
Defines functions anova.pglslist anova.pgls nobs.pgls logLik.pgls predict.pgls fitted.pgls residuals.pgls coef.pgls print.pgls print.summary.pgls summary.pgls plot.pgls pgls.blenTransform pgls.likelihood pgls.confint plot.pgls.profile pgls.profile pgls

Documented in anova.pgls anova.pglslist coef.pgls fitted.pgls logLik.pgls nobs.pgls pgls pgls.blenTransform pgls.likelihood pgls.profile plot.pgls plot.pgls.profile predict.pgls print.pgls print.summary.pgls residuals.pgls summary.pgls


pgls <- function(formula, data, lambda = 1.0, kappa = 1.0, delta = 1.0,
                 param.CI = 0.95, control = list(fnscale = -1),
                 bounds = NULL) {
    ## bounds go singular: bounds = list(delta = c(1e-04, 3), lambda = c(1e-04,  0.99999), kappa = c(1e-04, 3))

    ## pgls replaces lik.lambda - exactly the same as a null model

    ## all the internal functions that were here are now farmed out to
    ## external methods - the one below should also be moved out but doesn't
    ## have an obvious generic method, so will need documenting separately?

    phylo.residuals.scale <- function(V) {
        # This function uses a variance covariance matrix, possibly with branch
        # length transformations, and returns a scaling matrix used to calculate
        # the phylogenetic residuals associated with a pgls model.

        # Before version 1.0.3, the phlyogenetic residuals were calculated
        # incorrectly, due to an incorrect transpose of the `v` element of the SVD
        # decomposition: https://github.com/davidorme/caper/pull/2

        iV <- solve(V, tol = .Machine$double.eps)
        svdV <- La.svd(iV)
        D <- svdV$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdV$d)) %*% svdV$v

    ## think about this - allow old data + V use?
    if (!inherits(data, "comparative.data")) stop("data is not a 'comparative' data object.")
    dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
    call <- match.call()

    ## check for missing data in the formula and replace the data object with a complete version
    miss <- model.frame(formula, data$data, na.action = na.pass)
    miss.na <- apply(miss, 1, function(X) (any(is.na(X))))
    if (any(miss.na)) {
        miss.names <- data$phy$tip.label[miss.na]
        data <- data[-which(miss.na), ]

    # Get the design matrix, number of parameters and response variable
    m <- model.frame(formula, data$data)
    y <- m[, 1]
    x <- model.matrix(formula, m)
    k <- ncol(x)
    namey <- names(m)[1]

    # test for variables with no variance in model matrices (thx to Sarah Dryhurst)
    # - will cause singularity - lm() filters for this and aliases variables
    #   but here we'll just fail for the time being
    xVar <- apply(x, 2, var)[-1] # drop intercept
    badCols <- xVar < .Machine$double.eps
    if (any(badCols)) stop("Model matrix contains columns with zero variance: ", paste(names(xVar)[badCols], collapse = ", "))

    ## if the comparative data doesn't contain a VCV,
    ## then get one and put it in the data object too. Bit wasteful
    if (is.null(data$vcv)) {
        V <- if (kappa == 1) {
        } else {
            VCV.array(data$phy, dim = 3)
        data$vcv <- V
    } else {
        V <- data$vcv

    ## sort out the data
    nm <- names(data$data)
    n <- nrow(data$data)

    # if a ci is specified, check (early) that it is sensible for use at the end!
    # ha! first planned use of sequential 'or'  operator
    if (!is.null(param.CI)) {
        if (!is.numeric(param.CI) || param.CI <= 0 || param.CI > 1) {
            stop("param.CI is not a number between 0 and 1.")

