# library of functions for unconditional and conditional hybrid Pareto mixture model and variants
softplus <- function(x){
y <- rep(NaN,length(x))
y[x>0] <- log(1+exp(-x[x>0]))
if (any(is.finite(y)))
y[is.finite(y)] <- y[is.finite(y)]+x[is.finite(y)]
if (any(!is.finite(y)))
y[!is.finite(y)] <- 0
softplusinv <- function (y)
x <- rep(NaN, length(y))
if (any(y > 100))
x[y>100] <- y
if (any(y <= 100))
x[y<=100] <- log(exp(y[y<=100]) - 1)
lambertw <- function(z){
w0 <- .C("lambertwR", as.double(z), results=double(1),PACKAGE="condmixt")
hpareto.nll <- function(theta,x){
# assume that the 3rd parameter is encoded as log(sigma)
if (length(theta)!=3)
stop("THETA must have length 3")
n <- length(x)
if (n == 0)
stop("X must have a positive length")
results <- .C("hpnll",as.double(theta),as.double(x),as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(3),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(params,x,...){
theta <- params
theta[3] <- log(params[3])
opt <- nlm(hpareto.nll,theta,x,...)
params.opt <- opt$estimate
params.opt[3] <- exp(params.opt[3])
hpareto.negloglike <- function(params,x){
# params is a vector of the three hybrid Pareto parameters xi, mu and sigma
theta <- params
theta[3] <- log(params[3])
hillest <- function(data,k){
# Computes the Hill estimator of the tail index xi
# The threshold used is the K+1 order statistic
xstat <- sort(data, decreasing = TRUE)
xihat <- mean(log(xstat[1:k])) - log(xstat[k+1])
gpd.mme <- function(x){
# Moments estimator for the GPD
xbar <- mean(x)
s2 <- var(x)
s2 <- s2 + (s2==0)
xi0 <- -0.5 * (((xbar * xbar)/s2) - 1)
beta0 <- 0.5 * xbar * (((xbar * xbar)/s2) + 1)
hpareto.mme <- function(x,xi0=c(),p=0.99){
# equivalent to sgpdmmepos.m, initialises the parameters of a hybrid Pareto mixture based on the method of moments and the data in X, no truncation here
# more doc to be found in that file /Users/julie/diro/evt/Mfiles/mystats/sgpdmmepos.m
k <- length(x) - round(p*length(x)) + 1 # use the 10% largest data to estimate xi
npos <- sum(x > 0) # ensure the k+1 largest values are positive
if (npos < k + 1)
k <- npos -1
if (length(xi0)==0){ # xi0 is not given externally
xi0 <- hillest(x, k)
if (xi0 < 0) # enforce positivity of the tail index
xi0 <- 0
z <- (1 + xi0)^2/(2 * pi)
w <- lambertw(z)
phiw <- pnorm(sign(1 + xi0) * sqrt(w))
mu0 <- quantile(x, 1/(2 * (1 + phiw)))
alpha0 <- quantile(x, phiw/(1 + phiw))
names(mu0) <- NULL
names(alpha0) <- NULL
sigma0 <- (alpha0 - mu0)/ (sqrt(w) * sign(1 + xi0))
if (sigma0 <= 0)
if (sum(x > alpha0) == 0)
sigma0 <- 1
theta <- gpd.mme(x[x > alpha0] - alpha0)
sigma0 <- sqrt(w) * theta[2]/sqrt((1+xi0)^2)
hpareto.beta <- function(xi,sigma=1){
sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))
hpareto.alpha <- function(xi,mu=0,sigma=1){
mu + sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))
hpareto.gamma <- function(xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=T){
alpha <- hpareto.alpha(xi,mu,sigma)
if (trunc){
if (alpha > 0)
return(1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma))
beta <- hpareto.beta(xi,sigma)
} else
return(1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))))
dhpareto <- function(y,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# hybrid Pareto density function
w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu
p <- rep(0,length(y))
if (trunc){
if (alpha > 0){ # truncation includes the Gaussian part
gamma <- 1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma)
if (any(y>0 & y<=alpha))
p[which(y>0 & y<=alpha)] <- dnorm(y[which(y>0 & y<=alpha)],mu,sigma,log)
gamma <- 1-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi) # no points in the Gaussian part
if (any(y>alpha & y > 0))
p[which(y>alpha & y > 0)] <- dgpd(y[which(y>alpha & y > 0)],alpha,beta,xi,log)
} else { # no truncation
gamma <- 1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
if (any(y<=alpha))
p[which(y<=alpha)] <- dnorm(y[which(y<=alpha)],mu,sigma,log)
if (any(y>alpha))
p[which(y>alpha)] <- dgpd(y[which(y>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi,log)
if (log)
phpareto <- function(q,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
