ga_internal_names <- c('Iter','Size','Similarity','Similarity_M','Resample')
ga_external_names <- c('Iter','Resample')
check_ga_pop <- function(x) {
no_vars <- apply(x, 1, sum) == 0
if(any(no_vars)) {
for(i in which(no_vars)) {
here <- sample(1:ncol(x), 1)
x[i,here] <- 1
ga_func_check <- function(x) {
fnames <- names(x)
required <- c('fit', 'fitness_intern', 'pred', 'fitness_extern',
'initial', 'selection', 'crossover', 'mutation',
missing <- !(required %in% fnames)
stop(paste("The following functions are missing from the 'func' argument:",
paste(required[missing], sep = "", collapse = ",")))
args <- lapply(x, function(x) names(formals(x)))
expected <- list(fit = c('x', 'y', 'lev', 'last', '...'),
fitness_intern = c('object', 'x', 'y', 'maximize', 'p'),
pred = c('object', 'x'),
initial = c('vars', 'popSize', '...'),
selection = c('population', 'fitness', 'r', 'q', '...'),
crossover = c('population', 'fitness', 'parents', '...'),
mutation = c('population', 'parent', '...'),
selectIter = c('x', 'metric', 'maximize'))
check_names <- names(x)
check_names <- check_names[check_names != "fitness_extern"]
for(i in check_names) {
.args <- names(formals(x[[i]]))
.check <- same_args(.args, expected[[i]])
if(!.check) {
stop(paste("Arguments to function", i, "should be {",
paste(expected[[i]], sep = "", collapse = ", "),
"} and these were given {",
paste(.args, sep = "", collapse = ", "), "}\n"))
#' Ancillary genetic algorithm functions
#' @description
#' Built-in functions related to genetic algorithms
#' These functions are used with the \code{functions} argument of the
#' \code{\link{gafsControl}} function. More information on the details of these
#' functions are at \url{}.
#' Most of the \code{gafs_*} functions are based on those from the GA package
#' by Luca Scrucca. These functions here are small re-writes to work outside of
#' the GA package.
#' The objects \code{caretGA}, \code{rfGA} and \code{treebagGA} are example
#' lists that can be used with the \code{functions} argument of
#' \code{\link{gafsControl}}.
#' In the case of \code{caretGA}, the \code{...} structure of
#' \code{\link{gafs}} passes through to the model fitting routine. As a
#' consequence, the \code{\link{train}} function can easily be accessed by
#' passing important arguments belonging to \code{\link{train}} to
#' \code{\link{gafs}}. See the examples below. By default, using \code{caretGA}
#' will used the resampled performance estimates produced by
#' \code{\link{train}} as the internal estimate of fitness.
#' For \code{rfGA} and \code{treebagGA}, the \code{randomForest} and
#' \code{bagging} functions are used directly (i.e. \code{\link{train}} is not
#' used). Arguments to either of these functions can also be passed to them
#' though the \code{\link{gafs}} call (see examples below). For these two
#' functions, the internal fitness is estimated using the out-of-bag estimates
#' naturally produced by those functions. While faster, this limits the user to
#' accuracy or Kappa (for classification) and RMSE and R-squared (for
#' regression).
#' @aliases gafs_initial gafs_lrSelection gafs_rwSelection gafs_tourSelection
#' gafs_uCrossover gafs_spCrossover gafs_raMutation caretGA rfGA treebagGA
#' @param vars number of possible predictors
#' @param popSize the population size passed into \code{\link{gafs}}
#' @param population a binary matrix of the current subsets with predictors in
#' columns and individuals in rows
#' @param fitness a vector of fitness values
#' @param parent,parents integer(s) for which chromosomes are altered
#' @param r,q,k tuning parameters for the specific selection operator
#' @param \dots not currently used
#' @return The return value depends on the function.
#' @author Luca Scrucca, \code{gafs_initial}, \code{caretGA}, \code{rfGA} and
#' \code{treebagGA} by Max Kuhn
#' @seealso \code{\link{gafs}}, \code{\link{gafsControl}}
#' @references Scrucca L (2013). GA: A Package for Genetic Algorithms in R.
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 53(4), 1-37.
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' pop <- gafs_initial(vars = 10, popSize = 10)
#' pop
#' gafs_lrSelection(population = pop, fitness = 1:10)
#' gafs_spCrossover(population = pop, fitness = 1:10, parents = 1:2)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Hypothetical examples
#' lda_ga <- gafs(x = predictors,
#' y = classes,
#' gafsControl = gafsControl(functions = caretGA),
#' ## now pass arguments to `train`
#' method = "lda",
#' metric = "Accuracy"
#' trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE))
#' rf_ga <- gafs(x = predictors,
#' y = classes,
#' gafsControl = gafsControl(functions = rfGA),
#' ## these are arguments to `randomForest`
#' ntree = 1000,
#' importance = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export gafs_initial
gafs_initial <- function (vars, popSize, ...) {
x <- matrix(NA, nrow = popSize, ncol = vars)
probs <- seq(.9, .1, length = popSize)
for(i in 1:popSize){
x[i,] <- sample(0:1, replace = TRUE,
size = vars,
prob = c(probs[i], 1-probs[i]))
var_count <- apply(x, 1, sum)
if(any(var_count == 0)) {
for(i in which(var_count == 0)) {
x[i, ] <- sample(0:1, replace = TRUE, size = vars)
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @export
gafs_lrSelection <- function (population, fitness,
r = NULL,
q = NULL, ...) {
popSize = nrow(population)
if(is.null(r)) r <- 2/(popSize * (popSize - 1))
if(is.null(q)) q <- 2/popSize
rank <- (popSize + 1) - rank(fitness, ties.method = "random")
prob <- q - (rank - 1) * r
sel <- sample(1:popSize,
size = popSize,
prob = pmin(pmax(0, prob), 1, na.rm = TRUE),
replace = TRUE)
out <- list(population = population[sel, , drop = FALSE],
fitness = fitness[sel])
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @export
gafs_spCrossover <- function (population, fitness, parents, ...) {
fitness <- fitness[parents]
parents <- population[parents, , drop = FALSE]
n <- ncol(parents)
children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)
fitnessChildren <- rep(NA, 2)
crossOverPoint <- sample(0:n, size = 1)
if (crossOverPoint == 0) {
children[1:2, ] <- parents[2:1, ]
fitnessChildren[1:2] <- fitness[2:1]
else if (crossOverPoint == n) {
children <- parents
fitnessChildren <- fitness
else {
children[1, ] <- c(parents[1, 1:crossOverPoint], parents[2, (crossOverPoint + 1):n])
