
Defines functions to_integer fdim len_unique sample_df print.osize osize print.list_n_unik print.vec_n_unik n_unik ref bin

Documented in bin fdim n_unik osize print.list_n_unik print.osize print.vec_n_unik ref sample_df to_integer

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Wed Apr 13 10:05:46 2022
# ~: Data related tools

#' Bins the values of a variable (typically a factor)
#' Tool to easily group the values of a given variable.
#' @param x A vector whose values have to be grouped. Can be of any type but must be atomic.
#' @param bin A list of values to be grouped, a vector, a formula, or the special 
#' values `"bin::digit"` or `"cut::values"`. To create a new value from old values, 
#' use `bin = list("new_value"=old_values)` with `old_values` a vector of existing values. 
#' You can use `.()` for `list()`.
#' It accepts regular expressions, but they must start with an `"@"`, like in 
#' `bin="@Aug|Dec"`. It accepts one-sided formulas which must contain the variable `x`, 
#' e.g. `bin=list("<2" = ~x < 2)`.
#' The names of the list are the new names. If the new name is missing, the first 
#' value matched becomes the new name. In the name, adding `"@d"`, with `d` a digit, 
#' will relocate the value in position `d`: useful to change the position of factors. 
#' Use `"@"` as first item to make subsequent items be located first in the factor.
#' Feeding in a vector is like using a list without name and only a single element. 
#' If the vector is numeric, you can use the special value `"bin::digit"` to group 
#' every `digit` element.
#' For example if `x` represents years, using `bin="bin::2"` creates bins of two years.
#' With any data, using `"!bin::digit"` groups every digit consecutive values starting 
#' from the first value.
#' Using `"!!bin::digit"` is the same but starting from the last value.
#' With numeric vectors you can: a) use `"cut::n"` to cut the vector into `n` equal parts, 
#' b) use `"cut::a]b["` to create the following bins: `[min, a]`, `]a, b[`, `[b, max]`.
#' The latter syntax is a sequence of number/quartile (q0 to q4)/percentile (p0 to p100) 
#' followed by an open or closed square bracket. You can add custom bin names by 
#' adding them in the character vector after `'cut::values'`. See details and examples. 
#' Dot square bracket expansion (see [`dsb`]) is enabled.
#' @section "Cutting" a numeric vector:
#' Numeric vectors can be cut easily into: a) equal parts, b) user-specified bins.
#' Use `"cut::n"` to cut the vector into `n` (roughly) equal parts. Percentiles are 
#' used to partition the data, hence some data distributions can lead to create less 
#' than `n` parts (for example if P0 is the same as P50).
#' The user can specify custom bins with the following syntax: `"cut::a]b]c]"`. Here 
#' the numbers `a`, `b`, `c`, etc, are a sequence of increasing numbers, each followed 
#' by an open or closed square bracket. The numbers can be specified as either 
#' plain numbers (e.g. \code{"cut::5]12[32["}), quartiles (e.g. \code{"cut::q1]q3["}), 
#' or percentiles (e.g. `"cut::p10]p15]p90]"`). Values of different types can be mixed: 
#' \code{"cut::5]q2[p80["} is valid provided the median (`q2`) is indeed greater 
#' than `5`, otherwise an error is thrown.
#' The square bracket right of each number tells whether the numbers should be included 
#' or excluded from the current bin. For example, say `x` ranges from 0 to 100, 
#' then `"cut::5]"` will create two  bins: one from 0 to 5 and a second from 6 to 100. 
#' With `"cut::5["` the bins would have been 0-4 and 5-100.
#' A factor is always returned. The labels always report the min and max values in each bin.
#' To have user-specified bin labels, just add them in the character vector 
#' following `'cut::values'`. You don't need to provide all of them, and `NA` values 
#' fall back to the default label. For example, `bin = c("cut::4", "Q1", NA, "Q3")` 
#' will modify only the first and third label that will be displayed as `"Q1"` and `"Q3"`.
#' @section `bin` vs `ref`:
#' The functions [`bin`] and [`ref`] are able to do the same thing, then why use one 
#' instead of the other? Here are the differences:
#' * `ref` always returns a factor. This is in contrast with `bin` which returns, 
#' when possible, a vector of the same type as the vector in input.
#' * `ref` always places the values modified in the first place of the factor levels. 
#' On the other hand, `bin` tries to not modify the ordering of the levels. It is possible 
#' to make `bin` mimic the behavior of `ref` by adding an `"@"` as the first element of 
#' the list in the argument `bin`.
#'  * when a vector (and not a list) is given in input, `ref` will place each element of 
#' the vector in the first place of the factor levels. The behavior of `bin` is 
#' totally different, `bin` will transform all the values in the vector into a single 
#' value in `x` (i.e. it's binning).
#' @return
#' It returns a vector of the same length as `x`.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' To re-factor variables: [`ref`].
#' @examples
#' data(airquality)
#' month_num = airquality$Month
#' table(month_num)
#' # Grouping the first two values
#' table(bin(month_num, 5:6))
#' # ... plus changing the name to '10'
#' table(bin(month_num, list("10" = 5:6)))
#' # ... and grouping 7 to 9
#' table(bin(month_num, list("g1" = 5:6, "g2" = 7:9)))
#' # Grouping every two months
#' table(bin(month_num, "bin::2"))
#' # ... every 2 consecutive elements
#' table(bin(month_num, "!bin::2"))
#' # ... idem starting from the last one
#' table(bin(month_num, "!!bin::2"))
#' # Using .() for list():
#' table(bin(month_num, .("g1" = 5:6)))
#' #
#' # with non numeric data
#' #
#' month_lab = c("may", "june", "july", "august", "september")
#' month_fact = factor(month_num, labels = month_lab)
#' # Grouping the first two elements
#' table(bin(month_fact, c("may", "jun")))
#' # ... using regex
#' table(bin(month_fact, "@may|jun"))
#' # ...changing the name
#' table(bin(month_fact, list("spring" = "@may|jun")))
#' # Grouping every 2 consecutive months
#' table(bin(month_fact, "!bin::2"))
#' # ...idem but starting from the last
#' table(bin(month_fact, "!!bin::2"))
#' # Relocating the months using "@d" in the name
#' table(bin(month_fact, .("@5" = "may", "@1 summer" = "@aug|jul")))
#' # Putting "@" as first item means subsequent items will be placed first
#' table(bin(month_fact, .("@", "aug", "july")))
#' #
#' # "Cutting" numeric data
#' #
#' data(iris)
#' plen = iris$Petal.Length
#' # 3 parts of (roughly) equal size
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::3"))
#' # Three custom bins
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::2]5]"))
#' # .. same, excluding 5 in the 2nd bin
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::2]5["))
#' # Using quartiles
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::q1]q2]q3]"))
#' # Using percentiles
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::p20]p50]p70]p90]"))
#' # Mixing all
#' table(bin(plen, "cut::2[q2]p90]"))
#' # NOTA:
#' # -> the labels always contain the min/max values in each bin
#' # Custom labels can be provided, just give them in the char. vector
#' # NA values lead to the default label
#' table(bin(plen, c("cut::2[q2]p90]", "<2", "]2; Q2]", NA, ">90%")))
#' #
#' # With a formula
#' #
#' data(iris)
#' plen = iris$Petal.Length
#' # We need to use "x"
#' table(bin(plen, list("< 2" = ~x < 2, ">= 2" = ~x >= 2)))
bin = function(x, bin){
  check_arg(x, "vector mbt")

