
Defines functions CheckBMIQ BMIQ

Documented in BMIQ CheckBMIQ

### BMIQ.R & CheckBMIQ.R
### This function adjusts for the type-2 bias in Illumina Infinium 450k data.
### Author: Andrew Teschendorff
### Date: 26th Nov 2012

### BMIQ is an intra-sample normalisation procedure, adjusting for the bias in type-2 probe values, using a 3-step procedure published in Teschendorff AE et al "A Beta-Mixture Quantile Normalisation method for correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450k DNA methylation data", Bioinformatics 2012 Nov 21.

### INPUT:
### beta.v: vector consisting of beta-values for a given sample. NAs are not allowed, so these must be removed or imputed prior to running BMIQ. Beta-values that are exactly 0 or 1 will be replaced by the minimum positive or maximum value below 1, respectively.
### design.v: corresponding vector specifying probe design type (1=type1,2=type2). This must be of the same length as beta.v and in the same order.
### doH: perform normalisation for hemimethylated type2 probes. By default TRUE.
### nfit: number of probes of a given design to use for the fitting. Default is 50000. Smaller values (~10000) will make BMIQ run faster at the expense of a small loss in accuracy. For most applications, 10000 is ok.
### nL: number of states in beta mixture model. 3 by default. At present BMIQ only works for nL=3.
### th1.v: thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm, they should represent buest guesses for calling type1 probes hemi-methylated and methylated, and will be refined by the EM algorithm. Default values work well in most cases.
### th2.v: thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm, they should represent buest guesses for calling type2 probes hemi-methylated and methylated, and will be refined by the EM algorithm. By default this is null, and the thresholds are estimated based on th1.v and a modified PBC correction method.
### niter: maximum number of EM iterations to do. By default 5.
### tol: tolerance threshold for EM algorithm. By default 0.001.
### plots: logical specifying whether to plot the fits and normalised profiles out. By default TRUE.
### sampleID: the ID of the sample being normalised.

### A list with the following elements:
### nbeta: the normalised beta-profile for the sample
### class1: the assigned methylation state of type1 probes
### class2: the assigned methylation state of type2 probes
### av1: mean beta-values for the nL classes for type1 probes.
### av2: mean beta-values for the nL classes for type2 probes.
### hf: the "Hubble" dilation factor
### th1: estimated thresholds used for type1 probes
### th2: estimated thresholds used for type2 probes


#' Beta-Mixture Quantile (BMIQ) Normalisation method for Illumina 450k arrays
#' BMIQ is an intra-sample normalisation procedure, correcting the bias of
#' type-2 probe values. BMIQ uses a 3-step procedure: (i) fitting of a 3-state
#' beta mixture model, (ii) transformation of state-membership probabilities of
#' type2 probes into quantiles of the type1 distribution, and (iii) a conformal
#' transformation for the hemi-methylated probes. Exact details can be found in
#' the reference below.
#' Full details can be found in the reference below. Note: these functions
#' require the RPMM package, not currently a dependency of the wateRmelon
#' package.
#' @aliases BMIQ CheckBMIQ BMIQ,MethyLumiSet-method BMIQ-methods
#' BMIQ,ANY-method
#' @param beta.v vector consisting of beta-values for a given sample. NAs are
#' passed through. Beta-values that are exactly 0 or 1 will be replaced by the
#' minimum positive or maximum value below 1, respectively. For the
#' MethyLumiSet method, a MethyLumiSet is the only required argument, and the
#' function will be run on each sample.
#' @param design.v corresponding vector specifying probe design type
#' (1=type1,2=type2). This must be of the same length as beta.v and in the same
#' order.
#' @param nL number of states in beta mixture model. 3 by default. At present
#' BMIQ only works for nL=3.
#' @param doH perform normalisation for hemimethylated type2 probes. These are
#' normalised using an empirical conformal transformation and also includes the
#' left-tailed type2 methylated probes since these are not well described by a
#' beta distribution. By default TRUE.
#' @param nfit number of probes of a given design type to use for the fitting.
#' Default is 50000. Smaller values (~10000) will make BMIQ run faster at the
#' expense of a small loss in accuracy. For most applications, 5000 or 10000 is
#' ok.
#' @param th1.v thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm,
#' they should represent buest guesses for calling type1 probes hemi-methylated
#' and methylated, and will be refined by the EM algorithm. Default values work
#' well in most cases.
#' @param th2.v thresholds used for the initialisation of the EM-algorithm,
#' they should represent buest guesses for calling type2 probes hemi-methylated
#' and methylated, and will be refined by the EM algorithm. By default this is
#' null, and the thresholds are estimated based on th1.v and a modified PBC
#' correction method.
#' @param niter maximum number of EM iterations to do. This number should be
#' large enough to yield good fits to the type1 distribution. By default 5.
#' @param tol tolerance convergence threshold for EM algorithm. By default
#' 0.001.
#' @param plots logical specifying whether to plot the fits and normalised
#' profiles out. By default TRUE.
#' @param sampleID the ID of the sample being normalised.
#' @param pri logical: print verbose progress information?
#' @param pnbeta.v BMIQ normalised profile.
#' @return Default method: A list with following entries:
#' MethyLumiSet method: A methyLumiSet object
#' @returnItem nbeta the normalised beta-profile for the sample
#' @returnItem class1 the assigned methylation state of type1 probes
#' @returnItem class2 the assigned methylation state of type2 probes
#' @returnItem av1 the mean beta-values for the nL states for type1 probes
#' @returnItem av2 the mean beta-values for the nL states for type2 probes
#' @returnItem hf the estimated "Hubble" dilation factor used in the
#' normalisation of hemi-methylated probes
#' @returnItem th1 estimated thresholds for calling unmethylated and methylated
#' type1 probes
#' @returnItem th2 estimated thresholds for calling unmethylated and methylated
#' type2 probes
#' @author Andrew Teschendorff, MethyLumiSet method by Leo Schalkwyk
#' Leonard.Schalkwyk@@kcl.ac.uk
#' @references Teschendorff AE, Marabita F, Lechner M, Bartlett T, Tegner J,
#' Gomez-Cabrero D, Beck S. A Beta-Mixture Quantile Normalisation method for
#' correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450k DNA methylation data.
#' Bioinformatics. 2012 Nov 21.
#' @keywords ~kwd1 ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' library(RPMM)
#' data(melon)
#' BMIQ(melon,nfit=100)
#' @export BMIQ
BMIQ <- function(beta.v,design.v,nL=3,doH=TRUE,nfit=50000,th1.v=c(0.2,0.75),th2.v=NULL,niter=5,tol=0.001,plots=TRUE,sampleID=1,pri=TRUE){

