
Defines functions .patternValid .trackValid .rowValid

.rowValid <- function(row)
  if (length(row) != 1) stop("only single integer value allowed for 'row'")
  if (!(row %in% 1:maximumPatternTableRowCount)) stop("Row not valid!")

.trackValid <- function(track)
  if (length(track) != 1) stop("only single integer value allowed for 'track'")
  if (!(track %in% 1:maximumTrackCount)) stop("Track not valid!")

.patternValid <- function(pattern)
  if (length(pattern) != 1) stop("only single integer value allowed for 'pattern'")
  if (!(pattern %in% 1:100)) stop("Pattern not valid!")

setGeneric("PTCell", function(x, row, track, pattern) standardGeneric("PTCell"))
setGeneric("PTCell<-", function(x, row, track, pattern, value) standardGeneric("PTCell<-"))

#' Coerce to or replace PTCell
#' This method will coerce a set of objects to a `PTCell` object. It can also
#' be used to select specific cells from `PTModule`,
#' `PTPattern` and `PTTrack` objects and replace
#' the selected `PTCell`.
#' Method to coerce `x` to class [`PTCell`].
#' When `x` is `raw` data, it should consist of a `vector` of
#' 4 elements, formatted as specified in the [`PTCell-class`].
#' When `x` is a `character` string, it should be formatted as follows:
#' "`NNO SS EEE`", where `NN` is the note (for instance
#' "C-" or "A#", where the dash has no particular meaning and may be omitted,
#' the hash sign indicates a sharp note). Use a dash if the cell holds no note.
#' `O` is the octave (with a value of 0, or a dash, if a note
#' is missing, otherwise any of 1, 2 or 3). `SS` is the sample index
#' number, formatted as two hexadecimal digits (for example `1A`). `EEE` is
#' a three hexadecimal digit [`effect`] or trigger code (for more details see the
#' [`PTCell-class`]). The method is not case sensitive, so
#' you can use both upper and lower case. White spaces are ignored, you can use
#' as many as you would like. A correct `character` input for `x`
#' would be for example: `"A#2 01 A0F"`. A `blank` `character`
#' representation would look like this: `"--- 00 000"`.
#' When `x` is of class [`PTTrack`], [`PTPattern`], or
#' [`PTModule`], the `PTCell` at the specified indices (`row`,
#' `track` and `pattern`) is returned, or can be replaced.
#' @docType methods
#' @name PTCell-method
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell,raw,missing,missing,missing-method
#' @param x Object (any of `raw` data, a `character` string, a `PTTrack`,
#' a `PTPattern` or a `PTModule`)
#' to coerce to a [`PTCell`]. See details below for the
#' required format of `x`.
#' @param row When `x` is a `PTTrack`, a `PTPattern`,
#' or a `PTModule`, provide an index \[1,64\] of the row that needs
#' to be coerced to a `PTCell`.
#' @param track When `x` is a `PTPattern`,
#' or a `PTModule`, provide an index \[1,4\] of the track that needs
#' to be coerced to a `PTCell`.
#' @param pattern When `x` is a `PTModule`, provide an index
#' of the pattern that needs to be coerced to a `PTCell`. Note that
#' ProTracker uses indices for patterns that start at zero, whereas R uses indices
#' that start at one. Hence add one to an index obtained from a `PTModule`
#' object (e.g., `x$pattern.order`)
#' @param value An object of [`PTCell`] with which the [`PTCell`]
#' object at the specified indices in object `x` needs to be replaced.
#' @returns When `PTCell` is used, a `PTCell` object
#' based on `x` is returned.
#' When `PTCell<-` is used, object `x` is returned in which
#' the selected `PTCell` is replaced with `value`.
#' @examples
#' ## This will create an empty PTCell (equivalent
#' ## to new("PTCell"):
#' PTCell(raw(4))
#' ## Use a character representation to create
#' ## a new PTCell object. A cell with note
#' ## B in octave 2, sample number 10 and with
#' ## effect '105':
#' cell <- PTCell("B-2 0A 105")
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## replace PTCell at pattern number 1, track
#' ## number 2, and row number 3:
#' PTCell(mod.intro, 3, 2, 1) <- cell
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @family cell.operations
#' @export
setMethod("PTCell", c("raw", "missing", "missing", "missing"), function(x){
  x <- new("PTCell", data = x)
  return (x)