  bin = error_sender(eval_dot(bin), arg_name = "bin")

  check_arg(bin, "list | vector mbt")

  varname = deparse(substitute(x))[1]
  bin_factor(bin, x, varname)

#' Refactors a variable
#' Takes a variables of any types, transforms it into a factors, and modifies the values 
#' of the factors. Useful in estimations when you want to set some value of a vector as a reference.
#' @inheritSection bin "Cutting" a numeric vector
#' @inheritSection bin `bin` vs `ref`
#' @param x A vector of any type (must be atomic though).
#' @param ref A vector or a list, or special binning values (explained later). If a vector, 
#' it must correspond to (partially matched) values of the vector `x`. The vector `x` which 
#' will be transformed into a factor and these values will be placed first in the levels. 
#' That's the main usage of this function. You can also bin on-the-fly the values of `x`, 
#' using the same syntax as the function [`bin`]. To create a new value from old values, 
#' use `ref = list("new_value"=old_values)` with `old_values` a vector of existing values. 
#' You can use `.()` for `list()`.
#' It accepts regular expressions, but they must start with an `"@"`, like in `ref="@Aug|Dec"`. 
#' It accepts one-sided formulas which must contain the variable `x`, 
#' e.g. `ref=list("<2" = ~x < 2)`.
#' The names of the list are the new names. If the new name is missing, the first 
#' value matched becomes the new name. In the name, adding `"@d"`, with `d` a digit, 
#' will relocate the value in position `d`: useful to change the position of factors.
#' If the vector `x` is numeric, you can use the special value `"bin::digit"` to group 
#' every `digit` element.
#' For example if `x` represents years, using `ref="bin::2"` creates bins of two years.
#' With any data, using `"!bin::digit"` groups every digit consecutive values starting 
#' from the first value.
#' Using `"!!bin::digit"` is the same but starting from the last value.
#' With numeric vectors you can: a) use `"cut::n"` to cut the vector into `n` equal parts, 
#' b) use `"cut::a]b["` to create the following bins: `[min, a]`, `]a, b[`, `[b, max]`.
#' The latter syntax is a sequence of number/quartile (q0 to q4)/percentile (p0 to p100) 
#' followed by an open or closed square bracket. You can add custom bin names by 
#' adding them in the character vector after `'cut::values'`. See details and examples. 
#' Dot square bracket expansion (see [`dsb`]) is enabled.
#' @return
#' It returns a factor of the same length as `x`, where levels have been modified according 
#' to the argument `ref`.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @seealso
#' To bin the values of a vector: [`bin`].
#' @examples
#' data(airquality)
#' # A vector of months
#' month_num = airquality$Month
#' month_lab = c("may", "june", "july", "august", "september")
#' month_fact = factor(month_num, labels = month_lab)
#' table(month_num)
#' table(month_fact)
#' #
#' # Main use
#' #
#' # Without argument: equivalent to as.factor
#' ref(month_num)
#' # Main usage: to set a level first:
#' # (Note that partial matching is enabled.)
#' table(ref(month_fact, "aug"))
#' # You can rename the level on-the-fly
#' # (Northern hemisphere specific!)
#' table(ref(month_fact, .("Hot month"="aug",
#'                         "Late summer" = "sept")))
#' # Main use is in estimations:
#' a = feols(Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length + Species, iris)
#' # We change the reference
#' b = feols(Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length + ref(Species, "vers"), iris)
#' etable(a, b)
#' #
#' # Binning
#' #
#' # You can also bin factor values on the fly
#' # Using @ first means a regular expression will be used to match the values.
#' # Note that the value created is placed first.
#' # To avoid that behavior => use the function "bin"
#' table(ref(month_fact, .(summer = "@jul|aug|sep")))
#' # Please refer to the example in the bin help page for more example.
#' # The syntax is the same.
#' #
#' # Precise relocation
#' #
#' # You can place a factor at the location you want
#' #  by adding "@digit" in the name first:
#' table(ref(month_num, .("@5"=5)))
#' # Same with renaming
#' table(ref(month_num, .("@5 five"=5)))
ref = function(x, ref){
  check_arg(x, "vector mbt")


  ref = error_sender(eval_dot(ref), arg_name = "ref")
  check_arg(ref, "list | vector mbt")

  varname = deparse(substitute(x))[1]

    if(is.character(ref[1]) && grepl("^(cut|bin)", ref[1])){
        stop(.dsb("To use the special binning `.[ref[1]]` the variable ",
              "`.[varname]` must be numeric. Currently this is not the case ",
              "(it is of class .[3KO, C?class(x)] instead)."))
    } else {
      ref = as.list(ref)

  if(!IS_SPECIAL && !is.factor(x)){
    x = as.factor(x)

  if(!IS_SPECIAL && ref[[1]] != "@"){
    ref_new = list("@")
    index = 1:length(ref) + 1
    ref_new[index] = ref
    names(ref_new)[index] = names(ref)
    ref = ref_new

  bin_factor(ref, x, varname)

