
Defines functions plotWithCircles RFparameters DeleteRegister DeleteAllRegisters fitvario.default fitvario fractal.dim hurst CondSimu Kriging InitMaxStableRF InitGaussRF CovMatrix CovarianceFct Variogram OldMethod OldDistribution RFoldstyle RFempiricalcovariance RFempiricalmadogram RFempiricalvariogram

Documented in CondSimu CovarianceFct CovMatrix DeleteAllRegisters DeleteRegister fitvario fractal.dim hurst InitGaussRF InitMaxStableRF Kriging plotWithCircles RFempiricalcovariance RFempiricalmadogram RFempiricalvariogram RFoldstyle RFparameters Variogram

## Authors 
## Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de
## Copyright (C) 2012 -- 2017  Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

## Version3
#RMstrokorbMono <- function(phi) stop("Please use 'RMm2r' instead")
#RMstrokorbBall <- function(phi) stop("Please use 'RMm3b' instead")
#RMstrokorbPoly <- function(phi) stop("Please use 'RMmps' instead")

RFempiricalvariogram <- function(...) {
  obsolete <- as.character(list(match.call())[[1]])[1]
  new <- "RFvariogram"
  warning("'", obsolete, "' is an obsolete function.\n  Use '", new,
          "' which calculates both empirical and theoretical values.\n  (later versions might also be able to fit)")
  do.call(new, list(...))

RFempiricalmadogram <- function(...) {
  obsolete <- as.character(list(match.call())[[1]])[1]
  new <- "RFmadogram"
  warning("'", obsolete, "' is an obsolete function.\n  Use '", new,
          "' which calculates both empirical and theoretical values.\n  (later versions might also be able to fit)")
  do.call(new, list(...))

RFempiricalcovariance <- function(...) {
  obsolete <- as.character(list(match.call())[[1]])[1]
  new <- "RFcov"
  warning("'", obsolete, "' is an obsolete function.\n  Use '", new,
          "' which calculates both empirical and theoretical values.\n  (later versions might also be able to fit)")
  do.call(new, list(...))

  #### Version 2

RFoldstyle <- function(old=TRUE) {
  RFoptions(general.spConform = !old,
            internal.warn_newstyle = old,
            internal.warn_oldstyle = !old)

OldDistribution <- function(distribution) {
  if (missing(distribution) || is.null(distribution) || is.na(distribution))
  names <- c("Gauss", "MaxStable")
  Distr <- list("RMgauss", NULL) ## obsolete
  nr <- pmatch(distribution, names)
  if (!is.finite(nr)) stop("unknown method")

OldMethod <- function(method) {
  if (missing(method) || is.null(method) || is.na(method)) return("RPgauss")
  names <-  c("circulant embed", 
              "cutoff CE",
              "intrinsic CE",
              "spectral TBM", 
              "direct decomp.",
  Meth <- c("circulant", "cutoff", "intrinsic", "tbm", "tbm",
            "spectral", "direct",  "sequential",
            "Markov does not work anymore",
            "average", "nugget", "coins", "hyperplane",
            "smith", "schlather", "brownresnick", "schlather")
  nr <- pmatch(method, names)
  if (!is.finite(nr)) stop("unknown method")
  return(paste("RP", Meth[nr], sep=""))

Variogram <- function(x,
                      model, param=NULL,
                      ## y=NULL,
                      Distances) {
  if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFvariogram' instead.")
  if (is.null(dim) &&!missing(Distances))
    dim <- if (is.matrix(x)) ncol(x) else 1
  if (!missing(param) && is.na(param[1])) param[1] <- 0

##  Print(model, param)
  model <- PrepareModel(model, param)
  RFvariogram(x=x, model=model, dim=dim, distances=Distances)

