
Defines functions meta.hclust meta.TestSubCluster meta.SubClustering meta.Clustering meta.ME meta.Normalize meta.RegNorm meta.process

Documented in meta.Clustering meta.hclust meta.ME meta.Normalize meta.process meta.RegNorm meta.SubClustering meta.TestSubCluster

# meta.process
meta.process <- function(
exp, dat.subset=c(), meta.iter=10, tol=1e-5, meta.bias=0.2, 
meta.alpha=.5, norm.method=0, norm.blur=2, norm.minG=10
#,scatter.subset=c(), scatter.bias=0.25,scatter.prior=6
) {
    dat <- meta.exprs(exp, sub=dat.subset)
    res <- meta.Clustering(dat$P, dat$N, dat$K, 
                        dat$clsEvents, dat$M, dat$S, 
                        bias=meta.bias, I.iter=meta.iter, B=50, tol=tol, 
                        EM.method=20, alpha=meta.alpha,
                        norm.method=norm.method, norm.blur=norm.blur, 

    dat.norm <- dat
    if( norm.method > 0 ) {
        dat.norm <- meta.Normalize(dat$P, dat$N, dat$K, dat$clsEvents, 
                                dat$M, dat$S, res@K, res@z, 
    attr(res, "desc") <- dat$desc
    #if( length(scatter.subset) > 0 ) {
    #   scatter <- .meta.scatter.gating(exp, sub=scatter.subset,
    #                               EM.method=10,
    #                               EM.bias=scatter.bias,
    #                               scatter.prior=scatter.prior)
    #   res.scatter <- scatter$res
    #   dat.scatter <- scatter$dat
    #   attr(res.scatter,"desc") <- dat$desc
    #   meta <- list("dat.scatter"=dat.scatter, "res.scatter"=res.scatter,
    #               "dat.clusters"=dat, "res.clusters"=res)
## do auto gating of meta clusters
#   G <- res.scatter@K
#       childs <- vector("list", G)
#       for( g in seq_len(G) ) {
#           childs[[g]] <- list("desc"=paste(sep="", "P",g),
#                           "clusters"=.meta.ClustersForScatter(meta,g))
#       }
#       meta$gating <- list("clusters"=seq_len(res@K), "plot.childs"=TRUE,
#           "par"=scatter.subset, "desc"="all", "childs"=childs)
#       par <- rep(TRUE, dat$P)
#       par[scatter.subset] <- FALSE
#       for( g in seq_len(G) ) {
#           meta$gating <- .meta.gating(meta$res.clusters, meta$gating,
#                                   paste(sep="","P",g), which(par),
#                                   c(), iFilter=0)
#       }
#   }
#   else {
        meta <- list("dat.scatter"=NULL, "res.scatter"=NULL,  
                    "dat.clusters"=dat, "res.clusters"=res)
        meta$gating <- list("clusters"=seq_len(res@K), "childs"=c(), 
                    "desc"="all", "partition"=TRUE)

#   }
    # if BD
        #trans.a <- apply( sapply(exp,function(x) x@trans.a), 1, mean)
        trans.a <- apply( vapply(exp,function(x) x@trans.a, 
            rep(0.01,npar(res))), 1, mean)
        pscal <- list(length(trans.a))
        for( p in seq_len(length(trans.a))) {
            if( trans.a[p] == 0 ) {
                pscal[[p]] <- list(at=c(50000, 100000,150000, 200000, 250000),
                labels=c("50", "100", "150", "200", "250"),
            else {
                a <- trans.a[p]
                pscal[[p]] <- list(at=c(asinh(-100*a),0,asinh(100*a),
                asinh(500*a), asinh(1000*a),
                asinh(5000*a), asinh(10000*a),
                asinh(50000*a), asinh(100000*a)),
                labels=c("-100", "0", "100",
        meta$gating$pscales <- pscal
    class(meta) <- "immunoMeta"
## meta.process

