Defines functions ranking DLbio2.plot biodetection satur.plot2 plot.y2 prplot prdata countbio.plot countsbio.dat fdrplot fdrdata rocplot rocdata sim.samples2 noiseqsim outliers DLbio.plot DLbio.dat DL.plot cd.plot saturbio.plot saturbio.dat satur.plot noceros Lplot2 Lplot MD.plot fisher.ngs sim.samples tablacont long.int uni.mult int.mult DEG.list DEG.q probdeg busca n.menor MA MD tmm uqua rpkm sinceros readInfo readData noiseq

################################################### NOISeq ####################

# By Sonia Tarazona Last modified: 20-IV-2011


noiseq <- function(datos1, datos2, k = 0.5, norm = "rpkm", long = 1000, 
    q = 0.9, repl = "tech", pnr = 0.2, nss = 5, v = 0.02, lc = 1) 
# datos1: Matrix containing gene counts and as many columns
# as samples in group 1.

# datos2: Matrix containing gene counts and as many columns
# as samples in group 2. Row names must be the same than in
# datos1.

# k: When counts = 0, 0 will be changed to k. By default, k =
# 0.5.

# norm: Normalization method. It can be one of 'rpkm'
# (default), 'uqua' (upper quartile), 'tmm' (trimmed mean of
# M) or 'n' (no normalization).

# long: Vector containing genes length, whose names are gene
# names in datos1 and datos2. If long = 1000, no correction
# by length is applied.

# q: Threshold to determine differentially expressed genes.
# By default, q = 0.95.

# pnr: Percentage of total reads (seq.depth) for each
# simulated sample.  Only needed when noise = 'simul'. By
# default, pnr = 1.

# nss: Number of simulated samples (>= 2). By default, nss =
# 5.  If nss = 0, real samples are used to compute noise.

# v: Variability in sample total reads used to simulate
# samples.  By default, v = 0.02. Sample total reads is
# computed as a random value from a uniform distribution in
# the interval [(pnr-v)*sum(counts), (pnr+v)*sum(counts)]

# lc: Length correction in done by dividing expression by
# length^lc.  By default, lc = 1.

# repl: 'tech' if you have technical replicates.  'bio' if
# the replicates are biological (there must be replicates!).

    n1 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos1))
    n2 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos2))
    g.sinL <- names(which(is.na(long)))
    if (norm == "n") {
        # no normalization
        datos1 <- round(datos1, 100)
        datos2 <- round(datos2, 100)
    if (is.null(k)) {
        m1 <- min(datos1[noceros(datos1, num = FALSE)], na.rm = TRUE)
        m2 <- min(datos2[noceros(datos2, num = FALSE)], na.rm = TRUE)
        mm <- min(m1, m2)
        k <- mm/2
    # Total counts for each gene:
    suma1 <- rowSums(datos1)
    suma2 <- rowSums(datos2)
    # All genes
    todos <- rownames(as.matrix(datos1))
    # Genes with counts in any condition
    concounts <- names(which(suma1 + suma2 > 0))
    if (length(long) > 1) {
        long <- long[concounts]
    if (repl == "tech") {
        ### technical replicates
        suma1 <- suma1[concounts]
        suma2 <- suma2[concounts]
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------#
        # Normalization of counts for each condition (aggregating
        # replicates)
        if (norm == "rpkm") {
            # RPKM
            suma1.norm <- rpkm(suma1, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
            suma2.norm <- rpkm(suma2, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
        if (norm == "uqua") {
            suma.norm <- uqua(cbind(suma1, suma2), long = long, 
                lc = lc, k = k)
            suma1.norm <- suma.norm[, 1]
            suma2.norm <- suma.norm[, 2]
        if (norm == "tmm") {
            suma.norm <- tmm(as.matrix(cbind(suma1, suma2)), 
                long = long, lc = lc, k = k)
            suma1.norm <- suma.norm[, 1]
            suma2.norm <- suma.norm[, 2]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    ## Noise distribution
    if ((n1 + n2) > 2) {
        # with real samples
        datitos <- cbind(datos1, datos2)
        datitos <- datitos[concounts, ]
        gens.sin0 <- setdiff(concounts, g.sinL)
        if (norm == "n") {
            # no normalization
            datitos.0 <- sinceros(datitos, k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "rpkm") {
            # RPKM
            datitos.0 <- rpkm(datitos, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "uqua") {
            # Upper Quartile
            datitos.0 <- uqua(datitos, long = long, lc = lc, 
                k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "tmm") {
            datitos.0 <- tmm(datitos, long = long, lc = lc, k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        datos1.norm <- datitos.norm[, 1:n1]
        datos2.norm <- datitos.norm[, (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]
        if (n1 > 1) {
            MD1 <- MD(dat = datos1.norm)
        } else {
            MD1 <- NULL
        if (n2 > 1) {
            MD2 <- MD(dat = datos2.norm)
        } else {
            MD2 <- NULL
    } else {
        # with simulated samples
        if (nss == 0) {
            nss <- 5
        datos.sim <- sim.samples(counts1 = sinceros(suma1, k = k), 
            counts2 = sinceros(suma2, k = k), pnr = pnr, nss = nss, 
            v = v)
        nn <- sapply(datos.sim, ncol)
        dat.sim.norm <- vector("list", length = 2)
        datitos <- cbind(datos.sim[[1]], datos.sim[[2]])
        sumita <- rowSums(datitos)
        g.sin0 <- names(which(sumita > 0))
        gens.sin0 <- setdiff(g.sin0, g.sinL)
        if (norm == "n") {
            # no normalization
            datitos.0 <- sinceros(datitos, k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "rpkm") {
            # RPKM
            datitos.0 <- rpkm(datitos, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "uqua") {
            # Upper Quartile
            datitos.0 <- uqua(datitos, long = long, lc = lc, 
                k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        if (norm == "tmm") {
            datitos.0 <- tmm(datitos, long = long, lc = lc, k = k)
            datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
        dat.sim.norm[[1]] <- datitos.norm[, 1:nn[1]]
        dat.sim.norm[[2]] <- datitos.norm[, (nn[1] + 1):sum(nn)]
        MD1 <- MD(dat = dat.sim.norm[[1]])
        MD2 <- MD(dat = dat.sim.norm[[2]])
    Mr <- c(as.numeric(MD1$M), as.numeric(MD2$M))
    Dr <- c(as.numeric(MD1$D), as.numeric(MD2$D))
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    ## M and D for different experimental conditions
    if (repl == "tech" & norm != "n") {
        MDs <- MD(dat = cbind(suma1.norm, suma2.norm))
    } else {
        if (norm == "n" & (n1 + n1) == 2) {
            datos1.norm <- sinceros(as.matrix(datos1)[concounts, 
                ], k = k)
            datos2.norm <- sinceros(as.matrix(datos2)[concounts, 
                ], k = k)
        resum1.norm <- rowMeans(as.matrix(datos1.norm))
        resum2.norm <- rowMeans(as.matrix(datos2.norm))
        MDs <- MD(dat = cbind(resum1.norm, resum2.norm))
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    ## Probability of differential expression
    prob.concounts <- probdeg(MDs$M, MDs$D, Mr, Dr)
    prob <- prob.concounts[todos]
    names(prob) <- todos
    ## Completing M and D
    Ms0 <- as.numeric(MDs$M)
    names(Ms0) <- rownames(MDs$M)
    Ms <- Ms0[todos]
    names(Ms) <- todos
    Ds0 <- as.numeric(MDs$D)
    names(Ds0) <- rownames(MDs$D)
    Ds <- Ds0[todos]
    names(Ds) <- todos
    ## Differentially expressed genes
    deg <- DEG.q(prob, q = q)
    ## Results
    list(probab = prob, deg = deg, Ms = Ms, Ds = Ds, Mn = Mr, 
        Dn = Dr)

# *****************************************************************************#

## Reading data
readData <- function(counts, header = FALSE, cond1, cond2) {
    mydata <- vector("list", length = 2)
    myfile <- counts
    mynames <- as.character(myfile[, 1])
    mydata[[1]] <- as.matrix(myfile[, cond1])
    mydata[[2]] <- as.matrix(myfile[, cond2])
    rownames(mydata[[1]]) <- rownames(mydata[[2]]) <- mynames

# readData <- function (file, header = FALSE, cond1, cond2) {
# mydata <- vector('list', length = 2) myfile <-
# read.delim(file = file, header = header, as.is = TRUE)
# mynames <- as.character(myfile[,1]) mydata[[1]] <-
# as.matrix(myfile[,cond1]) mydata[[2]] <-
# as.matrix(myfile[,cond2]) rownames(mydata[[1]]) <-
# rownames(mydata[[2]]) <- mynames mydata }

readInfo <- function(file, header = FALSE) {
    myfile <- read.delim(file = file, header = header, as.is = TRUE)
    mynames <- as.character(myfile[, 1])
    myinfo <- myfile[, 2]
    names(myinfo) <- mynames

# *****************************************************************************#

## Replacing counts=0 with counts=k

sinceros <- function(datos, k) {
    datos0 <- datos
    if (is.null(k)) {
        mini0 <- min(datos[noceros(datos, num = FALSE, k = 0)])
        kc <- mini0/2
        datos0[datos0 == 0] <- kc
    } else {
        datos0[datos0 == 0] <- k

# ****************************************************************************#

## RPKM normalization

rpkm <- function(datos, long = 1000, k = 0, lc = 1) {
    total <- colSums(as.matrix(datos))
    datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
    datos.norm <- (t(t(datos0)/total) * 10^9)/(long^lc)

# ****************************************************************************#

## UQUA: Upper-quartile normalization (Bullard et al. et
## Sandrine Dudoit, 2010)

uqua <- function(datos, long = 1000, lc = 1, k = 0) {
    # lc: Length correction. Expression is divided by long^lc. lc
    # can be any real number.
    L <- long^lc
    datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
    if (ncol(as.matrix(datos)) > 1) {
        sumatot <- rowSums(datos)
        supertot <- sum(sumatot)
        counts0 <- which(sumatot == 0)
        if (length(counts0) > 0) {
            datitos <- datos[-counts0, ]
        } else {
            datitos <- datos
        q3 <- apply(datitos, 2, quantile, probs = 0.75)
        d <- q3 * supertot/sum(q3)
        datos.norm <- (t(t(datos0)/d) * 10^9)/L
    } else {
        datos.norm <- datos0/L

# ****************************************************************************#

## TMM: Trimmed Mean of M values normalization (Robinson &
## Oshlack, 2010)

tmm <- function(datos, long = 1000, lc = 1, k = 0, refColumn = NULL, 
    logratioTrim = 0.3, sumTrim = 0.05, doWeighting = TRUE, Acutoff = -1e+10) {
    # lc: Length correction. Expression is divided by long^lc. lc
    # can be any real number.
    # if(!is.element('edgeR', installed.packages()[,1]))
    # {if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
    # BiocManager::install('edgeR')} library('edgeR');
    L <- long^lc
    datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
    if (ncol(as.matrix(datos)) > 1) {
        fk <- calcNormFactors(as.matrix(datos), method = "TMM", 
            refColumn = refColumn, logratioTrim = logratioTrim, 
            sumTrim = sumTrim, doWeighting = doWeighting, Acutoff = Acutoff)
        datos.norm <- (t(t(datos0) * fk) * 10^3)/L
    } else {
        datos.norm <- datos0/L

