#' Profile-likelihood (PL) computation
#' @param obj Objective function \code{obj(pars, fixed, ...)} returning a list with "value",
#' "gradient" and "hessian". If attribute "valueData" and/or "valuePrior are returned they are attached to the return value.
#' @param pars Parameter vector corresponding to the log-liklihood optimum.
#' @param whichPar Numeric or character vector. The parameters for which the profile is computed.
#' @param alpha Numeric, the significance level based on the chisquare distribution with df=1
#' @param limits Numeric vector of length 2, the lower and upper deviance from the original
#' value of \code{pars[whichPar]}
#' @param method Character, either \code{"integrate"} or \code{"optimize"}. This is a short-cut for
#' setting stepControl, algoControl and optControl by hand.
#' @param stepControl List of arguments controlling the step adaption. Defaults to integration set-up, i.e.
#' \code{list(stepsize = 1e-4, min = 1e-4, max = Inf, atol = 1e-2, rtol = 1e-2, limit = 100)}
#' @param algoControl List of arguments controlling the fast PL algorithm. defaults to
#' \code{list(gamma = 1, W = "hessian", reoptimize = FALSE, correction = 1, reg = .Machine$double.eps)}
#' @param optControl List of arguments controlling the \code{trust()} optimizer. Defaults to
#' \code{list(rinit = .1, rmax = 10, iterlim = 10, fterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), mterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))}.
#' See \link{trust} for more details.
#' @param verbose Logical, print verbose messages.
#' @param cores number of cores used when computing profiles for several
#' parameters.
#' @param ... Arguments going to obj()
#' @details Computation of the profile likelihood is based on the method of Lagrangian multipliers
#' and Euler integration of the corresponding differential equation of the profile likelihood paths.
#' \code{algoControl}: Since the Hessian which is needed for the differential equation is frequently misspecified,
#' the error in integration needs to be compensated by a correction factor \code{gamma}. Instead of the
#' Hessian, an identity matrix can be used. To guarantee that the profile likelihood path stays on
#' the true path, each point proposed by the differential equation can be used as starting point for
#' an optimization run when \code{reoptimize = TRUE}. The correction factor \code{gamma} is adapted
#' based on the amount of actual correction. If this exceeds the value \code{correction}, \code{gamma} is
#' reduced. In some cases, the Hessian becomes singular. This leads to problems when inverting the
#' Hessian. To avoid this problem, the pseudoinverse is computed by removing all singular values lower
#' than \code{reg}.
#' \code{stepControl}: The Euler integration starts with \code{stepsize}. In each step the predicted change
#' of the objective function is compared with the actual change. If this is larger than \code{atol}, the
#' stepsize is reduced. For small deviations, either compared the abolute tolerance \code{atol} or the
#' relative tolerance \code{rtol}, the stepsize may be increased. \code{max} and \code{min} are upper and lower
#' bounds for \code{stepsize}. \code{limit} is the maximum number of steps that are take for the profile computation.
#' \code{stop} is a character, usually "value" or "data", for which the significance level \code{alpha}
#' is evaluated.
#' @return Named list of length one. The name is the parameter name. The list enty is a
#' matrix with columns "value" (the objective value), "constraint" (deviation of the profiled paramter from
#' the original value), "stepsize" (the stepsize take for the iteration), "gamma" (the gamma value employed for the
#' iteration), "valueData" and "valuePrior" (if specified in obj), one column per parameter (the profile paths).
#' @example inst/examples/profiles.R
#' @export
profile <- function(obj, pars, whichPar, alpha = 0.05,
limits = c(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf),
method = c("integrate", "optimize"),
stepControl = NULL,
algoControl = NULL,
optControl = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
cores = 1,
...) {
# Guarantee that pars is named numeric without deriv attribute
dotArgs <- list(...)
sanePars <- sanitizePars(pars, dotArgs$fixed)
pars <- sanePars$pars
fixed <- sanePars$fixed
# Initialize control parameters depending on method
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "integrate") {
sControl <- list(stepsize = 1e-4, min = 1e-4, max = Inf, atol = 1e-2, rtol = 1e-2, limit = 500, stop = "value")
aControl <- list(gamma = 1, W = "hessian", reoptimize = FALSE, correction = 1, reg = .Machine$double.eps)
oControl <- list(rinit = .1, rmax = 10, iterlim = 10, fterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), mterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (method == "optimize") {
sControl <- list(stepsize = 1e-2, min = 1e-4, max = Inf, atol = 1e-1, rtol = 1e-1, limit = 100, stop = "value")
aControl <- list(gamma = 0, W = "identity", reoptimize = TRUE, correction = 1, reg = 0)
oControl <- list(rinit = .1, rmax = 10, iterlim = 100, fterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), mterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
# Check if on Windows
cores <- min(length(whichPar), cores)
cores <- sanitizeCores(cores)
# Substitute user-set control parameters
if (!is.null(stepControl)) sControl[match(names(stepControl), names(sControl))] <- stepControl
if (!is.null(algoControl)) aControl[match(names(algoControl), names(aControl))] <- algoControl
if (!is.null(optControl )) oControl[match(names(optControl), names(oControl ))] <- optControl
# Start cluster if on windows
if (cores > 1) {
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = cluster)
parallel::clusterCall(cl = cluster, function(x) .libPaths(x), .libPaths())
varlist <- ls()
# Exclude things like "missing argument"
varlist <- c("obj", "whichPar", "alpha", "limits", "method", "verbose", "cores",
"pars", "fixed", "dotArgs",
"sControl", "aControl", "oControl")
parallel::clusterExport(cluster, envir = environment(), varlist = varlist)
} else {
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = cores)
"%mydo%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
} else {
"%mydo%" <- foreach::"%do%"
# Convert whichPar to index vector
if (is.character(whichPar)) whichPar <- which(names(pars) %in% whichPar)
loaded_packages <- .packages()
out <- foreach::foreach(whichIndex = whichPar,
.packages = loaded_packages,
.inorder = TRUE,
.options.multicore = list(preschedule = FALSE)) %mydo% {
loadDLL(obj) <- names(pars)[whichIndex]
## Functions needed during profile computation -----------------------
obj.opt <- obj <- function(p, ...) {
out <- obj(p, ...)
