
Defines functions PermutationPairSummary PermutationCountSummary HistogramPairs MarginalEffectsGraph MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe InteractionCoefficientGraph PlotFoldOverlapUpSet pvalCoefVolcano PlotPairFlat PlotPair BuildDataAndLines DistRSquared PValueBoxPlots DistPvalues PlotPCA PlotDistributions

Documented in BuildDataAndLines DistPvalues DistRSquared HistogramPairs InteractionCoefficientGraph MarginalEffectsGraph MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe PermutationCountSummary PermutationPairSummary PlotDistributions PlotFoldOverlapUpSet PlotPair PlotPairFlat PlotPCA pvalCoefVolcano PValueBoxPlots

#' Get some stats after reading in data
#' @param inputData IntLimObject output of ReadData()
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer (TRUE) or
#' in Shiny/Knittr (FALSE)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @export
PlotDistributions <- function(inputData,viewer=TRUE, palette="Set1"){
  . <- c()
  if (length(palette) == 2) {
    cols <- c(palette)
  else if (length(palette) == 1) {
    cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, palette)[1:2]
  else {
    stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors of size 2")
  g <- NULL
  m <- NULL
  p <- NULL
  boxplotOptions <- list(
    fillColor = '#ffffff',
    lineWidth = 2,
    medianColor = '#000000',
    medianWidth = 2,
    stemColor = '#000000',
    stemDashStyle = 'dot',
    stemWidth = 1,
    whiskerColor = '#000000',
    whiskerLength = '20%',
    whiskerWidth = 3)
    # Compute boxplot statistics for analyte type 1.
    type1Data <- inputData@analyteType1
    toplot <- suppressMessages(reshape2::melt(type1Data))
    df <- data.frame(value = toplot$value, by = toplot$Var2)
    stats <- lapply(sort(unique(df$by)), function(grp){
      return(grDevices::boxplot.stats(df$value[which(df$by == grp)]))
    bxps <- lapply(stats, function(stat){
    # Construct output.
    outsList <- lapply(seq(length(unique(df$by))), function(x) {
      y <- stats[[x]]
      d <- data.frame()
      if (length(y$out) > 0)
        d <- data.frame(x = x - 1, y = y$out)
    outs <- do.call(rbind, outsList)
    outs <- data.frame(outs, 'z' = colnames(type1Data)[outs$x + 1])
    z <- outs$z
    # To try to get the analyte names of outliers, would have to go back and get 
    # the analyte names from original data frame and put htem in outs$color
    g <- highcharter::highchart(width = 750, height = 750 )
    g <- highcharter::hc_title(g, text = "Analyte Type 1 Levels",
                            style = list(color = '#2E1717',
                                         fontWeight = 'bold', fontSize = "20px"))
    g <- highcharter::hc_plotOptions(g, boxplot = boxplotOptions)
    g <- highcharter::hc_add_series(g, data = bxps,name = "Analyte Type 1 Levels", type="boxplot",
    g <- highcharter::hc_add_series(g, data=highcharter::list_parse(outs),name = "Analyte Type 1 Levels",
                                 tooltip = list(headerFormat = "",
                                                pointFormat = "{point.z} <br/> {point.y}",
                                                showInLegend = FALSE))
    g <- highcharter::hc_yAxis(g, title = list(text = "Levels",
                                         style = list(fontSize = "13px")),
                            labels = list(format = "{value}"))
    g <- highcharter::hc_xAxis(g, categories = colnames(type1Data))
    g <- highcharter::hc_tooltip(g, valueDecimals = 2)
    g <- highcharter::hc_exporting(g, enabled = TRUE)
    # Compute boxplot statistics for analyte type 2.
    type2Data <- inputData@analyteType2
    toplot <- suppressMessages(reshape2::melt(type2Data))
    df <- data.frame(value = toplot$value, by = toplot$Var2)
    stats <- lapply(sort(unique(df$by)), function(grp){
      return(grDevices::boxplot.stats(df$value[which(df$by == grp)]))
    bxps <- lapply(stats, function(stat){
    # Construct output.
    outsList <- lapply(seq(length(unique(df$by))), function(x) {
      y <- stats[[x]]
      d <- data.frame()
      if (length(y$out) > 0)
        d <- data.frame(x = x - 1, y = y$out)
    outs <- do.call(rbind, outsList)
    outs <- data.frame(outs, 'z' = colnames(type2Data)[outs$x + 1])
    z <- outs$z
    m <- highcharter::highchart(width = 750, height = 750 )
    m <- highcharter::hc_title(m, text = "Analyte Type 2 Levels",
                            style = list(color = '#2E1717',
                                         fontWeight = 'bold', fontSize = "20px"))
    m <- highcharter::hc_plotOptions(m, boxplot = boxplotOptions)
    m <- highcharter::hc_add_series(m, data = bxps,name = "Analyte Type 2 Levels",
    m <- highcharter::hc_add_series(m, data=highcharter::list_parse(outs),name = "Analyte Type 2 Levels",
                                 tooltip = list(headerFormat = "", 
                                                pointFormat = "{point.z} <br/> {point.y}",
                                                showInLegend = FALSE))
    m <- highcharter::hc_yAxis(m, title = list(text = "Levels",
                                         style = list(fontSize = "13px")),
                            labels = list(format = "{value}"))
    m <- highcharter::hc_xAxis(m, categories = colnames(type2Data))
    m <- highcharter::hc_tooltip(m, valueDecimals = 2)
    m <- highcharter::hc_exporting(m, enabled = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(g) & !is.null(m)){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-
        htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(g, m, ncol = 2, rowheight = 550))
    else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(g, m)
  } else if(!is.null(g)){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-
        htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(g, ncol = 1, rowheight = 550))
    else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(g)
  } else if(!is.null(m)){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-
        htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(m, ncol = 1, rowheight = 550))
    else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(m)

