
ClusterNoEstimation <- function (DataOrDistances,
                            ClsMatrix = NULL,
                            ClusterIndex = 'all',
                            Method = NULL,
                            MinClusterNo = 2,
                            Silent = TRUE,
                            SelectByABC=TRUE,Colorsequence,...) {

  # Computes the operating numbers to the given data and clustering and a resulting recommended operating number of classes
  #  INPUT
  #  DataOrDistances    Data
  #  ClsMatrix          Clustering of the number of classes, which needs to be checked as matrix with one
  #                     clustering as one column
  #                     (see also notes (1) und (2)), needs to be given, if Method = NULL
  #  MaxClusterNo             Highest number of classes, which should get checked
  #  Method             Clustering Method, with which clustering got created (see DETAILS for possible Methods),
  #                     needs to be given, if cls = NULL
  #  ClusterIndex           Vector of operating number which should be computed, standard = 'all',
  #                  see DETAILS for possible operating numbers
  #  MinClusterNo          Lowest number of classes, which should get checked, standard = 2
  #  Silent          If TRUE, then status messages will be given, standard = FALSE
  #  Indicators          Matrix of computed operating numbers
  #  ClusterNo       For each computed operating number the recommended number of classes
  #  ClsMatrix        Give clustering
  #  criticalValues      Critical values for operating numbers, see duda, pseudot2, beale
  #  Following 26 operating numbers can be computed:
  #  "calinski", "cindex", "db", "hartigan",
  #  "ratkowsky", "scott", "marriot", "ball", "trcovw", "tracew",
  #  "friedman", "rubin", "ssi", "xuindex", "kl", "ccc", "silhouette",
  #  "duda", "pseudot2", "beale", "ptbiserial", "frey",
  #  "mcclain", "dunn", "sdindex", "sdbw"
  #  Those can be computed individually via the parameter or as vector.
  #  If input "all", then all operating numbers will get computed.
  #  For the creation of the clustering, following Methods can be used
  #  "ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty",
  #  "median", "centroid", "ward.D2", "kmeans", "DBSclustering"
  #  NOTES
  #  (1) The operating numbers kl, duda, pseudot2, beale, frey und mcclain needs a clustering
  #  for MaxClusterNo+1 classes. If those operating numbers should get computed, the clustering in cls
  #  has to be stated.
  #  (2) the ClusterIndex kl requires a clustering for MinClusterNo-1 number of cluster.If this ClusterIndex has to be computed,
  #  each clustering has to be given in the function in matrix style. In the case of MinClusterNo = 2 no clustering for cluster number equal to 1 is required
  #  (3) the indices duda, pseudot2, beale und frey can only be applied in case of hierarchical cluster algorithms
  #  Peter Nahrgang
  #  1.Editor: MT: added distances, try() for indicator that not work always, further error catching, fan plotting
  #  Charrad, Malika, et al. "Package 'NbClust'." J. Stat. Soft 61 (2014): 1-36.
  #  Dimtriadou, E. "cclust: Convex Clustering Methods and Clustering Indexes." R package version 0.6-16, URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= cclust (2009).
      warning('ClsMatrix is not a matrix. calling as.matrix')
    if(any(apply(cls,2,function(x) length(unique(x)))<2)){
      stop('Amount of unqiue clusters for each column of ClsMatrix should be at least 2,')

  if (isSymmetric(unname(DataOrDistances))) {

  range <- MaxClusterNo - MinClusterNo + 1

  alphabeale <- 0.1

  indexnames <- c(

  indexanzahl <- length(indexnames)
  all <- indexanzahl + 1

  indexn <- pmatch(ClusterIndex, c(indexnames,"all"))

  crits <- c()
  if (any(indexn == 18)) {
    crits <- c(1)
  if (any(indexn == 19)) {
    crits <- c(crits, 2)
  if (any(indexn == 20)) {
    crits <- c(crits, 3)
  if (any(indexn == all)) {
    crits <- c(1:3)

  # Helper functions
  centers <- function(cls) {
    n <- length(cls)
    k <- max(cls)

    centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(data))

    for (i in 1:k) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(data)) {
        centers[i, j] <- mean(data[cls == i, j])


  withinss <- function(centers, cls) {
    res <- rep(0, nrow(centers))

    data <- (data - centers[cls, ]) ^ 2

    for (k in 1:nrow(centers)) {
      res[k] <- sum(data[cls == k, ])

  varwithinss <- function(x, centers, cluster) {
    nrow <- dim(centers)[1]
    nvar <- dim(x)[2]
    varwithins <- matrix(0, nrow, nvar)
    x <- (x - centers[cluster, ]) ^ 2
    for (l in 1:nvar) {
      for (k in 1:nrow) {
        varwithins[k, l] <- sum(x[cluster == k, l])
  maxmindist <- function(clsize, distscen) {
    ncl <- length(clsize)
    npairs <- 0
    for (i in 1:ncl)
      npairs <- npairs + clsize[i] * (clsize[i] -
                                        1) / 2
    mindw <- 0
    nfound <- distscen[1]
    i <- 1
    while (nfound < npairs) {
      if ((nfound + distscen[i + 1]) < npairs) {
        mindw <- mindw + i * distscen[i + 1]
        nfound <- nfound + distscen[i + 1]
      else {
        mindw <- mindw + i * (npairs - nfound)
        nfound <- nfound + distscen[i + 1]
      i <- i + 1
    maxdw <- 0
    nfound <- 0
    i <- length(distscen) - 1
    while (nfound < npairs) {
      if ((nfound + distscen[i + 1]) < npairs) {
        maxdw <- maxdw + i * distscen[i + 1]
        nfound <- nfound + distscen[i + 1]
      else {
        maxdw <- maxdw + i * (npairs - nfound)
        nfound <- nfound + distscen[i + 1]
      i <- i - 1
    minmaxd <- list(mindw = mindw, maxdw = maxdw)
  gss <- function(x, clsize, withins) {
    n <- sum(clsize)
    k <- length(clsize)
    allmean <- apply(x, 2, mean)
    dmean <- sweep(x, 2, allmean, "-")
    allmeandist <- sum(dmean ^ 2)
    wgss <- sum(withins)
    bgss <- allmeandist - wgss
    zgss <- list(wgss = wgss, bgss = bgss)
  vargss <- function(x, clsize, varwithins) {
    nvar <- dim(x)[2]
    n <- sum(clsize)
    k <- length(clsize)
    varallmean <- rep(0, nvar)
    varallmeandist <- rep(0, nvar)
    varwgss <- rep(0, nvar)
    for (l in 1:nvar)
      varallmean[l] <- mean(x[, l])
    vardmean <- sweep(x, 2, varallmean, "-")
    for (l in 1:nvar) {
      varallmeandist[l] <- sum((vardmean[, l]) ^ 2)
      varwgss[l] <- sum(varwithins[, l])
    varbgss <- varallmeandist - varwgss
    vartss <- varbgss + varwgss
    zvargss <- list(vartss = vartss, varbgss = varbgss)

