
Defines functions rocPlot .rocplot.single calculateROC backwardSearch .backSearchWeighted .backsearchPos .backsearchNeg .backsearchInner forwardSearch .forwardSearchWeighted .forwardSearchInner .forwardSearchPos .forwardSearchNeg .getGenesData .convertDiscoveryListToGenes .scoreGenesMtx .getAUCsGenesList .getWeightedAUCsGenesList .matchAll

Documented in backwardSearch calculateROC forwardSearch rocPlot

#' Plot ROC Curve for a Dataset
#' @description
#' rocPlot will plot an ROC curve (and return the AUC) that describes how well a gene signature (as defined in a \code{filterObject}) classifies groups in a dataset (in the form of a \code{datasetObject}).
#' @param filterObject a MetaFilter object containing the signature genes that will be used for calculation of the ROC plot.
#' @param datasetObject a Dataset object for group comparison in the ROC plot. (At least, must have a \code{$expr} of probe-level data, \code{$keys} of probe:gene mappings, and \code{$class} of two-class labels.)
#' @param	title Title for the ROC plot.
#' @details 	Evaluates the ability of a given gene set to separate two classes. The gene set is evaluated as a Z-score of the difference in means between the positive genes and the negative genes (see calculateScore). Returns a standard ROC plot, plus AUC with 95\% CI (calculated according to Hanley method).
#' @return 	Returns a ggplot2 plot object
#' @author Timothy E. Sweeney
#' @seealso
#' 	\code{\link{calculateScore}}, \code{\link{calculateROC}}
#' @examples
#' rocPlot(tinyMetaObject$filterResults[[1]], tinyMetaObject$originalData[[1]])
#' @keywords
#' graphs
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
rocPlot <- function(filterObject, datasetObject, title = datasetObject$formattedName){
  #Check that our objects are the right type
  if(! checkDataObject(object = filterObject, objectType="MetaFilter")) {
    stop("filterObject that was passed to rocPlot was not appropriately formatted as a MetaFilter object")
  if(!checkDataObject(object =datasetObject, objectType =  "Dataset")){
    stop("datasetObject that was passed to rocPlot was not appropriately formatted as a Dataset object")
  stopifnot()#create check for geneList
  datasetObject$score <- calculateScore(filterObject, datasetObject) 
  rocObject <- calculateROC(labels=datasetObject$class, predictions=datasetObject$score)
  cat(sprintf("For dataset %s, AUC = %s", datasetObject$formattedName, signif(rocObject$auc, 3)))
  print(.rocplot.single(rocObject, title=title))

.rocplot.single <- function(rocObject, title = "ROC Plot"){
  annotation <- with(rocObject, paste("AUC=",signif(auc, 2), " (95%CI ", signif(auc.CI[1], 2), " - ", signif(auc.CI[2], 2), ")", sep=""))
  p <- ggplot(rocObject$roc, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
    geom_line(aes(colour = "")) +
    geom_segment(x=0, y=0, xend=1, yend=1, linetype=5, colour="grey75") +
    scale_x_continuous("False Positive Rate (1-Specificity)") +
    scale_y_continuous("True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)") +
    scale_colour_manual(labels = annotation, values = "#000000") +
    ggtitle(title) +
    theme(text = element_text(size=24)) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(size=24), 
          axis.title.x = element_text(size=24),
          axis.title.y = element_text(size=24, angle=90),
          legend.title = element_blank(),
          legend.key = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x = element_text(size=24),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size=24))

