
Defines functions COMP_POLY_H COMP_MQ WH.plot_multiple_indivs WH.plot_multiple_Spanish.funs WH.MultiplePCA WH.1d.PCA

Documented in WH.1d.PCA WH.MultiplePCA WH.plot_multiple_indivs WH.plot_multiple_Spanish.funs

## 1v PCA for quantiles -------
# Principal components analysis  of histogram variable based on Wasserstein distance----
#' Principal components analysis  of histogram variable based on Wasserstein distance
#' @description The function implements a Principal components analysis of histogram variable
#' based on Wasserstein distance. It performs a centered (not standardized) PCA on a set of quantiles of a variable.
#' Being a distribution a multivalued description, the analysis performs a dimensional reduction and a visualization of distributions.
#' It is a 1d (one dimension) becuse it is considered just one histogram variable.
#' @param data A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH).
#' @param var An integer, the variable number.
#' @param quantiles An integer, it is the number of quantiles used in the analysis.
#' @param plots a logical value. Default=TRUE plots are drawn.
#' @param listaxes A vector of integers listing the axis for the 2d factorial reperesntations.
#' @param axisequal A logical value. Default TRUE, the plot have the same scale for the x and the y axes.
#' @param qcut  a number between 0.5 and 1, it is used for the plot of densities, and avoids very peaked densities.
#' Default=1, all the densities are considered.
#' @param outl a number between 0 (default)  and 0.5. For each distribution, is the amount of mass removed from the tails
#' of the distribution. For example, if 0.1, from each distribution is cut away a left tail and a right one each containing
#' the 0.1 of mass.

#' @return a list with the results of the PCA in the MFA format of package \pkg{FactoMineR} for function MFA
#' @references Verde, R.; Irpino, A.; Balzanella, A., "Dimension Reduction Techniques for Distributional Symbolic Data," Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1
#' doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2015.2389653
#' keywords: {Correlation;Covariance matrices;Distribution functions;Histograms;Measurement;Principal component analysis;Shape;Distributional data;Wasserstein distance;principal components analysis;quantiles},
#' \url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7024099&isnumber=6352949}
#' @details In the framework of symbolic data analysis (SDA), distribution-valued data
#' are defined as multivalued data, where each unit is described by a distribution
#' (e.g., a histogram, a density, or a quantile function) of a quantitative variable.
#'  SDA provides different methods for analyzing multivalued data. Among them, the most relevant
#'  techniques proposed for a dimensional reduction of multivalued quantitative variables is principal
#'  component analysis (PCA). This paper gives a contribution in this context of analysis.
#'  Starting from new association measures for distributional variables based on a peculiar metric
#'  for distributions, the squared Wasserstein distance, a PCA approach is proposed for distribution-valued data,
#'   represented by quantile-variables.
#' @examples
#' results <- WH.1d.PCA(data = BLOOD, var = 1, listaxes = c(1:2))
#' @importFrom FactoMineR PCA
#' @importFrom graphics plot abline axis hist plot.new plot.window polygon segments text title
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new rgb
#' @importFrom stats density quantile
#' @export
WH.1d.PCA <- function(data, var, quantiles = 10, plots = TRUE, listaxes = c(1:4), axisequal = FALSE, qcut = 1, outl = 0) {
  if (is(data)[1] != "MatH") {
    stop("Input data must be a MatH object (A matrix of histograms)")
  # Build the matrix of Quantiles
  VARS <- ncol(data@M)
  INDIV <- nrow(data@M)
  if ((qcut < 0.5) || (qcut > 1)) {
    qcut <- 1
  if ((outl < 0) || (outl > 0.5)) {
    outl <- 0
  if ((outl == 0.5)) {
    outl <- 0.49
  if (missing(var)) {
    var <- 1
    varname <- colnames(data@M)[1]
    cat(paste("Var is missing, We do a PCA on variable ", varname, "\n"))
  } else {
    if (length(var) > 1) {
      varname <- colnames(data@M)[var[1]]
      cat(paste("Var has several values, We do a PCA on variable -->", var[1], "\n"))
      var <- var[1]
    else {
      if (var > VARS) {
        stop(paste("The variables are less than ", var))
      else {
        varname <- colnames(data@M)[var]
        cat(paste("We do a PCA on variable ---> ", varname, "\n"))
  data <- data[, var]
  # check indiv and remove empty rows
  toremove <- numeric(0)
  for (i in 1:INDIV) {
    if (length(data@M[i, 1][[1]]@x) < 2) {
      toremove <- c(toremove, i)
  if (length(toremove) > 0) {
    data@M <- as.matrix(data@M[-toremove, 1])
  colnames(data@M) <- varname
  INDIV <- nrow(data@M)
  if (INDIV < 2) {
    stop("At least two individuals are necessary, please check data")

