# Revision history:
# 2009-01-16: replaced unlist(options("foo")) with getOption("foo")
# 2009-09-16: optionally allow models with aliased coefficients. J. Fox
# 2009-12-10: modification by A. Zeileis to allow wider range of coef. names.
# 2009-12-22: small changes to linearHypothesis.mlm() to handle user-specified
# within-subjects designs in Anova()
# 2010-05-21: linearHypothesis.default() and .lm() changed so that differences
# in df, etc. will be postive.
# 2010-06-12: linearHypothesis.mlm() changed to allow observation weights
# 2010-06-22: fixed bug in linearHypothesis.lm caused by 2010-05-21 revision
# 2010-01-21: added methods for mixed models; added matchCoefs() and methods. J. Fox
# 2011-05-03: fixed bug in displaying numbers starting with "-1" or "+1" in printed representation. J. Fox
# 2011-06-09: added matchCoefs.mlm(). J. Fox
# 2011-11-27: added linearHypothesis.svyglm(). John
# 2011-12-27: fixed printing bug in linearHypothesis(). John
# 2012-02-28: added F-test to linearHypothesis.mer(). John
# 2012-03-07: singular.ok argument added to linearHypothesis.mlm(). J. Fox
# 2012-08-20: Fixed p-value bug for chisq test in .mer method. John
# 2012-09-17: updated linearHypothesis.mer for pkrtest 0.3-2. John
# 2012-11-21: test for NULL rhs to avoid warning in R 2.16.0. John
# 2013-01-28: hypotheses can now contain newlines and tabs
# 2013-02-14: fixed bug in printing constants of the form 1.x*. John
# 2013-06-20: added .merMod() method. John
# 2013-06-22: tweaks for lme4. John
# 2013-06-22: test argument uniformly uses "Chisq" rather than "chisq". J. Fox
# 2013-08-19: removed calls to unexported functions in stats. J. Fox
# 2014-08-17: added call to requireNamespace() and :: as needed (doesn't work for pbkrtest). J. Fox
# 2014-08-18: fixed bug in linearHypothesis.survreg(). J. Fox
# 2014-09-23: added linearHypothesis.rlm. J. Fox
# 2014-12-18: check that residual df nonzero in Anova.lm() and Anova.default
# and residual SS nonzero in Anova.lm(). John
# 2015-01-27: KRmodcomp() and methods now imported from pbkrtest. John
# 2015-02-03: Check for NULL df before 0 df in default method. John
# 2016-06-29: added "value" and "vcov" attributes to returned object, print vcov when verbose. John
# 2017-02-16: replaced KRmodcomp() with pbkrtest::KRmodcomp(). John
# 2017-11-07: added complete=FALSE to vcov() calls. John
# 2019-06-06: remove vcov.default(), which is no longer needed, suggestion of Pavel Krivitsky. John
# 2020-05-27: tweak to linearHypothesis.survreg(). John
# 2020-12-21: regularize handling of vcov. arg. Sandy and John
# 2020-12-21: new matchCoefs.lmList() method, which covers nlsList objects. John
# 2020-12-21: added linearHypothesis.lmList(). John
# 2022-04-24: introduce new error.df argument for linearHypothesis.default(). John
# 2022-11-14: make printHypothesis() more tolerant of coefficient names. John
# 2022-12-11: unexported coef.multinom() now uses . rather than : as coef-name separator. John
# 2023-09-18: eliminate warning about arithmetic operators in coef
# names.
# 2024-05-14: has.intercept() -> has_intercept(). John
has_intercept.matrix <- function (model, ...) {
"(Intercept)" %in% colnames(model)
makeHypothesis <- function(cnames, hypothesis, rhs = NULL){
parseTerms <- function(terms){
component <- gsub("^[-\\ 0-9\\.]+", "", terms)
component <- gsub(" ", "", component, fixed=TRUE)
stripchars <- function(x) {
x <- gsub("\\n", " ", x)
x <- gsub("\\t", " ", x)
x <- gsub(" ", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("*", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("-", "+-", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- strsplit(x, "+", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
x <- x[x!=""]
char2num <- function(x) {
x[x == ""] <- "1"
x[x == "-"] <- "-1"
constants <- function(x, y) {
with.coef <- unique(unlist(sapply(y,
function(z) which(z == parseTerms(x)))))
if (length(with.coef) > 0) x <- x[-with.coef]
x <- if (is.null(x)) 0 else sum(as.numeric(x))
if (any(
stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed: contains bad coefficient/variable names.')
