
Defines functions evenn

Documented in evenn

#	TestAll
#	annot=TRUE; matLists=""; pathRes=""; pathLists="./VennLists/Venn_norm_VS_si_(P269L,GFP)_vs_WT_f1.2"; ud=TRUE; prop=TRUE; noms=""; overlaps=TRUE; f=0; display=TRUE; Solid=TRUE; couleurs=""; VennBar=TRUE; CompName=""; transp=0.5; filled=TRUE; Profils=FALSE; OnlyVariable=FALSE; colBlack=FALSE; ColorTxt=""; Ptest=TRUE; tUD=NULL; tUDp=NULL; tnoUD=NULL; Gtype="png"; lw=1; title="Test All"; NutShell=TRUE; VennClust=TRUE; OnlyVenn=FALSE

evenn <-function(annot=FALSE, matLists="", pathRes="", pathLists="", ud=FALSE, prop=FALSE, noms="", overlaps=FALSE, f=0, display=FALSE, couleurs="", VennBar=FALSE,
		CompName="", transp=0.5, filled=TRUE, Profils=FALSE, OnlyVariable=FALSE, colBlack=FALSE, ColorTxt="", Ptest=FALSE, tUD=NULL, tUDp=NULL, tnoUD=NULL, Gtype="png", title="", lw=1, NutShell=TRUE, VennClust=FALSE, OnlyVenn=FALSE)
	Solid=TRUE	#	venns 5,6,7...
	if(!is.matrix(matLists)&!is.list(matLists))	# Source = lecture de fichiers => cree la matLists
		if(pathLists == "")	# path source non renseigne
			write(paste("\t pathLists is filled ! You must enter a folder path", sep=""), file="")
		if(!file.exists(pathLists))	# test du path
			write(paste("\t Source folder error: ", pathLists, " does not exist.", sep=""), file="")
		nom = basename(pathLists)
		Liste = list.files(pathLists, full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE, pattern=".*.txt")
			matLists = list()
			for(L in 1:length(Liste))
				tmpFile = readLines(Liste[L], n = -1) 
				#	tmpFile = as.matrix(unlist(tmpFile))
				if((sum(grepl("\"|\'|#", tmpFile))!=0)|(length(tmpFile)==2))	# caracteres interdits ou une seule ligne
					#	write(paste("\t", sum(grepl("\"|\'|#", tmpFile)), " lines with unauthorized characters (\",\',# ) have been detected in ", basename(Liste[L]), sep=""), file="")
					#	identification des unauthorized characters
					if(sum(grepl("\"", tmpFile))>0) write(paste("\t", sum(grepl("\"", tmpFile)), " lines with unauthorized character \" have been detected in ", basename(Liste[L]), sep=""), file="")
					if(sum(grepl("\'", tmpFile))>0) write(paste("\t", sum(grepl("\'", tmpFile)), " lines with unauthorized character \' have been detected in ", basename(Liste[L]), sep=""), file="")
					if(sum(grepl("#", tmpFile))>0) write(paste("\t", sum(grepl("#", tmpFile)), " lines with unauthorized character # have been detected in ", basename(Liste[L]), sep=""), file="")
					tmpFile = gsub("\"|\'|#", "", tmpFile)
					tmpFile = t(apply(as.matrix(tmpFile), 1, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\t"))))
					tmpList = tmpFile[2:nrow(tmpFile),]
					if(nrow(tmpFile)==2)	tmpList = t(as.matrix(tmpList))	#	1 seule ligne
					colnames(tmpList) = tmpFile[1,]	
					tmpList = as.matrix(read.table(Liste[L], header=TRUE, sep="\t"))
				# test unicite des id
				if(sum(duplicated(tmpList[,1]))!=0)	write(paste("Error: duplicated ", sum(duplicated(tmpList[,1])), " IDs in ", Liste[L], " :\n\t\t ", tmpList[duplicated(tmpList[,1]),1], sep=""), file="")
				matLists[[length(matLists)+1]] = tmpList
			names(matLists) = paste(substr(basename(Liste), 0, (nchar(basename(Liste))-4)), sep="")
			if(sum(grepl("DataMoy", names(matLists)))==0)	Profils=FALSE
			matLists = as.matrix(read.table(Liste[1], header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep="\t"))
				write("         !!! Only one file with non numerical elements !!!", file="")
			write("        ,.-.,                                                                          ", file="")
			write("      .`     `.                                                                        ", file="")
			write("     /.-., ,.-.`            *       *                                 ****         *   ", file="")
			write("   .`    .`.    `.     ***   *     *   ***    ****   ****    *     * *    *      * *   ", file="")
			write("  / `.  /   `.  / `  *     *  *   *  *     * *    * *    *    *   *      *      *  *   ", file="")
			write(" |    ',_____,'    | ******   *   *  ******  *    * *    *     * *      *      *   *   ", file="")
			write(" `.     `   /     /  *         * *   *       *    * *    *     * *    *       *******  ", file="")
			write("   ',    '_'    ,'    *****     *     *****  *    * *    *      *    ****** *      *   ", file="")
			write("     `'-'` `'-'`                                                                       ", file="")
			#write("\n\t[Run man.evenn() for quick help]\n", file="")
		# Fonctions
		add.alpha <- function(col, alpha=1)
			apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, function(x)	rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))  

		sombre<-function(col, pcent)
			pcent = (100-pcent)/100
			apply(sapply(col, col2rgb), 2, function(x)	rgb(round(x[1]*pcent), round(x[2]*pcent), round(x[3]*pcent)))  
		BarVenn<-function(resTmp, path, ud, lw)
			path = paste(path, "/BarVenn", sep="")
			nmstmp = colnames(resTmp)
			noms = toupper(letters[1:(grep("total", nmstmp, ignore.case=TRUE)-1)])
			colnames(resTmp)[1:(grep("total", nmstmp, ignore.case=TRUE)-1)] = noms        # Remplace les noms par les A, B, C, D, ...
			tableau = matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=0)                                           # Creation du tableau des effectifs des zones et profils
			colnames(tableau) = c("zone", "profile", "N", "tot", "size")
			for(N in 1:length(noms))                                                      # Nbre de Liste mlises en jeu
				zones = combn(noms, N)                                                    # Nbre de zones impliquant N Liste de noms
				for(Z in 1:ncol(zones))                                                   # Parcours des zones pour completer le tableau:
					selection = (apply(as.matrix(resTmp[,c(zones[1:N,Z])]), 1, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))==N)&(resTmp[,grep("total", colnames(resTmp), ignore.case=TRUE)]==N)
						cols = seq(1, length(noms), by=1)[duplicated(c(zones[1:N,Z], noms))[(length(zones[1:N,Z])+1):(length(zones[1:N,Z])+length(noms))]]+(1+length(noms)) # Postion des colonnes de ratio
							ratiosTmp = resTmp[selection,cols] # Recupere les colonnes de ratios correpondant aux Liste de la zone
								ratiosTmp = t(as.matrix(ratiosTmp))
								colnames(ratiosTmp) = zones[,Z]
					if(sum(selection)>0) # Si la zone n'est pas vide
							UDtmp = ratiosTmp                                    # Cree une matrice de taille identique
							UDtmp[ratiosTmp>1]="U"                               # Remplace les ratios par le profil
							UDtmp = table(apply(as.matrix(UDtmp), 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse=",")))  # Collapse les colonnes/Liste pour creer le profil complet
							tableau = rbind(tableau, cbind(rep(paste(zones[1:N,Z], sep="", collapse=","), length(UDtmp)),  # Repete le nom de zone pour toutes les lignes de profil
											as.matrix(names(UDtmp)),             # Profil
											as.matrix(UDtmp),                    # Effectif du profil
											rep(sum(UDtmp), length(UDtmp)),      # Effectif total de la zone
											rep(N, length(UDtmp))))              # Nbre de Liste = type de zone
							tableau = rbind(tableau, c(paste(zones[1:N,Z],sep="", collapse=","), # Repete le nom de zone pour toutes les lignes de profil
											"",                                  # Profil
											"",                                  # Effectif du profil
											sum(apply(as.matrix(resTmp[,c(zones[1:N,Z])]), 1, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))==N),        # Effectif total de la zone
											N))                                  # Nbre de Liste = type de zone
					}else{                                                       # Si la zone est vide
							tableau = rbind(tableau, cbind(paste(zones[1:N,Z], sep="", collapse=","),# Nom de zone
											"",                                  # Profil
											"",                                  # Effectif du profil
											0,                                   # Effectif total de la zone
											N))                                  # Nbre de Liste = type de zone
							tableau = rbind(tableau, c(paste(zones[1:N,Z],sep="", collapse=","),# Nom de zone
											"",                                  # Profil
											"",                                  # Effectif du profil
											0,                                   # Effectif total de la zone
											N))                                  # Nbre de Liste = type de zone
			# Ajoute une colonne code de groupe en concatenant les lettres des Liste
			resTmpN = resTmp[,1:(grep("total", colnames(resTmp), ignore.case=TRUE)-1)]      # extrait la matrice binaire sans la colonne total
			resTmpN = cbind(resTmpN, resTmp[, grep("total", colnames(resTmp), ignore.case=TRUE)], apply(resTmpN, 1, function(x) paste(toupper(letters[1:length(x)][x==1]), sep="", collapse="")))  # Collapse les lettres correspondant aux 1 et ajoute a resTmp
			colnames(resTmpN)[1:grep("total", colnames(resTmp), ignore.case=TRUE)] = nmstmp
			colnames(resTmpN)[ncol(resTmpN)] = "GroupName"
			resTmpNp = cbind(rownames(resTmpN), resTmpN)
			colnames(resTmpNp)[1] = "Name"    
				resTmpNp = cbind(resTmpN, resTmp[,(grep("total", colnames(resTmp), ignore.case=TRUE)+1):ncol(resTmp)])     # Ajoute des ratios
				colnames(resTmpNp)[(grep("GroupName", colnames(resTmpNp))+1):ncol(resTmpNp)] = paste("Ratio_", colnames(resTmpNp)[2:(grep("total", colnames(resTmpNp), ignore.case=TRUE)-1)], sep="")
			write.table(resTmpNp, file=paste(path, "/BarVenn.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
			FactCorr = 400/max(as.numeric(tableau[,"tot"]))                                # Facteur de correction pour un max = 500
			for(S in 1:max(as.numeric(tableau[,"size"])))
				tabTmp = tableau[tableau[,"size"]==S, ]                                    # Extraction des datas des zones du meme type = impliquant S Liste
				if(is.null(nrow(tabTmp)))  tabTmp = t(as.matrix(tabTmp))                   # Correction du bug de dimension si il y a 1 seul profile
				nn=1                                                                       # Initialise le compteur de chiffre
				while((max(as.numeric(tabTmp[,"tot"]))/(10**nn))>1){nn = nn + 1}           # Estime la taille en chiffres du total
				Csize = 30*max(max(nchar(tabTmp[,"zone"])), 2*nn)                          # Ajuste la largeur des barres en fonction du nbre de caracteres
				if(Csize<400){Csize=400}                                                   #       avec min = 400
				sizeVU = round(max(as.numeric(tabTmp[,"tot"]))*FactCorr)+60*length(noms)   # Hauteur du graph <0 avec min = 1000
				sizeVD = 0
				if(sum(tabTmp[,"profile"]!="")) sizeVD = max(table(tabTmp[tabTmp[,"profile"]!="","zone"]))*50  # Hauteur du graph <0 avec min = 400
				sizeH = length(table(tabTmp[,"zone"]))*Csize                                # Largeur du graph
				if(sizeH<1200){sizeH=1200}                                                  #       avec min = 1200
				decal=0                                                                     # Initialisation de la position des barres
				png(filename = paste(path, "/BarVenn_", S, ".png", sep=""), width=40, height=15, units='cm', pointsize=12, bg="white", res=300)
				plot(c(0,sizeH), c(-sizeVD,sizeVU), type = "n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, asp = 1)
				for(G in names(table(tabTmp[,"zone"])))                                   	# Parcours zone par zone
					tots = max(as.numeric(tabTmp[tabTmp[,"zone"]==G,"tot"]))               	# Effectif de la zone
					FCtots = tots*FactCorr                                                	# Hauteur de la barre = maximum de la zone * FactCorr
					if(S==max(as.numeric(tableau[,"size"])))                               	# Centrage pour le groupe commun All                               
						decalx = sizeH/2
						polygon(c((decalx-Csize/2),(decalx-Csize/2),(decalx+Csize/2), (decalx+Csize/2)),c(0,FCtots, FCtots,0),col=240, density=10, lwd=lw)
						segments(x0=(decalx-Csize/2), y0=-60, x1=(decalx+Csize/2), y1=-60, lwd=lw) 	# Barre horizontale ~0
						decalx = decal+Csize/2
						polygon(c(decal,decal,(decal+Csize), (decal+Csize)),c(0,FCtots, FCtots,0),col=240, density=10, lwd=lw)
						segments(x0=0, y0=-60, x1=(decal+Csize), y1=-60, lwd=lw)                	# Barre horizontale ~0
					text(x=decalx, y=FCtots, labels=paste(G, "\n", sep=""), cex=0.8)   		# Nom de la zone 20 au dessus de la barre
					text(x=decalx, y=FCtots, labels=tots, cex=1, pos=1, offset=0.2) 		# Effectif tot 20 sous le haut de la barre
						profilTmp = tabTmp[(tabTmp[,"zone"]==G),]                           # Extraction des datas de la zone courante = G
						decaly=-20                                                          # Initialisation de la position des UD -50 pour eviter chevauchement avec nom G
						if(is.null(nrow(profilTmp)))  profilTmp = t(as.matrix(profilTmp))   # Correction du bug de dimension si il y a 1 seul profile
						for(P in 1:nrow(profilTmp))
						{                                                                   # Parcours des profils UD
							text(x=decalx, y=decaly, labels=paste(profilTmp[P,"profile"], profilTmp[P,"N"], sep=" "), cex=0.6, pos=1, offset=(P*0.7))
					}                                                                       # Decalage Horizontal pour separer les barres
					decal = decal+Csize
				decal = decal+(Csize/2)                                                     # Decalage Horizontal pour separer les zones de meme type S
				text(x=sizeH/2, y=sizeVU, labels=paste("Zones of ", S, " lists (", sum(as.numeric(tabTmp[,"tot"])!=0), " / ", length(names(table(tabTmp[,"zone"]))), ")", sep=""), cex=1.2)   # Titre
				for(L in 1:length(noms))  # Affichage des correspondances des noms de lites
					text(x=sizeH/2, y=sizeVU, labels=paste(noms[L], " - ", nmstmp[L], sep=""), cex=0.9, pos=1, offset=L*0.9)
		cercle<-function(x, y, rayon, int=NA, out=NA, lty, lw)
			xylim <- par("usr")
			plotdim <- par("pin")