  count <- function(y) {
    x <- trunc(y)

    xrows <- nrow(y)
    xcols <- ncol(y)
    d <- xcols + 1

    res <- rep(0, d)

    for (i in 1:(xrows - 1)) {
      tempi <- x[i,]
      for (j in (i + 1):xrows) {
        c <- 1
        tempj <- x[j,]
        for (k in 1:xcols) {
          test <- tempi[k] != tempj[k]
          if (test) {
            c <- c + 1
        res[c] <- res[c] + 1

  ttww <- function(x, clsize, cluster) {
    n <- sum(clsize)
    k <- length(clsize)
    w <- 0
    tt <- cov(x) * n
    zttw <- list(tt =  tt, w = w)
    for (l in 1:k) {
      wtemp=cov(x[cluster == l, ,drop=FALSE]) * clsize[l]
        w <- w + wtemp


  Average.scattering <- function (cl, x)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- length(cl)
    k <- max(cl)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl)

    cluster.size <- numeric(0)
    variance.clusters <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = k)
    var <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = k)

    for (u in 1:k)
      cluster.size[u] <- sum(cl == u)

    for (u in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:ncol(x))
        for (i in 1:n)
          if (cl[i] == u)
            variance.clusters[u, j] <-
              variance.clusters[u, j] + (x[i, j] - centers.matrix[u, j]) ^ 2

    for (u in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:ncol(x))
        variance.clusters[u, j] = variance.clusters[u, j] / cluster.size[u]

    variance.matrix <- numeric(0)
    for (j in 1:ncol(x))
      variance.matrix[j] = var(x[, j]) * (n - 1) / n

    Somme.variance.clusters <- 0
    for (u in 1:k)
      Somme.variance.clusters <-
      Somme.variance.clusters + sqrt((variance.clusters[u, ] %*% (variance.clusters[u, ])))

    # Standard deviation
    stdev <- (1 / k) * sqrt(Somme.variance.clusters)

    # Average scattering for clusters
    scat <-
      (1 / k) * (Somme.variance.clusters / sqrt(variance.matrix %*% variance.matrix))

    scat <-
        stdev = stdev,
        centers = centers.matrix,
        variance.intraclusters = variance.clusters,
        scatt =

  density.clusters <- function(cl, x)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    k <- max(cl)
    n <- length(cl)

    distance <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
    density <-  matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = k)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl)
    stdev <- Average.scattering(cl, x)$stdev
    for (i in 1:n)
      u = 1
      while (cl[i] != u)
        u <- u + 1
      for (j in 1:ncol(x))
        distance[i] <- distance[i] + (x[i, j] - centers.matrix[u, j]) ^ 2
      distance[i] <- sqrt(distance[i])
      if (distance[i] <= stdev)
        density[u] = density[u] + 1
    dens <- list(distance = distance, density = density)


  density.bw <- function(cl, x)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    k <- max(cl)
    n <- length(cl)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl)
    stdev <- Average.scattering(cl, x)$stdev
    density.bw <- matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow = k)
    u <- 1

    for (u in 1:k)
      for (v in 1:k)
        if (v != u)
          distance <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
          moy <- (centers.matrix[u, ] + centers.matrix[v, ]) / 2
          for (i in 1:n)
            if ((cl[i] == u) || (cl[i] == v))
              for (j in 1:ncol(x))
                distance[i] <- distance[i] + (x[i, j] - moy[j]) ^ 2
              distance[i] <- sqrt(distance[i])
              if (distance[i] <= stdev)
                density.bw[u, v] <- density.bw[u, v] + 1
    density.clust <- density.clusters(cl, x)$density
    S <- 0
    for (u in 1:k)
      for (v in 1:k)
        if (max(density.clust[u], density.clust[v]) != 0)
          S = S + (density.bw[u, v] / max(density.clust[u], density.clust[v]))
    density.bw <- S / (k * (k - 1))

  Dis <- function (cl, x)
    # Dis : Total separation between clusters

    x <- as.matrix(x)
    k <- max(cl)
    centers.matrix <- centers(cl)
    Distance.centers <- dist(centers.matrix)
    Dmin <- min(Distance.centers)
    Dmax <- max(Distance.centers)
    Distance.centers <- as.matrix(Distance.centers)
    s2 <- 0
    for (u in 1:k)
      s1 = 0
      for (j in 1:ncol(Distance.centers))
        s1 <- s1 + Distance.centers[u, j]
      s2 <- s2 + 1 / s1
    Dis <- (Dmax / Dmin) * s2
  # End: helper Methods