# If "identity", substitute hessian such that steps are in whichPar-direction.
Id <- diag(1/.Machine$double.eps, length(out$gradient))
Id[whichIndex, whichIndex] <- 1
colnames(Id) <- rownames(Id) <- names(out$gradient)
W <- match.arg(aControl$W[1], c("hessian", "identity"))
out$hessian <- switch(W,
"hessian" = out$hessian,
"identity" = Id)
pseudoinverse <- function(m, tol) {
msvd <- svd(m)
index <- which(abs(msvd$d) > max(dim(m))*max(msvd$d)*tol)
if (length(index) == 0) {
out <- array(0, dim(m)[2:1])
else {
out <- msvd$u[,index] %*% (1/msvd$d[index] * t(msvd$v)[index,])
attr(out, "valid") <- 1:length(msvd$d) %in% index
constraint <- function(p) {
value <- p[whichIndex] - pars[whichIndex]
gradient <- rep(0, length(p))
gradient[whichIndex] <- 1
return(list(value = value, gradient = gradient))
lagrange <- function(y) {
# initialize values
p <- y
lambda <- 0
out <-, c(list(p = p), dotArgs))
g.original <- constraint(p)
# evaluate derivatives and constraints
g <- direction * g.original$value
gdot <- direction * g.original$gradient
ldot <- out$gradient
lddot <- out$hessian
# compute rhs of profile ODE
M <- rbind(cbind(lddot, gdot),
matrix(c(gdot, 0), nrow=1))
v <- c(-rep(gamma, length(p))*(ldot + lambda*gdot), 1)
v0 <- c(-rep(0, length(p))*(ldot + lambda*gdot), 1)
W <- pseudoinverse(M, tol = aControl$reg)
valid <- attr(W, "valid")
if(any(!valid)) {
dy <- try(as.vector(W%*%v)[1:length(p)], silent=FALSE)
dy0 <- try(as.vector(W%*%v0)[1:length(p)], silent=FALSE)
dy[!valid[1:length(p)]] <- dy0[!valid[1:length(p)]] <- 0
dy[whichIndex] <- dy0[whichIndex] <- direction
warning(paste0("Iteration ", i, ": Some singular values of the Hessian are below the threshold. Optimization will be performed."))
} else {
dy <- try(as.vector(W%*%v)[1:length(p)], silent=FALSE)
dy0 <- try(as.vector(W%*%v0)[1:length(p)], silent=FALSE)
if(!inherits(dy, "try-error")) {
names(dy) <- names(y)
correction <- sqrt(sum((dy-dy0)^2))/sqrt(sum(dy^2))
} else {
dy <- NA
correction <- 0
warning(paste0("Iteration ", i, ": Impossible to invert Hessian. Trying to optimize instead."))
# Get attributes of the returned objective value (only if numeric)
out.attributes <- attributes(out)[sapply(attributes(out), is.numeric)]
out.attributes.names <- names(out.attributes)
return(c(list(dy = dy,
value = out$value,
gradient = out$gradient,
correction = correction,
valid = valid,
attributes = out.attributes.names),
doIteration <- function() {
optimize <- aControl$reoptimize
# Check for error in evaluation of lagrange()
if([1])) {
#cat("Evaluation of lagrange() not successful. Will optimize instead.\n")
optimize <- TRUE
y.try <- y
y.try[whichIndex] <- y[whichIndex] + direction*stepsize
rinit <- oControl$rinit
} else {
dy.norm <- sqrt(sum(dy^2))
rinit <- min(c(oControl$rinit, 3*dy.norm))
y.try <- y + dy
if(any(!lagrange.out$valid)) optimize <- TRUE
# Do reoptimization if requested or necessary
if(optimize) {
parinit.opt <- y.try[-whichIndex]
fixed.opt <- c(fixed, y.try[whichIndex])
arglist <- c(list(objfun = obj.opt, parinit = parinit.opt, fixed = fixed.opt, rinit = rinit),
dotArgs[names(dotArgs) != "fixed"])
myfit <- try(, arglist), silent=FALSE)
if(!inherits(myfit, "try-error")) {
y.try[names(myfit$argument)] <- as.vector(myfit$argument)
} else {
warning("Optimization not successful. Profile may be erroneous.")