if(!library(RPMM, logical.return=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)){
   stop( 'need RPMM package')
good     <- !is.na(beta.v)
out      <- beta.v
beta.v   <- beta.v[good]
design.v <- design.v[good]
print    <- function(x){ if(pri)base::print(x)}
type1.idx <- which(design.v==1);
type2.idx <- which(design.v==2);

beta1.v <- beta.v[type1.idx];
beta2.v <- beta.v[type2.idx];

### check if there are exact 0's or 1's. If so, regularise using minimum positive and maximum below 1 values.
  beta1.v[beta1.v==0] <- min(setdiff(beta1.v,0));
  beta2.v[beta2.v==0] <- min(setdiff(beta2.v,0));
  beta1.v[beta1.v==1] <- max(setdiff(beta1.v,1));
  beta2.v[beta2.v==1] <- max(setdiff(beta2.v,1));

### estimate initial weight matrix from type1 distribution
w0.m <- matrix(0,nrow=length(beta1.v),ncol=nL);
w0.m[which(beta1.v <= th1.v[1]),1] <- 1;
w0.m[intersect(which(beta1.v > th1.v[1]),which(beta1.v <= th1.v[2])),2] <- 1;
w0.m[which(beta1.v > th1.v[2]),3] <- 1;

### fit type1
print("Fitting EM beta mixture to type1 probes");
rand.idx <- sample(1:length(beta1.v),nfit,replace=FALSE)
em1.o <- blc(matrix(beta1.v[rand.idx],ncol=1),w=w0.m[rand.idx,],maxiter=niter,tol=tol,verbose=pri); ##LS 
subsetclass1.v <- apply(em1.o$w,1,which.max);
subsetth1.v <- c(mean(max(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==1]]),min(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==2]])),mean(max(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==2]]),min(beta1.v[rand.idx[subsetclass1.v==3]])));
class1.v <- rep(2,length(beta1.v));
class1.v[which(beta1.v < subsetth1.v[1])] <- 1;
class1.v[which(beta1.v > subsetth1.v[2])] <- 3;
nth1.v <- subsetth1.v;

### generate plot from estimated mixture
tmpL.v <- as.vector(rmultinom(1:nL,length(beta1.v),prob=em1.o$eta));
tmpB.v <- vector();
for(l in 1:nL){
  tmpB.v <- c(tmpB.v,rbeta(tmpL.v[l],em1.o$a[l,1],em1.o$b[l,1]));

d.o <- density(tmpB.v);

### Estimate Modes 
d1U.o <- density(beta1.v[class1.v==1])
d1M.o <- density(beta1.v[class1.v==3])
mod1U <- d1U.o$x[which.max(d1U.o$y)]
mod1M <- d1M.o$x[which.max(d1M.o$y)]
d2U.o <- density(beta2.v[which(beta2.v<0.4)]);
d2M.o <- density(beta2.v[which(beta2.v>0.6)]);
mod2U <- d2U.o$x[which.max(d2U.o$y)]
mod2M <- d2M.o$x[which.max(d2M.o$y)]

### now deal with type2 fit
th2.v <- vector();
th2.v[1] <- nth1.v[1] + (mod2U-mod1U);
th2.v[2] <- nth1.v[2] + (mod2M-mod1M);

