## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
### Diese Datei wandelt RMmodel in eine Liste um
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2016 Alexander Malinowski, Martin Schlather
## 2017 -- 2017 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
reps <- function(n, sign=",") paste(rep(sign, n), collapse="")
## FUNCTION-STARP***********************************************************************************
## NAME parseModel, isGenuineCovModel, extractSummands
## PARAM $model - list, formula
## AUTHOR Sebastian Gross
### DATE 29.08.2011
## changed by Martin Schlather 2015 -- 2017
## FUNCTION-END*************************************************************************************
parseModel <- function(model, ..., x=NULL) {
## check whether $model is already in list syntax
if (is.list(model)) return(model)
## check whether $model has RMmodel syntax
if (isRMmodel(model)) return(buildCovList(model, x=x))
## check whether $model has correct formula syntax
if (!is(model, "formula")) stop(syntaxError)
## extract tokens/summands
tmpList <- list()
## ignore rest of the formula
rightSide <- tail(as.character(model), 1)
chars <- strsplit(rightSide, "")[[1]]
## toggles parenthesis, eg. whether we confront a toplevel plus or not
parToggle <- 0
token <- ""
for (char in chars) {
if (char == SYMBOL_PLUS && parToggle == 0) {
tmpList <- c(tmpList, token)
token <- ""
} else {
if (char != " ") token <- paste(token, char, sep="")
if (char == SYMBOL_L_PAR) parToggle <- parToggle+ 1
if (char == SYMBOL_R_PAR) parToggle <- parToggle- 1
tmpList <- c(tmpList, token)
summands <- vector("list", length(tmpList))
for (i in 1:length(tmpList)) summands[[i]] <- removeParenthesis(tmpList[[i]])
## if (length(summands)==1) return(summands) ## sonst steht unten paste(NULL), was "" gibt
paramEnv <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
dots <- list(...)
assign("dots", dots, envir=paramEnv)
if (length(dots)>0)
eval(parse(text = paste(names(dots), "<- dots[[", 1:length(dots), "]]",
trendfct <- paste(RM_TREND[1], "(", sep="")
isGenuineCovModel <- lapply(summands, FUN=function(name)
## Martin: habe hier RFtrend hinzugefuegt!
substr(name, 1, length(trendfct)) != trendfct &&
(is(try(eval(parse(text=name),envir=paramEnv), silent=TRUE), CLASS_CLIST) ||
(regexpr("^[[:alnum:]_]+\\([[:print:]]*\\)$", name) == 1 &&
(exists(fun <- strsplit(name, "\\(")[[1]][1]) && is(get(fun), CLASS_RM))
isGenuineCovModel <- unlist(isGenuineCovModel)
summands <- c(summands[!isGenuineCovModel],
if (length(summands) == 1) {
listModel <- buildFactorList(summands[[1]], Env=paramEnv, ..x..=x)
} else {
listModel <- list(SYMBOL_PLUS)
##last <- getLastCovIndex(summands)
for (i in 1:length(summands))
listModel[[i+1]] <- buildFactorList(summands[[i]], Env=paramEnv, ..x..=x)
firstgenuine <- sum(!isGenuineCovModel) + 2
if (firstgenuine <= length(listModel) && listModel[[firstgenuine]][[1]] == SYMBOL_PLUS) {
listModel <- c(listModel[1:(firstgenuine - 1)], listModel[[firstgenuine]][-1])
names(listModel) <- NULL
## FUNCTION-STARP***********************************************************************************
## NAME buildCovList
## PARAM $model - RMmodel
## RETURN list
## REQUIRE none
## ENSURE isListModel(output) == TRUE
## SEE RMmodel, devel-doc
## AUTHOR Sebastian Gross
# modified 2015--2017 by Martin Schlather
### DATE 26.08.2011
## FUNCTION-END*************************************************************************************
buildCovList <- function(model, x=NULL) {
