pgls <- function(formula, data, lambda = 1.0, kappa = 1.0, delta = 1.0,
param.CI = 0.95, control = list(fnscale = -1),
bounds = NULL) {
## bounds go singular: bounds = list(delta = c(1e-04, 3), lambda = c(1e-04, 0.99999), kappa = c(1e-04, 3))
## pgls replaces lik.lambda - exactly the same as a null model
## all the internal functions that were here are now farmed out to
## external methods - the one below should also be moved out but doesn't
## have an obvious generic method, so will need documenting separately?
phylo.residuals.scale <- function(V) {
# This function uses a variance covariance matrix, possibly with branch
# length transformations, and returns a scaling matrix used to calculate
# the phylogenetic residuals associated with a pgls model.
# Before version 1.0.3, the phlyogenetic residuals were calculated
# incorrectly, due to an incorrect transpose of the `v` element of the SVD
# decomposition:
iV <- solve(V, tol = .Machine$double.eps)
svdV <- La.svd(iV)
D <- svdV$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdV$d)) %*% svdV$v
## think about this - allow old data + V use?
if (!inherits(data, "")) stop("data is not a 'comparative' data object.")
dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
call <-
## check for missing data in the formula and replace the data object with a complete version
miss <- model.frame(formula, data$data, na.action = na.pass) <- apply(miss, 1, function(X) (any(
if (any( {
miss.names <- data$phy$tip.label[]
data <- data[-which(, ]
# Get the design matrix, number of parameters and response variable
m <- model.frame(formula, data$data)
y <- m[, 1]
x <- model.matrix(formula, m)
k <- ncol(x)
namey <- names(m)[1]
# test for variables with no variance in model matrices (thx to Sarah Dryhurst)
# - will cause singularity - lm() filters for this and aliases variables
# but here we'll just fail for the time being
xVar <- apply(x, 2, var)[-1] # drop intercept
badCols <- xVar < .Machine$double.eps
if (any(badCols)) stop("Model matrix contains columns with zero variance: ", paste(names(xVar)[badCols], collapse = ", "))
## if the comparative data doesn't contain a VCV,
## then get one and put it in the data object too. Bit wasteful
if (is.null(data$vcv)) {
V <- if (kappa == 1) {
} else {
VCV.array(data$phy, dim = 3)
data$vcv <- V
} else {
V <- data$vcv
## sort out the data
nm <- names(data$data)
n <- nrow(data$data)
# if a ci is specified, check (early) that it is sensible for use at the end!
# ha! first planned use of sequential 'or' operator
if (!is.null(param.CI)) {
if (!is.numeric(param.CI) || param.CI <= 0 || param.CI > 1) {
stop("param.CI is not a number between 0 and 1.")
# check and insert elements from user bounds
usrBounds <- bounds
bounds <- list(kappa = c(1e-6, 3), lambda = c(1e-6, 1), delta = c(1e-6, 3))
if (!is.null(usrBounds)) {
if (!is.list(usrBounds)) {
stop("Bounds must be a list of named bounds for any or all of kappa, lambda and delta")
usrNames <- names(usrBounds)
badNames <- setdiff(usrNames, c("kappa", "lambda", "delta"))
if (length(badNames) > 0) {
stop("The list of bounds contains names other than kappa, lambda and delta")
for (nm in usrNames) {
bounds[nm] <- usrBounds[nm]
## check the branch length transformations to be applied
## - gather into a named list: names are used throughout to
## get the right values in the right place.
parVals <- list(kappa = kappa, lambda = lambda, delta = delta)
## - test the bounds and parameter values are sensible
for (i in seq_along(parVals)) {
## is the parameter a single number or 'ML'
p <- parVals[[i]]
nm <- names(parVals)[i]
if (length(p) > 1) stop(nm, " not of length one.")
if (is.character(p) & p != "ML") stop(nm, " is character and not 'ML'.")
## are the bounds of length 2, numeric and positive or zero
bnds <- bounds[[nm]]
if (length(bnds) > 2) stop("Bounds specified for ", nm, " not of length one.")
if (!is.numeric(bnds)) stop("Non-numeric bounds specified for ", nm, ".")
if (any(bnds < 0)) stop("Negative values in bounds specified for ", nm, ".")
lb <- bnds[1]
ub <- bnds[2]
if (lb > ub) stop("Lower bound greater than upper bound for ", nm, ".")
