## 2019-07-16: moved util functions to `sketch-utils.R`
# TODO: behavior not defined for horizons with an indefinite lower boundary
# TODO: move some of the processing outside of the main loop: column names, etc.
#' @title Create Soil Profile Sketches
#' @name plotSPC
#' @rdname SoilProfileCollection-plotting-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases plot,SoilProfileCollection,ANY-method,plot.SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Generate a diagram of soil profile sketches from a `SoilProfileCollection` object. The [Introduction to SoilProfileCollection Objects Vignette]( contains many examples and discussion of the large number of arguments to this function. The [Soil Profile Sketches]( tutorial has longer-form discussion and examples pertaining to suites of related arguments.
#' Options can be used to conveniently specify sets of arguments that will be used in several calls to `plotSPC()` within a single R session. For example, arguments can be specified in a named list (`.a`) and set using: `options(.aqp.plotSPC.args = .a)`. Reset these options via `options(.aqp.plotSPC.args = NULL)`. Arguments explicitly passed to `plotSPC()` will override arguments set via [options()].
#' @param x a `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @param color quoted column name containing R-compatible color descriptions, or numeric / categorical data to be displayed thematically; see details
#' @param width scaling of profile widths (typically 0.1 - 0.4)
#' @param name quoted column name of the (horizon-level) attribute containing horizon designations or labels, if missing `hzdesgnname(x)` is used. Suppress horizon name printing by setting `name = NA` or `name = ''`.
#' @param one of several possible horizon designations labeling styles: `c('right-center', 'left-center', 'left-top', 'center-center', 'center-top')`
#' @param label quoted column name of the (site-level) attribute used to identify profile sketches
#' @param raggedBottom either quoted column name of the (site-level) attribute (logical) used to mark profiles with a truncated lower boundary, or `FALSE` suppress ragged bottom depths when `max.depth < max(x)`
#' @param hz.depths logical, annotate horizon top depths to the right of each sketch (`FALSE`)
#' @param hz.depths.offset numeric, user coordinates for left-right adjustment for horizon depth annotation; reasonable values are usually within 0.01-0.05 (default: 0)
#' @param hz.depths.lines logical, draw segments between horizon depth labels and actual horizon depth; this is useful when including horizon boundary distinctness and/or `fixLabelCollisions = TRUE`
#' @param depth.axis logical or list. Use a logical to suppress (`FALSE`) or add depth axis using defaults (`TRUE`). Use a list to specify one or more of:
#' - `style`: character, one of 'traditional', 'compact', or 'tape'
#' - `line`: numeric, negative values move axis to the left (does not apply to `style = 'tape'`)
#' - `cex`: numeric, scaling applied to entire depth axis
#' - `interval`: numeric, axis interval
#' See examples.
#' @param alt.label quoted column name of the (site-level) attribute used for secondary annotation
#' @param alt.label.col color used for secondary annotation text
#' @param cex.names baseline character scaling applied to all text labels
#' @param character scaling applied to `label`
#' @param font style applied to `label`, default is 2 (bold)
#' @param rotation applied to `label`, only when ` = 'top'`
#' @param logical, print `label` above/beside each profile? (`TRUE`)
#' @param `label` printing style: 'auto' (default) = simple heuristic used to select from: 'top' = centered above each profile, 'side' = 'along the top-left edge of profiles'
#' @param plot.order integer vector describing the order in which individual soil profiles should be plotted
#' @param relative.pos vector of relative positions along the x-axis, within \{1, n\}, ignores `plot.order` see details
#' @param add logical, add to an existing figure
#' @param scaling.factor vertical scaling of profile depths, useful for adding profiles to an existing figure
#' @param y.offset numeric vector of vertical offset for top of profiles in depth units of `x`, can either be a single numeric value or vector of length = `length(x)`. A vector of y-offsets will be automatically re-ordered according to `plot.order`.
#' @param x.idx.offset integer specifying horizontal offset from 0 (left-hand edge)
#' @param n integer describing amount of space along x-axis to allocate, defaults to `length(x)`
#' @param max.depth numeric. The lower depth for all sketches, deeper profiles are truncated at this depth. Use larger values to arbitrarily extend the vertical dimension, convenient for leaving extract space for annotation.
#' @param n.depth.ticks suggested number of ticks in depth scale
#' @param shrink logical, reduce character scaling for 'long' horizon by 80%
#' @param shrink.cutoff character length defining 'long' horizon names
#' @param shrink.thin integer, horizon thickness threshold for shrinking horizon names by 80%, only activated when `shrink = TRUE` (`NULL` = no shrinkage)
#' @param abbr logical, abbreviate `label`
#' @param abbr.cutoff suggested minimum length for abbreviated `label`
#' @param divide.hz logical, divide horizons with line segment? (`TRUE`), see details
#' @param hz.distinctness.offset `NULL`, or quoted column name (horizon-level attribute) containing vertical offsets used to depict horizon boundary distinctness (same units as profiles), see details and [hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset()]; consider setting `hz.depths.lines = TRUE` when used in conjunction with `hz.depths = TRUE`
#' @param hz.topography.offset `NULL`, or quoted column name (horizon-level attribute) containing offsets used to depict horizon boundary topography (same units as profiles), see details and [hzTopographyCodeToOffset()]
#' @param hz.boundary.lty quoted column name (horizon-level attribute) containing line style (integers) used to encode horizon topography
#' @param density fill density used for horizon color shading, either a single integer or a quoted column name (horizon-level attribute) containing integer values (default is `NULL`, no shading)
#' @param show.legend logical, show legend? (default is `TRUE`)
#' @param col.label thematic legend title
#' @param col.palette color palette used for thematic sketches (default is `rev(brewer.pal(10, 'Spectral'))`)
#' @param col.palette.bias color ramp bias (skew), see [colorRamp()]
#' @param col.legend.cex scaling of thematic legend
#' @param n.legend approximate number of classes used in numeric legend, max number of items per row in categorical legend
#' @param lwd line width multiplier used for sketches
#' @param lty line style used for sketches
#' @param default.color default horizon fill color used when `color` attribute is `NA`
#' @param fixLabelCollisions use [fixOverlap()] to attempt fixing hz depth labeling collisions, will slow plotting of large collections; enabling also sets `hz.depths.lines = TRUE`. Additional arguments to [fixOverlap()] can be passed via `fixOverlapArgs`. Overlap collisions cannot be fixed within profiles containing degenerate or missing horizon depths (e.g. top == bottom).