coefvector <- function(x, y) {
rv <- gsub(" ", "", x, fixed=TRUE) ==
if (!any(rv)) return(0)
if (sum(rv) > 1) stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed.')
rv <- sum(char2num(unlist(strsplit(y[rv], x, fixed=TRUE))))
if (
stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed: contains non-numeric coefficients.')
if (!is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(rhs, length.out = length(hypothesis))
if (length(hypothesis) > 1)
return(rbind(Recall(cnames, hypothesis[1], rhs[1]),
Recall(cnames, hypothesis[-1], rhs[-1])))
cnames_symb <- sapply(c("@", "#", "~"), function(x) length(grep(x, cnames)) < 1)
if(any(cnames_symb)) {
cnames_symb <- head(c("@", "#", "~")[cnames_symb], 1)
cnames_symb <- paste(cnames_symb, seq_along(cnames), cnames_symb, sep = "")
hypothesis_symb <- hypothesis
for(i in order(nchar(cnames), decreasing = TRUE))
hypothesis_symb <- gsub(cnames[i], cnames_symb[i], hypothesis_symb, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed: contains non-standard coefficient names.')
lhs <- strsplit(hypothesis_symb, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
if (is.null(rhs)) {
if (length(lhs) < 2) rhs <- "0"
else if (length(lhs) == 2) {
rhs <- lhs[2]
lhs <- lhs[1]
else stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed: contains more than one = sign.')
else {
if (length(lhs) < 2) as.character(rhs)
else stop('The hypothesis "', hypothesis,
'" is not well formed: contains a = sign although rhs was specified.')
lhs <- stripchars(lhs)
rhs <- stripchars(rhs)
rval <- sapply(cnames_symb, coefvector, y = lhs) - sapply(cnames_symb, coefvector, y = rhs)
rval <- c(rval, constants(rhs, cnames_symb) - constants(lhs, cnames_symb))
names(rval) <- c(cnames, "*rhs*")
printHypothesis <- function(L, rhs, cnames){
hyps <- rownames(L)
hyp <- rep("", nrow(L))
for (i in 1:nrow(L)){
sel <- L[i,] != 0
h <- L[i, sel]
h <- ifelse(h < 0, as.character(h), paste("+", h, sep=""))
nms <- cnames[sel]
if (any(grepl("[-+*/]", nms))) {
if (!is.null(hyps)) {
h <- hyps[i]
hyp[i] <- if (grepl("=[^ ]", h)) sub("=", " = ", h) else h
h <- paste(h, nms)
h <- gsub("-", " - ", h)
h <- gsub("+", " + ", h, fixed=TRUE)
h <- paste(h, collapse="")
h <- gsub(" ", " ", h, fixed=TRUE)
h <- sub("^\\ \\+", "", h)
h <- sub("^\\ ", "", h)
h <- sub("^-\\ ", "-", h)
h <- paste(" ", h, sep="")
h <- paste(h, "=", rhs[i])
h <- gsub(" 1([^[:alnum:]_.]+)[ *]*", "",
gsub("-1([^[:alnum:]_.]+)[ *]*", "-",
gsub("- +1 +", "-1 ", h)))
h <- sub("Intercept)", "(Intercept)", h)
h <- gsub("-", " - ", h)
h <- gsub("+", " + ", h, fixed=TRUE)
h <- gsub(" ", " ", h, fixed=TRUE)
h <- sub("^ *", "", h)
hyp[i] <- h
if (any(hyp == "")) hyp <- ""
linearHypothesis <- function (model, ...){
lht <- function (model, ...)
