
Defines functions .prepareGFFMetadata .prepareGTFTables .prepareGTFFragments .prepareGTFgenes .prepareGTFtranscripts .prepareGTFdata.frame .deduceTranscriptsFromGTF .deduceTranscriptRangeData .prepareGFF3Tables .prepareGFF3Fragments .prepareGFF3genes .prepareGFF3transcripts .prepareGFF3TXS .prepareGFF3data.frame .checkGeneIdAttrib .checkExonRank .mergeFramesViaRanges .massageZeroBasedRankings .getUnusedColnames .deduceExonRankings .buildRanks .assignRankings .cleanTranscriptsNAs .cleanSplicingsNAs .filterDrop matchCircularity

### ONLY FUNCTION .prepareGTFTables IS USED BY casper

### DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS and matchCircularity copied from utils.R in GenomicFeatures

DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS = c("chrM","MT","mit","2micron","2-micron");

matchCircularity <- function(seqnames, circ_seqs)
    ## shorten and put to lowercase (for simplicity in subsequent comparisons)
    seqs <- tolower(seqnames)
    circs <- tolower(circ_seqs)
    ## checks
    if(length(intersect(seqs,circs))<1 && length(circs)>0){
      warning("None of the strings in your circ_seqs argument match your seqnames.")  
    int <- intersect(seqs,circs)
    is_circular <- rep.int(FALSE, length(seqs))
      for(i in seq_len(length(int))){
        idx <- grep(int[i], seqs)
        is_circular[idx] <- TRUE

### =========================================================================
### makeTranscriptDbFromGFF()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

## helper to clean up splicings
.filterDrop <- function(data, field){
    data <- data[!names(data) %in%  field]

.cleanSplicingsNAs <- function(data){
## check: exon_name, exon_chrom, exon_strand, cds_name
  fields <- c('exon_name','exon_chrom','exon_strand','cds_name')
  for(i in seq_len(length(fields))){
    if(any(colnames(data) %in% fields[i])){
      data <- .filterDrop(data, fields[i])

## helper to clean up transcripts
.cleanTranscriptsNAs <- function(data){
## check: tx_name
  if(any(colnames(data) %in% 'tx_name')){
    data <- .filterDrop(data, 'tx_name')

## New strategy for getting the ranks: Use split on the starts and
## also on the strand to divide the pieces into chunks that can be
## computed on by mapply.  Then use mapply and call a function that
## considers both pieces together to make a decision and call order in
## the right way.  Then unlist and cbind etc.

## to be called by mapply
.assignRankings <- function(starts, strands){
  if(length(unique(strands)) >1 )
    stop("Exon rank inference cannot accomodate trans-splicing.")
  if (unique(strands) == "+") { 
    ord <- order(as.integer(starts))
  } else {
    ord <- order(as.integer(starts), decreasing=TRUE)
  ## This new method will no longer sort the output (I don't expect it
  ## will matter.  But I will have to check...

.buildRanks <- function(exs){
    ## 1st we have to make 100% certain that we are we are sorted by tx_names
    exs <- exs[order(exs$tx_name),]
    ## then we can split by name
    starts <- split(exs[,"exon_start"], as.factor(exs$tx_name)[,drop=TRUE])
    strands <- split(exs[,"exon_strand"], as.factor(exs$tx_name)[,drop=TRUE])
    ranks <- unlist(mapply(.assignRankings, starts, strands))
    exs[,"exon_rank"] <- ranks

## Helper to deduce the rankings for each set of cds and exons...
.deduceExonRankings <- function(exs, format="gff"){
  #message("Deducing exon rank from relative coordinates provided")
  ## And a warning for later (in case they were not watching)
  warning("Infering Exon Rankings.  If this is not what you expected, then please be sure that you have provided a valid attribute for exonRankAttributeName")
   res <- .buildRanks(exs)  
  ## then cast result to be data.frame 
  res <- data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(res) <- c('exon_chrom','exon_start','exon_end','exon_strand',
    colnames(res) <- c('tx_name','exon_rank','exon_chrom','exon_strand',
  res$exon_start <- as.integer(res$exon_start)
  res$exon_end <- as.integer(res$exon_end)
  res$exon_rank <- as.integer(res$exon_rank)