children[2, ] <- c(parents[2, 1:crossOverPoint], parents[1, (crossOverPoint + 1):n])
out <- list(children = children, fitness = fitnessChildren)
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @export
gafs_raMutation <- function (population, parent, ...) {
mutate <- parent <- as.vector(population[parent, ])
n <- length(parent)
j <- sample(1:n, size = 1)
mutate[j] <- abs(mutate[j] - 1)
#' @rdname gafs_initial
gafs_nlrSelection <- function (population, fitness, q = 0.25, ...) {
popSize <- nrow(population)
rank <- (popSize + 1) - rank(fitness, ties.method = "random")
prob <- q * (1 - q)^(rank - 1)
sel <- sample(1:popSize, size = popSize,
prob = pmin(pmax(0, prob), 1, na.rm = TRUE), replace = TRUE)
out <- list(population = population[sel, , drop = FALSE],
fitness = fitness[sel])
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @export
gafs_rwSelection <- function (population, fitness, ...) {
popSize <- nrow(population)
prob <- abs(fitness)/sum(abs(fitness))
sel <- sample(1:popSize, size = popSize,
prob = pmin(pmax(0, prob), 1, na.rm = TRUE), replace = TRUE)
out <- list(population = population[sel, , drop = FALSE],
fitness = fitness[sel])
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @export
gafs_tourSelection <- function (population, fitness, k = 3, ...) {
popSize <- nrow(population)
sel <- rep(NA, popSize)
for (i in 1:popSize) {
s <- sample(1:popSize, size = k)
sel[i] <- s[which.max(fitness[s])]
out <- list(population = population[sel, , drop = FALSE],
fitness = fitness[sel])
#' @rdname gafs_initial
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
gafs_uCrossover <- function (population, parents, ...) {
parents <- population[parents, , drop = FALSE]
n <- ncol(parents)
u <- runif(n)
children <- parents
children[1:2, u > 0.5] <- children[2:1, u > 0.5]
out <- list(children = children, fitness = rep(NA, 2))
#' @rdname safsControl
#' @export
gafsControl <- function(functions = NULL,
method = "repeatedcv",
metric = NULL,
maximize = NULL,
number = ifelse(grepl("cv", method), 10, 25),
repeats = ifelse(grepl("cv", method), 1, 5),
verbose = FALSE,
returnResamp = "final",
p = .75,
index = NULL,
indexOut = NULL,
seeds = NULL,
holdout = 0,
genParallel = FALSE,
allowParallel = TRUE) {
if(!(method %in% c("cv", "boot", "repeatedcv", "LGOCV", "LOOCV")))
stop('method should be one of: "cv", "boot", "repeatedcv", "LGOCV" or "LOOCV"')
if(holdout < 0 | holdout >= 1) stop("'holdout' should be in [0, 1)")
if(!is.null(metric)) {
if(length(metric) != 2)
stop("'metric' should be a two-element named vector. See ?gafsControl")
if(is.null(names(metric)) || any(sort(names(metric)) != c("external", "internal")))
stop("'metric' should have names 'internal' and 'external' See ?gafsControl")
if(!is.null(maximize)) {
if(length(maximize) != 2)
stop("'maximize' should be a two-element named vector. See ?gafsControl")
if(is.null(names(maximize)) || any(sort(names(maximize)) != c("external", "internal")))
stop("'maximize' should have names 'internal' and 'external' See ?gafsControl")
list(functions = if(is.null(functions)) caretFuncs else functions,
method = method,
metric = metric,
maximize = maximize,
number = number,
repeats = repeats,
returnResamp = returnResamp,
verbose = verbose,
p = p,
index = index,
indexOut = indexOut,
seeds = seeds,
holdout = holdout,
genParallel = genParallel,
allowParallel = allowParallel)
ga_wrapper <- function(ind, x, y, funcs, holdoutX, holdoutY, testX, testY,
perf, holdoutPerf, testPerf,
ga_metric, ga_maximize, lvl = lvl, last = FALSE, indiv = 0, ...) {
mod <- funcs$fit(x[, ind, drop=FALSE], y, lev = lvl, last = last,...)
if (!is.null(holdoutX)) {
intern_x <- holdoutX[, ind, drop = FALSE]
intern_x <- cbind(intern_x, holdoutPerf)
} else {
intern_x <- x[, ind, drop = FALSE]
intern_x <- cbind(intern_x, perf)
internal <-
x = intern_x,
y = if(!is.null(holdoutY)) holdoutY else y,
p = ncol(x)
if(!is.null(testX)) {
modelPred <- funcs$pred(mod, testX[, ind, drop=FALSE])
if( | is.matrix(modelPred)) {
if(is.matrix(modelPred)) modelPred <-, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
modelPred$obs <- testY
modelPred$Size <- length(ind)
} else modelPred <- data.frame(pred = modelPred, obs = testY, Size = sum(ind == 1))
modelPred <- cbind(modelPred, testPerf)
external <- funcs$fitness_extern(modelPred, lev = levels(testY))
if(is.null(names(external))) {
names(external) <- paste0("external", 1:length(external))
} else external <- NULL
if(!ga_maximize["internal"]) internal[ga_metric["internal"]] <- -internal[ga_metric["internal"]]
list(internal = c(internal, .indiv = indiv),
external = c(external, .indiv = indiv))
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @import foreach
ga_select <- function(x, y, perf = NULL,
testX = NULL, testY = NULL, testPerf = NULL,
iters = 20,
funcs = NULL,
ga_metric = NULL,
ga_maximize = TRUE,
ga_verbose = TRUE,
holdout = 0,
ga_seed = NULL,
lvl = NULL,
popSize = 50,
pcrossover = 0.8,
pmutation = 0.1,
elite = base::max(1, round(popSize*0.05)),
maxfitness = Inf,
suggestions = NULL,
genParallel = FALSE,
Resample = "",
...) {
nvars <- ncol(x)
if(!is.null(ga_seed)) set.seed(ga_seed[1])
dig <- options()$digits
if(holdout > 0) {
in_holdout <- createDataPartition(y,
p = holdout,
list = FALSE)
holdout_x <- x[in_holdout,,drop = FALSE]
holdout_y <- y[in_holdout]
holdout_perf <- perf[in_holdout,,drop = FALSE]
x <- x[-in_holdout,,drop = FALSE]
y <- y[-in_holdout]
perf <- perf[-in_holdout,,drop = FALSE]
} else {
holdout_x <- NULL
holdout_y <- NULL
holdout_perf <- NULL
subsets <- vector(mode = "list", length = iters)
internal <- data.frame(Iter = 1:(iters),
Size = rep(0*NA, iters),
Similarity = rep(0*NA, iters),
Similarity_M= rep(0*NA, iters),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
external <- if(!is.null(testX)) data.frame(Iter = 1:(iters)) else NULL
## add GA package warnings
## From GA package:
## TODO make input a vector of indicies
if(is.null(suggestions)) {
suggestions <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = nvars)
} else {
if(is.vector(suggestions)) {
if(nvars > 1) suggestions <- matrix(suggestions, nrow = 1)
else suggestions <- matrix(suggestions, ncol = 1)
} else suggestions <- as.matrix(suggestions)
if(nvars != ncol(suggestions))
stop("Provided suggestions (ncol) matrix do not match number of variables of the problem!")