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell,character,missing,missing,missing-method
setMethod("PTCell", c("character", "missing", "missing", "missing"), function(x){
  #remove all white spaces:
  x <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", as.character(x))
  if (any(nchar(x) < 7)) stop("x contains character strings that cannot be coerced to PTCells")
  x[nchar(x) < 8] <- paste(substr(x[nchar(x) < 8], 1, 1),
                           substr(x[nchar(x) < 8], 2, nchar(x[nchar(x) < 8])), sep = "-")
  if (any(nchar(x) < 7)) stop("x contains character strings that cannot be coerced to PTCells")
  x <- toupper(x)

  if (any(!(substr(x, 3, 3) %in% c("1", "2", "3", "-")))) stop ("invalid octave used in string")
  period <- noteToPeriod(substr(x, 1, 3))
  if (any(is.na(period))) stop ("invalid notes used in provided character string")

  cell_data <- as.list(as.integer(paste("0x", substr(x, 4, 4),
                                        sprintf("%03X", period),
                                        substr(x, 5, 8), sep = "")))

  x <- lapply(cell_data, function(x) new("PTCell", data = unsignedIntToRaw(x, 4)))
  if (length(x) == 1) x <- x[[1]]
  return (x)

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell,PTModule,numeric,numeric,numeric-method
setMethod("PTCell", c("PTModule", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"), function(x, row, track, pattern){
  return(PTCell(PTPattern(x, pattern), row, track))

#' @export
#' @name PTCell<-
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell<-,PTModule,numeric,numeric,numeric,PTCell-method
setReplaceMethod("PTCell", c("PTModule", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "PTCell"), function(x, row, track, pattern, value){
  x@patterns[[pattern]]@data[row, (-3 + track*4):(track*4)] <-

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell,PTPattern,numeric,numeric,missing-method
setMethod("PTCell", c("PTPattern", "numeric", "numeric", "missing"), function(x, row, track){
  return(new("PTCell", data = x@data[row, (-3 + track*4):(track*4)]))

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell<-,PTPattern,numeric,numeric,missing,PTCell-method
setReplaceMethod("PTCell", c("PTPattern", "numeric", "numeric", "missing", "PTCell"), function(x, row, track, value){
  if (is.null(value)) stop("PTCell cannot be set to NULL")
  x@data[row, (-3 + track*4):(track*4)] <- value@data

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell,PTTrack,numeric,missing,missing-method
setMethod("PTCell", c("PTTrack", "numeric", "missing", "missing"), function(x, row){
  return(new("PTCell", data = x@data[row,]))

#' @export
#' @rdname PTCell-method
#' @aliases PTCell<-,PTTrack,numeric,missing,missing-method
setReplaceMethod("PTCell", c("PTTrack", "numeric", "missing", "missing", "PTCell"), function(x, row, value){
  if (is.null(value)) stop("not allowed to set a PTTrack to NULL")
  x@data[row,] <- value@data

setGeneric("PTTrack", function(x, track, pattern) standardGeneric("PTTrack"))
setGeneric("PTTrack<-", function(x, track, pattern, value) standardGeneric("PTTrack<-"))

