
Defines functions DpairsPlot shape.fd.outliers shape.fd.analysis derivatives.est infimalRank depthf.BD depthf.HR depthf.RP2 depthf.fd2 depthf.RP1 depthf.hM2 DiffDepth3D DiffDepth depthf.ABD AdjBDsampleC AdjBDC AdjBDKernC AdjBDsampleL AdjBDL AdjBDKernL depthf.hM depthf.MC Cmetric depthf.M L2metric depthf.fd1 depth.sample FKS rawfd2dataf dataf2rawfd

Documented in Cmetric dataf2rawfd depthf.ABD depthf.BD depthf.fd1 depthf.fd2 depthf.hM depthf.hM2 depthf.HR depthf.RP1 depthf.RP2 depth.sample derivatives.est FKS infimalRank L2metric rawfd2dataf shape.fd.analysis shape.fd.outliers

# R call for the F procedures
# functional depth computation
# Stanislav Nagy
# nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz
# 09/10/2018
# Stanislav Nagy, Irene Gijbels & Daniel Hlubinka (2017) Depth-Based Recognition of Shape Outlying Functions, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26:4, 883-893, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2017.1336445
# Stanislav Nagy, Frederic Ferraty (2018) Data Depth for Noisy Random Functions. Under review.

  # for roxygenize only

#' @useDynLib depth.fd
#' @export FKS
#' @export shape.fd.analysis
#' @export shape.fd.outliers
#' @export depthf.BD
#' @export depthf.ABD
#' @export depthf.fd1
#' @export depthf.fd2
#' @export depthf.HR
#' @export depthf.hM
#' @export depthf.hM2
#' @export depthf.RP1
#' @export depthf.RP2
#' @export derivatives.est
#' @export L2metric
#' @export Cmetric
#' @export depth.sample
#' @export infimalRank
#' @export dataf2rawfd
#' @export rawfd2dataf

#' @title Transform a \code{dataf} object to raw functional data
#' @description
#' From a (possibly multivariate) functional data object \code{dataf} constructs an array of the functional values
#' evaluated at an equi-distant grid of points.
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords functional
#' @param dataf Functions to be transformed, represented by a (possibly multivariate) \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#' and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions in \code{dataf} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{dataf} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{dataf}. If the range is not provided, the smallest interval in which all the arguments from the data functions
#' are contained is chosen as the domain.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. All functional observations are 
#' transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation, see Nagy et al. (2016).
#' @return If the functional data are univariate (scalar-valued), a matrix of size \code{m*d} is given, with each row
#' corresponding to one function. If the functional data are \code{k}-variate with k>1, an array of size \code{m*d*k}
#' of the functional values is given.
#' @examples
#' ## transform a matrix into a functinal data set and back
#' n = 5
#' d = 21
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*d),ncol=d)
#' R = rawfd2dataf(X,range=c(0,1))
#' R2 = dataf2rawfd(R,range=c(0,1),d=d)
#' all.equal(X,R2)
#' ## transform a functional dataset into a raw matrix of functional values
#' dataf = dataf.population()$dataf
#' dataf2rawfd(dataf,range=c(1950,2015),d=66)
#' ## transform an array into a multivariate functional data set and back
#' k = 3
#' X = array(rnorm(n*d*k),dim=c(n,d,k))
#' R = rawfd2dataf(X,range=c(-1,1))
#' dataf2rawfd(R,range=c(-1,1),d=50)
#' @seealso \code{\link{rawfd2dataf}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd2}}

# M = dataf2rawfd(dataf.growth()$dataf)

dataf2rawfd = function(dataf, range = NULL, d = 101){
  # transform dataf format for functional data to a raw matrix
  # of functional values evaluated at a grid common to all functions
  # range: range of the common grid, if not specified the range of all the functions
  # d: no of discretized points in the grid, equidistant
  # approximation procedure follows Nagy et al. (2016, JMVA)
  # Check "dataf"
  if (!is.list(dataf))
    stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list")
    mv = FALSE
    for (df in dataf) 
      if (!(is.list(df) && length(df) == 2 &&
            !is.null(df$args) && !is.null(df$vals) &&
            is.vector(df$args) && is.vector(df$vals) &&
            is.numeric(df$args) && is.numeric(df$vals) &&
            length(df$args) == length(df$vals) &&
        stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list containing lists (functions) 
             of two vectors of equal length, named 'args' and 'vals': 
             arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them 
             values respectively") 
    mv = TRUE
    for (df in dataf)
      if (!(is.list(df) && length(df) == 2 &&
            !is.null(df$args) && !is.null(df$vals) &&
            is.vector(df$args) && is.matrix(df$vals) &&
            is.numeric(df$args) && is.numeric(df$vals) &&
            length(df$args) == nrow(df$vals) &&
        stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list containing lists (functions) 
             of a vector named 'args' and a matrix named 'vals'. The arguments
             of 'args' must be sorted in ascending order. To each element of 'args'
             the corresponding row in 'vals' represents 
             the functional values at this point") 
  # range construction
  rng = numeric(0)
  for (df in dataf)	rng = range(c(rng,df$args)) # common range of all the data
    if(!(length(range) == 2 && is.numeric(range) && 
         range[1]<=rng[1] && range[2]>=rng[2])) 
      stop("Argument 'range' must be a numeric vector of two components
           that defines the range of the domain of functional data. All
           functional data must have 'args' vales inside this domain.")
  } else range = rng
  if(!(range[1]<range[2])) stop("Argument 'range' must define a non-degenerate interval.")	
  t = seq(range[1],range[2],length=d)
  n = length(dataf)
    X = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=d)
    # functional data interpolation / extrapolation
    for(i in 1:n){
      ni = length(dataf[[i]]$args)
      X[i,] = approx(dataf[[i]]$args,dataf[[i]]$vals,t)$y
      X[i,t<=dataf[[i]]$args[1]] = dataf[[i]]$vals[1]
      X[i,t>=dataf[[i]]$args[ni]] = dataf[[i]]$vals[ni]
  } else {
    k = ncol(dataf[[1]]$vals)
    X = array(dim=c(n,d,k))
    # functional data interpolation / extrapolation
    for(i in 1:n){
      ni = length(dataf[[i]]$args)
      for(j in 1:k) X[i,,j] = approx(dataf[[i]]$args,dataf[[i]]$vals[,j],t)$y
      X[i,t<=dataf[[i]]$args[1],] = dataf[[i]]$vals[1,]
      X[i,t>=dataf[[i]]$args[ni],] = dataf[[i]]$vals[ni,]

#' @title Transform raw functional data to a \code{dataf} object
#' @description
#' Constructs a (possibly multivariate) functional data object given by an array of its functional values
#' evaluated at an equi-distant grid of points, and transforms it into a \code{dataf} object more suitable 
#' for work in the \code{ddalpha} package.
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords functional
#' @param X Either a matrix of size \code{n*d}, or an array of dimension \code{n*d*k} of functional values. Here \code{n}
#' stands for the number of functions, \code{d} is the number of equi-distant points in the domain where the functional
#' values are evaluated, and if applicable, \code{k} is the dimensionality of the (vector-valued) functional data.
#' @param range A vector of size two that represents the endpoints of the common domain of all functions \code{X}.
#' @return A (possibly multivariate) \code{dataf} object corresponding to the functional data \code{X} evaluated at an
#' equi-distant grid of points.
#' @examples
#' ## transform a matrix into a functinal data set
#' n = 5
#' d = 21
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*d),ncol=d)
#' rawfd2dataf(X,range=c(0,1))
#' ## transform an array into a multivariate functional data set
#' k = 3
#' X = array(rnorm(n*d*k),dim=c(n,d,k))
#' rawfd2dataf(X,range=c(-1,1))
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataf2rawfd}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd2}}

rawfd2dataf = function(X, range){
  # transform a raw array of functional data values 
  # to a dataf format, where the domain is assumed to be
  # an equidistant grid in the interval given by range
  if(is.vector(X)) X = matrix(X,nrow=1) # if X is a single vector, it is considered to be a matrix of one scalar function
  # Check "rawfd"
  if (!is.array(X))
    stop("Argument 'X' must be an array (multivariate functional data)
         or a matix (univariate functional data)")
  mv = !is.matrix(X)
  # range construction
  if(!(range[1]<range[2])) stop("Argument 'range' must define a non-degenerate interval.")	
  n = dim(X)[1]
  d = dim(X)[2]
  if(mv) k = dim(X)[3]
  t = seq(range[1],range[2],length=d)
  dataf = list()
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(mv) df = list(args = t, vals = X[i,,]) else df = list(args = t, vals = X[i,])
    dataf[[i]] = df

