## Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Kasper Kristensen
## License: GPL-2
##' Calculate one-step-ahead (OSA) residuals for a latent variable
##' model. (\emph{Beta version; may change without notice})
##' Given a TMB latent variable model this function calculates OSA
##' standardized residuals that can be used for goodness-of-fit
##' assessment. The approach is based on a factorization of the joint
##' distribution of the \emph{observations} \eqn{X_1,...,X_n} into
##' successive conditional distributions.
##' Denote by
##' \deqn{F_n(x_n) = P(X_n \leq x_n | X_1 = x_1,...,X_{n-1}=x_{n-1} )}
##' the one-step-ahead CDF, and by
##' \deqn{p_n(x_n) = P(X_n = x_n | X_1 = x_1,...,X_{n-1}=x_{n-1} )}
##' the corresponding point probabilities (zero for continuous distributions).
##' In case of continuous observations the sequence
##' \deqn{\Phi^{-1}(F_1(X_1))\:,...,\:\Phi^{-1}(F_n(X_n))}
##' will be iid standard normal. These are referred to as the OSA residuals.
##' In case of discrete observations draw (unit) uniform variables
##' \eqn{U_1,...,U_n} and construct the randomized OSA residuals
##' \deqn{\Phi^{-1}(F_1(X_1)-U_1 p_1(X_1))\:,...,\:\Phi^{-1}(F_n(X_n)-U_n p_n(X_n))}
##' These are also iid standard normal.
##' @section Choosing the method:
##' The user must specify the method used to calculate the residuals - see detailed list of method descriptions below.
##' We note that all the methods are based on approximations. While the default 'oneStepGaussianoffMode' often represents a good compromise between accuracy and speed, it cannot be assumed to work well for all model classes.
##' As a rule of thumb, if in doubt whether a method is accurate enough, you should always compare with the 'oneStepGeneric' which is considered the most accurate of the available methods.
##' \describe{
##' \item{method="fullGaussian"}{
##' This method assumes that the joint distribution of data \emph{and}
##' random effects is Gaussian (or well approximated by a
##' Gaussian). It does not require any changes to the user
##' template. However, if used in conjunction with \code{subset}
##' and/or \code{conditional} a \code{data.term.indicator} is required
##' - see the next method.
##' }
##' \item{method="oneStepGeneric"}{
##' This method calculates the one-step conditional probability
##' density as a ratio of Laplace approximations. The approximation is
##' integrated (and re-normalized for improved accuracy) using 1D
##' numerical quadrature to obtain the one-step CDF evaluated at each
##' data point. The method works in the continuous case as well as the
##' discrete case (\code{discrete=TRUE}).
##' It requires a specification of a \code{data.term.indicator}
##' explained in the following. Suppose the template for the
##' observations given the random effects (\eqn{u}) looks like
##' \preformatted{
##' ...
##' nll -= dnorm(x(i), u(i), sd(i), true);
##' ...
##' }
##' Then this template can be augmented with a
##' \code{data.term.indicator = "keep"} by changing the template to
##' \preformatted{
##' ...
##' nll -= keep(i) * dnorm(x(i), u(i), sd(i), true);
##' ...
##' }
##' The new data vector (\code{keep}) need not be passed from \R. It
##' automatically becomes a copy of \code{x} filled with ones.
##' Some extra parameters are essential for the method.
##' Pay special attention to the integration domain which must be set either via \code{range} (continuous case) or \code{discreteSupport} (discrete case). Both of these can be set simultanously to specify a mixed continuous/discrete distribution. For example, a non-negative distribution with a point mass at zero (e.g. the Tweedie distribution) should have \code{range=c(0,Inf)} and \code{discreteSupport=0}.
##' Several parameters control accuracy and appropriate settings are case specific. By default, a spline is fitted to the one-step density before integration (\code{splineApprox=TRUE}) to reduce the number of density evaluations. However, this setting may have negative impact on accuracy. The spline approximation can then either be disabled or improved by noting that \code{...} arguments are passed to \link{tmbprofile}: Pass e.g. \code{ystep=20, ytol=0.1}.
##' Finally, it may be useful to look at the one step predictive distributions on either log scale (\code{trace=2}) or natural scale (\code{trace=3}) to determine which alternative methods might be appropriate.
##' }
##' \item{method="oneStepGaussian"}{
##' This is a special case of the generic method where the one step
##' conditional distribution is approximated by a Gaussian (and can
##' therefore be handled more efficiently).