#' Prints the number of unique elements in a data set
#' This utility tool displays the number of unique elements in one or multiple data.frames 
#' as well as their number of NA values.
#' @param x A formula, with data set names on the LHS and variables on the RHS, 
#' like `data1 + data2 ~ var1 + var2`. The following special variables are 
#' admitted: `"."` to get default values, `".N"` for the number of observations, `".U"` 
#' for the number of unique rows, `".NA"` for the number of rows with at least one NA. 
#' Variables can be combined with `"^"`, e.g. `df~id^period`; use `id%^%period` to also 
#' include the terms on both sides. Note that using `:` and `*` 
#' is equivalent to `^` and `%^%`. Sub select with `id[cond]`, when doing so `id` 
#' is automatically included. Conditions can be chained, as in `id[cond1, cond2]`. 
#' Use `NA(x, y)` in conditions instead of `is.na(x) | is.na(y)`. Use the `!!` 
#' operator to have both a condition and its opposite. To compare the keys 
#' in two data sets, use `data1:data2`. If not a formula, `x` can be: a vector 
#' (displays the # of unique values); a `data.frame` (default values are displayed), 
#' or a "sum" of data sets like in `x = data1 + data2`, in that case it is equivalent 
#' to `data1 + data2 ~ .`.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @section Special values and functions:
#' In the formula, you can use the following special values: `"."`, `".N"`, `".U"`, and `".NA"`.
#' \describe{
#' \item{`"."`}{Accesses the default values. If there is only one data set and the 
#' data set is *not* a `data.table`, then the default is to display the number of 
#' observations and the number of unique rows. If the data is a `data.table`, the number 
#' of unique items in the key(s) is displayed instead of the number of unique rows 
#' (if the table has keys of course). If there are two or more data sets, then the 
#' default is to display the unique items for: a) the variables common across all data sets, 
#' if there's less than 4, and b) if no variable is shown in a), the number of variables 
#' common across at least two data sets, provided there are less than 5. If the data sets are 
#' data tables, the keys are also displayed on top of the common variables. In any case, the 
#' number of observations is always displayed.}
#' \item{`".N"`}{Displays the number of observations.}
#' \item{`".U"`}{Displays the number of unique rows.}
#' \item{`".NA"`}{Displays the number of rows with at least one NA.}
#' }
#' @section The `NA` function:
#' The special function `NA` is an equivalent to `is.na` but can handle several variables. 
#' For instance, `NA(x, y)` is equivalent to `is.na(x) | is.na(y)`. You can add as 
#' many variables as you want as arguments. If no argument is provided, as in `NA()`, 
#' it is identical to having all the variables of the data set as argument.
#' @section Combining variables:
#' Use the "hat", `"^"`, operator to combine several variables. For example `id^period` 
#' will display the number of unique values of id x period combinations.
#' Use the "super hat", `"%^%"`, operator to also include the terms on both sides. 
#' For example, instead of writing `id + period + id^period`, you can simply write `id%^%period`.
#' Alternatively, you can use `:` for `^` and `*` for `%^%`.
#' @section Sub-selections:
#' To show the number of unique values for sub samples, simply use `[]`. 
#' For example, `id[x > 10]` will display the number of unique `id` for which `x > 10`.
#' Simple square brackets lead to the inclusion of both the variable and its subset. 
#' For example `id[x > 10]` is equivalent to `id + id[x > 10]`. 
#' To include only the sub selection, use double square brackets, as in `id[[x > 10]]`.
#' You can add multiple sub selections at once, only separate them with a comma. 
#' For example `id[x > 10, NA(y)]` is equivalent to `id[x > 10] + id[NA(y)]`.
#' Use the double negative operator, i.e. `!!`, to include both a condition and 
#' its opposite at once. For example `id[!!x > 10]` is equivalent to `id[x > 10, !x > 10]`. 
#' Double negative operators can be chained, like in `id[!!cond1 & !!cond2]`, then the 
#' cardinal product of all double negatived conditions is returned.
#' @return
#' It returns a vector containing the number of unique values per element. If several 
#' data sets were provided, a list is returned, as long as the number of data sets, 
#' each element being a vector of unique values.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' data = base_did
#' data$x1.L1 = round(lag(x1~id+period, 1, data))
#' # By default, just the formatted number of observations
#' n_unik(data)
#' # Or the nber of unique elements of a vector
#' n_unik(data$id)
#' # number of unique id values and id x period pairs
#' n_unik(data ~.N + id + id^period)
#' # use the %^% operator to include the terms on the two sides at once
#' # => same as id*period
#' n_unik(data ~.N + id %^% period)
#' # using sub selection with []
#' n_unik(data ~.N + period[!NA(x1.L1)])
#' # to show only the sub selection: [[]]
#' n_unik(data ~.N + period[[!NA(x1.L1)]])
#' # you can have multiple values in [],
#' # just separate them with a comma
#' n_unik(data ~.N + period[!NA(x1.L1), x1 > 7])
#' # to have both a condition and its opposite,
#' # use the !! operator
#' n_unik(data ~.N[!!NA(x1.L1)])
#' # the !! operator works within condition chains
#' n_unik(data ~.N[!!NA(x1.L1) & !!x1 > 7])
#' # Conditions can be distributed
#' n_unik(data ~ (id + period)[x1 > 7])
#' #
#' # Several data sets
#' #
#' # Typical use case: merging
#' # Let's create two data sets and merge them
#' data(base_did)
#' base_main = base_did
#' base_extra = sample_df(base_main[, c("id", "period")], 100)
#' base_extra$id[1:10] = 111:120
#' base_extra$period[11:20] = 11:20
#' base_extra$z = rnorm(100)
#' # You can use db1:db2 to compare the common keys in two data sets
#'  n_unik(base_main:base_extra)
#' tmp = merge(base_main, base_extra, all.x = TRUE, by = c("id", "period"))
#' # You can show unique values for any variable, as before
#' n_unik(tmp + base_main + base_extra ~ id[!!NA(z)] + id^period)
n_unik = function(x){
  # returns a vector with the nber of unique values
  # attr("na.info") => nber of NA values, vector

    stop("Argument `x` must be provided. Problem: it is missing.")

