
Defines functions condbergamixt.negloglike condbergamixt.quant condgaussmixt.dirac.negloglike dcondgaussmixt pcondgaussmixt kneigh.condquant condlognormixt.dirac.condquant condlognormixt.dirac.quant condlognormixt.dirac.foldtrain condlognormixt.dirac.train condlognormixt.dirac.fit condlognormixt.dirac.init condlognormixt.dirac.nll condlognormixt.dirac.negloglike condlognormixt.quant condlognormixt.foldtrain condlognormixt.train condlognormixt.fit condlognormixt.init condlognormixt.nll condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant condgaussmixt.dirac.quant condgaussmixt.dirac.fwd condgaussmixt.dirac.foldtrain condgaussmixt.dirac.train condgaussmixt.dirac.fit condgaussmixt.dirac.nll condgaussmixt.dirac.init condgaussmixt.quant condgaussmixt.fwd condgaussmixt.foldtrain condgaussmixt.train condgaussmixt.fit condgaussmixt.nll condgaussmixt.init condhparetomixt.dirac.negloglike dcondhparetomixt pcondhparetomixt.dirac pcondhparetomixt condhparetomixt.dirac.condquant condhparetomixt.dirac.quant condhparetomixt.quant condhparetomixt.dirac.foldtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.fit condhparetomixt.dirac.nll condhparetomixt.dirac.fwd condhparetomixt.dirac.fit.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen condhparetomixt.foldtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.train.tailpen condhparetomixt.fit.tailpen condbergamixt.foldtrain condbergamixt.train condbergamixt.fit condbergamixt.nll condbergamixt.fwd condbergamixt.init condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen condhparetomixt.fwd condhparetomixt.foldtrain condhparetomixt.train condhparetomixt.fit condhparetomixt.nll condhparetomixt.dirac.init condhparetomixt.init dlognormixt dgaussmixt pgaussmixt ummgbwd gaussmixt.init hparetomixt.disp hparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen hparetomixt.fit.tailpen hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen hparetomixt.negloglike.tailpen hparetomixt.cvtrain hparetomixt.fit hparetomixt.fwd ummhbwd hparetomixt.negloglike hparetomixt.nll phparetomixt dhparetomixt hparetomixt.init qhpareto rhpareto phpareto dhpareto hpareto.gamma hpareto.alpha hpareto.beta hpareto.mme gpd.mme hillest hpareto.negloglike hpareto.fit hpareto.nll lambertw softplus

Documented in condbergamixt.fit condbergamixt.foldtrain condbergamixt.fwd condbergamixt.init condbergamixt.negloglike condbergamixt.nll condbergamixt.quant condbergamixt.train condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant condgaussmixt.dirac.fit condgaussmixt.dirac.foldtrain condgaussmixt.dirac.fwd condgaussmixt.dirac.init condgaussmixt.dirac.negloglike condgaussmixt.dirac.nll condgaussmixt.dirac.quant condgaussmixt.dirac.train condgaussmixt.fit condgaussmixt.foldtrain condgaussmixt.fwd condgaussmixt.init condgaussmixt.nll condgaussmixt.quant condgaussmixt.train condhparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.condquant condhparetomixt.dirac.fit condhparetomixt.dirac.fit.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.foldtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.fwd condhparetomixt.dirac.init condhparetomixt.dirac.negloglike condhparetomixt.dirac.nll condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen condhparetomixt.dirac.quant condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen condhparetomixt.fit condhparetomixt.fit.tailpen condhparetomixt.foldtrain condhparetomixt.foldtrain.tailpen condhparetomixt.fwd condhparetomixt.init condhparetomixt.nll condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen condhparetomixt.quant condhparetomixt.train condhparetomixt.train.tailpen condlognormixt.dirac.condquant condlognormixt.dirac.fit condlognormixt.dirac.foldtrain condlognormixt.dirac.init condlognormixt.dirac.negloglike condlognormixt.dirac.nll condlognormixt.dirac.quant condlognormixt.dirac.train condlognormixt.fit condlognormixt.foldtrain condlognormixt.init condlognormixt.nll condlognormixt.quant condlognormixt.train dcondgaussmixt dcondhparetomixt dgaussmixt dhpareto dhparetomixt dlognormixt gaussmixt.init gpd.mme hillest hpareto.alpha hpareto.beta hpareto.fit hpareto.gamma hparetomixt.cvtrain hparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen hparetomixt.disp hparetomixt.fit hparetomixt.fit.tailpen hparetomixt.init hparetomixt.negloglike hparetomixt.negloglike.tailpen hpareto.mme hpareto.negloglike kneigh.condquant lambertw pcondgaussmixt pcondhparetomixt pcondhparetomixt.dirac pgaussmixt phpareto phparetomixt qhpareto rhpareto softplus

