
Defines functions distractor_plot draw_curtains lighten dvcolors qcolors

Documented in distractor_plot

# colors derived from http://colorbrewer2.org
qcolors = function(n, user_colors=NULL)
    pal = user_colors(n)
  } else if(length(user_colors) > 1 || length(user_colors) == n)
    pal = user_colors
  } else
    pal = c("#E41A1C","#377EB8","#4DAF4A","#984EA3","#FF7F00","#FFFF33","#A65628","#F781BF","#999999",
            "#BC80BD", "#CCEBC5","#FFED6F","#FB8072","#80B1D3","#FDB462","#8DD3C7","#FFFFB3","#BEBADA",

dvcolors = function(n, user_colors=NULL)
    pal = user_colors(n)
  } else if(length(user_colors) > 1 || length(user_colors) == n)
    pal = user_colors
  } else
    pal = c('#9E0142','#D53E4F','#F46D43','#FDAE61','#FEE08B','#FFFFBF','#E6F598','#ABDDA4','#66C2A5',

lighten = function(color, factor = 0.5) {
  if ((factor > 1) || (factor < 0)) stop("factor needs to be within [0,1]")
  col = col2rgb(color)
  col = col + (255 - col)*factor
  col = rgb(t(col), maxColorValue=255)

draw_curtains = function(qnt)
    usr = par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], qnt[1], usr[2], col="#EEEEEE", border=NA,xpd=FALSE,lwd=0)
    rect(qnt[2], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="#EEEEEE", border=NA,xpd=FALSE,lwd=0)
    # rect will sometimes cover the axis (redrawing the axis would probably solve this too)

#' Distractor plot
#' Produce a diagnostic distractor plot for an item
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database or a data.frame with columns: person_id, item_id, response, item_score
#' and optionally booklet_id
#' @param item_id The ID of the item to plot. A separate plot will be produced
#' for each booklet that contains the item, or an error message if the item_id
#' is not known. Each plot contains a non-parametric regression of each possible
#' response on the total score.
#' @param predicate An optional expression to subset data, if NULL all data is used
#' @param legend logical, whether to include the legend. default is TRUE
#' @param curtains 100*the tail probability of the sum scores to be shaded. Default is 10.
#' Set to 0 to have no curtains shown at all.
#' @param adjust factor to adjust the smoothing bandwidth respective to the default value
#' @param col vector of colors to use for plotting. The names of the vector can be responses. If the vector is not named, 
#' colors are assigned to the most frequent responses first.
#' @param ... further arguments to plot.
#' @return 
#' Silently, a data.frame of response categories and colors used. Potentially useful if you want to customize the legend or 
#' print it separately
#' @details 
#' Customization of title and subtitle can be done by using the arguments main and sub. 
#' These arguments can contain references to the variables item_id, booklet_id, item_position(if available),
#' pvalue, rit and rir. References are made by prefixing these variables with a dollar sign. Variable names may be postfixed 
#' with a sprintf style format string, e.g. 
#' \code{distractor_plot(db, main='item: $item_id', sub='Item rest correlation: $rir:.2f')}
distractor_plot = function(dataSrc, item_id, predicate=NULL, legend=TRUE, curtains=10, adjust=1, col=NULL, ...){  

  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()
  item_id = as.character(item_id)

  user.args = list(...); leg.args = list()
    leg.args = user.args[endsWith(names(user.args),'.legend')]
    names(leg.args) = gsub('\\.legend$','',names(leg.args))
    user.args = user.args[!endsWith(names(user.args),'.legend')]
  iprop = list()
    iprop = as.list(dbGetQuery_param(dataSrc,'SELECT * FROM dxItems WHERE item_id= :item_id;', 
  if(is.null(qtpredicate) && is_db(dataSrc))
    # pre process a little to make things faster
  	booklets = dbGetQuery_param(dataSrc,
  	     'SELECT booklet_id FROM dxbooklet_design WHERE item_id=:item_id;', tibble(item_id=item_id)) |>
  		pull('booklet_id') |>
  	  sql_quote("'") |>
    qtpredicate = sql(paste0("booklet_id IN(",booklets,")"), 'booklet_id')
  item = item_id
  respData = get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate = qtpredicate, extra_columns='response', env=env, summarised=FALSE) |>
    filter_rd(.data$item_id == item, .recompute_sumscores = FALSE )

  if (nrow(respData$design) == 0) 
    stop(paste("Item", item_id, "not found in dataSrc."))

