
#' R6 class representing a Dash application
#' @export
#' @docType class
#' @format An [R6::R6Class] generator object
#' @description
#' A framework for building analytical web applications, Dash offers a pleasant and productive development experience. No JavaScript required.
Dash <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field server
    #'  A cloned (and modified) version of the [fiery::Fire] object
    #'  provided to the `server` argument (various routes will be added which enable
    #'  Dash functionality).
    server = NULL,
    #' @field config
    #' A list of configuration options passed along to dash-renderer.
    #' Users shouldn't need to alter any of these options unless they are
    #' constructing their own authorization front-end or otherwise need to know
    #' where the application is making API calls.
    config = list(),

    #' @description
    #' Create and configure a Dash application.
    #' @param server [fiery::Fire] object. The web server used to power the application.
    #' @param assets_folder Character. A path, relative to the current working directory,
    #' for extra files to be used in the browser. All .js and
    #'  .css files will be loaded immediately unless excluded by `assets_ignore`,
    #'   and other files such as images will be served if requested. Default is `assets`.
    #' @param assets_url_path Character. Specify the URL path for asset serving. Default is `assets`.
    #' @param eager_loading Logical. Controls whether asynchronous resources are prefetched (if `TRUE`) or loaded on-demand (if `FALSE`).
    #' @param assets_ignore Character. A regular expression, to match assets to omit from
    #' immediate loading. Ignored files will still be served if specifically requested. You
    #' cannot use this to prevent access to sensitive files.
    #' @param serve_locally Logical. Whether to serve HTML dependencies locally or
    #' remotely (via URL).
    #' @param meta_tags List of lists. HTML `<meta>` tags to be added to the index page.
    #' Each list element should have the attributes and values for one tag, eg:
    #' `list(name = 'description', content = 'My App')`.
    #' @param url_base_pathname Character. A local URL prefix to use app-wide. Default is
    #' `/`. Both `requests_pathname_prefix` and `routes_pathname_prefix` default to `url_base_pathname`.
    #' Environment variable is `DASH_URL_BASE_PATHNAME`.
    #' @param routes_pathname_prefix Character. A prefix applied to the backend routes.
    #' Environment variable is `DASH_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX`.
    #' @param requests_pathname_prefix Character. A prefix applied to request endpoints
    #' made by Dash's front-end. Environment variable is `DASH_REQUESTS_PATHNAME_PREFIX`.
    #' @param external_scripts List. An optional list of valid URLs from which
    #' to serve JavaScript source for rendered pages. Each entry can be a string (the URL)
    #' or a named list with `src` (the URL) and optionally other `<script>` tag attributes such
    #' as `integrity` and `crossorigin`.
    #' @param external_stylesheets List. An optional list of valid URLs from which
    #' to serve CSS for rendered pages. Each entry can be a string (the URL) or a list
    #' with `href` (the URL) and optionally other `<link>` tag attributes such as
    #' `rel`, `integrity` and `crossorigin`.
    #' @param compress Logical. Whether to  try to compress files and data served by Fiery.
    #' By default, `brotli` is attempted first, then `gzip`, then the `deflate` algorithm,
    #' before falling back to `identity`.
    #' @param suppress_callback_exceptions Logical. Whether to relay warnings about
    #' possible layout mis-specifications when registering a callback.
    #' @param show_undo_redo Logical. Set to `TRUE` to enable undo and redo buttons for
    #' stepping through the history of the app state.
    #' @param update_title Character. Defaults to `Updating...`; configures the document.title
    #' (the text that appears in a browser tab) text when a callback is being run.
    #' Set to NULL or '' if you don't want the document.title to change or if you
    #' want to control the document.title through a separate component or
    #' clientside callback.
    initialize = function(server = fiery::Fire$new(),
                          assets_folder = "assets",
                          assets_url_path = "/assets",
                          eager_loading = FALSE,
                          assets_ignore = "",
                          serve_locally = TRUE,
                          meta_tags = NULL,
                          url_base_pathname = "/",
                          routes_pathname_prefix = NULL,
                          requests_pathname_prefix = NULL,
                          external_scripts = NULL,
                          external_stylesheets = NULL,
                          compress = TRUE,
                          suppress_callback_exceptions = FALSE,
                          show_undo_redo = FALSE,
                          update_title="Updating...") {

      # argument type checking
      assertthat::assert_that(inherits(server, "Fire"))

      private$serve_locally <- serve_locally
      private$eager_loading <- eager_loading
      # remove leading and trailing slash(es) if present
      private$assets_folder <- gsub("^/+|/+$", "", assets_folder)
      # remove trailing slash in assets_url_path, if present
      private$assets_url_path <- sub("/$", "", assets_url_path)
      private$assets_ignore <- assets_ignore
      private$suppress_callback_exceptions <- suppress_callback_exceptions
      private$compress <- compress
      private$app_root_path <- getAppPath()
      private$app_launchtime <- as.integer(Sys.time())
      private$meta_tags <- meta_tags
      private$in_viewer <- FALSE

      # config options
      self$config$routes_pathname_prefix <- resolvePrefix(routes_pathname_prefix, "DASH_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX", url_base_pathname)
      self$config$requests_pathname_prefix <- resolvePrefix(requests_pathname_prefix, "DASH_REQUESTS_PATHNAME_PREFIX", url_base_pathname)
      self$config$external_scripts <- external_scripts
      self$config$external_stylesheets <- external_stylesheets
      self$config$show_undo_redo <- show_undo_redo
      self$config$update_title <- update_title
      self$config$suppress_callback_exceptions <- suppress_callback_exceptions

      # ensure attributes are valid, if using a list within a list, elements are all named
      assertValidExternals(scripts = external_scripts, stylesheets = external_stylesheets)

      # ------------------------------------------------------------
      # Initialize a route stack and register a static resource route
      # ------------------------------------------------------------
      router <- routr::RouteStack$new()
      server$set_data("user-routes", list()) # placeholder for custom routes

      # ensure that assets_folder is neither NULL nor character(0)
      if (!(is.null(private$assets_folder)) & length(private$assets_folder) != 0) {
        if (!(dir.exists(private$assets_folder)) && gsub("/+", "", assets_folder) != "assets") {
            "The supplied assets folder, '%s', could not be found in the project directory.",
            call. = FALSE
        } else if (dir.exists(private$assets_folder)) {
          if (length(countEnclosingFrames("dash_nested_fiery_server")) == 0) {
            private$last_refresh <- as.integer(Sys.time())
          # fiery is attempting to launch a server within a server, do not refresh assets

      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # Set a sensible default logger
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      server$access_log_format <- fiery::combined_log_format

      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # define & register routes on the server
      # https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/d2ebc837/dash/dash.py#L88-L124
      # http://www.data-imaginist.com/2017/Introducing-routr/
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      route <- routr::Route$new()

      dash_layout <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_dash-layout")
      route$add_handler("get", dash_layout, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        rendered_layout <- private$layout_render()
        # pass the layout on to encode_plotly in case there are dccGraph
        # components which include Plotly.js figures for which we'll need to
        # run plotly_build from the plotly package
        lay <- encode_plotly(rendered_layout)
        response$body <- to_JSON(lay, pretty = TRUE)
        response$status <- 200L
        response$type <- 'json'


      dash_deps <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_dash-dependencies")
      route$add_handler("get", dash_deps, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        # dash-renderer wants an empty array when no dependencies exist (see python/01.py)
        if (!length(private$callback_map)) {
          response$body <- to_JSON(list())
          response$status <- 200L
          response$type <- 'json'


        payload <- Map(function(callback_signature) {
        }, private$callback_map)

        response$body <- to_JSON(setNames(payload, NULL))
        response$status <- 200L
        response$type <- 'json'
        if (private$compress)
          response <- tryCompress(request, response)

      dash_update <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_dash-update-component")
      route$add_handler("post", dash_update, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        request <- request_parse_json(request)
        if (!"output" %in% names(request$body)) {
          response$body <- "Couldn't find output component in request body"
          response$status <- 500L
          response$type <- 'json'

        # get the callback associated with this particular output
        callback <- private$callback_map[[request$body$output]][['func']]
        if (!length(callback)) stop_report("Couldn't find output component.")
        if (!is.function(callback)) {
          stop(sprintf("Couldn't find a callback function associated with '%s'", thisOutput))