#' @rdname calculateROC
#' @name calculateROC
#' @title Calculate ROC Curve Statistics
#' @description
#' Calculates receiver operating characteristic curve data, including AUC (using trapezoidal method). Takes only a vector of labels and a vector of predictions. 
#' @param labels Vector of labels; must have exactly two unique values (ie, cases and controls).
#' @param predictions Vector of predictions (for instance, test scores) to be evaluated for ability to separate the two classes. Must be exactly the same length as labels. 
#' @param AUConly Return all ROC values, or just the AUC.
#' @details The code borrows its core ROC calculations from the ROCR package. AUC is calculated by the trapezoidal method. AUC standard errors are calculated according to Hanley's method.
#' @return Assuming AUConly=F, returns a list of values:
#'  \item{roc}{dataframe consisting of two columns, FPR and TPR, meant for plotting}
#'  \item{auc}{area under the curve}
#'  \item{auc.CI}{95\% confidence interval for AUC}
#' @references 
#'  The code borrows its core ROC calculations from the ROCR package.
#' @author Timothy E. Sweeney
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateScore}}, \code{\link{rocPlot}}
#' @examples
#' # expect an AUC near 0.5 with random test
#' labels <- c(rep(0, 500), rep(1, 500))
#' scores <- runif(1000)
#' calculateROC(labels, scores)
#' #With the real data, AUC should be around 0.85606
#' scoreResults <- calculateScore(tinyMetaObject$filterResults[[1]], tinyMetaObject$originalData[[1]]) 
#' rocRes <- calculateROC(predictions=scoreResults, labels=tinyMetaObject$originalData[[1]]$class)
#' print(rocRes$auc[[1]])
#' @keywords
#' classify 
#' @export
calculateROC <- function(labels, predictions, AUConly=FALSE){
  ## Assumes that labels have been passed in as numeric
  ## If not, will create ROC of earlier-sorted against later-sorted
  ## Code borrowed from ROCR package
  levels <- sort(unique(labels))
  labels <- ordered(labels, levels = levels)
  n.pos <- sum(labels == levels[2])
  n.neg <- sum(labels == levels[1])
  pred.order <- order(predictions, decreasing = TRUE)
  predictions.sorted <- predictions[pred.order]
  tp <- cumsum(labels[pred.order] == levels[2])
  fp <- cumsum(labels[pred.order] == levels[1])
  dups <- rev(duplicated(rev(predictions.sorted)))
  tp <- c(0, tp[!dups])
  fp <- c(0, fp[!dups])
  fn <- n.pos - tp
  tn <- n.neg - fp
  tpr <- tp / (tp + fn)
  fpr <- fp / (fp + tn)
  roc = data.frame(x = fpr, y = tpr)
  roc <- roc[order(roc$x, roc$y),]
  i <- 2:nrow(roc)
  auc <- (roc$x[i] - roc$x[i - 1]) %*% (roc$y[i] + roc$y[i - 1])/2
  if(AUConly) return(auc)
  ## Hanley method for SE
  q1 <- auc/(2-auc)
  q2 <- (2*auc^2)/(1+auc)
  se.auc <- sqrt( (((auc * (1 - auc)) + (n.pos -1)*(q1 - auc^2)) + ((n.neg -1)*(q2 - auc^2)))/(n.pos*n.neg) )
  ci.upper <- auc + (se.auc * 1.96)
  ci.lower <- auc - (se.auc * 1.96)
  return(list(roc=roc, auc=auc, auc.CI=c(ci.lower, ci.upper)))

