
Defines functions scale_fontsize ht_clusters

Documented in ht_clusters scale_fontsize

# == title
# Visualize the similarity matrix and the clustering
# == param
# -mat A similarity matrix.
# -cl Cluster labels inferred from the similarity matrix, e.g. from `cluster_terms` or `binary_cut`.
# -dend Used internally.
# -col A vector of colors that map from 0 to the 95^th percentile of the similarity values.
# -draw_word_cloud Whether to draw the word clouds.
# -term The full name or the description of the corresponding GO IDs. 
# -min_term Minimal number of functional terms in a cluster. All the clusters
#     with size less than ``min_term`` are all merged into one separated cluster in the heatmap.
# -order_by_size Whether to reorder clusters by their sizes. The cluster
#      that is merged from small clusters (size < ``min_term``) is always put to the bottom of the heatmap.
# -cluster_slices Whether to cluster slices.
# -exclude_words Words that are excluded in the word cloud.
# -max_words Maximal number of words visualized in the word cloud.
# -word_cloud_grob_param A list of graphic parameters passed to `word_cloud_grob`.
# -fontsize_range The range of the font size. The value should be a numeric vector with length two.
#       The minimal font size is mapped to word frequency value of 1 and the maximal font size is mapped
#       to the maximal word frequency. The font size interlopation is linear.
# -column_title Column title for the heatmap.
# -ht_list A list of additional heatmaps added to the left of the similarity heatmap.
# -use_raster Whether to write the heatmap as a raster image.
# -... Other arguments passed to `ComplexHeatmap::draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# == value
# A `ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapList-class` object.
# == example
# mat = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "random_GO_BP_sim_mat.rds",
#     package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
# cl = binary_cut(mat)
# ht_clusters(mat, cl, word_cloud_grob_param = list(max_width = 80))
# ht_clusters(mat, cl, word_cloud_grob_param = list(max_width = 80),
#     order_by_size = TRUE)
ht_clusters = function(mat, cl, dend = NULL, col = c("white", "red"),
	draw_word_cloud = is_GO_id(rownames(mat)[1]) || !is.null(term), 
	term = NULL, min_term = 5, 
	order_by_size = FALSE, cluster_slices = FALSE,
	exclude_words = character(0), max_words = 10,
	word_cloud_grob_param = list(), fontsize_range = c(4, 16), 
	column_title = NULL, ht_list = NULL, use_raster = TRUE, ...) {

	if(length(col) == 1) col = c("white", rgb(t(col2rgb(col)), maxColorValue = 255))
	col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(0, quantile(mat, 0.95), length = length(col)), col)
	if(!is.null(dend)) {
		ht = Heatmap(mat, col = col_fun,
			name = "Similarity", column_title = column_title,
			show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE,
			cluster_rows = dend, cluster_columns = dend, 
			show_row_dend = TRUE, show_column_dend = FALSE,
			row_dend_width = unit(4, "cm"),
			border = "#404040", row_title = NULL,
			use_raster = use_raster)
	} else {
		if(inherits(cl, "try-error")) {
			grid.text("Clustering has an error.")

		# if(!is.factor(cl)) cl = factor(cl, levels = unique(cl))
		cl = as.vector(cl)
		cl_tb = table(cl)
		cl[as.character(cl) %in% names(cl_tb[cl_tb < min_term])] = 0
		cl = factor(cl, levels = c(setdiff(sort(cl), 0), 0))

		if(order_by_size) {
			cl = factor(cl, levels = c(setdiff(names(sort(table(cl), decreasing = TRUE)), 0), 0))
		# od2 = order.dendrogram(dend_env$dend)
		od2 = unlist(lapply(levels(cl), function(le) {
			l = cl == le
			if(sum(l) <= 1) {
			} else {
				mm = mat[l, l, drop = FALSE]
		ht = Heatmap(mat, col = col_fun,
			name = "Similarity", column_title = column_title,
			show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE,
			show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE,
			row_order = od2, column_order = od2,
			border = "#404040", row_title = NULL,
			use_raster = use_raster)

		if(is.null(term)) {
			if(is.null(rownames(mat))) {
				draw_word_cloud = FALSE
			} else if(!grepl("^GO:[0-9]+$", rownames(mat)[1])) {
				draw_word_cloud = FALSE

