
Defines functions bgnbd.PlotTrackingInc bgnbd.PlotTrackingCum bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions bgnbd.PAlive bgnbd.pmf.General bgnbd.pmf bgnbd.Expectation bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions bgnbd.EstimateParameters bgnbd.cbs.LL bgnbd.LL bgnbd.generalParams

Documented in bgnbd.cbs.LL bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions bgnbd.EstimateParameters bgnbd.Expectation bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions bgnbd.generalParams bgnbd.LL bgnbd.PAlive bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency bgnbd.PlotTrackingCum bgnbd.PlotTrackingInc bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity bgnbd.pmf bgnbd.pmf.General

################################################## BG/NBD estimation, visualization functions

# Two things discovered in this script so far:
# -- bgnbd.cbs.LL should be called with the un-compressed version of cal.cbs, the 3-column one
# -- bgnbd.LL spec, as written, won't avoid the large x problem. Patched that, not tested yet.

#' Define general parameters
#' This is to ensure consistency across all functions that require common bits
#' and bobs.
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.LL
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions
#' @param func function calling dc.InputCheck
#' @param hardie if TRUE, use \code{\link{h2f1}} instead of
#'   \code{\link[hypergeo]{hypergeo}} when you call this function from within
#'   \code{\link{bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions}}.
#' @return a list with things you need for \code{\link{bgnbd.LL}},
#'   \code{\link{bgnbd.PAlive}} and
#'   \code{\link{bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.LL}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.PAlive}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions}}
bgnbd.generalParams <- function(params, 
                                T.star = NULL, 
                                hardie = NULL) {
  inputs <- try(dc.InputCheck(params = params, 
                              func = func, 
                              printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"),
                              x = x, 
                              t.x = t.x, 
                              T.cal = T.cal))
  if('try-error' == class(inputs)) return(inputs)
  x <- inputs$x
  t.x <- inputs$t.x
  T.cal <- inputs$T.cal
  r <- params[1]
  alpha <- params[2]
  a <- params[3]
  b <- params[4]
  # last two components for the alt specification
  # to handle large values of x (Solution #2 in
  # http://brucehardie.com/notes/027/bgnbd_num_error.pdf, 
  # LL specification (4) on page 4):
  C3 = ((alpha + t.x)/(alpha + T.cal))^(r + x)
  C4 = a / (b + x - 1)
  # stuff you'll need in sundry places
  out <- list()
  out$PAlive <- 1/(1 + as.numeric(x > 0) * C4 / C3)
  # do these computations only if needed: that is,
  # if you call this function from bgnbd.LL
  if(func == 'bgnbd.LL') {
    # a helper for specifying the log form of the ratio of betas
    # in http://brucehardie.com/notes/027/bgnbd_num_error.pdf
    lb.ratio = function(a, b, x, y) {
      (lgamma(a) + lgamma(b) - lgamma(a + b)) - 
        (lgamma(x) + lgamma(y) - lgamma(x + y))
    # First two components -- D1 and D2 -- for the alt spec
    # that can handle large values of x (Solution #2 in
    # http://brucehardie.com/notes/027/bgnbd_num_error.pdf)
    # Here is the D1 term of LL function (4) on page 4:
    D1 = lgamma(r + x) - 
      lgamma(r) + 
      lgamma(a + b) + 
      lgamma(b + x) - 
      lgamma(b) - 
      lgamma(a + b + x)
    D2 = r * log(alpha) - (r + x) * log(alpha + t.x)
    # original implementation of the log likelihood
    # A = D2 + lgamma(r + x) - lgamma(r)
    # B = exp(lb.ratio(a, b + x, a, b)) * 
    #   C3 + 
    #   as.numeric((x > 0)) * 
    #   exp(lb.ratio(a + 1, b + x - 1, a, b))
    # out$LL = sum(A + log(B))
    # with the corection for avoiding the NUM! problem: 
    out$LL = D1 + D2 + log(C3 + as.numeric((x > 0)) * C4)
  # if T.star is not null, then this can produce 
  # conditional expected transactions too. this is 
  # another way of saying that you are calling this
  # function from bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions, 
  # in which case you also need to set hardie to TRUE or FALSE
  if(!is.null(T.star)) {
    stopifnot(hardie %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))
    term1 <- (a + b + x - 1) / (a - 1)
    if(hardie == TRUE) {
      hyper <- h2f1(r + x, 
                    b + x, 
                    a + b + x - 1, 
                    T.star/(alpha + T.cal + T.star))
    } else {
      hyper <- Re(hypergeo(r + x, 
                           b + x, 
                           a + b + x - 1, 
                           T.star/(alpha + T.cal + T.star)))
    term2 <- 1 - 
      ((alpha + T.cal)/(alpha + T.cal + T.star))^(r + x) * 
    out$CET <- term1 * term2 * out$PAlive

#' BG/NBD Log-Likelihood
#' Calculates the log-likelihood of the BG/NBD model.
#' \code{x}, \code{t.x} and \code{T.cal} may be vectors. The standard rules for
#' vector operations apply - if they are not of the same length, shorter vectors
#' will be recycled (start over at the first element) until they are as long as
#' the longest vector. It is advisable to keep vectors to the same length and to
#' use single values for parameters that are to be the same for all
#' calculations. If one of these parameters has a length greater than one, the
#' output will be also be a vector.
#' @param params BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param x number of repeat transactions in the calibration period T.cal, or a
#'   vector of transaction frequencies.
#' @param t.x time of most recent repeat transaction, or a vector of recencies.
#' @param T.cal length of calibration period, or a vector of calibration period
#'   lengths.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.EstimateParameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.cbs.LL}}
#' @return A vector of log-likelihoods as long as the longest input vector (x,
#'   t.x, or T.cal).
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # random assignment of parameters
#' params <- c(0.5, 6, 1.2, 3.3)
#' # returns the log-likelihood of the given parameters
#' bgnbd.cbs.LL (params, cal.cbs)
#' # compare the speed and results to the following:
#' cal.cbs.compressed <- dc.compress.cbs(cal.cbs)
#' bgnbd.cbs.LL(params, cal.cbs.compressed)
#' # Returns the log likelihood of the parameters for a customer who
#' # made 3 transactions in a calibration period that ended at t=6,
#' # with the last transaction occurring at t=4.
#' bgnbd.LL(params, x=3, t.x=4, T.cal=6)
#' # We can also give vectors as function parameters:
#' set.seed(7)
#' x <- sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' t.x <- sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' T.cal <- rep(4, 10)
#' bgnbd.LL(params, x, t.x, T.cal)
bgnbd.LL <- function(params, 
                     T.cal) {
  bgnbd.generalParams(params = params, 
                      func = 'bgnbd.LL', 
                      x = x, 
                      t.x = t.x, 
                      T.cal = T.cal)$LL

