
Defines functions readSpfabiaResult samplesPerFeature readSamplesSpfabia spfabia nmfsc projFuncPos nmfeu nmfdiv extractBic extractPlot projFunc mfsc makeFabiaDataBlocksPos makeFabiaDataPos makeFabiaDataBlocks makeFabiaData plotBicluster matrixImagePlot estimateMode fabiaVersion fabiasp fabi fabias fabiap fabia

Documented in estimateMode extractBic extractPlot fabi fabia fabiap fabias fabiasp fabiaVersion makeFabiaData makeFabiaDataBlocks makeFabiaDataBlocksPos makeFabiaDataPos matrixImagePlot mfsc nmfdiv nmfeu nmfsc plotBicluster projFunc projFuncPos readSamplesSpfabia readSpfabiaResult samplesPerFeature spfabia


fabia <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
	## X - data matrix
	## cyc - maximum number of cycles
        ## alpha - sparseness
        ## p - factors

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


        if (p>min(l,n)) {
            stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running FABIA on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
       if (random>0) {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
       } else {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
       if (non_negative>0) {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
       } else {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
       if (scale>0) {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
       } else {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")

       message("   Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
       if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
       if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")

        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
        eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
        init_lapla <- 1.0
        init_psi <- 0.2

        iin <-  1.0/l

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

        XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

         if (random>0) {
             L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
         } else {
             svd <- La.svd(X)
             L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])

        if (scale>0)

            dL <- 1/sqrt( apply(L,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
            L <- (scale*dL)*L

        lapla <-  init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)

        Psi <- init_psi*XX

	cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
	nL <- as.integer(nL)
	lL <- as.integer(lL)
	bL <- as.integer(bL)
	alpha <- as.double(alpha)
	non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
	p <- as.integer(p)
	spz <- as.double(spz)
	scale <- as.double(scale)
	lap <- as.double(lap)

	res <- .Call("fabic", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc ,alpha,eps,eps1,spl,spz,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))
            return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

        # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

        if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*res$L
            res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
            res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <-s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss


        rownames(noL) <- rowna
        colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(noL)

        rownames(nZ) <- clnames
        colnames(nZ) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        rownames(Lz) <- rowna
        colnames(Lz) <- colna

        U <- X-Lz

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
            M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


        return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabia",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))


fabiap <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
	## X - data matrix
	## cyc - maximum number of cycles
        ## alpha - sparseness
        ## p - factors
        ## sL - final sparseness L
        ## sZ - final sparseness z

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


        if (p>min(l,n)) {
            stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running FABIAP on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
       message("   Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
       message("   Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)
       if (random>0) {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
       } else {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
       if (non_negative>0) {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
       } else {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
       if (scale>0) {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
       } else {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")

       message("   Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
       if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
       if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")

        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
        eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
        init_lapla <- 1.0
        init_psi <- 0.2

        iin <-  1.0/l

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

        XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

        if (random>0) {
             L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
             if (non_negative>0)
                 L <- abs(L)
         } else {
             svd <- La.svd(X)
             L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])
             if (non_negative>0)
                 L <- abs(L)

        if (scale>0)

            dL <- 1/sqrt( apply(L,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
            L <- (scale*dL)*L

        lapla <-  init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)

        Psi <- init_psi*XX

	cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
	nL <- as.integer(nL)
	lL <- as.integer(lL)
	bL <- as.integer(bL)
	alpha <- as.double(alpha)
	non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
	p <- as.integer(p)
	spz <- as.double(spz)
	scale <- as.double(scale)
	lap <- as.double(lap)

	res <- .Call("fabic", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc,alpha,eps,eps1,spl,spz,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))
            return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

        rL <- res$L
        n <- nrow(rL)
        gh1 <- sqrt(1.0*n)-(sqrt(1.0*n)-1.0)*sL
        for (i in 1:p)
            #le <- sum(res$L[,i]^2)
            le <- 1.0
            rL[,i] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(res$L[,i]),k1=gh1,k2=le)

        rz <- res$E_SX_n
        l <- ncol(rz)
        gh2 <- sqrt(1.0*l)-(sqrt(1.0*l)-1.0)*sZ
        for (i in 1:p)
            #le <- sum(res$z[,i]^2)
            le <- 1.0
            rz[i,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(res$E_SX_n[i,]),k1=2,k2=le)

        # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(rz,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

        if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*res$L
            res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
            res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <-s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss


        rownames(noL) <- rowna
        colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(noL)

        rownames(nZ) <- clnames
        colnames(nZ) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        rownames(Lz) <- rowna
        colnames(Lz) <- colna

        U <- X-Lz

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
            M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


    return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabiap",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,sL,sZ,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))


fabias <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.6,cyc=500,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0){
	## X - data matrix
	## cyc - maximum number of cycles
        ## alpha - sparseness low value because enforced by projFunc
        ## p - factors

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


        if (p>min(l,n)) {
            stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

   rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running FABIAS on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness projection factor ---- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
       if (random>0) {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = interval")
       } else {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = SVD")
       if (non_negative>0) {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
       } else {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")

       message("   Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)

       if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
       if ((lL>0)&&(lL<n)) {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")

       eps <- as.double(1e-3)
        eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
        init_lapla <- 1.0
        init_psi <- 0.2

         iin <-  1.0/l

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

        XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

        if (random>0) {
             L <- matrix(random*rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
             if (non_negative>0)
                 L <- abs(L)
         } else {
             svd <- La.svd(X)
             L <- svd$u[,1:p]%*%diag(svd$d[1:p])
             if (non_negative>0)
                 L <- abs(L)

        lapla <-  init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)

        Psi <- init_psi*XX

	cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
	nL <- as.integer(nL)
	lL <- as.integer(lL)
	bL <- as.integer(bL)
	alpha <- as.double(alpha)
	non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
	p <- as.integer(p)
	spz <- as.double(spz)
	lap <- as.double(lap)

	res <- .Call("fabics", X,Psi,L,lapla,cyc ,alpha,eps,spz,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))
            return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

       # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

        if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*res$L
            res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
            res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/res$Psi)*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <-s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss


        rownames(noL) <- rowna
        colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(noL)

        rownames(nZ) <- clnames
        colnames(nZ) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        rownames(Lz) <- rowna
        colnames(Lz) <- colna

        U <- X-Lz

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
            M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


    return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabias",cyc,alpha,NULL,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,center,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))


fabi <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0){

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


        if (p>min(l,n)) {
            stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running FABI on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center,"  = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")

        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
        eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
        init_lapla <- 1.0
        init_psi <- 0.2

        iin <-  1.0/l

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

        XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

       lapla <-  init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)

        Psi <- init_psi*XX

        eps2 <- 1e-1

        kvect <- as.vector(rep(1,p))
        nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
        nk_one <- matrix(1,n,p)
        nk_zero <- matrix(0,n,p)
        kk_zero <- matrix(0,p,p)
        kk_one <- diag(p)
        E_SX_n <- matrix(0,p,l)
        E_SSXX_n <- list()