#   meta.Regression
meta.RegNorm <- function(y, x, method=1, alpha=0.5)
    P <- length(y@parameters)
    if( length(x@parameters) != P )
    stop("dimension missmatch")
    ys <- y@sigma
    dim(ys) <- c(nrow(y@mu), P*P)
    xs <- x@sigma
    dim(xs) <- c(nrow(x@mu), P*P)
    obj <- .C("metaRegNorm",
            as.integer(y@K), as.double(t(y@mu)), as.double(t(ys)),
            K=as.integer(x@K), M=as.double(t(x@mu)), S=as.double(t(xs)),
    tM <- matrix(obj$M, nrow=obj$K, ncol=P, byrow=TRUE)
    tS <- matrix(obj$S, nrow=obj$K, ncol=(P*P), byrow=TRUE)
    list("P"=P, "N"=1, "K"=obj$K, "M"=tM,"S"=tS)


#   meta.Normalize
meta.Normalize <- function(P, N, K, W, M, S, G, Z, method=3)
    totK <- sum(K)
    obj <- .C("metaNormalize", 
            as.integer(P), as.integer(N), as.integer(K),
            W=as.double(W), M=as.double(c(t(M))), S=as.double(c(t(S))), 
            G=as.integer(G), z=as.double(t(Z)), method=as.integer(method), 
    tW <- obj$W
    tM <- matrix(obj$M, nrow=totK, ncol=P, byrow=TRUE)
    tS <- matrix(obj$S, nrow=totK, ncol=(P*P), byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(tM) <- colnames(M)
    rownames(tM) <- rownames(M)
    list("P"=P, "N"=N, "K"=K, "W"=tW,"M"=tM,"S"=tS)
## meta.Normalize

#   meta.ME
meta.ME <- function(
P, N, K, W, M, S, label, B=100, tol=1e-5, method=20, 
bias=0.25, alpha=0.5, min.class=0
) {
    G <- max(label)
    if( method == 23 ) {
        ## 2018.12.06:
        ## method==23: K[1] cluster are not re-labeled
        ## min.class parameter is re-used for this method
        min.class = K[1]
    obj <- .Call("immunoC_metaME",
            as.integer(sum(K)), as.integer(P), as.integer(G),
            as.double(W), as.double(c(t(M))), as.double(c(t(S))),
            as.integer(label), as.integer(B), as.double(tol),
            as.integer(method), as.double(bias), as.double(alpha),
    L <- obj$L
# output obj$s to sigma
    sigma <- array(0, c(L, P, P))
    s <- matrix(obj$s, G, P * P, byrow=TRUE)
    for (k in seq_len(L))
    sigma[k,,] <- matrix(s[k,], P, P, byrow = TRUE)
    mu <- matrix(obj$m, G, P, byrow=TRUE)[seq_len(L),]
    dim(mu) <- c(L,P)
    z <- matrix(obj$z, sum(K), G, byrow=TRUE)
    z <- as.matrix(z[,seq_len(L)])
    if( sum(is.na(z)) > 0 ) {
        warning("meta.ME: N/As in Z\n")
        for(row in seq_len(nrow(z)) ) {
            if( sum(is.na(z[row,])) > 0 ) {
                cat("N/As in Z[", row, ",]:", which(is.na(z[row,])), "\n")
        z[is.na(z)] <- 0

# output BIC & ICL
    BIC <- obj$logLike[1]
    ICL <- obj$logLike[2]
# output meta-model
    parameters <- colnames(M)
    if( length(parameters) == 0 ) {
        parameters <- paste(sep="", "P", seq_len(P))
    result <- new("immunoClust", expName="meta.ME", parameters=parameters, 
                    K=L, P=P, w=obj$w[seq_len(L)], mu=mu, sigma=sigma, 
                    z=z, label=obj$label, 
                    logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL,
## meta.ME

##  meta.Clustering: major iteration loop
meta.Clustering <- function(
P, N, K, W, M, S, label=NULL, I.iter=10, B=500, tol=1e-5, 
bias=0.25, alpha=0.5, EM.method=20, 
norm.method=0, norm.blur=2, norm.minG=10
) {

    totK <- sum(K)