  # Create the quantile matrix
  MATQ <- matrix(0, nrow = INDIV, ncol = (quantiles + 1))
  if (outl == 0) {
    p <- c(0, 1:quantiles) / quantiles
    namec <- list("Min")
    for (j in 2:(quantiles)) {
      namec <- c(namec, paste0("Q(", format(p[j], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
    namec <- c(namec, "Max")
  else {
    p <- c(0, 1:quantiles) / quantiles * (1 - 2 * outl) + outl
    namec <- list(paste0("Q(", format(p[1], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
    for (j in 2:length(p)) {
      namec <- c(namec, paste0("Q(", format(p[j], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))

  for (i in 1:INDIV)
    for (j in 1:(quantiles + 1))
      MATQ[i, j] <- compQ(data@M[i, 1][[1]], p[j])
  rownames(MATQ) <- rownames(data@M)
  colnames(MATQ) <- namec

  # do a PCA
  vmeans <- numeric(0)
  vstds <- numeric(0)

  for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
    vmeans <- c(vmeans, data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@m)
    vstds <- c(vstds, data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@s)
  minM <- min(vmeans)
  maxM <- max(vmeans)
  minS <- min(vstds)
  maxS <- max(vstds)

  MATF <- cbind(MATQ / sqrt((quantiles + 1)), vmeans, vstds)
  res.pca <- PCA(MATF, quanti.sup = c((ncol(MATF) - 1), ncol(MATF)), scale.unit = FALSE, graph = F)

  VARW <- 0 # WH.var.covar(data)
  TOTINE <- sum(res.pca$eig[, 1])
  ## plotting PCA results ----------------
  if (plots) {
    # par(mfrow=c(1,1))
    # lt's define the couple of axes
    dev.new(noRStudioGD = FALSE)
    planes <- matrix(0, 1, 2)
    for (cc in 1:floor(length(listaxes) / 2)) {
      planes <- rbind(planes, c(listaxes[(cc * 2 - 1)], listaxes[(cc * 2)]))
    planes <- as.matrix(planes[-1, ])
    dim(planes) <- c(floor(length(listaxes) / 2), 2)
    if ((length(listaxes) %% 2) == 1) {
      planes <- rbind(planes, c(
        listaxes[(length(listaxes) - 1)],

    # plot Spanish-fan plot
    for (pl in 1:nrow(planes)) {
      axe1 <- planes[pl, 1]
      axe2 <- planes[pl, 2]

      labX <- paste("Axis ", axe1, " (", format(res.pca$eig[axe1, 2], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), "%)")
      labY <- paste("Axis ", axe2, " (", format(res.pca$eig[axe2, 2], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), "%)")
      CVAR <- res.pca$var$coord[, c(axe1, axe2)]

      if (axisequal) {
        xrange <- c(min(0, min(cbind(CVAR[, 1], CVAR[, 2]))), max(0, max(cbind(CVAR[, 1], CVAR[, 2]))))
        yrange <- xrange
        plot.window(xrange, yrange)
        title(xlab = labX)
        title(ylab = labY)

        #         plot(type="n",
        #              xlab=labX,ylab=labY)
        segments(xrange[1], 0, xrange[2], 0)
        segments(yrange[1], 0, yrange[2], 0)
      else {
          c(min(0, CVAR[, 1]), max(0, CVAR[, 1])),
          c(min(0, CVAR[, 2]), max(0, CVAR[, 2]))
        title(xlab = labX)
        title(ylab = labY)
        #       plot(c(min(0,CVAR[,1]),max(0,CVAR[,1])), c(min(0,CVAR[,2]),max(0,CVAR[,2])),type="n",
        #            xlab=labX,ylab=labY)Y)
        segments(min(0, CVAR[, 1]), 0, max(0, CVAR[, 1]), 0)
        segments(0, min(0, CVAR[, 2]), 0, max(0, CVAR[, 2]))
      title("PCA Variable plot (Spanish-fan plot)")
      if ((nrow(CVAR) %% 2) == 0) {
        centr <- nrow(CVAR) / 2
      } else {
        centr <- (nrow(CVAR) - 1) / 2
      centr <- nrow(CVAR) / 2
      cxl <- 0.8
      for (tr in 2:nrow(CVAR)) {
        centrality <- (abs(tr - centr - 1) / (centr - 1))