			ymult <- (xylim[4] - xylim[3])/(xylim[2] - xylim[1]) * plotdim[1]/plotdim[2]
			angle.inc <- 2 * pi/2000
			angles <- seq(0, 2 * pi - angle.inc, by = angle.inc)
			for (I in 1:length(x))
				dens = NULL
				if(is.na(int[I])) dens=0
				xv <- cos(angles) * rayon[I] + x[I]
				yv <- sin(angles) * rayon[I] * ymult + y[I]
				polygon(xv, yv, border = out[I], col=int[I], lty=lty, density=dens, lwd=lw)
		cmbn<-function(x, n)                                                             # Fonction combinaison de n dans x
				zones = expand.grid(rep(list(x), n))                                      # Matrice des arrangements
				zones = zones[, seq(n, 1, by=-1)]                                         # Inverse l'ordre des colonnes pour obtenir l'ordre logique
				zones = cbind(zones, apply(zones, 1, function(x) paste(x[order(x)], sep="", collapse="")))
				t = table(zones[,ncol(zones)])                                            # Nbre d'occurence de chaque combinaison
				t = names(t)[t==max(t)]                                                   # Selectionne les combinaisons OK qui ont un score max
				zones = as.matrix(zones[!duplicated(zones[, ncol(zones)]), 1:(ncol(zones)-1)])
			data_log2 = cbind(as.matrix(apply(dataset, 2, function(x) apply(as.matrix(x), 2, function(y) log2(y)))))
			rownames(data_log2) = rownames(dataset)
		overlapp<-function(res, path, f)
			write("Computing overlaps ", file="")
			overlapp_table = matrix(1, ncol=(ncol(res)-1), nrow=(ncol(res)-1))
			rownames(overlapp_table) = colnames(res)[1:(ncol(res)-1)]
			colnames(overlapp_table) = colnames(res)[1:(ncol(res)-1)]
			comps = cmbn(x=colnames(overlapp_table), n=2)
			overlapp_table_n = overlapp_table
				for(K in 1:nrow(comps))
					tmp = t(cbind(apply(res[,c(comps[K,])], 1, function(x) as.numeric(x)))) #extrait les deux colonnes en question
					tmp = cbind(tmp, (tmp[,1] + tmp[,2]))
					comm = nrow(tmp[tmp[,3]==2,])
						overlapp_table_n[comps[K,1],comps[K,2]] = comm
						overlapp_table_n[comps[K,2],comps[K,1]] = comm
						overlapp_table[comps[K,1],comps[K,2]] = comm / sum(tmp[,1])
						overlapp_table[comps[K,2],comps[K,1]] = comm / sum(tmp[,2])
						overlapp_table_n[comps[K,1],comps[K,2]] = 0
						overlapp_table_n[comps[K,2],comps[K,1]] = 0
						overlapp_table[comps[K,1],comps[K,2]] = 0
						overlapp_table[comps[K,2],comps[K,1]] = 0
					write(paste(K, " / ", ncol(comps), sep=""), file="")
				HMoverlapp = log2((1-overlapp_table)*100)
				png(filename = paste(path, "/HeatOverlaps.png", sep=""), width=1200, height=1000, units="px", pointsize=10, bg = "white")
				heatmap(HMoverlapp, margins=c(25,25), cellnote=overlapp_table, notecol="black", col = heat.colors(n=256, alpha = 1))
				comm = nrow(res[res[,3]==2,])
				overlapp_table[comps[1],comps[2]] = comm / sum(res[,1])
				overlapp_table[comps[2],comps[1]] = comm / sum(res[,2])
			overlapp_tablep=cbind(rownames(overlapp_table), overlapp_table)
			write.table(overlapp_tablep, row.names=FALSE, file = paste(path, "/overlaps_table.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
			overlapp_table_np=cbind(rownames(overlapp_table_n), overlapp_table_n)
			write.table(overlapp_table_np, row.names=FALSE, file = paste(path, "/overlaps_table_n.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
			if(f!=0)	# filtrage
				overlapp_f = rep(0, ncol(overlapp_table))
				names(overlapp_f) = rownames(overlapp_table)
				for(L in 2:ncol(overlapp_table))
					overlapp_f[names(overlapp_table[1:(L-1),L])[overlapp_table[1:(L-1),L]>=f]] = 1
				overlapp_table_f = overlapp_table[overlapp_f==0,overlapp_f==0]
				overlapp_tablef = cbind(rownames(overlapp_table), overlapp_table)
				write.table(overlapp_table, row.names = FALSE, file = paste(path, "/overlaps_table_f(", f, ").txt", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
		compte<-function(x) #compte les types de profils up/down
			t = x
			t[as.numeric(x)<1] = "D"
			t[as.numeric(x)>=1] = "U"
			#corrige bug si 1 seul res
				if(ncol(t)==2)  profils = apply(t, 1, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], sep=""))             #matrice des profils
				if(ncol(t)==3)  profils = apply(t, 1, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], x[3], sep=""))       #matrice des profils
				if(ncol(t)==4)  profils = apply(t, 1, function(x) paste(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], sep="")) #matrice des profils
				if(length(t)==2)  profils = paste(t[1], t[2], sep="")                     #matrice des profils
				if(length(t)==3)  profils = paste(t[1], t[2], t[3], sep="")               #matrice des profils
				if(length(t)==4)  profils = paste(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], sep="")         #matrice des profils
		#	n=ListN$nAB; m=ListN$nABud; nom=noms; x=sizeGx/2; y=(19*sizeGy)/30; dtitre=tUD; dprofils=tUDp;
		format_label<-function(n, m, nom, x, y, dtitre, dprofils, noms, couleurs, cex.main, ps)
			nProfils = length(m)
			if(length(m)>=2)	m = m[order(seq(length(m), 1, by=-1))]
			text(x=x, y=(y+dtitre*0.7), labels=n, col="black", cex=dtitre, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps) # Effectif tot
					nl = length(nom)
					for(I in 1:nProfils)
						for(J in 1:nl)
							#	cols = c(cols, couleurs[seq(1,length(noms), by=1)[strsplit(nom, ",")[[1]][J]==noms]])
							cols = c(cols, couleurs[seq(1,length(noms), by=1)[noms==nom[J]]])
						cols = c(cols, "black")
						for (i in 1:length(cols)) 
							tmpvars <- vars
							tmpvars[-i] <- paste("phantom(",tmpvars[-i],")",sep="")
							expr <- paste(tmpvars, collapse="*")
							text(x, y, parse(text=expr), col=cols[i], pos=1, offset=(dprofils*0.7*(I-1)), cex=dprofils, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
					text(x=x, y=y, labels=paste(0, sep=""), cex=dprofils, col="black")
		#	filename=Liste[1]; type="Res"
		test_list<-function(filename, type, matLists, noms, path, affich=TRUE)	#test des formats des Liste
			ext = substr(basename(filename), (nchar(basename(filename))-2), nchar(basename(filename)))
			nomListe = substr(basename(filename), 0, (nchar(basename(filename))-4))
			if(exists("data_t"))  rm("data_t")
			if(ext == "txt") data_t = read.table(file=filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
			if(ext == "tsv") data_t = read.table(file=filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
			if(ext == "csv") data_t = try(read.table(file=filename, header=TRUE, sep=","), silent=TRUE)
			if((ext == "csv")&(class(data_t)=="try-error")) data_t = try(read.table(file=filename, header=TRUE, sep=";"), silent=TRUE)
				if(display) write("The file format is not supported (must be txt/tab or csv/,;)", file="")
			data_t=DuplicateTest(filename=filename, fich=data_t, resPath=path, nomlignes=TRUE, affich=affich)
			tmpL = data_t
			data_t = as.matrix(data_t)
			data_t = as.matrix(data_t[,2:ncol(data_t)])
			rownames(data_t) = rownames(tmpL)
			colnames(data_t) = colnames(tmpL)[2:ncol(tmpL)]
		DuplicateTest<-function(filename="", fich="", resPath, nomlignes=TRUE, affich=TRUE)
			if(fich=="")  # Adresse en variable
				TempListe = read.table(file=filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
			}else{  # fichier deja lu en variable
				TempListe = fich
			if(sum(duplicated(TempListe[,1]))==0) # Pas de duplicats de rownames
					rownames(TempListe) = TempListe[,1]
					TempListe = TempListe[,2:ncol(TempListe)]
			}else{  # Duplicats => gestion et affichage
				if(affich)  write(paste(sum(duplicated(TempListe[,1])), " duplicated row names in ", basename(filename), sep=""), file="")
				TempDuplicates = TempListe[duplicated(TempListe[,1]),]  # Recupere les diplicats
				write.table(TempDuplicates, file=paste(resPath, "/FDup_", basename(filename), sep=""), sep="\t")  # Filtered Duplicated rown names
				TempListe = TempListe[!duplicated(TempListe[,1]),] # Filtrage des duplicats
					rownames(TempListe) = TempListe[,1]
					TempListe = TempListe[,2:ncol(TempListe)]
		concat<-function(x)	#ajoute une colonne de profil d'expression resume UD
			rescat = NULL
			for(O in 1:length(x))
				rescat = paste(rescat, x[O], sep="")
		ellipse<-function(x, y, rayon, int=NA, out=NA, lty, lw, b)
			xylim <- par("usr")
			plotdim <- par("pin")
			ymult <- (xylim[4] - xylim[3])/(xylim[2] - xylim[1]) * plotdim[1]/plotdim[2]
			angle.inc <- 2 * pi/2000
			angles <- seq(0, 2 * pi - angle.inc, by = angle.inc)
			for (I in 1:length(x))
				dens = NULL
				if(is.na(int[I])) dens=0
				xv <- cos(angles) * rayon[I] + x[I]
				yv <- b*sin(angles) * ymult + y[I]
				polygon(xv, yv, border = out[I], col=int[I], lty=lty, density=dens, lwd=lw)
		#	decaX=0; decaY=0; Ngroupe=""; lty=1; ellps=FALSE; ellpscol=NA; tUD=NULL; tUDp=NULL; tnoUD=NULL
		groupe<-function(ListN, decaX=0, decaY=0, Ngroupe="", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, lty=1, lw=lw, ellps=FALSE, ellpscol=NA, tUD=NULL, tUDp=NULL, tnoUD=NULL)
			if(is.null(tUD))	tUD=2
			if(is.null(tUDp))	tUDp=1.5
			if(is.null(tnoUD))	tnoUD=3
			mSpe = 1.5	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			xcercles = c(10, 0, 20, 10, 9, 11, 9, 11)+decaX
			ycercles = c(60, 50, 50, 40, 90, 90, 10, 10)+decaY
			rcercles = c(20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10)
			couleursOut = c(couleurs[1:4], couleurs[c(1,4)], couleurs[c(2,3)])
			couleursInt = c(couleursIn[1:4], couleursIn[c(1,4)], couleursIn[c(2,3)])
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleursOut, int=couleursInt, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "white"
				coulGroups = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen", "brown")
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleursOut, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "black"
				ellipse(x=mean(xcercles[c(2, 3)]), y=mean(ycercles[c(1, 4)]), rayon=3*rcercles[5], int=NA, out=ellpscol, lty=lty, lw=2*lty, b=50)
				xEllipses = seq(0, (nchar(Ngroupe)-1)*0.1, by=0.1)
				for(E in 1:nchar(Ngroupe))
					ellipse(x=mean(xcercles[c(2, 3)]), y=mean(ycercles[c(1, 4)]), rayon=(3*rcercles[5])*(1+xEllipses[E]), int=NA, out=ellpscol[E], lty=lty, lw=2*lty, b=50)
			nA = ListN[grepl(paste("nA", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[1]+rcercles[3]*0.8), labels=nA, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nB = ListN[grepl(paste("nB", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[2]*0.7),  y=(ycercles[2]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nB, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nC = ListN[grepl(paste("nC", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]*0.7), y=(ycercles[3]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nD = ListN[grepl(paste("nD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[4], y=(ycercles[4]-rcercles[3]*0.5),  labels=nD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nAB = ListN[grepl(paste("nAB", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[1]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nAB, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nAC = ListN[grepl(paste("nAC", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[1]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nAC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nBD = ListN[grepl(paste("nBD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[4]+rcercles[3]*0.1),  labels=nBD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nCD = ListN[grepl(paste("nCD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[4]+rcercles[3]*0.1),  labels=nCD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nAD = ListN[grepl(paste("nAD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[5]+rcercles[5]*0.3), labels=nAD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nBC = ListN[grepl(paste("nBC", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[7]+rcercles[5]*0.3),  labels=nBC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
			nABC = ListN[grepl(paste("nABC", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[1]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nABC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
			nABD = ListN[grepl(paste("nABD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[2]+rcercles[3]*0.2), labels=nABD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
			nACD = ListN[grepl(paste("nACD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]*0.1), y=(ycercles[2]+rcercles[3]*0.2), labels=nACD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)  
			nBCD = ListN[grepl(paste("nBCD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[4]-rcercles[3]*0.05),  labels=nBCD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
			nABCD = ListN[grepl(paste("nABCD", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
			text(x=xcercles[1], y=(ycercles[2]+rcercles[3]*0.3), labels=nABCD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				nE = ListN[grepl(paste("n", Ngroupe, "$", sep=""), names(ListN))]
				text(x=(xcercles[1]+rcercles[3]*0.8), y=(ycercles[5]-rcercles[5]*0.8), labels=nE, cex=tnoUD, col="black")

		graph_2_realProps<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, filled, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn, tlog=FALSE)
			if(is.null(tUD))	tUD = 2.5
			if(is.null(tUDp))	tUDp = 2
			if(is.null(tnoUD))	tnoUD = 2.5
			mSpe = 1.2	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram_Rprop", if(tlog){paste("_tlog2", sep="")}, ".png", sep=""), width=30, height=15, bg="white", units='cm', res=300, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram_Rprop", if(tlog){paste("_tlog2", sep="")}, ".svg", sep=""), width=15, height=10, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			ycercles = c(sizeGy/2, sizeGy/2)+2
			sizeListeA = as.numeric(ListN$nA) + as.numeric(ListN$nAB)
			sizeListeB = as.numeric(ListN$nB) + as.numeric(ListN$nAB)
			sizeListeAB = as.numeric(ListN$nAB)
				sizeListeA = log2(sizeListeA)
				sizeListeB = log2(sizeListeB)
				sizeListeAB = log2(sizeListeAB)
			#	r Cercle max = sizeGy/3 calcul du cercle min en proportion du max
				Sa = pi*(sizeGy/3)**2