#' BG/NBD Log-Likelihood Wrapper
#' Calculates the log-likelihood sum of the BG/NBD model.
#' Note: do not use a compressed \code{cal.cbs} matrix. It makes quicker work
#' for Pareto/NBD estimation as implemented in this package, but the opposite is
#' true for BG/NBD. For proof, compare the definition of the
#' \code{\link{bgnbd.cbs.LL}} to that of \code{\link{pnbd.cbs.LL}}.
#' @param params BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param cal.cbs calibration period CBS (customer by sufficient statistic). It
#'   must contain columns for frequency ("x"), recency ("t.x"), and total time
#'   observed ("T.cal"). Note that recency must be the time between the start of
#'   the calibration period and the customer's last transaction, not the time
#'   between the customer's last transaction and the end of the calibration
#'   period. If your data is compressed (see \code{\link{dc.compress.cbs}}),
#'   a fourth column labeled "custs" (number of customers with a specific
#'   combination of recency, frequency and length of calibration period) is
#'   available.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.EstimateParameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.LL}}
#' @return The total log-likelihood of the provided data.
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # random assignment of parameters
#' params <- c(0.5, 6, 1.2, 3.3)
#' # returns the log-likelihood of the given parameters
#' bgnbd.cbs.LL(params, cal.cbs)
#' # compare the speed and results to the following:
#' cal.cbs.compressed <- dc.compress.cbs(cal.cbs)
#' bgnbd.cbs.LL (params, cal.cbs.compressed)
#' # Returns the log likelihood of the parameters for a customer who
#' # made 3 transactions in a calibration period that ended at t=6,
#' # with the last transaction occurring at t=4.
#' bgnbd.LL(params, x=3, t.x=4, T.cal=6)
#' # We can also give vectors as function parameters:
#' set.seed(7)
#' x <- sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' t.x <- sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' T.cal <- rep(4, 10)
#' bgnbd.LL(params, x, t.x, T.cal)
bgnbd.cbs.LL <- function(params, 
                         cal.cbs) {
  dc.check.model.params(printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), 
                        params = params, 
                        func = "bgnbd.cbs.LL")
  # Check that you have the right columns.
  # They should be 'x', 't.x', 'T.cal' and optionally 'custs.'
  # They stand for, respectively:
  # -- x: frequency
  # -- t.x: recency
  # -- T.cal: observed calendar time
  # -- custs: number of customers with this (x, t.x, T.cal) combo
  foo <- colnames(cal.cbs)
  stopifnot(all(c('x', 't.x', 'T.cal') %in% foo))
  x <- cal.cbs[,'x']
  t.x <- cal.cbs[,'t.x']
  T.cal <- cal.cbs[,'T.cal']
  # Avoid this unfurling exercise by calling bgnbd.cbs.LL 
  # with the uncompressed version of cal.cbs, which doesn't 
  # have a "custs" column.
  if ("custs" %in% colnames(cal.cbs)) {
    many_rows = function(vec, nreps) {
      return(rep(1, nreps) %*% t.default(vec))
    custs <- cal.cbs[, "custs"]
    logvec = (1:length(custs)) * (custs > 1)
    logvec = logvec[logvec > 0]
    M = sum(logvec > 0)
    for (i in 1:M) {
      cal.cbs = rbind(cal.cbs, 
                      many_rows(cal.cbs[logvec[i], ], 
                                custs[logvec[i]] - 1))
    x = cal.cbs[, "x"]
    t.x = cal.cbs[, "t.x"]
    T.cal = cal.cbs[, "T.cal"]
  return(sum(bgnbd.LL(params, x, t.x, T.cal)))

#' BG/NBD Parameter Estimation
#' Estimates parameters for the BG/NBD model.
#' The best-fitting parameters are determined using the
#' \code{\link{bgnbd.cbs.LL}} function. The sum of the log-likelihood for each
#' customer (for a set of parameters) is maximized in order to estimate
#' parameters.
#' A set of starting parameters must be provided for this method. If no
#' parameters are provided, (1,3,1,3) is used as a default. These values are
#' used because they provide good convergence across data sets. It may be useful
#' to use starting values for r and alpha that represent your best guess of the
#' heterogeneity in the buy and die rate of customers. It may be necessary to
#' run the estimation from multiple starting points to ensure that it converges.
#' To compare the log-likelihoods of different parameters, use
#' \code{\link{bgnbd.cbs.LL}}.
#' The lower bound on the parameters to be estimated is always zero, since
#' BG/NBD parameters cannot be negative. The upper bound can be set with the
#' max.param.value parameter.
#' This function may take some time to run.
#' @param cal.cbs	calibration period CBS (customer by sufficient statistic). It
#'   must contain columns for frequency ("x"), recency ("t.x"), and total time
#'   observed ("T.cal"). Note that recency must be the time between the start of
#'   the calibration period and the customer's last transaction, not the time
#'   between the customer's last transaction and the end of the calibration
#'   period.
#' @param par.start	initial BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and
#'   b, in that order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD
#'   transaction process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta
#'   geometric dropout process.
#' @param max.param.value	the upper bound on parameters.
#' @param method the optimization method(s) passed along to
#'   \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}}.
#' @param hessian set it to TRUE if you want the Hessian matrix, and then you
#'   might as well have the complete  \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}} object
#'   returned.
#' @return Vector of estimated parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.cbs.LL}}
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, and Bruce G.S.. "Overcoming the BG/NBD
#'   Model's #NUM! Error Problem." December. 2013. Web.
#'   \url{http://brucehardie.com/notes/027/bgnbd_num_error.pdf}
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # starting-point parameters
#' startingparams <- c(1.0, 3, 1.0, 3)
#' # estimated parameters
#' est.params <- bgnbd.EstimateParameters(cal.cbs = cal.cbs,
#'                                        par.start = startingparams)
#' # complete object returned by \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}}
#' optimx.set <- bgnbd.EstimateParameters(cal.cbs = cal.cbs,
#'                                        par.start = startingparams,
#'                                        hessian = TRUE)
#' # log-likelihood of estimated parameters
#' bgnbd.cbs.LL(est.params, cal.cbs)
bgnbd.EstimateParameters <- function(cal.cbs, 
                                     par.start = c(1, 3, 1, 3), 
                                     max.param.value = 10000, 
                                     method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                                     hessian = FALSE) {
  dc.check.model.params(printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), 
                        params = par.start, 
                        func = "bgnbd.EstimateParameters")
  bgnbd.eLL <- function(params, cal.cbs, max.param.value) {
    params <- exp(params)
    params[params > max.param.value] = max.param.value
    return(-1 * bgnbd.cbs.LL(params, cal.cbs))
  logparams = log(par.start)
  results <- optimx(par = logparams, 
                    fn = bgnbd.eLL, 
                    cal.cbs = cal.cbs,
                    max.param.value = max.param.value, 
                    method = method, 
                    hessian = hessian)
  if(hessian == TRUE) {
    message('Your parameter estimates are now on a log scale. Exponentiate them before use.')
  unlist(exp(results[method, c('p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4')]))

