
Defines functions outlierscaletest isatloop mvrnormsim outliertest vargaugeiis isatvarcorrect isatdates tim sim iim isvareffcor isvarcor isatvar isattest biascorr vcov.isat summary.isat sigma.isat residuals.isat print.isat predict.isat plot.isat logLik.isat gets.isat fitted.isat coef.isat isat.default

Documented in biascorr coef.isat fitted.isat gets.isat iim isatdates isat.default isatloop isattest isatvar isatvarcorrect isvarcor isvareffcor logLik.isat mvrnormsim outlierscaletest outliertest plot.isat predict.isat print.isat residuals.isat sigma.isat sim summary.isat tim vargaugeiis vcov.isat

## This file contains the isat-source of the gets
## package.
## isat.default
## coef.isat        #extraction functions
## fitted.isat      #(all are S3 methods)
## gets.isat
## logLik.isat
## plot.isat
## predict.isat
## print.isat
## residuals.isat
## summary.isat
## vcov.isat
## biascorr         #auxiliary functions:
## isattest
## isatvar
## isvarcor
## isvareffcor
## iim #make matrix of impulse indicators
## sim #make matrix of step indicators
## tim #make matrix of trend indicators


## indicator saturation
isat.default <- function(y, mc=TRUE, ar=NULL, ewma=NULL, mxreg=NULL,
  iis=FALSE, sis=TRUE, tis=FALSE, uis=FALSE, blocks=NULL,
  ratio.threshold=0.8, max.block.size=30, t.pval=0.001,
  wald.pval=t.pval, vcov.type=c("ordinary", "white", "newey-west"),
  do.pet=FALSE, ar.LjungB=NULL, arch.LjungB=NULL,
  normality.JarqueB=NULL, info.method=c("sc", "aic", "hq"), 
  user.diagnostics=NULL, user.estimator=NULL, gof.function=NULL, 
  gof.method=c("min","max"), include.gum=NULL,
  include.1cut=FALSE, include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL,
  parallel.options=NULL, turbo=FALSE, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE,
  max.regs=NULL, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE, ...)

  isat.call <- sys.call()
  vcov.type <- match.arg(vcov.type)
  info.method <- match.arg(info.method)
  gof.method <- match.arg(gof.method)
  isat.args <- list(
    mc = mc, 
    ar = ar, 
    ewma = ewma,
    iis = iis, 
    sis = sis, 
    tis = tis, 
    uis = uis,
    uis.logical = if(is.null(uis) | identical(uis, FALSE)){FALSE} else {TRUE}, 
    blocks = blocks,
    ratio.threshold = ratio.threshold, 
    max.block.size = max.block.size, 
    t.pval = t.pval,
    wald.pval = wald.pval,
    vcov.type = vcov.type,
    do.pet = do.pet, 
    ar.LjungB = ar.LjungB, 
    arch.LjungB = arch.LjungB,
    normality.JarqueB = normality.JarqueB,
    info.method = info.method,
    user.diagnostics = user.diagnostics, 
    user.estimator = user.estimator,
    gof.function = gof.function,
    gof.method = gof.method,
    include.gum = include.gum,
    include.1cut = include.1cut, 
    include.empty = include.empty, 
    max.paths = max.paths,
    parallel.options = parallel.options, 
    turbo = turbo, 
    tol = tol, 
    max.regs = max.regs
  ##check that any indicator method is selected
  if(sis == FALSE && iis == FALSE && tis == FALSE && identical(uis, FALSE)){
    stop("No Indicator Selection Method was selected. Either set iis, sis or tis as TRUE or specify uis.")
  ##warn to use robust coefficient variances
  # suggestion by M-orca 02/10/2022: no time to test this, but potentially useful addition
  # if(vcov.type != "ordinary"){
  #   warning("Using robust coefficient covariances is currently discouraged. Errors are likely and results are unlikely to be useful.\nReason is that robust estimators inflate p-values of indicators, leading to overidentification of indicators.\nRecommended to use 'ordinary' vcov type in isat and then to use robust estimators post-selection (i.e. to run arx() with vcov.type argument on the resulting isat object).")
  # }

  if(!is.null(ar) && identical(ar,0)){ar <- NULL}
  if(!(is.numeric(ar) | is.null(ar))){stop("The 'ar' argument must be NULL or numeric.")}
  ##name of regressand:
  y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
  if( y.name[1] == "" ){ y.name <- "y" }
  ##determine qstat.options:
    qstat.options <- c(1,1)
    qstat.options <- c(max(ar),1)

  ##check include.gum argument:
    warning("The 'include.gum' argument is ignored (temporarily deprecated in isat)")
  include.gum <- TRUE

  ##make userEstArg:
  if(is.null(user.estimator)){ #default (ols):
    olsMethod <- switch(vcov.type,
      "ordinary"=3, "white"=4, "newey-west"=5)
    userEstArg <- list(name="ols", tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
    userEstArgArx <- NULL 
  }else{ #user-defined:
    userEstArg <- user.estimator
    userEstArgArx <- user.estimator

  ##make gof.function argument:
    gofFunArg <- list(name="infocrit", method=info.method)
    gofFunArg <- gof.function
  ##max paths argument:
  if( !is.null(max.paths) && max.paths < 1 ){
    stop("'max.paths' cannot be smaller than 1")

  ##parallel.options argument:

      clusterSpec <- parallel.options
      OScores <- detectCores()
      if(parallel.options > OScores){
        stop("parallel.options > number of cores/threads")
    ##varlist for clusterExport:
      clusterVarlist <- parallel.options$varlist
      clusterVarlist <- NULL
    clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist,
      "dropvar", "getsFun", "ols", "infocrit", "diagnostics")
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, user.diagnostics$name)
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, user.estimator$name)
      clusterVarlist <- c(clusterVarlist, gof.function$name)
    #for the future?: add memory.limit()/memory.size() = max cores check?

  } #end if(!is.null(parallel.options))

  #  ##parallel.options argument:
  #  if(!is.null(parallel.options)){
  #    if(is.numeric(parallel.options)){
  #      clusterSpec <- parallel.options
  #    }
  #    OScores <- detectCores()
  #    if(parallel.options > OScores){
  #      stop("parallel.options > number of cores/threads")
  #    }
  #    #to do: enable exportCluster argument?
  #    #add: memory.limit()/memory.size() = max cores check?
  #  }

  ##create regressors (no indicators), record info:
  mX <- regressorsMean(y, mc=mc, ar=ar, ewma=ewma, mxreg=mxreg,
    return.regressand = TRUE, return.as.zoo = TRUE, na.trim = TRUE)
  y.n <- NROW(mX)
  y.index <- index(mX)
  y.index.as.char <- as.character(y.index)
  y <- coredata(mX[,1])
  #recall: y.name already defined above (in the beginning)
    mX <-NULL
    mXnames <- NULL
    mXncol <- 0
    mxkeep <- NULL
    mXnames <- colnames(mX)[-1]
    mX <- as.matrix(coredata(mX[,-1]))
    colnames(mX) <- mXnames
    mXncol <- NCOL(mX)
    mxkeep <- 1:mXncol

  ##ar.LjungB argument:
  arLjungB <- NULL
    arLjungB <- c(NA, ar.LjungB$pval)
      arLjungB[1] <- qstat.options[1]
      arLjungB[1] <- ar.LjungB$lag

  ##arch.LjungB argument:
  archLjungB <- NULL
    archLjungB <- c(NA, arch.LjungB$pval)
      archLjungB[1] <- qstat.options[2]
      archLjungB[1] <- arch.LjungB$lag

  ##indicator saturation matrices:
  ISmatrices <- list()

  if(iis){ #impulse indicators
    mIIS <- matrix(0,y.n,y.n)
    diag(mIIS) <- 1
    colnames(mIIS) <- paste0("iis", y.index.as.char)
    ISmatrices <- c(ISmatrices,list(IIS=mIIS))

  if(sis){ #step-shift indicators
    mSIS <-matrix(0,y.n,y.n) #replace by , y.n, y.n-1 ?
    loop.indx <- 1:y.n #replace by 2:y.n ?
    tmp <- function(i){ mSIS[i,1:i] <<- 1 }
    tmp <- sapply(loop.indx,tmp)
    colnames(mSIS) <- paste0("sis", y.index.as.char)
    mSIS <- mSIS[,-1]
    ISmatrices <- c(ISmatrices,list(SIS=mSIS))

  if(tis){ #trend indicators
    mTIS <- matrix(0,y.n,y.n)
    v1n <- seq(1,y.n)
    loop.indx <- 1:y.n
    tmp <- function(i){
      mTIS[c(i:y.n),i] <<- v1n[1:c(y.n-i+1)]
    tmp <- sapply(loop.indx,tmp)
    colnames(mTIS) <- paste0("tis", y.index.as.char)
    mTIS <- mTIS[,-1]
    ISmatrices <- c(ISmatrices,list(TIS=mTIS))

  ##user-defined indicators/variables:
  #if uis is a matrix or a data.frame:
  if(!is.list(uis) && !identical(as.numeric(uis),0) || is.data.frame(uis)){

    ##handle colnames:
    uis <- as.zoo(cbind(uis))
    uis.names <- colnames(uis)
      uis.names <- paste0("uisxreg", 1:NCOL(uis))
    if(any(uis.names == "")){
      missing.colnames <- which(uis.names == "")
      for(i in 1:length(missing.colnames)){
       uis.names[missing.colnames[i]] <- paste0("uisxreg", missing.colnames[i])

    ##select sample:
    uis <- na.trim(uis, sides="both", is.na="any")
    uis.index.as.char <- as.character(index(uis))
    t1 <- which(uis.index.as.char==y.index.as.char[1])
    t2 <- which(uis.index.as.char
      == y.index.as.char[length(y.index.as.char)])
    uis <- coredata(uis)
    uis <- window(uis, start=t1, end=t2)
    uis <- cbind(coredata(as.zoo(uis)))
    colnames(uis) <- uis.names

    #check nrow(uis):
    if(nrow(uis) != y.n) stop("nrow(uis) is unequal to no. of observations")
    ISmatrices <- c(ISmatrices,list(UIS=uis))

  } #end if uis is a matrix

  ##if uis is a list of matrices:

    #check nrow(uis[[i]]):
    for(i in 1:length(uis)){
      uis[[i]] <- as.matrix(coredata(as.zoo(uis[[i]])))
      if(nrow(uis[[i]]) != y.n){
        stop(paste("nrow(uis[[",i,"]]) is unequal to no. of observations",
    } #end check nrow
    uis.names <- paste0("UIS", 1:length(uis))
      names(uis) <- uis.names
      for(i in 1:length(uis)){
          names(uis)[i] <- uis.names[i]
          names(uis)[i] <- paste0(uis.names[i], ".", names(uis)[i])
        } #close if..else
      } #close for..loop
    ISmatrices <- c(ISmatrices,uis)

    ##to do: check indices of matrix against index(y)?

