
Defines functions as.lm printtex stata eviews periodicdummies vcov.gets toLatex.gets terminals summary.gets sigma.gets residuals.gets print.gets predict.gets plot.gets paths logLik.gets fitted.gets coef.gets getsv getsm vcov.arx VaR toLatex.arx summary.arx rsquared sigma.arx residuals.arx recursive print.arx predict.arx plot.arx model.matrix.arx logLik.arx isat.arx gets.arx fitted.arx ES coef.arx arx blocksFun getsFun gmm ols regressorsVariance regressorsMean leqwma info.criterion infocrit eqwma dropvar diagnostics isat gets as.arx

Documented in arx as.arx as.lm blocksFun coef.arx coef.gets diagnostics dropvar eqwma ES eviews fitted.arx fitted.gets gets gets.arx getsFun getsm getsv gmm infocrit info.criterion isat isat.arx leqwma logLik.arx logLik.gets model.matrix.arx ols paths periodicdummies plot.arx plot.gets predict.arx predict.gets print.arx print.gets printtex recursive regressorsMean regressorsVariance residuals.arx residuals.gets rsquared sigma.arx sigma.gets stata summary.arx summary.gets terminals toLatex.arx toLatex.gets VaR vcov.arx vcov.gets

## This file contains the base-source of the gets
## package.
## as.arx
## gets
## isat
## diagnostics
## dropvar
## eqwma
## infocrit
## info.criterion
## leqwma
## regressorsMean
## regressorsVariance
## ols
## gmm
## getsFun
## blocksFun
## arx
## coef.arx         #extraction/conversion functions
## ES               #(some are S3 methods)
## fitted.arx
## gets.arx
## isat.arx
## logLik.arx
## model.matrix.arx
## plot.arx
## predict.arx
## print.arx
## recursive
## residuals.arx
## sigma.arx
## rsquared
## summary.arx
## toLatex.arx
## VaR
## vcov.arx
## getsm
## getsv
## coef.gets        #extraction functions
## fitted.gets      #(some are S3 methods)
## logLik.gets
## paths
## plot.gets
## predict.gets
## print.gets
## residuals.gets
## summary.gets
## terminals
## toLatex.gets
## vcov.gets
## periodicdummies #use regular times series to make periodic dummies
## eviews     #export function
## stata      #export function
## printtex   #print latex-code (equation-form)
## as.lm      #convert arx/gets/isat object to 'lm' object

###create the generic 'as.arx':
as.arx <- function(object, ...){ UseMethod("as.arx") }

##create the generic 'gets':
gets <- function(x, ...){ UseMethod("gets") }

##create the generic 'isat':
isat <- function(y, ...){ UseMethod("isat") }


##diagnostics checking
diagnostics <- function(x, ar.LjungB=c(1,0.025), arch.LjungB=c(1,0.025),
  normality.JarqueB=NULL, verbose=TRUE, user.fun=NULL, ...)
  if( is.null(x$std.residuals) ){
    zhat <- x$residuals
    zhat <- x$std.residuals
  diagnosticsGood <- TRUE

  ##test for autocorrelation:
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) ){
    ar.LjungBox <- Box.test(zhat, lag=ar.LjungB[1], type="L")
    if( ar.LjungBox$p.value <= ar.LjungB[2] ){
      diagnosticsGood <- FALSE
      diagnosticsGood <- as.logical(max(diagnosticsGood,verbose))

  ##test for arch:
  if( diagnosticsGood && !is.null(arch.LjungB) ){
    zhat2 <- zhat^2
    arch.LjungBox <- Box.test(zhat2, lag=arch.LjungB[1], type="L")
    if(arch.LjungBox$p.value <= arch.LjungB[2]){
      diagnosticsGood <- FALSE
      diagnosticsGood <- as.logical(max(diagnosticsGood,verbose))

  ##test for normality:
  if( diagnosticsGood && !is.null(normality.JarqueB) ){
    zhatadj <- coredata(na.trim(zhat))
    n <- length(zhatadj)
    avgzhat <- mean(zhatadj) #do I really need this?
    zhat.avgzhat <- zhatadj-avgzhat #do I really need this?
    zhat.avgzhat2 <- zhat.avgzhat^2
    K <- n*sum(zhat.avgzhat^4)/(sum(zhat.avgzhat2)^2)
    S <- (sum(zhat.avgzhat^3)/n)/(sum(zhat.avgzhat2)/n)^(3/2)
    JB <- (n/6)*(S^2 + 0.25*((K-3)^2))
    JBpval <- pchisq(JB, df = 2, lower.tail=FALSE)
    if(JBpval <= normality.JarqueB){
        diagnosticsGood <- FALSE
        diagnosticsGood <- as.logical(max(diagnosticsGood,verbose))

  ##user-defined test(s):
  if( diagnosticsGood && !is.null(user.fun) ){
    ##prepare user-fun arguments:
    userFunArg <- user.fun
    userFunArg$name <- NULL
    userFunArg$envir <- NULL
    userFunArg$pval <- NULL
    userFunArg$is.reject.bad <- NULL
    if( length(userFunArg)==0 ){ userFunArg <- NULL }
    ## 'do' user diagnostics:
    if( is.null(user.fun$envir) ){
      userVals <- do.call(user.fun$name, c(list(x=x),userFunArg))
      userVals <- do.call(user.fun$name, c(list(x=x),userFunArg),
    ## ensure userVals is a matrix:
    if( !is.null(userVals) ){ userVals <- rbind(userVals) }
    ## !is.null(userVals) is due to J-bat's ivgets code:
    if( !is.null(user.fun$pval) && !is.null(userVals) ){
      ##create decision matrix:
      tmp <- matrix(NA, NROW(userVals), 3)
      colnames(tmp) <- c("userFunPval", "reject", "is.reject.bad")
      tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp)
      tmp[,"userFunPval"] <- as.numeric(userVals[,3])
      tmp[,"reject"] <- tmp[,"userFunPval"] <= user.fun$pval     
      if( is.null(user.fun$is.reject.bad) ){
        tmp[,"is.reject.bad"] <- TRUE
        tmp[,"is.reject.bad"] <- user.fun$is.reject.bad
      if( any( tmp[,"reject"] == tmp[,"is.reject.bad"] ) ){
        diagnosticsGood <- FALSE
      diagnosticsGood <- as.logical(max(diagnosticsGood,verbose))
  } #end if( user.fun )


  ##if( !verbose ): return logical only
  if( !verbose ){ result <- diagnosticsGood }

  ##if( verbose ): return diagnostics table
  if( verbose ){
    result <- NULL
    resultRowNames <- NULL
      tmp <- as.numeric(ar.LjungBox[1:3])
      resultRowNames <- c(resultRowNames,
        paste("Ljung-Box AR(", tmp[2], ")", sep=""))
      result <- rbind(result, tmp)
      tmp <- as.numeric(arch.LjungBox[1:3])
      resultRowNames <- c(resultRowNames,
        paste("Ljung-Box ARCH(", tmp[2], ")", sep=""))
      result <- rbind(result, tmp)
      tmp <- c(JB, 2, JBpval)
      resultRowNames <- c(resultRowNames,
        paste("Jarque-Bera", sep=""))
      result <- rbind(result, tmp)
#   !is.null(userVals) is due to J-bat's ivgets code
    if( exists("userVals") && !is.null(userVals) ){
      result <- rbind(result, userVals)
      userValsNames <- rownames(userVals)
      if( identical(userValsNames, "userVals") ){
        userValsNames <- user.fun$name
      if( is.null(userValsNames) ){
        userValsNames <- rep(user.fun$name, NROW(userVals))
      resultRowNames <- c(resultRowNames, userValsNames)
      rownames(result) <- resultRowNames
      colnames(result) <- c("Chi-sq", "df", "p-value")
      if(!is.null(user.fun)){ colnames(result)[1] <- "Statistic" }
  } #end verbose

  ##return result:

} #close diagnostics function

##drop variables that cause exact multicolinearity
dropvar <- function(x, tol=1e-7, LAPACK=FALSE, silent=FALSE)
### works if ncol(X) >= 0 and nrow(X) >= 0
  ## test and match arguments:
  silent <- as.logical(silent)[1]
  ## perform the qr-decomposition of X using LINPACK methods:
  qr.X <- qr(x, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK)
  if(qr.X$rank == NCOL(x))
    return(x) ## return x if x has full column rank
  if(!silent){ ## message the no. of dropped columns:
    message("regressor-matrix is column rank deficient, so dropping ",
      NCOL(x) - qr.X$rank, " regressors", appendLF=TRUE)
    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
#    message(gettextf("regressor-matrix is column rank deficient, so dropping %d regressors",
#                     NCOL(x) - qr.X$rank))
  ## return the columns correponding to the first qr.x$rank pivot
  ## elements of x:
  newX <- x[, qr.X$pivot[1:qr.X$rank], drop = FALSE]
  ## did we succeed? stop-if-not:
  if(qr.X$rank != qr(newX)$rank)
    stop(gettextf("determination of full column rank design matrix failed"),
         call. = FALSE)

##generate eqwma regressors
eqwma <- function(x, length=5, k=1, p=1, abs=FALSE, log=FALSE,
  as.vector=FALSE, lag=NULL, start=NULL)
  ##deprecated arguments:
  if(!is.null(start)){ stop("'start' has been deprecated") }
  if(!is.null(lag)){ stop("'lag' has been deprecated, use 'k' instead") }

  ##zoo related:
    isZoo <- TRUE
    xindex <- index(x)
    x <- coredata(x)
    isZoo <- FALSE

  ##is x a matrix?
    stop("'x' must be one-dimensional")
    x <- as.vector(x)

  ##na's, power p, absolute value:
  xn <- length(x)
  x <- na.trim(x, sides="left")
  xnadj <- length(x)
  if(xn > xnadj){nachk <- TRUE}else{nachk <- FALSE}
  if(abs){xabs <- abs(x)}else{xabs <- x}
  if(p!=1){xabsp <- xabs^p}else{xabsp <- xabs}

  ##compute eqwma:
  result <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(length)){
    movavg <- rollmean(xabsp, length[i], fill=NA, align="r")
    result <- cbind(result,movavg)

    result <- cbind(result[ 1:c(NROW(result)-k), ]) #lag
    result <- rbind( matrix(NA,k,NCOL(result)), result) #add NAs
  #apply log?:
    result <- log(result)
    colnames(result) <- paste0("logEqWMA(", length, ")")
    colnames(result) <- paste0("EqWMA(", length, ")")
  if(nachk){ result <- rbind( matrix(NA,c(xn-xnadj),NCOL(result)), result) }
  if(as.vector && NCOL(result)==1 ){ result <- as.vector(result) }
  if(isZoo){ result <- zoo(result, order.by=xindex) }

} #close eqwma

##Compute information criterion:
infocrit <- function(x, method=c("sc", "aic", "aicc", "hq"))
  method <- match.arg(method)
  ##Schwarch criterion:
  if(method == "sc") infoVal <- -2*x$logl/x$n + x$k*log(x$n)/x$n
  ##Akaike criterion:
  if(method == "aic") infoVal <- -2*x$logl/x$n + 2*x$k/x$n
  ##AICC of Hurvich and Tsai (1989):
  if(method == "aicc") infoVal <- -2*x$logl/x$n + 2*x$k/(x$n-x$k-1)
  ##Hannan-Quinn criterion:
  if(method == "hq") infoVal <- -2*x$logl/x$n + 2*x$k*log(log(x$n))/x$n
} #end infocrit

##Compute information criterion:
info.criterion <- function(logl, n = NULL, k = NULL,
  method = c("sc", "aic", "aicc", "hq"))
#check arguments:
if (!is.numeric(logl))
  stop(" Non-numeric argument to logl")
  stop(" Value n is NULL")
  stop(" Value k is NULL")

method <- match.arg(method)
#info.val <- NULL

#Schwarch criterion
if(method == "sc") info.val <- -2*logl/n + k*log(n)/n

#Akaike criterion
if(method == "aic") info.val <- -2*logl/n + 2*k/n

#AICC of Hurvich and Tsai (1989):
if(method == "aicc") info.val <- -2*logl/n + 2*k/(n-k-1)

#Hannan-Quinn criterion
if(method == "hq") info.val <- -2*logl/n + 2*k*log(log(n))/n

#out values:
out <- list()
out$method <- method
out$n <- n
out$k <- k
out$value <- info.val


} #end info.criterion

##make log(EqWMA) terms
leqwma <- function(x, length=5, k=1, p=2, as.vector=FALSE,
  lag=NULL, start=NULL)
  eqwma(x, length=length, k=k, p=p, log=TRUE, abs=TRUE,
    as.vector=as.vector, lag=lag, start=start)
} #close leqwma

##Create the mean regressors of an arx model:
regressorsMean <- function(y, mc=FALSE, ar=NULL, ewma=NULL, mxreg=NULL,
  prefix="m", return.regressand=TRUE, return.as.zoo=TRUE, na.trim=TRUE,

  ##idea: use model.matrix() to create dummy-variables of factors?

  y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
  if(is.zoo(y)){ y <- cbind(y) }else{ y <- as.zoo(cbind(y)) }
  if(NCOL(y) > 1) stop("Dependent variable not 1-dimensional")
  if( is.null(y.name)){ y.name <- colnames(y)[1] }
  if( y.name[1] =="" ){ y.name <- "y" }
  y.n <- NROW(y)
  y.index <- index(y)
  y <- coredata(y)
  t1 <- y.index[1]
  t2 <- y.index[y.n]

  mX <- NULL
  mXnames <- NULL

  ##mean intercept:
  if( identical(as.numeric(mc),1) ){
    mX <- cbind(rep(1,y.n))
    mXnames  <- paste0(prefix, "const")

  ##ar terms:
#  ##idea for better handling of ar argument:
#  ararg <- ar
#  if( !is.null(ararg) ){
#    ararg <- as.integer(ararg) #convert to integer
#    ararg <- union(ararg, ararg) #ensure uniqueness of values
#    if( any(ararg) < 0 ){ #check for negative values
#      stop("one or more values in 'ar' is negative")
#    } 
#    if( identical(ararg, 0) ){ #set ar to NULL if ar=0
#      ararg <- NULL
#      warning("'ar' set to NULL, since 'ar = 0'")
#    } 
#  }
  if( !is.null(ar) && !identical(as.numeric(ar),0) ){
    tmp <- NULL
    nas <- rep(NA, max(ar))
    tmpfun <- function(i){
      tmp <<- cbind(tmp, c(nas[1:i],y[1:c(y.n-i)]))
    tmpfun <- sapply(ar,tmpfun)
    mX <- cbind(mX, tmp)
    mXnames <- c(mXnames, paste("ar", ar, sep=""))

  ##ewma term:
  if( !is.null(ewma) ){
    ewma$as.vector <- FALSE #force result to be a matrix
    tmp <- do.call(eqwma, c(list(y),ewma) )
    mXnames <- c(mXnames, colnames(tmp))
    colnames(tmp) <- NULL
    mX <- cbind(mX, tmp)

  ##trim for NAs:
    tmp <- zoo(cbind(y,mX), order.by=y.index)
    tmp <- na.trim(tmp, sides="both", is.na="any")
    y.n <- NROW(tmp) #re-define y.n
    y.index <- index(tmp) #re-define y.index
    t1 <- y.index[1] #re-define t1
    t2 <- y.index[y.n] #re-define t2
    y <- coredata(tmp[,1]) #re-define y
    if(!is.null(mX)){ #re-define mX
      mX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      mX <- coredata(mX)
      mX <- cbind(mX)
      colnames(mX) <- NULL
  if( !is.null(mxreg) ){
    mxreg <- as.zoo(cbind(mxreg))
    mxreg.names <- colnames(mxreg)
    xregLabel <- paste0( prefix, "xreg" )
      mxreg.names <- paste(xregLabel, 1:NCOL(mxreg), sep="")
    if( any(mxreg.names == "") ){
      missing.colnames <- which(mxreg.names == "")
      for(i in 1:length(missing.colnames)){
        mxreg.names[missing.colnames[i]] <- paste0(xregLabel, i)
##for the future?:
##    mxreg.names <- make.names(mxreg.names)
##(alternatively, we should consider some check for uniqueness of names)
    mXnames <- c(mXnames, mxreg.names)
    mxreg <- window(mxreg, start=t1, end=t2)
    mxreg <- cbind(coredata(mxreg))
    mX <- cbind(mX, mxreg)

    ##re-trim for NAs:
      tmp <- zoo(cbind(y,mX), order.by=y.index)
      tmp <- na.trim(tmp, sides="both", is.na="any")
      y.n <- NROW(tmp) #re-define y.n
      y.index <- index(tmp) #re-define y.index
      t1 <- y.index[1] #re-define t1
      t2 <- y.index[y.n] #re-define t2
      y <- coredata(tmp[,1])
      mX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      mX <- coredata(mX)
      mX <- cbind(mX)
      colnames(mX) <- NULL

  } #end if(!is.null(mxreg))

  ##remove rows with NAs:
    tmp <- zoo(cbind(y,mX), order.by=y.index)
    tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
    y.n <- NROW(tmp) #re-define y.n
    y.index <- index(tmp) #re-define y.index
    t1 <- y.index[1] #re-define t1
    t2 <- y.index[y.n] #re-define t2
    y <- coredata(tmp[,1]) #re-define y
    if(!is.null(mX)){ #re-define mX
      mX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      mX <- coredata(mX)
      mX <- cbind(mX)
      colnames(mX) <- NULL

  ### OUTPUT: ######################

    result <- cbind(y, mX)
    colnames(result) <- c(y.name, mXnames)
    result <- mX
    if(!is.null(result)){ colnames(result) <- mXnames }
  if(return.as.zoo && !is.null(result) ){ result <- zoo(result, order.by=y.index) }
} #close regressorsMean()

##Create the variance regressors of an arch-x model:
regressorsVariance <- function(e, vc=TRUE, arch=NULL, asym=NULL,
  log.ewma=NULL, vxreg=NULL, zero.adj=0.1, vc.adj=TRUE,
  return.regressand=TRUE, return.as.zoo=TRUE, na.trim=TRUE,

  if(is.zoo(e)){ e <- cbind(e) }else{ e <- as.zoo(cbind(e)) }
  if(NCOL(e) > 1) stop("Dependent variable not 1-dimensional")
  e.n <- NROW(e)
  loge2.index <- index(e)
  e <- coredata(e)
  t1 <- loge2.index[1]
  t2 <- loge2.index[e.n]
  zero.where <- which(e==0)
  eabs <- abs(e)
  if( length(zero.where)>0 ){
    eabs[zero.where] <- quantile(eabs[-zero.where], zero.adj, na.rm=TRUE)
  loge2 <- log(eabs^2)

  ##create regressor matrix:
  vX <- NULL
  vXnames <- NULL

  ##variance intercept:
  if( identical(as.numeric(vc),1) ){
    vX <- cbind(rep(1,e.n))
    vXnames <- "vconst"

  ##arch terms:
  if(!is.null(arch) && !identical(as.numeric(arch),0) ){
    tmp <- NULL
    nas <- rep(NA, max(arch))
    tmpfun <- function(i){
      tmp <<- cbind(tmp, c(nas[1:i],loge2[1:c(e.n-i)]))
    tmpfun <- sapply(arch,tmpfun)
    vX <- cbind(vX, tmp)
    vXnames <- c(vXnames, paste0("arch", arch))

  ##asym terms:
  if(!is.null(asym) && !identical(as.numeric(asym),0) ){
    tmp <- NULL
    nas <- rep(NA, max(asym))
    tmpfun <- function(i){
      tmp <<- cbind(tmp, c(nas[1:i],
    tmpfun <- sapply(asym,tmpfun)
    vX <- cbind(vX, tmp)
    vXnames <- c(vXnames, paste0("asym", asym))

  ##log.ewma term:
      log.ewma$k <- 1
      log.ewma <- list(length=log.ewma)
    tmp <- do.call(leqwma, c(list(e),log.ewma) )
    vXnames <- c(vXnames, colnames(tmp))
    colnames(tmp) <- NULL
    vX <- cbind(vX, tmp)

  ##trim for NAs:
    tmp <- zoo(cbind(loge2,vX), order.by=loge2.index)
    tmp <- na.trim(tmp, sides="both", is.na="any")
    loge2.n <- NROW(tmp)
    loge2.index <- index(tmp) #re-define index
    t1 <- loge2.index[1] #re-define t1
    t2 <- loge2.index[loge2.n] #re-define t2
    loge2 <- tmp[,1]
    loge2 <- coredata(loge2)
    if(!is.null(vX)){ #re-define vX
      vX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      vX <- coredata(vX)
      vX <- cbind(vX)
      colnames(vX) <- NULL

    vxreg <- as.zoo(cbind(vxreg))
    vxreg.names <- colnames(vxreg)
      vxreg.names <- paste0("vxreg", 1:NCOL(vxreg))
    if(any(vxreg.names == "")){
      missing.colnames <- which(vxreg.names == "")
      for(i in 1:length(missing.colnames)){
        vxreg.names[missing.colnames[i]] <- paste0("vxreg", i)
    vXnames <- c(vXnames, vxreg.names)
    vxreg <- window(vxreg, start=t1, end=t2)
    vxreg <- cbind(coredata(vxreg))
    vX <- cbind(vX, vxreg)
    colnames(vxreg) <- NULL

    ##re-trim for NAs:
      tmp <- zoo(cbind(loge2,vX), order.by=loge2.index)
      tmp <- na.trim(tmp, sides="both", is.na="any")
      loge2.n <- NROW(tmp)
      loge2.index <- index(tmp) #re-define index
      t1 <- loge2.index[1] #re-define t1
      t2 <- loge2.index[loge2.n] #re-define t2
      loge2 <- coredata(tmp[,1])
      vX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      vX <- coredata(vX)
      vX <- cbind(vX)
      colnames(vX) <- NULL

  } #end if(!is.null(vxreg))

  ##remove rows with NAs:
    tmp <- zoo(cbind(loge2,vX), order.by=loge2.index)
    tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
    loge2.n <- NROW(tmp) #re-define
    loge2.index <- index(tmp) #re-define
    t1 <- loge2.index[1] #re-define t1
    t2 <- loge2.index[loge2.n] #re-define t2
    loge2 <- coredata(tmp[,1]) #re-define
    if(!is.null(vX)){ #re-define vX
      vX <- tmp[,2:NCOL(tmp)]
      vX <- coredata(vX)
      vX <- cbind(vX)
      colnames(vX) <- NULL

  ### OUTPUT: ######################

    result <- cbind(loge2, vX)
    colnames(result) <- c("loge2", vXnames)
    result <- vX
    if(!is.null(result)){ colnames(result) <- vXnames }
  if(return.as.zoo && !is.null(result) ){ result <- zoo(result, order.by=loge2.index) }

} #close regressorsVariance()

##OLS estimation using the QR decomposition
ols <- function(y, x, untransformed.residuals=NULL, tol=1e-07,
  LAPACK=FALSE, method=3, variance.spec=NULL, ...)