doAdaption <- function() {
lagrange.out.try <- lagrange(y.try)
valid <- TRUE
# Predicted change of the objective value
dobj.pred <- sum(lagrange.out$gradient*(y.try - y))
dobj.fact <- lagrange.out.try$value - lagrange.out$value
correction <- lagrange.out.try$correction
# Gamma adaption based on amount of actual correction
if (correction > aControl$correction) gamma <- gamma/2
if (correction < 0.5*aControl$correction) gamma <- min(c(aControl$gamma, gamma*2))
# Stepsize adaption based on difference in predicted change of objective value
if (abs(dobj.fact - dobj.pred) > sControl$atol & stepsize > sControl$min) {
stepsize <- max(c(stepsize/1.5, sControl$min))
valid <- FALSE
if (abs(dobj.fact - dobj.pred) < .3*sControl$atol | abs((dobj.fact - dobj.pred)/dobj.fact) < .3*sControl$rtol) {
stepsize <- min(c(stepsize*2, sControl$max))
## Verbose
if (verbose) {
# Compute progres
diff.thres <- diff.steps <- diff.limit <- 0
if (threshold < Inf)
diff.thres <- 1 - max(c(0, min(c(1, (threshold - lagrange.out.try$value)/delta))))
if (sControl$limit < Inf)
diff.steps <- i/sControl$limit
diff.limit <- switch(as.character(sign(constraint.out$value)),
"1" = 1 - (limits[2] - constraint.out$value)/limits[2],
"-1" = diff.limit <- 1 - (limits[1] - constraint.out$value)/limits[1],
"0" = 0)
percentage <- max(c(diff.thres, diff.steps, diff.limit), na.rm = TRUE)*100
#cat("diff.thres:", diff.thres, "diff.steps:", diff.steps, "diff.limit:", diff.limit)
myvalue <- format(substr(lagrange.out$value , 0, 8), width = 8)
myconst <- format(substr(constraint.out$value, 0, 8), width = 8)
mygamma <- format(substr(gamma , 0, 8), width = 8)
myvalid <- all(lagrange.out$valid)
cat("\tvalue:", myvalue, "constraint:", myconst, "gamma:", mygamma, "valid:", myvalid)
return(list(lagrange = lagrange.out.try, stepsize = stepsize, gamma = gamma, valid = valid))
## Compute profile -------------------------------------------------
# Initialize profile
i <- 0
direction <- 1
gamma <- aControl$gamma
stepsize <- sControl$stepsize
ini <- pars
lagrange.out <- lagrange(ini)
constraint.out <- constraint(pars)
delta <- qchisq(1-alpha, 1)
#delta.t <- qf(1 - alpha, 1L, nobs - npar)
threshold <- lagrange.out[[sControl$stop]] + delta
out.attributes <- unlist(lagrange.out[lagrange.out$attributes])
out <- c(value = lagrange.out$value,
constraint = as.vector(constraint.out$value),
stepsize = stepsize,
gamma = gamma,
whichPar = whichIndex,
out.attributes, ini)
# Compute right profile
if (verbose) {
cat("Compute right profile\n")
direction <- 1
gamma <- aControl$gamma
stepsize <- sControl$stepsize
y <- ini
lagrange.out <- lagrange.out
constraint.out <- constraint.out
while (i < sControl$limit) {
## Iteration step
sufficient <- FALSE
retry <- 0
while (!sufficient & retry < 5) {
dy <- stepsize*lagrange.out$dy
y.try <- try(doIteration(), silent = TRUE)
out.try <- try(doAdaption(), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(y.try, "try-error") | inherits(out.try, "try-error")) {
sufficient <- FALSE
stepsize <- stepsize/1.5
retry <- retry + 1
} else {
sufficient <- out.try$valid
stepsize <- out.try$stepsize
if (inherits(y.try, "try-error") | inherits(out.try, "try-error")) break
## Set values
y <- y.try
lagrange.out <- out.try$lagrange
constraint.out <- constraint(y.try)
stepsize <- out.try$stepsize
gamma <- out.try$gamma
out.attributes <- unlist(lagrange.out[lagrange.out$attributes])
## Return values
out <- rbind(out,
c(value = lagrange.out$value,
constraint = as.vector(constraint.out$value),
stepsize = stepsize,
gamma = gamma,
whichPar = whichIndex,
value <- lagrange.out[[sControl$stop]]
if (value > threshold | constraint.out$value > limits[2]) break
i <- i + 1
# Compute left profile
if (verbose) {
cat("\nCompute left profile\n")
i <- 0
direction <- -1
gamma <- aControl$gamma
stepsize <- sControl$stepsize
y <- ini
lagrange.out <- lagrange(ini)
constraint.out <- constraint(pars)
while (i < sControl$limit) {
## Iteration step
sufficient <- FALSE
retry <- 0
while (!sufficient & retry < 5) {
dy <- stepsize*lagrange.out$dy
y.try <- try(doIteration(), silent = TRUE)
out.try <- try(doAdaption(), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(y.try, "try-error") | inherits(out.try, "try-error")) {
sufficient <- FALSE
stepsize <- stepsize/1.5
retry <- retry + 1
} else {
sufficient <- out.try$valid
stepsize <- out.try$stepsize
if (inherits(y.try, "try-error") | inherits(out.try, "try-error")) break
## Set values
y <- y.try
lagrange.out <- out.try$lagrange
constraint.out <- constraint(y.try)
stepsize <- out.try$stepsize
gamma <- out.try$gamma
out.attributes <- unlist(lagrange.out[lagrange.out$attributes])
## Return values
out <- rbind(c(value = lagrange.out$value,
constraint = as.vector(constraint.out$value),
stepsize = stepsize,
gamma = gamma,
whichPar = whichIndex,
value <- lagrange.out[[sControl$stop]]
if (value > threshold | constraint.out$value < limits[1]) break
i <- i + 1
# Output
out <-
out$whichPar <-
parameters = names(pars),
metanames = c("value", "constraint", "stepsize", "gamma", "whichPar"),
obj.attributes = names(out.attributes)
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
}, out)
#' Progress bar
#' @param percentage Numeric between 0 and 100
#' @param size Integer, the size of the bar print-out
#' @param number Logical, Indicates whether the percentage should be printed out.