##' }
##' \item{method="oneStepGaussianOffMode"}{
##' This is an approximation of the "oneStepGaussian" method that
##' avoids locating the mode of the one-step conditional density.
##' }
##' \item{method="cdf"}{
##' The generic method can be slow due to the many function
##' evaluations used during the 1D integration (or summation in the
##' discrete case). The present method can speed up this process but
##' requires more changes to the user template. The above template
##' must be expanded with information about how to calculate the
##' negative log of the lower and upper CDF:
##' \preformatted{
##' ...
##' nll -= keep(i) * dnorm(x(i), u(i), sd(i), true);
##' nll -= keep.cdf_lower(i) * log( pnorm(x(i), u(i), sd(i)) );
##' nll -= keep.cdf_upper(i) * log( 1.0 - pnorm(x(i), u(i), sd(i)) );
##' ...
##' }
##' The specialized members \code{keep.cdf_lower} and
##' \code{keep.cdf_upper} automatically become copies of \code{x}
##' filled with zeros.
##' }
##' }
##' @title Calculate one-step-ahead (OSA) residuals for a latent variable model.
##' @param obj Output from \code{MakeADFun}.
##' @param Character naming the observation in the template.
##' @param data.term.indicator Character naming an indicator data variable in the template (not required by all methods - see details).
##' @param method Method to calculate OSA (see details).
##' @param subset Index vector of observations that will be added one by one during OSA. By default \code{1:length(observations)} (with \code{conditional} subtracted).
##' @param conditional Index vector of observations that are fixed during OSA. By default the empty set.
##' @param discrete Logical; Are observations discrete? (assumed FALSE by default).
##' @param discreteSupport Possible outcomes of discrete part of the distribution (\code{method="oneStepGeneric"} and \code{method="cdf"} only).
##' @param range Possible range of continuous part of the distribution (\code{method="oneStepGeneric"} only).
##' @param seed Randomization seed (discrete case only). If \code{NULL} the RNG seed is untouched by this routine (recommended for simulation studies).
##' @param parallel Run in parallel using the \code{parallel} package?
##' @param trace Logical; Trace progress? More options available for \code{method="oneStepGeneric"} - see details.
##' @param reverse Do calculations in opposite order to improve stability? (currently enabled by default for \code{oneStepGaussianOffMode} method only)
##' @param splineApprox Represent one-step conditional distribution by a spline to reduce number of density evaluations? (\code{method="oneStepGeneric"} only).
##' @param ... Control parameters for OSA method
##' @return \code{data.frame} with OSA \emph{standardized} residuals
##' in column \code{residual}. In addition, depending on the method, the output
##' includes selected characteristics of the predictive distribution (current row) given past observations (past rows), notably the \emph{conditional}
##' \describe{
##' \item{mean}{Expectation of the current observation}
##' \item{sd}{Standard deviation of the current observation}
##' \item{Fx}{CDF at current observation}
##' \item{px}{Density at current observation}
##' \item{nll}{Negative log density at current observation}
##' \item{nlcdf.lower}{Negative log of the lower CDF at current observation}
##' \item{nlcdf.upper}{Negative log of the upper CDF at current observation}
##' }
##' \emph{given past observations}.
##' If column \code{randomize} is present, it indicates that randomization has been applied for the row.
##' @examples
##' ######################## Gaussian case
##' runExample("simple")
##' osa.simple <- oneStepPredict(obj, = "x", method="fullGaussian")
##' qqnorm(osa.simple$residual); abline(0,1)
##' \dontrun{
##' ######################## Poisson case (First 100 observations)
##' runExample("ar1xar1")
##' osa.ar1xar1 <- oneStepPredict(obj, "N", "keep", method="cdf", discrete=TRUE, subset=1:100)
##' qqnorm(osa.ar1xar1$residual); abline(0,1)
##' }
oneStepPredict <- function(obj,
## Names of data objects (not all are optional) = NULL,
data.term.indicator = NULL,
subset = NULL,
conditional = NULL,
discrete = NULL,
discreteSupport = NULL,
range = c(-Inf, Inf),
seed = 123,
parallel = FALSE,
trace = TRUE,
reverse = (method == "oneStepGaussianOffMode"),
splineApprox = TRUE,
if (missing(
stop("'' must define a data component")
if (!( %in% names(obj$env$data)))
stop("'' must be in data component")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (is.null(data.term.indicator)){
if(method != "fullGaussian"){
stop(paste0("method='",method,"' requires a 'data.term.indicator'"))
## if (!missing(discreteSupport) && !missing(range))
## stop("Cannot specify both 'discreteSupport' and 'range'")
obs <- as.vector(obj$env$data[[]])
## Argument 'discrete'
ndup <- sum(duplicated(setdiff(obs, discreteSupport)))
if(ndup > 0){
warning("Observations do not look continuous. Number of duplicates = ", ndup)
stop("Please specify 'discrete=TRUE' or 'discrete=FALSE'.")