				Sb = Sa*(sizeListeB/sizeListeA)
				SurfRecoup = Sa*(sizeListeAB/sizeListeA)
				Sb = pi*(sizeGy/3)**2
				Sa = Sb*(sizeListeA/sizeListeB)
				SurfRecoup = Sb*(sizeListeAB/sizeListeB)
			rcercles = c(sqrt(Sa/pi), sqrt(Sb/pi))	
			Ra = max(rcercles); Rb = min(rcercles)
			for(D in seq(ceiling(((Ra-Rb)*100))/100, round(((Ra+Rb)*100))/100, by=0.01))
				#	D=seq(ceiling(((Ra-Rb)*100))/100, round(((Ra+Rb)*100))/100, by=0.01)[1]
				da = (Ra**2-Rb**2+D**2)/(2*D)
				db = D-da
				H = sqrt(Ra**2-da**2)
				Recoups = c(Recoups, (Ra**2*acos(da/Ra)-da*H)+(Rb**2*acos(db/Rb)-db*H))
				#write(paste("D=", D, "\tRecoup=", Recoups[length(Recoups)], sep=""), file="")
			if(Ra==Rb) Recoups[1]=0
			if(is.nan(Recoups[length(Recoups)]))	Recoups[length(Recoups)]=0
			DistCercles = seq(ceiling(((Ra-Rb)*100))/100, round(((Ra+Rb)*100))/100, by=0.01)[abs(Recoups-SurfRecoup)==min(abs(Recoups-SurfRecoup))]
			xcercles = c((12*sizeGx)/30, ((12*sizeGx)/30+DistCercles))
			plot.window(xlim=c(0, sizeGx), ylim=c(0, sizeGy), asp=1)
					cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=NA, int=couleursIn, lty=1, lw=lw)
					#cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=c("black", NA), int=couleursIn, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "white"
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleurs, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "black"
			if(ColorTxt!="")	colTxt = ColorTxt
			debA = (xcercles[1]-rcercles[1])
			debB = (xcercles[2]-rcercles[2])
			finA = (xcercles[1]+rcercles[1])
			finB = (xcercles[2]+rcercles[2])
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=ListN$nA,                       cex=tUD*mSpe, col=couleurs[1])
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("U ", ListN$nAu, sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nAd, sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=ListN$nB,                       cex=tUD*mSpe, col=couleurs[2])
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("U ",ListN$ nBu, sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nBd, sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAB, m=ListN$nABud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2]), x=sizeGx/2, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				if((debB-debA)<10)	#	Si pas la place, decal une ligne
					text(x=debA-10/2, y=ycercles[1], labels=ListN$nA,  cex=tnoUD, col="black")
					text(x=debA+(debB-debA)/2, y=ycercles[1], labels=ListN$nA,  cex=tnoUD, col="black")
				if((finB-finA)<10)	#	Pas la place
					text(x=finA+10/2, y=ycercles[1], labels=ListN$nB,  cex=tnoUD, col="black")
					text(x=finA+(finB-finA)/2, y=ycercles[1], labels=ListN$nB,  cex=tnoUD, col="black")
				text(x=(sum(xcercles)+rcercles[1]-rcercles[2])/2,    	y=ycercles[2],   labels=ListN$nAB, cex=tnoUD, col="black")
				tTitres = 2
				text(x=sizeGx/7, y=(7*sizeGy)/10, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, sep=""), cex=tTitres, col="black")	#	Total
				if(title!="")	text(x=sizeGx/2, y=sizeGy, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black")
				text(x=sizeGx/2, y=1.6*sizeGy/10, labels=paste(ListN$listeA, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nAB)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1])
				text(x=sizeGx/2, y=sizeGy/10,     labels=paste(ListN$listeB, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nB, ListN$nAB)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2])
					VennTest <- matrix(c(ListN$nA, ListN$nB, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAB), nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c(ListN$listeA, ListN$listeB), c("Spe", "Commun")))
					DataTest = VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)]
					pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(fisher.test(DataTest, alternative = "two.sided")[1]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(chisq.test(DataTest)[3]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						text(x=(5*sizeGx/6), y=(7*sizeGy)/10,  labels=paste("chi-squared test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
						text(x=(5*sizeGx/6), y=(7*sizeGy)/10,  labels=paste("Fisher's exact test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
				png(filename=paste(path, "/MosaicPlot.png", sep=""), pointsize=30, bg="white", width=1000, height=1000)
				mosaicplot(VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)], color=couleurs, main=title)

		graph_2<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, filled, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			if(is.null(tUD))	tUD = 2.5
			if(is.null(tUDp))	tUDp = 2
			if(is.null(tnoUD))	tnoUD = 2.5
			mSpe = 1.2	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=30, height=15, bg="white", units='cm', res=300, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=15, height=10, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(0, sizeGx), ylim=c(0, sizeGy), asp=1)
			xcercles = c((12*sizeGx)/30, (18*sizeGx)/30)
			ycercles = c(sizeGy/2, sizeGy/2)+2
			rcercles = c(sizeGy/3, sizeGy/3)
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=NA, int=couleursIn, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "white"
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleurs, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "black"
			if(ColorTxt!="")	colTxt = ColorTxt
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=ListN$nA,                       cex=tUD*mSpe, col=couleurs[1])
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("U ", ListN$nAud["U"], sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(10*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nAud["D"], sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=ListN$nB,                       cex=tUD*mSpe, col=couleurs[2])
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("U ",ListN$nBud["U"], sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(20*sizeGx)/30, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nBud["D"], sep=""), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAB, m=ListN$nABud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2]), x=sizeGx/2, y=(19*sizeGy)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				text(x=(11*sizeGx)/30, y=ycercles[1], labels=ListN$nA,  cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(19*sizeGx)/30, y=ycercles[2], labels=ListN$nB,  cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=sizeGx/2,    	y=ycercles[2],   labels=ListN$nAB, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				tTitres = 2
				text(x=sizeGx/7, y=(7*sizeGy)/10, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, sep=""), cex=tTitres, col="black")	#	Total
				if(title!="")	text(x=sizeGx/2, y=sizeGy, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black")
				text(x=sizeGx/2, y=1.6*sizeGy/10, labels=paste(ListN$listeA, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nAB)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1])
				text(x=sizeGx/2, y=sizeGy/10,     labels=paste(ListN$listeB, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nB, ListN$nAB)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2])
					VennTest <- matrix(c(ListN$nA, ListN$nB, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAB), nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c(ListN$listeA, ListN$listeB), c("Spe", "Commun")))
					DataTest = VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)]
					pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(fisher.test(DataTest, alternative = "two.sided")[1]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(chisq.test(DataTest)[3]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						text(x=(5*sizeGx/6), y=(7*sizeGy)/10,  labels=paste("chi-squared test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
						text(x=(5*sizeGx/6), y=(7*sizeGy)/10,  labels=paste("Fisher's exact test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
				png(filename=paste(path, "/MosaicPlot.png", sep=""), pointsize=30, bg="white", width=1000, height=1000)
				mosaicplot(VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)], color=couleurs, main=title)
		graph_3<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, filled, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			if(is.null(tUD))	tUD = 2.5
			if(is.null(tUDp))	tUDp = 2
			if(is.null(tnoUD))	tnoUD = 3.5
			mSpe = 1.6	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=40, height=30, bg="white", units='cm', res=300, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=15, height=15, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(0, sizeG), ylim=c(0, sizeG), asp=1)
			xcercles = c((15*sizeG)/30, (11*sizeG)/30, (19*sizeG)/30)  # A, B, C
			ycercles = c(((((7.5*sizeG)/30)*sqrt(3))/2)+(10*sizeG/30), (10*sizeG)/30, (10*sizeG)/30)+10
			rcercles = rep((7.5*sizeG)/30, 3)
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=NA, int=couleursIn, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "white"
				colGreen = "darkgreen"
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleurs, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "black"
				colGreen = "green"
			if(ColorTxt!="")	colTxt = ColorTxt
				text(x=xcercles[1],                 y=(1.05*ycercles[1]+rcercles[1]/2), labels=ListN$nA,               cex=tUD*mSpe, col="black")
				text(x=xcercles[1],                 y=(1.05*ycercles[1]+rcercles[1]/2), labels=paste("U ", ListN$nAud["U"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=xcercles[1],                 y=(1.05*ycercles[1]+rcercles[1]/2), labels=paste("D ", ListN$nAud["D"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[2]/2), y=ycercles[2],              labels=ListN$nB,               cex=tUD*mSpe, col="black")
				text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[2]/2), y=ycercles[2],              labels=paste("U ", ListN$nBud["U"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[2]/2), y=ycercles[2],              labels=paste("D ", ListN$nBud["D"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]/2), y=ycercles[3],              labels=ListN$nC,               cex=tUD*mSpe, col="black")
				text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]/2), y=ycercles[3],              labels=paste("U ", ListN$nCud["U"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=colGreen, pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7))
				text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]/2), y=ycercles[3],              labels=paste("D ", ListN$nCud["D"]), cex=tUDp*mSpe, col=colGreen, pos=1, offset=(tUDp*mSpe*0.7)*2)
				y = (xcercles[1]+(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]/2))/2
				format_label(n=ListN$nAB,  m=ListN$nABud,  nom=c(noms[1], noms[2]),          x=(10.5*sizeG)/30, y=(18.5*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAC,  m=ListN$nACud,  nom=c(noms[1], noms[3]),          x=(19.5*sizeG)/30, y=(18.5*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nBC,  m=ListN$nBCud,  nom=c(noms[2], noms[3]),          x=(15*sizeG)/30, y=(10.5*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nABC, m=ListN$nABCud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2], noms[3]), x=(15*sizeG)/30,   y=(17.5*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleurs, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				text(x=xcercles[1],                                y=(ycercles[1]+rcercles[1]/2),               labels=ListN$nA, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(xcercles[2]-rcercles[2]/2),                y=ycercles[2],                               labels=ListN$nB, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]/2),                y=ycercles[3],                               labels=ListN$nC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(xcercles[1]-(2*rcercles/3)),               y=(ycercles[2]+(2*rcercles[1]/3)),           labels=ListN$nAB, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(xcercles[1]+(2*rcercles/3)),               y=(ycercles[2]+(2*rcercles[1]/3)),           labels=ListN$nAC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(xcercles[2]+(xcercles[3]-xcercles[2])/2),  y=(ycercles[2]-rcercles[1]/3),               labels=ListN$nBC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=xcercles[1],                                y=mean(ycercles),                            labels=ListN$nABC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				tTitres = 2.5
				if(title!="")	text(x=(sizeG/2), y=sizeG, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.3, col="black", pos=1)
				text(x=(sizeG/2), y=1.5*sizeG/8, labels=paste(ListN$listeA, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAC, ListN$nABC)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=(tTitres))
				text(x=(sizeG/2), y=1.5*sizeG/8, labels=paste(ListN$listeB, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nB, ListN$nAB, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=(tTitres*2))
				text(x=(sizeG/2), y=1.5*sizeG/8, labels=paste(ListN$listeC, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nC, ListN$nAC, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=(tTitres*3))
				text(x=(xcercles[3]+rcercles[3]), y=ycercles[1], labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=tTitres, col="black")
					VennTest <- matrix(c(  ListN$nA,   ListN$nB,    ListN$nC, #	Spe 
									ListN$nAB,  ListN$nAB,           0, #	nAB 
									ListN$nAC,          0,   ListN$nAC, #	nAC
									0,  ListN$nBC,   ListN$nBC, #	nBC
									ListN$nABC, ListN$nABC, ListN$nABC), #	nABC
							nrow = 3, dimnames = list(c(ListN$listeA, ListN$listeB, ListN$listeC), c("Spe", "AB", "AC", "BC", "Communs")))		
					DataTest = VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)]
					pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(fisher.test(DataTest, alternative = "two.sided")[1]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(chisq.test(DataTest)[3]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(2*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("chi-squared test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
