
Defines functions predict.pSpline pSpline predict.ncsSpline ncsSpline plotDeviationsBoxes

Documented in plotDeviationsBoxes

#Function to produce a single plot of deviations boxplots 
plotDeviationsBoxes <- function(data, observed, smoothed, x.factor, 
                                x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL,
                                facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                facet.labeller = NULL, 
                                facet.scales = "fixed", 
                                angle.x = 0, 
                                deviations.plots = "absolute", 
                                ggplotFuncs = NULL, printPlot = TRUE, ...)  
  options <- c("none", "profiles", "absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots", 
               "medians.deviations", "compare.medians") #needed for probeSmoothing only
  devnplots <- options[unlist(lapply(deviations.plots, check.arg.values, 
  if ("none" %in% devnplots)
    devnplots <- "none"
    devnplots <- devnplots[grepl("boxplots", devnplots, fixed = TRUE)]
    if (length(devnplots) == 0)
      devnplots <- "none"
  plts <- list()
  #only do deviations boxplots if  requested  
  if (all(devnplots != "none"))
    dat <- data
    if (!all(c(observed, smoothed) %in% names(dat)))
      stop(paste("One or more of", observed, "and", smoothed, "is missing from ", 
    if (is.null(x.title))
      x.title <- x.factor
    strip.text.size <- 10
    if (is.null(y.titles) && !("none" %in% devnplots))
      y.titles <- c(paste("Absolute", observed, "deviations", sep = " "),
                    paste("Relative", observed, "deviations", sep = " "))
      names(y.titles ) <- c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots")
      y.titles <- y.titles[c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% devnplots]
    if (length(y.titles) != length(devnplots))
      stop("y.titles does not have a title for each plot in deviations.plot")
    names(y.titles) <- devnplots
    ggfacet <- list()
    #Set up facet if have any
    if (all(facet.x != ".") | all(facet.y != "."))
      facet.form <- facet.char2formula(facet.x,facet.y)
      if (is.null(facet.labeller))
        ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.form, scales = facet.scales))
        ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.form, labeller = facet.labeller, scales = facet.scales))
      ggfacet <- c(ggfacet, 
                   list(theme(strip.text = element_text(size=strip.text.size, face="bold"))))

    plotDevnBox <- function(dat, y.ytitle, ggplotFuncs = NULL, printPlot = TRUE)
      plt <- ggplot(data = dat, 
                    aes(x = .data[[!!x.factor]], y = .data[["deviations"]]), ...) +
        theme_bw() + 
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey60", linewidth = 0.5), 
              panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey80", linewidth = 0.5),
              axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle.x)) +
        geom_boxplot() + 
        geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="blue") +
        ylab(y.ytitle) + xlab(x.title) + 
      if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
        for(f in ggplotFuncs)
          plt <- plt + f
      if (printPlot)
    if ("absolute.boxplots" %in% devnplots)
      dat$deviations <- dat[[observed]] - dat[[smoothed]]
      plts[["absolute"]] <- plotDevnBox(dat, y.ytitle = y.titles["absolute.boxplots"], 
                                        ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs, printPlot = printPlot)
    if ("relative.boxplots" %in% devnplots)
      dat$deviations <- (dat[[observed]] - dat[[smoothed]])/dat[[smoothed]]
      plts[["relative"]] <- plotDevnBox(dat, y.ytitle = y.titles["relative.boxplots"], 
                                        ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs, printPlot = printPlot)

"plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots" <- function(data, response, response.smoothed = NULL,
                                      individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", times = "DAP", 
                                      trait.types = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                                      which.plots =  "absolute.boxplots", 
                                      x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, 
                                      devnboxes.plot.args = 
                                        args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = "."),
                                      printPlot = TRUE, ...)
  devnboxes.plot.args <- devnboxes.plot.args
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs(c("plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots","plotDeviationsBoxes"), inargs)
  options <- c("none", "absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots")
  plots <- options[unlist(lapply(which.plots, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if ("none" %in% plots && length(plots) > 1)
    plots <- "none"

  plts <- med.devn.dat <- NULL
  #Check that plots are wanted
  if (!("none" %in% plots) && !is.allnull(devnboxes.plot.args))
    options <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
    traits <- options[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if ("all" %in% traits)
      traits <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR")
    #Get the options for the deviations boxplots options from the list
    plots.by.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$plots.by
    facet.x.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.x
    facet.y.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.y 
    collapse.facets.x.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$collapse.facets.x
    collapse.facets.y.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$collapse.facets.y
    facet.labeller <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.labeller
    scales.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$scales
    angle.x.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$angle.x
    ggplotFuncsDevnBoxes <- devnboxes.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
    #Checking of the arguments that control the plots layout for boxplots
    checkLayoutArgs(data = NULL, plots.by.box, plts.group = NULL, facet.x.box, facet.y.box)
    plts.by <- plots.by.box
    #Check have a valid smooths.frame
    validsmoothsframe <- validSmoothsFrame(data)  
    if (is.character(validsmoothsframe))
    checkPlotsArgs(data, plts.by = plts.by, facet.x = facet.x.box, facet.y = facet.y.box)
    options <- c("none", "absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots")
    plots <- options[unlist(lapply(which.plots, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if ("none" %in% plots & length(plots) > 1)
      plots <- "none"
    if (is.null(x.title))
      x.title <- times
    if (is.null(response.smoothed))
      response.smoothed <- paste0("s", response)
    response.smooth <- response.smoothed
    #Check that responses, response.smoothed, individuals and times are in data
    checkNamesInData(c(response, response.smoothed, individuals, times), data = data)
    addRates <- function(traits, response, sep = ".")
                    function(trait, response)
                      if (!("response" %in% trait))
                        response <- paste(response, trait, sep = sep)
                    }, response = response))
    kresp <- addRates(traits, response = response)
    if (!all(kresp %in% names(data)))
      stop("The following traits are not in the smooths.frame: ",
           paste0(kresp[!(kresp %in% names(data))], collapse = ", "), 
           "; perhaps, trait.types needs to be set differently")
    kresp.sm <- addRates(traits, response = response.smoothed)
    names(kresp.sm) <- kresp
    if (is.null(y.titles))
      y.titles <- addRates(traits, response = response, sep = " ")
      names(y.titles) <- kresp
    } else
      if (length(y.titles) != length(kresp))
        stop("y.titles should be the same length as trait.types")
        names(y.titles) <- kresp
    data[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(data[[times]])
    times.factor <- ".Time.fac"
    data[times.factor] <- data[times]
    data[times.factor] <- with(data, eval(parse(text =times)))
    data[times.factor] <- factor(unlist(data[times.factor]), 
                                 labels = unique(data[times.factor])[order(unique(data[[times.factor]])),])
    #Determine whether there are any smooth.cols on the facets - if not must be in plots.by.box
    smoothing.facets <- length(intersect(union(facet.x.box, facet.y.box), smooth.cols)) != 0
    #Set up the facets  
    modfacet <- setupFacet(data = data, facet = facet.x.box, collapse.facets = collapse.facets.x.box, 
                           combined.name = "Combined.x", smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
    xfacet <- modfacet$newfacet
    data <- modfacet$data
    modfacet <- setupFacet(data = data, facet = facet.y.box, collapse.facets = collapse.facets.y.box, 
                           combined.name = "Combined.y", smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
    yfacet <- modfacet$newfacet
    data <- modfacet$data
    #Do the plots
    plts <- list()
    for (k in kresp)
      plts[[k]] <- list()
      if (is.allnull(plts.by)) #a single plot only
        levs.by <- "all"
        data$plots.by.box <- fac.mixcombine(data, plts.by, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
        levs.by <- levels(data$plots.by.box)
      #Loop over plots.by.box
      for (by in levs.by)
        if (any(c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% plots))
          y.titles.devn <- c(paste("Absolute", k, "deviations", sep = " "),
                             paste("Relative", k, "deviations", sep = " "))
          names(y.titles.devn) <- c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots")
          y.titles.devn <- y.titles.devn[c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% plots]
          #Plot deviation plots for current plots.by.box
          if (is.allnull(plts.by))
            tmp1 <- data
            tmp1 <- data[data$plots.by.box==by,]
            ggplotFuncsDevnBoxes <- c(ggplotFuncsDevnBoxes, list(ggtitle(paste0("Plot for ", by))))
          plt <- plotDeviationsBoxes(data = tmp1, x.factor = times.factor, 
                                     observed = k, smoothed = kresp.sm[k], 
                                     deviations.plots = plots, 
                                     x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles.devn, 
                                     facet.x=xfacet, facet.y=facet.y.box, 
                                     facet.labeller = facet.labeller, 
                                     facet.scales = scales.box, 
                                     angle.x = angle.x.box,
                                     df = degfree, ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncsDevnBoxes,
                                     printPlot = printPlot)
          plts[[k]][["absolute"]][[by]] <- plt[["absolute"]]
          plts[[k]][["relative"]][[by]] <- plt[["relative"]]

