
Defines functions multi_net_build c_net_build

Documented in c_net_build multi_net_build

# =========2.build======

#' Construct a metanet from a corr object
#' @param corr corr object from `c_net_calculate()` or `input_corr()`.
#' @param r_threshold r_threshold (default: >0.6).
#' @param p_threshold p_threshold (default: <0.05).
#' @param use_p_adj use the p.adjust instead of p.value (default: TRUE), if p.adjust not in the corr object, use p.value.
#' @param delete_single should delete single vertexes?
#' @return an metanet object
#' @export
#' @family build
#' @examples
#' data("otutab", package = "pcutils")
#' t(otutab) -> totu
#' metadata[, 3:10] -> env
#' c_net_calculate(totu) -> corr
#' c_net_build(corr, r_threshold = 0.65) -> co_net
#' c_net_calculate(totu, env) -> corr2
#' c_net_build(corr2) -> co_net2
c_net_build <- function(corr, r_threshold = 0.6, p_threshold = 0.05, use_p_adj = TRUE, delete_single = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(corr, "corr"))
  # set thresholds to construct
  if ("r" %in% names(corr)) {
    occor.r <- corr$r
  } else {
    stop("No r in the input corr object.")

  if (("p.adjust" %in% names(corr)) & use_p_adj) {
    occor.p <- corr$p.adjust
  } else {
    if ("p.value" %in% names(corr)) {
      occor.p <- corr$p.value
      message("Have not do p-value adjustment! use the p.value to build network.")
    } else {
      occor.p <- occor.r
      occor.p[occor.p != 0] <- 0
      message("No p.value or p.adjust in the input corr object, use the r to build network.")

  occor.r[occor.p > p_threshold | abs(occor.r) < r_threshold] <- 0

  # make igraph
  if (t_flag(occor.r)) {
    go <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(as.matrix(occor.r),
      mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE
    igraph::graph.attributes(go)$n_type <- "single"
  } else {
    inset <- intersect(rownames(occor.r), colnames(occor.r))
    if (length(inset) > 0) {
      insets <- paste0(inset, collapse = ", ")
      warning("some nodes (row and column) has same name, please check: ", insets)
    go <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(as.matrix(occor.r),
      directed = FALSE, weighted = TRUE
    igraph::graph.attributes(go)$n_type <- "bipartite"

  # delete single vertexes?
  if (delete_single) go <- igraph::delete.vertices(go, V(go)[igraph::degree(go) == 0])

  # set vertex attributes
  V(go)$v_group <- ifelse(V(go)$name %in% rownames(occor.r), "v_group1", "v_group2")
  V(go)$v_class <- ifelse(V(go)$name %in% rownames(occor.r), "v_class1", "v_class2")
  V(go)$size <- ceiling(60 / sqrt(length(V(go)))) + 1
  V(go)$label <- V(go)$name

  # abs edges weight
  go.weight <- E(go)$weight
  E(go)$cor <- go.weight
  E(go)$weight <- abs(go.weight)

  # time-consuming
  if (TRUE) {
    tmp_e <- get_e(go)
    if ("p.value" %in% names(corr)) {
      # E(go)$p.value <-get_e(go)%>%dplyr::select(from,to)%>%apply(., 1, \(x)occor.r$p.value[x[1],x[2]])
      tmp <- reshape2::melt(corr$p.value, varnames = c("from", "to"), value.name = "p.value")
      tmp_e <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_e, tmp, by = c("from", "to"))
    if ("p.adjust" %in% names(corr)) {
      # E(go)$p.adjust <-get_e(go)%>%dplyr::select(from,to)%>%apply(., 1, \(x)occor.r$p.adjust[x[1],x[2]])
      tmp <- reshape2::melt(corr$p.adjust, varnames = c("from", "to"), value.name = "p.adjust")
      tmp_e <- dplyr::left_join(tmp_e, tmp, by = c("from", "to"))
    # 应该直接expand,再left_join快很多
    igraph::edge.attributes(go) <- as.list(tmp_e)

  # set edges type
  E(go)$e_type <- ifelse(go.weight > 0, "positive", "negative")
  # set edges width
  E(go)$width <- E(go)$weight

  # set edges from_to
  anno_edge(go, get_v(go)[, c("name", "v_group")]) -> go

  # set edge intra-inter
  tmp_e <- igraph::edge.attributes(go)
  E(go)$e_class <- ifelse(tmp_e$v_group_from == tmp_e$v_group_to, "intra", "inter")
  c_net_update(go) -> go