## are specified transforms (not 'ML') in range (also filters out negative transforms)
if (is.numeric(p) & (p < lb | p > ub)) {
stop(sprintf("%s value (%0.2f) is out of specified bounds [%0.2f, %0.2f]", nm, p, lb, ub))
if (kappa != 1 && length(dim(V)) != 3) stop("3D VCV.array needed for kappa transformation.")
## which are being optimised
mlVals <- sapply(parVals, "==", "ML")
## if any are being optimised then run pgls.likelihood as a simple optimising function,
## returning the logLik for a particular set of transformations
## - start the search for ML estimates from the midpoint of the specified bounds
if (any(mlVals)) {
# isolate parameters to be optimized and set to a sensible start.
parVals[mlVals] <- lapply(bounds, mean)[mlVals]
# collapse list down to a vector
parVals <- as.numeric(parVals)
names(parVals) <- c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")
# split them up
optimPar <- parVals[mlVals]
fixedPar <- parVals[!mlVals]
# define the optimization bounds
lower.b <- sapply(bounds, "[", 1)[mlVals]
upper.b <- sapply(bounds, "[", 2)[mlVals]
## TODO - could isolate single optimisations here to use optimise() rather than optim()
## likelihood function swapped out for externally visible one
optim.param.vals <- optim(optimPar,
fn = pgls.likelihood, # function and start vals
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = control, upper = upper.b, lower = lower.b, # optim control
V = V, y = y, x = x, fixedPar = fixedPar, optim.output = TRUE
) # arguments to function
if (optim.param.vals$convergence != "0") {
"Problem with optim:", optim.param.vals$convergence,
fixedPar <- c(optim.param.vals$par, fixedPar)
fixedPar <- fixedPar[c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")]
} else {
## reduce the list of parameters to a vector
fixedPar <- as.numeric(parVals)
names(fixedPar) <- c("kappa", "lambda", "delta")
## run the likelihood function again with the fixed parameter values
## ll <- log.likelihood(optimPar=NULL, fixedPar=fixedPar, y, x, V, optim=FALSE)
ll <- pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = fixedPar, y, x, V, optim.output = FALSE)
## store the log likelihood of the optimized solution for use in ci.searchs
log.lik <- ll$ll
## get the transformed vcv matrix for the fitted model for use
## in calculating the remaining outputs.
Vt <- pgls.blenTransform(V, fixedPar)
## start collating outputs:
## AIC
aic <- -2 * log.lik + 2 * k
aicc <- -2 * log.lik + 2 * k + ((2 * k * (k + 1)) / (n - k - 1))
## coefficients
coeffs <- ll$mu
names(coeffs) <- colnames(x)
varNames <- names(m)
## predicted values
pred <- x %*% ll$mu
## standard and phylogenetic residuals
res <- y - pred
pres <- phylo.residuals.scale(Vt) %*% res
## fitted model
fm <- list(coef = coeffs, aic = aic, log.lik = log.lik)
## various variances
RMS <- ll$s2
RSSQ <- ll$s2 * (n - k)
## null model
xdummy <- matrix(rep(1, length(y)))
nullMod <- pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = fixedPar, y, xdummy, V, optim.output = FALSE)
NMS <- nullMod$s2
NSSQ <- nullMod$s2 * (n - 1)
# Bits for parameter errors
errMat <- t(x) %*% solve(Vt) %*% x
errMat <- solve(errMat) * RMS[1]
sterr <- diag(errMat)
sterr <- sqrt(sterr)
RET <- list(
model = fm, formula = formula, call = call, RMS = RMS, NMS = NMS,
NSSQ = NSSQ[1], RSSQ = RSSQ[1], aic = aic, aicc = aicc, n = n, k = k,
sterr = sterr, fitted = pred, residuals = res, phyres = pres,