## Helpers to merge two frames together based only on ranges
## These two helpers stricly require columns:
## 'exon_chrom','exon_start','exon_end','exon_strand' OR
## 'cds_chrom','cds_start','cds_end','cds_strand' Along with 'tx_name' and
## 'exon_rank' (always) for each data.frame of input
.getUnusedColnames <- function(data){
  standardNames <- c('exon_chrom','exon_start','exon_end','exon_strand',
  actualNames <- colnames(data)
  actualNames[!(actualNames %in% standardNames)]

## helper to massage 0 based rankings to be one based
.massageZeroBasedRankings <- function(splicings){
    if(any(splicings$exon_rank==0) && !any(splicings$exon_rank<0)){
        msg <- "Massaging the exon rank information so that it is one based counting instead of zero based."
        warning(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=2), collapse="\n"),
                immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
        splicings$exon_rank <- splicings$exon_rank +1

## This helper might be generalizable for a common use case where people need
## to merge a pair of data.frames based on range data.  Though probably a
## different function that merges based on a pair of granges objects where you
## also want them to match based on a name (like a tx_name)
.mergeFramesViaRanges <- function(exs, cds){
  ##  we make GRanges objects so that we can range-match this stuff.
  exs <- exs[,!is.na(colnames(exs))]  
  cds <- cds[,!is.na(colnames(cds))]
  exsr <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(exs$exon_chrom),
  cdsr <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(cds$cds_chrom),
  ## call findOverlaps type='within' and have cdsr be the subject
  hits <- findOverlaps(query=cdsr,subject=exsr,type='within')
    ## Get the names that go with each hit
    qTx <- mcols(cdsr[queryHits(hits)])$tx_name
    sTx <- mcols(exsr[subjectHits(hits)])$tx_name
    ## Then subset the hits to effectively filter based on names also matching
    hits <- hits[qTx == sTx]
  ## To reassemble, I need to 1st get the matching bits:
  cdsExs <- cbind(exs[subjectHits(hits),],cds[queryHits(hits),])

  ## If there is info. for CDS rank and not for exons, then swap that
  ## over and send the user a message.
  if(all(is.na(exs$exon_rank)) && !all(is.na(cds$exon_rank))){
      msg <- "This file does not have information about exon rank, but it does have data for CDS rank.  Therefore we are applying the CDS rank information for the corresponding/overlapping exons.  This also means that any exons that did not have a CDS described will also not be present in the final TranscriptDb object."
      warning(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=2), collapse="\n"),
              immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
      cdsExs$exon_rank <- cdsExs[[8]]
      splicings <- cdsExs
      splicings <- .massageZeroBasedRankings(splicings)
  ## Finally I need to glue back the exon ranges that didn't have a cds...
  exsUnMatched <- exs[!(1:dim(exs)[1] %in% subjectHits(hits)),]
  emptys <- matrix(nrow = dim(exsUnMatched)[1],
                   ncol=dim(cds)[2]) ## ncol varies
  exsUn <- cbind(exsUnMatched, data.frame(emptys))
  names(exsUn) <- c(colnames(exs),colnames(cds))
  splicings <- rbind(cdsExs, exsUn)
  splicings <- .massageZeroBasedRankings(splicings)
  splicings ## coarse (contains everything that came in)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Extract the different data frames from GFF3
###   and return named list of tables

## helpers to pre-tidy the data
.checkExonRank <- function(data, gff, exonRankAttributeName){
  cnames <- colnames(data)
    exon_rank <- DataFrame(exonRankAttributeName=
    data <- cbind(data,exon_rank)
    names(data) <- c(cnames, "exon_rank")
    exon_rank <- DataFrame(rep(NA,length(start(gff))))
    data <- cbind(data,exon_rank)
    names(data) <- c(cnames, "exon_rank")    

.checkGeneIdAttrib <- function(data, gff, gffGeneIdAttributeName){
    cnames <- colnames(data)
    gene_id <- DataFrame(gffGeneIdAttributeName=
    data <- cbind(data,gene_id)
    names(data) <- c(cnames, "gene_id")    