"plotSmoothsMedianDevns" <- function(data, response, response.smoothed = NULL, 
                                     individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", times = "DAP", 
                                     trait.types = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                                     x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, 
                                     meddevn.plot.args = 
                                       args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = NULL,
                                                         facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                                         propn.note = TRUE, 
                                                         propn.types = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.75)), 
                                     printPlot = TRUE, ...)  
  meddevn.plot.args <- meddevn.plot.args
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs("plotSmoothsMedianDevns", inargs)
  plts <- med.devn.dat <- NULL
  #Check that plots are wanted
  if (!is.allnull(meddevn.plot.args))
    if (is.null(response.smoothed))
      response.smoothed <- paste0("s", response)
    #Check that responses, response.smoothed, individuals and times are in data
    checkNamesInData(c(response, response.smoothed, individuals, times), data = data)
    options <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
    traits <- options[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if ("all" %in% traits)
      traits <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR")
    #Get the options for the median deviations plots options from the list
    plots.by.med <- meddevn.plot.args$plots.by
    plots.group.med <- meddevn.plot.args$plots.group
    facet.x.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.x
    facet.y.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.y
    facet.labeller = meddevn.plot.args$facet.labeller
    facet.scales.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.scales 
    breaks.spacing.x <- meddevn.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x
    angle.x <- meddevn.plot.args$angle.x
    colour.values.med <- meddevn.plot.args$colour.values
    shape.values.med <- meddevn.plot.args$shape.values
    alpha.med <- meddevn.plot.args$alpha
    propn.note.med <- meddevn.plot.args$propn.note
    propn.types.med <- meddevn.plot.args$propn.types 
    ggplotFuncsMedDevn <- meddevn.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
    plts.by <- plots.by.med
    plts.group <- plots.group.med
    #Check have a valid smooths.frame
    validsmoothsframe <- validSmoothsFrame(data)  
    if (is.character(validsmoothsframe))
    checkPlotsArgs(data, plts.by, plts.group, facet.x = facet.x.med, facet.y = facet.y.med)
    strip.text.size <- 10
    dat <- data
    #Form data.frame with just columns needed 
    #Create a factor Times that has the plotted values of x for its labels
    if (is.null(x.title))
      x.title <- times
    data[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(data[[times]])
    id.cols <- c(individuals, times) #, colour.column)
    times.factor <- ".Time.fac"
    dat[times.factor] <- dat[times]
    dat[times.factor] <- with(dat, eval(parse(text =times)))
    dat[times.factor] <- factor(unlist(dat[times.factor]), 
                                labels = unique(dat[times.factor])[order(unique(dat[[times.factor]])),])
    fac.group <- NULL
    if (!is.allnull(plts.group))
      dat$SmoothParams <- fac.mixcombine(dat, plts.group, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
      fac.group <- "SmoothParams"
      id.cols <- c(fac.group, id.cols)
    #Determine xfacet and fac.by
    xfacet <- facet.x.med
    if (!is.allnull(plts.by))
      dat$fac.by <- fac.mixcombine(dat, plts.by, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
      dat$fac.by <- factor(dat$fac.by)
      id.cols <- c("fac.by", id.cols)
    if (all(xfacet != "."))
      id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(xfacet))
    if (all(facet.y.med != "."))
      id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.y.med))
    #Set up facet
    ggfacet <- list()
    facet.cols <- NULL
    if (all(xfacet != ".") || all(facet.y.med != "."))
      facet.form <- facet.char2formula(xfacet, facet.y.med)
      if (is.null(facet.labeller))
        ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.form, scales = facet.scales.med))
        ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.form, scales = facet.scales.med, labeller = facet.labeller))
      facet.cols <- c(xfacet, facet.y.med)
      facet.cols <- facet.cols[facet.cols != "."]
    #Form raw and smoothed trait names
    addRates <- function(traits, response, sep = ".")
                    function(trait, response)
                      if (!("response" %in% trait))
                        response <- paste(response, trait, sep = sep)
                    }, response = response))
    kresp <- addRates(traits, response = response)
    kresp.sm <- addRates(traits, response = response.smoothed)
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, kresp, kresp.sm)
    if (!all(id.cols %in% names(dat)))
      stop(paste("Do not have the following required columns in data: ", 
                 paste(id.cols[!(id.cols %in% names(dat))],collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""))
    kresp.devn <- paste(kresp, "devn", sep = ".")
    names(kresp.sm) <- kresp
    names(kresp.devn) <- kresp
    if (is.null(y.titles))
      y.titles <- paste("median", addRates(traits, response = response, sep = " "), "deviations")
      names(y.titles) <- kresp
    } else
      if (length(y.titles) != length(kresp))
        stop("y.titles should be the same length as trait.types")
        names(y.titles) <- kresp
    #Calculate the deviations
    dat[kresp.devn] <- dat[kresp] - dat[kresp.sm]
    #Calculate the median deviations
    split.facs <- c(if (!is.allnull(plts.by)) "fac.by", 
                    facet.cols, fac.group, times.factor) #NULL objects will be ignored
    dat <- dat[c(split.facs, setdiff(names(dat), split.facs))]
    dat <- dat[do.call(order, dat),]
    tmp <- dat
    tmp$split.fac <- dae::fac.combine(as.list(dat[split.facs]), combine.levels = TRUE)
    dat.split <- split(tmp, f = tmp$split.fac)
    med.devn.dat <- lapply(dat.split, 
                           function(data, kresp.devn)
                             med <- unlist(lapply(data[kresp.devn], median, na.rm = TRUE))
                             krow <- cbind(data[1,split.facs], rbind(med))
                           kresp.devn = kresp.devn)
    med.devn.dat <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, med.devn.dat))
    med.devn.dat[times] <- dae::as.numfac(unlist(med.devn.dat[times.factor]))
    #Remove the times.factor
    med.devn.dat <- med.devn.dat[,-match(times.factor, names(med.devn.dat))]
    #Remove any missing values
    med.devn.dat <- med.devn.dat[which(!is.na(med.devn.dat[kresp.devn[1]])), ]
    #Calculate the median responses
    if (propn.note.med && !is.null(propn.types.med))
      if (length(propn.types.med) != length(kresp))
        stop("Length of propn.types.med is not the same as the number of trait.types")
      names(propn.types.med) <- kresp
      med.resp.dat <- lapply(dat.split, 
                             function(data, kresp)
                               med <- unlist(lapply(data[kresp], median, na.rm = TRUE))
                               krow <- cbind(data[1,split.facs], rbind(med))
                             kresp = kresp)
      med.resp.dat <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, med.resp.dat))
      med.resp.dat <- rbind(med.resp.dat, med.resp.dat)
      med.resp.dat <- cbind(sign = rep(c(1,-1), each = nrow(med.resp.dat)/2),
      med.resp.dat[kresp] <- as.data.frame(mapply(function(var, propn)
        var <- propn * rep(c(1, -1), each = length(var)/2) * var
      med.resp.dat[kresp], propn.types.med))
      med.resp.dat[times] <- dae::as.numfac(unlist(med.resp.dat[times.factor]))
      #Remove the times.factor
      med.resp.dat <- med.resp.dat[,-match(times.factor, names(med.resp.dat))]
      #Remove any missing values
      med.resp.dat <- med.resp.dat[which(!is.na(med.resp.dat[kresp[1]])), ]
    #Plot the median deviations for each trait
    if (is.null(shape.values.med))
      shape.values.med <- c(21:24,7,9,10,11,3,4)
    plts <- list()
    for (k in kresp)
      plts[[k]] <- list()
      if (is.allnull(plts.by))
        levs.by <- "all"
        levs.by <- levels(med.devn.dat$fac.by)
      for (p in levs.by)
        if (is.allnull(plts.by))
          tmp <- med.devn.dat
          tmp <- med.devn.dat[med.devn.dat$fac.by == p,]
        if ("Method" %in% names(tmp))
          tmp$Method <- with(tmp, dae::fac.recast(Method, 
                                                  newlevels = substring(levels(Method),1,3)))
        plts[[k]][[p]] <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x = .data[[!!times]], .data[[!!kresp.devn[k]]]), 
                                  ...) +
          ggfacet +
          geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="solid", linewidth=0.5, colour = "maroon", alpha=0.7) +
          setScaleTime(tmp[[times]], breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x) +
          xlab(x.title) + ylab(y.titles[k]) + theme_bw() +
          theme(strip.text = element_text(size=strip.text.size, face="bold"),
                axis.title = element_text(face="bold"), 
                axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle.x), 
                panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey60", linewidth = 0.5), 
                panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey80", linewidth = 0.5))
        if (is.null(fac.group))
          if (is.allnull(colour.values.med))
            plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + geom_line (linewidth=0.4, alpha=alpha.med)
            if (is.allnull(shape.values.med))
              plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + geom_point(alpha=alpha.med, size=1.5)
              plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
                geom_point(shape=shape.values.med[1], alpha=alpha.med, size=1.5)
            plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
              geom_line (colour=colour.values.med[1], linewidth=0.4, alpha=alpha.med)
            if (is.allnull(shape.values.med))
              plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
                           fill=colour.values.med[1], alpha=alpha.med, size=1.5)
              plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
                geom_point(colour=colour.values.med[1], shape=shape.values.med[1], 
                           fill=colour.values.med[1], alpha=alpha.med, size=1.5)
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
          geom_line (aes(colour = .data[[!!fac.group]]), linewidth=0.4, alpha=alpha.med) +
          geom_point(aes(colour = .data[[!!fac.group]], 
                         shape = .data[[!!fac.group]], 
                         fill = .data[[!!fac.group]]), 
                     alpha=alpha.med, size=1.5)
        if (!(is.null(colour.values.med)))
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + scale_colour_manual(values = colour.values.med)
        if (!(is.null(shape.values.med)))
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + scale_shape_manual(values = shape.values.med)
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + scale_shape_manual(values = c(21:24,7,9,10,11))
        if (!is.allnull(plts.group) && fac.group == "SmoothParams")
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + guides(shape=guide_legend(title = "Smoothing\nparameters"),
                                                    fill=guide_legend(title = "Smoothing\nparameters"),
                                                    colour=guide_legend(title = "Smoothing\nparameters"))
        if (!is.allnull(plts.by))
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + ggtitle(paste("Plot for",p))
        #Plot an envelope of the response median
        if (propn.note.med && !is.null(propn.types.med))
          if (is.allnull(plts.by))
            med.resp.tmp <- med.resp.dat
            med.resp.tmp <- med.resp.dat[med.resp.dat$fac.by == p, ]
          if ("Method" %in% names(med.resp.tmp))
            med.resp.tmp$Method <- with(med.resp.tmp, 
                                                        newlevels = substring(levels(Method),1,3)))