#' @name backwardSearch
#' @title Backward Search Function 
#' @description 
#' Backward search is useful for reducing the size of the gene set in your filterObject. In general, backward search identifies a small set of genes with maximum ability to distinguish cases from controls.
#' backwardSearch is a method of optimizing a given set of significant genes to maximize discriminatory power, as measured by area under the ROC curve (AUC). The function works by taking a given set of genes (presumably a set that has been filtered for statistical significance), and iteratively removing one gene at a time, until the stopping threshold is reached. At each round, the gene whose removal contributes the greatest increase in weighted AUC is removed. Weight AUC is defined as the sum of the AUC of each dataset, times the number of samples in that dataset. The stopping threshold is in units of weighted AUC. 
#' @param metaObject The metaObject from the main metaIntegrator function.
#' @param filterObject An object matching the specifications for Filter
#' @param backThresh Stopping threshold for the backward search. Default=0.
#' @details
#'	The forwardSearch and backwardSearch functions are designed to assist in selection of gene sets optimized for discriminatory power. The selection of an optimized set is a non-convex problem, and hence both functions will yield gene sets that are only locally optimized (ie, they are not global optima). Both the forwardSearch and backwardSearch functions follow a greedy algorithm, either adding (or removing) genes that contribute the most (or the least) to the overall weighted AUC of the discovery datasets from the metaObject. 
#'	Both search functions allow a user to set a stopping threshold; the fundamental tradeoff here will be sparsity of the returned gene set vs. overall discriminatory power. The default threshold is 0, such the functions will return the set of genes at which no gene could be added or removed for the forward or backward functions, respectively, and increase the weighted AUC. 
#'	Note that the weighted AUC returned during the function run is dependent on sample size; this was done (instead of a simple mean) so that the gene set discriminates the MOST SAMPLES, rather than being optimized for any particular dataset. 
#' @return A Filter  object which has results from backward search
#' @references
#' Sweeney et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2015
#' @author Timothy E. Sweeney
#' @seealso
#'	\code{\link{forwardSearch}}
#' @examples
#'	#Run backward search to reduce the size of our filter results
#'	backwardRes <- backwardSearch(tinyMetaObject, tinyMetaObject$filterResults[[1]], backThresh = -3) 
#'	#See the results
#'	print(backwardRes$posGeneNames)
#'  print(backwardRes$negGeneNames)
#' @keywords  
#' optimize 
#' @export
backwardSearch <- function(metaObject, filterObject, backThresh=0){
  #Check that our objects are the right type
  if(! checkDataObject(object = metaObject, objectType="Meta", objectStage = "Pre-Filter")) {
    stop("metaObject that was passed to backwardSearch was not appropriately formatted as a Meta object")
  if(!checkDataObject(object =filterObject, objectType =  "MetaFilter")){
    stop("filterObject that was passed to backwardSearch was not appropriately formatted as a MetaFilter object")
  pos.genes <- filterObject$posGeneNames
  neg.genes <- filterObject$negGeneNames
  discovery.genes <- .convertDiscoveryListToGenes(metaObject, pos.genes, neg.genes)
  backSearchGenes <- .backSearchWeighted(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, backThresh)
  filterObject$posGeneNames <- backSearchGenes[[1]]
  filterObject$negGeneNames <- backSearchGenes[[2]]
  filterObject$filterDescription <- paste(filterObject$filterDescription, ". Backward search with backThresh=", backThresh, sep="")

.backSearchWeighted <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, backThresh){
  weights <- unlist(lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) length(GEM$class)))
  .matchAll(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, yes.pos=NULL, yes.neg=NULL)
  auc.weighted <- .getWeightedAUCsGenesList(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes)
    geneSearch <- .backsearchInner(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, auc.weighted, weights)
    #Remove any genes that cause an INCREASE in avg AUC when removed
    cat("worst AUC decrease=", bad, "\n")
      badGene <- as.character(geneSearch[geneSearch$diff==bad, "genes"][1]) ##If multiple "worst" genes, remove the first only
      auc.weighted <- geneSearch[geneSearch$diff==bad, "search"][1]
      cat("removing ", badGene, "; new weighted AUC:", auc.weighted, "\n")
      pos.genes <- setdiff(pos.genes, badGene) 
      neg.genes <- setdiff(neg.genes, badGene) 
    } else {break}
  cat("Final gene set AUCs: \n")
  .getWeightedAUCsGenesList(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes) ##Show final gene set

.backsearchPos <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes){
  auc <- lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) {
    #posGenes <- GEM$genes[pos.genes, ]
    posGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, pos.genes)
    negScore <- 0 #in case no neg genes
    if (sum(!is.na(match(neg.genes, rownames(GEM$genes)))) > 0){
      #negGenes <- GEM$genes[neg.genes, ]
      negGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, neg.genes)
      negScore <- apply(negGenes, 2, .geomMean)
    if(length(pos.genes) <= 1){
      totalScore = scale(-negScore)[,1]
      return(calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE))
    #Since often fewer neg genes, can make them relatively less important
    ratio <- length(neg.genes)/(length(pos.genes)-1)
    auc <- pos.genes #preallocate
    for(j in 1:length(pos.genes)){
      #take score without each gene (back step)
      tmp <- posGenes[rownames(posGenes)!=pos.genes[j], ]
      posScore <- apply(tmp, 2, .geomMean)
      totalScore <- scale(posScore - ratio*negScore)    
      auc[j] <- calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE)
  auc <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(auc)), nrow=length(pos.genes), 
                ncol=length(discovery.genes), byrow=FALSE)