    tM <- M
    tS <- S
    if( is.null(label) ) {
        label <- rep(1, totK)
        G <- 1
    else {
        G <- max(label)
    subEM.method <- EM.method
    ### 2018.12.06: trial EM.method=23 to fix cluster of first sample
    ### sub-clustering is performed with EM.method=20
    if( EM.method == 23 )
        subEM.method <- 20
    for( i in seq_len(I.iter) ) {
        if( norm.method > 0 ) {
            if( G >= norm.minG) {
                #message("meta.Normalize ", i, " of ", I.iter, " with ", res@K,
                #        " clusters (blur=", norm.blur, ")")
                nS <- (1+norm.blur) * tS
                n.res <- meta.ME(P, N, K, W, tM, nS, res@label, B=10, tol=tol, 
                                bias=bias, alpha=alpha, method=10 ) 
                d <- meta.Normalize(P, N, K, W, M, S, 
                                n.res@K, n.res@z, method=norm.method)
                tM <- d$M
                tS <- d$S
        if( G < 10 ) 
        label <- meta.SubClustering(P, totK, W, tM, tS, label, tol=tol, 
                                    bias=bias*0.5, alpha=alpha, 
        label <- meta.SubClustering(P, totK, W, tM, tS, label, tol=tol, 
                                    bias=bias, alpha=alpha,
        message("Fit Model ", i, " of ", I.iter, " with ", max(label), 
                " clusters")
        res <- meta.ME(P, N, K, W, tM, tS, label, B=B, tol=tol, 
                        bias=bias, alpha=alpha, method=EM.method)
        label <- res@label 
        if( res@K == G ) break
        G <- res@K
    attr(res, "bias") <- bias

meta.SubClustering <- function(
P, N, W, M, S, label, tol=1e-5, bias=0.25, alpha=1.0, EM.method=20
) {
    K <- max(label)
    J <- 8
    cutoff <- 0
    res_l <- vector("list", K)
    icl_l <- rep(0, K)
    tst_l <- rep(1, K)
    for( k in seq_len(K) ) {
        inc <- which(label==k)
        if( length(inc) > 1 ) {
            res <- meta.TestSubCluster(P, length(inc), 
                                    W[inc], M[inc,], S[inc,], 
                                    J=min(length(inc),J), tol=tol, 
                                    bias=bias, alpha=alpha, EM.method=EM.method)
        else {
            res <- NULL
        res_l[[k]] <- res

        if( !is.null(res) && length(res) > 1 ) {
            icl <- rep(0, length(res))
            for( l in seq_len(length(res)) )
            icl[l] <- res[[l]]@ICL/res[[l]]@K
            icl_l[k] <- max(icl)
            l <- which.max(icl)
            tst_l[k] <- l
        else {
            icl_l[k] <- cutoff
            tst_l[k] <- 1
    } ## for cluster k
    off <- 0
    ins <- vector("list",K)
    sK <- 0
    J <- max(16,2*K)
    while( J > sK ) {
        k <- which.max(icl_l)
        res <- res_l[[k]]
        icl <- icl_l[k]
        l <- tst_l[k]
        if( is.null(res) ) {
#if( res[[l]]@K > 1 ) {
#           message("cluster ", k, " has ", res[[l]]@K, " sub-clusters at ", 
#               l, ", ICL=", format(icl, digits=2))
#       }
        icl_l[k] <- cutoff
        res <- res[[l]]
        if( icl <= cutoff )
        if( (res@K>1) ) {
            ins[[k]] <- res
        sK <- 0
        for(i in seq_len(K) )
        if( !is.null(ins[[i]]) ) 
        sK <- sK + (ins[[i]])@K
    } # while J > sK
    for( k in seq_len(K) ) if( !is.null(ins[[k]]) ) {
        #message("split cluster ", k, " into ", (ins[[k]])@K, " sub-clusters")
## 2018.12.05, try do better re-labeling with the aim:
## first label==k cluster and all of them with same sub-cluster label
## keep label k, the rest get's a new label
## should have the consequence, that the cluster label of the first experiment
## is not changed if they all distinct??? (required for EM.method=23)
        inc <- which(label==k)
        lnc <- (ins[[k]]@label==ins[[k]]@label[1])
        knc <- inc[lnc]
        label[label==k] <- ins[[k]]@label + max(label)
        label[knc] <- k
    }  #for cluster k
### meta.SubClustering

function(P, N, W, M, S, J=8, B=500, tol=1e-5, bias=0.5, alpha=1.0, 
        EM.method=2, HC.samples=2000) 
#message("meta.TestSubCluster: ", "N=", N, " J=", J, 
#           " dim=", paste(sep="", dim(M), collapes=","))
    if( J > N ) {
        message("\t???", J, "sub >", N, "clusters")
    else {
        parameters <- colnames(M)
        if( is.null(parameters) ) {
            parameters <- paste(sep="", "P", seq_len(P))
        result <- vector("list", J)

        label <- rep(1, N)