        # cat(centrality,"\n")
        x <- c(0, CVAR[(tr - 1), 1], CVAR[tr, 1], 0)
        y <- c(0, CVAR[(tr - 1), 2], CVAR[tr, 2], 0)
        red <- 1
        green <- centrality
        # cat(red,green,"\n")
        polygon(x, y, col = rgb(red, green, 0, 0.7), lty = 1, lwd = 1, border = "black")
      text(x = CVAR[1, 1], y = CVAR[1, 2], labels = colnames(MATQ)[1], cex = cxl)
      if (nrow(CVAR) < 8) {
        for (tr in 2:(nrow(CVAR) - 1)) {
          text(x = CVAR[tr, 1], y = CVAR[tr, 2], labels = colnames(MATQ)[tr], cex = cxl)
      else {
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) / 8)], cex = cxl
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 2 / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 2 / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 2 / 8)], cex = cxl
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 3 / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 3 / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 3 / 8)], cex = cxl
        text(x = CVAR[centr + 1, 1], y = CVAR[centr + 1, 2], labels = colnames(MATQ)[centr + 1], cex = cxl)
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 5 / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 5 / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 5 / 8)], cex = cxl
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 6 / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 6 / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 6 / 8)], cex = cxl
          x = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 7 / 8), 1], y = CVAR[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 7 / 8), 2],
          labels = colnames(MATQ)[ceiling(nrow(CVAR) * 7 / 8)], cex = cxl
        x = CVAR[nrow(CVAR), 1], y = CVAR[nrow(CVAR), 2],
        labels = colnames(MATQ)[ncol(MATQ)], cex = cxl
      axis(1, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=xM,labels=labX)
      axis(2, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=yM,labels=labY)
      dev.new(noRStudioGD = FALSE)

      # plot individuals

      # layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))

      xm <- min(res.pca$ind$coord[, axe1])
      xM <- max(res.pca$ind$coord[, axe1])
      ym <- min(res.pca$ind$coord[, axe2])
      yM <- max(res.pca$ind$coord[, axe2])
      Xlen <- xM - xm
      Ylen <- yM - ym

      # Compute scaling factor for domain
      matX <- matrix(0, 128, INDIV)
      matD <- matrix(0, 128, INDIV)
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        distr <- data@M[ind, 1][[1]]
        # generate 200 random points according to the QF
        rn <- 200
        xn <- c(rep(0, rn))
        random_no <- c(0:rn) / rn

        for (i in 1:rn) {
          xn[i] <- compQ(distr, random_no[i])
        d <- density(xn, n = 128)
        matX[, ind] <- d$x
        matD[, ind] <- d$y
      MinX <- min(matX)
      MaxX <- max(matX)
      RX <- MaxX - MinX
      q95D <- quantile(matD, probs = qcut)
      matD[matD > q95D] <- as.numeric(q95D)
      MaxD <- max(matD)

      meanXRange <- diff(range(apply(matX, 2, FUN = range)))
      xfact <- 0.3
      yfact <- 0.1
      if (axisequal) {
        xm1 <- min(xm, ym)
        xM1 <- max(xM, yM)
        ym1 <- xm1
        yM1 <- xM1
        Xlen <- xM1 - xm1
        Ylen <- yM1 - ym1
        xm <- (xM1 + xm1) / 2 - Xlen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * xfact)
        xM <- (xM1 + xm1) / 2 + Xlen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * xfact)
        ym <- (yM1 + ym1) / 2 - Ylen / 2 * (1 + 0.5 * yfact)
        yM <- (yM1 + ym1) / 2 + Ylen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * yfact)
      } else {
        xm1 <- xm
        xM1 <- xM
        ym1 <- ym
        yM1 <- yM
        xm <- (xM1 + xm1) / 2 - Xlen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * xfact)
        xM <- (xM1 + xm1) / 2 + Xlen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * xfact)
        ym <- (yM1 + ym1) / 2 - Ylen / 2 * (1 + 0.5 * yfact)
        yM <- (yM1 + ym1) / 2 + Ylen / 2 * (1 + 1.5 * yfact)
      dev.new(noRStudioGD = FALSE)
      plot.window(c(xm, xM), c(ym, yM))
      title(main = "PCA plot of distributions", sub = "Smoothed distributions")
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        x <- matX[, ind]
        y <- matD[, ind]
        x <- (x - data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@m) / meanXRange * xfact * Xlen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1]
        x <- c(x, x[length(x)], x[1])
        y <- c(y, 0, 0) / q95D * yfact * Ylen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2]
        polygon(x, y, col = rgb(1, 1, 0, 0.6))
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        text(res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1], res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2],
          label = rownames(MATQ)[ind], pos = 1, cex = 0.7
      axis(1, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=xM,labels=labX)
      axis(2, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=yM,labels=labY)
      segments(xm, 0, xM, 0)
      segments(0, ym, 0, yM)

      title(xlab = labX)
      title(ylab = labY)
      dev.new(noRStudioGD = FALSE)
      # plot.new()
      plot.window(c(xm, xM), c(ym, yM))
      title(main = "Coloured using the mean values")
      trasp <- 0.6