# *****************************************************************************#

## Computing M and D

MD <- function(dat = dat, selec = c(1:nrow(dat))) {
    pares <- as.matrix(combn(ncol(dat), 2))
    if (NCOL(pares) > 30) {
        sub30 <- sample(1:NCOL(pares), size = 30, replace = FALSE)
        pares <- pares[, sub30]
    mm <- NULL
    dd <- NULL
    for (i in 1:ncol(pares)) {
        a <- dat[selec, pares[1, i]]
        b <- dat[selec, pares[2, i]]
        mm <- cbind(mm, log(a/b, 2))
        dd <- cbind(dd, abs(a - b))
    list(M = mm, D = dd)

# ****************************************************************************#

## Computing M and A

MA <- function(dat = dat, selec = c(1:nrow(dat))) {
    pares <- as.matrix(combn(ncol(dat), 2))
    if (NCOL(pares) > 30) {
        sub20 <- sample(1:NCOL(pares), size = 30, replace = FALSE)
        pares <- pares[, sub20]
    mm <- NULL
    aa <- NULL
    for (i in 1:ncol(pares)) {
        a <- dat[selec, pares[1, i]]
        b <- dat[selec, pares[2, i]]
        mm <- cbind(mm, log(a/b, 2))
        aa <- cbind(aa, (log2(a) + log2(b))/2)
    list(M = mm, A = aa)

# ***************************************************************************#

## Probability for a gene of being differentially expressed

# alternative = c('two.sided', 'less', 'greater') compare =
# c('diff', 'up', 'down')

n.menor <- function(x, S1, S2) {
    length(which(S1 <= x[1] & S2 <= x[2]))

# ****************************************************************************#

busca <- function(x, S) {
    which(S[, 1] == x[1] & S[, 2] == x[2])

# ****************************************************************************#

## Probability for a gene to be differentially expressed

probdeg <- function(Mg, Dg, Mn, Dn, prec = 2) {
    # Mg, Dg -> signal Mn, Dn -> noise prec = precission (number
    # of digits to round M and D)
    tot <- length(Mn)  # number of points in noise distribution
    Mruido <- abs(round(Mn, prec))
    Druido <- round(Dn, prec)
    Mgen <- abs(round(Mg, prec))
    Dgen <- round(Dg, prec)
    MDgen <- unique(cbind(Mgen, Dgen))
    Nres <- apply(MDgen, 1, n.menor, S1 = Mruido, S2 = Druido)
    lugares <- apply(cbind(Mgen, Dgen), 1, busca, S = MDgen)
    Nconj <- Nres[lugares]
    names(Nconj) <- names(lugares)

# ***************************************************************************#

## To extract DEG

DEG.q <- function(x, q = 1, flag = NULL) {
    nnn <- names(which(x >= q))
    setdiff(nnn, flag)

DEG.list <- function(lista, q) {
    lapply(lista, DEG.q, q = q)

# ****************************************************************************#

## Function to intersect multiple sets

int.mult <- function(lista, todos = NULL) {
    if (is.null(todos)) {
        todos <- unlist(lista)
    comunes <- todos
    for (i in 1:length(lista)) {
        comunes <- intersect(comunes, lista[[i]])

# *****************************************************************************#

## Function of union of multiple sets

uni.mult <- function(lista) {
    todos <- lista[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(lista)) {
        todos <- union(todos, lista[[i]])

# *****************************************************************************#

## To calculate number of genes in common for two sets

long.int <- function(x, y) {
    length(intersect(x, y))

# ****************************************************************************#

## To transform counts from two samples into a contingency
## table

tablacont <- function(x, total) {
    # x; total: 2 x 1
    m1 <- round(c(x[1], total[1] - x[1]), 0)
    m2 <- round(c(x[2], total[2] - x[2]), 0)
    tt <- rbind(m1, m2)
    colnames(tt) <- c("yes", "no")

# ****************************************************************************#

## To generate simulated samples:

# pnr: Percentage of total reads (seq.depth). By default, pnr
# = 1.  nss: Number of simulated samples (>= 2). By default,
# nss = 5.  v: Variability in sample total reads.

# Sample total reads is computed as a random value from a
# uniform distribution in the interval [(pnr-v)*sum(counts),
# (pnr+v)*sum(counts)]

sim.samples <- function(counts1, counts2 = NULL, pnr = 1, nss = 5, 
    v = 0.02) {
    seqdep <- c(sum(counts1), sum(counts2))
    num.reads1 <- (pnr + c(-v, v)) * seqdep[1]
    muestras <- vector("list")
    muestras$c1 <- NULL
    for (s in 1:nss) {
        tama <- round(runif(1, num.reads1[1], num.reads1[2]), 
        muestras$c1 <- cbind(muestras$c1, rmultinom(1, size = tama, 
            prob = counts1))
    if (!is.null(counts2)) {
        num.reads2 <- (pnr + c(-v, v)) * seqdep[2]
        muestras$c2 <- NULL
        for (s in 1:nss) {
            tama <- round(runif(1, num.reads2[1], num.reads2[2]), 
            muestras$c2 <- cbind(muestras$c2, rmultinom(1, size = tama, 
                prob = counts2))

# *****************************************************************************#

## Fisher's exact test

fisher.ngs <- function(datos1, datos2, norm = "rpkm", long = NULL, 
    adjP = "fdr", sig.level = 0.05) {
    if (is.null(long)) {
        long <- 1000
    suma1 <- apply(as.matrix(datos1), 1, sum)
    suma2 <- apply(as.matrix(datos2), 1, sum)
    # names(suma1) <- names(suma2) <- rownames(as.matrix(datos1))
    tot <- c(sum(suma1), sum(suma2))
    if (norm == "n") {
        # no normalization
        dat <- cbind(suma1, suma2)
    if (norm == "rpkm") {
        # RPKM
        norm1 <- rpkm(suma1, long = long, k = 0)
        norm2 <- rpkm(suma2, long = long, k = 0)
        dat <- cbind(norm1, norm2)
    if (norm == "uqua") {
        # Upper Quartile
        dat <- uqua(cbind(suma1, suma2), long = long, k = 0)
    totfi <- apply(dat, 2, sum)
    fish.pv <- NULL
    for (g in 1:nrow(dat)) {
        ttt <- tablacont(dat[g, ], totfi)
        fish.pv <- c(fish.pv, fisher.test(ttt)$p.value)
    names(fish.pv) <- rownames(dat)
    fish.adjP <- p.adjust(fish.pv, method = adjP)
    deg <- DEG.q(1 - fish.adjP, q = 1 - sig.level)
    list(p.value = fish.pv, adj.p.val = fish.adjP, deg = deg)

# ***************************************************************************#

## Plot MD noise vs deg

MD.plot <- function(Ms = Ms, Ds = Ds, Mn = Mn, Dn = Dn, xlim = range(Ms), 
    ylim = range(Ds), tit = "") {
    plot(Mn, Dn, pch = ".", main = tit, xlab = "M", ylab = "D", 
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
    points(Ms, Ds, col = 2, pch = 20)
    legend("topright", c("noise", "deg"), col = 1:2, pch = 15, 
        bg = "lightgrey")

# *****************************************************************************#

## Plot to see dependence on length

Lplot <- function(deg, long, ylim = c(0, 1), confi = 0) {
    # confi: Confidence level for wilcoxon test. If confi = 0, no
    # test is done.
    gens <- names(long)
    if (confi > 0) {
        wilcox.res <- wilcox.test(long[deg], long[setdiff(gens, 
            deg)], alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = FALSE, 
            exact = NULL, correct = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = confi)
    tabla <- table(long)
    acum <- cumsum(tabla)
    corte <- 0
    N <- 300
    while (N <= length(na.omit(long))) {
        fN <- acum[acum >= N]
        corte <- c(corte, as.numeric(names(fN[1])))
        N <- fN[1] + 300
    corte[length(corte)] <- max(na.omit(long))
    bins.long <- cut(long, breaks = corte)  # divides length into 300 genes bins
    names(bins.long) <- gens
    medianas <- aggregate(long, by = list(bins.long), median)
    colnames(medianas) <- c("bin", "mediana")
    bins <- medianas$bin
    medianas <- medianas[, -1]
    names(medianas) <- bins
    long.deg <- matrix(NA, length(medianas), 2)
    long.deg[, 1] <- medianas
    rownames(long.deg) <- bins
    colnames(long.deg) <- c("median.leng", "%deg")
    gen.bin <- na.omit(bins.long)
    for (i in bins) {
        gege <- names(gen.bin)[which(gen.bin == i)]
        num <- length(gege)
        dede <- length(intersect(gege, deg))
        long.deg[i, 2] <- dede/num
    plot(long.deg, ylim = ylim, xlab = "median gene length", 
        main = "")
    if (confi > 0) {
        legend("top", legend = c(wilcox.res$method, paste("p-value:", 
            format(wilcox.res$p.value, digists = 4)), paste(confi * 
            100, "% confidence interval: [", round(wilcox.res$conf.int[1], 
            2), "; ", round(wilcox.res$conf.int[2], 2), "]", 
            sep = "")), bty = "n")