discrete <- FALSE ## Default
## Handle partially discrete distributions
randomize <- NULL
partialDiscrete <- !discrete && !missing(discreteSupport)
if (partialDiscrete) {
if (! (method %in% c("cdf", "oneStepGeneric")) )
stop("Mixed discrete/continuous distributions are currently for 'cdf' and 'oneStepGeneric' methods only")
if (missing(range) && method == "oneStepGeneric")
stop("Mixed discrete/continuous distributions must specify 'range' of continuous part")
randomize <- obs %in% discreteSupport
## Using wrong method for discrete data ?
if (discrete){
if (! (method %in% c("oneStepGeneric", "cdf")) ){
stop(paste0("method='",method,"' is not for discrete observations."))
## Default subset/permutation:
subset <- 1:length(obs)
subset <- setdiff(subset, conditional)
## Check
if(length(intersect(subset, conditional)) > 0){
stop("'subset' and 'conditional' have non-empty intersection")
unconditional <- setdiff(1:length(obs), union(subset, conditional))
## Args to construct copy of 'obj'
args <- as.list(obj$env)[intersect(names(formals(MakeADFun)), ls(obj$env))]
## Use the best encountered parameter for new object
args$parameters <- obj$env$parList(par = obj$env$
args$parameters <- obj$env$parList(obj$env$
## Fix all non-random components of parameter list
names.random <- unique(names(obj$env$par[obj$env$random]))
names.all <- names(args$parameters)
fix <- setdiff(names.all, names.random)
map <- lapply(args$parameters[fix], function(x)factor(x*NA)) <- names.random[names.random %in% names(args$map)]
if(length( map <- c(map, args$map[]) # don't overwrite random effects mapping
args$map <- map ## Overwrite map
## Find randomeffects character
args$random <- names.random
args$regexp <- FALSE
## Do we need to change, or take derivatives wrt., observations?
## (search the code to see if a method uses "observation(k,y)" or
## just "observation(k)").
obs.are.variables <- (method != "cdf")
## Move data$name to parameter$name if necessary
if (obs.are.variables) {
args$parameters[] <- args$data[]
args$data[] <- NULL
## Make data.term.indicator in parameter list
one <- rep(1, length(obs))
zero <- rep(0, length(obs))
args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]] <- cbind(one, zero, zero)
} else {
args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]] <- cbind(one)
## Set attribute to tell the order of observations
ord <- rep(NA, length(obs))
ord[conditional] <- 0 ## First (out of bounds)
ord[subset] <- seq_along(subset)
ord[unconditional] <- length(obs) + 1 ## Never (out of bounds)
if (any( {
stop("Failed to determine the order of obervations")
attr(args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]], "ord") <- as.double(ord - 1)
## Pretend these are *not observed*:
stop("Failed to disable some data terms (because 'data.term.indicator' missing)")
args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]][unconditional, 1] <- 0
## Pretend these are *observed*:
stop("Failed to enable some data terms (because 'data.term.indicator' missing)")
args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]][conditional, 1] <- 1
## Make map for observations and indicator variables:
makeFac <- function(x){
fac <- as.matrix(x)
fac[] <- 1:length(x)
fac[conditional, ] <- NA
fac[unconditional, ] <- NA
fac[subset, ] <- 1:(length(subset)*ncol(fac)) ## Permutation
map <- list()
if (obs.are.variables)
map[[]] <- makeFac(obs)