# hybrid Pareto distribution function
w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu
p <- rep(0,length(q))
if (trunc){
if (alpha > 0){ # truncation includes the Gaussian part
gamma <- 1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma)
if (any(q>0 & q<=alpha))
p[which(q>0 & q<=alpha)] <- pnorm(q[which(q>0 & q<=alpha)],mu,sigma)-pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
if (any(q>alpha))
p[which(q>alpha)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi)+pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma)-pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
} else{ # if alpha < 0 and trunc = T, then all the points are in the GPD part
gamma <- 1-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi)
if (any(q>alpha & q > 0))
p[which(q>alpha & q > 0)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha & q > 0)],alpha,beta,xi)-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi)
} else{ # no truncation
gamma <- 1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
if (any(q<=alpha))
p[which(q<=alpha)] <- pnorm(q[which(q<=alpha)],mu,sigma)
if (any(q>alpha))
p[which(q>alpha)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi)+pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma)
rhpareto <- function(n,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu
u <- runif(n)
r <- rep(NaN,n)
if (trunc){
if (alpha > 0){ # truncation includes the Gaussian part
F0 <- pnorm(0,mu,sigma) # probability of being below zero for a Gaussian variable
Falpha <- pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma) # probability of being below alpha for a Gaussian
Halpha <- (Falpha-F0)/(1+Falpha-F0) # probability of being in the positive Gaussian part
if (any(u<=Halpha)) # generate data in the positive Gaussian part
r[which(u<=Halpha)] <- qnorm(runif(sum(u<=Halpha))*(Falpha-F0)+F0,mu,sigma)
if (any(u>Halpha)) # generate data in the GPD part
r[which(u>Halpha)] <- qgpd(runif(sum(u>Halpha)),alpha,beta,xi)
} else { # no points in the Gaussian part
Galpha <- pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi) # prob of being in the negative part of the GPD
r <- qgpd(u*(1-Galpha)+Galpha,alpha,beta,xi)
else{ # no truncation
Falpha <- pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
gamma <- 1 + Falpha
Halpha <- Falpha/gamma # probability of being in the Gaussian part
if (any(u<=Halpha)) # generate data in the Gaussian part
r[which(u<=Halpha)] <- qnorm(runif(sum(u<=Halpha))*Falpha,mu,sigma)
if (any(u>Halpha)) # generate data in the GPD part
r[which(u>Halpha)] <- qgpd(runif(sum(u>Halpha)),alpha,beta,xi)
qhpareto <- function(p,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu
Falpha <- pnorm((alpha-mu)/sigma)
y <- rep(0,length(p))
if (trunc)
F0 <- pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
F0 <- 0
Halpha <- (Falpha-F0)/(1+Falpha-F0)
if (any(p<=Halpha))
y[p<=Halpha] <- qnorm((1+Falpha-F0)*p[p<=Halpha]+F0,mu,sigma)
if (any(p>Halpha))
y[p>Halpha] <- qgpd((1+Falpha-F0)*p[p>Halpha]-Falpha+F0,0,beta,xi)+alpha
hparetomixt.init <- function(m,x,iter.max=20,nstart=10){
# initialize a mixture of hybrid Paretos
# equivalent to sgpdmminit.m but do not use a structure MIX, parameters of
# the model are stored in params, 4 x m matrix
ndata <- length(x) # assumes the data is univariate
params.init <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=m)
if (m>1){
clustering <- kmeans(x,m,iter.max,nstart)
params.init[3,] <- clustering$centers
# Set priors depending on number of points in each cluster
cluster.sizes <- sapply(clustering$size,max,1) # Make sure that no prior is zero
params.init[1,] <- cluster.sizes/sum(cluster.sizes) # Normalise priors
# Hybrid Pareto parameters are estimated on each cluster making sure that the xi (tail index parameters) are positive
minel <- 10 # minimum number of points to perform density estimation on a component
for (j in 1:m){
if (clustering$size[j] < minel){ # not enough points in the cluster, initialise parameters randomly
params.init[2,j] <- runif(1)*0.5 # initialise a small tail index (=thin tail)
params.init[4,j] <- runif(1)*10+10
} else {
theta <- hpareto.mme(x[which(clustering$cluster==j)])