linearHypothesis(model, ...)
linearHypothesis.lmList <- function(model, ..., vcov.=vcov, coef.=coef){
vcov.List <- function(object, ...) {
vlist <- lapply(object, vcov)
ng <- length(vlist)
nv <- dim(vlist[[1]])[1]
v <- matrix(0, nrow=ng*nv, ncol=ng*nv)
for (j in 1:ng){
cells <- ((j-1)*nv + 1):(j*nv)
v[cells, cells] <- vlist[[j]]
suppress.vcov.msg <- missing(vcov.)
if (!is.function(vcov.)) stop("vcov. must be a function")
if (!is.function(coef.)) stop("coef. must be a function")
linearHypothesis.default(model, vcov.=vcov.List(model),
coef.=unlist(lapply(model, coef.)), suppress.vcov.msg = suppress.vcov.msg, ...)
linearHypothesis.nlsList <- function(model, ..., vcov.=vcov, coef.=coef){
linearHypothesis.default <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
test=c("Chisq", "F"), vcov.=NULL, singular.ok=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
coef. = coef(model), suppress.vcov.msg=FALSE, error.df, ...){
if (missing(error.df)){
df <- df.residual(model)
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "F" && (is.null(df) ||{
test <- "Chisq"
message("residual df unavailable, test set to 'Chisq'")
} else {
df <- error.df
if (is.null(df)) df <- Inf ## if no residual df available
if (df == 0) stop("residual df = 0")
V <- if (is.null(vcov.)) vcov(model, complete=FALSE)
else if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov.(model) else vcov.
b <- coef.
if (any(aliased <- && !singular.ok)
stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
b <- b[!aliased]
if (is.null(b)) stop(paste("there is no coef() method for models of class",
paste(class(model), collapse=", ")))
if (is.character(hypothesis.matrix)) {
L <- makeHypothesis(names(b), hypothesis.matrix, rhs)
if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
rhs <- L[, NCOL(L)]
L <- L[, -NCOL(L), drop = FALSE]
rownames(L) <- hypothesis.matrix
else {
L <- if (is.null(dim(hypothesis.matrix))) t(hypothesis.matrix)
else hypothesis.matrix
if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(0, nrow(L))
q <- NROW(L)
value.hyp <- L %*% b - rhs
vcov.hyp <- L %*% V %*% t(L)
if (verbose){
cat("\nHypothesis matrix:\n")
cat("\nRight-hand-side vector:\n")
cat("\nEstimated linear function (hypothesis.matrix %*% coef - rhs)\n")
if (length(vcov.hyp) == 1) cat("\nEstimated variance of linear function\n")
else cat("\nEstimated variance/covariance matrix for linear function\n")
SSH <- as.vector(t(value.hyp) %*% solve(vcov.hyp) %*% value.hyp)
test <- match.arg(test)
if (!(is.finite(df) && df > 0)) test <- "Chisq"
name <- try(formula(model), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(name, "try-error")) name <- substitute(model)
title <- "\nLinear hypothesis test:"
topnote <- paste("Model 1: restricted model","\n", "Model 2: ",
paste(deparse(name), collapse = "\n"), sep = "")
note <- if (is.null(vcov.) || suppress.vcov.msg) ""
else "\nNote: Coefficient covariance matrix supplied.\n"
rval <- matrix(rep(NA, 8), ncol = 4)
colnames(rval) <- c("Res.Df", "Df", test, paste("Pr(>", test, ")", sep = ""))
rownames(rval) <- 1:2
rval[,1] <- c(df+q, df)
if (test == "F") {
f <- SSH/q
p <- pf(f, q, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
rval[2, 2:4] <- c(q, f, p)
else {
p <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
rval[2, 2:4] <- c(q, SSH, p)
if (!(is.finite(df) && df > 0)) rval <- rval[,-1]
result <- structure(,
heading = c(title, printHypothesis(L, rhs, names(b)), "", topnote, note),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
attr(result, "value") <- value.hyp
attr(result, "vcov") <- vcov.hyp
linearHypothesis.glm <- function(model, ...)