    # check and insert elements from user bounds
    usrBounds <- bounds
    bounds <- list(kappa = c(1e-6, 3), lambda = c(1e-6, 1), delta = c(1e-6, 3))
    if (!is.null(usrBounds)) {
        if (!is.list(usrBounds)) {
            stop("Bounds must be a list of named bounds for any or all of kappa, lambda and delta")

        usrNames <- names(usrBounds)
        badNames <- setdiff(usrNames, c("kappa", "lambda", "delta"))
        if (length(badNames) > 0) {
            stop("The list of bounds contains names other than kappa, lambda and delta")

        for (nm in usrNames) {
            bounds[nm] <- usrBounds[nm]

    ## check the branch length transformations to be applied
    ## - gather into a named list: names are used throughout to
    ##   get the right values in the right place.
    parVals <- list(kappa = kappa, lambda = lambda, delta = delta)

    ## - test the bounds and parameter values are sensible
    for (i in seq_along(parVals)) {
        ## is the parameter a single number or 'ML'
        p <- parVals[[i]]
        nm <- names(parVals)[i]

        if (length(p) > 1) stop(nm, " not of length one.")
        if (is.character(p) & p != "ML") stop(nm, " is character and not 'ML'.")

        ## are the bounds of length 2, numeric and positive or zero
        bnds <- bounds[[nm]]
        if (length(bnds) > 2) stop("Bounds specified for ", nm, " not of length one.")
        if (!is.numeric(bnds)) stop("Non-numeric bounds specified for ", nm, ".")
        if (any(bnds < 0)) stop("Negative values in bounds specified for ", nm, ".")
        lb <- bnds[1]
        ub <- bnds[2]
        if (lb > ub) stop("Lower bound greater than upper bound for ", nm, ".")

        ## are specified transforms (not 'ML') in range (also filters out negative transforms)
        if (is.numeric(p) & (p < lb | p > ub)) {
            stop(sprintf("%s value (%0.2f) is out of specified bounds [%0.2f, %0.2f]", nm, p, lb, ub))

    if (kappa != 1 && length(dim(V)) != 3) stop("3D VCV.array needed for kappa transformation.")

    ## which are being optimised
    mlVals <- sapply(parVals, "==", "ML")

    ## if any are being optimised then run pgls.likelihood as a simple optimising function,
    ## returning the logLik for a particular set of transformations
    ##  - start the search for ML estimates from the midpoint of the specified bounds

    if (any(mlVals)) {
        # isolate parameters to be optimized and set to a sensible start.
        parVals[mlVals] <- lapply(bounds, mean)[mlVals]
        # collapse list down to a vector
        parVals <- as.numeric(parVals)
        names(parVals) <- c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")

        # split them up
        optimPar <- parVals[mlVals]
        fixedPar <- parVals[!mlVals]

        # define the optimization bounds
        lower.b <- sapply(bounds, "[", 1)[mlVals]
        upper.b <- sapply(bounds, "[", 2)[mlVals]

        ## TODO - could isolate single optimisations here to use optimise() rather than optim()
        ## likelihood function swapped out for externally visible one
        optim.param.vals <- optim(optimPar,
            fn = pgls.likelihood, # function and start vals
            method = "L-BFGS-B", control = control, upper = upper.b, lower = lower.b, # optim control
            V = V, y = y, x = x, fixedPar = fixedPar, optim.output = TRUE
        ) # arguments to function

        if (optim.param.vals$convergence != "0") {
                "Problem with optim:", optim.param.vals$convergence,

        fixedPar <- c(optim.param.vals$par, fixedPar)
        fixedPar <- fixedPar[c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")]
    } else {
        ## reduce the list of parameters to a vector
        fixedPar <- as.numeric(parVals)
        names(fixedPar) <- c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")

    ## run the likelihood function again with the fixed parameter values
    ## ll <- log.likelihood(optimPar=NULL, fixedPar=fixedPar, y, x, V, optim=FALSE)
    ll <- pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = fixedPar, y, x, V, optim.output = FALSE)

    ## store the log likelihood of the optimized solution for use in ci.searchs
    log.lik <- ll$ll

    ## get the transformed vcv matrix for the fitted model for use
    ## in calculating the remaining outputs.
    Vt <- pgls.blenTransform(V, fixedPar)