						text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(2*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("Fisher's exact test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
				png(filename=paste(path, "/MosaicPlot.png", sep=""), pointsize=30, bg="white", width=1000, height=1000)
				mosaicplot(VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)], color=couleurs, main=title)
		graph_4<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, filled, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			if(is.null(tUD))	tUD=2
			if(is.null(tUDp))	tUDp=1.5
			if(is.null(tnoUD))	tnoUD=3
			mSpe = 1.5	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=40, height=40, bg="white", units='cm', res=300, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=15, height=15, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(0, sizeG), ylim=c(0, sizeG), asp=1)
			xcercles = c((11*sizeG)/30, (7*sizeG)/30, (15*sizeG)/30, (11*sizeG)/30, (24*sizeG)/30, (26*sizeG)/30, (26*sizeG)/30, (26*sizeG)/30)  # A, B, C, D,    A, B   C, D
			ycercles = c((15*sizeG)/30, (11*sizeG)/30, (11*sizeG)/30, (7*sizeG)/30, (19*sizeG)/30, (19*sizeG)/30, (10*sizeG)/30, (8*sizeG)/30)
			rcercles = c((7*sizeG)/30, (7*sizeG)/30, (7*sizeG)/30, (7*sizeG)/30, sizeG/8, sizeG/8, sizeG/8, sizeG/8)
			xcercles[c(1, 2, 3, 4)] = xcercles[c(1, 2, 3, 4)]
			xcercles[c(5, 6)] = xcercles[c(5, 6)]
			xcercles[c(7, 8)] = xcercles[c(7, 8)]
			ycercles[c(1, 2, 3, 4)] = ycercles[c(1, 2, 3, 4)]
			ycercles[c(5, 6)] = ycercles[c(5, 6)]
			ycercles[c(7, 8)] = ycercles[c(7, 8)]
			if(ColorTxt!="")	colTxt = ColorTxt
			couleursOut = c(couleurs[1:4], couleurs[c(1,4)], couleurs[c(2,3)])
			couleursInt = c(couleursIn[1:4], couleursIn[c(1,4)], couleursIn[c(2,3)])
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleursOut, int=couleursInt, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "white"
				coulGroups = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen", "brown")
				couleursTxt = c(couleurs[1:3], "yellow")
				cercle(xcercles, ycercles, rcercles, out=couleursOut, lty=1, lw=lw)
				colTxt = "black"
				if("nA" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(20*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$nA, sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[1])
				if("nAu" %in% names(ListN))	text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(20*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("U ", ListN$nAud["U"], sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[1], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7))
				if("nAd" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(20*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nAud["D"], sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[1], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7)*2)
				if("nB" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(3*sizeG)/30,  y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$nB, sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[2])
				if("nBu" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(3*sizeG)/30,  y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("U ", ListN$nBud["U"], sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[2], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7))
				if("nBd" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(3*sizeG)/30,  y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nBud["D"], sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[2], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7)*2)
				if("nC" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(19*sizeG)/30, y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$nC, sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[3])
				if("nCu" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(19*sizeG)/30, y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("U ", ListN$nCud["U"], sep=""), cex=tUD, col=coulGroups[3], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7))
				if("nCd" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(19*sizeG)/30, y=(12*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("D ", ListN$nCud["D"], sep=""), cex=tUD, col=coulGroups[3], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7)*2)
				if("nD" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(4*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste(ListN$nD, sep=""), cex=tnoUD, col=coulGroups[4])
				if("nDu" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(4*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("U ", ListN$nDud["U"], sep=""), cex=tUD, col=coulGroups[4], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7))
				if("nDd" %in% names(ListN)) text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(4*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("D ", ListN$nDud["D"], sep=""), cex=tUD, col=coulGroups[4], pos=1, offset=(tnoUD*0.7)*2)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAB,  m=ListN$nABud,  nom=c(noms[1], noms[2]),               x=(7*sizeG)/30,  y=(17*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAC,  m=ListN$nACud,  nom=c(noms[1], noms[3]),               x=(15*sizeG)/30, y=(17*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nBD,  m=ListN$nBDud,  nom=c(noms[2], noms[4]),               x=(7*sizeG)/30,  y=(8*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nCD,  m=ListN$nCDud,  nom=c(noms[3], noms[4]),               x=(15*sizeG)/30, y=(8*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nAD,  m=ListN$nADud,  nom=c(noms[1], noms[4]),               x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(20*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nBC,  m=ListN$nBCud,  nom=c(noms[2], noms[3]),               x=(26*sizeG)/30, y=(10*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUD, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nABC, m=ListN$nABCud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2], noms[3]), x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(16*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nABD, m=ListN$nABDud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2], noms[4]), x=(7*sizeG)/30, y=(12*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nACD, m=ListN$nACDud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[3], noms[4]), x=(15*sizeG)/30,  y=(12*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nBCD, m=ListN$nBCDud, nom=c(noms[2], noms[3], noms[4]), x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(7.5*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				format_label(n=ListN$nABCD, m=ListN$nABCDud, nom=c(noms[1], noms[2], noms[3], noms[4]), x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(13*sizeG)/30, dtitre=tUD, dprofils=tUDp, noms=noms, couleurs=couleursTxt, cex.main=cex.main, ps=ps)
				text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(19*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nA, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(3*sizeG)/30,  y=(11*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nB, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(19*sizeG)/30, y=(11*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(3*sizeG)/30,  labels=ListN$nD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(7*sizeG)/30,  y=(15*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nAB, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(15*sizeG)/30, y=(15*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nAC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(7*sizeG)/30,  y=(7*sizeG)/30,  labels=ListN$nBD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(15*sizeG)/30, y=(7*sizeG)/30,  labels=ListN$nCD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(19*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nAD, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)      
				text(x=(26*sizeG)/30, y=(9*sizeG)/30,  labels=ListN$nBC, cex=tnoUD*mSpe, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(15*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nABC, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(7*sizeG)/30, y=(11*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nABD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(15*sizeG)/30,  y=(11*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nACD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)      
				text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(7*sizeG)/30,  labels=ListN$nBCD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				text(x=(11*sizeG)/30, y=(11*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$nABCD, cex=tnoUD, col=colTxt)
				if(title!="")	text(x=(sizeG/2), y=sizeG, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black", pos=1)
				text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$listeA, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAC, ListN$nAD, ListN$nABC, ListN$nABD, ListN$nACD, ListN$nABCD)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=tTitres)
				text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$listeB, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nB, ListN$nAB, ListN$nBD, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC, ListN$nABD, ListN$nBCD, ListN$nABCD)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=tTitres*2)
				text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$listeC, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nC, ListN$nAC, ListN$nCD, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC, ListN$nACD, ListN$nBCD, ListN$nABCD)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=tTitres*3)
				text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste(ListN$listeD, " (", sum(as.numeric(ListN$nD, ListN$nBD, ListN$nCD, ListN$nAD, ListN$nABD, ListN$nACD, ListN$nBCD, ListN$nABCD)), ")", sep=""), cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[4], pos=1, offset=tTitres*4)
				text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(3*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=tTitres, col="black")
					VennTest <- matrix(c(   ListN$nA,    ListN$nB,    ListN$nC,    ListN$nD,	#	Spe 
									ListN$nAB,   ListN$nAB,           0,            0,	#	nAB 
									ListN$nAC,           0,   ListN$nAC,            0,	#	nAC
									ListN$nAD,           0,           0,    ListN$nAD,	#	nAD
									0,   ListN$nBC,   ListN$nBC,            0,	#	nBC
									0,   ListN$nBD,           0,    ListN$nBD,	#	nBD
									0,           0,   ListN$nCD,    ListN$nCD,	#	nCD
									ListN$nABC,  ListN$nABC,  ListN$nABC,            0,	#	nABC
									ListN$nABD,  ListN$nABD,           0,   ListN$nABD,	#	nABD
									ListN$nACD,           0,  ListN$nACD,   ListN$nACD,	#	nACD
									0,  ListN$nBCD,  ListN$nBCD,   ListN$nBCD,	#	nBCD
									ListN$nABCD, ListN$nABCD, ListN$nABCD, ListN$nABCD),   #	nABCD
							nrow = 4, dimnames = list(c(ListN$listeA, ListN$listeB, ListN$listeC, ListN$listeD), c("Spe", "AB", "AC", "AD", "BC", "BD", "CD", "ABC", "ABD", "ACD", "BCD", "Communs")))		
					DataTest = VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)]
					pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(fisher.test(DataTest, alternative = "two.sided")[1]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						pvalProp = try(signif(as.numeric(chisq.test(DataTest)[3]), digits=4), silent = TRUE)
						text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(1*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("chi-squared test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
						text(x=(25*sizeG)/30, y=(1*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("Fisher's exact test pval:\n", pvalProp, sep=""), cex=1, col="black")
				png(filename=paste(path, "/MosaicPlot.png", sep=""), pointsize=30, bg="white", width=1000, height=1000)
				mosaicplot(VennTest[, apply(VennTest, 2, function(x) sum(x)!=0)], color=couleurs, main=title)
		#	Solid=TRUE; Gtype="png"; path="./"; tUD=2; tUDp=1.5; tnoUD=3
		graph_5<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, Solid, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			mSpe = 1.5	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=80, height=60, bg="white", units='cm', res=300, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=30, height=20, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(0, sizeG), ylim=c(-10, sizeG+10), asp=1)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=0, Ngroupe="", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=80, Ngroupe="E", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[5], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			if(title!="")	text(x=(sizeG/2), y=sizeG, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black", pos=1)
			text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeA, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=tTitres)
			text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeB, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=tTitres*2)
			text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeC, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=tTitres*3)
			text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeD, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[4], pos=1, offset=tTitres*4)
			text(x=sizeG/2, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeE, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[5], pos=1, offset=tTitres*5)
			text(x=(sizeG)/2, y=(3*sizeG)/30,  labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=tTitres, col="black")