# *****************************************************************************#

## Plot to see dependence on length for several methods

Lplot2 <- function(deg, long, ylim = c(0, 1), confi = 0, ng = 300, 
    tit = "", plotdata = NULL, x = "bottomright", y = NULL, ss) {
    # deg: List containing several sets of differentially
    # expressed genes.  long: Vector containing genes length.
    # ng: Number of genes per length bin.  confi: Confidence
    # level for wilcoxon test. If confi = 0, no test is done.
    # tit: Title for the plot.  x,y: The x and y co-ordinates to
    # be used to position the legend.  ss: vector containing pch
    # for plot symbols
    if (is.null(plotdata)) {
        gens <- names(long)
        ## Wilcoxon's test
        if (confi > 0) {
            wilcox.res <- NULL
            for (j in 1:length(deg)) {
                resul <- wilcox.test(long[deg[[j]]], long[setdiff(gens, 
                  deg[[j]])], alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, 
                  paired = FALSE, exact = NULL, correct = TRUE, 
                  conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = confi)
                wilcox.res <- rbind(wilcox.res, unlist(resul))
            rownames(wilcox.res) <- names(deg)
            colnames(wilcox.res) <- names(unlist(resul))
            wilcox.res <- as.data.frame(wilcox.res)
        } else {
            wilcox.res = NULL
        ## Length bins
        tabla <- table(long)
        acum <- cumsum(tabla)
        corte <- 0
        N <- ng
        while (N <= length(na.omit(long))) {
            fN <- acum[acum >= N]
            corte <- c(corte, as.numeric(names(fN[1])))
            N <- fN[1] + ng
        corte[length(corte)] <- max(na.omit(long))
        bins.long <- cut(long, breaks = corte)  
        # divides length into ng genes bins
        names(bins.long) <- gens
        medianas <- aggregate(long, by = list(bins.long), median)
        colnames(medianas) <- c("bin", "mediana")
        bins <- medianas$bin
        medianas <- medianas[, -1]
        names(medianas) <- bins
        ## %deg in each length bin
        long.deg <- matrix(NA, length(medianas), 1 + length(deg))
        long.deg[, 1] <- medianas
        rownames(long.deg) <- bins
        colnames(long.deg) <- c("median.leng", names(deg))
        gen.bin <- na.omit(bins.long)
        for (i in bins) {
            gege <- names(gen.bin)[which(gen.bin == i)]
            num <- length(gege)
            for (j in 1:length(deg)) {
                dede <- length(intersect(gege, deg[[j]]))
                long.deg[i, 1 + j] <- dede/num
        return(list(wilcoxon = wilcox.res, Ldeg = long.deg))
    } else {
        long.deg <- plotdata$Ldeg
        wilcox.res <- plotdata$wilcoxon
    ## Plot
    k <- 1.2
    plot(long.deg[, 1:2], ylim = ylim, xlab = "median gene length", 
        ylab = "%deg", main = tit, col = 1, pch = ss[1], cex.axis = k, 
        cex.lab = k, cex.main = k + 0.2)
    for (j in 3:ncol(long.deg)) {
        points(long.deg[, c(1, j)], col = j - 1, pch = ss[j - 
    if (confi > 0) {
        intconf <- cbind(rownames(wilcox.res), 
            7])), 1), round(as.numeric(as.character(wilcox.res[, 
            8])), 1))
        leyenda <- apply(intconf, 1, function(x) {
            paste(x[1], ": [", x[2], "; ", x[3], "]", sep = "")
        legend(x = x, y = y, legend = leyenda, bty = "n", title = 
            paste("Methods & ", 
            confi * 100, "% confidence interval\n 
            for length difference between deg and non-deg", 
            sep = ""), col = 1:(ncol(long.deg) - 1), pch = ss, 
            cex = k)
    } else {
        legend(x = x, y = y, legend = colnames(long.deg)[-1], 
            col = 1:(ncol(long.deg) - 1), pch = ss, cex = k)

# *****************************************************************************#

## To count number of non-zero elements

noceros <- function(x, num = TRUE, k = 0) {
    nn <- length(which(x > k))
    if (num) {
    } else {
        if (nn > 0) {
            which(x > k)
        } else {

# *****************************************************************************#

## Saturation Plot

satur.plot <- function(datos1, datos2, ylim = NULL, k = 0, tit = "Saturation", 
    cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis, 
    cex = cex, legend = c(deparse(substitute(datos1)), 
      deparse(substitute(datos2)))) {
    n1 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos1))
    n2 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos2))
    if (n1 > 1) {
        muestra1 <- as.list(1:n1)
        for (i in 2:n1) {
            combi1 <- combn(n1, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(combi1) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(combi1), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                combi1 <- combi1[sub20]
            muestra1 <- append(muestra1, combi1)
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = length(muestra1))
        names(varias1) <- sapply(muestra1, function(x) {
            paste("C1.", x, collapse = "", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:length(muestra1)) {
            varias1[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(datos1[, muestra1[[i]]]), 
                1, sum)
        satura1 <- data.frame(muestra = names(varias1), seq.depth = 
          sapply(varias1, sum), noceros = sapply(varias1, noceros, k = k))
    if (n2 > 1) {
        if (n1 == n2) {
            muestra2 <- muestra1
        } else {
            muestra2 <- as.list(1:n2)
            for (i in 2:n2) {
                combi2 <- combn(n2, i, simplify = FALSE)
                if (length(combi2) > 20) {
                  sub20 <- sample(1:length(combi2), size = 20, 
                    replace = FALSE)
                  combi2 <- combi2[sub20]
                muestra2 <- append(muestra2, combi2)
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = length(muestra2))
        names(varias2) <- sapply(muestra2, function(x) {
            paste("C2.", x, collapse = "", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:length(muestra2)) {
            varias2[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(datos2[, muestra2[[i]]]), 
                1, sum)
        satura2 <- data.frame(muestra = names(varias2), seq.depth = 
          sapply(varias2, sum), noceros = sapply(varias2, noceros, k = k))
    if (n1 == 1) {
        total1 <- sum(datos1)
        satura1 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:9) {
            # 10%, 20%, ..., 90% reads (apart 100% is calculated)
            muestra1 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total1 * i/10, 
                0), prob = datos1)
            detec1 <- mean(apply(muestra1, 2, noceros, k = k))
            satura1 <- rbind(satura1, c(round(total1 * i/10, 
                0), detec1))
        satura1 <- rbind(satura1, c(total1, noceros(datos1, k = k)))
        colnames(satura1) <- c("seq.depth", "noceros")
        satura1 <- as.data.frame(satura1)
    if (n2 == 1) {
        total2 <- sum(datos2)
        satura2 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:9) {
            # 10%, 20%, ..., 90% reads (apart 100% is calculated)
            muestra2 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total2 * i/10, 
                0), prob = datos2)
            detec2 <- mean(apply(muestra2, 2, noceros, k = k))
            satura2 <- rbind(satura2, c(round(total2 * i/10, 
                0), detec2))
        satura2 <- rbind(satura2, c(total2, noceros(datos2, k = k)))
        colnames(satura2) <- c("seq.depth", "noceros")
        satura2 <- as.data.frame(satura2)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- c(0, NROW(datos1))
    SS1 <- range(satura1$seq.depth)
    SS2 <- range(satura2$seq.depth)
    xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
    xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
    plot(satura1$seq.depth, satura1$noceros, pch = 16, col = 2, 
        ylim = ylim, xlim = c(xm, xM), main = tit, type = "b", 
        xlab = "Sequencing Depth", ylab = paste("Number of genes with reads >", 
            k), cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
    points(satura2$seq.depth, satura2$noceros, pch = 16, col = 4, 
        type = "b")
    legend("top", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), bty = "n", 
        lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = c(2, 4), cex = cex)

# *****************************************************************************#

## Data for saturation plot with different biotypes

saturbio.dat <- function(datos1, datos2, k = 0, infobio, biotypes, 
    nsim = 5) {
    # infobio = vector containing biotype for each gene in
    # 'datos' biotypes = list containing groups of biotypes to be
    # studied
    n1 <- NCOL(datos1)
    n2 <- NCOL(datos2)
    biog <- lapply(biotypes, function(x) {
        which(is.element(infobio, x))
    satura1 <- satura2 <- vector("list", length = length(biotypes))
    names(satura1) <- names(satura2) <- names(biotypes)
    if (n1 > 1) {
        # when replicates are avaiLabel in condition 2
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = n1)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste(1:n1, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n1) {
            muestra1 <- combn(n1, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra1) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra1), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra1 <- muestra1[sub20]
            sumrepli <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra1)) {
                sumrepli <- cbind(sumrepli, rowSums(as.matrix(datos1[, 
            varias1[[i]] <- as.matrix(sumrepli)
    if (n1 == 1) {
        # simulating replicates for datos1
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = nsim)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste("dp", 1:nsim, sep = "")
        total1 <- sum(datos1)
        for (i in 1:(nsim - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra1 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total1 * i/nsim, 
                0), prob = datos1)
            varias1[[i]] <- muestra1
        varias1[[nsim]] <- as.matrix(datos1)
    seq.depth1 <- sapply(varias1, function(x) {
    # computing saturation for each biotype (datos1)
    for (j in 1:length(satura1)) {
        conbio1 <- lapply(varias1, function(x) {
            as.matrix(x[biog[[j]], ])
        satura1[[j]] <- sapply(conbio1, function(x) {
            mean(apply(x, 2, noceros, k = k))
    if (n2 > 1) {
        # when replicates are avaiLabel in condition 2
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = n2)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias2) <- paste(1:n2, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n2) {
            muestra2 <- combn(n2, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra2) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra2), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra2 <- muestra2[sub20]
            sumrepli <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra2)) {
                sumrepli <- cbind(sumrepli, rowSums(as.matrix(datos2[, 
            varias2[[i]] <- as.matrix(sumrepli)
    if (n2 == 1) {
        # replicates have to be simulated
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = nsim)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias2) <- paste("dp", 1:nsim, sep = "")
        total2 <- sum(datos2)
        for (i in 1:(nsim - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra2 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total2 * i/nsim, 
                0), prob = datos2)
            varias2[[i]] <- muestra2
        varias2[[nsim]] <- as.matrix(datos2)
    seq.depth2 <- sapply(varias2, function(x) {
    # computing saturation for each biotype (datos2)
    for (j in 1:length(satura2)) {
        conbio2 <- lapply(varias2, function(x) {
        satura2[[j]] <- sapply(conbio2, function(x) {
            mean(apply(x, 2, noceros, k = k))
    ## computing detection increasing per million reads
    newdet1 <- newdet2 <- vector("list", length = length(biotypes))
    names(newdet1) <- names(newdet2) <- names(biotypes)
    # condition 1
    for (j in 1:length(newdet1)) {
        puntos1 <- data.frame(x = seq.depth1, y = satura1[[j]])
        pendi <- NULL
        for (i in 2:nrow(puntos1)) {
            pendi <- c(pendi, (puntos1$y[i] - puntos1$y[i - 1])/(puntos1$x[i] - 
                puntos1$x[i - 1]))
        pendimil1 <- c(NA, pendi) * 1e+06
        newdet1[[j]] <- pendimil1
    # condition 2
    for (j in 1:length(newdet2)) {
        puntos2 <- data.frame(x = seq.depth2, y = satura2[[j]])
        pendi <- NULL
        for (i in 2:nrow(puntos2)) {
            pendi <- c(pendi, (puntos2$y[i] - puntos2$y[i - 1])/(puntos2$x[i] - 
                puntos2$x[i - 1]))
        pendimil2 <- c(NA, pendi) * 1e+06
        newdet2[[j]] <- pendimil2
    ### Results
    satura <- list(cond1 = satura1, cond2 = satura2, bionum = sapply(biog, 
        length), depth1 = seq.depth1, depth2 = seq.depth2, newdet1 = newdet1, 
        newdet2 = newdet2)