  # Non standard-evaluation
  x_dp = deparse_long(substitute(x))
  if(!grepl("~", x_dp, fixed = TRUE)){
    if(grepl("[+:*]", x_dp)){
      # Non standard-evaluation
      x = as.formula(paste0(x_dp, "~ ."))
    } else {
      check_arg(x, "data.frame | vector l0 | ts formula")
  } else {
    check_arg(x, "ts formula")

  nthreads = getFixest_nthreads()

  # If vector
  comp_pairs = list()

    x_name = gsub("^[[:alpha:]\\.][[:alnum:]\\._]*\\$", "", x_dp)

    na.info = 0
      who_NA = is.na(x)
      na.info = sum(who_NA)
      x = x[!who_NA]

    res = len_unique(x, nthreads)
    names(res) = x_name

    attr(res, "na.info") = na.info

    class(res) = "vec_n_unik"

  } else if(is.data.frame(x)){

    n_x = 1
    x_all = list(x)
    fml = ~.

  } else if(inherits(x, "formula")){

    x_terms = terms(x[1:2])

    fact_mat = attr(x_terms, "factors")

    x_all_names = rownames(fact_mat)

    # We get the comparison pairs
    vars = colnames(fact_mat)
    for(pair in grep(":", vars, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)){
      dict = setNames(1:length(x_all_names), x_all_names)
      pair_split = strsplit(pair, ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      comb = combn(pair_split, 2)
      for(i in 1:ncol(comb)){
        comp_pairs[[length(comp_pairs) + 1]] = unname(dict[comb[, i]])

    if(length(comp_pairs) > 0){
      comp_pairs = unique(comp_pairs)

    # Construction of the list  + sanity check
    n_x = length(x_all_names)
    x_all = vector("list", n_x)
    for(i in 1:n_x){
      x_all[[i]] = error_sender(eval(str2lang(x_all_names[i]), parent.frame()),
                                "The left-hand-side of the formula must contain valid data.frames. Problem in the evaluation of `", x_all_names[i], "`:")
      check_value(x_all[[i]], "data.frame",
                  .message = sma("The value {bq?x_all_names[i]} (in the LHS of the formula) ",
                                 "must be a data.frame."))

    fml = x[c(1, 3)]


  # If DF + formula
  # ex: fml = ~ id^year + author_id[sw0(is.na(author_name), is.na(affil_name), year == min_year)]
  # fml = ~ id^sw0(fe)

  # check variable names
  naked_vars = origin_vars = all.vars(fml)
  valid_vars = c(".N", ".U", ".NA", ".", unique(unlist(lapply(x_all, names))))

  check_set_value(naked_vars, "multi match", .choices = valid_vars,
                   .message = sma("The formula must only use variables from",
                                  " the data set{$s?x_all}."))

  if("." %in% naked_vars){
    # The default values

    IS_DT = requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)

    dot_default = ".N"
    x_keys = c()
    x_common_vars = c()

    # keys
      for(I in 1:n_x){
        if(inherits(x_all[[I]], "data.table")){
          x_keys = c(x_keys, data.table::key(x_all[[I]]))

    # common variables
    if(n_x > 1){

      # Common to all
      x_names_current = names(x_all[[1]])
      for(i in 2:n_x){
        x_names_current = intersect(x_names_current, names(x_all[[i]]))
        if(length(x_names_current) == 0) break

      if(length(x_names_current) %in% 1:4){
        # No more than 4 common variables by default
        x_common_vars = x_names_current

        if(length(comp_pairs) > 0 && length(x_names_current) <= 3){
          x_common_vars = paste0(x_names_current, collapse = "*")

      } else if(n_x > 2){
        # Common to at least 2 data sets
        for(i in 1:(n_x - 1)){
          x_names_current = names(x_all[[i]])
          for(j in (i + 1):n_x){
            qui_common = x_names_current %in% names(x_all[[j]])
              x_common_vars = c(x_common_vars, x_names_current[qui_common])

        x_common_vars = unique(x_common_vars)

        if(length(x_common_vars) > 5){
          #  we keep max 5
          x_common_vars = c()

    if(length(x_keys) > 0 || length(x_common_vars) > 0){
      dot_default = unique(c(dot_default, x_keys, x_common_vars))

    if(length(dot_default) == 1){
      dot_default = c(".N", ".U")

    rhs_txt = as.character(fml)[[2]]
    rhs_txt = gsub("(^| )\\.( |$)", dsb(".['+'c? dot_default]"), rhs_txt)
    fml = .xpd(rhs = rhs_txt)

  if(any(naked_vars != origin_vars)){
    # we complete the partial matching
    fml_txt = deparse_long(fml)

    var_diff = which(naked_vars != origin_vars)

    for(i in var_diff){
      re = paste0("(?!<[[:alnum:]._])", origin_vars[i], "(?!=[[:alnum:]._])")
      fml_txt = gsub(re, naked_vars[i], fml_txt, perl = TRUE)

    fml = as.formula(fml_txt)

  tm = terms_hat(fml, n_unik = TRUE)
  all_vars = attr(tm, "term.labels")
  var_final = c()

  # stepwise function
  for(var in all_vars){
    # var = all_vars[1]

    if(grepl("combine_clusters(_fast)?", var)){
      var = gsub("combine_clusters(_fast)?", "to_integer", var)

    IS_HAT_SW = grepl("sw0?\\)\\(", var)
      var = paste0(gsub("(sw0?)\\)\\(", "\\1(", var), ")")

    if(grepl("^[[:alpha:].][[:alnum:]._]*\\[", var, perl = TRUE) && !grepl("sw0?\\(", var)){
      # We use sw to make id[cond1, cond2] work
      # That's what's called path dependency!