map[[data.term.indicator]] <- makeFac(args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]])
args$map <- c(args$map, map)
## New object be silent
args$silent <- TRUE
## 'fullGaussian' does *not* use any of the following objects
if (method != "fullGaussian") {
## Create new object
newobj <-"MakeADFun", args)
## Helper function to loop through observations:
nm <- names(newobj$par)
obs.pointer <- which(nm ==
tmp <- matrix(which(nm == data.term.indicator), ncol=3)
data.term.pointer <- tmp[,1]
lower.cdf.pointer <- tmp[,2]
upper.cdf.pointer <- tmp[,3]
} else {
data.term.pointer <- which(nm == data.term.indicator)
lower.cdf.pointer <- NULL
upper.cdf.pointer <- NULL
observation <- local({
obs.local <- newobj$par
i <- 1:length(subset)
function(k, y=NULL, lower.cdf=FALSE, upper.cdf=FALSE){
## Disable all observations later than k:
obs.local[data.term.pointer[k<i]] <- 0
## On request, overwrite k'th observation:
if(!is.null(y)) obs.local[obs.pointer[k]] <- y
## On request, get tail probs rather than point probs:
if(lower.cdf | upper.cdf){
obs.local[data.term.pointer[k]] <- 0
if(lower.cdf) obs.local[lower.cdf.pointer[k]] <- 1
if(upper.cdf) obs.local[upper.cdf.pointer[k]] <- 1
## Parallel case: overload lapply
## mclapply uses fork => must set nthreads=1
nthreads.restore <- TMB::openmp()
on.exit( TMB::openmp( nthreads.restore ), add=TRUE)
requireNamespace("parallel") # was library(parallel)
lapply <- parallel::mclapply
## Trace one-step functions
tracefun <- function(k)if(trace)print(k)
## Apply a one-step method and generate common output assuming
## the method generates at least:
## * nll
## * nlcdf.lower
## * nlcdf.upper
applyMethod <- function(oneStepMethod){
ord <- seq_along(subset)
if (reverse) ord <- rev(ord)
pred <-"rbind", lapply(ord, oneStepMethod))
pred <-[ord, ]
pred$Fx <- 1 / ( 1 + exp(pred$nlcdf.lower - pred$nlcdf.upper) )
pred$px <- 1 / ( exp(-pred$nlcdf.lower + pred$nll) +
exp(-pred$nlcdf.upper + pred$nll) )
if(discrete || partialDiscrete){
## Restore RNG on exit:
Random.seed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
on.exit(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- Random.seed)
U <- runif(nrow(pred))
if (partialDiscrete) {
pred$randomize <- randomize[subset]
U <- U * pred$randomize
} else {
U <- 0
pred$residual <- qnorm(pred$Fx - U * pred$px)
## ######################### CASE: oneStepGaussian
if(method == "oneStepGaussian"){
p <- newobj$par
newobj$fn(p) ## Test eval
oneStepGaussian <- function(k){
index <- subset[k]
f <- function(y){
newobj$fn(observation(k, y))
g <- function(y){
newobj$gr(observation(k, y))[obs.pointer[k]]
opt <- nlminb(obs[index], f, g)
H <- optimHess(opt$par, f, g)
c(observation=obs[index], mean=opt$par, sd=sqrt(1/H))
ord <- seq_along(subset)
if (reverse) ord <- rev(ord)
pred <-"rbind", lapply(ord, oneStepGaussian))
pred <-[ord, ]
pred$residual <- (pred$observation-pred$mean)/pred$sd
## ######################### CASE: oneStepGaussianOffMode
if(method == "oneStepGaussianOffMode"){
p <- newobj$par
newobj$fn(p) ## Test eval
newobj$env$random.start <- expression({last.par[random]})
oneStepGaussian <- function(k){
index <- subset[k]
f <- function(y){
newobj$fn(observation(k, y))
g <- function(y){
newobj$gr(observation(k, y))[obs.pointer[k]]
c(observation=obs[index], nll = f(obs[index]), grad = g(obs[index]))
ord <- seq_along(subset)
if (reverse) ord <- rev(ord)
pred <-"rbind", lapply(ord, oneStepGaussian))
pred <-[ord, ]