#' BG/NBD Conditional Expected Transactions
#' E\[X(T.cal, T.cal + T.star) | x, t.x, r, alpha, a, b\]
#' \code{T.star}, \code{x}, \code{t.x} and \code{T.cal} may be vectors. The
#' standard rules for vector operations apply - if they are not of the same
#' length, shorter vectors will be recycled (start over at the first element)
#' until they are as long as the longest vector. It is advisable to keep vectors
#' to the same length and to use single values for parameters that are to be the
#' same for all calculations. If one of these parameters has a length greater
#' than one, the output will be a vector of probabilities.
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.LL
#' @param T.star length of time for which we are calculating the expected number
#'   of transactions.
#' @param hardie if TRUE, use \code{\link{h2f1}} instead of
#'   \code{\link[hypergeo]{hypergeo}}.
#' @return Number of transactions a customer is expected to make in a time
#'   period of length t, conditional on their past behavior. If any of the input
#'   parameters has a length greater than 1, this will be a vector of expected
#'   number of transactions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.Expectation}}
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, Bruce G.S.and Lee, Ka Lok. “Computing
#'   P(alive) Using the BG/NBD Model.” December. 2008. Web.
#'   \url{http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf}
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # Number of transactions a customer is expected to make in 2 time
#' # intervals, given that they made 10 repeat transactions in a time period
#' # of 39 intervals, with the 10th repeat transaction occurring in the 35th
#' # interval.
#' bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions(params, T.star=2, x=10, t.x=35, T.cal=39)
#' # We can also compare expected transactions across different
#' # calibration period behaviors:
#' bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions(params, T.star=2, x=5:20, t.x=25, T.cal=39)
bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions <- function(params, 
                                                  hardie = TRUE) {
  bgnbd.generalParams(params = params, 
                      func = 'bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions', 
                      x = x, 
                      t.x = t.x, 
                      T.cal = T.cal, 
                      T.star = T.star, 
                      hardie = hardie)$CET

#' BG/NBD Expectation
#' Returns the number of repeat transactions that a randomly chosen customer
#' (for whom we have no prior information) is expected to make in a given time
#' period.
#' E(X(t) | r, alpha, a, b)
#' @param params BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param t length of time for which we are calculating the expected number of
#'   repeat transactions.
#' @param hardie if TRUE, use \code{\link{h2f1}} instead of
#'   \code{\link[hypergeo]{hypergeo}}.
#' @return Number of repeat transactions a customer is expected to make in a
#'   time period of length t.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions}}
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, Bruce G.S.and Lee, Ka Lok. “Computing
#'   P(alive) Using the BG/NBD Model.” December. 2008. Web.
#'   \url{http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf}
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # Number of repeat transactions a customer is expected to make in 2 time intervals.
#' bgnbd.Expectation(params, t=2, hardie = FALSE)
#' # We can also compare expected transactions over time:
#' bgnbd.Expectation(params, t=1:10)
bgnbd.Expectation <- function(params, 
                              hardie = TRUE) {
  dc.check.model.params(printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), 
                        params = params, 
                        func = "bgnbd.Expectation")
  if (any(t < 0) || !is.numeric(t)) 
    stop("t must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  r = params[1]
  alpha = params[2]
  a = params[3]
  b = params[4]
  term1 = (a + b - 1)/(a - 1)
  term2 = (alpha/(alpha + t))^r
  if(hardie == TRUE) {
    term3 = h2f1(r, b, a + b - 1, t/(alpha + t))
  } else {
    term3 = Re(hypergeo(r, b, a + b - 1, t/(alpha + t)))
  output = term1 * (1 - term2 * term3)

#' BG/NBD Probability Mass Function
#' Probability mass function for the BG/NBD.
#' P(X(t)=x | r, alpha, a, b). Returns the probability that a customer makes x
#' repeat transactions in the time interval (0, t].
#' Parameters t and x may be vectors. The standard rules for vector operations
#' apply - if they are not of the same length, the shorter vector will be
#' recycled (start over at the first element) until it is as long as the longest
#' vector. It is advisable to keep vectors to the same length and to use single
#' values for parameters that are to be the same for all calculations. If one of
#' these parameters has a length greater than one, the output will be a vector
#' of probabilities.
#' @param params  BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param t 	length end of time period for which probability is being computed.
#'   May also be a vector.
#' @param x   number of repeat transactions by a random customer in the period
#'   defined by t. May also be a vector.
#' @return Probability of X(t)=x conditional on model parameters. If t and/or x
#'   has a length greater than one, a vector of probabilities will be returned.
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, Bruce G.S.and Lee, Ka Lok. “Computing
#'   P(alive) Using the BG/NBD Model.” December. 2008. 
#'   [Web.](http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf)
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # probability that a customer will make 10 repeat transactions in the
#' # time interval (0,2]
#' bgnbd.pmf(params, t=2, x=10)
#' # probability that a customer will make no repeat transactions in the
#' # time interval (0,39]
#' bgnbd.pmf(params, t=39, x=0)
#' # Vectors may also be used as arguments:
#' bgnbd.pmf(params, t=30, x=11:20)
#' @md
bgnbd.pmf <- function(params, 
                      x) {
  inputs <- try(dc.InputCheck(params = params, 
                              func = 'bgnbd.pmf', 
                              printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"),
                              x = x, 
                              t = t))
  if('try-error' == class(inputs)) return(inputs)
                           t.start = 0, 
                           t.end = inputs$t, 
                           x = inputs$x))