  ##for the future:
  ## - new argument: options=NULL (default), to control how the
  ## Newey and West (1987) coefficient-covariance is computed,
  ## amongst other
  ## - rename ols to estFun? Split estFun into two functions,
  ## estFun and vcovFun?

    stop("method = 0 has been deprecated")

  ##fastest, usually only for estimates:
    out <- list()
    qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK)
    out <- c(out, qx)
    out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)

  ##second fastest (slightly more output):
    out <- list()
    qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK) ## compute qr-decomposition of x
    out <- c(out, qx)
    out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)
    out$xtxinv <- chol2inv(qx$qr) #(x'x)^-1
    out$fit <- as.vector(x %*% out$coefficients)
    out$residuals <- y - out$fit

  ##ordinary vcov:

    ##mean specification:
    out <- list()
    out$n <- length(y)
    if(is.null(x)){ out$k <- 0 }else{ out$k <- NCOL(x) }
    out$df <- out$n - out$k
    if(out$k > 0){
      qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK) ## compute qr-decomposition of x
      out <- c(out, qx)
      out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)
      out$xtxinv <- chol2inv(qx$qr) #(x'x)^-1
      out$fit <- as.vector(x %*% out$coefficients)
      out$fit <- rep(0, out$n)
    out$residuals <- y - out$fit
    out$residuals2 <- out$residuals^2
    out$rss <- sum(out$residuals2)
    out$sigma2 <- out$rss/out$df
      out$vcov <- out$sigma2 * out$xtxinv
    out$logl <- -out$n*log(2*out$sigma2*pi)/2 - out$rss/(2*out$sigma2)

  } #close method=3

  ##White (1980) vcov:

    ##mean specification:
    out <- list()
    out$n <- length(y)
    if(is.null(x)){ out$k <- 0 }else{ out$k <- NCOL(x) }
    out$df <- out$n - out$k
    if(out$k > 0){
      qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK) ## compute qr-decomposition of x
      out <- c(out, qx)
      out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)
      out$xtxinv <- chol2inv(qx$qr) #(x'x)^-1
      out$fit <- as.vector(x %*% out$coefficients)
      out$fit <- rep(0, out$n)
    out$residuals <- y - out$fit
    out$residuals2 <- out$residuals^2
    out$rss <- sum(out$residuals2)
    out$sigma2 <- out$rss/out$df
      out$omegahat <- crossprod(x, x*out$residuals2)
      out$vcov <- out$xtxinv %*% out$omegahat %*% out$xtxinv
    out$logl <- -out$n*log(2*out$sigma2*pi)/2 - out$rss/(2*out$sigma2)


  ##Newey and West(1987) vcov:

    ##mean specification:
    out <- list()
    out$n <- length(y)
    if(is.null(x)){ out$k <- 0 }else{ out$k <- NCOL(x) }
    out$df <- out$n - out$k
      qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK) ## compute qr-decomposition of x
      out <- c(out, qx)
      out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)
      out$xtxinv <- chol2inv(qx$qr) #(x'x)^-1
      out$fit <- as.vector(x %*% out$coefficients)
      out$fit <- rep(0, out$n)
    out$residuals <- y - out$fit
    out$residuals2 <- out$residuals^2
    out$rss <- sum(out$residuals2)
    out$sigma2 <- out$rss/out$df

      iL <- round(out$n^(1/4), digits=0)
      vW <- 1 - 1:iL/(iL+1)
      vWsqrt <- sqrt(vW)
      mXadj <- out$residuals*x
      mS0 <- crossprod(mXadj)

      mSum <- 0
      for(l in 1:iL){
        mXadjw <- mXadj*vWsqrt[l]
        mXadjwNo1 <- mXadjw[-c(1:l),]
        mXadjwNo2 <- mXadjw[-c(c(out$n-l+1):out$n),]
        mSum <- mSum + crossprod(mXadjwNo1, mXadjwNo2) + crossprod(mXadjwNo2, mXadjwNo1)

      out$omegahat <- mS0 + mSum
      out$vcov <- out$xtxinv %*% out$omegahat %*% out$xtxinv
    } #end if(out$k>0)

    out$logl <- -out$n*log(2*out$sigma2*pi)/2 - out$rss/(2*out$sigma2)


  ##log-variance w/ordinary vcov (note: y = log(e^2)):

    out <- list()
    out$n <- length(y)
    if(is.null(x)){ out$k <- 0 }else{ out$k <- NCOL(x) }
    out$df <- out$n - out$k
    if(out$k > 0){
      qx <- qr(x, tol, LAPACK=LAPACK) ## compute qr-decomposition of x
      out <- c(out, qx)
      out$coefficients <- solve.qr(qx, y, tol=tol)
      out$xtxinv <- chol2inv(qx$qr) #(x'x)^-1
      out$fit <- as.vector(x %*% out$coefficients)
      out$fit <- rep(0, out$n)
    out$residuals <- y - out$fit #residuals of AR-X representation
    out$residuals2 <- out$residuals^2
    out$rss <- sum(out$residuals2)
    out$sigma2 <- out$rss/out$df
      out$vcov <- out$sigma2 * out$xtxinv
    ##log-variance part:
    out$Elnz2 <- -log(mean(exp(out$residuals)))
    out$var.fit <- exp(out$fit - out$Elnz2)
    out$std.residuals <- untransformed.residuals/sqrt(out$var.fit)
    out$logl <- -out$n*log(2*pi)/2 - sum(log(out$var.fit))/2 - sum(untransformed.residuals^2/out$var.fit)/2


  ##if variance specification:
  if( !is.null(variance.spec) ){

    if(method==6){ stop("not compatible with method=6") }
    if( !is.null(variance.spec$vxreg) ){
      if( length(y)!=NROW(variance.spec$vxreg) ){
        stop("length(y) != NROW(vxreg)")
      variance.spec$vxreg <- coredata(variance.spec$vxreg)
    e <- out$residuals
    variance.spec <- c(list(e=e), variance.spec)
    variance.spec$return.regressand <- TRUE #some protection
    variance.spec$return.as.zoo <- FALSE
    variance.spec$na.trim <- TRUE #some protection
    variance.spec$na.omit <- FALSE #--||--
    tmp <- do.call("regressorsVariance", variance.spec)
    loge2 <- tmp[,1]
    vX <- cbind(tmp[,-1])
    e <- e[c(length(e)-length(loge2)+1):length(e)]
    estVar <- ols(loge2, vX, untransformed.residuals=e, tol=tol,
      LAPACK=LAPACK, method=6)
    out$regressorsVariance <- tmp
    out$var.coefficients <- estVar$coefficients
    out$Elnz2 <- estVar$Elnz2
    out$vcov.var <- estVar$vcov
    NAs2add <- rep(NA, length(y)-length(loge2))
    out$var.fit <- c(NAs2add, estVar$var.fit)
    out$std.residuals <- c(NAs2add, estVar$std.residuals)
    out$ustar.residuals <- c(NAs2add, estVar$residuals)
    out$logl <- estVar$logl


  ##return result:

} #close ols() function

##GMM estimation of linear models
gmm <- function(y, x, z, tol=.Machine$double.eps,
  weighting.matrix=c("efficient", "2sls", "identity"),
  vcov.type=c("ordinary", "robust"))
  ## contents:
  ## initiate
  ## iv estimator
  ## 2sls estimator
  ## efficient gmm estimator
  ## return result
  ## initiate:

  ##determine weighting matrix:
  types <- c("efficient", "2sls", "identity")
  whichType <- charmatch(weighting.matrix[1], types)
  weighting.matrix <- types[ whichType ]

  ##determine vcov.type:
  types <- c("ordinary", "robust")
  whichType <- charmatch(vcov.type[1], types)
  vcov.type <- types[ whichType ]

  ##ensure vector and matrices:
  y <- as.vector(y)
  x <- cbind(x) #regressors
  z <- cbind(z) #instruments
  ##create result list:
  result <- list()
  result$weighting.matrix <- weighting.matrix
  result$vcov.type <- vcov.type
  result$n <- length(y)
  result$k <- NCOL(x)
  result$df <- result$n - result$k

  ## iv estimator:

  if( weighting.matrix=="identity" ){

    if( result$k>0 ){
      mZtXinv <- solve(crossprod(z, x), tol=tol)
      mZty <- crossprod(z, y)
      result$coefficients <- as.numeric( mZtXinv %*% mZty )
      result$fit <- as.vector( x %*% result$coefficients )
      result$fit <- rep(0, result$n)
    result$residuals <- as.numeric(y - result$fit)
    result$residuals2 <- result$residuals^2
    result$rss <- sum(result$residuals2)
    result$sigma2 <- result$rss/result$df

    mXtZinv <- solve(crossprod(x, z), tol=tol) 
    if( vcov.type=="ordinary" && result$k>0 ){
      mShat <- result$sigma2 * crossprod(z)
      result$vcov <- mZtXinv %*% mShat %*% mXtZinv
    if( vcov.type=="robust" && result$k>0 ){
      mShat <- crossprod(z, z*result$residuals2)                
      result$vcov <- mZtXinv %*% mShat %*% mXtZinv
    result$logl <-
      -result$n*log(2*result$sigma2*pi)/2 - result$rss/(2*result$sigma2)

  } #end if("identity")

  ## 2sls estimator:

  if( weighting.matrix=="2sls" ){

    if( result$k>0 ){
      mWhat <- solve(crossprod(z), tol=tol) #W-hat matrix
      mXtZ <- crossprod(x,z)
      mZtX <- crossprod(z,x)
      mXtZmWhat <- mXtZ %*% mWhat
      mZty <- crossprod(z,y)
      mXtZmWhatZtXinv <- solve(mXtZmWhat %*% mZtX, tol=tol)
      result$coefficients <-
        as.numeric( mXtZmWhatZtXinv %*% mXtZmWhat %*% mZty)
      result$fit <- as.vector( x %*% result$coefficients )
      result$fit <- rep(0, result$n)
    result$residuals <- as.numeric(y - result$fit)
    result$residuals2 <- result$residuals^2
    result$rss <- sum(result$residuals2)
    result$sigma2 <- result$rss/result$df

    if( vcov.type=="ordinary" && result$k>0 ){
      result$vcov <- result$sigma2 * mXtZmWhatZtXinv
    if( vcov.type=="robust" && result$k>0 ){
      mShat <- crossprod(z, z*result$residuals2)                
      result$vcov <- mXtZmWhatZtXinv %*%
        mXtZmWhat %*% mShat %*% mWhat %*% mZtX %*%

    result$logl <-
      -result$n*log(2*result$sigma2*pi)/2 - result$rss/(2*result$sigma2)
  } #end if("2sls")

  ## efficient gmm estimator:

  if( weighting.matrix=="efficient" ){

    if( result$k>0 ){

      ##1st step (2sls):
      mZtZinv <- solve(crossprod(z), tol=tol) #W-hat matrix
      mXtZ <- crossprod(x,z)
      mZtX <- crossprod(z,x)
      mXtZmZtZinv <- mXtZ %*% mZtZinv
      mZty <- crossprod(z,y)
      mXtZmZtZinvZtXinv <- solve(mXtZmZtZinv %*% mZtX, tol=tol)
      result$coefficients <-
        as.numeric( mXtZmZtZinvZtXinv %*% mXtZmZtZinv %*% mZty)
      result$fit <- as.vector( x %*% result$coefficients )
      result$residuals <- as.numeric(y - result$fit)
      result$residuals2 <- result$residuals^2
      ##2nd step (efficient gmm):    
      mWhat <- solve(crossprod(z, z*result$residuals2), tol=tol)
      mXtZmWhat <- mXtZ %*% mWhat
      mXtZmWhatZtXinv <- solve(mXtZmWhat %*% mZtX, tol=tol)
      result$coefficients <-
        as.numeric( mXtZmWhatZtXinv %*% mXtZmWhat %*% mZty)
      result$fit <- as.vector( x %*% result$coefficients )

      result$fit <- rep(0, result$n)

    result$residuals <- as.numeric(y - result$fit)
    result$residuals2 <- result$residuals^2
    result$rss <- sum(result$residuals2)
    result$sigma2 <- result$rss/result$df
    if( vcov.type=="ordinary" && result$k>0 ){
      result$vcov <- result$sigma2 * mXtZmZtZinvZtXinv
    if( vcov.type=="robust" && result$k>0 ){
      result$vcov <- mXtZmWhatZtXinv
    result$logl <-
      -result$n*log(2*result$sigma2*pi)/2 - result$rss/(2*result$sigma2)


  ##return result:

} #close gmm()

##do gets fast and with full flexibility (for advanced users)
getsFun <- function(y, x, untransformed.residuals=NULL,
  user.estimator=list(name="ols"), gum.result=NULL, t.pval=0.05,
  wald.pval=t.pval, do.pet=TRUE, ar.LjungB=NULL, arch.LjungB=NULL,
  normality.JarqueB=NULL, user.diagnostics=NULL,
  gof.function=list(name="infocrit"), gof.method=c("min","max"),
  keep=NULL, include.gum=FALSE, include.1cut=FALSE,
  include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL, turbo=FALSE, tol=1e-07,
  LAPACK=FALSE, max.regs=NULL, print.searchinfo=TRUE, alarm=FALSE)
  ## DO NOT:
  ## - introduce a check of the type NROW(y)==NCOL(x), since this will
  ##   invalidate situations where the x's contain coefficients rather
  ##   than regressors (e.g. when models are non-linear in parameters)
  ## TO DO:
  ## - introduce check for is.vector(y)==TRUE?
  ## - introduce check for is.matrix(x)==TRUE?
  ## - let out$specific.spec be equal to the GUM in the case where
  ##   all regressors are significant in the GUM?
  ## - if gof.function is not default, e.g. adjusted R-squared, then
  ##   it seems the value of logl is added to terminals.results
  ##   unnecessarily. Look into?
  ## - turbo: replace length(regsDeleteList) with regsDeleteList.n?
  ## - turbo: redefine regsFun function (careful!: setequal is delicate)
  ## - envir argument in user.estimator: change default behaviour?

  ## contents:
  ## 1 arguments
  ## 2 initialise
  ## 3 gum
  ## 4 1-cut model
  ## 5 empty model
  ## 6 multi-path search
  ## 7 find the best model
  ## 8 output

  ## 1 arguments

  gof.method <- match.arg(gof.method)

  ##y, x, make auxiliary list:
  if( is.null(x) || NCOL(x)==0 ){ stop("GUM regressor matrix is empty") }
  x <- cbind(x) #ensure x is a matrix
  aux <- list()
  aux$y.n <- NROW(y)
  aux$xNCOL <- NCOL(x)

  ##make user-estimator argument:
  userEstArg <- user.estimator
  userEstArg$name <- NULL
  userEstArg$envir <- NULL
  if( length(userEstArg)==0 ){ userEstArg <- NULL }

  ##make gof.function argument:
  if( gof.function$name=="infocrit" && is.null(gof.function$method) ){
    gof.function$method <- "sc"
  gofFunArg <- gof.function
  gofFunArg$name <- NULL
  gofFunArg$envir <- NULL
  if( length(gofFunArg)==0 ){ gofFunArg <- NULL }

  ##max.paths argument:
  if( !is.null(max.paths) && max.paths < 1 ){
    stop("'max.paths' cannot be smaller than 1")

  ##do diagnostics?:
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) || !is.null(arch.LjungB)
    || !is.null(normality.JarqueB) || !is.null(user.diagnostics) ){
      doDiagnostics <- TRUE
  }else{ doDiagnostics <- FALSE }

  ## max.regs:
  if(is.null(max.regs)){ max.regs <- 10*aux$y.n }

  ## 2 initialise

  ##add to auxiliary list:
  aux$mR <- matrix(0, aux$xNCOL, aux$xNCOL)
  diag(aux$mR) <- 1 #restriction matrix for PETs

  ##make out list, add to out list:
  out <- list()
  out$time.started <- date()
  out$time.finished <- NA
  out$call <- sys.call()
  out$no.of.estimations <- 0
  out$messages <- NULL
  out$paths <- list() #the paths
  out$terminals <- list() #terminal specifications
  out$terminals.results <- NULL #matrix w/terminals results
  row.labels <- NULL #row labels for out$terminals.results matrix

  ##deletable, non-deletable regressors, re-organise:
  keep <- as.integer(keep) #do not change to as.numeric(NULL) nor as.vector(NULL), since this may affect setequal/!anyNA...etc. inside the turbo
  keep.n <- length(keep)
  gum <- 1:aux$xNCOL
  delete <- setdiff(gum, keep) #integer(0) if empty
  delete.n <- length(delete)

  ##if all regressors in keep, add gum to terminals:
  if( delete.n==0 && include.gum==FALSE ){
    include.gum <- TRUE
    out$messages <- paste(out$messages,
      "- All regressors in 'keep', GUM added to terminals", sep="")

  ## 3 gum

  ##estimate GUM:
  if( is.null(gum.result) ){
    if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
      est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,x), userEstArg))
      est <- do.call(user.estimator$name,
        c(list(y,x), userEstArg), envir=user.estimator$envir)
    out$no.of.estimations <- out$no.of.estimations + 1
  }else{ est <- gum.result }

  ##do diagnostics:
  if( doDiagnostics ){
    gumDiagnosticsOK <- diagnostics(est, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
      arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
      verbose=FALSE, user.fun=user.diagnostics)
  }else{ gumDiagnosticsOK <- TRUE }

  ## if GUM passes diagnostic checks:
  if( gumDiagnosticsOK ){

    ##record data for Wald-tests (pets) against gum:
    gum.regs <- gum
    gum.coefs <- est$coefficients
    gum.varcovmat <- est$vcov

    ##compute stderrs, t-stats, p-vals:
    stderrs <- sqrt(diag(est$vcov))
    gum.tstat <- est$coefficients/stderrs
    gum.pval <- pt(abs(gum.tstat), est$df, lower.tail=FALSE)*2

    ##these two lines are repeated later under 1-cut, and - if
    ##max.paths < n.paths - adjusted in the multi-path search:
    insig.regs <- setdiff( which(gum.pval > t.pval), keep)
    n.paths <- length(insig.regs)

    ##if all regressors significant, ensure gum is a terminal:
    if( n.paths==0 ){ include.gum <- TRUE }

    if( include.gum ){

      out$terminals[[1]]  <- gum #add gum to list of terminal specs

      ##specification results
      if( is.null(gof.function$envir) ){
        gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),gofFunArg))
        gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name,
          c(list(est),gofFunArg), envir=gof.function$envir)
      out$terminals.results <- rbind(out$terminals.results,
        c(gofValue, est$logl, est$n, est$k))
      row.labels <- c(row.labels, "spec 1 (gum):")

    } #end if(include.gum)

    out$messages <- paste(out$messages,
      "- GUM does not pass one or more diagnostic checks", sep="")

  ## 4 1-cut model

  if( gumDiagnosticsOK && delete.n>0 && include.1cut ){

    ##all non-keep regressors significant:
    if( n.paths==0 ){
      out$messages <- paste(out$messages,
        "- 1-CUT not included (all non-keep regressors are significant)",

    ##one or more non-keep regressor insignificant:
    if( n.paths>0 ){

      ##estimate 1cut:
      mXadj <- cbind(x[,-insig.regs])
      if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
        est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj), userEstArg))
        est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj), userEstArg),
      out$no.of.estimations <- out$no.of.estimations + 1

      ##do diagnostics:
      if( doDiagnostics ){
        diagnosticsOK <- diagnostics(est, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
          arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
          verbose=FALSE, user.fun=user.diagnostics)
      }else{ diagnosticsOK <- TRUE }

      ## if 1cut passes diagnostic checks:
      if( diagnosticsOK ){

        ## do pet (i.e. wald-test):
        if( do.pet ){
          mR <- rbind(aux$mR[insig.regs,])
          mRestq <- mR %*% cbind(gum.coefs)
          wald.stat <- t(mRestq)%*%qr.solve(mR%*%gum.varcovmat%*%t(mR), tol=tol) %*% mRestq
          petOK <- as.logical(wald.pval < pchisq(wald.stat, n.paths, lower.tail = FALSE))
        }else{ petOK <- TRUE }

        ##add 1-cut to terminals?:
        if( petOK ){

          #add 1cut to list of terminal specs:
          spec.1cut <- setdiff(gum, insig.regs)
          out$terminals[[ length(out$terminals)+1 ]] <- spec.1cut

          ##specification results
          if( is.null(gof.function$envir) ){
            gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
            gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
              gofFunArg), envir=gof.function$envir)
          out$terminals.results <- rbind(out$terminals.results,
            c(gofValue, est$logl, est$n, est$k))
          row.labels <- c(row.labels,
            paste("spec ", length(out$terminals), " (1-cut):", sep=""))

        } #end if(petOK)

      } ##end if(diagnosticsOK)

    } ###end if(n.paths > 0)

  } ####end if(1-cut model)

  ## 5 empty model

  if( gumDiagnosticsOK && delete.n>0 && include.empty ){

    ##Here: do NOT do pet in order to enable reality check!

