
Defines functions int_all_datastructure_dataframe

Documented in int_all_datastructure_dataframe

#' Wrapper function to check for studies data structure
#' @description
#' This function tests for unexpected elements and records, as well as duplicated identifiers and content.
#' The unexpected element record check can be conducted by providing the number of expected records or
#' an additional table with the expected records.
#' It is possible to conduct the checks by study segments or to consider only selected
#' segments.
#' @param meta_data_dataframe [data.frame] the data frame that contains the metadata for the data frame level, mandatory
#' @param meta_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains metadata attributes of the study data, mandatory. The metadata data frame is assumed to contain the  information from all the studies.
#'                               this is needed to know the `VAR_NAMES`, i.e., the column names used in data frames and  known from the metadata.
#' @return a [list] with
#'   - `DataframeTable`: data frame with selected check results, used for the data quality report.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' out_dataframe <- int_all_datastructure_dataframe(
#'   meta_data_dataframe = "meta_data_dataframe",
#'   meta_data = "ship_meta"
#' )
#' md0 <- prep_get_data_frame("ship_meta")
#' md0
#' md0$VAR_NAMES
#' md0$VAR_NAMES[[1]] <- "Id" # is this missmatch reported -- is the data frame
#'                            # also reported, if nothing is wrong with it
#' out_dataframe <- int_all_datastructure_dataframe(
#'   meta_data_dataframe = "meta_data_dataframe",
#'   meta_data = md0
#' )
#' # This is the "normal" procedure for inside pipeline
#' # but outside this function  checktype is exact by default
#' options(dataquieR.RECORD_MISSMATCH_CHECKTYPE = "subset_u")
#' lapply(setNames(nm = prep_get_data_frame("meta_data_dataframe")$DF_NAME),
#'   int_sts_element_dataframe, meta_data = md0)
#' md0$VAR_NAMES[[1]] <-
#'   "id" # is this missmatch reported -- is the data frame also reported,
#'        # if nothing is wrong with it
#' lapply(setNames(nm = prep_get_data_frame("meta_data_dataframe")$DF_NAME),
#'   int_sts_element_dataframe, meta_data = md0)
#' options(dataquieR.RECORD_MISSMATCH_CHECKTYPE = "exact")
#' }
int_all_datastructure_dataframe <- function(meta_data_dataframe =
                                            meta_data = "item_level") {

  # Preps and checks ----

  meta_data_dataframe <- prep_check_meta_data_dataframe(meta_data_dataframe)
  prep_check_meta_names(meta_data = meta_data,
                        level = REQUIRED)

  study_data_list <- lapply(
    setNames(nm = meta_data_dataframe$DF_NAME), # TODO: use the constants everywhere: meta_data_segment[[SEGMENT_ID_VARS]], not ...$SEGMENT_ID_VARS
    function(dfn) {
      r <- NULL
      try(r <- prep_get_data_frame(dfn), silent = TRUE)
      if (!is.data.frame(r)) {
        util_warning("Could not load/find data frame %s. Trying it without.",

  study_data_list <-
      study_data_list, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

  df_name_ok <- meta_data_dataframe$DF_NAME %in% names(study_data_list)

  if (!all(df_name_ok)) {
    util_warning("Losing %d data frame(s), because they could not be loaded",

  meta_data_dataframe <- meta_data_dataframe[df_name_ok, , FALSE]

  id_vars_list <- lapply(setNames(meta_data_dataframe$DF_ID_VARS,
                                  nm = meta_data_dataframe$DF_NAME),
                         multi_variate_text = TRUE
  id_vars_list_vector <- lapply(id_vars_list, unlist, recursive = TRUE)

  # 1. Unexpected data element count ----

  # subset metadata with entries
  meta_data_element_count_1 <-
      !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_ELEMENT_COUNT), ,
    drop = FALSE

  unexp_element_count_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    unexp_element_count_out <- int_unexp_elements(
      identifier_name_list = meta_data_element_count_1$DF_NAME,
      data_element_count = meta_data_element_count_1$DF_ELEMENT_COUNT

  # 2. Unexpected data element set ----

  unexp_element_set_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    # subset_m cases are not reported here, since they are not usually a problem, if variable-level metadata is a large file for many data frames with diverse variable sets in, each.
    check_type_old <- options(dataquieR.RECORD_MISSMATCH_CHECKTYPE = "subset_u")

    meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT <- NULL
    out_int_sts_element_dataframe <- mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                            FUN = function(...) {
        r <- int_sts_element_dataframe(...)
        # if (nrow(r$DataframeData) == 0) {
        #   r$DataframeData <- setNames(
        #     as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0,
        #                          ncol = ncol(r$DataframeData))),
        #     colnames(r$DataframeData))
        # }
        if (nrow(r$DataframeTable) == 0) {
          r$DataframeTable <- setNames(
            as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0,
                                 ncol = ncol(r$DataframeTable))),
      MoreArgs = list(meta_data = meta_data)

    out_table <- do.call(rbind, out_int_sts_element_dataframe)
    # data.frame(t(sapply(out_int_sts_element_dataframe, c)))
    out_table <- cbind(DF_NAME = row.names(out_table), out_table)
    out_table$GRADING <- ifelse(out_table$NUM_int_sts_element == 0, 0, 1)

    unexp_element_set_out <- out_table

  # 3. Unexpected data record count ----

  # subset metadata with entries
  meta_data_record_count_1 <-
      !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_RECORD_COUNT), ,
      drop = FALSE

  unexp_records_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    unexp_records_out <- int_unexp_records_dataframe(
      identifier_name_list = meta_data_record_count_1$DF_NAME,
      data_record_count = meta_data_record_count_1$DF_RECORD_COUNT