#' Generalized BG/NBD Probability Mass Function
#' Generalized probability mass function for the BG/NBD.
#' P(X(t.start, t.end)=x | r, alpha, a, b). Returns the probability that a
#' customer makes x repeat transactions in the time interval (t.start, t.end\].
#' It is impossible for a customer to make a negative number of repeat
#' transactions. This function will return an error if it is given negative
#' times or a negative number of repeat transactions. This function will also
#' return an error if t.end is less than t.start.
#' t.start, t.end, and x may be vectors. The standard rules for vector
#' operations apply - if they are not of the same length, shorter vectors will
#' be recycled (start over at the first element) until they are as long as the
#' longest vector. It is advisable to keep vectors to the same length and to use
#' single values for parameters that are to be the same for all calculations. If
#' one of these parameters has a length greater than one, the output will be a
#' vector of probabilities.
#' @param params 	BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param t.start 	start of time period for which probability is being
#'   calculated. It can also be a vector of values.
#' @param t.end   end of time period for which probability is being calculated.
#'   It can also be a vector of values.
#' @param x 	number of repeat transactions by a random customer in the period
#'   defined by (t.start, t.end]. It can also be a vector of values.
#' @return Probability of x transaction occuring between t.start and t.end
#'   conditional on model parameters. If t.start, t.end, and/or x has a length
#'   greater than one, a vector of probabilities will be returned.
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, Bruce G.S.and Lee, Ka Lok. “Computing
#'   P(alive) Using the BG/NBD Model.” December. 2008. 
#'   [Web.](http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf)
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # probability that a customer will make 10 repeat transactions in the
#' # time interval (1,2]
#' bgnbd.pmf.General(params, t.start=1, t.end=2, x=10)
#' # probability that a customer will make no repeat transactions in the
#' # time interval (39,78]
#' bgnbd.pmf.General(params, t.start=39, t.end=78, x=0)
#' @md
bgnbd.pmf.General <- function(params, 
                              x) {
  inputs <- try(dc.InputCheck(params = params, 
                              func = 'bgnbd.pmf.General', 
                              printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"),
                              t.start = t.start, 
                              t.end = t.end, 
                              x = x))
  if('try-error' == class(inputs)) return(inputs)
  t.start = inputs$t.start
  t.end = inputs$t.end
  x = inputs$x
  max.length <- nrow(inputs)
  if (any(t.start > t.end)) {
    stop("Error in bgnbd.pmf.General: t.start > t.end.")
  r <- params[1]
  alpha <- params[2]
  a <- params[3]
  b <- params[4]
  equation.part.0 <- rep(0, max.length)
  t = t.end - t.start
  term3 = rep(0, max.length)
  term1 = beta(a, b + x)/beta(a, b) * 
    gamma(r + x)/gamma(r)/factorial(x) * 
    ((alpha/(alpha + t))^r) * ((t/(alpha + t))^x)
  for (i in 1:max.length) {
    if (x[i] > 0) {
      ii = c(0:(x[i] - 1))
      summation.term = sum(gamma(r + ii)/gamma(r)/factorial(ii) * 
                             ((t[i]/(alpha + t[i]))^ii))
      term3[i] = 1 - (((alpha/(alpha + t[i]))^r) * summation.term)
  term2 = as.numeric(x > 0) * beta(a + 1, b + x - 1)/beta(a, b) * term3
  return(term1 + term2)

#' BG/NBD P(Alive)
#' Uses BG/NBD model parameters and a customer's past transaction behavior to
#' return the probability that they are still alive at the end of the
#' calibration period.
#' P(Alive | X=x, t.x, T.cal, r, alpha, a, b)
#' x, t.x, and T.cal may be vectors. The standard rules for vector operations
#' apply - if they are not of the same length, shorter vectors will be recycled
#' (start over at the first element) until they are as long as the longest
#' vector. It is advisable to keep vectors to the same length and to use single
#' values for parameters that are to be the same for all calculations. If one of
#' these parameters has a length greater than one, the output will be a vector
#' of probabilities.
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.LL
#' @return Probability that the customer is still alive at the end of the
#'   calibration period. If x, t.x, and/or T.cal has a length greater than one,
#'   then this will be a vector of probabilities (containing one element
#'   matching each element of the longest input vector).
#' @references Fader, Peter S.; Hardie, Bruce G.S.and Lee, Ka Lok. “Computing
#'   P(alive) Using the BG/NBD Model.” December. 2008. 
#'   [Web.](http://www.brucehardie.com/notes/021/palive_for_BGNBD.pdf)
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' bgnbd.PAlive(params, x=23, t.x=39, T.cal=39)
#' # P(Alive) of a customer who has the same recency and total
#' # time observed.
#' bgnbd.PAlive(params, x=5:20, t.x=30, T.cal=39)
#' # Note the "increasing frequency paradox".
#' # To visualize the distribution of P(Alive) across customers:
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' params <- bgnbd.EstimateParameters(cbs, par.start = c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426))
#' p.alives <- bgnbd.PAlive(params, cbs[,"x"], cbs[,"t.x"], cbs[,"T.cal"])
#' plot(density(p.alives))
#' @md
bgnbd.PAlive <- function(params, 
                         T.cal) {
  bgnbd.generalParams(params = params, 
                      func = 'bgnbd.PAlive', 
                      x = x, 
                      t.x = t.x, 
                      T.cal = T.cal)$PAlive