# library of functions for unconditional and conditional hybrid Pareto mixture model and variants

softplus <- function(x){
  y <- rep(NaN,length(x))
    y[x>0] <- log(1+exp(-x[x>0]))
    if (any(is.finite(y)))
      y[is.finite(y)] <- y[is.finite(y)]+x[is.finite(y)]
    if (any(!is.finite(y)))
      y[!is.finite(y)] <- 0

softplusinv <- function (y)
    x <- rep(NaN, length(y))
    if (any(y > 100))
        x[y>100] <- y
    if (any(y <= 100))
        x[y<=100] <- log(exp(y[y<=100]) - 1)

lambertw <- function(z){
  w0 <- .C("lambertwR", as.double(z), results=double(1),PACKAGE="condmixt")

hpareto.nll <- function(theta,x){
  # assume that the 3rd parameter is encoded as log(sigma)
  if (length(theta)!=3)
    stop("THETA must have length 3")
  n <- length(x)
  if (n == 0)
    stop("X must have a positive length")
  results <- .C("hpnll",as.double(theta),as.double(x),as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(3),PACKAGE="condmixt")

  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

hpareto.fit <- function(params,x,...){
  theta <- params
  theta[3] <- log(params[3])
  opt <- nlm(hpareto.nll,theta,x,...)
  params.opt <- opt$estimate
  params.opt[3] <- exp(params.opt[3])

hpareto.negloglike <- function(params,x){
  # params is a vector of the three hybrid Pareto parameters xi, mu and sigma
  theta <- params
  theta[3] <- log(params[3])

hillest <- function(data,k){
  # Computes the Hill estimator of the tail index xi
  # The threshold used is the K+1 order statistic

  xstat <- sort(data, decreasing = TRUE)
  xihat <- mean(log(xstat[1:k])) - log(xstat[k+1])

gpd.mme <- function(x){
  #  Moments estimator for the GPD
  xbar <- mean(x)
  s2 <- var(x)
  s2 <- s2 + (s2==0)
  xi0 <- -0.5 * (((xbar * xbar)/s2) - 1)
  beta0 <- 0.5 * xbar * (((xbar * xbar)/s2) + 1)

hpareto.mme <- function(x,xi0=c(),p=0.99){
  # equivalent to sgpdmmepos.m, initialises the parameters of a hybrid Pareto mixture based on the method of moments and the data in X, no truncation here
  # more doc to be found in that file /Users/julie/diro/evt/Mfiles/mystats/sgpdmmepos.m

  k <- length(x) - round(p*length(x)) + 1  # use the 10% largest data to estimate xi

  npos <- sum(x > 0) # ensure the k+1 largest values are positive
  if (npos < k + 1)
    k <- npos -1

  if (length(xi0)==0){ # xi0 is not given externally
    xi0 <- hillest(x, k)
    if (xi0 < 0) # enforce positivity of the tail index
      xi0 <- 0

  z <- (1 + xi0)^2/(2 * pi)
  w <- lambertw(z)
  phiw <- pnorm(sign(1 + xi0) * sqrt(w))

  mu0 <- quantile(x, 1/(2 * (1 + phiw)))
  alpha0 <- quantile(x, phiw/(1 + phiw))
  names(mu0) <- NULL
  names(alpha0) <- NULL
  sigma0 <- (alpha0 - mu0)/ (sqrt(w) * sign(1 + xi0))

  if (sigma0 <= 0)
    if (sum(x > alpha0) == 0)
      sigma0 <- 1
      theta <- gpd.mme(x[x > alpha0] - alpha0)
      sigma0 <- sqrt(w) * theta[2]/sqrt((1+xi0)^2)

hpareto.beta <- function(xi,sigma=1){
  sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))

hpareto.alpha <- function(xi,mu=0,sigma=1){
  mu + sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))

hpareto.gamma <- function(xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=T){
  alpha <- hpareto.alpha(xi,mu,sigma)
  if (trunc){
    if (alpha > 0)
      return(1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma))
      beta <- hpareto.beta(xi,sigma)
  } else
    return(1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi)))))

dhpareto <- function(y,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
  # hybrid Pareto density function
  w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
  beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
  alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu

  p <- rep(0,length(y))
  if (trunc){
    if (alpha > 0){  # truncation includes the Gaussian part
      gamma <-  1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma)
      if (any(y>0 & y<=alpha))
        p[which(y>0 & y<=alpha)] <- dnorm(y[which(y>0 & y<=alpha)],mu,sigma,log)
      gamma <- 1-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi) # no points in the Gaussian part
    if (any(y>alpha & y > 0))
      p[which(y>alpha & y > 0)] <- dgpd(y[which(y>alpha & y > 0)],alpha,beta,xi,log)
  } else { # no truncation
    gamma <-  1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
    if (any(y<=alpha))
      p[which(y<=alpha)] <- dnorm(y[which(y<=alpha)],mu,sigma,log)
     if (any(y>alpha))
       p[which(y>alpha)] <- dgpd(y[which(y>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi,log)
  if (log)