#' @export
progressBar <- function(percentage, size = 50, number = TRUE) {
if(percentage < 0) percentage <- 0
if(percentage > 100) percentage <- 100
out <- paste("\r|", paste(rep("=", round(size*percentage/100)), collapse=""), paste(rep(" ", size-round(size*percentage/100)), collapse=""), "|", sep="")
if(number) cat(format(paste(" ", round(percentage), "%", sep=""), width=5))
#' Profile uncertainty extraction
#' @description extract parameter uncertainties from profiles
#' @param object object of class \code{parframe}, returned from \link{profile} function.
#' @param parm a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals,
#' either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.
#' @param level the confidence level required.
#' @param ... not used right now.
#' @param val.column the value column used in the parframe, usually 'data'.
#' @export
confint.parframe <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, ..., val.column = "data") {
profile <- object
obj.attributes <- attr(profile, "obj.attributes")
if (is.null(parm))
parm <- unique(profile[["whichPar"]])
threshold <- qchisq(level, df = 1)
# Reduce to profiles for parm
profile <- profile[profile[["whichPar"]] %in% parm,]
# Evaluate confidence intervals per parameter
CIs <- lapply(split(profile, profile[["whichPar"]]), function(d) {
# Get origin of profile
origin <- which.min(abs(d[["constraint"]]))
whichPar <- d[["whichPar"]][origin]
# Define function to return constraint value where threshold is passed
get_xThreshold <- function(branch) {
y <- branch[[val.column]] - d[[val.column]][origin]
x <- branch[["constraint"]]
# If less than 3 points, return NA
if (length(x) < 3)
# If threshold exceeded, take closest points below and above threshold
# and interpolate
if (any(y > threshold)) {
i.above <- utils::head(which(y > threshold), 1)
i.below <- utils::tail(which(y < threshold), 1)
if (i.below > i.above) {
} else {
slope <- (y[i.above] - y[i.below])/(x[i.above] - x[i.below])
dy <- threshold - y[i.below]
dx <- dy/slope
x_threshold <- x[i.below] + dx
# If threshold not exceeded,
# take the last 20% of points (at least 3) an perform linear fit
n_last20 <- max(3, length(which(x - x[1] > 0.8 * (max(x) - x[1]))))
x <- tail(x, n_last20)
y <- tail(y, n_last20)
slope <- sum((x - mean(x))*(y - mean(y)))/sum((x - mean(x))^2)
# If slope < 0, return Inf
if (slope < 0)
# Extrapolate until threshold is passed
dy <- threshold - tail(y, 1)
dx <- dy/slope
x_threshold <- tail(x, 1) + dx
# Test if extrapolation takes the point of passage very far
# Set to Inf in that case
if (x_threshold > 10*(max(x) - min(x)))
x_threshold <- Inf
# Right profiles
right <- d[d[["constraint"]] >= 0,]
upper <- d[[whichPar]][origin] + get_xThreshold(right)
# Left profile
left <- d[d[["constraint"]] <= 0,]
left[["constraint"]] <- - left[["constraint"]]
left <- left[order(left[["constraint"]]), ]
lower <- d[[whichPar]][origin] - get_xThreshold(left)
data.frame(name = whichPar,
value = d[[whichPar]][origin],
lower = lower,
upper = upper)
}), CIs)
#' Non-Linear Optimization, multi start
#' @description Wrapper around \code{\link{trust}} allowing for multiple fits
#' from randomly chosen initial values.
#' @param objfun Objective function, see \code{\link{trust}}.
#' @param center Parameter values around which the initial values for each fit
#' are randomly sampled. The initial values handed to \link{trust} are the sum
#' of center and the output of \option{samplefun}, center +
#' \option{samplefun}. See \code{\link{trust}}, parinit.
#' \code{center} Can also be a parframe, then the parameter values are taken
#' from the parframe. In this case, the \code{fits} argument is overwritten.
#' To use a reproducible set of initial guesses, generate center with
#' \code{\link{msParframe}}
#' @param studyname The names of the study or fit. This name is used to
#' determine filenames for interim and final results. See Details.
#' @param rinit Starting trust region radius, see \code{\link{trust}}.
#' @param rmax Maximum allowed trust region radius, see \code{\link{trust}}.
#' @param fits Number of fits (jobs).
#' @param cores Number of cores for job parallelization.
#' @param samplefun Function to sample random initial values. It is assumed,
#' that \option{samplefun} has a named parameter "n" which defines how many
#' random numbers are to be returned, such as for \code{\link{rnorm}} or
#' \code{\link{runif}}. By default \code{\link{rnorm}} is used. Parameteres
#' for samplefun are simply appended as named parameters to the mstrust call
#' and automatically handed to samplefun by matching parameter names.
#' @param resultPath character indicating the folder where the results should
#' be stored. Defaults to ".".