        # the following callback_args code handles inputs which may contain
        # NULL values; we wish to retain the NULL elements, since these can
        # be passed into the callback handler, rather than dropping the list
        # elements when they are encountered (which also compromises the
        # sequencing of passed arguments). the R FAQ notes that list(NULL)
        # can be used to append NULL elements into a constructed list, but
        # that assigning NULL into list elements omits them from the object.
        # we want the NULL elements to be wrapped in a list when they're
        # passed, so they're nested in the code below.
        # https://cran.r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#Others:
        callback_args <- list()

        for (input_element in request$body$inputs) {
          if (any(grepl("id.", names(unlist(input_element))))) {
            if (!is.null(input_element$id)) input_element <- list(input_element)
            values <- character(0)
            for (wildcard_input in input_element) {
              values <- c(values, wildcard_input$value)
            callback_args <- c(callback_args, ifelse(length(values), list(values), list(NULL)))
          else if(is.null(input_element$value)) {
            callback_args <- c(callback_args, list(list(NULL)))
          else {
            callback_args <- c(callback_args, list(input_element$value))

        if (length(request$body$state)) {
          for (state_element in request$body$state) {
            if (any(grepl("id.", names(unlist(state_element))))) {
              if (!is.null(state_element$id)) state_element <- list(state_element)
              values <- character(0)
              for (wildcard_state in state_element) {
                values <- c(values, wildcard_state$value)
              callback_args <- c(callback_args, ifelse(length(values), list(values), list(NULL)))
            else if(is.null(state_element$value)) {
              callback_args <- c(callback_args, list(list(NULL)))
            else {
              callback_args <- c(callback_args, list(state_element$value))

        # set the callback context associated with this invocation of the callback
        private$callback_context_ <- setCallbackContext(request$body)

        output_value <- getStackTrace(do.call(callback, callback_args),
                                      debug = private$debug,
                                      prune_errors = private$prune_errors)

        # reset callback context
        private$callback_context_ <- NULL

        # inspect the output_value to determine whether any outputs have no_update
        # objects within them; these should not be updated
        if (length(output_value) == 1 && is(output_value, "no_update")) {
          response$body <- character(1) # return empty string
          response$status <- 204L
        else if (is.null(private$stack_message)) {
          # pass on output_value to encode_plotly in case there are dccGraph
          # components which include Plotly.js figures for which we'll need to
          # run plotly_build from the plotly package
          output_value <- encode_plotly(output_value)

          # for multiple outputs, have to format the response body like this, including 'multi' key:
          # https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/d9ddc877d6b15d9354bcef4141acca5d5fe6c07b/dash/dash.py#L1174-L1209

          # for single outputs, the response body is formatted slightly differently:
          # https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/d9ddc877d6b15d9354bcef4141acca5d5fe6c07b/dash/dash.py#L1210-L1220

          if (substr(request$body$output, 1, 2) == '..') {
            # omit return objects of class "no_update" from output_value
            updatable_outputs <- vapply(output_value, function(x) !("no_update" %in% class(x)), logical(1))
            output_value <- output_value[updatable_outputs]

            # if multi-output callback, isolate the output IDs and properties
            ids <- getIdProps(request$body$output)$ids[updatable_outputs]
            props <- getIdProps(request$body$output)$props[updatable_outputs]

            # prepare a response object which has list elements corresponding to ids
            # which themselves contain named list elements corresponding to props
            # then fill in nested list elements based on output_value

            allprops <- setNames(vector("list", length(unique(ids))), unique(ids))

            idmap <- setNames(ids, props)

            for (id in unique(ids)) {
              allprops[[id]] <- output_value[grep(id, ids)]
              names(allprops[[id]]) <- names(idmap[which(idmap==id)])

            resp <- list(
             response = allprops,
             multi = TRUE
          } else if (is.list(request$body$outputs$id)) {
            props = setNames(list(output_value), gsub( "(^.+)(\\.)", "", request$body$output))
            resp <- list(
              response = setNames(list(props), to_JSON(request$body$outputs$id)),
              multi = TRUE
          } else {
            resp <- list(
              response = list(
                props = setNames(list(output_value), gsub( "(^.+)(\\.)", "", request$body$output))

          response$body <- to_JSON(resp)
          response$status <- 200L
          response$type <- 'json'
        } else if (private$debug==TRUE) {
          # if there is an error, send it back to dash-renderer
          response$body <- private$stack_message
          response$status <- 500L
          response$type <- 'html'
          private$stack_message <- NULL
        } else {
          # if not in debug mode, do not return stack
          response$body <- NULL
          response$status <- 500L
          private$stack_message <- NULL

        if (private$compress)
          response <- tryCompress(request, response)

      # This endpoint supports dynamic dependency loading
      # during `_dash-update-component` -- for reference:
      # https://docs.python.org/3/library/pkgutil.html#pkgutil.get_data
      # analogous to
      # https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/2d735aa250fc67b14dc8f6a337d15a16b7cbd6f8/dash/dash.py#L543-L551
      dash_suite <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_dash-component-suites/:package_name/:filename")

      route$add_handler("get", dash_suite, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        filename <- basename(file.path(keys$filename))

        # checkFingerprint returns a list of length 2, the first element is
        # the un-fingerprinted path, if a fingerprint is present (otherwise
        # the original path is returned), while the second element indicates
        # whether the original filename included a valid fingerprint (by
        # Dash convention)
        fingerprinting_metadata <- checkFingerprint(filename)

        filename <- fingerprinting_metadata[[1]]
        has_fingerprint <- fingerprinting_metadata[[2]] == TRUE

        dep_list <- c(private$dependencies_internal,

        dep_pkg <- get_package_mapping(filename,
        # return warning if a dependency goes unmatched, since the page
        # will probably fail to render properly anyway without it
        if (length(dep_pkg$rpkg_path) == 0) {
          warning(sprintf("The dependency '%s' could not be loaded; the file was not found.",
                  call. = FALSE)

          response$body <- NULL
          response$status <- 404L
        } else {
          # need to check for debug mode, don't cache, don't etag
          # if debug mode is not active
          dep_path <- system.file(dep_pkg$rpkg_path,
                                  package = dep_pkg$rpkg_name)

          response$type <- get_mimetype(filename)

          if (grepl("text|javascript", response$type)) {
            response$body <- readLines(dep_path,
                                       warn = FALSE,
                                       encoding = "UTF-8")

            if (private$compress && length(response$body) > 0) {
              response <- tryCompress(request, response)
          } else {
            file_handle <- file(dep_path, "rb")
            file_size <- file.size(dep_path)

            response$body <- readBin(dep_path,

          if (!private$debug && has_fingerprint) {
            response$status <- 200L
                                   sprintf('public, max-age=%s',
                                   '31536000') # 1 year
          } else if (!private$debug && !has_fingerprint) {
            modified <- as.character(as.integer(file.mtime(dep_path)))


            request_etag <- request$get_header('If-None-Match')

            if (!is.null(request_etag) && modified == request_etag) {
              response$body <- NULL
              response$status <- 304L
            } else {
              response$status <- 200L
          } else {
            response$status <- 200L


      dash_assets <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, private$assets_url_path, "/*")

      # ensure slashes are not doubled
      dash_assets <- sub("//", "/", dash_assets)

      route$add_handler("get", dash_assets, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        # unfortunately, keys do not exist for wildcard headers in routr -- URL must be parsed
        # e.g. for ""
        # the following regex pattern will return "/stylesheet.css":
        assets_pattern <- paste0("(?<=",

        # now, identify vector positions for asset string matching pattern above
        asset_match <- gregexpr(pattern = assets_pattern, request$url, perl=TRUE)
        # use regmatches to retrieve only the substring following assets_url_path
        asset_to_match <- unlist(regmatches(request$url, asset_match))

        # now that we've parsed the URL, attempt to match the subpath in the map,
        # then return the local absolute path to the asset
        asset_path <- get_asset_path(private$asset_map,

        # the following codeblock attempts to determine whether the requested
        # content exists, if the data should be encoded as plain text or binary,
        # and opens/closes a file handle if the type is assumed to be binary
        if (!(is.null(asset_path)) && file.exists(asset_path)) {
          response$type <- request$headers[["Content-Type"]] %||%

          if (grepl("text|javascript", response$type)) {
            response$body <- readLines(asset_path,
                                       warn = FALSE,
                                       encoding = "UTF-8")

            if (private$compress && length(response$body) > 0) {
              response <- tryCompress(request, response)
          } else {
            file_handle <- file(asset_path, "rb")
            file_size <- file.size(asset_path)

            response$body <- readBin(file_handle,

          response$status <- 200L
      dash_favicon <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_favicon.ico")

      route$add_handler("get", dash_favicon, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        asset_path <- get_asset_path(private$asset_map,

        # If custom favicon is not present, get the path for the default Dash favicon
        if (is.na(names(asset_path)) || is.null(asset_path)) {
          asset_path <- setNames(system.file("extdata", "favicon.ico", package = "dash"), c("/favicon.ico"))

        file_handle <- file(asset_path, "rb")
        response$body <- readBin(file_handle,