        obj <- .Call("immunoC_metaME", 
                as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(1),
                as.double(W), as.double(c(t(M))), as.double(c(t(S))), 
                as.integer(B), as.double(tol), as.integer(EM.method), 
                as.double(bias), as.double(alpha), as.integer(1))

        if( obj$L < 1 ) {

        L <- obj$L

# output obj$s to sigma
        sigma <- array(0, c(L, P, P))
        s <- matrix(obj$s, L, P * P, byrow=TRUE)
        for (k in seq_len(L))
        sigma[k,,] <- matrix(s[k,], P, P, byrow = TRUE)
        mu <- matrix(obj$m, L, P, byrow=TRUE)[seq_len(L),]
        dim(mu) <- c(L,P)
# output obj$z to Z
        z <- matrix(obj$z, N, 1, byrow=TRUE)
        z <- as.matrix(z[,seq_len(L)])
# output BIC & ICL
        BIC <- obj$logLike[1]
        ICL <- 0
        logLike <- obj$logLike[3]
# output
## cat("1: ", obj$logLike, "/n")
        result[[1]] <- new("immunoClust", parameters=parameters, 
                        K=1, N=N, P=P, w=obj$w, 
                        mu=matrix(obj$m, 1, P, byrow=TRUE), 
                        sigma=sigma,label = obj$label,
                        logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL)
        obj <- NULL
# to perform the cluster analysis via EM for each specific number of clusters
        if( J > 1 ) {
##            samples.set = 1:N
## 2016.03.21
## 2016.11.14: till TODO use probability based samples
## probabilities=rowMax( z )
## probes <- 1/(probabilities=rowMax( z ))
            samples.set <- which( apply(S, 1, function(s)
                                    dim(s) <- c(P,P)
                                    d <- det(s)
                                    if( d <= 0 ) return (-300)
                                    }) > -100)
            if( length(samples.set) < N ) {
                cat(length(samples.set), "of", N, "clusters used\n")
            if( J > length(samples.set) ) {
                return (NULL)
            if( length(samples.set) > HC.samples ) {
                samples.set = sample(samples.set, HC.samples)
                hcPairs <- meta.hclust(P, HC.samples, W[samples.set], 
                                        M[samples.set,], S[samples.set,])
            else {
                HC.samples <- length(samples.set)
                hcPairs <- meta.hclust(P, HC.samples, W[samples.set], 
                                        M[samples.set,], S[samples.set,])
            for (k in 2:J) {
                label <- rep(0, N)
                label[samples.set] <- .clust.hclass(hcPairs, k)
                obj <- .Call("immunoC_metaME", 
                        as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(k),
                        as.double(W), as.double(c(t(M))), as.double(c(t(S))), 
                        as.integer(B), as.double(tol), as.integer(EM.method), 
                        as.double(bias), as.double(alpha), as.integer(1))

                L <- obj$L

# output obj$s to sigma
                sigma <- array(0, c(L, P, P))
                s <- matrix(obj$s, k, P * P, byrow=TRUE)
                if( L > 0 ) {
                    for (l in seq_len(L))
                        sigma[l,,] <- matrix(s[l,], P, P, byrow = TRUE)

                    mu <- matrix(obj$m, k, P, byrow=TRUE)[seq_len(L),]
                    dim(mu) <- c(L,P)
                else {
                    mu <- matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=P)
# output BIC & ICL
                BIC <- obj$logLike[1]
                ICL <- obj$logLike[3] - logLike
# outp
                result[[k]] <- new("immunoClust", parameters=parameters, 
                                K=L, N=N, P=P, w=obj$w, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
                                label = obj$label,
                                logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL)
                obj <- NULL
            } ## for k
        } ## if J>1
### meta.TestSubCluster

# meta.hclust
meta.hclust <- function(P, N, W, M, S) 
    partition <- seq_len(N)
    attr(partition, "unique") <- N
    obj <- .C("metaHC",
            li=integer(N-1), lj=integer(N-1), crit=double(N-1),
            as.integer(N), as.integer(P), 
            as.double(W), c(t(M)), c(t(S)),
    merge <- .clust.hpairs2(obj$li, obj$lj)
    structure(t(merge), initialPatition=partition, change=obj$crit,
                dimensions=c(N,P), modelName="meta",
                call = match.call())
### meta.hclust

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immunoClust documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:19 p.m.