.prepareGFF3data.frame <- function(gff,exonRankAttributeName,
##   data <- DataFrame(seqnames=seqnames(gff),
##                     start=start(gff),
##                     end=end(gff),
##                     strand=strand(gff),
##                     type=mcols(gff)$type,
##                     ID=mcols(gff)$ID,
##                     Parent=mcols(gff)$Parent)
  dataR <- as(as(gff, "data.frame")[,1:5],"DataFrame")
  dataM <- as(mcols(gff), "DataFrame")
  if(dim(dataR)[1] == dim(dataM)[1]){
      data <- cbind(dataR,dataM) ## these will always be the same height
  }else{ stop("Error in .prepareGFF3data.frame, dataM and dataR should always match")}
  ## add ExonRank and geneID info if there is any
  data <- .checkExonRank(data, gff, exonRankAttributeName)
  data <- .checkGeneIdAttrib(data, gff, gffGeneIdAttributeName)
  ## Has a compressed col, so expand as needed.
  data <- expand(data, colnames="Parent", keepEmptyRows=TRUE )

  ## NOW convert data to a data.frame with no factors.
  data$seqnames <- as.character(data$seqnames)
  data$strand <- as.character(data$strand)
  data$type <- as.character(data$type)
  data$ID <- as.character(data$ID)
  data$Parent <- as.character(data$Parent)
  if("exonRankAttributeName" %in% colnames(data)){
      data$exonRankAttributeName <- as.integer(data$exonRankAttributeName)
  if("gffGeneIdAttributeName" %in% colnames(data)){
      data$gffGeneIdAttributeName <- as.character(data$gffGeneIdAttributeName)

.prepareGFF3TXS <- function(data, useGenesAsTranscripts=FALSE){
  ## We absolutely require transcripts, genes and exons.
  #message("extracting transcript information")
      txs <- data[data$type=="gene",]
      txs <- data[data$type=="mRNA",]
  if(dim(txs)[1] < 1){
      stop("No Transcript information found in gff file")
  if(length(txs$ID) != length(unique(txs$ID))){
      stop("Unexpected transcript duplicates")}
  txs <- data.frame(txs, data.frame(tx_id=1:dim(txs)[1]),

.prepareGFF3transcripts <- function(data,useGenesAsTranscripts){
  txs <- .prepareGFF3TXS(data,useGenesAsTranscripts)
  transcripts <- txs[,c("tx_id","ID","seqnames","strand","start","end")]
  names(transcripts) <- c("tx_id","tx_name","tx_chrom","tx_strand","tx_start",
  ## Clean up any NA columns (any that are optional)
  transcripts <- .cleanTranscriptsNAs(transcripts)  

## This function probably has too many jobs.  Also it will need a refactor
.prepareGFF3genes <- function(data, transcripts, gffGeneIdAttributeName, gff,
  #message("Extracting gene IDs")
  gns <- data[data$type=="gene",]
  ## now decide how to get the gene ID names...
      ## then try to compute gns using this other data...
      ## so get these cols
      gns <- data[,c("ID",gffGeneIdAttributeName,"type")]
      gns <- gns[gns$type=="mRNA",] ## TODO: allow user to choose this also...
      gns <- gns[,1:2]
      colnames(gns) <- c("tx_name","gene_id")
      ## Then merge in the tx_ids and then keep those
      gns <- merge(gns, transcripts, by="tx_name")
      gns <- gns[,c("tx_id","gene_id")]
      ## and since sometimes there may be multiple values.
      gns$gene_id <- as.character(gns$gene_id)
  }else if(useGenesAsTranscripts){ 
      ## this case is mutually exclusive from the above case and will
      ## therefore OVER-RIDE the above.
      ## no need to warn twice so we suppres the warnings here.
      txs <- suppressWarnings(.prepareGFF3TXS(data,
      gns <- txs[,c("tx_id","ID")] 
      names(gns) <- c("tx_id","gene_id") ## same as gns but with tx_id in tow.
  }else{ ## default case = get our data from transcript rows
      if(length(gns$ID) != length(unique(gns$ID))){
          stop("Unexpected gene duplicates")}
      ## After testing for genes, here I get the actual data from mRNA rows...
      ## The only difference is that in this more normal case the Parents of
      ## these rows will be the genes that I detected previously.
      ## useGenesAsTranscripts is FALSE in this case (so no warning)
      txs <- .prepareGFF3TXS(data,useGenesAsTranscripts)
      txsGene <- txs[,c("tx_id","Parent")] 
      names(txsGene) <- c("tx_id","gene_id")
      ## Then subset by gene_ids
      gns <- txsGene[txsGene$gene_id %in% gns$ID,]