  } #end if uis is a list of matrices

  ##check blocks:
      stop("No. of IS matrices is unequal to length(blocks)")
    blocks.is.list <- TRUE
    ISblocks <- blocks
    blocks.is.list <- FALSE
    ISblocks <- list()

  ##loop on ISmatrices:
  estimations.total <- 0
  getsFun.total <- 0
  ISfinalmodels <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(ISmatrices)){


      ncol.adj <- NCOL(ISmatrices[[i]])

        blockratio.value <- ncol.adj/(ratio.threshold*ncol.adj - mXncol)
        blocksize.value <- ncol.adj/min(y.n*ratio.threshold, max.block.size)
        no.of.blocks <- max(2,blockratio.value,blocksize.value)
        no.of.blocks <- ceiling(no.of.blocks)
        no.of.blocks <- min(ncol.adj, no.of.blocks) #ensure blocks < NCOL
        no.of.blocks <- blocks

      blocksize <- ceiling(ncol.adj/no.of.blocks)
      partitions.t2 <- blocksize
      for(j in 1:no.of.blocks){
        if( blocksize*j <= ncol.adj ){
          partitions.t2[j] <- blocksize*j
      #check if last block contains last indicator:
      if(partitions.t2[length(partitions.t2)] < ncol.adj){
        partitions.t2 <- c(partitions.t2, ncol.adj)
      blocksadj <- length(partitions.t2)
      partitions.t1 <- partitions.t2 + 1
      partitions.t1 <- c(1,partitions.t1[-blocksadj])

      tmp <- list()
      for(j in 1:blocksadj){
        tmp[[j]] <- partitions.t1[j]:partitions.t2[j]
      ISblocks[[i]] <- tmp

    } #end if(!blocks.is.list)
    ##make blocks function for lapply/parLapply:
    ISblocksFun <- function(j, i, ISmatrices, ISblocks, mX,
      parallel.options, y, userEstArg, t.pval, wald.pval, do.pet,
      arLjungB, archLjungB, normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics,
      gofFunArg, gof.method, mxkeep, include.gum, include.1cut,
      include.empty, max.paths, turbo, tol, LAPACK, max.regs,

      ##check if block contains 1 regressor:
      if( length(ISblocks[[i]][[j]])==1 ){
        tmp <- colnames(ISmatrices[[i]])[ ISblocks[[i]][[j]] ]
        mXis <- cbind(ISmatrices[[i]][, ISblocks[[i]][[j]] ])
        colnames(mXis) <- tmp
        mXis <- cbind(mX, mXis)
        mXis <- cbind(mX,ISmatrices[[i]][, ISblocks[[i]][[j]] ])

      ##apply dropvar:
      mXis.names <- colnames(mXis)
      original.mxkeep.names <- mXis.names[mxkeep]
      mXis <- dropvar(mXis, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
      mXis.names.afterdropvar <- colnames(mXis)
      mxkeep.afterdropvar <- which(mXis.names.afterdropvar %in% original.mxkeep.names)

      ##print info:
          message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
            " block ", j, " of ", length(ISblocks[[i]]), ":",
          #message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)

      getsis <- getsFun(y, mXis, untransformed.residuals=NULL,
        user.estimator=userEstArg, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
        wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=arLjungB,
        arch.LjungB=archLjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
        user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gofFunArg,
        gof.method=gof.method, keep=mxkeep.afterdropvar, include.gum=include.gum,
        include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
        max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
        max.regs=max.regs, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,

      #estimations.counter counts the number of estimations for a single type of indicators
      estimations.counter <<- estimations.counter + getsis$no.of.estimations
      getsFun.counter <<- getsFun.counter + 1

        ISspecific.models <- NULL
        ISspecific.models <- names(getsis$specific.spec)
        #For the future?:
        #        ISgums[[j]] <- getsis$gum.mean
        #        ISpaths[[j]] <- getsis$paths
        #        ISterminals.results[[j]] <- getsis$terminals.results


    } #close ISblocksFun


    # initialise counter for number of estimations of this type of indicator
    estimations.counter <- 0
    getsFun.counter <- 0

    ##do gets on each block: no parallel computing
      ISspecific.models <- lapply(1:length(ISblocks[[i]]),
        ISblocksFun, i, ISmatrices, ISblocks, mX, parallel.options,
        y, userEstArg, t.pval, wald.pval, do.pet, arLjungB,
        archLjungB, normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics, gofFunArg,
        gof.method, mxkeep, include.gum, include.1cut,
        include.empty, max.paths, turbo, tol, LAPACK, max.regs,

    ##do gets on each block: with parallel computing

      ##print info:
        message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
        message("Preparing parallel computing...",
          " blocks to search in parallel: ", length(ISblocks[[i]]),
        message("Searching...", appendLF=TRUE)
        #message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
      blocksClust <- makeCluster(clusterSpec, outfile="") #make cluster
      clusterExport(blocksClust, clusterVarlist,
        envir=.GlobalEnv) #idea for the future?: envir=clusterEnvir
#      clusterExport(blocksClust,
#        c("dropvar", "getsFun", "ols", "infocrit", "diagnostics"),
#        envir=.GlobalEnv)
      ISspecific.models <- parLapply(blocksClust,
        1:length(ISblocks[[i]]), ISblocksFun, i, ISmatrices,
        ISblocks, mX, parallel.options, y, userEstArg, t.pval,
        wald.pval, do.pet, arLjungB, archLjungB, normality.JarqueB,
        user.diagnostics, gofFunArg, gof.method, mxkeep,
        include.gum, include.1cut, include.empty, max.paths, turbo,
        tol, LAPACK, max.regs, print.searchinfo)

    } #end if..

    ##print info:
      message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
      message("GETS of union of retained ",
        names(ISmatrices)[i], " variables... ",
    ##if no indicators retained from the blocks:
    if(length(ISspecific.models) == 0){
      isNames <- NULL
      ISfinalmodels[[i]] <- NULL

    ##when indicators/variables(uis) retained from the blocks:
    if(length(ISspecific.models) > 0){

      isNames <- NULL

      #which indicators/variables(uis) retained?:
      for(j in 1:length(ISspecific.models)){
        #check if mean is non-empty:
          isNames <- union(isNames, ISspecific.models[[j]])
      } #end for(j) loop
      isNames <- setdiff(isNames, mXnames)

      #redo gets with union of retained indicators:
      if(length(isNames) == 0){
        ISfinalmodels[[i]] <- mXnames
        mXisNames <- c(mXnames, isNames)
        mXis <- cbind(mX,ISmatrices[[i]][,isNames])
        colnames(mXis) <- mXisNames
        # apply dropvar
        mXis.names <- colnames(mXis)
        original.mxkeep.names <- mXis.names[mxkeep]
        mXis <- dropvar(mXis, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
        mXis.names.afterdropvar <- colnames(mXis)
        mxkeep.afterdropvar <- which(mXis.names.afterdropvar %in% original.mxkeep.names)
        getsis <- getsFun(y, mXis, untransformed.residuals=NULL,
          user.estimator=userEstArg, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
          wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=arLjungB,
          arch.LjungB=archLjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
          user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gofFunArg,
          gof.method=gof.method, keep=mxkeep.afterdropvar, include.gum=include.gum,
          include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
          max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
          max.regs=max.regs, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,

        # only done if at least one indicator of this type has been retained
        # so if no search was done (because failed diagnostics), then not here
        estimations.counter <- estimations.counter + getsis$no.of.estimations
        getsFun.counter <- getsFun.counter + 1

        ISfinalmodels[[i]] <- names(getsis$specific.spec)

    } #end if(length(ISspecific.models > 0)
  # before go to next type of indicator, save the number of estimations done
  estimations.total <- estimations.total + estimations.counter
  getsFun.total <- getsFun.total + getsFun.counter

  } #end for(i) loop (on ISmatrices)

  ##add names to ISblocks:
  names(ISblocks) <- names(ISmatrices)

  ##gets of union of all variables:
  ##some info:
    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
    message("GETS of union of ALL retained variables...",
    #message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)

  ##if final models estimated:

    mIS <- NULL #becomes a matrix

    #which indicators were retained?
    for(i in 1:length(ISfinalmodels)){
      isNames <- NULL
      #check if non-empty:
        isNames <- setdiff(ISfinalmodels[[i]], mXnames)
        tmp <- cbind(ISmatrices[[i]][, isNames ])
        colnames(tmp) <- isNames
        mIS <- cbind(mIS, tmp)
    } #end for loop

    # apply dropvar
    mXis.names <- colnames(cbind(mX,mIS))
    original.mxkeep.names <- mXis.names[mxkeep]
    mXis <- dropvar(cbind(mX,mIS), tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
    mXis.names.afterdropvar <- colnames(mXis)
    mxkeep.afterdropvar <- which(mXis.names.afterdropvar %in% original.mxkeep.names)

  } #end if(length(ISfinalmodels)>0)

  ##if no final models estimated:
    ISfinalmodels <- NULL
    if(is.null(mX)){ mXis <- NULL }else{
      mXis <- cbind(mX)
      colnames(mXis) <- mXnames

  ##make return object:

  ##do final gets:

  getsis <- getsFun(y, mXis, untransformed.residuals=NULL,
    user.estimator=userEstArg, gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval,
    wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, ar.LjungB=arLjungB,
    arch.LjungB=archLjungB, normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB,
    user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, gof.function=gofFunArg,
    gof.method=gof.method, keep=mxkeep.afterdropvar, include.gum=include.gum,
    include.1cut=include.1cut, include.empty=include.empty,
    max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo, tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK,
    max.regs=max.regs, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,

  estimations.total <- estimations.total + getsis$no.of.estimations
  getsis$no.of.estimations <- estimations.total
  getsFun.total <- getsFun.total + 1
  getsis$no.of.getsFun.calls <- getsFun.total

  ##messages from final gets:
  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(getsis$messages)){
  ##estimate final model:
  y <- zoo(y, order.by=y.index)
    mXisNames <- NULL
    mXis <- NULL
    mXisNames <- colnames(mXis)[getsis$specific.spec]
    mXis <- cbind(mXis[,getsis$specific.spec])
    colnames(mXis) <- mXisNames
    mXis <- zoo(mXis, order.by=y.index)
    normalityArg <- FALSE
    normalityArg <- as.numeric(normality.JarqueB)  
  # Save original arx mc warning setting and disable it here
  tmpmc <- getOption("mc.warning")
  options(mc.warning = FALSE)
  mod <- arx(y, mc=FALSE, mxreg=mXis, vcov.type=vcov.type,
    qstat.options=qstat.options, normality.JarqueB=normalityArg,
    user.estimator=userEstArgArx, user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics,
    tol=tol, LAPACK=LAPACK, plot=FALSE)
  mod$call <- NULL
  # Set the old arx mc warning again
  options(mc.warning = tmpmc)
  ##complete the returned object (result):
  ISnames <- setdiff(mXisNames, mXnames) #names of retained impulses
#  ISnames <- setdiff(getsis$aux$mXnames, mXnames) #names of retained impulses
  if(length(ISnames)==0){ ISnames <- NULL }
  colnames(mod$aux$mX) <- mod$aux$mXnames #needed for predict.isat?
  getsis$gets.type <- "isat"
  getsis$call <- isat.call
  getsis <-
    c(list(ISfinalmodels=ISfinalmodels, ISnames=ISnames), getsis, mod)
  getsis$aux$t.pval <- t.pval #needed for biascorr
  class(getsis) <- "isat"
  if(alarm){ alarm() }
  if( is.null(plot) ){ #determine whether to plot or not
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.isat(getsis, coef.path=TRUE) }
  getsis$aux$args <- isat.args
  if(isat.args$iis &&
     identical(userEstArg$name, "ols") &&
     !any(isat.args$sis, isat.args$tis, isat.args$uis.logical)){
    ## Outlier Proportion and Distortion Test 
    # Proportion Test was previously executed in the print.isat function
    #if(!is.null(getsis$call$iis) & isTRUE(eval(getsis$call$iis))){
    #  if(!any(eval(getsis$call$sis), eval(getsis$call$tis), 
    ##change suggested by J-bat (implemented by G-man 12 June 2022):
    #          ifelse(is.logical(eval(getsis$call$uis)) & isTRUE(eval(getsis$call$uis)), TRUE, FALSE),
    #          !identical(userEstArg$name, "ols"))){
    getsis$outlier.proportion.test <- outliertest(getsis)
    getsis$outlier.distortion.test <- distorttest(getsis)
    #  }

} #close isat function

coef.isat <- function(object, ...)
  result <- object$coefficients
  if(!is.null(result)){ names(result) <- names(object$specific.spec) }
} #close coef.isat

## fitted values
fitted.isat <- function(object, ...)
  result <- object$mean.fit
  if(is.null(result)){ result <- object$fit }
} #end fitted.isat

## gets modelling of 'isat' objects:
gets.isat <- function(x, t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=t.pval, vcov.type = NULL,
                      do.pet=TRUE, ar.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025),
                      arch.LjungB=list(lag=NULL, pval=0.025), normality.JarqueB=NULL,
                      user.diagnostics=NULL, info.method=c("sc","aic","aicc","hq"),
                      gof.function=NULL, gof.method=NULL, keep=NULL, include.gum=FALSE,
                      include.1cut=TRUE, include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL, tol=1e-07,
                      turbo=FALSE, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE, ...)