#' @param fixOverlapArgs a named list of arguments to [fixOverlap()]. Overlap adjustments are attempted using electrostatic simulation with arguments: `list(method = 'E', q = 1)`. Alternatively, select adjustment by simulated annealing via `list(method = 'S')`. See [electroStatics_1D()] and [SANN_1D()] for details.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed into lower level plotting functions
#' @param axis.line.offset (deprecated, use `depth.axis` instead) horizontal offset applied to depth axis (default is -2, larger numbers move the axis to the right)
#' @param plot.depth.axis (deprecated, use `depth.axis` instead) logical, plot depth axis?
#' @param cex.depth.axis (deprecated, use `depth.axis` instead) character scaling applied to depth scale
#' @details
#' Depth limits (`max.depth`) and number of depth ticks (`n.depth.ticks`) are *suggestions* to the [pretty()] function. You may have to tinker with both parameters to get what you want.
#' The 'side' `` is useful when plotting a large collection of profiles, and/or, when profile IDs are long.
#' If the column containing horizon designations is not specified (the `name` argument), a column (presumed to contain horizon designation labels) is guessed based on regular expression matching of the pattern 'name'--this usually works, but it is best to manual specify the name of the column containing horizon designations.
#' The `color` argument can either name a column containing R-compatible colors, possibly created via [munsell2rgb()], or column containing either numeric or categorical (either factor or character) values. In the second case, values are converted into colors and displayed along with a simple legend above the plot. Note that this functionality makes several assumptions about plot geometry and is most useful in an interactive setting.
#' Adjustments to the legend can be specified via `col.label` (legend title), `col.palette` (palette of colors, automatically expanded), `col.legend.cex` (legend scaling), and `n.legend` (approximate number of classes for numeric variables, or, maximum number of legend items per row for categorical variables). Currently, `plotSPC` will only generate two rows of legend items. Consider reducing the number of classes if two rows isn't enough room.
#' Profile sketches can be added according to relative positions along the x-axis (vs. integer sequence) via `relative.pos` argument. This should be a vector of positions within \{1,n\} that are used for horizontal placement. Default values are `1:length(x)`. Care must be taken when both `plot.order` and `relative.pos` are used simultaneously: `relative.pos` specifies horizontal placement after sorting. [addDiagnosticBracket()] and [addVolumeFraction()] use the `relative.pos` values for subsequent annotation.
#' Relative positions that are too close will result in overplotting of sketches. Adjustments to relative positions such that overlap is minimized can be performed with `fixOverlap(pos)`, where `pos` is the original vector of relative positions.
#' The `x.idx.offset` argument can be used to shift a collection of pedons from left to right in the figure. This can be useful when plotting several different `SoilProfileCollection` objects within the same figure. Space must be pre-allocated in the first plotting call, with an offset specified in the second call. See examples below.
#' Horizon depths (e.g. cm) are converted to figure y-coordinates via: y = (depth * scaling.factor) + y.offset.
#' @note A new plot of soil profiles is generated, or optionally added to an existing plot.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @references Beaudette, D.E., Roudier P., and A.T. O'Geen. 2013. Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology: A Toolkit for
#' Soil Scientists. Computers & Geosciences. 52:258 - 268.
#' @keywords hplots
#' @export
#' @seealso [fixOverlap()], [explainPlotSPC()], [SoilProfileCollection-class], [pretty()], [hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset()], [addBracket()], [profileGroupLabels()]
#' @examples
#' # keep examples from using more than 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' # example data
#' data(sp1)
#' # usually best to adjust margins
#' par(mar = c(0,0,3,0))
#' # add color vector
#' sp1$soil_color <- with(sp1, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma))
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # init horizon designation
#' hzdesgnname(sp1) <- 'name'
#' # plot profiles
#' plotSPC(sp1, = 'side')
#' # title, note line argument:
#' title('Sample Data 1', line = 1, cex.main = 0.75)
#' # plot profiles without horizon-line divisions
#' plotSPC(sp1, divide.hz = FALSE)
#' # diagonal lines encode horizon boundary distinctness
#' sp1$hzD <- hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset(sp1$bound_distinct)
#' plotSPC(sp1, hz.distinctness.offset = 'hzD', = 'center-center')
#' # plot horizon color according to some property
#' data(sp4)
#' depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' hzdesgnname(sp4) <- 'name'
#' plotSPC(sp4, color = 'clay')
#' # another example
#' data(sp2)
#' depths(sp2) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' hzdesgnname(sp2) <- 'name'
#' site(sp2) <- ~ surface
#' # some of these profiles are very deep, truncate plot at 400cm
#' # label / re-order with site-level attribute: `surface`
#' plotSPC(sp2, label = 'surface', plot.order = order(sp2$surface),
#' max.depth = 400)
#' # example using a categorical attribute
#' plotSPC(sp2, color = "plasticity",
#' max.depth = 400)
#' # plot two SPC objects in the same figure
#' par(mar = c(1,1,1,1))
#' # plot the first SPC object and
#' # allocate space for the second SPC object
#' plotSPC(sp1, n = length(sp1) + length(sp2))
#' # plot the second SPC, starting from the first empty space
#' plotSPC(sp2, x.idx.offset = length(sp1), add = TRUE)