  # Processing of clss

  if (is.null(Method)) {
  if (any(indexn == 15,
          indexn == 18,
          indexn == 19,
          indexn == 20,
          indexn == 22,
          indexn == 23,
          indexn == 27)) {
    if (dim(cls)[2] == range) {
      stop("Columns of ClsMatrix are expected to be from MinClusterNo to MaxClusterNo. However to number of columns does not equal the range of cluster numbers to be investigated. Please provide appropriate choice for MaxClusterNo and MinClusterNo. ")
    else if (dim(cls)[2] == range + 1 &&
             any(indexn == 15, indexn == 27) && MinClusterNo != 2) {
      stop("Selected indicators require MinClusterNo to be set with two.")
    else if (dim(cls)[2] == range + 1) {
      clusters <- cls[, 1:range]
      colnames(clusters) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)
      clusters2 <- cls
      clusters2 <- cbind(rep(1, dim(cls)[1]), cls)
      colnames(clusters2) <- c(1, MinClusterNo:(MaxClusterNo + 1))
    else if (dim(cls)[2] == range + 2) {
      clusters <- cls[, 2:(range + 1)]
      colnames(clusters) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)
      clusters2 <- cls
      colnames(clusters2) <- c((MinClusterNo - 1):(MaxClusterNo + 1))
  else {
    clusters <- cls
    clusters2 <-
      cbind(rep(NA, dim(cls)[1]), cls, rep(NA, dim(cls)[1]))
      tryCatch({colnames(clusters) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)},error=function(e) warning(e))
      tryCatch({colnames(clusters2) <- c(NA, MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo, NA)},error=function(e) warning(e))
      tryCatch({colnames(clusters2) <- c(NA, colnames(clusters), NA)},error=function(e) warning(e))
  if (!Silent) {
   message("Given clusterings are done, start computation")
  else {
    if (!Silent) {
      message("Clustering in creation")

      clusters2 <- matrix(1,nrow = dim(data)[1],ncol = range + 2)
      for (i in 0:(range + 1)) {
        if (i != 0 || !MinClusterNo == 2) {
          temp <- FUN(data,ClusterNo=MinClusterNo-1+i,...)$Cls
          clusters2[,i+1] <- temp
    switch (Method,
      "kmeans" = {
      "DivisiveAnalysisClustering" = {
      "FannyClustering" = {
      "ModelBasedClustering" = {
      "SpectralClustering" = {
        projPoints <- DatabionicSwarm::Pswarm(data)
        clusters2=helpfun(data,DatabionicSwarm::DBSclustering,range,MinClusterNo,Type=Method,BestMatches = projPoints$ProjectedPoints,LC = projPoints$LC[c(2,1)],...)

    # Methodnames <- c("ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty",
    #                  "median", "centroid", "ward.D2","kmeans","DBSclustering")
    # Methodn <- pmatch(Method,Methodnames)
    # clusters2 <- matrix(1,nrow = dim(data)[1],ncol = range + 2)
    # if (Methodn > 0 && Methodn <= 8) {
    #   md <- dist(data)
    #   hc <- hclust(md,Method)
    #   for (i in 0:(range + 1)) {
    #     if (i != 0 || !MinClusterNo == 2) {
    #       temp <- cutree(hc,MinClusterNo-1+i)
    #       clusters2[,i+1] <- temp
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    # else if (Methodn == 9) {
    #   for (i in 0:(range + 1)) {
    #     if (i != 0 || !MinClusterNo == 2) {
    #       temp <- kmeans(data,MinClusterNo-1+i)$cluster
    #       clusters2[,i+1] <- temp
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    # else if (Methodn == 10) {
    #   if(requireNamespace("DatabionicSwarm")){
    #     projPoints <- DatabionicSwarm::Pswarm(data)
    #   }
    #   else{
    #     stop('DatabionicSwarm package not loaded or installed.')
    #   }
    #   for (i in 0:(range + 1)) {
    #     if (i != 0 || !MinClusterNo == 2) {
    #       temp <- DatabionicSwarm::DBSclustering(MinClusterNo-1+i,data,projPoints$ProjectedPoints,projPoints$LC[c(2,1)])
    #       clusters2[,i+1] <- temp
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    # else {
    #   stop("Wrong Method")

    colnames(clusters2) <- c((MinClusterNo - 1):(MaxClusterNo + 1))
    clusters <- clusters2[, 2:(range + 1)]
    colnames(clusters) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)

    if (!Silent) {
      message("Clusterings created, start computation")


  # Methods to compute operating numbers
  # Operating numbers from cclust
  calinski <- function(zgss, clsize) {
    n <- sum(clsize)
    k <- length(clsize)
    vrc <- (zgss$bgss / (k - 1)) / (zgss$wgss / (n - k))

    return(vrc = vrc)
  cindex <- function(withins, minmaxd, clsize) {
    dw <- sum(withins * clsize)
    cindex <- (dw - minmaxd$mindw) / (minmaxd$maxdw - minmaxd$mindw)
  db <- function(withins, centers, cluster) {
    mse <- withins / table(cluster)
    r <-
      outer(mse, mse, "+") / as.matrix(dist(centers, diag = TRUE))
    diag(r) <- 0
    db <- mean(apply(r, 1, max))
  hartigan <- function(zgss) {
    hart <- log(zgss$bgss / zgss$wgss)
  ratkowsky <- function(zvargss, clsize) {
    k <- length(clsize)
    ratio <- mean(sqrt(zvargss$varbgss / zvargss$vartss))
    rat <- ratio / sqrt(k)
  scott <- function(zttw, clsize) {
    n <- sum(clsize)
    dettt <- prod(eigen(zttw$tt)$values)
    detw <- prod(eigen(zttw$w)$values)
    scott <- n * log(dettt / detw)
  marriot <- function(zttw, clsize) {
    k <- length(clsize)
    detw <- prod(eigen(zttw$w)$values)
    mar <- (k ^ 2) * detw
  ball <- function(withins, clsize) {
    ball <- sum(withins) / length(clsize)
  tracecovw <- function(zttw) {
    trcovw <- sum(diag(cov(zttw$w)))
  tracew <- function(zttw) {
    tracew <- sum(diag(zttw$w))
  friedman <- function(zttw) {
    b <- zttw$tt - zttw$w
    fried <- sum(diag(solve(zttw$w) %*% b))
  rubin <- function(zttw) {
    dettt <- prod(eigen(zttw$tt)$values)
    detw <- prod(eigen(zttw$w)$values)
    friedm <- dettt / detw
  ssi <- function(centers, clsize) {
    ncl <- dim(centers)[1]
    nvar <- dim(centers)[2]
    n <- sum(clsize)
    cmax <- apply(centers, 2, max)
    cmin <- apply(centers, 2, min)
    cord <- apply(centers, 2, order)
    cmaxi <- cord[ncl, ]
    cmini <- cord[1, ]
    meanmean <- mean(centers)
    absmdif <- abs(apply(centers, 2, mean) - meanmean)
    span <- cmax - cmin
    csizemax <- clsize[cmaxi]
    csizemin <- clsize[cmini]
    hiest <- nvar
    hiestw <-
      hiest * max(span) * max(max(csizemax), max(csizemin)) *
    sist <- sum(span) / hiest
    sistw <-
      (span * exp(-absmdif)) %*% sqrt(csizemax * csizemin) / hiestw
    return(list(ssi = sist, ssiw = sistw))
  xu <- function(x, clsize, zgss) {
    n <- sum(clsize)
    k <- length(clsize)
    d <- dim(x)[2]
    xuindex <- d * log(sqrt(zgss$wgss / (d * (n ^ 2)))) + log(k)
  # cclust end

