
Defines functions cloud.formula cloud.table cloud.matrix cloud wireframe.formula wireframe.matrix wireframe panel.wireframe panel.cloud panel.3dwire panel.3dscatter prepanel.default.cloud ltransform3dto3d ltransform3dMatrix

Documented in cloud cloud.formula cloud.matrix cloud.table ltransform3dMatrix ltransform3dto3d panel.3dscatter panel.3dwire panel.cloud panel.wireframe prepanel.default.cloud wireframe wireframe.formula wireframe.matrix

### Copyright (C) 2001-2006  Deepayan Sarkar <Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org>
### This file is part of the lattice package for R.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
### MA 02110-1301, USA

## Plan: to make things more modular than they are now. As a first
## step, get a function that does a 3d transformation. Probably a good
## idea to do things in terms of homogeneous coordinates

ltransform3dMatrix <- function(screen, R.mat = diag(4))
    rot.mat <- diag(3)
    screen.names <- names(screen)
    screen <- lapply(screen, "*", pi/180)

    for(i in seq_along(screen.names)) {
        th <- screen[[i]]
        cth <- cos(th)
        sth <- sin(th)
        tmp.mat <-
            (if (screen.names[i]=="x")
             matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, cth, sth, 0, -sth, cth), 3, 3)
            else if (screen.names[i]=="y")
             matrix(c(cth, 0, -sth, 0, 1, 0, sth, 0, cth), 3, 3)
            else if (screen.names[i]=="z")
             matrix(c(cth, sth, 0, -sth, cth, 0, 0, 0, 1), 3, 3))
        rot.mat <- tmp.mat %*% rot.mat
    rot.mat <- cbind(rot.mat, c(0,0,0))
    rot.mat <- rbind(rot.mat, c(0,0,0,1))
    if (!missing(R.mat)) rot.mat <- rot.mat %*% R.mat

ltransform3dto3d <- function(x, R.mat, dist = 0)
    if (length(x) == 0) return(x)
    tdata <- R.mat %*% rbind(x, 1)

    ## back to 3d
    tdata[1,] <- tdata[1,]/tdata[4,]
    tdata[2,] <- tdata[2,]/tdata[4,]
    tdata[3,] <- tdata[3,]/tdata[4,]

    ## now 'perspective' x,y coordinates. z remains unmodified
    if (dist != 0)  ## 1/dist = distance of eye from center
        tdata[1,] <- tdata[1,] / (1/dist - tdata[3,])
        tdata[2,] <- tdata[2,] / (1/dist - tdata[3,])

    tdata[1:3, , drop = FALSE]

prepanel.default.cloud <-
    function(perspective = TRUE,
             distance = if (perspective) 0.2 else 0, 
             xlim, ylim, zlim,
             screen = list(z = 40, x = -60),
             R.mat = diag(4),
             aspect = c(1, 1),
             panel.aspect = 1,
             zoom = 0.8)
    rot.mat <- ltransform3dMatrix(screen = screen, R.mat = R.mat)
    aspect <- rep(aspect, length.out = 2)
    corners <-
        rbind(x = c(-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1),
              y = c(-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1) * aspect[1],
              z = c(-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1) * aspect[2])
    corners <- corners / (2 * max(corners)) ## contain in [-.5, .5] cube
    corners <- ltransform3dto3d(corners, rot.mat, dist = distance)

    xrng <- range(corners[1,])
    yrng <- range(corners[2,])
    slicelen <- max(diff(xrng), diff(yrng)/ panel.aspect)

    list(xlim = extend.limits(xrng, length = slicelen) / zoom,
         ylim = extend.limits(yrng, length = panel.aspect * slicelen) / zoom,
         dx = 1, dy = 1)

panel.3dscatter <-
    function(x, y, z, rot.mat = diag(4), distance,
             groups = NULL,
             type = "p",
             xlim, ylim, zlim,
             ## eventually make all these cloud.3d$col etc (or not)
             col.point = if (is.null(groups)) plot.symbol$col else superpose.symbol$col,
             col.line = if (is.null(groups)) plot.line$col else superpose.line$col,
             lty = if (is.null(groups)) plot.line$lty else superpose.line$lty,
             lwd = if (is.null(groups)) plot.line$lwd else superpose.line$lwd,
             cex = if (is.null(groups)) plot.symbol$cex else superpose.symbol$cex,
             pch = if (is.null(groups)) "+" else superpose.symbol$pch,
             fill = if (is.null(groups)) plot.symbol$fill else superpose.symbol$fill,
             .scale = FALSE,
             subscripts = TRUE,
             identifier = "3dscatter")
    if (.scale)
        ## x, y, z, are usually already scaled to lie within a
        ## bounding box.  However, setting .scale=TRUE will do the
        ## scaling here; this may be helpful for calls to
        ## panel.3dscatter() in user-supplied panel functions.
        x <- xlim.scaled[1] + diff(xlim.scaled) * (x-xlim[1])/diff(xlim)
        y <- ylim.scaled[1] + diff(ylim.scaled) * (y-ylim[1])/diff(ylim)
        z <- zlim.scaled[1] + diff(zlim.scaled) * (z-zlim[1])/diff(zlim)

    ##cloud.3d <- list(col=1, cex=1, lty=1, lwd=1, pch=1)
    plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")
    plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
    superpose.symbol <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
    superpose.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
    if (!missing(col))
        col.point <- col
        col.line <- col

    n <- length(x)
    if (n > 0)
        if (is.null(groups))
            col.point <- rep(col.point, length.out = n)
            col.line <- rep(col.line, length.out = n)
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = n)
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = n)
            cex <- rep(cex, length.out = n)
            pch <- rep(pch, length.out = n)
            fill <- rep(fill, length.out = n)
            nvals <- nlevels(as.factor(groups))
            groups <- as.numeric(as.factor(groups))[subscripts]

            col.point <- rep(col.point, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            col.line <- rep(col.line, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            cex <- rep(cex, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            pch <- rep(pch, length.out = nvals)[groups]
            fill <- rep(fill, length.out = nvals)[groups]

        ## The following code deals with different 'type's. (We allow
        ## for multiple types, but do them sequentially, so
        ## overplotting may happen. The amount of work required to fix
        ## this is too much to make it worth the effort.)

        ## 'points' type
        if (any(c("p", "b", "o") %in% type))
            id <-
                ((x >= xlim.scaled[1]) & (x <= xlim.scaled[2]) &
                 (y >= ylim.scaled[1]) & (y <= ylim.scaled[2]) &
                 (z >= zlim.scaled[1]) & (z <= zlim.scaled[2]) &
                 !is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & !is.na(z))

            m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(x, y, z), rot.mat, distance)
            ord <- sort.list(m[3,])
            ord <- ord[id[ord]]

            if (missing(cross)) cross <- all(pch == "+")
            if (cross) ## plot symbols are 3d cross hairs
                tmpx0 <- rep(x[ord], each = 3) - rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0.02, 0, 0)
                tmpx1 <- rep(x[ord], each = 3) + rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0.02, 0, 0)
                tmpy0 <- rep(y[ord], each = 3) - rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0, 0.02, 0)
                tmpy1 <- rep(y[ord], each = 3) + rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0, 0.02, 0)
                tmpz0 <- rep(z[ord], each = 3) - rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0, 0, 0.02)
                tmpz1 <- rep(z[ord], each = 3) + rep(cex[ord], each = 3) * c(0, 0, 0.02)

                m0 <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(tmpx0, tmpy0, tmpz0), rot.mat, distance)
                m1 <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(tmpx1, tmpy1, tmpz1), rot.mat, distance)

                lsegments(x0 = m0[1,], y0 = m0[2,],
                          x1 = m1[1,], y1 = m1[2,],
                          col = rep(col.line[ord], each = 3),
                          identifier = paste(identifier, "points", sep = "."))
                lpoints(x = m[1, ord], y = m[2, ord],
                        col = col.point[ord],
                        pch = pch[ord],
                        cex = cex[ord],
                        fill = fill[ord],
                        identifier = identifier)