#' PCA plots of data for QC
#' @param inputData IntLimObject output of ReadData()
#' @param stype category to color-code by (can be more than two categories)
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer (TRUE) or
#' in Shiny/Knittr (FALSE)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @export
PlotPCA <- function(inputData,viewer=TRUE,stype="",palette = "Set1") {
  if(is.numeric(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]) == TRUE) {
    mytype <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]
  else {
    mytype <- as.character(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])
    numcateg <- length(unique(mytype))
    if(length(palette) >= 2) {
      cols <- palette
    else {
      if(numcateg == 1) {
        if(length(palette)==1) {
          cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, palette)[1]
        else {
          stop("palette should be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of colors")
      else if (numcateg == 2) {
        if(length(palette)==1) {
          cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, palette)[1:2]
        else {
          stop("palette should be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of colors")
      else if (numcateg > 2) {
        if(length(palette)==1) {
          cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(numcateg, palette)
        else {
          stop("palette should be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of colors")
      else {
        stop("There are no values in your 'stype' column")
  p <- NULL
  pg <- NULL
  pm <- NULL
  if(length(inputData@analyteType1)>0 && length(inputData@analyteType2)>0){
    if(is.numeric(mytype) == TRUE) {
      mpca <- stats::prcomp(t(inputData@analyteType1),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      gpca <- stats::prcomp(t(inputData@analyteType2),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      # Set colors.
      bin_count <- 100
      # Make sure the spacing is even. We need to do this using seq.
      intervals <- seq(min(mytype), max(mytype),
                       by = (max(mytype) - min(mytype)) / (bin_count - 1))
      subject_color_scale <- findInterval(mytype, intervals)
      pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#89CFF0", "#002366"))(bin_count+1)
      mycols <-pal[subject_color_scale]
      gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot)
      pg <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350 )
      pg <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pg, data=gds,type="scatter",
                                       tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
      mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot)
      pm <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      pm <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pm, data=mds,type="scatter",
                                       tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
      pm <- highcharter::hc_colorAxis(pm, min=min(mytype), max=max(mytype), 
                                      minColor = "#89CFF0", maxColor = "#002366")
    } else {
      type1 <- inputData@analyteType1
      type2 <- inputData@analyteType2
      alltype <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]
      uniqtypes <- unique(alltype)
      mycols <- as.character(alltype)
      for (i in 1:uniqtypes) {
        mycols[which(alltype==uniqtypes[i])] <- cols[i]
      gpca <- stats::prcomp(t(type1),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      mpca <- stats::prcomp(t(type2),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot)
      gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot)
      pg <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      pm <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      for (i in 1:length(uniqtypes)) {
        mytype <- unique(alltype)[i]
        gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot[which(gtoplot$label==mytype),])
        pg <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pg, data=gds,type="scatter",
                                         tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
        mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot[which(mtoplot$label==mytype),])
        pm <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pm, data=mds,type="scatter",
                                         tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
  }else if(length(inputData@analyteType1)>0){
    mpca <- stats::prcomp(t(inputData@analyteType1),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
    if(is.numeric(mytype) == TRUE) {
      # Set colors.
      bin_count <- 100
      # Make sure the spacing is even. We need to do this using seq.
      intervals <- seq(min(mytype), max(mytype),
                       by = (max(mytype) - min(mytype)) / (bin_count - 1))
      subject_color_scale <- findInterval(mytype, intervals)
      pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#89CFF0", "#002366"))(bin_count+1)
      mycols <-pal[subject_color_scale]
      mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot)
      pm <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      pm <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pm, data=mds,type="scatter",
                                       tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
      pm <- highcharter::hc_colorAxis(pm, min=min(mytype), max=max(mytype), 
                                      minColor = "#89CFF0", maxColor = "#002366")
    } else {
      type1 <- inputData@analyteType1
      alltype <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]
      uniqtypes <- unique(alltype)
      mycols <- as.character(alltype)
      for (i in 1:numcateg) {
        mycols[which(alltype==uniqtypes[i])] <- cols[i]
      mpca <- stats::prcomp(t(type1),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot)
      pm <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      for (i in 1:length(uniqtypes)) {
        mytype <- unique(alltype)[i]
        mds <- highcharter::list_parse(mtoplot[which(mtoplot$label==mytype),])
        pm <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pm, data=mds,type="scatter",
                                         tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
  }else if(length(inputData@analyteType2)>0){
    if(is.numeric(mytype) == TRUE) {
      # Set colors.
      bin_count <- 100
      # Make sure the spacing is even. We need to do this using seq.
      intervals <- seq(min(mytype), max(mytype),
                       by = (max(mytype) - min(mytype)) / (bin_count - 1))
      subject_color_scale <- findInterval(mytype, intervals)
      pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#89CFF0", "#002366"))(bin_count+1)
      mycols <-pal[subject_color_scale]
      gpca <- stats::prcomp(t(inputData@analyteType2),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot)
      pg <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350 )
      pg <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pg, data=gds,type="scatter",
                                       tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
    } else {
      type2 <- inputData@analyteType2
      alltype <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]
      uniqtypes <- unique(alltype)
      mycols <- as.character(alltype)
      for (i in 1:numcateg) {
        mycols[which(alltype==uniqtypes[i])] <- cols[i]
      gpca <- stats::prcomp(t(type2),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
      gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot)
      pg <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350)
      for (i in 1:length(uniqtypes)) {
        mytype <- unique(alltype)[i]
        gds <- highcharter::list_parse(gtoplot[which(gtoplot$label==mytype),])
        pg <- highcharter::hc_add_series(pg, data=gds,type="scatter",
                                         tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
    mpercvar=round((mpca$sdev)^2 / sum(mpca$sdev^2)*100,2)
    pm <- highcharter::hc_title(pm, text="PCA of analyte type 1")
    pm <- highcharter::hc_xAxis(pm, title=list(text=paste0("PC1:",round(mpercvar[1],1),"%")))
    pm <- highcharter::hc_yAxis(pm, title=list(text=paste0("PC2:",round(mpercvar[2],2),"%")))
    pm <- highcharter::hc_chart(pm, zoomType = "xy")
    gpca <- stats::prcomp(t(inputData@analyteType2),center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
    gpercvar=round((gpca$sdev)^2 / sum(gpca$sdev^2)*100,2)
    pg <- highcharter::hc_title(pg, text="PCA of analyte type 2")
    pg <- highcharter::hc_xAxis(pg, title=list(text=paste0("PC1:",round(gpercvar[1],1),"%")))
    pg <- highcharter::hc_yAxis(pg, title=list(text=paste0("PC2:",round(gpercvar[2],2),"%")))
    pg <- highcharter::hc_chart(pg, zoomType = "xy")
  p <- NULL
  if(length(inputData@analyteType1)>0 && length(inputData@analyteType2)>0){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(pg, pm, ncol = 2, rowheight = 550))
    } else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(pg, pm)
  } else if(length(inputData@analyteType1)>0){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(pm, ncol = 1, rowheight = 550))
    } else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(pm)
  } else if(length(inputData@analyteType2)>0){
    if (viewer == TRUE) {
      p <-htmltools::browsable(highcharter::hw_grid(pg, ncol = 1, rowheight = 550))
    } else {
      p <- highcharter::hw_grid(pg)

#' Visualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values from linear models
#' @include IntLimResults_extendedfunctions.R
#' @param IntLimResults output of RunIntLim()
#' @param breaks the number of breaks to use in histogram (see hist() documentation for more details)
#' @param adjusted Whether or not to plot adjusted p-values. If TRUE (default),
#' adjusted p-values are plotted. If FALSE, unadjusted p-values are plotted.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
DistPvalues<- function(IntLimResults,breaks=100,adjusted = TRUE) {

  if(adjusted == FALSE){
         main="Histogram of Interaction P-values")
         main="Histogram of Adjusted Interaction P-values")


#' Visualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values for all covariates
#' from linear models using a bar chart.
#' @include IntLimResults_extendedfunctions.R
#' @param IntLimResults output of RunIntLim()
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
PValueBoxPlots<- function(IntLimResults) {
  if(length(IntLimResults@covariate.pvalues) == 0){
    stop("Error! You must set save.covar.pvals to TRUE when running IntLIM to run PValueBoxPlots")
    oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    graphics::par(mar=c(8, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    graphics::boxplot(IntLimResults@covariate.pvalues, las = 3, ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "P-Value")

#' Visualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values from linear models
#' @include IntLimResults_extendedfunctions.R
#' @param IntLimResults output of RunIntLim()
#' @param breaks the number of breaks to use in histogram (see hist() documentation for more details)
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
DistRSquared<- function(IntLimResults,breaks=100) {
       main="Histogram of Interaction R-Squared Values")

#' A helper function for the PlotPair functions (i.e. the highcharter one and
#' the flat, base-R one).
#' @param inputData IntLimObject output of ReadData() or FilterData()
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param outcomeAnalyteOfInterest outcome analyte in pair
#' @param independentAnalyteOfInterest independent analyte in pair
#' @param outcome '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @param independentVariable '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @param stype Phenotype or outcome variable
BuildDataAndLines <- function(inputData,inputResults,outcome,independentVariable, 
                              outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, palette = "Set1",	stype){
  # Convert names.
  name_outcomeAnalyteOfInterest <- make.names(outcomeAnalyteOfInterest)
  name_independentAnalyteOfInterest <- make.names(independentAnalyteOfInterest)
  stype <- make.names(stype)
  if(is.null(stype)) {
    stop("Users must define stype which defines the categories to be compared 
       (e.g. tumor vs non-tumor).  This could be the same parameter that was 
       used to run RunIntLim()")
  if (length(palette) == 2) {
    cols <- c(palette)
  } else if (length(palette) == 1) {
    cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, palette)[1:2]
  } else {
    stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors of size 2")
  # Extract the outcome and independent data.
  outcomeData <- NULL
  independentData <- NULL
  sOutcome <- NULL
  sIndependent <- NULL
  if(outcome == 1){
    outcomeData <- inputData@analyteType1
  }else if(outcome == 2){
    outcomeData <- inputData@analyteType2
  if(independentVariable == 1){
    independentData <- inputData@analyteType1
  }else if(independentVariable == 2){
    independentData <- inputData@analyteType2
  # Check that analytes of interest are found in data.
  if(length(which(rownames(outcomeData)==name_outcomeAnalyteOfInterest))>0) {
  } else {
    stop(paste0("The analyte ",outcomeAnalyteOfInterest," was not found in your data"))
  if(length(which(rownames(independentData)==name_independentAnalyteOfInterest))>0) {
  } else {
    stop(paste0("The analyte ",independentAnalyteOfInterest," was not found in your data"))
  # Set up data.
  mycols <- as.character(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])
                 unique(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])[1])] <- cols[1]