		graph_6<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, Solid, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			mSpe = 1.5	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=90, height=90, bg="white", units='cm', res=150, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=30, height=20, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(-10, sizeG), ylim=c(-20, sizeG+10), asp=1)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=0, decaY=25, Ngroupe="", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=60, decaY=85, Ngroupe="E", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[5], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=60, decaY=-25, Ngroupe="F", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[6], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=120, decaY=25, Ngroupe="EF", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[c(5,6)], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			if(title!="")	text(x=0, y=sizeG, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black", pos=1)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeA, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=tTitres)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeB, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=tTitres*2)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeC, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=tTitres*3)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeD, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[4], pos=1, offset=tTitres*4)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeE, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[5], pos=1, offset=tTitres*5)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeF, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[6], pos=1, offset=tTitres*6)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=tTitres, col="black", pos=1, offset=tTitres*8)
		graph_7<-function(path, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, ud, couleurs, couleursIn, ColorTxt, Solid, Ptest, tUD, tUDp, tnoUD, Gtype, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			mSpe = 1.5	# Facteur d expension pour les compatges de zones spe
			if(Gtype=="png")	png(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.png", sep=""), width=110, height=110, bg="white", units='cm', res=150, pointsize=ps)
			if(Gtype=="svg")	svg(filename=paste(path, "/venn_diagram.svg", sep=""), width=30, height=20, bg="white", pointsize=ps)
			plot.window(xlim=c(-10, sizeG), ylim=c(-20, sizeG+10), asp=1)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=0, decaY=75, Ngroupe="", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=70, decaY=180, Ngroupe="E", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[5], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=70, decaY=75, Ngroupe="F", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[6], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=70, decaY=-30, Ngroupe="G", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[7], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=140, decaY=180, Ngroupe="EF", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[c(5,6)], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=140, decaY=75, Ngroupe="EG", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[c(5,7)], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=140, decaY=-30, Ngroupe="FG", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[c(6,7)], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			groupe(ListN, decaX=220, decaY=75, Ngroupe="EFG", Solid=Solid, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.5), lty=1, lw=lw, ellpscol=couleurs[c(5,6,7)], tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD)
			if(title!="")	text(x=0, y=sizeG, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black", pos=1)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeA, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=tTitres)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeB, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=tTitres*2)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeC, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=tTitres*3)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeD, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[4], pos=1, offset=tTitres*4)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeE, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[5], pos=1, offset=tTitres*5)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeF, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[6], pos=1, offset=tTitres*6)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=ListN$listeF, cex=tTitres, col=couleurs[7], pos=1, offset=tTitres*7)
			text(x=0, y=(29*sizeG)/30, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=tTitres, col="black", pos=1, offset=tTitres*9)
		graph_prop_2<-function(path, res, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs, couleursIn, tlog, colBlack, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			nA = as.numeric(ListN$nA)
			nB = as.numeric(ListN$nB)
			nAB = as.numeric(ListN$nAB)

				#	colWhite="white"; coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite = add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.7); coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite="black"; coultxt = rep("black", length(couleurs))
			n = apply(res[,1:(ncol(res)-1)], 2, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))
			if(tlog)	# Normalize a 50 le max
				nr = round(log2(n))
				nrA = round(log2(nA))
				nrB = round(log2(nB))
				nrAB = round(log2(nAB))
				nr = round(n/max(n, nA, nB)*50)
				nrA = round(nA/max(n, nA, nB)*50)
				nrB = round(nB/max(n, nA, nB)*50)
				nrAB = round(nAB/max(n, nA, nB)*50)
			#calculs des rayons pour que la surface des cercles reflete la taille des Liste
			# coordonnees des centres
			xAtot = (rAtot) # 10% de decalage vers la droite pour le premier cercle
			xBtot = (2*rAtot+2*rBtot+2*rAB) # 10% d'expension pour le dernier
			xAB = (xAtot+rAtot) + (xBtot-rBtot-(xAtot+rAtot))/2
			xA = rA
			xB = xBtot + rBtot - rB
			yAtot = max(rAtot, rBtot, rAB)*1.2
			yBtot = yAtot
			yAB = yAtot
			yA = yAtot
			yB = yAtot
			xCircles = c(xAtot, xBtot, xAB)
			xSpeCircles = c(xA, xB)
			yCircles = c(yAtot, yBtot, yAB)
			ySpeCircles = c(yA, yB)
			rCircles = c(rAtot, rBtot, rAB)
			rSpeCircles = c(rA, rB)
			colorCircles = c(couleurs[1:2], "black")
			colorSpeCircles = couleursIn[1:2]
			xmax = (2*rAtot + 2*rBtot+2*rAB) *1.2  # decal de 10% de rAtot pour avoir le meme decalage qu'a gauche
			xmin = 0
			ymax = max((yAtot+rAtot), (yBtot+rBtot), (yAB+rAB))*1.1
			ymin = 0
			if(!tlog)  png(filename = paste(path, "/venn_diagram_prop", if(tlog) paste("_tlog2", sep=""), ".png", sep=""), width=xmax*100, height=ymax*130, pointsize=9, bg="white")
			if(tlog)  png(filename = paste(path, "/venn_diagram_prop", if(tlog) paste("_tlog2", sep=""), ".png", sep=""), width=xmax*100, height=ymax*130, pointsize=5, bg="white")
			plot.window(c(0, xmax), c(ymin, ymax+abs(ymin)), asp=1)
			segments(x0=c(xAtot, xBtot),
					y0=c(ySpeCircles, ySpeCircles),
					x1=c(xAB, xAB),
					y1=c(yCircles, yCircles),
					col=couleurs[1:2], lwd=lw)
			symbols(x=xCircles, y=yCircles, circles=rCircles, main = "PropCircles", fg=colorCircles, bg="white", add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=lw)
			symbols(x=xSpeCircles, y=ySpeCircles, circles=rSpeCircles, main = "PropCircles", fg="white", bg=colorSpeCircles, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=1)
			# N groupes
			taille = 7
			text(x=xA, y=yA, labels=paste(nA), cex=taille, col=colWhite[1])
			text(x=xB, y=yB, labels=paste(nB), cex=taille, col=colWhite[2])
			text(x=xAB, y=yAB, labels=paste(nAB), col="black", cex=taille)
				taille = 6    
				text(x=xAB, y=ymin*1.6, labels=paste(colnames(res)[1], " (", n[1], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=taille)
				text(x=xAB, y=ymin*1.5, labels=paste(colnames(res)[2], " (", n[2], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=taille*2)
				if(title!="")	text(x=xAB, y=ymax*1.05, labels=title, cex=tTitres*1.2, col="black")
		graph_prop_3<-function(path, res, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs, couleursIn, tlog, colBlack, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			nA = as.numeric(ListN$nA)
			nB = as.numeric(ListN$nB)
			nC = as.numeric(ListN$nC)
			nAB = as.numeric(ListN$nAB)
			nAC = as.numeric(ListN$nAC)
			nBC = as.numeric(ListN$nBC)
			nABC = as.numeric(ListN$nABC)
				#colWhite="white"; coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite = add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.7); coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite="black"; coultxt = rep("black", length(couleurs))
			n = apply(res[,1:(ncol(res)-1)], 2, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))
				nr = round(log2(n))
				nrA = round(log2(nA))
				nrB = round(log2(nB))
				nrC = round(log2(nC))
				nrAB = round(log2(nAB))
				nrAC = round(log2(nAC))
				nrBC = round(log2(nBC))
				nrABC = round(log2(nABC))
				nr = round(n/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrA = round(nA/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrB = round(nB/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrC = round(nC/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrAB = round(nAB/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrAC = round(nAC/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrBC = round(nBC/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
				nrABC = round(nABC/max(n, nA, nB, nC)*50)
			#calculs des rayons pour que la surface des cercles reflete la taille des Liste
			# coordonnees des 3 centres
			xBtot = rBtot
			xCtot = 2*max(rBtot, rCtot) + 2*rBC + rCtot
			xAtot = (xBtot+xCtot)/2
			yAtot = 2*(max(rBtot, rCtot)+rABC+max(rAC, rAB))+rAtot
			yBtot = max(rBtot, rCtot)
			yCtot =  max(rBtot, rCtot)
			#ajustement triangle equilateral
			#AB=AC <?> BC
			AB = sqrt((xAtot-xBtot)^2+(yAtot-yBtot)^2)
			BC = sqrt((xBtot-xCtot)^2+(yBtot-yCtot)^2)
			#Calcul de H qui sera fixe pour le calcul de la taille des cotes
			a = acos(BC/(2*AB))
			H = tan(a)*(BC/2)
			#Calcul de la taille des cotes
			cote = (2*H)/sqrt(3)
			#Le point B est fixe: xBtot et yBtot sont ok, yA est ok puisque AH est la ref.
			xCtot = xBtot + cote #yBtot est ok
			xAtot = xBtot + cote/2
			xA = xAtot
			xB = rBtot - (rBtot - rB)*cos(pi/6)
			xC = xCtot + (rCtot - rC)*cos(pi/6)
			xAB = (xAtot + xBtot)/2
			xAC = (xAtot + xCtot)/2
			xBC = (xBtot + xCtot)/2
			xABC = (xAtot+xBtot+xCtot)/3
			yA = yAtot + rAtot - rA
			yB = yBtot - (rBtot - rB)*sin(pi/6)
			yC = yCtot - (rCtot - rC)*sin(pi/6)
			yAB = (yAtot + yBtot)/2
			yAC = (yAtot + yCtot)/2
			yBC = (yBtot + yCtot)/2
			yABC = (yAtot+yBtot+yCtot)/3
			xCircles = c(xAtot, xBtot, xCtot, xAB, xAC, xBC, xABC)
			xSpeCircles = c(xA, xB, xC)
			yCircles = c(yAtot, yBtot, yCtot, yAB, yAC, yBC, yABC)
			ySpeCircles = c(yA, yB, yC)
			#decal x
			yCircles = 0.8*yCircles
			ySpeCircles = 0.8*ySpeCircles
			yAtot = 0.8*yAtot
			yBtot = 0.8*yBtot
			yCtot = 0.8*yCtot
			yA = 0.8*yA
			yB = 0.8*yB
			yC = 0.8*yC
			yAB = 0.8*yAB
			yAC = 0.8*yAC
			yBC = 0.8*yBC
			yABC = 0.8*yABC
			rCircles = c(rAtot, rBtot, rCtot, rAB, rAC, rBC, rABC)
			rSpeCircles = c(rA, rB, rC)
			colorCircles = c(couleurs, "black", "black", "black", "black")
			colorSpeCircles = couleursIn
			png(filename = paste(path, "/venn_diagram_prop", if(tlog) paste("_tlog2", sep=""), ".png", sep=""), width=30, height=30, bg="white", units='cm', res=300)
			xmin = -max(rBtot, rCtot)
			xmax = (xCtot + rCtot)
			ymin = 0
			ymax = (yAtot + rAtot)
			plot.window(c(xmin, xmax), c(ymin, ymax), asp=1)
			segments(x0=c(xAtot, xBtot, xAtot, xCtot, xBtot, xCtot, xAtot, xBtot, xCtot),
					y0=c(yAtot, yBtot, yAtot, yCtot, yBtot, yCtot, yAtot, yBtot, yCtot),
					x1=c(xAB, xAB, xAC, xAC, xBC, xBC, xABC, xABC, xABC),
					y1=c(yAB, yAB, yAC, yAC, yBC, yBC, yABC, yABC, yABC),
					col=c(couleurs[1], couleurs[2], couleurs[1], couleurs[3], couleurs[2], couleurs[3], couleurs[1], couleurs[2], couleurs[3]), lwd=lw)
			#ajouter les 3 segments pour le cercle central
			symbols(x=xCircles, y=yCircles, circles=rCircles, main = "PropCircles", fg=colorCircles, bg="white", add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=lw)
			symbols(x=xSpeCircles, y=ySpeCircles, circles=rSpeCircles, main = "PropCircles", fg=colorSpeCircles, bg=colorSpeCircles, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=1)
			text(x=xAtot, y=(yAtot-rAtot)+((yA-rA)-(yAtot-rAtot))/2, labels=paste(n[1]-nA), cex=taille, col=coultxt[1], font=1)
			text(x=xA, y=yA, labels=paste(nA), cex=taille, col=colWhite[1], font=2)
			text(x=xBtot+(rB*cos(pi/6)), y=yBtot+(rB*sin(pi/6)), labels=paste(n[2]-nB), cex=taille, col=coultxt[2], font=1)
			text(x=xB, y=yB, labels=paste(nB), cex=taille, col=colWhite[2], font=2)
			text(x=xCtot-(rC*cos(pi/6)), y=yCtot+(rC*sin(pi/6)), labels=paste(n[3]-nC), cex=taille, col=coultxt[3], font=1)
			text(x=xC, y=yC, labels=paste(nC), cex=taille, col=colWhite[3], font=2)
			text(x=xAB, y=yAB, labels=paste(nAB), cex=taille, col="black", font=1)
			text(x=xAC, y=yAC, labels=paste(nAC), cex=taille, col="black", font=1)
			text(x=xBC, y=yBC, labels=paste(nBC), cex=taille, col="black", font=1)
			text(x=xABC, y=yABC, labels=paste(nABC), cex=taille, col="black", font=1)
				text(x=0.1, y=(yAB+yAtot)/2, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=taille, col="black", font=2)
				text(x=xAtot, y=ymin*1.2, labels=paste(colnames(res)[1], " (", n[1], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=0)
				text(x=xAtot, y=ymin*1.2, labels=paste(colnames(res)[2], " (", n[2], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=2)
				text(x=xAtot, y=ymin*1.2, labels=paste(colnames(res)[3], " (", n[3], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=4)
				if(title!="")	text(x=xA, y=ymax*1.15, labels=title, cex=tTitres, col="black")
		graph_prop_4<-function(path, res, ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs, couleursIn, tlog, colBlack, title, lw, OnlyVenn)
			nA = as.numeric(ListN$nA)
			nB = as.numeric(ListN$nB)
			nC = as.numeric(ListN$nC)
			nD = as.numeric(ListN$nD)
			nAB = as.numeric(ListN$nAB)
			nAC = as.numeric(ListN$nAC)
			nAD = as.numeric(ListN$nAD)
			nBC = as.numeric(ListN$nBC)