#' @param stats If true, the same summary statistic as written to the logfile is
#' printed to command line on mstrust completion.
#' @param ... Additional parameters handed to trust(), samplefun(), or the
#' objective function by matching parameter names. All unmatched parameters
#' are handed to the objective function objfun(). The log file starts with a
#' table telling which parameter was assigend to which function.
#' @param output logical. If true, writes output to the disc.
#' @details By running multiple fits starting at randomly chosen inital
#' parameters, the chisquare landscape can be explored using a deterministic
#' optimizer. Here, \code{\link{trust}} is used for optimization. The standard
#' procedure to obtain random initial values is to sample random variables
#' from a uniform distribution (\code{\link{rnorm}}) and adding these to
#' \option{center}. It is, however, possible, to employ any other sampling
#' strategy by handing the respective function to mstrust(),
#' \option{samplefun}.
#' In case a special sampling is required, a customized sampling function can
#' be used. If, e.g., inital values leading to a non-physical systems are to
#' be discarded upfront, the objective function can be addapted accordingly.
#' All started fits either lead to an error or complete converged or
#' unconverged. A statistics about the return status of fits can be shown by
#' setting \option{stats} to TRUE.
#' Fit final and intermediat results are stored under \option{studyname}. For
#' each run of mstrust for the same study name, a folder under
#' \option{studyname} of the form "trial-x-date" is created. "x" is the number
#' of the trial, date is the current time stamp. In this folder, the
#' intermediate results are stored. These intermediate results can be loaded
#' by \code{\link{load.parlist}}. These are removed on successfull completion
#' of mstrust. In this case, the final list of fit parameters
#' (parameterList.Rda) and the fit log (mstrust.log) are found instead.
#' @return A parlist holding errored and converged fits.
#' @seealso 1. \code{\link{trust}}, for the used optimizer,
#' 2. \code{\link{rnorm}}, \code{\link{runif}} for two common sampling functions,
#' 3. \code{\link{msParframe}} for passing a reproducible set of random initial
#' guesses to mstrust,
#' 4. \code{\link{as.parframe}} for formatting the output to a handy table
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{}
#' @export
#' @import parallel
mstrust <- function(objfun, center, studyname, rinit = .1, rmax = 10, fits = 20, cores = 1,
samplefun = "rnorm", resultPath = ".", stats = FALSE, output = FALSE,
...) {
narrowing <- NULL
# Check if on Windows
cores <- sanitizeCores(cores)
# Argument parsing, sorting, and enhancing
# Gather all function arguments
varargslist <- list(...)
argslist <- as.list(formals())
argslist <- argslist[names(argslist) != "..."]
argsmatch <- as.list( = TRUE))
namesinter <- intersect(names(argslist), names(argsmatch))
argslist[namesinter] <- argsmatch[namesinter]
argslist <- c(argslist, varargslist)
argslist[["objfun"]] <- force(objfun)
argslist[["center"]] <- force(center)
argslist[["rinit"]] <- force(rinit)
argslist[["rmax"]] <- force(rmax)
# Add extra arguments
argslist$n <- length(center) # How many inital values do we need?
# Determine target function for each function argument.
# First, define argument names used locally in mstrust().
# Second, check what trust() and samplefun() accept and check for name clashes.
# Third, whatever is unused is passed to the objective function objfun().
nameslocal <- c("studyname", "center", "fits", "cores", "samplefun",
"resultPath", "stats", "narrowing", "output")
namestrust <- intersect(names(formals(trust)), names(argslist))
namessample <- intersect(names(formals(samplefun)), names(argslist))
if (length(intersect(namestrust, namessample) != 0)) {
stop("Argument names of trust() and ", samplefun, "() clash.")
namesobj <- setdiff(names(argslist), c(namestrust, namessample, nameslocal))
# Assemble argument lists common to all calls in mclapply
# Sample function
argssample <- structure(vector("list", length = length(namessample)), names = namessample)
for (name in namessample) {
argssample[[name]] <- argslist[[name]]
# Objective function
argsobj <- structure(vector("list", length = length(namesobj)), names = namesobj)
for (name in namesobj) {
argsobj[[name]] <- argslist[[name]]
# Trust optimizer, except for initial values
argstrust <- structure(vector("list", length = length(namestrust)), names = namestrust)
for (name in namestrust) {
argstrust[[name]] <- argslist[[name]]
# Assemble and create output filenames, folders and files
m_timeStamp <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%d-%m-%Y-%H%M%S"))
# Folders
resultFolderBase <- file.path(argslist$resultPath, argslist$studyname)
m_trial <- paste0("trial-", length(dir(resultFolderBase, pattern = "trial*")) + 1)
resultFolder <- file.path(resultFolderBase, paste0(m_trial, "-", m_timeStamp))
interResultFolder <- file.path(resultFolder, "interRes")
dir.create(path = interResultFolder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# Files
fileNameLog <- paste0("mstrust.log")
fileNameParList <- paste0("parameterList.Rda")
fileLog <- file.path(resultFolder, fileNameLog)
fileParList <- file.path(resultFolder, fileNameParList)