#' ##
#' ## demonstrate horizon designation shrinkage
#' ##
#' data("jacobs2000")
#' # shrink "long" horizon names
#' plotSPC(
#' jacobs2000,
#' name = 'name',
#' = 'center-center',
#' shrink = TRUE,
#' cex.names = 0.8
#' )
#' # shrink horizon names in "thin" horizons
#' plotSPC(
#' jacobs2000,
#' name = 'name',
#' = 'center-center',
#' shrink = TRUE,
#' shrink.thin = 15,
#' cex.names = 0.8,
#' )
#' ##
#' ## demonstrate adaptive legend
#' ##
#' data(sp3)
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # make some fake categorical data
#' horizons(sp3)$ <- sample(letters[1:15], size = nrow(sp3), replace=TRUE)
#' # better margins
#' par(mar=c(0,0,3,1))
#' # note that there are enough colors for 15 classes (vs. previous limit of 10)
#' # note that the legend is split into 2 rows when length(classes) > n.legend argument
#' plotSPC(sp3, color='', name='', cex.names=0.8)
#' # make enough room in a single legend row
#' plotSPC(sp3, color='', name='', cex.names=0.8, n.legend=15)
#' ##
#' ## demonstrate y.offset argument
#' ## must be of length 1 or length(x)
#' ##
#' # example data and local copy
#' data("jacobs2000")
#' x <- jacobs2000
#' hzdesgnname(x) <- 'name'
#' # y-axis offsets, simulating a elevation along a hillslope sequence
#' # same units as horizon depths in `x`
#' # same order as profiles in `x`
#' y.offset <- c(-5, -10, 22, 65, 35, 15, 12)
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 2))
#' # y-offset at 0
#' plotSPC(x, color = 'matrix_color', cex.names = 0.66)
#' # constant adjustment to y-offset
#' plotSPC(x, color = 'matrix_color', cex.names = 0.66, y.offset = 50)
#' # attempt using invalid y.offset
#' # warning issued and default value of '0' used
#' # plotSPC(x, color = 'matrix_color', cex.names = 0.66, y.offset = 1:2)
#' # variable y-offset
#' # fix overlapping horizon depth labels
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
#' plotSPC(
#' x,
#' y.offset = y.offset,
#' color = 'matrix_color',
#' cex.names = 0.75,
#' shrink = TRUE,
#' hz.depths = TRUE,
#' hz.depths.offset = 0.05,
#' fixLabelCollisions = TRUE,
#' = 'center-center'
#' )
#' # random y-axis offsets
#' yoff <- runif(n = length(x), min = 1, max = 100)
#' # random gradient of x-positions
#' xoff <- runif(n = length(x), min = 1, max = length(x))
#' # note profiles overlap
#' plotSPC(x,
#' relative.pos = xoff,
#' y.offset = yoff,
#' color = 'matrix_color',
#' cex.names = 0.66,
#' hz.depths = TRUE,
#' = 'center-center'
#' )
#' # align / adjust relative x positions
#' set.seed(111)
#' pos <- alignTransect(xoff, x.min = 1, x.max = length(x), thresh = 0.65)
#' # y-offset is automatically re-ordered according to
#' # plot.order
#' par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
#' plotSPC(x,
#' plot.order = pos$order,
#' relative.pos = pos$relative.pos,
#' y.offset = yoff,
#' color = 'matrix_color',
#' cex.names = 0.66,
#' hz.depths = TRUE,
#' = 'center-center'
#' )
#' box()
plotSPC <- function(
color = 'soil_color',
width = ifelse(length(x) < 2, 0.15, 0.25),
name = hzdesgnname(x), = 'right-center',
label = idname(x),
raggedBottom = NULL,
hz.depths = FALSE,
hz.depths.offset = ifelse(fixLabelCollisions, 0.03, 0),
hz.depths.lines = fixLabelCollisions,
depth.axis = list(style = 'traditional', cex = cex.names * 1.15),
alt.label = NULL,
alt.label.col = 'black',
cex.names = 0.5, = cex.names + (0.2 * cex.names), = 2, = 0, = TRUE, = 'auto',
plot.order = 1:length(x),
relative.pos = 1:length(x),
add = FALSE,
scaling.factor = 1,
y.offset = rep(0, times = length(x)),
x.idx.offset = 0,
n = length(x),
max.depth = ifelse(is.infinite(max(x)), 200, max(x)),
n.depth.ticks = 10,
shrink = FALSE,
shrink.cutoff = 3,
shrink.thin = NULL,
abbr = FALSE,
abbr.cutoff = 5,
divide.hz = TRUE,
hz.distinctness.offset = NULL,
hz.topography.offset = NULL,
hz.boundary.lty = NULL,
density = NULL,
show.legend = TRUE,
col.label = color,
col.palette = c("#5E4FA2", "#3288BD", "#66C2A5","#ABDDA4", "#E6F598",
"#FEE08B","#FDAE61", "#F46D43", "#D53E4F","#9E0142"),
col.palette.bias = 1,
col.legend.cex = 1,
n.legend = 8,
lwd = 1,
lty = 1,
default.color = grey(0.95),
fixLabelCollisions = hz.depths,
fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'E', q = 1),
cex.depth.axis = cex.names,
axis.line.offset = -2,
plot.depth.axis = TRUE,
) {
## make R CMD check happy ##
## arguments from options ##
# specified as: options(.aqp.plotSPC.args = list())
# get any options set, result is a list
# NULL otherwise
.opArgs <- getOption(".aqp.plotSPC.args", default = NULL)
# process options
if(!is.null(.opArgs)) {
# e.g. some of: names(formals('plotSPC'))
# not all arguments can be set via options
.argSet <- c("color", "width", "name", "", "label", "raggedBottom", "hz.depths",
"hz.depths.offset", "hz.depths.lines", "depth.axis", "alt.label", "alt.label.col",
"cex.names", "", "", "",
"", "", "plot.order", "relative.pos", "add",
"scaling.factor", "y.offset", "x.idx.offset", "n", "max.depth",
"n.depth.ticks", "shrink", "shrink.cutoff", "shrink.thin", "abbr",
"abbr.cutoff", "divide.hz", "hz.distinctness.offset", "hz.topography.offset",
"hz.boundary.lty", "density",
"show.legend", "col.label", "col.palette", "col.palette.bias",
"col.legend.cex", "n.legend", "lwd", "lty", "default.color",
"fixLabelCollisions", "fixOverlapArgs", "axis.line.offset", "plot.depth.axis", "cex.depth.axis"
# iterate over all possible arguments that can be modified in this way
for(.arg in .argSet) {
# test to see if the current argument has been explicitly provided
.missing <-, list(.arg))
# consider only:
# specified via options AND NOT (XOR) given by function arguments
if(!is.null(.opArgs[[.arg]]) && .missing) {
# debug
# print(sprintf("using options: %s", .arg))
# set to local variable in place of default argument
assign(.arg, .opArgs[[.arg]])
## sanity checks ##
# `x` should be a SoilProfileCollection
if (!inherits(x, 'SoilProfileCollection')) {
