
Defines functions find.tau choose.auc.intervals

Documented in choose.auc.intervals find.tau

#' Choose intervals to compute AUCs from time and dosing information
#' Intervals for AUC are selected by the following metrics:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item If only one dose is administered, use the
#'         `PKNCA.options("single.dose.aucs")`
#'   \item If more than one dose is administered, estimate the AUC
#'         between any two doses that have PK taken at both of the
#'         dosing times and at least one time  between the doses.
#'   \item For the final dose of multiple doses, try to determine the
#'         dosing interval (\eqn{\tau}) and estimate the AUC in that
#'         interval if multiple samples are taken in the interval.
#'   \item If there are samples \eqn{> \tau} after the last dose,
#'         calculate the half life after the last dose.
#'  }
#' @inheritParams PKNCA.choose.option
#' @param time.conc Time of concentration measurement
#' @param time.dosing Time of dosing
#' @param single.dose.aucs The AUC specification for single dosing.
#' @returns A data frame with columns for `start`, `end`, `auc.type`, and
#'   `half.life`.  See [check.interval.specification()] for column definitions.
#' The data frame may have zero rows if no intervals could be found.
#' @family Interval specifications
#' @family Interval determination
#' @seealso [pk.calc.auc()], [pk.calc.aumc()], [pk.calc.half.life()],
#'   [PKNCA.options()]
#' @export
choose.auc.intervals <- function(time.conc, time.dosing,
                                 single.dose.aucs=NULL) {
  # Check inputs
  single.dose.aucs <- PKNCA.choose.option(name="single.dose.aucs", value=single.dose.aucs, options=options)
  if (any(is.na(time.conc)))
    stop("time.conc may not have any NA values")
  if (any(is.na(time.dosing)))
    stop("time.dosing may not have any NA values")
  if (length(unique(time.dosing)) == 1) {
    # If it is single-dose data, use the time of dosing and then offset it by
    # the dosing time (allowing the case where dosing time is not 0).
    ret <- check.interval.specification(single.dose.aucs)
    # If there is an offset from 0, use that offset
    ret$start <- ret$start + unique(time.dosing)
    ret$end <- ret$end + unique(time.dosing)
  } else {
    # Sort the times so sorting can be assumed farther down in the algorithm
    time.dosing <- sort(time.dosing)
    time.conc <- sort(time.conc)
    # Find the doses that have concentration measurements
    mask_dose_conc <- time.dosing %in% time.conc
    # Find indexes of pairs of doses that both have predose PK associated
    idx.paired.dose <-
        mask_dose_conc[-1] &
    # A data frame with all the right columns and classes but no data
    ret <- check.interval.specification(data.frame(start=0, end=1, auclast=TRUE))[-1,]
    # Find the pairs that have at least one measurement between them
    for (n in idx.paired.dose) {
      if (any(time.dosing[n] < time.conc &
              time.conc < time.dosing[n+1])) {
        # If there are measurements between the doses, add it to the output.
        ret <-
    # Find the repeating dosing interval if possible and add it to
    # the last dose if there is PK beyond the last dose to that time.
    tau <- find.tau(time.dosing)
    if (!is.na(tau)) {
      if ((max(time.dosing) + tau) %in% time.conc) {
        ret <-
                end=max(time.dosing) + tau,
      # If the maximum concentration measurement time is beyond the
      # max dosing time + tau, calculate a half-life.
      if ((max(time.dosing) + tau) < max(time.conc)) {
        ret <-

#' Find the repeating interval within a vector of doses
#' This is intended to find the interval over which x repeats by the rule
#' `unique(mod(x, interval))` is minimized.
#' @inheritParams PKNCA.choose.option
#' @param x the vector to find the interval within
#' @param na.action What to do with NAs in `x`
#' @param tau.choices the intervals to look for if the doses are not all equally
#'   spaced.
#' @returns A scalar indicating the repeating interval with the most repetition.
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item If all values are `NA` then NA is returned.
#'   \item If all values are the same, then 0 is returned.
#'   \item If all values are equally spaced, then that spacing is
#'         returned.
#'   \item If one of the `choices` can minimize the number of
#'         unique values, then that is returned.
#'   \item If none of the `choices` can minimize the number of
#'         unique values, then -1 is returned.
#' }
#' @family Interval determination
#' @export
find.tau <- function(x, na.action=stats::na.omit,
                     tau.choices=NULL) {
  # Check inputs
  tau.choices <- PKNCA.choose.option(name="tau.choices", value=tau.choices, options=options)
  ret <- NA
  x <- na.action(x)
  if (length(unique(x)) == 1) {
    # Single dose, no more effort needed
    ret <- 0
  } else if (identical(tau.choices, NA)) {
    all_deltas <-
          X = x,
          FUN = function(x, y) x - y,
          y = x,
          FUN.VALUE = x
    tau.choices <- all_deltas[all_deltas > 0]
  if (is.na(ret) &
      length(x) > 1) {
    delta_1 <- x[2] - x[1]
    if (all((x[-1] - x[-length(x)]) == delta_1)) {
      # Only one interval through the full data set
      ret <- delta_1
    } else {
      # Drop any tau.choices that are >= the difference in the range of x
      # because those are uninformative (i.e. if the maximum time is 12 hours,
      # don't test an interval of 12, 24, or ... hours because they will match
      # the x - tau < 0 test in a meaningless way.
      tau.choices <- tau.choices[tau.choices < (max(x) - min(x))]
      # Ensure that the choices are in order so that we find the minimum
      # interval.
      tau.choices <- sort(tau.choices)
      # Test all the tau.choices until we find the first (and thereby
      # smallest) usable one
      i <- 0
      while (is.na(ret) & i < length(tau.choices)) {
        i <- i+1
        tau <- tau.choices[i]
        # Is the dose either within the first tau or there is a dose
        # that far before it?
        dose_before <- ((x - tau < 0) | ((x - tau) %in% x))
        # And, is the dose either within the last tau or there is a dose that
        # far after it?
        dose_after <- ((x + tau > max(x)) | ((x + tau) %in% x))
        if (all(dose_before & dose_after)) {
          ret <- tau

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PKNCA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:25 a.m.