linearHypothesis.default(model, ...)
linearHypothesis.lm <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
test=c("F", "Chisq"), vcov.=NULL,
white.adjust=c(FALSE, TRUE, "hc3", "hc0", "hc1", "hc2", "hc4"),
singular.ok=FALSE, ...){
if (df.residual(model) == 0) stop("residual df = 0")
if (deviance(model) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) stop("residual sum of squares is 0 (within rounding error)")
if (!singular.ok && is.aliased(model))
stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model.")
test <- match.arg(test)
white.adjust <- as.character(white.adjust)
white.adjust <- match.arg(white.adjust)
if (white.adjust != "FALSE"){
if (white.adjust == "TRUE") white.adjust <- "hc3"
vcov. <- hccm(model, type=white.adjust)
rval <- linearHypothesis.default(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs = rhs,
test = test, vcov. = vcov., singular.ok=singular.ok, ...)
if (is.null(vcov.)) {
rval2 <- matrix(rep(NA, 4), ncol = 2)
colnames(rval2) <- c("RSS", "Sum of Sq")
SSH <- rval[2,test]
if (test == "F") SSH <- SSH * abs(rval[2, "Df"])
df <- rval[2, "Res.Df"]
error.SS <- deviance(model)
rval2[,1] <- c(error.SS + SSH * error.SS/df, error.SS)
rval2[2,2] <- abs(diff(rval2[,1]))
rval2 <- cbind(rval, rval2)[,c(1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4)]
class(rval2) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(rval2, "heading") <- attr(rval, "heading")
attr(rval2, "value") <- attr(rval, "value")
attr(rval2, "vcov") <- attr(rval, "vcov")
rval <- rval2
check.imatrix <- function(X, terms){
# check block orthogonality of within-subjects model matrix
XX <- crossprod(X)
if (missing(terms)) terms <- attr(X, "assign")
for (term in unique(terms)){
subs <- term == terms
XX[subs, subs] <- 0
if (any(abs(XX) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
stop("Terms in the intra-subject model matrix are not orthogonal.")
linearHypothesis.mlm <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL, SSPE, V,
test, idata, icontrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), idesign, iterms,
check.imatrix=TRUE, P=NULL, title="", singular.ok=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...){
if (missing(test)) test <- c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy")
test <- match.arg(test, c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),
df.residual <- df.residual(model)
wts <- if (!is.null(model$weights)) model$weights else rep(1,nrow(model.matrix(model)))
# V = (X'WX)^{-1}
if (missing (V)) V <- solve(wcrossprod(model.matrix(model), w=wts))
B <- coef(model)
if (is.character(hypothesis.matrix)) {
L <- makeHypothesis(rownames(B), hypothesis.matrix, rhs)
if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
L <- L[, -NCOL(L), drop = FALSE]
rownames(L) <- hypothesis.matrix
else {
L <- if (is.null(dim(hypothesis.matrix))) t(hypothesis.matrix)
else hypothesis.matrix
if (missing(SSPE)) SSPE <- wcrossprod(residuals(model),w=wts)
if (missing(idata)) idata <- NULL
if (missing(idesign)) idesign <- NULL
if (!is.null(idata)){
for (i in 1:length(idata)){
if (is.null(attr(idata[,i], "contrasts"))){
contrasts(idata[,i]) <- if (is.ordered(idata[,i])) icontrasts[2]
else icontrasts[1]
if (is.null(idesign)) stop("idesign (intra-subject design) missing.") <- model.matrix(idesign, data=idata)
if (check.imatrix) check.imatrix(
intercept <- has_intercept(
term.names <- term.names(idesign)
if (intercept) term.names <- c("(Intercept)", term.names)
which.terms <- match(iterms, term.names)
if (any(nas <-{
if (sum(nas) == 1)
stop('The term "', iterms[nas],'" is not in the intrasubject design.')