        ## 'lines' type
        if (any(c("l", "b", "o") %in% type))
            ord <- if (is.null(groups)) TRUE else sort.list(groups)
            tmplen <- length(x)
            tmpx0 <- x[ord][-1]
            tmpx1 <- x[ord][-tmplen]
            tmpy0 <- y[ord][-1]
            tmpy1 <- y[ord][-tmplen]
            tmpz0 <- z[ord][-1]
            tmpz1 <- z[ord][-tmplen]
            tmpcol0 <- col.line[ord][-1]
            ## tmpcol1 <- col.line[ord][-tmplen]

            ## segments shouldn't join points in different groups 
            tmpcol0[ groups[ord][-1] != groups[ord][-tmplen] ] <- "transparent"

            m0 <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(tmpx0, tmpy0, tmpz0), rot.mat, distance)
            m1 <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(tmpx1, tmpy1, tmpz1), rot.mat, distance)

            ## a collection of line segments in 3d space is not well
            ## ordered. This is just a naive heuristic:

            ord <- sort.list(pmax(m0[3,], m1[3,]))
            lsegments(x0 = m0[1, ord], y0 = m0[2, ord],
                      x1 = m1[1, ord], y1 = m1[2, ord],
                      col = tmpcol0[ord],
                      lwd = lwd[ord],
                      lty = lty[ord], ...,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "lines", sep = "."))

        ## 'histogram' type
        if ("h" %in% type)
            id <-
                ((x >= xlim.scaled[1]) & (x <= xlim.scaled[2]) &
                 (y >= ylim.scaled[1]) & (y <= ylim.scaled[2]) &
                 !is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & !is.na(z))
            m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(x, y, z), rot.mat, distance)
            ord <- sort.list(m[3,])
            ord <- ord[id[ord]]
            zero.scaled <-
                if (zero.scaled < zlim.scaled[1]) zlim.scaled[1]
                else if (zero.scaled > zlim.scaled[2]) zlim.scaled[2]
                else zero.scaled
            other.end <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(x, y, zero.scaled), rot.mat, distance)
            lsegments(m[1,ord], m[2,ord],
                      other.end[1,ord], other.end[2,ord],
                      col = col.line[ord],
                      lty = lty[ord],
                      lwd = lwd[ord], ...,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "hist", sep = "."))
        if (any(!(type %in% c("p", "h", "l", "b", "o"))))
            warning("'type' has unsupported values")

##                     Interface to C code                        ##

## the following is now part of the settings

# palette.shade <-
#     function(irr, ref, height, saturation = .9)
# {
#     hsv(h = height,
#         s = 1 - saturation * (1 - (1-ref)^0.5),
#         v = irr)
# }

panel.3dwire <-
    function(x, y, z, rot.mat = diag(4), distance,
             shade = FALSE,
             shade.colors.palette = trellis.par.get("shade.colors")$palette,
             light.source = c(0, 0, 1000),
             xlim, ylim, zlim,
             col = if (shade) "transparent" else "black",
             lty = 1, lwd = 1,
             col.groups = superpose.polygon$col,
             polynum = 100,
             .scale = FALSE,
             drape = FALSE,
             col.regions = regions$col,
             alpha.regions = regions$alpha,
             identifier = "3dwire")

    ## a faster version of panel.3dwire that takes advantage of grid
    ## in R >= 1.8.1's multiple polygon drawing capabilities. The
    ## solution is a bit hackish, it basically keeps track of the
    ## polygons to be drawn in a 'global' variable and draws them all
    ## at once when 'sufficiently many' have been collected.

    ## x, y, z are in a special form here (compared to most other
    ## places in lattice). x and y are short ascending, describing the
    ## grid, and z is the corresponding z values in the order (x1,y1),
    ## (x1,y2), ... . length(z) == length(x) * length(y). Sometimes, z
    ## might be a matrix, which indicates multiple surfaces. Above
    ## description true for each column in that case.

    ## things are slightly different depending on whether shading is
    ## being done. If not, things are relatively simple, and in
    ## particular polygons are drawn one quadrilateral at a
    ## time. However, if shade=T, facets are drawn triangles at a
    ## time. The difference is mostly in C code, but some distinctions
    ## need to be made here as well

    if (.scale)
        ## x, y, z, are usually already scaled to lie within a
        ## bounding box.  However, setting .scale=TRUE will do the
        ## scaling here; this may be helpful for calls to
        ## panel.3dscatter() in user-supplied panel functions.
        x[] <- xlim.scaled[1] + diff(xlim.scaled) * (x-xlim[1])/diff(xlim)
        y[] <- ylim.scaled[1] + diff(ylim.scaled) * (y-ylim[1])/diff(ylim)
        z[] <- zlim.scaled[1] + diff(zlim.scaled) * (z-zlim[1])/diff(zlim)

    if (shade) drape <- FALSE ## shade overrides drape

    regions <-
        if (drape)
        else {
            bg <- trellis.par.get("background")
            if (bg[["col"]] == "transparent")
                bg[["col"]] <- "white"

    numcol <- length(at) - 1
    numcol.r <- length(col.regions)
    col.regions <-
        if (numcol.r <= numcol)
            rep(col.regions, length.out = numcol)
        else col.regions[floor(1+(1:numcol-1)*(numcol.r-1)/(numcol-1))]

    ## 2004-03-12 new experimental stuff: when x, y, z are all
    ## matrices of the same dimension, they represent a 3-D surface
    ## parametrized on a 2-D grid (the details of the parametrizing
    ## grid are unimportant). 

    isParametrizedSurface <- is.matrix(x) && is.matrix(y) && is.matrix(z)

    if (isParametrizedSurface)
        is.na(x) <- (x < xlim.scaled[1] | x > xlim.scaled[2])
        is.na(y) <- (y < ylim.scaled[1] | y > ylim.scaled[2])
        is.na(z) <- (z < zlim.scaled[1] | z > zlim.scaled[2])
        htrange <- extend.limits(sqrt(range(x^2 + y^2 + z^2, finite = TRUE)), prop = 0.01)
        ngroups <- 1
        ngroups <- if (is.matrix(z)) ncol(z) else 1
        superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
        col.groups <- rep(col.groups, length.out = ngroups)
        if (length(col) > 1) col <- rep(col, length.out = ngroups)

        ## remove things outside xlim and ylim bounds

        id.x <- x >= xlim.scaled[1] & x <= xlim.scaled[2]
        id.y <- y >= ylim.scaled[1] & y <= ylim.scaled[2]

        id.z <- rep(id.y, length(id.x)) & rep(id.x, each = length(id.y))

        x <- x[id.x]
        y <- y[id.y]
        z <- z[id.z]

        htrange <- zlim.scaled

    if (shade)
        shade.colors.palette <- getFunctionOrName(shade.colors.palette)
        pol.x <- numeric(polynum * 3)
        pol.y <- numeric(polynum * 3)

        pol.fill <- character(polynum)
        pol.col <- col
        pol.alpha <- trellis.par.get("shade.colors")$alpha
        if (!missing(alpha)) pol.alpha <- alpha

        count <- 0 ## counts number of polygons stacked up so far
        ## counts number of times grid.polygon has been called
        gridpolycount <- 0 

        wirePolygon <-
            function(xx, yy, misc)