phpareto <- function(q,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
  # hybrid Pareto distribution function
  w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
  beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
  alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu

  p <- rep(0,length(q))
  if (trunc){
    if (alpha > 0){ # truncation includes the Gaussian part
      gamma <-  1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))-pnorm(-mu/sigma)
      if (any(q>0 & q<=alpha))
        p[which(q>0 & q<=alpha)] <- pnorm(q[which(q>0 & q<=alpha)],mu,sigma)-pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
      if (any(q>alpha))
        p[which(q>alpha)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi)+pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma)-pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
    } else{ # if alpha < 0 and trunc = T, then all the points are in the GPD part
      gamma <- 1-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi)
      if (any(q>alpha & q > 0))
        p[which(q>alpha & q > 0)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha & q > 0)],alpha,beta,xi)-pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi)
  } else{ # no truncation
    gamma <-  1 + pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
    if (any(q<=alpha))
      p[which(q<=alpha)] <- pnorm(q[which(q<=alpha)],mu,sigma)
    if (any(q>alpha))
      p[which(q>alpha)] <- pgpd(q[which(q>alpha)],alpha,beta,xi)+pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma)


rhpareto <- function(n,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
  w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
  beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
  alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu

  u <- runif(n)
  r <- rep(NaN,n)

  if (trunc){
    if (alpha > 0){  # truncation includes the Gaussian part
      F0 <- pnorm(0,mu,sigma) # probability of being below zero for a Gaussian variable
      Falpha <- pnorm(alpha,mu,sigma) # probability of being below alpha for a Gaussian
      Halpha <- (Falpha-F0)/(1+Falpha-F0) # probability of being in the positive Gaussian part
      if (any(u<=Halpha)) # generate data in the positive Gaussian part
        r[which(u<=Halpha)] <- qnorm(runif(sum(u<=Halpha))*(Falpha-F0)+F0,mu,sigma)
      if (any(u>Halpha)) # generate data in the GPD part
        r[which(u>Halpha)] <- qgpd(runif(sum(u>Halpha)),alpha,beta,xi)
    } else { # no points in the Gaussian part
      Galpha <- pgpd(0,alpha,beta,xi) # prob of being in the negative part of the GPD
      r <- qgpd(u*(1-Galpha)+Galpha,alpha,beta,xi)
  else{  # no truncation
    Falpha <- pnorm(sign(1 + xi) * sqrt(lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))))
    gamma <-  1 + Falpha
    Halpha <- Falpha/gamma   # probability of being in the Gaussian part
    if (any(u<=Halpha)) # generate data in the Gaussian part
      r[which(u<=Halpha)] <- qnorm(runif(sum(u<=Halpha))*Falpha,mu,sigma)
    if (any(u>Halpha)) # generate data in the GPD part
      r[which(u>Halpha)] <- qgpd(runif(sum(u>Halpha)),alpha,beta,xi)


qhpareto <- function(p,xi,mu=0,sigma=1,trunc=TRUE){
  w <- lambertw((1 + xi)^2 / (2 * pi))
  beta <- sigma * sqrt((1 + xi)^2) / sqrt(w)
  alpha <- sign(1 + xi) * sigma * sqrt(w) + mu
  Falpha <- pnorm((alpha-mu)/sigma)

  y <- rep(0,length(p))
  if (trunc)
    F0 <- pnorm(0,mu,sigma)
    F0 <- 0

  Halpha <-  (Falpha-F0)/(1+Falpha-F0)
  if (any(p<=Halpha))
    y[p<=Halpha] <- qnorm((1+Falpha-F0)*p[p<=Halpha]+F0,mu,sigma)

  if (any(p>Halpha))
    y[p>Halpha] <- qgpd((1+Falpha-F0)*p[p>Halpha]-Falpha+F0,0,beta,xi)+alpha

hparetomixt.init <- function(m,x,iter.max=20,nstart=10){
  # initialize a mixture of hybrid Paretos
  # equivalent to sgpdmminit.m but do not use a structure MIX, parameters of
  # the model are stored in params, 4 x m matrix

  ndata <- length(x) # assumes the data is univariate
  params.init <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=m)

  if (m>1){
    clustering <- kmeans(x,m,iter.max,nstart)
    params.init[3,] <- clustering$centers

    #  Set priors depending on number of points in each cluster
    cluster.sizes <- sapply(clustering$size,max,1) # Make sure that no prior is zero
    params.init[1,] <- cluster.sizes/sum(cluster.sizes) # Normalise priors

     # Hybrid Pareto parameters are estimated on each cluster making sure that the xi (tail index parameters) are positive
    minel <- 10 # minimum number of points to perform density estimation on a component
    for (j in 1:m){
      if (clustering$size[j] < minel){ # not enough points in the cluster, initialise parameters randomly
        params.init[2,j] <- runif(1)*0.5 # initialise a small tail index (=thin tail)
        params.init[4,j] <- runif(1)*10+10
      } else {
        theta <- hpareto.mme(x[which(clustering$cluster==j)])
        params.init[2,j] <- theta[1]
        params.init[3,j] <- theta[2]
        params.init[4,j] <- theta[3]