      var_new = gsub("^([[:alpha:].][[:alnum:]._]*)\\[", "\\1[sw0(", var)
      if(grepl("sw0([", var_new, fixed = TRUE)){
        var_new = sub("sw0([", "sw(", str_trim(var_new, -1), fixed = TRUE)
      var_new = sub("\\]$", ")]", var_new)

      var = var_new

    if(is_fun_in_char(var, "sw0?")){

      info = extract_fun(var, "sw0?", err_msg = "The stepwise function can be used only once per variable.")

      sw_value = eval(str2lang(info$fun))

      qui_double = grepl("!!", trimws(sw_value))
        i = which(qui_double)[1]

        value = sw_value[i]
        value_split = strsplit(value, "!!")[[1]]

        n_split = length(value_split)
        n_s = 2 ** (n_split - 1)
        new_values = rep(value_split[1], n_s)

        prefixes = do.call(expand.grid, rep(list(c("", "!")), n_split - 1))

        for(j in 1:ncol(prefixes)){
          new_values = paste0(new_values, prefixes[, j], value_split[j + 1])

        sw_value = insert(sw_value[-i], new_values, i)
        qui_double = grepl("!!", sw_value)

      var_char_new = paste0(info$before, sw_value, info$after)

        var_char_new[1] = gsub(", (,|\\))", "\\1", var_char_new[1])

        qui_nested = grepl("^(to_integer\\(.+){2,}", var_char_new)
          # later => add check problem if another function is used
          var_char_new[qui_nested] = paste0("to_integer(", gsub("to_integer\\(|\\)", "", var_char_new[qui_nested]), ")")

      if(grepl("[]", var_char_new[1], fixed = TRUE)){
        var_char_new[1] = gsub("[]", "", var_char_new[1], fixed = TRUE)

      var_final = c(var_final, var_char_new)
    } else {
      var_final = c(var_final, var)

  var_final = unique(var_final)

  var_final_names = var_final
  # we take care of id^year cases
  if(any(who_combine <- is_fun_in_char(var_final, "to_integer"))){

    for(i in which(who_combine)){
      info = extract_fun(var_final[i], "to_integer")

      # we use sw() to get the vars
      sw_char = gsub("^[^\\(]+\\(", "sw(", info$fun)
      sw_value = eval(str2lang(sw_char))

      hat_value = paste(sw_value, collapse = "^")

      var_final_names[i] = paste0(info$before, hat_value, info$after)

  # NA counting + unique counting

  res_all = list()
  for(I in 1:n_x){

    x = x_all[[I]]
    x_list = unclass(x)
    x_list[["NA_fun"]] = function(...) NA_fun(..., df = x)

    vars_legit = c(".N", ".U", ".NA", names(x))

    res = c()
    na.info = c()

    for(i in seq_along(var_final)){

      vf = var_final[i]
      vf_name = var_final_names[i]
      na_i = 0

      vf = gsub("((?<=[^[:alnum:]_\\.])|^)NA\\(", "NA_fun(", vf, perl = TRUE)

      vf_call = str2lang(vf)

      if(!all(all.vars(vf_call) %in% vars_legit)){
        res_i = NA_real_
        vf_name = ""

      } else if(grepl("^\\.(N|U)($|\\[)", vf)){

        if(vf %in% c(".N", ".N[]")){
          res_i = nrow(x)
          vf_name = "# Observations"

        } else if(vf %in% c(".U", ".U[]")){
          res_i = nrow(unique(x))
          vf_name = "# Unique rows"

        } else {
          # Other methods are faster but are less general

          vf_new = gsub("(^\\.(N|U)\\[)|(\\]$)", "", vf)
          do_unik = grepl("^\\.U", vf)

          val = eval(str2lang(vf_new), x_list)

          # we want to drop the NAs for indices
            val = val[!is.na(val)]

          if(length(val) == 0){
            res_i = 0

          } else if(do_unik){
            res_i = NROW(unique(x[val, ]))

          } else {
            res_i = if(is.logical(val)) sum(val) else length(val)

          msg = if(do_unik) "# Unique rows" else "# Obs."
          vf_new = gsub("NA_fun", "NA", vf_new, fixed = TRUE)
          vf_name = paste0(msg, " with ", vf_new)

      } else if(grepl("^(\\.NA|NA_fun\\(\\))", vf)) {

        if(vf %in% c(".NA", ".NA[]", "NA_fun()", "NA_fun()[]")){
          res_i = sum(!complete.cases(x))
          vf_name = "# Rows with NAs"

        } else {

          subselect = NULL
          sub_text = ""
          if(grepl("\\]$", vf)){
            sub_text_split = strsplit(vf, "[", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
            sub_text = paste0(sub_text_split[-1], collapse = "[")
            sub_text = gsub("\\]$", "", sub_text)

            subselect = eval(str2lang(sub_text), x_list)

          if(length(subselect) == 0){
            res_i = 0
          } else {
            res_i = sum(!complete.cases(x[subselect, ]))

          vf_name = dsb("# Rows with NAs, with .[sub_text]")
      } else {
        val = eval(vf_call, x_list)

          who_NA = is.na(val)
          na_i = sum(who_NA)
          val = val[!who_NA]

        if(grepl("^NA_fun\\(", vf)){
          res_i = sum(val)

          # now the message
          leftover = sub("^[^\\)]+\\)", "", vf)
          begin = substr(vf, 1, nchar(vf) - nchar(leftover))

          my_fun = list("NA_fun" = function(x) enumerate_items(sapply(sys.call()[-1], deparse_long)))
          na_vars = eval(str2lang(begin), my_fun)
          msg_start = paste0("# NAs in ", na_vars)

          msg_end = ""
          if(grepl("[", vf, fixed = TRUE)){
            msg_end = paste0(" with ", gsub("^\\[|\\]$", "", leftover))

          vf_name = paste0(msg_start, msg_end)