    ## start collating outputs:

    ## AIC
    aic <- -2 * log.lik + 2 * k
    aicc <- -2 * log.lik + 2 * k + ((2 * k * (k + 1)) / (n - k - 1))

    ## coefficients
    coeffs <- ll$mu
    names(coeffs) <- colnames(x)
    varNames <- names(m)

    ## predicted values
    pred <- x %*% ll$mu

    ## standard and phylogenetic residuals
    res <- y - pred
    pres <- phylo.residuals.scale(Vt) %*% res

    ## fitted model
    fm <- list(coef = coeffs, aic = aic, log.lik = log.lik)

    ## various variances
    RMS <- ll$s2
    RSSQ <- ll$s2 * (n - k)

    ## null model
    xdummy <- matrix(rep(1, length(y)))
    nullMod <- pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = fixedPar, y, xdummy, V, optim.output = FALSE)
    NMS <- nullMod$s2
    NSSQ <- nullMod$s2 * (n - 1)

    # Bits for parameter errors
    errMat <- t(x) %*% solve(Vt) %*% x
    errMat <- solve(errMat) * RMS[1]
    sterr <- diag(errMat)
    sterr <- sqrt(sterr)

    RET <- list(
        model = fm, formula = formula, call = call, RMS = RMS, NMS = NMS,
        NSSQ = NSSQ[1], RSSQ = RSSQ[1], aic = aic, aicc = aicc, n = n, k = k,
        sterr = sterr, fitted = pred, residuals = res, phyres = pres,
        x = x, data = data, varNames = varNames, y = y, param = fixedPar, mlVals = mlVals,
        namey = namey, bounds = bounds, Vt = Vt, dname = dname

    class(RET) <- "pgls"

    ## missing data
    if (any(miss.na)) {
        RET$na.action <- structure(which(miss.na), class = "omit", .Names = miss.names)
    ## if requested, get the confidence intervals on the optimized parameters
    ## if any are actually optimised
    if (!is.null(param.CI) && any(mlVals)) {
        ## Loop over optimized parameters
        param.CI.list <- list(kappa = NULL, lambda = NULL, delta = NULL)
        mlNames <- names(mlVals)[which(mlVals)]

        for (param in mlNames) {
            param.CI.list[[param]] <- pgls.confint(RET, param, param.CI)

        RET$param.CI <- param.CI.list


pgls.profile <- function(pgls, which = c("lambda", "kappa", "delta"), N = 50, param.CI = NULL) {
    ## takes a pgls model and profiles one of the branch length transformations

    # get the x sequence for the parameter
    which <- match.arg(which)
    bnds <- pgls$bounds[[which]]
    x <- seq(from = bnds[1], to = bnds[2], length = N)

    # get a matrix of parameter values
    pars <- matrix(pgls$param, nrow = N, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(pars) <- names(pgls$param)
    pars[, which] <- x

    ## now get the sequence of likelihoods for the parameter in question
    logLik <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(X) {
        pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = pars[X, ], y = pgls$y, x = pgls$x, V = pgls$data$vcv, optim.output = TRUE)

    RET <- list(x = x, logLik = logLik, which = which, pars = pgls$param, dname = pgls$dname, formula = pgls$formula)
    class(RET) <- "pgls.profile"

    # test for existing parameter ci otherwise create if asked
    if (!is.null(pgls$param.CI[which])) {
        RET$ci <- pgls$param.CI[[which]]
    } else if (!is.null(param.CI)) {
        RET$ci <- pgls.confint(pgls, which, param.CI)


plot.pgls.profile <- function(x, ...) {
    xlab <- as.expression(x$which)
    xsub <- sprintf(
        "Data: %s; Model: %s\nkappa %0.2f; lambda %0.2f; delta %0.2f",
        x$dname, deparse(x$formula), x$pars["kappa"], x$pars["lambda"], x$pars["delta"]

    with(x, plot(logLik ~ x, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ...))
    title(sub = xsub, cex.sub = 0.7, line = par("mgp")[1] + 1.5)

    if (!is.null(x$ci)) {
        abline(v = x$ci$opt, col = "red", ...)
        abline(v = x$ci$ci.val, lty = 2, col = "red", ...)

