#' Utility function ensuring valid labels and variable names
#' Valid labels should not be empty, be unique and do not exceed a certain
#' length. This also applies to the VAR_NAMES. When adjusting the VAR_NAMES, we
#' have to ensure that we do not introduce additional matches or mismatches
#' between the column names of the study data and the VAR_NAMES column in the
#' metadata.
#' @param study_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains the measurements
#' @param meta_data [data.frame] the data frame that contains metadata
#' attributes of study data
#' @param label_col [variable attribute] the name of the column in the metadata
#' with labels of variables
#' @param max_label_len [integer] maximum length for the labels, defaults to
#' @return a list containing the study data, possibly with adapted column names,
#' the metadata, possibly with adapted labels, and a string and a
#' table informing about the changes
#' @keywords internal
util_ensure_label <- function(study_data, meta_data, label_col,
max_label_len = MAX_LABEL_LEN) {
if (label_col != VAR_NAMES) {
# First, ensure that VAR_NAMES are usable.
ensure_var_names <- util_ensure_label(study_data = study_data,
meta_data = meta_data,
label_col = VAR_NAMES)
study_data <- ensure_var_names$study_data
meta_data <- ensure_var_names$meta_data
if (! {
if ( {
original_label <- colnames(study_data)
} else {
return(list("study_data" = study_data,
"meta_data" = meta_data,
"label_modification_text" = NULL,
"label_modification_table" = NULL
} else {
original_label <- meta_data[[label_col]]
N_label <- length(original_label)
modified_label <- original_label
label_modification_text <- NULL
label_modification_table <- data.frame(
"Original label" = original_label,
"Modified label" = vector(mode = "character", length = N_label),
"Reason" = vector(mode = "character", length = N_label),
check.names = FALSE
if ( {
original_colnames <- colnames(study_data)
} else {
original_colnames <- "none"
modified_colnames <- original_colnames
# check for missing labels ---------------------------------------------------
if (any(util_empty(modified_label)) | any(util_empty(modified_colnames))) {
ind_no_label <- which(util_empty(modified_label))
if (length(ind_no_label) > 0) {
util_warning(c("Some variables have no label in %s in %s.",
"Labels are required to create a report,",
"that's why missing labels will be replaced",
"provisionally. Please add missing labels in",
"your metadata."),
applicability_problem = TRUE
if (label_col == VAR_NAMES) {
ind_no_colnames <- which(util_empty(modified_colnames))
# generate new variable names that will stand out in the report
new_label <- paste("NO_VAR_NAME", sprintf(
# estimate the required number of digits:
ceiling(log10(length(ind_no_label) + length(ind_no_colnames))),
seq_len(length(ind_no_label) + length(ind_no_colnames))), sep = "_")
# check for possible duplication
while (any(new_label %in% c(modified_label, modified_colnames))) {
# estimate the required number of digits:
nn <- ceiling(log10(max(N_label, length(modified_colnames))))
new_label <- paste("NO_VAR_NAME", sprintf(
paste0("%0", nn + 2, "d"),
sample(1:10^(nn + 1), # sample a random number
# the set from which we sample is larger than the number of
# variables, so even if there are already similar labels in
# use, there are most likely enough unassigned
# numbers left
size = length(ind_no_label) + length(ind_no_colnames),
replace = FALSE)), sep = "_")
new_label <- sort(new_label)
# apply colnames, if needed
if (length(ind_no_colnames) > 0) {
modified_colnames[ind_no_colnames] <-
new_label[(length(ind_no_label) + 1):length(new_label)]
new_label <- new_label[seq_len(length(ind_no_label))]
} else { # i.e., label_col != VAR_NAMES
if (VAR_NAMES %in% colnames(meta_data) &&
!any(util_empty(meta_data[[VAR_NAMES]][ind_no_label])) &&
all(nchar(meta_data[[VAR_NAMES]][ind_no_label]) < max_label_len)) {
# use VAR_NAMES as labels, if possible
new_label <- meta_data[[VAR_NAMES]][ind_no_label]
} else {
# replace empty label by a generic one that will stand out in the report
new_label <- paste("NO LABEL", sprintf(
# estimate the required number of digits:
# check for possible duplication
while (any(new_label %in% modified_label)) {
# estimate the required number of digits:
nn <- ceiling(log10(N_label))
new_label <- paste("NO LABEL", sprintf(
paste0("%0", nn + 2, "d"),
sample(1:10^(nn + 1), # sample a random number
# the set from which we sample is larger than the number of
# variables, so even if there are already similar labels in
# the study data, there are most likely enough unassigned
# numbers left
size = length(ind_no_label),
replace = FALSE)))
# apply new labels
if (length(ind_no_label) > 0) {
modified_label[ind_no_label] <- new_label
label_modification_text <-
paste0(paste(sQuote(new_label), collapse = ", "),
ifelse(length(ind_no_label) > 1,
paste(" were introduced for",
"missing labels."),
" was introduced for one missing label."))