# *********************************************************************#

## Saturation plot with different biotypes

saturbio.plot <- function(depth1, depth2, sat1, sat2, newdet1 = NULL, 
    newdet2 = NULL, xlim = NULL, yleftlim = NULL, yrightlim = NULL, 
    main = "Saturation", lwdL = 2, lwdR = 10, xlab = "Sequencing depth", 
    legend = c("sample1", "sample2"), bionum = NULL, 
    ylabL = "Number of detected feaTRUEs", 
    ylabR = "New detections per million reads", cex.main = 1, 
    cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex = 1) {
    # yleftlim for plot and plot.y2
    if (is.null(yleftlim)) {
        yleftlim <- c(min(c(sat1, sat2)), max(c(sat1, sat2)))
    # xlim for plot
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        SS1 <- range(depth1)
        SS2 <- range(depth2)
        xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
        xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
        xlim <- c(xm, xM)
    percen1 <- round(100 * max(sat1)/bionum, 1)
    percen2 <- round(100 * max(sat2)/bionum, 1)
    if (is.null(newdet1)) {
        # PLOT for detections
        plot(depth1, sat1, pch = 16, col = 2, ylim = yleftlim, 
            lwd = lwdL, xlim = xlim, main = main, type = "b", 
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylabL, cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, 
            cex.axis = cex.axis)
        points(depth2, sat2, pch = 16, col = 4, type = "b")
        legend("top", legend = paste(legend, ": ", c(percen1, 
            percen2), "% detected", sep = ""), text.col = c(2, 
            4), bty = "n", lty = 1, lwd = lwdL, col = c(2, 4), 
            cex = cex)
    } else {
        # yrightlim for plot.y2
        if (is.null(yrightlim)) {
            yrightlim <- c(0, max(10, max(na.omit(c(newdet1, 
        # PLOT with 2 axis
        plot.y2(x = depth1, yright = newdet1, yleft = sat1, type = c("h", 
            "b"), lwd = c(lwdR, lwdL), xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, 
            yrightlim = yrightlim, yleftlim = yleftlim, yylab = c(ylabR, 
                ylabL), pch = c(1, 19), col = c("pink", 2), main = main, 
            x2 = depth2, yright2 = newdet2, yleft2 = sat2, col2 = c("lightblue1", 
                4), cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis, 
            cex = cex)
        rect(xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.3, max(yleftlim) * 
            1.5, max(xlim) * 1.5, yleftlim[1] + diff(range(yleftlim)) * 
            0.85, col = "grey90", border = "grey90")
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.55, y = max(yleftlim), 
            "Left axis", font = 3)
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.75, y = max(yleftlim), 
            "Right axis", font = 3)
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.95, y = max(yleftlim), 
            "%detected", font = 3)
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.4, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.95, legend[1], font = 2)
        points(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.55, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.95, lty = 1, pch = 16, 
            col = 2)
        points(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.75, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.95, pch = 15, col = "pink")
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.95, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.95, percen1)
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.4, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.9, legend[2], font = 2)
        points(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.55, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.9, lty = 1, pch = 16, col = 4)
        points(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.75, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.9, pch = 15, col = "lightblue1")
        text(x = xlim[1] + diff(range(xlim)) * 0.95, y = yleftlim[1] + 
            diff(range(yleftlim)) * 0.9, percen2)
        # legend(x = sum(range(xlim))*0.4, y = max(yleftlim), legend
        # = legend, lty = 1, pch = 16, col = c(2,4), title = 'Left
        # axis', lwd = 2)
        # legend(x = sum(range(xlim))*0.7, y = max(yleftlim), legend
        # = legend, pch = 15, col = c('pink','lightblue1'), title =
        # 'Right axis')

# ****************************************************************************#

## Plot to compare counts distributions for two experimental
## conditions

cd.plot <- function(cond1, cond2, legend = c("group1", "group2"), 
    tit = "Counts distributions", xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(0, 
        100)) {
    if (max(ncol(as.matrix(cond1)), ncol(as.matrix(cond2))) == 
        1) {
        suma <- cond1 + cond2
        detect <- which(suma > 0)
        suma1.0 <- cond1[detect]
        suma2.0 <- cond2[detect]
        qq <- (1:100)
        cum1 <- cumsum(sort(suma1.0, decreasing = TRUE))/sum(suma1.0)
        cum2 <- cumsum(sort(suma2.0, decreasing = TRUE))/sum(suma2.0)
        nu1 <- length(suma1.0)
        nu2 <- length(suma2.0)
        yy1 <- cum1[round(nu1 * qq/100, 0)] * 100
        yy2 <- cum2[round(nu2 * qq/100, 0)] * 100
        plot(qq, yy1, xlab = "% detected genes", ylab = "% cumulative reads", 
            type = "b", col = 2, main = tit, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, 
            cex.main = 1.7, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3)
        points(qq, yy2, type = "b", col = 4)
        # ks.resul <- ks.test(suma1.0, suma2.0)
        # text(50, 70, 'Kolmogorov-Smirnov test', cex = 1.5)
        # text(50, 65, paste('p-value =', ks.resul$p.value), cex =
        # 1.5)
        legend("bottom", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), 
            bty = "n", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = c(2, 4), cex = 1.5)
    } else {
        suma <- apply(cbind(cond1, cond2), 1, sum)
        detect <- which(suma > 0)
        cond1.0 <- as.matrix(cond1)[detect, ]
        cond2.0 <- as.matrix(cond2)[detect, ]
        qq <- (1:100)
        cum1 <- apply(cond1.0, 2, function(x) {
            cumsum(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE))/sum(x)
        cum2 <- apply(cond2.0, 2, function(x) {
            cumsum(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE))/sum(x)
        nu1 <- nrow(cond1.0)
        nu2 <- nrow(cond2.0)
        yy1 <- cum1[round(nu1 * qq/100, 0), ] * 100
        yy2 <- cum2[round(nu2 * qq/100, 0), ] * 100
        plot(qq, yy1[, 1], xlab = "% detected genes", 
            ylab = "% cumulative reads", 
            type = "l", col = 2, main = tit, ylim = c(0, 100), 
            lwd = 1)
        for (i in 2:ncol(cond1.0)) {
            lines(qq, yy1[, i], col = 2, lwd = 1)
        for (i in 1:ncol(cond2.0)) {
            lines(qq, yy2[, i], col = 4, lwd = 1)
        legend("bottom", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), 
            bty = "n", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = c(2, 4))

# ***************************************************************************#

## Mean length for detected genes Plot REVISAR!!!!!!!!!!!

DL.plot <- function(datos1, datos2, long, k = 0, ylim = range(na.omit(long)), 
    legend = c(deparse(substitute(datos1)), deparse(substitute(datos2))), 
    tit = "") {
    n1 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos1))
    muestra1 <- as.list(1:n1)
    for (i in 2:n1) {
        muestra1 <- append(muestra1, combn(n1, i, simplify = FALSE))
    varias1 <- vector("list", length = length(muestra1))
    names(varias1) <- sapply(muestra1, function(x) {
        paste("C1", x, collapse = ".", sep = "")
    for (i in 1:length(muestra1)) {
        varias1[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(datos1[, muestra1[[i]]]), 
            1, sum)
    no0.1 <- lapply(varias1, noceros, k = k, num = FALSE)
    satura1 <- data.frame(seq.depth = sapply(varias1, sum), 
      lengths = sapply(no0.1, 
        function(x) {
    n2 <- ncol(as.matrix(datos2))
    if (n1 == n2) {
        muestra2 <- muestra1
    } else {
        muestra2 <- as.list(1:n2)
        for (i in 2:n2) {
            muestra2 <- append(muestra2, combn(n2, i, simplify = FALSE))
    varias2 <- vector("list", length = length(muestra2))
    names(varias2) <- sapply(muestra2, function(x) {
        paste("C2", x, collapse = ".", sep = "")
    for (i in 1:length(muestra2)) {
        varias2[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(datos2[, muestra2[[i]]]), 
            1, sum)
    no0.2 <- lapply(varias2, noceros, k = k, num = FALSE)
    satura2 <- data.frame(seq.depth = sapply(varias2, sum), 
      lengths = sapply(no0.2, 
        function(x) {
    SS1 <- range(satura1$seq.depth)
    SS2 <- range(satura2$seq.depth)
    xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
    xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
    plot(satura1, pch = 16, col = 2, ylim = ylim, xlim = c(xm, 
        xM), main = tit, type = "b", xlab = "Sequencing Depth", 
        ylab = "Median length of genes with reads > 0")
    points(satura2, pch = 16, col = 4, type = "b")
    abline(h = median(long, na.rm = TRUE), lty = 2)
    legend("top", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), bty = "n", 
        lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = c(2, 4))

