## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "figures/",
fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6,
eval = TRUE
## ----library, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/SuperCell")
## ----load library, warning=FALSE----------------------------------------------
## ----load data----------------------------------------------------------------
data(cell_lines) # list with GE - gene expression matrix (logcounts), meta - cell meta data
GE <- cell_lines$GE
dim(GE) # genes as rows and cells as columns
cell.meta <- cell_lines$meta
## ----Simplification, warning=FALSE, paged.print=FALSE-------------------------
gamma <- 20 # graining level
k.knn <- 5
# Building metacells from gene expressio (GE)
SC <- SCimplify(GE, # gene expression matrix
k.knn = k.knn, # number of nearest neighbors to build kNN network
gamma = gamma, # graining level
n.var.genes = 1000 # number of the top variable genes to use for dimentionality reduction
# Alternative, metacells can be build from low-dimensional embedding.
# For this, first compute low-dim embedding and pass it into `SCimplify_from_embedding()`
SC_alt <- SCimplify_from_embedding(
X = stats::prcomp(Matrix::t(GE[SC$genes.use,]), rank. = 10)$x, # PCA embedding
k.knn = k.knn, # number of nearest neighbors to build kNN network
gamma = gamma # graining level)
# plot network of metacells
supercell_plot(SC$graph.supercells, # network
color.use = "gray", # color of the nodes
main = paste("Metacell network, gamma =", gamma),
seed = 1)
# plot single-cell network
supercell_plot(SC$graph.singlecell, # network
group = cell.meta, # colored by cell line assignment
do.frames = F, # not drawing frames around each node
main = paste("Single-cell network, N =", dim(GE)[2]),
lay.method = "components") # method to compute the network 2D embedding
## ----average gene expression--------------------------------------------------
SC.GE <- supercell_GE(GE, SC$membership)
## ----assign metacells to cell line infromation--------------------------------
SC$cell_line <- supercell_assign(clusters = cell.meta, # single-cell assigment to cell lines (clusters)
supercell_membership = SC$membership, # single-cell assignment to metacells
method = "jaccard")
seed <- 1 # seed for network plotting
# plot network of metacells colored by cell line assignment
group = SC$cell_line,
seed = seed,
main = "Metacells colored by cell line assignment")
## ----purity of supercell in terms of cell line composition--------------------
# compute purity of metacells in terms of cell line composition
purity <- supercell_purity(clusters = cell.meta,
supercell_membership = SC$membership, method = 'max_proportion')
hist(purity, main = "Purity of metacells \nin terms of cell line composition")
SC$purity <- purity
## ----plotting options---------------------------------------------------------
## rotate network to be more consistent with the single-cell one
group = SC$cell_line,
seed = seed,
alpha = -pi/2,
main = "Metacells colored by cell line assignment (rotated)")
## alternatively, any layout can be provided as 2xN numerical matrix, where N is number of nodes (cells)
## Let's plot metacell network using the layout of the single-cell network:
## 1) get single-cell network layout <- igraph::layout_components(SC$graph.singlecell)
## 2) compute metacell network layout averaging coordinates withing metacells
my.lay.SC <- Matrix::t(supercell_GE(ge = t(, groups = SC$membership))
## 3) provide layout with the parameter $lay$
group = SC$cell_line,
lay = my.lay.SC,
main = "Metacells colored by cell line assignment (averaged coordinates)")
## ----clustering---------------------------------------------------------------
#dimensionality reduction
SC.PCA <- supercell_prcomp(Matrix::t(SC.GE), # metacell gene expression matrix
genes.use = SC$genes.use, # genes used for the coarse-graining, but any set can be provided
supercell_size = SC$supercell_size, # sample-weighted pca
k = 20)
## compute distance
D <- dist(SC.PCA$x)
## cluster metacells
SC.clusters <- supercell_cluster(D = D, k = 5, supercell_size = SC$supercell_size)
SC$clustering <- SC.clusters$clustering
## ----assign metacell clustering results to cell line information--------------
## mapping metacell cluster to cell line <- supercell_assign(supercell_membership = SC$clustering, clusters = SC$cell_line)
## clustering as cell line
SC$clustering_reordered <-[SC$clustering]
group = SC$clustering_reordered,
seed = seed,
alpha = -pi/2,
main = "Metacells colored by cluster")
## ----differential expression analysis-----------------------------------------
markers.all.positive <- supercell_FindAllMarkers(ge = SC.GE, # metacell gene expression matrix
supercell_size = SC$supercell_size, # size of metacell for sample-weighted method
clusters = SC$clustering_reordered, # clustering
logfc.threshold = 1, # mininum log fold-change
only.pos = T) # keep only upregulated genes
## ----Violin plots------------------------------------------------------------- <- c("DHRS2", "MT1P1", "TFF1", "G6PD", "CD74", "CXCL8")
supercell_VlnPlot(ge = SC.GE,
supercell_size = SC$supercell_size,
clusters = SC$clustering_reordered,
features =,
idents = c("H1975", "H2228", "A549"),
ncol = 3)
supercell_GeneGenePlot(ge = SC.GE,
gene_x =[1:3],
gene_y =[4:6],
supercell_size = SC$supercell_size,
clusters = SC$clustering_reordered,)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC10 <- supercell_rescale(SC, gamma = 10)
SC10$cell_line <- supercell_assign(clusters = cell.meta, # single-cell assigment to cell lines (clusters)
supercell_membership = SC10$membership, # single-cell assignment to metacells
method = "jaccard")
group = SC10$cell_line,
seed = 1,
main = "Metacells at gamma = 10 colored by cell line assignment")
### don't forget to recompute metacell gene expression matrix for a new grainig level with
# GE10 <- supercell_GE(GE, SC10$membership)
### if you are going to perform downstream analyses at the new graining level
## ----Seurat-------------------------------------------------------------------
m.seurat <- supercell_2_Seurat(SC.GE = as.matrix(SC.GE), SC = SC, fields = c("cell_line", "clustering","clustering_reordered"))
## ----PCAplot------------------------------------------------------------------
### cluster SuperCell network (unweighted clustering)
m.seurat <- FindClusters(m.seurat, = "RNA_nn") # now RNA_nn is metacell network
m.seurat <- FindNeighbors(m.seurat, verbose = FALSE) # RNA_nn has been replaced with kNN graph of metacell (unweigted)
m.seurat <- FindClusters(m.seurat, = "RNA_nn")
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