      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        x <- matX[, ind]
        y <- matD[, ind]
        x <- (x - data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@m) / meanXRange * xfact * Xlen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1]
        x <- c(x, x[length(x)], x[1])
        y <- c(y, 0, 0) / q95D * yfact * Ylen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2]
        red <- (data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@m - minM) / (maxM - minM)
        if (red > 0.5) {
          green <- 1 - red
          blue <- 0
        else {
          green <- 1 - red
          red <- 0
          blue <- 1 - green
        polygon(x, y, col = rgb(red, green, blue, trasp))
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        text(res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1], res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2],
          label = rownames(MATQ)[ind], pos = 1, cex = 0.7
      axis(1, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=xM,labels=labX)
      axis(2, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=yM,labels=labY)
      segments(xm, 0, xM, 0)
      segments(0, ym, 0, yM)

      abline(0, res.pca$quanti.sup$coord[1, 2] / res.pca$quanti.sup$coord[1, 1], lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = "red")
      title(xlab = labX)
      title(ylab = labY)
      dev.new(noRStudioGD = FALSE)
      plot.window(c(xm, xM), c(ym, yM))
      title(main = "Coloured using std values")
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        x <- matX[, ind]
        y <- matD[, ind]
        x <- (x - data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@s) / meanXRange * xfact * Xlen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1]
        x <- c(x, x[length(x)], x[1])
        y <- c(y, 0, 0) / q95D * yfact * Ylen + res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2]
        red <- (data@M[ind, 1][[1]]@s - minS) / (maxS - minS)
        if (red > 0.5) {
          green <- 1 - red
          blue <- 0
        else {
          green <- 1 - red
          red <- 0
          blue <- 1 - green
        polygon(x, y, col = rgb(red, green, blue, trasp))
      for (ind in 1:INDIV) {
        text(res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe1], res.pca$ind$coord[ind, axe2],
          label = rownames(MATQ)[ind], pos = 1, cex = 0.7
      axis(1, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=xM,labels=labX)
      axis(2, pos = 0, cex.axis = 0.7) # , at=yM,labels=labY)
      segments(xm, 0, xM, 0)
      segments(0, ym, 0, yM)

      abline(0, res.pca$quanti.sup$coord[2, 2] / res.pca$quanti.sup$coord[2, 1], lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = "red")

      title(xlab = labX)
      title(ylab = labY)
  return(list(PCAout = res.pca, WASSVARIANCE = VARW, INERTIA = TOTINE))
# Principal components analysis  of a set of histogram variables based on Wasserstein distance----
#' Principal components analysis  of a set of histogram variable based on Wasserstein distance
#' @description (Beta version) The function implements a Principal components analysis of a set of histogram variables
#' based on Wasserstein distance. It performs a centered (not standardized) PCA on a set of quantiles of a variable.
#' Being a distribution a multivalued description, the analysis performs a dimensional reduction and a visualization of distributions.
#' It is a 1d (one dimension) becuse it is considered just one histogram variable.
#' @param data A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH).
#' @param list.of.vars A list of  integers, the active variables.
#' @param quantiles An integer, it is the number of quantiles used in the analysis.
#' Default=10.
#' @param outl a number between 0 (default)  and 0.5. For each distribution, is the amount of mass removed from the tails
#' of the distribution. For example, if 0.1, from each distribution is cut away a left tail and a right one each containing
#' the 0.1 of mass.
#' @return a list with the results of the PCA in the MFA format of package \pkg{FactoMineR} for function MFA
#' @details It is an extension of WH.1d.PCA to the multiple case.
#' @importFrom FactoMineR MFA
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
## MFA PCA for quantiles -------
WH.MultiplePCA <- function(data, list.of.vars, quantiles = 10, outl = 0) {
  data <- data[, list.of.vars]
  VARS <- ncol(data@M)
  INDIV <- nrow(data@M)
  MATQ <- matrix(0, nrow = INDIV, ncol = VARS * (quantiles + 1))
  if ((outl < 0) || (outl > 0.5)) {
    outl <- 0
  if ((outl == 0.5)) {
    outl <- 0.49
  # browser()
  # create the names of the variables
  COLnames <- list()
  if (outl == 0) {
    p <- c(0, 1:quantiles) / quantiles
    for (v in 1:VARS) {
      namec <- list("Min")
      for (j in 2:(quantiles)) {
        namec <- c(namec, paste0("Q(", format(p[j], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
      namec <- c(namec, "Max")
      COLnames <- c(COLnames, paste(substr(colnames(data@M)[v], 1, 4), namec, sep = "."))
      for (i in 1:INDIV)
        # tmp=compQ_vect(data@M[i,v][[1]],p)
        for (j in 1:(quantiles + 1)) {
          MATQ[i, ((v - 1) * (quantiles + 1) + j)] <- compQ(data@M[i, v][[1]], p[j])
  else {
    p <- c(0, 1:quantiles) / quantiles * (1 - 2 * outl) + outl
    namec <- list(paste0("Q(", format(p[1], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
    for (j in 2:length(p)) {
      namec <- c(namec, paste0("Q(", format(p[j], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
    for (v in 1:VARS) {
      namec <- list(paste0("Q(", format(p[1], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
      for (j in 2:length(p)) {
        namec <- c(namec, paste0("Q(", format(p[j], digits = 2, nsmall = 2), ")"))
      COLnames <- c(COLnames, paste(substr(colnames(data@M)[v], 1, 4), namec, sep = "."))
      for (i in 1:INDIV)
        for (j in 1:(quantiles + 1)) {
          MATQ[i, ((v - 1) * (quantiles + 1) + j)] <- compQ(data@M[i, v][[1]], p[j])
  # COLnames=list();
  # for (v in 1:VARS){
  #   namec=list("Min")
  #   for (j in 2:(quantiles)){
  #     namec=c(namec,paste0("Q(",format(p[j], digits=2, nsmall=2),")"))
  #   }
  #   namec=c(namec, "Max")
  #   COLnames=c(COLnames, paste(substr(colnames(data@M)[v],1,4),namec,sep="."))
  #   for (i in 1:INDIV)
  #   {
  #     for (j in 1:(quantiles+1)){
  #       MATQ[i,((v-1)*(quantiles+1)+j)]=compQ(data@M[i,v][[1]],p[j])
  #     }
  #   }
  # }