# Apply trust optimizer in parallel
# The error checking leverages that mclappy runs each job in a try().
logfile <- file(fileLog, open = "w")
# Parameter assignment information
if (is.null(narrowing) || narrowing[1] == 1) {
msg <- paste0("Parameter assignment information\n",
strpad("mstrust", 12), ": ", paste0(nameslocal, collapse = ", "), "\n",
strpad("trust", 12), ": ", paste0(namestrust, collapse = ", "), "\n",
strpad(as.character(argslist$samplefun), 12), ": ", paste0(namessample, collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
#strpad(as.character(argslist$objfun), 12), ": ", paste0(namesobj, collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
writeLines(msg, logfile)
# Write narrowing status information to file
if (!is.null(narrowing)) {
msg <- paste0("--> Narrowing, run ", narrowing[1], " of ", narrowing[2], "\n",
"--> " , fits, " fits to run\n")
writeLines(msg, logfile)
if(is.parframe(center)) {
fits <- nrow(center)
cores <- min(fits, cores)
if (cores > 1) {
# Start cluster if on windows
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
parallel::clusterCall(cl = cluster, function(x) .libPaths(x), .libPaths())
varlist <- ls()
# Exclude things like "missing argument"
varlist <- c("objfun", "center", "argstrust",
"samplefun", "argssample", "argsobj",
"output", "interResultFolder", "logfile")
parallel::clusterExport(cluster, envir = environment(), varlist = varlist)
} else {
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = cores)
"%mydo%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
} else {
"%mydo%" <- foreach::"%do%"
loaded_packages <- .packages()
m_parlist <- as.parlist(foreach::foreach(i = 1:fits,
.packages = loaded_packages,
.inorder = TRUE,
.options.multicore = list(preschedule = FALSE)
) %mydo% {
if(is.parframe(center)) {
argstrust$parinit <- as.parvec(center, i)
} else {
if (i == 1) {
# First fit always starts from center
argstrust$parinit <- center
} else {
# All other fits start from random positions
argstrust$parinit <- center +, argssample)
fit <-, c(argstrust, argsobj))
# Keep only numeric attributes of object returned by trust() <- attributes(fit)
keep.attr <- sapply(, is.numeric)
fit <- fit[1:length(fit)] # deletes attributes
if (any(keep.attr)) attributes(fit) <- c(attributes(fit),[keep.attr]) # attach numeric attributes
# In some crashes a try-error object is returned which is not a list. Since
# each element in the parlist is assumed to be a list, we wrap these cases.
if (!is.list(fit)) {
f <- list()
f$error <- fit
fit <- f
fit$parinit <- argstrust$parinit
# Write current fit to disk
if (output) {
saveRDS(fit, file = file.path(interResultFolder, paste0("fit-", i, ".Rda")))
# Reporting
# With concurent jobs and everyone reporting, this is a classic race
# condition. Assembling the message beforhand lowers the risk of interleaved
# output to the log.
msgSep <- "-------"
if (any(names(fit) == "error")) {
msg <- paste0(msgSep, "\n",
"Fit ", i, " failed after ", fit$iterations, " iterations with error\n",
"--> ", fit$error,
msgSep, "\n")
writeLines(msg, logfile)
} else {
msg <- paste0(msgSep, "\n",
"Fit ", i, " completed\n",
"--> iterations : ", fit$iterations, "\n",
"--> converged : ", fit$converged, "\n",
"--> obj. value : ", round(fit$value, digits = 2), "\n",
writeLines(msg, logfile)
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
# Cull failed and completed fits Two kinds of errors occure. The first returns
# an object of class "try-error". The reason for these failures are unknown to
# me. The second returns a list of results from trust(), where one name of the
# list is error holding an object of class "try-error". These abortions are
# due to errors which are captured within trust(). Completed fits return with
# a valid result list from trust(), with "error" not part of its names. These
# fits, can still be unconverged, if the maximim number of iterations was the
# reason for the return of trust(). Be also aware of fits which converge due
# to the trust radius hitting rmin. Such fits are reported as converged but
# are not in truth.
m_trustFlags.converged = 0
m_trustFlags.unconverged = 1
m_trustFlags.error = 2
m_trustFlags.fatal = 3
idxStatus <- sapply(m_parlist, function(fit) {
if (inherits(fit, "try-error") || any(names(fit) == "error")) {
} else if (!any(names(fit) == "converged")) {
} else if (fit$converged) {
} else {
# Wrap up
# Write out results
if (output) saveRDS(m_parlist, file = fileParList)
# Remove temporary files
unlink(interResultFolder, recursive = TRUE)
# Show summary
sum.error <- sum(idxStatus == m_trustFlags.error)
sum.fatal <- sum(idxStatus == m_trustFlags.fatal)
sum.unconverged <- sum(idxStatus == m_trustFlags.unconverged)
sum.converged <- sum(idxStatus == m_trustFlags.converged)
msg <- paste0("Multi start trust summary\n",
"Outcome : Occurrence\n",
"Error : ", sum.error, "\n",
"Fatal : ", sum.fatal, " must be 0\n",
"Unconverged : ", sum.unconverged, "\n",
"Converged : ", sum.converged, "\n",
" -----------\n",
"Total : ", sum.error + sum.fatal + sum.unconverged + sum.converged, paste0("[", fits, "]"), "\n")
logfile <- file(fileLog, open = "a")
writeLines(msg, logfile)
if (stats) {
#' Reproducibly construct "random" parframes
#' The output of this function can be used for the \code{center} - argument of \code{\link{mstrust}}
#' @param pars Named vector. If \code{samplefun} has a "mean"-argument, values of pars will used as mean
#' @param n Integer how many lines should the parframe have
#' @param seed Seed for the random number generator
#' @param samplefun random number generator: \code{\link{rnorm}}, \code{\link{runif}}, etc...