        L <- (0.5*XX^(.5))*nk_one
	for (i in 1:cyc){
 		sum1<- nk_zero
		sum2<- eps2*kk_one
 		for (j in 1:l){
                        laj <- lapla[j,]
			tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(laj)))
			x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
			e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
			#e_sx_n[which(e_sx_n<0)] <- 0
			e_ssxx_n <-  tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
			sum1 <- sum1 +  tcrossprod(x_j,e_sx_n)
			sum2 <- sum2 + e_ssxx_n
			laj <- (epsv+diag(e_ssxx_n))^(-spz)
                        laj[which(laj<lap)] <- lap
                        lapla[j,] <- laj
#                L <- (sum1 - alpha*sign(sum1))
#                L[which(abs(sum1)<alpha)] <- 0
                sll <- chol2inv(chol(sum2))
                L <- sum1%*%sll
                ddL <- alpha*Psi*sign(L)*abs(nk_one*eps+L)^{-spl}
                L <- L - ddL
                L[which(abs(L)<abs(ddL))] <- 0

                Psi <- XX - diag(tcrossprod(L,sum1)/l)
                Psi[Psi < eps] <- eps
                if (i %% 20==0) { print(i)}

        for (j in 1:l){
            tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(lapla[j,])))
            x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
            e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
            E_SX_n[,j] <- e_sx_n
            E_SSXX_n[[j]] <-  tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)

        # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

        if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*L
            lapla <- vz^2 * lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(L))
            lapla <- sweep(lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/Psi)*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <-s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss


        rownames(noL) <- rowna
        colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(noL)

        rownames(nZ) <- clnames
        colnames(nZ) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        rownames(Lz) <- rowna
        colnames(Lz) <- colna

        U <- X-Lz

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
            M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


        return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabi",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,scale,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=Psi,lapla=lapla))


fabiasp <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.6,cyc=500,spz=0.5,center=2,norm=1,lap=1.0){

         if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


         if (p>min(l,n)) {
             stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

         rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running FABIASP on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness projection factor ---- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center,"  = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")

        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
        eps1 <- as.double(1e-10)
        init_lapla <- 1.0
        init_psi <- 0.2

         iin <-  1.0/l

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

         XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

        lapla <-  init_lapla*matrix(1,nrow=l,ncol=p)

        Psi <- init_psi*XX

        eps2 <- 1e-1

        L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*alpha

        kvect <- as.vector(rep(1,p))
        nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))
        nk_one <- matrix(1,n,p)
        nk_zero <- matrix(0,n,p)
        kk_zero <- matrix(0,p,p)
        kk_one <- diag(p)
        E_SX_n <- matrix(0,p,l)
        E_SSXX_n <- list()

        L <- (0.5*XX^(.5))*nk_one
        L <- L/sqrt(sum(L*L))

	for (i in 1:cyc){
 		sum1<- nk_zero
		sum2<- eps2*kk_one
 		for (j in 1:l){
                        laj <- lapla[j,]
			tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(laj)))
			x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
			e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
			#e_sx_n[which(e_sx_n<0)] <- 0
			e_ssxx_n <-  tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)
			sum1 <- sum1 +  tcrossprod(x_j,e_sx_n)
			sum2 <- sum2 + e_ssxx_n
			laj <- (epsv+diag(e_ssxx_n))^(-spz)
                        laj[which(laj<lap)] <- lap
                        lapla[j,] <- laj
                L <- sum1%*%chol2inv(chol(sum2))

                Psi <- epsn+abs(XX - diag(tcrossprod(L,sum1)/n))

                for (j in 1:p)
                    L[,j] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(L[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)

                if (i %% 20==0) { print(i)}

        for (j in 1:l){
            tmp <- chol2inv(chol(LPsiL+diag(lapla[j,])))
            x_j <- as.vector(X[,j])
            e_sx_n <- as.vector(tcrossprod(tmp,LPsi)%*%x_j)
            E_SX_n[,j] <- e_sx_n
            E_SSXX_n[[j]] <-  tmp + tcrossprod(e_sx_n,e_sx_n)

        # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

        if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*L
            lapla <- vz^2 * lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(L))
            lapla <- sweep(lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/Psi)*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <- s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss


        rownames(noL) <- rowna
        colnames(noL) <- colnames(noL, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(noL)

        rownames(nZ) <- clnames
        colnames(nZ) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        rownames(Lz) <- rowna
        colnames(Lz) <- colna

        U <- X-Lz

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]
            M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


         return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("fabiasp",cyc,alpha,NULL,spz,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=noL,Z=nZ,M=M,LZ=Lz,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=Psi,lapla=lapla))


fabiaVersion <- function() {
  version <- packageDescription("fabia",fields="Version")
  message('\nFABIA Package Version ', version, '\n')
  message('\nCopyright (c) 2010 by Sepp Hochreiter\n\n')

estimateMode <- function(X,maxiter=50,tol=0.001,alpha=0.1,a1=4.0,G1=FALSE) {

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing for mode. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric for mode. Stopped.")


    iin <-  1.0/l
    u <- apply(X, 1, median)
    xu <- X - u
    XX <-  sqrt(iin*apply(xu,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*as.vector(rep(1,n)))
    dXX <- 1/XX
    X <- dXX*X

    u <- apply(X, 1, median)
    gxu <- 10.0*tol
    iter <- 1
    alpha <- alpha/l

    xu <- X - u

    if (G1) {
        while (abs(gxu) > tol && iter < maxiter) {
            gxu <- apply(xu, 1, function(x) alpha*sum(tanh(a1 * x)))
            u <- u + gxu
            xu <- X - u
            iter <- iter + 1
    } else {
        while (abs(gxu) > tol && iter < maxiter) {
            gxu <- apply(xu, 1, function(x) alpha*sum(x * exp(-a1*(x^2)/2)))
            u <- u + gxu
            xu <- X - u
            iter <- iter + 1

    u <- XX*u
    xu <- XX*xu


matrixImagePlot <- function(x,xLabels=NULL, yLabels=NULL, zlim=NULL, title=NULL){

        if (missing(x)) {
            stop("Data matrix x missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(x)) {
            x <- as.matrix(x)

        if (!is.numeric(x)) {
            stop("Data matrix x must be numeric. Stopped.")

     min <- min(x)
     max <- max(x)

      if( !is.null(zlim) ){
       min <- zlim[1]
       max <- zlim[2]

    if( !is.null(yLabels) ){
       yLabels <- c(yLabels)
    } else {
       yLabels <- rownames(x)

    if( !is.null(xLabels) ){
      xLabels <- c(xLabels)
    } else {
     xLabels <- colnames(x)

     if( is.null(title) ){
     title <- c()

# check for null values
if( is.null(xLabels) ){
   xLabels <- c(1:ncol(x))
if( is.null(yLabels) ){
   yLabels <- c(1:nrow(x))

#layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(4,1), heights=c(1,1))
layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))

 # Red and green range from 0 to 1 while Blue ranges from 1 to 0
 ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256),  # Red
                   seq(0,1,length=256),  # Green
                   seq(1,0,length=256))  # Blue
 ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))

 # Reverse Y axis
 reverse <- nrow(x) : 1
 yLabels <- yLabels[reverse]
 x <- x[reverse,]

 # Data Map
# par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,2))
 par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
 image(1:length(xLabels), 1:length(yLabels), t(x), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
 ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
 if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, cex.axis=0.7)
 axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las= HORIZONTAL<-1,