.backsearchNeg <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes){
  auc <- lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) {
    posScore <- 0 #in case no pos genes
    if (sum(!is.na(match(pos.genes, rownames(GEM$genes)))) > 0){
      #posGenes <- GEM$genes[pos.genes, ]
      posGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, pos.genes)
      posScore <- apply(posGenes, 2, .geomMean)
    if(length(neg.genes) <= 1){
      totalScore = scale(posScore)[,1]
      return(calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE))
    #negGenes <- GEM$genes[neg.genes, ]
    negGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, neg.genes)
    #Since often fewer neg genes, can make them relatively less important
    # -1 since LOO below
    ratio <- (length(neg.genes)-1)/length(pos.genes)
    auc <- neg.genes #preallocate
    for(j in 1:length(neg.genes)){  
      #take score without each gene (LOO)
      tmp <- negGenes[rownames(negGenes)!=neg.genes[j], , drop=FALSE]
      negScore <- apply(tmp, 2, .geomMean)
      totalScore <- scale(posScore - ratio*negScore)
      #Get AUC for given score
      totalScore = totalScore[,1]
      auc[j] <- calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE)
  auc <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(auc)), nrow=length(neg.genes), 
                ncol=length(discovery.genes),  byrow=FALSE)

.backsearchInner <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, auc.weighted, weights){
    geneSearchPos <- data.frame(genes=pos.genes, orig=auc.weighted, search=0)
    auc <- .backsearchPos(discovery.genes=discovery.genes, 
                          pos.genes=pos.genes, neg.genes=neg.genes)
    geneSearchPos[ ,3] <- colSums(t(auc)*weights)
  } else if(length(pos.genes) == 0){
    geneSearchPos <- data.frame(NULL)
    geneSearchNeg <- data.frame(genes=neg.genes, orig=auc.weighted, search=0)
    auc <- .backsearchNeg(discovery.genes=discovery.genes, 
                          pos.genes=pos.genes, neg.genes=neg.genes)
    geneSearchNeg[ ,3] <- colSums(t(auc)*weights)
  } else if(length(neg.genes) == 0){
    geneSearchNeg <- data.frame(NULL)
  geneSearch <- rbind(geneSearchPos, geneSearchNeg)
  geneSearch <- data.frame(geneSearch, diff=geneSearch$orig-geneSearch$search)