        } else {
          res_i = len_unique(val, nthreads)


      res[vf_name] = res_i
      na.info[i] = na_i

    attr(res, "na.info") = na.info
    class(res) = "vec_n_unik"

    if(n_x == 1){

    res_all[[x_all_names[I]]] = res

  # Specific data set comparisons
  info_pairs = list()
  for(pair in comp_pairs){

    i_x = pair[1]
    i_y = pair[2]

    x = x_all[[i_x]]
    x_list = unclass(x)
    x_list[["NA_fun"]] = function(...) NA_fun(..., df = x)

    y = x_all[[i_y]]
    y_list = unclass(y)
    y_list[["NA_fun"]] = function(...) NA_fun(..., df = y)

    vars_legit = intersect(names(x), names(y))

    # two last elements: id and common
    all_rows_id_common = c()
    row_temp = rep(NA_real_, n_x + 2)

    for(i in seq_along(var_final)){

      vf = var_final[i]
      vf = gsub("((?<=[^[:alnum:]_\\.])|^)NA\\(", "NA_fun(", vf, perl = TRUE)
      vf_call = str2lang(vf)

      if(!all(all.vars(vf_call) %in% vars_legit) || grepl("^NA_fun", vf)){

      } else {

        if(grepl("to_integer", vf, fixed = TRUE)){
          # specific scheme for combinations

          if(grepl("NA_fun()", vf, fixed = TRUE)){
            # we don't allow that

          vars_keep = all.vars(vf_call)

          xy_list = list()
          for(v in vars_keep){
            xy_list[[v]] = c(x_list[[v]], y_list[[v]])

          xy_list[["NA_fun"]] = function(...) NA_fun(..., df = stop("Internal error."))

          val_xy = eval(vf_call, xy_list)

          nrow_x = length(x_list[[1]])
          nrow_y = length(y_list[[1]])
          val_x = val_xy[1:nrow_x]
          val_y = val_xy[(nrow_x + 1):(nrow_x + nrow_y)]

        } else {
          val_x = eval(vf_call, x_list)
          val_y = eval(vf_call, y_list)

          val_x = val_x[!is.na(val_x)]

          val_y = val_y[!is.na(val_y)]

        # first col is ID
        val_x_unik = unique(val_x)
        val_y_unik = unique(val_y)

        n_x_not_in_y = sum(!val_x_unik %in% val_y_unik)
        n_y_not_in_x = sum(!val_y_unik %in% val_x_unik)
        n_common = sum(val_x_unik %in% val_y_unik)

        row = row_temp
        row[i_x] = n_x_not_in_y
        row[i_y] = n_y_not_in_x

        row[n_x + 1] = i
        row[n_x + 2] = n_common

        all_rows_id_common = rbind(all_rows_id_common, row)


    if(length(all_rows_id_common) > 0){
      attr(all_rows_id_common, "data_id") = c(i_x, i_y)
      info_pairs[[length(info_pairs) + 1]] = all_rows_id_common

  if(length(info_pairs) > 0){
    attr(res_all, "info_pairs") = info_pairs

  class(res_all) = "list_n_unik"


#' @rdname n_unik
print.vec_n_unik = function(x, ...){

  hash = "## "

  x_names = sfill(names(x))
  na.info = attr(x, "na.info")
  na.info_format = sfill(fsignif(na.info))
  x_value = sfill(fsignif(x))

  n = length(x)
  na_col = paste0("(# NAs: ", na.info_format, ")")
  na_col[na.info == 0] = ""

  res = paste0(hash, x_names, ": ", x_value, " ", na_col)
  cat(res, sep = "\n")

#' @rdname n_unik
print.list_n_unik = function(x, ...){

  # I can't use #> anymore!!! The auto complete by the new version
  # of Rstudio drives me nuts!!!
  hash = "## "

  x_all = x
  n_x = length(x_all)

  if(n_x == 1) return(x_all[[1]])

  info_pairs = attr(x, "info_pairs")
  IS_PAIR = !is.null(info_pairs)

  # First, the variable names

  all_names = names(x_all[[1]])
  qui_0 = nchar(all_names) == 0
  i = 2
  while(any(qui_0) && i <= n_x){
    names_i = names(x_all[[i]])
    all_names[qui_0] = names_i[qui_0]
    qui_0 = nchar(all_names) == 0
    i = i + 1

  # id_vars: used in info_pairs
  id_vars = seq_along(all_names)

    stop("Not any valid information to display: please check that all your variables exist in all data sets.")

  } else if(any(qui_0)){
    warning("Some variables could not be evaluated in any data set: please check that all your variables exist in all data sets.")

    all_names = all_names[!qui_0]
    id_vars = id_vars[!qui_0]

    for(i in 1:n_x){
      x = x_all[[i]]
      na.info = attr(x, "na.info")

      x = x[!qui_0]
      na.info = na.info[!qui_0]
      attr(x, "na.info") = na.info

      x_all[[i]] = x

  x_names = sfill(all_names)

  # If ambiguous pairs: we add data set suffixes
  if(n_x > 2 && IS_PAIR){
    add_suffix = function(x, i) paste0(x, " (", letters[i], ")")
    var_width = max(nchar("Exclusive "), nchar(x_names[1]))
  } else {
    add_suffix = function(x, i) x
    var_width = nchar(x_names[1])

  var_col = paste0(hash, x_names, ":")
  na_intro = paste0(hash, sfill(" ", var_width), "|NAs:")
  var_col = insert_in_between(var_col, na_intro)
  # we add the first row of the data sets names + format
  var_col = sfill(c(hash, var_col), right = TRUE)

  print_mat = var_col

  KEEP_NA_ROW = rep(FALSE, length(x_names))

  for(i in 1:n_x){

    data_name = add_suffix(names(x_all)[i], i)

    x = x_all[[i]]

    na.info = attr(x, "na.info")
    KEEP_NA_ROW = KEEP_NA_ROW | na.info > 0
    na.info_format = fsignif(na.info)
    x_value = fsignif(x)
    x_value[is.na(x)] = "--"
    na.info_format[is.na(x)] = "--"

    width = max(nchar(na.info_format), nchar(x_value))

    na.info_format = sfill(na.info_format, width)
    x_value = sfill(x_value, width)

    x_col = insert_in_between(x_value, na.info_format)
    x_col = sfill(c(data_name, x_col))

    print_mat = cbind(print_mat, x_col)

    print_mat[, 1] = substr(print_mat[, 1], 1, nchar(print_mat[1, 1]) - 4)

  keep = c(TRUE, insert_in_between(TRUE, KEEP_NA_ROW))

  print_mat = print_mat[keep, ]