#' Multi-omics network build
#' @param ... some omics abundance tables
#' @param mode "full"
#' @param method "spearman" or "pearson"
#' @param filename the prefix of saved .corr file or FALSE
#' @param p.adjust.method see \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}
#' @param r_threshold r_threshold (default: >0.6)
#' @param p_threshold p_threshold (default: <0.05)
#' @param use_p_adj use the p.adjust instead of p-value (default: TRUE)
#' @param delete_single should delete single vertexes?
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @family build
#' @examples
#' data("multi_test")
#' multi1 <- multi_net_build(list(Microbiome = micro, Metabolome = metab, Transcriptome = transc))
#' multi1 <- c_net_set(multi1, micro_g, metab_g, transc_g,
#'   vertex_class = c("Phylum", "kingdom", "type")
#' )
#' multi1 <- c_net_set(multi1, data.frame("Abundance1" = colSums(micro)),
#'   data.frame("Abundance2" = colSums(metab)), data.frame("Abundance3" = colSums(transc)),
#'   vertex_size = paste0("Abundance", 1:3)
#' )
#' c_net_plot(multi1)
multi_net_build <- function(..., mode = "full", method = "spearman",
                            filename = FALSE, p.adjust.method = NULL,
                            r_threshold = 0.6, p_threshold = 0.05, use_p_adj = TRUE, delete_single = TRUE) {
  tables <- list(...)
  if (all(class(tables[[1]]) == "list")) tables <- tables[[1]]
  tabs_name <- names(tables)

  tables <- check_tabs(tables)
  if (mode == "full") {
    all_totu <- do.call(cbind, tables)
    message("Calculating ", nrow(all_totu), " samples and ", ncol(all_totu), " objects of ", length(tables), " groups.\n")
    all_corr <- c_net_calculate(all_totu, method = method, filename = filename, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)

    c_net_build(all_corr, r_threshold = r_threshold, p_threshold = p_threshold, use_p_adj = use_p_adj, delete_single = delete_single) -> multi_net

    igraph::graph.attributes(multi_net)$n_type <- "multi_full"

    get_v(multi_net) -> tmp_v
    if (is.null(tabs_name)) tabs_name <- paste0("omic", seq_len(length(tables)))
    position <- rep(tabs_name, vapply(tables, ncol, numeric(1)))
    names(position) <- lapply(tables, colnames) %>% do.call(c, .)

    tmp_v$v_class <- tmp_v$v_group <- vapply(tmp_v$name, \(x)position[x], character(1))
    tmp_v %>% as.list() -> igraph::vertex_attr(multi_net)

    # set edges from_to
    suppressMessages(anno_edge(multi_net, tmp_v[, c("name", "v_group")]) -> multi_net)
    # set edge intra-inter
    tmp_e <- igraph::edge.attributes(multi_net)
    E(multi_net)$e_class <- ifelse(tmp_e$v_group_from == tmp_e$v_group_to, "intra", "inter")
    c_net_update(multi_net) -> multi_net

#' Update a metanet object or transform igraph object to metanet object
#' @param go a metanet object or igraph object
#' @param node_break node_break if v_class is numeric, default: 5
#' @param edge_break edge_break if e_type is numeric, default: 5
#' @aliases as.metanet
#' @export
#' @family build
#' @return metanet
c_net_update <- function(go, node_break = 5, edge_break = 5) {
  stopifnot(inherits(go, "igraph"))

  # name
  if (!"name" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(go)) V(go)$name <- paste0("n", seq_len(length(go)))
  if (!"label" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(go)) V(go)$label <- V(go)$name
  get_v(go) -> tmp_v
  # v_size
  if (!"size" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) tmp_v$size <- 1

  flag <- TRUE
  # v_shape
  if (!"v_group" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) {
    tmp_v$v_group <- "v_group1"
  if ("shape" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) {
    if (e_match(tmp_v[, c("v_group", "shape")], test = 1)) flag <- FALSE
  if (flag) tmp_v$shape <- pcutils::tidai(tmp_v$v_group, c("circle", "square"))

  flag <- TRUE
  # v_color
  if (!"v_class" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) {
    tmp_v$v_class <- "v_class1"
  if ("color" %in% colnames(tmp_v)) {
    if (e_match(tmp_v[, c("v_group", "v_class", "color")], test = 1:2)) flag <- FALSE
  if (flag) {
    if (is.numeric(tmp_v$v_class)) {
      tmp_v$color <- as.character(cut(tmp_v$v_class,
        breaks = node_break,
        labels = pcutils::get_cols(node_break, RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "Reds")[2:9])
      tmp_v$v_class <- as.character(cut(tmp_v$v_class,
        breaks = node_break,
        labels = seq(min(tmp_v$v_class, na.rm = TRUE), max(tmp_v$v_class, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = node_break)
    } else {
      tmp_col <- paste0(tmp_v$v_group, "-", tmp_v$v_class)
      tmp_v$color <- pcutils::tidai(tmp_col, pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(factor(tmp_col)), "col3"), fac = TRUE)

  as.list(tmp_v) -> igraph::vertex_attr(go)

  flag <- TRUE
  # e_color
  if (!"e_type" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(go)) {
    E(go)$e_type <- "e_type1"
  if ("color" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(go)) {
    if (e_match(data.frame(a = E(go)$e_type, b = E(go)$color))) flag <- FALSE
  if (flag) {
    if (is.numeric(E(go)$e_type)) {
      E(go)$color <- as.character(cut(E(go)$e_type,
        breaks = edge_break,
        labels = pcutils::get_cols(edge_break, RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "Greens")[3:9])
      E(go)$e_type <- as.character(cut(E(go)$e_type, breaks = edge_break))
    } else {
      edge.color <- droplevels(as.factor(E(go)$e_type))
      if (all(levels(edge.color) %in% c("negative", "positive"))) {
        ncols <- c(negative = "#E85D5D", positive = "#48A4F0")
      } else if (all(levels(edge.color) %in% c("inter-module", "intra-module"))) {
        ncols <- c("inter-module" = "#FA789A", "intra-module" = "#A6CEE3")
      } else {
        ncols <- pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(edge.color), "col2")
      E(go)$color <- pcutils::tidai(E(go)$e_type, ncols, fac = TRUE)

  flag <- TRUE
  # e_lty
  if (!"e_class" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(go)) {
    E(go)$e_class <- "e_class1"
  if ("lty" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(go)) {
    if (e_match(data.frame(a = E(go)$e_class, b = E(go)$lty), test = 1)) flag <- FALSE
  if (flag) E(go)$lty <- pcutils::tidai(E(go)$e_class, 1:4)

