none"),
                       lower=c("cor", "none"), groups.by.deds=TRUE, thresh=0.05,
                       reg.line=NULL, smooth=FALSE,
                       line.by.group=FALSE, diag.by.group=TRUE, lower.by.group=FALSE,
                       col=palette(), pch=1:n.groups, lwd=1,
                       legend.plot=length(levels(groups)) > 1, ...){
  stats <- x$stats[subset, -1]
  geneOrder <- x$geneOrder[subset]
  p <- x$p[subset] 
  if(logit) stats <- -log10(stats)
  if(groups.by.deds==TRUE) {
    groups <- rep("non-DE", length(geneOrder))
    if(thresh<1) noDE <- sum(p<=thresh)
    else noDE <- thresh
    sub <- 1:noDE
    groups[sub] <- "DE"
    groups<- factor(groups, levels=c("non-DE", "DE"))
  else groups <- as.factor(rep(1, nrow(stats)))
  n.groups <- length(levels(groups))
  if (n.groups > length(col)) col <- rep(col, length=n.groups)
  if (n.groups > length(pch)) pch <- rep(pch, length=n.groups)
    if(!diag.by.group) {
      xt <- x[!is.na(x)]
      plot(density(xt), axes=FALSE, main="", col="blue",lwd=2)
      points(xt, rep(0,length(xt)), pch="|", col="black")
    else {
      xt <- x[!is.na(x)]
      gt <- groups[!is.na(x)]
      den.maxs <- c()
      for (i in 1:n.groups)  {
        subs <- gt==levels(gt)[i]
        den.maxs <- c(den.maxs, max(density(xt[subs])$y))
      den.max <- max(den.maxs)
      plot(density(xt), type="n", ylim=c(0,den.max),axes=FALSE, main="")
      for (i in 1:n.groups) {
        subs <- gt==levels(gt)[i]
        lines(density(xt[subs]), col=palette()[i], lwd=2.5)

    hist(x, main="", axes=FALSE, col="blue")

      qqnorm(x, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="", col="blue")
      qqline(x, lty=2)
    else {
      xt <- x[!is.na(x)]
      gt <- groups[!is.na(x)]
      tmp <- qqnorm(xt, axes=FALSE, plot=FALSE)
      plot(tmp$x,tmp$y, axes=FALSE, type="n")
      subs <- gt==levels(gt)[1]
      points(tmp$x[subs],tmp$y[subs], pch=20)
      for (i in 2:n.groups) {
        subs <- gt==levels(gt)[i]
        points(tmp$x[subs],tmp$y[subs], pch="*", cex=2, col=palette()[i])
      qqline(x, lty=2)

    if (!diag.by.group) boxplot(x, axes=FALSE, main="", col="blue", horizontal=TRUE, boxwex=0.4)
    else boxplot(x~groups, axes=FALSE, main="", col=col, horizontal=FALSE, boxwex=0.4)

  panel.blank<-function(x) NULL

  panel.group<-function(x, y, ...){
    for (i in 1:n.groups){
      points(x[subs], y[subs], pch=pch[i], col=col[i], cex=0.5+0.5*i)
      if (is.function(reg.line) & line.by.group)
        abline(reg.line(y[subs]~x[subs]), col=col[i], lwd=lwd)
      if (smooth & line.by.group) lines(lowess(x[subs],y[subs]), col=col[i],lwd=lwd, lty=2)
      if (is.function(reg.line) & (!line.by.group))
        abline(reg.line(y~x), col=col[4], lwd=lwd)
      if (smooth & (!line.by.group)) lines(lowess(x, y), col=col[4],lwd=lwd, lty=2)

  panel.cor <- function(x, y, ...) {
    usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
    par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
    if (!lower.by.group) {
      r <- cor(x, y, use='c')
      text(0.5, 0.5, as.character(round(r,2)), cex = 2)
    else {
      for (i in 1:n.groups) {
        subs <- groups==levels(groups)[i]
        r <- cor(x[subs], y[subs], use='c')
        text(0.5, i/(n.groups+1), as.character(round(r,2)), cex = 1.5, col=col[i])