#' Coerce to or replace PTTrack
#' This method will coerce a set of objects to a `PTTrack` object. It can also
#' be used to select specific tracks from `PTModule` and
#' `PTPattern` objects and replace the selected `PTTrack`.
#' Method to coerce `x` to class [`PTTrack`].
#' When `x` is a 64 by 4 `matrix` of `raw` data, each row
#' implicitly represents a [`PTCell`] object and should
#' be formatted accordingly. See [`PTCell-class`] documentation for
#' more details.
#' When `x` is a 64 element `vector` of `character` representation
#' of [`PTCell`] objects, the `character` representation must be
#' conform the specifications as documented at the [`PTCell-class`].
#' When `x` is of class [`PTPattern`], or
#' [`PTModule`], the `PTTrack` at the specified indices
#' (`track` and `pattern`) is returned, or can be replaced.
#' @docType methods
#' @name PTTrack-method
#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack,raw,missing,missing-method
#' @param x Object (any of `raw` data, a 64 by 4 `matrix` of `raw`
#' data, a vector of `character` strings,
#' a `PTPattern` or a `PTModule`)
#' to coerce to a [`PTTrack`]. See details below for the
#' required format of `x`
#' @param track When `x` is a `PTPattern`,
#' or a `PTModule`, provide an index \[1,4\] of the track that needs
#' to be coerced to a `PTTrack`.
#' @param pattern When `x` is a `PTModule`, provide an index
#' of the pattern that needs to be coerced to a `PTTrack`. Note that
#' ProTracker uses indices for patterns that start at zero, whereas R uses indices
#' that start at one. Hence add one to an index obtained from a `PTModule`
#' object (e.g., `x$pattern.order`)
#' @param value An object of [`PTTrack`] with which the [`PTTrack`]
#' object at the specified indices in object `x` needs to be replaced.
#' @returns When `PTTrack` is used, a `PTTrack` object
#' based on `x` is returned.
#' When `PTTrack<-` is used, object `x` is returned in which
#' the selected `PTTrack` is replaced with `value`.
#' @examples
#' ## This will create an 'empty' PTTrack with all nul
#' ## values, which is equivalent to new("PTTrack"):
#' PTTrack(as.raw(0x00))
#' ## This will generate a PTTrack from a repeated
#' ## character representation of a PTCell:
#' chan <- PTTrack(rep("C-3 01 C20", 64))
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## This will replace the PTTrack at pattern
#' ## number 1, track number 2 of mod.intro with chan:
#' PTTrack(mod.intro, 2, 1) <- chan
#' @family track.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("PTTrack", c("raw", "missing", "missing"), function(x){
  return (new("PTTrack", data = matrix(x, ncol = 4, nrow = maximumPatternTableRowCount)))

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack,matrix,missing,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTTrack", c("matrix", "missing", "missing"), function(x){
  x <- apply(x, 2, as.raw)
  return (new("PTTrack", data = x))

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack,character,missing,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTTrack", c("character", "missing", "missing"), function(x){
  if (length(x) != maximumPatternTableRowCount) stop ("x should be a vector of 64 character strings")
  cells <- PTCell(x)
  raw.dat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(cells, as.raw)), ncol = 4, byrow = T)
  return (PTTrack(raw.dat))

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack,PTModule,numeric,numeric-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTTrack", c("PTModule", "numeric", "numeric"), function(x, track, pattern){
  return (PTTrack(PTPattern(x, pattern), track))

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @name PTTrack<-
#' @aliases PTTrack<-,PTModule,numeric,numeric,PTTrack-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("PTTrack", c("PTModule", "numeric", "numeric", "PTTrack"), function(x, track, pattern, value){
  x@patterns[[pattern]]@data[,(-3 + track*4):(track*4)] <- value@data
  return (x)

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack,numeric,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTTrack", c("PTPattern", "numeric", "missing"), function(x, track){
  return(new("PTTrack", data = x@data[,(-3 + track*4):(track*4)]))

#' @rdname PTTrack-method
#' @aliases PTTrack<-,numeric,missing,PTTrack-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("PTTrack", c("PTPattern", "numeric", "missing", "PTTrack"), function(x, track, value){
  if (is.null(value)) stop("not allowed to set a PTTrack to NULL.")
  x@data[,(-3 + track*4):(track*4)] <- value@data

setGeneric("PTPattern", function(x, pattern) standardGeneric("PTPattern"))
setGeneric("PTPattern<-", function(x, pattern, value) standardGeneric("PTPattern<-"))