  # e_width
  if (!"width" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(go)) {
    E(go)$width <- 1

  class(go) <- c("metanet", "igraph")

#' Clean a igraph object
#' @param go igraph, metanet objects
#' @param direct direct?
#' @return a igraph object
#' @export
clean_igraph <- function(go, direct = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(go, "igraph"))
  go <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(
    d = get_e(go)[, c("from", "to")],
    directed = direct,
    vertices = get_v(go)["name"]

#' Construct a network from edge_list dataframe
#' @param edgelist first is source, second is target, others are annotation
#' @param vertex vertex metadata
#' @param direct logical
#' @param e_type set e_type
#' @param e_class set e_class
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @family build
#' @examples
#' data(edgelist)
#' edge_net <- c_net_from_edgelist(arc_count, vertex = arc_taxonomy)
#' edge_net <- c_net_set(edge_net, vertex_class = "Phylum", edge_width = "n")
#' c_net_plot(edge_net)
c_net_from_edgelist <- function(edgelist, vertex = NULL, direct = FALSE, e_type = NULL, e_class = NULL) {
  go <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edgelist, directed = direct, vertices = vertex)
  if (!is.null(e_type)) E(go)$e_type <- edgelist[, e_type]
  if (!is.null(e_class)) E(go)$e_class <- edgelist[, e_class]
  go <- c_net_update(go)

#' Set basic attributes from totu table
#' @param go metanet an igraph object
#' @param ... some data.frames to annotate go
#' @param vertex_group choose which column to be vertex_group (map to vertex_shape)
#' @param vertex_class choose which column to be vertex_class (map to vertex_color)
#' @param vertex_size choose which column to be vertex_size (map to vertex_size)
#' @param edge_type choose which column to be edge_type (map to edge_color)
#' @param edge_class choose which column to be edge_class (map to edge_linetype)
#' @param edge_width choose which column to be edge_width (map to edge_width)
#' @param node_break node_break if v_class is numeric, default: 5
#' @param edge_break edge_break if e_type is numeric, default: 5
#' @return a metanet object
#' @export
#' @family build
#' @examples
#' data("otutab", package = "pcutils")
#' t(otutab) -> totu
#' metadata[, 3:10] -> env
#' data("c_net")
#' co_net <- c_net_set(co_net, taxonomy, data.frame("Abundance" = colSums(totu)),
#'   vertex_class = "Phylum", vertex_size = "Abundance"
#' )
#' co_net2 <- c_net_set(co_net2, taxonomy, data.frame(name = colnames(env), env = colnames(env)),
#'   vertex_class = c("Phylum", "env")
#' )
#' co_net2 <- c_net_set(co_net2, data.frame("Abundance" = colSums(totu)), vertex_size = "Abundance")
c_net_set <- function(go, ..., vertex_group = "v_group", vertex_class = "v_class", vertex_size = "size",
                      edge_type = "e_type", edge_class = "e_class", edge_width = "width", node_break = 5, edge_break = 5) {
  size <- e_class <- width <- NULL
  c_net_update(go) -> go
  name <- v_group <- v_class <- e_type <- color <- NULL

  # annotation vertex
  anno_dfs <- list(...)
  if (length(anno_dfs) > 0) {
    anno_dfs2 <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(length(anno_dfs))) {
      x <- anno_dfs[[i]]
      if ("name" %in% colnames(x)) {
        rownames(x) <- x$name
        x <- dplyr::select(x, -name)
      anno_dfs2[[i]] <- x

    if (any(duplicated(lapply(anno_dfs2, names) %>% unlist()))) stop("Duplicated column names in your annotation tables, please check!")

    Reduce(\(x, y)merge(x, y, by = "row.names", all = TRUE) %>%
      tibble::column_to_rownames("Row.names"), anno_dfs2) -> all_anno

    anno_vertex(go, all_anno) -> go
  get_v(go) -> v_index
  get_e(go) -> e_index
  # set something
  if (!setequal(vertex_group, "v_group")) dplyr::select(v_index, v_group, !!vertex_group) %>% condance() -> v_index$v_group
  if (!setequal(vertex_class, "v_class")) {
    tmp_color <- list()
    tmp_ann <- dplyr::select(v_index, !!vertex_class)
    # charcter
    tmp_col <- dplyr::select_if(tmp_ann, \(i)!is.numeric(i)) %>%
      condance() %>%
      unique() %>%
    if (length(tmp_col) > 0) tmp_col <- setNames(pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(factor(tmp_col)), "col3"), tmp_col)
    # tmp_col=c(tmp_col,`NA`=NA)