  } else { # there is just one cluster
    theta <- hpareto.mme(x)
    params.init[1,1] <- 1
    params.init[2,1] <- theta[1]
    params.init[3,1] <- theta[2]
    params.init[4,1] <- theta[3]
    params.init[4,params.init[4,]<0.1] <- 0.11
    params.init[2,params.init[2,]<0.001] <- 0.001

dhparetomixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
  # params is 4 x m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  p <- rep(0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:m){
    p <- p+params[1,j]*dhpareto(x,params[2,j],params[3,j],params[4,j],log=F,trunc=FALSE)
  if (trunc){
    F0 <- phparetomixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
    p <- p/(1-F0)
    if (any(x<=0))
      p[which(x<=0)] <- 0

  if (log)
    p <- log(p)

phparetomixt <- function(params,x,trunc=TRUE){
  # params is 4 x m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  p <- rep(0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:m){
    p <- p+params[1,j]*phpareto(x,params[2,j],params[3,j],params[4,j],trunc=FALSE)
  if (trunc){
    F0 <- phparetomixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
    p <- p/(1-F0)
    if (any(x<=0))
      p[which(x<=0)] <- 0

hparetomixt.nll <- function(theta,m,x){
  results <- .C("ummhnll",as.double(theta),as.integer(m),as.double(x),as.integer(length(x)),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")

  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

hparetomixt.negloglike <- function(params,x){
  # params is an 4 by m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  theta <- ummhbwd(params,m)

ummhbwd <- function(params,m){
  cfunction <- .C("ummhbwd",as.double(t(params)), as.integer(m), theta=double(4*m-1),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  theta <- cfunction[["theta"]]
  if (any(is.infinite(theta)))
      theta[is.infinite(theta)] <- -1000

hparetomixt.fwd <- function(theta,m){
  cfunction <- .C("ummhfwd",as.double(theta), as.integer(m), params=double(4*m),PACKAGE="condmixt")

hparetomixt.fit <- function(params,x,...){
  # params0 is an 4 by m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  theta0 <- ummhbwd(params,m)
  opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll,theta0,m,x,...)

hparetomixt.cvtrain <- function(m,x,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
  n <- length(x)
  x <- x[sample(1:n,n)]  # shuffle data

  nk <- floor(n/nfold)  # number of observations per fold
  nlltest <- 0
  for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
    if (k < nfold)
      indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
      indk <-  (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
    cat("Training fold ", k ,"\t")
    nllbest <- Inf
    for (i in 1:nstart){
      params.init <- hparetomixt.init(m,x[-indk])
      theta <- ummhbwd(params.init,m)
      opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll,theta,m,x[-indk],...)
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
      } # if
    } # for nstart
    nlltest <- nlltest+hparetomixt.nll(thetabest,m,x[indk])
    cat("Test error is :",nlltest,"\n")
  }  # for nfold
  attr(nlltest,"gradient") <- NULL

hparetomixt.negloglike.tailpen <- function(params,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x){
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  theta <- ummhbwd(params,m)

hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen <- function(theta,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x){
  results <- .C("ummhnll_bimodal_tailpen",as.double(theta),as.integer(m),as.double(lambda),
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

hparetomixt.fit.tailpen <- function(params,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,...){
  # params0 is an 4 by m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  theta0 <- ummhbwd(params,m)
  opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen,theta0,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,...)

hparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen <- function(m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
  n <- length(x)
  nk <- floor(n/nfold)  # number of observations per fold
  x <- x[sample(1:n,n)]  # shuffle data

  nlltest <- 0
  for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
    if (k < nfold)
      indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
      indk <-  (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
    cat("Training fold ", k ,"\t")
    nllbest <- Inf
    for (i in 1:nstart){
      params.init <- hparetomixt.init(m,x[-indk])
      theta <- ummhbwd(params.init,m)
      opt <- nlm(hparetomixt.nll.bimodal.tailpen,theta,m,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,x[-indk],...)
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
      } # if
    } # for nstart
    nlltest <- nlltest+hparetomixt.nll(thetabest,m,x[indk])

    cat("Test error is :",nlltest,"\n")

  attr(nlltest,"gradient") <- NULL

hparetomixt.disp <- function(params){
  # params0 is an 4 by m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  for (j in 1:m){
    cat(paste(j, ": &", format(params[1,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[2,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[3,j],digits=4), " &", format(params[4,j],digits=4), "\\\\", "\n"))

gaussmixt.init <- function(m,x,iter.max=20,nstart=10){
  # initialize a mixture of Gaussians
  # the model are stored in params, m x 3 matrix

  ndata <- length(x) # assumes the data is univariate
  params.init <- matrix(nrow=3,ncol=m)

  clustering <- kmeans(x,m,iter.max,nstart)
  params.init[2,] <- clustering$centers