  # Check if one of these arguments is explicitly supplied to the function
  # if not, then check if the original item has this arguemnt supplied
  # if it does, take the setting of the original object
  # if it does not, then take the default
  if(missing(vcov.type)){vcov.type <- x$aux[["vcov.type"]]}
  if(missing(user.diagnostics)){user.diagnostics <- x$aux[["user.diagnostics"]]}
  if(missing(tol)){tol <- x$aux$tol}
  if(missing(normality.JarqueB)){if(is.null(x$call$normality.JarqueB)){normality.JarqueB <- FALSE}else{normality.JarqueB <- x$call$normality.JarqueB}}
  if(missing(arch.LjungB)){arch.LjungB <- x$call$arch.LjungB}
  if(missing(ar.LjungB)){ar.LjungB <- x$call$ar.LjungB}
  user.estimator <- x$aux$user.estimator
  LAPACK <- x$aux$LAPACK
  ##create an arx-like object:
  y <- x$aux$y
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  colnames(y) <- x$aux$y.name
  mxreg <- x$aux$mX
  colnames(mxreg) <- x$aux$mXnames

  # Save original arx mc warning setting and disable it here
  tmpmc <- getOption("mc.warning")
  options(mc.warning = FALSE)
  object <- do.call("arx", 
                    list(y = y, mxreg = mxreg,
                         ewma = NULL, mc = FALSE, ar = NULL, log.ewma = NULL, # would be in mxreg already
                         vc = FALSE, arch = NULL, asym = NULL, # currently not possible via isat
                         vxreg = NULL, zero.adj = 0.1, # currently not possible via isat
                         vc.adj = TRUE, qstat.options = NULL,  # currently not possible via isat
                         vcov.type = vcov.type,
                         normality.JarqueB = normality.JarqueB,
                         user.estimator = user.estimator,
                         user.diagnostics = user.diagnostics,
                         tol = tol,
                         LAPACK = LAPACK, 
                         singular.ok = TRUE,
                         plot = NULL))

  ##github version:             
  #object <- as.arx(x, plot = FALSE, ar = FALSE) # some arguments pre-set because they will already be in isat if needed
  ##return result:
  out <- getsm(
  # Set the old arx mc warning again
  options(mc.warning = tmpmc)
} #close gets.isat() function

logLik.isat <- function(object, ...)
  result <- object$logl
    result <- NA # numeric(0) will throw error, cannot replace cell with numeric vector of length 0
    #result <- numeric(0)
    warning("'object$logl' is NULL")
    attr(result, "df") <- length(object$coefficients)
    attr(result, "nobs") <- object$n
  class(result) <- "logLik"
} #end logLik.isat

## plot isat object
plot.isat <- function(x, col=c("red","blue"),
  lty=c("solid","solid"), lwd=c(1,1), coef.path=TRUE, ...)

#  ##check if mean quation:
#  if( is.null(x$mean.results) ){
#    cat("No mean equation to plot\n")
#  }

  ##if fitted mean:

    ##check line width:
      print("lwd needs two arguments, but only one provided. Single argument applied to all lines plotted.")
    }else if (length(lwd)>2){
      print("lwd needs two arguments, but more provided. First two used.")

    ##check line type:
      print("lty needs two arguments, but only one provided. Single argument applied to all lines plotted.")
    }else if (length(lwd)>2){
      print("lty needs two arguments, but more provided. First two used.")

    ##check colour:

      #####randomcol - returns random combination of colours of length 2
      randomcol <- function()
        r.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(r.r[1],1)==round(r.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          r.r <- runif(2)
        g.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(g.r[1],1)==round(g.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          g.r <- runif(2)
        b.r <- runif(2)
        while(round(b.r[1],1)==round(b.r[2],1)) {#don't want colours too similar so add check
          b.r <- runif(2)
      } #end randomcol

      ###clashcol function - returns clashing (opposite) combination of colours
      clashcol <- function()
        #using http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/the-opposite-of-a-color.html formula for opposite colour
        r.1 <- runif(1)
        g.1 <- runif(1)
        b.1 <- runif(1)
        b.2 <- min(r.1,min(g.1,b.1)) + max(r.1,max(g.1,b.1))
        col <- rgb(c(r.1,b.2-r.1),c(g.1,b.2-g.1),c(b.1,b.2-b.1))
      } #end clashcol

      ##if random:
      if(col[1]=="random") {
        col <- randomcol()
      }else if(col[1]=="awful.clash") {
        col <- clashcol()
        print("Wrong number of colours specified; using random set of colours instead.")

    ##get fitted and actual values, and dependent variable name
    fitted <- x$mean.fit
    actual <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)
    residuals <- x$std.residuals
    actual.name <- x$aux$y.name

    ##get current par-values, set new ones:
    def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

    ##if isat or coef-path:
    if( (x$gets.type=="isat" || coef.path==TRUE) && length(x$ISnames)!=0 ){
      is.x <- cbind(x$aux$mX[,x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames])
      is.coef.ests <- coef.isat(x)[x$ISnames]
      coef.path.0 <- zoo(is.x %*% is.coef.ests, order.by=x$aux$y.index)

    if(is.regular(actual)) {
      plot(actual, main = "",ylim=range(min(actual,fitted,na.rm=TRUE),max(actual,fitted,na.rm=TRUE)),
      plot(as.Date(index(actual)),coredata(actual), main = "",ylim=range(min(actual,fitted,na.rm=TRUE),max(actual,fitted,na.rm=TRUE)),
    if(is.regular(fitted)) {

    if(is.regular(residuals)) {

    legend("topleft",lty=1,col=col[1],legend="standardised residuals",bty="n")
#    legend("topleft",lty=1,col=col[1],legend=c(paste(actual.name,"standardised residuals",sep=": ")),bty="n")

    ##coefficient path
    if( (x$gets.type=="isat" | coef.path==TRUE) & length(x$ISnames)!=0 ) {
      ## we only get standard error bars if TIS *not* run

      ###if tis is there and it is not null, then don't plot, else

      if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$tis) && as.logical(as.character(as.list(x$call)$tis))==TRUE){
        message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
        message("NB: Because TIS selected, coefficient standard errors invalid hence not plotted",
#        cat("\nNB: Because TIS selected, coefficient standard errors invalid hence not plotted\n", sep="")
        ylim.values <- range(coef.path.0)
        if(is.regular(coef.path.0)) {
          ylim.values <- range(coef.path.0)
      }   else {

        coef.path.v <- isatvar(x)
        if(is.regular(coef.path.0)) {
          ylim.values <- range(min(coef.path.0-qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se),
                               max(coef.path.0+qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se))
          lines(coef.path.0+qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se,type="l",col=col[1],lty=3)
          lines(coef.path.0-qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se,type="l",col=col[1],lty=3)
          lines(as.Date(index(coef.path.0)),coredata(coef.path.0)+qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se,type="l",col=col[1],lty=3)
          lines(as.Date(index(coef.path.0)),coredata(coef.path.0)-qt(0.975, NROW(coef.path.0))*coef.path.v$const.se,type="l",col=col[1],lty=3)



      legend("topleft",lty=1,col=col[1],legend=c(paste(actual.name,"Coefficient Path",sep=": ")),bty="n")

    #return to old par-values:
} #plot.isat closed

## forecast up to n.ahead
predict.isat <- function(object, n.ahead=12, newmxreg=NULL,
  newindex=NULL, n.sim=2000, probs=NULL, ci.levels=NULL,
  quantile.type=7, return=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, plot=NULL,
  plot.options=list(), ...)

  ## 1 arguments of mean-equation
  ## 2 make plot.options argument
  ## 3 pass arguments on to predict.arx
  ## 4 return forecasts

  ##create new object to add stuff to in order to use predict.arx()
  objectNew <- object

  ## 1 arguments of mean-equation:

  ##coefficients of mean spec in final model:
  coefsMean <- coef.arx(objectNew, spec="mean")

  ##there is no mean equation:
  if( length(coefsMean)==0 ){

    objectNew$call$mc <- NULL
    objectNew$call$ar <- NULL
    objectNew$call$ewma <- NULL
    objectNew$call$mxreg <- NULL


  ##there is a mean equation:
  if( length(coefsMean)>0 ){

    ##initiate index counter (used for mxreg):
    indxCounter <- 0

    ##mc argument:
    mconstRetained <- "mconst" %in% names(coefsMean)
    if( mconstRetained ){
      objectNew$call$mc <- TRUE
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + 1
      objectNew$call$mc <- FALSE
#OLD (until version 0.27):      
#      objectNew$call$mc <- NULL

    ##ar argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$call$ar)
#    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$ar)
    gumNamesAr <- paste0("ar", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesAr %in% names(coefsMean) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$ar <- NULL
      objectNew$call$ar <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)

    ##ewma argument:
    gumTerms <- eval(object$call$ewma)
#    gumTerms <- eval(object$aux$call.gum$ewma)
    gumNamesEwma <- paste0("EqWMA(", gumTerms$length, ")")
    whichRetained <- which( gumNamesEwma %in% names(coefsMean) )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$ewma <- NULL
      objectNew$call$ewma <-
        list( length=gumTerms$length[ whichRetained ] )
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)

    ##mxreg argument:
    if(indxCounter==0){ whichRetainedCoefs <- coefsMean }
    if(indxCounter>0){ whichRetainedCoefs <- coefsMean[ -c(1:indxCounter) ] }
    if( length(whichRetainedCoefs)==0 ){
      objectNew$call$mxreg <- NULL
      whichRetainedNames <- names(whichRetainedCoefs)
      objectNew$call$mxreg <- whichRetainedNames
#more correct (but not needed, since mxreg only needs to be non-NULL)?:
#      whichRetained <- which( object$aux$mXnames %in% whichRetainedNames )
#      mxreg <- cbind(object$aux$mX[, whichRetained ])
#      colnames(mxreg) <- whichRetainedNames
#      objectNew$call$mxreg <- mxreg

  } #end if( length(coefsMean)>0 )

  ##here: introduce the automated detection of indicators and how they
  ##should modify newmxreg?

  ## 2 make plot.options argument:
    plot.options$start.at.origin <- FALSE
    plot.options$line.at.origin <- TRUE
    plot.options$fitted <- TRUE
  ## 3 pass arguments on to predict.arx:

  innov <- rnorm(n.ahead*n.sim) #force normal errors
  result <- predict.arx(objectNew, spec="mean", n.ahead=n.ahead,
    newmxreg=newmxreg, newvxreg=NULL, newindex=newindex,
    n.sim=n.sim, innov=innov, probs=probs, ci.levels=ci.levels,
    quantile.type=quantile.type, return=return, verbose=verbose,
    plot=plot, plot.options=plot.options)