    # 可能某一个group用numeric做v_class,所以要分开上色
    for (i in 1:ncol(tmp_ann)) {
      if (is.numeric(tmp_ann[, i])) {
        tmp_color[[i]] <- as.character(cut(tmp_ann[, i],
          breaks = node_break,
          labels = pcutils::get_cols(node_break, RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "Reds")[2:9])
        tmp_ann[, i] <- as.character(cut(tmp_ann[, i],
          breaks = node_break,
          labels = seq(min(tmp_ann[, i], na.rm = TRUE), max(tmp_ann[, i], na.rm = TRUE),
            length.out = node_break
      } else {
        tmp_color[[i]] <- tmp_col[tmp_ann[, i]]

    cbind(dplyr::select(v_index, v_class), tmp_ann) %>% condance() -> v_index$v_class
    cbind(dplyr::select(v_index, color), as.data.frame(tmp_color)) %>% condance() -> v_index$color
  if (!setequal(vertex_size, "size")) dplyr::select(v_index, size, !!vertex_size) %>% condance() -> v_index$size
  if (!setequal(edge_type, "e_type")) {
    tmp_color <- list()
    tmp_ann <- dplyr::select(e_index, !!edge_type)
    # charcter
    tmp_col <- dplyr::select_if(tmp_ann, \(i)!is.numeric(i)) %>%
      condance() %>%
      unique() %>%
    if (length(tmp_col) > 0) {
      tmp_col <- setNames(pcutils::get_cols(nlevels(factor(tmp_col)), "col2"), tmp_col)
      tmp_col <- pcutils::update_param(tmp_col, c(
        negative = "#E85D5D", positive = "#48A4F0",
        "inter-module" = "#FA789A", "intra-module" = "#A6CEE3"
    # tmp_col=c(tmp_col,`NA`=NA)

    for (i in 1:ncol(tmp_ann)) {
      if (is.numeric(tmp_ann[, i])) {
        tmp_color[[i]] <- as.character(cut(tmp_ann[, i],
          breaks = edge_break,
          labels = pcutils::get_cols(edge_break, RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "Greens")[3:9])
        tmp_ann[, i] <- as.character(cut(tmp_ann[, i],
          breaks = edge_break,
          labels = seq(min(tmp_ann[, i], na.rm = TRUE), max(tmp_ann[, i], na.rm = TRUE),
            length.out = edge_break
      } else {
        tmp_color[[i]] <- tmp_col[tmp_ann[, i]]
    cbind(dplyr::select(e_index, e_type), tmp_ann) %>% condance() -> e_index$e_type
    cbind(dplyr::select(e_index, color), as.data.frame(tmp_color)) %>% condance() -> e_index$color
  if (!setequal(edge_class, "e_class")) dplyr::select(e_index, e_class, !!edge_class) %>% condance() -> e_index$e_class
  if (!setequal(edge_width, "width")) dplyr::select(e_index, width, !!edge_width) %>% condance() -> e_index$width

  as.list(v_index) -> igraph::vertex.attributes(go)
  as.list(e_index) -> igraph::edge.attributes(go)

  c_net_update(go) -> go

# ==========2.1 manipulate========

#' Is this object a metanet object?
#' @param go a test object
#' @return logical
#' @export
#' @aliases is.metanet
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data(c_net)
#' is_metanet(co_net)
is_metanet <- function(go) {
  is.igraph(go) & inherits(go, "metanet")

#' Get vertex information
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param name attribute name, default: NULL
#' @family manipulate
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
get_v <- function(go, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(V(go)$name)) V(go)$name <- V(go)
  df <- as.data.frame(igraph::vertex.attributes(go))
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    return(dplyr::select(df, !!name))
  } else {

#' Get edge information
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param name attribute name, default: NULL
#' @return data.frame
#' @family manipulate
#' @export
get_e <- function(go, name = NULL) {
  id <- NULL
  tmp_e <- cbind_new(igraph::as_data_frame(go), data.frame(id = seq_len(igraph::ecount(go))))
  tmp_e <- dplyr::select(tmp_e, id, dplyr::everything())
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    return(dplyr::select(tmp_e, !!name))
  } else {

#' Get network information
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param name attribute name, default: NULL
#' @param simple logical, get simple index
#' @family manipulate
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
get_n <- function(go, name = NULL, simple = FALSE) {
  gls <- igraph::graph.attributes(go)
  if (simple) {
    gls <- lapply(gls, \(x){
      if (inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
      if (is.array(x)) {
      if (is.list(x)) {
      if (length(x) > 1) {
  } else {
    gls <- lapply(gls, \(x){
      if (inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
        return(paste0(ncol(x), "-columns df"))
      if (is.array(x)) {
        return(paste0(length(x), "-elements ", class(x)))
      if (is.list(x)) {
        return(paste0(length(x), "-elements ", class(x)))
      if (length(x) > 1) {
        return(paste0(length(x), "-elements vector"))
  df <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, gls))
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    return(dplyr::select(df, !!name))
  } else {