  which.fn<-match(match.arg(diagonal), c("density", "histogram", "boxplot","qqnorm", "none"))
  diag<-list(panel.density, panel.histogram, panel.boxplot, panel.qqnorm, panel.blank)[[which.fn]]
  which.fn<-match(match.arg(lower), c("cor", "none"))
  lower<-list(panel.cor, panel.group)[[which.fn]]
  pairs.default(stats, labels=labels, diag.panel=diag, panel=panel.group, lower.panel=lower)
  if(legend.plot) {
    legend(1 - 0.95*frac, 0.8*frac, legend=levels(groups), pch=pch, col=col, 

qqnorm.DEDS <- function(y, subset=c(1:nrow(y$stats)),
                        xlab = "Quantiles of standard normal", thresh=0.05,
                        col=palette(), pch,... ) {
  stats <- y$stats[subset, -1]
  geneOrder <- y$geneOrder[subset]
  p <- y$p[subset]
  nT <- NCOL(stats)
  is.stat <- y$options[1]=="t"
  if(!is.stat) stop("DEDS not summarizing statistics, try the function hist.DEDS...")
  if(is.null(colnames(stats))) ylabs <- paste("Stat", c(1:nT), ": sample quantiles", sep="")
  else ylabs <- paste(colnames(stats), ": sample quantiles",sep="")

  groups <- rep("nsig", length(geneOrder))
  if(thresh<1) sub <- which(p<=thresh)
  else sub <- 1:thresh
  groups[sub] <- "sig"
  groups<- factor(groups, levels=c("nsig", "sig"))
  if(length(col)<2) col <- c(col, col+1)
  if(missing(pch)) pch <- c(20,8)
  else if(length(pch)<2) pch<- c(pch, pch+1)

  par(mfrow=c(2, floor((nT+1)/2)))
  for(i in 1:nT) {
    notNA <- !is.na(stats[,i])
    gt <- groups[notNA]
    xt <- stats[notNA,i]
    tmp <- qqnorm(xt, plot=FALSE, ...)
    plot(tmp$x, tmp$y, type="n", xlab = xlab, ylab=ylabs[i])
    points(tmp$x[gt=="nsig"],tmp$y[gt=="nsig"], pch=pch[1], col=col[1])
    points(tmp$x[gt=="sig"], tmp$y[gt=="sig"], pch=pch[2], col=col[2], cex=1.5) 
    qqline(xt, col="gray", lwd=2, lty=2)

hist.DEDS <- function(x, subset=c(1:nrow(x$stats)), ...) {
  ps <- x$stats[subset, -1]
  nP <- NCOL(ps)
  is.p <- x$options[1]=="p"
  if(!is.p) stop("DEDS not summarizing p values, try the function qqnorm.DEDS...")
  if(is.null(colnames(ps))) xlabs <- paste("Model", c(1:nP), ": p values", sep="")
  else xlabs <- paste(colnames(ps), ": p values", sep="")

  args <- list(...)
  if("col" %in% names(args)) {
    col <- args$col
    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="col")]
  else col <- "gray"
  if("border" %in% names(args)) {
    border <- args$border
    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="border")]
  else border <- "gray"
  if("nclass" %in% names(args)) {
    nclass <- args$nclass
    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="nclass")]
  else nclass <- 50
  if("main" %in% names(args)) {
    main <- args$main
    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="main")]
  else main <- ""

  par(mfrow=c(2, floor((nP+1)/2)))
  for(i in 1:nP) {
    p <- ps[,i]
    do.call(hist, c(list(x=p, xlab=xlabs[i], nclass=nclass, col=col,
                           border=border, main=main), args))
    #hist(p, xlab = xlabs[i], nclass = nclass, col = col, border = border, cex = cex, main=main, ...)
    abline(h=nrow(p)/50, col="black", lwd=4, lty=2)

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DEDS documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 3:15 a.m.