
Defines functions tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.MIXTURE

## File Name: tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.MIXTURE.R
## File Version: 9.22

tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.MIXTURE <- function( res )
    anlist <- res$ANALYSIS.list
    items <- colnames(res$resp)
    I <- length(items)
    itemtable <- res$items

    m1 <- mean( itemtable$itemtype %in% c("PCM","Rasch") )
    raschtype <- if ( m1==1 ){ TRUE } else { FALSE }

    gammaslope.fixed <- NULL

    Q <- res$Q
    A <- res$A
    D <- ncol(Q)   # number of dimensions

    ncl <- anlist$NCLASSES
    if (D==1){
        theta.grid <- seq( -6, 6, len=15 )
    if (D %in% c(2,3) ){
        theta.grid <- seq( -6, 6, len=10 )
    if (D >=4 ){
        theta.grid <- seq( -6, 6, len=5 )

    ndim <- ncol(Q)
    nodes <- theta.grid
    theta <- as.matrix( expand.grid( as.data.frame( matrix( rep(nodes, ndim), ncol=ndim ) ) ) )
    colnames(theta) <- colnames(Q)
    TG <- nrow(theta)
    TP <- TG * ncl

    res$theta.k <- diag(TP)
    res$theta_MIXTURE <- theta

    # design matrix E
    # E ( item, category, skill class, parameter )

    #***** number of parameters to be estimated
    lavpartable <- res$lavpartable

    # estimated loadings in Q
    qloads <- sum( Q !=0 )
    Nparm <- dim(A)[3] * ncl + qloads * ncl

#    Nparm <- TP*D + sum( itemtable$ncat - 1 ) + 1
    maxK <- res$maxcat

    # data frame containing estimated parameters
    parmsA <- as.vector(dimnames(A)[[3]])

    lav1 <- lavpartable[ lavpartable$op=="=~", ]

    # intercepts
    p1 <- rep(parmsA, ncl)
    LA <- length(parmsA)
    dfr1 <- data.frame( "parm"=paste0( p1, "_Cl", rep( 1:ncl, each=LA) ),
                    "Class"=rep(1:ncl, each=LA) )
    dfr1$Cat <- lapply( strsplit( paste(dfr1$parm), split="_" ), FUN=function(pp){ pp[2] } )
    dfr1$Cat <- gsub( "Cat", "", dfr1$Cat )
    dfr1$dim <- NA
    dfr1$int <- 1
    dfr1$slo <- 0
    dfr1$fixed <- 0
    dfr1$val <- NA
    dfr1$Aindex <- rep( seq(1,LA), ncl )
    dfr <- dfr1

    # slopes
    p1 <- paste( lav1$label )
    dfr1 <- data.frame( "parm"=paste0( p1, "_Cl", rep( 1:ncl, each=LA) ),
                    "Class"=rep(1:ncl, each=LA) )
    dfr1$Class <- rep(1:ncl, each=LA)
    dfr1$Cat <- NA
    dfr1$dim <- rep( paste(lav1$lhs), ncl )
    dfr1$int <- 0
    dfr1$slo <- 1
    dfr1$fixed <- 1*( rep( lav1$free==0, ncl ) )
    dfr1$val <- rep( lav1$ustart, ncl )
    dfr1$Aindex <- NA
    dfr <- rbind( dfr, dfr1 )
    dfr$item <- lapply( strsplit( paste(dfr1$parm), split="_" ), FUN=function(pp){ pp[1] } )
    dfr$index <- 1:(nrow(dfr))
    itempartable <- res$items
    item1 <- itempartable[ itempartable$itemtype %in% c("Rasch","PCM"), ]
    ind1 <- which( paste(dfr$item) %in% paste(item1$item)  )
    ind2 <- which( dfr$slo==1 )
    ind <- intersect( ind1, ind2 )
    if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
        dfr$fixed[ ind ] <- 1
    res$itempartable_MIXTURE <- dfr

    # define E parameter design matrix

    # design matrix E
    # E ( item, category, skill class, parameter )
    Nparm <- nrow(dfr)
    E <- array( 0, dim=c(I, maxK+1, TP, Nparm ) )
    dimnames(E)[[1]] <- colnames(res$resp)
    p1 <- rep( paste0("theta", 1:TG ), ncl )
    p1 <- paste0( p1, "_Cl", rep( 1:ncl, each=TG) )
    dimnames(E)[[3]] <- p1
    dimnames(E)[[4]] <- paste(dfr$parm)

    # create design matrix

    #- intercepts
    dfr11 <- dfr[ dfr$int==1, ]
    for (cl in 1:ncl){
        # cl <- 2
        # cl_temp <- paste0( "_Cl", cl )
        dfr11c <- dfr11[ dfr11$Class==cl, ]
        for (hh in 1:(maxK+1) ){
            for (tt in c( 1:TG + TG*(cl-1) ) ){
                E[, hh, tt, dfr11c$index ] <- A[,hh, dfr11c$Aindex ]
    #-- slopes
    dfr11 <- dfr[ dfr$slo==1, ]
    for (cl in 1:ncl){
        dfr11c <- dfr11[ dfr11$Class==cl, ]
        NC <- nrow(dfr11c)
        for (nn in 1:NC){
            for (hh in 1:maxK){
                dd <- paste( dfr11c$dim[nn] )
                for (tt in 1:TG ){
                    tt1 <- tt + (cl-1)*TG
                    E[ paste(dfr11c$item[nn]), hh + 1, tt1, dfr11c$index[nn] ] <-
                        E[ paste(dfr11c$item[nn]), hh + 1, tt1, dfr11c$index[nn] ] +
                            dfr11c$val[nn] * hh * theta[ tt, dd]
    #-- fixed gammaslope parameters
    dfr11 <- dfr[ dfr$slo==1, ]
    dfr11 <- dfr11[ dfr11$fixed==1, ]
    p1 <- dfr11[, c( "index", "val" ) ]
    colnames(p1) <- NULL
    gammaslope.fixed <- rbind( gammaslope.fixed, p1 )

    #*** constraints intercepts
    # zero sum constraint on item difficulties
    dimE4 <- dim(E)[4]
    ncolV <- ncl
    if ( ! raschtype ){
        nQ <- ncol(Q)
        ncolV <- ncolV + ncl*nQ

    gammaslope.constr.V <- matrix( 0, nrow=dimE4, ncol=ncolV )
    rownames(gammaslope.constr.V) <- dimnames(E)[[4]]
    gammaslope.constr.c <- rep(0, ncl)
    if ( ! raschtype ){
        gammaslope.constr.c <- c(gammaslope.constr.c, rep(1, ncl) )

    dfr11 <- dfr[ dfr$int==1, ]
    for (cl in 1:ncl){
        dfr11c <- dfr11[ dfr11$Class==cl, ]
        gammaslope.constr.V[ dfr11c$index, cl ] <- 1
    if ( ! raschtype ){
        Qnames <- colnames(Q)
        dfr11 <- dfr[ dfr$slo==1, ]
        ii <- ncl+1
        for (cl in 1:ncl){
            dfr11c <- dfr11[ dfr11$Class==cl, ]
            for ( qname in Qnames ){
                dfr11c1 <- dfr11c[ dfr11c$dim==qname, ]
                gammaslope.constr.V[ dfr11c1$index, ii ] <- 1 / nrow(dfr11c1)
                ii <- ii+1

    res$raschtype <- raschtype
    res$gammaslope.fixed <- gammaslope.fixed
    res$gammaslope.constr.V <- gammaslope.constr.V
    res$gammaslope.constr.c <- gammaslope.constr.c
    res$E <- E

    #-- output

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