## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2017 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## FUNCTION-STARP***********************************************************************************
## NAME extract VarNames
## REQUIRE $model is a formula or a RMmodel
## ENSURE the return value is a vector with the names of the response variables of the formula
# or NULL if no left side given
## SEE
## AUTHOR Sebastian Gross
## DATE 26.08.2011; 2014 Martin Schlather modified
## FUNCTION-END*************************************************************************************
extractVarNames <- function(model) {
if (missing(model) || length(model) <=2 || !is(model, "formula")) return(NULL)
tmp <- as.character(model)[2]
tmp <- strsplit(tmp, "c\\(")[[1]]
tmp <- paste(tmp, sep="", collapse="")
tmp <- strsplit(tmp, "\\)")[[1]]
tmp <- paste(tmp, sep="", collapse="")
varnames <- strsplit(tmp, ", ")[[1]]
## ignore numeric formated varnames
i<- 1
while (i <= length(varnames)) {
if (regexpr("^[[:digit:]]", varnames[i]) > 0) varnames <- varnames[-i]
else i <- i+ 1
if (length(varnames) == 0) return (NULL)
return (varnames)
earth_coordinate_names<- function(names) {
## Earth coordinates + possibly radius
n <- substr(tolower(names), 1, 6)
nc <- nchar(n)
lon <- lat <- logical(length(n))
for (i in 1:length(n)) {
lon[i] <- substr(COORD_NAMES_EARTH[1], 1, nc[i]) == n[i]
lat[i] <- substr(COORD_NAMES_EARTH[2], 1, nc[i]) == n[i]
lonORlat <- lon | lat
earth <- all(nc[lonORlat] >= 2) && sum(lon==1) && sum(lat == 1)
return(if (length(names)==2 | !earth) earth else
if ( (lo <- which(lon)) < (la <- which(lat)))
cartesian_coordinate_names <- function(names) {
n <- substr(tolower(names), 1, 1)
coords <- COORD_NAMES_CART[c(4, 1:3)] # c("T", "x", "y", "z")
Txyz <- outer(n, coords, "==")
cs <- colSums(Txyz)
if (any(cs > 1) || sum(cs[1:2]) == 0 || any(diff(cs[-1]) > 0))
return (integer(0))
Txyz <- Txyz[, c(2:4, 1), drop=FALSE]
ord <- apply(Txyz, 2, function(x) which(x > 0))
ord <- order(unlist(ord))
rs <- which(rowSums(Txyz) > 0)
general_coordinate_names <- function(names) {
n <- substr(tolower(names), 1, 5)
return(which(n == "coord"))
extractFromNames <- function(varidx, varnames, RFopt, cn) {
## this function partially interprets RFoptions$coord$varnames/varidx,
## namely when varnames is not NA
if (length(varnames) == 0) { <- varidx
if ([2]))[2] <- ncol(data)
return([1] :[2])
if (RFopt$general$vdim_close_together)
stop("'vdim_close_together' must be FALSE")
l <- list()
vdim <- length(varnames)
for (v in 1:vdim)
l[[v]] <- substring(cn, 1, nchar(varnames[v])) == varnames[v]
repet <- sapply(l, sum)
if (repet[1] == 0) return(NULL)
if (any(repet != repet[1]))
stop("detected repetitions are not equal for all components")
m <- matrix(unlist(l), ncol=vdim)
if (any(rowSums(m) > 1))
stop("names of multivariate components not unique")
return(as.vector(t(apply(m, 2, which))))
data.columns <- function(data, model=NULL, xdim=0, force=FALSE, halt=TRUE,
RFopt=RFoptions(), vdim=0) {
## this function interprets RFoptions$coord$varnames/varidx or model
## also if varnames is NA
## gives the columns in the original data
PL <- as.integer(RFopt$basic$printlevel)
info <- RFopt$coords <- is.x <- NULL
DATA <- if (is(data, "RFsp")) data@data else data
if (!missing(model) && !is.null(model )) {
## ehemals selectDataAccordingFormula & selectAccordingFormula
## a vector of column indices or N ULL indicating 'all' in case
## of model is given
varnames <- extractVarNames(model)
## are there any variablenames given
if (length(varnames) > 0) { ## if == 0 continue as if model is N ULL
if (is(data, "RFsp"))
cleanNames <- (if (data@.RFparams$n == 1) colnames(DATA)
else sapply(colnames(DATA),
## AUTHOR: Sebastian Gross, 26.08.2011
FUN= function(x) strsplit(x, "\\.n[[:digit:]]+$")[[1]][1]
else {
cleanNames <- try(colnames(data))
if (is(cleanNames, "try-error"))
stop("could not detect colnames of data")
} <- match(varnames, cleanNames)
if (any(
stop("response variable names could not be found in colnames ",
"of the data")
if (PL > 0)
message("formula yields the following variables for the data: ",
paste(cleanNames[], sep=", "), "\n")
names( <- varnames
if (is.null( <-
if (ncol(DATA) == 1) 1L
else if (length(vdim) == 1 && vdim > 0 && ncol(DATA) == vdim)
cn <- colnames(DATA)
if (isRFsp <- is(data, "RFsp")) {
xdim <- if (is(data, "SpatialPointsDataFrame") ||
is(data, "RFpointsDataFrame")) ncol(data@coords)
else if (is(data, "SpatialGridDataFrame") ||
is(data, "RFgridDataFrame")) length(data@grid@cells.dim)
else stop("unknown class for 'data'")
} else {
if (length(xdim) == 0) xdim <- 0
if (xdim>0 && xdim >= ncol(DATA)) stop("not enough columns in 'data'.")