  rownames(MATQ) <- rownames(data@M)
  colnames(MATQ) <- COLnames

  # do a MFA
  MATF <- cbind(MATQ / sqrt((quantiles + 1)))
  # check all columns
  for (cc in 1:ncol(MATF)) {
    if (sd(MATF[, cc]) < 1e-100) {
      MATF[, cc] <- MATF[, cc] + rnorm(nrow(MATF), 0, 1e-20)
  MFA.res <- MFA(MATF,
    group = c(rep(quantiles + 1, length(list.of.vars))), type = c(rep("c", length(list.of.vars))),
    ncp = 3, name.group = colnames(data@M), graph = TRUE
  # do Plots!!!!
  # plot Spanish-fan plot
  # plot individuals

# Plotting Spanish fun plots for Multiple factor analysis of Histogram Variables ----
#' Plotting Spanish fun plots for Multiple factor analysis of Histogram Variables
#' @description The function plots the circle of correlation of the quantiles
#' of the histogrma variables after a Multiple factor analysis.
#' @param res Results from WH.MultiplePCA, or WH.1D.PCA.
#' @param axes A list of  integers, the new factorial axes c(1,2) are the default.
#' @param var A list of integers are the variables to plot.
#' @param LABS Logical, if TRUE graph is labeled, otherwise it does not.
#' @param multi Logical, if TRUE (default) results come from a WH.MultiplePCA,
#'  if FALSE results come from WH.1D.PCA.
#' @param corplot Logical, if TRUE (default) the plot reports correlations, if FALSE
#' the coordinates of quantiles on the factorial plane
#' @return a plot of class ggplot
#' @examples
#' # Do a MultiplePCA on the BLOOD dataset
#' \dontrun{
#' res <- WH.MultiplePCA(BLOOD, list.of.vars = c(1:3))
#' }
#' # Plot results
#' \dontrun{
#' WH.plot_multiple_Spanish.funs(res, axes = c(1, 2), var = c(1:3))
#' }
#' @export
WH.plot_multiple_Spanish.funs <- function(res,
                                          axes = c(1, 2), var = 1, LABS = TRUE,
                                          multi = TRUE, corplot = TRUE) {
  # require(ggplot2)
  if (multi) {
    labX <- paste("Axis ", axes[1], " (", format(res$eig[axes[1], 2],
      digits = 2, nsmall = 2
    ), "%)")
    labY <- paste("Axis ", axes[2], " (", format(res$eig[axes[2], 2],
      digits = 2, nsmall = 2
    ), "%)")
  else {
    labX <- paste("Axis ", axes[1], " (", format(res$PCAout$eig[axes[1], 2],
      digits = 2, nsmall = 2
    ), "%)")
    labY <- paste("Axis ", axes[2], " (", format(res$PCAout$eig[axes[2], 2],
      digits = 2, nsmall = 2
    ), "%)")
  v1 <- numeric()
  v2 <- numeric()
  tt <- character()
  tt2 <- numeric()
  VA <- numeric()
  x1 <- numeric()
  x2 <- numeric()
  hj <- numeric()
  vj <- numeric()
  if (!multi) {
    var <- 1
  for (j in var) {