  if('item_position' %in% colnames(respData$design))
    ipos = filter(respData$design, .data$item_id==!!item_id)
  } else if(is_bkl_safe(dataSrc, qtpredicate, env) && is_db(dataSrc))
    ipos = dbGetQuery(dataSrc, paste("SELECT booklet_id, item_position FROM dxbooklet_design WHERE item_id=", 
  } else if(inherits(dataSrc,'data.frame') && 'item_position' %in% colnames(dataSrc))
    ipos = dataSrc |>
      filter(.data$item_id==!!item_id) |>
  } else
    ipos = filter(respData$design, .data$item_id==!!item_id)
     respData$x = mutate(respData$x,response=coalesce(as.character(.data$response),'<NA>'))

  default.args = list(sub = "Pval: $pvalue:.2f, Rit: $rit:.3f, Rir: $rir:.3f", 
                      xlab = "Sum score", ylab = "Proportion", cex.sub = 0.8, xaxs="i", bty="l")
  default.args$main = ifelse('item_position' %in% colnames(ipos),
                             '$item_id, pos. $item_position in booklet $booklet_id',
                             '$item_id in booklet $booklet_id')

  rsp_counts = respData$x |>
    count(.data$booklet_id, .data$response, .data$item_score, .data$booklet_score)

  max_score = max(rsp_counts$item_score)

  rsp_colors = rsp_counts |>
    group_by(.data$response) |>
    summarise(n = sum(.data$n)) |>
    ungroup() |>
    arrange(desc(.data$n), .data$response) 
  # cannot make this a list since a response can be an empty string
    rsp_colors$color = qcolors(nrow(rsp_colors),col)
  } else
    rsp_colors$color = col[rsp_colors$response]
    rsp_colors$color[rsp_colors$response==''] = col[names(col)==''][1] # nog ff checken
    rsp_colors$color[is.na(rsp_colors$color)] = '#A9A9A9'
  lapply(split(rsp_counts, as.character(rsp_counts$booklet_id)), function(y)
    booklet = y$booklet_id[1]
    bkl_scores = y |> 
      group_by(.data$booklet_score) |> 
      summarise(n = sum(.data$n)) |>
      ungroup() |>
      N = sum(bkl_scores$n)
      labs = modifyList(iprop,
        list(pvalue = weighted.mean(y$item_score, y$n)/max_score,
                  rit = weighted_cor(y$item_score, y$booklet_score, y$n),
                  rir = weighted_cor(y$item_score, y$booklet_score - y$item_score, y$n),
                  n = N,
                  item_position = filter(ipos, .data$booklet_id==booklet)$item_position,
      plot.args = merge_arglists(user.args, 
                                 override=list(x = c(0,max(y$booklet_score)), y = c(0,1), type="n"))
      plot.args$main = fstr(plot.args$main, labs)
      plot.args$sub = fstr(plot.args$sub, labs)
      qua = curtains/200
      qnt = NULL
      if(qua>0 && qua<.5) {
        #qnt = quantile(rep(bkl_scores$booklet_score, bkl_scores$n), c(qua,1-qua))
        qnt = weighted_quantile(bkl_scores$booklet_score, bkl_scores$n, c(qua,1-qua))
      do.call(plot, plot.args)
      dAll = density(bkl_scores$booklet_score, n = 512, weights = bkl_scores$n/N, adjust=adjust,
      lgnd = y |> 
        group_by(.data$response)  |> 
          k = rsp_colors[rsp_colors$response == .$response[1],]$color
            yval = .$n/sum(filter(y, .data$booklet_score==.$booklet_score)$n)
          } else
            dxi = density(.$booklet_score, weights = .$n/sum(.$n), n = 512,
                        bw = dAll$bw, from = min(dAll$x), to = max(dAll$x),warnWbw=FALSE)
            yy = dxi$y/dAll$y * sum(.$n)/N
            lines(dAll$x, yy, col = k, lw = 2)
          tibble(col = k, label = paste0(.$response[1]," (", .$item_score[1], ")"))
      if(legend && NROW(lgnd)>0)
                               default=list(x="topleft", cex=.8, box.lty=0, bg='white',lwd=2,inset=c(0.01, 0)),
                               override=list(legend=lgnd$label,lty=1, col=lgnd$col)))


