
Defines functions goftest .get_gof_stats

Documented in goftest

.get_gof_stats <- function(projectors, rawstatempdist, 
                           ) {
  stats <- unique(unlist(lapply(projectors, attr, which="stats"))) ## all stats used by all projectors
  rawstatempdist <- rawstatempdist[,stats, drop=FALSE] # some simulated raw stats might not have been used in the projections
  ## We need to check for linear redundancies in the raw stats 
  rawstatempdist <- check_raw_stats(rawstatempdist,statNames = stats,remove = TRUE, verbose=0.5) # silent if not problem detected, but still verbose otherwise
  stats <- colnames(rawstatempdist)
  projnames <- ls(projectors)
  #allranger <- all(sapply(projnames, function(v) inherits( projectors[[v]],"ranger")))
  imp_methods <- unlist(lapply(projnames, function(v) projectors[[v]]$"importance"))
  if (length(imp_methods)==length(projnames)) {
    if (length(u_imp <- unique(imp_methods))==1L) {
      if ( ! u_imp %in% c("impurity_corrected","permutation")) {
        warning("Importance method not 'permutation' (preferred) nor 'impurity_corrected': user is responsible to make sure that GoF test will be meaningful.",
      } # In particular, the importance measure must indeed increase with importance...
    } else stop("Different importance methods used for different projectors, cannot be used together for GoF test.")
  } else stop("Variable importance method not found for all projectors.")
  # rel_imps are importances for each projector, standardized by the RMSE of oob prediction for each projector
  rel_imps <- try(lapply(projnames, function(v) importance_fn(projectors[[v]])/projectors[[v]]$prediction.error), silent=TRUE)
  if ( ! inherits(rel_imps,"try-error")) { 
    for (it in seq_along(rel_imps)) rel_imps[[it]] <- rel_imps[[it]][intersect(names(rel_imps[[it]]),stats)]
    rel_imps <- do.call(unlist,list(rel_imps)) # list() important here...
    nr <- nrow(rawstatempdist)
    gdim <- gdimfn(nr=nr, nstats=length(stats))
    # find the minimum importance of each raw stat over projectors, and sort raw stats by increasing importance:
    stats <- names(head(sort(sapply(unique(names(rel_imps)), 
                                    function(v) {min(rel_imps[grep(v, names(rel_imps), fixed=TRUE)] )})),
                        n = gdim))