  # PAIR information

    # identifiers used for insertion
    id_vars_all = c(0, insert_in_between(id_vars, 0))
    id_vars_all = id_vars_all[keep]

    # we add two columns: id and common
    print_mat = cbind(print_mat, id_vars_all, "")

    insert_row_after_id = function(mat, row, col_id){

      for(i in 1:nrow(row)){
        i_id_mat = max(which(mat[, col_id] == row[i, col_id]))
        tmp_before = mat[1:i_id_mat, ]

        if(i_id_mat < nrow(mat)){
          tmp_after = mat[(i_id_mat + 1):nrow(mat), ]
        } else {
          tmp_after = NULL

        mat = rbind(tmp_before, row[i, ], tmp_after)


    for(pair in info_pairs){

      data_id = attr(pair, "data_id")
      pair = as.data.frame(pair)

      if(n_x == 2){
        # data_col = paste0(hash, sfill(" ", var_width, right = TRUE), "|Excl:")
        data_col = paste0(hash, sfill("# Exclusive ", var_width, right = TRUE), "|")
      } else {
        data_col = paste0(hash, sfill("# Exclusive ", var_width, right = TRUE),
                          "|", paste0(letters[data_id], collapse = ":"))

      # formatting the NAs
      for(i in 1:(ncol(pair) - 2)){
        pair[[i]] = fsignif(pair[[i]])
      pair[is.na(pair)] = " "
      pair = as.matrix(pair)

      # adding the data col
      pair = cbind(data_col, pair)

      print_mat = insert_row_after_id(print_mat, pair, n_x + 2)


    # Formatting
    print_mat = print_mat[, -(n_x + 2)]
    print_mat[, 1] = sfill(print_mat[, 1], right = TRUE)
    for(j in 2:(n_x + 1)){
      print_mat[, j] = sfill(print_mat[, j])

    # Last column
    common = print_mat[, n_x + 2]
    is_num = grepl("\\d", common)
    common[is_num] = sfill(fsignif(as.numeric(common[is_num])))
    common[is_num] = paste0("# Common: ", common[is_num])
    print_mat[, n_x + 2] = common

  vec2print = apply(print_mat, 1, paste, collapse = " ")

  cat(vec2print, sep = "\n")


#' Formatted object size
#' Tools that returns a formatted object size, where the appropriate unit is automatically chosen.
#' @param x Any R object.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return
#' Returns a character scalar.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' osize(iris)
#' data(trade)
#' osize(trade)
osize = function(x){

  size = as.numeric(utils::object.size(x))
  n = log10(size)

  if (n < 3) {
    res = paste0(size, " Octets.")
  } else if (n < 6) {
    res = paste0(fsignif(size/1000), " Ko.")
  } else {
    res = paste0(fsignif(size/1e+06), " Mo.")

  class(res) = "osize"

#' @rdname osize
print.osize = function(x, ...){
  cat(x, "\n")

#' Randomly draws observations from a data set
#' This function is useful to check a data set. It gives a random number of rows of 
#' the input data set.
#' @param x A data set: either a vector, a matrix or a data frame.
#' @param n The number of random rows/elements to sample randomly.
#' @param previous Logical scalar. Whether the results of the previous draw should be returned.
#' @return
#' A data base (resp vector) with `n` rows (resp elements).
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' sample_df(iris)
#' sample_df(iris, previous = TRUE)
sample_df = function(x, n = 10, previous = FALSE){

  check_arg(n, "integer scalar")
  check_arg(previous, "logical scalar")

    if(missing(x)) stop("The argument `x` cannot be missing, please provide it.")
    if(is.null(x)) stop("The argument `x` must be a vector, matrix or data.frame. Currently it is NULL.")

  all_draws = getOption("fixest_sample_df")
  x_dp = deparse_long(substitute(x))

  make_draw = TRUE
    if(x_dp %in% names(all_draws)){
      draw__ = all_draws[[x_dp]]
      make_draw = FALSE
    } else {
      warning("No previous draw found for this data. Making a new draw.")

  is_unidim = is.null(dim(x)) || inherits(x, "table")
  n_data = if(is_unidim) length(x) else nrow(x)

  n = min(n, n_data)

    # complicated var name to avoid issue with data.table variables
    draw__ = sample(n_data, n)

  # saving
  all_draws[[x_dp]] = draw__
  options(fixest_sample_df = all_draws)

  # returning
  } else {
    return(x[draw__, ])

len_unique = function(x, nthreads = getFixest_nthreads()){


    info_na = cpp_which_na_inf(x, nthreads)
      ANY_NA = TRUE
      x = x[!info_na$is_na_inf]
  } else {
      ANY_NA = TRUE
      x = x[!is.na(x)]

  if(length(x) == 0){

  x_quf = quickUnclassFactor(x, addItem = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)

  length(x_quf$items) + ANY_NA

#' Formatted dimension
#' Prints the dimension of a data set, in an user-readable way
#' @param x An R object, usually a data.frame (but can also be a vector).
#' @return
#' It does not return anything, the output is directly printed on the console.
#' @author Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' fdim(iris)
#' fdim(iris$Species)
fdim = function(x){
    if(!is.null(dim(x))) {
      catma("{n?nrow(x)} row{#s} and {n?ncol(x)} column{#s}")
    } else if (!is.null(length(x))) {
      catma("{len?x} obs")