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_no_label] <- "No label specified."
# check for duplicated labels ------------------------------------------------
if (any(duplicated(modified_label)) | any(duplicated(modified_colnames))) {
dupl_lab <- unique(modified_label[which(duplicated(modified_label))])
if (length(dupl_lab) > 0) {
util_warning(c("Some variables have duplicated labels in %s in %s.",
"Unique labels are required to create a report,",
"that's why duplicated labels will be replaced",
"provisionally. Please modify the labels in",
"your metadata or select a suitable column."),
applicability_problem = TRUE
mod_lab_before <- modified_label
if (label_col == VAR_NAMES) {
dupl_cn <- unique(modified_colnames[which(duplicated(modified_colnames))])
dupl_both <- unique(c(dupl_lab, dupl_cn))
for (ll in dupl_both) {
ilab <- which(modified_label == ll)
icn <- which(modified_colnames == ll)
if (length(ilab) == 0 | length(icn) == 0) {
if (length(ilab) + length(icn) > 2) {
# The label occurs in only one place, but is duplicated more than
# once, so we need to add numbers to discriminate duplicates.
label_suffix <- c("", # the first occurrence does not get a suffix
paste0("_DUPLICATE_", sprintf(
# estimate the required number of digits:
max(length(ilab), length(icn)) - 1)),
seq_len(max(length(ilab), length(icn)) - 1))))
} else {
label_suffix <- c("", "_DUPLICATE")
} else {
if (length(ilab) + length(icn) > 3) {
# The label occurs in both places and is also duplicated more than
# once, so we need to add numbers to discriminate duplicates.
label_suffix <- paste0("_DUPLICATE_", sprintf(
# estimate the required number of digits:
ceiling(log10(length(ilab) + length(icn) - 2)),
seq_len(length(ilab) + length(icn) - 2)))
label_suffix <- c("",
label_suffix[seq_len(length(ilab) - 1)],
} else {
if (length(ilab) == 2) {
label_suffix <- c("", "_DUPLICATE", "")
} else {
label_suffix <- c("", "", "_DUPLICATE")
new_label <- trimws(paste0(ll, label_suffix))
ind_unchanged <- which(nchar(label_suffix) == 0)
# check for possible duplication
temp_label <- c(modified_colnames, modified_label)
while (any(new_label[-ind_unchanged] %in% temp_label)) {
jj <- setdiff(which(new_label %in% temp_label), ind_unchanged)
# estimate the required number of digits:
nn <- ceiling(log10(max(N_label, length(modified_colnames))))
new_label[jj] <- paste(new_label[jj], sprintf(
paste0("%0", nn + 2, "d"),
sample(1:10^(nn + 1), # sample a random number
# the set from which we sample is larger than the number of
# variables, so even if there are already similar labels in
# the study data, there are most likely enough unassigned
# numbers left
size = length(jj),
replace = FALSE), sep = "_"))
modified_label[ilab] <- new_label[seq_len(length(ilab))]
modified_colnames[icn] <- new_label[(length(ilab)+1):length(new_label)]
} else { # i.e., label_col != VAR_NAMES
for (ll in dupl_lab) {
ii <- which(modified_label == ll)
ndupl_ll <- length(ii)
if (ndupl_ll > 2) {
# label is duplicated more than once, so we need to add numbers
label_suffix <- c("", # the first occurrence does not get a suffix
paste("DUPLICATE", sprintf(
# estimate the required number of digits:
ceiling(log10(ndupl_ll - 1)),
seq_len(ndupl_ll - 1))))
} else {
label_suffix <- c("", "DUPLICATE")
new_label <- trimws(paste(ll, label_suffix))