params.init[2,j] <- theta[1]
params.init[3,j] <- theta[2]
params.init[4,j] <- theta[3]
} else { # there is just one cluster
theta <- hpareto.mme(x)
params.init[1,1] <- 1
params.init[2,1] <- theta[1]
params.init[3,1] <- theta[2]
params.init[4,1] <- theta[3]
params.init[4,params.init[4,]<0.1] <- 0.11
params.init[2,params.init[2,]<0.001] <- 0.001
dhparetomixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is 4 x m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
p <- rep(0,length(x))
for (j in 1:m){
p <- p+params[1,j]*dhpareto(x,params[2,j],params[3,j],params[4,j],log=F,trunc=FALSE)
if (trunc){
F0 <- phparetomixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(x<=0))
p[which(x<=0)] <- 0
if (log)
p <- log(p)
phparetomixt <- function(params,x,trunc=TRUE){
# params is 4 x m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
p <- rep(0,length(x))
for (j in 1:m){
p <- p+params[1,j]*phpareto(x,params[2,j],params[3,j],params[4,j],trunc=FALSE)
if (trunc){
F0 <- phparetomixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(x<=0))
p[which(x<=0)] <- 0
hparetomixt.nll <- function(theta,m,x){
results <- .C("ummhnll",as.double(theta),as.integer(m),as.double(x),as.integer(length(x)),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
hparetomixt.negloglike <- function(params,x){
# params is an 4 by m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
theta <- ummhbwd(params,m)
ummhbwd <- function(params,m){
cfunction <- .C("ummhbwd",as.double(t(params)), as.integer(m), theta=double(4*m-1),PACKAGE="condmixt")
theta <- cfunction[["theta"]]
if (any(is.infinite(theta)))
theta[is.infinite(theta)] <- -1000
hparetomixt.fwd <- function(theta,m){
cfunction <- .C("ummhfwd",as.double(theta), as.integer(m), params=double(4*m),PACKAGE="condmixt")
} <- function(params,x,...){
# params0 is an 4 by m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
theta0 <- ummhbwd(params,m)
opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll,theta0,m,x,...)
hparetomixt.cvtrain <- function(m,x,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
n <- length(x)
x <- x[sample(1:n,n)] # shuffle data
nk <- floor(n/nfold) # number of observations per fold
nlltest <- 0
for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
if (k < nfold)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
cat("Training fold ", k ,"\t")
nllbest <- Inf
for (i in 1:nstart){
params.init <- hparetomixt.init(m,x[-indk])
theta <- ummhbwd(params.init,m)
opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll,theta,m,x[-indk],...)
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} # if
} # for nstart
nlltest <- nlltest+hparetomixt.nll(thetabest,m,x[indk])
cat("Test error is :",nlltest,"\n")
} # for nfold
attr(nlltest,"gradient") <- NULL
hparetomixt.negloglike.tailpen <- function(params,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x){
m <- dim(params)[2]
theta <- ummhbwd(params,m)
hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen <- function(theta,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x){
results <- .C("ummhnll_bimodal_tailpen",as.double(theta),as.integer(m),as.double(lambda),
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(params,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,...){
# params0 is an 4 by m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
theta0 <- ummhbwd(params,m)
opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen,theta0,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,...)
hparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen <- function(m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
n <- length(x)
nk <- floor(n/nfold) # number of observations per fold
x <- x[sample(1:n,n)] # shuffle data
nlltest <- 0
for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
if (k < nfold)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
cat("Training fold ", k ,"\t")
nllbest <- Inf
for (i in 1:nstart){
params.init <- hparetomixt.init(m,x[-indk])
theta <- ummhbwd(params.init,m)
opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen,theta,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x[-indk],...)