#' Fast transform of any type of vector(s) into an integer vector
#' Tool to transform any type of vector, or even combination of vectors, into an integer vector 
#' ranging from 1 to the number of unique values. This actually creates an unique identifier vector.
#' @param ... Vectors of any type, to be transformed in integer.
#' @param sorted Logical, default is `FALSE`. Whether the integer vector should make reference 
#' to sorted values?
#' @param add_items Logical, default is `FALSE`. Whether to add the unique values of the 
#' original vector(s). If requested, an attribute `items` is created containing the 
#' values (alternatively, they can appear in a list if `items.list=TRUE`).
#' @param items.list Logical, default is `FALSE`. Only used if `add_items=TRUE`. If `TRUE`, 
#' then a list of length 2 is returned with `x` the integer vector and `items` the vector of items.
#' @param multi.df Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE` then a data.frame listing the 
#' unique elements is returned in the form of a data.frame. Ignored if `add_items = FALSE`.
#' @param multi.join Character scalar used to join the items of multiple vectors. 
#' The default is `"_"`. Ignored if `add_items = FALSE`.
#' @param internal Logical, default is `FALSE`. For programming only. If this function 
#' is used within another function, setting `internal = TRUE` is needed to make the 
#' evaluation of `...` valid. End users of `to_integer` should not care.
#' @return
#' Reruns a vector of the same length as the input vectors.
#' If `add_items=TRUE` and `items.list=TRUE`, a list of two elements is returned: `x` 
#' being the integer vector and `items` being the unique values to which the values 
#' in `x` make reference.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' x1 = iris$Species
#' x2 = as.integer(iris$Sepal.Length)
#' # transforms the species vector into integers
#' to_integer(x1)
#' # To obtain the "items":
#' to_integer(x1, add_items = TRUE)
#' # same but in list form
#' to_integer(x1, add_items = TRUE, items.list = TRUE)
#' # transforms x2 into an integer vector from 1 to 4
#' to_integer(x2, add_items = TRUE)
#' # To have the sorted items:
#' to_integer(x2, add_items = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
#' # The result can safely be used as an index
#' res = to_integer(x2, add_items = TRUE, sorted = TRUE, items.list = TRUE)
#' all(res$items[res$x] == x2)
#' #
#' # Multiple vectors
#' #
#' to_integer(x1, x2, add_items = TRUE)
#' # You can use multi.join to handle the join of the items:
#' to_integer(x1, x2, add_items = TRUE, multi.join = "; ")
to_integer = function(..., sorted = FALSE, add_items = FALSE, items.list = FALSE,
                      multi.df = FALSE, multi.join = "_", internal = FALSE){

  if(!internal) check_arg(..., "vector mbt")
  check_arg(sorted, add_items, items.list, "logical scalar")
  check_arg(multi.join, "character scalar")

  dots = list(...)

  # Removing NAs
  Q = length(dots)
  n_all = lengths(dots)
  n = n_all[1]

  if(length(unique(n_all)) != 1){
    stopi("All elements in `...` should be of the same length ",
          "(current lenghts are {enum?n_all}).")

  is_na = is.na(dots[[1]])
  for(q in seq(from = 2, length.out = Q - 1)){
    is_na = is_na | is.na(dots[[q]])


      message("NOTE: All values are NA.")
      res = rep(NA, n)
          res = list(x = res, items = NA)
        } else {
          attr(res, "items") = NA


    for(q in 1:Q) dots[[q]] = dots[[q]][!is_na]

  # Creating the ID

  if(Q == 1){
    if(sorted && !is.numeric(dots[[1]]) && !is.character(dots[[1]])){
      # general way => works for any type with a sort method
      f = dots[[1]]
      res_raw = quickUnclassFactor(f, addItem = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)
      obs_1st = cpp_get_first_item(res_raw$x, length(res_raw$items))
      f_unik = f[obs_1st]
      f_order = order(f_unik)
      x_new = order(f_order)[res_raw$x]
        items_new = f_unik[f_order]
        res = list(x = x_new, items = items_new)
      } else {
        res = x_new

    } else {
      res = quickUnclassFactor(dots[[1]], addItem = add_items, sorted = sorted)

  } else {

    QUF_raw = list()
    for(q in 1:Q){
      QUF_raw[[q]] = quickUnclassFactor(dots[[q]], sorted = FALSE, addItem = TRUE)

    # Then we combine
    power = floor(1 + log10(sapply(QUF_raw, function(x) length(x$items))))

    is_large = sum(power) > 14
      # 15 Aug 2021, finally found a solution. It was so obvious with hindsight...
      QUF_raw_value = lapply(QUF_raw, `[[`, 1)
      order_index = do.call(order, QUF_raw_value)
      index = cpp_combine_clusters(QUF_raw_value, order_index)
    } else {
      # quicker, but limited by the precision of doubles
      index = QUF_raw[[1]]$x
      for(q in 2:Q){
        index = index + QUF_raw[[q]]$x*10**sum(power[1:(q-1)])

    res = quickUnclassFactor(index, addItem = add_items || sorted, sorted = sorted)

    if(add_items || sorted){
      # we re order appropriately
      # f prefix means factor

      obs_1st = cpp_get_first_item(res$x, length(res$items))

      f_all = list()
      for(q in 1:Q){
        f_all[[q]] = dots[[q]][obs_1st]

      f_order = do.call("order", f_all)

      x_new = order(f_order)[res$x]

        # Putting into a DF => we take care of names
        mc_dots = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)[["..."]]
        n_dots = length(mc_dots)
        mc_dots_names = names(mc_dots)
        if(is.null(mc_dots_names)) mc_dots_names = character(n_dots)

        my_names = character(n_dots)
        for(q in 1:n_dots){
          if(nchar(mc_dots_names[q]) > 0){
            my_names[q] = mc_dots_names[q]
          } else {
            my_names[q] = deparse_long(mc_dots[[q]])

        names(f_all) = my_names

        f_df = as.data.frame(f_all)
        items_new = f_df[f_order, , drop = FALSE]
        row.names(items_new) = 1:nrow(items_new)
      } else {
        # we "paste" them
        arg_list = f_all
        arg_list$sep = multi.join
        f_char = do.call("paste", arg_list)
        items_new = f_char[f_order]

        res = list(x = x_new, items = items_new)
      } else {
        res = x_new

      x = res$x
    } else {
      x = res

    x_na = rep(NA, n)
    x_na[!is_na] = x

      res$x = x_na
    } else {
      res = x_na


  if(add_items && isFALSE(items.list)){
    res_tmp = res$x
    attr(res_tmp, "items") = res$items
    res = res_tmp


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fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.