
Defines functions plot.EM

Documented in plot.EM

#' Diagnostic plots for EM fits
#' Produce diagnostic plots of EM fits returned from \code{\link{mixfit}}.
#' @param x EM fit
#' @param size Optional argument passed to \code{ggplot2} routines
#' which control line thickness.
#' @param link Choice of an applied link function. Can take one of the
#' values \code{identity} (default), \code{logit} or \code{log}.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' Overlays the fitted mixture density with a histogram and a density
#' plot of the raw sample fitted. Applying a link function can be
#' beneficial, for example a \code{logit} (\code{log}) link for beta
#' (gamma) mixtures obtained from a Binomial (Poisson)
#' \code{\link{gMAP}} analysis.
#' @template plot-help
#' @return A list of \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} plots for
#' diagnostics of the EM run. Detailed EM diagnostic plots are
#' included only if the global option \code{RBesT.verbose} is set to
#' \code{TRUE}. These include plots of the parameters of each
#' component vs the iteration. The plot of the mixture density with a
#' histogram and a density of the fitted sample is always returned.
#' @family EM
#' @examples
#' bmix <- mixbeta(rob=c(0.2, 1, 1), inf=c(0.8, 10, 2))
#' bsamp <- rmix(bmix, 1000)
#' bfit <- mixfit(bsamp, type="beta", Nc=2)
#' pl <- plot(bfit)
#' print(pl$mixdens)
#' print(pl$mix)
#' \donttest{
#' # a number of additional plots are generated in verbose mode
#' .user_option <- options(RBesT.verbose=TRUE)
#' pl_all <- plot(bfit)
#' # recover previous user options
#' options(.user_option)
#' names(pl_all)
#' # [1] "mixdist" "a"   "b"   "w"   "m"   "N"   "Lm"  "lN"  "Lw"  "lli" "mixdens" "mixecdf" "mix"
#' }
#' @method plot EM
#' @export
plot.EM <- function(x, size=1.25, link=c("identity", "logit", "log"), ...) {
    pl <- list()
        pl$mixdist <- plot.mix(x, size=size, ...)
    ## in verbose mode we output EM fit diagnostics
    if(getOption("RBesT.verbose", FALSE)) {
        ## these NULL assignments make R check happy
        a <- b <- w <- s <- comp <- iteration <- NULL
        Nc <- ncol(x)
        pseq <- lapply(attr(x, "traceMix"),
                       function(m) {
                           class(m) <- "matrix"
                           m <- as.data.frame(t(m))
                           m$comp <- 1:Nc
        names(pseq) <- 1:length(pseq) - 1
        Mw <- dplyr::bind_rows(pseq, .id="iteration")
        Mw <- Mw[c(1,5,2,3,4)]
        Mw$iteration <- as.numeric(Mw$iteration)
        if("EMbmm" %in% class(x)) {
            Mw <- within(Mw, {
                             m <- a/(a+b)
                             N <- a+b
                             Lm <- logit(m)
                             lN <- log(N)
            if(Nc != 1)
                Mw <- within(Mw, { Lw=logit(w) })
        if("EMnmm" %in% class(x)) {
            Mw <- within(Mw, { ls=log(s) } )
            if(Nc != 1)
                Mw <- within(Mw, { Lw=logit(w) })
        if("EMgmm" %in% class(x)) {
            Mw <- within(Mw, {
                la <- log(a)
                lb <- log(b)
            if(Nc != 1)
                Mw <- within(Mw, { Lw=logit(w) })
        pars <- names(Mw)[-c(1,2)]
        Mw <- within(Mw, { Comp=factor(comp) } )
        LL <- data.frame(iteration=0:max(Mw$iteration), lli=attr(x, "traceLli"))
        basePl <- ggplot(Mw, aes(x=.data$iteration, colour=.data$Comp)) + geom_line(size=size)
        for(p in pars) {
            pl[[p]] <- basePl + aes(y=.data$p)
        pl$lli <- ggplot(subset(LL, iteration>0), aes(x=.data$iteration, y=.data$lli)) + geom_line(size=size) + ylab("log-likelihood")
    ##pl$mix <- plot.mix(x, comp=TRUE, samp=attr(x, "x"), ...)
    link <- match.arg(link)
    dlink(x) <- link_map[[link]]

    cols <- bayesplot::color_scheme_get(i=1:6)