		if(draw_word_cloud) {
			go_id = rownames(mat)
			if(!is.null(term)) {
				if(length(term) != length(go_id)) {
					stop_wrap("Length of `term` should be the same as the nrow of `mat`.")
				id2term = structure(term, names = go_id)
			keywords = tapply(go_id, cl, function(term_id) {
				if(is.null(term)) {
					suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(df <- count_word(term_id, exclude_words = exclude_words)))	
				} else {
					suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(df <- count_word(term = id2term[term_id], exclude_words = exclude_words)))
				df = df[df$freq > 1, , drop = FALSE]
				if(nrow(df) > max_words) {
					df = df[order(df$freq, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(max_words)], ]
			keywords = keywords[names(keywords) != "0"]
			keywords = keywords[vapply(keywords, nrow, 0) > 0]

			align_to = split(seq_len(nrow(mat)), cl)
			align_to = align_to[names(align_to) != "0"]
			align_to = align_to[names(align_to) %in% names(keywords)]

			word_cloud_grob_param = word_cloud_grob_param[setdiff(names(word_cloud_grob_param), c("text", "fontsize"))]
			oe = try({
					gbl <- lapply(names(align_to), function(nm) {
					kw = rev(keywords[[nm]][, 1])
					freq = rev(keywords[[nm]][, 2])
					fontsize = scale_fontsize(freq, rg = c(1, max(10, freq)), fs = fontsize_range)

					lt = c(list(text = kw, fontsize = fontsize), word_cloud_grob_param)
					do.call(word_cloud_grob, lt)
				names(gbl) = names(align_to)
				margin = unit(8, "pt")
				gbl_h = lapply(gbl, function(x) convertHeight(grobHeight(x), "cm") + margin)
				gbl_h = do.call(unit.c, gbl_h)

				gbl_w = lapply(gbl, function(x) convertWidth(grobWidth(x), "cm"))
				gbl_w = do.call(unit.c, gbl_w)
				gbl_w = max(gbl_w) + margin

			}, silent = TRUE)
			if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {

			panel_fun = function(index, nm) {
				grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#DDDDDD", col = NA))
				grid.lines(c(0, 1, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 1), gp = gpar(col = "#AAAAAA"), default.units = "npc")
			    pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "npc") - margin, height = unit(1, "npc") - margin))
			    gb = gbl[[nm]]
			    gb$vp$x = gb$vp$width*0.5
			    gb$vp$y = gb$vp$height*0.5

			ht = ht + rowAnnotation(keywords = anno_link(align_to = align_to, which = "row", panel_fun = panel_fun, 
		    	size = gbl_h, gap = unit(2, "mm"), width = gbl_w + unit(5, "mm"),
		    	link_gp = gpar(fill = "#DDDDDD", col = "#AAAAAA"), internal_line = FALSE))
		} else {
			if(any(cl == "0")) {
				ht = ht + Heatmap(ifelse(cl == "0", "< 5", ">= 5"), col = c("< 5" = "darkgreen", ">= 5" = "white"), width = unit(1, "mm"),
					heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "", at = "< 5", labels = "Small clusters"),
					show_column_names = FALSE)
	gap = unit(2, "pt")
	if(!is.null(ht_list)) {
		n = length(ht_list)
		ht = ht_list + ht
		gap = unit.c(unit(rep(2, n), "mm"), gap)
	ht = draw(ht, main_heatmap = "Similarity", gap = gap, ...)

	decorate_heatmap_body("Similarity", {
		grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = NA, col = "#404040"))
		cl = factor(cl, levels = unique(cl[od2]))
		tbcl = table(cl)
		ncl = length(cl)
		x = cumsum(c(0, tbcl))/ncl
		grid.segments(x, 0, x, 1, default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = "#404040"))
		grid.segments(0, 1 - x, 1, 1 - x, default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = "#404040"))


# == title
# Scale font size
# == param
# -x A numeric vector.
# -rg The range.
# -fs Range of the font size.
# == detaisl
# It is a linear interpolation.
# == value
# A numeric vector.
# == example
# x = runif(10, min = 1, max = 20)
# # scale x to fontsize 4 to 16.
# scale_fontsize(x)
scale_fontsize = function(x, rg = c(1, 30), fs = c(4, 16)) {
	k = (fs[2] - fs[1])/(rg[2] - rg[1]) 
	b = fs[2] - k*rg[2]
	y = k*x + b
	y[y < fs[1]] = fs[1]
	y[y > fs[2]] = fs[2]

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simplifyEnrichment documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:07 p.m.