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} # if
} # for nstart
nlltest <- nlltest+hparetomixt.nll(thetabest,m,x[indk])
cat("Test error is :",nlltest,"\n")
attr(nlltest,"gradient") <- NULL
hparetomixt.disp <- function(params){
# params0 is an 4 by m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
for (j in 1:m){
cat(paste(j, ": &", format(params[1,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[2,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[3,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[4,j],digits=4), "\\\\", "\n"))
gaussmixt.init <- function(m,x,iter.max=20,nstart=10){
# initialize a mixture of Gaussians
# the model are stored in params, m x 3 matrix
ndata <- length(x) # assumes the data is univariate
params.init <- matrix(nrow=3,ncol=m)
clustering <- kmeans(x,m,iter.max,nstart)
params.init[2,] <- clustering$centers
# Set priors depending on number of points in each cluster
cluster.sizes <- sapply(clustering$size,max,1) # Make sure that no prior is zero
params.init[1,] <- cluster.sizes/sum(cluster.sizes) # Normalise priors
# Gaussian standard deviations are estimated on each cluster
for (j in 1:m){
params.init[3,j] <- mad(x[which(clustering$cluster==j)])
params.init[3,which(params.init[3,]<0.1)] <- 0.101
ummgbwd <- function(params,m){
cfunction <- .C("ummgbwd",as.double(t(params)), as.integer(m), theta=double(3*m-1),PACKAGE="condmixt")
pgaussmixt <- function(params,x,trunc=TRUE){
# params is 3 x m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
p <- rep(0,length(x))
for (j in 1:m){
p <- p+params[1,j]*pnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])
if (trunc){
F0 <- pgaussmixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(x<=0))
p[which(x<=0)] <- 0
dgaussmixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is 3 x m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
p <- rep(0,length(x))
for (j in 1:m){
p <- p+params[1,j]*dnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])
if (trunc){
F0 <- pgaussmixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(x<=0))
p[which(x<=0)] <- 0
if (log)
p <- log(p)
dlognormixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE){
# params is 3 x m matrix
m <- dim(params)[2]
p <- rep(0,length(x))
for (j in 1:m){
p <- p+params[1,j]*dlnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])
if (log)
p <- log(p)
condhparetomixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets
nout <- 4*m-1 # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
params <- hparetomixt.init(m,y)
bias <- ummhbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
ind <-seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)
theta[ind[is.finite(bias)]] <- bias[is.finite(bias)]
thetainit <- hpareto.mme(y)
thetainit[1] <- softplusinv(thetainit[1])
thetainit[3] <- softplusinv(thetainit[3])
theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
condhparetomixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets
nout <- 4*m # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
ypos <- y[y>0]
theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
params <- hparetomixt.init(m,ypos)
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummhbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
thetainit <- hpareto.mme(ypos)
thetainit[1] <- softplusinv(thetainit[1])
thetainit[3] <- softplusinv(thetainit[3])
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
condhparetomixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 4*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhnllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)
condhparetomixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condhparetomixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condhparetomixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condhparetomixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 4*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (h>0)
results <- .C("cmmhfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(4*m*n),a=double((4*m-1)*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
results <- .C("cmmhfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(4*m*n),a=double((4*m-1)*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")
condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 4*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhnll_bimodal_tailpenR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),as.double(lambda),
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,...){
opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen,theta,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...)
condhparetomixt.train.tailpen <- function(h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condhparetomixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen,theta0,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condhparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen <- function(x,y,hp,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
# x: d by n matrix of covariates
# y: vector of observations of the dependant variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
# hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nk <- floor(n/nfold) # number of observations per fold
sh <- sample(1:n,n)
x <- matrix(x[,sh],nrow=d,ncol=n) # shuffle data
y <- y[sh]
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
if (k < nfold)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
cat("Training fold ", k, " with ", n-length(indk), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
" beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n")
if (d==1){
thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],t(x[,-indk]),y[-indk],
} else {
thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],x[,-indk],y[-indk],hp[j,3],hp[j,4],
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed somehow
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
if (d>1){
nlltest[j] <- nlltest[j]+condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],x[,indk],y[indk])
} else {
nlltest[j] <- nlltest[j]+condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
cat("-------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
} # k-fold loop
condhparetomixt.foldtrain.tailpen <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
# hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
" beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,hp[j,3],hp[j,4],
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 4*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhnll_bimodal_tailpen_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),as.double(lambda),
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,...){
opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen,theta,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...)