    # plot Spanish-fan plot
    if (multi) {
      els <- which(res$summary.quanti$group == j)
    else {
      els <- c(1:nrow(res$PCAout$var$coord))
    tmp_v1 <- numeric()
    tmp_v2 <- numeric()
    tmp_tt <- character()
    tmp_tt2 <- numeric()
    tmp_VA <- numeric()
    if (multi) {
      if (corplot) {
        CVAR <- res$global.pca$var$cor[els, c(axes[1], axes[2])]
      else {
        CVAR <- res$global.pca$var$coord[els, c(axes[1], axes[2])]
    else {
      if (corplot) {
        CVAR <- res$PCAout$var$cor[els, c(axes[1], axes[2])]
      else {
        CVAR <- res$PCAout$var$coord[els, c(axes[1], axes[2])]

    for (pp in 1:(nrow(CVAR) - 1)) {
      tmp_v1 <- c(tmp_v1, CVAR[pp, 1], 0, CVAR[pp + 1, 1], CVAR[pp, 1])
      tmp_v2 <- c(tmp_v2, CVAR[pp, 2], 0, CVAR[pp + 1, 2], CVAR[pp, 2])
      tmp_tt <- c(tmp_tt, paste(as.character(j), rep(as.character(pp), 4), sep = "_"))
      tmp_tt2 <- c(tmp_tt2, rep(pp, 4))
      tmp_VA <- c(tmp_VA, rep(j, 4))
    tmp_tt2 <- abs(tmp_tt2 - mean(tmp_tt2))
    tmp_tt2 <- 1 - tmp_tt2 / max(tmp_tt2)
    v1 <- c(v1, tmp_v1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    v2 <- c(v2, tmp_v2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    tt <- c(tt, tmp_tt, paste(as.character(j), rep(as.character(pp), 4), sep = "_"))
    tt2 <- c(tt2, tmp_tt2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    tmp_VA <- c(tmp_VA, rep(j, 4))
    VA <- c(VA, tmp_VA)
    x1 <- c(x1, CVAR[, 1])
    x2 <- c(x2, CVAR[, 2])

  d <- data.frame(v1 = v1, v2 = v2, tt = tt, tt2 = tt2, VA = VA)
  # CVAR=res$global.pca$var$cor[,c(axes[1],axes[2])]
  txt_lab <- data.frame(v1 = x1, v2 = x2, hj = (-sign(x1) + 1) / 2, vj = (-sign(x2) + 1) / 2)
  ### the circle of correlation
  angle <- seq(-pi, pi, length = 250)
  x_c <- sin(angle)
  y_c <- cos(angle)
  df <- data.frame(x_c = x_c, y_c = y_c)
  l1 <- data.frame(x = c(-1.2, 1.2), y = c(0, 0))
  l2 <- data.frame(x = c(0, 0), y = c(-1.2, 1.2))

  p <- ggplot(d, aes(x = v1, y = v2)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = tt, fill = as.factor(VA), alpha = tt2), colour = "grey30")
  if (LABS == TRUE) {
    p <- p + geom_text(data = txt_lab, aes(
      x = v1, y = v2,
      label = rownames(txt_lab),
      hjust = hj, vjust = vj
  if (corplot) {
    p <- p + xlim(-1.2, 1.2) + ylim(-1.2, 1.2) +
      ggtitle("Correlation plot of variables (Spanish-fan plot)")
  else {
    XL <- range(d$v1)
    XL <- (XL - mean(XL)) * 1.2 + mean(XL)
    YL <- range(d$v2)
    YL <- (YL - mean(YL)) * 1.2 + mean(YL)
    p <- p + xlim(XL) + ylim(YL) +
      ggtitle("Plot of variables (Spanish-fan plot)")

  p <- p + theme_bw() +
    xlab(labX) + ylab(labY) +
    theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (corplot) {
    p <- p + coord_fixed(ratio = 1)
  p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  if (corplot) {
    p <- p + geom_path(data = df, aes(x = x_c, y = y_c), inherit.aes = F, linetype = 2)
  p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)