#' BG/NBD Expected Cumulative Transactions
#' Calculates the expected cumulative total repeat transactions by all customers
#' for the calibration and holdout periods.
#' The function automatically divides the total period up into n.periods.final
#' time intervals. n.periods.final does not have to be in the same unit of time
#' as the T.cal data. For example: - if your T.cal data is in weeks, and you
#' want cumulative transactions per week, n.periods.final would equal T.star. -
#' if your T.cal data is in weeks, and you want cumulative transactions per day,
#' n.periods.final would equal T.star * 7.
#' The holdout period should immediately follow the calibration period. This
#' function assume that all customers' calibration periods end on the same date,
#' rather than starting on the same date (thus customers' birth periods are
#' determined using max(T.cal) - T.cal rather than assuming that it is 0).
#' @param params 	BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param T.cal   a vector to represent customers' calibration period lengths
#'   (in other words, the "T.cal" column from a customer-by-sufficient-statistic
#'   matrix).
#' @param T.tot   end of holdout period. Must be a single value, not a vector.
#' @param n.periods.final   number of time periods in the calibration and
#'   holdout periods. See details.
#' @param hardie  if TRUE, use h2f1 instead of hypergeo.
#' @return Vector of expected cumulative total repeat transactions by all
#'   customers.
#' @seealso [`bgnbd.Expectation`]
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # Returns a vector containing cumulative repeat transactions for 273 days.
#' # All parameters are in weeks; the calibration period lasted 39 weeks.
#' bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions(params,
#'                                      T.cal = cal.cbs[,"T.cal"],
#'                                      T.tot = 39,
#'                                      n.periods.final = 273,
#'                                      hardie = TRUE)
#' @md
bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions <- function(params, 
                                                 hardie = TRUE) {
  dc.check.model.params(printnames = c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta"), 
                        params = params, 
                        func = "bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions")
  if (any(T.cal < 0) || !is.numeric(T.cal)) 
    stop("T.cal must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (length(T.tot) > 1 || T.tot < 0 || !is.numeric(T.tot)) 
    stop("T.cal must be a single numeric value and may not be negative.")
  if (length(n.periods.final) > 1 || n.periods.final < 0 || !is.numeric(n.periods.final)) 
    stop("n.periods.final must be a single numeric value and may not be negative.")
  intervals <- seq(T.tot/n.periods.final, 
                   length.out = n.periods.final)
  cust.birth.periods <- max(T.cal) - T.cal
  expected.transactions <- sapply(intervals, 
                                  function(interval) {
                                    if (interval <= min(cust.birth.periods)) return(0)
                                    t <- interval - cust.birth.periods[cust.birth.periods <= interval]
                                    sum(bgnbd.Expectation(params = params, 
                                                          t = t, 
                                                          hardie = hardie))

#' BG/NBD Plot Frequency in Calibration Period
#' Plots a histogram and returns a matrix comparing the actual and expected
#' number of customers who made a certain number of repeat transactions in the
#' calibration period, binned according to calibration period frequencies.
#' This function requires a censor number, which cannot be higher than the
#' highest frequency in the calibration period CBS. The output matrix will have
#' (censor + 1) bins, starting at frequencies of 0 transactions and ending at a
#' bin representing calibration period frequencies at or greater than the censor
#' number. The plot may or may not include a bin for zero frequencies, depending
#' on the plotZero parameter.
#' @param params BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param cal.cbs calibration period CBS (customer by sufficient statistic). It
#'   must contain columns for frequency ("x") and total time observed ("T.cal").
#' @param censor integer used to censor the data. See details.
#' @param plotZero If FALSE, the histogram will exclude the zero bin.
#' @param xlab descriptive label for the x axis.
#' @param ylab descriptive label for the y axis.
#' @param title title placed on the top-center of the plot.
#' @return Calibration period repeat transaction frequency comparison matrix
#'   (actual vs. expected).
#' @examples 
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs 
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # parameters estimated using bgnbd.EstimateParameters 
#' est.params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426) 
#' # the maximum censor number that can be used
#' max(cal.cbs[,"x"])
#' bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration(est.params, cal.cbs, censor=7)
bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration <- function(params, 
                                             plotZero = TRUE, 
                                             xlab = "Calibration period transactions", 
                                             ylab = "Customers", 
                                             title = "Frequency of Repeat Transactions") {
  tryCatch(x <- cal.cbs[, "x"], error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration: cal.cbs must have a frequency column labelled \"x\""))
  tryCatch(T.cal <- cal.cbs[, "T.cal"], error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration: cal.cbs must have a column for length of time observed labelled \"T.cal\""))
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration")
  if (censor > max(x)) 
    stop("censor too big (> max freq) in PlotFrequencyInCalibration.")
  x = cal.cbs[, "x"]
  T.cal = cal.cbs[, "T.cal"]
  n.x <- rep(0, max(x) + 1)
  ncusts = nrow(cal.cbs)
  for (ii in unique(x)) {
    # Get number of customers to buy n.x times, over the grid of all possible n.x
    # values (no censoring)
    n.x[ii + 1] <- sum(ii == x)
  n.x.censor <- sum(n.x[(censor + 1):length(n.x)])
  n.x.actual <- c(n.x[1:censor], n.x.censor)  # This upper truncates at censor (ie. if censor=7, 8 categories: {0, 1, ..., 6, 7+}).
  T.value.counts <- table(T.cal)  # This is the table of counts of all time durations from customer birth to end of calibration period.
  T.values <- as.numeric(names(T.value.counts))  # These are all the unique time durations from customer birth to end of calibration period.
  n.T.values <- length(T.values)  # These are the number of time durations we need to consider.
  n.x.expected <- rep(0, length(n.x.actual))  # We'll store the probabilities in here.
  n.x.expected.all <- rep(0, max(x) + 1)  # We'll store the probabilities in here.
  for (ii in 0:max(x)) {
    # We want to run over the probability of each transaction amount.
    this.x.expected = 0
    for (T.idx in 1:n.T.values) {
      # We run over all people who had all time durations.
      T = T.values[T.idx]
      if (T == 0) 
      n.T = T.value.counts[T.idx]  # This is the number of customers who had this time duration.
      prob.of.this.x.for.this.T = bgnbd.pmf(params, T, ii)
      expected.given.x.and.T = n.T * prob.of.this.x.for.this.T
      this.x.expected = this.x.expected + expected.given.x.and.T
    n.x.expected.all[ii + 1] = this.x.expected
  n.x.expected[1:censor] = n.x.expected.all[1:censor]
  n.x.expected[censor + 1] = sum(n.x.expected.all[(censor + 1):(max(x) + 1)])
  col.names <- paste(rep("freq", length(censor + 1)), (0:censor), sep = ".")
  col.names[censor + 1] <- paste(col.names[censor + 1], "+", sep = "")
  censored.freq.comparison <- rbind(n.x.actual, n.x.expected)
  colnames(censored.freq.comparison) <- col.names
  cfc.plot <- censored.freq.comparison
  if (plotZero == FALSE) 
    cfc.plot <- cfc.plot[, -1]
  n.ticks <- ncol(cfc.plot)
  if (plotZero == TRUE) {
    x.labels <- 0:(n.ticks - 1)
    x.labels[n.ticks] <- paste(n.ticks - 1, "+", sep = "")
  ylim <- c(0, ceiling(max(cfc.plot) * 1.1))
  barplot(cfc.plot, names.arg = x.labels, beside = TRUE, ylim = ylim, main = title, 
          xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = 1:2)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lwd = 2)