condhparetomixt.dirac.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 4*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (h>0)
results <- .C("cmmhfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((4*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
results <- .C("cmmhfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((4*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")
condhparetomixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 4*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),PACKAGE="condmixt")
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)
condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen <- function(h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condhparetomixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen,theta0,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condhparetomixt.dirac.foldtrain.tailpen <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
# hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
" beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,hp[j,3],hp[j,4],
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condhparetomixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b,trunc=TRUE){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 4*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (trunc)
results <- .C("cmmhquant_trunc",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
results <- .C("cmmhquant",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),
condhparetomixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 4*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
condhparetomixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 4*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmhcquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
pcondhparetomixt <- function(params,m,y,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a m x 4 x n matrix as computed by condhparetmixt.fwd
n <- dim(params)[3]
p <- rep(NaN,n)
for (i in 1:n){
cfunction <- .C("ummhcdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
if (trunc){
F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
p <- (p-F0)/(1-F0)
if (any(y<=0))
p[which(y<=0)] <- 0
pcondhparetomixt.dirac <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a (4m+1) x n matrix as computed by condhparetomixt.fwd.dirac
n <- length(y)
p <- rep(0,n)
indpos <- which(y>0)
F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,rep(0,sum(y>0)),trunc=FALSE)
p[indpos] <- (1-params[1,indpos])+params[1,indpos]*(pcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=FALSE)-F0)/(1-F0)
p[which(y<=0)] <- 1-params[1,which(y<=0)]
dcondhparetomixt <- function(params,m,y,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a m x 4 x n matrix as computed by condhparetmixt.fwd
n <- dim(params)[3]
p <- rep(NaN,n)
for (i in 1:n){
cfunction <- .C("ummhpdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),
p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
if (trunc){
F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(y<=0))
p[which(y<=0)] <- 0
condhparetomixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a (4m+1) x n matrix as computed by condhparetomixt.fwd.dirac
n <- length(y)
nll <- rep(0,n)
if (any(y==0))
nll[y==0] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])
if (any(y>0)){
indpos <- which(y>0)
nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=TRUE))
condgaussmixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# Conditional Gaussian mixture initialization
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets
nout <- 3*m-1 # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
params <- gaussmixt.init(m,y)
theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
thetainit <- c(mean(y),softplusinv(sd(y)))
theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
condgaussmixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 3*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmgnllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)
condgaussmixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condgaussmixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condgaussmixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condgaussmixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condgaussmixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condgaussmixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (h>0)
results <- .C("cmmgfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
results <- .C("cmmgfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
condgaussmixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b,trunc=TRUE){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m-1
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (trunc)
results <- .C("cmmgquant_trunc",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
results <- .C("cmmgquant",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),
condgaussmixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets
nout <- 3*m # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
ypos <- y[y>0]
theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
params <- gaussmixt.init(m,ypos)
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
if (mad(ypos)>0)
thetainit <- c(mean(ypos),softplusinv(mad(ypos)))
thetainit <- c(mean(ypos),-10)
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
condgaussmixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmgnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)
condgaussmixt.dirac.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condgaussmixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condgaussmixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.dirac.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condgaussmixt.dirac.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condgaussmixt.dirac.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condgaussmixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condgaussmixt.dirac.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (h>0)
results <- .C("cmmgfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((3*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
results <- .C("cmmgfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((3*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")
condgaussmixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmgquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmgcquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
condlognormixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
condlognormixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
if (is.null(y)){
theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m)
} else {
theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,log(y))
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,log(y),...)
condlognormixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
if (any(y<=0))
stop("Y must contain strictly positive data")
logy <- log(y) # the condgaussmixt models log(y)
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,logy) # initialization
cat("Initial loglike:",condlognormixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,logy,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condlognormixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condlognormixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condlognormixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condlognormixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
z <- condgaussmixt.quant(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b)
condlognormixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a (3m+1) x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd.dirac
n <- length(y)
nll <- rep(0,n)
if (any(y==0))