stop("Object `x` must be a SoilProfileCollection", call. = FALSE)
## TODO: update plot.order and relative.pos when n != length(x)
# don't plot an empty collection
if (nrow(x) == 0) {
stop("SoilProfileCollection `x` contains no horizon data", call. = FALSE)
# horizon name style
if(! %in% c('right-center', 'left-center', 'left-top', 'center-center', 'center-top')) {
warning('invalid ``', call. = FALSE) <- 'right-center'
# horizon distinctness offset column name must be valid
if(!missing(hz.distinctness.offset)) {
# valid name
if(! hz.distinctness.offset %in% horizonNames(x))
stop('invalid `hz.distinctness.offset` column name', call. = FALSE)
# must be numeric
if(! is.numeric(x[[hz.distinctness.offset]]))
stop('`hz.distinctness.offset` must be numeric', call. = FALSE)
} else {
# no horizon distinctness offset specified, use 0
hz.distinctness.offset <- '.hdo'
horizons(x)[[hz.distinctness.offset]] <- 0
# horizon topography offset column name must be valid
if(!missing(hz.topography.offset)) {
# valid name
if(! hz.topography.offset %in% horizonNames(x))
stop('invalid `hz.topography.offset` column name', call. = FALSE)
# must be numeric
if(! is.numeric(x[[hz.topography.offset]]))
stop('`hz.topography.offset` must be numeric', call. = FALSE)
} else {
# no horizon topography offset specified, use 0
hz.topography.offset <- '.hto'
horizons(x)[[hz.topography.offset]] <- 0
# horizon line type
if(!missing(hz.boundary.lty)) {
# valid name
if(! hz.boundary.lty %in% horizonNames(x))
stop('invalid `hz.boundary.lty` column name', call. = FALSE)
# must be numeric
if(! is.numeric(x[[hz.boundary.lty]]))
stop('`hz.boundary.lty` must be numeric', call. = FALSE)
# ragged bottom flag
if(!missing(raggedBottom)) {
# valid type
if(! inherits(raggedBottom, c('logical', 'character'))) {
stop('`raggedBottom` must be logical or character', call. = FALSE)
# valid name
if((is.character(raggedBottom)) & ! raggedBottom %in% siteNames(x)) {
stop('invalid `raggedBottom` column name', call. = FALSE)
# length of y.offset must length(x) or 1
if(length(y.offset) == 1) {
y.offset <- rep(y.offset, times = length(x))
if(length(y.offset) != length(x)) {
warning('length of `y.offset` must be `length(x)` or 1, using `0`', call. = FALSE)
y.offset <- rep(0, times = length(x))
# fixOverlap arguments
if(is.null(fixOverlapArgs)) {
fixOverlapArgs <- list()
## SPC truncation and flagging ##
# keep track of truncation by max.depth via special site-level attr
site(x)$.isTruncated <- FALSE
if(!missing(max.depth)) {
# keep track of original profile bottom depths
.pb0 <- x[, , .LAST, .BOTTOM]
# truncate
x <- trunc(x, 0, max.depth)
# truncated bottom depths
.pb1 <- x[, , .LAST, .BOTTOM]
# flag
x$.isTruncated[which(.pb0 != .pb1)] <- TRUE
# accommodate other flag specified in raggedBottom
if(!missing(raggedBottom)) {
truncation_flag <- x[['.isTruncated']] | x[[raggedBottom]]
} else {
truncation_flag <- x[['.isTruncated']]
# ragged line characteristics depend on vertical scale
.raggedOffsets <- scaling.factor * max.depth * c(-0.01, 0.03) / 2
## SPC cleanup ? ##
# tempting, but I don't like the auto-magical nature of this
# easy to miss important horizon logic errors
# creates the possibility for new errors based on unexpected results
# x <- repairMissingHzDepths(x)
## fudge factors ##
# TODO: base calculations on strwidth() AFTER plot() has been called
# padding along x-axis, prevents crowding
# dynamic adjustment must also taking into account figure size
# roughly 10% of length(x)
extra_x_space <- n * 0.1
# multiplier (width * x_left_space_mult) used to set left-side space along x-axis
x_left_space_mult <- 2
# add a little extra x-space when n <= 5
if(n <= 5 & n > 2) {
extra_x_space <- extra_x_space + 0.25
x_left_space_mult <- 2
# special cases
if(n == 2) {
extra_x_space <- extra_x_space + 0.5
x_left_space_mult <- 2.75
# special cases
if (n == 1) {
extra_x_space <- extra_x_space + 0.5
x_left_space_mult <- 3.5
# padding above profiles, ~ 15 is about right for n in {1,25} and max depth near 150cm
# a sketch of shalllow profiles could benefit from ~ 5
if(max.depth <= 50)
extra_y_space <- 5
if(max.depth > 50 & max.depth <= 100)
extra_y_space <- 10
if(max.depth > 100)
extra_y_space <- 15
# get profile IDs
pIDs <- profile_id(x)
# re-order y-offset according to plot.order
y.offset <- y.offset[plot.order]
# get horizons
h <- horizons(x)
# get column names from horizon data
nm <- names(h)
## horizon designation ##
# hzdesgnname() does most of the work here, with sensible defaults when metadata are missing
# code can safely run with all input except NULL
if (is.null(name)) {
# set to empty string
name <- ''
## horizon colors ##
# .interpretHorizonColors() expects numeric | categorical data
# convert logical to factor
if (is.logical(h[[color]])) {
h[[color]] <- factor(h[[color]])
# results contain:
# vector of horizon colors, row-order preserved
# legend data if relevant, otherwise NULL
hz.color.interpretation <- .interpretHorizonColor(h, color, default.color, col.palette, col.palette.bias, n.legend)
h[['.color']] <- hz.color.interpretation$colors
## horizon depths ##
# get top/bottom column names
IDcol <- idname(x)
hzDepthCols <- horizonDepths(x)
tcol <- hzDepthCols[1]
bcol <- hzDepthCols[2]
# get profile labels from @site
pLabels <- site(x)[[label]]
## init plotting region, unless we are appending to an existing plot ##
# y-limits also include y.offset range
ylim.range <- c(
max.depth + max(y.offset),
# x-limits
xlim.range <- c(width * x_left_space_mult, n + extra_x_space)
# note that we are using some fudge-factors to get the plotting region just right
if(!add) {
# margins are set outside of this function
# make a new, empty plot
plot(x = 0, y = 0, type = 'n',
xlim = xlim.range,
ylim = ylim.range,
axes = FALSE, xlab = '', ylab = ''
## device information ##
# note: all of this has to happen after plot(...), or if `add = TRUE`
.par_usr <- par('usr')