x = x, data = data, varNames = varNames, y = y, param = fixedPar, mlVals = mlVals,
namey = namey, bounds = bounds, Vt = Vt, dname = dname
class(RET) <- "pgls"
## missing data
if (any( {
RET$na.action <- structure(which(, class = "omit", .Names = miss.names)
## if requested, get the confidence intervals on the optimized parameters
## if any are actually optimised
if (!is.null(param.CI) && any(mlVals)) {
## Loop over optimized parameters
param.CI.list <- list(kappa = NULL, lambda = NULL, delta = NULL)
mlNames <- names(mlVals)[which(mlVals)]
for (param in mlNames) {
param.CI.list[[param]] <- pgls.confint(RET, param, param.CI)
RET$param.CI <- param.CI.list
pgls.profile <- function(pgls, which = c("lambda", "kappa", "delta"), N = 50, param.CI = NULL) {
## takes a pgls model and profiles one of the branch length transformations
# get the x sequence for the parameter
which <- match.arg(which)
bnds <- pgls$bounds[[which]]
x <- seq(from = bnds[1], to = bnds[2], length = N)
# get a matrix of parameter values
pars <- matrix(pgls$param, nrow = N, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(pars) <- names(pgls$param)
pars[, which] <- x
## now get the sequence of likelihoods for the parameter in question
logLik <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(X) {
pgls.likelihood(optimPar = NULL, fixedPar = pars[X, ], y = pgls$y, x = pgls$x, V = pgls$data$vcv, optim.output = TRUE)
RET <- list(x = x, logLik = logLik, which = which, pars = pgls$param, dname = pgls$dname, formula = pgls$formula)
class(RET) <- "pgls.profile"
# test for existing parameter ci otherwise create if asked
if (!is.null(pgls$param.CI[which])) {
RET$ci <- pgls$param.CI[[which]]
} else if (!is.null(param.CI)) {
RET$ci <- pgls.confint(pgls, which, param.CI)
plot.pgls.profile <- function(x, ...) {
xlab <- as.expression(x$which)
xsub <- sprintf(
"Data: %s; Model: %s\nkappa %0.2f; lambda %0.2f; delta %0.2f",
x$dname, deparse(x$formula), x$pars["kappa"], x$pars["lambda"], x$pars["delta"]
with(x, plot(logLik ~ x, type = "l", xlab = xlab, ...))
title(sub = xsub, cex.sub = 0.7, line = par("mgp")[1] + 1.5)
if (!is.null(x$ci)) {
abline(v = x$ci$opt, col = "red", ...)
abline(v = x$ci$ci.val, lty = 2, col = "red", ...)
pgls.confint <- function(pgls, which = c("lambda", "kappa", "delta"), param.CI = 0.95) {
# Are we dealing with a same confidence interval
# ha! first planned use of sequential 'or' operator
if (!is.numeric(param.CI) || param.CI <= 0 || param.CI > 1) {
stop("ci is not a number between 0 and 1.")
# find the parameter being checked
which <- match.arg(which)
# is the value in the object for this parameter an ML value?
# - if not, then this needs to be estimated in order
# to get confidence intervals.
# - currently, bail out but could refit to model to get this.
if (pgls$mlVals[which] == FALSE) stop("The pgls object contains a fixed, not ML, estimate of ", which)
ML <- pgls$model$log.lik
# separate out the values held constant and varied
fix <- pgls$param
whichNum <- which(names(fix) == which)
opt <- fix[whichNum]
fix <- fix[-whichNum]
# only one optimPar so get bounds and two intervals
bounds <- pgls$bounds[[which]]
belowML <- c(bounds[1], opt)
aboveML <- c(opt, bounds[2])
# the offset needed to get the root of the ML surface
# at zero is - (observed ML) + a chisq component
MLdelta <- (qchisq(param.CI, 1) / 2)