                               sprintf('public, max-age=%s',
        response$type <- 'image/x-icon'
        response$status <- 200L


      # Add a 'catchall' handler to redirect other requests to the index
      dash_catchall <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "*")
      route$add_handler('get', dash_catchall, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        response$body <- private$.index
        response$status <- 200L
        response$type <- 'html'

        if (private$compress)
          response <- tryCompress(request, response)

      dash_reload_hash <- paste0(self$config$routes_pathname_prefix, "_reload-hash")
      route$add_handler("get", dash_reload_hash, function(request, response, keys, ...) {
        modified_files <- private$modified_since_reload
        hard <- TRUE

        if (is.null(modified_files)) {
          # dash-renderer requires that this element not be NULL
          modified_files <- list()

        resp <- list(files = modified_files,
                     hard = hard,
                     packages = c("dash_renderer",
                                      function(x) x[["name"]],
                                      USE.NAMES = FALSE)
                     reloadHash = self$config$reload_hash)
        response$body <- to_JSON(resp)
        response$status <- 200L
        response$type <- 'json'

        # reset the field for the next reloading operation
        private$modified_since_reload <- list()

      router$add_route(route, "dashR-endpoints")

      server$on("start", function(server, ...) {

        viewer <- !(is.null(getOption("viewer"))) && (dynGet("use_viewer") == TRUE)

        app_url <- paste0("http://", self$server$host, ":", self$server$port)

        if (viewer && self$server$host %in% c("localhost", "")) {
          private$in_viewer <- TRUE
        else if (viewer) {
          warning("\U{26A0} RStudio viewer not supported; ensure that host is 'localhost' or '' and that you are using RStudio to run your app. Opening default browser...")

      # user-facing fields
      self$server <- server

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # methods to add custom server routes
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Connect a URL to a custom server route
    #' @details
    #' `fiery`, the underlying web service framework upon which Dash for R is based,
    #' supports custom routing through plugins. While convenient, the plugin API
    #' providing this functionality is different from that provided by Flask, as
    #' used by Dash for Python. This method wraps the pluggable routing of `routr`
    #' routes in a manner that should feel slightly more idiomatic to Dash users.
    #' ## Querying User-Defined Routes:
    #' It is possible to retrieve the list of user-defined routes by invoking the
    #' `get_data` method. For example, if your Dash application object is `app`, use
    #' `app$server$get_data("user-routes")`.
    #' If you wish to erase all user-defined routes without instantiating a new Dash
    #' application object, one option is to clear the routes manually:
    #' `app$server$set_data("user-routes", list())`.
    #' @param path Character. Represents a URL path comprised of strings, parameters
    #' (strings prefixed with :), and wildcards (*), separated by /. Wildcards can
    #' be used to match any path element, rather than restricting (as by default) to
    #' a single path element. For example, it is possible to catch requests to multiple
    #' subpaths using a wildcard. For more information, see \link{Route}.
    #' @param handler Function. Adds a handler function to the specified method and path.
    #' For more information, see \link{Route}.
    #' @param methods Character. A string indicating the request method (in lower case,
    #' e.g. 'get', 'put', etc.), as used by `reqres`. The default is `get`.
    #' For more information, see \link{Route}.
    #' @examples
    #' library(dash)
    #' app <- Dash$new()
    #' # A handler to redirect requests with `307` status code (temporary redirects);
    #' # for permanent redirects (`301`), see the `redirect` method described below
    #' #
    #' # A simple single path-to-path redirect
    #' app$server_route('/getting-started', function(request, response, keys, ...) {
    #'   response$status <- 307L
    #'   response$set_header('Location', '/layout')
    #'   TRUE
    #' })
    #' # Example of a redirect with a wildcard for subpaths
    #' app$server_route('/getting-started/*', function(request, response, keys, ...) {
    #'   response$status <- 307L
    #'   response$set_header('Location', '/layout')
    #'   TRUE
    #' })
    #' # Example of a parameterized redirect with wildcard for subpaths
    #' app$server_route('/accounts/:user_id/*', function(request, response, keys, ...) {
    #'   response$status <- 307L
    #'   response$set_header('Location', paste0('/users/', keys$user_id))
    #'   TRUE
    #' })
    server_route = function(path = NULL, handler = NULL, methods = "get") {
      if (is.null(path) || is.null(handler)) {
        stop("The server_route method requires that a path and handler function are specified. Please ensure these arguments are non-missing.", call.=FALSE)

      user_routes <- self$server$get_data("user-routes")

      user_routes[[path]] <- list("path" = path,
                                  "handler" = handler,
                                  "methods" = methods)

      self$server$set_data("user-routes", user_routes)

    #' @description
    #' Redirect a Dash application URL path
    #' @details
    #' This is a convenience method to simplify adding redirects
    #' for your Dash application which automatically return a `301`
    #' HTTP status code and direct the client to load an alternate URL.
    #' @param old_path Character. Represents the URL path to redirect,
    #' comprised of strings, parameters (strings prefixed with :), and
    #' wildcards (*), separated by /. Wildcards can be used to match any
    #' path element, rather than restricting (as by default) to a single
    #' path element. For example, it is possible to catch requests to multiple
    #' subpaths using a wildcard. For more information, see \link{Route}.
    #' @param new_path Character or function. Same as `old_path`, but represents the
    #' new path which the client should load instead. If a function is
    #' provided instead of a string, it should have `keys` within its formals.
    #' @param methods Character. A string indicating the request method
    #' (in lower case, e.g. 'get', 'put', etc.), as used by `reqres`. The
    #' default is `get`. For more information, see \link{Route}.
    #' @examples
    #' library(dash)
    #' app <- Dash$new()
    #' # example of a simple single path-to-path redirect
    #' app$redirect("/getting-started", "/layout")
    #' # example of a redirect using wildcards
    #' app$redirect("/getting-started/*", "/layout/*")
    #' # example of a parameterized redirect using a function for new_path,
    #' # which requires passing in keys to take advantage of subpaths within
    #' # old_path that are preceded by a colon (e.g. :user_id):
    #' app$redirect("/accounts/:user_id/*", function(keys) paste0("/users/", keys$user_id))
    redirect = function(old_path = NULL, new_path = NULL, methods = "get") {
      if (is.null(old_path) || is.null(new_path)) {
        stop("The redirect method requires that both an old path and a new path are specified. Please ensure these arguments are non-missing.", call.=FALSE)

      if (is.function(new_path)) {
        handler <- function(request, response, keys, ...) {
          response$status <- 301L
          response$set_header('Location', new_path(keys))
      } else {
        handler <- function(request, response, keys, ...) {
          response$status <- 301L
          response$set_header('Location', new_path)

      self$server_route(old_path, handler)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # dash layout methods
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Retrieves the Dash application layout.
    #' @details
    #' If render is `TRUE`, and the layout is a function,
    #' the result of the function (rather than the function itself) is returned.
    #' @param render Logical. If the layout is a function, should the function be
    #' executed to return the layout? If `FALSE`, the function is returned as-is.
    #' @return List or function, depending on the value of `render` (see above).
    #' When returning an object of class `dash_component`, the default `print`
    #' method for this class will display the corresponding pretty-printed JSON
    #' representation of the object to the console.
    layout_get = function(render = TRUE) {
      if (render) private$layout_render() else private$layout_

    #' @description
    #' Set the Dash application layout (i.e., specify its user interface).
    #' @details
    #' `value` should be either a
    #' collection of Dash components (e.g., [dccSlider], [htmlDiv], etc) or
    #' a function which returns a collection of components. The collection
    #' of components must be nested, such that any additional components
    #' contained within `value` are passed solely as `children` of the top-level
    #' component. In all cases, `value` must be a member of the `dash_component`
    #' class.
    #' @param value An object of the `dash_component` class, which provides
    #' a component or collection of components, specified either as a Dash
    #' component or a function that returns a Dash component.
    layout = function(value) {
      # private$layout_ <- if (is.function(..1)) ..1 else list(...)
      private$layout_ <- value
      # render the layout, and then return the rendered layout without printing

    #' @description
    #' Update the version of React in the list of dependencies served by dash-renderer to the client.
    #' @param version Character. The version number of React to use.
    react_version_set = function(version) {
      versions <- private$react_versions()
      idx <- versions %in% version
      # needs to match one react & one react-dom version
      if (sum(idx) != 2) {
          "React version '%s' is not supported. Supported versions include: '%s'",
          version, paste(unique(versions), collapse = "', '")
        ), call. = FALSE)
      private$react_version_enabled <- version