#' BG/NBD Plot Frequency vs. Conditional Expected Frequency
#' Plots the actual and conditional expected number transactions made by
#' customers in the holdout period, binned according to calibration period
#' frequencies. Also returns a matrix with this comparison and the number of
#' customers in each bin.
#' This function requires a censor number, which cannot be higher than the
#' highest frequency in the calibration period CBS. The output matrix will have
#' (censor + 1) bins, starting at frequencies of 0 transactions and ending at a
#' bin representing calibration period frequencies at or greater than the censor
#' number.
#' @param params 	BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param T.star  length of then holdout period.
#' @param cal.cbs   calibration period CBS (customer by sufficient statistic).
#'   It must contain columns for frequency ("x"), recency ("t.x"), and total
#'   time observed ("T.cal"). Note that recency must be the time between the
#'   start of the calibration period and the customer's last transaction, not
#'   the time between the customer's last transaction and the end of the
#'   calibration period.
#' @param x.star  vector of transactions made by each customer in the holdout
#'   period.
#' @param censor  integer used to censor the data. See details.
#' @param xlab  descriptive label for the x axis.
#' @param ylab  descriptive label for the y axis.
#' @param xticklab  vector containing a label for each tick mark on the x axis.
#' @param title   title placed on the top-center of the plot.
#' @return  Holdout period transaction frequency comparison matrix (actual vs.
#'   expected).
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # number of transactions by each customer in the 39 weeks
#' # following the calibration period
#' x.star <- cal.cbs[,"x.star"]
#' # parameters estimated using bgnbd.EstimateParameters
#' est.params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # the maximum censor number that can be used
#' max(cal.cbs[,"x"])
#' # plot conditional expected holdout period frequencies,
#' # binned according to calibration period frequencies
#' bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency(est.params, 
#'                                              T.star = 39, 
#'                                              cal.cbs, 
#'                                              x.star, 
#'                                              censor = 7)
bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency <- function(params, 
                                                         xlab = "Calibration period transactions", 
                                                         ylab = "Holdout period transactions", 
                                                         xticklab = NULL, 
                                                         title = "Conditional Expectation") {
  tryCatch(x <- cal.cbs[, "x"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a frequency column labelled \"x\""))
  tryCatch(t.x <- cal.cbs[, "t.x"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a recency column labelled \"t.x\""))
  tryCatch(T.cal <- cal.cbs[, "T.cal"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a column for length of time observed labelled \"T.cal\""))
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency")
  if (censor > max(x)) 
    stop("censor too big (> max freq) in PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency.")
  if (any(T.star < 0) || !is.numeric(T.star)) 
    stop("T.star must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (any(x.star < 0) || !is.numeric(x.star)) 
    stop("x.star must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  n.bins = censor + 1
  transaction.actual = rep(0, n.bins)
  transaction.expected = rep(0, n.bins)
  bin.size = rep(0, n.bins)
  for (cc in 0:censor) {
    if (cc != censor) {
      this.bin = which(cc == x)
    } else if (cc == censor) {
      this.bin = which(x >= cc)
    n.this.bin = length(this.bin)
    bin.size[cc + 1] = n.this.bin
    transaction.actual[cc + 1] = sum(x.star[this.bin])/n.this.bin
    transaction.expected[cc + 1] = sum(bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions(params, 
                                                                             T.star, x[this.bin], t.x[this.bin], T.cal[this.bin]))/n.this.bin
  col.names = paste(rep("freq", length(censor + 1)), (0:censor), sep = ".")
  col.names[censor + 1] = paste(col.names[censor + 1], "+", sep = "")
  comparison = rbind(transaction.actual, transaction.expected, bin.size)
  colnames(comparison) = col.names
  if (is.null(xticklab) == FALSE) {
    x.labels = xticklab
  if (is.null(xticklab) != FALSE) {
    if (censor < ncol(comparison)) {
      x.labels = 0:(censor)
      x.labels[censor + 1] = paste(censor, "+", sep = "")
    if (censor >= ncol(comparison)) {
      x.labels = 0:(ncol(comparison))
  actual = comparison[1, ]
  expected = comparison[2, ]
  ylim = c(0, ceiling(max(c(actual, expected)) * 1.1))
  plot(actual, type = "l", xaxt = "n", col = 1, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
       main = title)
  lines(expected, lty = 2, col = 2)
  axis(1, at = 1:ncol(comparison), labels = x.labels)
  legend("topleft", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = 1)