#' Filter a network according to some attributes
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param ... some attributes of vertex and edge
#' @param mode "v" or "e"
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data("multi_net")
#' c_net_filter(multi1, v_group %in% c("omic1", "omic2"))
c_net_filter <- function(go, ..., mode = "v") {
  if (mode == "v") {
    go1 <- filter_v(go, ...)
  } else if (mode == "e") {
    go1 <- filter_e(go, ...)

filter_v <- function(go, ...) {
  get_v(go) -> tmp_v
  tmp_v <- dplyr::filter(tmp_v, ...)
  tmp_v$name -> vid
  igraph::subgraph(go, vid) -> go1
  class(go1) <- c("metanet", "igraph")

filter_e <- function(go, ...) {
  get_e(go) -> tmp_e
  tmp_e <- dplyr::filter(tmp_e, ...)
  tmp_e$id -> eid
  igraph::subgraph.edges(go, eid) -> go1
  class(go1) <- c("metanet", "igraph")

#' Union two networks
#' @param go1 metanet object
#' @param go2 metanet object
#' @return metanet
#' @export
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' co_net_union <- c_net_union(co_net, co_net2)
#' c_net_plot(co_net_union)
c_net_union <- function(go1, go2) {
  tmp_v1 <- get_v(go1)
  tmp_v2 <- get_v(go2)
  cols <- c("name", "label", "size", "v_group", "shape", "v_class", "color")
  tmp_v <- rbind(tmp_v1[cols], tmp_v2[cols])
  message("Duplicated vertexes: ", sum(duplicated(tmp_v$name)), "\nUse the attributes of the first network.")
  tmp_v <- tmp_v[!duplicated(tmp_v$name), ]

  tmp_e1 <- get_e(go1)
  tmp_e2 <- get_e(go2)
  cols <- c("from", "to", "e_type", "color", "e_class", "lty", "width")
  tmp_e <- rbind(tmp_e1[cols], tmp_e2[cols])
  message("Duplicated edges: ", sum(duplicated(tmp_e[, c("from", "to")])), "\nUse the attributes of the first network.")
  tmp_e <- tmp_e[!duplicated(tmp_e[, c("from", "to")]), ]

  go <- igraph::union(go1, go2)
  go <- clean_igraph(go, direct = FALSE)
  go <- c_net_annotate(go, tmp_v, mode = "v")
  go <- c_net_annotate(go, tmp_e, mode = "e")
  go <- c_net_annotate(go, list(n_type = "combine_net"), mode = "n")
  go <- c_net_update(go)

#' Annotate a metanet
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param anno_tab a dataframe using to annotate (mode v, e), or a list (mode n)
#' @param mode "v" for vertex, "e" for edge, "n" for network
#' @param verbose logical
#' @return a annotated metanet object
#' @export
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' anno <- data.frame("name" = "s__Pelomonas_puraquae", new_atr = "new")
#' co_net_new <- c_net_annotate(co_net, anno, mode = "v")
#' get_v(co_net_new, c("name", "new_atr"))
#' anno <- data.frame("from" = "s__Pelomonas_puraquae", "to" = "s__un_g__Rhizobium", new_atr = "new")
#' co_net_new <- c_net_annotate(co_net, anno, mode = "e")
#' get_e(co_net_new, c("from", "to", "new_atr"))
#' co_net_new <- c_net_annotate(co_net, list(new_atr = "new"), mode = "n")
#' get_n(co_net_new)
c_net_annotate <- function(go, anno_tab, mode = "v", verbose = TRUE) {
  mode <- match.arg(mode, c("v", "e", "n"))
  if (mode == "v") {
    anno_vertex(go, anno_tab, verbose = verbose) -> go
  } else if (mode == "e") {
    anno_edge(go, anno_tab, verbose = verbose) -> go
  } else if (mode == "n") {
    igraph::graph.attributes(go) <-
      pcutils::update_param(igraph::graph.attributes(go), anno_tab)

#' Use data.frame to annotate vertexes of metanet
#' @param go metanet object
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param anno_tab a dataframe using to annotate (with rowname or a "name" column)
#' @return a annotated metanet object
#' @aliases anno_node
#' @export
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' data("otutab", package = "pcutils")
#' anno_vertex(co_net, taxonomy)
anno_vertex <- function(go, anno_tab, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(anno_tab)) {
  get_v(go) -> v_atr
  if (!"name" %in% colnames(anno_tab)) rownames(anno_tab) -> anno_tab$name
  if (any(duplicated(anno_tab$name))) {
      "Duplicated name in annotation tables: ",
      paste0(anno_tab$name[duplicated(anno_tab$name)], collapse = ", ")
  v_atr <- dplyr::left_join(v_atr, anno_tab, by = "name", suffix = c(".x", ""))
  grep(".x", colnames(v_atr), value = TRUE) %>% gsub(".x", "", .) -> du
  if (length(du) > 0) message(length(du), (" attributes will be overwrited:\n"), paste0(du, collapse = ", "), "\n")
  v_atr %>% dplyr::select(!dplyr::ends_with(".x")) -> v_atr

  as.list(v_atr) -> igraph::vertex.attributes(go)