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # callback registration
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Define a Dash callback.
    #' @details
    #' Describes a server or clientside callback relating the values of one or more
    #' `output` items to one or more `input` items which will trigger the callback
    #' when they change, and optionally `state` items which provide additional
    #' information but do not trigger the callback directly.
    #' For detailed examples of how to use pattern-matching callbacks, see the
    #' entry for \link{selectors} or visit our interactive online
    #' documentation at \url{https://dash.plotly.com/r/}.
    #' The `output` argument defines which layout component property should
    #' receive the results (via the [output] object). The events that
    #' trigger the callback are then described by the [input] (and/or [state])
    #' object(s) (which should reference layout components), which become
    #' argument values for R callback handlers defined in `func`.
    #' Here `func` may either be an anonymous R function, a JavaScript function
    #' provided as a character string, or a call to `clientsideFunction()`, which
    #' describes a locally served JavaScript function instead. The latter
    #' two methods define a "clientside callback", which updates components
    #' without passing data to and from the Dash backend. The latter may offer
    #' improved performance relative to callbacks written purely in R.
    #' @param output Named list. The `output` argument provides the component `id`
    #' and `property` which will be updated by the callback; a callback can
    #' target one or more outputs (i.e. multiple outputs).
    #' @param params Unnamed list; provides [input] and [state] statements, each
    #' with its own defined `id` and `property`. For pattern-matching callbacks,
    #' the `id` field of a component is written in JSON-like syntax and provides
    #' fields that are arbitrary keys which describe the targets of the callback.
    #' See \link{selectors} for more details.
    #' @param func Function; must return [output] provided [input] or [state]
    #' arguments. `func` may be any valid R function, or a character string
    #' containing valid JavaScript, or a call to [clientsideFunction],
    #' including `namespace` and `function_name` arguments for a locally served
    #' JavaScript function.
    callback = function(output, params, func) {
      assert_valid_callbacks(output, params, func)
      inputs <- params[vapply(params, function(x) 'input' %in% attr(x, "class"), FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
      state <- params[vapply(params, function(x) 'state' %in% attr(x, "class"), FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
      if (is.function(func)) {
        clientside_function <- NULL
      } else if (is.character(func)) {
        # update the scripts before generating tags, and remove exact
        # duplicates from inline_scripts
        fn_name <- paste0("_dashprivate_", output$id)

        func <- paste0('<script>\n',
                       'var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {};\n',
                       'var ns = clientside["', fn_name, '"] = clientside["', fn_name, '"] || {};\n',
                       'ns["', output$property, '"] = \n',

        private$inline_scripts <- unique(c(private$inline_scripts, func))

        clientside_function <- clientsideFunction(namespace = fn_name,
                                                  function_name = output$property)

        func <- NULL
      } else {
        clientside_function <- func
        func <- NULL

      # register the callback_map
      private$callback_map <- insertIntoCallbackMap(private$callback_map,

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # request and return callback context
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Request and return the calling context of a Dash callback.
    #' @details
    #' The `callback_context` method permits retrieving the inputs which triggered
    #' the firing of a given callback, and allows introspection of the input/state
    #' values given their names. It is only available from within a callback;
    #' attempting to use this method outside of a callback will result in a warning.
    #' The `callback_context` method returns a list containing  three elements:
    #' `states`, `triggered`, `inputs`. The first and last of these correspond to
    #' the values of `states` and `inputs` for the current invocation of the
    #' callback, and `triggered` provides a list of changed properties.
    #' @return List comprising elements `states`, `triggered`, `inputs`.
    callback_context = function() {
      if (is.null(private$callback_context_)) {
        warning("callback_context is undefined; callback_context may only be accessed within a callback.")


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # request and return callback timing data
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Records timing information for a server resource.
    #' @details
    #' The `callback_context.record_timing` method permits retrieving the
    #' duration required to execute a given callback. It may only be called
    #' from within a callback; a warning will be thrown and the method will
    #' otherwise return `NULL` if invoked outside of a callback.
    #' @param name Character. The name of the resource.
    #' @param duration Numeric. The time in seconds to report. Internally, this is
    #' rounded to the nearest millisecond.
    #' @param description Character. A description of the resource.
    callback_context.record_timing = function(name,
                                              description=NULL) {
      if (is.null(private$callback_context_)) {
        warning("callback_context is undefined; callback_context.record_timing may only be accessed within a callback.")

      timing_information <- self$server$get_data("timing-information")

      if (name %in% timing_information) {
        stop(paste0("Duplicate resource name ", name, " found."), call.=FALSE)

      timing_information[[name]] <- list("dur" = round(duration * 1000),
                                         "desc" = description)

      self$server$set_data("timing-information", timing_information)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return asset URLs
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Return a URL for a Dash asset.
    #' @details
    #' The `get_asset_url` method permits retrieval of an asset's URL given its filename.
    #' For example, `app$get_asset_url('style.css')` should return `/assets/style.css` when
    #' `assets_folder = 'assets'`. By default, the prefix is the value of `requests_pathname_prefix`,
    #' but this is configurable via the `prefix` parameter. Note: this method will
    #' present a warning and return `NULL` if the Dash app was not loaded via `source()`
    #' if the `DASH_APP_PATH` environment variable is undefined.
    #' @param asset_path Character. Specifies asset filename whose URL should be returned.
    #' @param prefix Character. Specifies pathname prefix; default is to use `requests_pathname_prefix`.
    #' @return Character. A string representing the URL to the asset.
    get_asset_url = function(asset_path, prefix = self$config$requests_pathname_prefix) {
      app_root_path <- Sys.getenv("DASH_APP_PATH")

      if (app_root_path == "" && getAppPath() != FALSE) {
        # app loaded via source(), root path is known
        app_root_path <- dirname(private$app_root_path)
      } else if (getAppPath() == FALSE) {
        # app not loaded via source(), env var not set, no reliable way to ascertain root path
        warning("application not started via source(), and DASH_APP_PATH environment variable is undefined. get_asset_url returns NULL since root path cannot be reliably identified.")

      asset <- lapply(private$asset_map,
                      function(x) {
                        # asset_path should be prepended with the full app root & assets path
                        # if leading slash(es) present in asset_path, remove them before
                        # assembling full asset path
                        asset_path <- file.path(app_root_path,
                        return(names(x[x == asset_path]))
      asset <- unlist(asset, use.names = FALSE)

      if (length(asset) == 0)
        stop(sprintf("the asset path '%s' is not valid; please verify that this path exists within the '%s' directory.",

      # strip multiple slashes if present, since we'll
      # introduce one when we concatenate the prefix and
      # asset path & prepend the asset name with route prefix

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return relative asset URLs
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Return relative asset paths for Dash assets.
    #' @details
    #' The `get_relative_path` method simplifies the handling of URLs and pathnames for apps
    #' running locally and on a deployment server such as Dash Enterprise. It handles the prefix
    #' for requesting assets similar to the `get_asset_url` method, but can also be used for URL handling
    #' in components such as `dccLink` or `dccLocation`. For example, `app$get_relative_url("/page/")`
    #' would return `/app/page/` for an app running on a deployment server. The path must be prefixed with
    #' a `/`.
    #' @param path Character. A path string prefixed with a leading `/` which directs
    #' at a path or asset directory.
    #' @param requests_pathname_prefix Character. The pathname prefix for the application when
    #' deployed. Defaults to the environment variable set by the server,
    #' or `""` if run locally.
    #' @return Character. A string describing a relative path to a Dash app's asset
    #' given a `path` and `requests_pathname_prefix`.
    get_relative_path = function(path, requests_pathname_prefix = self$config$requests_pathname_prefix) {
      asset = get_relative_path(requests_pathname = requests_pathname_prefix, path = path)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # return relative asset URLs
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #' @description
    #' Return a Dash asset path without its prefix.
    #' @details
    #' The `strip_relative_path` method simplifies the handling of URLs and pathnames for apps
    #' running locally and on a deployment server such as Dash Enterprise. It acts almost opposite to the `get_relative_path`
    #' method, by taking a `relative path` as an input, and returning the `path` stripped of the `requests_pathname_prefix`,
    #' and any leading or trailing `/`. For example, a path string `/app/homepage/`, would be returned as
    #' `homepage`. This is particularly useful for `dccLocation` URL routing.
    #' @param path Character. A path string prefixed with a leading `/` which directs
    #' at a path or asset directory.
    #' @param requests_pathname_prefix Character. The pathname prefix for the app on
    #' a deployed application. Defaults to the environment variable set by the server,
    #' or `""` if run locally.
    strip_relative_path = function(path, requests_pathname_prefix = self$config$requests_pathname_prefix) {
      asset = strip_relative_path(requests_pathname = requests_pathname_prefix, path = path)