          #Construct message to be plotted
          if (propn.note.med)
            xmin <- min(med.resp.tmp[times], na.rm = TRUE)
            xrange <- max(med.resp.tmp[times], na.rm = TRUE) - xmin #not used at present
            ymin <- min(med.resp.tmp[k], na.rm = TRUE)
            envel <- data.frame(rep(xmin, 2),
                                c(ymin+2.75, ymin))
            names(envel) <- c(times, kresp.devn[k])
            ncol.x <- 1
            if (all(facet.x.med != "."))
              lastlevs <- lapply(facet.x.med, 
                                 function(fac, med.resp.tmp) 
                                   lastlev <- levels(med.resp.tmp[[fac]])
                                   lastlev <- rep(factor(lastlev[length(lastlev)], levels = lastlev), 2)
                                 }, med.resp.tmp = med.resp.tmp)
              names(lastlevs) <- facet.x.med
              envel <- cbind(envel, lastlevs)
            if (all(facet.y.med != "."))
              lastlevs <- lapply(facet.y.med, 
                                 function(fac, med.resp.tmp) 
                                   lastlev <- levels(med.resp.tmp[[fac]])
                                   lastlev <- rep(factor(lastlev[length(lastlev)], levels = lastlev), 2)
                                 }, med.resp.tmp = med.resp.tmp)
              names(lastlevs) <- facet.y.med
              envel <- cbind(envel, lastlevs)
            if (ncol.x >3)
              envel$lab <- c("Envelope:", 
                             paste(propn.types.med[k],"of response median"))
              envel <- envel[2,]
              envel$lab <- paste("Envelope:", propn.types.med[k],"of response median")
          #Plot the envelope
          plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + geom_line(data = med.resp.tmp, 
                                                       aes(y = .data[[!!k]], 
                                                           group = .data[["sign"]]), 
          if (propn.note.med)
            plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + 
            geom_text(data = envel, 
                      mapping = aes(x = .data[[!!times]], y = .data[[!!kresp.devn[k]]], 
                                    label = .data[["lab"]]), 
                      hjust = 0, vjust=-Inf, 
                      fontface = "plain", size = 3)
        if (!is.null(ggplotFuncsMedDevn))
          for(f in ggplotFuncsMedDevn)
            plts[[k]][[p]] <- plts[[k]][[p]] + f
        if (printPlot)
  invisible(list(plots = plts, med.devn.dat = med.devn.dat))

"plotSmoothsComparison" <- function(data, response, response.smoothed = NULL,
                                    individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", times = "DAP", 
                                    trait.types = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                                    x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, 
                                    profile.plot.args = args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                                          facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                                                          include.raw = "no"),
                                    printPlot = TRUE, ...)
  profile.plot.args <- profile.plot.args
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs(c("plotSmoothsComparison","plotProfiles"), inargs)
  plts <- NULL
  #Check that plots are wanted
  if (!is.allnull(profile.plot.args))
    #Find out if any plotProfiles arguments that args4profile_plot handles have been supplied in '...'
    if (length(inargs))
      usedProfile.args <- formalArgs(args4profile_plot)
      doubleargs <- intersect(names(inargs), usedProfile.args)
      if (length(doubleargs))
        stop("the  'plotProfiles' arguments ",paste0(doubleargs, collapse = ", "), 
             " conflict with 'args4profile_plot' arguments")
    pltProfile.args <- NULL
    options <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
    traits <- options[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if ("all" %in% traits)
      traits <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR")
    #Get the options for the profile plots options from the list
    plots.by.pf <- profile.plot.args$plots.by
    facet.x.pf <- profile.plot.args$facet.x
    facet.y.pf <- profile.plot.args$facet.y 
    include.raw.pf <- profile.plot.args$include.raw
    collapse.facets.x.pf <- profile.plot.args$collapse.facets.x
    collapse.facets.y.pf <- profile.plot.args$collapse.facets.y
    facet.labeller <- profile.plot.args$facet.labeller
    facet.scales.pf <- profile.plot.args$facet.scales
    breaks.spacing.x <- profile.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x
    angle.x <- profile.plot.args$angle.x
    colour.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour
    colour.column.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour.column
    colour.values.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour.values
    alpha.pf <- profile.plot.args$alpha
    addMediansWhiskers.pf <- profile.plot.args$addMediansWhiskers
    ggplotFuncsProfile <- profile.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
    #Check include.raw.pf value
    incl.raw.opt <- c("no", "alone", "facet.x", "facet.y")
    incl.raw.opt <- incl.raw.opt[check.arg.values(include.raw.pf, options=incl.raw.opt)]
    incl.raw <- incl.raw.opt != "no"
    #Checking of the arguments that control the plots layout
    checkLayoutArgs(data = data, plots.by.pf, plts.group = NULL, facet.x.pf, facet.y.pf)
    plts.by <- plots.by.pf
    #Check have a valid smooths.frame
    validsmoothsframe <- validSmoothsFrame(data)  
    if (is.character(validsmoothsframe))
    checkPlotsArgs(data, plts.by = plts.by, facet.x = facet.x.pf, facet.y = facet.y.pf)
    if (is.null(x.title))
      x.title <- times
    if (is.null(response.smoothed))
      response.smoothed <- paste0("s", response)
    response.smooth <- response.smoothed
    #Check that responses, response.smoothed, individuals and times are in data
    checkNamesInData(c(response, response.smoothed, individuals, times), data = data)
    addRates <- function(traits, response, sep = ".")
                    function(trait, response)
                      if (!("response" %in% trait))
                        response <- paste(response, trait, sep = sep)
                    }, response = response))
    kresp <- addRates(traits, response = response)
    if (!all(kresp %in% names(data)))
      stop("The following traits are not in the smooths.frame: ",
           paste0(kresp[!(kresp %in% names(data))], collapse = ", "), 
           "; perhaps, trait.types needs to be set differently")
    kresp.sm <- addRates(traits, response = response.smoothed)
    names(kresp.sm) <- kresp
    if (is.null(y.titles))
      y.titles <- addRates(traits, response = response, sep = " ")
      names(y.titles) <- kresp
    } else
      if (length(y.titles) != length(kresp))
        stop("y.titles should be the same length as trait.types")
        names(y.titles) <- kresp
    data[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(data[[times]])
    times.factor <- ".Time.fac"
    data[times.factor] <- data[times]
    data[times.factor] <- with(data, eval(parse(text =times)))
    data[times.factor] <- factor(unlist(data[times.factor]), 
                                 labels = unique(data[times.factor])[order(unique(data[[times.factor]])),])
    #Determine whether there are any smooth.cols on the facets - if not must be in plots.by.pf
    smoothing.facets <- length(intersect(union(facet.x.pf, facet.y.pf), smooth.cols)) != 0
    if (incl.raw.opt %in% c("facet.x", "facet.y") && all(c(facet.x.pf, facet.y.pf) == "."))
      stop(paste0("The argument incl.raw is set to ", include.raw.pf, 
                  ", but ", include.raw.pf, " has not been set to include a variable"))
    #Set up the facets  
    modfacet <- setupFacet(data = data, facet = facet.x.pf, collapse.facets = collapse.facets.x.pf, 
                           combined.name = "Combined.x", smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
    xfacet <- modfacet$newfacet
    data <- modfacet$data
    modfacet <- setupFacet(data = data, facet = facet.y.pf, collapse.facets = collapse.facets.y.pf, 
                           combined.name = "Combined.y", smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
    yfacet <- modfacet$newfacet
    data <- modfacet$data
    #Do the plots
    plts <- list()
    for (k in kresp)
      plts[[k]] <- list()
      if (incl.raw.opt == "alone")
        #Get a single instance of the unsmoothed data
        tmp <- split(data, data[smooth.cols])[[1]]
        #Removing smoothing factors from facets
        xfacet.tmp <- setdiff(xfacet, smooth.cols)
        if (length(xfacet.tmp) == 0)
          xfacet.tmp <- "."
        yfacet.tmp <- setdiff(yfacet, smooth.cols)
        if (length(yfacet.tmp) == 0)
          yfacet.tmp <- "."
        plts[[k]][["profiles"]][["Unsmoothed"]] <- 
                  c(list(data = tmp, times = times, response = k, 
                         individuals = individuals, 
                         facet.x=xfacet.tmp, facet.y=yfacet, 
                         labeller = facet.labeller, scales = facet.scales.pf, 
                         breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x, 
                         colour = colour.pf, 
                         colour.column = colour.column.pf, 
                         colour.values = colour.values.pf, 
                         alpha = alpha.pf, 
                         title="Plot of unsmoothed response", 
                         x.title = x.title, y.title = y.titles[k], 
                         addMediansWhiskers = addMediansWhiskers.pf, 
                         ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncsProfile), 
        if (printPlot)
      if (is.allnull(plts.by)) #all profiles in a single plot
        levs.by <- "all"
        data$plots.by.pf <- fac.mixcombine(data, plts.by, smooth.cols = smooth.cols)
        data$plots.by.pf <- factor(data$plots.by.pf)
        levs.by <- levels(data$plots.by.pf)
      #Loop over plots.by.pf
      for (by in levs.by)
          if (is.allnull(plts.by))
            title <- NULL
            tmp1 <- data
          } else
            title <- paste0("Plot for ", by)
            tmp1 <- data[data$plots.by.pf==by,]
            if ("Combined.x" %in% names(tmp1)) 
              tmp1["Combined.x"] <- factor(tmp1[["Combined.x"]])
            if ("Combined.y" %in% names(tmp1)) 
              tmp1["Combined.y"] <- factor(tmp1[["Combined.y"]])
          xfacet.tmp <- xfacet
          yfacet.tmp <- yfacet
          if (incl.raw.opt %in% c("facet.x", "facet.y"))
            if (incl.raw.opt == "facet.x")  comb.name <- xfacet else comb.name <- yfacet
            if (any(comb.name == "."))
              comb.name <- ".Response"
              tmp1[comb.name] <- factor("Smoothed")
              if (incl.raw.opt == "facet.x")  xfacet.tmp <- comb.name else yfacet.tmp <- comb.name
            comb.name <- comb.name[length(comb.name)]
            tmp2 <- tmp1
            tmp2[kresp.sm[k]] <- tmp2[k]
            tmp2[comb.name] <- "Raw"
            levs <- c("Raw", levels(factor(tmp1[[comb.name]])))
            tmp1 <- rbind(tmp2,tmp1)
            tmp1[comb.name] <- factor(tmp1[[comb.name]], levels = levs) 
          plts[[k]][["profiles"]][[by]] <- 
                    c(list(data = tmp1, times = times, 
                           response = kresp.sm[k], 
                           individuals = individuals, 
                           facet.x = xfacet.tmp, facet.y = yfacet.tmp, 
                           labeller = facet.labeller, 
                           scales = facet.scales.pf,
                           breaks.spacing.x = breaks.spacing.x,
                           colour = colour.pf, 
                           colour.column = colour.column.pf, 
                           colour.values = colour.values.pf, 
                           alpha = alpha.pf, 
                           title = title, 
                           x.title = x.title, y.title = y.titles[k], 
                           addMediansWhiskers = addMediansWhiskers.pf, 
                           ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncsProfile), 
          if (printPlot)