    ##check if empty = 1-cut:
    if( include.1cut && exists("spec.1cut") ){
      emptyEqualTo1cut <- identical(keep, spec.1cut)
    }else{ emptyEqualTo1cut <- FALSE }

    ##empty equal to 1cut?:
    if( emptyEqualTo1cut ){
        out$messages <- paste0(out$messages,
          "- The empty model is equal to the 1-cut model")

      ## estimate model:
      mXadj <- cbind(x[,keep])
      if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
        est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj), userEstArg))
        est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj), userEstArg),
      out$no.of.estimations <- out$no.of.estimations + 1

      ##do diagnostics:
        diagnosticsOK <- diagnostics(est, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
          arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
          verbose=FALSE, user.fun=user.diagnostics)
      }else{ diagnosticsOK <- TRUE }

      ## if diagnostics are OK:

        out$terminals[[ length(out$terminals)+1 ]] <- keep #note: integer(0) if keep=NULL

        ##specification results
        if( is.null(gof.function$envir) ){
          gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
          gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
            gofFunArg), envir=gof.function$envir)
        out$terminals.results <- rbind(out$terminals.results,
          c(gofValue, est$logl, est$n, est$k))
        row.labels <- c(row.labels,
          paste("spec ", length(out$terminals), " (empty):", sep=""))


          out$messages <- paste0(out$messages,
            "- Empty model not included (it does not pass one or more diagnostics)")

      } #end if(empty passes diagnostics==TRUE){..}else{..}

    } ##end if( emptyEqualTo1cut )else(...)

  } ###end if(include empty model==TRUE)

  ## 6 multi-path search

pathsTerminals <- list()
if( gumDiagnosticsOK && delete.n>0 ){

  ##re-define insig.regs due to max.paths?
  if( !is.null(max.paths) ){
    if(max.paths < length(insig.regs)){
      pvalRanksInv <- rank( 1-gum.pval[insig.regs] )
      insig.regs <- insig.regs[ pvalRanksInv <= max.paths ]
  n.paths <- length(insig.regs) #re-define n.paths

  ## if paths = 0:
  if(n.paths == 0){
    out$messages <- paste(out$messages,
      "- All non-keep regressors significant in GUM", sep="")

  ## if paths > 0:
  if(n.paths > 0){

      message(n.paths, " path(s) to search")
      message("Searching: ", appendLF=FALSE)

    ##initiate bookkeeping of paths:
    #add if(turbo){...}?
    regsDeleteList <- list()
    regsKeepList <- list()
    regsMat <- NULL

    ## paths:
    for(i in 1:n.paths){

      ## print searchinfo:
        newLine <- ifelse(i==n.paths, TRUE, FALSE)
        message(i, " ", appendLF=newLine)

      ## prepare single-path search:
      path <- insig.regs[i]
      delete.adj <- setdiff(delete, insig.regs[i])
      keep.adj <- keep

      ## single-path search of path i:
      for(j in 1:max.regs){

        ##begin turbo:
        if(turbo && j>1){

          ##bookkeeping of paths:
          regsDeleteList.n <- length(regsDeleteList)
          if( regsDeleteList.n==0 || i==1 ){
#          if( length(regsDeleteList)==0 || i==1 ){

            counter <- regsDeleteList.n + 1
#            counter <- length(regsDeleteList)+1
            regsDeleteList[[ counter ]] <- delete.adj
            regsKeepList[[ counter ]] <- keep.adj
            regsMat <- rbind(regsMat, c(i,length(path)))


            ##delete list:
            whichOnesInDelete <- which( sapply(regsDeleteList,
              setequal, delete.adj) )
            #regsFun <- function(x){ setequal(x,delete.adj) }
            #whichOnesInDelete <- which( sapply(regsDeleteList, regsFun) )
            if( length(whichOnesInDelete)==0 ){
              counter <- regsDeleteList.n + 1
#              counter <- length(regsDeleteList)+1
              regsDeleteList[[ counter ]] <- delete.adj
              regsKeepList[[ counter ]] <- keep.adj
              regsMat <- rbind(regsMat, c(i,length(path)))
              regsDeleteAlreadyDone <- FALSE
              regsDeleteAlreadyDone <- TRUE

            ##keep list:
            if( regsDeleteAlreadyDone ){

              ##keep already done?
              whichOnesInKeep <- which( sapply(regsKeepList,
                setequal, keep.adj) )
              #regsFun <- function(x){ setequal(x, keep.adj) }
              #whichOnesInKeep <- which( sapply(regsKeepList, regsFun) )
              whichOne <- intersect(whichOnesInDelete, whichOnesInKeep)
              #faster version of intersect:
              #y[match(as.vector(x), y, 0L)]
              if( length(whichOne) == 1 ){
                regsKeepAlreadyDone <- TRUE
                counter <- regsDeleteList.n + 1
#                counter <- length(regsDeleteList)+1
                regsDeleteList[[ counter ]] <- delete.adj
                regsKeepList[[ counter ]] <- keep.adj
                regsMat <- rbind(regsMat, c(i,length(path)))
                regsKeepAlreadyDone <- FALSE

              ##both delete and keep already done:
              if( regsKeepAlreadyDone ){
                spec.adj <- pathsTerminals[[ regsMat[whichOne,1] ]]
                pathtmp <- out$paths[[ regsMat[whichOne,1] ]]
                pathtmp <- pathtmp[ -c(1:regsMat[whichOne,2]) ]
                path <- c(path, pathtmp)
                break # stop single path search

            } #end regsDeleteAlreadyDone

          } ##end bookkeeping of paths

        } ### end turbo

        ## estimate model:
        mXadj <- cbind(x[, union(delete.adj,keep.adj) ])
        if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
          est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj),
          est <- do.call(user.estimator$name, c(list(y,mXadj),
            userEstArg), envir=user.estimator$envir)
        out$no.of.estimations <- out$no.of.estimations + 1

        ##do diagnostics:
          diagnosticsOK <- diagnostics(est, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
            arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
            verbose=FALSE, user.fun=user.diagnostics)
        }else{ diagnosticsOK <- TRUE }

        ## move regressor to keep.adj?:
        if( !diagnosticsOK ){
          path.n <- length(path)
          keep.adj <- union(path[path.n], keep.adj)
          path <- union(path, path[path.n]*c(-1))
          next #next j

        ## if empty model passes diagnostic checks:
        if( diagnosticsOK ){

          ## stop if no more deletable regressors:
          if( length(delete.adj)==0 ){
            spec.adj <- sort(keep.adj)

          ##compute stderrs, t-stats, p-vals:
          stderrs <- sqrt(diag(est$vcov))
          t.stat <- est$coefficients/stderrs
          p.val <- pt(abs(t.stat), est$df, lower.tail=FALSE)*2

          ## try deleting a regressor:
          if( any( p.val[1:c(length(delete.adj))] > t.pval) ){
#          if( any( p.val[1:c(length(delete.adj))] > t.pval) > 0 ){

            reg.no <- which.max( p.val[1:c(length(delete.adj))] )

            ## do pet test (i.e. wald-test):
            petOK <- TRUE
              deleted <- setdiff(delete, delete.adj[-reg.no])
              deleted <- sort(deleted) #sort() needed for correct restrictions
              n.deleted <- length(deleted)
              mR <- rbind(aux$mR[deleted,])
              mRestq <- mR %*% cbind(gum.coefs)
              wald.stat <- t(mRestq)%*%qr.solve(mR%*%gum.varcovmat%*%t(mR), tol=tol) %*% mRestq
              petOK <- as.logical(wald.pval < pchisq(wald.stat, n.deleted, lower.tail = FALSE))

            ## delete regressor if(petOK), else move to keep:
            if( petOK ){
              path <- union(path, delete.adj[reg.no])
              delete.adj <- delete.adj[-reg.no]
              path <- union(path, delete.adj[reg.no]*c(-1))
              keep.adj <- union(delete.adj[reg.no], keep.adj)
              delete.adj <- delete.adj[-reg.no]
            } #end if( petOK )else{..}

            spec.adj <- sort(union(delete.adj, keep.adj))
          } #end if( any p-value > t.pval )else(..)

        } ##end if diagnostics are ok

      } ### end single-path search: for(j in..

      #add path to the paths list:
      counter <- length(out$paths)+1
      out$paths[[ counter ]] <- path
      pathsTerminals[[ counter ]] <- spec.adj

      ##check if spec.adj (terminal) is already in out$terminals:
      if( length(out$terminals)==0 ){
        chk.spec <- FALSE
        for(l in 1:length(out$terminals)){
          chk.spec <- setequal(spec.adj, out$terminals[[l]])
          if(chk.spec==TRUE){break} #stop for(l in..)
      } #end check

      ##if spec.adj not in out$terminals (among terminals):

        #add spec.adj to out$terminals:
        out$terminals[[ length(out$terminals)+1 ]] <- spec.adj
        if( is.null(gof.function$envir) ){
          gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
          gofValue <- do.call(gof.function$name, c(list(est),
            gofFunArg), envir=gof.function$envir)
        out$terminals.results <- rbind(out$terminals.results,
          c(gofValue, est$logl, est$n, est$k))
        row.labels <- c(row.labels, paste("spec ", length(out$terminals), ":", sep=""))

      } #end if(chk.spec==FALSE)

    } ##end multi-path search: for(i in 1:n.paths) loop

  } ###end if paths > 0

} #####end if( gumDiagnosticsOK && delete.n>0 )

  ## 7 find the best model

  if( !is.null(out$terminals.results) ){

    ##which is the best model(s):
    if( gof.method=="min" ){
      out$best.terminal <- which.min(out$terminals.results[,1])
      out$best.terminal <- which.max(out$terminals.results[,1])

    ##check for several minimums:
    if( length(out$best.terminal)>1 ){
      out$messages <- paste(out$messages,
        "- Several 'best' terminals, the first selected", sep="")
    out$best.terminal <- out$best.terminal[1]
    out$specific.spec <- out$terminals[[ out$best.terminal ]] #the winner

    ##'prettify' out$specific.spec:
    if( length(out$specific.spec)==0 ){
      out$specific.spec <- NULL
      out$specific.spec <- sort(out$specific.spec)
      names(out$specific.spec) <- colnames(x)[ out$specific.spec ]

    ##'prettify' out$terminals.results and out$paths:
    if( gof.function$name=="infocrit" ){
      col.labels <- c(paste("info(", gofFunArg$method, ")", sep=""),
        "logl", "n", "k")
      col.labels <- c("gof-value", "logl", "n", "k")
    if( NCOL(out$terminals.results) != length(col.labels) ){
      col.labels <- c(col.labels[1], rep(NA,NCOL(out$terminals.results)-1))
    colnames(out$terminals.results) <- col.labels
    rownames(out$terminals.results) <- row.labels
    if( length(out$paths)==0 ){ out$paths <- NULL }

  } #end if( !is.null(out$terminals.results) )

  ## 8 output

  out$time.finished <- date()
  if(alarm){ alarm() }

} #close getsFun function

##do block-based gets with full flexibility (for advanced users)
blocksFun <- function(y, x, untransformed.residuals=NULL,
  blocks=NULL, no.of.blocks=NULL, max.block.size=30,
  ratio.threshold=0.8, gets.of.union=TRUE, force.invertibility=FALSE,
  user.estimator=list(name="ols"), t.pval=0.001, wald.pval=t.pval,
  do.pet=FALSE, ar.LjungB=NULL, arch.LjungB=NULL,
  normality.JarqueB=NULL, user.diagnostics=NULL,
  gof.function=list(name="infocrit"), gof.method=c("min","max"),
  keep=NULL, include.gum=FALSE, include.1cut=FALSE,
  include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL, turbo=FALSE,
  parallel.options=NULL, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE, max.regs=NULL,
  print.searchinfo=TRUE, alarm=FALSE)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 initiate
  ## 2 x and blocks arguments
  ## 3 loop on x matrices
  ## 4 make return object
  ## 1 initiate

  gof.method <- match.arg(gof.method)

  ##make result list, add to list:
  result <- list()
  result$call <- sys.call()
  result$time.started <- date()
  result$time.finished <- NA
  result$messages <- NULL

  ##parallel.options argument:

      clusterSpec <- parallel.options
      OScores <- detectCores()
      if(parallel.options > OScores){
        stop("parallel.options > number of cores/threads")

    ##varlist for clusterExport:
      clusterVarlist <- parallel.options$varlist
      clusterVarlist <- NULL
    clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist,
      "dropvar", "getsFun", "ols", "infocrit", "diagnostics")
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, user.diagnostics$name)
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, user.estimator$name)
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, gof.function$name)

    #for the future?: add memory.limit()/memory.size() = max cores check?

  } #end if(!is.null(parallel.options))

  ## 2 x argument
  ##x is a matrix:
  if( is.matrix(x) ){
    xMatrixName <- deparse(substitute(x))
    x <- list(x=x) #convert to list
    names(x) <- xMatrixName

  ##x is a list of matrices:
  if( is.list(x) ){

    ##ensure matrices are named:
    xMatrixNames <- paste0("X", 1:length(x))
    if( is.null(names(x)) ){
      names(x) <- xMatrixNames
      for(i in 1:length(x)){
        if( names(x)[i] %in% c("", NA) ){
          names(x)[i] <- xMatrixNames[i]
      } #close for..loop

    ##handle colnames:
    for(i in 1:length(x)){

      xColNames <- colnames(x[[i]])
      if( is.null(xColNames) ){
        xColNames <- paste0("X", i, ".xreg", 1:NCOL(x[[i]]))
      if( any(xColNames=="") ){
        missing.colnames <- which(xColNames == "")
        for(j in 1:length(missing.colnames)){
          #fixed by Jonas: 
          xColNames[ missing.colnames[j] ] <-
            paste0("X", i, ".xreg", missing.colnames[j])
      xColNames <- make.unique(xColNames)
      colnames(x[[i]]) <- xColNames

    } #end for(..) loop
    ##do NOT check that colnames() are unique across matrices,
    ##so that matrices can contain the same regressors
  } #end if( is.list(x) )

  ## 3 blocks and keep arguments

  ##check blocks:
  if( is.list(blocks) ){
    if( length(x)!=length(blocks) ){
      stop("No. of matrices unequal to length(blocks)")
    blocks.is.list <- TRUE
    blocks.is.list <- FALSE
    blocks <- list()

  ##keep is vector:
  if( !is.null(keep) && !is.list(keep) && is.vector(keep) ){
    keeptmp <- keep
    keep <- list()
    keep[[1]] <- keeptmp
    if( length(x)>1 ){
      for(i in 2:length(x)){ keep[[i]] <- integer(0) }

  ##check keep argument, name keep items:
  if( is.list(keep) ){
    ##check keep argument:
    if( length(x)!=length(keep) ){
      stop("Length(keep) unequal to no. of matrices in 'x'")
    ##name keep items:
    for(i in 1:length(keep)){
      if( length(keep[[i]])>0 ){
        names(keep[[i]]) <- colnames(x[[i]])[ keep[[i]] ]

    ##name entries in keep list:
    names(keep) <- names(x)
  } #end if( is.list(keep) )
  ## 4 loop on x matrices

  ##create list w/union of retained regressors from
  ##each x matrix:
  xUnionOfModels <- list() 
  ##loop on x:
  for(i in 1:length(x)){

    ##add entry i to list:
    xUnionOfModels[[i]] <- integer(0)
    if( !blocks.is.list ){

      y.n <- NROW(y)
      ncol.adj <- NCOL(x[[i]])

      ##determine no. of blocks:
      if( is.null(no.of.blocks) ){
        blockratio.value <- ncol.adj/(ratio.threshold*ncol.adj)
        blocksize.value <-
          ncol.adj/min(y.n*ratio.threshold, max.block.size)
        no.of.blocks <- max(2,blockratio.value,blocksize.value)
        no.of.blocks <- ceiling(no.of.blocks)
        no.of.blocks <- min(ncol.adj, no.of.blocks) #ensure blocks < NCOL

      ##make partitions:
      blocksize <- ceiling(ncol.adj/no.of.blocks)
      partitions.t2 <- blocksize
      for(j in 1:no.of.blocks){
        if( blocksize*j <= ncol.adj ){
          partitions.t2[j] <- blocksize*j
      ##check if last block contains last regressor:
      if( partitions.t2[ length(partitions.t2) ] < ncol.adj ){
        partitions.t2 <- c(partitions.t2, ncol.adj)
      blocksadj <- length(partitions.t2)
      partitions.t1 <- partitions.t2 + 1
      partitions.t1 <- c(1, partitions.t1[ -blocksadj ])

      tmp <- list()
      for(j in 1:blocksadj){
        tmp[[j]] <- partitions.t1[j]:partitions.t2[j]
      blocks[[i]] <- tmp

    } #end if(!blocks.is.list)

#    ##name the blocks:
#    names(blocks[[i]]) <- paste0("block", 1:length(blocks[[i]]))

    ##add keep entries to blocks:
    if( length(keep[[i]])>0 ){
      for(j in 1:length(blocks[[i]])){
        blocks[[i]][[j]] <- sort(union(keep[[i]], blocks[[i]][[j]]))
    ##xkeep argument:
    if( length(keep[[i]])==0 ){
      xkeep <- NULL
    }else{ xkeep <- names(keep[[i]]) }
    ##make blocks function for lapply/parLapply:
    XblocksFun <- function(j, i, x, blocks,
      parallel.options, y, untransformed.residuals, user.estimator,
      t.pval, wald.pval, do.pet, ar.LjungB, arch.LjungB,
      normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics, gof.function, gof.method,
      xkeep, include.gum, include.1cut, include.empty, max.paths,
      turbo, force.invertibility, tol, LAPACK, max.regs,

      ##check if block contains 1 regressor:
      if( length(blocks[[i]][[j]])==1 ){
        tmp <- colnames(x[[i]])[ blocks[[i]][[j]] ]
        mX <- cbind(x[[i]][, blocks[[i]][[j]] ])
        colnames(mX) <- tmp
        mX <- cbind(x[[i]][, blocks[[i]][[j]] ])

      ##apply dropvar:
      if( force.invertibility ){
        mX <- dropvar(mX, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, silent=TRUE)

      ##set xkeep argument:
      if( !is.null(xkeep) ){
        xkeep <- which( colnames(mX) %in% xkeep )
      ##print info:
      if( is.null(parallel.options) ){
          message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
            " block ", j, " of ", length(blocks[[i]]), ":",

      ##do gets inside XblocksFun:
      getsx <- getsFun(y, mX,
        user.estimator=user.estimator, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
        wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
        arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
        user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gof.function,
        gof.method=gof.method, keep=xkeep, include.gum=include.gum,
        include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
        max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
        max.regs=max.regs, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,
      if( !is.null(getsx$messages) ){ message(getsx$messages) }

      if( is.null(getsx$specific.spec) ){
        xSpecificmodels <- NULL
        xSpecificmodels <- names(getsx$specific.spec)

      ##for the future?: return(getsx) - careful! this would change
      ##the subsequent code substantially

    } #close XblocksFun

    ##call XblocksFun/do gets on each block: NO parallel computing
    if( is.null(parallel.options) ){
      xSpecificmodels <- lapply(1:length(blocks[[i]]),
        XblocksFun, i, x, blocks, parallel.options,
        y, untransformed.residuals, user.estimator, t.pval, wald.pval,
        do.pet, ar.LjungB, arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB,
        user.diagnostics, gof.function, gof.method, xkeep, include.gum,
        include.1cut, include.empty, max.paths, turbo,
        force.invertibility, tol, LAPACK, max.regs, print.searchinfo)
    ##call XblocksFun/do gets on each block: WITH parallel computing
    if( !is.null(parallel.options) ){

      ##print info:
        message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
        message("Preparing parallel computing...",
          " blocks to search in parallel: ", length(blocks[[i]]),
        message("Searching...", appendLF=TRUE)

      blocksClust <- makeCluster(clusterSpec, outfile="") #make cluster
      clusterExport(blocksClust, clusterVarlist,
        envir=.GlobalEnv) #idea for the future?: envir=clusterEnvir
      xSpecificmodels <- parLapply(blocksClust,
        1:length(blocks[[i]]), XblocksFun, i, x,
        blocks, parallel.options, y, untransformed.residuals,
        user.estimator, t.pval, wald.pval, do.pet, ar.LjungB,
        arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics, gof.function,
        gof.method, xkeep, include.gum, include.1cut, include.empty,
        max.paths, turbo, force.invertibility, tol, LAPACK, max.regs,

    } #end if( parallel computing )

    ##union of retained variables:

    ##union of retained variables (names):
    xNames <- NULL
    if( length(xSpecificmodels)>0 ){
      #which variables retained?:
      for(j in 1:length(xSpecificmodels)){
        #check if non-empty:
        if( !is.null(xSpecificmodels[[j]]) ){
          xNames <- union(xNames, xSpecificmodels[[j]])

    ##NOT do gets of union:
    if( gets.of.union==FALSE ){ xUnionOfModels[[i]] <- xNames }
    ##DO gets of union:
    if( gets.of.union==TRUE && length(xNames)>0 ){

      if( print.searchinfo ){
        message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
        message("GETS of union of retained ",
          names(x)[i], " variables... ",
        message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
      ##build regressor matrix:
      mX <- cbind(x[[i]][,xNames])
      colnames(mX) <- xNames
      if( force.invertibility ){
        mX <- dropvar(mX, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, silent=TRUE)
      ##build xkeep:
      if( !is.null(keep) ){
        xkeep <- NULL
        for(j in 1:length(keep)){
          xkeep <- union(xkeep, names(keep[[j]]))
        xkeep <- which( colnames(mX) %in% xkeep)
      ##do gets of union:
      getsx <- getsFun(y, mX,
        user.estimator=user.estimator, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
        wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
        arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
        user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gof.function,
        gof.method=gof.method, keep=xkeep, include.gum=include.gum,
        include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
        max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
        max.regs=max.regs, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,
      if( !is.null(names(getsx$specific.spec)) ){
        xUnionOfModels[[i]] <- names(getsx$specific.spec)

    } #end if( do gets )

  } #end for(i) loop (on x matrices)

  ##add names:
  names(blocks) <- names(x)
  names(xUnionOfModels) <- names(x)

  ## 5 make return object:

  result$y <- y
  result$x <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(x)){ result$x[[i]] <- colnames(x[[i]]) }
  names(result$x) <- names(x)  
  result$blocks <- blocks
  result$keep <- keep
  result$specific.spec <- xUnionOfModels
  result$time.finished <- date()
  if(alarm){ alarm() }
} #close blocksFun()


##Estimate AR-X model with log-ARCH-X errors
arx <- function(y, mc=TRUE, ar=NULL, ewma=NULL, mxreg=NULL,
  vc=FALSE, arch=NULL, asym=NULL, log.ewma=NULL, vxreg=NULL,
  zero.adj=0.1, vc.adj=TRUE,
  vcov.type=c("ordinary", "white", "newey-west"),
  qstat.options=NULL, normality.JarqueB=FALSE, user.estimator=NULL,
  user.diagnostics=NULL, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE, singular.ok=TRUE,
  ## contents:
  ## 1 selected arguments
  ## 2 prepare aux list
  ## 3 estimation
  ##   a) default estimator
  ##   b) user-defined estimator:
  ## 4 prepare result
  ## 5 finalise and return result

  ## 1 selected arguments

  ##record y name:
  y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
  ##mc.warning about new default:
  mc.warning <- getOption("mc.warning")
    mc.warning <- TRUE
    options(mc.warning = FALSE)
      "New default 'mc = TRUE' in arx() as of version 0.28\n",
      "This warning only appears the first time arx() is invoked\n",
      "To suppress this warning, set options(mc.warning = FALSE)\n"

  ##regressand, regressors:
  #should be here instead of above/in the beginning?:
  #y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
  tmp <- regressorsMean(y, mc=mc, ar=ar, ewma=ewma, mxreg=mxreg,
    return.regressand=TRUE, return.as.zoo=TRUE,
    na.trim=TRUE, na.omit=FALSE)
  #use y.name to set correct name on y in tmp?