			nBD = as.numeric(ListN$nBD)
			nCD = as.numeric(ListN$nCD)
			nABC = as.numeric(ListN$nABC)
			nABD = as.numeric(ListN$nABD)
			nACD = as.numeric(ListN$nACD)
			nBCD = as.numeric(ListN$nBCD)
			nABCD = as.numeric(ListN$nABCD)
				#colWhite="white"; coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite = add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=0.7); coultxt=couleurs
				colWhite="black"; coultxt = rep("black", length(couleurs))
			n = apply(res[,1:(ncol(res)-1)], 2, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x)))
				nr = round(log2(n))
				nrA = round(log2(nA))
				nrB = round(log2(nB))
				nrC = round(log2(nC))
				nrD = round(log2(nD))
				nrAB = round(log2(nAB))
				nrAC = round(log2(nAC))
				nrAD = round(log2(nAD))
				nrBC = round(log2(nBC))
				nrBD = round(log2(nBD))
				nrCD = round(log2(nCD))
				nrABC = round(log2(nABC))
				nrBCD = round(log2(nBCD))
				nrACD = round(log2(nACD))
				nrABD = round(log2(nABD))
				nrABCD = round(log2(nABCD))
				nr = round(n/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrA = round(nA/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrB = round(nB/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrC = round(nC/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrD = round(nD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrAB = round(nAB/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrAC = round(nAC/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrAD = round(nAD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrBC = round(nBC/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrBD = round(nBD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrCD = round(nCD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrABC = round(nABC/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrBCD = round(nBCD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrACD = round(nACD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrABD = round(nABD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
				nrABCD = round(nABCD/max(n, nA, nB, nC, nD)*50)
			#calculs des rayons pour que la surface des cercles reflete la taille des Liste
			calc_coord<-function(rAtot, rBtot, rCtot, rDtot, rA, rB, rC, rD, rAB, rAC, rAD, rBC, rBD, rCD, rABC, rABD, rACD, rBCD, rABCD, expy, expx)
				yCtot = max(rCtot, rCD, rDtot)*expy
				yDtot = yCtot
				yCD = yCtot
				yAtot = (yCtot + max(rCtot, rCD, rDtot) + max(rACD, rBD, rBCD) + 2*max(rAC, rABCD, rBD) + max(rABC, rAC, rABD) + max(rAtot, rBtot, rAB))*expy
				yBtot = yAtot
				yAB = yAtot
				yAC = (yAtot + yCtot)/2
				yABCD = yAC
				yBD = yAC
				yACD = (yCtot + yAC)/2
				yBC = yACD
				yBCD = yACD
				yABC = (yAtot + yAC)/2
				yAD = yABC
				yABD = yABC
				xAtot = max(rAtot, rAC, rCtot)*expy
				xCtot = xAtot
				xAC = xAtot
				xBtot = (xAtot + rAtot + max(rABC, rACD) + 2*max(rAB, rAD, rABCD, rBD, rCD) + max(rABD, rBCD) + max(rBtot, rBD, rDtot))*expx
				xBD = xBtot
				xDtot = xBtot
				xAB = (xAtot + xBtot)/2
				xAD = xAB
				xABCD = xAB
				xBC = xAB
				xCD = xAB
				xABC = (xAtot + xAB)/2
				xACD = xABC
				xABD = (xAB + xBtot)/2
				xBCD = xABD
				xA = xAtot - (rAtot-rA)*cos(pi/4)
				yA = yAtot + (rAtot-rA)*sin(pi/4)
				xB = xBtot + (rBtot-rB)*cos(pi/4)
				yB = yBtot + (rBtot-rB)*sin(pi/4)
				xC = xCtot - (rCtot-rC)*cos(pi/4)
				yC = yCtot - (rCtot-rC)*sin(pi/4)
				xD = xDtot + (rDtot-rD)*cos(pi/4)
				yD = yDtot - (rDtot-rD)*sin(pi/4)
				xCircles = c(xAtot, xBtot, xCtot, xDtot, xAB, xAC, xAD, xBC, xBD, xCD, xABC, xABD, xACD, xBCD, xABCD, xA, xB, xC, xD)
				yCircles = c(yAtot, yBtot, yCtot, yDtot, yAB, yAC, yAD, yBC, yBD, yCD, yABC, yABD, yACD, yBCD, yABCD, yA, yB, yC, yD)
				rCircles = c(rAtot, rBtot, rCtot, rDtot, rAB, rAC, rAD, rBC, rBD, rCD, rABC, rABD, rACD, rBCD, rABCD, rA, rB, rC, rD)
				colorCircles = c(couleursIn[1], couleursIn[2], couleursIn[3], couleursIn[4], "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", "black", couleursIn[1], couleursIn[2], couleursIn[3], couleursIn[4])
				data_graph=cbind(xCircles, yCircles, rCircles, colorCircles)
				colnames(data_graph) = c("xCircles", "yCircles", "rCircles", "colorCircles")
				rownames(data_graph) = c("Atot", "Btot", "Ctot", "Dtot", "AB", "AC", "AD", "BC", "BD", "CD", "ABC", "ABD", "ACD", "BCD", "ABCD", "A", "B", "C", "D")
			expx = 1
			expy = 1.3
			data_graph = calc_coord(rAtot, rBtot, rCtot, rDtot, rA, rB, rC, rD, rAB, rAC, rAD, rBC, rBD, rCD, rABC, rABD, rACD, rBCD, rABCD, expy, expx)
			adjust<-function(data_graph)	#calcul de l'ajustement
				xAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"]))
				rownames(xAll) = rownames(data_graph)
				yAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"]))
				rownames(yAll) = rownames(data_graph)
				rAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"]))
				rownames(rAll) = rownames(data_graph)
				# en x
				dC_CD = abs(sqrt((xAll["Ctot",]-xAll["CD",])^2) - (rAll["Ctot",]+rAll["CD",])) #C-CD
				dCD_D = abs(sqrt((xAll["Dtot",]-xAll["CD",])^2) - (rAll["Dtot",]+rAll["CD",])) #CD-D
				dA_AB = abs(sqrt((xAll["Atot",]-xAll["AB",])^2) - (rAll["Atot",]+rAll["AB",])) #A-AB
				dAB_B = abs(sqrt((xAll["Btot",]-xAll["AB",])^2) - (rAll["Btot",]+rAll["AB",])) #AB-B
				# en y
				dA_AC = abs(sqrt((yAll["Atot",]-yAll["AC",])^2) - (rAll["Atot",]+rAll["AC",])) #A-AC
				dAC_C = abs(sqrt((yAll["Ctot",]-yAll["AC",])^2) - (rAll["Ctot",]+rAll["AC",])) #AC-C
				dAB_AD = abs(sqrt((yAll["AB",]-yAll["AD",])^2) - (rAll["AB",]+rAll["AD",])) #AB-AD
				dBC_CD = abs(sqrt((yAll["BC",]-yAll["CD",])^2) - (rAll["BC",]+rAll["CD",])) #BC-CD
				dB_BD = abs(sqrt((yAll["Btot",]-yAll["BD",])^2) - (rAll["Btot",]+rAll["BD",])) #B-BD
				dBD_D = abs(sqrt((yAll["Dtot",]-yAll["BD",])^2) - (rAll["Dtot",]+rAll["BD",])) #BD-D
				# en x et y
				dC_ACD = abs(sqrt((xAll["Ctot",]-xAll["ACD",])^2+(yAll["Ctot",]-yAll["ACD",])^2)-(rAll["Ctot",]+rAll["ACD",])) #C-ACD
				dABD_B = abs(sqrt((xAll["Btot",]-xAll["ABD",])^2+(yAll["Btot",]-yAll["ABD",])^2)-(rAll["Btot",]+rAll["ABD",])) #ABD-B
				dA_ABC = abs(sqrt((xAll["Atot",]-xAll["ABC",])^2+(yAll["Atot",]-yAll["ABC",])^2)-(rAll["Atot",]+rAll["ABC",])) #A-ABC
				dBCD_D = abs(sqrt((xAll["Dtot",]-xAll["BCD",])^2+(yAll["Dtot",]-yAll["BCD",])^2)-(rAll["Dtot",]+rAll["BCD",])) #BCD-D
				#ajustement en x
				dx = max(dC_CD, dCD_D, dA_AB, dAB_B, dC_ACD/2, dABD_B/2, dA_ABC/2, dBCD_D/2)
				dy = max(dA_AC, dAC_C, dAB_AD, dBC_CD, dB_BD, dBD_D, dC_ACD/2, dABD_B/2, dA_ABC/2, dBCD_D/2)
				res = c(dx, dy)
			xmin = (min(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"])) - max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			xmax = (max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"])) + max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			ymin = (min(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"])) - max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			ymax = (max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"])) + max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))*1.1
			#si ajustement expx, expy
			d = adjust(data_graph)
			data_graph = calc_coord(rAtot, rBtot, rCtot, rDtot, rA, rB, rC, rD, rAB, rAC, rAD, rBC, rBD, rCD, rABC, rABD, rACD, rBCD, rABCD, expy=(1+(expy*d[2]/ymax)*1.2), expx=(1+(expx*(d[1]/xmax))*1.2))
			xmin = (min(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"])) - max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			xmax = (max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"])) + max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			ymin = (min(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"])) - max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))
			ymax = (max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"])) + max(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"])))*1.2
			png(filename = paste(path, "/venn_diagram_prop", if(tlog) paste("_tlog2", sep=""), ".png", sep=""), width=30, height=30, bg="white", units='cm', res=300)
			plot.window(c(xmin, xmax), c(ymin, ymax), asp=1)
					x0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "xCircles"])),
					y0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Atot", "yCircles"])),
					x1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["AD", "xCircles"], data_graph["AC", "xCircles"], data_graph["AB", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "xCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "xCircles"])),
					y1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["AD", "yCircles"], data_graph["AC", "yCircles"], data_graph["AB", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "yCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "yCircles"])), col=couleurs[1], lwd=lw)
					x0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "xCircles"])),
					y0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Btot", "yCircles"])),
					x1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["BC", "xCircles"], data_graph["BD", "xCircles"], data_graph["AB", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "xCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "xCircles"])),
					y1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["BC", "yCircles"], data_graph["BD", "yCircles"], data_graph["AB", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "yCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "yCircles"])), col=couleurs[2], lwd=lw)
					x0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "xCircles"])),
					y0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Ctot", "yCircles"])),
					x1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["BC", "xCircles"], data_graph["CD", "xCircles"], data_graph["AC", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "xCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "xCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "xCircles"])),
					y1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["BC", "yCircles"], data_graph["CD", "yCircles"], data_graph["AC", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABC", "yCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "yCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "yCircles"])), col=couleurs[3], lwd=lw)
					x0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "xCircles"])),
					y0=as.numeric(c(data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"], data_graph["Dtot", "yCircles"])),
					x1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["CD", "xCircles"], data_graph["AD", "xCircles"], data_graph["BD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "xCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "xCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "xCircles"])),
					y1=as.numeric(c(data_graph["CD", "yCircles"],data_graph["AD", "yCircles"], data_graph["BD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ACD", "yCircles"], data_graph["BCD", "yCircles"], data_graph["ABCD", "yCircles"])), col=couleurs[4], lwd=lw)
			symbols(x=as.numeric(data_graph[1:15,"xCircles"]), y=as.numeric(data_graph[1:15,"yCircles"]), circles=as.numeric(data_graph[1:15,"rCircles"]), main = "PropCircles", fg=data_graph[1:15,"colorCircles"], bg="white", add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=lw)
			symbols(x=as.numeric(data_graph[16:19,"xCircles"]), y=as.numeric(data_graph[16:19,"yCircles"]), circles=as.numeric(data_graph[16:19,"rCircles"]), main = "PropCircles", fg=data_graph[16:19,"colorCircles"], bg=data_graph[16:19,"colorCircles"], add=TRUE, inches=FALSE, lwd=1)
			xAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"]))
			rownames(xAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			yAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"]))
			rownames(yAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			rAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"]))
			rownames(rAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			xAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"xCircles"]))
			rownames(xAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			yAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"yCircles"]))
			rownames(yAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			rAll = as.matrix(as.numeric(data_graph[,"rCircles"]))
			rownames(rAll) = rownames(data_graph)
			text(x=(xAll["Atot",]+(2*rAll["A",]/3)), y=(yAll["Atot",]-(2*rAll["A",]/3)), labels=paste(n[1]-nA), cex=taille, col=coultxt[1], font=1)
			text(x=xAll["A",], y=yAll["A",], labels=paste(nA), cex=taille, col=colWhite[1], font=2)
			text(x=(xAll["Btot",]-(2*rAll["B",]/3)), y=(yAll["Btot",]-(2*rAll["B",]/3)), labels=paste(n[2]-nB), cex=taille, col=coultxt[2], font=1)
			text(x=xAll["B",], y=yAll["B",], labels=paste(nB), cex=taille, col=colWhite[2], font=2)
			text(x=(xAll["Ctot",]+(2*rAll["C",]/3)), y=(yAll["Ctot",]+(2*rAll["C",]/3)), labels=paste(n[3]-nC), cex=taille, col=coultxt[3], font=1)
			text(x=xAll["C",], y=yAll["C",], labels=paste(nC), cex=taille, col=colWhite[3], font=2)
			text(x=(xAll["Dtot",]-(2*rAll["D",]/3)), y=(yAll["Dtot",]+(2*rAll["D",]/3)), labels=paste(n[4]-nD), cex=taille, col=coultxt[4], font=1)
			text(x=xAll["D",], y=yAll["D",], labels=paste(nD), cex=taille, col=colWhite[4], font=2)
			if(title!="")	text(x=data_graph["AB", "xCircles"], y=ymax*0.9, labels=title, cex=tTitres, col="black")
				taille = 1.5
				text(x=xmax/2, y=ymax*0.85, labels=paste(colnames(res)[1], " (", n[1], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[1], pos=1, offset=0)
				text(x=xmax/2, y=ymax*0.85, labels=paste(colnames(res)[2], " (", n[2], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[2], pos=1, offset=1.3)
				text(x=xmax/2, y=ymax*0.85, labels=paste(colnames(res)[3], " (", n[3], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[3], pos=1, offset=2.6)
				text(x=xmax/2, y=ymax*0.85, labels=paste(colnames(res)[4], " (", n[4], ")", sep=""), cex=taille, col=couleurs[4], pos=1, offset=3.9)
				text(x=c(xAll["AB",], xAll["AC",], xAll["AD",], xAll["BC",], xAll["BD",], x=xAll["CD",],xAll["ABC",], xAll["ABD",],xAll["ACD",], xAll["BCD",],xAll["ABCD",]),