else stop("The following terms are not in the intrasubject design: ",
paste(iterms[nas], collapse=", "), ".")
select <- apply(outer(which.terms, attr(, "assign") + intercept, "=="),
2, any)
P <-[, select, drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(P)){
rownames(P) <- colnames(B)
SSPE <- t(P) %*% SSPE %*% P
B <- B %*% P
rank <- sum(eigen(SSPE, only.values=TRUE)$values >= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (!singular.ok && rank < ncol(SSPE))
stop("The error SSP matrix is apparently of deficient rank = ",
rank, " < ", ncol(SSPE))
r <- ncol(B)
if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- matrix(0, nrow(L), r)
rownames(rhs) <- rownames(L)
colnames(rhs) <- colnames(B)
q <- NROW(L)
if (verbose){
cat("\nHypothesis matrix:\n")
cat("\nRight-hand-side matrix:\n")
cat("\nEstimated linear function (hypothesis.matrix %*% coef - rhs):\n")
print(drop(L %*% B - rhs))
SSPH <- t(L %*% B - rhs) %*% solve(L %*% V %*% t(L)) %*% (L %*% B - rhs)
rval <- list(SSPH=SSPH, SSPE=SSPE, df=q, r=r, df.residual=df.residual, P=P,
title=title, test=test, singular=rank < ncol(SSPE))
class(rval) <- "linearHypothesis.mlm"
print.linearHypothesis.mlm <- function(x, SSP=TRUE, SSPE=SSP,
digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
test <- x$test
if (!is.null(x$P) && SSP){
P <- x$P
cat("\n Response transformation matrix:\n")
attr(P, "assign") <- NULL
attr(P, "contrasts") <- NULL
print(P, digits=digits)
if (SSP){
cat("\nSum of squares and products for the hypothesis:\n")
print(x$SSPH, digits=digits)
if (SSPE){
cat("\nSum of squares and products for error:\n")
print(x$SSPE, digits=digits)
if ((!is.null(x$singular)) && x$singular){
warning("the error SSP matrix is singular; multivariate tests are unavailable")
SSPE.qr <- qr(x$SSPE)
# the following code is adapted from summary.manova
eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(SSPE.qr, x$SSPH), symmetric = FALSE)$values)
tests <- matrix(NA, 4, 4)
rownames(tests) <- c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy")
if ("Pillai" %in% test)
tests[1, 1:4] <- Pillai(eigs, x$df, x$df.residual)
if ("Wilks" %in% test)
tests[2, 1:4] <- Wilks(eigs, x$df, x$df.residual)
if ("Hotelling-Lawley" %in% test)
tests[3, 1:4] <- HL(eigs, x$df, x$df.residual)
if ("Roy" %in% test)
tests[4, 1:4] <- Roy(eigs, x$df, x$df.residual)
tests <- na.omit(tests)
ok <- tests[, 2] >= 0 & tests[, 3] > 0 & tests[, 4] > 0
ok <- ! & ok
tests <- cbind(x$df, tests, pf(tests[ok, 2], tests[ok, 3], tests[ok, 4],
lower.tail = FALSE))
colnames(tests) <- c("Df", "test stat", "approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)")
tests <- structure(,
heading = paste("\nMultivariate Test",
if (nrow(tests) > 1) "s", ": ", x$title, sep=""),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
print(tests, digits=digits)
linearHypothesis.survreg <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
test=c("Chisq", "F"), vcov., verbose=FALSE, ...){
suppress.vcov.msg <- missing(vcov.)
if (missing(vcov.)) {
vcov. <- vcov(model, complete=FALSE)
b <- coef(model)
if (length(b) != nrow(vcov.)){
p <- which(rownames(vcov.) == "Log(scale)")
if (length(p) > 0) vcov. <- vcov.[-p, -p]
linearHypothesis.default(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs, test, vcov., verbose=verbose,
suppress.vcov.msg = suppress.vcov.msg, ...)