  ##determine vcov:
  types <- c("ordinary", "white", "newey-west")
  whichType <- charmatch(vcov.type[1], types)
  vcov.type <- types[ whichType ]

  ##singularity ok?:
  if( singular.ok && NCOL(tmp)>2 ){
    tmpx <-
      colnames(dropvar(tmp[,-1], tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, silent=TRUE))
    droppedXs <- which( (colnames(tmp[,-1]) %in% tmpx)==FALSE )
    if( length(droppedXs)>0 ){
      droppedXsNames <- colnames(tmp)[c(1+droppedXs)]
      tmp <- tmp[,-c(1+droppedXs)]
        "Regressor(s) removed due to singularity:\n",
        paste(" ", droppedXsNames)
    } #end if( length(droppedXs)>0 )
  } #end if( singular.ok )

  ## 2 prepare aux list

  ##aux: auxiliary list, also used by getsm/getsv
  aux <- list()
  aux$y <- coredata(tmp[,1])
  aux$y.n <- length(aux$y)
  aux$y.name <- y.name #recorded above, in the beginning
#  OLD (until version 0.35):
#  aux$y.name <- colnames(tmp)[1]
  aux$y.index <- index(tmp)
  if( NCOL(tmp)>1 ){
    aux$mX <- cbind(coredata(tmp[,-1]))
    aux$mXnames <- colnames(tmp)[-1]
    colnames(aux$mX) <- NULL
    aux$mXncol <- NCOL(aux$mX)

  ##modify vxreg:
  if( !is.null(vxreg) ){
    vxreg <- as.zoo(cbind(vxreg))
    vxreg <- window(vxreg, start=aux$y.index[1],
    vxreg.names <- colnames(vxreg)
      vxreg.names <- paste0("vxreg", 1:NCOL(vxreg))
    if( any(vxreg.names == "") ){
      missing.colnames <- which(vxreg.names == "")
      for(i in 1:length(missing.colnames)){
        vxreg.names[missing.colnames[i]] <- paste0("vxreg", i)
    colnames(vxreg) <- vxreg.names
    ##add to aux (necessary for getsm/getsv):
    aux$vxreg <- vxreg #note: NROW(vxreg)!=NROW(vX) is possible

  ##determine qstat.options:
    if(is.null(ar)){ar.lag <- 1}else{ar.lag <- max(ar)+1}
    if(is.null(arch)){arch.lag <- 1}else{arch.lag <- max(arch)+1}
    qstat.options <- c(ar.lag, arch.lag)
  ##info for getsm/getsv functions
  aux$vcov.type <- vcov.type
  aux$qstat.options <- qstat.options
  aux$user.estimator <- user.estimator
  aux$user.diagnostics <- user.diagnostics
  aux$tol <- tol

  ## 3 estimation

  sysCall <- sys.call()
  #for the future: make sure the following objects are part of the out-list?
  vcov.var <- NULL #make sure this object exists
  variance.results <- NULL #make sure this object exists

  ##check if mean and log-garch spec:
  meanSpec <- !is.null(aux$mX)
  varianceSpec <- if( vc==FALSE && is.null(arch)
    && is.null(asym) && is.null(log.ewma)
    && is.null(vxreg) ){ FALSE }else{ TRUE }

  ## a) default estimator:

  if( is.null(user.estimator) ){

    estMethod <- which(vcov.type==c("none", "none", "ordinary",
      "white", "newey-west"))
    varianceSpecArg <- NULL
    if( varianceSpec ){
      ##note: vc must be TRUE
      varianceSpecArg <- list(vc=TRUE, arch=arch, asym=asym,
        log.ewma=log.ewma, vxreg=vxreg)
    out <- ols(aux$y, aux$mX, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, method=estMethod,

    ##delete some unneeded entries:
    #out$n <- NULL #this might have to be changed in order to enable gum.result in getsFun
    #out$k <- NULL ##this might have to be changed in order to enable gum.result in getsFun
    #out$df <- NULL: do not delete!
    out[c("qr","rank","qraux","pivot","xtxinv","residuals2")] <- NULL

    ##re-organise stuff related to mean spec:
    outNames <- names(out)
    whereIs <- which(outNames=="vcov")
    if( length(whereIs) > 0 ){
      colnames(out[["vcov"]]) <- aux$mXnames
      rownames(out[["vcov"]]) <- aux$mXnames
      names(out)[whereIs] <- "vcov.mean"
    whereIs <- which(outNames=="fit")
    names(out)[whereIs] <- "mean.fit"

    ##if no variance spec:
    if( varianceSpec==FALSE ){
      out$var.fit <- rep(out$sigma2, aux$y.n)
      out$std.residuals <- out$residuals/sqrt(out$sigma2)
      aux$loge2.n <- aux$y.n #same as out$n, change?
      aux$vc <- FALSE #needed for specific in getsm()

    ##if variance spec:
    if( varianceSpec ){

      ##aux: info for getsm and getsv:
      aux$vc <- TRUE #obligatory if varianceSpec
      aux$zero.adj <- zero.adj
      aux$vc.adj <- vc.adj
      aux$loge2 <- out$regressorsVariance[,1]
      aux$loge2.n <- length(aux$loge2)
      aux$vX <- cbind(out$regressorsVariance[,-1])
      aux$vXnames <- colnames(out$regressorsVariance)[-1]
      colnames(aux$vX) <- NULL
      aux$vXncol <- NCOL(aux$vX)
      aux$arch <- arch
      aux$asym <- asym
      aux$log.ewma <- log.ewma
      out$regressorsVariance <- NULL #delete, not needed anymore

      ##re-organise stuff related to variance spec:
      s.e. <- sqrt(as.vector(diag(out$vcov.var)))
      tmpdf <- aux$loge2.n - length(out$var.coefficients)
      tmpvcov <- as.matrix(out$vcov.var[-1,-1])
      colnames(tmpvcov) <- aux$vXnames[-1]
      rownames(tmpvcov) <- aux$vXnames[-1]
      t.stat <- out$var.coefficients/s.e.
      p.val <- pt(abs(t.stat), tmpdf, lower.tail=FALSE)*2
      t.stat[1] <- ((out$var.coefficients[1]-out$Elnz2)^2)/s.e.[1]^2
      p.val[1] <- pchisq(t.stat[1], 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
      out$var.coefficients[1] <- out$var.coefficients[1] - out$Elnz2
      out$n <- aux$loge2.n
      out$vcov.var <- tmpvcov
      out$variance.results <-
        as.data.frame(cbind(out$var.coefficients, s.e., t.stat, p.val))
      colnames(out$variance.results) <- c("coef", "std.error", "t-stat", "p-value")
      rownames(out$variance.results) <- aux$vXnames
      out$var.coefficients <- NULL

    } #close if( varianceSpec )
  } #close if( is.null(user.estimator) )

  ## b) user-defined estimator:
  ##for the future?: check if user.estimator$spec is NULL,
  ##"mean", "variance" or "both" in order to determine what
  ##kind of estimator it is

  if( !is.null(user.estimator) ){

    ##make user-estimator argument:
    if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
      user.estimator$envir <- .GlobalEnv
    userEstArg <- user.estimator
    userEstArg$name <- NULL
    userEstArg$envir <- NULL
    if( length(userEstArg)==0 ){ userEstArg <- NULL }

    ##add colnames to mX:
    colnames(aux$mX) <- aux$mXnames
    ##user-defined estimator:
    if( is.null(user.estimator$envir) ){
      out <- do.call(user.estimator$name,
        c(list(aux$y,aux$mX), userEstArg))
      out <- do.call(user.estimator$name,
        c(list(aux$y,aux$mX), userEstArg), envir=user.estimator$envir)
    ##just in case...:
    if( is.null(out$vcov) && !is.null(out$vcov.mean) ){
      out$vcov <- out$vcov.mean

  } #end if( user.estimator )

  ## 4 prepare result

  ##mean estimation result (a data frame):
  if( meanSpec ){
    if( !is.null(out$vcov) ){
      coefvar <- out$vcov
      coefvar <- out$vcov.mean
    stderrs <- sqrt(diag(coefvar))
    t.stat <- out$coefficients/stderrs
    p.val <- pt(abs(t.stat), out$df, lower.tail=FALSE)*2
    out$mean.results <- as.data.frame(cbind(out$coefficients,
      stderrs, t.stat, p.val))
    colnames(out$mean.results) <- c("coef", "std.error",
      "t-stat", "p-value")
    rownames(out$mean.results) <- aux$mXnames
  } #end if(meanSpec)

  if( any( names(out) %in% c("residuals", "std.residuals") ) ){
    ar.LjungBarg <- c(qstat.options[1],0)
    arch.LjungBarg <- c(qstat.options[2],0)
    if( identical(normality.JarqueB,FALSE) ){
      normality.JarqueBarg <- NULL
      normality.JarqueBarg <- as.numeric(normality.JarqueB)
    ar.LjungBarg <- NULL
    arch.LjungBarg <- NULL
    normality.JarqueBarg <- NULL
  out$diagnostics <- diagnostics(out,
    ar.LjungB=ar.LjungBarg, arch.LjungB=arch.LjungBarg,
    user.fun=user.diagnostics, verbose=TRUE)
  ##add zoo-indices:
    out$mean.fit <- zoo(out$mean.fit, order.by=aux$y.index)
    out$residuals <- zoo(out$residuals, order.by=aux$y.index)
    out$var.fit <- zoo(out$var.fit, order.by=aux$y.index)
    out$ustar.residuals <- zoo(out$ustar.residuals, order.by=aux$y.index)
    out$std.residuals <- zoo(out$std.residuals, order.by=aux$y.index)

  ## 5 finalise and return result

  versionTxt <- paste0("gets ", packageVersion("gets"), " under ",
  out <-
    c(list(call=sysCall, date=date(), version=versionTxt, aux=aux), out)
  class(out) <- "arx"

  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.arx(out) }

  ##return result:

} #close arx() function

coef.arx <- function(object, spec=NULL, ...)
  ##spec argument:
#    spec <- switch(as.character(object$call)[1],
#      arx="both", getsm="mean", getsv="variance")
    spec <- "both"
    specType <- c("mean", "variance", "both")
    whichType <- charmatch(spec, specType)
    spec <- specType[ whichType ]
  } #end if(..)else(..)

  ##mean results:
  result1 <- NULL
  if(spec=="mean" || spec=="both"){
      result1 <- object$mean.results[,1]
      names(result1) <- rownames(object$mean.results)
  } #end if(spec==..)

  ##variance results:
  result2 <- NULL
  if(spec=="variance" || spec=="both"){
      result2 <- object$variance.results[,1]
      names(result2) <- rownames(object$variance.results)
        result2 <- c(result2,object$Elnz2)
        names(result2)[length(result2)] <- "Elnz2"
    } #end if(..)else(..)
  } #end if(spec==..)

  result <- c(result1,result2)
} #end coef.arx

ES <- function(object, level=0.99, type=7, ...)
  ##check whether class is valid:
  classType <- class(object)
  if( !classType %in% c("arx", "gets") ){
    stop("object not of class 'arx' or 'gets'")

  ##check the risk-levels:
  riskLevel <- 1-level
  if( any(riskLevel > 1) || any(riskLevel < 0) ){
    stop("risk-level(s) must be in the 0 to 1 interval")

  ##fitted sd, standardised residuals, quantile:
  meanFit <- fitted(object, spec="mean")
  sdFit <- sqrt( fitted(object, spec="variance") )
  residsStd <- residuals(object, std=TRUE)
  qValue <- quantile(residsStd, probs=riskLevel, type=type,
    names=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)
  colNames <- paste("ES", level, sep="")
  mExpShortF <- matrix(NA, length(sdFit), length(colNames))
  for(i in 1:length(colNames)){
    whereExceeds <- which( residsStd < qValue[i] )
    if( length(whereExceeds) == 0 ){
      stop("no standardised residual smaller than ", qValue[i])
      ExpShortF <- mean( residsStd[whereExceeds] )
    mExpShortF[,i] <- sdFit*ExpShortF
  colnames(mExpShortF) <- colNames
  if(NCOL(mExpShortF)==1){ mExpShortF <- as.vector(mExpShortF) }
  mExpShortF <- zoo(mExpShortF, order.by=index(sdFit))
  mExpShortF <- meanFit + mExpShortF


}  #close ES

fitted.arx <- function(object, spec=NULL, ...)
  ##spec argument:
      spec <- "mean"
      && !is.null(object$variance.results) ){
      spec <- "variance"
    spec.type <- c("mean", "variance", "both")
    which.type <- charmatch(spec, spec.type)
    spec <- spec.type[which.type]

  result <- NULL

    result <- object$mean.fit

    result <- object$var.fit

      && !is.null(object$variance.results) ){
      result <- cbind(object$mean.fit, object$var.fit)
      colnames(result) <- c("yhat","sigma2hat")

} #end fitted.arx

gets.arx <- function(x, spec=NULL, ...)
  ##determine spec:
    if( !is.null(x$mean.results) ){ spec <- "mean" }
    if( is.null(x$mean.results)
      && !is.null(x$variance.results) ){ spec <- "variance" }
    specType <- c("mean", "variance")
    whichType <- charmatch(spec, specType)
    spec <- specType[ whichType ]  
  ##do the gets modelling:
  if( spec=="mean" ){
    result <- getsm(x, ...)
    result <- getsv(x, ...)

  ##return result:
} #close gets.arx()

## isat on 'arx' objects:
isat.arx <- function(y, mc=TRUE, ar=NULL, ewma=NULL, 
                     iis=FALSE, sis=TRUE, tis=FALSE, uis=FALSE, blocks=NULL,
                     ratio.threshold=0.8, max.block.size=30, t.pval=0.001,
                     wald.pval=t.pval, vcov.type=c("ordinary", "white", "newey-west"),
                     do.pet=FALSE, ar.LjungB=NULL, arch.LjungB=NULL,
                     normality.JarqueB=NULL, info.method=c("sc", "aic", "hq"), 
                     user.diagnostics=NULL, user.estimator=NULL, gof.function=NULL, 
                     gof.method=c("min","max"), include.gum=NULL,
                     include.1cut=FALSE, include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL,
                     parallel.options=NULL, turbo=FALSE, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE,
                     max.regs=NULL, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE, ...

  # warnings and checks (mainly for variance specification)
    warning("Input object contains variance specification. Note that 'isat' is not configured for variance specifications.\nVariance specification in 'isat' are dropped.")

  # Check if one of these arguments is explicitly supplied to the function
  # if not, then check if the original item has this arguemnt supplied
  # if it does, take the setting of the original object
  # if it does not, then take the default
  if(missing(ar)){ar <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["ar"]])) {NULL} else{y$aux$arguments[["ar"]]}}
  if(missing(vcov.type)){vcov.type <- y$aux[["vcov.type"]]}
  if(missing(normality.JarqueB)){normality.JarqueB <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["normality.JarqueB"]])){FALSE}else{y$aux$arguments[["normality.JarqueB"]]}}
  if(missing(user.estimator)){user.estimator <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["user.estimator"]])){NULL}else{y$aux$arguments[["user.estimator"]]}}
  if(missing(user.diagnostics)){user.diagnostics <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["user.diagnostics"]])){NULL}else{y$aux$arguments[["user.diagnostics"]]}}
  if(missing(LAPACK)){LAPACK <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["LAPACK"]])){FALSE}else{y$aux$arguments[["LAPACK"]]}}
  if(missing(plot)){plot <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["plot"]])){NULL}else{y$aux$arguments[["plot"]]}}
  if(missing(tol)){tol <- if(is.null(y$aux$arguments[["tol"]])){1e-07}else{y$aux$arguments[["tol"]]}}

  mxreg <- y$aux$mX
  colnames(mxreg) <- y$aux$mXnames

  out <- isat.default(
    FALSE, # mc would already be set in arx
    NULL, # ar would already be set in arx

} #close isat.arx()

logLik.arx <- function(object, ...)
  ## in the future: add a df.method argument with
  ## optional values "mean-coefficients" (default),
  ## "variance-coefficients" and "both"?
  result <- object$logl
    result <- numeric(0)
    warning("'object$logl' is NULL")
    attr(result, "df") <- length(object$coefficients)
    attr(result, "nobs") <- object$n
  class(result) <- "logLik"

} #close logLik.arx

##extract regressors and regressand from 'arx' object
model.matrix.arx <- function(object, spec=c("mean","variance"),
  response=FALSE, as.zoo=TRUE, ...)
  spec <- match.arg(spec)
  result <- NULL
  if( spec=="mean" ){
    result <- object$aux$mX
    if( !is.null(result) ){ colnames(result) <- object$aux$mXnames }
    if( !is.null(result) && response==TRUE ){
      y <- cbind(object$aux$y)
      colnames(y) <- object$aux$y.name
      result <- cbind(y,result)

  if( spec=="variance" ){
    result <- object$aux$vX
    if( !is.null(result) ){ colnames(result) <- object$aux$vXnames }
    if( !is.null(result) && response==TRUE ){
      loge2 <- cbind(object$aux$loge2)
      colnames(loge2) <- "loge2"
      result <- cbind(loge2,result)
  if( !is.null(result) && as.zoo==TRUE ){
    result <- zoo(result, order.by=object$aux$y.index)
} #close model.matrix.arx() function

##plot results from arx
plot.arx <- function(x, spec=NULL, col=c("red","blue"),
  lty=c("solid","solid"), lwd=c(1,1), ...)
  ##check whether to plot:
  doPlot <- TRUE #default
  if( is.null(x$mean.results) && is.null(x$variance.results) ){
    doPlot <- FALSE
    message("No estimated model, so no plot produced")
  if(doPlot && !is.null(x$aux$user.estimator) ){
    doPlot <- FALSE
    message("User defined estimation, so no plot produced")

  ##proceed with plotting:

    ##lwd argument:
      print("lwd needs two arguments, but only one provided. Single argument applied to all lines plotted.")
    }else if (length(lwd)>2){
      print("lwd needs two arguments, but more provided. First two used.")

    ##lty argument:
      print("lty needs two arguments, but only one provided. Single argument applied to all lines plotted.")
    }else if (length(lwd)>2){
      print("lty needs two arguments, but more provided. First two used.")

