Man pages for UCSCXenaShiny
Interactive Analysis of UCSC Xena Data

analyze_gene_drug_response_assoAnalyze Association between Gene (Signature) and Drug...
analyze_gene_drug_response_diffAnalyze Difference of Drug Response (IC50 Value (uM)) between...
app_runRun UCSC Xena Shiny App
available_hostsShow Available Hosts
ccle_absoluteABSOLUTE Result of CCLE Database
ccle_infoPhenotype Info of CCLE Database
ccle_info_fineCleaned Phenotype Info of CCLE Database for grouping
dot-opt_pancanA default setting for pan-cancer studies
ezcorRun Correlation between Two Variables and Support Group by a...
ezcor_batchRun correlation between two variables in a batch mode and...
ezcor_partial_corRun partial correlation
get_pancan_valueFetch Identifier Value from Pan-cancer Dataset
keep_cat_colsKeep Only Columns Used for Sample Selection
load_dataLoad Dataset Provided by This Package
mol_quick_analysisQuick molecule analysis and report generation
pcawg_infoPhenotype Info of PCAWG Database
pcawg_info_fineCleaned Phenotype Info of PCAWG Database for grouping
pcawg_purityPurity Data of PCAWG
pipePipe Operator
query_general_valuedownload data for shiny general analysis
query_molecule_valueGet Molecule or Signature Data Values from Dense (Genomic)...
query_pancan_valueQuery Single Identifier or Signature Value from Pan-cancer...
query_tcga_groupGroup TPC samples by build-in or custom phenotype and support...
query_toil_value_dfObtain ToilHub Info for Single Molecule
tcga_clinicalToil Hub: TCGA Clinical Data
tcga_clinical_fineToil Hub: Cleaned TCGA Clinical Data for grouping
tcga_genome_instabilityTCGA: Genome Instability Data
tcga_gtexToil Hub: Merged TCGA GTEx Selected Phenotype
TCGA.organTCGA: Organ Data
tcga_purityTCGA: Purity Data
tcga_subtypesTCGA Subtype Data
tcga_survToil Hub: TCGA Survival Data
tcga_surv_analysisTCGA Survival Analysis
tcga_tmbTCGA: TMB (Tumor Mutation Burden) Data
toil_infoToil Hub: TCGA TARGET GTEX Selected Phenotype
UCSCXenaShiny-packageXena Shiny App
vis_ccle_gene_corVisualize CCLE Gene Expression Correlation
vis_ccle_tpmVisualize CCLE Gene Expression
vis_dim_distVisualize the distribution difference of samples after...
vis_gene_corVisualize Gene-Gene Correlation in TCGA
vis_gene_cor_cancerVisualize Gene-Gene Correlation in a TCGA Cancer Type
vis_gene_drug_response_assoVisualize Gene and Drug-Target Association with CCLE Data
vis_gene_drug_response_diffVisualize Gene and Drug Response Difference with CCLE Data
vis_gene_immune_corHeatmap for Correlation between Gene and Immune Signatures
vis_gene_msi_corVisualize Correlation between Gene and MSI (Microsatellite...
vis_gene_pw_corVisualize Correlation between Gene and Pathway signature...
vis_gene_stemness_corVisualize Correlation between Gene and Tumor Stemness
vis_gene_TIL_corHeatmap for Correlation between Gene and Tumor Immune...
vis_gene_tmb_corVisualize Correlation between Gene and TMB (Tumor Mutation...
vis_identifier_corVisualize Identifier-Identifier Correlation
vis_identifier_dim_distVisualize the distribution difference of samples after...
vis_identifier_grp_comparisonVisualize Comparison of an Molecule Identifier between Groups
vis_identifier_grp_survVisualize Identifier Group Survival Difference
vis_identifier_multi_corVisualize Correlation for Multiple Identifiers
vis_pancan_anatomyVisualize Single Gene Expression in Anatomy Location
vis_pcawg_distVisualize molecular profile in PCAWG
vis_pcawg_gene_corVisualize Gene-Gene Correlation in TCGA
vis_pcawg_unicox_treeVisualize Single Gene Univariable Cox Result in PCAWG
vis_toil_MutVisualize molecular profile difference between mutation and...
vis_toil_Mut_cancerVisualize molecular profile difference between mutation and...
vis_toil_TvsNVisualize Pan-cancer TPM (tumor (TCGA) vs Normal (TCGA &...
vis_toil_TvsN_cancerVisualize Gene TPM in Single Cancer Type (Tumor (TCGA) vs...
vis_unicox_treeVisualize Single Gene Univariable Cox Result from Toil Data...
UCSCXenaShiny documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:10 a.m.