linearHypothesis.polr <- function (model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL, vcov., verbose=FALSE, ...){
suppress.vcov.msg <- missing(vcov.)
k <- length(coef(model))
V <- getVcov(vcov., model, complete=FALSE)[1:k, 1:k]
linearHypothesis.default(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs, vcov.=V, verbose=verbose,
suppress.vcov.msg = suppress.vcov.msg, ...)
coef.multinom <- function(object, ...){
# the following local function is copied from nnet:::coef.multinom
coef.m <- function (object, ...) {
r <- length(object$vcoefnames)
if (length(object$lev) == 2L) {
coef <- object$wts[1L + (1L:r)]
names(coef) <- object$vcoefnames
else {
coef <- matrix(object$wts, nrow = object$n[3L], byrow = TRUE)[,
1L + (1L:r), drop = FALSE]
if (length(object$lev))
dimnames(coef) <- list(object$lev, object$vcoefnames)
if (length(object$lab))
dimnames(coef) <- list(object$lab, object$vcoefnames)
coef <- coef[-1L, , drop = FALSE]
b <- coef.m(object, ...)
cn <- colnames(b)
rn <- rownames(b)
b <- as.vector(t(b))
names(b) <- as.vector(outer(cn, rn, function(c, r) paste(r, c, sep=".")))
## functions for mixed models
linearHypothesis.merMod <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
vcov.=NULL, test=c("Chisq", "F"),
singular.ok=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...){
linearHypothesis.mer(model=model, hypothesis.matrix=hypothesis.matrix,
vcov.=vcov., test=test, singular.ok=singular.ok,
verbose=verbose, ...)
linearHypothesis.mer <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
vcov.=NULL, test=c("Chisq", "F"), singular.ok=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...){
test <- match.arg(test)
V <- as.matrix(if (is.null(vcov.))vcov(model, complete=FALSE)
else if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov.(model) else vcov.)
b <- fixef(model)
if (any(aliased <- && !singular.ok)
stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
b <- b[!aliased]
if (is.character(hypothesis.matrix)) {
L <- makeHypothesis(names(b), hypothesis.matrix, rhs)
if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
rhs <- L[, NCOL(L)]
L <- L[, -NCOL(L), drop = FALSE]
rownames(L) <- hypothesis.matrix
else {
L <- if (is.null(dim(hypothesis.matrix))) t(hypothesis.matrix)
else hypothesis.matrix
if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(0, nrow(L))
q <- NROW(L)
if (verbose){
cat("\nHypothesis matrix:\n")
cat("\nRight-hand-side vector:\n")
cat("\nEstimated linear function (hypothesis.matrix %*% coef - rhs)\n")
print(drop(L %*% b - rhs))
if (test == "Chisq"){
df <- Inf
SSH <- as.vector(t(L %*% b - rhs) %*% solve(L %*% V %*% t(L)) %*% (L %*% b - rhs))
else {
if (!requireNamespace("lme4")) stop("lme4 package is missing")
if (!lme4::isREML(model))
stop("F test available only for linear mixed model fit by REML")
if (!all(rhs == 0)) warning("rhs of hypothesis ignored, set to 0")
res <- pbkrtest::KRmodcomp(model, L)$test
df <- res["Ftest", "ddf"]
F <- res["Ftest", "stat"]
p <- res["Ftest", "p.value"]
name <- try(formula(model), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(name, "try-error")) name <- substitute(model)
title <- "\nLinear hypothesis test:"
topnote <- paste("Model 1: restricted model","\n", "Model 2: ",
paste(deparse(name), collapse = "\n"), sep = "")
note <- if (is.null(vcov.)) ""
else "\nNote: Coefficient covariance matrix supplied.\n"
rval <- matrix(rep(NA, 8), ncol = 4)
if (test == "Chisq"){
colnames(rval) <- c("Res.Df", "Df", "Chisq", paste("Pr(>Chisq)", sep = ""))
rownames(rval) <- 1:2
rval[,1] <- c(df+q, df)
p <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
rval[2, 2:4] <- c(q, SSH, p)
rval <- rval[,-1]
colnames(rval) <- c("Res.Df", "Df", "F", paste("Pr(>F)", sep = ""))
rownames(rval) <- 1:2
rval[,1] <- c(df+q, df)
rval[2, 2:4] <- c(q, F, p)
heading = c(title, printHypothesis(L, rhs, names(b)), "", topnote, note),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
linearHypothesis.lme <- function(model, hypothesis.matrix, rhs=NULL,
vcov.=NULL, singular.ok=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...){
V <- as.matrix(if (is.null(vcov.))vcov(model, complete=FALSE)
else if (is.function(vcov.)) vcov.(model) else vcov.)
