#' Check applicability of DQ functions on study data
#' @description
#' Checks applicability of DQ functions based on study data and metadata
#' characteristics
#' @details
#' This is a preparatory support function that compares study data with
#' associated metadata. A prerequisite of this function is that the no. of
#' columns in the study data complies with the no. of rows in the metadata.
#' For each existing R-implementation, the function searches for necessary
#' static metadata and returns a heatmap like matrix indicating the
#' applicability of each data quality implementation.
#' In addition, the data type defined in the metadata is compared with the
#' observed data type in the study data.
#' @param study_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains the measurements
#' @param meta_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains metadata
#' attributes of study data
#' @param split_segments [logical] return one matrix per study segment
#' @param label_col [variable attribute] the name of the column in the metadata
#' with labels of variables
#' @param max_vars_per_plot [integer] from=0. The maximum number of variables
#' per single plot.
#' @param meta_data_segment [data.frame] -- optional: Segment level metadata
#' @param meta_data_dataframe [data.frame] -- optional: Data frame level
#' metadata
#' @inheritParams acc_distributions
#' @return a list with:
#' - `SummaryTable`: data frame about the applicability of each indicator
#' function (each function in a column).
#' its [integer] values can be one of the following four
#' categories:
#' 0. Non-matching datatype + Incomplete metadata,
#' 1. Non-matching datatype + complete metadata,
#' 2. Matching datatype + Incomplete metadata,
#' 3. Matching datatype + complete metadata,
#' 4. Not applicable according to data type
#' - `ApplicabilityPlot`: [ggplot2] heatmap plot, graphical representation of
#' `SummaryTable`
#' - `ApplicabilityPlotList`: [list] of plots per (maybe artificial) segment
#' - `ReportSummaryTable`: data frame underlying `ApplicabilityPlot`
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_tile scale_fill_manual facet_wrap
#' theme_minimal scale_x_discrete xlab guides
#' guide_legend theme element_text
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load(system.file("extdata/meta_data.RData", package = "dataquieR"), envir =
#' environment())
#' load(system.file("extdata/study_data.RData", package = "dataquieR"), envir =
#' environment())
#' appmatrix <- pro_applicability_matrix(study_data = study_data,
#' meta_data = meta_data,
#' label_col = LABEL)
#' }
pro_applicability_matrix <- function(study_data, meta_data, split_segments =
FALSE, label_col,
max_vars_per_plot = 20,
flip_mode = "noflip") { # TODO: add meta_data_cross_item
if (!missing(meta_data_segment) && !is.null(meta_data_segment)) {
meta_data_segment <-
prep_check_meta_data_segment(meta_data_segment) # TODO: Which columns are mandatory
# TODO: If an alternative argument dq_control has been set, this may point to either something composed (e.g., excel workbook or rdata file) featuring all other standard data frames as sheets, or to a sheet naming all other standard data frames
} else {
meta_data_segment <- NULL # as.list(formals((function(x){})))[[1]] # after overwriting x, x is not missing(x) any more
if (!missing(meta_data_dataframe) && !is.null(meta_data_dataframe)) {
meta_data_dataframe <-
prep_check_meta_data_dataframe(meta_data_dataframe) # TODO: Which columns are mandatory # TODO: study data may be merged here
} else {
meta_data_dataframe <- NULL
if (length(max_vars_per_plot) != 1 || !util_is_integer(max_vars_per_plot) || || is.nan(max_vars_per_plot) ||
max_vars_per_plot < 1) {
"max_vars_per_plot must be one strictly positive non-complex integer",
"value, may be Inf."
), applicability_problem = TRUE)
prep_prepare_dataframes(.replace_missings = FALSE)
Variables <- names(ds1)
# this matrix will be shown to users
app_matrix <- data.frame(Variables = Variables)
# this matrix can be used to trigger computations
# tri_matrix <- data.frame(Variables = Variables)
# defined for merge of strata (optional)
by_y <- label_col
# DATA_TYPE defined in metadata?
if (!("DATA_TYPE" %in% names(meta_data))) {
c("The attribute DATA_TYPE is not contained in the metadata but is",
"required for this function."), applicability_problem = TRUE)