#' @title Fast kernel smoothing
#' @description
#' Produces a kernel smoothed version of a function based on
#' the vectors given in the input. Bandwidth is selected using cross-validation.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords smoothing kernel functional
#' @details
#' A vector of the same length as \code{Tout}
#' corresponding to the values of the
#' function produced using kernel smoothing, is provided. Bandwidth is selected using the
#' \code{K}-fold cross-validation of randomly shuffled input values.
#' @param dataf A set of functional data given by a \code{dataf} object that are to be smoothed.
#' @param Tout vector of values in the domain of the functions at which the
#' resulting smoothed function is evaluated
#' @param kernel Kernel used for smoothing. Admissible values are \code{uniform}, 
#' \code{triangular}, \code{Epanechnikov}, \code{biweight}, \code{triweight} and \code{Gaussian}.
#' By default, \code{uniform} is used.
#' @param m Number of points in the grid for choosing the cross-validated bandwidth.
#' @param K Performs \code{K}-fold cross-validation based on randomly shuffled data.
#' @return A \code{dataf} object corresponding to \code{Tout} of smoothed functional values.
#' @examples
#' d = 10
#' T = sort(runif(d))
#' X = T^2+ rnorm(d,sd=.1)
#' Tout = seq(0,1,length=101)
#' plot(T,X)
#' dataf = list(list(args=T,vals=X))
#' data.sm = FKS(dataf,Tout,kernel="Epan")
#' lines(data.sm[[1]]$args,data.sm[[1]]$vals,col=2)
#' datafs = structure(list(dataf=dataf,labels=1:length(dataf)),class="functional")
#' plot(datafs)
#' points(T,X)
#' data.sms = structure(list(dataf=data.sm,labels=1:length(data.sm)),class="functional")
#' plot(data.sms)
#' n = 6
#' dataf = list()
#' for(i in 1:n) dataf[[i]] = list(args = T<-sort(runif(d)), vals = T^2 + rnorm(d,sd=.1))
#' data.sm = FKS(dataf,Tout,kernel="triweight")
#' data.sms = structure(list(dataf=data.sm,labels=1:length(data.sm)),class="functional")
#' plot(data.sms)

FKS = function(dataf,Tout,kernel=c("uniform","triangular","Epanechnikov","biweight","triweight","Gaussian"),m=51,K=20){
  # kernel smoothing
  # produces directly the kernel smoother with CV value of h
  # Hmax 	the maximal H for CV
  # m		no of elements of H for CV
  # K		K-fold CV for bandwidth selection
  # Args:
  #   dataf:  list containing lists (functions) of two vectors of equal length, 
  #           named "args" and "vals": arguments sorted in ascending order and 
  #           corresponding them values respectively
  #   labels: output labels of the functinal observations
  # Check "dataf"
  if (!is.list(dataf))
    stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list")
  for (df in dataf)
    if (!(is.list(df) && length(df) == 2 &&
          !is.null(df$args) && !is.null(df$vals) &&
          is.vector(df$args) && is.vector(df$vals) &&
          is.numeric(df$args) && is.numeric(df$vals) &&
          length(df$args) == length(df$vals) &&
      stop("Argument 'dataf' must be a list containing lists (functions) 
           of two vectors of equal length, named 'args' and 'vals': 
           arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them 
           values respectively")  
  krn = c("uniform","triangular","Epanechnikov","biweight","triweight","Gaussian")
  kernel = match.arg(kernel)
  kernI = which(kernel==krn)
  for(df in dataf) if(sum(is.na(df$args))>0) stop("NA values in the functional args vector are not allowed")
  # produce the output structure
  sm.dataf = list()
  Tout = sort(Tout)
  for(j in 1:length(dataf)){
    T = dataf[[j]]$args
    X = dataf[[j]]$vals
    ST = dataf[[j]]$args
    eps = 10^(-6)
    Hmin = max(c(ST[1], (1 - ST[length(ST)]), max(ST[-1] - ST[-length(ST)])/2)) + eps
    Hmax = max(ST[length(ST)]-ST[1],(max(Tout)-min(Tout)))
    if (Hmin >= Hmax) Hmin = Hmax/10 # in the extreme case when Hmin > Hmax take Hmin very small
    H = seq(Hmin,Hmax,length=m)
    n = length(ST)
    nR = max(1,floor(n/K))
    if(nR==1) K = n
    TRE = rep(NA,nR*K)
    XRE = rep(NA,nR*K)
    TNRE = rep(NA,K*(n-nR))
    XNRE = rep(NA,K*(n-nR))
    SH = sample(n,n)			# random shuffle of the points for CV
    for(i in 1:K){
      S = SH[(i-1)*nR+(1:nR)] 
      TRE[(i-1)*nR+(1:nR)] = T[S]
      XRE[(i-1)*nR+(1:nR)] = X[S]
      TNRE[(i-1)*(n-nR)+(1:(n-nR))] = T[-S]
      XNRE[(i-1)*(n-nR)+(1:(n-nR))] = X[-S]
    Res = .Fortran("CVKERNSM",
    Res[Res[[15]]>10^6] = Inf
    sm.dataf[[j]] = list(args = Tout, vals = Res[[15]])

#' @title Fast depth computation for univariate and bivariate random samples
#' @description
#' Faster implementation of the halfspace and the simplicial depth. Computes the depth 
#' of a whole random sample of a univariate or a bivariate data in one run.	
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth
#' @details
#' The function returns vectors of sample halfspace and simplicial depth values.
#' @param A Univariate or bivariate points whose depth is computed, represented by a matrix of 
#' size \code{m*2}. \code{m} stands for the number of points, \code{d} is 1 for univariate and 2 
#' for bivariate data.
#' @param B Random sample points with respect to which the depth of \code{A} is computed. 
#' \code{B} is represented by a matrix of size \code{n*2}, where \code{n} is the sample size.
#' @return Vector of length \code{m} of depth halfspace depth values is returned.
#' @examples
#' n = 100
#' m = 150
#' A = matrix(rnorm(2*n),ncol=2)
#' B = matrix(rnorm(2*m),ncol=2)
#' depth.sample(A,B)
#' system.time(D1<-depth.halfspace(A,B))
#' system.time(D2<-depth.sample(A,B))
#' max(D1-D2$Half)
#' A = rnorm(100)
#' B = rnorm(150)
#' depth.sample(A,B)
#' # depth.halfspace(matrix(A,ncol=1),matrix(B,ncol=1))
#' @seealso \code{\link{depth.halfspace}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{depth.simplicial}}

depth.sample = function(A,B){
  # bivariate halfspace depth
  # A points whose depth I compute, M*2 matrix
  # B points wrt whose the depth is computed, N*2 matrix
  if(is.null(dim(A))){ # for univariate data
    A1 = as.vector(A)
    B1 = as.vector(B)	
    m = length(A)
    n = length(B)
    FD = .Fortran("dpth1",	
                  as.numeric(A1),		#	A1
                  as.numeric(B1),		#	B1
                  as.integer(m),		#	m
                  as.integer(n),		#	n
    return(list(Simpl = FD$sdep, Half = FD$hdep))
  } else {
    A1 = as.vector(A[,1])
    A2 = as.vector(A[,2])
    B1 = as.vector(B[,1])
    B2 = as.vector(B[,2])
    m = dim(A)[1]
    n = dim(B)[1]
    if((dim(B)[2]!=2)|(dim(A)[2]!=2)) stop("Computation for two dimensions only")
    FD = .Fortran("dpth2",	
                  as.numeric(A1),		#	A1
                  as.numeric(A2),		#	A2
                  as.numeric(B1),		#	B1
                  as.numeric(B2),		#	B2
                  as.integer(m),		#	m
                  as.integer(n),		#	n
    return(list(Simpl = FD$sdep, Half = FD$hdep))