                ## misc:
                ## 1: cos angle between normal and incident light
                ## 2: cos angle between reflected light and eye
                ## 3: z-height averaged
                ## 4: group indicator

                height <- (misc[3] - htrange[1]) / diff(htrange)
                invalid <- (is.na(height) || any(is.na(xx)) ||
                            any(is.na(yy)) || height > 1 || height < 0)

                if (!invalid)
                    pol.x[3 * count + 1:3] <<- xx
                    pol.y[3 * count + 1:3] <<- yy

                    count <<- count + 1
                    pol.fill[count] <<-
                        shade.colors.palette(misc[1], misc[2], height)

                    if (count == polynum)
                        gridpolycount <<- gridpolycount + 1
                        grid.polygon(x = pol.x, y = pol.y, id.lengths = rep(3, polynum),
                                     default.units = "native",
                                     name = trellis.grobname(paste(identifier,
                                       "polygons", gridpolycount, sep = "."),
                                       type = "panel"),
                                     gp = gpar(fill = pol.fill,
                                     col = pol.col,
                                     lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                                     alpha = pol.alpha))
                        count <<- 0

              if (isParametrizedSurface) as.integer(ncol(x)) else as.integer(length(x)),
              if (isParametrizedSurface) as.integer(nrow(x)) else as.integer(length(y)),

        if (count > 0)
            grid.polygon(x = pol.x[1:(count * 3)], y = pol.y[1:(count * 3)],
                         default.units = "native", id.lengths = rep(3, count),
                         name = trellis.grobname(paste(identifier,
                           "polygons", gridpolycount + 1, sep = "."),
                           type = "panel"),
                         gp = gpar(fill = rep(pol.fill, length.out = count),
                         col = rep(pol.col, length.out = count),
                         lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                         alpha = pol.alpha))

    else  ## no shade

        pol.x <- numeric(polynum * 4)
        pol.y <- numeric(polynum * 4)

        if (length(col.regions) > 1)
            pol.fill <- vector(mode(col.regions), polynum)
            pol.col <-
                if (ngroups == 1 || length(col) == 1) col[1]
                else vector(mode(col), polynum)
            pol.alpha <- alpha.regions
        else if (ngroups == 1)
            pol.fill <- col.regions[1]
            pol.col <- col[1]
            pol.alpha <- alpha.regions
            pol.fill <- vector(mode(col.groups), polynum)
            pol.col <-
                if (length(col) == 1) col[1]
                else vector(mode(col), polynum)
            pol.alpha <- superpose.polygon$alpha
        ## FIXME: should alpha override alpha.regions? NO.
        ## if (!missing(alpha)) pol.alpha <- alpha

        count <- 0 ## counts number of polygons stacked up so far
        ## counts number of times grid.polygon has been called
        gridpolycount <- 0 

        wirePolygon <-
            function(xx, yy, misc)
                ## misc:
                ## 3: z-height averaged
                ## 4: group indicator

                height <- (misc[3] - htrange[1]) / diff(htrange)
                invalid <- (is.na(height) || any(is.na(xx)) || any(is.na(yy)) ||
                            height > 1 || height < 0)

                if (!invalid)
                    pol.x[4 * count + 1:4] <<- xx
                    pol.y[4 * count + 1:4] <<- yy

                    count <<- count + 1

                    if (length(col.regions) > 1)
                        pol.fill[count] <<- col.regions[(seq_along(at)[at > misc[3]])[1] - 1 ]
                        if (ngroups > 1 && length(col) > 1) pol.col[count] <<- col[as.integer(misc[4])]
                    ## nothing to do if ngroups == 1
                    else if (ngroups > 1)
                        pol.fill[count] <<- col.groups[as.integer(as.integer(misc[4]))]
                        if (length(col) > 1) pol.col[count] <<- col[as.integer(misc[4])]

                    if (count == polynum) {

                        gridpolycount <<- gridpolycount + 1
                        grid.polygon(x = pol.x, y = pol.y, id.lengths = rep(4, polynum),
                                     default.units = "native",
                                     name = trellis.grobname(paste(identifier,
                                       "polygons", gridpolycount, sep = "."),
                                       type = "panel"),
                                     gp = gpar(fill = pol.fill,
                                               col = pol.col, ## FIXME: should be adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = alpha)
                                               lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                                               alpha = pol.alpha))
                        count <<- 0

              if (isParametrizedSurface) as.integer(ncol(x)) else as.integer(length(x)),
              if (isParametrizedSurface) as.integer(nrow(x)) else as.integer(length(y)),

        if (count > 0)
            grid.polygon(x = pol.x[1:(count * 4)], y = pol.y[1:(count * 4)],
                         default.units = "native", id.lengths = rep(4, count),
                         name = trellis.grobname(paste(identifier,
                           "polygons", gridpolycount + 1, sep = "."),
                           type = "panel"),
                         gp = gpar(fill = rep(pol.fill, length.out = count),
                         col = rep(pol.col, length.out = count),
                         lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                         alpha = pol.alpha))



panel.cloud <-
    function(x, y, subscripts, z,
             groups = NULL,
             perspective = TRUE,
             distance = if (perspective) 0.2 else 0, 
             xlim, ylim, zlim,
             panel.3d.cloud = "panel.3dscatter",
             panel.3d.wireframe = "panel.3dwire",
             screen = list(z = 40, x = -60),
             R.mat = diag(4), aspect = c(1, 1),
             par.box = NULL,

             xlab, ylab, zlab,
             xlab.default, ylab.default, zlab.default,

             proportion = 0.6, wireframe = FALSE,
             ## zoom = 0.8, ## ignored in panel.cloud

             ## The main problem with scales is that it is difficult
             ## to figure out the best way to place the scales.  They
             ## can be specified explicitly using scpos if default is
             ## not OK

             at,    ## this is same as 'at' in wireframe
             identifier = "cloud")

    ## x, y, z can be matrices and we want to retain them as matrices.
    ## The only reasonable things (other than already numeric) are
    ## factors.  Other things will hopefully cause an error down the
    ## road, and we may want to catch them here some day.

    if (is.factor(x)) x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (is.factor(y)) y <- as.numeric(y)
    if (is.factor(z)) z <- as.numeric(z)

    ## calculate rotation matrix:
    rot.mat <- ltransform3dMatrix(screen = screen, R.mat = R.mat)

    ## 2004-03-12 new experimental stuff: when x, y, z are all
    ## matrices of the same dimension, they represent a 3-D surface
    ## parametrized on a 2-D grid (the details of the parametrizing
    ## grid are unimportant). This is meant only for wireframe

    ## In this case, subscripts will be ignored, because it's not
    ## clear how they should interact

    isParametrizedSurface <-
        wireframe && is.matrix(x) && is.matrix(y) && is.matrix(z)

    if (isParametrizedSurface)
        zrng <- extend.limits(sqrt(range(x^2 + y^2 + z^2, finite = TRUE)))

    if (length(subscripts) > 0)  ## otherwise nothing to draw (not even box ?)