  ## 4 return forecasts:

  if(return){ return(result) }

} #close predict.isat

# ## print isat results
print.isat <- function(x, signif.stars=TRUE, ...)
    ##messages from final gets:
    #if(!is.null(x$messages)){ message(x$messages) }
    cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
    cat("Dependent var.:", x$aux$y.name, "\n")
    cat("Method: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)\n")
    cat("Variance-Covariance:", switch(x$aux$vcov.type,
                                       ordinary = "Ordinary", white = "White (1980)",
                                       "newey-west" = "Newey and West (1987)"), "\n")
    ##header - sample info:
    cat("No. of observations (mean eq.):", x$aux$y.n, "\n")
    tmp <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)
    indexTrimmed <- index(na.trim(tmp))
    isRegular <- is.regular(tmp, strict=TRUE)
    isCyclical <- frequency(tmp) > 1
    if(isRegular && isCyclical){
      cycleTrimmed <- cycle(na.trim(tmp))
      startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[1]))
      startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
                           "(", cycleTrimmed[1], ")", sep="")
      endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)]))
      endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
                         "(", cycleTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)], ")", sep="")
      startAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[1])
      endAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)])
    cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")
    ####### START the part commented out 17 July 2019 by G-man:  
    #  ##gum:
    #  if(specType=="mean"){
    #    cat("\n")
    #    cat("GUM mean equation:\n")
    #    cat("\n")
    #    printCoefmat(x$gum.mean, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(1,2),
    #                 signif.stars=FALSE, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE)
    #  }
    #  if(!is.null(x$gum.variance)){
    #    cat("\n")
    #    cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
    #    cat("\n")
    #    printCoefmat(x$gum.variance, signif.stars=FALSE)
    #  }
    #  cat("\n")
    #  cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
    #  cat("\n")
    #  printCoefmat(x$gum.diagnostics, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=2,
    #               signif.stars=FALSE, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE)
    #  ##paths:
    #  cat("\n")
    #  cat("Paths searched: \n")
    #  cat("\n")
    #  if(is.null(x$paths)){
    #    print(NULL)
    #  }else{
    #    for(i in 1:length(x$paths)){
    #      cat("path",i,":",x$paths[[i]],"\n")
    #    }
    #  } #end if(is.null(x$paths))
    #  ##terminal models and results:
    #  if(!is.null(x$terminals)){
    #    cat("\n")
    #    cat("Terminal models: \n")
    #    cat("\n")
    #    for(i in 1:length(x$terminals)){
    #      cat("spec",i,":",x$terminals[[i]],"\n")
    #    }
    #  }
    #  if(!is.null(x$terminals.results)){
    #    cat("\n")
    #    printCoefmat(x$terminals.results, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(3,4),
    #                 signif.stars=FALSE)
    #  }
    ####### END the part commented out 17 July 2019 by G-man  
    ##specific model:
      cat("SPECIFIC mean equation:\n")
        # NEW (from Moritz, July 2020) as this more simple command works as expected: 
        printCoefmat(x$mean.results,signif.stars = signif.stars)
        #      printCoefmat(x$mean.results, signif.stars=FALSE,
        #        P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalues=FALSE)
      ##in the future: use estimate.specific=FALSE more directly?
      if(x$specific.spec[1]!=0 && is.null(x$mean.results)){
        cat("Not estimated\n")
    ##diagnostics and fit:
      mGOF <- matrix(NA, 3, 1)
      rownames(mGOF) <- c("SE of regression", "R-squared",
                          paste0("Log-lik.(n=", x$n, ")"))
      colnames(mGOF) <- ""
      mGOF[1,1] <- sigma.isat(x) #OLD: sqrt(x$sigma2)
      mGOF[2,1] <- rsquared(x) #OLD: x$specific.diagnostics[4,1]
      mGOF[3,1] <- as.numeric(logLik.isat(x)) #OLD: x$logl
      #mGOF[4,1] <- outliertest(x)$#x$logl #OLD: as.numeric(logLik.arx(x))
      cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
      printCoefmat(x$diagnostics, tst.ind=2,signif.stars=signif.stars, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
        #cat("\nJiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test")
        mOutl_d <- matrix(NA, 1, 3)
        colnames(mOutl_d) <- c("Chi-sq","df", "p-value")
        rownames(mOutl_d) <- c("Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion")
        mOutl_d[1,] <- c(x$outlier.distortion.test$statistic,x$outlier.distortion.test$df,x$outlier.distortion.test$p.value)
        printCoefmat(mOutl_d, digits=6, signif.stars = TRUE,P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, signif.legend = FALSE)
        #cat("\nJiao-Pretis Outlier Proportion Test")
        mOutl_p <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
        colnames(mOutl_p) <- c("Stat.", "p-value")
        rownames(mOutl_p) <- c("Jiao-Pretis Outlier Proportion", "Jiao-Pretis Outlier Count")
        mOutl_p[1,] <- c(x$outlier.proportion.test$prop$statistic, x$outlier.proportion.test$prop$p.value)
        mOutl_p[2,] <- c(x$outlier.proportion.test$count$statistic, x$outlier.proportion.test$count$p.value)
        printCoefmat(mOutl_p, digits=6, signif.stars = TRUE,P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, signif.legend = FALSE) 
      printCoefmat(mGOF, digits=6, signif.stars=signif.stars)

# ## print isat results
# print.isat <- function(x, ...)
# {
#   ##specification type:
#   specType <- "mean"
#   ##header:
#   cat("\n")
#   cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
#   cat("Dependent var.:", x$aux$y.name, "\n")
#   cat("Method: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)\n")
#   cat("Variance-Covariance:", switch(x$aux$vcov.type,
#     ordinary = "Ordinary", white = "White (1980)",
#     "newey-west" = "Newey and West (1987)"), "\n")
#   ##header - sample info:
#   cat("No. of observations (mean eq.):", x$aux$y.n, "\n")
#   tmp <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)
#   indexTrimmed <- index(na.trim(tmp))
#   isRegular <- is.regular(tmp, strict=TRUE)
#   isCyclical <- frequency(tmp) > 1
#   if(isRegular && isCyclical){
#     cycleTrimmed <- cycle(na.trim(tmp))
#     startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[1]))
#     startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
#       "(", cycleTrimmed[1], ")", sep="")
#     endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)]))
#     endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
#       "(", cycleTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)], ")", sep="")
#   }else{
#     startAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[1])
#     endAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)])
#   }
#   cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")
#   ##gum:
#   if(specType=="mean"){
#     cat("\n")
#     cat("GUM mean equation:\n")
#     cat("\n")
#     printCoefmat(x$gum.mean, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(1,2),
#       signif.stars=FALSE, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE)
#   }
#   if(!is.null(x$gum.variance)){
#     cat("\n")
#     cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
#     cat("\n")
#     printCoefmat(x$gum.variance, signif.stars=FALSE)
#   }
#   cat("\n")
#   cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
#   cat("\n")
#   printCoefmat(x$gum.diagnostics, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=2,
#     signif.stars=FALSE, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE)
#   ##paths:
#   cat("\n")
#   cat("Paths searched: \n")
#   cat("\n")
#   if(is.null(x$paths)){
#     print(NULL)
#   }else{
#     for(i in 1:length(x$paths)){
#       cat("path",i,":",x$paths[[i]],"\n")
#     }
#   } #end if(is.null(x$paths))
#   ##terminal models and results:
#   if(!is.null(x$terminals)){
#     cat("\n")
#     cat("Terminal models: \n")
#     cat("\n")
#     for(i in 1:length(x$terminals)){
#       cat("spec",i,":",x$terminals[[i]],"\n")
#     }
#   }
#   if(!is.null(x$terminals.results)){
#     cat("\n")
#     printCoefmat(x$terminals.results, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(3,4),
#       signif.stars=FALSE)
#   }
#   ##specific model:
#   if(specType=="mean" && !is.null(x$specific.spec)){
#     cat("\n")
#     cat("SPECIFIC mean equation:\n")
#     cat("\n")
#     if(!is.null(x$mean.results)){
#       print(x$mean.results)
# #      printCoefmat(x$mean.results, signif.stars=FALSE,
# #        P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalues=FALSE)
#     }
#     if(x$specific.spec[1]==0){
#       cat("empty\n")
#     }
# ##in the future: use estimate.specific=FALSE more directly?
#     if(x$specific.spec[1]!=0 && is.null(x$mean.results)){
#       cat("Not estimated\n")
#     }
#   }
#   ##diagnostics and fit:
#   if(!is.null(x$specific.diagnostics)){
#     #fit-measures:
#     mGOF <- matrix(NA, 3, 1)
#     rownames(mGOF) <- c("SE of regression", "R-squared",
#       paste("Log-lik.(n=", length(na.trim(x$std.residuals)), ")", sep=""))
#     colnames(mGOF) <- ""
#     mGOF[1,1] <- sigma.isat(x) #OLD: sqrt( RSS/(nobs-DFs) )
#     mGOF[2,1] <- rsquared(x) #OLD: x$specific.diagnostics[4,1]
#     mGOF[3,1] <- as.numeric(logLik.arx(x))
#     cat("\n")
#     cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
#     cat("\n")
#     printCoefmat(x$specific.diagnostics, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=2,
#       signif.stars=FALSE)
#     printCoefmat(mGOF, digits=6, signif.stars=FALSE)
#   }
#   ##messages:
#   if(!is.null(x$messages)){
#     message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
#     message(x$messages)
#   }
# } #end print.isat

residuals.isat <- function(object, std=FALSE, ...)
    result <- NULL
      result <- object$residuals/sigma.isat(object)
      result <- object$residuals
} #end residuals.isat

## SE of regression
sigma.isat <- function(object, ...)
    result <- NA # J-bat: should not set NULL otherwise cannot replace cell in matrix
    #result <- NULL
    RSS <- sum(object$residuals^2)
    result <- sqrt(RSS/(object$n - object$k))
} #close sigma.isat

### summarise output
summary.isat <- function(object, ...)
} #end summary.isat

vcov.isat <- function(object, ...)
  result <- object$vcov #also works if object$vcov.mean exists
      colnames(result) <- names(object$specific.spec)
      rownames(result) <- names(object$specific.spec)
} #end vcov.isat

## needs orthogonal variables, can be applied directly to the coefficient path though in an isat only model
### purposefully not entirely usefriendly - needs many arguments, but it should be an expert user function
biascorr <- function(b, b.se, p.alpha, T){

  c_alpha <- abs(qt((1-(1-p.alpha))/2, T))
  bt <- b/b.se

  dr <- (dnorm(c_alpha-bt)-dnorm(-c_alpha-bt))/ (1-pnorm(c_alpha-bt) + pnorm(-c_alpha-bt))
  dtbar <- bt - dr
  drbar <- (dnorm(c_alpha-dtbar)-dnorm(-c_alpha-dtbar))/ (1-pnorm(c_alpha-dtbar) + pnorm(-c_alpha-dtbar))

  #only correct if significant

  b_1step <- b
  b_1step[abs(bt)>c_alpha] <- b[abs(bt)>c_alpha]*(1-(dr/bt))[abs(bt)>c_alpha]

  b_2step <- b
  b_2step[abs(bt)>c_alpha] <- b[abs(bt)>c_alpha]*(1-(drbar/bt))[abs(bt)>c_alpha]

  b_corr <- cbind(b, b_1step, b_2step)
  colnames(b_corr) <- c("beta", "beta.1step", "beta.2step")


####### isat.test: forecast bias test as based on the working paper with a plot
### loads an isat object, and then conducts the bias analysis on it

### loads an isat object, and then conducts the bias analysis on it
#### Now with added efficiency and consistency correction
#### also on coefficient path of other break variables

isattest <- function(x, hnull=0, lr=FALSE, ci.pval = 0.99,
  plot=NULL, plot.turn = FALSE, conscorr=FALSE, effcorr=FALSE,
  mcor = 1, biascorr=FALSE, mxfull = NULL, mxbreak=NULL)
  trend.incl <- FALSE
    if (as.list(x$call)$tis) {
      stop("isat.test currently not implemented for trend-indicator saturation")
      trend.incl <- TRUE

  arcall <- as.list(x$call)$ar
  x.var <- isatvar(x,lr=lr, conscorr=conscorr, effcorr=effcorr, mcor = mcor, mxfull = mxfull, mxbreak=mxbreak)


  if (biascorr==TRUE){

    if (!is.null(as.list(x$call)$mxreg) | !is.null(arcall) | trend.incl){

      biascorr <- FALSE
      message("Bias Correction not applicable in isat regression with additional non-step covariates. Has been set to FALSE.")