 # Color Scale
# par(mar = c(3,2.5,2.5,2))
 par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
 image(1, ColorLevels,
      matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),


plotBicluster <- function(r,p,opp=FALSE,zlim=NULL,title=NULL,which=c(1, 2)){
        print("Plots may not be shown correctly in RStudio")
        if (missing(r)) {
            stop("r (= the result of extractBic) is missing. Stopped.")
        if (missing(p)) {
            stop("The bicluster to plot is missing. Stopped.")

        if (is(r)[1] == "Factorization") {
          stop("First argument is of the class Factorization but must be the result of the function extractBic() (a list). Stopped.")

        x <- r$X
        if (!is.matrix(x)) {
            x <- as.matrix(x)

        if (!is.numeric(x)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")
        if (!is.numeric(r$np)) {
            stop("Number of biclusters must be numeric. Stopped.")

        if (p>r$np) {
            stop("Bicluster number is too large. Stopped.")

        if ((nrow(x)<2)||(ncol(x)<2)) {
            stop("Data matrix X too small or missing. Stopped.")

     devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)

   if (length(which) > 1 && dev.interactive()) {
        devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)

   showf <- c(FALSE, FALSE)
     showf[which] <- TRUE

     n <- nrow(x)

     np <- r$np

     l <- ncol(x)

     if (!opp) {
         if (r$bic[[p]][1]<1) {
            stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")
         if (r$bic[[p]][2]<1) {
            stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")

        observations <- unlist(r$bic[p,3])
         samples <- unlist(r$bic[p,5])
     } else {
         if (r$bicopp[[p]][1]<1) {
            stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")
         if (r$bicopp[[p]][2]<1) {
            stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")
         observations <- unlist(r$bicopp[p,3])
         samples <- unlist(r$bicopp[p,5])

     if (length(observations)<1) {
         stop("No genes in bicluster. Stopped.")

     if (length(samples)<1) {
         stop("No samples in bicluster. Stopped.")

     min <- min(x)
     max <- max(x)

   if( !is.null(zlim) ){
       min <- zlim[1]
       max <- zlim[2]

    yLabels <- rownames(x)
    xLabels <- colnames(x)

     if( is.null(title) ){
     title <- c()

 # Reverse Y axis
 reverse <- n : 1
 yLabels <- yLabels[reverse]
 x <- x[reverse,]

     obs <- match(observations,yLabels)
     samp <- match(samples,xLabels)

    ybl <- length(obs)
    if (ybl == 0) {
      obs <- match(observations,as.character(n:1))
      ybl <- length(obs)

    if (ybl == 0) {
      obs <- match(observations,c(n:1))
      ybl <- length(obs)


    xbl <- length(samp)
    if (xbl == 0) {
      samp <- match(samples,as.character(1:l))
      xbl <- length(samp)

    if (xbl == 0) {
      samp <- match(samples,c(1:l))
      xbl <- length(samp)


    pmL <- diag(n)
    for (i in 1:ybl){
        ii <- n-i+1
        pmL[ii,ii] <- 0
        pmL[ii,obs[i]] <- 1
        pmL[obs[i],obs[i]] <- 0
        pmL[obs[i],ii] <- 1
        tmp <- yLabels[ii]
        yLabels[ii] <- yLabels[obs[i]]
        yLabels[obs[i]] <- tmp

    pmZ <- diag(l)
    for (i in 1:xbl){
        pmZ[i,i] <- 0
        pmZ[i,samp[i]] <- 1
        pmZ[samp[i],samp[i]] <- 0
        pmZ[samp[i],i] <- 1
        tmp <- xLabels[i]
        xLabels[i] <- xLabels[samp[i]]
        xLabels[samp[i]] <- tmp

    x <- pmL%*%x%*%pmZ

    rownames(x) <-  yLabels
    colnames(x) <-  xLabels

    if (n>100)
        lll <- 12

        yl <- c(1,round(n*(1:lll)/lll))

        yll <- rep("",n)

        yll[yl] <- rownames(x)[yl]

        yLabels <- yll
    for (i in 1:ybl){
        ii <- n-i+1
        yLabels[ii] <- rownames(x)[ii]

if (showf[1]){

 layout(matrix(data=c(2,1), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))

 # Red and green range from 0 to 1 while Blue ranges from 1 to 0
 ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256),  # Red
                   seq(0,1,length=256),  # Green
                   seq(1,0,length=256))  # Blue
 ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))

 # Color Scale
 par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
 image(1, ColorLevels,
      matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),

 # Data Map
 par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
 image(1:length(xLabels), 1:length(yLabels), t(x), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
 ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
 if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, cex.axis=0.7)
 axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las= HORIZONTAL<-1,

#rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, density = NULL, angle = 45,
#     col = NA, border = NULL, lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
#     ...)

rect(xleft=0.6, ybottom= n-ybl, xright=xbl+1, ytop=n+0.3,lwd=3,border="red")



if (showf[2]){

layout(matrix(data=c(2,1), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(7,1), heights=c(1,1))

 ColorRamp <- rgb( seq(0,1,length=256),  # Red
                   seq(0,1,length=256),  # Green
                   seq(1,0,length=256))  # Blue
 ColorLevels <- seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp))

# Color Scale
 par(mar = c(3,2,2.5,1))
 image(1, ColorLevels,
      matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),

 # Data Map
 par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,1))
 image(1:xbl, 1:ybl, t(x[(n-ybl+1):n,1:xbl]), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",
 ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max))
 if( !is.null(title) ){
axis(BELOW<-1, at=1:xbl, labels=xLabels[1:xbl], cex.axis=0.7)
 axis(LEFT <-2, at=1:ybl, labels=yLabels[(n-ybl+1):n], las= HORIZONTAL<-1,


devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)

makeFabiaData <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){

    if(!is.numeric(n)) {
        stop("n must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(l)) {
        stop("l must be numeric")

    if(!is.numeric(p)) {
        stop("p must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
        stop("f1 must be numeric")

    za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
    la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
    ZC <- list()
    LC <- list()

    X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
    Y <- matrix(0,n,l)
    rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
    colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
    rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)

for (i in 1:p){

        zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
        z0 <- rep(0,l)
        zf <- floor(runif(za[i])*l)
        ZC[[i]] <- zf
        z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
        zj[zf] <- z1
        z0[zf] <- z1

        lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
        l0 <- rep(0,n)
        lf <- floor(runif(la[i])*n)
        LC[[i]] <- lf
        l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
        lsign <- 2*round(runif(la[i]))-1
        l1 <- l1*lsign
        lj[lf] <- l1
        l0[lf] <- l1

        X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
        Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)



makeFabiaDataBlocks <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){

    if(!is.numeric(n)) {
        stop("n must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(l)) {
        stop("l must be numeric")

    if(!is.numeric(p)) {
         stop("p must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
        stop("f1 must be numeric")

    za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
    la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
    ZC <- list()
    LC <- list()

    X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
    Y <- matrix(0,n,l)

    rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
    colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
    rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)

   for (i in 1:p){

        zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
        z0 <- as.vector(rep(0,l))

        tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i]))
        zf <- tf:(tf+za[i]-1)
        ZC[[i]] <- zf
        z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
        zj[zf] <- z1
        z0[zf] <- z1

        lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
        l0 <- as.vector(rep(0,n))
        uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i]))
        lf <- uf:(uf+la[i]-1)
        LC[[i]] <- lf
        l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
        lsign <- 2*round(runif(la[i]))-1
        l1 <- l1*lsign
        lj[lf] <- l1
        l0[lf] <- l1