################### Convert value and gradient to residual
## Need Lambert W function: x = W(x) * exp( W(x) ) , x > 0
## Vectorized in x and tested on extreme cases W(.Machine$double.xmin)
## and W(.Machine$double.xmax).
W <- function(x){
## Newton: f(y) = y * exp(y) - x
## f'(y) = y * exp(y) + exp(y)
rel.tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
logx <- log(x)
fdivg <- function(y)(y - exp(logx - y)) / (1 + y)
y <- pmax(logx, 0)
while( any( abs( logx - log(y) - y) > rel.tol, na.rm=TRUE) ) {
y <- y - fdivg(y)
getResid <- function(value, grad){
Rabs <- sqrt( W( exp( 2*(value - log(sqrt(2*pi)) + log(abs(grad))) ) ) )
R <- sign(grad) * Rabs
nll0 <- newobj$fn(observation(0))
R <- getResid( diff( c(nll0, pred$nll) ), pred$grad )
M <- pred$observation - ifelse(pred$grad != 0, R * (R / pred$grad), 0)
pred$mean <- M
pred$residual <- R
## ######################### CASE: oneStepGeneric
OSG_continuous <- missing(discreteSupport) || partialDiscrete
if((method == "oneStepGeneric") && OSG_continuous){
p <- newobj$par
newobj$fn(p) ## Test eval
newobj$env$ <- -Inf ## <-- Never overwrite
nan2zero <- function(x)if(!is.finite(x)) 0 else x
## Set default configuration for this method (modify with '...'):
formals(tmbprofile)$ytol <- 10 ## Tail tolerance (increase => more tail)
formals(tmbprofile)$ystep <- .5 ## Grid spacing (decrease => more accuracy)
## Handle discrete case
formals(tmbprofile)$h <- 1
integrate <- function(f, lower, upper, ...){
grid <- ceiling(lower):floor(upper)
list( value = sum( f(grid) ) )
oneStepGeneric <- function(k){
ans <- try({
index <- subset[k]
f <- function(y){
newobj$fn(observation(k, y))
nll <- f(obs[index]) ## Marginal negative log-likelihood
newobj$env$ <- newobj$env$last.par ## <-- used by tmbprofile
if (splineApprox) {
slice <- tmbprofile(newobj, k, slice=TRUE,
parm.range = range,...)
spline <- splinefun(slice[[1]], slice[[2]], ties=mean)
spline.range <- range(slice[[1]])
if (partialDiscrete) {
## Remove density evaluations of discrete part
slice[[1]][slice[[1]] %in% discreteSupport] <- NA
} else {
spline <- Vectorize(f)
spline.range <- range
slice <- NULL
if(trace >= 2){
plotfun <- function(slice, spline){
plot.range <- spline.range
if (!is.finite(plot.range[1])) plot.range[1] <- min(obs)
if (!is.finite(plot.range[2])) plot.range[2] <- max(obs)
if (!is.null(slice))
plot(slice, type="p", level=NULL)
plot(spline, plot.range[1], plot.range[2], add=!is.null(slice))
abline(v=obs[index], lty="dashed")
if(trace >= 3){
if (!is.null(slice))
slice$value <- exp( -(slice$value - nll) )
plotfun(slice, function(x)exp(-(spline(x) - nll)))
plotfun(slice, spline)
F1 <- integrate(function(x)exp(-(spline(x) - nll)),
F2 <- integrate(function(x)exp(-(spline(x) - nll)),
obs[index] + discrete,
mean <- integrate(function(x)exp(-(spline(x) - nll)) * x,
spline.range[2])$value / (F1 + F2)
## Correction mean, F1 and F2
if (partialDiscrete) {
## Evaluate discrete part
f.discrete <- sapply(discreteSupport, f)
Pdis <- exp(-f.discrete + nll)
## mean correction
mean <- mean * (F1 + F2) + sum(Pdis * discreteSupport)
mean <- mean / (F1 + F2 + sum(Pdis))
## F1 and F2 correction
left <- discreteSupport <= obs[index]
F1 <- F1 + sum(Pdis[left])
F2 <- F2 + sum(Pdis[!left])
## Was:
## F1 <- integrate(Vectorize( function(x)nan2zero( exp(-(f(x) - nll)) ) ), -Inf, obs[index])$value
## F2 <- integrate(Vectorize( function(x)nan2zero( exp(-(f(x) - nll)) ) ), obs[index], Inf)$value
nlcdf.lower = nll - log(F1)
nlcdf.upper = nll - log(F2)
c(nll=nll, nlcdf.lower=nlcdf.lower, nlcdf.upper=nlcdf.upper, mean=mean)
if(is(ans, "try-error")) ans <- NaN
pred <- applyMethod(oneStepGeneric)
## ######################### CASE: oneStepDiscrete
if((method == "oneStepGeneric") && !OSG_continuous){
p <- newobj$par
newobj$fn(p) ## Test eval
obs <- as.integer(round(obs))
warning("Setting 'discreteSupport' to ",min(obs),":",max(obs))
discreteSupport <- min(obs):max(obs)
oneStepDiscrete <- function(k){
ans <- try({
index <- subset[k]
f <- function(y){
newobj$fn(observation(k, y))