    ##col argument:

      #####randomcol - returns random combination of colours of length 2
      randomcol <- function()
        r.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(r.r[1],1)==round(r.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          r.r <- runif(2)
        g.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(g.r[1],1)==round(g.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          g.r <- runif(2)
        b.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(b.r[1],1)==round(b.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          b.r <- runif(2)
      } #end randomcol

      ###clashcol function - returns clashing (opposite) combination of colours
      clashcol <- function()
        #using http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/the-opposite-of-a-color.html formula for opposite colour
        r.1 <- runif(1)
        g.1 <- runif(1)
        b.1 <- runif(1)
        b.2 <- min(r.1,min(g.1,b.1)) + max(r.1,max(g.1,b.1))
        col <- rgb(c(r.1,b.2-r.1),c(g.1,b.2-g.1),c(b.1,b.2-b.1))
      } #end clashcol

      ##if random:
      if(col[1]=="random") {
        col <- randomcol()
      }else if(col[1]=="awful.clash") {
        col <- clashcol()
        print("Wrong number of colours specified; using random set of colours instead.")
    } #end col argument

    ##spec argument:
    ##(logically, this part should come before the col, lty and lwd arguments)
        spec <- "mean"
         && !is.null(x$variance.results) ){
        spec <- "variance"
         && !is.null(x$variance.results) ){
        spec <- "both"
      spec.type <- c("mean", "variance", "both")
      which.type <- charmatch(spec, spec.type)
      spec <- spec.type[which.type]

    ##plot if spec is not NULL:

      ##if variance modelled, plot square root of fitted variance and absolute residuals against time
      if(spec=="variance" || spec=="both"){
        vfitted <- sqrt(x$var.fit)
        vactual <- abs(x$residuals)

      ##if mean modelled, plot fitted and actual values against time
      if(spec=="mean" || spec=="both"){
        mfitted <- x$mean.fit
        mactual <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)
      actual.name <- x$aux$y.name
      residsStd <- x$std.residuals

      ##do the plotting:

      ##get current par-values:
      def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

      ##set new par values for plot
      if(spec=="both") {##if both mean and variance modelled, plot both
      }else {##else just plot the one specified

      #set the plot margins:

      ##plot the mean:
      if(spec=="mean" || spec=="both") {##plotting mean variables

        ##check whether ?? zoo object is regular, then plot:
        if(is.regular(mactual)) {
          plot(mactual, main = "",
        } else {##if irregular, plot manually
          plot(as.Date(index(mactual)),coredata(mactual), main = "",

        ##check whether ?? zoo object is regular, then plot:
        if(is.regular(mfitted)) {
        } else {

      } #close mean plotting

      ##plot the variance:
      if(spec=="variance" || spec=="both") {

        ##add comment?
        if(is.regular(vactual)) {
          plot(vactual, main = "",
        } else {
          plot(as.Date(index(vactual)),coredata(vactual), main = "",

        ##add comment?
        if(is.regular(vfitted)) {
        } else {
          legend=c("abs(residuals)","fitted sd"),bty="n")

      } #close plotting variance parts

      ##if any standardised residuals:
        if(is.regular(residsStd)) {
        } else {
        legend("topleft",lty=1,col=col[1],legend=c("standardised residuals"),bty="n")

      #return to old par-values:

    } #close if(!is.null(spec))

  } #close if(doPlot)

} #close plot.arx

## forecast up to n.ahead
predict.arx <- function(object, spec=NULL, n.ahead=12,
  newmxreg=NULL, newvxreg=NULL, newindex=NULL,
  n.sim=5000, innov=NULL, probs=NULL, ci.levels=NULL,
  quantile.type=7, return=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, plot=NULL,
  plot.options=list(), ...)

  ## contents:
  ## 0 initialise
  ## 1 simulate innov
  ## 2 variance predictions
  ## 3 mean predictions
  ## 4 probs (quantiles)
  ## 5 newindex
  ## 6 if plot=TRUE
  ## 7 if return=TRUE

  ## 0 initialise

  ##name of object:
  objectName <- deparse(substitute(object))

  ##check n.ahead:
  if(n.ahead < 1){ stop("n.ahead must be 1 or greater") }

  ##determine spec argument:
    if(!is.null(object$mean.results)) spec <- "mean"
       && !is.null(object$variance.results)) spec <- "variance"
    spec.type <- c("mean", "variance", "both")
    which.type <- charmatch(spec, spec.type)
    spec <- spec.type[which.type]
  } #end if(..)else(..)
  if(is.null(spec)){ stop("No estimated model") }
  ##what needs to be predicted?
  predictMean <- switch(spec, "mean"=TRUE, "both"=TRUE,
  predictVariance <- switch(spec, "mean"=FALSE, "both"=TRUE,
  ##is there a mean spec?
  coefs <- as.numeric(coef.arx(object, spec="mean"))
  if(length(coefs)>0){ specMean <- TRUE }else{ specMean <- FALSE }

  ##is there a variance spec?
  coefs <- as.numeric(coef.arx(object, spec="variance"))
  if(length(coefs)>0){ specVar <- TRUE }else{ specVar <- FALSE }

  ##determine plot-argument:
  plotArg <- plot
  if( is.null(plotArg) ){
    plotArg <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plotArg) ){ plotArg <- FALSE }

  ##probs argument:
  if( !is.null(probs) ){
    if( any(probs <= 0) || any(probs >= 1) ){
      stop("the values of 'probs' must be between 0 and 1")
    probs <- union(probs,probs) #ensure values are distinct/not repeated
    probs <- probs[order(probs, decreasing=FALSE)] #re-order to increasing
  probsArg <- probs

  ##ci.levels argument:
  if( is.null(ci.levels) && plotArg==TRUE ){
    classObject <- class(object)
    if( "isat" %in% classObject ){ ##if isat:
      ciLevelsArg <- c(0.68,0.95)
    }else{ ##if not isat:
      ciLevelsArg <- c(0.5,0.9)    
    ciLevelsArg <- ci.levels
  if( !is.null(ciLevelsArg) ){
    if( any(ciLevelsArg <= 0) || any(ciLevelsArg >= 1) ){
      stop("'ci.levels' must be between 0 and 1")
    ciLevelsArg <- union(ciLevelsArg, ciLevelsArg) #ensure levels are distinct/not repeated
    ciLevelsArg <- ciLevelsArg[order(ciLevelsArg, decreasing=FALSE)] #ensure levels are increasing
    ciLower <- (1-ciLevelsArg)/2
    ciLower <- ciLower[order(ciLower, decreasing=FALSE)]    
    ciUpper <- ciLevelsArg + (1-ciLevelsArg)/2
    ciUpper <- ciUpper[order(ciUpper, decreasing=TRUE)]    
    probsArg <- union(probsArg, c(ciLower,ciUpper) ) #add to probsArg
    probsArg <- probsArg[order(probsArg, decreasing=FALSE)] #ascending
  ##are simulations of innov needed?
  doSimulations <- FALSE
  if( !is.null(probsArg) ){ doSimulations <- predictVariance <- TRUE }
  if( predictVariance && specVar ){ doSimulations <- TRUE }

  ## 1 simulate innov

  mZhat <- NULL

    ##bootstrap (innov not user-provided):
      zhat <- coredata(na.trim(object$std.residuals))
        where.zeros <- which(zhat==0)
        if(length(where.zeros)>0){ zhat <- zhat[-where.zeros] }
      draws <- runif(n.ahead*n.sim, min=0.5+.Machine$double.eps,
      draws <- round(draws, digits=0)
      zhat <- zhat[draws]
    ##user-provided innov:
      if(length(innov)!=n.ahead*n.sim){ stop("length(innov) must equal n.ahead*n.sim") }
        if(any(innov==0)){ stop("'innov' cannot contain zeros") }
      zhat <- as.numeric(innov)

    ##matrix of innovations:
    mZhat <- matrix(zhat,n.ahead,n.sim)
    colnames(mZhat) <- paste0("mZhat.", seq(1,n.sim))
  } #end if(doSimulations)
  ## 2 variance predictions

  sd2hat <- NULL #variance predictions
  mEpsilon <- NULL #matrix of simulated errors
    ##there is no variance specification:
      sigmahat <- sigma.arx(object)
      sd2hat <- rep(sigmahat^2, n.ahead)

    ##there is a variance specification:

      ##record coef estimates:
      coefs <- as.numeric(coef.arx(object, spec="variance"))
      Elnz2hat <- coefs[length(coefs)]
      coefs <- coefs[-length(coefs)]
      vconst <- as.numeric(coefs[1])
      archMax <- 0
      archIndx <- 1
        archEval <- eval(object$call$arch)
        archIndx <- 1:length(archEval) + 1
        archMax <- max(archEval)
        archCoefs <- rep(0,archMax)
        archCoefs[archEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[archIndx])
      asymMax <- 0
      asymIndx <- max(archIndx)
        asymEval <- eval(object$call$asym)
        asymIndx <- 1:length(asymEval) + max(archIndx)
        asymMax <- max(asymEval)
        asymCoefs <- rep(0,asymMax)
        asymCoefs[asymEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[asymIndx])
      logewmaMax <- 0
      logewmaIndx <- max(asymIndx)
        logewmaEval <- eval(object$call$log.ewma)
        if(is.list(logewmaEval)){ logewmaEval <- logewmaEval$length }
        logewmaIndx <- 1:length(logewmaEval) + max(asymIndx)
        logewmaMax <- max(logewmaEval)
        logewmaCoefs <- as.numeric(coefs[logewmaIndx])
      ##backcast length:
      backcastMax <- max(archMax,asymMax,logewmaMax)
      vxreghat <- rep(0, n.ahead + backcastMax)
        ##check newvxreg:
        if(is.null(newvxreg)){ stop("'newvxreg' is NULL") }
        if(NROW(newvxreg)!=n.ahead){ stop("NROW(newvxreg) must equal n.ahead") }
        newvxreg <- coredata(cbind(as.zoo(newvxreg)))
        colnames(newvxreg) <- NULL
        vxregIndx <- c(max(logewmaIndx)+1):length(coefs)
        vxreghat <-  newvxreg %*% coefs[vxregIndx]
        vxreghat <- c(rep(0,backcastMax),vxreghat)
      } #end vxreg
      ##prepare lnsd2:
      lnsd2hat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
      lnsd2hat.n <- length(lnsd2hat)
      lnsd2Fit <- log(coredata(fitted.arx(object, spec="variance")))
        lnsd2hat[1:backcastMax] <- 
      mLnsd2Hat <- matrix(NA, lnsd2hat.n, n.sim) #matrix of lnsd2 predictions
      mLnsd2Hat[,1:NCOL(mLnsd2Hat)] <- lnsd2hat  #fill with backcast values
      ##prepare lnz2:
      lnz2hat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
      lnz2hat.n <- length(lnz2hat)
      lnz2Fit <- coredata(object$ustar.residuals) + Elnz2hat
        lnz2hat[1:backcastMax] <- lnz2Fit[c(length(lnz2Fit)-backcastMax+1):length(lnz2Fit)]
      mLnz2Hat <- matrix(NA, lnz2hat.n, n.sim)
      mLnz2Hat[,1:NCOL(mLnz2Hat)] <- lnz2hat
      mZhat2 <- mZhat^2 #mZhat from section 1
      mLnz2Hat[c(backcastMax+1):NROW(mLnz2Hat),] <- log(mZhat2)
      vEpsilon2 <- rep(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax) #needed for log(ewma) term(s)
        vEpsilon2[1:backcastMax] <- as.numeric(object$residuals[c(length(object$residuals)-backcastMax+1):length(object$residuals)]^2)
        mZhat2 <- rbind(matrix(NA,backcastMax,NCOL(mZhat2)),mZhat2)
      ##prepare asym:
        zhatIneg <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
        zhatIneg.n <- length(zhatIneg)
        zhatFit <- coredata(object$std.residuals)
        zhatIneg[1:backcastMax] <- zhatFit[c(length(zhatFit)-backcastMax+1):length(zhatFit)]
        zhatIneg <- as.numeric(zhatIneg<0)
        mZhatIneg <- matrix(NA, zhatIneg.n, n.sim)
        mZhatIneg[,1:NCOL(mZhatIneg)] <- zhatIneg
        mZhatIneg[c(backcastMax+1):NROW(mZhatIneg),] <- matrix(as.numeric(zhat<0),NROW(zhat),NCOL(zhat))
      ##prepare log.ewma:
        mLogEwmaHat <- matrix(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax, length(logewmaCoefs))
        colnames(mLogEwmaHat) <- object$aux$vXnames[logewmaIndx]
        mLogEwmaHat[1:backcastMax,] <- object$aux$vX[c(NROW(object$aux$vX)-backcastMax+1):NROW(object$aux$vX),logewmaIndx]
        mLogEwmaHat <- as.matrix(mLogEwmaHat)
      archTerm <- 0
      lnz2Term <- 0
      asymTerm <- 0
      logewmaTerm <- 0
      for(j in 1:NCOL(mLnsd2Hat)){
        for(i in c(backcastMax+1):NROW(mLnsd2Hat)){
            archTerm <- sum( archCoefs*mLnsd2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-archMax),j] )
            lnz2Term <- sum( archCoefs*mLnz2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-archMax),j] )
            asymTermSd2 <- sum( asymCoefs*mLnsd2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j]*mZhatIneg[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j] )
            asymTermLnz2 <- sum( asymCoefs*mLnz2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j]*mZhatIneg[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j] )
            asymTerm <- asymTermSd2 + asymTermLnz2
            for(k in 1:NCOL(mLogEwmaHat)){
              mLogEwmaHat[i,k] <- log( mean(vEpsilon2[c(i-logewmaEval[k]):c(i-1)]) )
            logewmaTerm <- sum( coefs[logewmaIndx] * mLogEwmaHat[i,] )
          mLnsd2Hat[i,j] <- vconst + archTerm + lnz2Term + asymTerm + logewmaTerm + vxreghat[i]
          vEpsilon2[i] <- exp(mLnsd2Hat[i,j])*mZhat2[i,j]
        } ##end for(i)
      } ##end for(j)
      mSd2Hat <- exp( mLnsd2Hat[c(lnsd2hat.n-n.ahead+1):lnsd2hat.n,] )
      if(n.ahead==1){ mSd2Hat <- rbind(mSd2Hat) } #rbind() needed when n.ahead=1
      sd2hat <- as.vector(rowMeans(mSd2Hat))
    } #end if(specVar==TRUE)

    ##matrix of errors:
      mEpsilon <- sqrt(sd2hat)*mZhat
      colnames(mEpsilon) <- paste0("mEpsilon.", seq(1,n.sim))

  } #end if(predictVariance)

  ## 3 mean predictions

  yhat <- NULL #mean predictions
  mY <- NULL #matrix of simulated y's
    ##there is no mean specification:
      yhat <- rep(0, n.ahead)
        mY <- yhat + mEpsilon
        colnames(mY) <- paste0("mY.", seq(1,n.sim))

    ##there is a mean specification:

      coefs <- coef.arx(object, spec="mean")
      mcArg <- eval(object$call$mc)
      if( is.null(mcArg) || isTRUE(mcArg) ){
        mconst <- as.numeric(coefs[1])
        mconstIndx <- 1
        mconst <- 0
        mconstIndx <- 0
      arMax <- 0
      arIndx <- max(mconstIndx)
        arEval <- eval(object$call$ar)
        arIndx <- 1:length(arEval) + max(mconstIndx)
        arMax <- max(arEval)
        arCoefs <- rep(0,arMax)
        arCoefs[arEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[arIndx])
      ewmaMax <- 0
      ewmaIndx <- max(arIndx)
      if( !is.null(object$call$ewma) ){
        ewmaEval <- eval(object$call$ewma)
        if(is.list(ewmaEval)){ ewmaEval <- ewmaEval$length }
        ewmaIndx <- 1:length(ewmaEval) + max(arIndx)
        ewmaMax <- max(ewmaEval)
        ewmaCoefs <- as.numeric(coefs[ewmaIndx])
      ##backcast length:
      backcastMax <- max(arMax,ewmaMax)

      mxreghat <- rep(0, n.ahead + backcastMax)

        ##check newmxreg:
        if(is.null(newmxreg)){ stop("'newmxreg' is NULL") }
        if(NROW(newmxreg)!=n.ahead){ stop("NROW(newmxreg) must equal n.ahead") }
        newmxreg <- coredata(cbind(as.zoo(newmxreg)))
        colnames(newmxreg) <- NULL
        mxregIndx <- c(max(ewmaIndx)+1):length(coefs)
        mxreghat <-  newmxreg %*% as.numeric(coefs[mxregIndx])
        mxreghat <- c(rep(0,backcastMax),mxreghat)
      } ##end mxreg
      ##prepare prediction:
      yhat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
      yhat.n <- length(yhat)
      if(backcastMax>0) {
        ##actual y-values:
        yhat[1:backcastMax] <- tail(object$aux$y, n=backcastMax)

      ##prepare ewma:
        mEwmaHat <- matrix(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax, length(ewmaCoefs))
        colnames(mEwmaHat) <- object$aux$mXnames[ewmaIndx]
        mEwmaHat[1:backcastMax,] <- object$aux$mX[c(NROW(object$aux$mX)-backcastMax+1):NROW(object$aux$mX),ewmaIndx]
        mEwmaHat <- as.matrix(mEwmaHat)

      ##predict yhat:
      arTerm <- 0
      ewmaTerm <- 0
      for(i in c(backcastMax+1):yhat.n){
        if( arMax>0 ){ arTerm <- sum(arCoefs*yhat[c(i-1):c(i-arMax)]) }
        if( ewmaMax>0 ){
          for(k in 1:NCOL(mEwmaHat)){
            mEwmaHat[i,k] <- mean( yhat[c(i-ewmaEval[k]):c(i-1)] )
          ewmaTerm <- sum( coefs[ewmaIndx] * mEwmaHat[i,] )
        yhat[i] <- mconst + arTerm + ewmaTerm + mxreghat[i]
      } #end loop
      yhat <- yhat[c(yhat.n-n.ahead+1):yhat.n]
      ##simulate mY?:
      if( !is.null(mEpsilon) ){
        ##loop on j:
        mY <- matrix(NA, NROW(mEpsilon), NCOL(mEpsilon))
        for(j in 1:NCOL(mEpsilon)){

          ##prepare prediction no. j:
          yhatadj <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
          if(backcastMax>0) {
            ##actual y-values:
            yhatadj[1:backcastMax] <- tail(object$aux$y, n=backcastMax)

          ##prepare ewma:
            mEwmaHat <- matrix(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax, length(ewmaCoefs))
            colnames(mEwmaHat) <- object$aux$mXnames[ewmaIndx]
            mEwmaHat[1:backcastMax,] <- object$aux$mX[c(NROW(object$aux$mX)-backcastMax+1):NROW(object$aux$mX),ewmaIndx]
            mEwmaHat <- as.matrix(mEwmaHat)

          ##predict yhatadj:
          arTerm <- 0
          ewmaTerm <- 0
          for(i in c(backcastMax+1):yhat.n){
            if( arMax>0 ){ arTerm <- sum(arCoefs*yhatadj[c(i-1):c(i-arMax)]) }
            if( ewmaMax>0 ){
              for(k in 1:NCOL(mEwmaHat)){
                mEwmaHat[i,k] <- mean( yhatadj[c(i-ewmaEval[k]):c(i-1)] )
              ewmaTerm <- sum( coefs[ewmaIndx] * mEwmaHat[i,] )
            yhatadj[i] <- mconst + arTerm + ewmaTerm +
              mxreghat[i] + mEpsilon[c(i-backcastMax),j]
          } #end loop
          ##store the simulation of yhatadj:
          mY[,j] <- yhatadj[c(yhat.n-n.ahead+1):yhat.n]

        } #end for(j)

        ##add colnames:
        colnames(mY) <- paste0("mY.", seq(1,n.sim))

      } #end if( not null(mEpsilon) )
    } #end if(specMean==TRUE)

  } #end if(predictMean)

  ## 4 probs (quantiles)

  mMeanQs <- NULL
  if( predictMean && !is.null(probsArg) ){
    mMeanQs <- matrix(NA, n.ahead, length(probsArg))
    for(i in 1:NROW(mY)){
      mMeanQs[i,] <- quantile(mY[i,], probs=probsArg, type=quantile.type)
    colnames(mMeanQs) <- paste0(probsArg)
  mVarianceQs <- NULL
  if( predictVariance && specVar && !is.null(probsArg) ){
    mVarianceQs <- matrix(NA, n.ahead, length(probsArg))
    for(i in 1:NROW(mSd2Hat)){
      mVarianceQs[i,] <- quantile(mSd2Hat[i,], probs=probsArg, type=quantile.type)
    colnames(mVarianceQs) <- paste0(probsArg)

  ## 5 newindex
  yInSample <- zoo(object$aux$y, order.by=object$aux$y.index)

  #newindex user-provided:
  if( !is.null(newindex) ){
    yAsRegular <- FALSE
    if( n.ahead!=length(newindex) ){
      stop("length(newindex) must equal 'n.ahead'")
    newindexInSample <- any( newindex %in% object$aux$y.index )
  }else{ newindexInSample <- FALSE }

  #in-sample index regular:
  if( is.null(newindex) && is.regular(yInSample, strict=TRUE) ){
    endCycle <- cycle(yInSample)
    endCycle <- as.numeric(endCycle[length(endCycle)])
    endYear <- floor(as.numeric(object$aux$y.index[object$aux$y.n]))
    yFreq <- frequency(yInSample)
    yhataux <- rep(NA, n.ahead+1)
    yDeltat <- deltat(yInSample)
    if( yDeltat==1 && yFreq==1 ){
      yhataux <- zoo(yhataux,
        order.by=seq(endYear, endYear+n.ahead, by=1))
      yAsRegular <- FALSE
      yhataux <- zooreg(yhataux, start=c(endYear, endCycle),
      yAsRegular <- TRUE
    yhataux <- yhataux[-1]
    newindex <- index(yhataux)

  ##neither user-provided nor regular:
  if( is.null(newindex) ){ newindex <- 1:n.ahead }