nll[which(y==0)] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])
if (any(y>0)){
indpos <- which(y>0)
nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondgaussmixt(array(params[2:(3*m+1),indpos],c(m,3,sum(y>0))),m,log(y[indpos]),trunc=FALSE)) + sum(log(y[indpos]))
condlognormixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmlnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
condlognormixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets
nout <- 3*m # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
ypos <- y[y>0]
theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
params <- gaussmixt.init(m,log(ypos))
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
thetainit <- c(mean(log(ypos)),softplusinv(sd(log(ypos))))
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
} <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condlognormixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)
condlognormixt.dirac.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
if (any(y<0))
stop("Y must contain positive data")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condlognormixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
cat("Initial negloglike:",condlognormixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condlognormixt.dirac.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condlognormixt.dirac.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condlognormixt.dirac.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condlognormixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest) + sum(log(ytest[ytest>0]))
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condlognormixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3*m
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmlquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
condlognormixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
z <- condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b)
kneigh.condquant <- function(x,y,k=10,p=0.9){ # conditional quantile estimated from neighbouring observations
n <- length(y)
nq <- length(p)
yq <- matrix(nrow=nq,ncol=n)
# find k nearest neighbors for point i
x2 <- apply(x^2,2,sum)
x2mat <- matrix(rep(x2,n),n,n)
distance <- x2mat+t(x2mat)- 2*t(x)%*%x
xorder <- apply(distance,1,order)
neigh <- xorder[2:(k+1),] # k by n matrix
ysub <- matrix(y[neigh],n,k,byrow=TRUE) # n by k matrix
yq <- apply(ysub,1,quantile,p)
pcondgaussmixt <- function(params,m,y,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a m x 3 x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd
n <- dim(params)[3]
p <- rep(NaN,n)
for (i in 1:n){
cfunction <- .C("ummgcdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
if (trunc){
F0 <- pcondgaussmixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
p <- (p-F0)/(1-F0)
if (any(y<=0))
p[which(y<=0)] <- 0
dcondgaussmixt <- function(params,m,y,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a m x 3 x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd
n <- dim(params)[3]
p <- rep(NaN,n)
for (i in 1:n){
cfunction <- .C("ummgpdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
if (trunc){
F0 <- pcondgaussmixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
p <- p/(1-F0)
if (any(y<=0))
p[which(y<=0)] <- 0
condgaussmixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a (3m+1) x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd.dirac
n <- length(y)
nll <- rep(0,n)
if (any(y==0))
nll[which(y==0)] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])
if (any(y>0)){
indpos <- which(y>0)
nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondgaussmixt(array(params[2:(3*m+1),indpos],c(m,3,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=TRUE))
# ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------
# ---------------- conditional Bernouilli-Gamma mixture ------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------
condbergamixt.init <- function(d,h,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# Y: targets
nout <- 3 # number of neural network outputs
theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights
if (h >0) {
for (k in 1:h){
newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
ypos <- y[y>0]
theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
xbar <- mean(ypos)
s2 <- var(ypos)
thetainit <- softplusinv(c(xbar^2/s2, s2/xbar))
theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit
condbergamixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,x){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
if (h>0)
results <- .C("cmmbergam_fwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(nout*n),
results <- .C("cmmbergam_fwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(nout*n),
condbergamixt.nll <- function(theta,h,x,y){
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
nout <- 3
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
results <- .C("cmmbergam_nllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.double(x), as.double(y),
as.integer(n), nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
obj <- results[["nll"]]
attr(obj,"gradient") <- results[["nllgrad"]]
} <- function(theta,h,x,y,...){
opt <- nlm(condbergamixt.nll,theta,h,x,y,...)
condbergamixt.train <- function(h,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
if (any(y<0))
stop("Y must contain positive data")
nllbest <- Inf
thetabest <- c()
for (i in 1:nstart){
theta0 <- condbergamixt.init(d,h,y) # initialization
cat("Initial negloglike:",condbergamixt.nll(theta0,h,x,y),"\t")
opt <- try(nlm(condbergamixt.nll,theta0,h,x,y,...))
if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
cat("nstart ", i, ": ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
if (opt$min<nllbest){
nllbest <- opt$min
thetabest <- opt$est
} else {
cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")
condbergamixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
# Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
# xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
# ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
# hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h
stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
if (length(ytrain) != n)
stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")
if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")
nhp <- nrow(hp) # number of hyper-parameters
nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")
for (j in 1:nhp){
cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1],"\n ")
thetaopt <- condbergamixt.train(hp[j,1],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
} else {
nlltest[j] <- condbergamixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],xtest,ytest)
cat(" Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
} # HP loop
condbergamixt.quant <- function(theta,h,x,p){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix, n is the number of observations
# params.mixt is a 3 by n matrix of parameters
stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
d <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
nout <- 3
if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
params.mixt <- condbergamixt.fwd(theta,h,x)
quant <- matrix(0,nrow=length(p),ncol=n)
for (i in 1:length(p)){
indi <- which(p[i] > 1-params.mixt[1,])
quant[i,indi] = qgamma((p[i]+params.mixt[1,indi]-1)/params.mixt[1,indi],
condbergamixt.negloglike <- function(params,y){
# params.mixt is a 3 x n matrix as computed by condbergamixt.fwd
n <- length(y)
nll <- rep(0,n)
if (any(y==0))
nll[y==0] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])
if (any(y>0)){
indpos <- which(y>0)
nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - dgamma(y[indpos],shape=params[2,indpos],
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