        X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
        Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)


makeFabiaDataPos <- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){

    if(!is.numeric(n)) {
        stop("n must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(l)) {
        stop("l must be numeric")

    if(!is.numeric(p)) {
        stop("p must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
        stop("f1 must be numeric")

    za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
    la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
    ZC <- list()
    LC <- list()

    X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
    Y <- matrix(0,n,l)

    rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
    colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
    rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)

   for (i in 1:p){

        zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
        z0 <- rep(0,l)
        zf <- floor(runif(za[i])*l)
        ZC[[i]] <- zf
        z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
        zj[zf] <- z1
        z0[zf] <- z1

        lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
        l0 <- rep(0,n)
        lf <- floor(runif(la[i])*n)
        LC[[i]] <- lf
        l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
        lj[lf] <- l1
        l0[lf] <- l1

        X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
        Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)


makeFabiaDataBlocksPos<- function(n,l,p,f1,f2,of1,of2,sd_noise,sd_z_noise,mean_z,sd_z,sd_l_noise,mean_l,sd_l){

    if(!is.numeric(n)) {
        stop("n must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(l)) {
        stop("l must be numeric")

    if(!is.numeric(p)) {
         stop("p must be numeric")
    if(!is.numeric(f1)) {
        stop("f1 must be numeric")

    za <- floor(runif(p)*(l/f1)+of1)
    la <- floor(runif(p)*(n/f2)+of2)
    ZC <- list()
    LC <- list()

    X <- matrix(rnorm(l*n,mean = 0, sd = sd_noise),n,l)
    Y <- matrix(0,n,l)

    rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
    colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
    rownames(Y) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)

    for (i in 1:p){

        zj <- rnorm(l,mean = 0, sd = sd_z_noise)
        z0 <- as.vector(rep(0,l))

        tf <- floor(runif(1)*(l-za[i]))
        zf <- tf:(tf+za[i]-1)
        ZC[[i]] <- zf
        z1 <- rnorm(za[i],mean = mean_z, sd = sd_z)
        zj[zf] <- z1
        z0[zf] <- z1

        lj <- rnorm(n,mean = 0, sd = sd_l_noise)
        l0 <- as.vector(rep(0,n))
        uf <- floor(runif(1)*(n-la[i]))
        lf <- uf:(uf+la[i]-1)
        LC[[i]] <- lf
        l1 <- rnorm(la[i],mean = mean_l, sd = sd_l)
        lj[lf] <- l1
        l0[lf] <- l1

        X <- X + lj%*%t(zj)
        Y <- Y + l0%*%t(z0)


# mfsc - matrix factorization with sparseness constraints
# Written by Sepp Hochreiter according to
# Patrik O. Hoyer
# 'Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints'
# Journal of Machine Learning Research  5:1457-1469, 2004.
# res <- mfsc(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,center=2,norm=1)
# res$L
# res$Z
# X          - data matrix
# p       - number of components (inner dimension of factorization)
# sL         - sparseness of L, in [0,1]
# sZ         - sparseness of Z, in [0,1]
# cyc    - maximal number of iterations
# Note: Sparseness is measured on the scale [0,1] where 0 means
# completely distributed and 1 means ultimate sparseness.

mfsc <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6,center=2,norm=1) {

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")


        if (p>min(l,n)) {
            stop("Too many biclusters. Stopped.")

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running MFSC on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
       message("   Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)
       if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 1 = mean")
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: 2 = median")
                } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center,"  = mode")
        } else {
       message("   Centering ---------------------- center: ", center," = no centering")
       if (norm>0) {
           if (norm > 1) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Quantile scaling (0.75-0.25): ---- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           }} else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")

        iin <-  1.0/l

        ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))

        cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
        if (center>0) {
            if (center<2) {
                cent <- apply(X, 1, mean)
            } else {
                if (center<3) {
                    cent <- apply(X, 1, median)
                } else {
                    cent <- estimateMode(X)

        X <- X - cent

        XX <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        if (norm>0) {
            if (norm>1)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(iin*apply(X,1,function(x) sum(x^2))+0.001*XX)
                scaleData <-  1/sqrt(apply(X,1,function(x) {quantile(x,0.75) - quantile(x,0.25)})+0.001*XX)
            X <- scaleData*X
        } else {
            scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (rnorm(l*p),nrow=p,ncol=l)

# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*sL
L1s <- sqrt(l)-(sqrt(l)-1)*sZ

for (i in 1:p)
    L[,i] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(L[,i]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
    Z[i,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Z[i,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)

# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)

# Initial stepsizes
stepsizeL <- 1.0
stepsizeZ <- 1.0

# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)

    # Save old values
    Lold <- L
    Zold <- Z

    # ----- Update Z ---------------------------------------

	# Gradient for Z
	dZ <- t(L)%*%(L%*%Z-X)

        begobj <- objhistory

        newobj <- 2.0*begobj

     # Make sure we decrease the objective!
	while (newobj>begobj) {

         # Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
          Znew <- Z - stepsizeZ*dZ
	# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
          for (j in 1:p)
              Znew[j,] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Znew[j,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)

         # Calculate new objective
	    newobj <- sum((X-L%*%Znew)^2)

	    # If the objective decreased, we can continue...
            stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ/2.0
            if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {

                rownames(L) <- rowna
                colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
                clnames <- colnames(L)

                rownames(Z) <- clnames
                colnames(Z) <- colna

                M <- diag(p)
                rownames(M) <- clnames
                colnames(M) <- clnames
                LZ <- L%*%Z

                rownames(LZ) <- rowna
                colnames(LZ) <- colna

                U <- X-LZ

                rownames(U) <- rowna
                colnames(U) <- colna

                for (i in 1:p){
                    avini[i] <- sum(L[,i]^2)*sum(Z[i,]^2)
                for (i in 1:l){
                    xavini[i] <-  sum(L[i,]^2)

                avini[p+1] <- sum(avini[1:p])
                xavini[l+1] <- sum(xavini[1:l])

                if (avini[p+1]>1e-8) {

                    soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

                    avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
                    L <- L[,soo$ix]
                    Z <- Z[soo$ix,]
                    M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


                return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("mfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

	# Slightly increase the stepsize
	stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ*1.2
	Z <- Znew

    # ----- Update L ---------------------------------------

	# Gradient for L
	dL <- (L%*%Z-X)%*%t(Z)
	begobj <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)

        newobj <- 2*begobj

	# Make sure we decrease the objective!
	while (newobj>begobj) {

	    # Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
	    Lnew <- L - stepsizeL*dL
	    norms <- sqrt(sum(Lnew^2))
            for (j in 1:p)
                Lnew[,j] <- projFunc(s=as.vector(Lnew[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)