Covariance <- CovarianceFct <-
  function(x, y=NULL,
           model, param=NULL,
           Distances, fctcall=c("Cov", "Variogram", "CovMatrix")) {
    if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
      warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFcov' instead")
    if (is.null(dim) && !missing(Distances))
      dim <- if (is.matrix(x)) ncol(x) else 1
    if (!missing(param) && is.na(param[1])) param[1] <- 0
    model <- PrepareModel(model, param)
    fctcall <- match.arg(fctcall)
    rfeval(x=x, y=y, model=model, dim=dim, distances=Distances, fctcall=fctcall)

CovMatrix <- function(x, y=NULL,
           model, param=NULL,
           Distances) {
  if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFcovmatrix' instead")
   if (is.null(dim) && !missing(Distances))
      dim <- if (is.matrix(x)) ncol(x) else 1
 if (!missing(param) && is.na(param[1])) param[1] <- 0
  model <- PrepareModel(model, param)
   RFcovmatrix(x=x, y=y, model=model, dim=dim, distances=Distances)

DoSimulateRF <- function (n = 1, register = 0, paired=FALSE, trend=NULL) {
  if (RFoptOld[[1]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete.\nSee documentation of 'RFSimulate' (advanced part) instead.")
 if (!is.null(trend))
    stop("parameter trend in DoSimulateRF cannot be used anymore")
  RFoptOld <-
    internal.rfoptions(register=register, gauss.paired=paired, spConform=FALSE)


InitSimulateRF <- function (x, y = NULL, z = NULL, T=NULL,
                            grid=!missing(gridtriple), model, param,
                            trend,  method = NULL,
                            register = 0, gridtriple, distribution=NA) {
  if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("This function is obsolete. Use 'RFsimulate' instead.")
 RFoptOld <-
    internal.rfoptions(register=register, #gauss.method=method,

  OldDistribution(distribution) ## only check whether input is oK
  model <- c(list(OldMethod(method)),
             list(PrepareModel(model, param, trend)))

  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))

  p <- list("Simulate", PrepareModel2(model))
  warn.seed.not.na(RFoptOld, TRUE)
  rfInit(model=p, x=x, y =y, z = z, T=T, grid=grid, RFopt=RFoptOld[[2]])

InitGaussRF <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, T=NULL,
                        grid = !missing(gridtriple),
                        model, param,
                        trend=NULL, method = NULL,
                        register = 0, gridtriple) {
  InitSimulateRF(x=x, y=y, z=z,  T=T, 
                        grid=grid, model=model, param=param, trend=trend,
                        gridtriple=gridtriple, distribution="Gauss")

GaussRF <- function (x, y = NULL, z = NULL, T=NULL,
          grid=!missing(gridtriple), model, param, trend=NULL, method = NULL, 
          n = 1, register = 0, gridtriple,
          paired=FALSE, PrintLevel=1, Storing=TRUE, ...) { #
  if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFsimulate' instead.")

  model <- c(list(OldMethod(method)),
             list(PrepareModel(model, param, trend)))

#  Print(model)

  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))

  RFoptOld <-
    internal.rfoptions(register=register, gauss.paired=paired,
                      # gauss.method=method,

  RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, n=n,
             register=register, gauss.paired=paired,
             printlevel = PrintLevel, storing=Storing,
 ##   str(RFoptions())

## it does not make sense to me at the moment that a space-time model
## for extremes is defined.

InitMaxStableRF <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, grid=NULL, model, param,
                            method = NULL,
                            register = 0, gridtriple = FALSE) {
  RFoptOld <-
    internal.rfoptions(register=register, #gauss.method=method,
  if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFsimulate' instead.")
  meth <- if (!is.null(method)) method else maxstable
  if (is.null(meth)) stop("method not given")
  model <- c(list(OldMethod(meth)),
             list(PrepareModel(model, param)))

  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))
  p <- list("Simulate", PrepareModel2(model))
  warn.seed.not.na(RFoptOld, TRUE)
  rfInit(model=p, x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid, RFopt=RFoptOld[[2]])