.par_dev <- par('pin')
.par_xWidth <- diff(.par_usr[1:2])
.par_devWidth <- .par_dev[1]
# profiles / device width (inches)
.dev_sketch_density <- (.par_xWidth / .par_devWidth)
# calculate width of a single character on current plot device
one.char.width <- strwidth('W')
## profile ID style selection ##
# if profile style is auto, determine style based on font metrics
if( == 'auto') {
sum.ID.str.width <- sum(sapply(pLabels, strwidth, units = 'inches', cex =, font = 2))
ID.width.ratio <- sum.ID.str.width / .par_devWidth
# debug
# print(ID.width.ratio)
if(ID.width.ratio > 0.7) { <- 'side'
else { <- 'top'
## sketch parameters for follow-up overlay / inspection ##
lsp <- list('width' = width,
'plot.order' = plot.order,
'x0' = relative.pos + x.idx.offset,
'pIDs' = pIDs[plot.order],
'idname' = idname(x),
'y.offset' = y.offset,
'scaling.factor' = scaling.factor,
'max.depth' = max.depth,
'n' = n,
'xlim' = xlim.range,
'ylim' = ylim.range,
'extra_x_space' = extra_x_space,
'extra_y_space' = extra_y_space,
'hz.depth.LAI' = rep(NA_real_, n),
'legend.colors' = hz.color.interpretation$colors,
'' = hz.color.interpretation$
## TODO dynamically adjust `width` based on strwidth(
## TODO abstract single profile sketch code into a single function
## TODO skip sketch rendering when i == `n` outside of length(SPC) (depths are NA)
## TODO: NO DATA template for empty profiles (now possible)
## iterate over profile index from 1 -> n
## note: there may not be `n` profiles
for(i in 1:n) {
# convert linear sequence into plotting order
# this is NA when accessing beyond length(SPC)
profile_i <- plot.order[i]
# get truncation flag
truncation_flag_i <- truncation_flag[profile_i]
# fill NA with FALSE:
# - if n > length(x)
# - NA present in x$raggedBottom
truncation_flag_i[] <- FALSE
# extract the current profile's horizon data
this_profile_label <- pLabels[profile_i]
this_profile_id <- pIDs[profile_i]
this_profile_data <- h[which(h[[IDcol]] == this_profile_id), ]
## TODO: use empty / template SPC
# this is an "empty" profile, site data only
# skip this iteration
if(nrow(this_profile_data) < 1){
# extract column names
cn <- names(this_profile_data)
# extract / generate horizon color
# note: the ".color" horizon attribute is auto-generated above
# missing and NA colors have already been dealt with above
this_profile_colors <- this_profile_data$.color
# extract / generate horizon fill density
if(! missing(density)) {
# if a single number was given, then recylce it over all horizons
this_profile_density <- density
# otherwise we have a column name
else {
m <- match(density, cn)
this_profile_density <- this_profile_data[[m]]
else # user-defined column is missing
this_profile_density <- NULL
} else {
# no user-defined density column
this_profile_density <- NULL
# extract / generate horizon name
m <- match(name, cn)
if(! {
this_profile_names <- as.character(this_profile_data[[m]])
} else {
# otherwise use an empty string
this_profile_names <- ''
## generate baseline horizon geometry ##
## center of each sketch
# 2019-07-15: added relative position feature, could use some more testing
# y.offset is indexed to plot.order
# x0 <- x.idx.offset + i
x0 <- x.idx.offset + relative.pos[i]
# get vectors of horizon boundaries, and scale
y0 <- (this_profile_data[[bcol]] * scaling.factor) + y.offset[i]
y1 <- (this_profile_data[[tcol]] * scaling.factor) + y.offset[i]
## create horizons + colors ##
# horizons are parallelograms
# offset described by hz.distinctness.offset
# horizontal mid-points described by hz.topography.offset
# iterate over horizons
nh <- length(y0)
# extract current distinctness offset
hdo <- this_profile_data[[hz.distinctness.offset]]
# apply sketch-wide scaling factor
hdo <- hdo * scaling.factor
# extract current topography offset
hto <- this_profile_data[[hz.topography.offset]]
# apply sketch-wide scaling factor
hto <- hto * scaling.factor
# extract current set of line types if provided
if(! is.null(hz.boundary.lty)) {
ht.lty <- this_profile_data[, hz.boundary.lty]
} else {
# use constant value
ht.lty <- rep(lty, times = nh)
# empty list for storing y-coordinates
coords.list <- vector(mode = 'list', length = nh)
# iterate over horizons
for(j in 1:nh) {
## rectangle for reference
# xx <- c(x0 - width, x0 + width, x0 + width, x0 - width)
# yy <- c(y0[j], y0[j], y1[j], y1[j])
# parallelogram geometry: x-coords are fixed, y-coords vary based on horizon sequence
# y0 are bottom depths
# y1 are top depths
# vertex order: ll, lc, lr, ur, uc, ul
x.ll <- x0 - width <- x0 + width
x.ur <- x0 + width
x.ul <- x0 - width
# mid-points for horizon topography <- x0
x.uc <- x0
xx <- c(x.ll,,, x.ur, x.uc, x.ul)
# make polygons based on 1st, 2nd to j-1, last horizon
# yikes!
# this doesn't work when:
# * there is only a single horizon [now fixed below]
# * there is a "gap" between adjacent horizons (overlapOrGap = TRUE)
if(j == 1 & nh == 1){
## first horizon of a single-horizon profile ##
# ragged bottom place-holder
.r <- NULL
y.ll <- pmin(y0[j] + hdo[j], y0[j]) # cannot exceed y.ll of next horizon <- pmax(y0[j] - hdo[j], y1[j]) # cannot exceed y.ur of this horizon
y.ur <- y1[j] # use upper-right verbatim
y.ul <- y1[j] # use upper-left verbatim
# mid-points for horizon topography <- pmax(y0[j] - hto[j], y1[j]) # cannot exceed top depth of current horizon
y.uc <- y1[j] # use upper-center verbatim
## truncated bottom
# this is only possible when horizon geometry is available
# e.g. NOT:
# - horizon-less SPC
# - n > length(SPC)
if(truncation_flag_i & !all( {
# must be an even number of oscillations
# computed as function of (ideal oscillations / 2) / sketch density
# adjusted to width (n.osc increases with width)
# min value of 6
# max value of 32
.raggedN <- round((2.5 * width) * (8 / .dev_sketch_density)) * 2
.raggedN <- pmax(6, .raggedN)
.raggedN <- pmin(32, .raggedN)