## From GA package:
Pop <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = popSize, ncol = nvars)
ng <- min(nrow(suggestions), popSize)
if(ng > 0) { # use suggestion if provided
Pop[1:ng,] <- suggestions
# fill the rest with a random population
if(popSize > ng) {
Pop[(ng+1):popSize,] <- funcs$initial(vars = nvars, popSize = popSize)[1:(popSize-ng),]
colnames(Pop) <- colnames(x)
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- rep(NA, nrow(Pop))
`%op%` <- getOper(genParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
for(generation in 1:iters) {
Pop <- check_ga_pop(Pop)
currennt_results <-
i = seq_len(popSize),
.combine = "c",
.verbose = FALSE,
.errorhandling = "stop",
.packages = "recipes") %op% {
ga_wrapper(ind = which(Pop[i,] == 1),
x = x, y = y, perf = perf,
holdoutX = holdout_x, holdoutY = holdout_y,
holdoutPerf = holdout_perf,
testX = testX, testY = testY,
testPerf = testPerf,
ga_metric = ga_metric,
ga_maximize = ga_maximize,
lvl = lvl,
last = Resample == "",
indiv = i,
} ## loop over chromosomes
## TODO save only the parts you need inside of loop
if(!is.null(testX)) {
current_ext <- currennt_results[names(currennt_results) == "external"]
current_ext <-"rbind", current_ext)
current_ext <- current_ext[order(current_ext[,".indiv"]),]
current_ext <- current_ext[, -ncol(current_ext), drop = FALSE]
rownames(current_ext) <- NULL
} else current_ext <- NULL
current_int <- currennt_results[names(currennt_results) == "internal"]
current_int <-"rbind", current_int)
current_int <- current_int[order(current_int[,".indiv"]),]
current_int <- current_int[, -ncol(current_int), drop = FALSE]
rownames(current_int) <- NULL
Fitness <- if(is.matrix(current_int)) current_int[,ga_metric["internal"]]
best_index <- which.max(Fitness)
best_internal <- current_int[best_index,]
if(!is.null(testX)) best_external <- current_ext[best_index,]
subsets[[generation]] <- which(Pop[best_index,] == 1)
internal$Size[generation] <- sum(Pop[best_index,] == 1)
if(generation > 1) {
hist_best <- which.max(internal[1:(generation-1), ga_metric["internal"]])
internal$Similarity[generation] <- jack_sim(index2vec(subsets[[hist_best]], ncol(Pop)),
index2vec(subsets[[generation]], ncol(Pop)))
tmp_sim <- apply(Pop, 1, function(x, y) jack_sim(x, y),
y = index2vec(subsets[[hist_best]], ncol(Pop)))
internal$Similarity_M[generation] <- mean(tmp_sim, na.rm = TRUE)
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- Fitness
if(generation == 1) {
k <- length(best_internal)
perf_names <- names(best_internal)
for(new_var in perf_names) internal[,new_var] <- NA
nr <- ncol(internal)
internal[1, (nr-k+1):nr] <- best_internal
if(!is.null(testX)) {
for(new_var in names(best_external)) external[,new_var] <- NA
external[1, -1] <- best_external
} else {
internal[generation, (nr-k+1):nr] <- best_internal
if(!is.null(testX)) external[generation, -1] <- best_external
if(generation > 1) {
imp <- internal[hist_best, ga_metric["internal"]] < max(Fitness)
cat(Resample, " ", format(1:iters)[generation], " ",
signif( internal[hist_best, ga_metric["internal"]], digits = dig) else
signif(-internal[hist_best, ga_metric["internal"]], digits = dig),
"->" ,
signif(max(Fitness), digits = dig) else
signif( min(-Fitness), digits = dig),
change_text(subsets[[hist_best]], subsets[[generation]], nvars, show_diff = FALSE),
if(imp) " *" else "",
sep = "")
} else {
cat(Resample, " ", format(1:iters)[generation], " ",
signif(internal[1, ga_metric["internal"]], digits = dig) else
signif(-internal[1, ga_metric["internal"]], digits = dig),
" (", length(subsets[[1]]), ")\n",
sep = "")
## From GA package
ord <- order(Fitness, decreasing = TRUE)
PopSorted <- Pop[ord,,drop = FALSE]
FitnessSorted <- Fitness[ord]
# selection
if(is.function(funcs$selection)) {
sel <- funcs$selection(population = .Pop, fitness = .Fit)
Pop <- sel$population
Fitness <- sel$fitness
} else {
sel <- sample(1:popSize, size = popSize, replace = TRUE)
Pop <- .Pop[sel,]
Fitness <- .Fit[sel]
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- Fitness
# crossover
if(is.function(funcs$crossover) & pcrossover > 0) {
nmating <- floor(popSize/2)
mating <- matrix(sample(1:(2*nmating), size = (2*nmating)), ncol = 2)
for(i in seq_len(nmating)) {
if(pcrossover > runif(1)){
parents <- mating[i,]
Crossover <- funcs$crossover(population = .Pop,
fitness = .Fit,
parents = parents)
Pop[parents,] <- Crossover$children
Fitness[parents] <- Crossover$fitness
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- Fitness
# mutation
pm <- if(is.function(pmutation)) pmutation(object) else pmutation
if(is.function(funcs$mutation) & pm > 0) {
for(i in seq_len(popSize)) {
if(pm > runif(1)) {
Mutation <- funcs$mutation(population = .Pop, parent = i)
Pop[i,] <- Mutation
Fitness[i] <- NA
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- Fitness
# elite
if(elite > 0) {
ord <- order(.Fit, na.last = TRUE)
u <- which(!duplicated(PopSorted, margin = 1))
Pop[ord[1:elite],] <- PopSorted[u[1:elite],]
Fitness[ord[1:elite]] <- FitnessSorted[u[1:elite]]
.Pop <- Pop
.Fit <- Fitness
} ## search iterations
best_index <- which.max(internal[, ga_metric["internal"]])
best_subset <- colnames(x)[subsets[[best_index]]]
if(!ga_maximize["internal"]) {
internal[, ga_metric["internal"]] <- -internal[, ga_metric["internal"]]
mod <- funcs$fit(x[, best_subset, drop=FALSE], y, lev = lvl, last = TRUE, ...)