                 unique(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])[2])] <- cols[2]
  # Get points to draw the lines for each phenotype by hand
  # Starting with phenotype 1, get min and max x values constrained to the values of y
  # The reason we do this, is because the lines do not necessary need to go out to the 
  # max or min of x, particularly
  # when slopes are really steep (abline does this automatically but not highcharter)
  mytypes <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype]
  getLinePoints <- function(data,mytypes, uniqtypes, currenttype) {
    min <- min(data$x[which(mytypes==uniqtypes[currenttype])])
    max <- max(data$x[which(mytypes==uniqtypes[currenttype])])
    m1<-stats::glm(y ~ x)
    return(data.frame(x=c(max,min), y=c(stats::predict(m1,data.frame(x=c(max,min))))))
  line1 <- getLinePoints(data,mytypes,uniqtypes,currenttype=1)
  line2 <- getLinePoints(data,mytypes, uniqtypes, currenttype=2)
  # Return everything needed.
#' scatter plot of pairs (based on user selection)
#' @param inputData IntLimObject output of ReadData() or FilterData()
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer (TRUE) or
#' in Shiny/Knittr (FALSE)
#' @param outcomeAnalyteOfInterest outcome analyte in pair
#' @param independentAnalyteOfInterest independent analyte in pair
#' @param outcome '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @param independentVariable '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
PlotPair<- function(inputData,inputResults,outcome,independentVariable, independentAnalyteOfInterest, 
                    outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, palette = "Set1",	viewer=TRUE) {
  # Set type.
  stype <- inputResults@stype
  # Check whether continuous or discrete.
  unique_stypes <- unique(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])
  # For continuous data, plot the marginal effects graph.
  if(length(unique_stypes) > 2){
      dataframe = MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe(inputResults = inputResults,
                                                inputData = inputData,
                                                outcomeAnalyteOfInterest = outcomeAnalyteOfInterest,
                                                independentAnalyteOfInterest = independentAnalyteOfInterest,
                                                outcome = outcome,
                                                independentVariable = independentVariable), 
      title = paste("Marginal Effects -", independentAnalyteOfInterest,
                    "and", outcomeAnalyteOfInterest), xlab = independentAnalyteOfInterest,
      ylab = outcomeAnalyteOfInterest)
    # Get data.
    plotdata <- BuildDataAndLines(inputData,inputResults,outcome,independentVariable, 
                                  outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, palette,stype)
    data <- plotdata$data
    uniqtypes <- plotdata$uniqtypes
    line1 <- plotdata$line1
    line2 <- plotdata$line2
    cols <- plotdata$cols
    ds <- highcharter::list_parse(data)
    hc <- highcharter::highchart(width = 350, height = 350 )
    hc <- highcharter::hc_title(hc, text=paste(independentAnalyteOfInterest,' vs. ', 
                                               outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, sep = ''))
    hc <- highcharter::hc_xAxis(hc, title=list(text=independentAnalyteOfInterest))
    hc <- highcharter::hc_yAxis(hc, title=list(text=outcomeAnalyteOfInterest))
    hc <- highcharter::hc_chart(hc, zoomType = "xy")
    hc <- highcharter::hc_add_series(hc, data=ds,type="scatter",#col=cols[1],
                                     tooltip = list(headerFormat="",
    hc <- highcharter::hc_add_series(hc, name = uniqtypes[1],
                                     data=line1,type='line',#name=sprintf("regression line %s",type1),
                                     color = cols[1],enableMouseTracking=FALSE,marker=FALSE)
    hc <- highcharter::hc_add_series(hc, name = uniqtypes[2],
                                     data=line2,type='line',#name=sprintf("regression line %s",type2),
                                     color = cols[2],enableMouseTracking=FALSE,marker=FALSE)