        ## figure out data ranges and tick locations / labels
        ## Information needed: *lim, scales.3d

        ## For now, keep *lim as they are, since in cloud / wireframe
        ## extend.limits type adjustments don't happen by
        ## default. Even if that's done, this may not be the place to
        ## do it (shouldn't really need anything more than *lim and
        ## *axs)

        ## So, get tick labels, and then convert *lim to numeric
        ## Although, this is all unnecessary if arrows = TRUE

        xlabelinfo <-
                                    at = scales.3d$x.scales$at,
                                    num.limit = NULL,
                                    labels = scales.3d$x.scales$labels,
                                    logsc = scales.3d$x.scales$log,
                                    abbreviate = scales.3d$x.scales$abbreviate,
                                    minlength = scales.3d$x.scales$minlength,
                                    format.posixt = scales.3d$x.scales$format,
                                    n = scales.3d$x.scales$tick.number)

        ylabelinfo <-
                                    at = scales.3d$y.scales$at,
                                    num.limit = NULL,
                                    labels = scales.3d$y.scales$labels,
                                    logsc = scales.3d$y.scales$log,
                                    abbreviate = scales.3d$y.scales$abbreviate,
                                    minlength = scales.3d$y.scales$minlength,
                                    format.posixt = scales.3d$y.scales$format,
                                    n = scales.3d$y.scales$tick.number)

        zlabelinfo <-
                                    at = scales.3d$z.scales$at,
                                    num.limit = NULL,
                                    labels = scales.3d$z.scales$labels,
                                    logsc = scales.3d$z.scales$log,
                                    abbreviate = scales.3d$z.scales$abbreviate,
                                    minlength = scales.3d$z.scales$minlength,
                                    format.posixt = scales.3d$z.scales$format,
                                    n = scales.3d$z.scales$tick.number)

        x.at <- xlabelinfo$at
        y.at <- ylabelinfo$at
        z.at <- zlabelinfo$at

        x.at.lab <- xlabelinfo$labels
        y.at.lab <- ylabelinfo$labels
        z.at.lab <- zlabelinfo$labels

        xlim <- xlabelinfo$num.limit
        ylim <- ylabelinfo$num.limit
        zlim <- zlabelinfo$num.limit

        par.box.final <- trellis.par.get("box.3d")
        if (!is.null(par.box)) par.box.final[names(par.box)] <- par.box

        aspect <- rep(aspect, length.out = 2)

        if (!isParametrizedSurface)
            x <- x[subscripts]
            y <- y[subscripts]
            z <- z[subscripts]

        corners <-
            data.frame(x = c(-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1, 1,-1),
                       y = c(-1,-1,-1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1) * aspect[1],
                       z = c(-1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1, 1) * aspect[2])
        corners <- corners / (2 * max(corners)) ## contain in [-.5, .5] cube

        xlim.scaled <- range(corners$x)
        ylim.scaled <- range(corners$y)
        zlim.scaled <- range(corners$z)

        ## denotes scaled ranges of bounding box. passed to
        ## panel.3dscatter and panel.3dwire in case they are useful

        ## center of bounding box:
        box.center <- matrix(unlist(lapply(corners, mean)), 3, 1)

        ## these are box boundaries:
        pre <- c(1,2,4,1,2,3,4,1,5,6,8,5)
        nxt <- c(2,3,3,4,6,7,8,5,6,7,7,8)

        ## The corners are defined in terms of coordinates in 3-D
        ## space as above. The actual choice of coordinates ideally
        ## should not affect anything, but I haven't checked. Box
        ## boundaries are defined as pairs of corners. The numbers of
        ## the corners and boundaries are helpful in keeping track of
        ## things, and are described in the diagram below.

        ## 1, 2, ..., 8 are the corners, L-1, ..., L-12 the boundaries
        ##                                   L-11
        ##                           8------------------------7
        ##                         / |                       / |
        ##                        /  |                      /  |
        ##                    L-7/   |L-12              L-6/   |
        ##                      /    |                    /    |
        ##                     /     |                   /     |
        ##                    /      |        L-3       /      |L-10
        ##                   4-------------------------3       |
        ##                   |       |                 |       |
        ##                   |       |                 |       |
        ##                   |       |                 |       |
        ##                   |       |    L-9          |       |
        ##                L-4|       5-----------------|-------6
        ##                   |      /                  |      /
        ##                   |     /                   |     /
        ##                   |    /                 L-2|    /L-5
        ##                   |   /                     |   /
        ##                   |  /L-8                   |  /
        ##                   | /                       | /
        ##                   |/                        |/
        ##                   1-------------------------2
        ##                (0,0,0)          L-1
        ## Also the 6 FACES are defined in terms of corners (lines)
        ## as follows:
        ## F-1 : 1,2,3,4 (1,2,3,4)
        ## F-2 : 2,6,7,3 (5,10,6,2)
        ## F-3 : 6,5,8,7 (9,12,11,10)
        ## F-4 : 5,1,4,8 (8,4,7,12)
        ## F-5 : 1,2,6,5 (1,5,9,8)
        ## F-6 : 4,3,7,8 (3,6,11,7)

        face.corners <- list(c(1,2,3,4),

        face.lines <- list(c(1,2,3,4),

        ## SCALES : very beta

        tmp <- ltransform3dto3d(t(as.matrix(corners)), rot.mat)
        farthest <- 1  ## used later also
        farval <- tmp[3,1]

        for (i in 2:8)
            if (tmp[3,i] < farval) {
                farthest <- i
                farval <- tmp[3,i]

        ## not foolproof, need to revisit this later
        scale.position <-
            if (farthest == 1) list(x = 3, y = 7, z = 2)
            else if (farthest == 2) list(x = 9, y = 8, z = 10)
            else if (farthest == 3) list(x = 11, y = 7, z = 10)
            else if (farthest == 4) list(x = 11, y = 6, z = 2)
            else if (farthest == 5) list(x = 1, y = 5, z = 4)
            else if (farthest == 6) list(x = 1, y = 8, z = 12)
            else if (farthest == 7) list(x = 3, y = 7, z = 2)
            else if (farthest == 8) list(x = 3, y = 6, z = 10)

            #if (farthest == 1) list(x = 9, y = 5, z = 2)
            #else if (farthest == 2) list(x = 9, y = 8, z = 10)
            #else if (farthest == 3) list(x = 11, y = 7, z = 10)
            #else if (farthest == 4) list(x = 11, y = 6, z = 2)
            #else if (farthest == 5) list(x = 1, y = 5, z = 4)
            #else if (farthest == 6) list(x = 1, y = 8, z = 12)
            #else if (farthest == 7) list(x = 3, y = 7, z = 2)
            #else if (farthest == 8) list(x = 3, y = 6, z = 10)

        if (!missing(scpos))
            scale.position[names(scpos)] <- scpos

        scpos <- scale.position

        labs <- rbind(x = c(0, corners$x[pre[scpos$y]], corners$x[pre[scpos$z]]),
                      y = c(corners$y[pre[scpos$x]], 0, corners$y[pre[scpos$z]]),
                      z = c(corners$z[pre[scpos$x]], corners$z[pre[scpos$y]], 0))

        labs[,1] <- labs[,1] * (1 + scales.3d$x.scales$distance/3)
        labs[,2] <- labs[,2] * (1 + scales.3d$y.scales$distance/3)
        labs[,3] <- labs[,3] * (1 + scales.3d$z.scales$distance/3)

        axes <- rbind(x =
                      c(proportion * corners$x[c(pre[scpos$x], nxt[scpos$x])],
                        corners$x[c(pre[scpos$y], nxt[scpos$y])],
                        corners$x[c(pre[scpos$z], nxt[scpos$z])]),
                      y =
                      c(corners$y[c(pre[scpos$x], nxt[scpos$x])],
                        proportion * corners$y[c(pre[scpos$y], nxt[scpos$y])],
                        corners$y[c(pre[scpos$z], nxt[scpos$z])]),
                      z =
                      c(corners$z[c(pre[scpos$x], nxt[scpos$x])],
                        corners$z[c(pre[scpos$y], nxt[scpos$y])],
                        proportion * corners$z[c(pre[scpos$z], nxt[scpos$z])]))

        axes[,1:2] <- axes[,1:2] * (1 + scales.3d$x.scales$distance/10)
        axes[,3:4] <- axes[,3:4] * (1 + scales.3d$y.scales$distance/10)
        axes[,5:6] <- axes[,5:6] * (1 + scales.3d$z.scales$distance/10)

        ## box ranges and lengths
        cmin <- lapply(corners, min)
        ## cmax <- lapply(corners, max)
        clen <- lapply(corners, function(x) diff(range(x, finite = TRUE)))