  ##add index to results:
  if(!is.null(mZhat)){ mZhat <- zoo(mZhat, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(sd2hat)){ sd2hat <- zoo(sd2hat, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(mEpsilon)){ mEpsilon <- zoo(mEpsilon, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(yhat)){ yhat <- zoo(yhat, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(mY)){ mY <- zoo(mY, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(mMeanQs)){ mMeanQs <- zoo(mMeanQs, order.by=newindex) }
  if(!is.null(mVarianceQs)){ mVarianceQs <- zoo(mVarianceQs, order.by=newindex) }

  ## 6 if plot=TRUE

  ##check special case:
  if( plotArg && spec=="variance" && specVar==FALSE ){
    message("To enable a plot of the variance predictions, set 'vc = TRUE' during estimation")
    plotArg <- FALSE #change argument

  ##check another special case (plot.zoo does not work if
  ##the index is not unique):
  if( plotArg && newindexInSample==TRUE ){
    message("'newindex' not entirely out-of-sample, so no plot produced")
    plotArg <- FALSE #change argument
  ##idea?: the special case where the out-of-sample index
  ##is not of the same type as the in-sample index. for 
  ##regular zoo-series, this can possibly be checked by checking
  ##whether the numeric delta is the same both in-sample and
  ##way to check for this is 
  if( plotArg ){

    ##some of the plot.options:

    ##remember: both ylab and hlines argument can be specified,
    ##even though they do not appear below
    ##how many in-sample observations to include in plot?:
    if( is.null(plot.options$keep) ){ plot.options$keep <- 12L }
    if( plot.options$keep < 1 ){
      plot.options$keep <- 1L
      message("'plot.options$keep' changed to 1")
    ##if "main" argument:
    if( is.null(plot.options$main) ){
      parMarVals <- c(2.1,3.1,0.6,0.6) #bottom,left,top,right
      parMarVals <- c(2.1,3.1,1.5,0.6) #bottom,left,top,right
    ##linetype (solid=1, dashed=2, etc.). Order: lty=c(Forecast,Actual)
    if( is.null(plot.options$lty )){ plot.options$lty <- c(1,1) }

    ##linewidth. Order: lwd=c(Forecast,Actual)
    if( is.null(plot.options$lwd) ){ plot.options$lwd <- c(1,1) }
    ##colours. Order: col=c(Forecast,Actual)
    if( is.null(plot.options$col) ){ plot.options$col <- c("red","blue") }
    ##text for legend:
    if( is.null(plot.options$legend.text) ){
      if( spec == "variance" ){
        plot.options$legend.text <- c("Forecast", "Squared residuals")
        plot.options$legend.text <- c("Forecast", "Actual")
    ##whether to include retained fitted or not:
    if( is.null(plot.options$fitted) ){ plot.options$fitted <- FALSE }

    ##should predictions start at origin?:
    if( is.null(plot.options$start.at.origin) ){
      plot.options$start.at.origin <- TRUE

    ##add dot at forecast origin?:
    if( is.null(plot.options$dot.at.origin) ){    
      plot.options$dot.at.origin <- TRUE
    ##add vertical line at forecast origin?:
    if( is.null(plot.options$line.at.origin) ){
      plot.options$line.at.origin <- FALSE
    ##check if( !is.null(shades.of.grey) ):
    if( !is.null(plot.options[["shades.of.grey"]]) ){
        "argument 'shades.of.grey' has changed name to 'shades',\n",
        "'shades.of.grey' will be deprecated in future versions"
      if( is.null(plot.options[["shades"]]) ){
        plot.options[["shades"]] <- plot.options[["shades.of.grey"]]

    ##start preparing:
    ##select the shades of grey for the ci's:
    if( is.null(plot.options$shades) ){
      shadesOfGrey <- 40:90 #1 to 100 is possible
      shadesOfGrey <- quantile(shadesOfGrey, probs=ciLevelsArg) 
      shadesOfGrey <- shadesOfGrey[length(shadesOfGrey):1] #invert, i.e. last to first
      plot.options$shades <- round(as.numeric(shadesOfGrey))
    greySelection <- paste0("grey", plot.options$shades)
    ##make dataForPlot:
    dataForPlot <- matrix(NA, n.ahead, 6)
    colnames(dataForPlot) <- c("MeanActual", "MeanFitted",
      "MeanPrediction", "ResidualsSquared", "VarianceFitted",
      dataForPlot[1:length(plot.options$newmactual),"MeanActual"] <-
      dataForPlot[1:length(plot.options$newvactual),"ResidualsSquared"] <-
      dataForPlot[,"MeanPrediction"] <- coredata(yhat)
      dataForPlot[,"VariancePrediction"] <- coredata(sd2hat)
    retainedData <- matrix(NA, plot.options$keep, NCOL(dataForPlot))
    colnames(retainedData) <- colnames(dataForPlot)
    retainedData[,"MeanActual"] <-
      tail(coredata(yInSample), n=plot.options$keep)
    retainedData[,"ResidualsSquared"] <-
      tail(coredata(object$residuals)^2, n=plot.options$keep)
    retainedData[,"MeanFitted"] <-
      tail(coredata(object$mean.fit), n=plot.options$keep)
    retainedData[,"VarianceFitted"] <-
      tail(coredata(object$var.fit), n=plot.options$keep)
    if( plot.options$start.at.origin ){ ##let predictions start.at.origin:      
      retainedData[NROW(retainedData),"MeanPrediction"] <- 
      retainedData[NROW(retainedData),"VariancePrediction"] <- 
    if( !plot.options$start.at.origin && plot.options$fitted ){
      retainedData[,"MeanPrediction"] <- retainedData[,"MeanFitted"]
    dataForPlot <- rbind(retainedData, dataForPlot)
    tmpIndx <- c(tail(index(yInSample), n=plot.options$keep), newindex)
    dataForPlot <- zoo(dataForPlot, order.by=tmpIndx)
    ##if spec="mean" or "both":

    if( spec %in% c("mean","both") ){

      ##create polygon index:
      i1 <- ifelse(plot.options$start.at.origin, 0, 1)   
      polygonIndx <- c(NROW(dataForPlot)-n.ahead+i1):NROW(dataForPlot)
      polygonIndx <- c(polygonIndx, polygonIndx[c(length(polygonIndx):1)])
      polygonIndx <- index(dataForPlot)[polygonIndx]

      ##matrices with the ci's:
      mCiLowerValsMean <- cbind(coredata(mMeanQs[,as.character(ciLower)]))
      colnames(mCiLowerValsMean) <- as.character(ciLower)
      mCiUpperValsMean <- cbind(coredata(mMeanQs[,as.character(ciUpper)]))
      colnames(mCiUpperValsMean) <- as.character(ciUpper)
      mCiUpperValsMean <-
        mCiUpperValsMean[NROW(mCiUpperValsMean):1,] #invert (first to last, last to first)
      if(n.ahead==1){ ##ensure they are still matrices:
        mCiLowerValsMean <- rbind(mCiLowerValsMean)
        mCiUpperValsMean <- rbind(mCiUpperValsMean)
      ##add actual value at forecast origin to ci matrices?:
      if( plot.options$start.at.origin ){
        actualValue <- retainedData[NROW(retainedData),"MeanActual"]  
        mCiLowerValsMean <- rbind(actualValue,mCiLowerValsMean)
        mCiUpperValsMean <- rbind(mCiUpperValsMean,actualValue)
      ##y-axis (limits):
      if( is.null(plot.options$ylim) ){

        ylimArg <- c(coredata(mCiLowerValsMean[,1]),
        if( plot.options$keep > 0 ){
          ylimArg <- c(ylimArg,
            tail(coredata(yInSample), n=plot.options$keep) )
            ylimArg <- c(ylimArg,
              tail(coredata(object$mean.fit), n=plot.options$keep))
          ylimArg <- c(ylimArg, coredata(plot.options$newmactual))
        ylimArg <- range(ylimArg)
#NEW line added by G.:
        vlineTopValue <- ylimArg[2] #for vertical line (further below)
        eps <- abs(ylimArg[2]-ylimArg[1])
        ylimArg[2] <- ylimArg[2] + eps*0.15 #add more space at the top
        ylimArg[1] <- ylimArg[1] - eps*0.05 #add more space at the bottom

        ylimArg <- plot.options$ylim
#NEW line added by G.:
        vlineTopValue <- 0.9*ylimArg[2]
      ##get current par-values:
      def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
      ##set margins:
      ##plot actual values in white (i.e. create plot):
      plot.zoo(dataForPlot[,"MeanActual"], xlab="", ylab="",
        main=plot.options$main, lty=plot.options$lty[2],
        col="white", lwd=plot.options$lwd[2], ylim=ylimArg)

      ##add start line?:
      if( plot.options$line.at.origin ){
        startlineIndx <- rep( index(dataForPlot)[plot.options$keep], 2)
        eps <- abs(ylimArg[2]-ylimArg[1])
        startlineVals <- c(ylimArg[1]-eps*0.05, vlineTopValue)
#        startlineVals <- c(ylimArg[1]-eps*0.05, ylimArg[2]/1.15)
        polygon(startlineIndx, startlineVals, col="grey",
          border="grey", lwd=plot.options$lwd)
      ##add ci's:
      for(i in 1:length(ciLevelsArg)){
        polygon( polygonIndx,
          col=greySelection[i], border=greySelection[i] )  
      ##add horisontal lines?:
        abline(h=plot.options$hlines, col="grey", lty=3)

      ##add prediction:
      lines(dataForPlot[,"MeanPrediction"], lty=plot.options$lty[1],
        col=plot.options$col[1], lwd=plot.options$lwd[1])
      ##add actual:
      lines(dataForPlot[,"MeanActual"], lty=plot.options$lty[2],
        col=plot.options$col[2], lwd=plot.options$lwd[2], type="l")
      ##add fitted (pre-prediction):
      if( plot.options$keep > 0 && plot.options$fitted ){
        lines(dataForPlot[,"MeanFitted"], lty=plot.options$lty[2],
          col=plot.options$col[1], lwd=plot.options$lwd[1],

      ##add point at forecast origin?:
      if( plot.options$dot.at.origin ){
          pch=19, col=plot.options$col[2], lwd=plot.options$lwd[2])
      ##add actual values out-of-sample:
      if( !is.null(plot.options$newmactual) ){
        lines(dataForPlot[,"MeanActual"], lty=plot.options$lty[2],
          col=plot.options$col[2], lwd=plot.options$lwd[2],

      ##add text closer to plot than xlab or ylab would do
      mtextValue <- ifelse(is.null(plot.options$ylab),
        "Mean", plot.options$ylab)
      mtext(mtextValue, side=2, line=2)
      ##add plot-legend:
      legend("top", lty=plot.options$lty, col=plot.options$col,
        lwd=plot.options$lwd, legend=plot.options$legend.text,
        bg="white", bty="n")
      ##add ci-legend:
      legendArg <- ciLevelsArg[length(ciLevelsArg):1]*100
      legendArg <- paste0(legendArg, "%")      
      legend("topright", lty=c(1,1), lwd=13, bty="n",
      ##return to old par-values:

    } #end if(spec %in% c("mean","both"))

    ##if spec="variance":

    if( spec=="variance" ){

      ##create polygon index:
      i1 <- ifelse(plot.options$start.at.origin, 0, 1)   
      polygonIndx <- c(NROW(dataForPlot)-n.ahead+i1):NROW(dataForPlot)
      polygonIndx <- c(polygonIndx, polygonIndx[c(length(polygonIndx):1)])
      polygonIndx <- index(dataForPlot)[polygonIndx]

      ##matrices with the ci's:
      mCiLowerValsVar <- cbind(coredata(mVarianceQs[,as.character(ciLower)]))
      colnames(mCiLowerValsVar) <- as.character(ciLower)
      mCiUpperValsVar <- cbind(coredata(mVarianceQs[,as.character(ciUpper)]))
      colnames(mCiUpperValsVar) <- as.character(ciUpper)
      mCiUpperValsVar <-
        mCiUpperValsVar[NROW(mCiUpperValsVar):1,] #invert (first to last, last to first)

      ##add fitted value to forecast origin?:
      if( plot.options$start.at.origin ){
        fittedValue <- retainedData[NROW(retainedData),"VarianceFitted"]  
        mCiLowerValsVar <- rbind(fittedValue,mCiLowerValsVar)
        mCiUpperValsVar <- rbind(mCiUpperValsVar,fittedValue)

      ##y-axis (limits):

        ylimArg <- c(coredata(mCiLowerValsVar[,1]),
        if( plot.options$keep > 0 ){
          ylimArg <- c(ylimArg,
            tail(coredata(object$residuals)^2, n=plot.options$keep) )
            ylimArg <- c(ylimArg,
              tail(coredata(object$var.fit), n=plot.options$keep))
          ylimArg <- c(ylimArg, coredata(plot.options$newvactual))
        ylimArg <- range(ylimArg)
        eps <- abs(ylimArg[2]-ylimArg[1])
        ylimArg[2] <- ylimArg[2] + eps*0.15 #add more space at the top
        ylimArg[1] <- ylimArg[1] - eps*0.05 #add more space at the bottom
      }else{ ylimArg <- plot.options$ylim }
      ##get current par-values:
      def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
      ##plot the actual values:
      plot.zoo(dataForPlot[,"ResidualsSquared"], xlab="", ylab="",
        main=plot.options$main, lty=plot.options$lty[2],
        col=plot.options$col[2], lwd=plot.options$lwd,
      ##add start line?:
      if( plot.options$line.at.origin ){
        startlineIndx <- rep( index(dataForPlot)[plot.options$keep], 2)
        eps <- abs(ylimArg[2]-ylimArg[1])
        startlineVals <- c(ylimArg[1]-eps*0.05, ylimArg[2]/1.2)
        polygon(startlineIndx, startlineVals, col="grey",
          border="grey", lwd=plot.options$lwd)
      ##add ci's:
      for(i in 1:length(ciLevelsArg)){
        polygon( polygonIndx,
          col=greySelection[i], border=greySelection[i] )  

      ##add horisontal lines?:
        abline(h=plot.options$hlines, col="grey", lty=3)
      ##add prediction:
      lines(dataForPlot[,"VariancePrediction"], lty=plot.options$lty[1],
        col=plot.options$col[1], lwd=plot.options$lwd,
      ##add fitted (in-sample):
      if( plot.options$keep > 0 && plot.options$fitted ){
        lines(dataForPlot[,"VarianceFitted"], lty=plot.options$lty[2],
          lwd=plot.options$lwd, col=plot.options$col[1],
      ##add point at forecast origin?:
          #OLD: fittedValue,
          pch=19, col=plot.options$col[1], lwd=plot.options$lwd)

      ##add actual values of residuals squared out-of-sample:
      if( !is.null(plot.options$newvactual) ){
        lines(dataForPlot[,"ResidualsSquared"], lty=plot.options$lty[2],
          col=plot.options$col[2], lwd=plot.options$lwd,

      ##add text closer to plot than xlab or ylab would do
      mtextValue <- ifelse(is.null(plot.options$ylab),
        "Variance", plot.options$ylab)
      mtext(mtextValue, side=2, line=2)

      ##add plot-legend:
      legend("top", lty=plot.options$lty, col=plot.options$col,
        lwd=plot.options$lwd, legend=plot.options$legend.text,
      ##add ci-legend:
      legendArg <- ciLevelsArg[length(ciLevelsArg):1]*100
      legendArg <- paste0(legendArg, "%")      
      legend("topright", lty=c(1,1), lwd=13, bty="n",
      ##return to old par-values:

    } #end if(spec %in% c("mean","both"))

  } #end if(plotArg)

  ## 7 if return=TRUE


    ##change colnames on quantiles:
    if(!is.null(mMeanQs)){ colnames(mMeanQs) <- paste0("y",probsArg) }
    if(!is.null(mVarianceQs)){ colnames(mVarianceQs) <- paste0("sd2",probsArg) }
    ##return everything:
      result <- NULL
      if(!is.null(yhat)){ result <- cbind(yhat) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- mMeanQs }else{ result <- cbind(result,mMeanQs) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- mY }else{ result <- cbind(result,mY) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- sd2hat }else{ result <- cbind(result,sd2hat) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- mVarianceQs }else{ result <- cbind(result,mVarianceQs) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- mEpsilon }else{ result <- cbind(result,mEpsilon) }
        if(is.null(result)){ result <- mZhat }else{ result <- cbind(result, mZhat) }
    } #end if(verbose)
    ##do not return everything:

      resultMean <- NULL
      resultVariance <- NULL
      ##mean specification:
      if( spec %in% c("mean","both" ) ){
        resultMean <- yhat
        if( !is.null(probs) || !is.null(ci.levels) ){
          resultMean <- cbind(yhat,mMeanQs)

      ##mean specification:
      if( spec %in% c("variance","both" ) ){
        resultVariance <- sd2hat
        if( !is.null(probs) || !is.null(ci.levels) ){
          resultVariance <- cbind(sd2hat,mVarianceQs)

      if(is.null(resultMean)){ result <- resultVariance }
      if(is.null(resultVariance)){ result <- resultMean }
      if(!is.null(resultMean) && !is.null(resultVariance) ){
        result <- cbind(resultMean,resultVariance)
        colnames(result) <- c("yhat", "sd2hat")
    } #end if(!verbose)

    ##return the result:

  } #end if(return)
} #close predict.arx  

## print estimation result
print.arx <- function(x, signif.stars=TRUE, ...)
  ##check if mean and variance have been fitted:
  xNames <- names(x)
  meanResults <- ifelse("mean.results" %in% xNames, TRUE, FALSE)
  varianceResults <- ifelse("variance.results" %in% xNames, TRUE, FALSE)

  ##header - first part:
  cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
  if(meanResults || varianceResults){
    estType <- ifelse(is.null(x$aux$user.estimator),
      "Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)", "User defined")
    cat("Dependent var.:", x$aux$y.name, "\n")
    cat("Method:", estType, "\n")

  ##header - if mean results:
      cat("Variance-Covariance:", switch(x$aux$vcov.type,
        ordinary = "Ordinary", white = "White (1980)",
        "newey-west" = "Newey and West (1987)"), "\n")
    if("residuals" %in% xNames){
      cat("No. of observations (mean eq.):",
        length(na.trim(x$residuals)), "\n")

  ##header - if variance results:
  if( varianceResults && "resids.std" %in% xNames ){
    cat("No. of observations (variance eq.):",
      length(na.trim(x$std.residuals)), "\n")

  ##header - sample info:
  if( "residuals" %in% xNames ){
    indexTrimmed <- index(na.trim(x$residuals))
    isRegular <- is.regular(x$residuals, strict=TRUE)
    isCyclical <- frequency(x$residuals) > 1
    if(isRegular && isCyclical){
      cycleTrimmed <- cycle(na.trim(x$residuals))
      startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[1]))
      startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
        "(", cycleTrimmed[1], ")", sep="")
      endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)]))
      endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
        "(", cycleTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)], ")", sep="")
      startAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[1])
      endAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)])
    cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")
  } #end if( "residuals" %in% xNames )

  ##print mean results:
    cat("Mean equation:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$mean.results, signif.stars=signif.stars)

  ##print variance results:
    cat("Log-variance equation:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$variance.results, signif.stars=signif.stars)

  ##print if no results:
  if( !meanResults && !varianceResults ){
    cat("   No estimation results\n")

  ##create goodness-of-fit matrix:
  if( !"gof" %in% xNames && is.null(x$aux$user.estimator) ){
    gof <- matrix(NA, 3, 1)
    rownames(gof) <- c("SE of regression", "R-squared",
      paste("Log-lik.(n=", length(na.trim(x$std.residuals)), ")", sep=""))
    colnames(gof) <- ""
    gof[1,1] <- sigma.arx(x)
    gof[2,1] <- rsquared(x)
    gof[3,1] <- as.numeric(logLik.arx(x))
    x$gof <- gof

  ##print diagnostics and fit:
  if( !is.null(x$diagnostics) ) {
    cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
##    printCoefmat(x$diagnostics, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=2,
##      signif.stars=FALSE)
    printCoefmat(x$diagnostics, tst.ind=2,
      signif.stars=signif.stars, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
    if( !is.null(x$gof) ){
      printCoefmat(x$gof, digits=6, signif.stars=signif.stars)

} #end print.arx

recursive <- function(object, spec=c("mean","variance"),
  std.errors=TRUE, from=40, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE,
  plot=NULL, return=TRUE)
  ##check if user-defined estimator:
  if( !is.null(object$aux$user.estimator) ){
    stop("Not available for user-defined estimators")

  ##which specification:
  specType <- match.arg(spec)
#Change to?:
#  specType <- c("mean", "variance")
#  whichType <- charmatch(spec, specType)
#  specType <- specType[whichType]

  ##if mean-specification:
      stop("No mean-equation")
    vY <- object$aux$y
    yNrow <- NROW(vY)
    mX <- object$aux$mX
    mXncol <- object$aux$mXncol
    mXnames <- object$aux$mXnames
    mainlab <- "Recursive estimates: mean equation"

  ##if variance-specification:
      stop("No variance-equation")
    vY <- object$aux$loge2
    yNrow <- NROW(vY)
    mX <- object$aux$vX
    mXncol <- object$aux$vXncol
    mXnames <- object$aux$vXnames
    mainlab <- "Recursive estimates: log-variance equation"

  ##determine ols method:
      if(object$aux$vcov.type=="ordinary"){ olsMethod=3 }
      if(object$aux$vcov.type=="white"){ olsMethod=4 }
      if(object$aux$vcov.type=="newey-west"){ olsMethod=5 }
  } #close if(mean)