#Function to fit splines, including possible boundary correction from Huang (2001)
ncsSpline <- function(vars, correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                      df, lambda, cv = FALSE,  ...)
  if (ncol(vars) != 2)
    stop("Must supply a two-column matrix or data.frame")
  if (!correctBoundaries)
    if (missing(df))
      if (missing(lambda))
        fity <- smooth.spline(vars, all.knots=TRUE, ...)
        fity <- smooth.spline(vars, all.knots=TRUE, lambda = lambda, ...)
    } else
      if (missing(lambda))
        fity <- smooth.spline(vars, all.knots=TRUE, df=df, ...)
        stop("Only one of df and lambda can be specified")
    fit.spline <- list(x = fity$x, 
                       y = fity$y, 
                       lev = fity$lev,
                       lambda = fity$lambda,
                       df = fity$df,
                       uncorrected.fit = fity)  
  } else
    nval <- nrow(vars)
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    x <- vars[,1]
    y <- vars[,2]
    # construct the four polynomials
    W[,1] <- x^2/2-x^4/4+x^5/10
    W[,2] <- x^3/6-x^4/6+x^5/20
    W[,3] <- x^4/4-x^5/10
    W[,4] <- -x^4/12+x^5/20
    if (missing(df))
      if (!missing(lambda))
        stop("lambda must not be set for correctBoundaries = TRUE")
      lam <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      rss <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      tr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      gcv <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      # use GCV to search for best lambda
      for(i in 1:nval) 
        u <- -7+7.0*(i-1)/(nval-1)
        lam[i] <- 10^u
        slam <- lam[i]
        # get regular fit for y and four polynomials
        fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)
        W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
        W2 <- W-W2
        h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(y-fity$y))
        # get the newfit, rss and calculate the trace of new S
        newfit <- fity$y+W2%*%h
        rss[i] <- sum((newfit-y)^2)
        W3[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3 <- W2-W3
        K <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W3))
        tr[i] <- sum(fity$lev)+sum(diag(K%*%W2))
        gcv[i] <- nval*rss[i]/(nval-tr[i])^2
      # get the optimal lambda and apply to y and the four polynomials
      lam.opt<- lam[order(gcv)[1]]
      slam <- lam.opt
      fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam)
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
    } else #df is specified
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials for specified df
      fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      # calculate the trace of new S
      W3[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3 <- W2-W3
      K <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W3))
    #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
    W2 <- W-W2
    h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(y-fity$y))
    newy <- as.vector(fity$y+W2%*%h)
    # get the newfit leverage values of new S
    lev <- as.vector(fity$lev+diag(W2%*%K))
    tr <- sum(lev)
    rss <- sum((y - newy)^2)
    lambda <- nval*rss/(nval-tr)^2
    # Set up list to return
    fit.spline <- list(x = fity$x, 
                       y = newy, 
                       lev = lev,
                       lambda = lambda,
                       df = fity$df,
                       uncorrected.fit = fity)  
    if (!missing(df))
      fit.spline$df <- df
  class(fit.spline) <- "ncsSpline"

predict.ncsSpline <- function(object, x, correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                              df, cv = FALSE,  ...)
  if (!inherits(object, what = "ncsSpline"))
    stop("Must supply a an object of class ncsSpline")
  fit <- predict(object$uncorrected.fit, x = x)
  #Correct boundaries
  if (correctBoundaries)
    nval <- length(x)
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    vars <- data.frame(x = object$uncorrected.fit$x, 
                       yin = object$uncorrected.fit$yin)
    vars <- merge(as.data.frame(fit), vars, all.x = TRUE)
    vars$yin[is.na(vars$yin)] <- vars$y[is.na(vars$yin)]
    vars <- vars[order(vars$x), ]
    x <- vars$x
    # construct the four polynomials
    W[,1] <- x^2/2-x^4/4+x^5/10
    W[,2] <- x^3/6-x^4/6+x^5/20
    W[,3] <- x^4/4-x^5/10
    W[,4] <- -x^4/12+x^5/20
    if (missing(df))
      slam <- object$lambda
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
    } else #df is specified
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials for specified df
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
    #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
    W2 <- W-W2
    h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(vars$yin-vars$y))
    fit <- list(x = vars$x, 
                y = as.vector(vars$y+W2%*%h))  

#Functions to fit P-splines using JOPS
pSpline <- function(vars, npspline.segments, lambda = NULL, ...)
  if (ncol(vars) != 2)
    stop("Must supply a two-column matrix or data.frame")
  fity <- JOPS::psNormal(x = vars[[1]], y = vars[[2]], nseg = npspline.segments, lambda = lambda, 
                         xgrid = vars[[1]])
  fit.spline <- list(x = fity$x, 
                     y = as.vector(fity$muhat), 
                     lev = NULL,
                     lambda = fity$lambda,
                     df = fity$effdim,
                     npspline.segments = npspline.segments, 
                     uncorrected.fit = fity)  
  class(fit.spline) <- "PSpline"

predict.pSpline <- function(object, x, npspline.segments, deriv = 0, ...)
  fit.obj <- object$uncorrected.fit
  bdeg <- fit.obj$bdeg
  xmin <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  xmax <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(object, what = "PSpline"))
    stop("Must supply a an object of class PSpline")
  if (deriv == 0)
    preds <- predict(fit.obj, x = x, type = "mu")
    fit <- list(x = x, y = preds)
  } else #obtain a derivative of order deriv based on Eqn 2.15 from Eilers and Marx (2021) JOPS
    if ((bdeg - deriv) <= 0)
      stop("The degree of the spline (3) is insufficient to compute a derivative of order ", deriv)
    alpha <- as.vector(fit.obj$pcoef)
    alphaDeriv <- diff(alpha, differences = deriv) / (((xmax - xmin)/fit.obj$nseg)^deriv)
    Bderiv <- JOPS::bbase(x, xl = xmin, xr = xmax, nseg = fit.obj$nseg, bdeg = (bdeg - deriv))
    fit <- as.vector(Bderiv %*% alphaDeriv)
    fit <- list(x = x, y = fit)