pgls.confint <- function(pgls, which = c("lambda", "kappa", "delta"), param.CI = 0.95) {
    # Are we dealing with a same confidence interval
    # ha! first planned use of sequential 'or'  operator
    if (!is.numeric(param.CI) || param.CI <= 0 || param.CI > 1) {
        stop("ci is not a number between 0 and 1.")

    # find the parameter being checked
    which <- match.arg(which)

    # is the value in the object for this parameter an ML value?
    # - if not, then this needs to be estimated in order
    #   to get confidence intervals.
    # - currently, bail out but could refit to model to get this.
    if (pgls$mlVals[which] == FALSE) stop("The pgls object contains a fixed, not ML, estimate of ", which)
    ML <- pgls$model$log.lik

    # separate out the values held constant and varied
    fix <- pgls$param
    whichNum <- which(names(fix) == which)
    opt <- fix[whichNum]
    fix <- fix[-whichNum]

    # only one optimPar so get bounds and two intervals
    bounds <- pgls$bounds[[which]]
    belowML <- c(bounds[1], opt)
    aboveML <- c(opt, bounds[2])

    # the offset needed to get the root of the ML surface
    # at zero is  - (observed ML) + a chisq component

    MLdelta <- (qchisq(param.CI, 1) / 2)
    offset <- (-ML) + MLdelta

    ## get the model components
    y <- pgls$y
    x <- pgls$x
    V <- pgls$data$vcv

    ## find the confidence intervals on the parameter
    ## - first need to find the logLik at the bounds
    ## - as long as the bound is outside the CI, can then use uniroot
    ##   to find the actual confidence interval.

    lowerBound.ll <- pgls.likelihood(structure(bounds[1], names = which), fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE)
    upperBound.ll <- pgls.likelihood(structure(bounds[2], names = which), fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE)

    lrt0 <- 2 * (ML - lowerBound.ll)
    lrt1 <- 2 * (ML - upperBound.ll)
    lowerBound.p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt0, 1)
    upperBound.p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt1, 1)

    ## - a problem with uniroot is that the identity of the variables gets stripped
    ##   which is why pgls.likelihood now has an optim.names option used here.
    ll.fun <- function(opt) {
        pg <- pgls.likelihood(opt, fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE, names.optim = which)
        ll <- pg + offset

    lowerCI <- if (lowerBound.ll < (ML - MLdelta)) uniroot(ll.fun, interval = belowML)$root else NA
    upperCI <- if (upperBound.ll < (ML - MLdelta)) uniroot(ll.fun, interval = aboveML)$root else NA

    return(list(opt = opt, bounds.val = bounds, bounds.p = c(lowerBound.p, upperBound.p), ci.val = c(lowerCI, upperCI), ci = param.CI))

pgls.likelihood <- function(optimPar, fixedPar, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE, names.optim = NULL) {
    # Full ML estimation for given x and V: modified to also act as an engine for optim
    # - this is why the branch length  parameters are passed as two chunks, so that
    #   the first acts as the targets for optimisation.
    # - the function is passed named vectors containing kappa, lambda and delta
    #   which might be available for optimization (optimPar) or user defined (fixedPar)

    # merge the values of KLD from the two parameter vectors
    # if names.optim is provided then add it (uniroot in the ci.search strips it out)

    # Estimates the GLS parameters for given data
    get.coeffs <- function(Y, iV, X) {
        xVix <- crossprod(X, iV %*% X)
        xViy <- crossprod(X, iV %*% Y)
        mu <- solve(xVix, tol = .Machine$double.eps) %*% xViy # This is  a bad thing to do!!!!