  # Operating numbers from nbclust
  #                                #
  #      Frey and McClain          #
  #                                #

  Index.15and28  <- function (cl1, cl2, md)
    cn1 <- max(cl1)
    n1 <- length(cl1)
    dmat <- as.matrix(md)
    average.distance <-
      median.distance <-
      separation <-
      cluster.size <- within.dist1 <- between.dist1 <- numeric(0)
    separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn1, nrow = cn1)
    di <- list()
    for (u in 1:cn1)
      cluster.size[u] <- sum(cl1 == u)
      du <- as.dist(dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == u])
      within.dist1 <- c(within.dist1, du)
      #average.distance[u] <- mean(du)
      #median.distance[u] <- median(du)
      #bv <- numeric(0)
      for (v in 1:cn1) {
        if (v != u) {
          suv <- dmat[cl1 == u, cl1 == v]
          #bv <- c(bv, suv)
          if (u < v) {
            separation.matrix[u, v] <- separation.matrix[v, u] <- min(suv)
            between.dist1 <- c(between.dist1, suv)
    cn2 <- max(cl2)
    n2 <- length(cl2)
    dmat <- as.matrix(md)
    average.distance <-
      median.distance <-
      separation <-
      cluster.size <- within.dist2 <- between.dist2 <- numeric(0)
    separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn2, nrow = cn2)
    di <- list()
    for (w in 1:cn2) {
      cluster.size[w] <- sum(cl2 == w)
      dw <- as.dist(dmat[cl2 == w, cl2 == w])
      within.dist2 <- c(within.dist2, dw)
      #average.distance[w] <- mean(dw)
      #median.distance[w] <- median(dw)
      bx <- numeric(0)
      for (x in 1:cn2) {
        if (x != w) {
          swx <- dmat[cl2 == w, cl2 == x,drop=FALSE]
          bx <- c(bx, swx)
          if (w < x) {
            separation.matrix[w, x] <- separation.matrix[x, w] <- min(swx)
            between.dist2 <- c(between.dist2, swx)
    nwithin1 <- length(within.dist1)
    nbetween1 <- length(between.dist1)
    meanwithin1 <- mean(within.dist1)
    meanbetween1 <- mean(between.dist1)
    meanwithin2 <- mean(within.dist2)
    meanbetween2 <- mean(between.dist2)
    Index.15 <-
      (meanbetween2 - meanbetween1) / (meanwithin2 - meanwithin1)
    Index.28 <-
      (meanwithin1 / nwithin1) / (meanbetween1 / nbetween1)

    results <- list(frey = Index.15, mcclain = Index.28)

  #                                #
  #      Point-biserial            #
  #                                #

  Indice.ptbiserial <- function (x, md, cl1)
    nn <- dim(x)[1]
    pp <- dim(x)[2]

    md2 <- as.matrix(md)
    m01 <- array(NA, c(nn, nn))
    nbr <- (nn * (nn - 1)) / 2
    pby <- rep(0,nbr)
    pbx <- md2[row(md2) < col(md2)]

    m3 <- 1

    for (m1 in 2:nn)
      m12 <- m1 - 1
      for (m2 in 1:m12)
        if (cl1[m1] == cl1[m2]) {
          pby[m3] <- 0
        else {
          pby[m3] <- 1
        m3 <- m3 + 1

    y <- pby
    x <- pbx

    biserial.cor <-
      function (x,
                use = c("all.obs", "complete.obs"),
                level = 1)
        if (!is.numeric(x))
          stop("'x' must be a numeric variable.\n")
        y <- as.factor(y)
        if (length(levs <- levels(y)) > 2)
          stop("'y' must be a dichotomous variable.\n")
        if (length(x) != length(y))
          stop("'x' and 'y' do not have the same length")
        use <- match.arg(use)
        if (use == "complete.obs") {
          cc.ind <- complete.cases(x, y)
          x <- x[cc.ind]
          y <- y[cc.ind]
        ind <- y == levs[level]
        diff.mu <- mean(x[ind]) - mean(x[!ind])
        prob <- mean(ind)
        diff.mu * sqrt(prob * (1 - prob)) / sd(x)

    ptbiserial <- biserial.cor(x = pbx, y = pby, level = 2)

  #                                        #
  #       Duda, pseudot2 and beale         #
  #                                        #