if(Resample != "") internal$Resample <- Resample
if(Resample != "" && !is.null(testX)) external$Resample <- Resample
diffs <- try(get_fitness_differences(colnames(x),
external[, !(names(external) %in% ga_external_names), drop = FALSE]),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(diffs, "try-error")) diffs <- NULL
list(internal = internal,
subsets = subsets,
external = external,
final = best_subset,
fit = mod,
diffs = diffs)
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @export
print.gafs <- function (x, top = 5,
digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
...) {
cat("\nGenetic Algorithm Feature Selection\n\n")
" samples\n",
" predictor", ifelse(x$dims[2] > 1, "s\n", "\n"),
sep = "")
paste("'", x$levels, "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "),
cat("Maximum generations:", max(x$iters), "\n")
cat("Population per generation:", x$ga_param$popSize, "\n")
cat("Crossover probability:", x$ga_param$pcrossover, "\n")
if(is.function(x$ga_param$pmutation)) {
cat("Mutation probability: variable\n")
} else cat("Mutation probability:", x$ga_param$pmutation, "\n")
cat("Elitism:", x$ga_param$elite, "\n\n")
inames <- names(x$internal)
inames <- inames[!(inames %in% ga_internal_names)]
enames <- names(x$external)
enames <- enames[!(enames %in% ga_external_names)]
cat("Internal performance value", ifelse(length(inames) > 1, "s: ", ": "),
paste(inames, sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
cat("Subset selection driven to",
if(x$control$maximize["internal"]) "maximize internal" else "minimize internal",
x$control$metric["internal"], "\n")
cat("External performance value", ifelse(length(enames) > 1, "s: ", ": "),
paste(enames, sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
if(x$auto) {
cat("Best iteration chose by",
if(x$control$maximize["external"]) "maximizing external" else "minimizing external",
x$control$metric["external"], "\n")
} else {
cat("Best iteration chosen manually\n")
resampleN <- unlist(lapply(x$control$index, length))
numResamp <- length(resampleN)
resampText <- getFromNamespace("resampName", "caret")(x)
cat("External resampling method:", resampText, "\n")
if(x$control$holdout > 0)
cat("Subsampling for internal fitness calculation: ",
round(x$control$holdout*100, digits), "%\n", sep = "")
vars <- sort(table(unlist(x$resampled_vars)), decreasing = TRUE)
top <- min(top, length(vars))
smallVars <- vars[1:top]
smallVars <- round(smallVars/length(x$control$index)*100, 1)
varText <- paste0(names(smallVars), " (", smallVars, "%)")
varText <- paste(varText, collapse = ", ")
if(!all( {
cat("During resampling:\n * the top ",
" selected variables (out of a possible ",
"):\n ",
sep = "")
cat(" * on average, ",
round(mean(unlist(lapply(x$resampled_vars, length))), 1),
" variables were selected (min = ",
round(min(unlist(lapply(x$resampled_vars, length))), 1),
", max = ",
round(max(unlist(lapply(x$resampled_vars, length))), 1),
sep = "")
} else {
cat("During resampling, no variables were selected.\n\n")
cat("In the final search using the entire training set:\n",
" *", length(x$optVariables), "features selected at iteration",
x$optIter, "including:\n ",
paste(x$optVariables[1:min(length(x$optVariables), top)],
sep = "", collapse = ", "),
if(length(x$optVariables) > top) "..." else "",
perf_dat <- subset(x$external, Iter == x$optIter)
perf_dat <- perf_dat[!(names(perf_dat) %in% c("Iter", "Resample"))]
perf <- colMeans(perf_dat)
cat(" * external performance at this iteration is\n\n")
ch_perf <- format(perf, digits = digits, row.names = FALSE)
ch_perf[1] <- paste(" ", ch_perf[1])
print(ch_perf, quote = FALSE)
#' Predict new samples
#' Predict new samples using \code{\link{safs}} and \code{\link{gafs}} objects.
#' Only the predictors listed in \code{object$optVariables} are required.
#' @aliases predict.gafs predict.safs
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{safs}} or \code{\link{gafs}}
#' @param newdata a data frame or matrix of predictors.
#' @param \dots not currently used
#' @return The type of result depends on what was specified in
#' \code{object$control$functions$predict}.
#' @author Max Kuhn
#' @seealso \code{\link{safs}}, \code{\link{gafs}}
#' @keywords multivariate
#' @method predict gafs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' train_data <- twoClassSim(100, noiseVars = 10)
#' test_data <- twoClassSim(10, noiseVars = 10)
#' ## A short example
#' ctrl <- safsControl(functions = rfSA,
#' method = "cv",
#' number = 3)
#' rf_search <- safs(x = train_data[, -ncol(train_data)],
#' y = train_data$Class,
#' iters = 3,
#' safsControl = ctrl)
#' rf_search
#' predict(rf_search, train_data)
#' }
#' @export predict.gafs
predict.gafs <- function (object, newdata, ...) {
if (any(names(object) == "recipe") && !is.null(object$recipe)) {
newdata <-
bake(object$recipe, newdata, all_predictors(), composition = "data.frame")
} else {
newdata <- newdata[, object$optVariables, drop = FALSE]
object$control$functions$pred(object$fit, newdata)
#' @export
gafs <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("gafs")
#' Genetic algorithm feature selection
#' Supervised feature selection using genetic algorithms
#' \code{\link{gafs}} conducts a supervised binary search of the predictor
#' space using a genetic algorithm. See Mitchell (1996) and Scrucca (2013) for
#' more details on genetic algorithms.
#' This function conducts the search of the feature space repeatedly within
#' resampling iterations. First, the training data are split be whatever
#' resampling method was specified in the control function. For example, if
#' 10-fold cross-validation is selected, the entire genetic algorithm is
#' conducted 10 separate times. For the first fold, nine tenths of the data are
#' used in the search while the remaining tenth is used to estimate the
#' external performance since these data points were not used in the search.
#' During the genetic algorithm, a measure of fitness is needed to guide the
#' search. This is the internal measure of performance. During the search, the
#' data that are available are the instances selected by the top-level
#' resampling (e.g. the nine tenths mentioned above). A common approach is to
#' conduct another resampling procedure. Another option is to use a holdout set
#' of samples to determine the internal estimate of performance (see the
#' holdout argument of the control function). While this is faster, it is more
#' likely to cause overfitting of the features and should only be used when a
#' large amount of training data are available. Yet another idea is to use a
#' penalized metric (such as the AIC statistic) but this may not exist for some
#' metrics (e.g. the area under the ROC curve).
#' The internal estimates of performance will eventually overfit the subsets to
#' the data. However, since the external estimate is not used by the search, it
#' is able to make better assessments of overfitting. After resampling, this
#' function determines the optimal number of generations for the GA.
#' Finally, the entire data set is used in the last execution of the genetic
#' algorithm search and the final model is built on the predictor subset that
#' is associated with the optimal number of generations determined by
#' resampling (although the update function can be used to manually set the
#' number of generations).