offset <- (-ML) + MLdelta
## get the model components
y <- pgls$y
x <- pgls$x
V <- pgls$data$vcv
## find the confidence intervals on the parameter
## - first need to find the logLik at the bounds
## - as long as the bound is outside the CI, can then use uniroot
## to find the actual confidence interval.
lowerBound.ll <- pgls.likelihood(structure(bounds[1], names = which), fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE)
upperBound.ll <- pgls.likelihood(structure(bounds[2], names = which), fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE)
lrt0 <- 2 * (ML - lowerBound.ll)
lrt1 <- 2 * (ML - upperBound.ll)
lowerBound.p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt0, 1)
upperBound.p <- 1 - pchisq(lrt1, 1)
## - a problem with uniroot is that the identity of the variables gets stripped
## which is why pgls.likelihood now has an optim.names option used here. <- function(opt) {
pg <- pgls.likelihood(opt, fix, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE, names.optim = which)
ll <- pg + offset
lowerCI <- if (lowerBound.ll < (ML - MLdelta)) uniroot(, interval = belowML)$root else NA
upperCI <- if (upperBound.ll < (ML - MLdelta)) uniroot(, interval = aboveML)$root else NA
return(list(opt = opt, bounds.val = bounds, bounds.p = c(lowerBound.p, upperBound.p), ci.val = c(lowerCI, upperCI), ci = param.CI))
pgls.likelihood <- function(optimPar, fixedPar, y, x, V, optim.output = TRUE, names.optim = NULL) {
# Full ML estimation for given x and V: modified to also act as an engine for optim
# - this is why the branch length parameters are passed as two chunks, so that
# the first acts as the targets for optimisation.
# - the function is passed named vectors containing kappa, lambda and delta
# which might be available for optimization (optimPar) or user defined (fixedPar)
# merge the values of KLD from the two parameter vectors
# if names.optim is provided then add it (uniroot in the strips it out)
# Estimates the GLS parameters for given data
get.coeffs <- function(Y, iV, X) {
xVix <- crossprod(X, iV %*% X)
xViy <- crossprod(X, iV %*% Y)
mu <- solve(xVix, tol = .Machine$double.eps) %*% xViy # This is a bad thing to do!!!!
# Estimates the variance of a given trait (accounting for phylogeny)
est.var <- function(y, iV, x, mu) {
e <- y - x %*% mu
s2 <- crossprod(e, iV %*% e)
n <- length(y)
k <- length(x[1, ])
return(s2 / (n - k))
if (!is.null(names.optim)) names(optimPar) <- names.optim
allPar <- c(optimPar, fixedPar)
# get the transformed VCV matrix and its inverse
V <- pgls.blenTransform(V, allPar)
iV <- solve(V, tol = .Machine$double.eps)
mu <- get.coeffs(y, iV, x)
s2 <- est.var(y, iV, x, mu)
n <- nrow(x)
k <- ncol(x)
logDetV <- determinant(V, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]
## Likelihood calculation
## original pgls3.2: ll <- -n / 2.0 * log( 2 * pi) - n / 2.0 * log(s2) - logDetV / 2.0 - (n - 1)/2.0
## Richard Duncan's implementation: log.lkhood.y <- log((1/((2*pi*sigma.sqr)^(ntax/2))) * det(VCV)^-0.5
## * exp(-(1 / (2 * sigma.sqr)) * t(response - design.matrix %*% alpha)
## %*% solve(VCV) %*% (response - design.matrix %*% alpha)))
## ll <- log((1/((2*pi*s2)^(n/2))) * det(V) ^-0.5
## * exp(-(1 / (2 * s2)) * t(y - x %*% mu)
## %*% solve(V) %*% (y - x %*% mu)))
ll <- -n / 2.0 * log(2 * pi) - n / 2.0 * log((n - k) * s2 / n) - logDetV / 2.0 - n / 2.0
# if being used for optimization, only return the log likelihood
if (optim.output) {
} else {
return(list(ll = ll, mu = mu, s2 = s2))
pgls.blenTransform <- function(V, fixedPar) {
## applies the three branch length transformations to a VCV matrix
# apply transformations
if (!is.null(fixedPar["kappa"]) && fixedPar["kappa"] != 1) {
if (length(dim(V)) < 3) {
stop("Kappa transformation requires a 3 dimensional VCV array.")