if (is.atomic(model) || is.list(model) ||
is.language(model) || is.environment(model))
return(model) ## for recursive calling
if (!isRMmodel(model)) stop('model must be of class ', CLASS_CLIST)
li <- c(list(model@name),
lapply(model@par.model[model@par.model != RM_DEFAULT],
FUN=buildCovList, x=x),
lapply(model@submodels, FUN=buildCovList, x=x) )
if (li[[1]] == RM_PLUS[1]) li[[1]] <- SYMBOL_PLUS
if (li[[1]] == RM_MULT[1]) li[[1]] <- SYMBOL_MULT
## <-
## unlist(lapply(model@par.general, FUN=function(x) x==RM_DEFAULT))
if (length(model@par.general)>0 &
!all(model@par.general==RM_DEFAULT)) {
li <- c(DOLLAR[1],
lapply(model@par.general[model@par.general != RM_DEFAULT],
FUN=buildCovList, x=x),
# if (length(pos <- which(names(li)=="Aniso")) > 0)
# ## in c-level, parameter is called 'A'
# names(li)[pos] <- "A"
## FUNCTION-STARP***********************************************************************************
## NAME removeParenthesis
## PARAM $string - string
## RETURN string
## REQUIRE none
## ENSURE The returned string is one not enclosed by parenthesis
## AUTHOR Sebastian Gross
## DATE 26.08.2011
## FUNCTION-END*************************************************************************************
removeParenthesis <- function(string)
# split the string
chars <- strsplit(string, "")[[1]]
while (head(chars, 1) == SYMBOL_L_PAR &&
tail(chars, 1) == SYMBOL_R_PAR)
chars <- chars[-1]
chars <- chars[-length(chars)]
# rejoin the string
string <- ""
for (char in chars)
string <- paste(string, char, sep="")
return (string)
## FUNCTION-STARP***********************************************************************************
## NAME buildFactorList, isFormalCovModel, catch
## PARAM $summand - string
## AUTHOR Sebastian Gross
### DATE 29.08.2011
## changed by Martin Schlather 2015 -- 2017
## FUNCTION-END*************************************************************************************
buildFactorList <- function(summand, Env, ..x..) { #, last
## remove parenthesis
factorA <- removeParenthesis(summand)
## formerly partially 'catch'
X <- eval(parse(text=factorA), envir=Env)
## Print(X, factorA, !isFormalCovModel(factorA))
isFormalCovModel <- is(X, CLASS_CLIST) ||
(regexpr("^[[:alnum:]_]+\\([[:print:]]*\\)$", factorA) == 1 &&
exists(fun <- strsplit(factorA, "\\(")[[1]][1]) && is(get(fun), CLASS_RM))
if (!isFormalCovModel) { ## (( && last))
if (is.factor(X)) {
lev <- levels(X)
if (length(lev) > MAXSUB^2 + 1)
stop("max number of factors limited to ", MAXSUB^2)
L <- list(RM_PLUS[1])
i <- 2
while (i <= length(lev)) {
last <- min(length(lev), i + MAXSUB -1)
plusList <- list(RM_PLUS[1])
while (i <= last) {
tmpList <- list(RM_COVARIATE)
tmpList[[COVARIATE_C_NAME]] <- as.numeric(X == lev[i])
tmpList[[COVARIATE_X_NAME]] <- ..x..
plusList[[length(plusList) + 1]] <- tmpList
i <- i + 1;
L[[length(L) + 1]] <- plusList
return(if (length(lev) == 2) tmpList
else if (length(lev) <= MAXSUB + 1) plusList
else L)
# else list("RMtrend", mean=if (length(lev) <= MAXSUB + 1) plusList
# else list("RMtrend", L)))
} else if (is.vector(X)) {
if (length(X) > 1) {
tmpList <- list(RM_COVARIATE)
tmpList[[COVARIATE_C_NAME]] <- X
tmpList[[COVARIATE_X_NAME]] <- ..x..
} else {
tmpList <- list(R_CONST)
tmpList[[CONST_A_NAME]] <-
if (is.finite(X) && X == 1) NA else as.numeric(X)
} else stop(ERRMIXED)
} else {
tmpList <- buildCovList(X, x=..x..)
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