#' @name forwardSearch
#' @title Forward Search Function
#' @description
#'	Forward search is useful for reducing the size of the gene set in your filterObject. In general, forward search identifies a small set of genes with maximum ability to distinguish cases from controls.
#'	forwardSearch is a method of optimizing a given set of significant genes to maximize discriminatory power, as measured by area under the ROC curve (AUC). The function works by taking a given set of genes (presumably a set that has been filtered for statistical significance), and iteratively adding one gene at a time, until the stopping threshold is reached. At each round, the gene whose addition contributes the greatest increase in weighted AUC is added. Weight AUC is defined as the sum of the AUC of each dataset, times the number of samples in that dataset. The stopping threshold is in units of weighted AUC. 
#' @param metaObject The metaObject from the main metaIntegrator function.
#' @param filterObject An object matching the specifications for Filter
#' @param yes.pos Optional- if passed, the forwardSearch will start with the genes in yes.pos and yes.neg (instead of starting from zero genes).
#' @param yes.neg Optional- if passed, the forwardSearch will start with the genes in yes.pos and yes.neg (instead of starting from zero genes).
#' @param forwardThresh Stopping threshold for the forward search. Default=0.
#' @details
#'	The forwardSearch and backwardSearch functions are designed to assist in selection of gene sets optimized for discriminatory power. The selection of an optimized set is a non-convex problem, and hence both functions will yield gene sets that are only locally optimized (ie, they are not global optima). Both the forwardSearch and backwardSearch functions follow a greedy algorithm, either adding (or removing) genes that contribute the most (or the least) to the overall weighted AUC of the discovery datasets from the metaObject. 
#'	Both search functions allow a user to set a stopping threshold; the fundamental tradeoff here will be sparsity of the returned gene set vs. overall discriminatory power. The default threshold is 0, such the functions will return the set of genes at which no gene could be added or removed for the forward or backward functions, respectively, and increase the weighted AUC. 
#'	Note that the weighted AUC returned during the function run is dependent on sample size; this was done (instead of a simple mean) so that the gene set discriminates the MOST SAMPLES, rather than being optimized for any particular dataset. 
#' @return A Filter object which has results from forward search
#' @references Sweeney et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2015
#' @author Timothy E. Sweeney
#' @seealso
#'	\code{\link{backwardSearch}}
#' @examples
#' #Run forward search to reduce the size of our filter results
#' forwardRes <- forwardSearch(tinyMetaObject,
#'                             tinyMetaObject$filterResults[[1]],
#'                             forwardThresh = 0) 
#' #See the results
#' print(forwardRes$posGeneNames)
#' print(forwardRes$negGeneNames)
#' @keywords 
#' optimize 
#' @export
forwardSearch <- function(metaObject, filterObject, yes.pos=NULL, yes.neg=NULL, forwardThresh=0){
  #Check that our objects are the right type
  if(! checkDataObject(object = metaObject, objectType="Meta", objectStage = "Pre-Filter")) {
    stop("metaObject that was passed to forwardSearch was not appropriately formatted as a Meta object")
  if(!checkDataObject(object =filterObject, objectType =  "MetaFilter")){
    stop("filterObject that was passed to forwardSearch was not appropriately formatted as a MetaFilter object")
  pos.genes <- filterObject$posGeneNames
  neg.genes <- filterObject$negGeneNames
  discovery.genes <- .convertDiscoveryListToGenes(metaObject, pos.genes, neg.genes)
  forwardSearchGenes <- .forwardSearchWeighted(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, 
                                               yes.pos=yes.pos, yes.neg=yes.neg, forwardThresh)
  filterObject$posGeneNames <- forwardSearchGenes[[1]]
  filterObject$negGeneNames <- forwardSearchGenes[[2]]
  filterObject$filterDescription <- paste(filterObject$filterDescription, ". Forward search with forwardThresh=", forwardThresh, sep="")

.forwardSearchWeighted <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, 
                                   yes.pos=NULL, yes.neg=NULL, forwardThresh){
  .matchAll(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, yes.pos, yes.neg)
  weights <- unlist(lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) length(GEM$class)))
  if(is.null(yes.pos) & is.null(yes.neg)){
    auc.weighted <- 0
  } else {
    pos.genes <- setdiff(pos.genes, yes.pos)
    neg.genes <- setdiff(neg.genes, yes.neg)
    auc.weighted <- .getWeightedAUCsGenesList(discovery.genes, yes.pos, yes.neg, print=FALSE)
    geneSearch <- .forwardSearchInner(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, 
                                      yes.pos, yes.neg, forwardThresh, 
                                      auc.weighted, weights)
    #Keep the gene that increases AUC the most, as long as it's > forwardThresh
    best <- max(geneSearch$diff, na.rm=TRUE)
    cat("next best=", best, "\n")
    if(best >= forwardThresh){
      ##If multiple "best" genes, remove the first only
      bestGene <- as.character(geneSearch[geneSearch$diff==best, 1][1]) 
      bestAUC <- geneSearch[geneSearch$diff==best, 3][1]
      cat("Adding ", as.character(bestGene), bestAUC, "\n")
      if(bestGene %in% pos.genes){
        pos.genes <- setdiff(pos.genes, bestGene)
        yes.pos <- c(yes.pos, bestGene)
      } else {
        neg.genes <- setdiff(neg.genes, bestGene)
        yes.neg <- c(yes.neg, bestGene)
    } else {break} ## stop when best<forwardThresh
    auc.weighted <- bestAUC
  cat("\nFinal discovery AUCs from forward search genes:\n")
  .getAUCsGenesList(discovery.genes, yes.pos, yes.neg, print=TRUE)
  return(list(yes.pos, yes.neg))