#' This is an example of the output produced when \code{gafsControl(verbose =
#' TRUE)} is used:
#' \preformatted{
#' Fold2 1 0.715 (13)
#' Fold2 2 0.715->0.737 (13->17, 30.4\%) *
#' Fold2 3 0.737->0.732 (17->14, 24.0\%)
#' Fold2 4 0.737->0.769 (17->23, 25.0\%) *
#' }
#' For the second resample (e.g. fold 2), the best subset across all
#' individuals tested in the first generation contained 13 predictors and was
#' associated with a fitness value of 0.715. The second generation produced a
#' better subset containing 17 samples with an associated fitness values of
#' 0.737 (and improvement is symbolized by the \code{*}. The percentage listed
#' is the Jaccard similarity between the previous best individual (with 13
#' predictors) and the new best. The third generation did not produce a better
#' fitness value but the fourth generation did.
#' The search algorithm can be parallelized in several places: \enumerate{
#' \item each externally resampled GA can be run independently (controlled by
#' the \code{allowParallel} option of \code{\link{gafsControl}}) \item within a
#' GA, the fitness calculations at a particular generation can be run in
#' parallel over the current set of individuals (see the \code{genParallel}
#' option in \code{\link{gafsControl}}) \item if inner resampling is used,
#' these can be run in parallel (controls depend on the function used. See, for
#' example, \code{\link[caret]{trainControl}}) \item any parallelization of the
#' individual model fits. This is also specific to the modeling function. }
#' It is probably best to pick one of these areas for parallelization and the
#' first is likely to produces the largest decrease in run-time since it is the
#' least likely to incur multiple re-starting of the worker processes. Keep in
#' mind that if multiple levels of parallelization occur, this can effect the
#' number of workers and the amount of memory required exponentially.
#' @inheritParams train
#' @aliases gafs.default gafs
#' @param x An object where samples are in rows and features are in columns.
#' This could be a simple matrix, data frame or other type (e.g. sparse
#' matrix). For the recipes method, \code{x} is a recipe object. See Details below
#' @param y a numeric or factor vector containing the outcome for each sample
#' @param iters number of search iterations
#' @param popSize number of subsets evaluated at each iteration
#' @param pcrossover the crossover probability
#' @param pmutation the mutation probability
#' @param elite the number of best subsets to survive at each generation
#' @param suggestions a binary matrix of subsets strings to be included in the
#' initial population. If provided the number of columns must match the number
#' of columns in \code{x}
#' @param differences a logical: should the difference in fitness values with
#' and without each predictor be calculated?
#' @param gafsControl a list of values that define how this function acts. See
#' \code{\link{gafsControl}} and URL.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to other methods
#' @return an object of class \code{gafs}
#' @author Max Kuhn, Luca Scrucca (for GA internals)
#' @seealso \code{\link{gafsControl}}, \code{\link{predict.gafs}},
#' \code{\link{caretGA}}, \code{\link{rfGA}} \code{\link{treebagGA}}
#' @references Kuhn M and Johnson K (2013), Applied Predictive Modeling,
#' Springer, Chapter 19 \url{}
#' Scrucca L (2013). GA: A Package for Genetic Algorithms in R. Journal of
#' Statistical Software, 53(4), 1-37. \url{}
#' Mitchell M (1996), An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press.
#' \url{}
#' @keywords models
#' @method gafs default
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' train_data <- twoClassSim(100, noiseVars = 10)
#' test_data <- twoClassSim(10, noiseVars = 10)
#' ## A short example
#' ctrl <- gafsControl(functions = rfGA,
#' method = "cv",
#' number = 3)
#' rf_search <- gafs(x = train_data[, -ncol(train_data)],
#' y = train_data$Class,
#' iters = 3,
#' gafsControl = ctrl)
#' rf_search
#' }
#' @export gafs.default
"gafs.default" <-
function(x, y,
iters = 10,
popSize = 50,
pcrossover = 0.8,
pmutation = 0.1,
elite = 0,
suggestions = NULL,
differences = TRUE,
gafsControl = gafsControl(),
...) {
startTime <- proc.time()
funcCall <- = TRUE)
gafsControl$metric <- rep(ifelse(is.factor(y), "Accuracy", "RMSE"), 2)
gafsControl$maximize <- rep(ifelse(gafsControl$metric %in% c("RMSE", "MAE", "logLoss"), FALSE, TRUE), 2)
names(gafsControl$metric) <- c("internal", "external")
names(gafsControl$maximize) <- c("internal", "external")
if(nrow(x) != length(y)) stop("there should be the same number of samples in x and y")
numFeat <- ncol(x)
classLevels <- levels(y)
gafsControl$index <- switch(
cv = createFolds(y, gafsControl$number, returnTrain = TRUE),
repeatedcv = createMultiFolds(y, gafsControl$number, gafsControl$repeats),
loocv = createFolds(y, length(y), returnTrain = TRUE),
boot =, boot632 = createResample(y, gafsControl$number),
test = createDataPartition(y, 1, gafsControl$p),
lgocv = createDataPartition(y, gafsControl$number, gafsControl$p)
names(gafsControl$index) <- getFromNamespace("prettySeq", "caret")(gafsControl$index)
## Create hold-out indicies
gafsControl$indexOut <-
function(training, allSamples) allSamples[-unique(training)],
allSamples = seq(along = y)
names(gafsControl$indexOut) <-
getFromNamespace("prettySeq", "caret")(gafsControl$indexOut)
if(!is.null(gafsControl$seeds)) {
if(length(gafsControl$seeds) < length(gafsControl$index) + 1)
stop(paste("There must be at least",
length(gafsControl$index) + 1,
"random number seeds passed to gafsControl"))
} else {
gafsControl$seeds <-, length(gafsControl$index) + 1)
## check summary function and metric
testOutput <- data.frame(pred = sample(y, min(10, length(y))),
obs = sample(y, min(10, length(y))))
for(i in seq(along = classLevels))
testOutput[, classLevels[i]] <- runif(nrow(testOutput))
test <- gafsControl$functions$fitness_extern(testOutput, lev = classLevels)
perfNames <- names(test)
if(is.null(perfNames)) {
warning(paste("The external fitness results should be a *named* vector;",
"new name(s) are",
paste(paste0("external", 1:length(test)), sep = "", collapse = ", ")),
immediate. = TRUE)
perfNames <- paste0("external", 1:length(test))
if(!(gafsControl$metric["external"] %in% perfNames)) {
warning(paste("The metric '", gafsControl$metric["external"],
"' is not created by the summary function; '",
perfNames[1], "' will be used instead", sep = ""))
gafsControl$metric["external"] <- perfNames[1]
`%op%` <- getOper(gafsControl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
result <-
i = seq(along = gafsControl$index),
.combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE,
.errorhandling = "stop") %op% {
funcs = gafsControl$functions,