# ragged bottom line segment: lr -> ll ordering
.r <- .raggedLines(x1 = x.ll, x2 =, y = y0[j], o = .raggedOffsets, n = .raggedN)
# modify ragged x and y to include upper right, center, left coords
xx <- c(.r[, 1], x.ur, x.uc, x.ul)
yy <- c(.r[, 2], y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
} else {
# place-holder for ragged bottom
.r <- NULL
# assemble standard y-coords
yy <- c(y.ll,,, y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
# plot first horizon polygon, without borders
polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col = this_profile_colors[j], border = NA, density = this_profile_density[j], lend = 1)
} else if(j == 1 & nh > 1){
## first horizon, of several ##
# ragged bottom place-holder
.r <- NULL
y.ll <- pmin(y0[j] + hdo[j], y0[j+1]) # cannot exceed y.ll of next horizon <- pmax(y0[j] - hdo[j], y1[j]) # cannot exceed y.ur of this horizon
y.ur <- y1[j] # use upper-right verbatim
y.ul <- y1[j] # use upper-left verbatim
# mid-points for horizon topography <- pmax(y0[j] - hto[j], y1[j]) # cannot exceed top depth of current horizon
y.uc <- y1[j] # use upper-center verbatim
# assemble y-coords and plot first horizon polygon, without borders
yy <- c(y.ll,,, y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col = this_profile_colors[j], border = NA, density = this_profile_density[j], lend = 1)
} else if(j < nh) {
## next horizons, except bottom-most horizon ##
# ragged bottom place-holder
.r <- NULL
y.ll <- pmin(y0[j] + hdo[j], y0[j+1], na.rm = TRUE) # cannot exceed y.ll of next horizon <- pmax(y0[j] - hdo[j], y0[j-1]) # cannot exceed of previous horizon
y.ur <- pmax(y1[j] - hdo[j-1], y1[j-1]) # cannot exceed y.ur of previous horizon
y.ul <- pmin(y1[j] + hdo[j-1], y0[j]) # cannot exceed y.ul of previous horizon
# mid-points for horizon topography <- pmax(y0[j] - hto[j], y1[j]) # cannot exceed top depth of current horizon
y.uc <- pmax(y1[j] - hto[j-1], y1[j-1]) # cannot exceed top depth of previous horizon
# assemble y-coords and plot next n horizon's polygon, without borders
yy <- c(y.ll,,, y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col=this_profile_colors[j], border=NA, density=this_profile_density[j], lend=1)
## debugging
# polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col=NA, border='red', density=this_profile_density[j], lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
} else {
## last horizon ##
# ragged bottom place-holder
.r <- NULL
y.ll <- y0[j] # user lower-left verbatim <- y0[j] # use lower-right verbatim
y.ur <- pmax(y1[j] - hdo[j-1], y1[j-1]) # cannot exceed y.ur of previous horizon
y.ul <- pmin(y1[j] + hdo[j-1], y0[j]) # cannot exceed lower depth of profile
# mid-points for horizon topography <- y0[j] # truncate to lower depth of last horizon
y.uc <- pmax(y1[j] - hto[j-1], y1[j-1]) # cannot exceed top of previous horizon
# NA lower horizon depths ll, lc, lr to all be NA
# this will break divide.hz functionality
## truncated bottom
# this is only possible when horizon geometry is available
# e.g. NOT:
# - horizon-less SPC
# - n > length(SPC)
if(truncation_flag_i & !all( {
# must be an even number of oscillations
# computed as function of (ideal oscillations / 2) / sketch density
# adjusted to width (n.osc increases with width)
# min value of 6
# max value of 32
.raggedN <- round((2.5 * width) * (8 / .dev_sketch_density)) * 2
.raggedN <- pmax(6, .raggedN)
.raggedN <- pmin(32, .raggedN)
## TODO: allow user adjustments via argument
# ragged bottom line segment: lr -> ll ordering
.r <- .raggedLines(x1 = x.ll, x2 =, y = y0[j], o = .raggedOffsets, n = .raggedN)
# modify ragged x and y to include upper right, center, left coords
xx <- c(.r[, 1], x.ur, x.uc, x.ul)
yy <- c(.r[, 2], y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
} else {
# place-holder for ragged bottom
.r <- NULL
# assemble standard y-coords
yy <- c(y.ll,,, y.ur, y.uc, y.ul)
# plot last horizon polygon, without borders
polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col = this_profile_colors[j], border = NA, density = this_profile_density[j], lend = 1)
## debugging
# polygon(x = xx, y = yy, col = NA, border = 'red', density=this_profile_density[j], lwd = 2)
} # end selecting horizon sequence class
# save current iteration of coordinates and line type
# also save ragged bottom coordinates, usually NULL
coords.list[[j]] <- list(xx = xx, yy = yy, lty = ht.lty[j], ragged = .r)
} # end looping over horizons
## note: have to do this after the polygons, otherwise the lines are over-plotted
# optionally divide horizons with line segment
if(divide.hz) {
# iterate over coordinates
# coordinate logic: ll, lc, lr, ur, uc, ul
# line style included
lapply(coords.list, function(seg) {
# lower left -> lower center
# segments(x0 = seg$xx[1], y0 = seg$yy[1], x1 = seg$xx[2], y1 = seg$yy[2], lwd = lwd, lty = seg$lty, lend = 1)
# lower center -> lower right
# segments(x0 = seg$xx[2], y0 = seg$yy[2], x1 = seg$xx[3], y1 = seg$yy[3], lwd = lwd, lty = seg$lty, lend = 1)
# add line segments in order
lines(seg$xx, seg$yy, lwd = lwd, lty = seg$lty, lend = 1)
## final border left-side, top, right-side
# note: when manually specifying n > length(SPC)
# x0,x1,y0,y1 are NA
# using `na.rm = TRUE` in the following calls to min() or max() will generate warnings
# left-side, top -> bottom
x0 = x0 - width,
x1 = x0 - width,
y0 = min(y1, na.rm = TRUE),
y1 = max(y0, na.rm = TRUE),
lwd = lwd,
lty = lty,
lend = 2
# top, left -> right
x0 = x0 - width,
x1 = x0 + width,
y0 = min(y1, na.rm = TRUE),
y1 = min(y1, na.rm = TRUE),
lwd = lwd,
lty = lty,
lend = 2
# right-side, top -> bottom
x0 = x0 + width,
x1 = x0 + width,
y0 = min(y1, na.rm = TRUE),
y1 = max(y0, na.rm = TRUE),
lwd = lwd,
lty = lty,
lend = 2
## final bottom-most line or ragged edge
# no line when divide.hz = TRUE
# simple line when divide.hz = FALSE
# ragged edge when profiles are truncated
# bottom, left -> right
if(!divide.hz) {