# ****************************************************************************#

## Mean length for detected genes Plot according to BIOTYPES

DLbio.dat <- function(datos1, datos2, long, k = 0, infobio, biotypes, 
    nsim = 5) {
    # infobio = vector containing biotype for each gene in
    # 'datos' biotypes = list containing groups of biotypes to be
    # studied nsim = number of replicates to be simulated
    n1 <- NCOL(datos1)
    n2 <- NCOL(datos2)
    biog <- lapply(biotypes, function(x) {
        which(is.element(infobio, x))
    satura1 <- satura2 <- vector("list", length = length(biotypes))
    names(satura1) <- names(satura2) <- names(biotypes)
    newdet1 <- newdet2 <- NULL
    ## when replicates are avaiLabel in condition 1
    if (n1 > 1) {
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = n1)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste(1:n1, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n1) {
            muestra1 <- combn(n1, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra1) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra1), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra1 <- muestra1[sub20]
            sumrepli <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra1)) {
                sumrepli <- cbind(sumrepli, rowSums(as.matrix(datos1[, 
            varias1[[i]] <- as.matrix(sumrepli)
    ## replicates simulated for condition 1 replicates have to be
    ## simulated
    if (n1 == 1) {
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = nsim)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste("dp", 1:nsim, sep = "")
        total1 <- sum(datos1)
        for (i in 1:(nsim - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra1 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total1 * i/nsim, 
                0), prob = datos1)
            varias1[[i]] <- as.matrix(muestra1)
        varias1[[nsim]] <- as.matrix(datos1)
    ## sequencing depth for each new sample
    seq.depth1 <- sapply(varias1, function(x) {
    ## computing length for each biotype (datos1)
    for (j in 1:length(satura1)) {
        conbio1 <- lapply(varias1, function(x) {
        long1 <- long[biog[[j]]]
        conbio1.0 <- lapply(conbio1, function(x) {
            apply(x, 2, function(y) {
                median(long1[noceros(y, k = k, num = FALSE)], 
                  na.rm = TRUE)
        dtc1 <- vector("list", length = length(conbio1))  # per each seq. depth
        for (ss in 1:length(conbio1)) {
            dtc1[[ss]] <- unique(unlist(apply(conbio1[[ss]], 
                2, noceros, k = k, num = FALSE)))
        nous1 <- NA
        for (nn in 1:(length(dtc1) - 1)) {
            nuevos <- setdiff(dtc1[[nn + 1]], dtc1[[nn]])
            nous1 <- c(nous1, median(na.omit(long1[nuevos])))
        satura1[[j]] <- sapply(conbio1.0, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        newdet1 <- rbind(newdet1, nous1)
    rownames(newdet1) <- names(satura1)
    colnames(newdet1) <- paste("rep", 1:ncol(newdet1))
    ## when replicates are avaiLabel in condition 2
    if (n2 > 1) {
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = n2)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias2) <- paste(1:n2, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n2) {
            muestra2 <- combn(n2, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra2) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra2), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra2 <- muestra2[sub20]
            sumrepli <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra2)) {
                sumrepli <- cbind(sumrepli, rowSums(as.matrix(datos2[, 
            varias2[[i]] <- as.matrix(sumrepli)
    ## replicates simulated for condition 2 replicates have to be
    ## simulated
    if (n2 == 1) {
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = nsim)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias2) <- paste("dp", 1:nsim, sep = "")
        total2 <- sum(datos2)
        for (i in 1:(nsim - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra2 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total2 * i/nsim, 
                0), prob = datos2)
            varias2[[i]] <- as.matrix(muestra2)
        varias2[[nsim]] <- as.matrix(datos2)
    ## sequencing depth for each new sample (datos2)
    seq.depth2 <- sapply(varias2, function(x) {
    ## computing saturation for each biotype (datos2)
    for (j in 1:length(satura2)) {
        conbio2 <- lapply(varias2, function(x) {
        long2 <- long[biog[[j]]]
        conbio2.0 <- lapply(conbio2, function(x) {
            apply(x, 2, function(y) {
                median(long2[noceros(y, k = k, num = FALSE)], 
                  na.rm = TRUE)
        dtc2 <- vector("list", length = length(conbio2))  # per each seq. depth
        for (ss in 1:length(conbio2)) {
            dtc2[[ss]] <- unique(unlist(apply(conbio2[[ss]], 
                2, noceros, k = k, num = FALSE)))
        nous2 <- NA
        for (nn in 1:(length(dtc2) - 1)) {
            nuevos <- setdiff(dtc2[[nn + 1]], dtc2[[nn]])
            nous2 <- c(nous2, median(na.omit(long2[nuevos])))
        satura2[[j]] <- sapply(conbio2.0, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        newdet2 <- rbind(newdet2, nous2)
    rownames(newdet2) <- names(satura2)
    colnames(newdet2) <- paste("rep", 1:ncol(newdet2))
    ## computing global length length.biotype <- sapply(biog,
    ## function (x) { median(na.omit(long[x])) })
    length.biotype <- NULL
    total12 <- rowSums(cbind(datos1, datos2))
    totno0 <- noceros(total12, num = FALSE, k = 0)
    long.mayor150 <- which(long > 150)
    long.menor150 <- which(long <= 150)
    for (i in 1:length(biog)) {
        det.menor150 <- int.mult(list(biog[[i]], totno0, long.menor150))
        mayor150 <- intersect(long.mayor150, biog[[i]])
        estos <- union(det.menor150, mayor150)
        longestos <- na.omit(long[estos])
        length.biotype <- c(length.biotype, median(longestos))
    satura <- list(cond1 = satura1, cond2 = satura2, bionum = sapply(biog, 
        length), depth1 = seq.depth1, depth2 = seq.depth2, newdet1 = newdet1, 
        newdet2 = newdet2, biolength = length.biotype)

# ****************************************************************************#

## PLOT: Mean length for detected genes Plot according to

DLbio.plot <- function(depth1, depth2, sat1, sat2, biolong, k = 0, 
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, legend = c("sample1", "sample2"), 
    main = "", ylab = "Median length of detected genes", cex.main = 1, 
    cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex = 1, xlab = "Sequencing depth") {
    # ylim for plot
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- c(min(c(na.omit(sat1), na.omit(sat2), biolong)), 
            max(c(na.omit(sat1), na.omit(sat2), biolong)))
        ylim <- ylim + 0.1 * diff(range(ylim)) * c(-1, 1)
    # xlim for plot
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        SS1 <- range(depth1)
        SS2 <- range(depth2)
        xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
        xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
        xlim <- c(xm, xM)
    # PLOT
    if (is.na(biolong)) {
        plot(1:5, 1:5, type = "n", axes = FALSE, main = main, 
            xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.main = cex.main)
        text(3, 4, "Biotype not found in the dataset", adj = 0.5, 
            cex = cex.main, font = 2)
    } else {
        if (diff(range(ylim)) < 100) {
            # correcting ylim
            ylim <- mean(ylim) + 50 * c(-1, 1)
            ylim[1] <- max(ylim[1], 0)
        plot(depth1, sat1, pch = 16, col = 2, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, 
            main = main, type = "o", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
            cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
        points(depth2, sat2, pch = 16, col = 4, type = "o")
        abline(h = biolong, lty = 2, col = "grey")
        text(mean(xlim), biolong + 0.02 * diff(range(ylim)), 
            "median global length", col = "grey", cex = cex)
        legend("top", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), bty = "n", 
            lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = c(2, 4), cex = cex, horiz = TRUE)

# ***************************************************************************#

## Detecting outliers

# lim: Values outside the interval lim = c(a,b) will be
# tagged as outliers.  'bp' = Limits are computed as in
# boxplots. q -/+ k*IR

# k: Coefficient to compute 'bp' limits. By default, k = 1.5.

outliers <- function(x, lim = "bp", k = 1.5) {
    if (lim == "bp") {
        Q <- quantile(na.omit(x), c(0.25, 0.75))
        IR <- diff(Q)
        lim <- c(Q[1] - k * IR, Q[2] + k * IR)
    outl.left <- which(x < lim[1])
    outl.right <- which(x > lim[2])
    outl <- c(outl.left, outl.right)
    list(left = outl.left, right = outl.right, both = outl)


## NOISeq-sim (to study different performance aspects) POR
## ARREGLAR!!!!!!!!!!!

noiseqsim <- function(datos1, datos2, k = 0.5, norm = "rpkm", 
    long = 1000, q = 0.9, pnr = c(1, 1), nss = 5, v = 0.02, lc = 1, 
    expcond = 0) 
# expcond: 0 (if both samples are used to estimate noise
# distribution) 1 (if sample 1 is used to estimate noise
# distribution) 2 (if sample 2 is used to estimate noise
# distribution)

    g.sinL <- names(which(is.na(long)))
    # Normalization no normalization
    if (norm == "n") {
        datos1.norm <- sinceros(datos1, k = k)
        datos2.norm <- sinceros(datos2, k = k)
    if (norm == "rpkm") {
        # RPKM
        datos1.norm <- rpkm(datos1, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
        datos2.norm <- rpkm(datos2, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
    if (norm == "uqua") {
        datos.norm <- uqua(cbind(datos1, datos2), long = long, 
            lc = lc, k = k)
        datos1.norm <- datos.norm[, 1]
        datos2.norm <- datos.norm[, 2]
    # M and D for different experimental conditions
    MDs <- MD(dat = cbind(datos1.norm, datos2.norm))
    # Noise distribution with simulated samples
    if (nss == 0) {
        nss <- 5
    if (expcond == 0) {
        datos.sim <- sim.samples2(counts1 = datos1, counts2 = datos2, 
            pnr = pnr, nss = nss, v = v)
        datitos <- cbind(datos.sim[[1]], datos.sim[[2]])
        dat.sim.norm <- vector("list", length = 2)
    if (expcond == 1) {
        datos.sim <- sim.samples2(counts1 = datos1, counts2 = NULL, 
            pnr = pnr, nss = nss, v = v)
        datitos <- datos.sim[[1]]
        dat.sim.norm <- vector("list", length = 1)
    if (expcond == 2) {
        datos.sim <- sim.samples2(counts1 = datos2, counts2 = NULL, 
            pnr = pnr, nss = nss, v = v)
        datitos <- datos.sim[[1]]
        dat.sim.norm <- vector("list", length = 1)
    nn <- sapply(datos.sim, ncol)
    sumita <- apply(datitos, 1, sum)
    g.sin0 <- names(which(sumita > 0))
    gens.sin0 <- setdiff(g.sin0, g.sinL)
    if (norm == "n") {
        # no normalization
        datitos.0 <- sinceros(datitos, k = k)
        datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
    if (norm == "rpkm") {
        # RPKM
        datitos.0 <- rpkm(datitos, long = long, k = k, lc = lc)
        datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
    if (norm == "uqua") {
        # Upper Quartile
        datitos.0 <- uqua(datitos, long = long, lc = lc, k = k)
        datitos.norm <- datitos.0[gens.sin0, ]
    dat.sim.norm[[1]] <- datitos.norm[, 1:nn[1]]
    MD1 <- MD(dat = dat.sim.norm[[1]])
    if (expcond == 0) {
        dat.sim.norm[[2]] <- datitos.norm[, (nn[1] + 1):sum(nn)]
        MD2 <- MD(dat = dat.sim.norm[[2]])
    } else {
        MD2 <- NULL
    Mr <- c(as.numeric(MD1$M), as.numeric(MD2$M))
    Dr <- c(as.numeric(MD1$D), as.numeric(MD2$D))
    # Differential expression
    prob <- probdeg(MDs$M, MDs$D, Mr, Dr)
    deg <- DEG.q(prob, q = q)
    list(probab = prob, deg = deg, Ms = MDs$M, Ds = MDs$D, Mn = Mr, 
        Dn = Dr)

# ****************************************************************************#

## To generate simulated samples (version 2):

# pnr: Percentage of total reads (seq.depth). By default, pnr
# = 1.  nss: Number of simulated samples (>= 2). By default,
# nss = 5.  v: Variability in sample total reads.