  #  Set priors depending on number of points in each cluster
  cluster.sizes <- sapply(clustering$size,max,1) # Make sure that no prior is zero
  params.init[1,] <- cluster.sizes/sum(cluster.sizes) # Normalise priors

# Gaussian standard deviations are estimated on each cluster
  for (j in 1:m){
    params.init[3,j] <- mad(x[which(clustering$cluster==j)])
    params.init[3,which(params.init[3,]<0.1)] <- 0.101

ummgbwd <- function(params,m){
  cfunction <- .C("ummgbwd",as.double(t(params)), as.integer(m), theta=double(3*m-1),PACKAGE="condmixt")

pgaussmixt <- function(params,x,trunc=TRUE){
  # params is 3 x m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  p <- rep(0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:m){
    p <- p+params[1,j]*pnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])
  if (trunc){
    F0 <- pgaussmixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
    p <- p/(1-F0)
    if (any(x<=0))
      p[which(x<=0)] <- 0

dgaussmixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
  # params is 3 x m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  p <- rep(0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:m){
    p <- p+params[1,j]*dnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])

  if (trunc){
    F0 <- pgaussmixt(params,0,trunc=FALSE)
    p <- p/(1-F0)
    if (any(x<=0))
      p[which(x<=0)] <- 0
  if (log)
    p <- log(p)

dlognormixt <- function(params,x,log=FALSE){
  # params is 3 x m matrix
  m <- dim(params)[2]
  p <- rep(0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:m){
    p <- p+params[1,j]*dlnorm(x,params[2,j],params[3,j])
  if (log)
    p <- log(p)

condhparetomixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets

  nout <- 4*m-1  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
      params <- hparetomixt.init(m,y)
      bias <- ummhbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
      ind <-seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)
      theta[ind[is.finite(bias)]] <- bias[is.finite(bias)]
      thetainit <- hpareto.mme(y)
      thetainit[1] <- softplusinv(thetainit[1])
      thetainit[3] <- softplusinv(thetainit[3])
      theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condhparetomixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets

  nout <- 4*m  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
    ypos <- y[y>0]
    theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
      params <- hparetomixt.init(m,ypos)
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummhbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
      thetainit <- hpareto.mme(ypos)
      thetainit[1] <- softplusinv(thetainit[1])
      thetainit[3] <- softplusinv(thetainit[3])
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condhparetomixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
 # X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 4*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhnllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condhparetomixt.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)

condhparetomixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condhparetomixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condhparetomixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condhparetomixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
 # X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  nout <- 4*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
  if (h>0)
    results <- .C("cmmhfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(4*m*n),a=double((4*m-1)*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
    results <- .C("cmmhfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(4*m*n),a=double((4*m-1)*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")

condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 4*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhnll_bimodal_tailpenR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
                as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),as.double(lambda),
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condhparetomixt.fit.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,...){
  opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen,theta,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...)

condhparetomixt.train.tailpen <- function(h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condhparetomixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.nll.tailpen,theta0,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condhparetomixt.cvtrain.tailpen <- function(x,y,hp,nfold=5,nstart=1,...){
  # x: d by n matrix of covariates
  # y: vector of observations of the dependant variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
  # hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma

    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nk <- floor(n/nfold)  # number of observations per fold
  sh <- sample(1:n,n)
  x <- matrix(x[,sh],nrow=d,ncol=n)  # shuffle data
  y <- y[sh]

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters

  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)
  for (k in 1:nfold){ # train and test on each fold
    if (k < nfold)
      indk <- (1+(k-1)*nk):(k*nk)
      indk <-  (1+(k-1)*nk):max(k*nk,n)
    cat("Training fold ", k, " with ", n-length(indk), " obs \n")

    for (j in 1:nhp){
      cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
          " beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n")
      if (d==1){
        thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],t(x[,-indk]),y[-indk],
      } else {
        thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],x[,-indk],y[-indk],hp[j,3],hp[j,4],

      if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed somehow
        nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
      } else {
        if (d>1){
          nlltest[j] <- nlltest[j]+condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],x[,indk],y[indk])
        } else {
          nlltest[j] <- nlltest[j]+condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],
      cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
    }  # HP loop
    cat("-------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
  }  # k-fold loop


condhparetomixt.foldtrain.tailpen <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
  # hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma

      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
      cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
          " beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,hp[j,3],hp[j,4],
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 4*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhnll_bimodal_tailpen_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
                as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),as.double(lambda),
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condhparetomixt.dirac.fit.tailpen <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,...){
  opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen,theta,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...)