if (fixedPar["kappa"] == 0) V <- (V > 0) else V <- V^fixedPar["kappa"] # kappa catching NA^0=1
V <- apply(V, c(1, 2), sum, na.rm = TRUE) # collapse 3D array
V <- ifelse(upper.tri(V) + lower.tri(V), V * fixedPar["lambda"], V) # lambda
if (fixedPar["delta"] == 0) V <- (V > 0) else V <- V^fixedPar["delta"] # delta catching NA^0=1
attr(V, "blenTransform") <- fixedPar
plot.pgls <- function(x, ...) {
# layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = FALSE))
res <- residuals(x, phylo = TRUE)
res <- res / sqrt(var(res))[1]
# truehist(res, xlab = "Residual value (corrected for phylogeny)")
plot(fitted(x), res, xlab = "Fitted value", ylab = "Residual value (corrected for phylogeny)")
plot(x$y, fitted(x), xlab = "Observed value", ylab = "Fitted value")
summary.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
## call and return object
ans <- list(call = object$call)
class(ans) <- "summary.pgls"
## model size
p <- object$k
n <- object$n
rdf <- n - p
ans$df <- c(p, rdf)
## residuals and residual standard error
r <- object$phyres
rss <- object$RSSQ
resvar <- rss / rdf
ans$sigma <- sqrt(resvar)
ans$residuals <- r
## coefficient matrix
cf <- object$model$coef
se <- object$sterr
t <- cf / se
coef <- cbind(cf, se, t, 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), rdf)))
colnames(coef) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
ans$coefficients <- coef
## parameter matrix
ans$param <- object$param
ans$mlVals <- object$mlVals
if (!is.null(object$param.CI)) ans$param.CI <- object$param.CI
if (!is.null(object$na.action)) ans$na.action <- object$na.action
## model statistics: p includes the intercept - it is the number of columns of the design matrix
ans$fstatistic <- c(value = ((object$NSSQ - object$RSSQ) / object$RMS) / (object$k - 1), numdf = p - 1, dendf = rdf)
ans$r.squared <- (object$NSSQ - object$RSSQ) / object$NSSQ
ans$adj.r.squared <- (object$NMS - object$RMS) / object$NMS
print.summary.pgls <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
r <- zapsmall(quantile(x$resid), digits + 1)
names(r) <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
print(r, digits = digits)
cat("\nBranch length transformations:\n\n")
for (p in names(x$param)) {
cat(sprintf("%-6s [%s] : %0.3f\n", p, ifelse(x$mlVals[p], " ML", "Fix"), x$param[p]))
if (!is.null(x$param.CI[[p]])) {
blopt <- x$param.CI[[p]]
cat(sprintf(" lower bound : %0.3f, p = %-5s\n", blopt$bounds.val[1], format.pval(blopt$bounds.p[1])))
cat(sprintf(" upper bound : %0.3f, p = %-5s\n", blopt$bounds.val[2], format.pval(blopt$bounds.p[2])))
cat(sprintf(" %2.1f%% CI : (%0.3f, %0.3f)\n", blopt$ci * 100, blopt$ci.val[1], blopt$ci.val[2]))
cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(
)), "on", x$df[2L], "degrees of freedom\n")
if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) {
cat(" (", mess, ")\n", sep = "")
cat("Multiple R-squared:", formatC(x$r.squared, digits = digits))
",\tAdjusted R-squared:", formatC(x$adj.r.squared,
digits = digits
), "\nF-statistic:", formatC(x$fstatistic[1L],
digits = digits
), "on", x$fstatistic[2L], "and",
x$fstatistic[3L], "DF, p-value:", format.pval(
x$fstatistic[2L], x$fstatistic[3L],
lower.tail = FALSE
digits = digits
), "\n"
print.pgls <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE
coef.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
cf <- object$model$coef
nm <- rownames(cf)
cf <- structure(as.vector(cf), names = nm)
# This returns the residuals from the model
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
residuals.pgls <- function(object, phylo = FALSE, ...) {
ret <- NULL
if (phylo == FALSE) {
ret <- object$res
} else {
ret <- object$phyres
# This returns the fitted values
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
fitted.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
ret <- object$fitted
# This predicts for given x
## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
## CDLO - argument name of x changed to discriminate from generic to plot and print
## predict.pgls <- function(object, pred.x, ...) {
## mu <- as.matrix(coef(object) )
## ret <- cbind(1, pred.x) %*% t(mu)
## return(ret)
## }
## - rewritten by CDLO to use standard method as in lm - prompted by Mike Steiper
predict.pgls <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
# pull the data from the model if no new data is provided
if (is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- object$data$data
# turn that into a design matrix
# need to drop the response from the formula
dmat <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(formula(object))), data = newdata)
# multiply through by the coefficients
mu <- as.matrix(coef(object))
ret <- dmat %*% mu
## enables the generic AIC methods for objects and lists of objects
logLik.pgls <- function(object, REML = FALSE, ...) {
val <- object$model$log.lik
attr(val, "nall") <- object$n
attr(val, "nobs") <- object$n
attr(val, "df") <- object$k
class(val) <- "logLik"