#' BG/NBD Plot Actual vs. Conditional Expected Frequency by Recency
#' Plots the actual and conditional expected number of transactions made by
#' customers in the holdout period, binned according to calibration period
#' recencies. Also returns a matrix with this comparison and the number of
#' customers in each bin.
#' This function does bin customers exactly according to recency; it bins
#' customers according to integer units of the time period of cal.cbs.
#' Therefore, if you are using weeks in your data, customers will be binned as
#' follows: customers with recencies between the start of the calibration period
#' (inclusive) and the end of week one (exclusive); customers with recencies
#' between the end of week one (inclusive) and the end of week two (exclusive);
#' etc.
#' The matrix and plot will contain the actual number of transactions made by
#' each bin in the holdout period, as well as the expected number of
#' transactions made by that bin in the holdout period, conditional on that
#' bin's behavior during the calibration period.
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency
#' @return Matrix comparing actual and conditional expected transactions in the
#'   holdout period.
#' @examples 
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs 
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # number of transactions by each customer in the 39 weeks following 
#' # the calibration period 
#' x.star <- cal.cbs[,"x.star"]
#' # parameters estimated using bgnbd.EstimateParameters 
#' est.params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # plot conditional expected holdout period transactions, 
#' # binned according to calibration period recencies
#' bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency(est.params, 
#'                                             cal.cbs, 
#'                                             T.star = 39,
#'                                             x.star)
bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency <- function(params, 
                                                        xlab = "Calibration period recency", 
                                                        ylab = "Holdout period transactions", 
                                                        xticklab = NULL, 
                                                        title = "Actual vs. Conditional Expected Transactions by Recency") {
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency")
  if (any(T.star < 0) || !is.numeric(T.star)) 
    stop("T.star must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (any(x.star < 0) || !is.numeric(x.star)) 
    stop("x.star must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  tryCatch(x <- cal.cbs[, "x"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a frequency column labelled \"x\""))
  tryCatch(t.x <- cal.cbs[, "t.x"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a recency column labelled \"t.x\""))
  tryCatch(T.cal <- cal.cbs[, "T.cal"], 
           error = function(e) stop("Error in bgnbd.PlotRecVsConditionalExpectedFrequency: cal.cbs must have a column for length of time observed labelled \"T.cal\""))
  t.values <- sort(unique(t.x))
  n.recs <- length(t.values)
  transaction.actual <- rep(0, n.recs)
  transaction.expected <- rep(0, n.recs)
  rec.size <- rep(0, n.recs)
  for (tt in 1:n.recs) {
    this.t.x <- t.values[tt]
    this.rec <- which(t.x == this.t.x)
    n.this.rec <- length(this.rec)
    rec.size[tt] <- n.this.rec
    transaction.actual[tt] <- sum(x.star[this.rec])/n.this.rec
    transaction.expected[tt] <- sum(bgnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions(params, 
                                                                          T.star, x[this.rec], t.x[this.rec], T.cal[this.rec]))/n.this.rec
  comparison <- rbind(transaction.actual, transaction.expected, rec.size)
  colnames(comparison) <- round(t.values, 3)
  bins <- seq(1, ceiling(max(t.x)))
  n.bins <- length(bins)
  actual <- rep(0, n.bins)
  expected <- rep(0, n.bins)
  bin.size <- rep(0, n.bins)
  x.labels <- NULL
  if (is.null(xticklab) == FALSE) {
    x.labels <- xticklab
  } else {
    x.labels <- 1:(n.bins)
  point.labels <- rep("", n.bins)
  point.y.val <- rep(0, n.bins)
  for (ii in 1:n.bins) {
    if (ii < n.bins) {
      this.bin <- which(as.numeric(colnames(comparison)) >= (ii - 1) & as.numeric(colnames(comparison)) < 
    } else if (ii == n.bins) {
      this.bin <- which(as.numeric(colnames(comparison)) >= ii - 1)
    actual[ii] <- sum(comparison[1, this.bin])/length(comparison[1, this.bin])
    expected[ii] <- sum(comparison[2, this.bin])/length(comparison[2, this.bin])
    bin.size[ii] <- sum(comparison[3, this.bin])
  ylim <- c(0, ceiling(max(c(actual, expected)) * 1.1))
  plot(actual, type = "l", xaxt = "n", col = 1, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
       main = title)
  lines(expected, lty = 2, col = 2)
  axis(1, at = 1:n.bins, labels = x.labels)
  legend("topleft", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = 1)
  return(rbind(actual, expected, bin.size))

#' BG/NBD Plot Transaction Rate Heterogeneity
#' Plots and returns the estimated gamma distribution of lambda (customers'
#' propensities to purchase).
#' This returns the distribution of each customer's Poisson parameter, which
#' determines the rate at which each customer buys.
#' @param params BG/NBD parameters - a vector with r, alpha, a, and b, in that
#'   order. r and alpha are unobserved parameters for the NBD transaction
#'   process. a and b are unobserved parameters for the Beta geometric dropout
#'   process.
#' @param lim upper-bound of the x-axis. A number is chosen by the function if
#'   none is provided.
#' @return Distribution of customers' propensities to purchase.
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity(params)
#' params <- c(0.53, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity(params)
bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity <- function(params, 
                                                   lim = NULL) {
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity")
  shape <- params[1]
  rate <- params[2]
  rate.mean <- round(shape/rate, 4)
  rate.var <- round(shape/rate^2, 4)
  if (is.null(lim)) {
    lim = qgamma(0.99, shape = shape, rate = rate)
  x.axis.ticks <- seq(0, lim, length.out = 100)
  heterogeneity <- dgamma(x.axis.ticks, shape = shape, rate = rate)
  plot(x.axis.ticks, heterogeneity, type = "l", xlab = "Transaction Rate", ylab = "Density", 
       main = "Heterogeneity in Transaction Rate")
  mean.var.label <- paste("Mean:", rate.mean, "    Var:", rate.var)
  mtext(mean.var.label, side = 3)
  return(rbind(x.axis.ticks, heterogeneity))

#' BG/NBD Plot Dropout Probability Heterogeneity
#' Plots and returns the estimated gamma distribution of p (customers'
#' probability of dropping out immediately after a transaction).
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.PlotTransactionRateHeterogeneity
#' @return Distribution of customers' probabilities of dropping out.
#' @examples
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity(params)
#' params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 1.33, 2.426)
#' bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity(params)
bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity <- function(params, 
                                               lim = NULL) {
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.PlotDropoutRateHeterogeneity")
  alpha_param = params[3]
  beta_param = params[4]
  beta_param.mean = round(alpha_param/(alpha_param + beta_param), 4)
  beta_param.var = round(alpha_param * beta_param/((alpha_param + beta_param)^2)/(alpha_param + 
                                                                                    beta_param + 1), 4)
  if (is.null(lim)) {
    # get right end point of grid
    lim = qbeta(0.99, shape1 = alpha_param, shape2 = beta_param)
  x.axis.ticks = seq(0, lim, length.out = 100)
  heterogeneity = dbeta(x.axis.ticks, shape1 = alpha_param, shape2 = beta_param)
  plot(x.axis.ticks, heterogeneity, type = "l", xlab = "Dropout Probability p", 
       ylab = "Density", main = "Heterogeneity in Dropout Probability")
  mean.var.label = paste("Mean:", beta_param.mean, "    Var:", beta_param.var)
  mtext(mean.var.label, side = 3)
  return(rbind(x.axis.ticks, heterogeneity))