#Function to fit a spline using smooth.spline or JOPS
"smoothSpline" <- function(data, response, response.smoothed = NULL, x, 
                           smoothing.method = "direct", 
                           spline.type = "NCSS",  df=NULL, lambda = NULL, 
                           npspline.segments = NULL, correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                           rates = NULL, suffices.rates = NULL, sep.rates = ".", 
                           extra.derivs = NULL, suffices.extra.derivs=NULL, 
                           na.x.action = "exclude", na.y.action = "trimx", ...)
  #This table has been made obsolete with the introduction of extra.rate
  #  Result   deriv   suffix.deriv   AGR     RGR
  # direct smoothing
  # AGR, RGR    1          AGR      NULL     RGR    
  #   AGR       1          AGR      NULL    NULL
  #   RGR       1         NULL      NULL     RGR
  # log-smoothing
  # AGR, RGR    1          RGR       AGR    NULL
  #   AGR       1         NULL       AGR    NULL
  #   RGR       1          RGR      NULL    NULL
  #check input arguments
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("na.rm" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop("na.rm has been deprecated; use na.x.action and na.y.action")
  if ("smoothing.scale" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop("smoothing.scale has been deprecated; use smoothing.method")
  #Check that required cols are in data
  checkNamesInData(c(response, x), data = data)
  smethods <- c("direct", "logarithmic")
  smethod <- smethods[check.arg.values(smoothing.method, options=smethods)]
  stype <- c("NCSS", "PS")
  stype <- stype[check.arg.values(spline.type, options=stype)]
  if (is.null(lambda) && stype == "PS")
    stop("Must specify lambda for spline.type set to PS")
  if (!is.null(df) && !is.null(lambda) && stype == "NCSS")
    stop("Only one of df and lambda can be specified for spline.type NCSS")
  na.x <- na.y <- c("exclude", "omit", "fail")
  na.y <- c(na.y, "allx", "trimx", "ltrimx", "utrimx")
  na.act.x <- na.x[check.arg.values(na.x.action, options=na.x)]
  na.act.y <- na.y[check.arg.values(na.y.action, options=na.y)]  
  options <- c("AGR", "PGR", "RGR")
  if (is.allnull(rates))
    grates <- NULL
    grates <- options[unlist(lapply(rates, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if (correctBoundaries && !is.allnull(grates))
    stop("Unable to correctBoundaries when rates is not NULL")
  if (!is.allnull(grates) && "PGR" %in% grates)
    stop("PGR is not available when rates are based on derivatives")
  if (!is.null(suffices.rates) & length(grates) != length(suffices.rates))
    stop("The length of of rates and suffices.rates should be equal")
  if (!is.allnull(grates) && !is.null(extra.derivs) && (1 %in% extra.derivs))
    stop("when rates is not NULL, 1 should not be included in extra.derivs")
  if (is.null(suffices.rates))
    suffices.rates <- grates
  names(suffices.rates) <- grates
  if (!is.null(extra.derivs) & !is.null(suffices.extra.derivs))
    if (length(extra.derivs) != length(extra.derivs))
      stop("The number of names supplied must equal the number of derivatives specified")
  #Determine what is required from spline fitting
  if (!is.allnull(grates))
    derivs = 1
    if (smethod == "direct")
      if (!("AGR" %in% grates))
        suffices.derivs <- "_tmp"
        if (is.null(suffices.rates))
          suffices.derivs <- "AGR"
          suffices.derivs <- suffices.rates["AGR"]
      names(suffices.derivs) <- "AGR"
      if ("RGR" %in% grates)
        extra.rate <- "RGR"
        names(extra.rate) <- suffices.rates["RGR"]
        extra.rate <- NULL
    } else
      if (!("RGR" %in% grates))
        suffices.derivs <- "_tmp"
        if (is.null(suffices.rates))
          suffices.derivs <- "RGR"
          suffices.derivs <- suffices.rates["RGR"]
      names(suffices.derivs) <- "RGR"
      if ("AGR" %in% grates)
        extra.rate <- "AGR"
        names(extra.rate) <- suffices.rates["AGR"]
        extra.rate <- NULL
  } else
    derivs = NULL
    suffices.derivs <- NULL
    extra.rate <- NULL
  if (!is.null(extra.derivs))
    derivs <- unique(c(derivs, extra.derivs))
    suffices.derivs <- c(suffices.derivs, suffices.extra.derivs)
    names(derivs) <- suffices.derivs
  tmp <- as.data.frame(data)
  #Transform data, if required
  if (smethod == "logarithmic")
    tmp[[response]] <- log(tmp[[response]])
  #Convert any infinite values to missing
  if (any(is.infinite(tmp[[response]])))
    tmp[[response]][is.infinite(tmp[[response]])] <- NA
    warning("Some infinite values have been converted to missing")
  #Set up fit data.frame
  if (is.null(response.smoothed))
    response.smoothed <- paste0("s", response)
  fit.names <- c(x, response.smoothed)
  if (!is.allnull(derivs))
    if (is.allnull(suffices.derivs))
      fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response.smoothed,".dv",derivs,sep=""))
      fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response.smoothed, suffices.derivs, sep=sep.rates))
  #Process missing values
  #tmp will have no missing values and is what is used in the fitting
  #data retains missing values and is used to obtain the returned data.frame
  #x.pred has the x-values for which predictions are required 
  #  - it should include all the x values that are returned by smooth.spline;
  #    it will not include any x values that are missing, but may include
  #    x values for which there are missing y values, depending on the settings 
  #    of na.y.action, and these x values will not have been supplied to smooth.spline.
  nobs <- nrow(tmp)
  if (nobs == 0)
    warning("A response with no data values supplied")
  } else
    if (na.act.x == "fail")
      stop("na.x.action is to set to fail and there are missing x values")
    else #remove any observations with missing x values
      if (na.act.x %in% c("omit", "exclude"))
        tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[x]]), ]
        if (na.act.x == "omit")
          data <- tmp
    x.pred <- tmp[[x]]
    if (na.act.y == "fail")
      stop("na.y.action is to set to fail and there are missing y values")
    else #Are there any missing response values now
      if (na.act.y %in% c("omit", "exclude"))
        x.pred <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[response]]), ][[x]]
      } else
        if (grepl("trimx", na.act.y, fixed = TRUE))
          tmp <- tmp[order(tmp[[x]]), ]
          y.nonmiss <- c(1:nrow(tmp))[!is.na(tmp[[response]])]
          x.pred <- tmp[[x]]
          if (length(y.nonmiss) > 0)
            if (na.act.y %in% c("trimx", "ltrimx"))
              x.pred <- x.pred[y.nonmiss[1]:length(tmp[[x]])]
              y.nonmiss <- y.nonmiss - y.nonmiss[1] + 1
            if (na.act.y %in% c("trimx", "utrimx"))
              x.pred <- x.pred[1:y.nonmiss[length(y.nonmiss)]]
            y.nonmiss <- diff(y.nonmiss)
            if (any(y.nonmiss >= 3))
              warning("There are runs of 3 or more contiguous y values that are missing")
          } else
            x.pred <- NULL
      tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[response]]), ]
      if (na.act.y == "omit")
        data <- tmp
  #What are the distinct x values
  distinct.xvals <- sort(unique(tmp[[x]]))
  tol <- 1e-06 * IQR(distinct.xvals)
  distinct.xvals <- remove.repeats(distinct.xvals, tolerance = tol)
  if (length(distinct.xvals) < 4) 
    #< 4 distinct values and so all fitted values are set to NA
    warning(paste("Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline",
                  "- all fitted values set to NA", sep = " "))
    #Set up fit data.frame
    if (is.null(response.smoothed))
      response.smoothed <- paste(response,"smooth",sep=".")
    fit.names <- c(x, response.smoothed)
    if (!is.allnull(derivs))
      if (is.allnull(suffices.derivs))
        fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response.smoothed,".dv",derivs,sep=""))
        fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response.smoothed, suffices.derivs, sep=sep.rates))
    #Add extra,rate if required
    if (!is.null(extra.rate))
      fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response.smoothed, names(extra.rate), sep=sep.rates))
    fit <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = length(fit.names)))
    colnames(fit) <- fit.names
    fit[x] <- data[[x]]
    fit.spline <- NULL
  } else
    #smooth and obtain predictions corresponding to x.pred
    fitcorrectBoundaries <- correctBoundaries
    if (stype == "NCSS" && length(distinct.xvals) <= 5 && correctBoundaries)
      warning(paste("Need more than 5 distinct x values to correct the end-points of a spline",
                    "- no corrections made", sep = " "))
      fitcorrectBoundaries <- FALSE
    if (stype == "NCSS")
      if (is.null(df))
        if (is.null(lambda))
          fit.spline <- ncsSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries, 
          fit.spline <- ncsSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries, 
                                  lambda = lambda, ...)
      } else
        if (is.null(lambda))
          fit.spline <- ncsSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries, 
                                  df = df, ...)
    } else #PS
      #Determine npspline.segments for a full set of x
      if (is.null(npspline.segments))
        npspline.segments <- max(10, ceiling((nrow(data)-1)/2))
      #Adjust for the missing values in x
      nfit <- length(distinct.xvals)
      if (nfit < nobs)
        nperseg <- nobs/npspline.segments
        npspline.segments <- ceiling(nfit/nperseg)
      fit.spline <- pSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], npspline.segments = npspline.segments, lambda = lambda, ...)
    x.pred <- remove.repeats(sort(x.pred), tolerance = tol)
    fit <- NULL
    if (length(x.pred) == length(fit.spline$x))
      if (all(abs(x.pred - fit.spline$x) < tol))
        if (stype == "NCSS")
          fit <- list(fit.spline$x, fit.spline$y)
          fit <- list(fit.spline$x, fit.spline$y)
    #Need to refit for current x.pred
    if (is.null(fit))
      if (stype == "NCSS")
        fit <- predict.ncsSpline(fit.spline, x = x.pred, 
                                 correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries)
        fit <- predict.pSpline(fit.spline, x = x.pred, 
                               npspline.segments = fit.spline$uncorrected.fit$npspline.segments)
    rsmooth <- response.smoothed
    names(fit) <- c(x, rsmooth)
    #backtransform if transformed
    if (smethod == "logarithmic")
      fit[[rsmooth]] <- exp(fit[[rsmooth]])
    #get derivatives if required
    if (!correctBoundaries & !is.null(derivs))
      for (d in derivs)
        if (is.null(suffices.derivs))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste0(response.smoothed,".dv",d)
          k <- ifelse(length(derivs) == 1, 1, match(d, derivs))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response.smoothed, suffices.derivs[k], sep=sep.rates)
        if (stype == "NCSS")
          fit[[rsmooth.dv]] <- predict(fit.spline$uncorrected.fit, x = x.pred, deriv=d)$y
          fit[[rsmooth.dv]] <- predict.pSpline(fit.spline, x = x.pred, 
                                               npspline.segments = fit.spline$uncorrected.fit$npspline.segments, 
      #Add RGR if required
      if (!is.null(extra.rate) && extra.rate == "RGR")
        #Check have the required computed derivative 
        if (is.null(suffices.derivs))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste0(response.smoothed,".dv",1)
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response.smoothed, suffices.derivs["AGR"], sep=sep.rates)
        #get the extra derivative
        if (!(rsmooth.dv %in% names(fit)))
          stop("First derivative not available to calculate RGR")
        fit[[paste(rsmooth,names(extra.rate),sep=sep.rates)]] <- fit[[rsmooth.dv]]/fit[[rsmooth]]
      #Add AGR if required
      if (!is.null(extra.rate) && extra.rate == "AGR")
        #Check have the required computed derivative 
        if (is.null(suffices.derivs))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste0(response.smoothed,".dv",1)
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response.smoothed, suffices.derivs["RGR"], sep=sep.rates)
        #get the extra derivative
        if (!(rsmooth.dv %in% names(fit)))
          stop("First derivative not available to calculate AGR")
        fit[[paste(rsmooth,names(extra.rate),sep=sep.rates)]] <- fit[[rsmooth.dv]]*fit[[rsmooth]]
    fit <- as.data.frame(fit)
    #Remove temporary rate, if there are any
    if (length(grep("._tmp", names(fit), fixed = TRUE)))
      fit <- fit[, -grep("._tmp", names(fit), fixed = TRUE)]
    #Merge data and fit, preserving x-order in data
    x.ord <- order(data[[x]])
    fit <- merge(data[c(x,response)],fit, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
    fit <- fit[,-match(response, names(fit))]
    fit <- fit[order(fit[[x]]),]
    fit[x.ord,] <- fit
  rownames(fit) <- NULL
  return(list(predictions = fit, fit.spline = fit.spline))    