adjust_pp_scores = function(maxA, psbl,cex)
  w = max(strwidth(maxA,cex=cex), strheight('1',cex=cex)) + 0.05
    lag = psbl[1]
    for(i in 2:length(psbl))
        psbl[i] = NA_integer_
      } else
        lag = psbl[i]

pp_segments = function(maxA, maxB, psbl, col='lightgray',cex=0.6)
  psbl = adjust_pp_scores(maxA,psbl,cex)
  segments(0L, psbl, psbl, 0L, col=col, xpd=FALSE)
  h = strheight('1',cex=cex)
  y = par('usr')[3] + h
  psblx = psbl[psbl<=maxA]
  text(psblx, y, psblx, cex=cex,col=col, xpd=TRUE,pos=4,offset=0)
  psbly = psbl[psbl>maxA]
  text(maxA ,psbly-maxA+y, psbly,col=col,xpd=TRUE,cex=cex,pos=4,offset=0)

#' Profile plot
#' @param dataSrc a connection to a dexter database or a data.frame with columns: 
#' person_id, item_id, item_score and the item_property and the covariate of interest.
#' @param item_property The name of the item property defining the domains. 
#' The item property should have exactly two distinct values in your data
#' @param covariate name of the person property used to create the groups. 
#' There will be one line for each distinct value.
#' @param predicate An optional expression to filter data, if NULL all data is used
#' @param model "IM" (default) or "RM" where "IM" is the interaction model and 
#' "RM" the Rasch model. The interaction model is the default as it fits 
#' the data better or at least as good as the Rasch model.
#' @param x Which category of the item_property to draw on the x axis, if NULL, one is chosen automatically
#' @param col vector of colors to use for plotting
#' @param col.diagonal color of the diagonal lines representing the testscores
#' @param ... further graphical arguments to plot. Graphical parameters for the legend can be postfixed with \code{.legend}
#' @details 
#' Profile plots can be used to investigate whether two (or more) groups of respondents 
#' attain the same test score in the same way. The user must provide a  
#' (meaningful) classification of the items in two non-overlapping subsets such that 
#' the test score is the sum of the scores on the subsets. 
#' The plot shows the probabilities to obtain 
#' any combinations of subset scores with thin gray lines indicating the combinations 
#' that give the same test score. The thick lines connect the most likely 
#' combination for each test score in each group.
#' When applied to educational test data, the plots can be used to detect differences in the 
#' relative difficulty of (sets of) items for respondents that belong to different 
#' groups and are matched on the test score. This provides a content-driven way to 
#' investigate differential item functioning. 
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_throttle_cores(1)}
#' db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules, ":memory:", 
#'                          person_properties=list(gender="unknown"))
#' add_booklet(db, verbAggrData, "agg")
#' add_item_properties(db, verbAggrProperties)
#' profile_plot(db, item_property='mode', covariate='gender')
#' close_project(db)
#' \dontshow{ RcppArmadillo::armadillo_reset_cores()}
profile_plot = function(dataSrc, item_property, covariate, predicate = NULL, model = c("IM","RM"), x = NULL, 
                        col = NULL, col.diagonal='lightgray',...) 
  model = match.arg(model)
  user.args = list(...); leg.args = list()
    leg.args = user.args[endsWith(names(user.args),'.legend')]
    names(leg.args) = gsub('\\.legend$','',names(leg.args))
    user.args = user.args[!endsWith(names(user.args),'.legend')]
    item_property = dbValid_colnames(item_property)
    covariate = dbValid_colnames(covariate)