condhparetomixt.dirac.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  nout <- 4*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
  if (h>0)
    results <- .C("cmmhfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((4*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
    results <- .C("cmmhfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((4*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")

condhparetomixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 4*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),PACKAGE="condmixt")

condhparetomixt.dirac.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)

condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen <- function(h,m,x,y,lambda=0,w=0.2,beta=50,mu=0.2,sigma=0.2,
  # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condhparetomixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condhparetomixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condhparetomixt.dirac.nll.tailpen,theta0,h,m,x,y,lambda,w,beta,mu,sigma,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condhparetomixt.dirac.foldtrain.tailpen <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various model
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependant variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m, hp[j,3] = lambda, hp[j,4] = w,
  # hp[j,5] = beta, hp[j,6] = mu and hp[j,7] = sigma
  # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]
  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2]," lambda = ", hp[j,3], " w = ", hp[j,4],
        " beta = ", hp[j,5]," mu = ", hp[j,6]," sigma = ",hp[j,7],"\n ")

    thetaopt <- condhparetomixt.dirac.train.tailpen(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,hp[j,3],hp[j,4],
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condhparetomixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condhparetomixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b,trunc=TRUE){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 4*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  if (trunc)
    results <- .C("cmmhquant_trunc",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
    results <- .C("cmmhquant",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),

condhparetomixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 4*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),

condhparetomixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 4*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmhcquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),

pcondhparetomixt <- function(params,m,y,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a  m x 4 x n matrix as computed by condhparetmixt.fwd

  n <- dim(params)[3]
  p <- rep(NaN,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    cfunction <- .C("ummhcdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
    p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
    if (trunc){
      F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
      p <- (p-F0)/(1-F0)
      if (any(y<=0))
        p[which(y<=0)] <- 0

pcondhparetomixt.dirac <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a  (4m+1) x n matrix as computed by condhparetomixt.fwd.dirac
  n <- length(y)
  p <- rep(0,n)
  indpos <- which(y>0)
  F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,rep(0,sum(y>0)),trunc=FALSE)
  p[indpos] <- (1-params[1,indpos])+params[1,indpos]*(pcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=FALSE)-F0)/(1-F0)
  p[which(y<=0)] <- 1-params[1,which(y<=0)]

dcondhparetomixt <- function(params,m,y,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a  m x 4 x n matrix as computed by condhparetmixt.fwd

  n <- dim(params)[3]
  p <- rep(NaN,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    cfunction <- .C("ummhpdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),
    p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
    if (trunc){
      F0 <- pcondhparetomixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
      p <- p/(1-F0)
      if (any(y<=0))
        p[which(y<=0)] <- 0



condhparetomixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a  (4m+1) x n matrix as computed by condhparetomixt.fwd.dirac
  n <- length(y)
  nll <- rep(0,n)
  if (any(y==0))
    nll[y==0] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])

  if (any(y>0)){
    indpos <- which(y>0)
    nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondhparetomixt(array(params[2:(4*m+1),indpos],c(m,4,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=TRUE))

condgaussmixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# Conditional Gaussian mixture initialization
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets

  nout <- 3*m-1  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
      params <- gaussmixt.init(m,y)
      theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
      thetainit <- c(mean(y),softplusinv(sd(y)))
      theta[seq(1,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condgaussmixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
 # X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 3*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmgnllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
                as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condgaussmixt.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)

condgaussmixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condgaussmixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condgaussmixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condgaussmixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condgaussmixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condgaussmixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  nout <- 3*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
  if (h>0)
    results <- .C("cmmgfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
    results <- .C("cmmgfwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),

condgaussmixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b,trunc=TRUE){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 3*m-1
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
  if (trunc)
    results <- .C("cmmgquant_trunc",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
    results <- .C("cmmgquant",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),

condgaussmixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets

  nout <- 3*m  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
    ypos <- y[y>0]
    theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
      params <- gaussmixt.init(m,ypos)
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
      if (mad(ypos)>0)
        thetainit <- c(mean(ypos),softplusinv(mad(ypos)))
        thetainit <- c(mean(ypos),-10)
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condgaussmixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
 # X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmgnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condgaussmixt.dirac.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)

condgaussmixt.dirac.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condgaussmixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condgaussmixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.dirac.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condgaussmixt.dirac.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condgaussmixt.dirac.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condgaussmixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condgaussmixt.dirac.fwd <- function(theta,h,m,x){
# X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")
  if (h>0)
    results <- .C("cmmgfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((3*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=double(h*n),PACKAGE="condmixt")
    results <- .C("cmmgfwd_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double((3*m+1)*n),a=double(nout*n),z=NULL,PACKAGE="condmixt")

condgaussmixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmgquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),

condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmgcquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),

condlognormixt.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){

condlognormixt.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
    if (is.null(y)){
        theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m)
    } else {
        theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,log(y))


condlognormixt.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta,h,m,x,log(y),...)