# check for possible duplication
while (any(new_label[-1] %in% modified_label)) {
jj <- which(new_label %in% modified_label)[-1]
# estimate the required number of digits:
nn <- ceiling(log10(N_label))
new_label[jj] <- paste(new_label[jj], sprintf(
paste0("%0", nn + 2, "d"),
sample(1:10^(nn + 1), # sample a random number
# the set from which we sample is larger than the number of
# variables, so even if there are already similar labels in
# the study data, there are most likely enough unassigned
# numbers left
size = length(jj),
replace = FALSE)))
modified_label[ii] <- new_label
ind_dupl <- which(mod_lab_before != modified_label)
if (length(ind_dupl) > 0) {
label_modification_text <- c(
paste(sQuote(modified_label[ind_dupl]), collapse = ", "),
ifelse(length(ind_dupl) > 1,
" were introduced for duplicated labels.",
" was introduced for one duplicated label.")
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_dupl] <- trimws(
paste(label_modification_table$Reason[ind_dupl], "Duplicated label."))
# if (any(grepl("\\(|\\)", modified_label))) {
# ind_brackets <- which(grepl("\\(|\\)", modified_label))
# modified_label[ind_brackets] <-
# gsub("\\(", "\u2768", modified_label[ind_brackets])
# modified_label[ind_brackets] <-
# gsub("\\)", "\u2769", modified_label[ind_brackets])
# label_modification_text <- paste(label_modification_text,
# "Round brackets were replaced by",
# "unicode characters.")
# label_modification_table$Reason[ind_brackets] <- trimws(paste(
# label_modification_table$Reason[ind_brackets],
# "Round brackets were replaced by unicode characters."))
# }
# abbreviate() warns on non-ASCII characters, by default.
my_abbreviate <- function(names.arg, method = "both.sides", ...) {
x <- names.arg
x_words <- strsplit(x, "\\s+")
uc_first_words <-
lapply(x_words, function(x) {
substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1));
uc_first_words <-
vapply(uc_first_words, paste, collapse = " ", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
suppressWarnings(abbreviate(names.arg = uc_first_words, method = method,
# abbreviate long labels -----------------------------------------------------
if (any(nchar(modified_label) > max_label_len) |
any(nchar(modified_colnames) > max_label_len)) {
ind_long_label <- which(nchar(modified_label) > max_label_len)
if (length(ind_long_label) > 0) {
util_warning(c("Some variables have labels with more than %d characters",
"in %s in %s.",
"This will cause suboptimal outputs and possibly also",
"failures when rendering the report,",
"due to issues with the maximum length of file names",
"in your operating system or file system.",
"This will be fixed provisionally. Please shorten",
"your labels or choose another label column."),
applicability_problem = TRUE
if (label_col == VAR_NAMES) {
ind_long_colnames <- which(nchar(modified_colnames) > max_label_len)
long_all <- c(modified_label[ind_long_label],
# remove punctuation from labels, if possible, before abbreviating (gives
# more readable abbreviations)
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(gsub("[[:punct:]]+", replacement = " ",
long_all), minlength = max_label_len))
if (any(util_empty(new_label))) {
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(long_all, minlength = max_label_len))
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label] <- trimws(
"The label is too long.")