nll <- f(obs[index]) ## Marginal negative log-likelihood
F <- Vectorize(function(x)exp(-(f(x) - nll))) (discreteSupport)
F1 <- sum( F[discreteSupport <= obs[index]] )
F2 <- sum( F[discreteSupport > obs[index]] )
nlcdf.lower = nll - log(F1)
nlcdf.upper = nll - log(F2)
c(nll=nll, nlcdf.lower=nlcdf.lower, nlcdf.upper=nlcdf.upper)
if(is(ans, "try-error")) ans <- NaN
pred <- applyMethod(oneStepDiscrete)
## ######################### CASE: fullGaussian
if(method == "fullGaussian"){
## Same object with y random:
args2 <- args
args2$random <- c(args2$random,
## Change map: Fix everything except observations
fix <- data.term.indicator
args2$map[fix] <- lapply(args2$map[fix],
newobj2 <-"MakeADFun", args2)
newobj2$fn() ## Test-eval to find mode
mode <- newobj2$env$last.par
GMRFmarginal <- function (Q, i, ...) {
ind <- 1:nrow(Q)
i1 <- (ind)[i]
i0 <- setdiff(ind, i1)
if (length(i0) == 0)
Q0 <- as(Q[i0, i0, drop = FALSE], "symmetricMatrix")
L0 <- Cholesky(Q0, ...)
ans <- Q[i1, i1, drop = FALSE] - Q[i1, i0, drop = FALSE] %*%
solve(Q0, Q[i0, i1, drop = FALSE])
h <- newobj2$env$spHess(mode, random=TRUE)
i <- which(names(newobj2$env$par[newobj2$env$random]) ==
Sigma <- solve( as.matrix( GMRFmarginal(h, i) ) )
res <- obs[subset] - mode[i]
L <- t(chol(Sigma))
pred <- data.frame(residual = as.vector(solve(L, res)))
## ######################### CASE: cdf
if(method == "cdf"){
p <- newobj$par
newobj$fn(p) ## Test eval
newobj$env$random.start <- expression(last.par[random])
cdf <- function(k){
nll <- newobj$fn(observation(k))
lp <- newobj$env$last.par
nlcdf.lower <- newobj$fn(observation(k, lower.cdf = TRUE))
newobj$env$last.par <- lp ## restore
nlcdf.upper <- newobj$fn(observation(k, upper.cdf = TRUE))
newobj$env$last.par <- lp ## restore
c(nll=nll, nlcdf.lower=nlcdf.lower, nlcdf.upper=nlcdf.upper)
pred <- applyMethod(cdf)
## Goodness of fit residuals based on an approximate posterior
## sample. (\emph{Beta version; may change without notice})
## Denote by \eqn{(u, x)} the pair of the true un-observed random effect
## and the data. Let a model specification be given in terms of the
## estimated parameter vector \eqn{\theta} and let \eqn{u^*} be a
## sample from the conditional distribution of \eqn{u} given
## \eqn{x}. If the model specification is correct, it follows that the
## distribution of the pair \eqn{(u^*, x)} is the same as the distribution
## of \eqn{(u, x)}. Goodness-of-fit can thus be assessed by proceeding as
## if the random effect vector were observed, i.e check that \eqn{u^*}
## is consistent with prior model of the random effect and that \eqn{x}
## given \eqn{u^*} agrees with the observation model.
## This function can carry out the above procedure for many TMB models
## under the assumption that the true posterior is well approximated by a
## Gaussian distribution.
## First a draw from the Gaussian posterior distribution \eqn{u^*} is
## obtained based on the mode and Hessian of the random effects given the
## data.
## This sample uses sparsity of the Hessian and will thus work for large systems.
## An automatic standardization of the sample can be carried out \emph{if
## the observation model is Gaussian} (\code{fullGaussian=TRUE}). In this
## case the prior model is obtained by disabling the data term and
## calculating mode and Hessian. A \code{data.term.indicator} must be
## given in order for this to work. Standardization is performed using
## the sparse Cholesky of the prior precision.
## By default, this step does not use a fill reduction permutation \code{perm=FALSE}.
## This is often superior wrt. to interpretation of the.
## the natural order of the parameter vector is used \code{perm=FALSE}
## which may be superior wrt. to interpretation. Otherwise
## \code{perm=TRUE} a fill-reducing permutation is used while
## standardizing.
## @references Waagepetersen, R. (2006). A Simulation-based Goodness-of-fit Test for Random Effects in Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Scandinavian journal of statistics, 33(4), 721-731.
