
output$ProfDataTable <- DT::renderDataTable({

  GeneList <- whichGeneList(input$GeneListID)

  if (ncol(GeneList)==0){
    dat <-"Gene List is empty. copy and paste genes from text file (Gene/line) or use gene list from examples.")

      shiny::withProgress(message = 'loading MegaProfData from cgdsr server...', value = 1, {

        ##### Get Profile Data for selected Case and Genetic Profile
        dat <- getMegaProfData(GeneList,input$GenProfID,input$CasesID, Class="ProfData")
    } else if (inherits(try( dat <- cgdsr::getProfileData(cgds,GeneList, input$GenProfID,input$CasesID),
      dat <-"There are some Gene Symbols not supported by cbioportal.
                           Or gene list is empty.
                           Or bioCancer is not connected to cgdsr server (check connection).")
      shiny::withProgress(message = 'loading ProfData from cgdsr server...', value = 1, {

      dat <- cgdsr::getProfileData(cgds,GeneList, input$GenProfID,input$CasesID)

        ## avoide error when GeneList is empty
        dat <-"Gene List is empty. copy and paste genes from text file (Gene/line) or use gene list from examples.")
        #dat <- cgdsr::getProfileData(cgds,GeneList, input$GenProfID,input$CasesID)
        ## remove empty row
        dat <-  dat[which(apply(!(apply(dat,1, ),2,sum)!=0 ),]

          dat <- round(dat, digits = 3)
        dat <- dat %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Patients")
        r_info[['ProfData']] <- dat

    displayTable(dat)%>% DT::formatStyle(names(dat),
                                         color = DT::styleEqual("Gene List is empty. copy and paste genes from text file (Gene/line) or use gene list from examples.",
                                                                'red'))#, backgroundColor = 'white', fontWeight = 'bold'



output$dl_ProfData_tab <- shiny::downloadHandler(
  filename = function() { paste0("ProfData_tab.csv") },
  content = function(file) {
    #data_filter <- if (input$show_filter) input$data_filter else ""
    get_data(r_info$ProfData[input$ProfDataTable_rows_all,], vars = NULL,
            rows = NULL, na.rm = FALSE) %>%
      write.csv(file, row.names = FALSE)

observeEvent(input$ProfilesHelp_report, {

  cmd <- paste0("```{r fig.width=10.46, fig.height=5.54, dpi =72}\n",
                paste0(" get_data(ProfData[input$ProfDataTable_rows_all,], vars = NULL,
                       rows= NULL, na.rm = FALSE)"),

Try the bioCancer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bioCancer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:26 p.m.