#' scatter plot of pairs (based on user selection). This version does not use
#' highcharter and instead plots a base R plot.
#' @param inputData IntLimObject output of ReadData() or FilterData()
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param outcomeAnalyteOfInterest outcome analyte in pair
#' @param independentAnalyteOfInterest independent analyte in pair
#' @param outcome '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @param independentVariable '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
PlotPairFlat<- function(inputData,inputResults,outcome,independentVariable, independentAnalyteOfInterest, 
                    outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, palette = "Set1") {
  # Set type.
  stype <- inputResults@stype
  # Check whether continuous or discrete.
  unique_stypes <- unique(inputData@sampleMetaData[,stype])
  # For continuous data, plot the marginal effects graph.
  if(length(unique_stypes) > 2){
      dataframe = MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe(inputResults = inputResults,
                                                inputData = inputData,
                                                outcomeAnalyteOfInterest = outcomeAnalyteOfInterest,
                                                independentAnalyteOfInterest = independentAnalyteOfInterest,
                                                outcome = outcome,
                                                independentVariable = independentVariable), 
      title = paste("Marginal Effects -", independentAnalyteOfInterest,
                    "and", outcomeAnalyteOfInterest), xlab = independentAnalyteOfInterest,
      ylab = outcomeAnalyteOfInterest)
    # Get data.
    plotdata <- BuildDataAndLines(inputData,inputResults,outcome,independentVariable, 
                                  outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, palette,stype)
    data <- plotdata$data
    uniqtypes <- plotdata$uniqtypes
    line1 <- plotdata$line1
    line2 <- plotdata$line2
    cols <- plotdata$cols
    # Plot
    oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    graphics::par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 8), xpd = TRUE, pty="s")
    plot(data$x, data$y, col = data$color, xlab = independentAnalyteOfInterest,
         ylab = outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, main = paste(independentAnalyteOfInterest,
                                                       "vs.", outcomeAnalyteOfInterest),
         pch = 16)
    graphics::lines(line1, col = cols[1])
    graphics::lines(line2, col = cols[2])
    coord <- graphics::par("usr")
    graphics::legend(x = coord[2] * 1.05, y = coord[4], legend=c(uniqtypes[1],uniqtypes[2]), 
           col=c(cols[1],cols[2]), title="stype",lty=1,bg="transparent")