#' BG/NBD Tracking Cumulative Transactions Plot
#' Plots the actual and expected cumulative total repeat transactions by all
#' customers for the calibration and holdout periods, and returns this
#' comparison in a matrix.
#' actual.cu.tracking.data does not have to be in the same unit of time as the
#' T.cal data. T.tot will automatically be divided into periods to match the
#' length of actual.cu.tracking.data. See
#' [bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions].
#' The holdout period should immediately follow the calibration period. This
#' function assume that all customers' calibration periods end on the same date,
#' rather than starting on the same date (thus customers' birth periods are
#' determined using max(T.cal) - T.cal rather than assuming that it is 0).
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.PlotFreqVsConditionalExpectedFrequency
#' @param actual.cu.tracking.data vector containing the cumulative number of
#'   repeat transactions made by customers for each period in the total time
#'   period (both calibration and holdout periods). See details.
#' @return Matrix containing actual and expected cumulative repeat transactions.
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # Cumulative repeat transactions made by all customers across calibration
#' # and holdout periods
#' cu.tracking <- cdnowSummary$cu.tracking
#' # parameters estimated using bgnbd.EstimateParameters
#' est.params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # All parameters are in weeks; the calibration period lasted 39
#' # weeks and the holdout period another 39.
#' bgnbd.PlotTrackingCum(est.params, 
#'                       T.cal = cal.cbs[,"T.cal"], 
#'                       T.tot = 78, 
#'                       actual.cu.tracking.data = cu.tracking, 
#'                       hardie = TRUE)
#' @md
bgnbd.PlotTrackingCum <- function(params, 
                                  n.periods.final = NA,
                                  hardie = TRUE,
                                  xlab = "Week", 
                                  ylab = "Cumulative Transactions", 
                                  xticklab = NULL, 
                                  title = "Tracking Cumulative Transactions") {
  dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), params, "bgnbd.Plot.PlotTrackingCum")
  if (any(T.cal < 0) || !is.numeric(T.cal)) 
    stop("T.cal must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (any(actual.cu.tracking.data < 0) || !is.numeric(actual.cu.tracking.data)) 
    stop("actual.cu.tracking.data must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (length(T.tot) > 1 || T.tot < 0 || !is.numeric(T.tot)) 
    stop("T.cal must be a single numeric value and may not be negative.")
  actual <- actual.cu.tracking.data
  if(is.na(n.periods.final)) n.periods.final <- length(actual)
  expected <- bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions(params, 
  cu.tracking.comparison <- rbind(actual, expected)
  ylim <- c(0, max(c(actual, expected)) * 1.05)
  plot(actual, type = "l", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = 1, ylim = ylim, 
       main = title)
  lines(expected, lty = 2, col = 2)
  if (is.null(xticklab) == FALSE) {
    if (ncol(cu.tracking.comparison) != length(xticklab)) {
      stop("Plot error, xticklab does not have the correct size")
    axis(1, at = 1:ncol(cu.tracking.comparison), labels = xticklab)
  } else {
    axis(1, at = 1:length(actual), labels = 1:length(actual))
  abline(v = max(T.cal), lty = 2)
  legend("bottomright", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = 1)

#' BG/NBD Tracking Incremental Transactions Comparison
#' Plots the actual and expected incremental total repeat transactions by all
#' customers for the calibration and holdout periods, and returns this
#' comparison in a matrix.
#' actual.inc.tracking.data does not have to be in the same unit of time as the
#' T.cal data. T.tot will automatically be divided into periods to match the
#' length of actual.inc.tracking.data. See
#' [bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions].
#' The holdout period should immediately follow the calibration period. This
#' function assume that all customers' calibration periods end on the same date,
#' rather than starting on the same date (thus customers' birth periods are
#' determined using max(T.cal) - T.cal rather than assuming that it is 0).
#' @inheritParams bgnbd.PlotTrackingCum
#' @param actual.inc.tracking.data  vector containing the incremental number of
#'   repeat transactions made by customers for each period in the total time
#'   period (both calibration and holdout periods). See details.
#' @return Matrix containing actual and expected incremental repeat
#'   transactions.
#' @examples
#' data(cdnowSummary)
#' cal.cbs <- cdnowSummary$cbs
#' # cal.cbs already has column names required by method
#' # Cumulative repeat transactions made by all customers across calibration
#' # and holdout periods
#' cu.tracking <- cdnowSummary$cu.tracking
#' # make the tracking data incremental
#' inc.tracking <- dc.CumulativeToIncremental(cu.tracking)
#' # parameters estimated using bgnbd.EstimateParameters
#' est.params <- c(0.243, 4.414, 0.793, 2.426)
#' # All parameters are in weeks; the calibration period lasted 39
#' # weeks and the holdout period another 39.
#' bgnbd.PlotTrackingInc(est.params, ,
#'                       T.cal = cal.cbs[,"T.cal"],
#'                       T.tot = 78,
#'                       actual.inc.tracking.data = inc.tracking, 
#'                       hardie = TRUE)
#' @md
bgnbd.PlotTrackingInc <- function(params, 
                                  n.periods.final = NA,
                                  hardie = TRUE, 
                                  xlab = "Week", 
                                  ylab = "Transactions", 
                                  xticklab = NULL, 
                                  title = "Tracking Weekly Transactions") {
  dc.check.model.params(printnames = c("r", "alpha", "a", "b"), 
                        params = params, 
                        func = "bgnbd.Plot.PlotTrackingCum")
  if (any(T.cal < 0) || !is.numeric(T.cal)) 
    stop("T.cal must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (any(actual.inc.tracking.data < 0) || !is.numeric(actual.inc.tracking.data)) 
    stop("actual.inc.tracking.data must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
  if (length(T.tot) > 1 || T.tot < 0 || !is.numeric(T.tot)) 
    stop("T.cal must be a single numeric value and may not be negative.")
  actual <- actual.inc.tracking.data
  if(is.na(n.periods.final)) n.periods.final <- length(actual)
  expected <- dc.CumulativeToIncremental(bgnbd.ExpectedCumulativeTransactions(params, 
  ylim <- c(0, max(c(actual, expected)) * 1.05)
  plot(actual, type = "l", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = 1, ylim = ylim, 
       main = title)
  lines(expected, lty = 2, col = 2)
  if (is.null(xticklab) == FALSE) {
    if (length(actual) != length(xticklab)) {
      stop("Plot error, xticklab does not have the correct size")
    axis(1, at = 1:length(actual), labels = xticklab)
  } else {
    axis(1, at = 1:length(actual), labels = 1:length(actual))
  abline(v = max(T.cal), lty = 2)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = 1)
  return(rbind(actual, expected))

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