  T <- dim(x$aux$mX)[1]
  N <- dim(x$aux$mX)[2]

  crit <- abs(qt((1-ci.pval)/2, T-N))
  bias.low <- matrix(0, T, 1)
  bias.high <- matrix(0, T, 1)

  ci.low <- matrix(0, T, 1)
  ci.high <- matrix(0, T, 1)
  x.mean <- matrix(0, T, 1)

  if (lr == TRUE & !is.null(arcall))
    x.is.lr <- x.var$lr.path
    x.is.const <- x.var$const.path

  } else {

    x.is.lr <- NA

    if (biascorr){

      xbias <-biascorr(b=x.var$const.path, b.se=x.var$const.se, p.alpha = x$aux$t.pval, T=length(x.var$const.path))
      x.is.const <- xbias$beta.2step

    } else {
      x.is.const <- x.var$const.path



  if (lr == TRUE & !is.null(arcall))

    ci.low <- x.var$lr.path-crit*x.var$lr.se
    ci.high <- x.var$lr.path+crit*x.var$lr.se

    bias.low[which((ci.low) > hnull)] <- 1
    bias.high[which((ci.high) < hnull)] <- 1

    bias.low <- bias.low*(x.var$lr.path-hnull)
    bias.high <- bias.high*(x.var$lr.path-hnull)

    x.mean <- x.var$lr.path

  } else {

    ci.low <- x.is.const-crit*x.var$const.se
    ci.high <- x.is.const+crit*x.var$const.se

    bias.low[which((ci.low) > hnull)] <- 1
    bias.high[which((ci.high) < hnull)] <- 1

    bias.low <- bias.low*(x.is.const-hnull)
    bias.high <- bias.high*(x.is.const-hnull)

    x.mean <- x.is.const


  ###determining the turning points
  time <- x$aux$y.index
  bias.sum.ar <- bias.low+bias.high
  lr.path.d <- diff(bias.sum.ar)

    plot.turn <- FALSE
    turn.ar <- NULL
  } else {
    turn.ar <- time[which(lr.path.d != 0)]+1

  turn.ar.y <- bias.sum.ar[which(lr.path.d != 0)]

  turn.x.lab <- turn.ar
  turn.x <- turn.ar

  fitted <- x$mean.fit
  actual <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)

  ylabel_a <- "Coefficient"
  ylabel_b <- "Bias"

  Ylim_main <- c(min(actual, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2,max(actual, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2)
  Ylim_bias <- c(min(bias.high, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2,max(bias.low, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2)

  ##plot argument:
  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }

  if (plot){
    par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(2, 4,1,3))
    plot(time, x.mean, ylim=Ylim_main, col="red", main=NULL, xlab=NA, ylab=ylabel_a, sub=NA, type="l")

    lines(ci.low, col="red", lty=2)
    lines(ci.high, col="red", lty=2)

    if (is.null(mxbreak))
      lines(actual, col="blue")
    abline(a =hnull, b=0, col="black", lty=3, lwd=2)
    plot(time, bias.low, type="h", col="red", ylim=Ylim_bias, main=NULL, xlab=NA, ylab=ylabel_b, sub=NA)
    lines(bias.high, type="h", col="red")

    if ( plot.turn ){
      text(turn.x.lab, y=turn.ar.y, x=turn.x, pos=4, offset=-0.5, cex=0.8)

  if (lr==TRUE & !is.null(arcall))
    mean.var <- cbind(ci.low, ci.high, bias.low,  bias.high)
    colnames(mean.var) <- c("ci.low", "ci.high", "bias.high",  "bias.low")

  } else {
    mean.var <- cbind( ci.low, ci.high, bias.low,  bias.high)
    colnames(mean.var) <- c("ci.low", "ci.high", "bias.high",  "bias.low")



} #isattest function closed

####### isatvar: function to extract the variance of the coefficient path
#takes an isat gets object, returns:
# - the coefficient path (both relative to the full sample coefficient and the constant path itself)
# - the variance and standard errors of the coefficient path
# - if lr is specified and the isat object has AR terms, then also returns the LR coefficient path and its variance and standard errors
#input: "x" (an isat results object)

#new arguments:
#-conscorr applies the consistency correction from Johansen and Nielsen 2016
#-effcorr applies the efficiency correction from Johansen and Nielsen 2016
#-mxfull allows a full-sample break variable to be specified which is selected over using uis, so it can construct the MIS variance

isatvar <- function(x, lr=FALSE, conscorr=FALSE, effcorr=FALSE, mcor = 1,  mxfull = NULL, mxbreak=NULL)

  if (lr == TRUE && !is.null(mxfull)){
    message("Warning: LR currently not defined with user-specified break variables. LR set to FALSE")
    lr <- FALSE

  if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$uis) && is.null(mxfull)){

    if (!is.null(as.list(x$call)$iis) || !is.null(as.list(x$call)$sis) ){
      message("Warning: uis specified but no mxfull variable given. Using mconst instead.")
      mxfull <- "mconst"
    } else {
      stop("uis specified but no mxfull variable given")


  if (is.null(mxfull)){   ##if no full variable is specified, then the constant is used
    mxfull <- "mconst"

  if (!is.null(x$mean.fit)){

    if (!is.null(mxbreak))

      ISnames <- x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak, x$ISnames)]
    } else {

      mxbreak_iis <- "iis"
      mxbreak_sis <- "sis"

      ISnames <- c(x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak_iis, x$ISnames)], x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak_sis, x$ISnames)])

    if (!is.null(ISnames)){

      var.rel <- c( which(substr(x$aux$mXnames,1,6) %in% mxfull), which(x$aux$mXnames %in% ISnames))

      if (conscorr==TRUE){
        x$vcov.mean <- x$vcov.mean*as.numeric(isvarcor(x$aux$t.pval,1)[2]^2)
      if (effcorr == TRUE){
        rel_names <- x$aux$mXnames[!(x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames)]
        if (!is.null(rel_names)) {
          # OLD:
          #if (!is.null(x$keep)) {
          # x$vcov.mean[x$keep, x$keep] <- x$vcov.mean[x$keep, x$keep] * as.numeric(isvareffcor(x$aux$t.pval, 1, mcor)[2]^2)
          x$vcov.mean[rel_names, rel_names] <- x$vcov.mean[rel_names, 
                                                           rel_names] * as.numeric(isvareffcor(x$aux$t.pval,
                                                                                               1, mcor)[2]^2)

      #coefficient path function
      is.x <- cbind(x$aux$mX[, x$aux$mXnames %in% ISnames])
      is.coef.ests <- coef.isat(x)[ISnames]

        coef.path <- zoo(is.x %*% is.coef.ests, order.by = x$aux$y.index)
      } else {
        is.x[is.x!=0] <- 1 #the break variable is not necessarily an indicator variable
        coef.path <- zoo(is.x %*% is.coef.ests, order.by = x$aux$y.index)

      colnames(coef.path) <- "coef.path"

      const <- coef.isat(x)[mxfull]
      const.path <- coef.path + const
      colnames(const.path) <- "const.path"

    } else {
      var.rel <- which(substr(x$aux$mXnames,1,6) %in% mxfull)

      #coefficient path function
      const <- coef.isat(x)[mxfull]

      coef.path <- zoo(0, order.by = x$aux$y.index)

      const.path <- coef.path + const


    vcov.rel <- x$vcov.mean[var.rel,var.rel]

    dim.var <- NCOL(vcov.rel)
    const.var <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1 )

    #construct a matrix to multiply by the variances
    dim.in <- NCOL(x$aux$mX[,var.rel])

    const.mat <- matrix(NA, NROW(x$aux$mX[,var.rel]), dim.in)

      indic.mat <- x$aux$mX[,var.rel]

    } else {
      indic.mat <- x$aux$mX[,var.rel]
      indic.mat[indic.mat!=0] <- 1


    if (dim.var > 1) #if there are indicators retained

      #order the breaks in correct order so the covariance matrix and relevance order is correct

        order.mat <- apply(indic.mat[,], 2, function(x) min(which(x==1)))  #find where each indicator is first one, for sorting

      } else { #if using a custom break variable
        order.mat <- apply(indic.mat[,], 2, function(x) min(which(x!=0)))

      indic.mat <- indic.mat[,order(order.mat)]  #order the indicators
      vcov.rel <- vcov.rel[order(order.mat),order(order.mat)] #order the covariance matrix

      for (i in 1:dim.var)
        const.var[i] <- sum(vcov.rel[1:i,1:i])   #sum over the expanding variance covariance matrix to get the variance of the sums of coefficients

      const.mat <- indic.mat

      for (j in 2:(dim.in))

        const.mat[which(rowSums(as.matrix(const.mat[,(j):(dim.in)]))>0),j-1] <- 0     #puts zeros in the appropriate places to make sure the correct s.e. is applied for each point in time


      ind.var.mat <- const.mat %*% const.var   #the variance as it applies to each subsection

    } else { #just the constant remains

      const.var <- vcov.rel
      const.mat <- indic.mat
      ind.var.mat <- const.mat * const.var


    ind.se.mat <- sqrt(ind.var.mat)   #the standard errors of the coefficient as it changes with the SIS breaks

    ####the coefficient path of the LR mean

      if (!is.null(as.list(x$call)$ar)){

        if (!is.null(x$mean.fit)){

          vcov.rel.tot <- x$vcov.mean

          coef.rel <- coef.isat(x)

          ###coefficient path of LR mean

          arcall <- as.list(x$call)$ar
          arnames <- paste("ar",eval(as.expression(arcall)), sep="")

          ar.coefs <- coef.isat(x)[arnames]
          ar.sum <- sum(ar.coefs)
          lr.path <- const.path/(1-ar.sum)

          ###variance of the coefficient path

          ar.var <- vcov.rel.tot[arnames,arnames] #variance of ar() terms
          armu.cov <- vcov.rel.tot[c(mxfull, ISnames), arnames] #covariance of ar(1) and const + sis

          if (!is.null(ISnames)) {
            var.rel <- c(which(substr(x$aux$mXnames, 1, 6) %in%
                                 mxfull), which(x$aux$mXnames %in% ISnames))
          } else {
            var.rel <- which(substr(x$aux$mXnames, 1, 6) %in%

          vcov.rel <- x$vcov.mean[var.rel, var.rel]
          dim.var <- NCOL(vcov.rel)
          const.var <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1)
          dim.in <- NCOL(x$aux$mX[, var.rel])
          indic.mat <- x$aux$mX[, var.rel]
          const.mat <- matrix(NA, NROW(x$aux$mX[, var.rel]), dim.in)
          armu.cov.sum <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1)

          dim.ar <- NCOL(ar.var)

          if (dim.var > 1) {
            order.mat <- apply(indic.mat[, ], 2, function(x) min(which(x ==
            indic.mat <- indic.mat[, order(order.mat)]
            vcov.rel <- vcov.rel[order(order.mat), order(order.mat)]   #ordering the variables for cumulative summing for covariances of sis

            #do the same for the autoregressive terms

            if (dim.ar > 1) #if more than one ar term
              armu.cov <- armu.cov[order(order.mat), ]

            } else {
              armu.cov <- armu.cov[order(order.mat)]

            for (i in 1:dim.var) {
              const.var[i] <- sum(vcov.rel[1:i, 1:i])
              if (dim.ar > 1) #if more than one ar term
                armu.cov.sum[i] <- sum(armu.cov[1:i,])
              } else {
                armu.cov.sum[i] <- sum(armu.cov[1:i])

            const.mat <- indic.mat
            for (j in 2:(dim.in)) {
                                                          (j):(dim.in)])) > 0), j - 1] <- 0

            #variance of ar
            ar.var.sum <- sum(ar.var)
            ar.var.part <- ((const.path^2)/((1-ar.sum)^4))*ar.var.sum

            #covariance and variance part of sis
            ind.var.mat <- const.mat %*% const.var # this one should be ok
            covar.is.part <- (1/(1-ar.sum)^2)*ind.var.mat

            #covariance part of ar and sis
            ind.ar.covar.mat <- const.mat %*% armu.cov.sum
            covar.aris.part <- 2*((const.path)/(1-ar.sum)^2)*(1/(1-ar.sum))*ind.ar.covar.mat

            lr.mean.var <- ar.var.part + covar.is.part + covar.aris.part
            lr.mean.se <- sqrt(lr.mean.var)

          } else { #if no steps retained

            ar.var.sum <- sum(ar.var)
            ar.var.part <- ((const.path^2)/((1-ar.sum)^4))*ar.var.sum

            ind.var.mat <-  vcov.rel
            covar.is.part <- (1/(1-ar.sum)^2)*ind.var.mat

            #covariance part of ar and sis

            armu.cov.sum <- sum(armu.cov)
            ind.ar.covar.mat <- armu.cov.sum
            covar.aris.part <- 2*((const.path)/(1-ar.sum)^2)*(1/(1-ar.sum))*ind.ar.covar.mat

            lr.mean.var <- ar.var.part + covar.is.part + covar.aris.part
            lr.mean.se <- sqrt(lr.mean.var)


        } #if isnullxmean closed

          if (as.list(x$call)$tis) { #if TIS

            ind.var.mat <- NA
            ind.se.mat <- NA
            lr.path <- NA
            lr.mean.var <- NA
            lr.mean.se <- NA
        const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat, lr.path, lr.mean.var, lr.mean.se)
        colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se", "lr.path", "lr.var", "lr.se")

      }  else { #if there are no ar

          if (as.list(x$call)$tis) { #if TIS
            ind.var.mat <- NA
            ind.se.mat <- NA
        const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat)
        colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se")