#' Use dataframe to annotate edges of an igraph
#' @param go metanet an igraph object
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param anno_tab a dataframe using to annotate (with rowname or a name column)
#' @return a annotated igraph object
#' @export
#' @family manipulate
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' anno <- data.frame("from" = "s__Pelomonas_puraquae", "to" = "s__un_g__Rhizobium", new_atr = "new")
#' anno_edge(co_net, anno) -> anno_net
anno_edge <- function(go, anno_tab, verbose = TRUE) {
  name <- NULL
  if (is.null(anno_tab)) {
  get_e(go) -> e_atr
  if (all(c("from", "to") %in% colnames(anno_tab))) {
    e_atr <- dplyr::left_join(e_atr, anno_tab, by = c("from", "to"), suffix = c(".x", ""))
    grep(".x", colnames(e_atr), value = TRUE) %>% gsub(".x", "", .) -> du
    if (length(du) > 0) {
      if (verbose) message(length(du), (" attributes will be overwrited:\n"), paste0(du, collapse = ","), "\n")
    e_atr %>% dplyr::select(!dplyr::ends_with(".x")) -> e_atr
  } else {
    if (verbose) message("No 'from' and 'to' columns in annotation table, will use 'name_from' and 'name_to' instead.")
    if (!"name" %in% colnames(anno_tab)) rownames(anno_tab) -> anno_tab$name
    anno_tab %>% dplyr::select(name, dplyr::everything()) -> anno_tab
    # from
    tmp <- anno_tab
    colnames(tmp) <- paste0(colnames(anno_tab), "_from")
    e_atr <- dplyr::left_join(e_atr, tmp, by = c("from" = "name_from"), suffix = c(".x", ""))
    grep(".x", colnames(e_atr), value = TRUE) %>% gsub(".x", "", .) -> du
    if (length(du) > 0) {
      if (verbose) message(length(du), (" attributes will be overwrited:\n"), paste0(du, collapse = ","), "\n")
    e_atr %>% dplyr::select(!dplyr::ends_with(".x")) -> e_atr
    # to
    tmp <- anno_tab
    colnames(tmp) <- paste0(colnames(anno_tab), "_to")
    e_atr <- dplyr::left_join(e_atr, tmp, by = c("to" = "name_to"), suffix = c(".x", ""))
    grep(".x", colnames(e_atr), value = TRUE) %>% gsub(".x", "", .) -> du
    if (length(du) > 0) {
      if (verbose) message(length(du), (" attributes will be overwrited:\n"), paste0(du, collapse = ","), "\n")
    e_atr %>% dplyr::select(!dplyr::ends_with(".x")) -> e_atr
  as.list(e_atr) -> igraph::edge.attributes(go)

#' Save network file
#' @param go metanet network
#' @param filename filename
#' @param format "data.frame","graphml"
#' @return No value
#' @family manipulate
#' @export
c_net_save <- function(go, filename = "net", format = "data.frame") {
  if (format == "data.frame") {
    get_v(go) %>% write.csv(., paste0(filename, "_nodes.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
    get_e(go) %>%
      dplyr::select(-1) %>%
      write.csv(., paste0(filename, "_edges.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
  } else if (format == "graphml") {
    go <- igraph::delete_edge_attr(go, "id")
    igraph::write.graph(go, paste0(filename, ".graphml"), format = "graphml")
  } else {
    igraph::write.graph(go, paste0(filename, ".", format), format = format)
  print(paste0(filename, " saved sucessfully!"))

#' Summaries two columns information
#' @param df data.frame
#' @param from first column name or index
#' @param to second column name or index
#' @param count (optional) weight column, if no, each equal to 1
#' @param direct consider direct? default: FALSE
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test <- data.frame(
#'   a = sample(letters[1:4], 10, replace = TRUE),
#'   b = sample(letters[1:4], 10, replace = TRUE)
#' )
#' summ_2col(test, direct = TRUE)
#' summ_2col(test, direct = FALSE)
#' if (requireNamespace("circlize")) {
#'   summ_2col(test, direct = TRUE) %>% pcutils::my_circo()
#' }
summ_2col <- function(df, from = 1, to = 2, count = 3, direct = FALSE) {
  if (ncol(df) < 2) stop("need at least two columns")
  if (ncol(df) == 2) {
    tmp <- cbind(df, count = 1)
  } else {
    tmp <- dplyr::select(df, !!from, !!to, !!count)
  cols <- colnames(tmp)
  colnames(tmp) <- c("from", "to", "count")

  if (direct) {
    tmp <- (dplyr::group_by(tmp, from, to) %>% dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)))
    colnames(tmp) <- cols

  com <- \(group1, group2, levels){
    factor(c(group1, group2), levels = levels) %>% sort()

  group <- factor(c(tmp[, 1], tmp[, 2]))
  tmp1 <- apply(tmp, 1, function(x) com(x[1], x[2], levels(group))) %>%
    t() %>%

  tmp1 <- cbind(tmp1, tmp$count)
  colnames(tmp1) <- c("from", "to", "count")
  tmp1 <- dplyr::group_by(tmp1, from, to) %>% dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count))
  colnames(tmp1) <- cols