        ## scaled (to bounding box) data
        x <- cmin$x + clen$x * (x-xlim[1])/diff(xlim)
        y <- cmin$y + clen$y * (y-ylim[1])/diff(ylim)
        z <- cmin$z + clen$z * (z-zlim[1])/diff(zlim)
        at <-
            if (isParametrizedSurface)
                zrng.scaled <- extend.limits(sqrt(range(x^2 + y^2 + z^2, finite = TRUE)))
                zrng.scaled[1] + diff(zrng.scaled) * (at - zrng[1])/diff(zrng)
            else cmin$z + clen$z * (at - zlim[1])/diff(zlim)

        ## same?: zero.scaled <- cmin$z + clen$z * (0 - zlim[1])/diff(zlim)
        ## yes.                  cmin$z - clen$z *       zlim[1]/diff(zlim)
        zero.scaled <- cmin$z - clen$z * zlim[1]/diff(zlim)
        ## needed in panel.3dscatter for type = 'h'

        x.at <- cmin$x + clen$x * (x.at-xlim[1])/diff(xlim)
        y.at <- cmin$y + clen$y * (y.at-ylim[1])/diff(ylim)
        z.at <- cmin$z + clen$z * (z.at-zlim[1])/diff(zlim)
        at.len <- length(x.at)
        x.at <- rbind(x = x.at,
                      y = rep(corners$y[pre[scpos$x]], at.len),
                      z = rep(corners$z[pre[scpos$x]], at.len))
        at.len <- length(y.at)
        y.at <- rbind(x = rep(corners$x[pre[scpos$y]], at.len),
                      y = y.at,
                      z = rep(corners$z[pre[scpos$y]], at.len))
        at.len <- length(z.at)
        z.at <- rbind(x = rep(corners$x[pre[scpos$z]], at.len),
                      y = rep(corners$y[pre[scpos$z]], at.len),
                      z = z.at)

        x.at.end <- x.at + scales.3d$x.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,1]
        y.at.end <- y.at + scales.3d$y.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,2]
        z.at.end <- z.at + scales.3d$z.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,3]

        x.labs <- x.at + 2 * scales.3d$x.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,1]
        y.labs <- y.at + 2 * scales.3d$y.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,2]
        z.labs <- z.at + 2 * scales.3d$z.scales$tck * .05 * labs[,3]

        corners <- ltransform3dto3d(t(as.matrix(corners)), rot.mat, distance)

        taxes <- ltransform3dto3d(axes, rot.mat, distance)
        x.at <- ltransform3dto3d(x.at, rot.mat, distance)
        x.labs <- ltransform3dto3d(x.labs, rot.mat, distance)
        x.at.end <- ltransform3dto3d(x.at.end, rot.mat, distance)

        y.at <- ltransform3dto3d(y.at, rot.mat, distance)
        y.labs <- ltransform3dto3d(y.labs, rot.mat, distance)
        y.at.end <- ltransform3dto3d(y.at.end, rot.mat, distance)

        z.at <- ltransform3dto3d(z.at, rot.mat, distance)
        z.labs <- ltransform3dto3d(z.labs, rot.mat, distance)
        z.at.end <- ltransform3dto3d(z.at.end, rot.mat, distance)

        tlabs <- ltransform3dto3d(labs, rot.mat, distance)

        box.center <- ltransform3dto3d(box.center, rot.mat, distance)

        ## Shall now determine which bounding lines should be 'hidden'
        ## (by the data, and hence need to be drawn before the data),
        ## and which should be 'visible'. Will actually consider each
        ## face (one at a time), determine if it is 'visible' (had the
        ## bounding cube been opaque), and if so, mark the lines
        ## forming that face as 'visible'

        ## The logical vector 'mark' will correspond to the 12 lines
        ## (indexing explained in the diagram above). mark = TRUE will
        ## mean that the line will be drawn AFTER the data is
        ## drawn. Start off with all mark = FALSE.

        ## The idea is that for visible faces, the z-value of the
        ## center of the face will be greater than the z-value of the
        ## center of the whole box. This doesn't always work for
        ## perspective plots.

        mark <- rep(FALSE, 12)
        box.center.z <- box.center[3]

        for (face in 1:6)
            if (mean(corners[3, face.corners[[face]] ]) > box.center.z) ## i.e., face visible
                mark[1:12 %in% face.lines[[face]] ] <- TRUE

        #for (j in 1:12)
        #    if (pre[j]==farthest || nxt[j]==farthest)
        #        mark[j] <- FALSE

        ## This draws the 'back' of the box, i.e., the portion that
        ## should be hidden by the data. This doesn't always work
        ## properly

        lsegments(corners[1, pre[!mark]],
                  corners[2, pre[!mark]],
                  corners[1, nxt[!mark]],
                  corners[2, nxt[!mark]],
                  col = par.box.final$col,
                  lwd = par.box.final$lwd,
                  lty = 2,
                  identifier = paste(identifier, "back.box", sep = "."))

        ## The following portion of code is responsible for drawing
        ## the part of the plot driven by the data. The modus operandi
        ## will be different for cloud and wireframe, since they have
        ## essentially different purpose. For cloud, the data is
        ## unstructured, and x, y and z are all passed to the
        ## panel.3d.cloud function. For wireframe, on the other hand,
        ## x and y must form a regular grid, which sort(unique(<x|y>))
        ## is enough to describe (o.w., greater chances of memory
        ## problems). z would then have to be supplied in a very
        ## particular order. All this is fine, but a problem arises if
        ## we want to allow groups -- multiple surfaces. One option is
        ## to supply a matrix (nx * ny by no.of.groups) for z. This is
        ## OK, but it precludes the posibility of supplying x and y as
        ## only their unique values from the very beginning. So that's
        ## not allowed for grouped displays

        if (wireframe)
            if (isParametrizedSurface)
                ## FIXME: unnecessary copy
                tmp <- z
            else if (is.null(groups))
                nx <- length(unique(x))
                ny <- length(unique(y))
                len <- length(z)
                if (nx * ny == len)
                    ord <- order(x, y)
                    tmp <- z[ord]
                    x <- sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))
                    y <- sort(unique(y[!is.na(y)]))
                    ## which means some rows missing, should be NA

                    ## convert z into a (conceptual) matrix, with NA
                    ## entries for those 'missing' from data
                    ## frame. There's scope for ambiguity here, which
                    ## can be avoided by the user.

                    tmp <- rep(NA_real_, nx * ny)
                    ux <- sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))
                    uy <- sort(unique(y[!is.na(y)]))
                    idx <- match(x, ux)
                    idy <- match(y, uy)
                    tmp[(idx - 1) * length(uy) + idy] <- z

                    x <- ux
                    y <- uy
            else {

                ## all surfaces have to be on the same regular
                ## grid. No row can be missing, though some z-values
                ## can be NA. Needs a lot of change otherwise

                vals <- sort(unique(groups))
                ## nvals <- length(vals)
                tmp <- numeric(0)

                for (i in seq_along(vals)) {
                    id <- (groups[subscripts] == vals[i])
                    if (any(id)) {
                        ord <- order(x[id], y[id])
                        tmp <- cbind(tmp, z[id][ord])

                x <- sort(unique(x))
                y <- sort(unique(y))
            z <- list(NULL) ## hopefully becomes garbage, collected if necessary
            panel.3d.wireframe <- getFunctionOrName(panel.3d.wireframe)

            pargs <- list(x = x, y = y, z = tmp,
                          rot.mat = rot.mat,
                          distance = distance,
                          at = at,
##                          col.regions = col.regions,
                          xlim = xlim,
                          ylim = ylim,
                          zlim = zlim,
                          xlim.scaled = xlim.scaled,
                          ylim.scaled = ylim.scaled,
                          zlim.scaled = zlim.scaled,
                          zero.scaled = zero.scaled,

            if (!("..." %in% names(formals(panel.3d.wireframe))))
                pargs <- pargs[intersect(names(pargs), names(formals(panel.3d.wireframe)))]
            do.call(panel.3d.wireframe, pargs, quote = TRUE)
            panel.3d.cloud <- getFunctionOrName(panel.3d.cloud)
            pargs <- list(x = x, y = y, z = z,
                          rot.mat = rot.mat,
                          distance = distance,
                          groups = groups,
                          subscripts = subscripts,
                          xlim = xlim,
                          ylim = ylim,
                          zlim = zlim,
                          xlim.scaled = xlim.scaled,
                          ylim.scaled = ylim.scaled,
                          zlim.scaled = zlim.scaled,
                          zero.scaled = zero.scaled,
            if (!("..." %in% names(formals(panel.3d.cloud))))
                pargs <- pargs[intersect(names(pargs), names(formals(panel.3d.cloud)))]
            do.call(panel.3d.cloud, pargs, quote = TRUE)