	    # Calculate new objective
	    newobj <- sum((X-Lnew%*%Z)^2)

	    stepsizeL <- stepsizeL/2

            if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {

                rownames(L) <- rowna
                colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
                clnames <- colnames(L)

                rownames(Z) <- clnames
                colnames(Z) <- colna

                M <- diag(p)
                rownames(M) <- clnames
                colnames(M) <- clnames
                LZ <- L%*%Z

                rownames(LZ) <- rowna
                colnames(LZ) <- colna

                U <- X-LZ

                rownames(U) <- rowna
                colnames(U) <- colna

                for (i in 1:p){
                    avini[i] <- sum(L[,i]^2)*sum(Z[i,]^2)
                for (i in 1:l){
                    xavini[i] <-  sum(L[i,]^2)

                avini[p+1] <- sum(avini[1:p])
                xavini[l+1] <- sum(xavini[1:l])

                if (avini[p+1]>1e-8) {

                    soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

                    avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
                    L <- L[,soo$ix]
                    Z <- Z[soo$ix,]
                    M <- M[soo$ix,soo$ix]


     return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("mfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,norm,center,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))


	# Slightly increase the stepsize
	stepsizeL <- stepsizeL*1.2
	L <- Lnew

    # Calculate objective
    newobj <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
    objhistory <- newobj


# Solves the following problem:
# Given a vector s, find the vector v having sum(abs(v))=k1
# and sum(v^2)=k2 which is closest to s in the euclidian sense.

projFunc <- function(s, k1, k2) {

  N <- length(s)

  isneg <- as.vector(rep(0,N))
  isneg[which(s<0)] <- 1
  ones <- as.vector(rep(1,N))

  s <- abs(s)

# Start by projecting the point to the sum constraint hyperplane
  v <- s + (k1-sum(s))/N

# Initialize zerocoeff (initially, no elements are assumed zero)
  # zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
  # v[zerocoeff] <- 0

  zerocoeff <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0)

  j <- 0
  ende <- 0
  while (ende<1) {

    # This does the proposed projection operator
    midpoint <- ones*k1/(N-length(zerocoeff))
    midpoint[zerocoeff] <- 0
    w <- v-midpoint
    a <- sum(w^2)
    b <- 2*crossprod(w,v)
    c <- sum(v^2)-k2
    t <- b^2-4*a*c
    if (t<0) {t <- 0}
    if (a<1e-10) {a <- 1e-10}

    alphap <- (-b+sqrt(t))/(2*a)
    v <- alphap*w + v

    if ((length(which(v<0))==0)&&(j>1)) {
      ende <- 2
    else {

      j <- j+1

    # Set negs to zero, subtract appropriate amount from rest
      zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
      v[zerocoeff] <- 0
      tempsum <- sum(v)
      tta <- N - length(zerocoeff)
      if (tta>0)  {
       v <- v + (k1-tempsum)/tta
      v[zerocoeff] <- 0

  v <- (-2*isneg + ones)*v



extractPlot <- function(fact,thresZ=0.5,ti="FABIA",thresL=NULL,Y=NULL,which=c(1,2,3,4,5,6)){

        if (missing(fact)) {
            stop("Object fact of class Factorization is missing. Stopped.")

        if (is(fact) != "Factorization") {
            stop("Object fact is not of the class Factorization. Stopped.")

    devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
    if (length(which) > 1 && dev.interactive()) {
      devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
      if ((length(which) == 2) && (is.null(Y)) && (which[1]==1)) {
          devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)

    showf[which] <- TRUE

    X <- as.matrix(X(fact))

    misX <- FALSE
    if (!is.matrix(X)||(nrow(X)<2)||(ncol(X)<2)) {
     showf[2] <- FALSE
     showf[4] <- FALSE
     misX <- TRUE

    noL <- as.matrix(L(fact))
    nZ <- as.matrix(Z(fact))


    p <- ncol(noL)

    lll <- 12

    yl <- c(1,round(n*(1:lll)/lll))

    yll <- rep("",n)

    if (misX) {
        yll[yl] <- as.character(yl)
    } else {
        yll[yl] <- rownames(X)[yl]
    LZ <- noL%*%nZ

    tt <- paste("(",as.character(n)," genes, ",as.character(l)," samples, ",as.character(p)," biclusters )")

    if (!is.null(Y) && showf[1]){
      matrixImagePlot(Y,title=paste(ti,": noise free data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)

    if (showf[2]){
        matrixImagePlot(X,title=paste(ti,": data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)

    if (showf[3]){
        matrixImagePlot(LZ,title=paste(ti,": reconstructed data\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
    if (showf[4]){
        matrixImagePlot(LZ-X,title=paste(ti,": error\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)

    if (showf[5]){
        matrixImagePlot(abs(noL),title=paste(ti,": absolute loadings\n",tt,sep=""),yLabels= yll)
    if (showf[6]){
        matrixImagePlot(abs(nZ),title=paste(ti,": absolute factors\n",tt,sep=""))

   devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)


extractBic <- function(fact,thresZ=0.5,thresL=NULL)

    if (missing(fact)) {
        stop("Object fact of class Factorization is missing. Stopped.")

    if (is(fact) != "Factorization") {
        stop("Object fact is not of the class Factorization. Stopped.")

    noL <- as.matrix(L(fact))
    nZ <- as.matrix(Z(fact))
    X <- as.matrix(X(fact))

    n <- nrow(noL)

    p <- ncol(noL)

    l <- ncol(nZ)

    binn <- list()
    binp <- list()
    bixv <- list()
    bixn <- list()
    numng <- list()

    numnp <- list()
    biyp <- list()
    biypv <- list()
    biypn <- list()

    numnn <- list()
    biyn <- list()
    biynv <- list()
    biynn <- list()
    if (is.null(rownames(X))||(length(rownames(X))<2))
        gene_names <- as.character(1:n)
    } else {
        gene_names <- rownames(X)
    rownames(noL) <- gene_names

    if (is.null(colnames(X))||(length(colnames(X))<2))
       sample_names <- as.character(1:l)
    } else {
        sample_names <- colnames(X)
    colnames(nZ) <- sample_names

#    if (is.null(thresL)) {
#        mom <- 0
#        for (i in 1:p) {
#            tmom <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(noL[,i],nZ[i,]))
#            mom <- mom + sum(tmom^2)
#        }
#        mom <- mom/(length(tmom)*p)
#        thresL <- sqrt(mom)/thresZ
#    }

    if (is.null(thresL)) {
        mom <- 0
        for (i in 1:p) {
           mom <- mom + sum(noL[,i]^2)*sum(nZ[i,]^2)
#        mom <- mom/(n*l*p)
            mom <- mom/(as.double(n)*as.double(l)*as.double(p))

        thresL <- sqrt(mom)/thresZ

    for (i in 1:p){

        snl <- sort(abs(noL[,i]),decreasing = TRUE,index.return = TRUE)
        gene_namest <- gene_names[snl$ix]
        sL <- noL[snl$ix,i]

        numng[[i]] <- as.vector(which(abs(noL[,i])>thresL))
        cho <- which(abs(sL)>thresL)
        bixv[[i]] <- sL[cho]
        bixn[[i]] <- gene_namest[cho]

        snz <- sort(abs(nZ[i,]),decreasing = TRUE,index.return = TRUE)
        sample_namest <- sample_names[snz$ix]
        sz <- nZ[i,snz$ix]

        chop <- which(sz>thresZ)
        ss2 <- sum(abs(sz[chop]))
        chon <- which(sz< -thresZ)
        ss3 <- sum(abs(sz[chon]))