# Sample total reads is computed as a random value from a
# uniform distribution in the interval [(pnr-v)*sum(counts),
# (pnr+v)*sum(counts)]

sim.samples2 <- function(counts1, counts2 = NULL, pnr = 1, nss = 5, 
    v = 0.02) {
    seqdep <- c(sum(counts1), sum(counts2))
    num.reads1 <- (pnr + c(-v, v)) * seqdep[1]
    muestras <- vector("list")
    muestras$c1 <- NULL
    for (s in 1:nss) {
        tama <- round(runif(1, num.reads1[1], num.reads1[2]), 
        muestras$c1 <- cbind(muestras$c1, rmultinom(1, size = tama, 
            prob = counts1))
    if (!is.null(counts2)) {
        num.reads2 <- (pnr + c(-v, v)) * seqdep[2]
        muestras$c2 <- NULL
        for (s in 1:nss) {
            tama <- round(runif(1, num.reads2[1], num.reads2[2]), 
            muestras$c2 <- cbind(muestras$c2, rmultinom(1, size = tama, 
                prob = counts2))


#### Results for ROC curve

rocdata <- function(comparing, method.type, feaTRUEs, positives, 
    qroc = seq(1, 0, -0.005), aroc = seq(0, 1, 0.005)) {
    # positives = Vector of feaTRUEs presenting real differential
    # expression.  qroc = Threshold probabilities to compute
    # points for ROC curve for those methods with differential
    # expression probabilities output.  aroc = Threhold
    # significances to compute points for ROC curve for those
    # methods whose output are p-values.  comparing = List with
    # length the number of methods to be compared. Each element
    # of the list is a vector cointaining the probabilities or
    # p-values for each gene or biological feaTRUE under study.
    # method.type = Vector of the same length of 'comparing' with
    # 'q' or 'a' in each element, according to the type of method
    # in 'comparing'.  feaTRUEs = List with length the number of
    # methods to be compared. Each element of the list is a
    # vector cointaining the names of the biological feaTRUEs
    # (genes or whatever) associated to the probabilities or
    # p-values in the list 'comparing'.
    P <- length(positives)
    N <- length(comparing[[1]]) - P
    roc <- vector("list", length = length(comparing))
    names(roc) <- names(comparing)
    for (k in 1:length(comparing)) {
        taula <- NULL
        gg <- as.character(feaTRUEs[[k]])
        if (method.type[k] == "q") {
            for (i in 1:length(qroc)) {
                deg <- gg[which(comparing[[k]] >= qroc[i])]
                TP <- long.int(deg, positives)
                TPR <- TP/P
                FPR <- (length(deg) - TP)/N
                taula <- rbind(taula, c(FPR, TPR))
        if (method.type[k] == "a") {
            for (i in 1:length(aroc)) {
                deg <- gg[which(comparing[[k]] <= aroc[i])]
                TP <- long.int(deg, positives)
                TPR <- TP/P
                FPR <- (length(deg) - TP)/N
                taula <- rbind(taula, c(FPR, TPR))
        roc[[k]] <- taula

# *****************************************************************************#

#### ROC curve plot

rocplot <- function(data, col, lin, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 
    1), xlab = "FPR", ylab = "TPR", main = "") {
    # data = List coming from the 'rocdata' function. Each
    # element of the list is a two columns matrix with
    # (x,y)-coordinates for the plot.  col = Vector of colors for
    # lines with the same length as ROC data list.  lin = Vector
    # with type of lines, with the same length as ROC data list.
    plot(data[[1]], type = "l", col = col[1], lty = lin[1], lwd = 2, 
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
    if (length(data) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(data)) {
            lines(data[[i]], col = col[i], lwd = 2, lty = lin[i])
    abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 3)
    legend("bottomright", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, lty = lin)

# *****************************************************************************#

#### Results for FDR curve

fdrdata <- function(comparing, method.type, num, positives, feaTRUEs) {
    # positives = Vector of feaTRUEs presenting real differential
    # expression.  num = Vector containing the number of selected
    # feaTRUEs to be drawn in X-axis.  comparing = List with
    # length the number of methods to be compared. Each element
    # of the list is a vector cointaining the probabilities or
    # p-values for each gene or biological feaTRUE under study.
    # method.type = Vector of the same length of 'comparing' with
    # 'q' or 'a' in each element, according to the type of method
    # in 'comparing'.  feaTRUEs = List with length the number of
    # methods to be compared. Each element of the list is a
    # vector cointaining the names of the biological feaTRUEs
    # (genes or whatever) associated to the probabilities or
    # p-values in the list 'comparing'.
    P <- length(positives)
    N <- length(comparing[[1]]) - P
    fdr <- vector("list", length = length(comparing))
    names(fdr) <- names(comparing)
    for (k in 1:length(comparing)) {
        taula <- NULL
        gg <- as.character(feaTRUEs[[k]])
        if (method.type[k] == "q") {
            ordre <- rank(1 - comparing[[k]])
        if (method.type[k] == "a") {
            ordre <- rank(comparing[[k]])
        taula <- c(0, 0)
        for (i in 2:length(num)) {
            deg <- gg[which(ordre <= num[i])]
            TP <- long.int(deg, positives)
            FDR <- 1 - (TP/length(deg))
            taula <- rbind(taula, c(length(deg), FDR))
        fdr[[k]] <- taula

# *****************************************************************************#

#### FDR plot

fdrplot <- function(data, col, lin, xlim = c(0, 1000), ylim = c(0, 
    1), xlab = "Selected feaTRUEs", ylab = "FDR", main = "") {
    # data = List coming from the 'fdrdata' function. Each
    # element of the list is a two columns matrix with
    # (x,y)-coordinates for the plot.  col = Vector of colors for
    # lines with the same length as ROC data list.  lin = Vector
    # with type of lines, with the same length as ROC data list.
    plot(data[[1]], type = "l", col = col[1], lty = lin[1], lwd = 2, 
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
    if (length(data) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(data)) {
            lines(data[[i]], col = col[i], lwd = 2, lty = lin[i])
    legend("bottomright", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, lty = lin)

# *****************************************************************************#

## Counts for detected genes Plot according to BIOTYPES

countsbio.dat <- function(datos1, datos2, k = 0, infobio, biotypes, 
    nbox = 5) {
    # infobio = vector containing biotype for each gene in
    # 'datos' biotypes = list containing groups of biotypes to be
    # studied nbox = number of different depths to be plotted
    # (only used for simulated data)
    n1 <- NCOL(datos1)
    n2 <- NCOL(datos2)
    biog <- lapply(biotypes, function(x) {
        which(is.element(infobio, x))
    # which genes belong to each biotype
    satura1 <- satura2 <- vector("list", length = length(biotypes))
    names(satura1) <- names(satura2) <- names(biotypes)
    ## replicates avaiLabel for condition 1
    if (n1 > 1) {
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = n1)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste(1:n1, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n1) {
            muestra1 <- combn(n1, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra1) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra1), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra1 <- muestra1[sub20]
            sumrepli <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra1)) {
                sumrepli <- cbind(sumrepli, rowSums(as.matrix(datos1[, 
            varias1[[i]] <- rowMeans(sumrepli)
    ## replicates simulated for condition 1 replicates have to be
    ## simulated
    if (n1 == 1) {
        varias1 <- vector("list", length = nbox)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias1) <- paste("dp", 1:nbox, sep = "")
        total1 <- sum(datos1)
        for (i in 1:(nbox - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra1 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total1 * i/nbox, 
                0), prob = datos1)
            varias1[[i]] <- rowMeans(muestra1)
        varias1[[nbox]] <- datos1
    seq.depth1 <- sapply(varias1, sum)  # sequencing depth for each new sample
    ## selecting detected genes for each biotype (datos1)
    for (j in 1:length(satura1)) {
        satura1[[j]] <- vector("list", length = length(varias1))
        names(satura1[[j]]) <- names(varias1)
        # selecting genes in bioclass j for each sample
        conbio1 <- lapply(varias1, function(x) {
        for (i in 1:length(conbio1)) {
            # selecting the genes with counts > k
            noK <- noceros(conbio1[[i]], k = k, num = FALSE)
            if (is.null(noK)) {
                satura1[[j]][[i]] <- NA
            } else {
                satura1[[j]][[i]] <- conbio1[[i]][noK]
    ## replicates avaiLabel for condition 2
    if (n2 > 1) {
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = n2)
        names(varias2) <- paste(1:n2, "rep", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:n2) {
            muestra2 <- combn(n2, i, simplify = FALSE)
            if (length(muestra2) > 20) {
                sub20 <- sample(1:length(muestra2), size = 20, 
                  replace = FALSE)
                muestra2 <- muestra2[sub20]
            sumrepli2 <- NULL
            for (com in 1:length(muestra2)) {
                sumrepli2 <- cbind(sumrepli2, rowSums(as.matrix(datos2[, 
            varias2[[i]] <- rowMeans(sumrepli2)
    ## replicates simulated for condition 2 replicates have to be
    ## simulated
    if (n2 == 1) {
        varias2 <- vector("list", length = nbox)  
        # counts for each sequencing depth
        names(varias2) <- paste("dp", 1:nbox, sep = "")
        total2 <- sum(datos2)
        for (i in 1:(nbox - 1)) {
            # total1*i/nbox reads (100% is calculated apart)
            muestra2 <- rmultinom(10, size = round(total2 * i/nbox, 
                0), prob = datos2)
            varias2[[i]] <- rowMeans(muestra2)
        varias2[[nbox]] <- datos2
    seq.depth2 <- sapply(varias2, sum)  # sequencing depth for each new sample
    ## selecting detected genes for each biotype (datos2)
    for (j in 1:length(satura2)) {
        satura2[[j]] <- vector("list", length = length(varias2))
        names(satura2[[j]]) <- names(varias2)
        # selecting genes in bioclass j for each sample
        conbio2 <- lapply(varias2, function(x) {
        for (i in 1:length(conbio2)) {
            # selecting the genes with counts > k
            noK <- noceros(conbio2[[i]], k = k, num = FALSE)
            if (is.null(noK)) {
                satura2[[j]][[i]] <- NA
            } else {
                satura2[[j]][[i]] <- conbio2[[i]][noK]
    ## results
    satura <- list(cond1 = satura1, cond2 = satura2, bionum = sapply(biog, 
        length), depth1 = seq.depth1, depth2 = seq.depth2)

# ****************************************************************************#

## PLOT: Mean length for detected genes Plot according to

countbio.plot <- function(depth1, depth2, sat1, sat2, bionum, 
    legend = c("sample1", "sample2"), main = "", 
    ylab = "# counts of detected feaTRUEs", 
    xlab = "Sequencing Depth", ylim = NULL, las = 0, cex.main = 1, 
    cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex = 1) {
    if (bionum == 0) {
        plot(1:5, 1:5, type = "n", main = main, cex.main = cex.main, 
            axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
        text(3, 4, "Biotype not found in the dataset", font = 2, 
            adj = 0.5, cex = cex.main)
    } else {
        # ylim for plot
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- c(min(c(na.omit(unlist(sat1)), na.omit(unlist(sat2)))), 
                max(c(na.omit(unlist(sat1)), na.omit(unlist(sat2)))))
            ylim <- ylim + 0.05 * diff(range(ylim)) * c(-1, 1)
        # boxplots data
        depth <- c(depth1, depth2)
        d.sort <- sort(depth)
        d.order <- order(depth)
        n1 <- length(depth1)
        n2 <- length(depth2)
        databox <- vector("list", length = n1 + n2)
        names(databox) <- d.sort
        colo <- NULL
        for (i in 1:(n1 + n2)) {
            if (d.order[i] > n1) {
                dd <- d.order[i] - n1
                databox[[i]] <- sat2[[dd]]
                colo <- c(colo, 4)
            } else {
                dd <- d.order[i]
                databox[[i]] <- sat1[[dd]]
                colo <- c(colo, 2)
        # BOXPLOT
        boxplot(databox, col = colo, ylim = ylim, main = main, 
            type = "b", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex.main = cex.main, 
            cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
        legend("top", legend = legend, text.col = c(2, 4), bty = "o", 
            bg = "white", fill = c(2, 4), cex = cex, horiz = TRUE)
        cuantos <- sapply(databox, length)
        cuantos1 <- which(cuantos == 1)
        sumant <- sapply(databox, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        sumant0 <- which(sumant == 0)
        cuantosNA <- intersect(cuantos1, sumant0)
        cuantos[cuantosNA] <- 0
        mtext(cuantos, 3, at = 1:length(databox), cex = 0.6 * 
            cex, las = las)


