
qcMetric_SM_MSMSIdRate =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(  
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "MS/MS identification rate per Raw file from summary.txt (SM). Each Raw file is colored
according to its ID rate and categorized into performance bins as 'bad', 'ok' and 'great'. 
Raw files below 'ok', are listed separately on the next page of the report for convenient follow-up.

The thresholds for the bins are


Heatmap score [SM: MS<sup>2</sup> IDrate (>%1.0f)]: reaches 1 (=100%%) if the threshold for 'great' is reached or exceeded. 

    workerFcn = function(.self, df_summary, id_rate_bad, id_rate_great)
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "ms.ms.identified...."), df_summary)) return()
      dms = df_summary$"ms.ms.identified...."
      dms[is.na(dms)] = 0  ## ID rate can be NaN for some raw files if NOTHING was acquired
      lab_IDd = c("red", 
      names(lab_IDd) = c("bad (<" %+% id_rate_bad %+% "%)", 
                         "ok (" %+% id_rate_bad %+% "-" %+% id_rate_great %+% "%)",
                         "great (>" %+% id_rate_great %+% "%)")
      df_summary$cat = factor(cut(dms, breaks=c(-1, id_rate_bad, id_rate_great, 100), labels=names(lab_IDd)))
      pl = plot_IDRate(df_summary, id_rate_bad, id_rate_great, lab_IDd)
      lpl = list(pl)
      ## table of files with 'bad' MS/MS id rate
      bad_id_count = sum(df_summary$cat==names(lab_IDd[1]))
      if (bad_id_count>0)
        sm_badID = df_summary[df_summary$cat==names(lab_IDd[1]), c("raw.file","ms.ms.identified....")]
        if (nrow(sm_badID) > 40)
          sm_badID[40, "raw.file"] = paste(nrow(sm_badID) - 39, "more ...");
          sm_badID[40, "ms.ms.identified...."] = ""
          sm_badID = sm_badID[1:40, ]
        plot_title = paste0("SM: Files with '", lab_IDd[1], "' ID rate ")
        p_tbl = plotTable(sm_badID, 
                          title = plot_title,
                          footer = paste0(round(bad_id_count*100/nrow(df_summary)), "% of samples)"),
                          col_names = c("Raw file", "% identified"))
        lpl[["bad_id_table"]] =  p_tbl
      ## update help text according to actual limits
      inText = paste(paste0("  - ", names(lab_IDd)), collapse="\n", sep="")
      .self$helpText = sprintf(.self$helpTextTemplate, inText, id_rate_great)
      ## QC measure for ID rate (threshold reached?)
      ## update QC name based on parameter values
      ## QC measure for ID rate (threshold reached?)
      qc_sm_id = df_summary[, c("fc.raw.file", "ms.ms.identified....")]
      cname = sprintf(.self$qcName, id_rate_great)
      qc_sm_id[, cname] = qualLinThresh(qc_sm_id$ms.ms.identified.... , id_rate_great)
      qcScore = qc_sm_id[,c("fc.raw.file", cname)]
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qcScore))
    qcCat = "MS", 
    qcName = "SM:~MS^2~ID~rate (\">%1.0f\")", 
    orderNr = 300

qcMetric_SM_TIC =  setRefClass(
  contains = "qcMetric",
  methods = list(initialize=function() {  callSuper(
    helpTextTemplate = 
      "Total Ion Count: Returns the summed intensity of all MS1 signals (regardless of identification state).

Heatmap score [SM: TIC]: reaches 1 (=100%%) if the TIC is uniform (i.e. a flat line)
    workerFcn = function(.self, d_smy)
      ## completeness check
      if (!checkInput(c("fc.raw.file", "TIC"), d_smy)) return()
      df_long = plyr::ddply(d_smy, "fc.raw.file", function(x) {
        n = length(x$TIC[[1]])
        df = data.frame(RT = x$TIC[[1]][seq(1,n,2)], intensity = x$TIC[[1]][seq(2,n,2)])
        df$RT = round(df$RT / 60) ## seconds to minutes
        df2 = data.frame(RT = df$RT[!duplicated(df$RT)], intensity = tapply(df$intensity, df$RT, FUN = mean))
      lpl =
        byXflex(df_long, df_long$fc.raw.file, 6, plot_TIC, x_lim = range(df_long$RT), y_lim = range(df_long$intensity), sort_indices = FALSE)
      ## QC measure for smoothness of TopN over RT
      qc_TIC = plyr::ddply(df_long, "fc.raw.file", function(x) data.frame(val = qualUniform(x$intensity)))
      colnames(qc_TIC)[colnames(qc_TIC) == "val"] = .self$qcName
      return(list(plots = lpl, qcScores = qc_TIC))
    qcCat = "LC", 
    qcName = "SM:~TIC", 
    orderNr = 0025

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PTXQC documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:27 p.m.