        if (ss2>=ss3) {
            binp[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chop))
            numnp[[i]] <-  as.vector(which(nZ[i,]>thresZ))
            biypv[[i]] <- sz[chop]
            biypn[[i]] <-  sample_namest[chop]

            binn[[i]] <- c(length(cho),length(chon))
            numnn[[i]] <-  as.vector(which(nZ[i,]< -thresZ))
            biynv[[i]] <- sz[chon]
            biynn[[i]] <-  sample_namest[chon]
        } else {
            binn[[i]]    <- c(length(cho),length(chop))
            numnn[[i]]   <-  as.vector(which(nZ[i,]>thresZ))
            biynv[[i]]   <- sz[chop]
            biynn[[i]]   <-  sample_namest[chop]

            binp[[i]]    <- c(length(cho),length(chon))
            numnp[[i]]   <-  as.vector(which(nZ[i,]< -thresZ))
            biypv[[i]]   <- sz[chon]
            biypn[[i]]   <-  sample_namest[chon]



    bic <- cbind(binp,bixv,bixn,biypv,biypn)
    numn <- cbind(numng,numnp)

    bicopp <- cbind(binn,bixv,bixn,biynv,biynn)
    numnopp <- cbind(numng,numnn)



nmfdiv <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100) {

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")

  # Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
    stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")

# Dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running NMFDIV on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)

# Globally rescale data to avoid potential overflow/underflow
X <- X/max(X)

cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(max(X),n))

# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (abs(rnorm(n*p)),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (abs(rnorm(l*p)),nrow=p,ncol=l)
#Z <- Z/(sqrt(rowsum(Z*Z,1:n))*as.vector(rep(1,l)))

# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))

ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))

# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)

    # Show progress

    # Save old values
    Lold <- L
    Zold <- Z

    # Compute new L and Z (Lee and Seung; NIPS*2000)

    #L <- L*((X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9))%*%t(Z))/rowSums(Z)
    #Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%(X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9)))/colSums(L)

    L <- L*((X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9))%*%t(Z))/tcrossprod(rep(1,n),rowSums(Z))
    Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%(X/(L%*%Z + 1e-9)))/tcrossprod(colSums(L),rep(1,l))

    # Renormalize so rows of Z have constant energy
    norms <- sqrt(rowSums(Z^2))
#    Z <- Z/tcrossprod(norms,rep(1,l))
#    L <- L*tcrossprod(rep(1,n),norms)

    Z <- Z/norms
    L <- L*norms

    # Calculate objective
    newobj <- sum(X*log((X+1e-10)/(L%*%Z)) - X + L%*%Z)
    objhistory <- newobj


        rownames(L) <- rowna
        colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(L)

        rownames(Z) <- clnames
        colnames(Z) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        LZ <- L%*%Z

        rownames(LZ) <- rowna
        colnames(LZ) <- colna

        U <- X-LZ

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

  return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfdiv",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

nmfeu <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100) {

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")

# Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
    stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")

# Dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running NMFEU on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)

# Globally rescale data to avoid potential overflow/underflow
X <- X/max(X)

cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(max(X),n))

ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))

# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (abs(rnorm(n*p)),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (abs(rnorm(l*p)),nrow=p,ncol=l)
#Z <- Z/(sqrt(rowsum(Z*Z,1:n))*as.vector(rep(1,l)))

# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))

# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)

    # Show progress

    # Save old values
    Lold <- L
    Zold <- Z

    # Compute new L and Z (Lee and Seung; NIPS*2000)
    Z <- Z*(t(L)%*%X)/(t(L)%*%L%*%Z + 1e-9)
    L <- L*(X%*%t(Z))/(L%*%Z%*%t(Z) + 1e-9)

    # Renormalize so rows of Z have constant energy
    norms <- sqrt(rowSums(Z^2))
#    Z <- Z/tcrossprod(norms,rep(1,l))
#    L <- L*tcrossprod(rep(1,n),norms)

    Z <- Z/norms
    L <- L*norms

    # Calculate objective
    newobj <- sum(X*log((X+1e-10)/(L%*%Z)) - X + L%*%Z)
    objhistory <- newobj


        rownames(L) <- rowna
        colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
        clnames <- colnames(L)

        rownames(Z) <- clnames
        colnames(Z) <- colna

        M <- diag(p)
        rownames(M) <- clnames
        colnames(M) <- clnames

        LZ <- L%*%Z

        rownames(LZ) <- rowna
        colnames(LZ) <- colna

        U <- X-LZ

        rownames(U) <- rowna
        colnames(U) <- colna

        return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfeu",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

projFuncPos <- function(s, k1, k2) {

  N <- length(s)

  ones <- as.vector(rep(1,N))

# Start by projecting the point to the sum constraint hyperplane
  v <- s + (k1-sum(s))/N

# Initialize zerocoeff (initially, no elements are assumed zero)

  # zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
  # v[zerocoeff] <- 0

  zerocoeff <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0)

  j <- 0
  ende <- 0
  while (ende<1) {

    # This does the proposed projection operator
    midpoint <- ones*k1/(N-length(zerocoeff))
    midpoint[zerocoeff] <- 0
    w <- v-midpoint
    a <- sum(w^2)
    b <- 2*crossprod(w,v)
    c <- sum(v^2)-k2
    t <- b^2-4*a*c
    if (t<0) {t <- 0}
    if (a<1e-10) {a <- 1e-10}

    alphap <- (-b+sqrt(t))/(2*a)
    v <- alphap*w + v

    if ((length(which(v<0))==0)&&(j>1)) {
      ende <- 2
    else {

      j <- j+1

    # Set negs to zero, subtract appropriate amount from rest
      zerocoeff <- which(v<=0)
      v[zerocoeff] <- 0
      tempsum <- sum(v)
      tta <- N - length(zerocoeff)
      if (tta>0)  {
       v <- v + (k1-tempsum)/tta
      v[zerocoeff] <- 0



# nmfsc - nonnegative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints
# Written by Sepp Hochreiter according to
# Patrik O. Hoyer
# 'Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints'
# Journal of Machine Learning Research  5:1457-1469, 2004.
# res <- nmfsc( X, p, sL, sZ,cyc=100)
# res$L
# res$Z
# X          - data matrix
# p       - number of components (inner dimension of factorization)
# sL         - sparseness of L, in [0,1]
# sZ         - sparseness of Z, in [0,1]
# cyc    - maximal number of iterations
# Note: Sparseness is measured on the scale [0,1] where 0 means
# completely distributed and 1 means ultimate sparseness.

nmfsc <- function(X,p=5,cyc=100,sL=0.6,sZ=0.6) {

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X missing. Stopped.")

        if (!is.matrix(X)) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)

        if (!is.numeric(X)) {
            stop("Data matrix X must be numeric. Stopped.")