      }  #if no ar closed
    } else {   #if no lr

        if (as.list(x$call)$tis) {
          ind.var.mat <- NA
          ind.se.mat <- NA
      const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat)
      colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se")

    }#if lr closed

    const.varse <- zoo(const.varse , order.by=x$aux$y.index)

  } ##if (is null) closed

} #end isatvar

#### Impulse Indicator Consistency correction function for the sigma estimate
#Equations (9) and (15) in Johansen and Nielsen (2016)

isvarcor <- function(t.pval, sigma) {

  alpha <- t.pval
  sigmals <- sigma

  c <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))

  psi <- pnorm(c) - pnorm(-c)
  tau <- psi - 2*c*dnorm(c)

  xi_sq <- tau/psi

  xi <- sqrt(xi_sq)
  corrxi <- 1/xi

  sigmacorr <- sigmals * corrxi

  object <-  data.frame(cbind(sigmacorr, corrxi))
  names(object) <- c("sigma.cor", "corxi")


###### IS Efficiency Correction for the fixed regressors
### Equation (37) in Johansen and Nielsen (2016)

isvareffcor <- function(t.pval, se, m=1) {

  alpha <- t.pval

  c <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))

  psi <- pnorm(c) - pnorm(-c)
  tau <- psi - 2*c*dnorm(c)

  rhobeta <- 2*c*dnorm(c)/psi
  etam <- (((1-rhobeta^m)/((1-rhobeta)*psi))^2 + 2 * (1-rhobeta^m)/((1-rhobeta)*psi)*rhobeta^m)*tau+rhobeta^(2*m)

  se_cor <- se*sqrt(etam)

  output <-  data.frame(cbind(se_cor, sqrt(etam) ))
  names(output) <- c("se.cor", "eta.m")

#OLD VERSIONS OF biascorr...etc.:
### needs orthogonal variables, can be applied directly to the coefficient path though in an isat only model
#### purposefully not entirely usefriendly - needs many arguments, but it should be an expert user function
#biascorr <- function(b, b.se, p.alpha, T){
#  c_alpha <- abs(qt((1-(1-p.alpha))/2, T))
#  bt <- b/b.se
#  dr <- (dnorm(c_alpha-bt)-dnorm(-c_alpha-bt))/ (1-pnorm(c_alpha-bt) + pnorm(-c_alpha-bt))
#  dtbar <- bt - dr
#  drbar <- (dnorm(c_alpha-dtbar)-dnorm(-c_alpha-dtbar))/ (1-pnorm(c_alpha-dtbar) + pnorm(-c_alpha-dtbar))
#  #only correct if significant
#  b_1step <- b
#  b_1step[abs(bt)>c_alpha] <- b*(1-(dr/bt))[abs(bt)>c_alpha]
#  b_2step <- b
#  b_2step[abs(bt)>c_alpha] <- b*(1-(drbar/bt))[abs(bt)>c_alpha]
#  b_corr <- cbind(b, b_1step, b_2step)
#  colnames(b_corr) <- c("beta", "beta.1step", "beta.2step")
#  return(b_corr)
######## isat.test: forecast bias test as based on the working paper with a plot
#### loads an isat object, and then conducts the bias analysis on it
#isattest <- function(x, hnull=0, lr=FALSE, ci.pval = 0.99, plot=TRUE, plot.turn = FALSE, biascorr=FALSE){
#  trend.incl <- FALSE
#  if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$tis)){
#    if (as.list(x$call)$tis) {
#      stop("isat.test currently not implemented for trend-indicator saturation")
#      trend.incl <- TRUE
#    }
#  }
#  arcall <- as.list(x$call)$ar
#  x.var <- isatvar(x,lr=lr)
#  if (biascorr==TRUE){
#    if (!is.null(as.list(x$call)$mxreg) | !is.null(arcall) | trend.incl){
#      biascorr <- FALSE
#      print("Bias Correction not applicable in isat regression with additional non-step covariates. Has been set to FALSE.")
#    }
#  }
#  T <- dim(x$aux$mX)[1]
#  N <- dim(x$aux$mX)[2]
#  crit <- abs(qt((1-ci.pval)/2, T-N))
#  bias.low <- matrix(0, T, 1)
#  bias.high <- matrix(0, T, 1)
#  ci.low <- matrix(0, T, 1)
#  ci.high <- matrix(0, T, 1)
#  x.mean <- matrix(0, T, 1)
#  if (lr == TRUE & !is.null(arcall))
#  {
#    x.is.lr <- x.var$lr.path
#    x.is.const <- x.var$const.path
#  } else {
#    x.is.lr <- NA
#    if (biascorr){
#      #is2$aux$t.pval
#      xbias <-biascorr(b=x.var$const.path, b.se=x.var$const.se, p.alpha = x$aux$t.pval, T=length(x.var$const.path))
#      #xbias <-biascorr(b=x.var$const.path, b.se=x.var$const.se, p.alpha = as.list(x$call)$t.pval, T=length(x.var$const.path))
#      x.is.const <- xbias$beta.2step
#    } else {
#      x.is.const <- x.var$const.path
#    }
#  }
#  if (lr == TRUE & !is.null(arcall))
#  {
#    ci.low <- x.var$lr.path-crit*x.var$lr.se
#    ci.high <- x.var$lr.path+crit*x.var$lr.se
#    bias.low[which((ci.low) > hnull)] <- 1
#    bias.high[which((ci.high) < hnull)] <- 1
#    bias.low <- bias.low*(x.var$lr.path-hnull)
#    bias.high <- bias.high*(x.var$lr.path-hnull)
#    x.mean <- x.var$lr.path
#  } else {
#    ci.low <- x.is.const-crit*x.var$const.se
#    ci.high <- x.is.const+crit*x.var$const.se
#    bias.low[which((ci.low) > hnull)] <- 1
#    bias.high[which((ci.high) < hnull)] <- 1
#    bias.low <- bias.low*(x.is.const-hnull)
#    bias.high <- bias.high*(x.is.const-hnull)
#    x.mean <- x.is.const
#  }
#  ###determining the turning points
#  time <- x$aux$y.index
#  bias.sum.ar <- bias.low+bias.high
#  lr.path.d <- diff(bias.sum.ar)
#  if(all(lr.path.d==0)){
#    plot.turn <- FALSE
#    turn.ar <- NULL
#  } else {
#    turn.ar <- time[which(lr.path.d != 0)]+1
#  }
#  turn.ar.y <- bias.sum.ar[which(lr.path.d != 0)]
#  turn.x.lab <- turn.ar
#  turn.x <- turn.ar
#  fitted <- x$mean.fit
#  actual <- zoo(x$aux$y, order.by=x$aux$y.index)
#  ylabel_a <- "Series"
#  ylabel_b <- "Bias"
#  par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(2, 4,1,3))
#  Ylim_main <- c(min(actual, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2,max(actual, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2)
#  Ylim_bias <- c(min(bias.high, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2,max(bias.low, na.rm=TRUE)*1.2)
#  if (plot){
#    plot(time, x.mean, ylim=Ylim_main, col="blue", title(main=NULL, xlab=NULL), xlab=NA, ylab=ylabel_a, sub=NA, type="l")
#    lines(ci.low, col="blue", lty=2)
#    lines(ci.high, col="blue", lty=2)
#    lines(actual)
#    abline(a =hnull, b=0, col="black", lty=3, lwd=2)
#    plot(time, bias.low, type="h", col="red", ylim=Ylim_bias, title(main=NULL, xlab=NULL), xlab=NA, ylab=ylabel_b, sub=NA)
#    lines(bias.high, type="h", col="blue")
#    if ( plot.turn ){
#      text(turn.x.lab, y=turn.ar.y, x=turn.x, pos=4, offset=-0.5, cex=0.8)
#    }
#  }
#  if (lr==TRUE & !is.null(arcall))
#  {
#    mean.var <- cbind(ci.low, ci.high, bias.low,  bias.high)
#    colnames(mean.var) <- c("ci.low", "ci.high", "bias.high",  "bias.low")
#  } else {
#    mean.var <- cbind( ci.low, ci.high, bias.low,  bias.high)
#    colnames(mean.var) <- c("ci.low", "ci.high", "bias.high",  "bias.low")
#  }
#  return(mean.var)
#} #isat.test function closedakes an isat gets object, returns:
## - the coefficient path (both relative to the full sample coefficient and the constant path itself)
## - the variance and standard errors of the coefficient path
## - if lr is specified and the isat object has AR terms, then also returns the LR coefficient path and its variance and standard errors
##input: "x" (an isat results object)
#isatvar <- function(x, lr=FALSE)
#  if (!is.null(x$mean.fit)){
#    if (!is.null(x$ISnames)){
#      var.rel <- c( which(substr(x$aux$mXnames,1,6) %in% "mconst"), which(x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames))  #vector of where the constant and is terms are
#      #coefficient path function
#      is.x <- cbind(x$aux$mX[, x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames])
#      is.coef.ests <- coef.isat(x)[x$ISnames]
#      coef.path <- zoo(is.x %*% is.coef.ests, order.by = x$aux$y.index)
#      colnames(coef.path) <- "coef.path"
#      const <- coef.isat(x)["mconst"]
#      const.path <- coef.path + const
#      colnames(const.path) <- "const.path"
#    } else {
#      var.rel <- which(substr(x$aux$mXnames,1,6) %in% "mconst")
#      #coefficient path function
#      const <- coef.isat(x)["mconst"]
#      coef.path <- zoo(0, order.by = x$aux$y.index)
#      const.path <- coef.path + const
#    }
#    vcov.rel <- x$vcov.mean[var.rel,var.rel]
#    dim.var <- NCOL(vcov.rel)
#    const.var <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1 )
#    #construct a matrix to multiply by the variances
#    dim.in <- NCOL(x$aux$mX[,var.rel])
#    indic.mat <- x$aux$mX[,var.rel]
#    const.mat <- matrix(NA, NROW(x$aux$mX[,var.rel]), dim.in)
#    if (dim.var > 1) #if there are indicators retained
#    {
#      #order the breaks in correct order so the covariance matrix and relevance order is correct
#      order.mat <- apply(indic.mat[,], 2, function(x) min(which(x==1)))  #find where each indicator is first one, for sorting
#      indic.mat <- indic.mat[,order(order.mat)]  #order the indicators
#      vcov.rel <- vcov.rel[order(order.mat),order(order.mat)] #order the covariance matrix
#      for (i in 1:dim.var)
#      {
#        const.var[i] <- sum(vcov.rel[1:i,1:i])   #sum over the expanding variance covariance matrix to get the variance of the sums of coefficients
#      }
#      const.mat <- indic.mat
#      for (j in 2:(dim.in))
#      {
#        const.mat[which(rowSums(as.matrix(const.mat[,(j):(dim.in)]))>0),j-1] <- 0     #puts zeros in the appropriate places to make sure the correct s.e. is applied for each point in time
#      }
#      ind.var.mat <- const.mat %*% const.var   #the variance as it applies to each subsection
#    } else { #just the constant remains
#      const.var <- vcov.rel
#      const.mat <- indic.mat
#      ind.var.mat <- const.mat * const.var
#    }
#    ind.se.mat <- sqrt(ind.var.mat)   #the standard errors of the coefficient as it changes with the SIS breaks
#    ####the coefficient path of the LR mean
#    if(lr){
#      if (!is.null(as.list(x$call)$ar)){
#        if (!is.null(x$mean.fit)){
#          vcov.rel.tot <- x$vcov.mean
#          coef.rel <- coef.isat(x)
#          ###coefficient path of LR mean
#          arcall <- as.list(x$call)$ar
#          arnames <- paste("ar",eval(as.expression(arcall)), sep="")
#          ar.coefs <- coef.isat(x)[arnames]
#          ar.sum <- sum(ar.coefs)
#          lr.path <- const.path/(1-ar.sum)
#          ###variance of the coefficient path
#          ar.var <- vcov.rel.tot[arnames,arnames] #variance of ar() terms
#          armu.cov <- vcov.rel.tot[c("mconst", x$ISnames), arnames] #covariance of ar(1) and const + sis
#          if (!is.null(x$ISnames)) {
#            var.rel <- c(which(substr(x$aux$mXnames, 1, 6) %in%
#                                 "mconst"), which(x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames))
#          } else {
#            var.rel <- which(substr(x$aux$mXnames, 1, 6) %in%
#                               "mconst")
#          }
#          vcov.rel <- x$vcov.mean[var.rel, var.rel]
#          dim.var <- NCOL(vcov.rel)
#          const.var <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1)
#          dim.in <- NCOL(x$aux$mX[, var.rel])
#          indic.mat <- x$aux$mX[, var.rel]
#          const.mat <- matrix(NA, NROW(x$aux$mX[, var.rel]), dim.in)
#          armu.cov.sum <- matrix(NA, dim.var, 1)
#          dim.ar <- NCOL(ar.var)
#          if (dim.var > 1) {
#            order.mat <- apply(indic.mat[, ], 2, function(x) min(which(x ==
#                                                                         1)))
#            indic.mat <- indic.mat[, order(order.mat)]
#            vcov.rel <- vcov.rel[order(order.mat), order(order.mat)]   #ordering the variables for cumulative summing for covariances of sis
#            #do the same for the autoregressive terms
#            if (dim.ar > 1) #if more than one ar term
#            {
#              armu.cov <- armu.cov[order(order.mat), ]
#            } else {
#              armu.cov <- armu.cov[order(order.mat)]
#            }
#            for (i in 1:dim.var) {
#              const.var[i] <- sum(vcov.rel[1:i, 1:i])
#              if (dim.ar > 1) #if more than one ar term
#              {
#                armu.cov.sum[i] <- sum(armu.cov[1:i,])
#              } else {
#                armu.cov.sum[i] <- sum(armu.cov[1:i])
#              }
#            }
#            const.mat <- indic.mat
#            for (j in 2:(dim.in)) {
#              const.mat[which(rowSums(as.matrix(const.mat[,
#                                                          (j):(dim.in)])) > 0), j - 1] <- 0
#            }
#            #variance of ar
#            ar.var.sum <- sum(ar.var)
#            ar.var.part <- ((const.path^2)/((1-ar.sum)^4))*ar.var.sum
#            #covariance and variance part of sis
#            ind.var.mat <- const.mat %*% const.var # this one should be ok
#            covar.is.part <- (1/(1-ar.sum)^2)*ind.var.mat
#            #covariance part of ar and sis
#            ind.ar.covar.mat <- const.mat %*% armu.cov.sum
#            covar.aris.part <- 2*((const.path)/(1-ar.sum)^2)*(1/(1-ar.sum))*ind.ar.covar.mat
#            lr.mean.var <- ar.var.part + covar.is.part + covar.aris.part
#            lr.mean.se <- sqrt(lr.mean.var)
#          } else { #if no steps retained
#            ar.var.sum <- sum(ar.var)
#            ar.var.part <- ((const.path^2)/((1-ar.sum)^4))*ar.var.sum
#            ind.var.mat <-  vcov.rel
#            covar.is.part <- (1/(1-ar.sum)^2)*ind.var.mat
#            #covariance part of ar and sis
#            armu.cov.sum <- sum(armu.cov)
#            ind.ar.covar.mat <- armu.cov.sum
#            covar.aris.part <- 2*((const.path)/(1-ar.sum)^2)*(1/(1-ar.sum))*ind.ar.covar.mat
#            lr.mean.var <- ar.var.part + covar.is.part + covar.aris.part
#            lr.mean.se <- sqrt(lr.mean.var)
#          }
#        } #if isnullxmean closed
#        if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$tis)){
#          if (as.list(x$call)$tis) { #if TIS
#            ind.var.mat <- NA
#            ind.se.mat <- NA
#            lr.path <- NA
#            lr.mean.var <- NA
#            lr.mean.se <- NA
#          }
#        }
#        const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat, lr.path, lr.mean.var, lr.mean.se)
#        colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se", "lr.path", "lr.var", "lr.se")
#      }  else { #if there are no ar
#        if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$tis)){
#          if (as.list(x$call)$tis) { #if TIS
#            ind.var.mat <- NA
#            ind.se.mat <- NA
#          }
#        }
#        const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat)
#        colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se")
#      }  #if no ar closed
#    } else {   #if no lr
#      if(!is.null(as.list(x$call)$tis)){
#        if (as.list(x$call)$tis) {
#          ind.var.mat <- NA
#          ind.se.mat <- NA
#        }
#      }
#      const.varse <- cbind(coef.path, const.path, ind.var.mat, ind.se.mat)
#      colnames(const.varse) <- c("coef.path", "const.path", "const.var", "const.se")
#    }#if lr closed
#    const.varse <- zoo(const.varse , order.by=x$aux$y.index)
#    return(const.varse)
#  } ##if (is null) closed
#} #end isatvar