"probeSmooths" <- function(data, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = NULL, 
                           individuals="Snapshot.ID.Tag", times = "DAP", 
                           keep.columns = NULL, 
                           get.rates = TRUE, 
                           rates.method="differences", ntimes2span = NULL, 
                           trait.types = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                           smoothing.args = 
                             args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                            spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                            df = NULL, lambdas = NULL), 
                           x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, which.plots = "profiles", 
                           profile.plot.args = 
                             args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                               facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                               include.raw = "no"), 
                           meddevn.plot.args = 
                             args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = NULL, 
                                               facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                               propn.note = TRUE, 
                                               propn.types = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.75)), 
                           devnboxes.plot.args = 
                             args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                 facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                                 which.plots = "none"), 
  smoothing.args <- smoothing.args
  profile.plot.args <- profile.plot.args
  meddevn.plot.args <- meddevn.plot.args
  #check input arguments
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("na.rm" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop("na.rm has been deprecated; use na.x.action and na.y.action")
  if ("smoothing.scales" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop("smoothing.scales has been deprecated; use smoothing.methods")
  if ("deviations.boxplots" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop("deviations.boxplots has been deprecated; use which.plots")
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs(c("probeSmooths","plotProfiles"), inargs)
  smooth.cols <- c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")
  data[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(data[[times]])
  #Deal with plot arguments
  options <- c("none", "profiles", "absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots", "medians.deviations")
  plots <- options[unlist(lapply(which.plots, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if ("none" %in% plots & length(plots) > 1)
    plots <- "none"
  if (is.null(x.title))
    x.title <- times
  if (!is.allnull(smoothing.args) &&  smoothing.args$combinations == "single")
    if (any(unlist(lapply(names(smoothing.args)[1:4], 
                          function(x, smth.args) length(smth.args[x]) > 1, 
                          smth.args = smoothing.args))))
      stop("All of the components of smoothing.args must be single-valued when combinations is single")
    if (is.null(smoothing.args$df)) smoothing.args$df <- NA
    if (is.null(smoothing.args$lambdas)) smoothing.args$lambdas <- NA
  #Get the options for the profile plots options from the list
  plots.by.pf <- profile.plot.args$plots.by
  facet.x.pf <- profile.plot.args$facet.x
  facet.y.pf <- profile.plot.args$facet.y 
  include.raw.pf <- profile.plot.args$include.raw
  collapse.facets.x.pf <- profile.plot.args$collapse.facets.x
  collapse.facets.y.pf <- profile.plot.args$collapse.facets.y
  facet.labeller <- profile.plot.args$facet.labeller
  scales.pf <- profile.plot.args$scales
  breaks.spacing.x.pf <- profile.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x
  colour.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour
  colour.column.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour.column
  colour.values.pf <- profile.plot.args$colour.values
  alpha.pf <- profile.plot.args$alpha
  addMediansWhiskers.pf <- profile.plot.args$addMediansWhiskers
  ggplotFuncsProfile <- profile.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
  plts.by <- plots.by.pf
  #Get the options for the median deviations plots options from the list
  plots.by.med <- meddevn.plot.args$plots.by
  plots.group.med <- meddevn.plot.args$plots.group
  facet.x.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.x
  facet.y.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.y
  facet.labeller = meddevn.plot.args$facet.labeller
  facet.scales.med <- meddevn.plot.args$facet.scales
  breaks.spacing.x.med <- meddevn.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x
  colour.values.med <- meddevn.plot.args$colour.values
  shape.values.med <- meddevn.plot.args$shape.values
  alpha.med <- meddevn.plot.args$alpha
  propn.note.med <- meddevn.plot.args$propn.note
  propn.types.med <- meddevn.plot.args$propn.types 
  ggplotFuncsMedDevn <- meddevn.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
  plts.by.med <- plots.by.med
  plts.group.med <- plots.group.med
  #Get the options for the deviations boxplots options from the list
  plots.by.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$plots.by
  facet.x.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.x
  facet.y.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.y 
  include.raw.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$include.raw
  collapse.facets.x.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$collapse.facets.x
  collapse.facets.y.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$collapse.facets.y
  facet.labeller <- devnboxes.plot.args$facet.labeller
  scales.box <- devnboxes.plot.args$scales
  breaks.spacing.x <- devnboxes.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x
  ggplotFuncsDevnBoxes <- devnboxes.plot.args$ggplotFuncs
  #Checking of the arguments that control the plots layout for boxplots
  if (any(c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% plots))
    checkLayoutArgs(data = NULL, plots.by.box, plts.group = NULL, facet.x.box, facet.y.box)