        ## This draws the front of the bounding box

        lsegments(corners[1, pre[mark]],
                  corners[2, pre[mark]],
                  corners[1, nxt[mark]],
                  corners[2, nxt[mark]],
                  col = par.box.final$col,
                  lty = par.box.final$lty,
                  lwd = par.box.final$lwd,
                  identifier = paste(identifier, "front.box", sep = "."))

        ## Next part for axes. FIXME: ignoring axis.text$lineheight
        ## because seems overkill, but could add that too.

        axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
        axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")

        xaxis.col.line <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$col.line)) axis.line$col
            else scales.3d$x.scales$col.line
        xaxis.lty <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$lty)) axis.line$lty
            else scales.3d$x.scales$lty
        xaxis.lwd <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$lwd)) axis.line$lwd
            else scales.3d$x.scales$lwd
        xaxis.col.text <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$col)) axis.text$col
            else scales.3d$x.scales$col
        xaxis.font <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$font)) axis.text$font
            else scales.3d$x.scales$font
        xaxis.fontface <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$fontface)) axis.text$fontface
            else scales.3d$x.scales$fontface
        xaxis.fontfamily <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$fontfamily)) axis.text$fontfamily
            else scales.3d$x.scales$fontfamily
        xaxis.cex <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$cex)) rep(axis.text$cex, length.out = 1)
            else scales.3d$x.scales$cex
        xaxis.rot <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$rot)) 0
            else scales.3d$x.scales$rot

        yaxis.col.line <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$col.line)) axis.line$col
            else scales.3d$y.scales$col.line
        yaxis.lty <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$lty)) axis.line$lty
            else scales.3d$y.scales$lty
        yaxis.lwd <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$lwd)) axis.line$lwd
            else scales.3d$y.scales$lwd
        yaxis.col.text <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$col)) axis.text$col
            else scales.3d$y.scales$col
        yaxis.font <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$font)) axis.text$font
            else scales.3d$y.scales$font
        yaxis.fontface <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$fontface)) axis.text$fontface
            else scales.3d$y.scales$fontface
        yaxis.fontfamily <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$fontfamily)) axis.text$fontfamily
            else scales.3d$y.scales$fontfamily
        yaxis.cex <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$cex)) rep(axis.text$cex, length.out = 1)
            else scales.3d$y.scales$cex
        yaxis.rot <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$rot)) 0
            else scales.3d$y.scales$rot

        zaxis.col.line <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$col.line)) axis.line$col
            else scales.3d$z.scales$col.line
        zaxis.lty <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$lty)) axis.line$lty
            else scales.3d$z.scales$lty
        zaxis.lwd <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$lwd)) axis.line$lwd
            else scales.3d$z.scales$lwd
        zaxis.col.text <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$col)) axis.text$col
            else scales.3d$z.scales$col
        zaxis.font <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$font)) axis.text$font
            else scales.3d$z.scales$font
        zaxis.fontface <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$fontface)) axis.text$fontface
            else scales.3d$z.scales$fontface
        zaxis.fontfamily <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$fontfamily)) axis.text$fontfamily
            else scales.3d$z.scales$fontfamily
        zaxis.cex <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$cex)) rep(axis.text$cex, length.out = 1)
            else scales.3d$z.scales$cex
        zaxis.rot <-
            if (is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$rot)) 0
            else scales.3d$z.scales$rot

        if (scales.3d$x.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$x.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 1], y0 = taxes[2, 1],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 2], y1 = taxes[2, 2],
                        length = 0.02, unit = "npc",
                        lty = xaxis.lty,
                        lwd = xaxis.lwd,
                        col = xaxis.col.line,
                        identifier = paste(identifier, "x.axis.arrow",
                          sep = "."))
            else {
                lsegments(x0 = x.at[1,], y0 = x.at[2,], x1 = x.at.end[1,], y1 = x.at.end[2,],
                          lty = xaxis.lty,
                          col = xaxis.col.line,
                          lwd = xaxis.lwd,
                          identifier = paste(identifier, "x.axis.ticks",
                            sep = "."))
                ltext(x.at.lab, x = x.labs[1,], y = x.labs[2,],
                      cex = xaxis.cex,
                      srt = xaxis.rot,
                      font = xaxis.font,
                      fontfamily = xaxis.fontfamily,
                      fontface = xaxis.fontface,
                      col = xaxis.col.text,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "x.axis.labels",
                        sep = "."))

        if (scales.3d$y.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$y.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 3], y0 = taxes[2, 3],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 4], y1 = taxes[2, 4],
                        length = 0.02, unit = "npc",
                        lty = yaxis.lty,
                        lwd = yaxis.lwd,
                        col = yaxis.col.line,
                        identifier = paste(identifier, "y.axis.arrow",
                            sep = "."))

            else {
                lsegments(x0 = y.at[1,], y0 = y.at[2,], x1 = y.at.end[1,], y1 = y.at.end[2,],
                          lty = yaxis.lty,
                          col = yaxis.col.line,
                          lwd = yaxis.lwd,
                          identifier = paste(identifier, "y.axis.ticks",
                            sep = "."))

                ltext(y.at.lab, x = y.labs[1,], y = y.labs[2,],
                      cex = yaxis.cex,
                      srt = yaxis.rot,
                      font = yaxis.font,
                      fontfamily = yaxis.fontfamily,
                      fontface = yaxis.fontface,
                      col = yaxis.col.text,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "y.axis.labels",
                        sep = "."))

        if (scales.3d$z.scales$draw) {
            if (scales.3d$z.scales$arrows) {
                larrows(x0 = taxes[1, 5], y0 = taxes[2, 5],
                        x1 = taxes[1, 6], y1 = taxes[2, 6],
                        length = 0.02, unit = "npc",
                        lty = zaxis.lty,
                        lwd = zaxis.lwd,
                        col = zaxis.col.line,
                        identifier = paste(identifier, "z.axis.arrow",
                          sep = "."))

            else {
                lsegments(x0 = z.at[1,], y0 = z.at[2,], x1 = z.at.end[1,], y1 = z.at.end[2,],
                          lty = zaxis.lty,
                          col = zaxis.col.line,
                          lwd = zaxis.lwd,
                          identifier = paste(identifier, "z.axis.ticks",
                            sep = "."))

                ltext(z.at.lab, x = z.labs[1,], y = z.labs[2,],
                      cex = zaxis.cex,
                      srt = zaxis.rot,
                      font = zaxis.font,
                      fontfamily = zaxis.fontfamily,
                      fontface = zaxis.fontface,
                      col = zaxis.col.text,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "z.axis.labels",
                        sep = "."))