## make matrix of impulse indicators:
iim <- function(x, which.ones=NULL)
    n <- x
    mIIS <- matrix(0,n,n)
    diag(mIIS) <- 1
    colnames(mIIS) <- paste("iis", 1:n, sep="")
    if(!is.null(which.ones)){ mIIS <- mIIS[,which.ones] }
    mIIS <- as.zoo(mIIS)
    n <- NROW(x)
    mIIS <- matrix(0,n,n)
    diag(mIIS) <- 1
    x <- as.zoo(x)
    x.index <- index(x)
    xIsRegular <- is.regular(x, strict=TRUE)
    if(xIsRegular && frequency(x)>1 ){
      xIndexObs <- floor(as.numeric(x.index))
      xCycle <- as.numeric(cycle(x))
      xIndexAsChar <- paste(xIndexObs, "(", xCycle, ")", sep="")
      xFrequency <- frequency(x)
      xIndexAsChar <- as.character(x.index)
    colnames(mIIS) <- paste("iis",
      xIndexAsChar, sep="")
    mIIS <- zoo(mIIS, order.by=x.index)
    if(xIsRegular){ mIIS <- as.zooreg(mIIS) }
      where.indicators <- which(index(mIIS) %in% which.ones)
      if(length(where.indicators > 0)){
        mIIS <- cbind(mIIS[,where.indicators])
        stop("'which.ones' not in index")
  } #end if(NROW(x)==1)else..
} #close iim

##make matrix of step indicators:
sim <- function(x, which.ones=NULL)
    x.is.scalar <- TRUE
    n <- x
      where.indicators <- 2:n
      where.indicators <- which.ones
    x.is.scalar <- FALSE
    n <- NROW(x)
    x <- as.zoo(x)
    x.index <- index(x)
    xIsRegular <- is.regular(x, strict=TRUE)
    if(xIsRegular && frequency(x)>1 ){
      xIndexObs <- floor(as.numeric(x.index))
      xCycle <- as.numeric(cycle(x))
      xIndexAsChar <- paste(xIndexObs, "(", xCycle, ")", sep="")
      xFrequency <- frequency(x)
      xIndexAsChar <- as.character(x.index)
      where.indicators <- 2:n
      where.indicators <- which(x.index %in% which.ones)
      if(length(where.indicators)==0) stop("'which.ones' not in index")
    } #end if(is.null(which.ones))
  } #end if(NROW(x)==1)else(..)

  n.where.indicators <- length(where.indicators)
  loop.indx <- 1:n.where.indicators
  mSIS <-matrix(0,n,n.where.indicators)
  tmp <- function(i){ mSIS[ c(where.indicators[i]:n) ,i] <<- 1 }
  tmp <- sapply(loop.indx,tmp)
    colnames(mSIS) <- paste("sis", where.indicators, sep="")
    mSIS <- as.zoo(mSIS)
    colnames(mSIS) <- paste("sis",
      xIndexAsChar[where.indicators], sep="")
    if(xIsRegular && frequency(x)>1 ){
      mSIS <- zooreg(mSIS, frequency=xFrequency,
      mSIS <- zoo(mSIS, order.by=x.index)
} #close sim

## make matrix of trend indicators:
tim <- function(x, which.ones=NULL, log.trend=FALSE)
    x.is.scalar <- TRUE
    n <- x
      where.indicators <- 2:n
      where.indicators <- which(1:n %in% which.ones)
    x.is.scalar <- FALSE
    n <- NROW(x)
    x <- as.zoo(x)
    x.index <- index(x)
    xIsRegular <- is.regular(x, strict=TRUE)
    if(xIsRegular && frequency(x)>1 ){
      xIndexObs <- floor(as.numeric(x.index))
      xCycle <- as.numeric(cycle(x))
      xIndexAsChar <- paste(xIndexObs, "(", xCycle, ")", sep="")
      xFrequency <- frequency(x)
      xIndexAsChar <- as.character(x.index)
      where.indicators <- 2:n
      where.indicators <- which(x.index %in% which.ones)
      if(length(where.indicators)==0) stop("'which.ones' not in index")
  n.where.indicators <- length(where.indicators)
  mTIS <-matrix(0,n,n.where.indicators)
  v1n <- seq(1,n)
  loop.indx <- 1:n.where.indicators
  tmp <- function(i){
    t.trend <- v1n[1:c(n-where.indicators[i]+1)]
    if(log.trend) t.trend <- log(t.trend)
    mTIS[c(where.indicators[i]:n),i] <<- t.trend
  tmp <- sapply(loop.indx,tmp)
    colnames(mTIS) <- paste("tis", where.indicators, sep="")
    mTIS <- as.zoo(mTIS)
    colnames(mTIS) <- paste("tis",
      xIndexAsChar[where.indicators], sep="")
    mTIS <- zoo(mTIS, order.by=x.index)
    if(xIsRegular){ mTIS <- as.zooreg(mTIS) }
} #close tim

################# New Functions July 2019

### isatdates

## Extract breakdates from isat object (based on first break index):

isatdates <- function(x){
  mxbreak_iis <- "iis"
  mxbreak_sis <- "sis"
  mxbreak_tis <- "tis"
  iis.names <- c(x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak_iis, x$ISnames)])
  sis.names <- c(x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak_sis, x$ISnames)])
  tis.names <- c(x$ISnames[grep(mxbreak_tis, x$ISnames)])
  ##### iis
  if(length(iis.names) != 0){
    iis.breaks <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=NROW(iis.names), ncol=1))
    names(iis.breaks) <- c("breaks")  
    is.m <- as.matrix(x$aux$mX[,iis.names])
    is.index <- which(x$aux$mXnames %in% iis.names)
    colnames(is.m) <- iis.names
    iis.date <- apply(is.m,2, function(x) (which(x>0))[1])  
    iis.date.index <- iis.date
    iis.date <- x$aux$y.index[iis.date]
    iis.breaks$breaks <- iis.names
    iis.breaks$date <- iis.date
    iis.breaks$index <- iis.date.index
    iis.breaks$coef <- x$mean.results$coef[is.index]
    iis.breaks$coef.se <- x$mean.results$std.error[is.index]
    iis.breaks$coef.t <- x$mean.results$`t-stat`[is.index]
    iis.breaks$coef.p <- x$mean.results$`p-value`[is.index]
  } else {
    iis.breaks <- NULL 
  ##### sis
  if(length(sis.names) != 0){
    sis.breaks <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=NROW(sis.names), ncol=1))
    names(sis.breaks) <- c("breaks")  
    sis.m <- as.matrix(x$aux$mX[,sis.names])
    sis.index <- which(x$aux$mXnames %in% sis.names)
    colnames(sis.m) <- sis.names
    sis.date <- apply(sis.m,2, function(x) (which(x>0))[1])  
    sis.date.index <- sis.date
    sis.date <- x$aux$y.index[sis.date]
    sis.breaks$breaks <- sis.names
    sis.breaks$date <- sis.date
    sis.breaks$index <- sis.date.index
    sis.breaks$coef <- x$mean.results$coef[sis.index]
    sis.breaks$coef.se <- x$mean.results$std.error[sis.index]
    sis.breaks$coef.t <- x$mean.results$`t-stat`[sis.index]
    sis.breaks$coef.p <- x$mean.results$`p-value`[sis.index]
  } else {
    sis.breaks <- NULL 
  ##### tis
  if(length(tis.names) != 0){
    tis.breaks <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=NROW(tis.names), ncol=1))
    names(tis.breaks) <- c("breaks")  
    tis.m <- as.matrix(x$aux$mX[,tis.names])
    tis.index <- which(x$aux$mXnames %in% tis.names)
    colnames(tis.m) <- tis.names
    tis.date <- apply(tis.m,2, function(x) (which(x>0))[1])  
    tis.date.index <- tis.date
    tis.date <- x$aux$y.index[tis.date]
    tis.breaks$breaks <- tis.names
    tis.breaks$date <- tis.date
    tis.breaks$index <- tis.date.index
    tis.breaks$coef <- x$mean.results$coef[tis.index]
    tis.breaks$coef.se <- x$mean.results$std.error[tis.index]
    tis.breaks$coef.t <- x$mean.results$`t-stat`[tis.index]
    tis.breaks$coef.p <- x$mean.results$`p-value`[tis.index]
  } else {
    tis.breaks <- NULL 
  out <- list(iis.breaks, sis.breaks, tis.breaks)
  names(out) <- c("iis", "sis", "tis")
} #end function