						y=c(yAll["AB",], yAll["AC",],yAll["AD",], yAll["BC",], yAll["BD",], yAll["CD",], yAll["ABC",], yAll["ABD",], yAll["ACD",], yAll["BCD",], yAll["ABCD",]),
						labels=c(paste(nAB),paste(nAC),paste(nAD),paste(nBC), paste(nBD), paste(nCD), paste(nABC), paste(nABD), paste(nACD),paste(nBCD),paste(nABCD)),
						cex=taille, col="black", font=1)
				text(x=(xmin+xAll["A",])/2, y=(yAll["Atot",]+yAll["AC",])/2, labels=paste("Total: ", tot_ugenes, collapse="\n"), cex=taille, col="black", font=2)
			couleursIn <- add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=transp)
			couleurs=c("blue", "red", "green", "orange", "yellow", "pink", "brown", "purple", "seagreen", "cyan", "darkgreen", "grey")
			couleursIn <- add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=transp)
			if(pathRes == "")
				if(!file.exists(paste(getwd(), "/Venn.diagrams/", sep=""))) dir.create(paste(getwd(), "/Venn.diagrams/", sep=""))
				pathRes = paste(getwd(), "/Venn.diagrams/", sep="")
				if(display) write(paste("Default results path is: \n\t", pathRes, sep=""), file="")
			if((CompName=="")&(pathLists!="")) CompName = basename(pathLists)
			if(CompName!="")  path = paste(pathRes, "/Venn_", CompName, sep="")
			if(CompName=="")  path = paste(pathRes, "/Venn_", format(Sys.time(), "(%H-%M-%S)_%a_%d_%b_%Y"), sep="")
			if(display) write(paste("The results will be placed here: \n\t", path, sep=""), file="")
		if(is.list(matLists)) # Si Liste de Liste ou matrices
			if(Profils)	# Test la presence du fichier DataMoy.txt
				if(sum(grepl("DataMoy", names(matLists)))!=0)	# Teste la presence du DataMoy ET nbre de cols = nbre Liste (ET noms cols = noms Liste)
					DataMoy = matLists[[seq(1, length(matLists), by=1)[grepl("DataMoy", names(matLists))]]]	#	Extraction du DataMoy.txt
					matLists = matLists[seq(1, length(matLists), by=1)[!grepl("DataMoy", names(matLists))]]	#	suppression de matLists			    				
					DataMoy = apply(DataMoy, 2, function(x) apply(as.matrix(x), 1, function(y) as.numeric(y)))	# as numeric
					if(display)	write(paste("     => DataMoy and lists are OK." , sep=""), file="")
						write(paste("     => DataMoy file not found, the profiles wil not be analysed." , sep=""), file="")
					Profils = FALSE
			if(display) write(paste("     => Source = ", length(matLists), " Liste" , sep=""), file="")

			Listes = matLists
			noms = names(matLists)
			nListe = length(noms)
		}else{ # matLists = une matrice
			noms = colnames(matLists)
			if((min(as.numeric(matLists[!is.na(matLists)]))==0)&(max(as.numeric(matLists[!is.na(matLists)]))==1))  # Matrice binaire
				if(display) write(paste("     => Source = binary matrix" , sep=""), file="")
				res = cbind(matLists, apply(matLists, 1, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x))))
				colnames(res)[ncol(matLists)+1] = "Total_lists"
				ud = FALSE
				nListe = ncol(matLists)
				if(sum(!is.na(as.numeric(matLists)))!=0)  # Liste numerique, folds ou ratios
					if(min(as.numeric(matLists[!is.na(matLists)]))>0)  # Matrice de ratios
						if(display)	write(paste("     => Source = matrix of ratios" , sep=""), file="")
						# Ajoute la matrice binaire
						MatBin = matLists
						res = cbind(MatBin, apply(MatBin, 1, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x))), matLists)
						colnames(res)[ncol(MatBin)+1] = "Total_lists"
						colnames(res)[(ncol(MatBin)+2):ncol(res)] = paste("ratios_", colnames(MatBin), sep="")
						nListe = ncol(matLists)
						if(min(as.numeric(matLists[!is.na(matLists)]))<0)  # Matrice de folds
							if(display) write(paste("     => Source = matrix of folds" , sep=""), file="")
							TempListeRatio = matLists
							for(y in 1:ncol(matLists))	#	transforme les folds en ratios
								for(x in 1:nrow(matLists))
									if(!is.na(as.numeric(matLists[x, y])))	if((matLists[x, y]<0)) TempListeRatio[x, y] = -1/as.numeric(matLists[x, y])
							colnames(TempListeRatio) = paste("ratios_", colnames(TempListeRatio), sep="")
							# Ajoute la matrice binaire
							MatBin = TempListeRatio
							res = cbind(MatBin, apply(MatBin, 1, function(x) sum(as.numeric(x))), TempListeRatio)
							colnames(res)[ncol(MatBin)+1] = "Total_lists"
							colnames(res)[(ncol(MatBin)+2):ncol(res)] = paste("ratios_", colnames(MatBin), sep="")
							nListe = ncol(matLists)
				}else{  # Liste d'IDs
					Listes = matLists 
					noms = names(matLists)  
				# Colonne Profils UD
				UDprofils = res[,(grep("Total_lists", colnames(res))+1):ncol(res)]
				UDprofils[is.na(as.numeric(UDprofils))] = "n"
				UDprofils[as.numeric(UDprofils)>1] = "U"
				UDprofils[as.numeric(UDprofils)<1] = "D"
				res = cbind(res, apply(UDprofils, 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse="")))
				colnames(res)[ncol(res)] = "Profils"
		if(!is.matrix(res))	# Si res est vide: ce n est pas un exemple => lecture de fichiers
			# Traitement 1ere liste, amorce les variables
			if(!is.list(matLists)) data_t = test_list(filename=Listes[1], type="Res", matLists, noms, path)
			if(is.list(matLists)) data_t = matLists[[1]]
			if((length(noms)>1)&(length(noms)!=length(Listes)))	#	Si pas de noms de listes
				write(paste("Only ", length(noms), " names for ", length(Listes), " lists.\nThe default names ", c("A", "B", "C", "D")[1:length(Listes)], " will be used.", sep=""), file="")
				noms=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G")[1:length(Listes)]		
				couleurs=c("blue", "red", "green", "orange")[1:nListe]
				couleursIn <- add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=transp)
				write(paste("Only ", length(couleurs), " colours for ", nListe, " lists.\nThe default colours will be used.", sep=""), file="")
				write("The directory is filled.", file="")
			nomListe = noms[1]
			if(ud&(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==1))
				if(sum(is.na(as.numeric(data_t[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE)])))!=0)
					write(paste("\t !!!  The ratio column of the ", nomListe, " list is not numeric.", sep=""), file="")
				if(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==0)
					write(paste("\t !!! Ratio column not found in ", nomListe, sep=""), file="")
			#	data_t = rownames(data_t)
			res = matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=nrow(data_t))
				rownames(res) = rownames(data_t)
				rownames(res) = data_t[,1]
			if(!is.list(matLists)) noms_Liste = paste(substr(basename(Listes[1]), 0, (nchar(basename(Listes[1]))-4)), "_(", nrow(data_t), ")", sep="")
			if(is.list(matLists)) noms_Liste = noms
			for(i in 2:length(Listes))
				if(!is.list(matLists)) data_t = test_list(filename=Listes[i], type="Res", matLists, noms, path)
				if(is.list(matLists)) data_t = matLists[[i]]
				if(is.null(rownames(data_t)))	rownames(data_t) = data_t[,1]
				nomListe = noms[i]
				if(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))!=0)		
					if(Cud&(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))!=0))  # teste la presence de la col ratio et le type de data
						if(!is.null(dim(data_t[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE)])))
							write(paste("\t !!!  The ratio column is not unic !", sep=""), file="")
						if(sum(is.na(as.numeric(data_t[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE)])))!=0)
							write(paste("\t !!!  The ratio column of the ", nomListe, " list is not numeric.", sep=""), file="")
					if(ud&(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==0))
						write(paste("\t !!! Ratio column not found in ", nomListe, sep=""), file="")
				listID = rownames(data_t)
				#id a ajouter a res ~ new sans les communs
				dupli_new = duplicated(c(rownames(res), listID))
				dupli_new = dupli_new[(nrow(res)+1):length(dupli_new)]
				temp_new = matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=length(dupli_new))
				temp_new[dupli_new] = 0
				rownames(temp_new) = listID
				#id a ajouter a new ~ old sans les communs
				old = duplicated(c(listID, rownames(res)))
				old = old[(length(listID)+1):length(old)]
				temp_old = matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=length(old))
				temp_old[old] = 0
				rownames(temp_old) = rownames(res)
				#completion de la matrice res
					res = rbind(res, matrix(0, ncol=ncol(res), nrow=sum(temp_new)))
					rownames(res)[(nrow(res)-sum(temp_new)+1):nrow(res)] = rownames(temp_new)[temp_new==1]
				res = res[order(rownames(res)),, drop=FALSE]
				ajout = rbind(matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=sum(temp_old)), matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=length(listID)))
				rownames(ajout) = c(rownames(temp_old)[temp_old==1], listID)
				ajout = ajout[order(rownames(ajout)),, drop=FALSE]
				if(!is.list(matLists)) noms_Liste = c(noms_Liste, paste(substr(basename(Listes[i]), 0, (nchar(basename(Listes[i]))-4)), "_(", length(listID), ")", sep=""))
				if(is.list(matLists)) noms_Liste = noms
				res = cbind(res, as.matrix(ajout))
			colnames(res) = noms_Liste
				write(paste("\t !!!  The modulations will not be analyzed.", sep=""), file="")
			#colonne somme: nbre de Liste pour chaque id
			res = cbind(res, apply(res, 1, function(x) sum(x)))
			colnames(res)[ncol(res)] = "Total_lists"
			if(display) write(paste("     => res = ", nrow(res), " * ", ncol(res) , sep=""), file="")
				#ajout des datas de chaque liste
				#res = matrice des appartenances
				data_all = res
				for(M in 1:length(Listes)) #liste par liste
					#lecture du fichier
					if(!is.list(matLists)) data_t = test_list(filename=Listes[M], type="Annot", matLists, noms, path, affich=FALSE)
					if(is.list(matLists)) data_t = matLists[[M]]
					#ajoute une colonne vide entre les annots de chaque liste
					data_all = cbind(data_all, matrix("", ncol=1, nrow=nrow(data_all)))
						data_all = data_all[order(rownames(data_all)),, drop=FALSE]  #classe tous les IDs
						data_all = data_all[order(data_all[,M], decreasing = TRUE),, drop=FALSE]  #regroupe en tete les IDs classes de la liste en cours
						tmpL = data_t
						if(is.null(rownames(data_t)))	rownames(data_t) = data_t[,1]
						if(nrow(data_t)>1)	data_t = data_t[order(rownames(data_t)),, drop=FALSE] #classe les IDs de la liste en cours
						colnames(data_t) = colnames(tmpL)	#	Recupere le nom si colonne unique perdue par order
						data_all = cbind(data_all, rbind(data_t, matrix("", ncol=ncol(data_t), nrow=nrow(data_all)-nrow(data_t))))
				if(ud&(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==1))
					# 1- recupere les colonnes ratios => dans l'ordre
					profils = data_all[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE), drop=FALSE]
					# 2- codage des modulations
					UDprofils = matrix("", ncol=ncol(profils), nrow=nrow(profils))
					for(P in 1:ncol(profils))
						UDprofils[as.numeric(profils[,P])<1, P] = "D"
						UDprofils[as.numeric(profils[,P])>1, P] = "U"
					UDprofils[UDprofils==""] = "n"
					UDp = as.matrix(apply(UDprofils, 1, function(x) concat(x)))
					data_all = cbind(data_all[,1:length(Listes), drop=FALSE], UDp, data_all[,(length(Listes)+1):ncol(data_all), drop=FALSE])
					colnames(data_all)[length(Listes)+1] = "Profils"
					if(sum(grepl("Profils", colnames(data_all)))==1)  data_all=data_all[order(data_all[,"Profils"], decreasing=TRUE),, drop=FALSE]
					for(L in 1:length(Listes))  data_all=data_all[order(data_all[,L], decreasing=TRUE),, drop=FALSE]
					dataAlltmp = cbind(rownames(data_all), data_all)
					write.table(dataAlltmp, file = paste(path, "/VennAnnot.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
				if(!FilesOut)  ud=FALSE  # si Files Out et Annot=FALSE, pas de ud (qui est essentielement une optio graphique)
					data_all = res
					for(M in 1:length(Listes)) #liste par liste
						#lecture du fichier
						if(!is.list(matLists)) data_t = test_list(filename=Listes[M], type="Annot", matLists, noms, path)
						if(is.list(matLists)) data_t = matLists[[M]]
						if(ncol(data_t)>=2)		if(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==1)
								data_all = data_all[order(rownames(data_all)),, drop=FALSE]
								data_all = data_all[order(data_all[,M], decreasing = TRUE),, drop=FALSE]
								tmpL = data_t
								data_t = data_t[order(rownames(data_t)),, drop=FALSE]
								colnames(data_t) = colnames(tmpL)
								data_all = cbind(data_all, rbind(as.matrix(data_t[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE)]), matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow=nrow(data_all)-nrow(data_t))))
								colnames(data_all)[ncol(data_all)] = paste("ratios_", colnames(data_all)[M], sep="")
								if(!is.list(matLists)) print(paste("!!! Ratio column not found in ", basename(Listes[M]), sep=""))
								if(is.list(matLists)) print(paste("!!! Ratio column not found in ", noms[M], sep=""))
					if(ud&(sum(grepl("ratio", colnames(data_t), ignore.case=TRUE))==1))
						# 1- recupere les colonnes ratios => dans l'ordre
						profils = data_all[,grepl("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE), drop=FALSE]
						# 2- codage des modulations
						UDprofils = matrix("", ncol=ncol(profils), nrow=nrow(profils))
						for(P in 1:ncol(profils))
							UDprofils[as.numeric(profils[,P])<1, P] = "D"
							UDprofils[as.numeric(profils[,P])>1, P] = "U"
						UDprofils[UDprofils==""] = "n"
						UDp = as.matrix(apply(UDprofils, 1, function(x) concat(x)))
						data_all = cbind(data_all[,1:length(Listes), drop=FALSE], UDp, data_all[,(length(Listes)+1):ncol(data_all), drop=FALSE])
						colnames(data_all)[length(Listes)+1] = "Profils"
			if(display) write(paste("     => Annots OK" , sep=""), file="")
			data_all = res
			res = res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE), drop=FALSE]
			nListe = grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)-1  # Calcul le nbre de Liste
				noms=c("A", "B", "C", "D")[1:nListe]
				noms = names(res)
				write(paste("Only ", length(noms), " names for ", nListe, " lists.\nThe default names ", c("A", "B", "C", "D")[1:nListe], " will be used.", sep=""), file="")