# =========2.2RMT optimize=====

#' Get RMT threshold for a correlation matrix
#' @param occor.r a corr object or a correlation matrix
#' @param min_threshold min_threshold
#' @param max_threshold max_threshold
#' @param step step
#' @param gif render a .gif file?
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @param out_dir output dir
#' @return a r-threshold
#' @export
#' @references
#' J. Zhou, Y. Deng, FALSE. Luo, Z. He, Q. Tu, X. Zhi, (2010) Functional Molecular Ecological Networks, doi:10.1128/mBio.00169-10.
#' <https://matstat.org/content_en/RMT/RMThreshold_Intro.pdf>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' t(otutab) -> totu
#' c_net_calculate(totu) -> corr
#' rmt(corr)
#' # recommend: 0.69
#' c_net_build(corr, r_threshold = 0.69) -> co_net_rmt
#' }
RMT_threshold <- function(occor.r, out_dir, min_threshold = 0.5, max_threshold = 0.8,
                          step = 0.02, gif = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
  nwd <- getwd()

  if (inherits(occor.r, "corr")) occor.r <- occor.r$r
  if (!dir.exists("./RMT_temp")) dir.create("./RMT_temp")
  diag(occor.r) <- 0

  if (max_threshold >= max(abs(occor.r))) max_threshold <- (max(abs(occor.r)) - step)
  if (min_threshold >= max_threshold) min_threshold <- max_threshold - 10 * step

  thres_seq <- seq(min_threshold, max_threshold, step)

  res <- data.frame()
  for (i in seq_len(length(thres_seq))) {
    threshold <- thres_seq[i]
    if (!verbose) pcutils::dabiao(paste0("Calculating", i, ":  threshold =", signif(threshold, 3)), print = TRUE)
    corr_r1 <- occor.r
    corr_r1[abs(corr_r1) < threshold] <- 0
    # calculate eigenvalues
    rand.mat <- corr_r1
    eigenvalues <- eigen(rand.mat, only.values = TRUE)$values
    eigenvalues <- eigenvalues[order(eigenvalues)] / max(abs(eigenvalues))
    eigenvalues <- pcutils::remove.outliers(unique(eigenvalues))

    # get the NNDS
    { # uf <- rm.unfold.gauss(eigenvalues,pop.up = TRUE)
      dens <- density(eigenvalues, kernel = "gaussian")
      midpoints <- \(x)(x[-length(x)] + 0.5 * diff(x))
      scale.function <- approx(dens$x, dens$y, xout = midpoints(eigenvalues))
      ev.spacing <- diff(eigenvalues)
      ev.spacing <- ev.spacing * scale.function$y
      ev.spacing <- ev.spacing / mean(ev.spacing)

    ev.spacing <- ev.spacing[ev.spacing <= 3]
    # test whether fit possion?
    p_ks_test <- ks.test(unique(ev.spacing), "pexp", 1)$p.value
    # get sse
    # sse = rm.sse(ev.spacing)
    sse <- get_sse(ev.spacing)
    log_sse <- log(sse)

    # maximum likelihood
    evs <- ev.spacing[ev.spacing != 0]
    N <- length(evs)
    log_LE <- -sum(evs) / N
    log_LW <- log(pi / 2) + sum(log(evs)) / N - 0.25 * pi * sum(evs^2) / N

    # save png
      histo <- hist(ev.spacing, breaks = seq(min(ev.spacing), max(ev.spacing), len = 51), plot = FALSE)
      grDevices::png(paste0("RMT_temp/rmt_nnsd", i, ".png"), height = 600, width = 700, res = 130)
        histo = histo, title = "Eigenvalue spacing distribution (NNSD)", threshold = threshold,
        dis_GOE = log_LW, dis_possion = log_LE, p_ks_test = p_ks_test
    res <- rbind(res, data.frame(threshold, p_ks_test, log_sse, log_LW, log_LE))
  message("The Intermediate files saved in ", out_dir, "/RMT_temp/.")
  # transfer to gif
  if (gif) {
    lib_ps("gifski", library = FALSE)
    gifski::gifski(paste0("RMT_temp/rmt_nnsd", seq_len(length(thres_seq)), ".png"),
      gif_file = "RMT_temp/rmt_nnsd.gif"
  r_threshold <- (res[which(res$log_LW == min(res$log_LW)), "threshold"] +
    res[which(res$log_LE == max(res$log_LE)), "threshold"]) / 2
  res <- list(res = res, r_threshold = r_threshold)
  class(res) <- c("rmt_res", class(res))

#' Plot a rmt_res
#' @param x rmt_res
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return ggplot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot rmt_res
plot.rmt_res <- function(x, ...) {
  threshold <- value <- variable <- xi <- y <- NULL
  res <- x$res
  linedf <- data.frame(
    variable = c("p_ks_test", "log_sse", "log_LW", "log_LE"),
    xi = c(
      res[which(res$p_ks_test == max(res$p_ks_test))[1], "threshold"],
      res[which(res$log_sse == min(res$log_sse))[1], "threshold"],
      res[which(res$log_LW == min(res$log_LW))[1], "threshold"],
      res[which(res$log_LE == max(res$log_LE))[1], "threshold"]
    x = max(res$threshold) - min(res$threshold),
    y = apply(res[, -1], 2, max)