  Indices.WKWL <- function (x, cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2)
    dim2 <- dim(x)[2]
    wss <- function(x)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      n <- length(x)
      centers <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x))

      if (ncol(x) == 1)
        centers[1, ] <- mean(x)
      if (is.null(dim(x)))
        bb <- matrix(x,
                     byrow = FALSE,
                     nrow = 1,
                     ncol = ncol(x))
        centers[1, ] <- apply(bb, 2, mean)
        centers[1, ] <- apply(x, 2, mean)

      x.2 <- sweep(x, 2, centers[1, ], "-")
      withins <- sum(x.2 ^ 2)
      wss <- sum(withins)

    ncg1 <- 1
    ncg1max <- max(cl1)
    while ((sum(cl1 == ncg1) == sum(cl2 == ncg1)) &&
           ncg1 <= ncg1max)
      ncg1 <- ncg1 + 1
    g1 <- ncg1

    ncg2 <- max(cl2)
    nc2g2 <- ncg2 - 1
    while ((sum(cl1 == nc2g2) == sum(cl2 == ncg2)) && nc2g2 >= 1)
      ncg2 <- ncg2 - 1
      nc2g2 <- nc2g2 - 1
    g2 <- ncg2

    NK <- sum(cl2 == g1)
    WK.x <- x[cl2 == g1, ]
    WK <- wss(x = WK.x)

    NL <- sum(cl2 == g2)
    WL.x <- x[cl2 == g2, ]
    WL <- wss(x = WL.x)

    NM <- sum(cl1 == g1)
    WM.x <- x[cl1 == g1, ]
    WM <- wss(x = WM.x)

    duda <- (WK + WL) / WM

    BKL <- WM - WK - WL
    pseudot2 <- BKL / ((WK + WL) / (NK + NL - 2))

    beale <-
      (BKL / (WK + WL)) / (((NM - 1) / (NM - 2)) * (2 ^ (2 / dim2) -

    results <-
        duda = duda,
        pseudot2 = pseudot2,
        NM = NM,
        NK = NK,
        NL = NL,
        beale = beale

  #                  #
  #       ccc        #
  #                  #

  Indices.WBT <- function(x, cl, P, s, vv)
    n <- dim(x)[1]
    pp <- dim(x)[2]
    qq <- max(cl)
    z <- matrix(0, ncol = qq, nrow = n)
    clX <- as.matrix(cl)

    for (i in 1:n)
      for (j in 1:qq)
        z[i, j] == 0
        if (clX[i, 1] == j)
          z[i, j] = 1

    xbar <- solve(t(z) %*% z) %*% t(z) %*% x
    B <- t(xbar) %*% t(z) %*% z %*% xbar
    W <- P - B

    R2 <- 1 - sum(diag(W)) / sum(diag(P))
    v1 <- 1
    u <- rep(0, pp)
    c <- (vv / (qq)) ^ (1 / pp)
    u <- s / c
    k1 <- sum((u >= 1) == TRUE)
    p1 <- min(k1, qq - 1)
    if (all(p1 > 0, p1 < pp))
      for (i in 1:p1)
        v1 <- v1 * s[i]
      c <- (v1 / (qq)) ^ (1 / p1)
      u <- s / c
      b1 <- sum(1 / (n + u[1:p1]))
      b2 <- sum(u[p1 + 1:pp] ^ 2 / (n + u[p1 + 1:pp]), na.rm = TRUE)
      E_R2 <-
        1 - ((b1 + b2) / sum(u ^ 2)) * ((n - qq) ^ 2 / n) * (1 + 4 /
      ccc <-
        log((1 - E_R2) / (1 - R2)) * (sqrt(n * p1 / 2) / ((0.001 +
                                                             E_R2) ^ 1.2))
    } else
      b1 <- sum(1 / (n + u))
      E_R2 <-
        1 - (b1 / sum(u ^ 2)) * ((n - qq) ^ 2 / n) * (1 + 4 / n)
      ccc <-
        log((1 - E_R2) / (1 - R2)) * (sqrt(n * pp / 2) / ((0.001 +
                                                             E_R2) ^ 1.2))
    results <- ccc

  #                                                                      #
  #                               Kl                                     #
  #                                                                      #

  Indices.Traces <- function(data, d, clall)
    x <- data
    cl0 <- clall[, 1]
    cl1 <- clall[, 2]
    cl2 <- clall[, 3]
    clall <- clall
    nb.cl0 <- table(cl0)
    nb.cl1 <- table(cl1)
    nb.cl2 <- table(cl2)
    nb1.cl0 <- sum(nb.cl0 == 1)
    nb1.cl1 <- sum(nb.cl1 == 1)
    nb1.cl2 <- sum(nb.cl2 == 1)

    gss <- function(x, cl, d)
      results <- list(wgss = NaN,
                      bgss = NaN,
                      centers = NaN)
      n <- length(cl)
      k <- max(cl)
      centers <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = ncol(x))
      for (i in 1:k)
        if (ncol(x) == 1)
          centers[i, ] <- mean(x[cl == i, ])
        if (is.null(dim(x[cl == i, ])))
          bb <- matrix(x[cl == i, ],
                       byrow = FALSE,
                       nrow = 1,
                       ncol = ncol(x))
          centers[i, ] <- apply(bb, 2, mean)
          centers[i, ] <- apply(x[cl == i, ,drop=FALSE], 2, mean)

      allmean <- apply(x, 2, mean)
      dmean <- sweep(x, 2, allmean, "-")
      allmeandist <- sum(dmean ^ 2)
      withins <- rep(0, k)
      x.2 <- (x - centers[cl, ]) ^ 2
      for (i in 1:k) {
        withins[i] <- sum(x.2[cl == i, ])
      wgss <- sum(withins)
      bgss <- allmeandist - wgss

      results <- list(wgss = wgss,
                      bgss = bgss,
                      centers = centers)