## Function for inner loop in forwardSearchWeighted
## Calls the helper functions forwardSearchPos and forwardSearchNeg
.forwardSearchInner <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, 
                                yes.pos, yes.neg, forwardThresh, 
                                auc.weighted, weights){
    geneSearchPos <- data.frame(genes=pos.genes, orig=auc.weighted, search=0)
    auc <- .forwardSearchPos(discovery.genes=discovery.genes, 
                             pos.test=pos.genes, yes.pos=yes.pos, yes.neg=yes.neg)
    geneSearchPos[ ,3] <- colSums(t(auc)*weights)
  } else {geneSearchPos <- data.frame(genes=NULL, orig=NULL, search=NULL)}   
    geneSearchNeg <- data.frame(genes=neg.genes, orig=auc.weighted, search=0)
    auc <- .forwardSearchNeg(discovery.genes=discovery.genes, 
                             neg.test=neg.genes, yes.pos=yes.pos, yes.neg=yes.neg) 
    geneSearchNeg[ ,3] <- colSums(t(auc)*weights)
  } else {geneSearchNeg <- data.frame(genes=NULL, orig=NULL, search=NULL)}  
  geneSearch <- rbind(geneSearchPos, geneSearchNeg)
  #if(dim(geneSearch)[1]==0) break;
  geneSearch <- data.frame(geneSearch, diff=geneSearch$search - geneSearch$orig)

.forwardSearchPos <- function(discovery.genes, pos.test, yes.pos, yes.neg){
  auc <- lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) {
    #posGenes <- GEM$genes[c(pos.test, yes.pos), ]
    posGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, c(pos.test, yes.pos))
    negScore <- 0 #in case no neg genes
    if (sum(!is.na(match(yes.neg, rownames(GEM$genes)))) > 0){
      #negGenes <- GEM$genes[yes.neg, ]
      negGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, yes.neg)
      negScore <- apply(negGenes, 2, .geomMean)
    #Since often fewer neg genes, can make them relatively less important
    ratio <- length(yes.neg)/(length(yes.pos)+1)
    auc <- pos.test #preallocate
    for(j in 1:length(pos.test)){
      #take score without each gene (LOO)
      tmp <- posGenes[c(pos.test[j], yes.pos), , drop=FALSE]
      posScore <- apply(tmp, 2, .geomMean)
      totalScore <- scale(posScore - ratio*negScore)          
      auc[j] <- calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE)
  auc <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(auc)), nrow=length(pos.test), 
                ncol=length(discovery.genes), byrow=FALSE)
  auc[is.na(auc)] <- 0

.forwardSearchNeg <- function(discovery.genes, neg.test, yes.pos, yes.neg){
  auc <- lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) {
    posScore <- 0 #in case no pos genes
    if (sum(!is.na(match(yes.pos, rownames(GEM$genes)))) > 0){
      #posGenes <- GEM$genes[yes.pos, ]
      posGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, yes.pos)
      posScore <- apply(posGenes, 2, .geomMean)
    #negGenes <- GEM$genes[c(neg.test, yes.neg), ]
    negGenes <- .getGenesData(GEM$genes, c(neg.test, yes.neg))
    #Since often fewer neg genes, can make them relatively less important
      ratio <- 1
    } else {
      ratio <- (length(yes.neg)+1)/length(yes.pos)
    auc <- neg.test #preallocate
    for(j in 1:length(neg.test)){  
      #take score without each gene (LOO)
      tmp <- negGenes[c(neg.test[j], yes.neg), , drop=FALSE]
      negScore <- apply(tmp, 2, .geomMean)
      totalScore <- scale(posScore - ratio*negScore)
      auc[j] <- calculateROC(GEM$class, totalScore, AUConly=TRUE)
  auc <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(auc)), nrow=length(neg.test), 
                ncol=length(discovery.genes),  byrow=FALSE)
  auc[is.na(auc)] <- 0

######################  Helper Functions   #############################################

.getGenesData <- function(genes.mtx, genes){
  tmp <- genes.mtx[genes, ]
  rownames(tmp) <- genes
  tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 1