### estimate initial weight matrix 
w0.m <- matrix(0,nrow=length(beta2.v),ncol=nL);
w0.m[which(beta2.v <= th2.v[1]),1] <- 1;
w0.m[intersect(which(beta2.v > th2.v[1]),which(beta2.v <= th2.v[2])),2] <- 1;
w0.m[which(beta2.v > th2.v[2]),3] <- 1;

print("Fitting EM beta mixture to type2 probes");
rand.idx <- sample(1:length(beta1.v),nfit,replace=FALSE)
em2.o <- blc(matrix(beta2.v[rand.idx],ncol=1),w=w0.m[rand.idx,],maxiter=niter,tol=tol,verbose=pri); ##LS

### for type II probes assign to state (unmethylated, hemi or full methylation)
subsetclass2.v <- apply(em2.o$w,1,which.max);
subsetth2.v <- c(mean(max(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==1]]),min(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==2]])),mean(max(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==2]]),min(beta2.v[rand.idx[subsetclass2.v==3]])));
class2.v <- rep(2,length(beta2.v));
class2.v[which(beta2.v < subsetth2.v[1])] <- 1;
class2.v[which(beta2.v > subsetth2.v[2])] <- 3;

### generate plot
tmpL.v <- as.vector(rmultinom(1:nL,length(beta2.v),prob=em2.o$eta));
tmpB.v <- vector();
for(lt in 1:nL){
  tmpB.v <- c(tmpB.v,rbeta(tmpL.v[lt],em2.o$a[lt,1],em2.o$b[lt,1]));
d.o <- density(tmpB.v);

classAV1.v <- vector();classAV2.v <- vector();
for(l in 1:nL){
  classAV1.v[l] <-  em1.o$mu[l,1];
  classAV2.v[l] <-  em2.o$mu[l,1];

### start normalising type2 probes
print("Start normalising type 2 probes");
nbeta2.v <- beta2.v;
### select U probes
lt <- 1;
selU.idx <- which(class2.v==lt);
selUR.idx <- selU.idx[which(beta2.v[selU.idx] > classAV2.v[lt])];
selUL.idx <- selU.idx[which(beta2.v[selU.idx] < classAV2.v[lt])];
### find prob according to typeII distribution
p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selUR.idx],em2.o$a[lt,1],em2.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=FALSE);
### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
q.v <- qbeta(p.v,em1.o$a[lt,1],em1.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=FALSE);
nbeta2.v[selUR.idx] <- q.v;
p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selUL.idx],em2.o$a[lt,1],em2.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=TRUE);
### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
q.v <- qbeta(p.v,em1.o$a[lt,1],em1.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=TRUE);
nbeta2.v[selUL.idx] <- q.v;

### select M probes
lt <- 3;
selM.idx <- which(class2.v==lt);
selMR.idx <- selM.idx[which(beta2.v[selM.idx] > classAV2.v[lt])];
selML.idx <- selM.idx[which(beta2.v[selM.idx] < classAV2.v[lt])];
### find prob according to typeII distribution
p.v <- pbeta(beta2.v[selMR.idx],em2.o$a[lt,1],em2.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=FALSE);
### find corresponding quantile in type I distribution
q.v <- qbeta(p.v,em1.o$a[lt,1],em1.o$b[lt,1],lower.tail=FALSE);
nbeta2.v[selMR.idx] <- q.v;

if(doH){ ### if TRUE also correct type2 hemimethylated probes
### select H probes and include ML probes (left ML tail is not well described by a beta-distribution).
lt <- 2;
selH.idx <- c(which(class2.v==lt),selML.idx);
minH <- min(beta2.v[selH.idx])
maxH <- max(beta2.v[selH.idx])
deltaH <- maxH - minH;
#### need to do some patching
deltaUH <- -max(beta2.v[selU.idx]) + min(beta2.v[selH.idx])
deltaHM <- -max(beta2.v[selH.idx]) + min(beta2.v[selMR.idx])

## new maximum of H probes should be
nmaxH <- min(nbeta2.v[selMR.idx]) - deltaHM;
## new minimum of H probes should be
nminH <- max(nbeta2.v[selU.idx]) + deltaUH;
ndeltaH <- nmaxH - nminH;

### perform conformal transformation (shift+dilation)
## new_beta_H(i) = a + hf*(beta_H(i)-minH);
hf <- ndeltaH/deltaH ;
### fix lower point first
nbeta2.v[selH.idx] <- nminH + hf*(beta2.v[selH.idx]-minH);


pnbeta.v <- beta.v;
pnbeta.v[type1.idx] <- beta1.v;
pnbeta.v[type2.idx] <- nbeta2.v;

### generate final plot to check normalisation
 print("Generating final plot");
 d1.o <- density(beta1.v);
 d2.o <- density(beta2.v);
 d2n.o <- density(nbeta2.v);
 ymax <- max(d2.o$y,d1.o$y,d2n.o$y);

print(paste("Finished for sample ",sampleID,sep=""));

out[good] <- pnbeta.v
pnbeta.v  <- out



CheckBMIQ <- function(beta.v,design.v,pnbeta.v){### pnbeta is BMIQ normalised profile

type1.idx <- which(design.v==1);
type2.idx <- which(design.v==2);

beta1.v <- beta.v[type1.idx];
beta2.v <- beta.v[type2.idx];
pnbeta2.v <- pnbeta.v[type2.idx];


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