.prepareGFF3Fragments <- function(data, type){
    possibleCols <- c("seqnames","start","end","strand","type","ID","Parent",
    expCols <- colnames(data) %in% possibleCols  
    res <- data[data$type==type,expCols]
    if (nrow(res) == 0L && type != "CDS")
        stop("No ", type, " information present in gff file")
    name <- paste0(tolower(type), "_id")
    colnames <- c("XXX_chrom","XXX_start","XXX_end","XXX_strand","type",
    names(res) <- sub("XXX", tolower(type), colnames)

.prepareGFF3Tables  <- function(gff,exonRankAttributeName,
  ## pre-clean the data
  data <- .prepareGFF3data.frame(gff,exonRankAttributeName,
  tables <- list()
  ## Get transcripts
  transcripts <- .prepareGFF3transcripts(data, useGenesAsTranscripts)
  tables[[1]] <- transcripts
  names(tables)[1] = "transcripts"
  ## Get genes
  tables[[2]] <- .prepareGFF3genes(data, transcripts,
                                   gffGeneIdAttributeName, gff,
  names(tables)[2] = "genes"

  #message("Processing splicing information for gff3 file.")
  exs <- .prepareGFF3Fragments(data,type="exon")
  cds <- .prepareGFF3Fragments(data,type="CDS")
  ## if needed (usually needed for gff3), deduce the exon rankings from the
  ## order along the chromosome
    exs <- .deduceExonRankings(exs, format="gff")
  ## Then merge the two frames together based on range information
  splicings <- .mergeFramesViaRanges(exs, cds)
  ## now drop things and rename as needed
  splicings <- splicings[,c('exon_rank','exon_name','exon_chrom',
  txIds <- unique(transcripts[,c("tx_id","tx_name")])
  splicings <- merge(txIds, splicings, by="tx_name")[,-1]
  ## Clean up any NA columns (any that are optional)
  splicings <- .cleanSplicingsNAs(splicings)
  if("cds_name" %in% colnames(splicings)){
  splicings$cds_name <- as(splicings$cds_name,"character")}
  if("cds_start" %in% colnames(splicings)){
      splicings$cds_start <- as(splicings$cds_start,"integer")}
  if("cds_end" %in% colnames(splicings)){
  splicings$cds_end <- as(splicings$cds_end,"integer")}
  tables[[3]] <- splicings
  names(tables)[3] <- "splicings"
  ## return all tables

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### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Extract the different data frames from GTF and return named list of tables 
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

## helper for deducing the transcript range (max and min of all included exons)
.deduceTranscriptRangeData <- function(sub){
  ## Strand doesn't matter since the counting is always left to right.
  ## It's always the min of the starts and the max of the ends
  res <- c(unique(sub$transcript_id),
           unique(sub$gene_id) )

## This works but is extremely slow.
.deduceTranscriptsFromGTF <- function(data){
  ## which transcripts?
  trns <- unique(data$transcript_id)

  #message("Estimating transcript ranges.")
  ## for each transcript, we have to subset out the records and determine:
  ## start and stop based on strand using max and min.
  ## pre split the data for a substantial speedup
  sub <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  subs <- split(sub, as.factor(sub$transcript_id))
  ## and assign into a pre-allocated matrix
  res <- matrix(nrow = length(trns), ncol=6) ## always 6 wide