#' @title Univariate integrated and infimal depth for functional data
#' @description
#' Usual, and order extended integrated and infimal depths for real-valued functional data based on the
#' halfspace and simplicial depth.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns vectors of sample integrated and infimal depth values.
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation, see Nagy et al. (2016).
#' @param order The order of the order extended integrated and infimal depths.
#' By default, this is set to \code{1}, meaning that the usual univariate depths of 
#' the functional values are computed. For \code{order=2} or \code{3}, the second
#' and the third order extended integrated and infimal depths are computed, 
#' respectively. 
#' @param approx Number of approximations used in the computation of the order extended depth
#' for \code{order} greater than \code{1}. For \code{order=2}, the default
#' value is set to \code{0}, meaning that the depth is computed at all possible \code{d^order}
#' combinations of the points in the domain. For \code{order=3}, 
#' the default value is set to \code{101}. When \code{approx} is a positive integer, \code{approx}
#' points are randomly sampled in \code{[0,1]^order} and at these points the \code{order}-variate depths of the
#' corresponding functional values are computed.
#' @return Four vectors of length \code{m} of depth values are returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the integrated depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the integrated depth based on the halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{Simpl_ID} the infimal depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_ID} the infimal depth based on the halfspace depth.
#'	}
#' In addition, two vectors of length \code{m} of the relative area of smallest depth values is returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_IA} the proportions of points at which the depth \code{Simpl_ID} was attained,
#'	\item \code{Half_IA} the proportions of points at which the depth \code{Half_ID} was attained.
#'	}
#' The values \code{Simpl_IA} and \code{Half_IA} are always in the interval [0,1]. 
#' They introduce ranking also among functions having the same
#' infimal depth value - if two functions have the same infimal depth, the one with larger infimal area
#' \code{IA} is said to be less central. 	
#' For \code{order=2} and \code{m=1}, two additional matrices of pointwise depths are also returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'    \item \code{PSD} the matrix of size \code{d*d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise bivariate simplicial depths used for the computation of \code{Simpl_FD} and \code{Simpl_ID},
#'    \item \code{PHD} the matrix of size \code{d*d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise bivariate halfspace depths used for the computation of \code{Half_FD} and \code{Half_ID}.
#'	}
#' For \code{order=3}, only \code{Half_FD} and \code{Half_ID} are provided.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D. (2016). 
#' Weak convergence of discretely observed functional data with applications. 
#' \emph{Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, \bold{146}, 46--62.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.fd1(datafA,datafB)
#' depthf.fd1(datafA,datafB,order=2)
#' depthf.fd1(datafA,datafB,order=3,approx=51)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd2}}, \code{\link{infimalRank}}

depthf.fd1 = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101,order=1,approx=0){
  # univariate integrated depth
  # A functions whose depth I compute, M*D matrix
  # B functions wrt whose the depth is computed, N*D matrix
  # both 1dimensional, n*d, n nr of functions, d dimensionality
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
    A1 = as.vector(A)
    B1 = as.vector(B)
    d = dim(A)[2]
    m = dim(A)[1]
    n = dim(B)[1]
    if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
    FD = .Fortran("funD1",	
                  as.numeric(A1),		#	A
                  as.numeric(B1),		#	B
                  as.integer(m),		#	m
                  as.integer(n),		#	n
                  as.integer(d),		#	d
                  fIsdep =as.numeric(rep(-1,m)),
                  fIhdep =as.numeric(rep(-1,m)),
                  IAsdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m)),
                  IAhdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m))
    return(list(	Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep,
                 Simpl_ID = FD$fIsdep, Half_ID = FD$fIhdep, 
                 Simpl_IA = FD$IAsdep/d, Half_IA = FD$IAhdep/d ))
  if(order==2) return(DiffDepth(A,B,approx))
  if(order==3) return(DiffDepth3D(A,B,approx))

#' @title Fast computation of the \eqn{L^2} metric for sets of functional data
#' @description
#' Returns the matrix of \eqn{L^2} distances between two sets of functional data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords metric functional
#' @details
#' For two sets of functional data of sizes \code{m} and \code{n}
#' represented by matrices of their functional values on the common domain {1,...,d}, 
#' this function returns the symmetric matrix of size \code{m*n} whose entry in the
#' \code{i}-th row and \code{j}-th column is the approximated \eqn{L^2} distance of the 
#' \code{i}-th function from the first set, and the \code{j}-th function from the second set.
#' This function is utilized in the computation of the h-mode depth.
#' @param A Functions of the first set, represented by a matrix of their functional values of 
#' size \code{m*d}. \code{m} stands for the number of functions, \code{d}
#' is the number of the equi-distant points {1,...,d} in the domain of the data [1,d] at which the functional
#' values of the \code{m} functions are evaluated.
#' @param B Functions of the second set, represented by a matrix of their functional values of 
#' size \code{n*d}. \code{n} stands for the number of functions, \code{d}
#' is the number of the equi-distant points {1,...,d} in the domain of the data [1,d] at which the functional
#' values of the \code{n} functions are evaluated. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{A} and \code{B} must be the same.
#' @return A symmetric matrix of the distances of the functions of size \code{m*n}.
#' @examples
#' datapop = dataf2rawfd(dataf.population()$dataf,range=c(1950,2015),d=66)
#' A = datapop[1:20,]
#' B = datapop[21:50,]
#' L2metric(A,B)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.hM}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataf2rawfd}}

L2metric = function(A,B){
  # computes fast approximation of L2 distance between fctions A and B
  M = .Fortran("metrl2",
               m = as.numeric(rep(-1,m*n)))$m
  return(M = matrix(M,nrow=m))

depthf.M = function(A,B,q=.2){
  # h-mode depth for the L2 metric
  mdist = L2metric(B,B)
  mdist2 = L2metric(A,B)
  hq2 = quantile(mdist[mdist>0],probs=q,type=1)	# probs=.2 as in Cuevas et al. (2007)

#' @title Fast computation of the uniform metric for sets of functional data
#' @description
#' Returns the matrix of \eqn{C} (uniform) distances between two sets of functional data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords metric functional
#' @details
#' For two sets of functional data of sizes \code{m} and \code{n}
#' represented by matrices of their functional values, 
#' this function returns the symmetric matrix of size \code{m*n} whose entry in the
#' \code{i}-th row and \code{j}-th column is the approximated \eqn{C} (uniform) distance of the 
#' \code{i}-th function from the first set, and the \code{j}-th function from the second set.
#' This function is utilized in the computation of the h-mode depth.
#' @param A Functions of the first set, represented by a matrix of their functional values of 
#' size \code{m*d}. \code{m} stands for the number of functions, \code{d}
#' is the number of the equi-distant points in the domain of the data at which the functional
#' values of the \code{m} functions are evaluated.
#' @param B Functions of the second set, represented by a matrix of their functional values of 
#' size \code{n*d}. \code{n} stands for the number of functions, \code{d}
#' is the number of the equi-distant points in the domain of the data at which the functional
#' values of the \code{n} functions are evaluated. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{A} and \code{B} must be the same.
#' @return A symmetric matrix of the distances of the functions of size \code{m*n}.
#' @examples
#' datapop = dataf2rawfd(dataf.population()$dataf,range=c(1950,2015),d=66)
#' A = datapop[1:20,]
#' B = datapop[21:50,]
#' Cmetric(A,B)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.hM}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataf2rawfd}}

Cmetric = function(A,B){
  # computes fast approximation of \eqn{C} distance between fctions A and B
  M = .Fortran("metrC",
               m = as.numeric(rep(-1,m*n)))$m
  return(M = matrix(M,nrow=m))

depthf.MC = function(A,B,q=.2){
  # h-mode depth for the \eqn{C} metric
  mdist = Cmetric(B,B)
  mdist2 = Cmetric(A,B)
  hq2 = quantile(mdist[mdist>0],probs=q,type=1)	# probs=.2 as in Cuevas et al. (2007)

#' @title h-mode depth for functional data
#' @description
#' The h-mode depth of functional real-valued data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns the vectors of the sample h-mode depth values. The kernel 
#' used in the evaluation is the standard Gaussian kernel, the bandwidth value is chosen
#' as a quantile of the non-zero distances between the random sample curves.
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param norm The norm used for the computation of the depth. Two possible 
#' choices are implemented: \code{C} for the uniform norm of continuous functions, 
#' and \code{L2} for the \eqn{L^2} norm of integrable functions.
#' @param q The quantile used to determine the value of the bandwidth \eqn{h}
#' in the computation of the h-mode depth. \eqn{h} is taken as the \code{q}-quantile of
#' all non-zero distances between the functions \code{B}. By default, this value is set
#' to \code{q=0.2}, in accordance with the choice of Cuevas et al. (2007).
#' @return A vector of length \code{m} of the h-mode depth values.
#' @references Cuevas, A., Febrero, M. and Fraiman, R.  (2007).
#' Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions. 
#' \emph{Computational Statistics} \bold{22} (3), 481--496.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D. (2016). 
#' Weak convergence of discretely observed functional data with applications. 
#' \emph{Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, \bold{146}, 46--62.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.hM(datafA,datafB)
#' depthf.hM(datafA,datafB,norm="L2")

depthf.hM = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101, norm = c("C","L2"), q=.2){
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  norm = match.arg(norm)
         C = depthf.MC(A,B,q),
         L2 = depthf.M(A,B,q)

AdjBDKernL = function(b,v,J=3){
  # v is a matrix m x eval
  m = dim(v)[1]                                   # sample size
  eval = length(b)                                
  com = combn(m,J)
  poc = dim(com)[2]
  s = .Fortran("AdjLP",
               dj = as.numeric(1))$dj