#' 'volcano' plot (difference in correlations vs p-values)
#' of all pairs
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param inputData Named list (output of 
#' FilterData()) with analyte levels 
#' and associated meta-data
#' @param nrpoints number of points to be plotted in lowest density areas (see 'smoothScatter' documentation for more detail)
#' @param pvalcutoff cutoff of FDR-adjusted p-value for filtering (default 0.05)
#' @param coefPercentileCutoff cutoff of interaction coefficient percentile.
#' @return a smoothScatter plot
#' @export
pvalCoefVolcano <- function(inputResults, inputData,nrpoints=10000,pvalcutoff=0.05,
    if(!methods::is(inputResults, "IntLimResults")) {
	    stop("input data is not a IntLim class")
    # Get the formatted results of processing, including all results (p-val <= 1)
    volc.table <- IntLIM::ProcessResults(inputResults,  inputData, pvalcutoff = 1)
    interaction_coeff <- volc.table$interaction_coeff
    pval <- -log10(volc.table$Pval)
    # Get the p-value cutoff using the FDR-adjusted cutoff.
    if(length(which(volc.table$FDRadjPval <= pvalcutoff)) == 0){
      stop(paste("No p-values meet the provided FDR-adjusted cutoff of", 
                 pvalcutoff, "- please choose a higher p-value cutoff."))
    pvals_below_cutoff <- volc.table[which(volc.table$FDRadjPval <= pvalcutoff),]
    highest_pval_below_cutoff <- pvals_below_cutoff[which.max(pvals_below_cutoff$FDRadjPval), "Pval"]
    # Create the scatter plot.
    graphics::smoothScatter(x = interaction_coeff, pval, xlab = "Interaction Coefficient",
		ylab = '-log10(p-value)', nrpoints=nrpoints,
                main = 'Volcano Plot')
    # Plot cutoff lines.
    lower_line = getQuantileForInteractionCoefficient(interaction_coeff, 
    upper_line = getQuantileForInteractionCoefficient(interaction_coeff, 

#' Makes an UpSet plot showing the filtered pairs of analytes found in each fold.
#' This plot should only be made for cross-validation data.
#' @param inputResults List of outputs of ProcessResultsAllFolds(), each of which
#' is a list of IntLIMResults.
#' @return an UpSet plot
#' @export
  sig_list <- lapply(1:length(inputResults), function(i){
    return(paste(inputResults[[i]][,1], inputResults[[i]][,2], sep = "_"))
  sig_mat <- ComplexHeatmap::list_to_matrix(sig_list)
  colnames(sig_mat) <- lapply(1:length(inputResults), function(i){
   return(paste("Fold", i, sep = "_"))
  comb_mat <- ComplexHeatmap::make_comb_mat(sig_mat)

#' Graphs a scatterplot of pairs vs. the interaction coefficient
#' for the pair
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param interactionCoeffPercentile percentile cutoff for interaction coefficient 
#' (default bottom 10 percent (high negative coefficients) and top 10 percent 
#' (high positive coefficients))
#' @param percentageToPlot percentage of points to plot (the points will be 
#' randomly selected) -- plotting all points will likely overwhelm plotting function.
#' @param independent.var.type type of analyte used as the independent variable 
#' ("1" or "2")
#' @param outcome type of analyte used as the outcome/dependent variable ("1"
#' or "2")
#' @return a scatterplot
#' @export
                                      percentageToPlot = 0.01, 
                                      independent.var.type = 1,
                                      outcome = 2){

    if(!methods::is(inputResults, "IntLimResults")) {
      stop("input data is not a IntLim class")

    #merge and properly name all data to return
    format_coeff = reshape2::melt(inputResults@interaction.coefficients)
    format_pval = reshape2::melt(inputResults@interaction.pvalues)
    format_adjp = reshape2::melt(inputResults@interaction.adj.pvalues)
    tofilter = cbind(format_coeff, format_pval$value, 
    colnames(tofilter) = c("analyte1", "analyte2", "interaction_coeff", "Pval","FDRadjPval")

    #get top and bottom cutoffs (need highest positive and highest negative coeffs)
    first_half = getQuantileForInteractionCoefficient(tofilter$interaction_coeff, 
    second_half = getQuantileForInteractionCoefficient(tofilter$interaction_coeff, 

    toplot = data.frame(tofilter$interaction_coeff)
    colnames(toplot) = c("interaction_coeff")
    toplot$adjpval = tofilter$FDRadjPval
    toplot_sort = toplot[order(toplot$interaction_coeff),]
    colnames(toplot_sort) = c("interaction_coeff", "adjpval")
    toplot_sort$color = "black"
    toplot_sort$color[(toplot_sort$interaction_coeff > second_half | toplot_sort$
                         interaction_coeff <first_half)]="red"
    randomize = function(x) sample(1:nrow(toplot_sort),x,replace=FALSE)
    random_rows_to_keep = sort(randomize(nrow(toplot_sort)*percentageToPlot))
    toplot_sort = toplot_sort[random_rows_to_keep,]
    if(independent.var.type == outcome){
      toplot_sort = toplot_sort[which(!is.na(toplot_sort$interaction_coeff)),]
    if((independent.var.type != 1 && independent.var.type != 2) ||
       (outcome != 1 && outcome != 2)){
      stop("Error! outcome and independent.var.type must each be one of the following: 1, 2")
           col=toplot_sort$color, xlab = "AnalytePairs", ylab = 
             "Interaction Coefficient", pch=16)