  ## loop to assemble the result
  for(i in seq_len(length(trns))){
    res[i,] <- .deduceTranscriptRangeData(subs[[i]])
  ## always make it a data.frame AFTER assiging in 
  res <- data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
  colnames(res) <- c("tx_name","tx_chrom","tx_strand","tx_start","tx_end",
  ## start and end cannot be character() vectors
  res$tx_start <- as.integer(res$tx_start)
  res$tx_end <- as.integer(res$tx_end)
  ## Finally (at the end) assign the tx_ids to these.
  res <- data.frame(data.frame(tx_id=1:dim(res)[1]), res)

## helpers to pre-tidy the data
.prepareGTFdata.frame <- function(gff,exonRankAttributeName){
  data <- data.frame(seqnames=as.character(seqnames(gff)),
  ## add ExonRank if there is any  
    data <- cbind(data,exon_rank=mcols(gff)[[exonRankAttributeName]])
    data <- cbind(data,exon_rank=rep(NA,length(start(gff))))

## debug(GenomicFeatures:::.prepareGTFdata.frame)

.prepareGTFtranscripts <- function(data){
  ## We absolutely require transcripts, genes and exons.
  #message("extracting transcript information")
  transcripts <- data
  if(length(unique(transcripts$transcript_id)) < 1){
    stop("No Transcript information present in gtf file")
    ## GTF files require that we deduce the range of each transcript
    transcripts <- .deduceTranscriptsFromGTF(transcripts)
  ## Clean up any NA columns (any that are optional)
  transcripts <- .cleanTranscriptsNAs(transcripts)

.prepareGTFgenes <- function(transcripts){
  #message("Extracting gene IDs")
  gns <- transcripts[,c("tx_name","gene_id")]
  if(dim(gns)[1] < 1){warning("No gene information present in gtf file")

.prepareGTFFragments <- function(data, type){
  res <- data[data$type==type,]
  res <- res[,c('transcript_id','exon_rank','seqnames','strand','start','end')]
  colnames <-  c('tx_name','exon_rank','XXX_chrom','XXX_strand',
  names(res) <- sub("XXX", tolower(type), colnames)

## helper for preparing the GTF tables
.prepareGTFTables <- function(gff,exonRankAttributeName){
  ## pre-clean the data
  data <- .prepareGTFdata.frame(gff,exonRankAttributeName)
  tables <- list()
  ## get transcripts
  transcripts <- .prepareGTFtranscripts(data)
  ## get genes
  tables[[2]] <- .prepareGTFgenes(transcripts)
  names(tables)[2] <- "genes"

  ## once you have the genes, drop them from the transcripts
  transcripts <- transcripts[, c("tx_id","tx_name","tx_chrom","tx_strand",
  ## AND THEN assign them to the list
  tables[[1]] <- transcripts
  names(tables)[1] <- "transcripts"
  #message("Processing splicing information for gtf file.")
  exs <- .prepareGTFFragments(data,type="exon")
  cds <- .prepareGTFFragments(data,type="CDS")
  ## if the exonRankAttributeName is not available ... then deduce.
    exs <- .deduceExonRankings(exs,format="gtf")
  ## no need to depend on having exon rank for cds too when we have this
  cdsExs <- .mergeFramesViaRanges(exs, cds)
  cdsExs <- cdsExs[,c("exon_rank","exon_chrom","exon_strand","exon_start",
  ## now get the tx_ids by merging them in.
  txIds <- unique(transcripts[,c("tx_id","tx_name")])
  splicings <- merge(txIds, cdsExs, by="tx_name")[,-1]
  ## Clean up any NA columns (any that are optional)
  splicings <- .cleanSplicingsNAs(splicings)      
  tables[[3]] <- splicings
  names(tables)[3] <- "splicings"
  ## return all tables

## Helper to prepare the 'metadata' data frame.

.prepareGFFMetadata <- function(file, dataSource=NA, species=NA,
    #message("Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    if (!isSingleStringOrNA(dataSource))
        stop("'dataSource' must be a a single string or NA")
    if (!isSingleStringOrNA(species))
        stop("'species' must be a a single string or NA")
    if (!isSingleStringOrNA(miRBaseBuild))
        stop("'miRBaseBuild' must be a a single string or NA")
    if (is.na(dataSource)) {
        if (is.character(file)) {
            dataSource <- file
        } else {
            dataSource <- showConnections(all=TRUE)[as.character(file),
    metadata <- data.frame(
                   name=c("Data source",
                          "miRBase build ID"),
                   value=c(dataSource, species, miRBaseBuild)
    #message("metadata: OK")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### makeTranscriptDbFromGFF()