AdjBDL = function(b,v,J=3,K=1){
  eval = length(b)
  m = dim(v)[1]                                   # sample size
  sam = sample.int(m,m)                           # shuffle
  if (K==0) K=1                                   # make sure K!=0
  nk = m%/%K                                      # subsample size
  nlast = m %% K+nk                               # last subsample size
  Dpom = rep(NA,K)	   					# subsample depth
  if (K>1){
    for (k in 1:(K-1)) 
      if (eval>1) Dpom[k] = AdjBDKernL(b,v[sam[((k-1)*nk+1):(k*nk)],],J)
      else  Dpom[k] = AdjBDKernL(b,t(as.matrix(v[sam[((k-1)*nk+1):(k*nk)],])),J)
  {if (nlast>0){	
    if (eval>1) Dpom[K]= AdjBDKernL(b,v[sam[((K-1)*nk+1):m],],J)
    else  Dpom[K]= AdjBDKernL(b,t(as.matrix(v[sam[((K-1)*nk+1):m],])),J)
    else (K=K-1)}

AdjBDsampleL = function(A,B,J=3,K=1){
  m = dim(A)[1]
  hlb = rep(NA,m)
  for (i in 1:m) hlb[i] = AdjBDL(A[i,],B,J,K)

AdjBDKernC = function(b,v,J=3){
  # v ma rozmery m x eval
  m = dim(v)[1]						# sample size
  eval = length(b)					
  com = combn(m,J)	
  poc = dim(com)[2]
  s = .Fortran("AdjC",
               dj = as.numeric(1))$dj

AdjBDC = function(b,v,J=3,K=1){
  # v is a matrix m x eval
  eval = length(b)
  m = dim(v)[1]                                   # sample size
  sam = sample.int(m,m)                           # shuffle
  if (K==0) K=1                                   # make sure K!=0
  nk = m%/%K                                      # subsample size
  nlast = m %% K+nk                               # last subsample size
  Dpom = rep(NA,K)	   					# subsample depth
  if (K>1){
    for (k in 1:(K-1)) 
      if (eval>1) Dpom[k] = AdjBDKernC(b,v[sam[((k-1)*nk+1):(k*nk)],],J)
      else  Dpom[k] = AdjBDKernC(b,t(as.matrix(v[sam[((k-1)*nk+1):(k*nk)],])),J)
  {if (nlast>0){
    if (eval>1) Dpom[K]= AdjBDKernC(b,v[sam[((K-1)*nk+1):m],],J)
    else  Dpom[K]= AdjBDKernC(b,t(as.matrix(v[sam[((K-1)*nk+1):m],])),J)
    else (K=K-1)}

AdjBDsampleC = function(A,B,J=3,K=1){
  m = dim(A)[1]
  hlb = rep(NA,m)
  for (i in 1:m) hlb[i] = AdjBDC(A[i,],B,J,K)

#' @title Adjusted band depth for functional data
#' @description
#' The adjusted band depth 
#' of functional real-valued data based on either the
#' \eqn{C} (uniform) norm, or on the \eqn{L^2} norm of functions.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns the vector of the sample adjusted band depth values. The kernel 
#' used in the evaluation is the function \eqn{K(u) = exp(-u)}.
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation, see Nagy et al. (2016).
#' @param norm The norm used for the computation of the depth. Two possible 
#' choices are implemented: \code{C} for the uniform norm of continuous functions, 
#' and \code{L2} for the \eqn{L^2} norm of integrable functions. 
#' @param J The order of the adjusted band depth, that is the maximal number of functions
#' taken in a band. Acceptable values are \code{2}, \code{3},... By default this value is set to \code{2}. 
#' Note that this is NOT the order as
#' defined in the order-extended version of adjusted band depths in Nagy et al. (2016), used
#' for the detection of shape outlying curves.
#' @param K Number of sub-samples of the functions from \code{B} taken to speed up the
#' computation. By default, sub-sampling is not performed. Values of \code{K} larger than \code{1}
#' result in an approximation of the adjusted band depth.
#' @return A vectors of length \code{m} of the adjusted band depths.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.ABD(datafA,datafB)
#' depthf.ABD(datafA,datafB,norm="L2")
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.BD}}
#' @references Gijbels, I., Nagy, S. (2015).
#' Consistency of non-integrated depths for functional data.
#' \emph{Journal of Multivariate Analysis} \bold{140}, 259--282.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D. (2016). 
#' Weak convergence of discretely observed functional data with applications. 
#' \emph{Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, \bold{146}, 46--62.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893.

depthf.ABD = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101, norm = c("C","L2"), J=2, K=1){
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  norm = match.arg(norm)
         C = AdjBDsampleC(A,B,J,K),
         L2 = AdjBDsampleL(A,B,J,K)

DiffDepth = function(A,B,approx=0){
  # A functions whose depth I compute
  # B functions wrt whose the depth is computed
  # both 1dimensional, n*d, n nr of functions, d dimensionality
  # approx is number of approximations to be used, 0 for full computation
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  Av = as.vector(A)
  Bv = as.vector(B)
  if (approx>0){
    C = combn(1:d,2)		# all couples 
    if (approx>=ncol(C)){ 
      ind.sample = 1:ncol(C) 
      approx = ncol(C) } else 
        ind.sample = sample.int(ncol(C),approx)
      RN = matrix(C[,ind.sample],nrow=2)		#	RN = random numbers of size 2*REP from 1:d
  } else RN = 0		
  FD = .Fortran("DiffD",	
                as.numeric(Av),		#	A
                as.numeric(Bv),		#	B
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d
                as.integer(approx),	#	REP
                as.integer(RN),		#	RN
                Psdep = as.numeric(rep(-1,d*d)),
                Phdep = as.numeric(rep(-1,d*d)),
                IAsdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m)),
                IAhdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m)))
    S_IA = FD$IAsdep/(d^2)
    H_IA = FD$IAhdep/(d^2)
  } else {
    S_IA = FD$IAsdep/(approx)
    H_IA = FD$IAhdep/(approx)		
  if (m>1) return(list(	Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep,
                        Simpl_ID = FD$funsdepm, Half_ID = FD$funhdepm,
                        Simpl_IA = S_IA, Half_IA = H_IA))
  if ((m==1)&(approx==0)){
    PSD = matrix(FD$Psdep,ncol=d)
    PSD = pmax(PSD,0)
    PSD = PSD + t(PSD)
    diag(PSD) = NA
    PHD = matrix(FD$Phdep,ncol=d)
    PHD = pmax(PHD,0)
    PHD = PHD + t(PHD)
    diag(PHD) = NA
    return(list(	Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep,
                 Simpl_ID = FD$funsdepm, Half_ID = FD$funhdepm,
                 PSD = PSD, PHD = PHD,
                 Simpl_IA = S_IA, Half_IA = H_IA))
  if ((m==1)&(approx>0)){
    PSD = matrix(FD$Psdep,ncol=d)
    for(i in 1:approx) PSD[RN[2*i-1],RN[2*i]]=PSD[RN[2*i],RN[2*i-1]]	# symmetrize
    PSD[PSD==-1] = NA
    PHD = matrix(FD$Phdep,ncol=d)
    for(i in 1:approx) PHD[RN[2*i-1],RN[2*i]]=PHD[RN[2*i],RN[2*i-1]]	# symmetrize
    PHD[PHD==-1] = NA
    return(list(	Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep, 
                 Simpl_ID = FD$funsdepm, Half_ID = FD$funhdepm,
                 PSD = PSD, PHD = PHD,
                 Simpl_IA = S_IA, Half_IA = H_IA))

DiffDepth3D = function(A,B,approx=101){
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  if(approx==0) approx=101
  DT = matrix(nrow=m,ncol=approx)
  for(a in 1:approx){
    I = sample.int(d,3)
    DT[,a] = depth.halfspace(A[,I],B[,I],exact=TRUE)  
  D = apply(DT,1,mean)	# integrated depth
  DI = apply(DT,1,min)	# infimal depth
  IA = apply(DT,1,function(x) sum(x==min(x)))/approx	# infimal area