MaxStableRF <- function (x, y = NULL, z = NULL, grid=NULL,
                         model, param, maxstable,
                         method = NULL,
                         n = 1, register = 0,
                         gridtriple = FALSE,
                         ...) {
  RFoptOld <-
   if (n>1) internal.rfoptions(..., register=register, #gauss.method=method,
                               spConform=FALSE, storing=TRUE)
   else internal.rfoptions(..., register=register, #gauss.method=method,

  if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFsimulate' instead.")
  meth <- if (!is.null(method)) method else maxstable
  if (is.null(meth)) stop("method not given")
  model <- c(list(OldMethod(meth)),
             list(PrepareModel(model, param)))

  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  return(RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid, n=n))

EmpiricalVariogram <-
  function (x, y = NULL, z = NULL, T=NULL, data, grid=NULL, bin, gridtriple = FALSE,
            phi,  ## phi[1] erste richtung, phi[2] : anzahl der richtungen
            theta, ## aehnlich
            deltaT) {
    if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("This function is obsolete. Use RFvariogram instead.")
  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))
  rfempirical(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, data=data, grid=grid,
                       bin=bin, phi=phi, theta=theta, deltaT=deltaT, vdim=1)

Kriging <- function(krige.method, x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL,
                    grid=NULL, gridtriple=FALSE,
                    model, param, given, data, trend=NULL,            
                    pch=".", return.variance=FALSE,
                    allowdistanceZero = FALSE, cholesky=FALSE) {
  RFoptOld <- internal.rfoptions(general.pch=pch, spConform=FALSE,
   if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFinterpolate' instead.")
  if (!is.null(trend)) 
    stop("in the obsolete setting, Kriging may not be used with trend!\n")                  
  model <- PrepareModel(model, param, trend)
  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))

  data <- cbind(given, data)
  colnames(data) <- c(rep("", ncol(given)), "data")
  RFinterpolate(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, model=model, data=data)

CondSimu <- function(krige.method, x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL,
                     grid=NULL, gridtriple=FALSE,
                     model, param, method=NULL,
                     given, data, trend=NULL,
                     n=1, register=0, 
                     err.model=NULL, err.param=NULL, err.method=NULL,
                     tol=1E-5, pch=".", #
                     na.rm=FALSE) {
  RFoptOld <- internal.rfoptions(register=register, gauss.paired=paired,
                                        # gauss.method=method,
  if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
     warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFsimulate' instead.")
  if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete.\nUse 'RFsimulate' instead.")
  if (!is.null(err.method)) warning("err.method is ignored.")
  ##  Print(krige.method, is.character(krige.method), (is.na(pmatch(krige.method, c("S","O")))))
 if (is.character(krige.method) && is.na(pmatch(krige.method, c("S","O"))))
   stop("Sorry. The parameters of the function `CondSimu' as been redefined. Use `krige.method' instead of `method'.")

  model <- PrepareModel(model, param, trend)
  if (!is.null(trend)) stop("trend cannot be given anymore.")
  err.model <- PrepareModel(err.model, err.param)
  if (err.model[[1]]=="+" && length(err.model) == 3 &&
      err.model[[3]][[1]]=="trend" && err.model[[3]]$mean != 0) {
    warning("error model has non-zero mean. Set to zero.")
    err.model <- err.model[[2]]
  if (!missing(gridtriple)) {
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))
  data <- cbind(given, data)
  if (is.null(dim(given)))
    given <- matrix(given)
  colnames(data) <- c(rep("", ncol(given)), "data")
  return(rfCondGauss(model, x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, grid=grid, n=n,
                     data=data, err.model=err.model)$simu)