# Plot histograms of individuals after a  Multiple factor analysis of Histogram Variables ----
#'  Plot histograms of individuals after a  Multiple factor analysis of Histogram Variables
#' @description (Beta version) The function plots histogram data of the individuals for a particular
#' variable on a factorial palne after a Multiple factor analysis.
#' @param data a MatH object
#' @param res Results from WH.MultiplePCA.
#' @param axes A list of  integers, the new factorial axes c(1,2) are the default.
#' @param indiv A list of objects (rows) of data to plot. Default=0 all the objects of data.
#' @param var An integer indicating an original histogrma variable to plot.
#' @param strx a resizing factor for the domain of histograms (default=0.1 means
#' that each distribution has a support that is one tenth of the spread of the x axis)
#' @param stry a resizing factor for the density of histograms (default=0.1 means
#' that each distribution has a density that is one tenth of the spread of the y axis)
#' @param HISTO a logical value. Default=TRUE plots histograms, FALSE plot smooth densities.
#' @param coor (optional) if 0 (Default) takes the coordinates in res, if a a matrix is passed the coordinates are those passed
#' @param stat (optional) if 'mean'(Default) a plot of individuals labeled by the means is produced.
#' Otherwise if 'std', 'skewness' or 'kurtosis', data are labeled with this statistic.
#' @return a plot of class ggplot
#' @examples
#' # Do a MultiplePCA on the BLOOD dataset
#' \dontrun{
#' #' results=WH.MultiplePCA(BLOOD,list.of.vars = c(1:3))
#' # Plot histograms of variable 1 of BLOOD dataset on the first
#' # factorial plane showing histograms
#' WH.plot_multiple_indivs(BLOOD, results,
#'   axes = c(1, 2), var = 1, strx = 0.1,
#'   stry = 0.1, HISTO = TRUE
#' )
#' # Plot histograms of variable 1 of BLOOD dataset on the first
#' # factorial plane showing densities
#' WH.plot_multiple_indivs(BLOOD, results,
#'   axes = c(1, 2), var = 1, strx = 0.1,
#'   stry = 0.1, HISTO = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' @export
WH.plot_multiple_indivs <- function(data, res, axes = c(1, 2), indiv = 0, var = 1,
                                    strx = 0.1, stry = 0.1, HISTO = TRUE, coor = 0,
                                    stat = "mean") {
  # require(ggplot2)

  if (indiv[1] == 0) {
    el_ind <- c(1:get.MatH.nrows(data))
  } else {
    el_ind <- indiv
  if (length(coor) == 1) {
    coord <- res$ind$coord[el_ind, axes]
  } else {
    coord <- coor
  # browser()

  if (HISTO) {
    x <- numeric()
    y <- numeric()
    ID_O <- numeric()
    minx <- numeric()
    mea <- numeric()
    rmax <- -Inf
    for (i in el_ind) {
      tmp_r <- max(data@M[i, var][[1]]@x) - data@M[i, var][[1]]@x[1] + 1e-100
      mm <- data@M[i, var][[1]]@m
      if (tmp_r > rmax) {
        rmax <- tmp_r
      vv <- COMP_POLY_H(data@M[i, var][[1]])
      x <- c(x, min(vv$x), vv$x, max(vv$x))
      y <- c(y, 0, vv$y, 0)
      ID_O <- c(ID_O, rep(i, length(vv$x) + 2))
      mea <- c(mea, rep(mm, length(vv$x) + 2))
      minx <- c(minx, rep(min(vv$x), length(vv$x) + 2))
  } else {
    # compute densities
    pt <- 300
    x <- numeric()
    y <- numeric()
    ID_O <- numeric()
    minx <- numeric()
    mea <- numeric()
    rmax <- -Inf

    for (i in el_ind) {
      vals <- COMP_MQ(data@M[i, var][[1]], Mp = c(0:pt) / pt)
      mm <- data@M[i, var][[1]]@m
      tmp_r <- max(vals) - min(vals)
      if (tmp_r > rmax) {
        rmax <- tmp_r
      vv <- density(vals, n = 128, from = min(vals), to = max(vals))
      x <- c(x, min(vv$x), vv$x, max(vv$x))
      y <- c(y, 0, vv$y, 0)
      ID_O <- c(ID_O, rep(i, length(vv$x) + 2))
      mea <- c(mea, rep(mm, length(vv$x) + 2))
      minx <- c(minx, rep(min(vals), length(vv$x) + 2))

    ### end of compute density
  ID_o <- ID_O
  x_o <- x
  y_o <- y
  ALL_OBJ <- data.frame(x_o = x_o, y_o = y_o, ID_o = ID_o, minx = minx, mea = mea)
  limX <- range(ALL_OBJ$x_o)