    # Estimates the variance of a given trait (accounting for phylogeny)
    est.var <- function(y, iV, x, mu) {
        e <- y - x %*% mu
        s2 <- crossprod(e, iV %*% e)
        n <- length(y)
        k <- length(x[1, ])
        return(s2 / (n - k))

    if (!is.null(names.optim)) names(optimPar) <- names.optim
    allPar <- c(optimPar, fixedPar)

    # get the transformed VCV matrix and its inverse
    V <- pgls.blenTransform(V, allPar)
    iV <- solve(V, tol = .Machine$double.eps)

    mu <- get.coeffs(y, iV, x)
    s2 <- est.var(y, iV, x, mu)
    n <- nrow(x)
    k <- ncol(x)
    logDetV <- determinant(V, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]

    ## Likelihood calculation
    ## original pgls3.2: ll <- -n / 2.0 * log( 2 * pi) - n / 2.0 * log(s2) - logDetV / 2.0 - (n - 1)/2.0
    ## Richard Duncan's implementation: log.lkhood.y <- log((1/((2*pi*sigma.sqr)^(ntax/2))) * det(VCV)^-0.5
    ##  * exp(-(1 / (2 * sigma.sqr)) * t(response - design.matrix %*% alpha)
    ##  %*% solve(VCV) %*% (response - design.matrix %*% alpha)))
    ## ll <- log((1/((2*pi*s2)^(n/2))) * det(V) ^-0.5
    ##       * exp(-(1 / (2 * s2)) * t(y - x %*% mu)
    ##       %*% solve(V) %*% (y - x %*% mu)))
    ll <- -n / 2.0 * log(2 * pi) - n / 2.0 * log((n - k) * s2 / n) - logDetV / 2.0 - n / 2.0

    # if being used for optimization, only return the log likelihood
    if (optim.output) {
    } else {
        return(list(ll = ll, mu = mu, s2 = s2))

pgls.blenTransform <- function(V, fixedPar) {
    ## applies the three branch length transformations to a VCV matrix

    # apply transformations
    if (!is.null(fixedPar["kappa"]) && fixedPar["kappa"] != 1) {
        if (length(dim(V)) < 3) {
            stop("Kappa transformation requires a 3 dimensional VCV array.")

    if (fixedPar["kappa"] == 0) V <- (V > 0) else V <- V^fixedPar["kappa"] # kappa catching NA^0=1
    V <- apply(V, c(1, 2), sum, na.rm = TRUE) # collapse 3D array
    V <- ifelse(upper.tri(V) + lower.tri(V), V * fixedPar["lambda"], V) # lambda
    if (fixedPar["delta"] == 0) V <- (V > 0) else V <- V^fixedPar["delta"] # delta catching NA^0=1

    attr(V, "blenTransform") <- fixedPar

plot.pgls <- function(x, ...) {
    # layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = FALSE))
    res <- residuals(x, phylo = TRUE)
    res <- res / sqrt(var(res))[1]
    # truehist(res, xlab = "Residual value (corrected for phylogeny)")
    plot(fitted(x), res, xlab = "Fitted value", ylab = "Residual value (corrected for phylogeny)")
    plot(x$y, fitted(x), xlab = "Observed value", ylab = "Fitted value")

summary.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
    ## call and return object
    ans <- list(call = object$call)
    class(ans) <- "summary.pgls"

    ## model size
    p <- object$k
    n <- object$n
    rdf <- n - p
    ans$df <- c(p, rdf)

    ## residuals and residual standard error
    r <- object$phyres
    rss <- object$RSSQ
    resvar <- rss / rdf
    ans$sigma <- sqrt(resvar)
    ans$residuals <- r

    ## coefficient matrix
    cf <- object$model$coef
    se <- object$sterr
    t <- cf / se

    coef <- cbind(cf, se, t, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), rdf)))
    colnames(coef) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
    ans$coefficients <- coef