hurst <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, data,
                  gridtriple = FALSE, sort=TRUE,
                  block.sequ = unique(round(exp(seq(log(min(3000, dim[1] / 5)),
                    log(dim[1]), len=min(100, dim[1]))))),
                  fft.m = c(1, min(1000, (fft.len - 1) / 10)),
                  fft.max.length = Inf, ## longer ts are cut down
                  method=c("dfa", "fft", "var"),
                  mode=c("plot", "interactive"),
                   pch=16, cex=0.2, cex.main=0.85,
                  ...) {  
  if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("'hurst' is obsolete. Use RFhurst instead.")
  fft.len <- min(dim[1], fft.max.length)
  if (missing(x)) {
    gridtriple <- TRUE
    ## stopifnot(grid) 
    x <- if (is.array(data)) rbind(1, dim(data), 1) else c(1, length(data), 1)
  if (gridtriple) {
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        x <- apply(x, 2,
                   function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
      } else {
        x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
        if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
        if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  RFhurst(x=x, y=y, z=z, data=data, sort=sort,
          block.sequ=block.sequ, fft.m=fft.m, fft.max.length=fft.max.length,
          #mode=mode, pch=pch, cex=cex, cex.main=cex.main,
          printlevel=PrintLevel, height=height, ...)

fractal.dim <-
  function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, data,
           grid=TRUE, gridtriple = FALSE,
           #  log(min(dim - 1, 50)), len=100)))),
           #  log(min(dim - 1, 50)), len=100)))),
           fft.m = c(65, 86), ## in % of range of l.lambda
           fft.shift = 50, # in %; 50:WOSA; 100: no overlapping
           method=c("variogram", "fft"),# "box","range", not correctly implement.
           mode=c("plot", "interactive"),
           pch=16, cex=0.2, cex.main=0.85,
           PrintLevel = RFoptions()$basic$printlevel,
           ...) {

    if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
      warning("`fractal.dim' is obsolete. Use RFfractaldim instead.")
    if (missing(x)) {
      gridtriple <- TRUE
      x <- if (is.array(data)) rbind(1, dim(data), 1) else c(1, length(data), 1)
    if (gridtriple) {
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
          x <- apply(x, 2,
                     function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
        } else {
          x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
          if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
          if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])

    RFfractaldim(x=x, y=y, z=z, data=data, grid=grid, bin=bin, vario.n=vario.n,
                 sort=sort, fft.m=fft.m, fft.max.length=fft.max.length,
                 fft.max.regr=fft.max.regr, fft.shift=fft.shift,
                # gauss.method=method,
                 mode=mode, pch=pch, cex=cex, cex.main=cex.main,
                 printlevel=PrintLevel, heigth=height, ...)

fitvario <-
  function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL, data, model, param,
           lower=NULL, upper=NULL, sill=NA, grid=!missing(gridtriple),
            ...) {
 if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFfit' instead.")
    fitvario.default(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, data=data, model=model, param=param,
                     lower=lower, upper=upper, sill=sill,
                     grid=grid, gridtriple,     

fitvario.default <-
  function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL, data, model, param,
           grid=!missing(gridtriple), gridtriple=FALSE,     
           trend = NULL,
##         BoxCox ((x+c)^l - 1) / l; log(x+c); with c==1
##         BC.lambda : NA / value
##         BC.c: nur value
           BC.lambda, ## if missing then no BoxCox-Trafo
           BC.lambdaLB=-10, BC.lambdaUB=10,
           lower=NULL, upper=NULL, sill=NA,
           ## speed=FALSE, i.e. coordniates will be saved in GATTER
           PrintLevel=RFoptions()$basic$printlevel, optim.control=NULL,
           bins=20, nphi=1, ntheta=1, ntime=20,
           upperbound.scale.factor=3, lowerbound.scale.factor=3, 
           upperbound.var.factor=10, lowerbound.var.factor=100,     
           lowerbound.sill=1E-10, scale.max.relative.factor=1000,
           minbounddistance=0.001, minboundreldist=0.02,
           transform=NULL,  standard.style=NA,
     ##      var.name="X", time.name="T",
           lsq.methods=c("self", "plain", "sqrt.nr", "sd.inv", "internal"),
           ## "internal" : name should not be changed; should always be last
           ##              method!
           mle.methods=c("ml"), # "reml", "rml1"),
  #       cross.methods=c("cross.sq", "cross.abs", "cross.ign", "cross.crps"),
           users.guess=NULL,  only.users = FALSE,
           distances=NULL, truedim,
           solvesigma = NA, 
           allowdistanceZero = FALSE,
           na.rm = TRUE) { ## do not use FALSE for mixed models !

    if (RFoptOld[[2]]$internal$warn_oldstyle)
      warning("fitvario is obsolete. Use RFfit instead.")