## Get Genes Mtx for each GEM in discAUC
## subset to only the pos.genes and neg.genes 
.convertDiscoveryListToGenes <- function(metaObject, pos.genes, neg.genes){
  cat("Converting probes:genes for gene list for all discovery GEMs")
  discovery.genes <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(metaObject$originalData)){
    #Convert to genes and subset
    GEM.genes <- getSampleLevelGeneData(metaObject$originalData[[i]], c(pos.genes, neg.genes) )
    #scale positive
    GEMmin <- min(GEM.genes, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (GEMmin <0) {GEM.genes <- GEM.genes + abs(GEMmin) + 1}
    discovery.genes[[ metaObject$originalData[[i]]$formattedName ]] <- list(genes = GEM.genes, class = metaObject$originalData[[i]]$class)
  rm(GEM.genes, i, GEMmin)
  cat("   done. \n")

## Redo score function to handle genes directly
.scoreGenesMtx <- function(GeneMtx, pos.genes, neg.genes){
  ## get Geom mean of genes present
  posScore <- 0 
  if (sum(pos.genes %in% rownames(GeneMtx)) > 0){
    #posMatch <- GeneMtx[pos.genes, ]
    posMatch <- .getGenesData(GeneMtx, pos.genes)
    posScore <- apply(posMatch, 2, .geomMean)
  negScore <- 0
  if (sum(neg.genes %in% rownames(GeneMtx)) > 0){
    #negMatch <- GeneMtx[neg.genes, ]
    negMatch <- .getGenesData(GeneMtx, neg.genes)
    negScore <- apply(negMatch, 2, .geomMean)
    totalScore <- scale(posScore - negScore)
  } else {
    totalScore <- scale(-negScore)

## AUCs for a list of GENE matrices (not probes)
.getAUCsGenesList <- function(discovery.genes, yes.pos, yes.neg, print=TRUE){
  if(length(c(yes.pos,yes.neg))==0) return(0.5)
  counter <- 1
  auc <- lapply(discovery.genes, function(GEM) {
    score <- .scoreGenesMtx(GEM$genes, yes.pos, yes.neg)
    auc <- signif(calculateROC(GEM$class, score, AUConly=TRUE), 3)
    if(print) cat(names(discovery.genes)[counter], auc, "\n")
    counter <<- counter + 1
  mean.AUC <- mean(as.numeric(unlist(auc)))
  if(print) cat("mean AUC:", mean.AUC, "\n")

## Weighted AUCs (weight by N for each dataset)
.getWeightedAUCsGenesList <- function(genes.list, yes.pos, yes.neg, print=TRUE){
  if(length(c(yes.pos,yes.neg))==0) return(0.5)
  weights <- unlist( lapply(genes.list, function(GEM) length(GEM$class)) )
  counter <- 1
  auc <- lapply(genes.list, function(GEM) {
    score <- .scoreGenesMtx(GEM$genes, yes.pos, yes.neg)
    auc <- calculateROC(GEM$class, score, AUConly=TRUE)
    counter <- counter + 1
  auc <- as.numeric(unlist(auc))
  weightedAUC <- auc * weights
  if(print) cat("sum weighted AUC:", sum(weightedAUC), "\n")

.matchAll <- function(discovery.genes, pos.genes, neg.genes, yes.pos, yes.neg){
  discGenes <- unique(unlist(lapply(discovery.genes, function(x) rownames(x$genes))))
  if( !(all(yes.pos %in% pos.genes) )) stop("not all yes.pos %in% pos.genes")
  if( !(all(yes.neg %in% neg.genes) )) stop("not all yes.neg %in% neg.genes")
  if( !(all(neg.genes %in% discGenes) )) stop("not all neg.genes %in% discovery.genes")
  if( !(all(pos.genes %in% discGenes) )) stop("not all pos.genes %in% discovery.genes")
  if( !(all(discGenes %in% c(pos.genes, neg.genes)) )) stop("not all discovery.genes %in% c(pos.genes, neg.genes)")

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MetaIntegrator documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:29 p.m.