#### Results for PRECISION-RECALL (PR) curve

prdata <- function(comparing, method.type, feaTRUEs, positives, 
    qroc = seq(1, 0, -0.005), aroc = seq(0, 1, 0.005)) {
    # positives = Vector of feaTRUEs presenting real differential
    # expression.  qroc = Threshold probabilities to compute
    # points for ROC curve for those methods with differential
    # expression probabilities output.  aroc = Threhold
    # significances to compute points for ROC curve for those
    # methods whose output are p-values.  comparing = List with
    # length the number of methods to be compared. Each element
    # of the list is a vector cointaining the probabilities or
    # p-values for each gene or biological feaTRUE under study.
    # method.type = Vector of the same length of 'comparing' with
    # 'q' or 'a' in each element, according to the type of method
    # in 'comparing'.  feaTRUEs = List with length the number of
    # methods to be compared. Each element of the list is a
    # vector cointaining the names of the biological feaTRUEs
    # (genes or whatever) associated to the probabilities or
    # p-values in the list 'comparing'.
    P <- length(positives)
    N <- length(comparing[[1]]) - P
    pr <- vector("list", length = length(comparing))
    names(pr) <- names(comparing)
    for (k in 1:length(comparing)) {
        taula <- NULL
        gg <- as.character(feaTRUEs[[k]])
        n <- length(gg)
        if (method.type[k] == "q") {
            for (i in 1:length(qroc)) {
                deg <- gg[which(comparing[[k]] >= qroc[i])]
                TP <- long.int(deg, positives)
                Pd <- length(deg)
                FP <- Pd - TP
                TN <- N - FP
                TPR <- TP/P  # recall
                preci <- TP/Pd
                F1 <- 2 * TPR * preci/(TPR + preci)
                nume <- TP * TN - FP * (P - TP)
                deno <- sqrt(Pd) * sqrt(P) * sqrt(N) * sqrt(n - 
                MCC <- nume/deno
                taula <- rbind(taula, c(TPR, preci, 1 - qroc[i], 
                  F1, MCC))
            colnames(taula) <- c("recall", "precision", "1-q", 
                "F1", "MCC")
        if (method.type[k] == "a") {
            for (i in 1:length(aroc)) {
                deg <- gg[which(comparing[[k]] <= aroc[i])]
                TP <- long.int(deg, positives)
                Pd <- length(deg)
                FP <- Pd - TP
                TN <- N - FP
                TPR <- TP/P
                preci <- TP/length(deg)
                F1 <- 2 * TPR * preci/(TPR + preci)
                nume <- TP * TN - FP * (P - TP)
                deno <- sqrt(Pd) * sqrt(P) * sqrt(N) * sqrt(n - 
                MCC <- nume/deno
                taula <- rbind(taula, c(TPR, preci, aroc[i], 
                  F1, MCC))
            colnames(taula) <- c("recall", "precision", "alpha", 
                "F1", "MCC")
        pr[[k]] <- taula

# ***************************************************************************#


prplot <- function(data, col, lin, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 
    1), lty = 1, xlab = "Recall", ylab = "Precision", main = "", 
    plottype = "PR") {
    # data = List coming from the 'prdata' function. Each element
    # of the list is a two columns matrix with (x,y)-coordinates
    # for the plot.  col = Vector of colors for lines with the
    # same length as ROC data list.  lin = Vector with type of
    # lines, with the same length as ROC data list.  plottype =
    # If PR, Precision-Recall curve is plotted.  If F1, q/a
    # values are plotted against F1-score.  If FDR, q/a values
    # are plotted against False Discovery Rate.  If MCC, q/a
    # values are plotted against Matthew's Correlation
    # Coefficient.
    if (length(lty) == 1) {
        lty <- rep(lty, length(col))
    if (plottype == "PR") {
        plot(data[[1]][, 1:2], type = "l", col = col[1], lwd = 2, 
            lty = lty[1], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, 
            ylab = ylab, main = main)
        if (length(data) > 1) {
            for (i in 2:length(data)) {
                lines(data[[i]][, 1:2], col = col[i], lwd = 2, 
                  lty = lty[i])
        legend("bottomleft", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, 
            lty = lty, bty = "n")
    if (plottype == "F1") {
        plot(data[[1]][, 3:4], type = "l", col = col[1], lty = lty[1], 
            lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
            main = main)
        if (length(data) > 1) {
            for (i in 2:length(data)) {
                lines(data[[i]][, 3:4], col = col[i], lwd = 2, 
                  lty = lty[i])
        legend("bottom", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, ncol = 2, 
            lty = lty, bty = "n")
    if (plottype == "FDR") {
        plot(data[[1]][, 3], 1 - data[[1]][, 2], type = "l", 
            col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, 
            ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
        if (length(data) > 1) {
            for (i in 2:length(data)) {
                lines(data[[i]][, 3], 1 - data[[i]][, 2], col = col[i], 
                  lwd = 2, lty = lty[i])
        legend("topleft", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, ncol = 2, 
            bty = "n", lty = lty)
    if (plottype == "MCC") {
        plot(data[[1]][, 3], data[[1]][, 5], type = "l", col = col[1], 
            lty = lty[1], lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, 
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
        if (length(data) > 1) {
            for (i in 2:length(data)) {
                lines(data[[i]][, 3], data[[i]][, 5], col = col[i], 
                  lwd = 2, lty = lty[i])
        legend("bottom", names(data), lwd = 3, col = col, ncol = 2, 
            lty = lty, bty = "n")

# **************************************************************************#

################ Plot with 2 different Y axis (left and right)
#################################################### #####################

# By Ajay Shah (taken from [R] Plot 2 time series with
# different y axes (left and right), in
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2004-March/047775.html)

# Modified by: Sonia Tarazona

### PARAMETERS (default): x: data to be drawn on X-axis yright:
### data to be drawn on Y right axis yleft: data to be drawn on
### Y left axis yrightlim (range(yright, na.rm = TRUE)): ylim
### for rigth Y-axis yleftlim (range(yleft, na.rm = TRUE)):
### ylim for left Y-axis xlab (NULL): Label for X-axis yylab
### (c('','')): Labels for right and left Y-axis pch (c(1,2)):
### Type of symbol for rigth and left data col (c(1,2)): Color
### for rigth and left data linky (TRUE): If TRUE, points are
### connected by lines.  smooth (0): Friedman's super smoothing
### lwds (1): Line width for smoothed line length (10): Number
### of tick-marks to be drawn on axis ...: Other graphical
### parameters to be added by user (such as main, font, etc.)

plot.y2 <- function(x, yright, yleft, yrightlim = range(yright, 
    na.rm = TRUE), yleftlim = range(yleft, na.rm = TRUE), xlim = range(x, 
    na.rm = TRUE), xlab = NULL, yylab = c("", ""), lwd = c(2, 
    2), pch = c(1, 2), col = c(1, 2), type = c("b", "b"), linky = TRUE, 
    smooth = 0, lwds = 1, length = 10, ..., x2 = NULL, yright2 = NULL, 
    yleft2 = NULL, col2 = c(3, 4)) {
    # par(mar = c(5,2,4,2), oma = c(0,3,0,3))
    ## Plotting RIGHT axis data
    plot(x, yright, ylim = yrightlim, axes = FALSE, ylab = "", 
        xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, pch = pch[1], type = type[1], 
        lwd = lwd[1], col = col[1], ...)
    axis(4, pretty(yrightlim, length), col = 1, col.axis = 1)
    if (is.null(yright2) == FALSE) {
        points(x2, yright2, type = type[1], pch = pch[1], lwd = lwd[1], 
            col = col2[1], ...)
    # if (linky) lines(x, yright, col = col[1], ...)
    if (smooth != 0) 
        lines(supsmu(x, yright, span = smooth), col = col[1], 
            lwd = lwds, ...)
    if (yylab[1] == "") {
        mtext(deparse(substitute(yright)), side = 4, outer = FALSE, 
            line = 2, col = 1, ...)
    } else {
        mtext(yylab[1], side = 4, outer = FALSE, line = 2, col = 1, 
    par(new = TRUE)
    ## Plotting LEFT axis data
    plot(x, yleft, ylim = yleftlim, axes = FALSE, ylab = "", 
        xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, pch = pch[2], type = type[2], 
        lwd = lwd[2], col = col[2], ...)
    axis(2, pretty(yleftlim, length), col = 1, col.axis = 1)
    if (is.null(yleft2) == FALSE) {
        points(x2, yleft2, type = type[2], pch = pch[2], lwd = lwd[2], 
            col = col2[2], ...)
    # if (linky) lines(x, yleft, col = col[2], ...)
    if (smooth != 0) 
        lines(supsmu(x, yleft, span = smooth), col = col[2], 
            lwd = lwds, ...)
    if (yylab[2] == "") {
        mtext(deparse(substitute(yleft)), side = 2, outer = FALSE, 
            line = 2, col = 1, ...)
    } else {
        mtext(yylab[2], side = 2, outer = FALSE, line = 2, col = 1, 
    ## X-axis
    axis(1, at = pretty(xlim, length))