    if(!is_mixmv(x)) {
        ## univariate case
        samp <- data.frame(Sample=mixlink(x, as.vector(attr(x, "x"))))
        ## workaround a weird bug in ggplot which enlarges the interval
        interval <- quantile(samp$Sample, c(0.025, 0.975))
        n_fun <- 501
        max_span <- diff(range(samp))
        interval_span <- diff(interval)
        n_fun <- min(5E3, round(n_fun * max_span/interval_span))
            subtitle <- paste("Link:", dlink(x)$name)
            subtitle <- NULL
        pl$mixdens <- bayesplot::mcmc_dens(samp) + bayesplot::facet_text(FALSE) +
            stat_function(inherit.aes=FALSE, fun=dmix, args=list(mix=x), size=size, n=n_fun) +
            ggtitle("Parametric Mixture (black line) and Kernel Estimate of Sample Density", subtitle=subtitle) +
        pl$mixecdf <- ggplot(samp, aes(x=.data$Sample)) +
            stat_ecdf(geom="area", size=0, fill=cols$light) +
            stat_ecdf(geom="step", size=size, colour=cols$mid) +
            stat_function(fun=pmix, args=list(mix=x), size=size, n=n_fun) +
            ggtitle("Estimated Cumulative Density from Parametric Mixture (black line) and Sample", subtitle=subtitle) +
            bayesplot::bayesplot_theme_get() +
            bayesplot::yaxis_title(FALSE) +
            bayesplot::xaxis_title(FALSE) +
        pl$mix <- bayesplot::mcmc_hist(samp, binwidth=diff(interval)/50, freq=FALSE) + bayesplot::facet_text(FALSE) +
            stat_function(inherit.aes=FALSE, fun=dmix, args=list(mix=x), size=size, n=n_fun) +
            ggtitle("Parametric Mixture Density (black line) and Histogram of Sample", subtitle=subtitle) +
    } else if(inherits(x, "mvnormMix")) {
        var1 <- var2 <- NULL
        ## multivariate case: only support mvnorm for now (the only
        ## one supported as of Aug 2023). Plot the pair-wise marginal
        ## densities, which are the pair-wise marginal mixtures.
        message("Diagnostic plots for mixture multivariate normal densities are experimental.\nPlease note that these are subject to changes in future releases.")
        samp <- attr(x, "x")
        p <- ncol(samp)
        dim_labels <- mvnorm_dim_labels(x[-1,1])
            dim_labels <- paste0("Dimension ", 1:p)
        breaks <- 60
        nbins <- 20
        pairs <- subset(expand.grid(var1=1:p, var2=1:p), var1 >= var2)
        layout <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=p)
        pl_pairs <- list()
        pl_pairs_compact <- list()
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(pairs))) {
            v1 <- pairs$var1[i]
            v2 <- pairs$var2[i]
            label <- paste0("mixpair[", v2, ",", v1, "]")
            mix_sub <- mvnorm_extract_dim(x, unique(c(v2, v1)))
            layout[v1,v2] <- i
            if (v1 == v2) {
                interval <- quantile(samp[,v1], c(0.025, 0.975))
                pl_pairs[[label]] <- bayesplot::mcmc_hist(samp[,v1, drop=FALSE], binwidth=diff(interval)/50, freq=FALSE) +
                    bayesplot::facet_text(FALSE) +
                    stat_function(inherit.aes=FALSE, fun=function(mix, x) dmix(mix, matrix(x, nrow=length(x))), args=list(mix=mix_sub)) +
                    ylab(dim_labels[v2]) +
            } else {
                data_ranges <- apply(samp[,c(v2, v1), drop=FALSE], 2, range)
                colnames(data_ranges) <- c("x", "y")
                data_grid <- expand.grid(apply(data_ranges, 2, function(r) seq(r[1], r[2], length=breaks), simplify=FALSE))
                data_grid$z <- dmix(mix_sub, as.matrix(data_grid), log=TRUE)
                pl_pairs[[label]] <- bayesplot::mcmc_scatter(samp[,c(v2, v1), drop=FALSE], alpha=0.1) +
                    bayesplot::facet_text(FALSE) +
                    geom_contour(aes(z=.data$z), data=data_grid, bins=nbins, colour="black") +
                    xlab(dim_labels[v2]) +
            pl_pairs_compact[[label]] <- pl_pairs[[label]]
            if(v1 != p)
                pl_pairs_compact[[label]] <- pl_pairs_compact[[label]] + bayesplot::xaxis_title(FALSE) + bayesplot::xaxis_ticks(FALSE) + bayesplot::xaxis_text(FALSE)
            if(v2 != 1)
                pl_pairs_compact[[label]] <- pl_pairs_compact[[label]] + bayesplot::yaxis_title(FALSE) + bayesplot::yaxis_ticks(FALSE) + bayesplot::yaxis_text(FALSE)
        pl$mixpairs <- bayesplot::bayesplot_grid(plots=pl_pairs_compact, grid_args=list(nrow=p, ncol=p, layout_matrix=layout))
        pl$mixpairs$bayesplots <- pl_pairs


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RBesT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:40 a.m.