condlognormixt.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  if (any(y<=0))
    stop("Y must contain strictly positive data")

  logy <- log(y)  # the condgaussmixt models log(y)

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condgaussmixt.init(d,h,m,logy) # initialization
    cat("Initial loglike:",condlognormixt.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condgaussmixt.nll,theta0,h,m,x,logy,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condlognormixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condlognormixt.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condlognormixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condlognormixt.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
  z <- condgaussmixt.quant(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b)

condlognormixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
 # params is a  (3m+1) x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd.dirac
  n <- length(y)
  nll <- rep(0,n)
  if (any(y==0))
    nll[which(y==0)] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])

  if (any(y>0)){
    indpos <- which(y>0)
    nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondgaussmixt(array(params[2:(3*m+1),indpos],c(m,3,sum(y>0))),m,log(y[indpos]),trunc=FALSE)) + sum(log(y[indpos]))

condlognormixt.dirac.nll <- function(theta,h,m,x,y){
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmlnll_diracR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.integer(m),as.double(x),
                as.double(y), as.integer(n),nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condlognormixt.dirac.init <- function(d,h,m,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# M: number of components
# Y: targets

  nout <- 3*m  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
    ypos <- y[y>0]
    theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
      params <- gaussmixt.init(m,log(ypos))
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- ummgbwd(as.vector(t(params)),m)
      thetainit <- c(mean(log(ypos)),softplusinv(sd(log(ypos))))
      theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condlognormixt.dirac.fit <- function(theta,h,m,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condlognormixt.dirac.nll,theta,h,m,x,y,...)

condlognormixt.dirac.train <- function(h,m,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  if (any(y<0))
    stop("Y must contain positive data")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condlognormixt.dirac.init(d,h,m,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial negloglike:",condlognormixt.dirac.nll(theta0,h,m,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condlognormixt.dirac.nll,theta0,h,m,x,y,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condlognormixt.dirac.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h, hp[j,2]= m
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1]," m = ",hp[j,2],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condlognormixt.dirac.train(hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condlognormixt.dirac.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],hp[j,2],xtest,ytest) + sum(log(ytest[ytest>0]))
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condlognormixt.dirac.quant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 3*m
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmlquant_dirac",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),

condlognormixt.dirac.condquant <- function(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b){
  z <- condgaussmixt.dirac.condquant(theta,h,m,x,p,a,b)

kneigh.condquant <- function(x,y,k=10,p=0.9){  # conditional quantile estimated from neighbouring observations
  n <- length(y)
  nq <- length(p)
  yq <- matrix(nrow=nq,ncol=n)
  # find k nearest neighbors for point i
  x2 <- apply(x^2,2,sum)
  x2mat <- matrix(rep(x2,n),n,n)
  distance <- x2mat+t(x2mat)- 2*t(x)%*%x
  xorder <- apply(distance,1,order)
  neigh <-  xorder[2:(k+1),] # k by n matrix
  ysub <- matrix(y[neigh],n,k,byrow=TRUE) # n by k matrix
  yq <- apply(ysub,1,quantile,p)

pcondgaussmixt <- function(params,m,y,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a  m x 3 x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd

  n <- dim(params)[3]
  p <- rep(NaN,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    cfunction <- .C("ummgcdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
    p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]
    if (trunc){
      F0 <- pcondgaussmixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
      p <- (p-F0)/(1-F0)
      if (any(y<=0))
        p[which(y<=0)] <- 0

dcondgaussmixt <- function(params,m,y,log=FALSE,trunc=TRUE){
# params is a  m x 3 x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd

  n <- dim(params)[3]
  p <- rep(NaN,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    cfunction <- .C("ummgpdfR",as.double(params[,,i]),as.integer(m),as.double(y[i]),as.integer(1),
    p[i] <- cfunction[["pdf"]]

      if (trunc){
       F0 <- pcondgaussmixt(params,m,rep(0,n),trunc=FALSE)
      p <- p/(1-F0)
      if (any(y<=0))
        p[which(y<=0)] <- 0



condgaussmixt.dirac.negloglike <- function(params,m,y){
# params is a  (3m+1) x n matrix as computed by condgaussmixt.fwd.dirac
  n <- length(y)
  nll <- rep(0,n)
  if (any(y==0))
    nll[which(y==0)] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])

  if (any(y>0)){
    indpos <- which(y>0)
    nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - log(dcondgaussmixt(array(params[2:(3*m+1),indpos],c(m,3,sum(y>0))),m,y[indpos],trunc=TRUE))

# ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------
# ---------------- conditional Bernouilli-Gamma mixture ------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------

condbergamixt.init <- function(d,h,y=NULL){
# D: dimension of input to neural network
# H: number of hidden units
# Y: targets

  nout <- 3  # number of neural network outputs

  theta <- (runif(nout*(d+1))*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d); # linear weights

  if (h >0) {
    for (k in 1:h){
      newneuron <- c((runif(1+d)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(1+d),(runif(nout)*1.8 - 0.9)/sqrt(h+1+d))
      theta <- c(theta, newneuron)
  if(!is.null(y)){ #initialize bias according to unconditional distribution
    ypos <- y[y>0]
    theta[1] <- -log(length(y)/length(ypos)-1)#empirical proportion of positive outcomes
    xbar <- mean(ypos)
    s2 <- var(ypos)
    thetainit <- softplusinv(c(xbar^2/s2, s2/xbar))
    theta[seq(d+2,nout*(d+1),d+1)] <- thetainit

condbergamixt.fwd <- function(theta,h,x){
 # X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  nout <- 3
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  if (h>0)
    results <- .C("cmmbergam_fwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
                  as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(nout*n),
    results <- .C("cmmbergam_fwdR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),
                  as.double(x), as.integer(n),params.mixt=double(nout*n),

condbergamixt.nll <- function(theta,h,x,y){
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]

  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")
  nout <- 3
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  results <- .C("cmmbergam_nllR",as.double(theta),as.integer(d),as.integer(h),as.double(x), as.double(y),
                as.integer(n), nll=double(1),nllgrad=double(length(theta)),PACKAGE="condmixt")
  obj <- results[["nll"]]
  attr(obj,"gradient") <-  results[["nllgrad"]]

condbergamixt.fit <- function(theta,h,x,y,...){
  opt <- nlm(condbergamixt.nll,theta,h,x,y,...)

condbergamixt.train <- function(h,x,y,nstart=1,...){
# X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  if (length(y) != n)
    stop("Y must have the same number of elements as X")

  if (any(y<0))
    stop("Y must contain positive data")

  nllbest <- Inf
  thetabest <- c()

  for (i in 1:nstart){
    theta0 <- condbergamixt.init(d,h,y) # initialization
    cat("Initial negloglike:",condbergamixt.nll(theta0,h,x,y),"\t")
    opt <- try(nlm(condbergamixt.nll,theta0,h,x,y,...))
    if (length(opt) > 1){ # means nlm suceeded
      cat("nstart ", i, ":  ",opt$min, "code ", opt$code, "\n")
      if (opt$min<nllbest){
        nllbest <- opt$min
        thetabest <- opt$est
    } else {
      cat("nstart ", i, "failed\n")

condbergamixt.foldtrain <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,hp,nstart=1,...){
  # Provide the data on one fold only to parallelize n-fold cv
  # xtrain: d by ntrain matrix of covariates to train the various models
  # ytrain: vector of observations of the dependent variable
  # hp: matrix of hyper-parameters: hp[j,1] = h
      stop("XTRAIN is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(xtrain)[1]
  n <- dim(xtrain)[2]

  if (length(ytrain) != n)
    stop("YTRAIN must have the same number of elements as XTRAIN")

  if (dim(xtrain)[1] != dim(xtest)[1])
    stop("Training and test data must have the same dimensions")

  nhp <- nrow(hp)  # number of hyper-parameters
  nlltest <- rep(0,nhp)

  cat("Training fold with ", length(ytrain), " obs \n")

  for (j in 1:nhp){
    cat(j,": h = ",hp[j,1],"\n ")
    thetaopt <- condbergamixt.train(hp[j,1],xtrain,ytrain,nstart,...)
    if (is.null(thetaopt)){ # means training failed
      nlltest[j] <- NaN # this set of parameters is not good
    } else {
      nlltest[j] <- condbergamixt.nll(thetaopt,hp[j,1],xtest,ytest)
    cat("  Test error is :",nlltest[j],"\n")
  }  # HP loop

condbergamixt.quant <- function(theta,h,x,p){
 # X has many observations in a d by n matrix, n is the number of observations
 # params.mixt is a 3 by n matrix of parameters
    stop("X is a d x n matrix, even if d = 1")
  d <- dim(x)[1]
  n <- dim(x)[2]
  nout <- 3
  if (length(theta) != nout*(d+1)+h*(d+nout+1))
    stop("The number of parameters should be equal to NOUT(D+1)+H(D+NOUT+1)")

  params.mixt <- condbergamixt.fwd(theta,h,x)
  quant <- matrix(0,nrow=length(p),ncol=n)
  for (i in 1:length(p)){
    indi <- which(p[i] > 1-params.mixt[1,])
    quant[i,indi] = qgamma((p[i]+params.mixt[1,indi]-1)/params.mixt[1,indi],

condbergamixt.negloglike <- function(params,y){
# params.mixt is a  3 x n matrix as computed by condbergamixt.fwd
  n <- length(y)
  nll <- rep(0,n)
  if (any(y==0))
    nll[y==0] <- -log(1-params[1,which(y==0)])

  if (any(y>0)){
    indpos <- which(y>0)
    nll[indpos] <- -log(params[1,indpos]) - dgamma(y[indpos],shape=params[2,indpos],

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condmixt documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:04 p.m.