  } #close if(variance)

  colnames(mX) <- mXnames
  recursiveEstimates <- matrix(NA, yNrow, mXncol)
    recursiveEstimatesElnz2 <- rep(NA, yNrow)
  colnames(recursiveEstimates) <- mXnames
    recursiveStdErrs <- recursiveEstimates
  startIndx <- max(mXncol, min(from, yNrow))
  compute.at <- seq.int(from=yNrow, to=startIndx, by=-1)

  for(i in 1:length(compute.at)){

    vY <- vY[1:compute.at[i]]
    mXnames <- colnames(mX)
    NCOLmX <- NCOL(mX)
    mX <- dropvar(as.matrix(mX[1:compute.at[i], ]), tol=tol,
      LAPACK=LAPACK, silent=TRUE)
    if(NCOLmX==1){ colnames(mX) <- mXnames }
    tmpEst <- ols(vY, mX, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, method=olsMethod)
    recursiveEstimates[compute.at[i],colnames(mX)] <- tmpEst$coefficients
      recursiveStdErrs[compute.at[i],colnames(mX)] <- sqrt(diag(tmpEst$vcov))

    ##if variance-specification:
      Elnz2est <- -log(mean(exp(tmpEst$residuals)))
      recursiveEstimates[compute.at[i], "vconst"] <- recursiveEstimates[compute.at[i], "vconst"] - Elnz2est
      recursiveEstimatesElnz2[compute.at[i]] <- Elnz2est

  } #close for loop

  ##rename std.errors columns:
    colnames(recursiveStdErrs) <- paste(colnames(recursiveStdErrs),
      "SE", sep="")

  ##set vconstSE to NA:
  if(std.errors==TRUE && specType=="variance"){
    recursiveStdErrs[,1] <- NA

  ##handle zoo-index:
  naDiff <- object$aux$y.n - yNrow
    zooIndx <- object$aux$y.index
    zooIndx <- object$aux$y.index[-c(1:naDiff)]
  recursiveEstimates <- zoo(recursiveEstimates,
  if(is.regular(recursiveEstimates, strict=TRUE)){ recursiveEstimates <- as.zooreg(recursiveEstimates) }
    recursiveStdErrs <- zoo(recursiveStdErrs,
    if(is.regular(recursiveStdErrs, strict=TRUE)){ recursiveStdErrs <- as.zooreg(recursiveStdErrs) }

  ##if return=TRUE:
    out <- list()
    out$estimates <- recursiveEstimates
      out$standard.errors <- recursiveStdErrs

  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
    recursiveEstimates <- na.trim(recursiveEstimates,
#    recursiveEstimates <- zoo(coredata(recursiveEstimates),
#      order.by=index(recursiveEstimates))
    plot(recursiveEstimates, main=mainlab, xlab="", col="blue")

} #close recursive

residuals.arx <- function(object, std=FALSE, ...)
  ##determine spec:
    std <- switch(as.character(object$call)[1],
      arx=FALSE, getsm=FALSE, getsv=TRUE)

    result <- object$std.residuals
    result <- object$residuals
} #end residuals.arx

## SE of regression
sigma.arx <- function(object, ...)
  residsTrimmed <- na.trim(object$residuals)
  RSS <- sum(residsTrimmed^2)
  nobs <- length(residsTrimmed)
  DFs <- length(coef.arx(object, spec="mean"))
  return( sqrt(RSS/(nobs-DFs)) )
} #close sigma.arx

## R-squared
rsquared <- function(object, adjusted=FALSE, ...)
  classObject <- class(object)
  classOK <- classObject %in% c("arx", "gets", "isat")
  if(!classOK){ message("object not of class 'arx', 'gets' or 'isat'") }
  if( "gets" %in% classObject ){
    specType <- switch(as.character(object$call)[1],
      getsm="mean", getsv="variance")
  if( is(object,"gets") && specType=="variance" ){
    result <- NA
#    Rsquared <- NA
    TSS <- sum( (object$aux$y - mean(object$aux$y))^2 )
    residsTrimmed <- na.trim(object$residuals)
    RSS <- sum(residsTrimmed^2)
    Rsquared <- 1 - RSS/TSS
      result <- 1 - (1-Rsquared)*(object$n-1)/(object$n-object$k)
      result <- Rsquared
} #close rsquared function

## summarise output
summary.arx <- function(object, ...)
} #end summary.arx

## LaTeX code (equation form)
toLatex.arx <- function(object, ...)
  printtex(object, ...)
} #end toLatex.arx

VaR <- function(object, level=0.99, type=7, ...)
  ##check whether class is valid:
  classType <- class(object)
  if( !classType %in% c("arx", "gets") ){
    stop("object not of class 'arx' or 'gets'")

  ##check the risk-levels:
  riskLevel <- 1-level
  if( any(riskLevel > 1) || any(riskLevel < 0) ){
    stop("risk-level(s) must be in the 0 to 1 interval")

  ##fitted mean and sd, standardised residuals, quantile:
  meanFit <- fitted(object, spec="mean")
  sdFit <- sqrt( fitted(object, spec="variance") )
  residsStd <- residuals(object, std=TRUE)
  qValue <- quantile(residsStd, probs=riskLevel, type=type,
    names=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)
  if( length(riskLevel)==1 ){
    VaR <- meanFit + sdFit*qValue
    colNames <- paste("VaR", level, sep="")
    VaR <- matrix(NA, length(sdFit), length(colNames))
    for(i in 1:length(colNames)){
      VaR[,i] <- meanFit + sdFit*qValue[i]
    colnames(VaR) <- colNames
    VaR <- zoo(VaR, order.by=index(sdFit))

} #close VaR

vcov.arx <- function(object, spec=NULL, ...)

  ##spec argument:
  specOriginal <- spec
      spec <- "mean"
      && !is.null(object$variance.results) ){
      spec <- "variance"
    spec.type <- c("mean", "variance")
    which.type <- charmatch(spec, spec.type)
    spec <- spec.type[which.type]

  ##create result:
  result <- NULL
  ##if mean:
    result <- object$vcov.mean

  ##if variance:
    result <- object$vcov.var

#  ##check and change if 0 x 0?:
#  if(all(dim(result)==0)){ result <- NULL }

  ##if user-specified estimator:
  if( !is.null(object$aux$user.estimator) && is.null(specOriginal) ){
    result <- object$vcov
    if( is.null(colnames(result)) ){
      colnames(result) <- names(coef.arx(object))
      rownames(result) <- colnames(result)
} #close vcov.arx


## Multi-path GETS modelling of mean specification
getsm <- function(object, t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=t.pval, vcov.type=NULL,
  do.pet=TRUE, ar.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025),
  arch.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025), normality.JarqueB=NULL,
  user.diagnostics=NULL, info.method=c("sc","aic","aicc","hq"),
  gof.function=NULL, gof.method=NULL, keep=NULL, include.gum=FALSE,
  include.1cut=TRUE, include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL, tol=1e-07,
  turbo=FALSE, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 arguments
  ## 2 gets modelling
  ## 3 estimate specific
  ## 4 result
  ## 1 arguments
  ##check if mean equation:
  if( is.null(object$aux$mX) ){ stop("Mean equation empty") }

  ##check max.paths:
  if( !is.null(max.paths) && max.paths < 1){
    stop("'max.paths' cannot be smaller than 1")

  ##diagnostics: ar argument
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.vector(ar.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      ar.LjungB <- list(lag=ar.LjungB[1], pval=ar.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.null(ar.LjungB$lag) ){
    ar.LjungB$lag <- object$aux$qstat.options[1]
  ar.LjungB <- c(ar.LjungB$lag[1], ar.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if ar.LjungB is NULL)

  ##diagnostics: arch argument
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.vector(arch.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      arch.LjungB <- list(lag=arch.LjungB[1], pval=arch.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.null(arch.LjungB$lag) ){
    arch.LjungB$lag <- object$aux$qstat.options[2]
  arch.LjungB <- c(arch.LjungB$lag[1], arch.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if arch.LjungB is NULL)

  ##user-defined diagnostics?:
  if( is.null(user.diagnostics) ){
    user.diagnostics <- object$call$user.diagnostics  
  ##if( user-defined estimator ):
  if( !is.null(object$aux$user.estimator) ){
    user.estimator <- object$call$user.estimator
    if( is.null(plot) || identical(plot,TRUE) ){
      plot <- FALSE
      message("User-defined estimator: 'plot' set to FALSE")
  } #close if user estimator

  ##if( default estimator ):
  if( is.null(object$call$user.estimator) ){

    ##determine ols method:
    if( is.null(vcov.type) ){ vcov.type <- object$aux$vcov.type }
    vcovTypes <- c("a", "b", "ordinary", "white", "newey-west")
    olsMethod <- charmatch(vcov.type, vcovTypes)
    if( (olsMethod%in%c(3,4,5))==FALSE ){ stop("'vcov.type' invalid") }
    ##ols arguments:
    user.estimator <- list()
    user.estimator$name <- "ols"
    user.estimator$tol <- object$aux$tol 
    user.estimator$LAPACK <- object$aux$LAPACK
    user.estimator$method <- olsMethod
    ##variance specification:
    if( is.null(object$variance.result) ){
      user.estimator$variance.spec <- NULL
      user.estimator$variance.spec <- list(vc=object$aux$vc,
        arch=object$aux$arch, asym=object$aux$asym,
        log.ewma=object$aux$log.ewma, vxreg=object$aux$vxreg)
  } #close if( default estimator )

  ##gof arguments:
  if( is.null(gof.function) ){

    ##determine info method:
    infoTypes <- c("sc","aic","aicc","hq")
    whichMethod <- charmatch(info.method[1], infoTypes)
    info.method <- infoTypes[ whichMethod ]
    ##make gof arguments:
    gof.function <- list(name="infocrit", method=info.method)
    gof.method <- "min"
  ## 2 gets modelling

  ##out list:
  out <- list()
  out$time.started <- date()
  out$time.finished <- NA ##added below, towards the end
  out$call <- sys.call() #used by coef.arx

  ##add gum results and diagnostics to out:
  tmp <- matrix(0, NROW(object$mean.results), 2)
  colnames(tmp) <- c("reg.no.", "keep")
  tmp[,1] <- 1:NROW(tmp) #fill reg.no. column
  tmp[keep,2] <- 1 #fill keep column
  out$gum.mean <- cbind(tmp, object$mean.results)
  out$gum.variance <- object$variance.results
  out$gum.diagnostics <- object$diagnostics

  ##print start model (gum) info:
  if( print.searchinfo ){
    if( !is.null(out$gum.mean) ){
      cat("GUM mean equation:\n")
      printCoefmat(out$gum.mean, cs.ind=c(3,4), tst.ind=c(5),
        signif.stars=TRUE, P.values=TRUE)
    if( !is.null(out$gum.variance) ){
      cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
      printCoefmat(out$gum.variance, cs.ind=c(1,2), tst.ind=c(3),
        signif.stars=TRUE, P.values=TRUE)
    if( !is.null(out$gum.diagnostics) ){
      printCoefmat(out$gum.diagnostics, tst.ind=2, signif.stars=TRUE)
  } #end if( print.searchinfo )

  ##do the gets:
  est <- getsFun(object$aux$y, object$aux$mX,
    user.estimator=user.estimator, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
    wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB,
    arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
    user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gof.function,
    gof.method=gof.method, keep=keep, include.gum=include.gum,
    include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
    max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, max.regs=NULL,
    print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo, alarm=alarm)
  out$time.finished <- date()
  est$time.started <- NULL
  est$time.finished <- NULL
  est$call <- NULL
  out <- c(out, est)

  ##print paths, terminals and retained regressors:
  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$terminals.results) ){

    if( length(est$paths)>0 ){
      for(i in 1:length(est$paths)){
        txt <- paste0(est$paths[[i]], collapse=" ")
        txt <- paste0("  Path ", i, ": ", txt)    
        cat(txt, "\n")

    ##print terminals:
    cat("Terminal models:\n")

    ##retained regressors:
    cat("Retained regressors (final model):\n")
    if( length(est$specific.spec)==0 ){
      cat("  none\n")
      cat(paste0("  ", object$aux$mXnames[as.numeric(est$specific.spec)]), "\n")
  } #end if( print.searchinfo )

  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$messages) ){

  ## 3 estimate specific

  ## if no search has been undertaken:
  if( is.null(out$terminals.results) ){
    out$aux <- object$aux
    out$aux$vcov.type <- vcov.type

  ##if search has been undertaken:
  if( !is.null(out$terminals.results) ){

    if( length(out$specific.spec)>0 ){
      out$specific.spec <- sort(out$specific.spec)

    ##prepare estimation:
    yadj <- zoo(object$aux$y, order.by=object$aux$y.index)
    if( length(out$specific.spec)==0 ){
      mXadj <- NULL
      mXadj <- cbind(object$aux$mX[, out$specific.spec ])
      colnames(mXadj) <- object$aux$mXnames[ out$specific.spec ]
      mXadj <- zoo(mXadj, order.by=object$aux$y.index)
    if(is.null(ar.LjungB)){ ar.LjungB <- object$aux$qstat.options[1] }
    if(is.null(arch.LjungB)){ arch.LjungB <- object$aux$qstat.options[2] }
    if( is.null(normality.JarqueB) ){
      normality.JarqueB <- FALSE
      normality.JarqueB <- TRUE
    ##if( default estimator ):
    if( is.null(object$call$user.estimator) ){
      ##estimate specific model:
      est <- arx(yadj, mc=FALSE, mxreg=mXadj, vc=object$aux$vc,
        arch=object$aux$arch, asym=object$aux$asym,
        log.ewma=object$aux$log.ewma, vxreg=object$aux$vxreg,
        vc.adj=object$aux$vc.adj, vcov.type=vcov.type,
        user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, tol=object$aux$tol,
        LAPACK=object$aux$LAPACK, plot=FALSE)
    } #end if( default estimator )

    ##if( user-defined estimator ):
    if( !is.null(object$call$user.estimator) ){
      ##estimate specific:
      est <- arx(yadj, mc=FALSE, mxreg=mXadj,
        user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, tol=object$aux$tol,
        LAPACK=object$aux$LAPACK, plot=FALSE)
    } #end if( user-defined estimator )

    ##delete, rename, add:
    est$call <- est$date <- NULL
    where.diagnostics <- which(names(est)=="diagnostics")
      names(est)[where.diagnostics] <- "specific.diagnostics"
    est$aux$y.name <- object$aux$y.name
    est$aux$call.gum <- object$call #used by predict.gets()
    est <- unclass(est)
    out <- c(out,est)

  } #end if( !is.null(out$terminals.results) )

  ## 4 result

  ##finalise and return result:
  out <- c(list(date=date(), gets.type="getsm"), out)
  class(out) <- "gets"
  if(alarm){ alarm() }
  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.gets(out) }

} #close getsm() function

## Multi-path GETS modelling of log-variance
getsv <- function(object, t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=t.pval,
  do.pet=TRUE, ar.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025),
  arch.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025),
  normality.JarqueB=NULL, user.diagnostics=NULL,
  info.method=c("sc", "aic", "aicc", "hq"),
  gof.function=NULL, gof.method=NULL, keep=c(1),
  include.gum=FALSE, include.1cut=TRUE, include.empty=FALSE,
  max.paths=NULL, tol=1e-07, turbo=FALSE, print.searchinfo=TRUE,
  plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 arguments
  ## 2 gets modelling
  ## 3 estimate specific
  ## 4 result
  ## 1 arguments

  vcov.type <- "ordinary"

  ##zoo and NA related:
  e <- object$residuals #should not contain NAs
  e.index <- index(e) #use object$aux$y.index instead?
  e <- coredata(e)
  e.n <- length(e) #use object$aux$y.n instead?
  eadj <- e[c(e.n-object$aux$loge2.n+1):e.n] #Note: log(eadj^2)=loge2
  eadj.n <- length(eadj)
  eadj.index <- e.index[c(e.n-object$aux$loge2.n+1):e.n]

  ##diagnostics: ar argument
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.vector(ar.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      ar.LjungB <- list(lag=ar.LjungB[1], pval=ar.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.null(ar.LjungB$lag) ){
    ar.LjungB$lag <- object$aux$qstat.options[1]
  ar.LjungB <- c(ar.LjungB$lag[1], ar.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if ar.LjungB is NULL)

  ##diagnostics: arch argument
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.vector(arch.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      arch.LjungB <- list(lag=arch.LjungB[1], pval=arch.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.null(arch.LjungB$lag) ){
    arch.LjungB$lag <- object$aux$qstat.options[2]
  arch.LjungB <- c(arch.LjungB$lag[1], arch.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if arch.LjungB is NULL)

  ##gof arguments:
  if( is.null(gof.function) ){
    ##determine info method:
    infoTypes <- c("sc","aic","aicc","hq")
    whichMethod <- charmatch(info.method[1], infoTypes)
    info.method <- infoTypes[ whichMethod ]
    ##make gof arguments:
    gof.function <- list(name="infocrit", method=info.method)
    gof.method <- "min"

  ## 2 gets modelling

  ##out list:
  out <- list()
  out$time.started <- date()
  out$time.finished <- NA
  out$call <- sys.call()
  loge2 <- object$aux$loge2
  mX <- object$aux$vX
  colnames(mX) <- object$aux$vXnames
  if( !(1 %in% keep) ){
    keep <- union(1,keep)
    warning("Regressor 1 included into 'keep'")

  ##add gum results and diagnostics to out:
  out$gum.mean <- object$mean.results
  tmp <- matrix(0, NROW(object$variance.results), 2)
  colnames(tmp) <- c("reg.no.", "keep")
  tmp[,1] <- 1:NROW(tmp) #fill reg.no. column
  tmp[keep,2] <- 1 #fill keep column
  out$gum.variance <- cbind(tmp, object$variance.results)
  out$gum.diagnostics <- object$diagnostics

  ##print start model (gum) info:
  if( print.searchinfo ){
    if( !is.null(out$gum.variance) ){
      cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
      printCoefmat(out$gum.variance, cs.ind=c(3,4), tst.ind=c(5),
        signif.stars=TRUE, P.values=TRUE)
    if( !is.null(out$gum.diagnostics) ){
      printCoefmat(out$gum.diagnostics, tst.ind=2, signif.stars=TRUE)
  } #end if( print.searchinfo )

  ##do the gets:
  est <- getsFun(loge2, mX,
    user.estimator=list(name="ols", untransformed.residuals=eadj,
    tol=object$aux$tol, LAPACK=object$aux$LAPACK, method=6),
    gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval, wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet,
    ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB, arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB,
    normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics,
    gof.function=gof.function, gof.method=gof.method, keep=keep,
    include.gum=include.gum, include.1cut=include.1cut,
    include.empty=include.empty, max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo,
    tol=tol, max.regs=NULL, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,
  est$time.started <- NULL
  est$time.finished <- NULL
  est$call <- NULL
  out <- c(out, est)

  ##print paths, terminals and retained regressors:
  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$terminals.results) ){

    if( length(est$paths)>0 ){
      for(i in 1:length(est$paths)){
        txt <- paste0(est$paths[[i]], collapse=" ")
        txt <- paste0("  Path ", i, ": ", txt)    
        cat(txt, "\n")

    ##print terminals:
    cat("Terminal models:\n")

    ##retained regressors:
    cat("Retained regressors (final model):\n")
    if( length(est$specific.spec)==0 ){
      cat("  none\n")
      cat(paste0("  ", object$aux$vXnames[as.numeric(est$specific.spec)]), "\n")
  } #end if( print.searchinfo )

  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$messages) ){

  ## 3 estimate specific

  ## if no search has been undertaken:
    out$aux <- object$aux
    out$aux$vcov.type <- vcov.type

  ## prepare estimation:
  e <- zoo(cbind(eadj), order.by=eadj.index)
  colnames(e) <- "e"
  specificadj <- setdiff(out$specific.spec, 1)
    vXadj <- NULL
    vXadj <- cbind(object$aux$vX[,specificadj])
    colnames(vXadj) <- object$aux$vXnames[specificadj]
    vXadj <- zoo(vXadj, order.by=eadj.index)
  if( is.null(ar.LjungB) ){ ar.LjungB <- object$aux$qstat.options[1] }
  if( is.null(arch.LjungB) ){ arch.LjungB <- object$aux$qstat.options[2] }
  if( is.null(normality.JarqueB) ){
    normality.JarqueB <- FALSE
    normality.JarqueB <- TRUE

  ## estimate model:
  est <- arx(e, mc=FALSE, vc=TRUE, vxreg=vXadj,
    zero.adj=object$aux$zero.adj, vc.adj=object$aux$vc.adj,
    user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, tol=object$aux$tol,
    LAPACK=object$aux$LAPACK, plot=FALSE)

  ## delete, rename and change various stuff:
  est$call <- est$date <- NULL
  where.diagnostics <- which(names(est)=="diagnostics")
    names(est)[where.diagnostics] <- "specific.diagnostics"
  est$mean.fit <- object$mean.fit[ index(object$mean.fit) %in% eadj.index ]
  #est$mean.fit <- object$mean.fit[ eadj.index ] #should work, but doesn't!
  est$vcov.mean <- NULL
  est$aux$vxreg <- est$aux$vxreg.index <- NULL
  est$aux$y.name <- "e"

  ## finalise:
  est <- unclass(est)
  out <- c(out,est)

  ## 4 result

  out$aux$vXnames.gum <- object$aux$vXnames
  out$aux$call.gum <- object$call
  if(is.null(out$aux$vcov.type)){ out$aux$vcov.type <- vcov.type }
  out <- c(list(date=date(), gets.type="getsv"), out)
  out$time.finished <- date()
  class(out) <- "gets"

  if(alarm){ alarm() }
  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.gets(out) }
} #close getsv() function

coef.gets <- function(object, spec=NULL, ...)
  if( is.null(spec) ){
    spec <- switch(object$gets.type, getsm="mean", getsv="variance")
  coef.arx(object, spec=spec)
} #end coef.gets

## fitted values
fitted.gets <- function(object, spec=NULL, ...)
  fitted.arx(object, spec=spec)
} #end fitted.gets

logLik.gets <- function(object, ...)
} #end logLik.gets

## extract paths
paths <- function(object, ...)
} #end paths

## plot gets object
plot.gets <- function(x, spec=NULL, col=c("red","blue"),
  lty=c("solid","solid"), lwd=c(1,1), ...)
  plot.arx(x, spec=spec, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
} #close plot.gets

## forecast up to n.ahead
predict.gets <- function(object, spec=NULL, n.ahead=12,
  newmxreg=NULL, newvxreg=NULL, newindex=NULL,
  n.sim=5000, innov=NULL, probs=NULL, ci.levels=NULL, 
  quantile.type=7, return=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, plot=NULL,
  plot.options=list(), ...)  