ga_maximize = gafsControl$maximize,
ga_metric = gafsControl$metric,
iters = iters,
popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite,
suggestions = suggestions,
ga_verbose = gafsControl$verbose,
testX = x[gafsControl$indexOut[[i]],,drop=FALSE],
testY = y[gafsControl$indexOut[[i]]],
ga_seed = gafsControl$seeds[i],
Resample = names(gafsControl$index)[i],
holdout = gafsControl$holdout,
lvl = classLevels,
genParallel = gafsControl$genParallel,
## TODO save only the parts you need inside of loop
external <- result[names(result) == "external"]
external <-"rbind", external)
rownames(external) <- NULL
internal <- result[names(result) == "internal"]
internal <-"rbind", internal)
rownames(internal) <- NULL
selected_vars <- result[names(result) == "final"]
names(selected_vars) <- names(gafsControl$index)
if(differences) {
diffs <- try(process_diffs(result[names(result) == "diffs"],
silent = TRUE)
if(class(diffs)[1] == "try-error") {
diffs <- NULL
# warning("An error occured when computing the variable differences")
} else diffs <- NULL
if(gafsControl$verbose) cat("+ final GA\n")
if(gafsControl$holdout > 0) {
in_holdout <- createDataPartition(y,
p = gafsControl$holdout,
list = FALSE)
in_model <- seq(along = y)[-unique(in_holdout)]
} else {
in_model <- seq(along = y)
in_holdout <- NULL
final_ga <- ga_select(
funcs = gafsControl$functions,
ga_maximize = gafsControl$maximize,
ga_metric = gafsControl$metric,
iters = iters,
popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite,
suggestions = suggestions,
ga_verbose = gafsControl$verbose,
testX = if(!is.null(in_holdout)) x[in_holdout,,drop=FALSE] else NULL,
testY = if(!is.null(in_holdout)) y[in_holdout] else NULL,
ga_seed = gafsControl$seeds[length(gafsControl$seeds)],
lvl = classLevels,
genParallel = gafsControl$genParallel,
averages <- ddply(external, .(Iter),
function(x, nms) {
apply(x[, perfNames, drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
nms = perfNames)
if(!is.null(gafsControl$functions$selectIter)) {
best_index <-
metric = gafsControl$metric["external"],
maximize = gafsControl$maximize["external"]
best_iter <- averages$Iter[best_index]
best_vars <- colnames(x)[final_ga$subsets[[best_index]]]
} else {
best_index <- if(gafsControl$maximize["external"])
which.max(averages[,gafsControl$metric["external"]]) else
best_iter <- averages$Iter[best_index]
best_vars <- colnames(x)[final_ga$subsets[[best_index]]]
if(gafsControl$verbose) cat("+ final model\n")
fit <- gafsControl$functions$fit(x[, best_vars, drop=FALSE], y, lev = lvls, last = TRUE, ...)
endTime <- proc.time()
res <- list(fit = fit,
ga = final_ga,
ga_param = list(popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite),
external = external,
internal = internal,
resampled_vars = selected_vars,
averages = averages,
iters = iters,
optVariables = best_vars,
optIter = best_iter,
control = gafsControl,
dims = dim(x),
differences = diffs,
perfNames = perfNames,
auto = TRUE,
the_dots = list(...),
call = funcCall,
times = list(everything = endTime - startTime),
levels = if(is.factor(y)) classLevels else NULL)
## now do analysis for whole dataset, plus make update method
class(res) <- "gafs"
#' Plot Method for the gafs and safs Classes
#' Plot the performance values versus search iteration
#' The mean (averaged over the resamples) is plotted against the search
#' iteration using a scatter plot.
#' When \code{output = "data"}, the unaveraged data are returned with columns
#' for all the performance metrics and the resample indicator.
#' @aliases plot.safs plot.gafs
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{gafs}} or \code{\link{safs}}
#' @param metric the measure of performance to plot (e.g. RMSE, accuracy, etc)
#' @param estimate the type of estimate: either "internal" or "external"
#' @param output either "data", "ggplot" or "lattice"
#' @param data,mapping,environment kept for consistency with
#' \code{ggplot} and are not used here.
#' @param \dots For \code{plot} methods, these are options passed
#' to \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}. For \code{ggplot} methods,
#' they are not used.
#' @return Either a data frame, ggplot object or lattice object
#' @author Max Kuhn
#' @seealso \code{\link{gafs}}, \code{\link{safs}},
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}, \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @method plot gafs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' train_data <- twoClassSim(100, noiseVars = 10)
#' test_data <- twoClassSim(10, noiseVars = 10)
#' ## A short example
#' ctrl <- safsControl(functions = rfSA,
#' method = "cv",
#' number = 3)
#' rf_search <- safs(x = train_data[, -ncol(train_data)],
#' y = train_data$Class,
#' iters = 50,
#' safsControl = ctrl)
#' plot(rf_search)
#' plot(rf_search,
#' output = "lattice",
#' auto.key = list(columns = 2))
#' plot_data <- plot(rf_search, output = "data")
#' summary(plot_data)
#' }
#' @export plot.gafs
plot.gafs <- function(x,
metric = x$control$metric["external"],
estimate = c("internal", "external"),
output = "ggplot",
...) {
int_names <- names(x$internal)[!(names(x$internal) %in% ga_internal_names)]
ext_names <- names(x$external)[!(names(x$external) %in% ga_external_names)]
common <- intersect(int_names, ext_names)
both_estimates <- length(estimate) == 2 && all(sort(estimate) == c("external", "internal"))
if(!metric %in% common) stop(paste("'", metric, "' not computed in both estimates"))
tmp_e <- x$external[, c("Iter", "Resample", common)]
tmp_e$Estimate <- "External"
tmp_i <- x$internal[, c("Iter", "Resample", common)]
tmp_i$Estimate <- "Internal"
plot_dat <- rbind(tmp_e, tmp_i)
} else {
if("internal" %in% estimate) {
if(!metric %in% int_names) stop(paste("'", metric, "' not computed internally"))
plot_dat <- x$internal[, c("Iter", "Resample", int_names)]
if("external" %in% estimate) {
if(!metric %in% int_names) stop(paste("'", metric, "' not computed externally"))
plot_dat <- x$external[, c("Iter", "Resample", ext_names)]
if(output == "data") out <- plot_dat
plot_dat <- if(both_estimates)
ddply(plot_dat, c("Iter", "Estimate"),
function(x) c(Mean = mean(x[, metric]))) else
ddply(plot_dat, c("Iter"),
function(x) c(Mean = mean(x[, metric])))
if(output == "ggplot") {
out <- if(both_estimates)
ggplot(plot_dat, aes(x = Iter, y = Mean, color = Estimate)) + geom_point() else
ggplot(plot_dat, aes(x = Iter, y = Mean)) + geom_point()
out <- out + xlab("Generation")
if(output == "lattice") {
out <- if(both_estimates)
xyplot(Mean ~ Iter, data = plot_dat, groups = Estimate, ...) else
xyplot(Mean ~ Iter, data = plot_dat, ...)
out <- update(out, xlab = "Generation")
#' @method ggplot gafs
#' @export ggplot.gafs
#' @export
#' @rdname plot.gafs
ggplot.gafs <-
function (data = NULL, mapping = NULL, ..., environment = NULL) {
plot.gafs(x = data, ...)