#' Coerce to or replace PTPattern
#' This method will coerce a set of objects to a `PTPattern` object. It can also
#' be used to select specific patterns from `PTModule` objects and replace
#' the selected `PTPattern`.
#' Method to coerce `x` to class [`PTPattern`].
#' When `x` is a 64 by 16 `matrix` of `raw` data, each row
#' implicitly represents the [`PTCell`] objects of each of the
#' four tracks. Each [`PTCell`] consists of four `raw`
#' values. The values in each row are formatted accordingly, where the values of the
#' cells of each track are concatenated. See [`PTCell-class`] documentation for
#' more details on the `raw` format of a [`PTCell`] object.
#' When `x` is a 64 by 16 `matrix` of `character` representations
#' of [`PTCell`] objects, the `character` representation must be
#' conform the specifications as documented at the [`PTCell-class`].
#' When `x` is of class [`PTModule`], the `PTPattern` at the
#' specified index (`pattern`) is returned, or can be replaced.
#' @docType methods
#' @name PTPattern-method
#' @rdname PTPattern-method
#' @aliases PTPattern,raw,missing-method
#' @param x Object (any of `raw` data, a 64 by 16 `matrix` of `raw` data, a 64 by 4 `matrix` of `character` strings,
#' or a `PTModule`)
#' to coerce to a [`PTPattern`]. See details below for the
#' required format of `x`.
#' @param pattern When `x` is a `PTModule`, provide an index
#' of the pattern that needs to be coerced to a `PTPattern`. Note that
#' ProTracker uses indices for patterns that start at zero, whereas R uses indices
#' that start at one. Hence add one to an index obtained from a `PTModule`
#' object (e.g., `x$pattern.order`).
#' @param value An object of [`PTPattern`] with which the [`PTPattern`]
#' object at the specified `index` in object `x` needs to be replaced.
#' @returns When `PTPattern` is used, a `PTPattern` object
#' based on `x` is returned.
#' When `PTPattern<-` is used, object `x` is returned in which
#' the selected `PTPattern` is replaced with `value`.
#' @examples
#' ## This will create an 'empty' PTPattern with
#' ## all 0x00 values, which is equivalent to
#' ## new("PTPattern"):
#' PTPattern(as.raw(0x00))
#' ## Create a PTPattern based on repeated
#' ## PTCell character representations:
#' pat <- PTPattern(matrix("F#2 1A 20A", 64, 4))
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## Replace the first pattern in the patternOrder
#' ## table in mod.intro with 'pat' (don't forget to
#' ## add one (+1) to the index):
#' PTPattern(mod.intro,
#'           patternOrder(mod.intro)[1] + 1) <- pat
#' @family pattern.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("PTPattern", c("raw", "missing"), function(x){
  return (new("PTPattern", data = matrix(x, ncol = 4*maximumTrackCount, nrow = maximumPatternTableRowCount)))

#' @rdname PTPattern-method
#' @aliases PTPattern,matrix,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTPattern", c("matrix", "missing"), function(x){
  if (typeof(x) == "character")
    if (any(dim(x) != c(maximumPatternTableRowCount, maximumTrackCount))) stop ("x should be a matrix of 64 by 4 holding character strings")
    cells <- PTCell(as.character(t(x)))
    raw.dat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(cells, as.raw)), ncol = 4*maximumTrackCount, byrow = T)
    return (PTPattern(raw.dat))
  if (typeof(x) == "raw")
    return (new("PTPattern", data = x))
  stop("Matrix of x should be of type raw or character")

#' @rdname PTPattern-method
#' @aliases PTPattern,PTModule,numeric-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTPattern", c("PTModule", "numeric"), function(x, pattern){
  return (x@patterns[[pattern]])

#' @rdname PTPattern-method
#' @name PTPattern<-
#' @aliases PTPattern<-,PTModule,numeric,PTPattern-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("PTPattern", c("PTModule", "numeric", "PTPattern"), function(x, pattern, value){
  if (is.null(value)) stop ("PTPattern cannot be set to NULL! Use deletePattern to remove patterns.")
  if (is.null(x@patterns[[pattern]])) stop("Pattern does not yet exist and cannot be replaced. Use insertPattern to insert a pattern")
  x@patterns[[pattern]] <- value

setGeneric("PTSample", function(x, index) standardGeneric("PTSample"))
setGeneric("PTSample<-", function(x, index, value) standardGeneric("PTSample<-"))

