
Defines functions parse_binned_breaks guide_bins

Documented in guide_bins

#' @include guide-legend.R

#' A binned version of guide_legend
#' This guide is a version of the [guide_legend()] guide for binned scales. It
#' differs in that it places ticks correctly between the keys, and sports a
#' small axis to better show the binning. Like [guide_legend()] it can be used
#' for all non-position aesthetics though colour and fill defaults to
#' [guide_coloursteps()], and it will merge aesthetics together into the same
#' guide if they are mapped in the same way.
#' @inheritParams guide_legend
#' @param show.limits Logical. Should the limits of the scale be shown with
#'   labels and ticks. Default is `NULL` meaning it will take the value from the
#'   scale. This argument is ignored if `labels` is given as a vector of
#'   values. If one or both of the limits is also given in `breaks` it will be
#'   shown irrespective of the value of `show.limits`.
#' @section Use with discrete scale:
#' This guide is intended to show binned data and work together with ggplot2's
#' binning scales. However, it is sometimes desirable to perform the binning in
#' a separate step, either as part of a stat (e.g. [stat_contour_filled()]) or
#' prior to the visualisation. If you want to use this guide for discrete data
#' the levels must follow the naming scheme implemented by [base::cut()]. This
#' means that a bin must be encoded as `"(<lower>, <upper>]"` with `<lower>`
#' giving the lower bound of the bin and `<upper>` giving the upper bound
#' (`"[<lower>, <upper>)"` is also accepted). If you use [base::cut()] to
#' perform the binning everything should work as expected, if not, some recoding
#' may be needed.
#' @return A guide object
#' @family guides
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars) +
#'   geom_point(aes(disp, mpg, size = hp)) +
#'   scale_size_binned()
#' # Standard look
#' p
#' # Remove the axis or style it
#' p + guides(size = guide_bins(
#'   theme = theme(legend.axis.line = element_blank())
#' ))
#' p + guides(size = guide_bins(show.limits = TRUE))
#' my_arrow <- arrow(length = unit(1.5, "mm"), ends = "both")
#' p + guides(size = guide_bins(
#'   theme = theme(legend.axis.line = element_line(arrow = my_arrow))
#' ))
#' # Guides are merged together if possible
#' ggplot(mtcars) +
#'   geom_point(aes(disp, mpg, size = hp, colour = hp)) +
#'   scale_size_binned() +
#'   scale_colour_binned(guide = "bins")
guide_bins <- function(
  # title
  title = waiver(),
  theme = NULL,

  # general
  position     = NULL,
  direction    = NULL,
  override.aes = list(),
  reverse      = FALSE,
  order        = 0,
  show.limits  = NULL,
) {

  theme <- deprecated_guide_args(theme, ...)
  if (!is.null(position)) {
    position <- arg_match0(position, c(.trbl, "inside"))

    # title
    title = title,
    theme = theme,

    # general
    position = position,
    direction = direction,
    override.aes = rename_aes(override.aes),
    reverse = reverse,
    order = order,
    show.limits = show.limits,

    # parameter
    available_aes = c("any"),
    name = "bins",
    super = GuideBins

#' @rdname ggplot2-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
GuideBins <- ggproto(
  "GuideBins", GuideLegend,

  params = list(
    title = waiver(),

    # theming
    theme = NULL,
    default_axis = element_line("black", linewidth = (0.5 / .pt)),
    default_ticks = element_line(inherit.blank = TRUE),

    direction = NULL,
    override.aes = list(),
    reverse = FALSE,
    order = 0,
    show.limits = FALSE,

    name = "bins",
    hash = character(),
    position = NULL,
    direction = NULL

  elements = c(
      axis_line    = "legend.axis.line",
      ticks_length = "legend.ticks.length",
      ticks        = "legend.ticks"

  extract_key = function(scale, aesthetic, show.limits = FALSE,
                         reverse = FALSE, ...) {

    breaks <- scale$get_breaks()

    parsed <- parse_binned_breaks(scale, breaks)
    if (is.null(parsed)) {
    limits <- parsed$limits
    breaks <- parsed$breaks

    key <- data_frame(c(scale$map(parsed$bin_at), NA),
                      .name_repair = ~ aesthetic)
    key$.value <- (seq_along(key[[1]]) - 1) / (nrow(key) - 1)
    key$.show  <- NA

    labels <- scale$get_labels(breaks)
    if (is.character(scale$labels) || is.numeric(scale$labels)) {
      limit_lab <- c(NA, NA)
    } else {
      limit_lab <- scale$get_labels(limits)
    if (!breaks[1] %in% limits) {
      labels <- c(limit_lab[1], labels)
    } else {
      key$.show[1] <- TRUE
    if (!breaks[length(breaks)] %in% limits) {
      labels <- c(labels, limit_lab[2])
    } else {
      key$.show[nrow(key)] <- TRUE

    key$.label <- labels
    key <- vec_slice(key, !is.na(oob_censor_any(key$.value)))


  extract_params = function(scale, params,
                            title = waiver(), direction = NULL, ...) {

    show.limits <- params$show.limits %||% scale$show.limits %||% FALSE

    if (show.limits &&
        (is.character(scale$labels) || is.numeric(scale$labels))) {
        "{.arg show.limits} is ignored when {.arg labels} are given as a ",
        "character vector."
      ), "i" = paste0(
        "Either add the limits to {.arg breaks} or provide a function for ",
        "{.arg labels}."
      show.limits <- FALSE
    show.limits <- rep(show.limits, length.out = 2)