    ## parameter matrix
    ans$param <- object$param
    ans$mlVals <- object$mlVals

    if (!is.null(object$param.CI)) ans$param.CI <- object$param.CI

    if (!is.null(object$na.action)) ans$na.action <- object$na.action

    ## model statistics: p includes the intercept - it is the number of columns of the design matrix
    ans$fstatistic <- c(value = ((object$NSSQ - object$RSSQ) / object$RMS) / (object$k - 1), numdf = p - 1, dendf = rdf)
    ans$r.squared <- (object$NSSQ - object$RSSQ) / object$NSSQ
    ans$adj.r.squared <- (object$NMS - object$RMS) / object$NMS


print.summary.pgls <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")

    r <- zapsmall(quantile(x$resid), digits + 1)
    names(r) <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
    print(r, digits = digits)

    cat("\nBranch length transformations:\n\n")
    for (p in names(x$param)) {
        cat(sprintf("%-6s [%s]  : %0.3f\n", p, ifelse(x$mlVals[p], " ML", "Fix"), x$param[p]))
        if (!is.null(x$param.CI[[p]])) {
            blopt <- x$param.CI[[p]]
            cat(sprintf("   lower bound : %0.3f, p = %-5s\n", blopt$bounds.val[1], format.pval(blopt$bounds.p[1])))
            cat(sprintf("   upper bound : %0.3f, p = %-5s\n", blopt$bounds.val[2], format.pval(blopt$bounds.p[2])))
            cat(sprintf("   %2.1f%% CI   : (%0.3f, %0.3f)\n", blopt$ci * 100, blopt$ci.val[1], blopt$ci.val[2]))


    cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(
    )), "on", x$df[2L], "degrees of freedom\n")
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) {
        cat("  (", mess, ")\n", sep = "")
    cat("Multiple R-squared:", formatC(x$r.squared, digits = digits))
        ",\tAdjusted R-squared:", formatC(x$adj.r.squared,
            digits = digits
        ), "\nF-statistic:", formatC(x$fstatistic[1L],
            digits = digits
        ), "on", x$fstatistic[2L], "and",
        x$fstatistic[3L], "DF,  p-value:", format.pval(
                x$fstatistic[2L], x$fstatistic[3L],
                lower.tail = FALSE
            digits = digits
        ), "\n"

print.pgls <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
    cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")

    print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits),
        print.gap = 2,
        quote = FALSE

coef.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
    cf <- object$model$coef
    nm <- rownames(cf)
    cf <- structure(as.vector(cf), names = nm)

# This returns the residuals from the model
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
residuals.pgls <- function(object, phylo = FALSE, ...) {
    ret <- NULL
    if (phylo == FALSE) {
        ret <- object$res
    } else {
        ret <- object$phyres

# This returns the fitted values
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
fitted.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
    ret <- object$fitted

# This predicts for given x
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
## CDLO - argument name of x changed to discriminate from generic to plot and print

## predict.pgls <- function(object, pred.x, ...) {
##     mu <- as.matrix(coef(object) )
##     ret <- cbind(1,  pred.x) %*% t(mu)
##     return(ret)
## }

## - rewritten by CDLO to use standard method as in lm - prompted by Mike Steiper
predict.pgls <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
    # pull the data from the model if no new data is provided
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        newdata <- object$data$data

    # turn that into a design matrix
    # need to drop the response from the formula
    dmat <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(formula(object))), data = newdata)

    # multiply through by the coefficients
    mu <- as.matrix(coef(object))
    ret <- dmat %*% mu

## enables the generic AIC methods for objects and lists of objects
logLik.pgls <- function(object, REML = FALSE, ...) {
    val <- object$model$log.lik

    attr(val, "nall") <- object$n
    attr(val, "nobs") <- object$n
    attr(val, "df") <- object$k
    class(val) <- "logLik"