#' Coerce to or replace PTSample
#' This method will coerce a set of objects to a `PTSample` object. It can also
#' be used to select specific samples from `PTModule` objects and replace
#' the selected `PTSample`.
#' Method to coerce `x` to class [`PTSample`].
#' When `x` is a [`tuneR::Wave`] object, this method will not
#' resample it. However, the sample rate will be adjusted and samples exeeding
#' the maximum length of `2*0xffff` = `131070` will be clipped to this
#' maximum length. When `x` is a stereo sample, it will be converted to
#' mono, by averaging the left and right channel.
#' When `x` is a `vector` of `raw` data, it will be truncated
#' if the maximum length of `2*0xffff` = `131070` is exceeded.
#' The raw will be converted with [`rawToSignedInt`] in order
#' to represent an 8 bit mono [`waveform`].
#' As samples must have an even length (as per ProTracker specifications),
#' a 0x00 value is appended if the length is odd.
#' When `x` is of class [`PTModule`], the `PTSample` at the
#' specified `index` is returned, or will be replaced.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname PTSample-method
#' @name PTSample-method
#' @aliases PTSample,Wave,missing-method
#' @param x Object (any of class [`tuneR::Wave`], a `vector`
#' of `raw` data, or of class [`PTModule`]) that needs to
#' be coerced to a [`PTSample`] object. In the latter case, the
#' object can also be replaced.
#' @param index A positive `integer` index of the sample in [`PTModule`]
#' `x` that needs to be returned or replaced.
#' @param value An object of [`PTSample`] with which the [`PTSample`]
#' object at the specified `index` in object `x` needs to be replaced.
#' @returns When `PTSample` is used, a `PTSample` object
#' based on `x` is returned.
#' When `PTSample<-` is used, object `x` is returned in which
#' the selected `PTSample` is replaced with `value`.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a raw data sine wave:
#' raw_sine <- signedIntToRaw(round(sin(2*pi*(0:275)/276)*127))
#' data("mod.intro")
#' ## Replace sample number 1 from mod.intro
#' ## with the sine wave:
#' PTSample(mod.intro, 1) <-
#'   PTSample(raw_sine)
#' ## Note that the replacement above
#' ## could also (maybe more efficiently)
#' ## be done with the 'waveform' method
#' ## Restore the loop in sample number 1:
#' loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1)) <- 276
#' @family sample.operations
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("PTSample", c("Wave", "missing"), function(x){
  temp <- as.matrix(cbind(x@left, x@right))
  if (nrow(temp) > 2*0xffff)
    warning("Wave object x is too long. Object length will be clipped to maximum length.")
    temp <- as.matrix(temp[1:(2*0xffff),])
  delta <- 0L
  if(any(temp < 0)) delta <- 128L
  # length of a sample should be even:
  if ((nrow(temp) %% 2) == 1)
    temp <- rbind(temp, rep(delta*(2^x@bit)/(256), 2))
  x    <- new("PTSample",
              left = delta + as.integer(apply(temp, 1, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T))/(2^(x@bit - 8))),
              wlooplen = as.raw(c(0, 1)))


#' @rdname PTSample-method
#' @aliases PTSample,raw,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTSample", c("raw", "missing"), function(x){
  if (length(x) > 2*0xffff)
    warning("Raw data too long. Clipped to maximum length")
    x <- x[1:(2*0xffff)]
  # length should be even!
  if ((length(x) %% 2) == 1)
    x <- c(x, raw(1))
             left = 128 + rawToSignedInt(x),
             wlooplen = as.raw(c(0, as.numeric(length(x) > 0)))))

#' @rdname PTSample-method
#' @aliases PTSample,PTModule,numeric-method
#' @export
setMethod("PTSample", c("PTModule", "numeric"), function(x, index){
  index <- as.integer(index)
  if (length(index) != 1) stop ("Index should have a length of 1.")
  if (!(index %in% 1:31)) stop ("Index out of range")

#' @rdname PTSample-method
#' @name PTSample<-
#' @aliases PTSample<-,PTModule,numeric,PTSample-method
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("PTSample", c("PTModule", "numeric", "PTSample"), function(x, index, value){
  index <- as.integer(index)
  if (length(index) != 1) stop ("Index should have a length of 1.")
  if (!(index %in% 1:31)) stop ("Index out of range")
  x@samples[[index]] <- value

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ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.