  # 4. Unexpected data record set ----

  # subset metadata with entries
  meta_data_record_set_1 <-
      !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_RECORD_CHECK), ,
      drop = FALSE

#  meta_data_record_set_1

  unexp_records_id_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    unexp_records_id_out <- int_unexp_records_set(
      level = "dataframe",
      id_vars_list = id_vars_list_vector[meta_data_record_set_1$DF_NAME],
      identifier_name_list = meta_data_record_set_1$DF_NAME,
      valid_id_table_list = meta_data_record_set_1$DF_ID_REF_TABLE,
      meta_data_record_check = meta_data_record_set_1$DF_RECORD_CHECK

  # 5. Duplicates: ids ----

  meta_data_dup_ids_1 <-
      !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_UNIQUE_ID) &
        !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_ID_VARS), ,
      drop = FALSE

  meta_data_dup_ids_1 <- meta_data_dup_ids_1[
    meta_data_dup_ids_1$DF_UNIQUE_ID == 1]

  duplicate_ids_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    duplicate_ids_out <- int_duplicate_ids(
      level = "dataframe",
      identifier_name_list = meta_data_dup_ids_1$DF_NAME,
      id_vars_list = id_vars_list_vector[meta_data_dup_ids_1$DF_NAME],
      repetitions = meta_data_dup_ids_1$DF_UNIQUE)

  # 6. Duplicates: content ----

  meta_data_dup_rows_1 <-
      !util_empty(meta_data_dataframe$DF_UNIQUE_ROWS), ,
      drop = FALSE

  meta_data_dup_rows_1 <- meta_data_dup_rows_1[
    meta_data_dup_rows_1$DF_UNIQUE_ID == 1]

  meta_data_dup_rows_1 <-
    meta_data_dup_rows_1[meta_data_dup_rows_1$DF_UNIQUE_ROWS, ]

  duplicates_rows_out <- NULL # TODO: capture errors form the next all and put them to the matrices
  try(silent = TRUE, {
    duplicates_rows_out <- int_duplicate_content(
      level = "dataframe",
      identifier_name_list = meta_data_dup_rows_1$DF_NAME

  # Output ----

  result <- list(
    int_sts_countel = unexp_element_count_out$DataframeTable,
    int_sts_element = unexp_element_set_out,
    int_sts_countre = unexp_records_out$DataframeTable,
    int_sts_setrc = unexp_records_id_out$DataframeTable,
    int_sts_dupl_ids = duplicate_ids_out$DataframeTable,
    int_sts_dupl_row = duplicates_rows_out$DataframeTable

  unexp_element_set_outData <- unexp_element_set_out
  unexp_element_set_outData$`Data frame` <-
  unexp_element_set_outData[[DF_NAME]] <- NULL
  # TODO: Further map names here, later only from the technical table?
  cn <- colnames(unexp_element_set_outData)
  if (length(cn) > 0) {
    cn_pref <- vapply(strsplit(cn, "_"), `[[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    cn_suff <- vapply(lapply(strsplit(cn, "_"), tail, -1), paste,
                      collapse = "_", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    cn_pref <-

    cn_suff <-

    colnames(unexp_element_set_outData)[!is.na(cn_pref) & !is.na(cn_suff)] <-
      paste0(cn_suff, ": ", cn_pref)[!is.na(cn_pref) & !is.na(cn_suff)]
  resultData <- list(
    int_sts_countel = unexp_element_count_out$DataframeData,
    int_sts_element = unexp_element_set_outData,
    int_sts_countre = unexp_records_out$DataframeData,
    int_sts_setrc = unexp_records_id_out$DataframeData,
    int_sts_dupl_ids = duplicate_ids_out$DataframeData,
    int_sts_dupl_row = duplicates_rows_out$DataframeData

  for (n in names(resultData)) {
    rownames(resultData[[n]]) <- NULL

  names(resultData) <-

  DataframeTable <- util_merge_data_frame_list(result, "DF_NAME")
  cn <- colnames(DataframeTable)
  if (length(cn) > 0) {
    cn[startsWith(cn, "GRADING.")] <- gsub("^GRADING\\.", "GRADING_",
                                       cn[startsWith(cn, "GRADING.")])
    colnames(DataframeTable) <- cn
  # DataframeData <- util_merge_data_frame_list(resultData, "Data frame")

  DataframeData <- util_make_data_slot_from_table_slot(DataframeTable)

    DataframeTable = DataframeTable,
    DataframeData = DataframeData,
    DataframeDataList = resultData
# FIXME: In INT, we see errors for partiaql reports, because study_data was split by segments, so variables are missing -- maybe meta_data was split but not study  data?

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dataquieR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 6:10 p.m.