  #Get columns need for facets
  id.cols <- colour.column.pf
  if (all(facet.x.pf != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.x.pf))
  if (all(facet.x.med != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.x.med))
  if (all(facet.x.box != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.x.box))
  if (all(facet.y.pf != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.y.pf))
  if (all(facet.y.med != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.y.med))
  if (all(facet.y.box != "."))
    id.cols <- c(id.cols, fac.getinFormula(facet.y.box))
  id.cols <- c(individuals, times, response, keep.columns, id.cols)
  #Set up name  for smoothed response
  if (is.null(response.smoothed))
    response.smooth <- paste0("s", response)
    response.smooth <- response.smoothed
  responses.smooth <- response.smooth
  #Argument for what traits are to be plotted
  options <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
  traits <- options[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if ("all" %in% traits)
    traits <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR")
  grates <- c("AGR","RGR")[c("AGR","RGR") %in% traits]
  if (is.smooths.frame(data))
    #Check that required cols are in data
    checkNamesInData(unique(id.cols), data = data)
    smth <- data
    if (!is.allnull(smoothing.args))
      #Extract smooths specified by smoothing.args from smth  
      if (is.allnull(smoothing.args$df) && is.allnull(smoothing.args$lambdas))
        stop("It must be that at least one of df and lambda is not NULL in smoothing.args")
      #Get the smoothing arguments
      options <- c("allvalid", "parallel", "single")
      comb.opt <- options[check.arg.values(smoothing.args$combinations, options=options)]
      smethods = smoothing.args$smoothing.methods
      stypes = smoothing.args$spline.types
      df = smoothing.args$df
      lambdas = smoothing.args$lambdas 
      #Construct the set of schemes for which smooths are to be generated
      spar.schemes <- makeSmoothSchemes(combinations = comb.opt, 
                                        smethods = smethods, stypes = stypes, 
                                        df = df, lambdas = lambdas)
      #Convert smoothing combinations to factors, paying attention to levels order 
      spar.schemes[c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")] <- 
               function(x) factor(x, levels = as.character(unique(x))))
      selection <- levels(with(spar.schemes, fac.combine(list(Type,TunePar,TuneVal,Method), 
                                                      combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-")))
      combos.fac <- (with(smth, fac.combine(list(Type,TunePar,TuneVal,Method), 
                                            combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-")))
      combos <- levels(combos.fac)
      if (!all(selection %in% combos))
        stop("Not all combinations of the values of smoothing parameters specified by smoothing.args ", 
             "amongst those for the set of smooths in data")
      #Get subset
      tmp <- split(smth, combos.fac)
      names(tmp) <- combos
      smth <- lapply(selection, function(seln, tmp) tmp[[seln]], tmp = tmp)
      smth <- do.call(rbind, smth)
      smth[c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Method")] <- lapply(smth[c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Method")], factor)
      smth <- as.smooths.frame(smth, individuals, times)
  } else 
    if (is.allnull(smoothing.args))
      stop("data is not a smooths.frame and smoothing.args is NULL so that there are no smooths available")
    #Deal with data arguments for a data.frame
    #Argument for which response the rates are to be computed
    options <- c("none", "raw","smoothed")
    if (is.logical(get.rates)) 
      if (get.rates)
        get.which <- c("raw","smoothed")
        get.which <- "none"
      get.which <- options[unlist(lapply(get.rates, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if (length(grates) == 0 && !("none" %in% get.which))
      get.which <- "none"
      warning("trait.types does not include AGR or RGR and so get.rates has been set to none")
    } else
      if (length(traits) > 1 || traits != "response")
        if ("none" %in% get.which || !("smoothed" %in% get.which))
          traits <- "response"
          grates <- c("AGR","RGR")[c("AGR","RGR") %in% traits]
          propn.types.med <- propn.types.med[1]
          warning(paste("The calculation of smoothed growth rates have not been specified;",
                        "trait.types changed to response and propn.type reduced to its first element"))
    if (!("raw" %in% get.which) && length(grates) > 0) #Check if rates are needed but not being obtained.
      raw.rates <- paste(response, grates, sep = ".")
      if (all(raw.rates %in% names(data)))
        id.cols <- c(id.cols, raw.rates)
    options <- c("differences","derivatives")
    ratemeth.opt <- options[check.arg.values(rates.method, options=options)]
    if ("smoothed" %in% get.which && is.null(ntimes2span))
      if (ratemeth.opt == "differences")
        ntimes2span <- 2
      if (ratemeth.opt == "derivatives")
        ntimes2span <- 3
    #Get the smoothing arguments
    smethods = smoothing.args$smoothing.methods
    stypes = smoothing.args$spline.types
    df = smoothing.args$df
    lambdas = smoothing.args$lambdas 
    smoothing.segments = smoothing.args$smoothing.segments 
    npspline.segments = smoothing.args$npspline.segments
    na.x.action = smoothing.args$na.x.action
    na.y.action = smoothing.args$na.y.action 
    external.smooths = smoothing.args$external.smooths
    correctBoundaries = smoothing.args$correctBoundaries
    if ((is.allnull(df) && is.allnull(lambdas)))
      stop("It must be that at least one of df and lambdas is not NULL in smoothing.args")
    if (length(npspline.segments) > 1)
      if (is.null(smoothing.segments))
        stop("npspline.segments must be of length one in an unsegmented spline fit")
        if (length(npspline.segments) != length(smoothing.segments))
          stop("the number of values of npspline.segments should be one or ",
               "equal to the number of segments in a segmented spline fit")
      if (!all(diff(unlist(smoothing.segments)) > 0))
        stop("the smoothing.segments are not a set of non-overlapping, successive intervals")
    v <- unique(id.cols)
    v <- setdiff(v, c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Tuning","Method")) #remove names yet to come
    #Check that required cols are in data
    checkNamesInData(v, data = data)
    #Check that there is no more than one observation for each individuals-times combinations
    if (!all(table(data[c(individuals, times)]) <= 1))
      stop("There is more than one observation for one or more combinations of the individuals and times")
    tmp <- data[v]
    times.diffs.in.data <- paste0(times, ".diffs") %in% names(data)
    #Form raw growth rates when get.rates includes raw.
    #Do for all data even if segmented so that only the observation for the very first time is NA  
    if ("raw" %in% get.which) 
      tmp <- byIndv4Times_GRsDiff(data = tmp, response, 
                                  times=times, avail.times.diffs = FALSE, 
                                  which.rates = grates, ntimes2span = ntimes2span)
    #Construct the set of schemes for which smooths are to be generated
    spar.schemes <- makeSmoothSchemes(combinations = smoothing.args$combinations, 
                                       smethods = smethods, stypes = stypes, 
                                       df = df, lambdas = lambdas)
    #Generate the smooths
    if (is.allnull(smoothing.segments))
      smth <- smoothSchemes(tmp = tmp, spar.schemes = spar.schemes,
                            response = response, response.smooth = response.smooth, 
                            times=times, ntimes2span = ntimes2span, 
                            individuals = individuals, traits = traits, 
                            get.rates = ("smoothed" %in% get.which), 
                            ratemeth.opt = ratemeth.opt, grates = grates, 
                            nseg = npspline.segments, correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                            na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action)
      knseg <- npspline.segments[1]
      smth <- data.frame()
      for (k in 1:length(smoothing.segments))
        segm <- smoothing.segments[[k]]
        subdat <- tmp[(tmp[times] >= segm[1]) & (tmp[times] <= segm[2]),] 
        if (length(npspline.segments) > 1) knseg <- npspline.segments[k]
        #only get smooths when difference growth rates are required and ntimes2span is 2 
        smth <- rbind(smth, 
                      smoothSchemes(tmp = subdat, spar.schemes = spar.schemes,
                                    response = response, response.smooth = response.smooth, 
                                    times=times, ntimes2span = ntimes2span, 
                                    individuals = individuals, traits = traits, 
                                    get.rates = (ntimes2span == 2 && 
                                                   ("smoothed" %in% get.which) && 
                                                   ratemeth.opt == "differences"), 
                                    ratemeth.opt = ratemeth.opt, grates = grates, 
                                    nseg = knseg, correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                                    na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action))
      smth <- smth[do.call(order, smth), ]
      #get overall difference growth rates for ntimes2apn == 2
      if (ntimes2span == 2 && ("smoothed" %in% get.which) && ratemeth.opt == "differences") 
        smth <- split(smth, fac.combine(as.list(smth[c("Type","Tuning","Method")])))
        smth <- lapply(smth, byIndv4Times_GRsDiff, responses = response.smooth, 
                       individuals = individuals, 
                       times=times, ntimes2span = ntimes2span, 
                       which.rates = grates)
        smth <- do.call(rbind, smth)
        smth <- smth[do.call(order, smth), ]
    #Add external.smooths, if required
    if (!is.null(external.smooths))
      #Determine which smoothing-parameter columns are in external.smooths & check have required other columns 
      external.smooths <- as.data.frame(external.smooths)
      smth.cols <- intersect(smooth.cols, names(external.smooths))
      if (length(smth.cols) == 0)
        stop("No smoothing parameter columns have been included in ", deparse(substitute(external.smooths)))
      if ("raw" %in% get.which) 
        ext.nam <- names(external.smooths)
        tmp <- split(external.smooths, external.smooths[smth.cols])
        tmp <- lapply(tmp, byIndv4Times_GRsDiff, responses = response, individuals=individuals, 
                      times=times, avail.times.diffs = FALSE, 
                      which.rates = grates, ntimes2span = ntimes2span)
        external.smooths <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
        external.smooths <- external.smooths[c(ext.nam, setdiff(names(external.smooths), ext.nam))]
        external.smooths <- external.smooths[do.call(order, external.smooths),]
      if ("smoothed" %in% get.which) 
        ext.nam <- names(external.smooths)
        tmp <- split(external.smooths, external.smooths[smth.cols])
        tmp <- lapply(tmp, byIndv4Times_GRsDiff, responses = response.smooth, individuals=individuals, 
                      times=times, avail.times.diffs = FALSE, 
                      which.rates = grates, ntimes2span = ntimes2span)
        external.smooths <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
        external.smooths <- external.smooths[c(ext.nam, setdiff(names(external.smooths), ext.nam))]
        external.smooths <- external.smooths[do.call(order, external.smooths),]
      extra.vars <- setdiff(names(smth), smooth.cols)
      if (all(extra.vars %in% names(external.smooths)))
        external.smooths <- external.smooths[c(smth.cols, extra.vars)]
        stop(paste("Do not have the following required columns in data: ", 
                   paste(extra.vars[!(extra.vars %in% names(external.smooths))],collapse=", "), "\n", sep=""))
      #Add missing smoothing-parameter columns
      smth.cols <- setdiff(smooth.cols, smth.cols)
      smooth.pars <- rep("Other", length(smth.cols))
      names(smooth.pars) <- smth.cols
      smooth.pars <- rbind(smooth.pars)
      rownames(smooth.pars) <- NULL
      tmp <- cbind(smooth.pars, external.smooths)
      tmp <- tmp[names(smth)]
      #Add extra smooths to smth
      smth <- rbind(smth,tmp)
      #Update the smoothing-parameter schemes
      tmp <- split(tmp, dae::fac.combine(as.list(lapply(tmp[smooth.cols], as.factor)), 
                                         combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-"))
      sch <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x[1, smooth.cols])
      sch <- do.call(rbind, sch)
      rownames(sch) <- NULL
      spar.schemes <- rbind(spar.schemes, sch[colnames(spar.schemes)])
    #Form a smooths.frame and check that it is valid
    smth <- as.smooths.frame(smth, individuals, times)
  validsmoothsframe <- validSmoothsFrame(smth)  
  if (is.character(validsmoothsframe))
  #Plot profiles of some combination of unsmoothed and smoothed response, AGR and RGR
  if ("profiles" %in% plots && !is.allnull(profile.plot.args))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth, 
                          response = response, response.smoothed = response.smooth, 
                          times = times, individuals = individuals, 
                          trait.types = traits, 
                          x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles, 
                          profile.plot.args = profile.plot.args, ...)
  #Plot median deviations plots  
  if ("medians.deviations" %in% plots && !is.allnull(meddevn.plot.args))
    plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, 
                           response = response, response.smoothed = response.smooth,
                           times = times, individuals = individuals,
                           trait.types = traits, 
                           x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles, 
                           meddevn.plot.args = meddevn.plot.args, 

  #Plot deviations of unsmoothed and smoothed response, and possibly AGR and RGR
  if (any(c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% plots) && !is.allnull(devnboxes.plot.args))
    boxp <- c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots")[c("absolute.boxplots", "relative.boxplots") %in% plots]
    #Plot boxplots
    plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots(data = smth, 
                            response = response, response.smoothed = response.smooth, 
                            times = times, individuals = individuals, 
                            trait.types = traits, 
                            which.plots = boxp, 
                            x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles,  
                            devnboxes.plot.args = devnboxes.plot.args, 