    key <- params$key
    show <- key$.show[c(1, nrow(key))]
    show.limits <- ifelse(is.na(show), show.limits, show)
    key$.show <- NULL
    params$show.limits <- show.limits

    if (params$reverse) {
      key <- key[rev(seq_len(nrow(key))), , drop = FALSE]
      key$.value <- 1 - key$.value

    params$title <- scale$make_title(params$title %|W|% scale$name %|W|% title)
    params$key <- key

  setup_params = function(params) {
    params <- GuideLegend$setup_params(params)
    params$nrow <- params$ncol <- params$n_breaks <- params$n_key_layers <- 1

  setup_elements = function(params, elements, theme) {
    valid_position <- switch(
      "horizontal" = c("bottom", "top"),
      "vertical"   = c("right",  "left")

    # Set defaults
    theme <- replace_null(
      legend.text.position = valid_position[1],
      legend.axis.line     = params$default_axis,
      legend.ticks         = params$default_ticks

    # Let the legend guide handle the rest
    elements <- GuideLegend$setup_elements(params, elements, theme)

    # Check text position
    if (!elements$text_position %in% valid_position) {
        "When {.arg direction} is {.val {params$direction}, ",
        "{.arg legend.text.position} must be one of ",
        "{.or {.val {valid_position}}}, not {.val {elements$text.position}}."

  build_labels = function(key, elements, params) {
    n_labels <- length(key$.label)
    if (n_labels < 1) {
      return(list(labels = zeroGrob()))
    key$.label[c(1, n_labels)[!params$show.limits]] <- ""

    if (params$direction == "vertical") {
      key$.value <- 1 - key$.value

    list(labels = flip_element_grob(
      label = key$.label,
      x = unit(key$.value, "npc"),
      margin_x = FALSE,
      margin_y = TRUE,
      flip = params$direction == "vertical"

  build_ticks = function(key, elements, params, position = params$position) {
    if (params$direction == "vertical") {
      key$.value <- 1 - key$.value
    key$.value[c(1, nrow(key))[!params$show.limits]] <- NA
    Guide$build_ticks(key$.value, elements, params, elements$text_position)

  build_decor = function(decor, grobs, elements, params) {
    params$n_breaks <- nkeys <- nrow(params$key) - 1

    dim <- if (params$direction == "vertical") c(nkeys, 1) else c(1, nkeys)

    decor <- GuideLegend$build_decor(decor, grobs, elements, params)

    sizes <- measure_legend_keys(
      decor, nkeys, dim, byrow = FALSE,
      default_width  = elements$width_cm,
      default_height = elements$height_cm
    sizes <- lapply(sizes, function(x) rep_len(max(x), length(x)))

    n_layers <- length(decor) / nkeys
    key_id <- rep(seq_len(nkeys), each = n_layers)
    key_nm <- paste("key", key_id, c("bg", seq_len(n_layers - 1)))
    if (params$direction == "vertical") {
      top  <- key_id
      left <- 1
    } else {
      top  <- 1
      left <- key_id
    gt <- gtable(
      widths  = unit(sizes$widths,  "cm"),
      heights = unit(sizes$heights, "cm")
    gt <- gtable_add_grob(gt, decor, t = top, l = left,
                          name = key_nm, clip = "off")

    axis <- switch(
      "top"    = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(1, 1)),
      "bottom" = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 0)),
      "left"   = list(x = c(0, 0), y = c(0, 1)),
      "right"  = list(x = c(1, 1), y = c(0, 1))
    axis <- element_grob(elements$axis_line, x = axis$x, y = axis$y)

    list(keys = gt, axis_line = axis, ticks = grobs$ticks)

  measure_grobs = function(grobs, params, elements) {
    params$sizes <- list(
      widths  = sum( width_cm(grobs$decor$keys)),
      heights = sum(height_cm(grobs$decor$keys))
    GuideLegend$measure_grobs(grobs, params, elements)

parse_binned_breaks = function(scale, breaks = scale$get_breaks()) {

  breaks <- breaks[!is.na(breaks)]
  if (length(breaks) == 0) {

  if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
    breaks <- sort(breaks)
    limits <- scale$get_limits()
    if (!is.numeric(scale$breaks)) {
      breaks <- breaks[!breaks %in% limits]
    all_breaks <- unique0(c(limits[1], breaks, limits[2]))
    bin_at <- all_breaks[-1] - diff(all_breaks) / 2
  } else {
    bin_at <- breaks
    nums   <- as.character(breaks)
    nums   <- strsplit(gsub("\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]", "", nums), ",\\s?")
    nums   <- as.numeric(unlist(nums, FALSE, FALSE))

    if (anyNA(nums)) {
        "Breaks are not formatted correctly for a bin legend.",
        "i" = "Use {.code (<lower>, <upper>]} format to indicate bins."
    all_breaks <- nums[c(1, seq_along(breaks) * 2)]
    limits     <- all_breaks[ c(1, length(all_breaks))]
    breaks     <- all_breaks[-c(1, length(all_breaks))]
    breaks = breaks,
    limits = limits,
    bin_at = bin_at

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ggplot2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.