## generic function for number of observations.
nobs.pgls <- function(object, ...) length(resid(object))
## # This returns the AICc
## ## CDLO - argument name changed for consistency with S3 generic
## AICc.pgls <- function(object) {
## ret <- object$aicc
## return(ret[1])
## }
anova.pgls <- function(object, ...) {
if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) {
return(anova.pglslist(object, ...))
} else {
data <- object$data
tlabels <- attr(terms(object$formula), "term.labels")
k <- object$k
n <- object$n
NR <- length(tlabels) + 1
# track residual ss and residual df and get residuals and df of null model
rss <- resdf <- rep(NA, NR)
rss[1] <- object$NSSQ
resdf[1] <- n - 1
lm <- object$param["lambda"]
dl <- object$param["delta"]
kp <- object$param["kappa"]
# fit the sequential models
for (i in seq_along(tlabels)) {
fmla <- as.formula(paste(object$namey, " ~ ", paste(tlabels[1:i], collapse = "+")))
plm <- pgls(fmla, data, lambda = lm, delta = dl, kappa = kp)
rss[i + 1] <- plm$RSSQ
resdf[i + 1] <- (n - 1) - plm$k + 1
ss <- c(abs(diff(rss)), object$RSSQ)
df <- c(abs(diff(resdf)), n - k)
ms <- ss / df
fval <- ms / ms[NR]
P <- pf(fval, df, df[NR], lower.tail = FALSE)
table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f = fval, P)
table[length(P), 4:5] <- NA
dimnames(table) <- list(c(tlabels, "Residuals"), c(
"Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value", "Pr(>F)"
# if (attr(object$terms, "intercept"))
# table <- table[-1, ]
heading = c(
"Analysis of Variance Table",
sprintf("Sequential SS for pgls: lambda = %0.2f, delta = %0.2f, kappa = %0.2f\n", lm, dl, kp),
paste("Response:", deparse(formula(object)[[2L]]))
class = c("anova", "data.frame")
anova.pglslist <- function(object, ..., scale = 0, test = "F") {
objects <- list(object, ...)
## check the models use the same response
responses <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) deparse(terms(x$formula)[[2L]])))
sameresp <- responses == responses[1L]
if (!all(sameresp)) {
objects <- objects[sameresp]
"models with response ", deparse(responses[!sameresp]),
" removed because response differs from ", "model 1"
## check the models have the same number of cases (not actually that they are the same values)
ns <- sapply(objects, function(x) length(x$residuals))
if (any(ns != ns[1L])) {
stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")
## check that the model parameters are the same
param <- sapply(objects, "[[", "param")
paramChk <- apply(param, 1, function(X) all(X == X[1]))
if (!all(paramChk)) {
stop("models were fitted with different branch length transformations.")
nmodels <- length(objects)
if (nmodels == 1) {
resdf <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, function(X) X$n - X$k))
resdev <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, "[[", "RSSQ"))
table <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, c(NA, -diff(resdf)), c(
variables <- lapply(objects, function(x) {
collapse = "\n"
dimnames(table) <- list(1L:nmodels, c(
"Res.Df", "RSS", "Df",
"Sum of Sq"
title <- "Analysis of Variance Table"
subtitle <- sprintf(
"pgls: lambda = %0.2f, delta = %0.2f, kappa = %0.2f\n",
param["lambda", 1], param["delta", 1], param["kappa", 1]
topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1L:nmodels), ": ", variables,
sep = "", collapse = "\n"
if (!is.null(test)) {
bigmodel <- order(resdf)[1L]
scale <- if (scale > 0) {
} else {
resdev[bigmodel] / resdf[bigmodel]
table <- stat.anova(
table = table, test = test, scale = scale,
df.scale = resdf[bigmodel], n = length(objects[bigmodel$residuals])
structure(table, heading = c(title, subtitle, topnote), class = c(
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