## Global Saturation Plot including new detection per million
## reads

satur.plot2 <- function(datos, yleftlim = NULL, yrightlim = NULL, 
    k = 5, tit = "Saturation", cex.main = cex.main, scale = 10^6, 
    xlab = "Sequencing depth (million reads)", cex.lab = cex.lab, 
    cex.axis = cex.axis, cex = cex, legend = c(deparse(substitute(datos1)), 
        deparse(substitute(datos2)))) {
    # For datos1
    bioseq1 <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(datos$cond1)) {
        bioseq1 <- rbind(bioseq1, datos$cond1[[i]])
    tot1 <- colSums(bioseq1, na.rm = TRUE)
    satura1 <- data.frame(seq.depth = datos$depth1, detections = tot1)
    # new detections (sample 1)
    puntos1 <- data.frame(x = satura1$seq.depth, y = satura1$detections)
    pendi <- NULL
    for (i in 2:nrow(puntos1)) {
        nuevo <- max(0, (puntos1$y[i] - puntos1$y[i - 1])/(puntos1$x[i] - 
            puntos1$x[i - 1]))
        pendi <- c(pendi, nuevo)
    newdet1 <- c(NA, pendi) * 1e+06
    # For datos2
    bioseq2 <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(datos$cond2)) {
        bioseq2 <- rbind(bioseq2, datos$cond2[[i]])
    tot2 <- colSums(bioseq2, na.rm = TRUE)
    satura2 <- data.frame(seq.depth = datos$depth2, detections = tot2)
    # new detections (sample 2)
    puntos2 <- data.frame(x = satura2$seq.depth, y = satura2$detections)
    pendi <- NULL
    for (i in 2:nrow(puntos2)) {
        nuevo <- max(0, (puntos2$y[i] - puntos2$y[i - 1])/(puntos2$x[i] - 
            puntos2$x[i - 1]))
        pendi <- c(pendi, nuevo)
    newdet2 <- c(NA, pendi) * 1e+06
    # yleftlim for plot.y2
    if (is.null(yleftlim)) {
        yleftlim <- c(0, max(c(tot1, tot2), na.rm = TRUE))
    # xlim
    SS1 <- range(satura1$seq.depth/scale)
    SS2 <- range(satura2$seq.depth/scale)
    xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
    xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
    # yrightlim for plot.y2
    if (is.null(yrightlim)) {
        maxi <- max(na.omit(c(newdet1, newdet2)))
        if (maxi < 10) {
            yrightlim <- c(0, max(10, maxi))
        } else {
            yrightlim <- c(0, maxi * 1.1)
    ## PLOT for SAMPLES 1 and 2
    # par(xpd=TRUE, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,2,0))
    plot.y2(x = satura1$seq.depth/scale, yright = newdet1, 
      yleft = satura1$detections, 
        type = c("h", "o"), lwd = c(10, 2), pch = c(1, 19), 
        yrightlim = yrightlim, 
        yleftlim = yleftlim, xlim = c(xm, xM), main = tit, xlab = xlab, 
        col = c("pink", 2), yylab = c("New detection per million reads", 
            paste("Number of genes with reads >", k)), cex = cex, 
        cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis, 
        x2 = satura2$seq.depth/scale, yright2 = newdet2, 
        yleft2 = satura2$detections, 
        col2 = c("lightblue1", 4))
    legend.text <- c(paste(legend[1], "(left axis)"), paste(legend[2], 
        "(left axis)"), paste(legend[1], "(right axis)"), paste(legend[2], 
        "(right axis)"))
    legend.pch <- c(16, 16, 15, 15)
    legend.col <- c(2, 4, "pink", "lightblue1")
    legend("top", legend = legend.text, pch = legend.pch, col = legend.col, 
        ncol = 2, bty = "n")
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
    list(sample1 = satura1, sample2 = satura2)  ## results

# ***************************************************************************#


biodetection <- function(misdatos1, misdatos2 = NULL, infobio, 
    k = 0, leg = c("Sample 1", "Sample 2"), main = NULL) {
    detect1 <- misdatos1 > k
    genome <- 100 * table(infobio)/sum(table(infobio))
    ordre <- order(genome, decreasing = TRUE)
    perdet1 <- genome * table(infobio, detect1)[names(genome), 
    perdet2 <- 100 * table(infobio, detect1)[names(genome), 2]/sum(table(infobio, 
        detect1)[, 2])
    ceros <- rep(0, length(genome))
    biotable <- as.matrix(rbind(genome[ordre], perdet1[ordre], 
        perdet2[ordre], ceros))
    rownames(biotable) <- c("genome", "detectionVSgenome", "detectionVSsample", 
    # ymax1 <- round(max(biotable[,1:3])*1.2,0)
    ymax1 <- ceiling(max(biotable[, 1:3], na.rm = TRUE))
    ymax1sin <- max(biotable[, -c(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(misdatos2)) {
        detect2 <- misdatos2 > k
        perdet3 <- genome * table(infobio, detect2)[names(genome), 
        perdet4 <- 100 * table(infobio, detect2)[names(genome), 
            2]/sum(table(infobio, detect2)[, 2])
        biotable2 <- as.matrix(rbind(genome[ordre], perdet3[ordre], 
            perdet4[ordre], ceros))
        rownames(biotable2) <- c("genome", "detectionVSgenome", 
            "detectionVSsample", "ceros")
        # ymax3 <- round(max(biotable2[,1:3])*1.2,0)
        ymax2 <- ceiling(max(biotable2[, 1:3], na.rm = TRUE))
        ymax2sin <- max(biotable2[, -c(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE)
        ymaxL <- max(ymax1, ymax2)
        ymaxR <- ceiling(max(ymax1sin, ymax2sin))
        # scaling data on the right (datos1)
        biotable2b <- biotable2
        biotable2b[, -c(1:3)] <- biotable2b[, -c(1:3)] * ymaxL/ymaxR
    } else {
        ymaxL <- ymax1
        ymaxR <- ceiling(ymax1sin)
    # scaling data on the right (datos1)
    biotable1 <- biotable
    biotable1[, -c(1:3)] <- biotable1[, -c(1:3)] * ymaxL/ymaxR
    if (is.null(misdatos2)) {
        # Plot (1 sample)
        par(mar = c(10, 4, 2, 2))
        barplot(biotable1[c(1, 3), ], main = main, xlab = NULL, 
            ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c("grey", 2), las = 2, ylim = c(0, 
                ymaxL), border = c("grey", 2))
        barplot(biotable1[c(2, 4), ], main = main, xlab = NULL, 
            ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c(2, 1), las = 2, density = 30, 
            ylim = c(0, ymaxL), border = 2, add = TRUE)
        axis(side = 4, at = pretty(c(0, ymaxL), n = 5), 
          labels = round(pretty(c(0, 
            ymaxL), n = 5) * ymaxR/ymaxL, 1))
        abline(v = 9.5, col = 3, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
        text(x = 9, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Left axis", col = 3, font = 3, 
            adj = 1)
        text(x = 10, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Right axis", col = 3, 
            font = 3, adj = 0)
        legend(x = "topright", bty = "n", horiz = FALSE, fill = c("grey", 
            2, 2), density = c(NA, 30, NA), border = c("grey", 
            2, 2), legend = c("% in genome", "detected", "% in sample"))
        # dev.off()
    } else {
        # Plot (2 samples)
        par(mar = c(10, 4, 2, 2))
        # Datos1
        barplot(biotable1[c(1, 3), ], main = paste(main, leg[1]), 
            xlab = NULL, ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c("grey", 2), las = 2, ylim = c(0, 
                ymaxL), border = c("grey", 2))
        barplot(biotable1[c(2, 4), ], main = paste(main, leg[1]), 
            xlab = NULL, ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c(2, 1), las = 2, density = 30, 
            ylim = c(0, ymaxL), border = 2, add = TRUE)
        axis(side = 4, at = pretty(c(0, ymaxL), n = 5), 
          labels = round(pretty(c(0, 
            ymaxL), n = 5) * ymaxR/ymaxL, 1))
        abline(v = 9.5, col = 3, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
        text(x = 9, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Left axis", col = 3, font = 3, 
            adj = 1)
        text(x = 10, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Right axis", col = 3, 
            font = 3, adj = 0)
        legend(x = "topright", bty = "n", horiz = FALSE, fill = c("grey", 
            2, 2), density = c(NA, 30, NA), border = c("grey", 
            2, 2), legend = c("% in genome", "detected", "% in sample"))
        # Datos2
        barplot(biotable2b[c(1, 3), ], main = paste(main, leg[2]), 
            xlab = NULL, ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c("grey", 4), las = 2, ylim = c(0, 
                ymaxL), border = c("grey", 4))
        barplot(biotable2b[c(2, 4), ], main = paste(main, leg[2]), 
            xlab = NULL, ylab = "%feaTRUEs", axis.lty = 1, legend = FALSE, 
            beside = TRUE, col = c(4, 1), las = 2, density = 30, 
            ylim = c(0, ymaxL), border = 4, add = TRUE)
        axis(side = 4, at = pretty(c(0, ymaxL), n = 5), 
          labels = round(pretty(c(0, 
            ymaxL), n = 5) * ymaxR/ymaxL, 1))
        text(x = 9, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Left axis", col = 3, font = 3, 
            adj = 1)
        text(x = 10, y = ymaxL * 1.1, "Right axis", col = 3, 
            font = 3, adj = 0)
        abline(v = 9.5, col = 3, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
        legend(x = "topright", bty = "n", horiz = FALSE, fill = c("grey", 
            4, 4), density = c(NA, 30, NA), border = c("grey", 
            4, 4), legend = c("% in genome", "detected", "% in sample"))


## DLbio.plot with second Y-axis (median length of new
## detections)

DLbio2.plot <- function(depth1, depth2, sat1, sat2, newdet1 = NULL, 
    newdet2 = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, biolong, k = 0, 
    main = NULL, xlab = "Sequencing depth", samples = c("sample1", 
        "sample2"), ylab = "Median length", cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, 
    cex.axis = 1, cex = 1) {
    # ylim for plot
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- range(c(sat1, sat2, biolong, newdet1, newdet2), 
            na.rm = TRUE)
        ylim <- ylim + 0.2 * diff(ylim) * c(-1, 1)
        ylim[1] <- max(0, ylim[1])
    # xlim for plot
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        SS1 <- range(depth1)
        SS2 <- range(depth2)
        xM <- max(SS1[2], SS2[2])
        xm <- min(SS1[1], SS2[1])
        xlim <- c(xm, xM)
    # PLOT
    if (is.na(biolong)) {
        plot(1:5, 1:5, type = "n", axes = FALSE, main = main, 
            xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.main = cex.main)
        text(3, 4, "Biotype not found in the dataset", adj = 0.5, 
            cex = cex.main, font = 2)
    } else {
        if (diff(ylim) < 100) {
            # correcting ylim
            ylim <- mean(ylim) + 50 * c(-1, 1)
            ylim[1] <- max(ylim[1], 0)
        plot(depth1, newdet1, type = "h", lwd = 5, col = "pink", 
            xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, xlab = xlab, 
            ylab = ylab, cex.main = cex.main, cex.lab = cex.lab, 
            cex.axis = cex.axis)
        lines(depth2, newdet2, type = "h", lwd = 5, col = "lightblue1")
        points(depth1, sat1, pch = 16, col = 2, type = "o")
        points(depth2, sat2, pch = 16, col = 4, type = "o")
        abline(h = biolong, lty = 2, col = "grey")
        text(mean(xlim), biolong + 0.02 * diff(ylim), "median global length", 
            col = "grey", cex = cex)
        legend("top", legend = c("All detected", samples, "New detections", 
            samples), fill = c("white", 2, 4, "white", "pink", 
            "lightblue1"), border = "white", bty = "n", cex = cex, 
            ncol = 2)

## **********************************************************************##


ranking <- function(results) {
    M <- results$Ms
    D <- results$Ds
    prob <- results$probab
    ## Changing NA by 0
    M[is.na(M)] <- 0
    D[is.na(D)] <- 0
    prob[is.na(prob)] <- 0
    ## Ranking
    # ranking1 <- M*prob ranking2 <- sign(M)*prob ranking3 <- M*D
    # ranking4 <- M*D*prob
    ranking5 <- sqrt(M * M + D * D) * sign(M)
    ## Ranking results list(ranking1, ranking2, ranking3,
    ## ranking4, ranking5)
    theranking <- data.frame(names(ranking5), ranking5)
    rownames(theranking) <- NULL
    colnames(theranking) <- c("ID", "statistic")

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