#' @title Bivariate h-mode depth for functional data based on the \eqn{L^2} metric
#' @description
#' The h-mode depth 
#' of functional bivariate data (that is, data of the form \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R^2},
#' or \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R} and the derivative of \eqn{X}) based on the
#' \eqn{L^2} metric of functions.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional derivatives
#' @details
#' The function returns the vectors of sample h-mode depth values. The kernel 
#' used in the evaluation is the standard Gaussian kernel, the bandwidth value is chosen
#' as a quantile of the non-zero distances between the random sample curves.
#' @param datafA Bivariate functions whose depth is computed, represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of 
#' their arguments (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values. 
#' \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Bivariate random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values.
#' \code{n} is the sample size. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param q The quantile used to determine the value of the bandwidth \eqn{h}
#' in the computation of the h-mode depth. \eqn{h} is taken as the \code{q}-quantile of
#' all non-zero distances between the functions \code{B}. By default, this value is set
#' to \code{q=0.2}, in accordance with the choice of Cuevas et al. (2007).
#' @return Three vectors of length \code{m} of h-mode depth values are returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{hM} the unscaled h-mode depth,
#'	\item \code{hM_norm} the h-mode depth \code{hM} linearly transformed so that its range is [0,1],
#'	\item \code{hM_norm2} the h-mode depth \code{FD} linearly transformed by a transformation such that 
#'    the range of the h-mode depth of \code{B} with respect to \code{B} is [0,1]. This depth may give negative values.
#'	}
#' @references Cuevas, A., Febrero, M. and Fraiman, R.  (2007). 
#' Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions. 
#' \emph{Computational Statistics} \bold{22} (3), 481--496.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' datafA2 = derivatives.est(datafA,deriv=c(0,1))
#' datafB2 = derivatives.est(datafB,deriv=c(0,1))
#' depthf.hM2(datafA2,datafB2)
#' depthf.hM2(datafA2,datafB2)$hM
#' # depthf.hM2(cbind(A2[,,1],A2[,,2]),cbind(B2[,,1],B2[,,2]))$hM
#' # the two expressions above should give the same result
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.hM}}

depthf.hM2 = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101,q=.2){
  # h-Mode depth Cuevas_etal2007
  # A functions whose depth is computed :	either M*D matrix (M functions, D points per function), 
  #							or M*D*2 array (2 derivative levels), 
  # B functions of random sample :		as A
  # q :							quantile, bandwidth value in the resulting kernel estimate
  #							computes the same as depthf.M (with cbind-ed 2 levels if derivatives are involved)
  #							depthf.M(cbind(A[,,1],A[,,2]),cbind(B[,,1],B[,,2]))
  #							depthf.M2(A,B)$FD
  #							depthf.M2(cbind(A[,,1],A[,,2]),cbind(B[,,1],B[,,2]))$FD
  # 							all should give the same result
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  # q=.2 Cuevas et al, 0.15 default v usc.fda
  M = .Fortran(	"funMD",
                md = as.numeric(rep(-1,m))
  #	because of scaling in depth.mode() in fda.usc
  M.ori = .Fortran(	"funMD",
                    md = as.numeric(rep(-1,n))
  Mn = (M-min(M))/(max(M)-min(M))
  Mn2 = (M-min(M.ori))/(max(M.ori)-min(M.ori))
  return(list(hM = M, hM_norm = Mn, hM_norm2 = Mn2))

#' @title Univariate random projection depths for functional data
#' @description
#' Random projection depth and random functional depth for functional data.	
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns the vectors of sample random projection, and random functional depth values. 
#' The random projection depth described in Cuevas et al. (2007) is based on the average univariate depth
#' of one-dimensional projections of functional data. The projections are taken randomly as a sample of standard
#' normal \code{d}-dimensional random variables, where \code{d} stands for the dimensionality of the discretized
#' functional data. 
#' The random functional depth (also called random Tukey depth, or random halfspace depth) is described in
#' Cuesta-Albertos and Nieto-Reyes (2008). The functional data are projected into the real line in random 
#' directions as for the random projection depths. Afterwards, an approximation of the halfspace (Tukey) depth
#' based on this limited number of univariate projections is assessed. 
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param nproj Number of projections taken in the computation of the random projection depth. By default taken
#' to be \code{51}.
#' @param nproj2 Number of projections taken in the computation of the random functional depth. By default taken
#' to be \code{5}. \code{nproj2} should be much smaller than \code{d}, the dimensionality of the discretized 
#' functional data.
#' @return Three vectors of depth values of length \code{m} are returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the random projection depth based on the univariate simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the random projection depth based on the univariate halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{RHalf_FD} the random halfspace depth.
#'	}
#' @references Cuevas, A., Febrero, M. and Fraiman, R.  (2007).
#' Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions, 
#' \emph{Computational Statistics} \bold{22} (3), 481--496.
#' @references Cuesta-Albertos, J.A. and Nieto-Reyes, A. (2008).
#'  The random Tukey depth. 
#' \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis} \bold{52} (11), 4979--4988.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.RP1(datafA,datafB)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.RP2}}

depthf.RP1 = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101,nproj=50,nproj2=5){
  # simple 1D projection depth
  # nproj nr of projections taken
  #	SFD : projection \eqn{L^2} -> R -> mean of univariate Simplicial Depth (nproj projections)
  #	HFD : projection \eqn{L^2} -> R -> mean of univariate Halfspace Depth (nproj projections)
  #	RFD : projection \eqn{L^2} -> R -> infimum of univariate Halfspace Depths (nproj2 projections)
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)  
  A1 = as.vector(A)
  B1 = as.vector(B)
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  V = rnorm(nproj*d)
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  FD = .Fortran("funRPD1",	
                as.numeric(A1),		#	A
                as.numeric(B1),		#	B
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d
                as.integer(nproj),	#	nproj
                as.integer(nproj2),	#	nproj2
                as.numeric(V),		#	projections
  return(list(Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep, RHalf_FD = FD$funrdep))

#' @title Bivariate integrated and infimal depth for functional data
#' @description
#' Integrated and infimal depths 
#' of functional bivariate data (that is, data of the form \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R^2},
#' or \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R} and the derivative of \eqn{X}) based on the
#' bivariate halfspace and simplicial depths.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional derivatives
#' @details
#' The function returns the vectors of sample integrated and infimal depth values.
#' @param datafA Bivariate functions whose depth is computed, represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of 
#' their arguments (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values. 
#' \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Bivariate random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values.
#' \code{n} is the sample size. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @return Four vectors of length \code{m} are returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the integrated depth based on the bivariate simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the integrated depth based on the bivariate halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{Simpl_ID} the infimal depth based on the bivariate simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_ID} the infimal depth based on the bivariate halfspace depth.
#'	}
#' In addition, two vectors of length \code{m} of the relative area of smallest depth values is returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_IA} the proportions of points at which the depth \code{Simpl_ID} was attained,
#'	\item \code{Half_IA} the proportions of points at which the depth \code{Half_ID} was attained.
#'	}
#' The values \code{Simpl_IA} and \code{Half_IA} are always in the interval [0,1]. 
#' They introduce ranking also among functions having the same
#' infimal depth value - if two functions have the same infimal depth, the one with larger infimal area
#' \code{IA} is said to be less central. 	
#' @references Hlubinka, D., Gijbels, I., Omelka, M. and Nagy, S. (2015). 
#' Integrated data depth for smooth functions and its application in supervised classification. 
#' \emph{Computational Statistics}, \bold{30} (4), 1011--1031.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' dataf2A = derivatives.est(datafA,deriv=c(0,1))
#' dataf2B = derivatives.est(datafB,deriv=c(0,1))
#' depthf.fd2(dataf2A,dataf2B)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}, \code{\link{infimalRank}}

depthf.fd2 = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101){
  # A functions whose depth I compute
  # B functions wrt whose the depth is computed
  # both 2dimensional, n*d*2, n nr of functions, d dimensionality
  # now provides also infimal depth (inf_D2)
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  A1 = as.vector(A[,,1])
  A2 = as.vector(A[,,2])
  B1 = as.vector(B[,,1])
  B2 = as.vector(B[,,2])
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  FD = .Fortran("funD2",	
                as.numeric(A1),		#	A1
                as.numeric(A2),		#	A2
                as.numeric(B1),		#	B1
                as.numeric(B2),		#	B2
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d
                fIsdep =as.numeric(rep(-1,m)),
                fIhdep =as.numeric(rep(-1,m)),
                IAsdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m)),
                IAhdep =as.integer(rep(-1,m))
  return(list(	Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep,
               Simpl_ID = FD$fIsdep,	Half_ID = FD$fIhdep,
               Simpl_IA = FD$IAsdep/d, Half_IA = FD$IAhdep/d ))