## @param obj TMB model object from \code{MakeADFun}.
## @param Character naming the observation in the template.
## @param data.term.indicator Character naming an indicator data variable in the template. Only used if \code{standardize=TRUE}.
## @param standardize Logical; Standardize sample with the prior covariance ? Assumes all latent variables are Gaussian.
## @param as.list Output posterior sample, and the corresponding standardized residual, as a parameter list ?
## @param perm Logical; Use a fill-reducing ordering when standardizing ?
## @param fullGaussian Logical; Flag to signify that the joint distribution of random effects and data is Gaussian.
## @return List with components \code{sample} and \code{residual}.
oneSamplePosterior <- function(obj, = NULL,
data.term.indicator = NULL,
standardize = TRUE,
as.list = TRUE,
perm = FALSE,
fullGaussian = FALSE){
## Draw Gaussian posterior sample
tmp <- obj$env$MC(n=1, keep=TRUE, antithetic=FALSE)
samp <- as.vector( attr(tmp, "samples") )
## If standardize
resid <- NULL
if (standardize) {
## Args to construct copy of 'obj'
args <- as.list(obj$env)[intersect(names(formals(MakeADFun)), ls(obj$env))]
## Use the best encountered parameter for new object
args$parameters <- obj$env$parList(par = obj$env$
## Make data.term.indicator in parameter list
obs <- obj$env$data[[]]
nobs <- length(obs)
zero <- rep(0, nobs)
if ( ! fullGaussian )
args$parameters[[data.term.indicator]] <- zero
## Fix all non-random components of parameter list
names.random <- unique(names(obj$env$par[obj$env$random]))
names.all <- names(args$parameters)
fix <- setdiff(names.all, names.random)
map <- lapply(args$parameters[fix], function(x)factor(x*NA))
args$map <- map ## Overwrite map
## If 'fullGaussian == TRUE' turn 'obs' into a random effect
if (fullGaussian) {
names.random <- c(names.random,
args$parameters[[]] <- obs
## Find randomeffects character
args$random <- names.random
args$regexp <- FALSE
## New object be silent
args$silent <- TRUE
## Create new object
newobj <-"MakeADFun", args)
## Construct Hessian and Cholesky
## Get Cholesky and prior mean
## FIXME: We are using the mode as mean. Consider skewness
## correction similar to 'bias.correct' in 'sdreport'.
L <- newobj$env$
mu <- newobj$env$last.par
## If perm == FALSE redo Cholesky with natural ordering
if ( ! perm ) {
Q <- newobj$env$spHess(mu, random=TRUE)
L <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q, super=TRUE, perm=FALSE)
## If 'fullGaussian == TRUE' add 'obs' to the sample
if (fullGaussian) {
tmp <- newobj$env$par * NA
tmp[names(tmp) ==] <- obs
tmp[names(tmp) !=] <- samp
samp <- tmp
## Standardize ( P * Q * P^T = L * L^T )
r <- samp - mu
rp <- r[L@perm + 1]
Lt <- Matrix::t(
as(L, "sparseMatrix")
resid <- as.vector( Lt %*% rp )
if (as.list) {
if (standardize) obj <- newobj
par <- obj$env$
asList <- function(samp) {
par[obj$env$random] <- samp
samp <- obj$env$parList(par=par)
nm <- unique(names(obj$env$par[obj$env$random]))
samp <- asList(samp)
if (!is.null(resid))
resid <- asList(resid)
ans <- list()
ans$sample <- samp
ans$residual <- resid
if(FALSE) {
runExample("MVRandomWalkValidation", exfolder="../../tmb_examples/validation")
system.time( qw <- TMB:::oneSamplePosterior(obj, "obs", "keep") )
qqnorm(as.vector(qw$residual$u)); abline(0,1)
runExample("rickervalidation", exfolder="../../tmb_examples/validation")
system.time( qw <- TMB:::oneSamplePosterior(obj, "Y", "keep") )
qqnorm(as.vector(qw$residual$X)); abline(0,1)
system.time( qw <- TMB:::oneSamplePosterior(obj, "N", "keep") )
qqnorm(as.vector(qw$residual$eta)); abline(0,1)
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