    # specify a custom index string
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Specify a custom index string for a Dash application.
    #' @details
    #' The `index_string` method allows the specification of a custom index by changing
    #' the default `HTML` template that is generated by the Dash UI. #' Meta tags, CSS, and JavaScript are some examples of features
    #' that can be modified. This method will present a warning if your
    #' HTML template is missing any necessary elements
    #' and return an error if a valid index is not defined. The following interpolation keys are
    #' currently supported:
    #'     \describe{
    #'          \item{`{%metas%}`}{Optional - The registered meta tags.}
    #'          \item{`{%favicon%}`}{Optional - A favicon link tag if found in assets.}
    #'          \item{`{%css%}`}{Optional - Link tags to CSS resources.}
    #'          \item{`{%config%}`}{Required - Configuration details generated by Dash for the renderer.}
    #'          \item{`{%app_entry%}`}{Required - The container where Dash React components are rendered.}
    #'          \item{`{%scripts%}`}{Required - Script tags for collected dependencies.}
    #'          }
    #'     \describe{
    #'          \item{Example of a basic HTML index string:}{
    #'          \preformatted{
    #' "<!DOCTYPE html>
    #' <html>
    #'  <head>
    #'   \{\%meta_tags\%\}
    #'      <title>\{\{%css\%\}\}</title>
    #'      \{\%favicon\%\}
    #'      \{\%css_tags\%\}
    #'  </head>
    #'   <body>
    #'     \{\%app_entry\%\}
    #'     <footer>
    #'      \{\%config\%\}
    #'      \{\%scripts\%\}
    #'     </footer>
    #'   </body>
    #' </html>"
    #'       }
    #'    }
    #' }
    #' @param string Character; the index string template, with interpolation keys included.
    index_string = function(string) {
      private$custom_index <- validate_keys(string, is_template=TRUE)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # modify the templated variables by using the `interpolate_index` method.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Modify index template variables for a Dash application.
    #' @details
    #' With the `interpolate_index` method, one can pass a custom index with template string
    #' variables that are already evaluated. Directly passing arguments to the `template_index`
    #' has the effect of assigning them to variables present in the template. This is similar to the `index_string` method
    #' but offers the ability to change the default components of the Dash index as seen in the example below.
    #' @param template_index Character. A formatted string with the HTML index string. Defaults to the initial template.
    #' @param ... Named list. The unnamed arguments can be passed as individual named lists corresponding to the components of the Dash HTML index. These include the same argument as those found in the `index_string()` template.
    #' @examples
    #' library(dash)
    #' app <- Dash$new()
    #' sample_template <- "<!DOCTYPE html>
    #' <html>
    #' <head>
    #' {%meta_tags%}
    #' <title>Index Template Test</title>
    #' {%favicon%}
    #' {%css_tags%}
    #' </head>
    #' <body>
    #' {%app_entry%}
    #' <footer>
    #' {%config%}
    #' {%scripts%}
    #' </footer>
    #' </body>
    #' </html>"

    #' # this is the default configuration, but custom configurations
    #' # are possible -- the structure of the "config" argument is
    #' # a list, in which each element is a JSON key/value pair, when
    #' # reformatted as JSON from the list:
    #' #  e.g. {"routes_pathname_prefix":"/", "ui":false}
    #' config <- sprintf("<script id='_dash-config' type='application/json'> %s </script>",
    #'                  jsonlite::toJSON(app$config, auto_unbox=TRUE))
    #' app$interpolate_index(
    #'   sample_template,
    #'   metas = "<meta_charset='UTF-8'/>",
    #'   app_entry = "<div id='react-entry-point'><div class='_dash-loading'>Loading...</div></div>",
    #'   config = config,
    #'   scripts = "")
    interpolate_index = function(template_index = private$template_index[[1]], ...) {
      template <- template_index
      kwargs <- list(...)

      for (name in names(kwargs)) {
        key = paste0('\\{\\%', name, '\\%\\}')
        template = sub(key, kwargs[[name]], template)

      invisible(validate_keys(names(kwargs), is_template=FALSE))

      private$template_index <- template

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # specify a custom title
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Set the title of the Dash app
    #' @details
    #' If no title is supplied, Dash for R will use 'Dash'.
    #' @param string Character. A string representation of the name of the Dash application.
    title = function(string = "Dash") {
      private$name <- string

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # convenient fiery wrappers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #' Start the Fiery HTTP server and run a Dash application.
    #' @details
    #' Starts the Fiery server in local mode and launches the Dash application. If a parameter can be set by an environment variable, that is listed too. Values provided here take precedence over environment variables.
    #' . If provided, `host`/`port` set the `host`/`port` fields of the underlying [fiery::Fire] web server. The `block`/`showcase`/`...` arguments are passed along
    #' to the `ignite()` method of the [fiery::Fire] server.
    #' @param host Character. A string specifying a valid IPv4 address for the Fiery server, or `` to listen on all addresses. Default is `` Environment variable: `HOST`.
    #' @param port Integer. Specifies the port number on which the server should listen (default is `8050`). Environment variable: `PORT`.
    #' @param block Logical. Start the server while blocking console input? Default is `TRUE`.
    #' @param showcase Logical. Load the Dash application into the default web browser when server starts? Default is `FALSE`.
    #' @param use_viewer Logical. Load the Dash application into RStudio's viewer pane? Requires that `host` is either `` or `localhost`, and that Dash application is started within RStudio; if `use_viewer = TRUE` and these conditions are not satisfied, the user is warned and the app opens in the default browser instead. Default is `FALSE`.
    #' @param debug Logical. Enable/disable all the Dash developer tools (and the within-browser user interface for the callback graph visualizer and stack traces) unless overridden by the arguments or environment variables. Default is `FALSE` when called via `run_server`. For more information, please visit \url{https://dash.plotly.com/r/devtools}. Environment variable: `DASH_DEBUG`.
    #' @param dev_tools_ui Logical. Show Dash's developer tools UI? Default is `TRUE` if `debug == TRUE`, `FALSE` otherwise. Environment variable: `DASH_UI`.
    #' @param dev_tools_hot_reload Logical. Activate hot reloading when app, assets, and component files change? Default is `TRUE` if `debug == TRUE`, `FALSE` otherwise. Requires that the Dash application is loaded using `source()`, so that `srcref` attributes are available for executed code. Environment variable: `DASH_HOT_RELOAD`.
    #' @param dev_tools_hot_reload_interval Numeric. Interval in seconds for the client to request the reload hash. Default is `3`. Environment variable: `DASH_HOT_RELOAD_INTERVAL`.
    #' @param dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval Numeric. Interval in seconds for the server to check asset and component folders for changes. Default `0.5`. Environment variable: `DASH_HOT_RELOAD_WATCH_INTERVAL`.
    #' @param dev_tools_hot_reload_max_retry Integer. Maximum number of failed reload hash requests before failing and displaying a pop up. Default `0.5`. Environment variable: `DASH_HOT_RELOAD_MAX_RETRY`.
    #' @param dev_tools_props_check Logical. Validate the types and values of Dash component properties? Default is `TRUE` if `debug == TRUE`, `FALSE` otherwise. Environment variable: `DASH_PROPS_CHECK`.
    #' @param dev_tools_prune_errors Logical. Reduce tracebacks such that only lines relevant to user code remain, stripping out Fiery and Dash references? Only available with debugging. `TRUE` by default, set to `FALSE` to see the complete traceback. Environment variable: `DASH_PRUNE_ERRORS`.
    #' @param dev_tools_silence_routes_logging Logical. Replace Fiery's default logger with `dashLogger` instead (will remove all routes logging)? Enabled with debugging by default because hot reload hash checks generate a lot of requests.
    #' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the `start` handler; see the [fiery] documentation for relevant examples.
    #' @examples
    #' if (interactive() ) {
    #'   library(dash)
    #'   app <- Dash$new()
    #'   app$layout(htmlDiv(
    #'     list(
    #'       dccInput(id = "inputID", value = "initial value", type = "text"),
    #'       htmlDiv(id = "outputID")
    #'     )
    #'    )
    #'   )
    #'   app$callback(output = list(id="outputID", property="children"),
    #'                params = list(input(id="inputID", property="value"),
    #'                         state(id="inputID", property="type")),
    #'     function(x, y)
    #'       sprintf("You've entered: '%s' into a '%s' input control", x, y)
    #'   )
    #'   app$run_server(showcase = TRUE)
    #' }
    run_server = function(host = Sys.getenv('HOST', ""),
                          port = Sys.getenv('PORT', 8050),
                          block = TRUE,
                          showcase = FALSE,
                          use_viewer = FALSE,
                          dev_tools_prune_errors = TRUE,
                          debug = Sys.getenv('DASH_DEBUG'),
                          dev_tools_ui = Sys.getenv('DASH_UI'),
                          dev_tools_props_check = Sys.getenv('DASH_PROPS_CHECK'),
                          dev_tools_hot_reload = Sys.getenv('DASH_HOT_RELOAD'),
                          dev_tools_hot_reload_interval = Sys.getenv('DASH_HOT_RELOAD_INTERVAL'),
                          dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval = Sys.getenv('DASH_HOT_RELOAD_WATCH_INTERVAL)'),
                          dev_tools_hot_reload_max_retry = Sys.getenv('DASH_HOT_RELOAD_MAX_RETRY'),
                          dev_tools_silence_routes_logging = NULL,
                          ...) {
      if (exists("dash_nested_fiery_server", env=parent.frame(1))) {
        # fiery is attempting to launch a server within a server, abort gracefully