#' @param ... arguments going to samplefun
#' @return parframe (without metanames)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{mstrust}} and \code{\link{parframe}}
#' @examples
#' msParframe(c(a = 0, b = 100000), 5)
#' # Parameter specific sigma
#' msParframe(c(a = 0, b = 100000), 5, samplefun = rnorm, sd = c(100, 0.5))
msParframe <- function(pars, n = 20, seed = 12345, samplefun = stats::rnorm, ...) {
if (n == 1)
# generate random pars
rnd <- samplefun((n-1)*length(pars), ...)
mypars <- matrix(rnd, nrow = (n-1), byrow = T)
mean_pars <- 0
if ("mean" %in% names(formals(samplefun)))
mean_pars <- t(matrix(pars, nrow = length(pars), ncol = (n-1)))
mypars <- mypars + mean_pars
# assure that pars itself is also part
mypars <- rbind(t(pars), mypars)
mypars <- `names<-`(, names(pars))
#' Construct fitlist from temporary files.
#' @description An aborted \code{\link{mstrust}}
#' leaves behind results of already completed fits. This command loads these
#' fits into a fitlist.
#' @param folder Path to the folder where the fit has left its results.
#' @details The command \code{\link{mstrust}} saves
#' each completed fit along the multi-start sequence such that the results can
#' be resurected on abortion. This command loads a fitlist from these
#' intermediate results.
#' @return An object of class parlist.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mstrust}}
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{}
#' @export
load.parlist <- function(folder) {
# Read in all fits
m_fileList <- dir(folder, pattern = "*.Rda")
m_parVec <- lapply(m_fileList, function(file) {
return(readRDS(file.path(folder, file)))
#' Reduce replicated measurements to mean and standard deviation
#' @description
#' Obtain the mean and standard deviation from replicates per condition.
#' @param file Data file of csv. See Format for details.
#' @param select Names of the columns in the data file used to define
#' conditions, see Details.
#' @param datatrans Character vector describing a function to transform data.
#' Use \kbd{x} to refere to data.
#' @format
#' The following columns are mandatory for the data file.
#' \describe{
#' \item{name}{Name of the observed species.}
#' \item{time}{Measurement time point.}
#' \item{value}{Measurement value.}
#' \item{condition}{The condition under which the observation was made.}
#' }
#' In addition to these columns, any number of columns can follow to allow a
#' fine grained definition of conditions. The values of all columns named in
#' \option{select} are then merged to get the set of conditions.
#' @details
#' Experiments are usually repeated multiple times possibly under different
#' conditions leading to replicted measurements. The column "Condition" in the
#' data allows to group the data by their condition. However, sometimes, a more
#' fine grained grouping is desirable. In this case, any number of additional
#' columns can be append to the data. These columns are referred to as
#' "condition identifier". Which of the condition identifiers are used to do the
#' grouping is user defined by anouncing the to \option{select}. The mandatory
#' column "Condition" is always used. The total set of different conditions is
#' thus defined by all combinations of values occuring in the selected condition
#' identifiers. The replicates of each condition are then reduced to mean and
#' variance.New conditions names are derived by merging all conditions which
#' were used in mean and std.
#' @return
#' A data frame of the following variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{time}{Measurement time point.}
#' \item{name}{Name of the observed species.}
#' \item{value}{Mean of replicates.}
#' \item{sigma}{Standard error of the mean, NA for single measurements.}
#' \item{n}{The number of replicates reduced.}
#' \item{condition}{The condition for which the value and sigma were calculated. If
#' more than one column were used to define the condition, this variable
#' holds the effecive condition which is the combination of all applied
#' single conditions. }
#' }
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{}
#' @export
reduceReplicates <- function(file, select = "condition", datatrans = NULL) {
# File format definiton
fmtnames <- c("name", "time", "value", "condition")
fmtnamesnumber <- length(fmtnames)
# Read data and sanity checks
data <- read.csv(file)
if (length(intersect(names(data), fmtnames)) != fmtnamesnumber) {
stop(paste("Mandatory column names are:", paste(fmtnames, collapse = ", ")))
# Transform data if requested
if (is.character(datatrans)) {
x <- data$value
data$value <- eval(parse(text = datatrans))
# Experiments are usually repeated multiple times possibly under different
# conditions. The column "Condition" in the data thus groups the data per
# condition. However, sometimes, a more fine grained grouping is desirable. In
# this case, any number of additional columns can be append to the data. These
# columns are referred to as "condition identifier". Which of the condition
# identifiers are used to do the grouping is user defined by giving their
# names in <select>. The mandatory column "Condition" is always used. The
# total set of different conditions is thus defined by all combinations of
# values occuring in the condition identifiers named for grouping. Mean and
# variance is computed for each condition by averaging over measurements
# recorded at the same time point. New conditions names are derived by merging
# all conditions which were used in mean and std.
select <- unique(c("name", "time", "condition", select))
condidnt <- Reduce(paste, subset(data, select = select))
conditions <- unique(condidnt)
reduct <-, lapply(conditions, function(cond) {
conddata <- data[condidnt == cond,]
mergecond <- Reduce(paste, conddata[1, setdiff(select, c("name", "time"))])
data.frame(time = conddata[1, "time"],
value = mean(conddata[, "value"]),
sigma = sd(conddata[, "value"])/sqrt(nrow(conddata)),
n = nrow(conddata),
name = conddata[1, "name"],
condition = mergecond)
#' Fit an error model
#' @description Fit an error model to reduced replicate data, see
#' \code{\link{reduceReplicates}}.