#' @title Bivariate random projection depths for functional data
#' @description
#' Double random projection depths of functional bivariate data (that is, data of the form \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R^2},
#' or \eqn{X:[a,b] \to R} and the derivative of \eqn{X}).	
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional derivatives
#' @details
#' The function returns the vectors of sample double random projection depth values. 
#' The double random projection depths are described in Cuevas et al. (2007). They are of two types: RP2 type, and
#' RPD type. Both types of depths are based on bivariate projections of the bivariate functional data. 
#' These projections are taken randomly as a sample of standard
#' normal \code{d}-dimensional random variables, where \code{d} stands for the dimensionality of the internally 
#' represented discretized
#' functional data. For RP2 type depths, the average bivariate depth of the projected quantities is assessed.
#' For RPD type depths, further univariate projections of these bivariate projected quantities are evaluated, and
#' based on these final univariate quantities, the average univariate depth is computed.
#' @param datafA Bivariate functions whose depth is computed, represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of 
#' their arguments (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values. 
#' \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Bivariate random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a multivariate \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  (vector), and a matrix with two columns of the corresponding bivariate functional values.
#' \code{n} is the sample size. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param nproj Number of projections taken in the computation of the double random projection depth. By default taken
#' to be \code{51}.
#' @return Five vectors of length \code{m} are returned:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the double random projection depth RP2 based on the bivariate simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the double random projection depth RP2 based on the bivariate halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{hM_FD} the double random projection depth RP2 based on the bivariate h-mode depth,
#'	\item \code{Simpl_DD} the double random projection depth RPD based on the univariate simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_DD} the random projection depth RPD based on the univariate halfspace depth,
#'	}
#' @references Cuevas, A., Febrero, M. and Fraiman, R.  (2007).
#' Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions.
#' \emph{Computational Statistics} \bold{22} (3), 481--496.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' dataf2A = derivatives.est(datafA,deriv=c(0,1))
#' dataf2B = derivatives.est(datafB,deriv=c(0,1))
#' depthf.RP2(dataf2A,dataf2B)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.RP1}}

depthf.RP2 = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101,nproj=51){
  # double projection depth
  # nproj nr of projections taken
  #	SFD :	(\eqn{L^2})^2 -> R^2 -> 2D Mean Simplicial Depth
  #	HFD : (\eqn{L^2})^2 -> R^2 -> 2D Mean Halfspace Depth
  #	MFD : (\eqn{L^2})^2 -> R^2 -> 2D Mean h-Mode Depth
  #	SDD : (\eqn{L^2})^2 -> R^2 -> R^1 -> Mean Simplicial Depth
  #	HDD : (\eqn{L^2})^2 -> R^2 -> R^1 -> Mean Halfspace Depth
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  q = .2	# quantile for modal depth
  A1 = as.vector(A[,,1])
  A2 = as.vector(A[,,2])
  B1 = as.vector(B[,,1])
  B2 = as.vector(B[,,2])
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  V = rnorm(nproj*d+nproj*2)
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  FD = .Fortran("funRPD2",	
                as.numeric(A1),		#	A1
                as.numeric(A2),		#	A2
                as.numeric(B1),		#	B1
                as.numeric(B2),		#	B2
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d
                as.integer(nproj),	#	nproj
                as.numeric(V),		#	projections
                as.numeric(q),		# 	q
  return(list(Simpl_FD = FD$funsdep, Half_FD = FD$funhdep, hM_FD = FD$funmdep, Simpl_DD = FD$funsddep, Half_DD = FD$funhddep))

#' @title Half-region depth for functional data
#' @description
#' The half-region depth 
#' for functional real-valued data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns the vector of the sample half-region depth values.
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @return A vector of length \code{m} of the half-region depth values.
#' @references Lopez-Pintado, S. and Romo, J. (2011).
#' A half-region depth for functional data.
#' \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis} \bold{55} (4), 1679--1695.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.HR(datafA,datafB)

depthf.HR = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101){
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  FD = .Fortran("HRD",	
                as.numeric(A),		#	A
                as.numeric(B),		#	B
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d

#' @title Band depth for functional data
#' @description
#' The (unadjusted) band depth 
#' for functional real-valued data of order \code{J=2}.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth functional
#' @details
#' The function returns the vector of the sample (unadjusted) band depth values.
#' @param datafA Functions whose depth is computed, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param datafB Random sample functions with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} is the sample size. 
#' The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @return A vector of length \code{m} of the band depth values.
#' @references Lopez-Pintado, S. and Romo, J. (2009), On the concept of depth for functional data,
#' \emph{J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.} \bold{104} (486), 718 - 734.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' depthf.BD(datafA,datafB)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.ABD}}, \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}

depthf.BD = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101){
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)  
  d = dim(A)[2]
  m = dim(A)[1]
  n = dim(B)[1]
  if(dim(B)[2]!=d) stop("dimension mismatch")
  FD = .Fortran("BD",	
                as.numeric(A),		#	A
                as.numeric(B),		#	B
                as.integer(m),		#	m
                as.integer(n),		#	n
                as.integer(d),		#	d

#' @title Adjusted ranking of functional data based on the infimal depth
#' @description
#' Returns a vector of adjusted depth-based ranks for infimal depth for functional data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords rank depth functional
#' @details
#' Infimal depths for functional data tend to give to many functional observations the same 
#' value of depth. Using this function, the data whose depth is the same is ranked according
#' to the infimal area indicator. This indicator is provided in functions \code{depthf.fd1} along
#' the value of the infimal depth. 
#' @param ID The vector of infimal depths of the curves of length \code{n}.
#' @param IA The vector of the infimal areas corresponding to the infimal depths from \code{ID}
#' of length \code{n}.
#' @param ties.method Parameter for breaking ties in infimal area index. By default \code{max}, see 
#' \code{rank}.
#' @return A vector of length \code{n}. Low depth values mean high ranks, i.e. potential outlyingess. 
#' If some of the infimal depths are identical, the ranking of these functions is made according to the 
#' values of the infimal area. There, higher infimal area index means higher rank, i.e. non-centrality.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893. 
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
#' datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]
#' D = depthf.fd1(datafA,datafB)
#' infimalRank(D$Half_ID,D$Half_IA) 
#' ID = c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1)
#' IA = c(2,3,1,0,2,4,1)
#' infimalRank(ID,IA)

infimalRank = function(ID,IA,ties.method="max"){
  # finds the adjusted rank for appropriate for the infimal depth for functional data
  # ID is the vector of infimal depths
  # IA is the vector of the corresponding infimal areas
  # returns a vector of ranks
  n = length(ID)
  if(length(IA)!=n) stop("Lengths of the vectors differ")
  U = sort(unique(ID),decreasing=TRUE)
  R = rep(NA,n)
  cR = 0						# currently assigned rank	
  for(u in U){
    Iu = (ID==u)
    R[Iu] = cR+rank(IA[Iu],ties.method=ties.method)
    cR = sum(!is.na(R))

#' @title Estimation of the first two derivatives for functional data
#' @description
#' Returns the estimated values of derivatives of functional data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords derivatives kernel functional
#' @details
#' If the input \code{dataf} is a functional random sample of size \code{m}, 
#' the function returns a \code{dataf} object of \code{nd}-dimensional functional data, where 
#' in the elements of the vector-valued functional data represent the estimated values of the 
#' derivatives of \code{dataf}. All derivatives are evaluated at an equi-distant grid of \code{d}
#' points in the domain given by \code{range}. \code{nd} here stands for \code{1}, \code{2} or \code{3}, 
#' depending on how many derivatives of \code{dataf} are
#' requested to be computed. For the estimation, functions \code{D1ss} and \code{D2ss} from the package
#' \code{sfsmisc} are utilized. 
#' @param dataf Functional dataset, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{m} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{dataf} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{dataf}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param spar If provided, this parameter is passed to functions \code{D1ss} and \code{D2ss} from package \code{sfsmisc}
#' as the value of the smoothing spline parameter in order to numerically approximate
#' the derivatives of \code{dataf}.
#' @param deriv A vector composed of \code{0}, \code{1}, and \code{2} of the demanded 
#' functional values / derivatives of the functions in the rows of \code{dataf}.
#' \code{0} stands for the functional values, \code{1} for the first derivatives, 
#' \code{2} for the second derivatives.
#' @return A multivariate \code{dataf} object of the functional values and / or the derivatives of \code{dataf}. 
#' The dimensionality of the vector-valued functional data is \code{nd}. The arguments of the data are all equal to 
#' an equi-distant grid of \code{d} points in the domain given by \code{range}. \code{nd} is the demanded number 
#' of derivatives at the output, i.e. the length of the vector \code{deriv}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[sfsmisc]{D1ss}} in package sfsmisc
#' @seealso \code{\link[sfsmisc]{D2ss}} in package sfsmisc
#' @examples
#' dataf = dataf.population()$dataf
#' derivatives.est(dataf,deriv=c(0,1,2))

derivatives.est = function(dataf,range=NULL,d=101,spar=NULL,deriv=c(0,1)){
  X = dataf2rawfd(dataf, range = range, d = d)
  derd = length(deriv)
  XK = array(dim=c(dim(X),derd))
  # range construction
  rng = numeric(0)
  for (df in dataf)	rng = range(c(rng,df$args)) # common range of all the data
    if(!(length(range) == 2 && is.numeric(range) && 
         range[1]<=rng[1] && range[2]>=rng[2])) 
      stop("Argument 'range' must be a numeric vector of two components
           that defines the range of the domain of functional data. All
           functional data must have 'args' vales inside this domain.")
  } else range = rng
  if(!(range[1]<range[2])) stop("Argument 'range' must define a non-degenerate interval.")
  t = seq(range[1],range[2],length=d)
  n = nrow(X)	
  pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style = 3)	
  for (nd in 1:derd){
    if (deriv[nd]==0) XK[,,nd] = X else
      for(i in 1:n){
        if (deriv[nd]==1){
          if(is.null(spar))	XK[i,,nd] = D1ss(t,X[i,]) else
            XK[i,,nd] = D1ss(t,X[i,],spl.spar=spar)
        if (deriv[nd]==2){
          if(is.null(spar))	XK[i,,nd] = D2ss(t,X[i,])$y else
            XK[i,,nd] = D2ss(t,X[i,],spl.spar=spar)$y
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