# check for possible duplication between abbreviated labels and the
# other, unchanged labels
temp_label <- modified_label
temp_label[ind_long_label] <- new_label[1:length(ind_long_label)]
temp_colnames <- modified_colnames
temp_colnames[ind_long_colnames] <-
new_label[(length(ind_long_label) + 1):length(new_label)]
while (any(duplicated(temp_label)) | any(duplicated(temp_colnames))) {
# add the duplicated labels to the selection of labels that should
# be adapted by 'abbreviate'
ind_long_label <- c(ind_long_label,
which(modified_label %in% new_label))
ind_long_label <- sort(unique(ind_long_label))
ind_long_colnames <- c(ind_long_colnames,
which(modified_colnames %in% new_label))
ind_long_colnames <- sort(unique(ind_long_colnames))
long_all <- c(modified_label[ind_long_label],
# rerun the 'abbreviate' function to get shortened, unique labels
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(gsub("[[:punct:]]+", replacement = " ",
long_all), minlength = max_label_len))
if (any(util_empty(new_label))) {
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(long_all, minlength = max_label_len))
temp_label[ind_long_label] <- new_label[1:length(ind_long_label)]
temp_colnames[ind_long_colnames] <-
new_label[(length(ind_long_label) + 1):length(new_label)]
modified_label <- temp_label
modified_colnames <- temp_colnames
if (any(util_empty(label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label]))) {
ind_long_label2 <- intersect(
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label2] <- trimws(
"The label was identical to an abbreviated label.")
if ( {
if (exists("ind_no_label")) {
# If we store the original labels or variable names (only needed if
# they are abbreviated), then we have to replace empty entries,
# otherwise we will run into errors later with 'util_find_var_by_meta'
# running 'util_map_labels' for 'ORIGINAL_VAR_NAMES'.
original_label[ind_no_label] <- "(missing)"
meta_data[["ORIGINAL_VAR_NAMES"]] <- original_label
} else { # i.e., label_col != VAR_NAMES
# remove punctuation from labels, if possible, before abbreviating (gives
# more readable abbreviations)
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(gsub("[[:punct:]]+", replacement = " ",
minlength = max_label_len))
if (any(util_empty(new_label))) {
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(modified_label[ind_long_label],
minlength = max_label_len))
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label] <- trimws(
"The label is too long.")
# check for possible duplication between abbreviated labels and the
# other, unchanged labels
temp_label <- modified_label
temp_label[ind_long_label] <- new_label
while (any(duplicated(temp_label))) {
# add the duplicated labels to the selection of labels that should
# be adapted by 'abbreviate'
ind_long_label <- c(ind_long_label,
which(modified_label %in% new_label))
ind_long_label <- sort(unique(ind_long_label))
# rerun the 'abbreviate' function to get shortened, unique labels
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(gsub("[[:punct:]]+", replacement = " ",
minlength = max_label_len))
if (any(util_empty(new_label))) {
new_label <- unname(my_abbreviate(modified_label[ind_long_label],
minlength = max_label_len))
temp_label[ind_long_label] <- new_label
modified_label <- temp_label
if (any(util_empty(label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label]))) {
ind_long_label2 <- intersect(ind_long_label,
label_modification_table$Reason[ind_long_label2] <- trimws(
"The label was identical to an abbreviated label.")
if ( {
if (exists("ind_no_label")) {
# If we store the original labels or variable names (only needed if they
# are abbreviated), then we have to replace empty entries, otherwise we
# will run into errors later with 'util_find_var_by_meta'
# running 'util_map_labels' for 'ORIGINAL_LABEL'.
original_label[ind_no_label] <- "(missing)"
meta_data[["ORIGINAL_LABEL"]] <- original_label
if (length(ind_long_label) > 0) {
label_modification_text <- c(
paste0(paste(sQuote(modified_label[ind_long_label]), collapse = ", "),
ifelse(length(ind_long_label) > 1,
paste0(" were introduced as abbreviated labels for ",
collapse = ", "), "."),
" was introduced as an abbreviation for the label ",
sQuote(original_label[ind_long_label]), ".")
# apply modified labels now that all checks are done -------------------------
if ( {
colnames(study_data) <- modified_colnames
if ( {
meta_data[[label_col]] <- modified_label
label_modification_table[, 2] <- modified_label
# only show entries with modifications
label_modification_table <- label_modification_table[which(
label_modification_table[, 1] != label_modification_table[, 2] |
!util_empty(label_modification_table[, 3])
), ]
return(list("study_data" = study_data,
"meta_data" = meta_data,
"label_modification_text" = trimws(paste(label_modification_text,
collapse = " ")),
"label_modification_table" = label_modification_table
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