  RFoptOld <-
     #       fit.sill=sill,
            fit.use_naturalscaling= use.naturalscaling,
            fit.bin_dist_factor = bin.dist.factor,
            fit.upperbound_scale_factor = upperbound.scale.factor,
            fit.lowerbound_scale_factor = lowerbound.scale.factor,
     #       fit.lowerbound_sill=lowerbound.sill,
    #        fit.optim_var_elimination=
    #                   if(is.na(standard.style)) 'try' else if (standard.style)
    #                   'yes' else 'never',
            ## var.name="X", time.name="T",
            fit.only_users = only.users,
    #        fit.solvesigma = solvesigma , 
            allowdistanceZero = allowdistanceZero,
                       na_rm = na.rm)

   model <- PrepareModel(model, param, trend)
  if (gridtriple) {
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        x <- apply(x, 2,
                   function(s) {c(s[1], s[3], length(seq(s[1], s[2], s[3])))})
      } else {
        x <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
        if (length(y)!=0)  y <- seq(y[1], y[2], y[3])
        if (length(z)!=0)  z <- seq(z[1], z[2], z[3])
  if (length(T)!=0)  T <- c(T[1], T[3], length(seq(T[1], T[2], T[3])))

  if (!missing(param)) {
    if (is.numeric(lower)) lower <- PrepareModel(model=model, param=lower)
    if (is.numeric(upper)) upper <- PrepareModel(model=model, param=upper)
  RFfit(x=x, y=y, z=z, T=T, data=data, model=model,
        lower=lower, upper=upper, grid=grid,boxcox=BC.lambda,
        sub.methods=lsq.methods, methods=mle.methods,
        users.guess=users.guess, distances=distances,
        dim= truedim,
        optim.control=optim.control, transform=transform,

DeleteAllRegisters <- function() {
  old <- RFoptions()$general$storing
  RFoptions(storing=FALSE, storing=old)

DeleteRegister <- function(nr=0){

RFparameters <- function(...) {
  if (RFoptions()$internal$warn_oldstyle)
    warning("The function is obsolete. Use 'RFoptions' instead.")
  l <- list(...)
  nl <- names(l)
  names <- c("Storing", "PrintLevel") #
  if (any(is.na(pmatch(nl, names))))
    warning("some options of 'RFparameters' in the package 'RandomFields' are not recognized anymore. Use 'RFoptions' instead")
  if ("Storing" %in% nl) RFoptions(storing=l$Storing)
  if ("PrintLevel" %in% nl) RFoptions(printlevel=l$PrintLevel)

plotWithCircles <- function(data, factor=1.0,
                            col=1, fill=0, ...) {
  ## marked point process: presents positive values of data as radii of circles
  CIRLLE.X <- cos(seq(0,2*pi,l=20))
  CIRLLE.Y <- sin(seq(0,2*pi,l=20))
  circle <- function(x,r) { polygon(x[1]+ r* CIRLLE.X,x[2]+ r* CIRLLE.Y,
                                    col=fill, border=col) }
  ##r <- x$NormedData - min(x$NormedData) +1
  ##r <- r/max(r)/nrow(x$coord) * diff(xlim) * diff(ylim) * 2.5;
  maxr <- max(data[,3])
  plot(Inf, Inf, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="",...)
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) { circle(data[i,c(1,2)], factor*data[i,3]) }

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RandomFields documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 1:06 a.m.