      getServerParam <- function(value, type, default) {
        if (length(value) == 0 || is.na(value))
        if (type %in% c("double", "integer") && value < 0)
        if (toupper(value) %in% c("TRUE", "FALSE") && type == "logical")
          value <- as.logical(toupper(value))
        if (type == "integer")
          value <- as.integer(value)
        if (type == "double")
          value <- as.double(value)
        if (value != "" && typeof(value) == type) {
        } else {

      debug <- getServerParam(debug, "logical", FALSE)
      private$debug <- debug

      self$server$host <- getServerParam(host, "character", "")
      self$server$port <- getServerParam(as.integer(port), "integer", 8050)

      dev_tools_ui <- getServerParam(dev_tools_ui, "logical", debug)
      dev_tools_props_check <- getServerParam(dev_tools_props_check, "logical", debug)
      dev_tools_silence_routes_logging <- getServerParam(dev_tools_silence_routes_logging, "logical", debug)
      dev_tools_hot_reload <- getServerParam(dev_tools_hot_reload, "logical", debug)

      private$prune_errors <- getServerParam(dev_tools_prune_errors, "logical", TRUE)

      # attach user-defined routes, if they exist
      if (length(self$server$get_data("user-routes")) > 0) {

        plugin <- list(
          on_attach = function(server) {
            user_routes <- server$get_data("user-routes")

            # adding an additional route will fail if the
            # route already exists, so remove user-routes
            # if present and reload; user_routes will still
            # have all the relevant routes in place anyhow
            if (server$plugins$request_routr$has_route("user-routes"))

            router <- server$plugins$request_routr

            route <- routr::Route$new()

            for (routing in user_routes) {

            router$add_route(route, "user-routes")
          name = "user_routes",
          require = "request_routr"

        self$server$attach(plugin, force = TRUE)

      if(getAppPath() != FALSE) {
        source_dir <- dirname(getAppPath())
        private$app_root_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(source_dir, recursive = TRUE, asset_path = private$assets_folder)
      } else {
        source_dir <- NULL

      # set the modtime to track state of the Dash app directory
      # this calls getAppPath, which will try three approaches to
      # identifying the local app path (depending on whether the app
      # is invoked via script, source(), or executed directly from console)
      self$config$ui <- dev_tools_ui

      if (dev_tools_hot_reload) {
        hot_reload <- TRUE
        hot_reload_interval <- getServerParam(dev_tools_hot_reload_interval, "double", 3)
        hot_reload_watch_interval <- getServerParam(dev_tools_hot_reload_watch_interval, "double", 0.5)
        hot_reload_max_retry <- getServerParam(as.integer(dev_tools_hot_reload_max_retry), "integer", 8)
        # convert from seconds to msec as used by js `setInterval`
        self$config$hot_reload <- list(interval = hot_reload_interval * 1000, max_retry = hot_reload_max_retry)
      } else {
        hot_reload <- FALSE

      self$config$silence_routes_logging <- dev_tools_silence_routes_logging
      self$config$props_check <- dev_tools_props_check

      if (private$debug && self$config$ui) {
        self$server$on('before-request', function(server, ...) {
          self$server$set_data("timing-information", list(
            "__dash_server" = list(
              "dur" = as.numeric(Sys.time()),
              "desc" = NULL

        self$server$on('request', function(server, request, ...) {
          timing_information <- self$server$get_data('timing-information')
          dash_total <- timing_information[['__dash_server']]
          timing_information[['__dash_server']][['dur']] <- round((as.numeric(Sys.time()) - dash_total[['dur']]) * 1000)

          header_as_string <- list()

          for (item in seq_along(timing_information)) {
            header_content <- names(timing_information[item])

            if (!is.null(timing_information[[item]]$desc)) {
              header_content <- paste0(header_content, ';desc="', timing_information[[item]]$desc, '"')

            if (!is.null(timing_information[[item]]$dur)) {
              header_content <- paste0(header_content, ';dur=', timing_information[[item]]$dur)

             header_as_string[[item]] <- header_content

                                         paste0(unlist(header_as_string), collapse=", "))

      if (hot_reload == TRUE & !(is.null(source_dir))) {
        self$server$on('cycle-end', function(server, ...) {
          # handle case where assets are not present, since we can still hot reload the app itself
          # private$last_reload stores the time of the last hard or soft reload event
          # private$last_cycle will be set when the cycle-end handler terminates
          if (!is.null(private$last_cycle) & !is.null(hot_reload_watch_interval)) {
            permit_reload <- (Sys.time() - private$last_reload) >= hot_reload_watch_interval
          } else {
            permit_reload <- FALSE

          if (permit_reload) {
            if (dir.exists(private$assets_folder)) {
              # by specifying asset_path, we can exclude assets from the root_modtime when recursive=TRUE
              # otherwise modifying CSS assets will always trigger a hard reload
              current_asset_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(private$assets_folder, recursive = TRUE)
              current_root_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(source_dir, recursive = TRUE, asset_path = private$assets_folder)
              updated_assets <- isTRUE(current_asset_modtime > private$asset_modtime)
              updated_root <- isTRUE(current_root_modtime > private$app_root_modtime)
              private$app_root_modtime <- current_root_modtime
            } else {
              # there is no assets folder, update the root modtime only
              current_asset_modtime <- NULL
              current_root_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(source_dir, recursive = TRUE)
              updated_root <- isTRUE(current_root_modtime > private$app_root_modtime)
              updated_assets <- FALSE
              private$app_root_modtime <- current_root_modtime

            if (!is.null(current_asset_modtime) && updated_assets) {
              # refreshAssetMap silently returns a list of updated objects in the map
              # we can use this to retrieve the modified files, and also determine if
              # any are scripts or other non-CSS data
              has_assets <- file.exists(file.path(source_dir, private$assets_folder))

              if (length(has_assets) != 0 && has_assets) {
                updated_files <- private$refreshAssetMap()
                file_extensions <- tools::file_ext(updated_files$modified)

                # if the vector of file_extensions is logical(0), this ensures
                # we return FALSE instead of logical(0)
                checkIfCSS <- function(extension) {
                  if (length(extension) == 0)
                    return(extension == "css")

                all_updated <- c(updated_files$added, updated_files$modified)
                private$modified_since_reload <- lapply(setNames(all_updated, NULL),
                                                        function(current_file) {
                                                        list(is_css = checkIfCSS(tools::file_ext(current_file)),
                                                             modified = modtimeFromPath(current_file),
                                                             url = paste(private$assets_url_path, basename(current_file), sep="/"))

                private$asset_modtime <- current_asset_modtime
                # update the hash passed back to the renderer, and bump the timestamp
                # to match the current reloading event
                other_changed <- any(tools::file_ext(updated_files$modified) != "css")
                other_added <- any(tools::file_ext(updated_files$added) != "css")
                other_deleted <- any(tools::file_ext(updated_files$deleted) != "css")

            if (updated_assets || updated_root) {
              self$config$reload_hash <- private$generateReloadHash()

              # if any filetypes other than CSS are encountered in those which
              # are modified or deleted, restart the server
              hard_reload <- updated_root || (has_assets && (other_changed || other_added || other_deleted))

              if (!hard_reload) {
                # refresh the index but don't restart the server
                # while not a "hard" reload, update last_reload to reflect "soft" reloads also
                # since we determine whether to perform subsequent reloads based this value
                private$last_reload <- as.integer(Sys.time())
              } else {
                # if the server was started via Rscript or via source()
                # then update the app object here
                if (!(getAppPath() == FALSE)) {
                  app_env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
                  # set the flag to automatically abort the server on execution
                  assign("dash_nested_fiery_server", TRUE, envir=app_env)
                  source(getAppPath(), app_env)
                  # set the layout and refresh the callback map
                  write(crayon::cyan$bold("\U{1F504} Changes to app or its assets detected, reloading ..."), stderr())
                  private$callback_map <- get("callback_map", envir=get("app", envir=app_env)$.__enclos_env__$private)
                  private$layout_ <- get("layout_", envir=get("app", envir=app_env)$.__enclos_env__$private)
                  # if using the viewer, reload app there
                  if (private$in_viewer)
                    rstudioapi::viewer(paste0("http://", self$server$host, ":", self$server$port))
                  # tear down the temporary environment