        xlab <- getLabelList(xlab, trellis.par.get("par.xlab.text"), xlab.default)
        ylab <- getLabelList(ylab, trellis.par.get("par.ylab.text"), ylab.default)
        zlab <- getLabelList(zlab, trellis.par.get("par.zlab.text"), zlab.default)

        ## slightly different frm xyplot etc, in that rot can be
        ## supplied in the *lab lists

        xlab <-
            grobFromLabelList(xlab, name = trellis.grobname("xlab", type=""))
#                              rot = if (is.null(xlab$rot)) 0 else xlab$rot)
        ylab <-
            grobFromLabelList(ylab, name = trellis.grobname("ylab", type=""))
#                              rot = if (is.null(ylab$rot)) 0 else ylab$rot)
        zlab <-
            grobFromLabelList(zlab, name = trellis.grobname("zlab", type=""))
#                              rot = if (is.null(zlab$rot)) 0 else zlab$rot)

        if (!is.null(xlab))
            pushViewport(viewport(x = tlabs[1, 1], y = tlabs[2, 1],
                                  default.units = "native"))

        if (!is.null(ylab))
            pushViewport(viewport(x = tlabs[1, 2], y = tlabs[2, 2],
                                  default.units = "native"))

        if (!is.null(zlab))
            pushViewport(viewport(x = tlabs[1, 3], y = tlabs[2, 3],
                                  default.units = "native"))


panel.wireframe <- function(...)
    panel.cloud(..., wireframe = TRUE)

wireframe <- function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("wireframe")

wireframe.matrix <-
    function(x, data = NULL,
             zlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
             ..., xlim, ylim,
             row.values = seq_len(nrow(x)),
             column.values = seq_len(ncol(x)))
    stopifnot(length(row.values) == nrow(x),
              length(column.values) == ncol(x))
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(wireframe)
    if (!is.null(data)) warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    form <- eval(z ~ row * column)
    if (missing(aspect)) aspect <- pmin(ncol(x) / nrow(x), c(Inf, 1))
    data <- expand.grid(row = row.values, column = column.values)
    data$z <- as.vector(as.numeric(x))
    ## if rownames/colnames are non-null, use them to label
    if (missing(xlim))
        xlim <-
            if (!is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(x)
            else range(row.values, finite = TRUE)
    if (missing(ylim))
        ylim <-
            if (!is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x)
            else range(column.values, finite = TRUE)
    modifyList(wireframe(form, data, zlab = zlab, aspect = aspect,
                         xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...),
               list(call = ocall))

wireframe.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.wireframe"),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.wireframe"),
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(wireframe)
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$data <- data
    ccall$panel <- panel
    ccall$default.prepanel <- default.prepanel
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::cloud)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

## FIXME: need settings for wireframe line colors (wires), cloud
## points/cross lines (cloud.3d),

cloud <- function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("cloud")

## FIXME: made xlim/ylim similar to levelplot.matrix? What about
## cloud.table?

cloud.matrix <-
    function(x, data = NULL, type = 'h',
             zlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
             ..., xlim, ylim, 
             row.values = seq_len(nrow(x)),
             column.values = seq_len(ncol(x)))
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(cloud)
    stopifnot(length(row.values) == nrow(x),
              length(column.values) == ncol(x))
    if (!is.null(data)) warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    form <- eval(z ~ row * column)
    if (missing(aspect)) aspect <- pmin(ncol(x) / nrow(x), c(Inf, 1))
    data <-
        expand.grid(row = seq_len(nrow(x)),
                    column = seq_len(ncol(x)))
    data$z <- as.vector(as.numeric(x))
    ## if rownames/colnames are non-null, use them to label
    if (missing(xlim))
        xlim <-
            if (!is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(x)
            else range(row.values, finite = TRUE)
    if (missing(ylim))
        ylim <-
            if (!is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x)
            else range(column.values, finite = TRUE)
    modifyList(cloud(form, data, type = type, zlab = zlab, aspect = aspect, 
                     xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...),
               list(call = ocall))

cloud.table <-
    function(x, data = NULL, groups = FALSE,
             zlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
             type = "h", ...)
    stopifnot(length(dim(x)) > 1)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(cloud)
    data <- as.data.frame(x)
    nms <- names(data)
    freq <- which(nms == "Freq")
    nms <- nms[-freq]
    form <- sprintf("Freq ~ %s * %s", nms[1], nms[2])
    nms <- nms[-c(1, 2)]
    len <- length(nms)
    if (is.logical(groups) && groups && len > 0)
        groups <- as.name(nms[len])
        nms <- nms[-len]
        len <- length(nms)
    else groups <- NULL
    if (len > 0)
        rest <- paste(nms, collapse = "+")
        form <- paste(form, rest, sep = "|")
    modifyList(cloud(as.formula(form), data,
                     groups = eval(groups),
                     zlab = zlab,
                     type = type, ...,
                     default.scales =
                         list(x = list(arrows = FALSE),
                              y = list(arrows = FALSE))),
               list(call = ocall))

cloud.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             allow.multiple = is.null(groups) || outer,
             outer = FALSE,
             auto.key = lattice.getOption("default.args")$auto.key,
             aspect = c(1,1),
             panel.aspect = 1,
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.cloud"),
             prepanel = NULL,
             scales = list(),
             strip = TRUE,
             groups = NULL,
             xlim = if (is.factor(x)) levels(x) else range(x, finite = TRUE),
             ylim = if (is.factor(y)) levels(y) else range(y, finite = TRUE),
             zlim = if (is.factor(z)) levels(z) else range(z, finite = TRUE),
             drape = FALSE,

             pretty = FALSE,
             drop.unused.levels = lattice.getOption("drop.unused.levels"),
             lattice.options = NULL,
             default.scales = list(distance = c(1, 1, 1), arrows = TRUE, axs = axs.default),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.cloud"),
             colorkey = any(drape),
             cuts = 70,
             subset = TRUE,
             axs.default = "r")

    ## the axs.default is to (by default) enable scale extension for
    ## cloud, but not for wireframe. Needs work to be actually
    ## implemented.
    formula <- x
    dots <- list(...)
    groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(formula))
    subset <- eval(substitute(subset), data, environment(formula))
    if (!is.null(lattice.options))
        oopt <- lattice.options(lattice.options)
        on.exit(lattice.options(oopt), add = TRUE)

    ## Step 1: Evaluate x, y, z etc. and do some preprocessing

    form <-
        latticeParseFormula(formula, data, dimension = 3,
                            subset = subset, groups = groups,
                            multiple = allow.multiple,
                            outer = outer, subscripts = TRUE,
                            drop = drop.unused.levels)

    ## We need to be careful with subscripts here. It HAS to be there,
    ## and it's to be used to index x, y, z (and not only groups,
    ## unlike in xyplot etc). This means we have to subset groups as
    ## well, which is about the only use for the subscripts calculated
    ## in latticeParseFormula, after which subscripts is regenerated
    ## as a straight sequence indexing the variables

    if (!is.null(form$groups))
        groups <-
            if (is.matrix(form$groups)) as.vector(form$groups)[form$subscr]
            else if (is.data.frame(form$groups))
            else form$groups[form$subscr]

    subscr <- seq_len(length(form$left))

    if (!is.function(panel)) panel <- eval(panel)
    if (!is.function(strip)) strip <- eval(strip)
    cond <- form$condition
    z <- form$left
    x <- form$right.x
    y <- form$right.y

    ## (2004-03-12) experimental stuff: when x, y, z are all matrices
    ## of the same dimension, they represent a 3-D surface
    ## parametrized on a 2-D grid (the details of the parametrizing
    ## grid are unimportant). This is meant only for wireframe

    isParametrizedSurface <-
        is.matrix(x) && is.matrix(y) && is.matrix(z)

    if (length(cond) == 0)
        strip <- FALSE
        cond <- list(gl(1, length(x)))