## generic function for number of observations.
nobs.pgls <- function(object, ...) length(resid(object))

## # This returns the AICc
## ## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
## AICc.pgls <- function(object) {
##     ret <- object$aicc
##     return(ret[1])
## }

anova.pgls <- function(object, ...) {

    if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) {
        return(anova.pglslist(object, ...))
    } else {
        data <- object$data
        tlabels <- attr(terms(object$formula), "term.labels")
        k <- object$k
        n <- object$n
        NR <- length(tlabels) + 1

        # track residual ss and residual df and get residuals and df of null model
        rss <- resdf <- rep(NA, NR)
        rss[1] <- object$NSSQ
        resdf[1] <- n - 1

        lm <- object$param["lambda"]
        dl <- object$param["delta"]
        kp <- object$param["kappa"]

        # fit the sequential models
        for (i in seq_along(tlabels)) {
            fmla <- as.formula(paste(object$namey, " ~ ", paste(tlabels[1:i], collapse = "+")))
            plm <- pgls(fmla, data, lambda = lm, delta = dl, kappa = kp)
            rss[i + 1] <- plm$RSSQ
            resdf[i + 1] <- (n - 1) - plm$k + 1

        ss <- c(abs(diff(rss)), object$RSSQ)
        df <- c(abs(diff(resdf)), n - k)
        ms <- ss / df
        fval <- ms / ms[NR]
        P <- pf(fval, df, df[NR], lower.tail = FALSE)

        table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f = fval, P)
        table[length(P), 4:5] <- NA
        dimnames(table) <- list(c(tlabels, "Residuals"), c(
            "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value", "Pr(>F)"
        # if (attr(object$terms, "intercept"))
        #    table <- table[-1, ]
            heading = c(
                "Analysis of Variance Table",
                sprintf("Sequential SS for pgls: lambda = %0.2f, delta = %0.2f, kappa = %0.2f\n", lm, dl, kp),
                paste("Response:", deparse(formula(object)[[2L]]))
            class = c("anova", "data.frame")

anova.pglslist <- function(object, ..., scale = 0, test = "F") {
    objects <- list(object, ...)

    ## check the models use the same response
    responses <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) deparse(terms(x$formula)[[2L]])))
    sameresp <- responses == responses[1L]
    if (!all(sameresp)) {
        objects <- objects[sameresp]
            "models with response ", deparse(responses[!sameresp]),
            " removed because response differs from ", "model 1"

    ## check the models have the same number of cases (not actually that they are the same values)
    ns <- sapply(objects, function(x) length(x$residuals))
    if (any(ns != ns[1L])) {
        stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")

    ## check that the model parameters are the same
    param <- sapply(objects, "[[", "param")
    paramChk <- apply(param, 1, function(X) all(X == X[1]))
    if (!all(paramChk)) {
        stop("models were fitted with different branch length transformations.")

    nmodels <- length(objects)
    if (nmodels == 1) {
    resdf <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, function(X) X$n - X$k))
    resdev <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, "[[", "RSSQ"))
    table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, -diff(resdf)), c(
    variables <- lapply(objects, function(x) {
            collapse = "\n"
    dimnames(table) <- list(1L:nmodels, c(
        "Res.Df", "RSS", "Df",
        "Sum of Sq"
    title <- "Analysis of Variance Table"
    subtitle <- sprintf(
        "pgls: lambda = %0.2f, delta = %0.2f, kappa = %0.2f\n",
        param["lambda", 1], param["delta", 1], param["kappa", 1]
    topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1L:nmodels), ": ", variables,
        sep = "", collapse = "\n"
    if (!is.null(test)) {
        bigmodel <- order(resdf)[1L]
        scale <- if (scale > 0) {
        } else {
            resdev[bigmodel] / resdf[bigmodel]
        table <- stat.anova(
            table = table, test = test, scale = scale,
            df.scale = resdf[bigmodel], n = length(objects[bigmodel$residuals])
    structure(table, heading = c(title, subtitle, topnote), class = c(

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