          # reset the timestamp so we're able to determine when the last cycle end occurred
          private$last_cycle <- as.integer(Sys.time())

          # flush the context to prepare for the next request cycle
          self$server$set_data("timing-information", list())
      } else if (hot_reload == TRUE & is.null(source_dir)) {
          message("\U{26A0} No source directory information available; hot reloading has been disabled.\nPlease ensure that you are loading your Dash for R application using source().\n")
        } else if (hot_reload == FALSE && private$debug && self$config$ui) {
            self$server$on("cycle-end", function(server, ...) {
              # flush the context to prepare for the next request cycle
              self$server$set_data("timing-information", list())

      attached_packages = .packages()
      if (any(c("dashCoreComponents", "dashHtmlComponents", "dashTable") %in% attached_packages)) {
        message(strwrap(prefix = "\n", initial = "", "\U{26A0} Note: As of version 1.0, the following packages are deprecated and should no longer be installed or loaded when using Dash for R: `dashHtmlComponents`, `dashCoreComponents`, `dashTable`. These components are now bundled within the `dash` package."))

      self$server$ignite(block = block, showcase = showcase, ...)

  private = list(
    # private fields defined on initiation
    name = NULL,
    serve_locally = NULL,
    eager_loading = NULL,
    meta_tags = NULL,
    assets_folder = NULL,
    assets_url_path = NULL,
    assets_ignore = NULL,
    url_base_pathname = NULL,
    routes_pathname_prefix = NULL,
    requests_pathname_prefix = NULL,
    suppress_callback_exceptions = NULL,
    compress = NULL,
    asset_map = NULL,
    css = NULL,
    scripts = NULL,
    other = NULL,

    # initialize flags for debug mode and stack pruning
    debug = NULL,
    prune_errors = NULL,
    stack_message = NULL,

    # callback context
    callback_context_ = NULL,

    # fields for setting modification times and paths to track state
    asset_modtime = NULL,
    app_launchtime = NULL,
    app_root_path = NULL,
    app_root_modtime = NULL,

    # fields for controlling hot reloading state
    last_reload = numeric(1),
    last_refresh = NULL,
    last_cycle = NULL,
    modified_since_reload = NULL,

    # field to store whether viewer has been requested
    in_viewer = NULL,

    # fields for tracking HTML dependencies
    dependencies = list(),
    dependencies_user = list(),
    dependencies_internal = list(),

    # layout stuff
    layout_ = NULL,
    layout_ids = NULL,
    layout_render = function() {
      layout_ <- if (is.function(private$layout_)) private$layout_() else private$layout_

      # ensure that the layout is a component, or a collection of components
      layout_ <- private$componentify(layout_)

      # store the layout as a (flattened) vector form since we query the
      # vector names several times to verify ID naming (among other things)
      layout_flat <- rapply(layout_, I)
      layout_nms <- names(layout_flat)

      # verify that layout ids are unique
      idx <- grep("props\\.id$", layout_nms)

      layout_ids <- as.character(layout_flat[idx])
      duped <- anyDuplicated(layout_ids) > 0

      if (duped) {
        duped_ids <- paste(layout_ids[duplicated(layout_ids)], collapse = ", ")

          sprintf("layout ids must be unique -- please check the following list of duplicated ids: '%s'", duped_ids),
          call. = FALSE

      private$layout_ids <- layout_ids
      # load package-level HTML dependencies from attached pkgs
      metadataFns <- lapply(.packages(), getDashMetadata)
      metadataFns <- metadataFns[lengths(metadataFns) != 0]

      deps_layout <- lapply(unlist(metadataFns), function(dep) {
        # the objective is to identify JS dependencies
        # without requiring that a proprietary R format
        # file is loaded at object initialization to
        # retrieve them; this is undesirable since there
        # is no easy way to generate .RData or .rds within
        # Python, which we now use to 'transpile' JSON>>R
        # the following code is somewhat unorthodox, but
        # permits us to write dependencies to text, then
        # load them as (internal/hidden) functions with
        # no arguments. this approach is modular, but should
        # be refactored at a later date, as it is far from
        # elegant.
        # construct function name based on package name
        fn_summary <- getAnywhere(dep)

        # ensure that the object refers to a function,
        # and we are able to locate it somewhere
        if (length(fn_summary$where) == 0) return(NULL)

        if (mode(fn_summary$obj[[1]]) == "function") {
          # function is available
          dep_list <- do.call(fn_summary$obj[[1]], list())
        } else {

      deps_layout <- unlist(deps_layout, recursive=FALSE)

      # add on HTML dependencies we've identified by crawling the layout
      private$dependencies <- c(private$dependencies, deps_layout)

      # return the computed layout
      oldClass(layout_) <- c("dash_layout", oldClass(layout_))

    refreshAssetMap = function() {
      # if hot reloading, use canonical path to app as retrieved via getAppPath()
      # this should be useful if the server is run in non-blocking mode while
      # hot reloading is active, and the user decides to setwd() ...
      if (getAppPath() != FALSE) {
        private$asset_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(file.path(dirname(getAppPath()), private$assets_folder), recursive = TRUE)
      } else {
        private$asset_modtime <- modtimeFromPath(private$assets_folder, recursive = TRUE)

      # before refreshing the asset map, temporarily store it for the
      # comparison with the updated map
      previous_map <- private$asset_map

      # refresh the asset map
      current_map <- private$walk_assets_directory(private$assets_folder)

      # need to check whether the assets have actually been updated, since
      # this function is also called to generate the asset map
      if (!is.na(private$asset_modtime) && private$asset_modtime > private$app_launchtime) {
        # here we use mapply to make pairwise comparisons for each of the
        # asset classes in the map -- before/after for css, js, and other
        # assets; this returns a list whose subelements correspond to each
        # class, and three vectors of updated objects for each (deleted,
        # changed, and new files)
        list_of_diffs <- mapply(changedAssets,

        # these lines collapse the modified assets into vectors, and scrub
        # duplicated NULL return values
        deleted <- unlist(lapply(list_of_diffs, `[`, "deleted"))
        changed <- unlist(lapply(list_of_diffs, `[`, "changed"))
        new <- unlist(lapply(list_of_diffs, `[`, "new"))

        # update the asset map
        private$asset_map <- current_map

        # when the asset map is refreshed, this function will invisibly
        # return the vectors of updated assets, grouped by deleted,
        # modified, and added files
        private$last_refresh <- as.integer(Sys.time())

      } else {
        private$asset_map <- current_map
        private$last_refresh <- as.integer(Sys.time())

    walk_assets_directory = function(assets_dir = private$assets_folder) {
      # obtain the full canonical path
      asset_path <- normalizePath(file.path(assets_dir))

      # remove multiple slashes if present
      asset_path <- gsub("//+",

      # collect all the file paths to all files in assets, walk
      # directory tree recursively
      files <- list.files(path = asset_path,
                          full.names = TRUE,
                          recursive = TRUE)

      # if the user supplies an assets_ignore filter regex, use this
      # to filter the file map to exclude anything that matches
      if (private$assets_ignore != "") {
        files <- files[!grepl(pattern = private$assets_ignore,
                              perl = TRUE)]

      # regex to match substring of absolute path
      # the following lines escape out slashes, keeping subpath
      # but without private$assets_folder included
      assets_pattern <- paste0("(?<=",

      # if file extension is .css, add to stylesheets
      sheet_paths <- files[tools::file_ext(files) == "css"]

      # if file extension is .js, add to scripts
      script_paths <- files[tools::file_ext(files) == "js"]

      # file_paths includes all assets that are neither CSS nor JS
      # this is to avoid duplicate entries in the map when flattened
      file_paths <- files[!(tools::file_ext(files) %in% c("css", "js"))]