    vargss <- function(x, clsize, varwithins)
      nvar <- dim(x)[2]
      n <- sum(clsize)
      k <- length(clsize)
      varallmean <- rep(0, nvar)
      varallmeandist <- rep(0, nvar)
      varwgss <- rep(0, nvar)
      for (l in 1:nvar)
        varallmean[l] <- mean(x[, l])
      vardmean <- sweep(x, 2, varallmean, "-")
      for (l in 1:nvar) {
        varallmeandist[l] <- sum((vardmean[, l]) ^ 2)
        varwgss[l] <- sum(varwithins[, l])
      varbgss <- varallmeandist - varwgss
      vartss <- varbgss + varwgss
      zvargss <- list(vartss = vartss, varbgss = varbgss)
    varwithinss <- function(x, centers, cluster) {
      nrow <- dim(centers)[1]
      nvar <- dim(x)[2]
      varwithins <- matrix(0, nrow, nvar)
      x <- (x - centers[cluster, ]) ^ 2
      for (l in 1:nvar) {
        for (k in 1:nrow) {
          varwithins[k, l] <- sum(x[cluster == k, l])

    indice.kl <-
      function (x,
                d = NULL,
                centrotypes = "centroids") {
        if (nb1.cl1 > 0) {
          KL <- NA
        if (sum(c("centroids", "medoids") == centrotypes) == 0)
          stop("Wrong centrotypes argument")
        if ("medoids" == centrotypes && is.null(d))
          stop("For argument centrotypes = 'medoids' d cannot be null")
        if (!is.null(d)) {
          if (!is.matrix(d)) {
            d <- as.matrix(d)
          row.names(d) <- row.names(x)
        #if (is.null(dim(x))) {
        #	    dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
        m <- ncol(x)
        g <- k <- max(clall[, 2])
        KL <- abs((g - 1) ^ (2 / m) * gss(x, clall[, 1], d)$wgss -
                    g ^ (2 / m) * gss(x, clall[, 2], d)$wgss) / abs((g) ^
                                                                      (2 / m) *
                                                                      gss(x, clall[, 2], d)$wgss - (g + 1) ^
                                                                      (2 / m) *
                                                                      gss(x, clall[, 3], d)$wgss)

    return(indice.kl(x, clall, d))

  #                                                                      #
  #                             Silhouette                               #
  #                                                                      #

  Indice.S <- function (d, cl)
    d <- as.matrix(d)
    Si <- 0
    for (k in 1:max(cl)) {
      if ((sum(cl == k)) <= 1)
        Sil <- 1
      else {
        Sil <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(cl)) {
          if (cl[i] == k) {
            ai <- sum(d[i, cl == k]) / (sum(cl == k) - 1)
            dips <- NULL
            for (j in 1:max(cl))
              if (cl[i] != j)
                if (sum(cl == j) != 1)
                  dips <-
              cbind(dips, c((sum(d[i, cl == j])) / (sum(cl ==
              dips <- cbind(dips, c((sum(d[i, cl ==
            bi <- min(dips)
            Sil <- Sil + (bi - ai) / max(c(ai, bi))
      Si <- Si + Sil
    Si / length(cl)

  #                                                                      #
  #                              SD, sdbw, dunn                          #
  #                                                                      #

  Index.sdindex <- function(x, clmax, cl)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    Alpha <- Dis(clmax, x)
    Scatt <- Average.scattering(cl, x)$scatt
    Dis0 <- Dis(cl, x)
    SD.indice <- Alpha * Scatt + Dis0

  Index.SDbw <- function(x, cl)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    Scatt <- Average.scattering(cl, x)$scatt
    Dens.bw <- density.bw(cl, x)
    SDbw <- Scatt + Dens.bw

  #                                                                   #
  #                            Dunn index                             #
  #                                                                   #

  Index.dunn <-
             Data = NULL,
             method = "euclidean")
      distance <- as.matrix(md)
      nc <- max(clusters)
      interClust <- matrix(NA, nc, nc)
      intraClust <- rep(NA, nc)

      for (i in 1:nc)
        c1 <- which(clusters == i)
        for (j in i:nc) {
          if (j == i)
            intraClust[i] <- max(distance[c1, c1])
          if (j > i) {
            c2 <- which(clusters == j)
            interClust[i, j] <- min(distance[c1, c2])
      dunn <- min(interClust, na.rm = TRUE) / max(intraClust)

  # Methods to determine optimal number of classes
  # maximum difference to left side
  max.left <- function(indizes) {

    anzahl <- length(indizes)
    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])
    k.max <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[anzahl])

    diffs <- rep(0,anzahl-1)

    for (i in 1:anzahl-1) {
      diffs[i] <- indizes[i+1] - indizes[i]

    res <- which(diffs==max(diffs))[1]+k.min



  # Maximum difference to right side
  max.right <- function(indizes) {

    anzahl <- length(indizes)
    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])
    k.max <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[anzahl])

    diffs <- rep(0,anzahl-1)

    for (i in 1:anzahl-1) {
      diffs[i] <- indizes[i] - indizes[i+1]

    res <- which(diffs==max(diffs))[1]+k.min-1



  # Maximum of second differences
  max.second <- function(indizes) {

    anzahl <- length(indizes)
    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])
    k.max <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[anzahl])

    diffs <- rep(0,anzahl-2)

    for (i in 1:(anzahl-2)) {
      diffs[i] <- (indizes[i+2] - indizes[i+1]) - (indizes[i+1] - indizes[i])

    res <- which(diffs==max(diffs))[1]+k.min



  # Minimum of second differences
  min.second <- function(indizes) {

    anzahl <- length(indizes)
    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])
    k.max <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[anzahl])

    diffs <- rep(0,anzahl-2)

    for (i in 1:(anzahl-2)) {
      diffs[i] <- (indizes[i+2] - indizes[i+1]) - (indizes[i+1] - indizes[i])

    res <- which(diffs==min(diffs))[1]+k.min



  # Maximal index
  max.index <- function(indizes) {

    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])

    res <- which(indizes==max(indizes))[1]

    res <- res + k.min - 1



  # Minimal index
  min.index <- function(indizes) {

    k.min <- as.numeric(names(indizes)[1])

    res <- which(indizes==min(indizes))[1]