#' @title Diagnostic plot for first and second order integrated and infimal depths
#' @description
#' Produce the diagnostic plot based on the fist or second order extended integrated / infimal depths.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth shape outlier plot functional
#' @details
#' Plots a diagnostic plot of pointwise univariate (or bivariate) depths for all possible points (or couples of points) from the domain of the 
#' functional data. From such a plot it is possible to infer into the first order (or second order) properties of a single function \emph{x} with respect 
#' to the given set of functional data. For \code{order=1}, the integral of the displayed function is the integrated depth of \emph{x}, 
#' the smallest value of the function is the infimal depth of \emph{x}. 
#' For \code{order=2}, the bivariate integral of the displayed surface gives the second order extended 
#' integrated depth of \emph{x}, the infimum of this bivariate function gives the second order infimal depth of \emph{x}. 
#' For details see Nagy et al. (2016) and \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}.
#' @param datafA A single function whose depth is computed, represented by a 
#' \code{dataf} object of arguments and functional values.
#' @param datafB Functional dataset with respect to which the depth of \code{datafA} is computed. 
#' \code{datafB} is represented by a \code{dataf} object of arguments and functional values. 
#' \code{n} stands for the number of functions. The grid of observation points for the 
#' functions in \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} may not be the same.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{datafA} and \code{datafB} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{datafA} and \code{datafB}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param order The order of the depth to be used in the plot, for \code{order=1} produces
#' the plot of univariate marginal depth of \code{A} and \code{nfun} functions from \code{B} 
#' over the domain of the functions. For \code{order=2} produces the bivariate contour plot 
#' of the bivariate depths of \code{A} at couples of points from the domain.
#' @param method The depth that is used in the diagnostic plot. possible values are \code{halfspace} for 
#' the halfspace depth, or \code{simplicial} for the simplicial depth. 
#' @param approx For \code{order=2}, the number of approximations used in the computation of the order extended depth. By default
#' this is set to \code{0}, meaning that the depth is computed at all possible \code{d^2}
#' combinations of the points in the domain. When set to a positive integer, \code{approx}
#' bivariate points are randomly sampled in unit square, and at these points the bivariate depths of the
#' corresponding functional values are computed.
#' @param title The title of the diagnostic plot.
#' @param nfun For \code{order=1}, the number of functions from \code{B} whose coordinate-wise
#' univariate depths of functional values should be displayes with the depth of \code{A}.
#' The depth of \code{A} is displayed in solid red line, the depths of the functions from \code{B}
#' in dashed black.
#' @param plot Logical: should the function by plotted?
#' @return For \code{order=1} two depth values, and two vectors of pointwise depths:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the first order integrated depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the first order integrated depth based on the halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{Simpl_ID} the first order infimal depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_ID} the first order infimal depth based on the halfspace depth,
#'    \item \code{PSD} the vector of length \code{d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise univariate simplicial depths used for the computation of \code{Simpl_FD} and \code{Simpl_ID},
#'    \item \code{PHD} the vector of length \code{d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise univariate halfspace depths used for the computation of \code{Half_FD} and \code{Half_ID}.
#'	}
#'    In addition, the first order integrated / infimal depth diagnostic plot of the function \code{A} with respect to
#'    the random sample given by the functions corresponding to the rows of the matrix \code{B} is produced.
#'    For \code{order=2} four depth values, and two matrices of pointwise depths:
#'	\itemize{
#'	\item \code{Simpl_FD} the second order integrated depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_FD} the second order integrated depth based on the halfspace depth,
#'	\item \code{Simpl_ID} the second order infimal depth based on the simplicial depth,
#'	\item \code{Half_ID} the second order infimal depth based on the halfspace depth,
#'    \item \code{PSD} the matrix of size \code{d*d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise bivariate simplicial depths used for the computation of \code{Simpl_FD} and \code{Simpl_ID},
#'    \item \code{PHD} the matrix of size \code{d*d} containing the computed 
#'    pointwise bivariate halfspace depths used for the computation of \code{Half_FD} and \code{Half_ID}.
#'	}
#'    In addition, the second order integrated / infimal depth diagnostic plot of the function \code{A} with respect to
#'    the random sample given by the functions corresponding to the rows of the matrix \code{B} is produced.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893.
#' @examples
#' datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1]
#' dataf = dataf.population()$dataf[2:20]
#' shape.fd.analysis(datafA,dataf,order=1)
#' shape.fd.analysis(datafA,dataf,order=2,approx=0)
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}

shape.fd.analysis = function(datafA,datafB,range=NULL,d=101,order=1,method=c("halfspace","simplicial"),approx=0,title="",nfun=10,plot=TRUE){
  A = dataf2rawfd(datafA, range = range, d = d)
  B = dataf2rawfd(datafB, range = range, d = d)  
  if (nrow(A)>1) stop("works only for a single function A (matrix 1*d)")
  method = match.arg(method)
  # diagonal
  d = ncol(A)
  HDP = matrix(nrow=nrow(B)+1,ncol=d)
  for(i in 1:d){
    FL = ecdf(B[,i])
    FU = ecdf(-B[,i])
    HDP[,i] = pmin(FL(rbind(B,A)[,i]),FU(-rbind(B,A)[,i]))
    SDP[,i] = FL(rbind(B,A)[,i])*FU(-rbind(B,A)[,i])*nrow(B)^2/choose(nrow(B),2)
    DD = DiffDepth(A,B,approx)
    if (method=="halfspace") diag(DD$PHD) = HDP[nrow(B)+1,] else diag(DD$PSD) = SDP[nrow(B)+1,]
    if (plot){
      if (method=="halfspace") filled.contour(DD$PHD,main=title,color.palette= function(x)rev(heat.colors(x))) else
        filled.contour(DD$PSD,main=title,color.palette = function(x)rev(heat.colors(x)))
    nfun = min(nrow(B),nfun)
    t = seq(0,1,length=ncol(B))
    DD = list(Simpl_FD = mean(SDP[nrow(B)+1,]), Half_FD = mean(HDP[nrow(B)+1,]), 
              Simpl_ID = min(SDP[nrow(B)+1,]), Half_ID = min(HDP[nrow(B)+1,]), 
              PHD = HDP[nrow(B)+1,], PSD = SDP[nrow(B)+1,]) 
    if (plot) { if (method=="halfspace"){
      plot(rep(t,nrow(B)+1),HDP,type="n",main=title,ylim = c(0,max(HDP)),ann=FALSE)
      for(i in 1:nfun) lines(t,HDP[i,],lwd=.75,lty=2)
    } else {
      plot(rep(t,nrow(B)+1),SDP,type="n",main=title,ylim = c(0,max(SDP)),ann=FALSE)
      for(i in 1:nfun) lines(t,SDP[i,],lwd=.75,lty=2)