"traitChooseSmooth" <- function(smooths, response.smoothed, individuals, times, 
                                keep.columns = NULL, 
                                x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, 
                                trait.types = c("response.smoothed", "AGR", "RGR"),
                                chosen.smooth = args4chosen_smooth(), 
                                chosen.plot.args = args4chosen_plot(), 
                                mergedata = NULL, 
  chosen.smooth <- chosen.smooth
  chosen.plot.args <- chosen.plot.args
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs(c("traitChooseSmooth", "plotProfiles"), inargs)
  #Process chosen.smooth and other arguments
  options <- c("allvalid","parallel","single")
  comb.opt <- options[check.arg.values(chosen.smooth$combinations, options=options)]
  if (comb.opt != "single")
    stop("combinations must be single for chosen.smooth.args")
  if (any(unlist(lapply(chosen.smooth, function(x) (length(x) > 1)))))
    stop("All of the components of chosen.smooth.args must be single-valued")
  if ((!is.allnull(chosen.smooth$df) && !is.allnull(chosen.smooth$lambdas)))
    stop("One of df and lambda must be NULL in chosen.smooth.args")
  combos <- levels(with(smooths, fac.combine(list(Type,TunePar,TuneVal,Method), 
                                             combine.levels = TRUE, sep = "-")))
  tparams <- conv2TuneParams(smth.args = chosen.smooth, smth = smooths)
  stype <- tparams$stype
  tunepar <- tparams$tunepar
  tuneval <- tparams$tuneval
  smethod <- tparams$smethod
  choice <- paste0(sapply(tparams, as.character), collapse = "-")
  if (!(choice %in% combos))
    stop("The combination of the values of Type, TunePar, TuneVal and Method ", 
         "given in chosen.smooth.args are not amongst those for the set of smooths in data")
  #Get subset 
  smth <- smooths[smooths$Type == stype & smooths$TunePar == tunepar &
                    smooths$TuneVal == tuneval &  smooths$Method == smethod, 
                  setdiff(names(smooths), c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Method","Tuning"))]
  class(smth) <- "data.frame"
  #merge it with the mergedata
  if (!is.null(mergedata))
    checkNamesInData(c(individuals, times), mergedata)
    if (!is.null(keep.columns))
      smth <- smth[setdiff(names(smth), keep.columns)]
    mergedata <- mergedata[c(individuals, times, setdiff(names(mergedata), names(smth)))]
    smth <- merge(mergedata, smth, sort = FALSE)
    #Order the columns
    smth <- smth[c(names(mergedata),setdiff(names(smth), names(mergedata)))]
  if (!is.allnull(chosen.plot.args))
    smth[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(smth[[times]])
    #Plot the profile plots for the chosen smooth
    options <- c("response.smoothed", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
    traits <- options[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=options))]
    if ("all" %in% traits)
      grates <- c("AGR", "RGR")
      grates <- traits[-match("response.smoothed", traits)]
    grates <- c("AGR","RGR")[c("AGR","RGR") %in% grates]
    if (length(grates) == 0)
      responses.plot <- response.smoothed
      responses.plot <- c(response.smoothed, paste(response.smoothed, grates, sep = "."))
    if (is.null(x.title))
      x.title <- times
    if (is.null(y.titles))
      y.titles <- responses.plot
      if (length(y.titles) != length(responses.plot))
        stop("y.titles is not NULL and have not been provided for the response, the AGR and the RGE")
    names(y.titles) <- responses.plot
    #Find out if any plotProfiles arguments that args4profile_plot handles have been supplied in '...'
    if (length(inargs))
      usedProfile.args <- c("facet.x","facet.y","labeller","scales","colour","colour.column","colour.values",
                            "alpha","addMediansWhiskers","ggplotFuncs") #formalArgs(args4profile_plot)
      doubleargs <- intersect(names(inargs), usedProfile.args)
      if (length(doubleargs) > 0)
        stop("the  'plotProfiles' arguments ",paste0(doubleargs, collapse = ", "), 
             " conflict with 'args4profile_plot' arguments")
    } else
      usedProfile.args <- NULL
    #extract any valid plotProfiles arguments from inargs
    pltProfile.args <- setdiff(formalArgs(plotProfiles), usedProfile.args)
    pltProfile.args <- names(inargs)[names(inargs) %in% pltProfile.args]
    if (length(pltProfile.args))
      pltProfile.args <- inargs[pltProfile.args]
      pltProfile.args <- NULL
    if (is.null(pltProfile.args) || !("title" %in% names(pltProfile.args)))
      title <- paste0("Plot for the choice ", paste0(c(substring(smethod,1,3),stype,
                                                       tunepar,tuneval), collapse = "-"))
    #Call plot longitudinal with just the plotProfile args from inargs
     for (kresp in responses.plot)
      do.call(plotProfiles, list(data = smth, times = times, response = kresp,
                                 individuals = individuals,
                                 facet.x = chosen.plot.args$facet.x,
                                 facet.y = chosen.plot.args$facet.y,
                                 labeller = chosen.plot.args$facet.labeller,
                                 scales = chosen.plot.args$facet.scales,
                                 breaks.spacing.x = chosen.plot.args$breaks.spacing.x,
                                 colour = chosen.plot.args$colour,
                                 colour.column = chosen.plot.args$colour.column,
                                 colour.values = chosen.plot.args$colour.values,
                                 alpha = chosen.plot.args$alpha,
                                 title = title,
                                 x.title = x.title,
                                 y.title = y.titles[kresp],
                                 printPlot = TRUE,
                                 ggplotFuncs = c(list(theme(axis.text.x = 
                                                         element_text(angle = chosen.plot.args$angle.x))), 
  #Make sure that times is of the same type as times in data
  smth[times] <- convertTimesExnumeric(smth[[times]], mergedata[[times]])

"traitSmooth" <- function(data, response, response.smoothed, individuals, times, 
                          keep.columns = NULL, 
                          get.rates = TRUE, 
                          rates.method="differences", ntimes2span = NULL, 
                          trait.types = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                          smoothing.args = args4smoothing(), 
                          x.title = NULL, y.titles = NULL, 
                          which.plots = c("profiles", "medians.deviations"), 
                          profile.plot.args   = args4profile_plot(), 
                          meddevn.plot.args   = args4meddevn_plot(), 
                          devnboxes.plot.args = args4devnboxes_plot(),
                          chosen.smooth.args  = args4chosen_smooth(),
                          chosen.plot.args    = args4chosen_plot(), 
                          mergedata = NULL, 
  #This is needed to make sure that the functions have been evaluated
  smoothing.args <- smoothing.args
  profile.plot.args <- profile.plot.args 
  meddevn.plot.args <- meddevn.plot.args
  chosen.smooth.args <- chosen.smooth.args
  chosen.plot.args <- chosen.plot.args
  devnboxes.plot.args = devnboxes.plot.args
  inargs <- list(...)
  checkEllipsisArgs(c("traitSmooth","plotProfiles"), inargs)
  tmp <- data
  tmp[times] <- convertTimes2numeric(tmp[[times]])
  #Call probeSmooths
  smth <- do.call(probeSmooths, list(data = tmp, 
                                     response = response, response.smoothed, 
                                     times = times, individuals =  individuals, 
                                     keep.columns = keep.columns,
                                     trait.types = trait.types, 
                                     get.rates = get.rates, 
                                     rates.method = rates.method, 
                                     ntimes2span = ntimes2span, 
                                     x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles, 
                                     which.plots = which.plots, 
                                     smoothing.args = smoothing.args, 
                                     profile.plot.args = profile.plot.args, 
                                     meddevn.plot.args = meddevn.plot.args, 
                                     devnboxes.plot.args = devnboxes.plot.args, 

  #Process chosen model
  if (!is.allnull(chosen.smooth.args))
    #Check of chosen.plot factors
    chosen.plotfacs <- unique(c(chosen.plot.args$plots.by, chosen.plot.args$facet.x, chosen.plot.args$facet.y))
    chosen.plotfacs <- setdiff(chosen.plotfacs, ".")
    #Check that required cols are in data
    checkNamesInData(c(chosen.plotfacs, chosen.plot.args$colour.column), data = smth)
    #Check that no smoothing parameter factors have been supplied in plots.by, facet.x and facet.y for the chosen plot
    if (any(smooth.cols %in% chosen.plotfacs))
      stop("The smoothing parameter factor(s) ", 
           paste(smooth.cols[smooth.cols %in% chosen.plotfacs], collapse = ", "), 
           " occur(s) in chosen.plots.args - only a single smooth is to be plotted and they are unnecessary")
    traits <- c("response.smoothed", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
    traits <- traits[unlist(lapply(trait.types, check.arg.values, options=traits))]
    if ("all" %in% traits)
      traits <- c("response.smoothed", "AGR", "RGR")

    #reduce ellipsis args to plotProfiles args
    pltProfile.args <- names(inargs)[names(inargs) %in%  formalArgs(plotProfiles)]
    if (length(pltProfile.args))
      pltProfile.args <- inargs[pltProfile.args]
      pltProfile.args <- NULL

    ch.smth <- do.call(traitChooseSmooth, 
                       c(list(smooths = smth, response.smoothed = response.smoothed, 
                              individuals = individuals, times = times, 
                              keep.columns = keep.columns, 
                              x.title = x.title, y.titles = y.titles, 
                              trait.types = traits, 
                              chosen.smooth = chosen.smooth.args, 
                              chosen.plot.args = chosen.plot.args, 
                              mergedata = mergedata), 
    #The chosen smooth is to be returned
    if (!is.null(mergedata))
      smth <- ch.smth
  } else # merge with the original data if there is only one smooth
    if (all(sapply(smth[smooth.cols], function(x) nlevels(factor(x)) == 1)))
      if (is.smooths.frame(data))
        if (is.null(mergedata))
          smth <- smth[setdiff(names(smth), c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Method","Tuning"))]
          checkNamesInData(c(individuals, times), mergedata)
          if (!is.null(keep.columns))
            smth <- smth[setdiff(names(smth), keep.columns)]
          mergedata <- mergedata[c(individuals, times, setdiff(names(mergedata), names(smth)))]
          smth <- merge(mergedata, smth, sort = FALSE)
          #Order the columns
          smth <- smth[c(names(mergedata),setdiff(names(smth), names(mergedata)))]
      } else
        smth <- smth[setdiff(names(smth), c("Type","TunePar","TuneVal","Method","Tuning"))]
        if (!is.null(keep.columns))
          smth <- smth[setdiff(names(smth), keep.columns)]
        class(smth) <- "data.frame"
        tmp <- tmp[c(individuals, times, setdiff(names(tmp), names(smth)))]
        smth <- merge(tmp, smth, sort = FALSE)
        #Order the columns
        smth <- smth[c(names(tmp),setdiff(names(smth), names(tmp)))]
  #Make sure that times is of the same type as times in data
  smth[times] <- convertTimesExnumeric(smth[[times]], data[[times]])

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