# Check that we have non-negative data
if (min(X)<0) {
    stop("Negative values in matrix X. Stopped.")

# Data dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
l <- ncol(X)

        rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "gene")
        colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "sample")
        rowna <- rownames(X)
        colna <- colnames(X)

       message("Running NMFSC on a ",n,"x",l," matrix with")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Number of maximal iterations ------ cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading sparseness projection ------ sL: ",sL)
       message("   Factor sparseness projection ------- sZ: ",sZ)

cent <- as.vector(rep(0.0,n))
scaleData <- as.vector(rep(1.0,n))

# Create initial matrices
L <- matrix (rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
Z <- matrix (rnorm(l*p),nrow=p,ncol=l)

ini <- matrix(1,l,(p+1))
avini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(p+1)))
xavini <- as.vector(rep(1.0,(l+1)))

# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
L1a <- sqrt(n)-(sqrt(n)-1)*sL
L1s <- sqrt(l)-(sqrt(l)-1)*sZ

for (i in 1:p)
    L[,i] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(L[,i]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)
    Z[i,] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Z[i,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)

# Calculate initial objective
objhistory <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)

# Initial stepsizes
stepsizeL <- 1.0
stepsizeZ <- 1.0

# Start iteration
for (i in 1:cyc)

    # Save old values
    Lold <- L
    Zold <- Z

    # ----- Update Z ---------------------------------------

	# Gradient for Z
	dZ <- t(L)%*%(L%*%Z-X)

        begobj <- objhistory

        newobj <- 2.0*begobj

     # Make sure we decrease the objective!
	while (newobj>begobj) {

         # Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
          Znew <- Z - stepsizeZ*dZ
	# Make initial matrices have correct sparseness
          for (j in 1:p)
              Znew[j,] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Znew[j,]),k1=L1s,k2=1.0)

         # Calculate new objective
	    newobj <- sum((X-L%*%Znew)^2)

	    # If the objective decreased, we can continue...
            stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ/2.0
            if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {

                rownames(L) <- rowna
                colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
                clnames <- colnames(L)

                rownames(Z) <- clnames
                colnames(Z) <- colna

                M <- diag(p)
                rownames(M) <- clnames
                colnames(M) <- clnames

                LZ <- L%*%Z

                rownames(LZ) <- rowna
                colnames(LZ) <- colna

                U <- X-LZ

                rownames(U) <- rowna
                colnames(U) <- colna

         return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))

	# Slightly increase the stepsize
	stepsizeZ <- stepsizeZ*1.2
	Z <- Znew

    # ----- Update L ---------------------------------------

	# Gradient for L
	dL <- (L%*%Z-X)%*%t(Z)
	begobj <- sum((X-L%*%Z)^2)

        newobj <- 2*begobj

	# Make sure we decrease the objective!
	while (newobj>begobj) {

	    # Take step in direction of negative gradient, and project
	    Lnew <- L - stepsizeL*dL
	    norms <- sqrt(sum(Lnew^2))
            for (j in 1:p)
                Lnew[,j] <- projFuncPos(s=as.vector(Lnew[,j]),k1=L1a,k2=1.0)

	    # Calculate new objective
	    newobj <- sum((X-Lnew%*%Z)^2)

	    stepsizeL <- stepsizeL/2

            if (stepsizeZ<1e-10) {
                rownames(L) <- rowna
                colnames(L) <- colnames(L, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "bicluster")
                clnames <- colnames(L)

                rownames(Z) <- clnames
                colnames(Z) <- colna

                M <- diag(p)
                rownames(M) <- clnames
                colnames(M) <- clnames

                LZ <- L%*%Z

                rownames(LZ) <- rowna
                colnames(LZ) <- colna

                U <- X-LZ

                rownames(U) <- rowna
                colnames(U) <- colna

              return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("nmfsc",cyc,NULL,NULL,NULL,p,sL,sZ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=cent,scaleData=scaleData,X=X,L=L,Z=Z,M=M,LZ=LZ,U=U,avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))


	# Slightly increase the stepsize
	stepsizeL <- stepsizeL*1.2
	L <- Lnew

    # Calculate objective
    newobj <- 0.5*sum(sum((X-L%*%Z)^2))
    objhistory <- newobj


# modified eqscplot from the package MASS
# Plots with Geometrically Equal Scales
# From Version: 7.3-3, Date: 2009-10-15
# Maintainer: Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk>
#     Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) _Modern Applied
#     Statistics with S._ Fourth edition.  Springer.

plotEqScale <- function (x, y, ratio = 1, tol = 0.04, uin, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    nmdots <- names(dots)
    Call <- match.call()
    Call$ratio <- Call$tol <- Call$uin <- NULL
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
        y <- x[, 2]
        x <- x[, 1]
        if (!is.null(dn <- colnames(x))) {
            xlab0 <- dn[1L]
            ylab0 <- dn[2L]
        else {
            xlab0 <- ""
            ylab0 <- ""
    else if (is.list(x)) {
        y <- x$y
        x <- x$x
        xlab0 <- "x"
        ylab0 <- "y"
    else {
        xlab0 <- deparse(substitute(x))
        ylab0 <- deparse(substitute(y))
    Call$x <- x
    Call$y <- y
    Call$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% nmdots)
    else xlab0
    Call$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% nmdots)
    else ylab0
    xlim <- if ("xlim" %in% nmdots)
    else range(x[is.finite(x)])
    ylim <- if ("ylim" %in% nmdots)
    else range(y[is.finite(y)])
    midx <- 0.5 * (xlim[2L] + xlim[1L])
    xlim <- midx + (1 + tol) * 0.5 * c(-1, 1) * (xlim[2L] - xlim[1L])
    midy <- 0.5 * (ylim[2L] + ylim[1L])
    ylim <- midy + (1 + tol) * 0.5 * c(-1, 1) * (ylim[2L] - ylim[1L])
    oldpin <- par("pin")
    xuin <- oxuin <- oldpin[1L]/abs(diff(xlim))
    yuin <- oyuin <- oldpin[2L]/abs(diff(ylim))
    if (missing(uin)) {
        if (yuin > xuin * ratio)
            yuin <- xuin * ratio
        else xuin <- yuin/ratio
    else {
        if (length(uin) == 1L)
            uin <- uin * c(1, ratio)
        if (any(c(xuin, yuin) < uin))
            stop("'uin' is too large to fit plot in")
        xuin <- uin[1L]
        yuin <- uin[2L]
    xlim <- midx + oxuin/xuin * c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.5
    ylim <- midy + oyuin/yuin * c(-1, 1) * diff(ylim) * 0.5
    Call$xlim <- xlim
    Call$ylim <- ylim
    Call$xaxs <- Call$yaxs <- "i"
    Call[[1L]] <- as.name("plot")

spfabia <- function(X,p=13,alpha=0.01,cyc=500,spl=0,spz=0.5,non_negative=0,random=1.0,write_file=1,norm=1,scale=0.0,lap=1.0,nL=0,lL=0,bL=0,samples=0,initL=0,iter=1,quant=0.001,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0,dorescale=FALSE,doini=FALSE,eps=1e-3,eps1=1e-10){
	## X - name of the data file
	## cyc - maximum number of cycles
        ## alpha - sparseness
        ## p - factors