b <- fixef(model)
if (any(aliased <- && !singular.ok)
stop("there are aliased coefficients in the model")
b <- b[!aliased]
if (is.character(hypothesis.matrix)) {
L <- makeHypothesis(names(b), hypothesis.matrix, rhs)
if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
rhs <- L[, NCOL(L)]
L <- L[, -NCOL(L), drop = FALSE]
rownames(L) <- hypothesis.matrix
else {
L <- if (is.null(dim(hypothesis.matrix))) t(hypothesis.matrix)
else hypothesis.matrix
if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(0, nrow(L))
q <- NROW(L)
if (verbose){
cat("\nHypothesis matrix:\n")
cat("\nRight-hand-side vector:\n")
cat("\nEstimated linear function (hypothesis.matrix %*% coef - rhs)\n")
print(drop(L %*% b - rhs))
df <- Inf
SSH <- as.vector(t(L %*% b - rhs) %*% solve(L %*% V %*% t(L)) %*% (L %*% b - rhs))
name <- try(formula(model), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(name, "try-error")) name <- substitute(model)
title <- "\nLinear hypothesis test:"
topnote <- paste("Model 1: restricted model","\n", "Model 2: ",
paste(deparse(name), collapse = "\n"), sep = "")
note <- if (is.null(vcov.)) ""
else "\nNote: Coefficient covariance matrix supplied.\n"
rval <- matrix(rep(NA, 8), ncol = 4)
colnames(rval) <- c("Res.Df", "Df", "Chisq", paste("Pr(>Chisq)", sep = ""))
rownames(rval) <- 1:2
rval[,1] <- c(df+q, df)
p <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
rval[2, 2:4] <- c(q, SSH, p)
rval <- rval[,-1]
heading = c(title, printHypothesis(L, rhs, names(b)), "", topnote, note),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
## for svyglm
linearHypothesis.svyglm <- function(model, ...) linearHypothesis.default(model, ...)
## for rlm
df.residual.rlm <- function(object, ...){
p <- length(coef(object))
wt.method <- object$call$wt.method
if (!is.null(wt.method) && wt.method == "case") {
sum(object$weights) - p
else length(object$wresid) - p
linearHypothesis.rlm <- function(model, ...) linearHypothesis.default(model, test="F", ...)
## matchCoefs
matchCoefs <- function(model, pattern, ...) UseMethod("matchCoefs")
matchCoefs.default <- function(model, pattern, coef.=coef, ...){
names <- names(coef.(model))
grep(pattern, names, value=TRUE)
matchCoefs.mer <- function(model, pattern, ...) NextMethod(coef.=fixef)
matchCoefs.merMod <- function(model, pattern, ...) NextMethod(coef.=fixef)
matchCoefs.lme <- function(model, pattern, ...) NextMethod(coef.=fixef)
matchCoefs.mlm <- function(model, pattern, ...){
names <- rownames(coef(model))
grep(pattern, names, value=TRUE)
matchCoefs.lmList <- function(model, pattern, ...){
names <- names(unlist(lapply(model, coef)))
grep(pattern, names, value=TRUE)
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