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
caretGA <- list(fit = function(x, y, lev = NULL, last = FALSE, ...) train(x, y, ...),
pred = function(object, x) {
tmp <- predict(object, x)
if(object$control$classProbs) {
out <- cbind(data.frame(pred = tmp),, x, type = "prob"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
} else out <- tmp
fitness_intern = function(object, x, y, maximize, p){
perf_val <- getTrainPerf(object)
perf_val <- perf_val[names(perf_val) != "method"]
perf_val <- unlist(perf_val)
names(perf_val) <- gsub("Train", "", names(perf_val))
fitness_extern = defaultSummary,
initial = gafs_initial,
selection = gafs_lrSelection,
crossover = gafs_spCrossover,
mutation = gafs_raMutation,
selectIter = best)
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
treebagGA <- list(fit = function(x, y, lev = NULL, last = FALSE, ...) {
ipred::ipredbagg(y, x, ...)
pred = function(object, x) {
tmp <- predict(object, x)
if(is.factor(object$y)) {
out <- cbind(data.frame(pred = tmp),, x, type = "prob"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
} else out <- tmp
fitness_intern = function(object, x, y, maximize, p)
fitness_extern = defaultSummary,
initial = gafs_initial,
selection = gafs_lrSelection,
crossover = gafs_spCrossover,
mutation = gafs_raMutation,
selectIter = best)
#' @export
rfGA <- list(fit = function(x, y, lev = NULL, last = FALSE, ...) {
randomForest::randomForest(x, y, ...)
pred = function(object, x) {
tmp <- predict(object, x)
if(is.factor(object$y)) {
out <- cbind(data.frame(pred = tmp),, x, type = "prob"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
} else out <- tmp
fitness_intern = function(object, x, y, maximize, p) rfStats(object),
fitness_extern = defaultSummary,
initial = gafs_initial,
selection = gafs_lrSelection,
crossover = gafs_spCrossover,
mutation = gafs_raMutation,
selectIter = best)
#' @method update gafs
#' @export
update.gafs <- function(object, iter, x, y, ...) {
iter <- iter[1]
if (iter > length(object$ga$subsets))
stop(paste("iter must be less than", length(object$ga$subsets)))
if (!is.null(object$recipe)) {
if (is.null(object$recipe$template))
stop("Recipe is missing data to be juiced.", call. = FALSE)
args <-
list(x = juice(object$recipe, all_predictors(), composition = "data.frame"),
y = juice(object$recipe, all_outcomes(), composition = "data.frame")[[1]],
lev = object$levels,
last = TRUE)
} else {
if (is.null(x) | is.null(y))
stop("the original training data is needed to refit the model")
args <- list(x = x[, object$ga$subsets[[iter]], drop=FALSE],
y = y, lev = object$levels, last = TRUE)
if (length(object$the_dots) > 0)
args <- c(args, object$the_dots)
if (object$control$verbose)
cat("Refitting model to use", length(object$ga$subsets[[iter]]),
"predictors from generation", iter, "\n")
object$fit <-$control$functions$fit, args)
object$auto <- FALSE
object$optVariables <- colnames(args$x)[object$ga$subsets[[iter]]]
object$optIter <- iter
#' Variable importances for GAs and SAs
#' Variable importance scores for \code{\link{safs}} and \code{\link{gafs}}
#' objects.
#' A crude measure of importance is computed for thee two search procedures. At
#' the end of a search process, the difference in the fitness values is
#' computed for models with and without each feature (based on the search
#' history). If a predictor has at least two subsets that include and did not
#' include the predictor, a t-statistic is computed (otherwise a value of
#' \code{NA} is assigned to the predictor).
#' This computation is done separately for each resample and the t-statistics
#' are averaged (\code{NA} values are ignored) and this average is reported as
#' the importance. If the fitness value should be minimized, the negative value
#' of the t-statistic is used in the average.
#' As such, the importance score reflects the standardized increase in fitness
#' that occurs when the predict is included in the subset. Values near zero (or
#' negative) indicate that the predictor may not be important to the model.
#' @aliases varImp.gafs varImp.safs
#' @param object an \code{\link{safs}} or \code{\link{gafs}} object
#' @param metric a metric to compute importance (see Details below)
#' @param maximize are larger values of the metric better?