### isatvarcorrect
#### Function to correct variance estimates when using IIS

isatvarcorrect <- function(x,   mcor = 1){
  classx <- class(x)
  if (classx=="isat"){
    if (!is.null(x$aux$args$iis) & x$aux$args$iis==TRUE) 
      x$vcov.mean <- x$vcov.mean * as.numeric(isvarcor(x$aux$t.pval, 1)[2]^2)
      rel_names <- x$aux$mXnames[!(x$aux$mXnames %in% x$ISnames)]
      x$vcov.mean[rel_names, rel_names] <- x$vcov.mean[rel_names, rel_names] * as.numeric(isvareffcor(x$aux$t.pval, 1, mcor)[2]^2)
      x$mean.results$std.error <- sqrt(diag(x$vcov.mean))
      x$mean.results$`t-stat` <- x$mean.results$coef/x$mean.results$std.error
      x$mean.results$`p-value` <-  pt(abs(x$mean.results$`t-stat`), x$df, lower.tail=FALSE)*2   
      x$sigma2 <- x$sigma2*as.numeric(isvarcor(x$aux$t.pval, 1)[2]^2)
      x$logl <- -x$n*log(2*x$sigma2*pi)/2 - x$rss/(2*x$sigma2)
    } else {
      stop("iis not TRUE")
  } else {
    stop("x must be an isat object")
} #function closed

####### vargaugeiis

##### Function to Compute Variance of the gauge (for use in outliertest)

vargaugeiis <- function(t.pval, T, infty=FALSE, m=1){
  alpha <- t.pval
  c <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
  fc <- dnorm(c)
  psi <- pnorm(c) - pnorm(-c) 
  tau <- psi - 2*c*dnorm(c)
  chi <- 3*psi - 2*c*(c^2+3)*fc
  rho_sig <- (c^2 - tau/psi)*c*fc/tau
  k <- 3
  ###m iterations
  m_min1 <- m-1
  eta_sigma_m_min1 <- ( ((1-rho_sig^m_min1)/((1-rho_sig)*tau))^2 + 2* ((1-rho_sig^m_min1)/((1-rho_sig)*tau)  )*rho_sig^m_min1  ) *(chi-tau^2/psi)/(k-1)+rho_sig^(2*m_min1)
  eta_gamma_m <- (c*fc)^2*eta_sigma_m_min1*(k-1) + 2*c*fc*rho_sig^(m-1)*(tau-psi)
  ###infinite iterations
  eta_infty <- (chi-tau^2/psi)*(c*fc)^2/((1-rho_sig)*tau)^2
  if (infty==TRUE){
    viis <- psi*(1-psi) + eta_infty  
  } else {
    viis <- psi*(1-psi) + eta_gamma_m
  sdiis <- sqrt(viis)
  viis_T <- viis/T
  sdiis_T <- sqrt(viis/T)
  out <- data.frame(cbind(viis_T, sdiis_T, viis, sdiis))
  names(out) <- c("var_iisgauge", "sd_iisgauge", "asy_var_iisgauge", "asy_sd_iisgauge")

#### outlier Proportion Test

#### Outlier proportion and count tests from Jiao and Pretis (2019)

outliertest <- function(x=NULL, noutl=NULL, t.pval=NULL, T=NULL,  m=1, infty=FALSE, alternative="two.sided"){
    # noutl=x$obs.gauge$obs.num[i]
    # t.pval=x$obs.gauge$t.pval[i]
    # T=x$n
    if (!is.null(x)){
      classx <- class(x)
      if (classx=="isat"){
        # if (any(x$call$sis, x$call$tis)==TRUE ){
        #   stop("Test only valid for iis")
        # } else {
        if (  x$aux$args$iis == TRUE){
          ISnames <- c(x$ISnames[grep("iis", x$ISnames)])
          noutl= length(ISnames) 
          t.pval <- x$aux$t.pval
          T <- x$n
        } else {
          stop("iis must be TRUE")
      } else {
        stop("x must be an isat object")
    } #x null closed
    gauge.null <- t.pval
    gauge <- noutl/T
    #### Standard Normal Test
    gauge.sd <- vargaugeiis(t.pval=gauge.null, T=T, infty=infty, m=m)$sd_iisgauge 
    gaugetestval <- (gauge - gauge.null)/gauge.sd
    if (alternative=="two.sided"){
      pval <- 2*(pnorm(-abs(gaugetestval)))
    if (alternative=="less"){
      pval <- pnorm(gaugetestval)  
    if (alternative=="greater"){
      pval <- 1-  pnorm(gaugetestval) 
    ### Poisson Test
    gauge_n <- noutl
    gauge_null_n <- gauge.null*T
    poistestval <- poisson.test(gauge_n, r=gauge_null_n, alternative=alternative)
    rval_norm <- list(statistic = gaugetestval, p.value = pval, estimate=gauge, null.value = gauge.null, alternative = alternative, method="Jiao-Pretis Outlier Proportion Test", data.name="Proportion of detected outliers")
    attr(rval_norm, "class") <- "htest"
    rval_pois <- list(statistic = gauge_n, p.value = poistestval$p.value, estimate=gauge_n, null.value = gauge_null_n, alternative = alternative, method="Jiao-Pretis Outlier Count Test", data.name="Number of detected outliers")
    attr(rval_pois, "class") <- "htest"
    out <- list(rval_norm, rval_pois)
    names(out) <- c("proportion", "count")

###mvrnormsim: reproduced from MASS

mvrnormsim <- function(n = 1, mu, Sigma, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE){
  p <- length(mu)
  eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
  ev <- eS$values
  X <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), n)
  if (empirical) {
    X <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
    X <- X %*% svd(X, nu = 0)$v
    X <- scale(X, FALSE, TRUE)
  X <- drop(mu) + eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), p) %*% t(X)
  nm <- names(mu)
  if (is.null(nm) && !is.null(dn <- dimnames(Sigma))) {
    nm <- dn[[1L]]  
  dimnames(X) <- list(nm, NULL)
  if (n == 1) {
    drop(X) } else {

############# isatloop

##### Looping over isat iterations for different p-values of selection to be used in outlierscaletest
isatloop <- function(num=c(seq(from=20, to=1, by=-1)), t.pval.spec = FALSE, print=FALSE, y, ar=NULL, iis=TRUE,  sis=FALSE,  ...){
  initialm <- arx(y=y, ar=ar) 
  n <- initialm$n
  num <- num[rev(order(num))]
  if (t.pval.spec == FALSE){
    p.num <- num/n # scaling significance levels
  } else { #if p-values are pre-specified
    p.num <- num
  K <- length(p.num)
  obs.gauge <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=4)) # record significance p value, sample gauge, expected number and sample number of outliers
  names(obs.gauge) <- c("t.pval", "obs.prop", "p.num", "obs.num")
  for (k in 1:K) 
    pval <- p.num[k]
    if (print==TRUE)
      print(paste("k:", k, "/", K, ", p:", pval, sep=""))
    x <- do.call("isat", args = list(y = y, iis = iis, sis = sis, t.pval = pval, ar = ar, ...))
    #mxreg=mxreg, mc=mc, 
    if (!is.null(x$ISnames)) {
      ISnames <- c(x$ISnames[grep("iis", x$ISnames)])
      noutl= length(ISnames) 
      is.gauge <- noutl/n
      is.num <- noutl
    }  else   {
      is.gauge <- 0
      is.num <- 0
    if (print==TRUE)
      print(paste("gauge k:", is.gauge, ", number k:", "is.num", sep=""))     
    obs.gauge$t.pval[k] <- pval 
    obs.gauge$obs.prop[k] <- is.gauge
    obs.gauge$p.num[k] <- pval*n
    obs.gauge$obs.num[k] <- is.num    
  out <- list(n, obs.gauge)
  names(out) <- c("n", "obs.gauge")

##### outlierscaletest

#### Scaling outlier tests from Jiao and Pretis (2019)

outlierscaletest <- function(x, nsim = 10000){
  obs.gauge <- x$obs.gauge
  n <- x$n ##need to extract n
  p.num <- obs.gauge$t.pval
  c <- qnorm(1 - p.num/2) # corresponding cut-offs # assume standardised error follows standard normal
  fc <- dnorm(c) 
  psi <- 1 - p.num
  tau_2_c <- psi - 2*c*fc
  tau_4 <- 3
  K <- length(p.num)
  ##### Scale Sum Test
  stand.obs.gauge <- n^(1/2)*(obs.gauge$obs.prop - obs.gauge$t.pval) # standardise gauge
  scalesum.stat <- sum(stand.obs.gauge) # scaling sum statistic
  if (K == 1) # covariance structure between test statistics of different significance levels
    covar <- 0
  }  else  {
    covar <- 0 
    for (k in 1:(K - 1)) 
      for (l in (k + 1):K)
        covar <- covar + obs.gauge$t.pval[l] - obs.gauge$t.pval[k]*obs.gauge$t.pval[l]
  var.scalesum.stat <- sum(obs.gauge$t.pval*(1 - obs.gauge$t.pval)) + 2*covar + sum(c*fc)^(2)*(tau_4 - 1) + 2*sum(c*fc)*sum(tau_2_c + obs.gauge$t.pval - 1) # variance for scaling sum test statistic
  sd.scalesum.stat <- sqrt(var.scalesum.stat)
  #### Sum Test Output
  stand.scalesum.stat <- scalesum.stat/sd.scalesum.stat
  scalesum.pval <- 2*(pnorm(-abs(stand.scalesum.stat)))
  ##### Scale Sup Test
  scalesup.stat <- max(abs(stand.obs.gauge)) # scaling sup statistic
  N <- nsim # sample size used to simulate the limiting distribution (could also be added as the argument of function)
  mu <- matrix(0, K, 1) # mean of GP
  Sigma <- matrix(NA, K, K) # covariance of GP
  for (s in 1:K)
    for (t in 1:K)
      if (s <= t)
        Sigma[s, t] <- obs.gauge$t.pval[t]*(1 - obs.gauge$t.pval[s]) + c[s]*fc[s]*(tau_2_c[t] + obs.gauge$t.pval[t] - 1) + c[t]*fc[t]*(tau_2_c[s] + obs.gauge$t.pval[s] - 1) + c[s]*c[t]*fc[s]*fc[t]*(tau_4 - 1)
        Sigma[s, t] <- Sigma[t, s]
  GPsample <- mvrnormsim(N, mu, Sigma) # generate multivariate normal and dim of object is N by K
  Limitsample <- apply(abs(GPsample), 1, max) # find largest value over rows of absolute of GPsample
  pvalsample <- Limitsample # use empirical distribution to draw p value
  pvalsample[Limitsample <= scalesup.stat] <- 0
  pvalsample[Limitsample > scalesup.stat] <- 1
  scalesup.pval <- mean(pvalsample)

  ##### Output of Sum and Sup Tests
  rval_sum <- list(statistic = stand.scalesum.stat, p.value = scalesum.pval, estimate=NULL, null.value = NULL, alternative = NULL, method="Jiao-Pretis Outlier Scaling Sum Test", data.name="Scaling proportion of detected outliers (Sum)")
  attr(rval_sum, "class") <- "htest"
  rval_sup <- list(statistic = scalesup.stat, p.value = scalesup.pval, estimate=NULL, null.value = NULL, alternative = NULL, method="Jiao-Pretis Outlier Scaling Sup Test", data.name="Scaling proportion of detected outliers (Sup)")
  attr(rval_sup, "class") <- "htest"
  out <- list(rval_sum, rval_sup)
  names(out) <- c("sum", "sup")
} ###function closed

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