# use ragged bottom for truncated profiles
if(truncation_flag_i) {
# derive from last element of coords.list
x = coords.list[[nh]]$ragged[, 1],
y = coords.list[[nh]]$ragged[, 2],
lwd = lwd,
lty = coords.list[[nh]]$lty,
lend = 1
} else {
x0 = x0 - width,
x1 = x0 + width,
y0 = max(y0, na.rm = TRUE),
y1 = max(y0, na.rm = TRUE),
lwd = lwd,
lty = lty,
lend = 2
## horizon designations (names) ##
'right-center' = {
# standard annotation
# offset from right-hand side
hzname.x0 <- x0 + width + (one.char.width * 0.1)
# horizon depth mid-point
hzname.y0 <- ( y1 + y0 ) / 2
# left-hand / vertical center justification
hzname.adj <- c(0, 0.5)
hzname.col <- par('fg') # use whatever the foreground color is
'left-center' = {
# inset from left-hand side
hzname.x0 <- (x0 - width) + (one.char.width * 0.1)
# horizon depth mid-point
hzname.y0 <- ( y1 + y0 ) / 2
# left-hand / vertical center justification
hzname.adj <- c(0, 0.5)
# high-contrast labels
hzname.col <- invertLabelColor(this_profile_colors)
'left-top' = {
# soilweb style
# inset from upper-left corner
hzname.x0 <- (x0 - width) + (one.char.width * 0.1)
hzname.y0 <- y1
# left-hand / vertical top justification
hzname.adj <- c(0, 1)
# high-contrast labels
hzname.col <- invertLabelColor(this_profile_colors)
'center-center' = {
# inset from upper-left corner
hzname.x0 <- x0
hzname.y0 <- (y1 + y0) / 2
# center just
hzname.adj <- c(0.5, 0.5)
# high-contrast labels
hzname.col <- invertLabelColor(this_profile_colors)
'center-top' = {
# inset from upper-left corner
hzname.x0 <- x0
hzname.y0 <- y1
# center just
hzname.adj <- c(0.5, 1)
# high-contrast labels
hzname.col <- invertLabelColor(this_profile_colors)
## TODO: use find/fixOverlap() to adjust horizon designations in the presence of collisions (PARDEE)
## See hz depth annotation code below
# optionally shrink the size of names if they are longer than a given thresh
if(shrink) {
# identify affected horizon names
names.wide <- which(nchar(this_profile_names) > shrink.cutoff)
cex.names.shrunk <- rep(cex.names, length(this_profile_data[[tcol]]))
cex.names.shrunk[names.wide] <- cex.names.shrunk[names.wide] * 0.8
# optionally shrink based on horizon thickness threshold
if(!is.null(shrink.thin)) {
# identify affected horizon names
names.thin <- which((y0 - y1) < shrink.thin)
# only apply shrinkage to those not already shrunk above
names.thin <- names.thin[which(! names.thin %in% names.wide)]
# apply shrinkage
cex.names.shrunk[names.thin] <- cex.names.shrunk[names.thin] * 0.8
# add horizon names
x = hzname.x0,
y = hzname.y0,
labels = this_profile_names,
cex = cex.names.shrunk,
adj = hzname.adj,
col = hzname.col
} else {
# standard printing of names, all at the same size
x = hzname.x0,
y = hzname.y0,
labels = this_profile_names,
cex = cex.names,
adj = hzname.adj,
col = hzname.col
## horizon depth annotation ##
if(hz.depths) {
# scaling factor for hz depths
hz.depths.cex <- cex.names * 0.9
# extra space between profile sketch and left-justified label
# seems to scale with cex.names
hz.depths.xfuzz <- strwidth('5', cex = hz.depths.cex) / 2
# device coordinates: scaling / offset applied
# along with user adjustment
hzd.txt.x <- x0 + width + hz.depths.xfuzz + hz.depths.offset
## top-most horizon
# top depth: vertical alignment is close to "top"
hzd.txt <- this_profile_data[[tcol]][1]
x = hzd.txt.x,
y = y1[1],
labels = hzd.txt,
cex = hz.depths.cex,
font = 1,
adj = c(0, 0.8)
## in-between horizons, if present: vertical align is "center"
if(nh > 1) {
# horizon depth annotation text (no scaling / offset applied here)
hzd.txt <- this_profile_data[[tcol]][-1]
# device coordinates: scaling / offset applied
hzd.txt.y <- y1[-1]
# sanity checks before attempting label collision repair:
# - no NA
# - no top == bottom
if(any(, y1)))) {
.canFixLabelCollision <- FALSE
message(sprintf('[%s:%s] horizon with top == bottom, cannot fix horizon depth overlap\n consider using repairMissingHzDepths()', this_profile_id, nh))
} else {
# test for top == bottom, cannot perform label collision if this is the case
if(any(y0 == y1)) {
.canFixLabelCollision <- FALSE
message(sprintf('[%s:%s] horizon with top == bottom, cannot fix horizon depth overlap\n consider using repairMissingHzDepths()', this_profile_id, nh))
} else {
.canFixLabelCollision <- TRUE
## collision detection / fix
if(fixLabelCollisions && .canFixLabelCollision) {
## TODO: only need to compute this 1 time, move outside of loop
## TODO: consider adjusting by scaling.factor
# reasonable threshold for label collision detection
# depends on aesthetic weighting / graphics device / hz.depths.cex
y.thresh <- 1.125 * abs(strheight('0', cex = hz.depths.cex))
# print(y.thresh)
# must include top + bottom depths for collision detection
# account for the fact that top-most and bottom-most horizon depths are inset
# based on native units (e.g. cm)
# top vertical buffer should not exceed bottom of first hz
.vbf <- 0.8
.vertical_buffer_top <- y1[1] + pmin((.vbf * scaling.factor), min(y1[-1]))
# bottom vertical buffer must be truncated by max.depth
# this can result in bottom anchor < previous elements in pos
# remove in next steps
.vertical_buffer_bottom <- pmin(
((max.depth - .vbf) * scaling.factor) + y.offset[i],
y0[nh] - (.vbf * scaling.factor)
# add synthetic top / bottom anchors
.pos <- c(
# keep only positions that are < max.depth, after y.offset and scaling
# these are scaled positions
.pos <- .pos[which(.pos < ((max.depth * scaling.factor) + y.offset[i]))]
# setup arguments to fixOverlap()
fixOverlapArgs[['x']] <- .pos
fixOverlapArgs[['thresh']] <- y.thresh
# find / fix overlap using electrostatic simulation
# this includes top/bottom anchor points
hzd.txt.y.fixed <- suppressMessages('fixOverlap', fixOverlapArgs)
# remove top AND bottom anchors
hzd.txt.y.fixed <- hzd.txt.y.fixed[-c(1, length(hzd.txt.y.fixed))]