    res <- res + k.min - 1




  # Computation of operating numbers  ----
  res <- matrix(data = 0,
                nrow = range,
                ncol = length(indexnames))
  colnames(res) <- indexnames
  rownames(res) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)
  criticalValues <- matrix(data = 0,
                           nrow = range,
                           ncol = 3)
  colnames(criticalValues) <- c(indexnames[18:20])
  rownames(criticalValues) <- c(MinClusterNo:MaxClusterNo)

  if (any(indexn == 2) || indexn == all) {
    distdata <- count(data)

  for (i in 0:(range - 1)) {
    #temp <- rep(MinClusterNo+i,length(indexnames))
    #temp <- rep(MinClusterNo+i,4)

    temp1 <- rep(0, 14)
    temp2 <- list(Indicators = rep(0, 12),
                  criticalValues = rep(0, 3))
    if (any(indexn <= 14) || indexn == all) {
      clstemp <- clusters[, i + 1]
      center <- centers(clstemp)
      withins <- withinss(center, clstemp)
      size <- hist(clstemp, c(0, unique(clstemp)), plot = F)$counts
      clres <- list(
        centers = center,
        withinss = withins,
        size = size,
        cluster = clstemp

      zgss <- gss(data, clres$size, clres$withins)
      zttw <- ttww(data, clres$size, clres$cluster)

    #Indicators aus cclust
    if (any(indexn == 1) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 1] <- calinski(zgss, clres$size)
    if (any(indexn == 2) || indexn == all) {
      minmaxd <- maxmindist(clres$size, distdata)
      res[i + 1, 2] <- cindex(clres$withins, minmaxd,
    if (any(indexn == 3) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 3] <- db(clres$withins, clres$centers, clres$cluster)
    if (any(indexn == 4) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 4] <- hartigan(zgss)
    if (any(indexn == 5) || indexn == all) {
      varwithins <- varwithinss(data, clres$centers, clres$cluster)
      zvargss <- vargss(data, clres$size, varwithins)
      res[i + 1, 5] <- ratkowsky(zvargss, clres$size)
    if (any(indexn == 6) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 6] <- scott(zttw, clres$size)
    if (any(indexn == 7) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 7] <- marriot(zttw, clres$size)
    if (any(indexn == 8) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 8] <- ball(clres$withins, clres$size)
    if (any(indexn == 9) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 9] <- tracecovw(zttw)
    if (any(indexn == 10) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 10] <- tracew(zttw)
    if (any(indexn == 11) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 11] <- friedman(zttw)
    if (any(indexn == 12) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 12] <- rubin(zttw)
    if (any(indexn == 13) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 13] <- ssi(clres$centers, clres$size)$ssiw
    if (any(indexn == 14) || indexn == all) {
      res[i + 1, 14] <- xu(data, clres$size, zgss)
    # Operating numbers from NbClust
    if (any(indexn >= 15) || indexn == all) {

      jeu <- data
      nn <- numberObsAfter <- dim(jeu)[1]
      pp <- dim(jeu)[2]
      TT <- t(jeu) %*% jeu
      sizeEigenTT <- length(eigen(TT)$value)
      eigenValues <- eigen(TT / (nn - 1))$value

      # Only for indices using vv : CCC

      if (any(indexn == 16) || indexn == all)
      { try({
        for (i400 in 1:sizeEigenTT)
          if (eigenValues[i400] < 0) {
            #cat(paste("There are only", numberObsAfter,"nonmissing observations out of a possible", numberObsBefore ,"observations."))
              "The TSS matrix is indefinite. There must be too many missing values. The ClusterIndex cannot be calculated."
        s1 <- sqrt(eigenValues)
        ss <- rep(1, sizeEigenTT)
        for (i500 in 1:sizeEigenTT)
          if (s1[i500] != 0)
            ss[i500] = s1[i500]
        vv <- prod(ss)
      md <- dist(jeu, method = "euclidean")

      cl0 <- clusters2[, i + 1]
      cl1 <- clusters[, i + 1]
      cl2 <- clusters2[, i + 3]
      clmax <- clusters[, range]

      clall <- cbind(cl1, cl2)
      clall1 <- cbind(cl0, cl1, cl2)

    if (any(indexn == 15) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 15] <- Indices.Traces(jeu, md, clall1)
    if (any(indexn == 16) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 16]=NaN
      res[i + 1, 16] <- Indices.WBT(
        x = jeu,
        cl = cl1,
        P = TT,
        s = ss,
        vv = vv
    if (any(indexn == 17) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 17] <- Indice.S(d = md, cl = cl1)
    if (any(indexn == 18) ||
        any(indexn == 19) || any(indexn == 20) || indexn == all)      {
      temp <-     Indices.WKWL(x = jeu, cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2)

      res[i + 1, 18] <- temp$duda
      res[i + 1, 19] <- temp$pseudot2
      res[i + 1, 20] <- temp$beale
      NM <- temp$NM
      NK <- temp$NK
      NL <- temp$NL
      zz <- 3.20 # Best standard score in (Milligan and Cooper, 1985)
      zzz <- zz * sqrt(2 * (1 - 8 / ((pi ^ 2) * pp)) / (NM * pp))

      if (any(indexn == 18) || indexn == all)
        criticalValues[i + 1, 1] <- critValue <- 1 - (2 / (pi * pp)) - zzz

      if (any(indexn == 19) || indexn == all)
        critValue <- 1 - (2 / (pi * pp)) - zzz
        criticalValues[i + 1, 2] <-
          ((1 - critValue) / critValue) * (NK + NL - 2)


      if (any(indexn == 20) || indexn == all)
        df2 <- (NM - 2) * pp
        criticalValues[i + 1, 3] <- 1 - pf(temp$beale, pp, df2)

    if (any(indexn == 21) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 21] <- Indice.ptbiserial(x = jeu, md = md, cl1 = cl1)
    if (any(indexn == 22) || any(indexn == 23) || indexn == all)

      temp <- Index.15and28(cl1 = cl1,
                            cl2 = cl2,
                            md = md)
      res[i + 1, 22] <- temp$frey
      res[i + 1, 23] <- temp$mcclain

    if (any(indexn == 24) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 24] <- Index.dunn(md, cl1, Data = jeu, method = NULL)
    if (any(indexn == 25) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 25] <- Index.sdindex(jeu, clmax, cl1)
    if (any(indexn == 26) || indexn == all)
      res[i + 1, 26] <- Index.SDbw(jeu, cl1)

    if (!Silent) {
      message(paste0("Operating numbers for number of classes ",i+MinClusterNo," computed, highest number of classes: ",MaxClusterNo))


  if (!Silent) {
    message("Operating numbers computed, investigate optimal number of classes")