#' Creates a dataframe of the marginal effect of phenotype
#' @param inputResults IntLimResults object with model results (output of RunIntLim())
#' @param inputData Named list (output of 
#' FilterData()) with analyte levels 
#' and associated meta-data
#' @param outcomeAnalyteOfInterest outcome analyte in pair
#' @param independentAnalyteOfInterest independent analyte in pair
#' @param continuous whether or not the outcome is continuous (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param outcome '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @param independentVariable '1' or '2' must be set as outcome/independent variable
#' @return dataframe for further analysis
MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe<-function(inputResults, inputData, independentAnalyteOfInterest, 
                                        outcomeAnalyteOfInterest, continuous, outcome,
  if(!methods::is(inputResults, "IntLimResults")) {
    stop("input data is not a IntLim class")
  #get covariates
  covariates = as.character(inputResults@covar)

  #get dataframes
  pheno <- inputData@sampleMetaData[,inputResults@stype]
  outcomeAnalytes <- NULL
  independentAnalytes <- NULL
  if(outcome == 1){
    outcomeAnalytes <- inputData@analyteType1
  }else if(outcome == 2){
    outcomeAnalytes <- inputData@analyteType2
  if(independentVariable == 1){
    independentAnalytes <- inputData@analyteType1
  }else if(independentVariable == 2){
    independentAnalytes <- inputData@analyteType2
  #get one pair
  outcomeData = as.numeric(outcomeAnalytes[make.names(outcomeAnalyteOfInterest),])
  independentData = as.numeric(independentAnalytes[make.names(independentAnalyteOfInterest),])
  #Add analyte and phenotype data for glm
  forglm  = data.frame(row.names = 1:length(outcomeData))
  forglm$Y = outcomeData
  forglm$type = pheno
  forglm$g = as.numeric(independentData)
  if (covariates != "") {
    #Add all covariates to dataframe for glm()
    for(each in covariates){
      names = colnames(forglm)
      i = i+1
      forglm[,i] = inputData@sampleMetaData[,each]
      colnames(forglm) = c(names, each)

#' Creates a dataframe of the marginal effect of phenotype
#' @param dataframe from MarginalEffectsGraphDataframe
#' @param title for graph
#' @param ylab outcome analyte in pair
#' @param xlab independent analyte in pair
#' @return values used for graphing
MarginalEffectsGraph<-function(dataframe, title, ylab, xlab){
  form = "Y ~ g + type + g:type"
  if (ncol(dataframe) > 3) {

    covariates = colnames(dataframe)[4:ncol(dataframe)]
    #Add all covariates to formula for glm()
    for(i in 1:length(covariates)){
      form <- paste(form, '+', covariates[i])
  model = stats::glm(formula = form, data=dataframe)
    margins::cplot(model, x = "type", data = dataframe, what = "prediction", 
                   main = title)
  }, error = function(cond){


#' histogram of analyte pairs
#' depending upon independent or outcome analyte
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param type 'independent' or 'outcome'.  'outcome' set as default
#' @param breaks Number of breaks selected for histogram
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
HistogramPairs <- function(inputResults, type = 'outcome', breaks = 50){

  x <- inputResults
      stop('Please run ProcessResults() before inputting into HistogramPairs')
  if (type == 'outcome'){
    pairs <- data.frame(table(as.character(x$Analyte1)))
    pairs.number <- as.vector(pairs$Freq)
    hist(pairs.number, breaks = breaks, main = "Number of analyte 
         pairs based on outcome analyte", xlab = 'Analyte pairs based on outcome analyte')
  }else if (type == 'independent'){
    pairs <- data.frame(table(as.character(x$Analyte2)))
    pairs.number <- as.vector(pairs$Freq)
    hist(pairs.number, main = "Number of analyte pairs based on independent
         variable analyte", 
         breaks = breaks, xlab = 'Analyte pairs based on independent variable analyte')
      stop("Only two valid types:  outcome or independent.  Invalid type entered")