  qtpredicate = eval(substitute(quote(predicate)))
  env = caller_env()
	stop('profile_plot does not accept a matrix dataSrc')
  respData = get_resp_data(dataSrc, qtpredicate, extra_columns = covariate, env = env)  |>
  respData$x[[covariate]] = ffactor(respData$x[[covariate]])
  if(is_db(dataSrc) && item_property %in% dbListFields(dataSrc,'dxitems'))
    domains = dbGetQuery(dataSrc, paste("SELECT item_id,", item_property, "FROM dxitems;")) |>
      semi_join(tibble(item_id = levels(respData$x$item_id)), by='item_id')
    domains$item_id = ffactor(domains$item_id, levels = levels(respData$x$item_id))
  } else
    domains = distinct(dataSrc, .data$item_id, .data[[item_property]])
    if(nrow(domains) > n_distinct(domains$item_id))
      stop("some items belong to multiple domains, this is not allowed")
  domains = arrange(domains, .data$item_id)
  props = unique(domains[[item_property]])
  if(length(props) != 2)
    stop('this function needs an item_property with 2 unique values in your data')
  # order props to get the x and y axis right
  if(!is.null(x) && x %in% props) 
    props = c(x, props[props!=x])

  AB = list(A = which(domains[[item_property]] == props[1]), 
            B = which(domains[[item_property]] == props[2]))
  # fit interaction model and compute ssTable
  models = by_rd(respData, covariate, fit_inter_, regs=FALSE) 
  tt = lapply(models, function(m)
        SSTable(b=m$est$bIM, a=m$inputs$ssIS$item_score, 
                first=m$inputs$ssI$first, last=m$inputs$ssI$last, AB = AB, m$est$cIM)
      } else
        SSTable(b=m$est$bRM, a=m$inputs$ssIS$item_score, 
                first=m$inputs$ssI$first, last=m$inputs$ssI$last, AB = AB)

  psbl = Reduce(union,lapply(models,function(m) m$est$possible_scores))
  maxA = max(sapply(tt, nrow)) - 1L
  maxB = max(sapply(tt, ncol)) - 1L

  default.args = list(main="Profile plot", xlab=props[1], 
                         override=list(x=c(0,maxA), y=c(0,maxB),type="n")))
  seg.cex = 0.6 * ifelse('cex' %in% names(user.args), user.args$cex, 1)
  pp_segments(maxA,maxB,psbl,cex=seg.cex, col=col.diagonal)
  colors = qcolors(length(tt), col)
  for (i in seq_along(tt)) 
    lns = sapply(psbl, function(s){
        indx = cbind(1L+(s:0),1L+(0:s))
        indx = indx[indx[,1]<=nrow(tt[[i]]) & indx[,2] <= ncol(tt[[i]]),, drop=FALSE]
        indx = indx[which.max(tt[[i]][indx]),, drop=FALSE]
        if(nrow(indx) > 0 && tt[[i]][indx] > 0)
        rep(NA_integer_, 2)
      }) |>
      t() |>
      apply(2, '-', 1) 
    lns = lns[!(is.na(lns[,1]) | is.na(lns[,2])),]
    lines(lns,col=colors[i], lw=2)

                         default=list(x="topleft", cex=.7, box.lty=0, bg='white',inset=0.01),
                         override=list(legend=names(tt),lty=1, col=colors)))


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dexter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.