#' @title Functional depth-based shape outlier detection
#' @description
#' Detects functional outliers of first three orders, based on the order extended integrated depth for functional data.		
#' @author Stanislav Nagy, \email{nagy@karlin.mff.cuni.cz}
#' @keywords depth
#' @keywords outlier
#' @keywords functional
#' @details
#' Using the procedure described in Nagy et al. (2016), the function uses the order extended integrated depths for functions, 
#' see \code{\link{depthf.fd1}} and \code{\link{shape.fd.analysis}}, to perform informal functional shape outlier detection. 
#' Outliers of the first order (horizontal shift outliers) are found as the functions with \code{q} \% of smallest (first order)
#' integrated depth values. Second and third order outliers (shape outliers) are found using the extension of the boxplot method
#' for depths as described in the paper Nagy et al. (2016).
#' @param dataf Functional dataset, represented by a \code{dataf} object of their arguments
#'  and functional values. \code{n} stands for the number of functions.
#' @param range The common range of the domain where the fucntions \code{dataf} are observed.
#' Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in 
#' \code{dataf}.
#' @param d Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, 
#' all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length \code{d}
#' corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval \code{range}. Functional values in these
#' points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.
#' @param q The quantile presenting a threshold for the first order outlier detection. Functions with first order integrated depth
#' smaller than the \code{q} quantile of this sample of depths are flagged as potential outliers. If set to \code{NULL}, the
#' the outliers are detected from the first order integrated depth after the log-transformation, as for higher order outliers.
#' @param method The depth that is used in the diagnostic plot. possible values are \code{halfspace} for 
#' the halfspace depth, or \code{simplicial} for the simplicial depth. 
#' @param approx For the computation of the third order integrated depth,
#' the number of approximations used in the computation of the order extended depth. By default
#' this is set to \code{100}, meaning that \code{100}
#' trivariate points are randomly sampled in unit cube, and at these points the trivariate depths of the
#' corresponding functional values. May be set to \code{0} to compute the depth at all possible \code{d^3}
#' combinations of the points in the domain. This choice may result in very slow computation, see also \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}. 
#' @param print If the rows of \code{X} are named, \code{print=TRUE} enables a graphical output when the names of the outlying curves
#' are displayed.
#' @param plotpairs If set to \code{TRUE}, the scatter plot of the computed depths for orders \code{1}, \code{2} and \code{3} is
#' is displayed. Here, the depths corresponding to the flagged outliers are plotted in colour.
#' @param max.order Maximal order of shape outlyingness to be computed, can be set to \code{1}, \code{2}, or \code{3}.
#' @param exclude.out Logical variable; exclude the detected lower order outliers in the flagging process? By default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param output Output method, can be set to \code{matrix} for a matrix with logical entries (\code{TRUE} for outliers), or \code{list} for 
#' a list of outliers.
#' @param identifiers A vector of names for the data observations. Facilitates identification of outlyig functions.
#' @return A matrix of logical values of size \code{n*4}, where \code{n} is the sample size. In the first three rows indicators of outlyingness
#' of the corresponding functions for orders \code{1}, \code{2} and \code{3} are given, in the fourth row the indicator of outlyingness
#' with respect to the comparison of the first, and third order depths is given. That is, the fist row corresponds to the first order outliers, 
#' the second row to the second order outliers, and the last two rows formally to the third order outliers. Please consult Nagy et al. (2016)
#' to interpret the notion of shape outlyingness.
#' @references Nagy, S., Gijbels, I. and Hlubinka, D.  (2017).
#' Depth-based recognition of shape outlying functions. 
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, \bold{26:4}, 883--893.
#' @examples
#' n = 30
#' dataf = dataf.population()$dataf[1:n]
#' shape.fd.outliers(dataf,print=TRUE,plotpairs=TRUE,
#' identifiers=unlist(dataf.population()$identifier)[1:n])
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthf.fd1}}, \code{\link{shape.fd.analysis}}

shape.fd.outliers = function(dataf,range=NULL,d=101,q=.05,method=c("halfspace","simplicial"),
                             exclude.out = TRUE, output=c("matrix","list"), identifiers = NULL){
  X = dataf
  method = match.arg(method)
  output = match.arg(output)
  if(is.null(identifiers) | length(identifiers)!=length(dataf)){
    print = FALSE
    warning("Inconsistent identifiers, print is set to FALSE")
    warning("Maximal order set to 3")
  if (max.order==3){
      warning("Too small approx value, approximation set to 50")
  n = length(X)									# set up the depths
  D = matrix(nrow=max.order,ncol=n)
    D[1,] = depthf.fd1(X,X)$Half_FD
    if(max.order>1) D[2,] = depthf.fd1(X,X,range=range,d=d,order=2)$Half_FD
    if(max.order>2) D[3,] = depthf.fd1(X,X,range=range,d=d,order=3,approx=approx)$Half_FD
    D[1,] = depthf.fd1(X,X)$Simpl_FD
    if(max.order>1) D[2,] = depthf.fd1(X,X,range=range,d=d,order=2)$Simpl_FD
    if(max.order>2) D[3,] = depthf.fd1(X,X,range=range,d=d,order=3,approx=approx)$Simpl_FD
  D = apply(D,1:2,function(x) max(0,x-1/n))
  if(max.order==1) out.rows = 1
  if(max.order==2) out.rows = 2
  if(max.order==3) out.rows = 4
  O = matrix(nrow=out.rows,ncol=ncol(D))					# compute the outliers
  if (print){
    colnames(O) = identifiers
    print("first order outliers: ")
  if(!is.null(q)) O[1,]<-D[1,]<quantile(D[1,],q)
  if(is.null(q)){                  # for q null perform the log-transform
    S = -log(D[1,]/1)
    S[D[1,]==0] = Inf
    B = boxplot(S,plot=FALSE)
  if (print) print(which(O[1,]))
  if(max.order>1) for(i in 1:(max.order-1)){
    if (print){
      if (i==1) print("second order outliers: ")
      if (i==2) print("third order outliers: ")
    S = -log(D[i+1,]/D[i,])
    S[D[i+1,]==0] = Inf
    B = boxplot(S,plot=FALSE)
    if(exclude.out) O[i+1,]<-(((S>B$stats[5,])|(S==Inf))&(O[i,]==FALSE)&(O[1,]==FALSE))
    if(!exclude.out) O[i+1,]<-((S>B$stats[5,])|(S==Inf))
    if (print) print(which(O[i+1,]))
    if (print) print("1/3 outliers")
    S = -log(D[3,]/D[1,])
    S[D[3,]==0] = Inf
    B = boxplot(S,plot=FALSE)
    if(exclude.out) O[4,]<-(((S>B$stats[5,])|(S==Inf))&(O[3,]==FALSE)&(O[2,]==FALSE)&(O[1,]==FALSE))
    if(!exclude.out) O[4,]<-((S>B$stats[5,])|(S==Inf))
    if (print) print(which(O[4,]))
  if(max.order==1) rownames(O) = "1st"
  if(max.order==2) rownames(O) = c("1st","2nd")
    rownames(O) = c("1st","2nd","3rd","1/3rd")
    if (plotpairs) DpairsPlot(D,O)
  if(output=="matrix") return(O)
  if(output=="list") return(apply(O,1,which))

DpairsPlot = function(DB2,O,sp.index=NULL){
  # plots a 2x2 scatter of all the pairs of order extended integrated depth values
  # for orders 1, 2, and 3 as presented in the Nagy et al. (2016), Figure 5
  cexaxis = 1.3
  cexlab = 1.5
  n = ncol(O)
  col = rep("grey",n)
  colout1 = "olivedrab3"
  colout2 = "navy"
  colout3 = "darkorange"
  colout = c(colout1,colout2,colout3)
  col[O[1,]] = colout1
  col[O[2,]] = colout2
  col[O[3,]] = colout3
  col[O[4,]] = colout3
  pch = rep(16,n)
  pch[O[1,]] = 1
  pch[O[2,]] = 2
  pch[O[3,]] = 18
  pch[O[4,]] = 18
  cx = 1.5
  cex = rep(1,n)
  cex[O[1,]] = cx
  cex[O[2,]] = cx
  cex[O[3,]] = cx
  cex[O[4,]] = cx
  OI = (colSums(O)>0)	# outlier indicator
  op<-par(cex.axis=cexaxis,cex.lab=cexlab,mfrow = c(2, 2),     # 2x2 layout
          oma = c(3, 3.5, 0.45, 0.45), # two rows of text at the outer left and bottom margin
          mar = c(1, 1, 0, 0), # space for one row of text at ticks and to separate plots
          mgp = c(2, 1, 0),    # axis label at 2 rows distance, tick labels at 1 row
          xpd = NA)            # allow content to protrude into outer margin (and beyond)
  for(i in 1:n) if(OI[i]) points(DB2[1,i],DB2[2,i],col=col[i],pch=pch[i],cex=cex[i],lwd=1.35*cex[i])
  if (!is.null(sp.index)) points(DB2[1,sp.index],DB2[2,sp.index],pch=16,col="orange")
  legend(0,.7,c("1st order outliers","2nd order outliers","3rd order outliers"),col=colout,pch=c(1,2,18),cex=cx,bty="n")
  for(i in 1:n) if(OI[i]) points(DB2[1,i],DB2[3,i],col=col[i],pch=pch[i],cex=cex[i],lwd=1.35*cex[i])
  if (!is.null(sp.index)) points(DB2[1,sp.index],DB2[3,sp.index],pch=16,col="orange")	
  for(i in 1:n) if(OI[i]) points(DB2[2,i],DB2[3,i],col=col[i],pch=pch[i],cex=cex[i],lwd=1.35*cex[i])
  if (!is.null(sp.index)) points(DB2[2,sp.index],DB2[3,sp.index],pch=16,col="orange")

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