#makeTranscriptDbFromGFF <- function(file,
#                                    format=c("gff3", "gtf"),
#                                    exonRankAttributeName=NA,
#                                    gffGeneIdAttributeName=NA,
#                                    chrominfo=NA,
#                                    dataSource=NA,
#                                    species=NA,
#                                    circ_seqs=DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS,
#                                    miRBaseBuild=NA,
#                                    useGenesAsTranscripts=FALSE)
#  ## Argument checking
#  if(!file.exists(file)) stop("'file' must point to a file that exists.")
#  format <- match.arg(format)
#  if(!isSingleStringOrNA(exonRankAttributeName)){
#      stop("'exonRankAttributeName' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  if(!isSingleStringOrNA(gffGeneIdAttributeName)){
#      stop("'gffGeneIdAttributeName' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  ## check chrominfo
#  if(!(is.data.frame(chrominfo) || is.na(chrominfo))){
#      stop("'chrominfo' must be a data.frame or NA.")  }
#  if(is.data.frame(chrominfo)){
#      if(dim(chrominfo)[2] != 3 ||
#         any(colnames(chrominfo)!= c("chrom","length","is_circular"))){
#          stop("'chrominfo' must have three  columns that correpspond to 'chrom', 'length', and 'is_circular' and are named accordingly")}
#  }
#  if(!isSingleStringOrNA(dataSource)){
#      stop("'dataSource' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  if(!isSingleStringOrNA(species)){
#      stop("'species' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  if(!is.character(circ_seqs))stop("'circ_seqs' must be a character vector.")
#  if(!isSingleStringOrNA(miRBaseBuild)){
#      stop("'miRBaseBuild' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  if(!isTRUEorFALSE(useGenesAsTranscripts)){
#      stop("'useGenesAsTranscripts' must be a single element character vector or NA.")  }
#  ## start by importing the relevant features from the specified file
#  feature.type <- c("gene", "mRNA", "exon", "CDS")
#  gff <- import(file, format=format, feature.type=feature.type)
#  if(format=="gff3"){
#    ## check that we have ID, Parent
#    if(all(c("ID","Parent") %in% colnames(mcols(gff)))){
#      tables <- .prepareGFF3Tables(gff, exonRankAttributeName,
#                                   gffGeneIdAttributeName,
#                                   useGenesAsTranscripts)
#      ## results come back in list like: tables$transctripts etc.
#    }
#  }else if(format=="gtf"){
#    ## check that we have gene_id and transcript_id
#    if(all(c("gene_id","transcript_id")
#           %in% colnames(mcols(gff)))){
#      tables <- .prepareGTFTables(gff,exonRankAttributeName)
#    }
#  }
#  ## TODO: verify that I have all I really need for metadata
#  ## build up the metadata
#  metadata <- .prepareGFFMetadata(file, dataSource, species, miRBaseBuild)
#  ## If there is not chrominfo, then make one up best you can (no lengths)
#  if(is.na(chrominfo)){
#    #message("Now generating chrominfo from available sequence names. No chromosome length information is available.")
#    chroms <- unique(tables[["transcripts"]][["tx_chrom"]])
#    chrominfo <- data.frame(chrom=chroms,
#                            length=rep(NA,length(chroms)),
#                            is_circular=matchCircularity(chroms, circ_seqs))
#  }
#  ## call makeTranscriptDb
#  txdb <- makeTranscriptDb(transcripts=tables[["transcripts"]],
#                           splicings=tables[["splicings"]],
#                           genes=tables[["genes"]],
#                           chrominfo=chrominfo,
#                           metadata=metadata,
#                           reassign.ids=TRUE)
#  txdb

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casper documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 2:01 a.m.