# variables with missing DATA_TYPE?
if (any($DATA_TYPE))) {
whichnot <- as.character(meta_data[[label_col]][$DATA_TYPE)])
util_error(paste0("The DATA_TYPE for variable(s) <<", whichnot,
">> is not defined in the metadata."),
applicability_problem = TRUE)
# check whether data types adhere to conventions
if (!all(unique(meta_data[[DATA_TYPE]]) %in% DATA_TYPES)) {
whichnot <- dplyr::setdiff(unique(meta_data$DATA_TYPE), DATA_TYPES)
util_warning(paste0("The data type(s): <<", whichnot,
">> is not eligible in the metadata concept."),
applicability_problem = TRUE)
util_error("Please map data types to: %s.", paste0(dQuote(DATA_TYPES),
collapse = ", "),
applicability_problem = TRUE)
# DATA TYPE CONSISTENCY ------------------------------------------------------
# This step compares the datatype as represented in study data with expected
# datatypes in metadata and creates a binary vector indicating whether data
# type fits or not
dt_appl <- as.numeric(util_compare_meta_with_study(sdf = ds1, mdf = meta_data,
label_col = label_col,
check_conversion_stable =
# combine convertible w/ and convertible w/o issues
dt_appl[! & dt_appl == 3] <- 2
# HINT: For each added function that returns MoifiedStudyData,
# check, if this should be used downstream the dq_report-pipeline. If not
# it must be added to the default values of the dont_modify_study_data_by
# argument of dq_report.
# INTEGRITY ---------------------------------------------------------------
# crude unit missingness always applicable
app_matrix$"int_all_datastructure_dataframe" <-
ifelse(is.null(meta_data_dataframe), 4, 3)
app_matrix$"int_all_datastructure_dataframe" <-
app_matrix$"int_all_datastructure_segment" <-
ifelse(is.null(meta_data_segment), 4, 3)
app_matrix$"int_all_datastructure_segment" <-
app_matrix$"int_datatype_matrix" <- 3
app_matrix$"int_datatype_matrix" <-
# COMPLETENESS ---------------------------------------------------------------
# crude unit missingness always applicable
app_matrix$"com_unit_missingness" <- 3
app_matrix$"com_unit_missingness" <-
app_matrix$"com_segment_missingness" <- util_app_sm(meta_data, dt_appl) # TODO: Rename all app functions to contain the full indicator name as for util_app_con_contradictions_redcap below
app_matrix$"com_item_missingness" <- util_app_im(meta_data, dt_appl) # TODO: Add com_qualified_item_missingness and com_qualified_segment_missingness
# CONSISTENCY ----------------------------------------------------------------
app_matrix$"con_hard_limits" <- util_app_hl(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"con_soft_limits" <- util_app_sl(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"con_detection_limits" <- util_app_dl(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"con_inadmissible_categorical" <- util_app_iac(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"con_contradictions" <- util_app_cd(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"con_contradictions_redcap" <-
util_app_con_contradictions_redcap(meta_data, dt_appl)
# ACCURACY -------------------------------------------------------------------
app_matrix$"acc_univariate_outlier" <- util_app_ol(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_distributions" <- util_app_dc(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_margins" <- util_app_mar(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_varcomp" <- util_app_vc(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_loess" <- util_app_loess(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_shape_or_scale" <- util_app_sos(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_end_digits" <- util_app_ed(meta_data, dt_appl)
app_matrix$"acc_multivariate_outlier" <- util_app_mol(meta_data, dt_appl)
# SHOULD STRATIFICATION OF SEGMENTS BE USED? ---------------------------------
# is STUDY_SEGMENT in metadata and none of the entries has NA?
strata_defined <- STUDY_SEGMENT %in% names(meta_data) &&
if (!strata_defined && split_segments) {
"Stratification for STUDY_SEGMENT is not possible due to missing",
"metadata. Will split arbitrarily avoiding too large figures"
), applicability_problem = TRUE)
nvars <- nrow(meta_data)
meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT <- paste0("Block #", ceiling(1:nvars /
} else if (strata_defined && split_segments) {
if (any($STUDY_SEGMENT))) { # HINT: This is now dead code
"Some STUDY_SEGMENT are NA. Will assign those to an artificial",
"segment %s"), dQuote("Other"),
applicability_problem = TRUE
meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT[$STUDY_SEGMENT)] <- "Other"
too_big_blocks <- table(meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT) > max_vars_per_plot
too_big_blocks <- names(too_big_blocks)[too_big_blocks]
for (too_big_block in too_big_blocks) {
"Will split segemnt %s arbitrarily avoiding too large figures",
applicability_problem = FALSE
nvars <- sum(meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT == too_big_block, na.rm = TRUE)
meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT == too_big_block] <-
meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT[meta_data$STUDY_SEGMENT ==
ceiling(1:nvars / max_vars_per_plot)
if (!(STUDY_SEGMENT %in% names(meta_data))) {
meta_data[[STUDY_SEGMENT]] <- "Study"
# merge relation to segments to app_matrix
app_matrix <- merge(app_matrix, meta_data[, intersect(c(VAR_NAMES, LABEL,
by.x = "Variables",
by.y = by_y
app_matrix <- app_matrix[, !(names(app_matrix) %in% c(VAR_NAMES, LABEL,
# PREPARE PLOT ---------------------------------------------------------------
# reorder according VARIABLE_ORDER (optional)
if (VARIABLE_ORDER %in% colnames(meta_data)) {
meta_data <- meta_data[order(meta_data$VARIABLE_ORDER), ]
max(meta_data[[VARIABLE_ORDER]], na.rm = TRUE)
app_matrix <- app_matrix[na.omit(match(meta_data[[label_col]],
app_matrix$Variables)), ]
# assign factor levels
app_matrix$Variables <- factor(app_matrix$Variables, levels =
# reshape wide to long
# app_matrix_long <- melt(app_matrix, id.vars = c("Variables",
app_matrix_long <-
stats::reshape(data = app_matrix,
idvar = c("Variables", STUDY_SEGMENT),
varying = colnames(app_matrix)[2:(ncol(app_matrix)-1)],
v.names = "value",
times = colnames(app_matrix)[2:(ncol(app_matrix)-1)],
direction = "long")
levs <- unique(app_matrix_long$time)
#sort levels
#levs <- sort(levs)
levs_int <- levs[grep("int_", levs)]
levs_com <- levs[grep("com_", levs)]
levs_con <- levs[grep("con_", levs)]
levs_acc <- levs[grep("acc_", levs)]
#order the factor levels
app_matrix_long$time <- factor(app_matrix_long$time,
levels = c(levs_int,levs_com,
levs_con, levs_acc))
rownames(app_matrix_long) <- NULL
colnames(app_matrix_long) <- c("VARIABLES", "STUDY_SEGMENT", "IMPLEMENTATION",
#Order rows by int, com, con, and acc
app_matrix_long_int <- app_matrix_long[grep("int_",
app_matrix_long$IMPLEMENTATION), ,
drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_int <-
app_matrix_long_int[order(app_matrix_long_int$IMPLEMENTATION), , drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_com <- app_matrix_long[grep("com_",
app_matrix_long$IMPLEMENTATION), ,
drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_com <-
app_matrix_long_com[order(app_matrix_long_com$IMPLEMENTATION), , drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_con<- app_matrix_long[grep("con_",
app_matrix_long$IMPLEMENTATION), ,
drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_con <-
app_matrix_long_con[order(app_matrix_long_con$IMPLEMENTATION), , drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_acc <- app_matrix_long[grep("acc_",
app_matrix_long$IMPLEMENTATION), ,
drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long_acc <-
app_matrix_long_acc[order(app_matrix_long_acc$IMPLEMENTATION), , drop = FALSE]
app_matrix_long<- rbind(app_matrix_long_int, app_matrix_long_com,
app_matrix_long_con, app_matrix_long_acc)
lbs <- c(
"Non-matching datatype + Incomplete metadata",
"Non-matching datatype + complete metadata",
"Matching datatype + Incomplete metadata",
"Matching datatype + complete metadata",
"Not applicable according to data type"
lvls <- c(
# assign factor labels
app_matrix_long$APP_SCORE <- factor(app_matrix_long$APP_SCORE,
levels = lvls,
labels = lbs
# PLOT -----------------------------------------------------------------------
dred <- "#B2182B"
lred <- "#EF6548"
lblue <- "#92C5DE"
dblue <- "#2166AC"
grey <- "#B0B0B0"
colcode <- c(dred, lred, lblue, dblue, grey)
names(colcode) <- lbs
ratio <- dim(app_matrix)[1] / dim(app_matrix)[2]
ref_env <- environment()
plot_me <- function(m) {
ggplot(m, aes(
fill = APP_SCORE
)) +
geom_tile(colour = "white", linewidth = 0.8) + #
scale_fill_manual(values = colcode, name = " ") +
if (split_segments) facet_wrap(~STUDY_SEGMENT,
scales = "free_y")# TODO: check ~
} +
theme_minimal() +
scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
xlab("") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(
ncol = 1, nrow = length(colcode),
byrow = TRUE
)) +
legend.position = "bottom",
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
aspect.ratio = ratio
) + util_coord_flip(ref_env = ref_env)
p <- plot_me(app_matrix_long)
pl <- lapply(
split(app_matrix_long, app_matrix_long$STUDY_SEGMENT),
ReportSummaryTable <- app_matrix
ReportSummaryTable$STUDY_SEGMENT <- NULL
ReportSummaryTable[2:ncol(ReportSummaryTable)] <-
lapply(ReportSummaryTable[2:ncol(ReportSummaryTable)], util_as_numeric)
# ReportSummaryTable[2:ncol(ReportSummaryTable)] <-
# 4 - ReportSummaryTable[2:ncol(ReportSummaryTable)]
ReportSummaryTable$N <- 4
attr(ReportSummaryTable, "higher_means") <- "better"
attr(ReportSummaryTable, "continuous") <- FALSE
attr(ReportSummaryTable, "colcode") <- colcode
attr(ReportSummaryTable, "level_names") <-
setNames(nm = 0:4, levels(app_matrix_long$APP_SCORE))
class(ReportSummaryTable) <- union("ReportSummaryTable",
ApplicabilityPlot = p,
ApplicabilityPlotList = pl,
SummaryTable = app_matrix,
ReportSummaryTable = ReportSummaryTable
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