    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- form$right.x.name
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- form$right.y.name
    if (missing(zlab)) zlab <- form$left.name

    zrng <-
        if (isParametrizedSurface)
            extend.limits(sqrt(range(x^2 + y^2 + z^2, finite = TRUE)))
            extend.limits(range(as.numeric(z), finite = TRUE))

    if (missing(at))
        at <-
            if (drape)
                if (pretty) pretty(zrng, cuts)
                else seq(zrng[1], zrng[2], length.out = cuts+2)
            else zrng

    ## create a skeleton trellis object with the
    ## less complicated components:

    foo <-
                c(list(formula = formula, 
                       cond = cond,
                       aspect = panel.aspect,
                       strip = strip,
                       panel = panel,
                       xlab = NULL,
                       ylab = NULL,
                       lattice.options = lattice.options), dots),
                quote = TRUE)

    ## xlab, ylab, zlab have special meaning in cloud / wireframe, and|
    ## need to be passed to the panel function to be processed. These |
    ## xlab / ylab are dummies to satisfy the usual processing        |
    ## routines ------------------------------------------------------+

    dots <- foo$dots # arguments not processed by trellis.skeleton
    foo <- foo$foo
    foo$call <- sys.call(); foo$call[[1]] <- quote(cloud)

    ## Step 2: Compute scales.common (leaving out limits for now)

    foo <- c(foo, do.call(construct.scales, list(draw=FALSE)))

    ## scales has to be interpreted differently. Nothing needs to be
    ## done for the usual scales, but need a scales for panel.cloud
    ## S-PLUS probably doesn't allow x-y-z-specific scales, but I see
    ## no reason not to allow that (will not allow limits, though)

    scales <- updateList(default.scales, scales)
    scales.3d <- do.call(construct.3d.scales, scales)

    ## Step 3: Decide if limits were specified in call
    ## Here, always FALSE (in the 2d panel sense)
    have.xlim <- FALSE
    have.ylim <- FALSE

    ## Step 4: Decide if log scales are being used: !!!

    have.xlog <- !is.logical(scales.3d$x.scales$log) || scales.3d$x.scales$log
    have.ylog <- !is.logical(scales.3d$y.scales$log) || scales.3d$y.scales$log
    have.zlog <- !is.logical(scales.3d$z.scales$log) || scales.3d$z.scales$log
    if (have.xlog)
        xlog <- scales.3d$x.scales$log
        xbase <-
            if (is.logical(xlog)) 10
            else if (is.numeric(xlog)) xlog
            else if (xlog == "e") exp(1)

        x <- log(x, xbase)
        if (!missing(xlim)) xlim <- logLimits(xlim, xbase)
    if (have.ylog)
        ylog <- scales.3d$y.scales$log
        ybase <-
            if (is.logical(ylog)) 10
            else if (is.numeric(ylog)) ylog
            else if (ylog == "e") exp(1)

        y <- log(y, ybase)
        if (!missing(ylim)) ylim <- logLimits(ylim, ybase)
    if (have.zlog)
        zlog <- scales.3d$z.scales$log
        zbase <-
            if (is.logical(zlog)) 10
            else if (is.numeric(zlog)) zlog
            else if (zlog == "e") exp(1)

        z <- log(z, zbase)
        if (!missing(zlim)) zlim <- logLimits(zlim, zbase)

    ## Step 5: Process cond

    cond.max.level <- unlist(lapply(cond, nlevels))

    if (is.logical(colorkey))
        if (colorkey)
            colorkey <- list(at = at, space = "right")
            if (!missing(col.regions)) colorkey$col <- col.regions
            if (!missing(alpha.regions)) colorkey$alpha <- alpha.regions
        else colorkey <- NULL
    else if (is.list(colorkey))
        tmp <- ## FIXME: does the inside thing work? probably not 
            list(space = if (any(c("x", "y", "corner") %in% names(colorkey))) "inside" else "right",
                 at = at)
        if (!missing(col.regions)) tmp$col <- col.regions
        if (!missing(alpha.regions)) tmp$alpha <- alpha.regions
        colorkey <- updateList(tmp, colorkey)
    foo$legend <-
                         fun = "draw.colorkey")

#     if (!drape) col.regions <- trellis.par.get("background")$col

#     ## region
#     numcol <- length(at) - 1
#     numcol.r <- length(col.regions)

#     col.regions <-
#         if (numcol.r <= numcol)
#             rep(col.regions, length.out = numcol)
#         else col.regions[floor(1+(1:numcol-1)*(numcol.r-1)/(numcol-1))]

#     if (is.logical(colorkey))
#     {
#         if (colorkey) colorkey <-
#             list(space = "right", col = col.regions,
#                  at = at, tick.number = 7)
#         else colorkey <- NULL
#     }
#     else if (is.list(colorkey))
#     {
#         ##foo$colorkey <- colorkey
#         if (is.null(colorkey$col)) colorkey$col <- col.regions
#         if (is.null(colorkey$at)) colorkey$at <- at
#         if (is.null(colorkey$space)) colorkey$space <-
#             if (any(c("x", "y", "corner") %in% names(colorkey))) "inside" else "right"
#     }

#     foo$legend <-
#         construct.legend(foo$legend,
#                          colorkey,
#                          fun = "draw.colorkey")

    ## maybe *lim = NULL with relation = "free" ?

    ## Process limits here ? Needs some thought

    ## Step 6: Determine packets

    foo$panel.args.common <-
        c(list(x = x, y = y, z = z,

               ## rot.mat = rot.mat,
               ## zoom = zoom,

               xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, zlim = zlim,
               xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
               xlab.default = form$right.x.name,
               ylab.default = form$right.y.name,
               zlab.default = form$left.name,

               ##distance = if (perspective) distance else 0,

               aspect = aspect,
               panel.aspect = panel.aspect,
               drape = drape,
               scales.3d = scales.3d,
               at = at),

    if (!missing(col.regions)) foo$panel.args.common$col.regions <- col.regions
    if (!missing(alpha.regions)) foo$panel.args.common$alpha.regions <- alpha.regions

    if (!is.null(groups)) foo$panel.args.common$groups <- groups

    npackets <- prod(cond.max.level)
    if (npackets != prod(sapply(foo$condlevels, length))) 
        stop("mismatch in number of packets")
    foo$panel.args <- vector(mode = "list", length = npackets)

    foo$packet.sizes <- numeric(npackets)
    if (npackets > 1)
        dim(foo$packet.sizes) <- sapply(foo$condlevels, length)
        dimnames(foo$packet.sizes) <- lapply(foo$condlevels, as.character)

    cond.current.level <- rep(1, length(cond))

    for (packet.number in seq_len(npackets))
        id <- compute.packet(cond, cond.current.level)
        foo$packet.sizes[packet.number] <- sum(id)

        foo$panel.args[[packet.number]] <-
            list(subscripts = subscr[id])

        cond.current.level <-


    more.comp <-
                            prepanel = prepanel,
                            have.xlim = have.xlim, xlim = xlim,
                            have.ylim = have.ylim, ylim = ylim,
                            x.relation = foo$x.scales$relation,
                            y.relation = foo$y.scales$relation,
                            panel.args.common = foo$panel.args.common,
                            panel.args = foo$panel.args,
                            aspect = panel.aspect,
                            npackets = npackets),
    foo[names(more.comp)] <- more.comp

    if (is.null(foo$legend) && needAutoKey(auto.key, groups))
        foo$legend <-
            autoKeyLegend(list(text = levels(as.factor(groups)),
                               points = TRUE,
                               rectangles = FALSE,
                               lines = FALSE),
    class(foo) <- "trellis"

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