goftest <- function(object, nsim=99L, method="", stats=NULL, plot.=TRUE,
                    nb_cores=NULL, Simulate=attr(object$logLs,"Simulate"),
                    packages=attr(object$logLs,"packages"), env=attr(object$logLs,"env"),
) {
  feasible <- FALSE
  stat_obs <- t(attr(object$logLs,"stat.obs"))
  if (method=="mixture") { # Result won't be a valid test of goodness of fit !
    statdens <- .conditional_Rmixmod(object$jointdens,#fittedPars=object$colTypes$statNames,
                                     given=object$MSL$MSLE, expansion=1) # stat dens|ML parameter estimates
    plotmain <- "Obs. vs. mixture model"
    statempdist <- .simulate.MixmodResults(statdens, nsim=1L, size=nsim, drop=TRUE) # directly in projected space
    plotframe <- as.data.frame(rbind(statempdist,stat_obs))
  } else { # actual method: requires resimulation of processus
    if (is.null(Simulate)) {
      stop("'Simulate' function no available. Hint: its default value in goftest() call\n     assumes it was made available through the original add_reftable() call.")
    MSLErep <- t(object$MSL$MSLE)
    MSLErep <- as.data.frame(MSLErep[rep(1,nsim),])
    MSLErep <- cbind(MSLErep,object$colTypes$fixedPars) ## add fixedPars for simulation
    MSLErep <- MSLErep[,object$colTypes$allPars,drop=FALSE] ## column reordering and remove polluting things (cumul_iter in fixedPars!: _F I X M E_)
    if (inherits(object,"SLik_j")) {
      rawstatempdist <- add_reftable(Simulate=Simulate, par.grid=MSLErep, verbose=verbose,
                                nb_cores=nb_cores, packages=packages$add_simulation, env=env,
    } else {
      rawstatempdist <- add_simulation(Simulate=Simulate, par.grid=MSLErep,verbose=verbose,
                                  nb_cores=nb_cores, packages=packages$add_simulation, env=env,
    rawstatempdist <- na.omit(rawstatempdist)
    if ( ! is.null(projectors <- object$projectors)) {
      plotmain <- "Obs. vs. process: summ.stat. residuals."
      feasible <- TRUE
      statempdist <- project(rawstatempdist,projectors=projectors) # if composite param were fitted, the projectors are predictors of composite params
      statempdist <- as.matrix(statempdist[,object$colTypes$statNames,drop=FALSE])
      # A good GoF stats should be defined by consideration of some alternative model, but this concept is not available here
      if (is.null(stats)) stats <- .get_gof_stats(projectors, rawstatempdist=rawstatempdist) # trying to get variable with least importance
      if (verbose) cat(paste("The following raw summary statistics were retained for the GoF test:\n",
                                  paste(stats,collapse=", "),"\n"))
      rawstatempdist <- rawstatempdist[,stats,drop=FALSE]
      statsFitToProj <- qr.solve(statempdist,rawstatempdist) # regression to projected stats (potentially predictors of composite params)
      colnames(statsFitToProj) <- stats
      gofStats <- rawstatempdist - statempdist %*% statsFitToProj # residuals from fit to projected stats
      gofObsStat <- attr(stat_obs,"raw_data")[stats] - stat_obs %*% statsFitToProj # residuals idem
      plotframe <- as.data.frame(rbind(gofStats,gofObsStat))
      colnames(plotframe) <- paste0("Res(",colnames(plotframe),")")
    } else {
      plotmain <- "Obs. vs. process"
      statempdist <- rawstatempdist[,plot.,drop=FALSE]
      plotframe <- as.data.frame(rbind(statempdist,stat_obs))
  # interpret plot. as character strings belonging to colnames(plotframe):
  plotnames <- colnames(plotframe)
  if (is.logical(plot.)) {
    if (plot.) {
      plot. <- plotnames[seq(min(8L,length(plotnames)))]
    } else plot. <- c()
  } else if (is.character(plot.)) {
    plot. <- intersect(plot., plotnames)
  } else if (is.numeric(plot.)) { # simplest way to force more than 8:
    plot. <- plotnames[plot.]
  if (length(plot.)) {
    if (length(plot.)<length(plotnames)) message(paste0("Plotting ",length(plot.)," GoF statistics out of ", length(plotnames),":"))
  if (feasible) {
    safe_nbCluster <- get_nbCluster_range(projdata=gofStats) # this checks that one cluster (or more) can be fitted (.get_gof_stats() presumably handles that, but it provides only a default value.)
    using <- Infusion.getOption("mixturing")
    gofStats <- as.data.frame(gofStats)
    if (using=="mclust") {
      if ( ! "package:mclust" %in% search()) stop("'mclust' should be loaded first.")
      models <- vector("list",length(safe_nbCluster))
      for (it in seq_along(safe_nbCluster)) {
        models[[it]] <- .do_call_wrap("densityMclust",
                                           G=safe_nbCluster[it], verbose=FALSE),
      gofdens <- .get_best_mclust_by_IC(models) 
    } else {
      gofdens <- .do_call_wrap("mixmodCluster",list(data=gofStats, 
      gofdens <- .get_best_mixmod_by_IC(gofdens) 
    solve_t_chol_sigma <- lapply(gofdens@parameters["variance"], function(mat) solve(t(chol(mat))))
    emp_logLs <- predict(gofdens,newdata=gofStats,solve_t_chol_sigma=solve_t_chol_sigma,log=TRUE) ## pas de binFactor!
    obs_logL <- predict(gofdens,newdata =gofObsStat,solve_t_chol_sigma=solve_t_chol_sigma,log=TRUE)
    pval <- (sum(obs_logL>emp_logLs)+1L)/(nsim+1L)
  } else {
    message("No feasible test")

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Infusion documentation built on May 3, 2023, 5:10 p.m.