#' @param data Reduced replicate data, see \code{\link{reduceReplicates}}. Need
#' columns "value", "sigma", "n".
#' @param factors \option{data} is pooled with respect to the columns named
#' here, see Details.
#' @param errorModel Character vector defining the error model in terms of the variance.
#' Use \kbd{x} to reference the independend variable, see Details.
#' @param par Inital values for the parameters of the error model.
#' @param plotting If TRUE, a plot of the pooled variance together with the fit
#' of the error model is shown.
#' @param blather If TRUE, additional information is returned, such as fit parameters
#' and sigmaLS (original sigma given in input data).
#' @param ... Parameters handed to the optimizer \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @details The variance estimator using \eqn{n-1} data points is \eqn{chi^2}
#' distributed with \eqn{n-1} degrees of freedom. Given replicates for
#' consecutive time points, the sample variance can be assumed a function of
#' the sample mean. By defining an error model which must hold for all time
#' points, a maximum likelihood estimator for the parameters of the error
#' model can be derived. The parameter \option{errorModel} takes the error
#' model as a character vector, where the mean (independent variable) is
#' refered to as \kbd{x}.
#' It is desireable to estimate the variance from many replicates. The
#' parameter \option{data} must provide one or more columns which define the
#' pooling of data. In case more than one column is announced by
#' \option{factors}, all combinations are constructed. If, e.g.,
#' \option{factors = c("condition", "name")} is used, where "condition" is
#' "a", "b", "c" and repeating and "name" is "d", "e" and repeating, the
#' effective conditions used for pooling are "a d", "b e", "c d", "a e", "b
#' d", and "c e".
#' By default, a plot of the pooled data, sigma and its confidence bound at
#' 68\% and 95\% is shown.
#' @return Returned by default is a data frame with columns as in \option{data},
#' but with the sigma values replaced by the derived values, obtained by evaluating
#' the error model with the fit parameters.
#' If the blather = TRUE option is chosen, fit values of the parameters of the error
#' model are appended, with the column names equal to the parameter names.
#' The error model is appended as the attribute "errorModel".
#' Confidence bounds for sigma at confidence level 68\% and 95\% are
#' calculated, their values come next in the returned data frame. Finally, the
#' effective conditions are appended to easily check how the pooling was done.
#' @author Wolfgang Mader, \email{}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats D approx optim qchisq sd time
fitErrorModel <- function(data, factors, errorModel = "exp(s0)+exp(srel)*x^2",
par = c(s0 = 1, srel = .1), plotting = TRUE, blather = FALSE, ...) {
# Assemble conditions
condidnt <- Reduce(paste, subset(data, select = factors))
conditions <- unique(condidnt)
# Fit error model
nColData <- ncol(data)
dataErrorModel <- cbind(data, as.list(par))
for (cond in conditions) {
subdata <- dataErrorModel[condidnt == cond,]
x <- subdata$value
n <- subdata$n
y <- subdata$sigma*sqrt(n)
obj <- function(par) {
value <- with(as.list(par), {
z <- eval(parse(text = errorModel))
sum(log(z)-log(dchisq((n-1)*(y^2)/z, df = n-1)), na.rm = TRUE)
fit <- optim(par = par, fn = obj, ...)
sigma <- sqrt(with(as.list(fit$par), eval(parse(text = errorModel))))
dataErrorModel[condidnt == cond, ]$sigma <- sigma
dataErrorModel[condidnt == cond, -(nColData:1)] <- data.frame(as.list(fit$par))
# Calculate confidence bounds about sigma
p68 <- (1-.683)/2
p95 <- (1-.955)/2
dataErrorModel$cbLower68 <- dataErrorModel$sigma^2*qchisq(p = p68, df = dataErrorModel$n-1)/(dataErrorModel$n-1)
dataErrorModel$cbUpper68 <- dataErrorModel$sigma^2*qchisq(p = p68, df = dataErrorModel$n-1, lower.tail = FALSE)/(dataErrorModel$n-1)
dataErrorModel$cbLower95 <- dataErrorModel$sigma^2*qchisq(p = p95, df = dataErrorModel$n-1)/(dataErrorModel$n-1)
dataErrorModel$cbUpper95 <- dataErrorModel$sigma^2*qchisq(p = p95, df = dataErrorModel$n-1, lower.tail = FALSE)/(dataErrorModel$n-1)
# Assemble result
dataErrorModel <- cbind(dataErrorModel, condidnt, sigmaLS = data$sigma)
attr(dataErrorModel, "errorModel") <- errorModel
# Plot if requested
if (plotting) {
print(ggplot(dataErrorModel, aes(x=value)) +
geom_point(aes(y=sigmaLS^2*(n))) +
geom_line(aes(y=sigma^2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=cbLower95, ymax=cbUpper95), alpha=.3) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=cbLower68, ymax=cbUpper68), alpha=.3) +
ylab("variance") +
facet_wrap(~condidnt, scales = "free") +
scale_y_log10() +
# Return standard error of the mean
dataErrorModel$sigma <- dataErrorModel$sigma/sqrt(dataErrorModel$n)
data$sigma <- dataErrorModel$sigma
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