#' @param \dots not currently uses
#' @return a data frame where the rownames are the predictor names and the
#' column is the average t-statistic
#' @author Max Kuhn
#' @seealso \code{\link{safs}}, \code{\link{gafs}}
#' @export
"varImp.gafs" <- function(object,
metric = object$control$metric["external"],
maximize = object$control$maximize["external"],
...) {
stop("must have used `differences = TRUE`")
out <- object$differences[,metric, drop = FALSE]
rownames(out) <- as.character(object$differences$Variable)
if(!maximize) out[, metric, drop = FALSE] <- -out[, metric, drop = FALSE]
out <- out[order(-out[, metric]),, drop = FALSE]
#' @rdname gafs.default
#' @method gafs recipe
#' @export
"gafs.recipe" <-
function(x, data,
iters = 10,
popSize = 50,
pcrossover = 0.8,
pmutation = 0.1,
elite = 0,
suggestions = NULL,
differences = TRUE,
gafsControl = gafsControl(),
...) {
startTime <- proc.time()
funcCall <- = TRUE)
cat("Preparing recipe\n")
orig_rec <- x
trained_rec <- prep(
x, training = data,
fresh = TRUE,
retain = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
x <- juice(trained_rec, all_predictors(), composition = "data.frame")
y <- juice(trained_rec, all_outcomes(), composition = "data.frame")
if(ncol(y) > 1)
stop("`safs` doesn't support multivariate outcomes", call. = FALSE)
y <- y[[1]]
is_weight <- summary(trained_rec)$role == "case weight"
stop("`safs` does not allow for weights.", call. = FALSE)
is_perf <- summary(trained_rec)$role == "performance var"
if(any(is_perf)) {
perf_data <- juice(trained_rec, has_role("performance var"))
} else perf_data <- NULL
gafsControl$metric <- rep(ifelse(is.factor(y), "Accuracy", "RMSE"), 2)
gafsControl$maximize <- rep(ifelse(gafsControl$metric %in% c("RMSE", "MAE", "logLoss"), FALSE, TRUE), 2)
names(gafsControl$metric) <- c("internal", "external")
names(gafsControl$maximize) <- c("internal", "external")
if(nrow(x) != length(y)) stop("there should be the same number of samples in x and y")
numFeat <- ncol(x)
classLevels <- levels(y)
gafsControl$index <- switch(
cv = createFolds(y, gafsControl$number, returnTrain = TRUE),
repeatedcv = createMultiFolds(y, gafsControl$number, gafsControl$repeats),
loocv = createFolds(y, length(y), returnTrain = TRUE),
boot =, boot632 = createResample(y, gafsControl$number),
test = createDataPartition(y, 1, gafsControl$p),
lgocv = createDataPartition(y, gafsControl$number, gafsControl$p)
names(gafsControl$index) <- getFromNamespace("prettySeq", "caret")(gafsControl$index)
## Create hold-out indicies
gafsControl$indexOut <-
function(training, allSamples) allSamples[-unique(training)],
allSamples = seq(along = y)
names(gafsControl$indexOut) <-
getFromNamespace("prettySeq", "caret")(gafsControl$indexOut)
if(!is.null(gafsControl$seeds)) {
if(length(gafsControl$seeds) < length(gafsControl$index) + 1)
stop(paste("There must be at least",
length(gafsControl$index) + 1,
"random number seeds passed to gafsControl"))
} else {
gafsControl$seeds <-, length(gafsControl$index) + 1)
## check summary function and metric
testOutput <- data.frame(pred = sample(y, min(10, length(y))),
obs = sample(y, min(10, length(y))))
for(i in seq(along = classLevels))
testOutput[, classLevels[i]] <- runif(nrow(testOutput))
testOutput <- cbind(
perf_data[sample(1:nrow(perf_data), nrow(testOutput)),, drop = FALSE]
test <- gafsControl$functions$fitness_extern(testOutput, lev = classLevels)
perfNames <- names(test)
if(is.null(perfNames)) {
warning(paste("The external fitness results should be a *named* vector;",
"new name(s) are",
paste(paste0("external", 1:length(test)), sep = "", collapse = ", ")),
immediate. = TRUE)
perfNames <- paste0("external", 1:length(test))
if(!(gafsControl$metric["external"] %in% perfNames)) {
warning(paste("The metric '", gafsControl$metric["external"],
"' is not created by the summary function; '",
perfNames[1], "' will be used instead", sep = ""))
gafsControl$metric["external"] <- perfNames[1]
`%op%` <- getOper(gafsControl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
result <-
i = seq(along = gafsControl$index),
.combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE,
.errorhandling = "stop") %op% {
x = x[gafsControl$index[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
y = y[gafsControl$index[[i]]],
perf = perf_data[gafsControl$index[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
funcs = gafsControl$functions,
ga_maximize = gafsControl$maximize,
ga_metric = gafsControl$metric,
iters = iters,
popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite,
suggestions = suggestions,
ga_verbose = gafsControl$verbose,
testX = x[ gafsControl$indexOut[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
testY = y[ gafsControl$indexOut[[i]] ],
testPerf = perf_data[ gafsControl$indexOut[[i]], , drop=FALSE],
ga_seed = gafsControl$seeds[i],
Resample = names(gafsControl$index)[i],
holdout = gafsControl$holdout,
lvl = classLevels,
genParallel = gafsControl$genParallel,
## TODO save only the parts you need inside of loop
external <- result[names(result) == "external"]
external <-"rbind", external)
rownames(external) <- NULL
internal <- result[names(result) == "internal"]
internal <-"rbind", internal)
rownames(internal) <- NULL
selected_vars <- result[names(result) == "final"]
names(selected_vars) <- names(gafsControl$index)
if(differences) {
diffs <- try(process_diffs(result[names(result) == "diffs"],
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(diffs, "try-error")) {
diffs <- NULL
# warning("An error occured when computing the variable differences")
} else diffs <- NULL
if(gafsControl$verbose) cat("+ final GA\n")
if(gafsControl$holdout > 0) {
in_holdout <- createDataPartition(y,
p = gafsControl$holdout,
list = FALSE)
in_model <- seq(along = y)[-unique(in_holdout)]
} else {
in_model <- seq(along = y)
in_holdout <- NULL
final_ga <- ga_select(
x = x[in_model, , drop=FALSE],
y = y[in_model],
perf = perf_data[in_model, , drop=FALSE],
funcs = gafsControl$functions,
ga_maximize = gafsControl$maximize,
ga_metric = gafsControl$metric,
iters = iters,
popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite,
suggestions = suggestions,
ga_verbose = gafsControl$verbose,
testX = if(!is.null(in_holdout)) x[in_holdout,,drop=FALSE] else NULL,
testY = if(!is.null(in_holdout)) y[in_holdout] else NULL,
testPerf = if(!is.null(in_holdout)) perf_data[in_holdout,,drop=FALSE] else NULL,
ga_seed = gafsControl$seeds[length(gafsControl$seeds)],
lvl = classLevels,
genParallel = gafsControl$genParallel,
averages <- ddply(external, .(Iter),
function(x, nms) {
apply(x[, perfNames, drop = FALSE], 2, mean)
nms = perfNames)
if(!is.null(gafsControl$functions$selectIter)) {
best_index <-
metric = gafsControl$metric["external"],
maximize = gafsControl$maximize["external"]
best_iter <- averages$Iter[best_index]
best_vars <- colnames(x)[final_ga$subsets[[best_index]]]
} else {
best_index <- if(gafsControl$maximize["external"])
which.max(averages[,gafsControl$metric["external"]]) else
best_iter <- averages$Iter[best_index]
best_vars <- colnames(x)[final_ga$subsets[[best_index]]]
if(gafsControl$verbose) cat("+ final model\n")
fit <- gafsControl$functions$fit(x[, best_vars, drop=FALSE], y, lev = lvls, last = TRUE, ...)
endTime <- proc.time()
# remove some items that won't be used again
final_ga$sa$fit <- NULL
final_ga$sa$final <- NULL
final_ga$sa$diffs <- NULL
res <- list(fit = fit,
ga = final_ga,
ga_param = list(popSize = popSize,
pcrossover = pcrossover,
pmutation = pmutation,
elite = elite),
external = external,
internal = internal,
resampled_vars = selected_vars,
averages = averages,
iters = iters,
optVariables = best_vars,
optIter = best_iter,
control = gafsControl,
dims = dim(x),
differences = diffs,
perfNames = perfNames,
auto = TRUE,
the_dots = list(...),
recipe = trained_rec,
call = funcCall,
times = list(everything = endTime - startTime),
levels = if(is.factor(y)) classLevels else NULL)
## now do analysis for whole dataset, plus make update method
class(res) <- "gafs"
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