#' Return the number of significant analytes and the number 
#' of permutations in which each analyte is significant.
#' If plot = TRUE, show a box plot of number of significant analytes over permutations, 
#' overlaid with the number of significant analytes in the original data.
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param permResults An object of type PermutationResults (output of PermuteIntLIM())
#' @param plot Whether or not to show the boxplot. Default is TRUE.
#' @return A data frame that includes, for each permutation, the number of significant
#' pairs and the number of unique analytes of each analyte type within those pairs
#' @export
PermutationCountSummary <- function(inputResults, permResults, plot){
  # Prevent "visible binding for global variable" notes.
  Count <- Type <- NULL
  # Compute summary.
  pairCountDistrib <- permResults$numSigPairs$Num_Significant_Pairs
  analyte1 <- lapply(1:length(permResults$listOfSigPairs), function(i){
    return(unlist(lapply(permResults$listOfSigPairs[[i]], function(string){
      return(strsplit(string, split="__V__")[[1]][1])
  analyte2 <- lapply(1:length(permResults$listOfSigPairs), function(i){
    return(unlist(lapply(permResults$listOfSigPairs[[i]], function(string){
      return(strsplit(string, split="__V__")[[1]][2])
  analyte1CountDistrib <- unlist(lapply(1:length(analyte1), function(i){
  analyte2CountDistrib <- unlist(lapply(1:length(analyte2), function(i){
  countDistribs <- data.frame(Pairs = pairCountDistrib, 
                              Independent = analyte1CountDistrib,
                              Outcome = analyte2CountDistrib)

  # Set up data for input.
  significantCounts <- data.frame(Count=c(countDistribs$Pairs, 
                                  Type=c(rep("Pair", nrow(permResults$numSigPairs)),
                                         rep("Independent.Variable", nrow(permResults$numSigPairs)),
                                         rep("Outcome", nrow(permResults$numSigPairs))))
  # Compute the same for the original data.
  PairCount <- nrow(inputResults)
  inputIndependentCount <- length(unique(inputResults$Analyte1))
  inputOutcomeCount <- length(unique(inputResults$Analyte2))

  # Make plot.
  cols <- c("Original.Data"="red")
  fills <- c("Permuted.Data"="black")
  if(plot == TRUE){
    plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(significantCounts, ggplot2::aes(x=Type, y=Count)) + 
      ggplot2::geom_violin(ggplot2::aes(fill = "Permuted.Data")) + 
      ggplot2::theme_bw() +
                     panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black")) + 
      ggplot2::annotation_logticks(sides = "l", scaled = TRUE) + 
      ggplot2::scale_y_log10() + 
      ggplot2::geom_boxplot(width=0.05, fill = "white") + 
      ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.6, xend = 1.4, y = inputIndependentCount, 
                                         yend = inputIndependentCount, color = "Original.Data")) + 
      ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = 1.6, xend = 2.4, y = inputOutcomeCount, 
                                         yend = inputOutcomeCount, color = "Original.Data")) +
      ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = 2.6, xend = 3.4, y = PairCount, 
                                         yend = PairCount, color = "Original.Data")) +
      ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(name = "", values=cols) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "", values=fills)
  # Return summary.

#' Return the number of significant analytes / pairs per permutation and the number 
#' of permutations in which each analyte is significant.
#' If plot = TRUE, show a box plot of number of significant analytes over permutations, 
#' overlaid with the number of significant analytes in the original data.
#' @param inputResults Data frame with model results (output of ProcessResults())
#' @param permResults An object of type PermutationResults (output of PermuteIntLIM())
#' @param plot Whether or not to show the boxplot. Default is TRUE.
#' @return A data frame that includes each significant pair from the unpermuted 
#' data and the number of times that pair was significant in the permuted data.
#' @export
PermutationPairSummary <- function(inputResults, permResults, plot){
  # Prevent "visible binding for global variable" notes.
  Pair <- Perm.Count <- NULL
  # Compute pair significance counts.
  allSignificantPairs <- do.call(c, permResults$listOfSigPairs)
  summaryCount <- table(allSignificantPairs)
  myres.sig.pairs <- paste(inputResults$Analyte1, inputResults$Analyte2, sep = "__V__")
  original.pairs.count <- unlist(lapply(myres.sig.pairs, function(pair){
    freq <- 0
    if(pair %in% allSignificantPairs){
      freq <- summaryCount[which(names(summaryCount) == pair)]
  original.pairs.df <- data.frame(Pair=myres.sig.pairs, 
  original.pairs.df <- original.pairs.df[order(-original.pairs.df$Perm.Count),]
  original.pairs.df$Pair <- order(-original.pairs.df$Perm.Count)
  plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=original.pairs.df, ggplot2::aes(x = Pair, y = Perm.Count))+
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1) + 
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
                   panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                   panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                   panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                   axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black")) +
    ggplot2::labs(x="Significant Pair (Original Data)",
                  y="Number of Permutations Where Significant") +

  # Return summary.
  original.pairs.df$Pair <- myres.sig.pairs[order(-original.pairs.df$Perm.Count)]

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IntLIM documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 5:05 p.m.