      # for CSS, JavaScript, and everything to be served in assets, construct
      # a map -- a list of three character string vectors, in which the elements
      # are absolute (local system) paths to the assets being served, and the
      # names attribute of the elements matches the relative asset path
      if (length(sheet_paths)) {
        # first, sort the filenames alphanumerically
        sheet_paths <- sheet_paths[order(basename(sheet_paths))]
        # now, identify vector positions for asset strings matching pattern above
        match_sheets <- gregexpr(pattern = assets_pattern, sheet_paths, perl=TRUE)
        # use regmatches to retrieve only the substring including assets/...
        sheet_names <- regmatches(sheet_paths, match_sheets)
        # assign names for matched assets corresponding to substring
        css_map <- setNames(sheet_paths, sheet_names %||% "/")
      } else {
        css_map <- NULL

      if (length(script_paths)) {
        # first, sort the filenames alphanumerically
        script_paths <- script_paths[order(basename(script_paths))]
        # now, identify vector positions for asset strings matching pattern above
        match_scripts <- gregexpr(pattern = assets_pattern, script_paths, perl=TRUE)
        # use regmatches to retrieve only the substring including assets/...
        script_names <- regmatches(script_paths, match_scripts)
        # assign names for matched assets corresponding to substring
        scripts_map <- setNames(script_paths, script_names %||% "/")
      } else {
        scripts_map <- NULL

      if (length(file_paths)) {
        # first, sort the filenames alphanumerically
        file_paths <- file_paths[order(basename(file_paths))]
        # now, identify vector positions for asset strings matching pattern above
        match_all <- gregexpr(pattern = assets_pattern, file_paths, perl=TRUE)
        # use regmatches to retrieve only the substring including assets/...
        file_names <- regmatches(file_paths, match_all)
        # assign names for matched assets corresponding to substring
        other_files_map <- setNames(file_paths, file_names %||% "/")
      } else {
        other_files_map <- NULL

      # set attributes for the return object to include the file
      # modification times for each entry in the asset_map
      return(list(css = setModtimeAsAttr(css_map),
                  scripts = setModtimeAsAttr(scripts_map),
                  other = setModtimeAsAttr(other_files_map)

    componentify = function(x) {
      if (is.component(x)) return(x)
      if (all(vapply(x, is.component, logical(1)))) return(x)
      stop("The layout must be a component or a collection of components", call. = FALSE)

    # the input/output mapping passed back-and-forth between the client & server
    callback_map = list(),

    # the list of inline scripts passed as strings via (clientside) callbacks
    inline_scripts = list(),

    # akin to https://github.com/plotly/dash-renderer/blob/master/dash_renderer/__init__.py
    react_version_enabled= function() {
      version <- private$dependencies_internal$`react-prod`$version
    react_deps = function() {
      deps <- private$dependencies_internal
      deps[grepl("^react", names(deps))]
    react_versions = function() {
      vapply(private$react_deps(), "[[", character(1), "version")

    # akin to https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/d2ebc837/dash/dash.py#L338
    # note discussion here https://github.com/plotly/dash/blob/d2ebc837/dash/dash.py#L279-L284
    custom_index = NULL,
    template_index = c(
    "<!DOCTYPE html>
        </html>", NA),
    .index = NULL,

    generateReloadHash = function() {
      last_update_time <- max(as.integer(private$app_root_modtime),

      # update the timestamp to reflect the current reloading event
      private$last_reload <- as.integer(Sys.time())

                     serialize = FALSE)

    collect_resources = function() {
      # Dash's own dependencies
      # serve the dev version of dash-renderer when in debug mode
      dependencies_all_internal <- .dash_js_metadata()

      if (private$debug) {
        depsSubset <- dependencies_all_internal[!names(dependencies_all_internal) %in% c("dash-renderer-prod",
      } else {
        depsSubset <- dependencies_all_internal[!names(dependencies_all_internal) %in% c("dash-renderer-dev",

      private$dependencies_internal <- depsSubset

      # collect and resolve package dependencies
      depsAll <- compact(c(
        private$react_deps()[private$react_versions() %in% private$react_version_enabled()],
        private$dependencies_internal[grepl(pattern = "prop-types", x = private$dependencies_internal)],
        private$dependencies_internal[grepl(pattern = "polyfill", x = private$dependencies_internal)],
        private$dependencies_internal[grepl(pattern = "dash-renderer", x = private$dependencies_internal)]

      # normalizes local paths and keeps newer versions of duplicates
      depsAll <- depsAll[!vapply(depsAll,
                                 function(v) {
                                   !is.null(v[["script"]]) && tools::file_ext(v[["script"]]) == "map"
                                   }, logical(1))]

      # stylesheets always go in header
      css_deps <- compact(lapply(depsAll, function(dep) {
        if (is.null(dep$stylesheet)) return(NULL)
        dep$script <- NULL

      css_deps <- render_dependencies(css_deps,
                                      local = private$serve_locally,

      # ensure that no dependency has both async and dynamic set
      if (any(
        vapply(depsAll, function(dep)
          length(intersect(c("dynamic", "async"), names(dep))) > 1,
        stop("Can't have both 'dynamic' and 'async' in a Dash dependency; please correct and reload.", call. = FALSE)

      # remove dependencies which are dynamic from the script list
      # to avoid placing them into the index
      depsAll <- depsAll[!vapply(depsAll,
                                 eager_loading = private$eager_loading)]

      # scripts go after dash-renderer dependencies (i.e., React),
      # but before dash-renderer itself
      scripts_deps <- compact(lapply(depsAll, function(dep) {
        if (is.null(dep$script)) return(NULL)
        dep$stylesheet <- NULL

      scripts_deps <- render_dependencies(scripts_deps,
                                          local = private$serve_locally,

      # collect CSS assets from dependencies
      if (!(is.null(private$asset_map$css))) {
        css_assets <- generate_css_dist_html(tagdata = paste0(private$assets_url_path, names(private$asset_map$css)),
                                             local = TRUE,
                                             local_path = private$asset_map$css,
                                             prefix = self$config$requests_pathname_prefix)
      else {
        css_assets <- NULL

      # collect CSS assets from external_stylesheets
      css_external <- vapply(self$config$external_stylesheets,
                             local = FALSE)

      # collect JS assets from dependencies
      if (!(is.null(private$asset_map$scripts))) {
        scripts_assets <- generate_js_dist_html(tagdata = paste0(private$assets_url_path, names(private$asset_map$scripts)),
                                                local = TRUE,
                                                local_path = private$asset_map$scripts,
                                                prefix = self$config$requests_pathname_prefix)
      } else {
        scripts_assets <- NULL

      # collect JS assets from external_scripts
      scripts_external <- vapply(self$config$external_scripts,

      # create tag for favicon, if present
      # other_files_map[names(other_files_map) %in% "/favicon.ico"]
      if ("/favicon.ico" %in% names(private$asset_map$other)) {
        favicon_url <- sprintf('\"%s_favicon.ico\"', self$config$requests_pathname_prefix)
        favicon <- sprintf("<link href=%s rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\">", favicon_url)
      } else {
        favicon_url <- sprintf('\"%s_favicon.ico\"', self$config$requests_pathname_prefix)
        favicon <- sprintf("<link href=%s rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\">", favicon_url)

      # set script tag to invoke a new dash_renderer
      scripts_invoke_renderer <- sprintf("<script id=\"%s\" type=\"%s\">%s</script>",
                                         "var renderer = new DashRenderer();")
      # add inline tags
      scripts_inline <- private$inline_scripts

      # serving order of CSS and JS tags: package -> external -> assets
      css_tags <- paste(c(css_deps,
                        collapse = "\n            ")

      scripts_tags <- paste(c(scripts_deps,
                            collapse = "\n              ")

      meta_tags <- paste(generate_meta_tags(private$meta_tags),
                         collapse = "\n            ")

      return(list(css_tags = css_tags,
                  scripts_tags = scripts_tags,
                  favicon = favicon,
                  meta_tags = meta_tags))

    index = function() {
      # generate tags for all assets
      all_tags <- private$collect_resources()

      # retrieve favicon tag for serving in the index
      favicon <- all_tags[["favicon"]]

      # retrieve CSS tags for serving in the index
      css_tags <- all_tags[["css_tags"]]

      # retrieve script tags for serving in the index
      scripts <- all_tags[["scripts_tags"]]

      # insert meta tags if present
      meta_tags <- all_tags[["meta_tags"]]

      # define the react-entry-point
      app_entry <- "<div id='react-entry-point'><div class='_dash-loading'>Loading...</div></div>"
      # define the dash default config key
      config <- sprintf("<script id='_dash-config' type='application/json'> %s </script>", to_JSON(self$config))

      if (is.null(private$name))
        private$name <- 'Dash'

      if (!is.null(private$custom_index)) {
        string_index <- glue::glue(private$custom_index, .open = "{%", .close = "%}")

        private$.index <- string_index

      else if (length(private$template_index) == 1) {
        private$.index <- private$template_index

      else {
        private$.index <- sprintf(
       '<!DOCTYPE html>


Try the dash package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dash documentation built on June 23, 2022, 9:11 a.m.