
Defines functions npxProcessing_forDimRed

#### Internal functions ####

npxProcessing_forDimRed <- function(df,
                                    color_g = "QC_Warning",
                                    drop_assays = FALSE,
                                    drop_samples = FALSE,
                                    verbose = FALSE) {

  # Sort order is dependent on locale -> set locale here to make code
  # deterministic
  old_collate <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
  Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")

  #### Set up plotting colors ####
  # check whether QC_Warning warning column exists
  if ((color_g == "QC_Warning") &
      (!"QC_Warning" %in% names(df)) &
      ("SampleQC" %in% names(df))) {
    stop("In color_g = \"QC_Warning\", QC_Warning was not found. Did you mean color_g = \"SampleQC\"?",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (color_g == "QC_Warning") {
    df_temp <- df |>
      dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
      dplyr::mutate(QC_Warning = dplyr::if_else(any(QC_Warning == "Warning"|QC_Warning == "WARN" ), "Warning", "Pass")) |>

    plotColors <- df_temp |>
      dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
      dplyr::summarise(colors = unique(!!rlang::ensym(color_g)), .groups = "drop")

  } else if (color_g == "SampleQC") {
    df_temp <- df |>
      dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
      dplyr::mutate(SampleQC = dplyr::if_else(any(SampleQC == "Warning"|SampleQC == "WARN" ), "Warning", "Pass")) |>

    plotColors <- df_temp |>
      dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
      dplyr::summarise(colors = unique(!!rlang::ensym(color_g)), .groups = "drop")

  } else {
    number_of_sample_w_more_than_one_color <- df |>
      dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
      dplyr::summarise(n_colors = dplyr::n_distinct(!!rlang::ensym(color_g), na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop") |>
      dplyr::filter(n_colors > 1) |>

    if(number_of_sample_w_more_than_one_color > 0) {
      stop(paste0("There are ", number_of_sample_w_more_than_one_color,
                  " samples that do not have a unique color. Only one color per sample is allowed."))
    } else {
      df_temp <- df

      plotColors <- df_temp |>
        dplyr::group_by(SampleID) |>
        dplyr::summarise(colors = unique(!!rlang::ensym(color_g)), .groups = "drop")
  # df is no longer needed

  #### Remove assays with 0 variance ####
  df_temp <- df_temp |>
    dplyr::group_by(OlinkID) |>
    dplyr::mutate(assay_var = var(NPX, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
    dplyr::ungroup() |>
    dplyr::filter(!(assay_var == 0 | is.na(assay_var))) |>
    dplyr::select(-assay_var) |>

  #wide format
  df_wide <- df_temp |>
    dplyr::select(SampleID, OlinkID, NPX) |>
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(NPX)) |>
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = OlinkID, values_from = NPX, names_sort = TRUE)

  #### If drop_assays == T, drop assays with any missing values ####
  if(drop_assays) {

    dropped_assays.na <- colnames(df_wide[, -c(1)])[apply(df_wide[, -c(1)], 2, anyNA)]

    df_wide <- df_wide |>

    if(verbose) {
              " assay(s) contain NA and are dropped. ")

    if(ncol(df_wide) < 4) {
      stop("Too many assays removed. Set drop_assays = FALSE for imputation.")
  } else{
    dropped_assays.na <- NULL

  #### If drop_samples == T, drop samples with any missing values ####
  if(drop_samples) {

    dropped_samples <- apply(df_wide[, -c(1)], 1, anyNA)
    df_wide <- df_wide[!dropped_samples, ]

    if(verbose) {
              " sample(s) contain NA and are dropped. ")

    if(nrow(df_wide) < 2) {
      stop("Too many samples removed. Set drop_samples = FALSE for imputation.")

  #### Drop assays with too many missing values ####
  #Missingness per assay
  percent_missingness <- colSums(is.na(df_wide[, -c(1)]))/nrow(df_wide)

  # assays with missingness > 10% are dropped from the PCA

  #If there are fewer samples than one plate (88), the PERCENT_CUTOFF is 0.05
  if(nrow(df_wide) <= 88) {
    PERCENT_CUTOFF <- 0.05

  if(any(percent_missingness > PERCENT_CUTOFF)) {

    removed_assays_index <- which(percent_missingness > PERCENT_CUTOFF)
    percent_missingness <- percent_missingness[-removed_assays_index]

    removed_assays_index <- removed_assays_index + 1
    dropped_assays.missingness <- colnames(df_wide)[removed_assays_index]

    df_wide <- df_wide[, -removed_assays_index]

    if(verbose) {
      warning(paste0("There are ",
                     " assay(s) dropped due to high missingness (>",
  } else {
    dropped_assays.missingness <- NULL

  #### Impute remaining missing values by the assay median ####
  if (any(percent_missingness <= PERCENT_CUTOFF & percent_missingness > 0)) {

    imputed_assays_index <- which(percent_missingness <= PERCENT_CUTOFF &
                                    percent_missingness > 0)
    percent_missingness <- percent_missingness[-imputed_assays_index]

    imputed_assays_index <- imputed_assays_index + 1
    imputed_assays <- colnames(df_wide)[imputed_assays_index]

    df_wide <- df_wide |>
                       ~ ifelse(is.na(.x), median(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .x)))

    if (verbose) {
      warning(paste0("There are ",
                     " assay(s) that were imputed by their medians."))

  if(!all(colSums(is.na(df_wide[, -c(1)])) == 0)) {
    stop("Missingness imputation failed.")

  #### Format data and wrap up results ####
  df_wide <- df_wide |>
    dplyr::left_join(plotColors, by = "SampleID") |>
    dplyr::select(SampleID, colors, everything())

  df_wide_matrix <- df_wide |>
    dplyr::select(-colors) |>
    tibble::column_to_rownames("SampleID") |>

  Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", old_collate)

  return(list(df_wide = df_wide,
              df_wide_matrix = df_wide_matrix,
              dropped_assays.na = dropped_assays.na,
              dropped_assays.missingness = dropped_assays.missingness))

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OlinkAnalyze documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.