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")

       message("Running sparse FABIA on a sparse matrix in file >",X,"<:")
       message("   Number of biclusters ---------------- p: ",p)
       message("   Sparseness factor --------------- alpha: ",alpha)
       message("   Number of iterations -------------- cyc: ",cyc)
       message("   Loading prior parameter ----------- spl: ",spl)
       message("   Factor prior parameter ------------ spz: ",spz)
        if (random>0) {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = positive")
       } else {
       message("   Initialization loadings--------- random: ",random," = all values")
        if (non_negative>0) {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = Yes")
       } else {
       message("   Nonnegative Loadings and Factors ------: ",non_negative," = No")
       if (write_file>0) {
       message("   Write results files -------------------: ",write_file, " = Yes")
       } else {
       message("   Write results files -------------------: ",write_file, " = No")
        if (norm>0) {
       message("   Scaling to variance one: --------- norm: ",norm," = Yes")
           } else {
       message("   Scaling -------------------------- norm: ",norm," = No")
       if (scale>0) {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ",scale," = to ", scale)
       } else {
       message("   Scaling loadings per iteration -- scale: ", scale," = No")

       message("   Constraint variational parameter -- lap: ", lap)
       if ((nL>0)&&(nL<p)) {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of biclusters per row -- nL: ", nL, " = no limit")
       if (lL>0) {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL)
           if (bL>0) {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL)
           } else {
           message("         starting at ------------------ bL: ", bL, " = from start")
       } else {
           message("   Max. number of row elements / biclu. lL: ", lL, " = no limit")
       if (samples[1]==0) {
           message("   Number of samples ------------- samples: ", samples, " = all samples")
       } else {
           message("   Number of samples  ------------ samples: ", length(samples))
       if (initL[1]==0) {
           message("   Random initialization of L ------ initL: ", initL)
       } else {
           message("   Biclusters init. by samples ----- initL: ", length(initL))
           message("   Iterations ------------------------iter: ",iter)
        if (iter>1) {
           message("   Quantile of largest L removed --- quant: ",quant)
           message("   Lower column sum bound --------- lowerB: ",lowerB)
           message("   Upper column sum bound --------- upperB: ",upperB)
        if (dorescale) {
           message("   Z and L are rescaled -------- dorescale: TRUE")
         } else {
           message("   Z and L are not rescaled ---- dorescale: FALSE")
        if (doini && dorescale) {
           message("   Biclusters sorted (information) - doini: TRUE")
         } else {
           message("   Biclusters not sorted (infor.) -- doini: FALSE")

        eps <- as.double(eps)
        eps1 <- as.double(eps1)
        init_lapla <-  as.double(1.0)
        init_psi <-  as.double(0.1)

	samples <- as.integer(sort.int(as.integer(unique(samples))))
	initL <- as.integer(initL)
	iter <- as.integer(iter)
	norm <- as.integer(norm)
	cyc <- as.integer(cyc)
	nL <- as.integer(nL)
	lL <- as.integer(lL)
	bL <- as.integer(bL)
	quant <- as.double(quant)
	lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
	upperB <- as.double(upperB)
	alpha <- as.double(alpha)
	non_negative <- as.integer(non_negative)
        write_file<- as.integer(write_file)
	p <- as.integer(p)
	spz <- as.double(spz)
	scale <- as.double(scale)
	lap <- as.double(lap)

	res <- .Call("spfabic",X,p,alpha,cyc,spl,spz,non_negative,random,write_file,init_psi,init_lapla,norm,scale,lap,nL,lL,bL,eps,eps1,samples,initL,iter,quant,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))
            return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))


        if (dorescale) {


        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
	nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        iin <-  1.0/l

        # INI call for biclusters

        vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

         if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*res$L
            res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
            res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        } else {
            nZ <- res$E_SX_n
            noL <- res$L

         if (dorescale && doini) {

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(pi+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(pi+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(pi)
        ppL <- matrix(0,pi,pi)

        for (ite in 0:(iter-1))
            ppL[((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p),((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)] <- crossprod(noL[,((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)],(1/(res$Psi[((ite*n)+1):((ite+1)*n)]+epsn))*noL[,((ite*p)+1):((ite+1)*p)])

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:pi] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,pi+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <- s
        for (i in 1:pi){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,pi+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[pi+1] <- ss

        if ((avini[pi+1]>1e-8)&&(pi>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:pi], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:pi] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]

        } else {
            ini <- as.matrix(1)
            avini <- as.vector(1)
            xavini <- as.vector(1)

        return(new("Factorization", parameters=list("spfabia",cyc,alpha,spl,spz,p,NULL,NULL,random,scale,norm,NULL,lap,nL,lL,bL,non_negative,write_file,init_lapla,init_psi,samples,initL,iter,quant,lowerB,upperB),n=n,p1=pi,p2=pi,l=l,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))


readSamplesSpfabia <- function(X,samples=0,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0){

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")

	samples <- as.integer(sort.int(as.integer(unique(samples))))
	lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
	upperB <- as.double(upperB)

	res <- .Call("readSamplesSpfabic",X,samples,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))




samplesPerFeature <- function(X,samples=0,lowerB=0.0,upperB=1000.0){

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")

	samples <- as.integer(sort.int(as.integer(unique(samples))))
	lowerB <- as.double(lowerB)
	upperB <- as.double(upperB)

	res <- .Call("samplesPerFeature",X,samples,lowerB,upperB,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))




readSpfabiaResult <- function(X){
	## X - name of the data files

        if (missing(X)) {
            stop("Data file name missing. Stopped.")

	res <- .Call("readSpfabicResult",X,PACKAGE="fabia")

        if (is.null(res))
            return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=1,p1=1,p2=1,l=1,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=as.vector(1),xavini=as.vector(1),ini=as.matrix(1),Psi=as.vector(1),lapla=as.matrix(1)))




        iin <-  1.0/l

        # INI call for biclusters

        eps <- as.double(1e-3)
	nvect <- as.vector(rep(1,n))

        vz <- iin*apply(res$E_SX_n,1,function(x) sum(x^2))

        vz <- sqrt(vz+1e-10)

        ivz <- 1/vz

          if(length(ivz)==1) {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- vz*res$L
            res$lapla <- vz^2 * res$lapla
        else {
            nZ <- ivz*res$E_SX_n
            noL <- t(vz*t(res$L))
            res$lapla <- sweep(res$lapla, 2, vz^2, "*")

        ini <- matrix(0,l,(p+1))
        avini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(p+1)))
        xavini <- as.vector(rep(0.0,(l+1)))

        idp <- diag(p)
        ppL <- crossprod(noL,(1/(res$Psi+epsn))*noL)

        for (j in 1:l){
            mat <- idp + ppL/res$lapla[j,]
            ini[j,1:p] <- log(diag(mat))
            s <- log(det(mat))
            ini[j,p+1] <- s
            xavini[j] <- s
        for (i in 1:p){
            avini[i] <- sum(ini[,i])

        ss <- sum(ini[,p+1])
        xavini[l+1] <- ss
        avini[p+1] <- ss

        if ((avini[p+1]>1e-8)&&(p>1)) {

            soo <- sort(avini[1:p], decreasing = TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

            avini[1:p] <- avini[soo$ix]
            noL <- noL[,soo$ix]
            nZ <- nZ[soo$ix,]


        return(new("Factorization", parameters=list(),n=n,p1=p,p2=p,l=l,center=as.vector(1),scaleData=as.vector(1),X=as.matrix(1),L=noL,Z=nZ,M=as.matrix(1),LZ=as.matrix(1),U=as.matrix(1),avini=avini,xavini=xavini,ini=ini,Psi=res$Psi,lapla=res$lapla))


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fabia documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:09 p.m.