if (length(info$coordnames) > 0 || !$coordidx[2])) {
is.x <- extractFromNames(info$coordidx, info$coordnames, RFopt, cn)
if (xdim > 0 && xdim != length(is.x))
stop("expected dimension of coordinates does not match the found coordinates")
## ehemals StandardizeData:
if (is.null(is.x) && !is.null(cn)) {
if (length(is.x <- earth_coordinate_names(cn)) == 2) {
txt <- paste("keywords for earth coordinates (", sep="",
paste(cn[is.x], collapse=","), ")")
} else if (length(is.x <- cartesian_coordinate_names(cn)) > 0) {
txt <- paste("keywords for cartesian coordinates (", sep="",
paste(cn[is.x], collapse=","), ")")
} else if (length(is.x <- general_coordinate_names(cn)) > 0) {
txt <- paste("standard keywords for cartesian coordinates (",
paste(cn[is.x], collapse=","), ")", sep="")
if (length(is.x) > 0 && PL > 0)
message("columns ", paste(is.x, collapse=","),
" are assumed to define the coordinates as ", txt,
" are recognized.\n")
## ehemals data.columns
if (length( == 0 &&
(length(info$coordnames) > 0 || !$coordidx[2]))) { <- extractFromNames(info$varidx, info$varnames, RFopt, cn)
if (length( == 0 && !is.null(cn)) { <- which(tolower(substr(cn, 1, 4)) == "data" |
tolower(substr(cn, 1, 4)) == "value" |
tolower(substr(cn, 1, 8)) == "variable")
if (length( > 0 &&[1] > 1) <-[1] : ncol(DATA) #coord am Anfang
## dann wird Rest alles als data angenommen, egal welcher Name
if (length( && length(is.x)==0) {
if (is.null(cn)) {
if (!force) {
if (halt)
stop(if (is.null(cn)) "colnames of data argument must contain"
else 'no colname starts with', ' "data" or "variable"')
else return(list(, is.x=NULL));
} <- (xdim+1):ncol(DATA)
} else stop("data name(s) could not be found in the column names")
if (length(is.x) == 0 && !isRFsp) {
is.x <- (1:ncol(DATA))[]
if (xdim > 0) {
if (length(is.x) < xdim)
stop("not enough columns for coordinates found ")
if (xdim < length(is.x) && PL >= PL_SUBIMPORTANT)
message("column(s) ",
paste("'", is.x[-1:-xdim], "'", , sep="", collapse=", "),
" unused.\n")
is.x <- is.x[1:xdim]
if (length( == 0) { # (all($varnames))) <- (1:ncol(DATA))[-is.x]
if (length( == 0) stop("no columns for data found")
} else {
if (any(is.x %in% stop("column names and data names overlap.")
if ( (isRFsp && length( < ncol(DATA)) ||
(!isRFsp && length(is.x) + length( < ncol(DATA)) ) {
message("column(s) ",
paste((1:ncol(DATA))[-c(is.x,], collapse=", "),
" unused.\n")
if (length(cn) > 0) {
names( <- cn[]
if (length(is.x) > 0) names(is.x) <- cn[is.x]
return(list(, is.x=is.x))
SystemCoordNames <- function(locinfo, RFopt = RFopt) {
## this function tries to combine all information available on
## coordinate names and variable names und returns the names if
## ensured that the names are the correct one.
has.time.comp <- locinfo$has.time.comp
tsdim <- locinfo$spatialdim + locinfo$has.time.comp
system <- RFopt$coords$coord_system
if (system == "earth") {
coordnames <- if (tsdim == 4) COORD_NAMES_EARTH
else if (tsdim == 2) COORD_NAMES_EARTH[1:2]
else if (tsdim == 3) c(COORD_NAMES_EARTH[1:2], "HeightOrTime")
} else if (system == "cartesian" && tsdim <= 4) {
coordnames <- COORD_NAMES_CART[1:tsdim]
if (has.time.comp) coordnames[tsdim] <- COORD_NAMES_CART[3 + 1]
} else {
coordnames <- paste(COORD_NAMES_GENERAL[1], 1:tsdim, sep="")
if (has.time.comp) coordnames[tsdim] <- COORD_NAMES_GENERAL[2]
## Print("S", coordnames, system, tsdim)
} <- function(cov, name, level) {
if (length(name) == 0 || length(cov) ==0) return(cov);
if (![1], cov))) return(, name[-1], 1))
for (i in 1:length(cov$submodels)) {
found <-$submodels[[i]], name, 1)
if (!is.null(found)) return(found)
found <-$internal, name, 1)
if (!is.null(found)) return(found)
if (level == 0) stop("model name not found")
vectordist <- function(x, diag=FALSE) {
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
res <- .Call(C_vectordist, t(x), diag)
dimnames(res) <- list(dimnames(x)[[2]], NULL)
my.legend <- function(lu.x, lu.y, zlim, col, cex=1, ...) {
## uses already the legend code of R-1.3.0
cn <- length(col)
if (cn < 43) {
col <- rep(col, each=ceiling(43 / cn))
cn <- length(col)
filler <- vector("character", length=(cn-3)/2)
legend(lu.x, lu.y, y.intersp=0.03, x.intersp=0.1,
legend=c(format(zlim[2], dig=2), filler,
format(mean(zlim), dig=2), filler,
format(zlim[1], dig=2)),
lty=1, col=rev(col),cex=cex, ...)
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