## this is the Label Adjustment Index (LAI)
# how much shuffling was performed?
.LAI <- (hzd.txt.y - hzd.txt.y.fixed)
# normalize
.LAI <- sum(abs(.LAI), na.rm = TRUE) / y0[nh]
# keep track of overlap metric for each profile
lsp[['hz.depth.LAI']][i] <- .LAI
# make changes to annotation label locations
hzd.txt.y <- hzd.txt.y.fixed
# annotate
x = hzd.txt.x,
y = hzd.txt.y,
labels = hzd.txt,
cex = hz.depths.cex,
font = 1,
adj = c(0, 0.5)
## bottom-most horizon
# bottom depth: vertical alignment is "bottom"
hzd.txt <- this_profile_data[[bcol]][nh]
x = hzd.txt.x,
y = y0[nh],
labels = hzd.txt,
cex = hz.depths.cex,
font = 1,
adj = c(0, 0)
## hz depth connector lines ##
if(hz.depths.lines) {
# .x0, .y0: staring coordinates of spike
# .x1, .y1: ending coordinates of spike + staring coordinates for diagonal member
# .xfuzz: horizontal offset for labels
# .txt.x: annotation x-coordinate
# .txt.y: annotation y-coordinate
.connectorLines <- function(.x0, .y0, .x1, .y1, .xfuzz, .txt.x, .txt.y) {
# horizontal spike (skipping top + bottom labels)
# right-edge, at depth -> padded, left-edge/center of annotation (no collision fix)
x0 = .x0,
y0 = .y0,
x1 = .x1 + (.xfuzz / 2),
y1 = .y1
# connector member (skipping top + bottom labels)
# diagonal when collision fix has been applied
# right-end of spike member ->
# padded, left-edge/center of annotation (after collision fix)
x0 = .x0 + (.xfuzz / 2),
y0 = .y1,
x1 = .txt.x - (.xfuzz / 3),
y1 = .txt.y,
## middle horizon labels, if present
if(nh > 1) {
.x0 = x0 + width,
.y0 = y1[-1],
.x1 = x0 + width,
.y1 = y1[-1],
.xfuzz = hz.depths.xfuzz,
.txt.x = hzd.txt.x,
.txt.y = hzd.txt.y
## top horizon label
.x0 = x0[1] + width,
.y0 = y1[1],
.x1 = x0[1] + width,
.y1 = y1[1],
.xfuzz = hz.depths.xfuzz,
.txt.x = hzd.txt.x,
.txt.y = y1[1] - (strheight('0', cex = hz.depths.cex) / 4)
## bottom horizon label
.x0 = x0[1] + width,
.y0 = y0[nh],
.x1 = x0[1] + width,
.y1 = y0[nh],
.xfuzz = hz.depths.xfuzz,
.txt.x = hzd.txt.x,
.txt.y = y0[nh] + (strheight('0', cex = hz.depths.cex) / 3)
} # end depth annotation lines
} # end horizon depth annotation
## TODO: move this to the top of profile-process loop, in case there is no hz data
## profile IDs ##
# profile is placed relative to the y-offset vector
if( {
# optionally abbreviate
id.text <- abbreviate(as.character(this_profile_label), abbr.cutoff)
# no abbreviations of th ID
id.text <- as.character(this_profile_label)
# add the text: according to style
if( == 'top') {
text(x = x0, y = y.offset[i], id.text, pos = 3, font =, cex =, srt =
if( == 'side') {
text(x0 - (width + 0.025), y.offset[i], id.text, adj = c(1, -width), font =, cex =, srt = 90)
} # end looping over profiles
## depth axis ##
## retain for 2 (?) minor versions
# handling of aqp 1.x style arguments
if(!missing(plot.depth.axis)) {
if(missing(depth.axis)) {
depth.axis <- plot.depth.axis
message('`plot.depth.axis` is now deprecated, please use `depth.axis` argument')
if(!missing(cex.depth.axis)) {
if(inherits(depth.axis, 'list')) {
depth.axis[['cex']] <- cex.depth.axis
} else {
depth.axis <- list(cex = cex.depth.axis)
message('`cex.depth.axis` is now deprecated, please use `depth.axis` argument')
if(!missing(axis.line.offset)) {
if(inherits(depth.axis, 'list')) {
depth.axis[['line']] <- axis.line.offset
} else {
depth.axis <- list(line = axis.line.offset)
message('`axis.line.offset` is now deprecated, please use `depth.axis` argument')
## end backwards compatibility
# suppress when there are multiple y.offsets
if(length(unique(y.offset)) > 1) {
message('depth axis is disabled when more than 1 unique y offsets are supplied')
depth.axis <- FALSE
# add depth axis
if(isTRUE(depth.axis) || is.list(depth.axis)) {
# compose list with defaults if not already
# NULL `interval` will use sensible defaults
if(!is.list(depth.axis)) {
depth.axis <- list(style = 'traditional', line = -2, cex = cex.names * 1.15)
# default style if missing
if(is.null(depth.axis[['style']])) {
depth.axis[['style']] <- 'traditional'
# default line if missing
if(is.null(depth.axis[['line']])) {
depth.axis[['line']] <- switch(
'compact' = -1.75,
'traditional' = -2,
'tape' = 4
if(is.null(depth.axis[['cex']])) {
depth.axis[['cex']] <- cex.names * 1.15
# compute nice range for depth axis with sensible interval and max value
depth_axis_intervals <- .depthAxisSeq(max.depth, i = depth.axis[['interval']])
# convert to plot scale/offset
depth_axis_tick_locations <- (depth_axis_intervals * scaling.factor) + y.offset[1]
# add depth units
depth_axis_labels <- paste(depth_axis_intervals, depth_units(x))
# draw axis
style = depth.axis[['style']],
.at = depth_axis_tick_locations,
.labels = depth_axis_labels,
.line = depth.axis[['line']],
.cex = depth.axis[['cex']]
## alternate labels ##
if(!missing(alt.label)) {
al <- site(x)[[alt.label]]
al <- al[plot.order]
text(x = 1:length(x), y = y.offset + 3, labels = al, srt = 90, adj = c(1, 0.5), font = 2, cex = * 1.5, col = alt.label.col)
## legend for thematic profile sketch ##
# optionally show legend
if(show.legend) {
# extract from interpretation of horizon colors
cld <- hz.color.interpretation$
if(! is.null(cld)) {
# if no title given, set col.label to name of column containing thematic information
mtext(side=3, text=col.label, font=2, line=1.6)
# gracefully handle all-NA in thematic variable
if(length(cld$legend) > 0) {
# possibly split legend across multiple rows
if(cld$multi.row.legend) {
# compute max space required for legend items
# better formatting
# note: must be called AFTER high level plot()
leg.text.width <- (max(strwidth(cld$legend, cex = col.legend.cex)))
# row 1
legend('bottom', inset = c(0, 0.99),
legend = cld$legend[cld$leg.row.indices$row.1],
col = cld$col[cld$leg.row.indices$row.1],
text.width = leg.text.width,
bty = 'n', pch = 15, horiz = TRUE, xpd = TRUE, cex = col.legend.cex, x.intersp = 1
# row 2
legend('bottom', inset = c(0, 0.94),
legend = cld$legend[cld$leg.row.indices$row.2],
col = cld$col[cld$leg.row.indices$row.2],
text.width = leg.text.width,
bty = 'n', pch = 15, horiz = TRUE, xpd = TRUE, cex = col.legend.cex, x.intersp = 1
} else {
# standard invocation
legend = cld$legend,
col = cld$col,
bty = 'n',
pch = 15,
horiz = TRUE,
xpd = TRUE,
inset = c(0, 0.99),
cex = col.legend.cex,
x.intersp = 1
# save to aqp env
assign('last_spc_plot', lsp, envir = aqp.env)
#' generic plot method for \code{SoilProfileCollection} objects
#' @name plot
#' @param y (not used)
#' @aliases plot,SoilProfileCollection-method plot,SoilProfileCollection,ANY-method
#' @rdname SoilProfileCollection-plotting-methods
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection",
y = "ANY"),
definition = {function(x, y, ...) plotSPC(x, ...)})
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