			noms = toupper(noms)
				couleurs=c("blue", "red", "green", "orange")[1:nListe]
				couleursIn <- add.alpha(couleurs, alpha=transp)
				write(paste("Only ", length(couleurs), " colours for ", nListe, " lists.\nThe default colours ", couleurs[1:nListe]  , " will be used.", sep=""), file="")
			resTmp = cbind(rownames(res), res)
			for(J in 1:ncol(res))	resTmp = resTmp[order(resTmp[,J], decreasing=TRUE),, drop=FALSE]
			write.table(resTmp, file = paste(path, "/VennMatrixBin.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
		tot_ugenes = nrow(res)  #nbre de genes ou id uniques
		nliste = (grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)-1)
		data_all = data_all[order(rownames(data_all)),, drop=FALSE]
		res = res[order(rownames(res)),, drop=FALSE]
		# ajouter seulement les ratios au dela de la colonne total
		data_r = res[,1:grep("Total_lists", colnames(res), ignore.case = TRUE), drop=FALSE]
			if(display) write(paste("     => UD" , sep=""), file="")
			#matrice numerique des appartenances (res) et les ratios
			nliste = (grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)-1)
			data_all = data_all[order(rownames(data_all)),, drop=FALSE]
			res = res[order(rownames(res)),, drop=FALSE]
			# ajouter seulement les ratios au dela de la colonne total
			data_r = cbind(data_r, data_all[,grep("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE)[grep("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE)>ncol(res)], drop=FALSE])        
			if(Profils)	# Selection des DataMoy et pour les profils connus
				if(display) write(paste("     => Profils" , sep=""), file="")
				DataMoy = DataMoy[duplicated(c(rownames(data_all), rownames(DataMoy)))[(nrow(data_all)+1):(nrow(data_all)+nrow(DataMoy))],, drop=FALSE]
				DataMoy = DataMoy[order(rownames(DataMoy)),, drop=FALSE]
				data_all = data_all[order(rownames(data_all)),, drop=FALSE]
				DataMoyLog2 = tolog2(DataMoy)
				ProfilsPath = paste(path, "/Profiles/", sep="")
				if(!file.exists(ProfilsPath)) dir.create(ProfilsPath)
				for(TotLists in names(table(data_all[,"Total_lists"])))
					data_f = data_all[data_all[,"Total_lists"]==TotLists,, drop=FALSE]
					DataTmpLog2 = DataMoyLog2[data_all[,"Total_lists"]==TotLists,, drop=FALSE]
					png(filename = paste(path, "/Profiles_C", TotLists, ".png", sep=""), height=2000, width=2000, pointsize = 18, bg = "white")
					if(length(names(table(data_f[,"Profils"])))<=12)  old.par <- par(mfrow=c((ceiling(length(names(table(data_f[,"Profils"])))/2)), 2))
					if(length(names(table(data_f[,"Profils"])))>12)  old.par <- par(mfrow=c((ceiling(length(names(table(data_f[,"Profils"])))/3)), 3))
					for(P in names(table(data_f[,"Profils"])))
						data_p = data_f[data_f[,"Profils"]==P,, drop=FALSE]
						DataTmp_p = DataTmpLog2[data_f[,"Profils"]==P,, drop=FALSE]
						write.table(cbind(DataTmp_p, rownames(data_p), data_p), file=paste(ProfilsPath, "/Profiles_", P, ".txt", sep=""), sep="\t", , quote=FALSE)
						if(grepl("U", P)&(!grepl("D", P)))  coul="red"
						if(grepl("D", P)&(!grepl("U", P)))  coul="green"
						x = t(DataTmp_p)
							y=matrix(rep(seq(1, ncol(DataTmpLog2), by=1), sum(data_f[,"Profils"]==P)), ncol=ncol(DataTmpLog2), byrow=TRUE)
							plot(y, x, type="l", lty=1, axes=FALSE, col=coul, xlab="", ylab="Log2Moy", main=paste(P, " (", sum(data_f[,"Profils"]==P), ")", sep=""))
							y=t(matrix(rep(seq(1, ncol(DataTmpLog2), by=1), sum(data_f[,"Profils"]==P)), ncol=ncol(DataTmpLog2), byrow=TRUE))
							matplot(y, x, type="l", lty=1, axes=FALSE, col=coul, xlab="", ylab="Log2Moy", main=paste(P, " (", sum(data_f[,"Profils"]==P), ")", sep=""))
						axis(1, 1:ncol(DataTmpLog2), colnames(DataTmpLog2))
		nomTot = colnames(res)[grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)]
			if(display) write(paste("     => NutShell" , sep=""), file="")
			ABCresTable = res[,1:(ncol(res)-1), drop=FALSE]
			for(ABC in 1:(ncol(res)-1))	ABCresTable[ABCresTable[,ABC]==1,ABC]=LETTERS[ABC]
			Profilbin = apply(res[,1:(ncol(res)-1), drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse=""))
			ProfilABC = apply(ABCresTable, 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse=""))
				ABCprof = table(ProfilABC)
				UDprofs = matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=0)
				for(P in 1:length(ABCprof))
					tmpProf = data_all[ProfilABC==names(ABCprof)[P],"Profils"]
					SpeProfs = as.matrix(table(tmpProf))
					UDprofs = rbind(UDprofs, cbind(rep(names(ABCprof)[P], ABCprof[P]), rep(nchar(names(ABCprof)[P]), ,ABCprof[P]), rownames(SpeProfs), SpeProfs))
				colnames(UDprofs) = c("NameZone", "N_lists", "UD_profils", "Count")
				write.table(UDprofs, file=paste(path, "/NutShellTableUD.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
			MainProfils = as.matrix(table(ProfilABC))
			MainProfils = cbind(rownames(MainProfils), apply(as.matrix(rownames(MainProfils)), 1, function(x) nchar(x)), MainProfils)
			colnames(MainProfils) = c("NameZone", "N_lists", "Count")
			write.table(MainProfils, file=paste(path, "/NutShellTable.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
			nLists = LETTERS[1:(grep("Total_lists", colnames(data_r), ignore.case=TRUE)-1)]
			VectMat = matrix(0, ncol=length(nLists), nrow=0)
			colnames(VectMat) = nLists
			for(N in 1:length(nLists))
				tmpgrps = apply(t(combn(nLists, N)), 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))
				grps = c(grps, tmpgrps)
				tmpCmbns = t(combn(nLists, N))	#	Combinaisons pour N listes
				tmpVectMat = matrix(0, ncol=length(nLists), nrow=nrow(tmpCmbns))
				rownames(tmpVectMat) = c(tmpgrps)
				for(Vy in 1:nrow(tmpCmbns))
					for(Vx in 1:ncol(tmpCmbns))	tmpVectMat[Vy, grep(tmpCmbns[Vy, Vx], nLists)]=1
				VectMat = rbind(VectMat, tmpVectMat)
		colorclust<-function(DataClust, methclust, metcor, couleurs, noms, w=15, h=15, path)
			c <- cor(DataClust, method=metcor)
			dc <- as.dist(1-c)
			hc = hclust(dc, method = methclust, members=NULL)
			g = max(nchar(colnames(DataClust)))/15
			if(h<=15*g){h=(20+(ncol(DataClust)/10))*g; w=h*0.8}
			png(filename = paste(path, "/clust[", metcor, ".", methclust, "].png", sep=""), height=h, width=w, units="cm", bg="white", res=150)
			hcd = as.dendrogram(hc)                             
					a <- attributes(n)
					attr(n, "edgePar") <- list(col=couleurs[noms==a$label])
					attr(n, "nodePar") <- list(pch = NA, lab.col=couleurs[noms==a$label], lab.cex=1.5)
			#	dendrapply(hcd, function(n) utils::str(attributes(n)))
			par(cex=0.9, mar=c(15*g, 5, 1, 1))
			plot(dendrapply(hcd, function(n) colleaf(n)), cex=0.6)
		if(VennClust&((ncol(res)-1)>2))	#	Si plus de deux listes
			DataClust = res[,1:(ncol(res)-1), drop=FALSE]
			DataTempNum = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(DataClust)),nrow=nrow(DataClust))
			colnames(DataTempNum) = colnames(DataClust)
			DataClust = DataTempNum
			w = 15 + (ncol(DataClust)/10)
			h = 20 + (ncol(DataClust)/10)
			if(ncol(DataClust)>=13)	couleurs = rep("black", ncol(DataClust))
			colorclust(DataClust, methclust="ward.D2", metcor="spearman", couleurs, noms, w, h, path)
			colorclust(DataClust, methclust="average", metcor="spearman", couleurs, noms, w, h, path)
		if(FilesOut)	#graphs
			data_r = res[,1:grep("Total_lists", colnames(res), ignore.case = TRUE), drop=FALSE]
			VectMat = VectMatgroups(data_r)
			Gprofils = as.matrix(apply(VectMat, 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse="")))
			Gprofils = as.matrix(Gprofils[order(Gprofils[,1]),])
			All_profils = table(apply(res[,1:(ncol(res)-1)], 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse="")))
			ListN = NULL
			#	Titres des listes
			for(J in 1:(grep("Total_lists", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)-1))	#	Ajoute les noms des listes
				ListN = c(ListN, paste(colnames(res)[J], "_(", sum(as.numeric(res[,J])), ")", sep=""))

			if(ud)	names(ListN) = c(paste(rownames(Gprofils)[duplicated(c(rownames(profils), Gprofils))[(nrow(profils)+1):(nrow(Gprofils)+nrow(profils))]], sep=""), paste("liste", LETTERS[1:(ncol(res)-1)], sep=""))
			names(ListN) = paste("liste", LETTERS[1:(ncol(res)-1)], sep="")
			#	Effectifs des groupes
			for(Np in 1:length(Gprofils))
				rechP = Gprofils[Np,1]==names(All_profils)
				if(sum(rechP)==0)	ListN = c(ListN, 0)
				if(sum(rechP)>0)	ListN = c(ListN, All_profils[names(All_profils)==Gprofils[Np,1]])
				names(ListN)[length(ListN)] = paste("n", rownames(Gprofils)[Np], sep="")
				AllProfils = apply(data_r[,1:(grep(nomTot, colnames(data_r), ignore.case=FALSE)-1)], 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse=""))
				#	Transforme les rations en UD pour tout le data_r
				data_UD = data_r
				for(L in (grep(nomTot, colnames(data_r), ignore.case=FALSE)+1):ncol(data_r))
					data_UD[is.na(as.numeric(data_r[,L])),L] = "n"
					data_UD[!is.na(as.numeric(data_r[,L]))&as.numeric(data_r[,L])>1,L] = "U"
					data_UD[!is.na(as.numeric(data_r[,L]))&as.numeric(data_r[,L])<1,L] = "D"
				ListNud = list()
				namesListNud = list()
				for(J in 1:nrow(Gprofils))
					if(sum(grepl(Gprofils[J,], AllProfils))!=0)
						tmp_r = data_UD[grepl(Gprofils[J,], AllProfils), (grep(nomTot, colnames(data_UD), ignore.case=FALSE)+1):ncol(data_UD)]
						if(sum(grepl(Gprofils[J,], AllProfils))==1)	tmp_r = t(as.matrix(tmp_r))
						select_r = tmp_r[1, ]!="n"	#	Utilise la premiere ligne pour supprimer les colonnes 0 du profil
						ListNud[[length(ListNud)+1]] = table(apply(as.matrix(tmp_r[,select_r]), 1, function(x) paste(x, sep="", collapse="")))
						ListNud[[length(ListNud)+1]] = 0
					namesListNud[[length(namesListNud)+1]] = paste(rownames(Gprofils)[J], "ud", sep="")
				namesListNud = paste("n", namesListNud, sep="")
				names(ListNud) = namesListNud
				ListN = append(ListN, ListNud)
			ListN[sapply(ListN, FUN=function(x) is.null(x))]=1			#	Remplace les compatges NULL par 1
			ListN = as.list(ListN)
			if(display) write(paste("     => Graphic" , sep=""), file="")
			if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==3)
				graph_2(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, filled=filled, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					graph_prop_2(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=FALSE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					graph_2_realProps(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, filled=filled, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn, tlog=FALSE)
					effs = as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nB, ListN$nC, ListN$nAB)
					if(max(effs)/min(effs)>10) # Si le ratio max/min>10 => log2
						graph_prop_2(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=TRUE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
						graph_2_realProps(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, filled=filled, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn, tlog=TRUE)
			if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==4)
				graph_3(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, filled=filled, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					graph_prop_3(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=FALSE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					effs = as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nB, ListN$nC, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAC, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC)
					if(max(effs)/min(effs)>10) # Si le ratio max/min>10 => log2
						graph_prop_3(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=FALSE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
			if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==5)
				graph_4(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, filled=filled, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					graph_prop_4(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=FALSE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
					effs = as.numeric(ListN$nA, ListN$nB, ListN$nC, ListN$nD, ListN$nAB, ListN$nAC, ListN$nBD, ListN$nCD, ListN$nAD, ListN$nBC, ListN$nABC, ListN$nBCD, ListN$nACD, ListN$nABD, ListN$nABCD)
					if(max(effs)/min(effs)>10) # Si le ratio max/min>10 => log2
						graph_prop_4(path, res[,1:grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)], ListN, tot_ugenes, noms, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, tlog=TRUE, colBlack=colBlack, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
			#	5 et plus !!!
			if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)>=6)
				if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==6)	graph_5(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, Solid=Solid, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
				if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==7)	graph_6(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, Solid=Solid, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)
				if(grep("total", colnames(res), ignore.case=TRUE)==8)	graph_7(path=path, ListN=ListN, tot_ugenes=tot_ugenes, noms=noms, ud=ud, couleurs=couleurs, couleursIn=couleursIn, ColorTxt=ColorTxt, Solid=Solid, Ptest=Ptest, tUD=tUD, tUDp=tUDp, tnoUD=tnoUD, Gtype=Gtype, title=title, lw=lw, OnlyVenn=OnlyVenn)

			if(overlaps)  overlapp(res=res, path=path, f=f)
			if(!annot)  return(res)
			if(annot)  return(data_all)
			ratios_all = data_all[,grep("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE)[grep("ratio", colnames(data_all), ignore.case=TRUE)>grep(nomTot, colnames(data_all))], drop=FALSE] # Recupere les ratios                
			ratios_all = matrix(as.numeric(ratios_all), nrow=nrow(res), ncol=nliste)    # Transforme les ratios en numeric et NA
			resTmp = cbind(res[,1:(nliste+1), drop=FALSE], ratios_all)                              # Ajoute la matrice binaire + ratios
			resTmp = res
		if(VennBar)  BarVenn(resTmp=resTmp, path=path, ud=ud, lw=lw)	# Si plus de 4 Liste => VennBar=TRUE
		if(OnlyVariable) return(data_all)

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eVenn documentation built on Sept. 14, 2017, 5:02 p.m.