  # Determine optimal number of classes
  klassenanzahl <-
    matrix(data = 0,
           nrow = 1,
           ncol = length(indexnames))
  colnames(klassenanzahl) <- indexnames
  rownames(klassenanzahl) <- c("Recommended number of classes")

  if (any(indexn == 1) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[1] <- min.second(res[, 1])
  if (any(indexn == 2) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[2] <- max.second(res[, 2])
  if (any(indexn == 3) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[3] <- min.index(res[, 3])
  if (any(indexn == 4) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[4] <- min.second(res[, 4])
  if (any(indexn == 5) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[5] <- max.right(res[, 5])
  if (any(indexn == 6) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[6] <- max.left(res[, 6])
  if (any(indexn == 7) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[7] <- max.second(res[, 7])
  if (any(indexn == 8) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[8] <- max.second(res[, 8])
  if (any(indexn == 9) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[9] <- min.second(res[, 9])
  if (any(indexn == 10) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[10] <- max.second(res[, 10])
  if (any(indexn == 11) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[11] <- max.left(res[, 11])
  if (any(indexn == 12) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[12] <- min.second(res[, 12])
  if (any(indexn == 13) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[13] <- max.index(res[, 13])
  if (any(indexn == 14) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[14] <- max.second(res[, 14])
  if (any(indexn == 15) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[15] <- max.index(res[, 15])
  if (any(indexn == 16) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[16] <- max.index(res[, 16])
  if (any(indexn == 17) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[17] <- max.index(res[, 17])
  if (any(indexn == 18) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[18] <- NA
    flag <- FALSE
    c <- 0
    while (!flag) {
      if (res[c + 1, 18] >= criticalValues[c + 1, 1]) {
        flag <- TRUE
        klassenanzahl[18] <- c + MinClusterNo
      else if (c + MinClusterNo == MaxClusterNo) {
        flag <- TRUE
      c <- c + 1
  if (any(indexn == 19) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[19] <- NA
    flag <- FALSE
    c <- 0
    while (!flag) {
      if (res[c + 1, 19] <= criticalValues[c + 1, 2]) {
        flag <- TRUE
        klassenanzahl[19] <- c + MinClusterNo
      else if (c + MinClusterNo == MaxClusterNo) {
        flag <- TRUE
      c <- c + 1
  if (any(indexn == 20) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[20] <- NA
    flag <- FALSE
    c <- 0
    while (!flag) {
      if (criticalValues[c + 1, 3] >= alphabeale) {
        flag <- TRUE
        klassenanzahl[20] <- c + MinClusterNo
      else if (c + MinClusterNo == MaxClusterNo) {
        flag <- TRUE
      c <- c + 1
  if (any(indexn == 21) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[21] <- max.index(res[, 21])
  if (any(indexn == 22) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[22] <- 1
    flag <- FALSE
    c <- 0
    while (!flag) {
      if (res[c + 1, 22] < 1) {
        flag <- TRUE
        klassenanzahl[22] <- c + MinClusterNo - 1
      else if (c + MinClusterNo == MaxClusterNo) {
        flag <- TRUE
      c <- c + 1
  if (any(indexn == 23) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[23] <- min.index(res[, 23])
  if (any(indexn == 24) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[24] <- max.index(res[, 24])
  if (any(indexn == 25) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[25] <- min.index(res[, 25])
  if (any(indexn == 26) || indexn == all) {
    klassenanzahl[26] <- min.index(res[, 26])

  if (is.null(crits)) {
    criticalValues <- NA
  else if (length(crits) == 1) {
    criticalValues <- as.matrix(criticalValues[, crits])
    colnames(criticalValues) <- c(indexnames[18:20])[crits]
  else {
    criticalValues <- criticalValues[, crits]

  if (all(indexn != all)) {
    if (length(indexn) == 1) {
      res <- as.matrix(res[, indexn])
      colnames(res) <- indexnames[indexn]

    else {
      res <- res[, indexn]
    klassenanzahl <- as.matrix(klassenanzahl[, indexn])
    rownames(klassenanzahl) <- indexnames[indexn]
    colnames(klassenanzahl) <- c("Recommended number of classes")
  else {
    klassenanzahl <- t(klassenanzahl)

  if (!Silent) {
    message("Optimal number of classes per method investigated - END")
    cat=paste('Cluster No.',klassenanzahl)
          message('Colors added using the tail of DataVisualizations::DefaultColorSequence because number of colors was smaller than number of labels.')
      DataVisualizations::Fanplot(Datavector = cat,Names = unique(cat),Labels = unique(cat),main = 'Indicators for Cluster No.',MaxNumberOfSlices = SelectByABC,col = Colorsequence)
        title(sub=paste0('for ',Method),line=1)
          #DataVisualizations::Fanplot(Datavector = cat,Names = unique(cat),Labels = unique(cat),main = 'Indicators for Cluster No.',sub=paste0('for ',Method),MaxNumberOfSlices = SelectByABC,col = Colorsequence)

      stop('DataVisualizations package not loaded or installed.')
  resliste <- list(
    Indicators = res,
    ClusterNo = klassenanzahl,
    ClsMatrix = clusters,
    HierarchicalIndicators = criticalValues


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FCPS documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 5:06 p.m.