  EXTRY <- quantile(ALL_OBJ$y_o, probs = 0.995)
  # bisogna traslare ogni oggetto e scalarlo
  # scaliamo gli oggetti tra 0 e 1
  ALL_OBJ$x <- (ALL_OBJ$x_o - minx) / (rmax)
  # tagliamo picchi eccessivi
  limY <- quantile(ALL_OBJ$y_o, probs = 0.99)
  ALL_OBJ$y <- ALL_OBJ$y_o / limY
  # ogni oggetto va traslato e rimpicciolito di un fattore strech x strech y
  dim1MAX <- max(coord[, 1])
  dim1Min <- min(coord[, 1])
  rX <- (dim1MAX - dim1Min)
  dim2MAX <- max(coord[, 2])
  dim2Min <- min(coord[, 2])
  rY <- (dim2MAX - dim2Min)
  cc <- 0
  for (i in el_ind) {
    cc <- cc + 1
    xc <- coord[cc, 1]
    yc <- coord[cc, 2]
    tmp_x <- ALL_OBJ$x_o[which(ALL_OBJ$ID_o == i)]
    tmp_y <- ALL_OBJ$y_o[which(ALL_OBJ$ID_o == i)]
    tmp_x <- tmp_x * strx * rX
    tmp_y <- tmp_y * stry * rY
    tmp_x <- (tmp_x - mean(tmp_x)) + xc
    tmp_y <- tmp_y + yc
    ALL_OBJ$x_o[which(ALL_OBJ$ID_o == i)] <- tmp_x
    ALL_OBJ$y_o[which(ALL_OBJ$ID_o == i)] <- tmp_y

  title <- paste(
    "Plot of individuals: distributions for variable",
  labX <- paste("Axis ", axes[1], " (", format(res$eig[axes[1], 2],
    digits = 2, nsmall = 2
  ), "%)")
  labY <- paste("Axis ", axes[2], " (", format(res$eig[axes[2], 2],
    digits = 2, nsmall = 2
  ), "%)")

  colnames(coord) <- c("x", "y")
  coord <- as.data.frame(coord)
  p <- ggplot(data = ALL_OBJ, aes(x = x_o, y = y_o)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = ID_o, fill = as.factor(ID_o), alpha = 0.4), colour = "black") +
    geom_point(data = coord, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
      data = coord,
        x = x, y = y, label = rownames(coord),
        hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1
    ) +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab(labX) +
    ylab(labY) +
    ggtitle(title) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
  ### add a line for mean snd sd
  Ms <- get.MatH.stats(data[el_ind, var], stat = stat)$mat
  # SD=get.MatH.stats(data[el_ind,var],stat="std")$mat
  # Skew=get.MatH.stats(data[el_ind,var],stat="std")$mat
  # kurtH()=get.MatH.stats(data[el_ind,var],stat="std")$mat
  ### print a plot with means

  coord <- cbind(coord, Ms)
  colnames(coord)[[3]] <- stat

  p2 <- ggplot(ALL_OBJ, aes(x = x_o, y = y_o)) +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red") +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = ID_o, fill = mea, alpha = 0.4), colour = "black") +
    geom_point(data = coord, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    theme_bw() +
      data = coord,
        x = x, y = y,
        label = format(mean, digits = 1, nsmall = 2),
        hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1
    ) +
    xlab(labX) +
    ylab(labY) +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "each label is the ", stat, ".")) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0)

  #+ geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = cor(coord)[1,3]*sd(coord$x),linetype=2)
  # browser()

  return(pp = list(p, p2))

COMP_MQ <- function(object, Mp) {
  res <- numeric()
  n <- length(Mp)

  for (i in 1:n) {
    p <- Mp[i]
    # Check for errors
    if (p < 0 || p > 1) stop("p must be a value between 0 and 1")

    if (p <= 0) {
      q <- object@x[1]
    } else {
      if (p >= 1) {
        q <- object@x[length(object@x)]
      else {
        ini <- max(object@x[object@p <= p])
        pos1 <- which.max(object@x[object@p <= p])
        pos2 <- pos1 + 1
        fin <- object@x[pos2]
        if (ini == fin) {
          q <- ini
        else {
          q <- ini + (object@x[pos2] - object@x[pos1]) * (p - object@p[pos1]) / (object@p[pos2] - object@p[pos1])
      res <- c(res, q)

COMP_POLY_H <- function(object) {
  # browser()
  x <- object@x[1]
  y <- 0
  if (length(object@x) < 2) {
    x <- c(x, x, x)
    y <- c(y, 1, 0)
  else {
    for (i in 2:length(object@x)) {
      tmp_dens <- (object@p[i] - object@p[i - 1]) / (object@x[i] - object@x[i - 1] + 1e-100)
      x <- c(x, object@x[i - 1], object@x[i])
      y <- c(y, tmp_dens, tmp_dens)
    x <- c(x, object@x[length(object@x)])
    y <- c(y, 0)

  return(res = data.frame(x = x, y = y))

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HistDAWass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.