  reshape2::melt(res, "threshold") -> md

  # filter(threshold<0.77)%>%
  p <- ggplot(md, aes(threshold, value)) +
    geom_point(aes(col = variable)) +
    geom_line(aes(col = variable)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = get_cols(4, "col1")) +
    facet_wrap(. ~ variable, scales = "free_y") +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab(NULL) +
    geom_text(data = linedf, aes(x = xi - 0.02 * x, y = 0.5 * y, label = xi)) +
    geom_vline(data = linedf, aes(xintercept = xi), linetype = 2, col = "red") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")

  message(paste("recommend r_threshold: ", mean(linedf$xi)))

nnsd_plot <- \(histo = histo, title = title, threshold = threshold,
  dis_GOE = dis_GOE, dis_possion = dis_possion, p_ks_test = p_ks_test) {
  plot(histo, freq = FALSE, col = "#F4FCA1", main = title, font.main = 1, xlab = "eigenvalue spacing", ylab = "PDF of eigenvalue spacing")
    actual.ymax <- par("yaxp")[2]
    x0 <- -log(actual.ymax * 0.98)
    possion_dis <- \(x)exp(-x)
      from = max(x0, min(histo$breaks)),
      to = max(histo$breaks), n = 1001, add = TRUE, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "#EB34FF", lwd = 2
    GOE <- function(x) pi / 2 * x * exp(-pi / 4 * x^2)
      from = min(histo$breaks),
      to = max(histo$breaks), n = 1001, add = TRUE, type = "l",
      lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 2

  if ((!is.na(dis_GOE)) && (!is.na(dis_possion))) {
    graphics::mtext(side = 3, paste(
      "Distance to GOE =", signif(dis_GOE, 3),
      "\nDistance to Possion =", signif(dis_possion, 3), "; ks_test p.value for possion =", signif(p_ks_test, 3)
    ), col = "#878787", cex = 0.6)

  if (!is.na(threshold)) graphics::mtext(side = 4, paste("threshold =", signif(threshold, 4)))

  graphics::legend("topright", inset = 0.05, c("Possion", "GOE"), col = c("#EB34FF", "blue"), lty = 1, lwd = 2, cex = 0.8)

trapez <- \(x, y){
  ind <- 2:length(x)
  as.double((x[ind] - x[ind - 1]) %*% (y[ind] + y[ind - 1])) / 2

get_sse <- \(ev.spacing){
  dens <- density(ev.spacing)
  N <- 20
  x <- seq(min(ev.spacing), max(ev.spacing), len = 1000)
  observed <- approx(dens$x, dens$y, xout = x)$y
  expected <- exp(-x)
  A <- exp(-min(ev.spacing)) - exp(-max(ev.spacing))
  xs <- numeric(N + 1)
  xs[1] <- min(ev.spacing)
  for (i in 1:N) xs[i + 1] <- -log(exp(-xs[i]) - A / N)
  area <- numeric(N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    xsec <- x[(x > xs[i]) & (x < xs[i + 1])]
    xsec <- c(xs[i], xsec, xs[i + 1])
    ysec <- approx(dens$x, dens$y, xout = xsec)$y
    area[i] <- trapez(xsec, ysec)
  sse <- sum((area[i] - A / N)^2)

#' Get RMT threshold for a correlation matrix roughly
#' @export
#' @return recommend threshold
#' @rdname RMT_threshold
rmt <- function(occor.r, min_threshold = 0.5, max_threshold = 0.85, step = 0.01) {
  if (inherits(occor.r, "corr")) occor.r <- occor.r$r
  NNSD <- \(x)abs(diff(x))

  s <- seq(0, 3, 0.1)
  poisson_d <- exp(-s)
  nnsdpois <- density(NNSD(poisson_d))

  ps <- c()
  threshold <- c()

  for (i in seq(min_threshold, max_threshold, step)) {
    corr_r1 <- occor.r
    corr_r1[abs(corr_r1) < i] <- 0
      eigen_res <- sort(eigen(corr_r1)$value)
      # spline to eigen_res
      check <- tryCatch(ssp <- smooth.spline(eigen_res, control.spar = list(low = 0, high = 3)),
        error = \(e) {
      if (rlang::is_true(check)) next
      nnsdw <- density(NNSD(ssp$y))
      chival <- sum((nnsdw$y - nnsdpois$y)^2 / nnsdpois$y / 1e3)

    ps <- c(ps, chival)
    threshold <- c(threshold, i)
    if (((i * 100) %% 5 == 0)) {
      message(paste0("Calculating: ", i))

  res <- data.frame(threshold, ps)
  recommend_thres <- res[which.min(res[, 2]), 1]
  p <- ggplot(res, aes(threshold, ps)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_vline(xintercept = recommend_thres, linetype = 2, col = "red") +
    geom_text(x = recommend_thres + 0.01, y = 0.5 * max(res$ps), label = recommend_thres) +
    theme_bw(base_size = 15)

  res1 <- res[(res$threshold < (recommend_thres + 0.05)) & (res$threshold > (recommend_thres - 0.05)), ]
  p <- ggplot(res1, aes(threshold, ps)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_vline(xintercept = recommend_thres, linetype = 2, col = "red") +
    geom_text(x = recommend_thres + 0.01, y = 0.5 * max(res1$ps), label = recommend_thres) +
    theme_bw(base_size = 15)

  message("We recommend r-threshold: ", recommend_thres, ", you can calculate again in a smaller region")

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