  ##create new object to add stuff to in order to use predict.arx()
  objectNew <- object

  ## arguments mean-equation:

  ##coefficients of mean spec in final model:
  coefsMean <- coef.arx(objectNew, spec="mean")

  ##there is no mean equation:
  if( length(coefsMean)==0 ){

    objectNew$call$mc <- NULL
    ##should be?:
    #objectNew$call$mc <- FALSE
    objectNew$call$ar <- NULL
    objectNew$call$ewma <- NULL
    objectNew$call$mxreg <- NULL


  ##there is a mean equation:
  if( length(coefsMean)>0 ){

    ##initiate index counter (used for mxreg):
    indxCounter <- 0

    ##mc argument:
    mconstRetained <- "mconst" %in% names(coefsMean)
    if( mconstRetained ){
      objectNew$call$mc <- TRUE
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + 1
      objectNew$call$mc <- FALSE
    ##ar argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$ar)
    gumNamesAr <- paste0("ar", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesAr %in% names(coefsMean) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$ar <- NULL
      objectNew$call$ar <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##ewma argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$ewma)
    gumNamesEwma <- paste0("EqWMA(", gumTerms$length, ")")
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesEwma %in% names(coefsMean) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$ewma <- NULL
      objectNew$call$ewma <-
        list( length=gumTerms$length[ whichRetained ] )
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)

    ##mxreg argument:
    if(indxCounter==0){ whichRetainedCoefs <- coefsMean }
    if(indxCounter>0){ whichRetainedCoefs <- coefsMean[ -c(1:indxCounter) ] }
    if( length(whichRetainedCoefs)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$mxreg <- NULL
      whichRetainedNames <- names(whichRetainedCoefs)
      objectNew$call$mxreg <- whichRetainedNames
#more correct (but not needed, since mxreg only needs to be non-NULL)?:
#      whichRetained <- which( object$aux$mXnames %in% whichRetainedNames )
#      mxreg <- cbind(object$aux$mX[, whichRetained ])
#      colnames(mxreg) <- whichRetainedNames
#      objectNew$call$mxreg <- xreg

  } #end if( length(coefsMean)>0 )

  ## arguments variance-equation:

  ##coefficients of variance spec in final model:
  coefsVar <- coef.arx(objectNew, spec="variance")
  if( length(coefsVar)>0 ){ #remove Elnz2 estimate:
    coefsVar <- coefsVar[ -length(coefsVar) ]  

  ##there is no variance equation:
  if( length(coefsVar)==0 ){

    objectNew$call$vc <- NULL
    objectNew$call$arch <- NULL
    objectNew$call$asym <- NULL
    objectNew$call$log.ewma <- NULL
    objectNew$call$vxreg <- NULL


  ##there is a variance equation:
  if( length(coefsVar)>0 ){

    ##vc argument (always present in variance equations):
    objectNew$call$vc <- TRUE
    indxCounter <- 1 #used for vxreg
    ##arch argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$arch)
    gumNamesArch <- paste0("arch", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesArch %in% names(coefsVar) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$arch <- NULL
      objectNew$call$arch <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##asym argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$asym)
    gumNamesAsym <- paste0("asym", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesAsym %in% names(coefsVar) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$asym <- NULL
      objectNew$call$asym <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##log.ewma argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$log.ewma)
    gumNamesLogEwma <- paste0("logEqWMA(", gumTerms$length, ")")
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesLogEwma %in% names(coefsVar) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$log.ewma <- NULL
      objectNew$call$log.ewma <-
        list( length=gumTerms$length[ whichRetained ] )
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)

    ##vxreg argument:
    whichRetainedCoefs <- coefsVar[ -c(1:indxCounter) ]
    if( length(whichRetainedCoefs)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$vxreg <- NULL
      whichRetainedNames <- names(whichRetainedCoefs)
      objectNew$call$vxreg <- whichRetainedNames
#more correct (but not needed, since vxreg only needs to be non-NULL)?:
#      whichRetained <- which( object$aux$vXnames %in% whichRetainedNames )
#      vxreg <- cbind(object$aux$vX[, whichRetained ])
#      colnames(vxreg) <- whichRetainedNames
#      objectNew$call$vxreg <- vxreg

  } #end if( length(coefsVar)>0 )

  ## pass arguments on to predict.arx:

  result <- predict.arx(objectNew, spec=spec, n.ahead=n.ahead,
    newmxreg=newmxreg, newvxreg=newvxreg, newindex=newindex,
    n.sim=n.sim, innov=innov, probs=probs, ci.levels=ci.levels,
    quantile.type=quantile.type, return=return, verbose=verbose,
    plot=plot, plot.options=plot.options)

  ## return forecasts:

  if(return){ return(result) }

} #close predict.gets

## print gets results
print.gets <- function(x, signif.stars=TRUE, ...)
  ##determine spec:
  specType <- switch(as.character(x$call)[1],
    getsm="mean", getsv="variance")

  ##header - first part:
  cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
    cat("Dependent var.:", x$aux$y.name, "\n")
  estType <- ifelse(is.null(x$aux$user.estimator),
      "Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)", "User defined")
  cat("Method:", estType, "\n")

  ##header - if mean:
  if( specType=="mean" ){
    vcovType <- "Unknown"
    if( !is.null(x$aux$vcov.type) ){
      vcovType <- switch(x$aux$vcov.type,
        ordinary = "Ordinary", white = "White (1980)",
        "newey-west" = "Newey and West (1987)")
    cat("Variance-Covariance:", vcovType, "\n")
      cat("No. of observations (mean eq.):", x$aux$y.n, "\n") }

  ##header - if variance:
  if( specType=="variance" ){
      cat("No. of observations (variance eq.):",
        x$aux$loge2.n, "\n") }

  ##header - sample info:
  if( !is.null(x$residuals) ){
    indexTrimmed <- index(na.trim(x$residuals))
    isRegular <- is.regular(x$residuals, strict=TRUE)
    isCyclical <- frequency(x$residuals) > 1
    if(isRegular && isCyclical){
      cycleTrimmed <- cycle(na.trim(x$residuals))
      startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[1]))
      startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
        "(", cycleTrimmed[1], ")", sep="")
      endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)]))
      endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
        "(", cycleTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)], ")", sep="")
      startAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[1])
      endAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)])
    cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")
  } #end if(!is.null..)

#  ##gum:
#  if( specType=="mean" && !is.null(x$gum.mean) ){
#    cat("\n")
#    cat("GUM mean equation:\n")
#    cat("\n")
#    printCoefmat(x$gum.mean, tst.ind=c(1,2),
#      signif.stars=signif.stars)
#  }
#  if( !is.null(x$gum.variance) ){
#    cat("\n")
#    cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
#    cat("\n")
#    if(specType=="mean"){
#      printCoefmat(x$gum.variance, signif.stars=FALSE)
#    }
#    if(specType=="variance"){
#      printCoefmat(x$gum.variance, tst.ind=c(1,2),
#        signif.stars=signif.stars)
#    }
#  }
#  if( !is.null(x$gum.diagnostics) ){
#    cat("\n")
#    cat("Diagnostics:\n")
#    cat("\n")
#    printCoefmat(x$gum.diagnostics, tst.ind=2, has.Pvalue = TRUE, signif.stars=signif.stars)
#  }
#  ##paths:
#  cat("\n")
#  cat("Paths searched: \n")
#  cat("\n")
#  if( is.null(x$paths) || length(x$paths)==0 ){
#    print(NULL)
#  }else{
#    for(i in 1:length(x$paths)){
#      cat("path",i,":",x$paths[[i]],"\n")
#    }
#  } #end if(is.null(x$paths))
#  ##terminal models and results:
#  if( !is.null(x$terminals) && length(x$terminals)>0 ){
#    cat("\n")
#    cat("Terminal models: \n")
#    if(!is.null(x$terminals)){
#      cat("\n")
#      for(i in 1:length(x$terminals)){
#        cat("spec",i,":",x$terminals[[i]],"\n")
#      }
#    }
#  }
#  if( !is.null(x$terminals.results) ){
#    cat("\n")
#    printCoefmat(x$terminals.results, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(3,4),
#      signif.stars=FALSE)
#  }
  ##specific mean model:
  if( specType=="mean" && !is.null(x$terminals.results) ){
    cat("SPECIFIC mean equation:\n")
    if( !is.null(x$mean.results) ){
      printCoefmat(x$mean.results, signif.stars=signif.stars)
    if( length(x$specific.spec)==0 ){
#OLD: if( x$specific.spec[1]==0 ){
      cat("  the empty model\n")

  ##specific log-variance model:
  if( !is.null(x$variance.results) ){
    cat("SPECIFIC log-variance equation:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$variance.results, signif.stars=signif.stars)

  ##diagnostics and fit:
  if( !is.null(x$specific.diagnostics) ){

    mGOFnames <- "SE of regression"
    mGOF <- sigma.gets(x) 
    if( specType == "mean" ){
      mGOFnames <- c(mGOFnames, "R-squared")
      mGOF <- rbind(mGOF, rsquared(x))
    logl <- logLik.arx(x)
    mGOFnames <- c(mGOFnames,
      paste0("Log-lik.(n=", attr(logl,"n"), ")") )
    mGOF <- rbind(mGOF, as.numeric(logl))
    rownames(mGOF) <- mGOFnames
    colnames(mGOF) <- ""

    cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
#    printCoefmat(x$specific.diagnostics, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=2,
#      signif.stars=FALSE)
    printCoefmat(x$specific.diagnostics, tst.ind=2,
      signif.stars=signif.stars, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
    printCoefmat(mGOF, digits=6, signif.stars=FALSE)


    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
    message("Messages:", appendLF=TRUE)
    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)

} #close print.gets()

## extract residuals of specific model
residuals.gets <- function(object, std=NULL, ...)
  residuals.arx(object, std=std)
} #end residuals.gets

## SE of regression
sigma.gets <- function(object, ...)
} #close sigma.gets

## summarise output
summary.gets <- function(object, ...)
} #end summary.gets

## extract terminal models
terminals <- function(object, ...)
} #end terminals

## LaTeX code (equation form)
toLatex.gets <- function(object, ...)
  printtex(object, ...)
} #end toLatex.gets

vcov.gets <- function(object, spec=NULL,  ...)
  vcov.arx(object, spec=spec)
} #end vcov.gets


##make periodicity (e.g. seasonal) dummies for
##regular time series
periodicdummies <- function(x, values=1)
  if(!is.regular(x, strict=TRUE)) stop("Vector/matrix not strictly regular")
  iFreq <- frequency(x)
  if(iFreq==1) stop("Frequency must be greater than 1")
  if(!is.zoo(x)){ x <- as.zooreg(x) }
  vCycle <- as.numeric(cycle(x))

  ##values argument:
  if(length(values)==1){ values <- rep(1,iFreq) }
  if(length(values)!=iFreq) stop("length(values) must be 1 or equal to frequency")

  ##make dummies:
  mDums <- matrix(0,NROW(x),iFreq)
  colnames(mDums) <- paste("dum", 1:iFreq, sep="")
  for(i in 1:NCOL(mDums)){
    whereIs <- which(vCycle==i)
    mDums[whereIs,i] <- values[i]

  mDums <- zoo(mDums, order.by=index(x), frequency=iFreq)
} #close periodicdummies

## export to EViews
eviews <- function(object, file=NULL, print=TRUE,
  out <- list()
  out$object.name <- deparse(substitute(object))

  ##index, data, names:
  out$index <- object$aux$y.index
  out$data <- cbind(object$aux$y, object$aux$mX)
  out$data <- as.data.frame(out$data)
  out$data <- cbind(as.character(out$index), out$data)
  out$names <- c("index", object$aux$y.name, object$aux$mXnames)
  where.mconst <- which(out$names=="mconst")
  if(length(where.mconst) > 0){ out$names[where.mconst] <- "c" }
  colnames(out$data) <- out$names

  ##equation command:
  tmp <- paste(out$names[-1], collapse=" ")
  vcov.type <- NULL
    vcov.type <- "(cov=white)"
    vcov.type <- "(cov=hac)"
  out$equation <- paste("equation ", out$object.name,
    ".ls", vcov.type, " ", tmp, sep="")

  ##if print=TRUE and is.null(file):
  if(print && is.null(file)){

    ##EViews code to estimate the model:
    message("EViews code to estimate the model:\n")
    message("  ", out$equation, "\n")

    ##R code to export the data:
    message("R code (example) to export the data of the model:\n")
    message(paste("  eviews(", out$object.name, ", file='C:/Users/myname/Documents/getsdata.csv')\n", sep=""))

  } #close if(print)

  ##if save data:
    write.csv(out$data, file, row.names=FALSE)
    ##if print=TRUE:
      message("Data saved in:\n")
      message("  ", file, "\n", sep="")
      message("EViews code to estimate the model:\n")
      message(" ", out$equation, "\n")
  } #end if(!is.null(file))

  if(return){ return(out) }

} #close eviews

### export to Stata
stata <- function(object, file=NULL, print=TRUE,
  out <- list()
  out$object.name <- deparse(substitute(object))

  ##index, data, names:
  out$index <- object$aux$y.index
  out$data <- cbind(object$aux$y, object$aux$mX)
  out$data <- as.data.frame(out$data)
  out$data <- cbind(as.character(out$index), out$data)
  out$names <- gsub("[.]","",tolower(c("index", object$aux$y.name, object$aux$mXnames)))
  where.mconst <- which(out$names=="mconst")
  if(length(where.mconst) > 0){
    out$data <- out$data[-where.mconst]
    out$names <- out$names[-where.mconst]
    noConstant <- FALSE
    noConstant <- TRUE
  colnames(out$data) <- out$names

  ##Stata code to estimate the model:
  outNames <- out$names
  outNames[1] <- "regress"
  out$regress <- paste(outNames, collapse=" ")
  if( noConstant==TRUE || object$aux$vcov.type!="ordinary" ){

    cmdOptions <- NULL
    if(noConstant){ cmdOptions <- c(cmdOptions, "noconstant") }
      cmdOptions <- c(cmdOptions, "vce(robust)")
    cmdOptions <- paste(cmdOptions, collapse=" ")
    out$regress <- paste(out$regress, ",", cmdOptions, collapse="")


  ##if print=TRUE and is.null(file):
  if(print && is.null(file)){

    ##Stata code to estimate the model:
    message("STATA code to estimate the model:\n")
    message(" ", out$regress, "\n")

    ##R code to export the data:
    message("R code (example) to export the data of the model:\n")
    message(paste("  stata(", out$object.name, ", file='C:/Users/myname/Documents/getsdata.csv')\n", sep=""))

  } #close if(print && is.null(file))

  ##if save data:
    write.csv(out$data, file, row.names=FALSE)
    ##if print=TRUE:
      message("Data saved in:\n")
      message("  ", file, "\n", sep="")
      message("STATA code to estimate the model:\n")
      message(" ", out$regress, "\n")
  } #end if(!is.null(file))

  if(return){ return(out) }

} #close stata()

##generate latex-code (equation form):
printtex <- function(x, fitted.name=NULL, xreg.names=NULL,
  digits=4, intercept=TRUE, gof=TRUE, diagnostics=TRUE, nonumber=FALSE,
  nobs="T", index="t", dec=NULL, print.info=TRUE)
  ##record class:

  xName <- deparse(substitute(x))
  xClass <- class(x)

  ##variable names:

  ##y name:
  if( xClass %in% c("arx","gets","isat") ){
    yName <- ifelse(is.null(fitted.name), x$aux$y.name, fitted.name)
    yName <- ifelse(is.null(fitted.name), "y", fitted.name)
    message(paste0("\n '", xName, "'", " is not of class 'arx', ",
      "'gets' or 'isat', LaTeX code may contain errors:\n"))
  yName <- paste0("\\widehat{", yName, "}")
  ##coef names:
  coefs <- coef(x)
  coefsNames <- names(coefs)
  arOrders <- as.list(x$call)$ar
  if( xClass %in% c("arx","gets","isat") && !is.null(fitted.name) &&
      !is.null(arOrders) ){    
    arOrders <- eval(arOrders)      
    arNames <- character(0)
    tmpindx <- ifelse(is.null(index), "", index)
    for(i in 1:length(arOrders)){
      tmp <- paste0(yName, "_{", tmpindx, "-", arOrders[i], "}")
      arNames <- c(arNames, tmp)
    t1 <- which( coefsNames == paste0("ar", arOrders[1]) )
    t2 <- which( coefsNames == paste0("ar", arOrders[length(arOrders)]) )
    coefsNames[ t1:t2 ] <- arNames
    tmpindx <- ifelse(is.null(index), "", paste0("_", index))
    yName <- paste0(yName, tmpindx)
  ##coef names (modify, if user-specified)
  if( !is.null(xreg.names) ){
    coefsNames <- xreg.names
    if( length(coefs) != length(xreg.names) ){
      message(paste0("\n length of 'xreg.names' does not match",
        " length of 'coef(x)'\n"))

  intercept <- as.numeric(intercept)
  if( intercept > 0 ){ coefsNames[ intercept ] <- "" }

  ##record estimates and standard errors
  coefs <- as.numeric(coefs)
  stderrs <- as.numeric(sqrt(diag(vcov(x))))

  ##equation (main part):
  eqtxt <- NULL
  if(length(coefs) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(coefs) ){
      ifpluss <- ifelse(i==1, "", " + ")
      eqtxt <- paste(eqtxt,
        ifelse(coefs[i] < 0, " - ", ifpluss), "\\underset{(",
        format(round(stderrs[i], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), ")}{",
        format(round(abs(coefs[i]), digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "}",
        coefsNames[i], sep="")

  ##equation (put parts together):
  txtAddNonumber <- ifelse(nonumber, " \\nonumber ", "")
  txtAddEq <- ifelse(gof+diagnostics>0, " \\\\[2mm]", "")
  eqtxt <- paste0("  ", yName, " &=& ", eqtxt, "", txtAddNonumber,
    txtAddEq, " \n")

  ##goodness of fit:

  goftxt <- NULL
    goftxt <- "   &&"
    iT <- ""
    if(xClass %in% c("arx","gets","isat") ){
      goftxt <- paste(goftxt, " R^2=",
        format(round(rsquared(x), digits=digits), nsmall=digits),
        " \\qquad \\widehat{\\sigma}=",
        format(round(sigma(x), digits=digits), nsmall=digits),
      iT <- x$aux$y.n
    goftxt <- paste(goftxt, " \\qquad LogL=",
      format(round(as.numeric(logLik(x)), digits=digits), nsmall=digits),
        " \\qquad ", nobs, " = ", iT, " \\nonumber \\\\ \n", sep="")


  diagtxt <- NULL
  if(xClass=="arx" && diagnostics==TRUE){
    dfDiags <- diagnostics(x,
      normality.JarqueB=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
    diagtxt <- paste("  ", " && \\underset{[p-val]}{ AR(",
      x$aux$qstat.options[1], ") }:", " \\underset{[",
      format(round(dfDiags[1,3], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "]}{",
      format(round(dfDiags[1,1], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "}",
      "\\qquad \\underset{[p-val]}{ ARCH(",
      x$aux$qstat.options[2], ")}:", "\\underset{[",
      format(round(dfDiags[2,3], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "]}{",
      format(round(dfDiags[2,1], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "}",
      "\\qquad \\underset{[p-val]}{ Normality }:", "\\underset{[",
      format(round(dfDiags[3,3], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "]}{",
      format(round(dfDiags[3,1], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "}",
      " \\nonumber \n", sep="")

  ##change decimal operator?:
  if( !is.null(dec) ){
    eqtxt <- gsub("[.]", dec, eqtxt)
    goftxt <- gsub("[.]", dec, goftxt)
    diagtxt <- gsub("[.]", dec, diagtxt)
  ##print code:

  if( print.info ){
    cat("% Date:", date(), "\n")
    notetxt <- paste0("% LaTeX code generated in R ",
      version$major, ".", version$minor, " by the gets package\n")
    cat("% Note: The {eqnarray} environment requires the {amsmath} package\n")

}   #close printtex

##convert to model of class 'lm':
as.lm <- function(object)

  ##what kind of class?:
  objectClass <- class(object)
  classOK <-
    ifelse( objectClass %in% c("arx","gets","isat"), TRUE, FALSE)

  ##class not OK:
    stop("'object' must be of class 'arx', 'gets' or 'isat'")

  ##class OK:
    y <- object$aux$y
    x <- object$aux$mX
    colnames(x) <- object$aux$mXnames
    yx <- data.frame(y, x)
    result <- lm(formula = y ~ . - 1, data = yx)
  ##return result:

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gets documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 1:06 a.m.